Financial Transmission Rights Primer 13 Mar 2009
Financial Transmission Rights Primer 13 Mar 2009
Financial Transmission Rights Primer 13 Mar 2009
Primer: A book (or in this case, power point) that covers the basic elements of a subject. Warning: You will not become an expert on MISOs FTR Regime based on this primer. There are too many details and nuances to cover in a primer. Key Concepts: Throughout this power point are slides marked KEY CONCEPT 1 through 7. These are the fundamental principles to keep in mind for FTRs. The rest is really just an exposition of those concepts.
LMP difference between two CPNs is the sum of the per MW marginal cost of losses and congestion between those two locations.
In a hypothetical system with no losses, the LMP difference between two CPNs is the marginal cost of congestion between the two locations.
Congestion price is the difference in the marginal congestion price component between any two CPNs.
Simplified Calculation
No losses LMPA = $15 and LMPB = $20
If you hold FTRAB(100 MW), how much would you receive/pay the RTO?
Congestion Price AB = LMPB LMPA = $20/MW -$15/MW = $5/MW
You Receive = 100 MW * $5/MW = $500
If you hold FTRBA(100 MW), how much would you receive/pay the RTO?
Congestion Price BA = LMPA LMPB = $15/MW -$20/MW = -$5/MW
You Pay = 100 MW * -$5/MW = -$500
Simple Example:
400 MW
100 MW
A 500 MW load at B is being served 400 MW from a generator at A and 100 MW from a generator at C. The generator at A produces 400 MW at an LMP of $15, but would produce an additional 100 MW at an LMP of $18. The generator at C produces 100 MW at an LMP of $20, but would produce 0 MW at an LMP of $18. There is congestion between A and B, otherwise the LMP at A, B and C would be $18 and 500 MW would flow from A to B.
If you held an FTR from A to B, you would receive the LMP difference of $5 times the amount of the FTR. If you held an FTR from B to A, you would pay the LMP difference of -$5 times the amount of the FTR.
Shadow Price = Marginal Cost of Losses plus Marginal Cost of Congestion across the constrained transmission path in the direction of the power flow.
Absent marginal losses, the shadow price for a constrained transmission path is the congestion price across that path.
The actual costs to the LSE are the costs of the GENCO agreement and the firm transmission service rather than the costs paid in the RTO market for LOAD. The LSE is not paid the congestion hedge unless energy flows.
The actual costs to the LSE are the fixed costs of forward contract and the FTR rather than the costs paid in the RTO market for LOAD. The LSE receives the FTR revenues whether or not any power flows.
Some Market Participants are allocated Auction Revenue Rights (ARRs) prior to the operation of these auctions.
ARRs are the rights to either acquire an equivalent (MW from A to B) FTR or receive the auction revenues from the sale of that FTR to another party. MISO allocates ARRs to Transmission Customers based on the firm transmission rights held prior to the operation of the MISO Day 2 markets. ARRs eligible for allocation are for sources and sinks that correspond to those physical transmission rights
Limited to the capacity of each generation source and in total to the peak load of a network transmission customer, or to the contract demand of a point-to-point firm transmission customer. (See Module C, Section 43 for details)
This has been the primary focus of the MISO FTR work group.
Those paying for long-term (1 year or greater) firm transmission service are allocated ARRs because they are paying the embedded cost of the transmission system and are therefore entitled to hedge their physical or financial transactions at no additional cost.
Restoration Stage
After Stage 1A and before Stage 1B, any ARRs nominated in Stage 1A that MISO determines to be infeasible and that have a capacity (scheduling) factor above 70% (for weekdays), it will attempt to restore through the use of counterflow ARRs. Counterflow ARR is an eligible Stage 1A ARR that was not nominated but would provide counterflow necessary to enable an otherwise infeasible but eligible Stage 1A ARR to be restored in part or in total.
MISO uses a constrained optimization program in the restoration phase to determine the infeasible ARRs to be restored and the counterflow ARRs to be allocated.
Maximize the restored MWs Minimize the counterflow MWs
Any counterflow ARRs allocated will only be assigned for a period of 10 years after allocated or until a resource is retired, whichever is shorter.
Stage 2 Rights
Not all of the MWs available for allocation will be allocated in stages 1A and 1B.
Stage 2 MWs are the MW difference between the Stage 1 nomination cap (e.g., peak load or PTP rights) and the sum of ARRs allocated in Stage 1.
MISO informs the Market Participant of its Stage 2 allocation in MW and as a percentage of the total Stage 2 MWs.
Each market participant will then receive the corresponding percentage share of the dollar value of the system capability sold in the annual FTR Auction that was not otherwise disbursed to ARR Holders allocated in stage 1.
Replacing Resources
MISO tariff allows market participant to designate new or changed resources to be eligible as a source in ARR allocations to replace an existing resource. General rules:
Remove the existing resource and any ARRs received from most recent ARR allocations
New base-load resources are eligible up to what is feasible from the most recent stage 1A ARR allocations. New non-base-load resources are eligible up to what is feasible from the most recent stage 1 ARR allocations.
Provide LSEs, suppliers, marketers, traders or any other market participant a means to purchases congestion hedges to manage market risks. Provide a source of revenues that help to fund the full congestion costs to FTR holders.
A Difficult Question
Some level of profit is needed in order to maintain the liquidity of the FTR Auctions.
If the congestion costs are lower than the price paid for the FTR, profits are negative and buyers will lower their offer prices. At lower offer prices, MISO receives lower levels of revenues to distribute back and incurs the obligation to pay out the congestion rents.
What is a normal level of profits required to attract buyers to the FTR Auctions?
Bottom Line:
It is possible to distinguish between FTR market participants that are transmission customers, holding long-term firm transmission rights and those that are not. It is not possible to distinguish between FTR market participants that are involved in hedging as apposed to speculation.
Final Disclaimer
While I may believe everything in this primer is accurate, those using this should check out the accuracy at the source. For FTRs, the source is the MISO Tariff at Module C, Section 43.
Its not great reading, but its fairly clear.