Section 2
Section 2
Section 2
Chapter 2
Changi WTP receives raw sewage flow as well as treated effluent flows from the Kranji, Seletar, and Kim Chuan STWs. The projected average and peak diurnal raw wastewater and treated effluent flows to Changi WTP at the end of Phase 1, year 2015, are summarised in Table 2-1. Changi WTP Phase 1 is designed to treat an average raw sewage flow of 800,000 CMD.
TABLE 2-1 Projected Raw Wastewater and Effluent Flows Flow
Average Raw Sewage Average Raw Sewage + Treated Effluent Peak Raw Sewage Peak Raw Sewage + Effluent
The characteristics of the raw sewage to Changi WTP are set forth in Table 2-2. No additional loadings from the treated effluent to Changi WTP are added, as these loadings are insignificant compared to the raw wastewater loadings.
TABLE 2-2 Raw Sewage Characteristics Raw Sewage Characteristic
5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand Total Suspended Solids Volatile Suspended Solids Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Ammonia-Nitrogen Total Phosphate Alkalinity Hydrogen Sulphide Oil and Grease
Concentration (mg/l)
273 298 224 52 39 7.4 196 1.7 60
The design sewage characteristics are calculated based on the loadings at the existing STWs. Sewage characteristics vary with catchment area as a result of different development patterns, including the mix of industrial, commercial, and residential areas. WTP design concerns itself with peak and minimum rates of influent flow, as well as average daily flows. Since April 1997, the ENV has been obtaining
24 hour samples of the influent flows to the existing STWs. These data, when associated with flows, provide a better indication of the diurnal sewage loadings to Changi WTP. The peak flow to Changi WTP is 300 percent of the design average flow rate. The minimum flow to Changi WTP is 35 percent of the design average flow rate.
Process Design
Performance Goals
The design performance requirements have been established by the ENV as an effluent averaging 10 mg/l biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and 10 mg/l suspended solids (SS), or less. Designing to meet other project objectives (automated facility requiring a minimum of labour), together with modern treatment technology, makes it possible to meet these performance objectives. Conventionally loaded treatment components have been selected to satisfy this requirement. These components have been combined in an innovative way (anoxic step-feed activated sludge) with a high degree of automation to produce an even better than required effluent quality. The expected effluent quality is summarised in Table 2-3.
Concentrations (mg/l)
10 10 8
A high effluent quality is inherent in the selected treatment process, which will provide these benefits for the DTSS: Treatment systems to ensure no visual evidence of sewage in the receiving waters The ability to easily add effluent disinfection of varying degrees as needed in the future The ability to add biological phosphorous removal, if and when required
Both liquid and sludge treatment processes will provide high-quality effluent and stable and reliable operations, with minimum operating labour and at reasonably low cost. The individual unit processes will also be compatible with the compact and covered WTP design concept.
Design Criteria
Each subsection below describes the liquids and solids process flow through individual major treatment units, summarises the design criteria used, and refers to other sections describing design features and control system features. Phase 1 of Changi WTP is designed with two 400,000-CMD liquids modules. Since future WTP expansion will increase in increments of 200,000 or 400,000 CMD, each liquids module is designed to be constructible in full- or half-capacity increments. This section summarises the optimised design for a full 400,000-CMD liquids module, except where indicated as Phase 1 at 800,000 CMD. The
optimised design for the solids handling facilities, as summarised in this section, is for processing sludge from 800,000 CMD of raw sewage. The Liquids Preliminary Design Process Diagram Fluxogram (liquids fluxogram) is a graphically enhanced schematic representation of the WTP liquid treatment flowsheet. The Solids Preliminary Design Process Diagram Fluxogram (solids fluxogram) presents a similar representation of the WTP solids treatment flowsheet. The liquids and solids fluxograms show the exact number of tanks and major equipment required at the WTP, as well as the major instrumentation required for process control. These fluxograms will be updated and provided to ENV. The tables herein, together with the fluxograms referenced, communicate design criteria and numbers of units to be provided in a combination of 400,000 CMD and Phase 1 requirements. The reader is cautioned to examine these tables and fluxograms in association with the footnotes and text herein, as well as with the drawings provided as a part of this design brief. A sampling plan and laboratory analysis program will be addressed in a separate Technical Memorandum when the Liquids Processing Facilities are defined.
The influent pumping station consists of a screen shaft and two pump shafts. Wastewater from the tunnel enters the screen shaft and passes through two horizontal coarse screens before being pumped by the influent pumps located in the pump shafts. The coarse screens remove any large debris that could potentially damage the influent pumps. Each screen is sized to handle the ultimate peak flow to Changi WTP. Two pump shafts, each with five pumps, are provided to safeguard against losing all the pumps should a pump shaft flood. The influent pumps are designed to pump up to 300 percent of the Phase 1 average design flow to the liquids modules, with sufficient standby units for added reliability. The influent pumps are sized to lift the wastewater to the required hydraulic grade line to gravity flow through all the liquid treatment process units. Two sump pumps for dewatering are provided in each pump shaft. The design criteria for the influent pumping station are presented in Table 2-4. Refer to Chapter 5 for the design features of the influent pumping station.
TABLE 2-4 Optimised DTSS Pump Station Design Item
Coarse Screens*
Type Horizontal Trash Rack Number 2 Bar Opening 200 mm Capacity, Each 4.8 million CMD Influent Pumps* Type Vertical Centrifugal, Variable Speed Number 6 in Service, 4 on Standby Capacity, Each 400,000 CMD Size, Each 3,600 kW *Number shown is for Phase 1 Changi WTP at 800,000 CMD.
The headworks comprise the preliminary treatment portion of the WTP, consisting of fine screening, grit removal, and oil and grease removal. Provisions are made to add ferric chloride to the headworks of each liquid treatment
module, upstream of fine screening, to aid in sedimentation and control of Thiothrix bacteria. Refer to Chapter 5 for the design features of the headworks. Refer to Chapter 11 for the process control of the headworks.
Fine Screens
Wastewater flow to each liquid treatment module will split into four channels, each installed with a fine screen. The fine screens have 3-millimetre (mm) openings and are designed to remove all debris that might otherwise create operational problems, including metering and control problems within the WTP. Screenings from each fine screen are washed and compacted. Washed and pressed screenings are transported by screw conveyors to screenings hoppers for storage prior to disposal. Table 2-5 presents the optimised design for the fine screens.
Continuous Screen pressed plate 4 3 mm 300,000 CMD Shafless Screw Conveyor 4 4 45 CMD 4 3 45 m
Grit Removal
Wastewater from each of the four screening channels flows into a vortex grit removal basin where grit solids will be captured and removed The grit slurries are continuously pumped to grit separator and classifier assemblies for further concentration. Flexibility is provided for adding air and flushing water to the pump suction line to clear the line before starting a grit pump. Dewatered and classified grit is discharged into the grit hoppers for storage prior to disposal. The principal degritting system design is summarised in Table 2-6.
Degritted wastewater from each grit removal basin flows into an oil and grease removal basin. The oil and grease basins are designed with a 70 percent removal efficiency. Air is introduced along the basin bottom to float floatable materials to the surface where they are removed by chain-and-flight mechanisms. Scum collected in scum pits is pumped to heated scum concentrators to be concentrated before it is pumped to the heat exchanger discharge at the digesters for digestion. Table 2-7 presents the oil and grease removal process design.
Number Diameter Capacity, Each Air Requirement/Basin Type Number Capacity, Each Size, Each Type Number Diameter Capacity, Each Number Capacity, Each
4 10 m 300,000 CMD 3 14.15 Nm /min Recessed Impeller Centrifugal, Constant Speed 4 in Service, 4 on Standby 17 l/s 16.4 kW Vortex with Belt Classifier 1 in Service, 1 on Standby 1.8 m 70 l/s 4 3 45 m
Grit Pumps
Grit Separators
Grit Hoppers
TABLE 2-7 Optimised DTSS Oil and Grease Removal per module Item
Oil and Grease Removal Basins Number Hydraulic Retention Time, with 6 basins in operation: @Average Flow @Diurnal Peak Flow Air Requirement/Basin Source Number Capacity, Each Type Number Capacity, Each Size, Each
4 double units w/ intermediate wall
5 min 3.2 min 3 8.8 Nm /min Process Air Supply Blowers 2 3 25 m Immersible Prerotation, Constant Speed 2 in Service, 2 on Standby 9.5 l/s 2.29 kW
Primary Treatment
Eight double-deck primary sedimentation tanks per liquids module will be used at Changi WTP. The sedimentation tanks are projected to provide total suspended solids (TSS) and BOD removal efficiencies of 60 percent and 27 percent, respectively. Effluent from the oil and grease basins is collected in two primary influent headers that provide feed to the four primary sedimentation tanks in each half liquids module. A level control valve is provided in each primary influent header to control level in the upstream oil and grease basins. Flow to the primary sedimentation tanks is distributed to the upper and lower decks of each tank via control valves and flow meters. Sludge and scum are collected and conveyed to the ends of the basins by chain-and-flight mechanisms. Scum is collected in tipping troughs and flushed to scum pits. Tipping trough refers to the scum collection pipe, which has a longitudinal opening. This pipe is automatically rotated for a set time period to collect surface scum and some water. The scum
and flushing water is conveyed to the scum pit where it is pumped to the scum concentrators. The collected dilute scum is pumped to heated scum concentrators, together with the scum from the oil and grease basins, and ultimately pumped to the heat exchanger discharge at each of the digesters. The sludge solids concentration is maintained between 0.5 and 1.0 percent to maximise primary sludge degritting efficiency yet limit hydraulic loading on the thickening centrifuges. Primary sludge from the sedimentation tank is pumped to grit separator and classifier assemblies for degritting. Degritted sludge discharges to degritted sludge wet wells and is pumped to the dilute sludge blend tanks. Provisions are made to add ferric chloride to the degritted primary sludge to control hydrogen sulphide. Table 2-8 presents the summarised primary sedimentation system design. Refer to Chapter 8 for the design features of the primary sedimentation tanks. Refer to Chapter 11 for the process control of the primary sedimentation tanks. Access into the bottom level of the primary sedimentation tanks will be by watertight door. The access concept developed for the lower primary tanks will also be applied to the lower secondary tanks.
TABLE 2-8 Optimised Primary Sedimentation per module Item
Primary Sedimentation Tanks Type Number Dimensions Length Width Depth Surface Overflow Rate: Raw Sewage @Average Flow @Peak Flow Raw Sewage + Treated Effluent @Average Flow @Peak Flow Type
Double-Deck Rectangular 8 50 m 12 m 8m
49 (m /m /day) 3 2 91 (m /m /day) 77 (m /m /day) 3 2 153 (m /m /day) Chain-and-Flight Type (metal) 4 Immersible Prerotation, Constant Speed 4 installed and in service, 1 uninstalled spare 9.5 l/s 8.9 kW Recessed Impeller Centrifugal, Variable Speed 8 in Service, 8 on Standby 35 l/S 15 kW Vortex with Belt Classifier 2 in Service, 1 on Standby 1.8 m 83 l/s
3 2
Number per Tank Type Number per module Capacity Size Type Number per module Capacity, Each Size, Each Type Number Diameter Capacity, Each
Secondary Treatment
Changi WTP will use the anoxic step-feed activated sludge process to remove BOD and nutrients in the wastewater. The two major process elements of the secondary treatment are bioreactors and secondary sedimentation tanks. Refer to Chapter 8 for the design features of the bioreactors and the secondary sedimentation tanks. Refer to Chapter 11 for the process control of the bioreactors.
The bioreactors have anoxic selectors, the principal purpose of which is to provide good sludge settleability and oxygen recovery through denitrification. The denitrification will also produce an effluent with a much-reduced negative effect on the environment, and it will provide a better supply for reclamation and reuse. Each module has two bioreactors, with six basins per bioreactor, and two passes per basin. Flow to each basin will proceed down one pass and back up the second pass. Each basin comprises a series of anoxic zones followed by a series of aerobic zones. Primary effluent is collected in two cross-connected pipe headers, each providing feed to the basins of one bioreactor. Primary effluent (PE) is fed to the first anoxic zone of each basin and the proportion of flow is controlled via control valves and flow meters. Return activated sludge (RAS) from the secondary sedimentation tanks is received at the first basin, or it can be received at the second basin if the first basin is taken out of service. PE and RAS from the first basin will pass through all the basins of the bioreactor, undergoing denitrification and nitrification in the anoxic and aerobic zones and mixing with the PE that is stepfed into each basin. The bioreactors are designed to allow any basins to be bypassed. The anoxic zone in each basin is mixed with a slow-speed mixer to ensure good contact between the mixed liquor suspended solids and the PE. The aerobic zone is aerated through fine-bubble diffusers. If phosphorous removal is required, anaerobic selectors can be added in the future. The bioreactors are designed to move, collect, and remove scum formed in the basins as a result of a bloom in filamentous bacteria such as Norcadia. Air can be introduced sequentially in the anoxic zones, through coarse-bubble diffusers, to raise the water level in a given zone and move the scum downstream to an
adjacent zone. Scum in each basin is collected in a dedicated scum pit and pumped to the thickening centrifuges. Because bacteria can be recycled back to the liquids stream via recycle flows from the solids handling process, the scum removal system is designed to allow for the addition of sodium hypochlorite to sterilise the bacteria prior to pumping the scum to the centrifuges. Managing scum removal is one of the most nagging problems facing operators of bioreactors. Even the best run biological process can periodically experience an upset or bloom in filamentous bacteria such as Nocardia, which can produce copious quantities of floating material in the aeration basins. The key to handling this phenomenon is to provide for it in the design. The Changi WTP bioreactors are designed to manage any scum problem that may occur over the life of the plant operations. The elements of effective scum removal include: 1. A design that provides for passive transport of the scum along the basin. The bioreactor hydraulic design is based on the use of submerged weir walls at the downstream end of each anoxic zone with the total flow within a bioreactor pass flowing over the top of the submerged weir wall. Weir walls are designed to have a drop in the liquid surface as the flow passes over the weir wall. This drop in liquid surface with the associated horizontal velocity of the liquid is effective in conveyance of surface scum from the upstream to downstream basin. As the flow rates change, the drop in liquid surface over the weir walls will change. In addition, the anoxic zones are all equipped with coarse-bubble diffusers that allow a periodic lift of the grade line through the zones to help move the scum along. 2. A design that facilitates removal of the scum from each basin. Each aeration basin is equipped with a scum removal trough at the tail end of the basin, just before the ML leaves the basin and enters the bypass channel. The flow-through flows under the trough. When scum is present in the basin, the operator energises a control sequence through the control system that periodically opens two 2-metre-wide downward opening weir gates in the scum trough such that top of the gates are just below the liquid level. When the gates are opened, grade 2 water (used to eliminate plugging of spray nozzles) spray headers are activated that aid in pushing the scum to the scum trough. Grade 3 water is used to convey the scum in the trough to and into the scum pit. Each basin has a dedicated scum pit; each pit is equipped with one immersible, prerotational pump to provide complete pumping of the scum-water mixture to the thickening centrifuge sludge feed lines in the solids process. Any scum that should make it into the bypass channel is carried into the next basin, since the butterfly gates in the bypass and basin inlet positions are designed so that a free water surface carries through the gate in the open position. Any scum that exits the bioreactors will be conveyed to the secondary sedimentation basins 3. A design that treats the filaments prior to any recycle. In many facilities, the scum is actually removed from the basins satisfactorily, but the offending bacteria are recycled from the solids handling process back to the head of the plant, in effect re-inoculating the process. At Changi WTP, the scum in the scum removal pits is dosed with a high-strength sodium hypochlorite solution and recycled within the pit long enough to ensure
that Nocardia or other filaments are substantially destroyed before sending the scum on to the solids process for disposal. Liquid depth in the bioreactors will range from 9 m in the aerobic zone of pass one to 7 m in the aerobic zone of pass six. Because of the reduced depth in the latter passes, there is no need to make provisions for stripping nitrogen gas as originally anticipated in the Design Brief. Air flow to each aerobic zone is automatically controlled. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations at the end the basins are measured using DO probes and DO sampling pumps. A DO probe and pump assembly is provided for every two basins. Air blowers will be designed and installed for each module. A manual intertie (electric butterfly valve) on the aeration header will be provided to connect modules 1 and 2. This design feature will support efficient additions of future modules. Generally, pipe joints will be welded, although some flange joints will be required. Air pipelines will be of a construction to remain their integrity under anticipated long-term pressure and temperature operating conditions. The optimised bioreactor design is presented in Table 2-9.
TABLE 2-9 Optimised Bioreactor Design per Module Item
Number Number of Basins per Bioreactor Number of Passes per Basin Number of Mixed/Anoxic Zone per Basin Basin Dimensions Length Width Height Hydraulic Retention Time Solids Retention Time Average Dissolved Oxygen MLSS Concentration Bioreactor Average Bioreactor Effluent Sludge Volume Index @ Average Flow @ Diurnal Peak Flow Type Number per Anoxic Zone Total Number Size, Each Power Density Type Number Size Oxygen Transfer Efficiency, Actual Air Flow/Diffuser @ Average Flow @ Diurnal Peak Flow Air Requirement @Average @Peak Diurnal Flow Type 2 6 2 4 50 m 24 m 8m 5.7 hrs 5 days 2 mg/l
3,000 mg/L 2,100 mg/L 60 ml/g 120 ml/g Vertical Shaft 1 48 9.29 kW 3 7.2 Watts/m Ceramic 38,600 9" 17 percent 5.4 Nm /min/100 Diffusers 3 8.5 Nm /min/100 Diffusers 2166 Nm /min 3 4755 Nm /min Stainless Steel Wide Band Non-Clog
3 3
Average Air Requirement Type
85 Nm /min Single-Stage Centrifugal, Variable Inlet and Outlet Vane and Discharge Pressure 4 in Service, 1 on Standby 3 1415 Nm /min 2611 kW 12 5 m Immersible Prerotation, Constant Speed 12 in Service, 2 uninstalled 25 l/s 15 kW Screw Centrifugal, Constant Speed 1 For Service, 1 on Standby 38,800 CMD 69 kW
Number Capacity, Each Power, Each Number Capacity, Each Type Number Capacity, Each Size, Each Type Number Capacity, Each Size, Each
Provisions are included for the future addition of an acid gas cleaning system, if required, by providing a gas line connection from the CPVC air distribution manifold to the operations area at elevation 102. The need for an acid gas cleaning system will be further evaluated.
Sixteen double-deck secondary sedimentation tanks per liquids module will be used at Changi WTP. The sedimentation tanks remove suspended solids from the mixed liquor prior to discharging the effluent to the outfall junction box. Mixed liquor from each bioreactor is routed to a pipe header that feeds to eight secondary sedimentation tanks in each half of each liquids module. The flow is distributed via control valves and flow meters to each of the upper and lower decks of the secondary sedimentation tanks. Sludge and scum are collected by chain-and-flight mechanisms. Scum delivered to scum pits is pumped to the thickening centrifuges. Provisions are made to chlorinate the scum with sodium hypochlorite prior to pumping it to the centrifuges. Sludge from the secondary sedimentation tanks is pumped by RAS pumps to the bioreactors. Sludge inventory in the biological process is controlled by wasting sludge from the RAS header. Waste-activated sludge (WAS) pumps are used to pump the sludge from the RAS header to the dilute sludge blend tanks. To control sludge bulking, provisions are made to chemically treat the RAS with sodium hypochlorite before it is discharged into the bioreactors. To prevent secondary effluent from standing in launder troughs of units removed from service at peak flow, the hydraulic profile has been adjusted to maintain the hydraulic grade line below the invert of the launder troughs of units not in service. This hydraulic design provision keeps the hydraulic gradeline below the invert of the sedimentation basin launders to prevent standing effluent in a trough of a unit not in service. The optimised secondary sedimentation design is presented in Table 2-10.
Double-Deck Rectangular 16 50 m 12 m 10 m
25 (m /m /day) 3 2 46 (m /m /day)
3 2
44 (m /m /day) 3 2 65 (m /m /day) 70 kg/m -day 2 114 kg/m -day Chain-and-Flight 12 8 3 4m Immersible Prerotation, Constant Speed 8 installed and in service, 2 uninstalled 25 l/s 15 kW Screw Centrifugal, Variable Speed 16 in Service, 8 on Standby 30,000 CMD 25 percent of Process Influent 40 percent of Peak Flow 45 kW Screw Centrifugal, Variable Speed
Sludge & Scum Removal Mechanisms Secondary Scum Pits Secondary Scum Pumps
2 in Service, 1 on Standby 8700 CMD 30 kW Scum Concentrators* Floatation 2 3 2 3.9 m /m /hr Concentrated Scum Progressive Cavity, Constant Pumps* Speed Number 2 in Service, 2 on Standby Capacity, Each 0.95 l/s Size, Each 0.38 kW * Number shown is for Phase 1 Changi WTP at 800,000 CMD.
Provisions are made for future installation of ultraviolet (UV) disinfection systems to disinfect the secondary effluent prior to pumping to the outfall
junction box. Three open channels per half liquids module, each capable of being isolated upstream and downstream, are provided for this purpose. Effluent from the secondary sedimentation tank in each half liquids module are collected in a header and discharged, through the UV channels, into a common effluent wet well. Four effluent pumps are provided per liquids module and the pumps are sized to lift the effluent to the required hydraulic grade line to pass through the outfall to the Straits of Singapore. Table 2-11 summarises the design planning for UV disinfection and effluent pumping. Refer to Chapter 5 for the design features of the UV disinfection system and the effluent pumping station. Refer to Chapter 11 for the process control of the effluent pumping station.
TABLE 2-11 Optimised UV Disinfection and Effluent Pumping Item
UV Disinfection
Type Number Capacity, Each Type Number Capacity, Each Size, Each
Medium Pressure, High Intensity, Open Channel 6 200,000 CMD Vertical Turbine, Variable Speed 3 in Service, 1 on Standby 400,000 CMD 1,771 kW
Effluent Pumps
Reclaimed effluent will be used for most of Changi WTPs water needs. An advanced wastewater treatment facility consisting of microfiltration and reverse osmosis units will be installed to provide the reclaim water needed. Three grades of reclaimed effluent will be generated for use at Changi WTP. The level of treatment for each grade of plant water, the quantity, and the use of each grade of plant water are shown in Table 2-12. The quantity will be verified when the detailed inventory of the different grades of water is done. A cooling system consisting of a primary and a secondary loop will be used for large equipment cooling loads. The primary cooling system will utilise the Grade 1 reclaimed effluent in a closed looped system together with a heat exchanger, and the secondary cooling system will utilise the Grade 3 reclaimed effluent to remove heat from the Grade 1 reclaimed effluent.
TABLE 2-12 Reclaimed Effluent at Changi WTP, Phase 1 Grade
Quantity (CMD)1
Chemical make-up water, and primary loop cooling water for large equipment Sprays, hose bibs, polymer makeup and some cooling Flushing water for tanks, centrifuges, plant washing, polymer solution dilution and some cooling
2 3
46,000 60,000
1 Total of all Phase 1 Grade 3 supply needs is approximately 130,000 CMD as each grade of water is made from the next lower grade and the making of each results in reject water.
The expected quality for each grade of reclaimed effluent is presented in Table 2-13.
TABLE 2-13 Quality of Reclaimed Effluent at Changi WTP Reclaimed Effluent Characteristic
5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand, mg/l Suspended Solids, mg/l Total Solids, mg/l Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Free Ammonia (as N) Nitrite Nitrogen (as N ) Nitrate Nitrogen ( as N ) Alkalinity as CaCO3 Total Hardness as CaCO3 Sulphate as SO4 Phosphate as P Chloride as Cl f Dissolved Oxygen Detergent as LAS pH Value Colour ( HU ) I Turbidity ( NTU ) Conductivity (micromhos/cm)
a b
Grade 2
<5 44 1 615 7
Grade 3
10 44 10 b 625 8 1.2 <0.1 2.1 68 250 150
e e
5.2 150-200 1 to 5 2
Depends on RO membrane used Assumes a TDS of 615 mg/l. c Assumes 13 percent of TKN in secondary effluent is in particulate form and remainder is soluble. d Assumes no RO feedwater acidification is required to control CaCO3 scaling. e Assumed. f Assumes a variable degree of stripping for N2 removal on clarified effluent reduces CO2 level to 5 mg/l. g Assumed based on a ratio of 1.55 for conductivity/total dissolved solids (TDS). h HU = Hazen unit i NTU = nephelometric turbidity unit
Effluent from the effluent wet well is pumped by the Grade 3 plant water pump through rotary strainers and to microfiltration (MF). Grade 3 plant water distribution pumps take suction from the strained effluent supply and pump to the Grade 3 distribution system. Effluent from the MF units is stored in a MF holding tank. Grade 2 plant water pump pumps from the MF holding tank to the Grade 2 water distribution loop. A reverse osmosis (RO) feed pump also pumps from the holding tank to the RO units. Effluent from the RO units is stored in the RO holding tank. Grade 1 plant water pump pumps from the RO holding tank to the Grade 1 plant water distribution loop. The optimised design for the water reclamation facility is presented in Table 2-14. Provisions will be made to disinfect each of the three grades of plant water with sodium hypochlorite. Provisions will also be made to add ammonium hydroxide to the MF feed to eliminate free chlorine, which could damage the MF membranes. Threshold inhibitor will be added to the RO feed to prevent scaling, and sulphuric acid will be provided for cleaning the RO membranes.
Split Case Horizontal, Variable Speed Number 2 in Service, 2 on Standby Capacity, Each 40,900 CMD Size, Each 522 kW Microfiltration Feed Pumps* Type Split Case Horizontal, Variable Speed Number 1 in Service, 1 on Standby Capacity, Each 32,021 CMD Size, Each 104 kW Reverse Osmosis Feed Type Split Case Horizontal, Variable Pumps* Speed Number 1 in Service, 1 on Standby Capacity, Each 14,118 CMD Size, Each 381 kW Grade 2 Plant Water Type Split Case Horizontal, Variable Pumps* Speed Number 2 in Service, 1 on Standby Capacity, Each 32,700 CMD Size, Each 370 kW Grade 1 Plant Water Type Split Case Horizontal, Variable Pumps* Speed Number 1 in Service, 1 on Standby Capacity, Each 10,900 CMD Size, Each 150 kW *Number shown is for Phase 1 Changi WTP at 800,000 CMD.
Solids Processing
Dilute Sludge Blend Tanks
Primary sludge and WAS are received in the dilute sludge blend tanks before being pumped to the thickening centrifuges. The blend tanks serve to ensure that a homogeneous mixture is fed to the centrifuges and to provide a buffer zone to allow for continuous centrifuge operation. These together improve centrifuge performance. Provisions are made to add ferric chloride to the blend tanks to control hydrogen sulphide. The dilute sludge blend tank design is summarised in Table 2-15. Refer to Chapter 5 for the design features for dilute sludge blending. Refer to Chapter 11 for the process control for dilute sludge blending.
Sludge Thickening
The mixture of primary sludge and WAS is thickened in the thickening centrifuges. Polymer solution is added to the sludge feed line to improve centrifuge performance. Thickened sludge then flows by gravity to the thickened sludge blend tanks. Centrate generated from the thickening process flows by gravity to the primary sedimentation tanks or the bioreactors for treatment. Table 2-16 summarises the sludge thickening design. In addition to the thickening centrifuges, three additional centrifuges will be provided for digester recuperative thickening. Recuperative thickening involves thickening digesting sludge to increase solids retention time in the digester by removing the excess water formed in the digestion process. Refer to Chapter 5 for the design features of centrifuge thickening. Refer to Chapter 11 for the process control of centrifuge thickening.
Number Dimensions Diameter Max Depth Capacity, Each Detention Time (with two tanks) Type 2
Number/Tank Capacity, Each Size, Each Tank Turnover Rate (2 pumps in operation) Dilute Sludge Blend Tank Transfer Pumps Type
21 m 14.15 m 3 4,900 m 4.5 hr Screw-Induced Impeller Centrifugal , Constant Speed 2 3 49 m /min 75 kW 50 min
Screw-Induced Impeller Centrifugal, Variable Speed 2 in Service, 1 on Standby 65,411 CMD 262 kW
15 in Service, 2 on Standby, based on 5 days per week 4,906 CMD 95 percent 6.5 percent 5.6 kg/tonne 1,519 kg/day 3
Percent Solids Capture Percent Thickened Sludge Concentration Polymer Dosage Polymer Usage
Thickened sludge from the thickening centrifuges is received in the thickened sludge blend tanks before being pumped to the digesters. The blend tanks serve to ensure that a homogeneous mixture is fed to the digesters and to provide a buffer zone to allow for continuous feed to the digesters. These together improve digestion performance, producing a near-constant gas flow rate and permitting maximum energy recovery. Provisions are made to add ferric chloride to the blend tank to control struvite formation. The thickened sludge blend tank design is summarised in Table 2-17. Refer to Chapter 5 for the design features of thickened sludge blending. Refer to Chapter 11 for the process control of the design features of thickened sludge blending.
10.5 m 10.2 m 3 882 m 10.7 hr Screw-Induced Impeller Centrifugal, Constant Speed 2 3 18 m /min 90 kW 24.5 min Screw-Induced Impeller Centrifugal, Variable Speed 2 in Service, 1 on Standby 3,270 CMD 57 kW
Anaerobic Digestion
Silo-shaped anaerobic digesters are used for sludge stabilisation. These digesters have the same process advantages as egg-shaped digesters, but at considerably lower cost, and they can be constructed using technology currently available in Singapore. The digestion capacity provides for an average 20-day solids retention time (SRT). Provisions are made for recuperative thickening of the digester contents to increase the SRT in the digester tanks from 20 to 30 days. The contents of the digesters are heated and mixed to optimise sludge stabilisation, providing maximum volatile solids reduction and gas production. Mixing is achieved through external mixing pumps. Heating is achieved through external recirculation pumps and heat exchangers. Digester heating sources include the drying system condenser water recycle as the primary source and standby fuel oil fired boiler as the secondary heating source. Sludge transfer from one digester to another will be through sludge transfer pumps. To better control the sludge pump-out rate as the sludge level in the digester drops, a smaller transfer pump will also be provided. Under normal operation, digested sludge will flow by gravity to the digested sludge blend tanks. Refer to the Design Brief fluxogram and Chapter 5 of the Basis of Design Report, Section for a schematic and a more detailed description of digested sludge flows under various conditions. Low-pressure storage tanks provide capacitance in the fuel gas system to facilitate energy recovery through the drying system digester gas-fired burners. Digester gas from the storage tanks is compressed and purified before being routed to the sludge dryers. Gas incinerators are provided to burn the digester gas if the gas cannot be used because of problems with the gas storage or handling systems, or problems with the sludge dryers.
Table 2-18 summarises the anaerobic digestion design. Refer to Chapter 5 for the design features for the anaerobic digesters. Refer to Chapter 11 for the process control of anaerobic digesters.
TABLE 2-18 Optimised Sludge Anaerobic Digestion Item
Anaerobic Digestion Tanks Type Number Dimensions Diameter Straight Wall Height Bottom Cone Height Top Cone Height Capacity, Each Solids Retention Time, at Average Flow w/o Recuperative Thickening w/ Recuperative Thickening Digester Gas Production (w/o Recuperative Thickening) @ Average @ Peak Volume of Digester Gas Produced per Mass of Volatile Solids Destroyed Type Number/Digester Capacity, Each Size, Each Type Number/Digester Capacity, Each Size, Each Type Number Capacity, Each Size, Each Type Number Capacity, Each Size, Each Number Dimensions Diameter Height Capacity, Each Detention Time @ Average Gas Flow Gas Pressure Type Number Capacity, Each Size, Each
5 32 m 16.5 m 15.25 m 6.1 m 3 16,654 m
21 days 30 days
Screw-Induced Impeller Centrifugal, Constant Speed 2 3 58 m /min 82 kW Screw-Induced Impeller Centrifugal, Constant Speed 1 in Service, 1 on Standby 3 1,635 m /day 2.3 kW Centrifugal, Constant Speed 2 3 11.6 m /min 169.1 kW Screw-Induced Impeller Centrifugal, Constant Speed 1 3 5.6 m /min 130.1 kW 2
25 m 25 m 3 6,136 m 4.3 hrs 0.03 bar Two-Stage Reciprocating 2 in Service, 1 on Standby 3 2,300 m /hr 202 kW
Gas Compressors
Digested sludge from the digesters is received in the digested sludge blend tanks before being pumped to the dewatering centrifuges. The blend tanks serve to ensure that a homogeneous mixture is fed to the centrifuges and provide a buffer zone to allow for continuous feed to the centrifuges. These together improve centrifuge performance. The digested sludge blend tank design is summarised in Table 2-19. Refer to Chapter 5 for the design features of digested sludge blending. Refer to Chapter 11 for the process control of digested sludge blend tanks.
TABLE 2-19 Optimised Digested Sludge Blend Tank Design Item
Digested Sludge Blend Tanks Number Dimensions Diameter Max Depth Capacity, Each Detention Time (with two tanks) Type
Number/Tank Capacity, Each Size, Each Tank Turnover Rate (2 pumps in operation) Type
17 m 13.34 m 3 3,029 m 37 hrs Screw-Induced Impeller Centrifugal , Constant Speed 2 3 30 m /min 56.25 kW 50 min Screw-Induced Impeller Centrifugal, Variable Speed 2 in Service, 1 on Standby 7,090 CMD 45 kW
Sludge Dewatering
Sludge from the digested sludge blend tanks is dewatered in the dewatering centrifuges. Polymer solution is added to the sludge feed line to improve centrifuge performance. Dewatered sludge is transported by screw conveyors to the sludge dryer feed cake bins, but can also be conveyed to the cake storage hoppers in the solids loadout facility in the event the sludge dryers are out of service. Centrate from the dewatering centrifuges will flow by gravity to the primary sedimentation tanks or bioreactors for treatment. Table 2-20 summarises the sludge dewatering design. The number of centrifuges is based on their operating 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Two installed dewatering centrifuges will be normally dedicated to one dryer train, with only one normally operating. This approach will provide a highly reliable system, with adequate time available for machine maintenance. Refer to Chapter 5 for the design features of the dewatering centrifuges. Refer to Chapter 11 for the design features of the dewatering centrifuges.
10 total installed, with 2 dedicated per dryer train. 2 to 4 in Service for Phase 1 and 2, respectively. 3.99 dry tonnes/hr 95 percent 25 percent 12.5 kg/tonne 1,995 kg/day 1,995 kg/day
Capacity, Each Solids Capture Dewatered Sludge Concentration Polymer Dosage Polymer Dosage (without recuperative thickening) Polymer Dosage (with recuperative thickening) Sludge Drying Facilities Sludge drying will accomplished using a rotary dryers equipped with a pellitiser mixer and drying gas recirculation. There will be five drying system trains installed in the solids processing building each having a capacity to dry 90.7 tonnes per day (dry solids) of dewatered sludge received directly from the centrifuges. Table 2-21 summarises the sludge dewatering design. The components of the Direct Fired Drying System can be categorised into eight major process areas according to their function. These major areas are:
1. Generation of Heat 2. Agglomeration of Dewatered Sludge and Dried Material for Drying 3. Evaporation of Moisture from the Sludge Mixture 4. Separation of Dried Particles from the Air Stream 5. Classification of the Dried Sludge 6. Treatment of the Process Air Stream 7. Volatile Hydrocarbon Destruction 8. Product Transport and Storage The final product will be a granulate particle in the 96% dry solids range, with a uniform size distribution from 1 to 4 mm. Particulate emissions including volatile hydrocarbons and odours are minimal. Figure 2-1 (at the end of this chapter) is a process flow diagram depicting one process train of the major drying process equipment and flow paths.
TABLE 2-21 Optimised Sludge Dying Item
Direct Rotary Dryer System Number
5 total installed, with 2 to 3 in Service, and 2 to 3 on Standby for Phase 1 90.7 Tonnes dry solids per day 1 to 4 mm 4 to 5 percent
Dried sludge will be conveyed and stored in silos at the Solids Loadout Facility. During Phase 1, two silos will be available for storing the dried sludge. These silos will have a capacity of about 1,800 m3 each. At an estimated dried sludge production of 242 m3/day, during Phase 1, the available storage time in the silos will be about 15 days. Ultimately, there will be 4 silos total for storing dried sludge and at about 725 m3/day of dried sludge produced, the available storage time will be about 10 days. To address the concern with moisture and heat build-up in the silos, temperature monitoring will be provided and the dried sludge will be kept cool by either recirculating cool air through the hoppers or purging the silos with inert nitrogen gas in the unlikely event of a high temperature excursion. Each truck container is assumed to have the same capacity as a 20-foot ISO container (each being able to carry a payload of 20,000 kg, which equates to about 31 m3 of dried sludge). Based on this assumption, average dried sludge production rates will result in the requirement for approximately 8 trucks per day during Phase 1 and 24 trucks per day for the ultimate plant build out condition. The flexibility to use 10 m3 container trucks for dried sludge loadout and transport is also provided in the facility design. In the unlikely event that sludge drying capacity is diminished, the dewatered sludge will need to be temporarily stored in dedicated cake hoppers and hauled away for landfill disposal, incineration or land reclamation. By-passing of the dewatered sludge around the dryers can be achieved using by-pass screw conveyors that will convey the dewatered sludge directly from the dewatering centrifuges in the Solids Processing Building to dedicated dewatered sludge cake hoppers in the adjacent Solids Loadout Facility. Eight standby cake hoppers will be available in Phase 1. Assuming a worst-case scenario in which all the dryers are out of service, the minimum cake hopper storage time available in Phase 1, will be about 3.1 days. If needed, excess dewatered sludge cake can be transported from CWTP in truck containers. Using the 20-foot ISO containers (each capable of carrying a payload of 20,000 kg, which equates to about 20 m3 of dewatered sludge), enough dewatered sludge will be generated a day to fill 31 containers in Phase 1 and 91 containers ultimately. This is based on the worstcase scenario that all dryers are out of service. The solids loadout facilities are summarised in Table 2-22.
TABLE 2-22 Optimised Loadout Facilities Item
Product Storage Silos
Number Dimensions Diameter Height Capacity, Each Storage Time Number / day Number Dimensions Diameter Height Capacity, Each 2
Storage Time Number / day Number / day
3.1 days 31 4
There are some process drain flows that drain to other locations within the WTP and they include: Centrate from the thickening and from the dewatering centrifuges, which have high suspended solids, BOD, and ammonia concentrations. These discharge continuously by gravity from the centrifuges to the bioreactors or to the primary sedimentation tanks to ensure relatively constant loading rates to the unit process. Dryer system recycle flow from the condenser and venturi scrubber portion of the drying system which will support heating of the digester contents prior to return to the liquids treatment facilities . These discharge continuously by gravity to the digester heat exchanger system and onto the bioreactors or to the primary sedimentation tanks. Drain flow from the chemical containment sumps at the chemical storage area are pumped by sump pumps to the primary sedimentation tanks or the bioreactors via the centrate line from the thickening centrifuges. The procedure requires the operations staff to physically make the connection and
initiate the pumping of a spill so that the process is not upset by the introduction of large amounts of chemical without preparation. Sanitary drains from buildings. These could either flow by gravity to the manhole upstream of the coarse screen chamber (initially used as a construction shaft for the tunnel) or be pumped to the headworks. Wastewater pumped from the coarse screen chamber that has been isolated for cleaning and maintenance. The wastewater will be pumped by dewatering pumps back the tunnel through the access hatch upstream of the coarse screen chamber.
In some instances, flows to be drained have available residual head. An example is the return water used for cooling the variable frequency drives for the influent pumps (if direct heat exchange to the pumped flow is not practised). The amount of flow can be substantial and since they are already treated, they can be routed directly to the effluent junction chamber. The decision to route any drain line to the effluent junction chamber is to be considered during final design. Table 2-23 lists the approximate time to drain or pump process flow from selected treatment units that are to be taken out of service.
TABLE 2-23 Time to Drain or Pump Process Flow from Selected Treatment Units Volume 3 (m )
2,330 270 440 4,800 9,600
Coarse Screen Chamber Grit Basin Oil and Grease Basin Primary Sedimentation Tank Bioreactor Basin
from the thickening and dewatering processes and drying system condenser and scrubber recycles. Plant water that drains to the plant sewers will be pumped to the headworks or the bioreactors and the centrate will be routed to the bioreactors. Alternatively, the centrate and dryer recycle could also be routed to the primary sedimentation tanks, as indicated by the dashed line in Figure 2-2. The flow and mass balance analysis assumes no recuperative thickening of digester sludge. Recuperative thickening is provided as an option to increase digester solids detention time from 20 to 30 days.
Venturi Scrubber
Recycle Air to Furnace
Combustion Chamber
Induced Draft Fan To Digester Heat Exchangers Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO)
Process Baghouse
Emergency Nitrogen
reppoH ekaC
Recycle/Product Screen
Product Storage
Emergency Nitrogen
Dosing Screw
To Trash Disposal
Product Cooler
Mineral Oil Storage Tank
High Pressure Air High Pressure Air
Emergency Nitrogen
Recycle Screw Conveyor
Recycle Air Digester Gas/ Fuel Oil
Pneumatic Transporters
Recycle Cooler
Pneumatic Transporters
To Process Baghouse
Dryer Train