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The document outlines the constitution and rules governing the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and its subordinate lodges.

The official title of the Grand Lodge is: The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging.

The Grand Officers and their official titles are: Right Worshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer and Right Worshipful Grand Secretary.

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OFFICE OF THE GRAND SECRETARY Philadelphia, December 4, A.D. 1991, A.L. 5991 I certify that the following is a correct copy of the Ahiman Rezon, and the Ancient Charges, Ceremonies and Forms, as approved by the Grand Lodge at the Quarterly Communication, held December 4, A.D. 1991, A.L. 5991.


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In Freemasonry what is not permitted is prohibited

ARTICLE 1 Title of the Grand Lodge 1.01. The official title of the Grand Lodge is: The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging. ARTICLE 2 Titles of the Grand Officers 2.01. The Grand Officers and their official titles are: Right Worshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer and Right Worshipful Grand Secretary. Past Grand Masters and Past Deputy Grand Masters, Past Grand Wardens by two years service, Past Grand Treasurers and Past Grand

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Secretaries by six years service are also entitled Right Worshipful. ARTICLE 3 Constituents of the Grand Lodge 3.01. The members of the Grand Lodge are the Grand Officers, Past Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters, Past Grand Wardens by two years service, Past Grand Treasurers and Past Grand Secretaries by six years service, Past Masters by one years service, and the Masters and Wardens of the Lodges, lawfully warranted and duly constituted by it, and under its Jurisdiction. The Grand Lodge may by resolution confer honorary membership on a Mason in good standing of his Lodge. Honorary members may serve as members of the Grand Lodge committees but shall not be entitled to vote on proposed actions of the Grand Lodge.
Adopted December 7, 2005

3.02. Every member of the Grand Lodge must be a member of a Subordinate Lodge, except Past Grand Masters, and Past Deputy Grand Masters (who are members of the Grand Lodge for life).
Adopted December 7, 2005

3.03. Each Lodge within this Jurisdiction shall, at the time at which its officers are chosen, elect as its primary Representative in the Grand Lodge and one substitute Representative in the Grand Lodge, the Master or Past Masters thereof members of the Grand Lodge who shall serve for the ensuing Masonic year. The certificate for their election shall be signed by the Master and have the seal of the Lodge attached, attested by the Secretary; and a duplicate thereof shall be sent to the Grand Secretary at least six days before the Communication of the Grand Lodge, at which it is proposed to use the same; unless said Representatives shall have been elected within said six days, in which case the duplicate certificate of their election shall be sent to the Grand Secretary immediately.*
Adopted December 5, 1984 * For Form of Certificate, see page 190. (Rev. 2006)

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3.04. If the primary Representative dies or resigns, then the substitute Representative shall serve in his place and stead and if for any reason neither the primary nor the substitute Representative is able to serve by reason of death or resignation or for any other reason, then a successor or successors may be elected at any stated, extra or special meeting; provided that previous notice of such election shall have been given, as special notices are required to be given, to all the members of the Lodge. A member who does not reside in Pennsylvania may be elected and serve as a primary or substitute Representative or a primary or substitute Representative who moves outside the State of Pennsylvania may continue to serve in such capacity provided that such non-residence will not prevent the performance of the duties of his office.
Adopted December 5, 1984

ARTICLE 4 Officers of the Grand Lodge 4.01. The Officers of the Grand Lodge consist of the Grand Officers, Past Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters, Past Grand Wardens by two years service, Past Grand Treasurers and Past Grand Secretaries by six years service, and such officers as are appointed by the Grand Master. 4.02. The Grand Officers are the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden, Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary. 4.03. The Officers appointed by the Grand Master are the District Deputy Grand Masters, Grand Chaplains, Grand Deacons, Grand Stewards, Grand Marshal, Grand Sword Bearer, Grand Pursuivant and Grand Tyler. 4.04. The Grand Officers shall be installed in their respective offices and stations, if practicable, on St. John the Evangelists Day next succeeding their election. The Grand

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Officers who are re-elected to the same offices need not be re-installed in those offices. When St. John the Evangelists Day falls on a Sunday, the installation shall take place, if practicable, on the day following. The other Officers of the Grand Lodge shall be appointed by the Grand Master after his installation, all of whom must be members of the Grand Lodge, except the Grand Chaplains, who are not required to be Past Masters.
Adopted December 6, 1989

4.05. On the death, disability, or removal from this Jurisdiction, of a Grand Officer, or his ceasing to be a member of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Officer next in station shall succeed to the vacated station; except in the cases of the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary, and if a vacancy occurs in the station of either of these Officers, the Grand Master shall appoint a successor during the absence or disability of such Officer, or until the next annual election. 4.06. If the question of the disability or misconduct of any of the Grand Officers is raised, the determination of such disability or misconduct shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Committee on Landmarks. Once affirmatively determined, the Grand Officer in question shall be replaced either by the Officer next in station or by appointment by the R.W. Grand Master or by the Acting Grand Master. The individual taking the place of the Grand Officer whose disability or misconduct leads to his replacement shall hold office until the next Annual Election.
Adopted December 7, 2005

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ARTICLE 5 Election of the Grand Officers and Committee on Masonic Homes 5.01. The Grand Officers and the members of the Committee on Masonic Homes shall be elected to serve for two-year terms. The initial election to an office shall be by ballot at the Quarterly Communication next preceding St. John the Evangelists Day. A reaffirmation ballot shall be held at the succeeding December Quarterly Communication which is prior to the second year of an Officers term; however, a voice vote as opposed to written or printed ballot may be used to reaffirm such election.
Adopted December 7, 2005

ARTICLE 6 Trustees and Standing Committees of the Grand Lodge 6.01. The Grand Master shall appoint the necessary Trustees for the Trust Funds of the Grand Lodge and the members of the Standing Committees of the Grand Lodge, in such numbers as are provided for by the Ahiman Rezon and other action by the Grand Lodge; the Almoners, Stewards and Bursars; except when such appointment is provided for by election or by Resolution of the Grand Lodge.
Adopted December 8, 2000

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ARTICLE 7 Inherent Power and Authority of the Grand Lodge 7.01. The Grand Lodge is the only true and legitimate source of Masonic authority. It is supreme and sovereign. It makes the Law for its constituents, and the Members of the Fraternity under its Jurisdiction; but it is governed by no Law other than the Landmarks of Freemasonry. It grants Warrants for Subordinate Lodges, and duly constitutes them. Subordinate Lodges are constituted and work by virtue of these Warrants. The Grand Lodge has the power to enact Laws and Regulations for the government of the Craft, and to alter and repeal such Laws and Regulations; but it cannot change, alter, or destroy the Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry. It has the inherent power to investigate and determine all Masonic matter relating to the Craft in general, to particular Lodges, and to individual Brethren, either directly or by its delegated authority, and its authority cannot be called in question.

ARTICLE 8 Communications of the Grand Lodge 8.01. The Grand Lodge shall hold Communications on the first Wednesday of June and December and may hold Communications on the first Wednesday of March and September by order of the Grand Master. Communications may be changed to another day of the month at the direction of the Grand Master. An Annual Communication shall be held on St. John the Evangelists Day in those years when Grand Lodge Officers are advanced in rank and a new Grand Master takes office. When St. John the Evangelists Day falls on Sunday, the Annual Grand Communication shall be held on the day following.
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The Grand Lodge may meet in Extra or Special Communications by order of the Grand Master.
Adopted December 2,1998

8.02. The Communications of the Grand Lodge shall begin at a time to be determined by the Grand Master except for the Quarterly and the Annual Grand Communications in December which shall begin at ten oclock in the morning.
Adopted December 5, 1984

ARTICLE 9 Proceedings in the Grand Lodge 9.01. When the Grand Master opens the Grand Lodge, it is in ample form; when it is opened by the Deputy Grand Master, it is in due form; when opened by either of the Grand Wardens, or other Brother, it is in form only. The Grand Master may give a special commission, under his private seal, to any Past Grand Master, to preside at any Communication in the absence of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, and Grand Wardens. 9.02. Five Lodges must be represented before the Grand Lodge can be opened. 9.03. In the absence of the Grand Master, whoever wears his jewel and occupies his station, is to be addressed, and regarded for the time, as Right Worshipful Grand Master. In the absence of the Grand Treasurer, or the Grand Secretary, or any appointed officer, the Grand Master will designate a member of the Grand Lodge to take his station or place.

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9.04. The following shall be the order of business at all Stated Communications: 1. The reading of a synopsis or an abridgement of the Minutes of the last regular Stated Communication and of any Extra or Special Communication if such have been held. 2. Communications from Subordinate Lodges. 3. Reports of Trustees. 4. Reports of Standing Committees, etc. 5. Almoners of the Grand Lodge Charity Fund. 6. Stewards of the Stephen Girard Charity Fund. 7. Bursars of the Thomas R. Patton Memorial Charity Fund. 8. Reports of Special Committees. 9. Returns of Lodges. 10. Unfinished Business. 11. New Business. 12. Communications from Brethren and others. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grand Master may dispense with the order of business or arrange it as he deems for the best interests of the Grand Lodge.
Adopted December 7, 2005

9.05. When any resolution or motion shall be offered or made, and seconded, it shall be stated by the Grand Master. Pending its consideration, a motion may be made to amend, stating in what particular it is proposed to amend it; and an amendment to the amendment may be moved, but, until the disposal of such amendment, no further amendment shall be in order. After a vote upon any amendment shall have been taken, it shall not be in order to introduce the same subject under color
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of a new amendment, or as an amendment to a pending amendment. After a vote shall have been taken upon all the amendments that may have been considered, the vote shall be taken upon the resolution or motion as it may then be, including the amendments that have been adopted. Pending the consideration of such resolution or motion, no motion shall be in order except to lay on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a certain time, or to commit, all of which shall be determined without debate. A motion to amend, to postpone, or to commit, may be laid upon the table without removing the pending resolution or motion from before the Grand Lodge. No other dilatory or evasive motion shall be permitted. 9.06. Each Brother as he rises to speak shall address the Grand Master. He shall not be interrupted, or called to order, except by or through the Grand Master. When so called to order, he must resume his seat, but, being informed of his default, he may be permitted to proceed in his address. 9.07. In debate, a Brother shall not address another Brother by name, but by the Lodge to which he belongs, if the identification of a former speaker or his remarks require it. 9.08. No Brother shall speak more than twice upon any subject under discussion, unless with special permission of the Grand Master. 9.09. If a Brother is twice called to order at the same Communication, and again offends, the Grand Master may direct him to leave the room, and see that the direction is enforced before continuing the business of the Grand Lodge.

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9, 9.10

9.10. When a debate on any question has been allowed fully to explain or discuss it, the Grand Master may direct the vote to be taken unless a resolution is adopted postponing the further discussion to another Communication of the Grand Lodge. 9.11. There is no privileged question in the Grand Lodge, but any Brother may ask the Grand Master to allow him to be heard on a question, or a subject, which involves the Ancient Usages, Customs, and Landmarks of the Fraternity, or the proceedings of a Subordinate Lodge. 9.12. The previous question, by which a vote would be forced upon the Grand Lodge, shall not be permitted. 9.13. All matters in the Grand Lodge shall be determined by a majority of votes; the Grand Master, or in his absence the Presiding Officer, in case of a tie, having the casting vote. 9.14. The Grand Master decides all questions of order, and no appeal from his decision can be taken. The stroke of the Grand Masters Gavel commands silence, and then all the Brethren must be seated, and silence enforced. 9.15. What is known as Parliamentary Law, or conventional systems for regulating the proceedings of deliberate assemblages, shall not apply to the Grand Lodge. 9.16. The vote may be taken viva voce, but a standing vote may be required by the Grand Master, or by five members of the Grand Lodge. A vote by yeas and nays shall not be allowed. 9.17. On all questions before the Grand Lodge, when a vote by Lodges is requested by the Representatives of fifteen Lodges, and in the election of the Grand Officers, each Representative shall be entitled to cast one vote for each member of his Lodge who is a member of the Grand Lodge, and who is not present.

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9.18. A Lodge when duly assembled may, by vote of a majority of the members present, instruct its Master, Wardens, and Representative, on any subject to be considered in the Grand Lodge, and such instructions recorded on the minutes of the Lodge, shall be binding* upon such officers and Representative, except that any Past Master may direct the Representative to vote specially for him. 9.19. If any question before the Grand Lodge is of vital importance to the Fraternity, it may be postponed to a specified time, for the purpose of securing a vote on the same by Lodges. The Grand Secretary shall forward a copy of the resolution to each Lodge, and, when the Lodge receives the same, it shall, at a stated or special meeting, after notice to all its members, instruct its officers and Representative how the vote of the Lodge shall be cast. Each Representative shall, at such Communication of the Grand Lodge, vote for his Lodge on the resolution, in the manner prescribed for the voting of Representatives at an election of the Grand Officers. 9.20. All reports of Standing Committees shall be approved as read, unless otherwise ordered. Any Special Committee charged with the disbursement of the moneys of the Grand Lodge, shall be considered as existing until its accounts have been examined by the Committee on Finance, or the Grand Treasurer, and all the debts contracted by it are shown to have been paid, when, on motion, said Committee may be discharged. 9.21. The election of the Grand Officers shall be held, and all propositions to amend the Ahiman Rezon, or to determine questions of finance, in which the Lodges have an interest affecting their revenues, or involving contribution of their funds, shall be acted upon, only at the Quarterly Communication in December.

* Printed circular instructions are not binding on a Representative.

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9, 9.22

9.22. The officers and Past Masters of any Lodge, which shall not have fully paid its dues or rent to the Grand Lodge for the past Masonic year, shall not be permitted to vote therein. ARTICLE 10 Revenue of the Grand Lodge 10.01. The revenue of the Grand Lodge shall be derived from:
1. Rents received for the use of Masonic Halls, Rooms, etc. 2. Warrants for new Lodges. 3. Dispensations to pass or raise. 4. Grand Lodge certificates. 5. Copies of the Ahiman Rezon and Digest of Decisions each of the above at a cost determined by the Committee on Finance (postage extra). 6. Dues and Fees of Subordinate Lodge, viz: Grand Lodge dues annually for each member who was a life member on December 7, 1955.............................$ 2.00 Grand Lodge dues annually for all other members....$ 20.00 The Subordinate Lodge shall be relieved from payment of any Grand Lodge dues for any member whose Lodge dues are remitted because of the inability of such member to pay his Lodge dues, or where the Lodge dues are remitted because he has been a Mason in good standing for 50 or more years: provided such Lodge action in either case is by Resolution duly certified as such to the Grand Secretary. Fee for each initiation, or admission of a Brother from a Lodge of another Jurisdiction ..................................$ 100.00 7. Reimbursement of expenses from its charitable components and affiliates.
Adopted December 7, 2005

From the above sources of revenue, all appropriations shall be made annually by the Grand Lodge, at the Quarterly Communication in December only; and such appropriations
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shall not be diverted for any other purpose than specified, except by resolution of the Grand Lodge. 10.02. No member of the Grand Lodge, as such, is relieved from the payment of dues to the Lodge of which he is a member, nor is such Lodge relieved from the payment of dues for him to the Grand Lodge, except for Past Grand Masters and Past Deputy Grand Masters. 10.03. Representatives of the Subordinate Lodges attending the Quarterly Communication in December and voting therein, shall be paid a sum for mileage at a rate to be determined from time to time by the Grand Lodge Committee on Finance, to be computed on the distance between the place of meeting of the Subordinate Lodge and the City of Philadelphia, or the location of the December Quarterly Communication, and return.
Adopted December 7, 2005

ARTICLE 11 Grand Lodge and Lodge Certificates 11.01. A Grand Lodge Certificate* shall be granted to every Brother producing to the Grand Secretary a Certificate of his good Masonic standing in the Lodge of which he is a member, signed by the Master, with the seal of the Lodge attached, attested by the Secretary, and accompanied by the prescribed fee. A Grand Lodge Certificate is given under the seal of the Grand Lodge, with the signatures of the Grand Master and Grand Secretary. The Brother to whom it is granted shall subscribe his name in full in the margin thereof. 11.02. A Lodge Certificate shall be granted to a Brother, whose resignation has been accepted by his Lodge. Such Certificate must be signed by the Master and Wardens, and have the seal of the Lodge attached, attested by the Secretary. The Brother to whom it is granted shall subscribe his name in full in the margin thereof.
* For Form, see page 177. For Form, see page 179. (Rev. 2006)

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11, 11.03

11.03. A Lodge Certificate shall be granted to a Brother who, after suspension or expulsion, has been restored to good Masonic standing, stating that the Brother has ceased to be a member of the Lodge and is in good Masonic standing.* Such Certificate must be signed by the Master and Wardens and have the seal of the Lodge attached, attested by the Secretary. The Brother to whom it is granted shall subscribe his name in full in the margin thereof. 11.04. Lodge Certificates shall be given by the officers of the Lodge, without any action by the Lodge thereon. 11.05. All Certificates shall be printed in the English language, and no Certificate other than those authorized by this Article, shall be issued by any Lodge within this Jurisdiction.

ARTICLE 12 Powers and Duties of the Officers of the Grand Lodge PAST GRAND MASTERS 12.01. The Past Grand Masters shall be regarded as the conservators of the Ancient Usages, Customs, and Landmarks of Freemasonry, by reason of their experience. For their faithful services, and their devotion to the Fraternity, and for the honors conferred on them by their Brethren, they are to be respected by the Fraternity. GRAND MASTER 12.02. The Grand Master shall be installed by the last preceding Grand Master present, assisted by skilled Brethren, at his discretion. When installed, he shall be proclaimed and saluted in due form, three times, as Right Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic
* For Form, see page 181. See Article 17.26, page 54. (Rev. 2006)

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Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging. He is supreme in all matters concerning the Fraternity, and the peace, harmony and Masonic order of the Craft, except when the Grand Lodge limits his power by its Constitution. 12.03. The Grand Master shall be responsible for the general supervision and government of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates. He shall perform the duties hereunder in a manner calculated to advance the interests of the Grand Lodge, and for this purpose he is empowered:
Adopted December 7, 2005

To appoint District Deputy Grand Masters, the appointed Officers of the Grand Lodge, Trustees, Committee members, and directors whose appointment or election is not otherwise provided for herein;
Adopted December 7, 2005

To employ and appoint such persons who may be necessary to conduct the business of the Grand Lodge;
Adopted December 7, 2005

To preside in the Grand Lodge, and in all Lodges, attended or unattended by his Grand Officers; To have and use a private seal to attest his acts; To issue edicts,* regarding the action of Lodges, or for the government of the same, their officers, and members; To send his Deputy or other Grand Officers, to visit Lodges;
Adopted December 7, 2005

To cause Masons to be made in his presence, at any time and at any place, a Lodge being opened by him for that purpose; To grant, and authorize to be granted, Dispensations for making Masons, for constituting Lodges, for laying Cornerstones, for forming Masonic processions, and for the burial of unaffiliated Master Masons;
Adopted December 6, 1995 * Edicts of the Grand Master have the authority of Masonic Law. For Form of Deputation, see page 199. For Forms, see pages 190 to 199.

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12, 12.04

To command at all times the attendance of the Grand Treasurer, and the Grand Secretary, with their clerks and books for his information; To appoint by warrant any Brother to represent him near any other Grand Master. 12.04. He shall be, ex-officio, chairman of any Committee, whose sessions he may think proper to attend. 12.05. It shall be his duty to visit the Lodges under his Jurisdiction as often as it may be practicable, and call Special Communications of the Grand Lodge, at such places as he may deem necessary to instruct the Craft, requiring the officers and members of Lodges notified, to be present thereat. DEPUTY GRAND MASTER 12.06. On the death, disability, or removal from this Jurisdiction, of the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master shall take his station, and assume the prerogatives of the Grand Master. His title in this case shall be Acting Grand Master. His station in the Grand Lodge, as Deputy, is at the left of the Grand Master. SENIOR AND JUNIOR GRAND WARDENS 12.07. The Senior and Junior Grand Wardens have their respective stations in the Grand Lodge. It is their duty to aid the Grand Master in conducting the business of the Grand Lodge, and the supervision of the Craft. GRAND TREASURER 12.08. The Grand Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates. It shall be his duty: To supervise the general financial functions and operations of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates;
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To supervise the preparation of the audited and unaudited financial statements for the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates, and to present such financial statements to the Committee on Finance at least quarterly; To supervise the budgeting process for the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates, and to present such budgets in sufficient detail to the Committee on Finance and the Grand Lodge to provide the same with a complete and accurate understanding of the financial positions of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates; To otherwise ensure that any officer or committee shall have the information that they require or reasonably request in order to perform their responsibilities as set forth in Article 13; To establish and maintain adequate financial controls and take such steps as are necessary to investigate and remedy any suspected or alleged improprieties, and to report the same to the Committee on Finance and, in the event that such alleged or suspected improprieties involve a Grand Officer, to the Committee on Landmarks; and, In conjunction with the Grand Secretary, to maintain and supervise the expense reimbursement policies adopted by the Committee on Finance from time to time in accordance herewith.
Adopted December 7, 2005

GRAND SECRETARY 12.09. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to record the minutes of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge; To preserve its archives and seal;* To collect and receive moneys and securities for or on account of the Grand Lodge, give the proper credits therefor, and pay the same to the Grand Treasurer forthwith; accept the fees for Dispensations and Grand Lodge Certificates and the
* See Article 26.01, page 76. (Rev. 2006)

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moneys received for copies of the Ahiman Rezon, Digest of Decisions, and other petty cash items and pay the same to the Grand Treasurer forthwith;
Adopted December 7, 2005

To issue summonses, orders, and notices, either by direction of the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master, attaching to them the seal of the Grand Lodge, and attesting the same; To issue notices to each Lodge, of all Stated, Special and Extra Communications of the Grand Lodge; To transmit annually, as soon as practicable, after every St. John the Evangelists Day, to each Subordinate Lodge within this Jurisdiction, and to all Grand Lodges in correspondence with this Grand Lodge, a copy of the printed proceedings of the Grand Lodge, published by its authority; To receive all petitions, appeals and other papers intended for the Grand Lodge, and lay them forthwith before the Grand Master, or other proper authority; To keep in suitable and separate books, registries of all Warrants, Dispensations, and Certificates granted by the Grand Lodge or the Grand Officers; a registry of the returns of the Lodges; an alphabetical list of the members of the Lodges; and a record of the suspensions, expulsions, and rejections in said Lodges, and such as may be communicated by other Grand Lodges; and a registry of every item of appropriation of the moneys or funds of the Grand Lodge, and charge each appropriation with the amounts paid on account thereof; To transmit to every Lodge in arrears, at least once a year, a statement of its account, and, in conjunction with the Grand Master, adopt such measures as may be proper to collect the same; To conduct the correspondence of the Grand Lodge with Subordinate Lodges, under the direction of the Grand Master, preserving all letters received and copies of all letters written and properly file the same;
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To report quarterly to the Grand Lodge, all Subordinate Lodges suspended, or otherwise deprived of their representation therein; To report annually, in a condensed form, to the Grand Lodge, not later than the Quarterly Communication in June, the number of the members belonging to each Subordinate Lodge; the number of the initiations, admissions, resignations, suspensions, expulsions, and deaths, during the preceding Masonic year; To cause the Constitution of the Grand Lodge to be carefully bound up in a book, with a sufficient number of blank leaves, on which he shall enter in their proper places, and under their proper heads, any amendment or alteration that may be made therein. In conjunction with the Grand Treasurer, to maintain and supervise the expense reimbursement policies adopted by the Committee on Finance from time to time in accordance herewith.
Adopted December 7, 2005

The office of the Grand Secretary shall be kept open from 9 A.M. to 5 oclock P.M., Monday through Friday.
Adopted December 7, 1977

He may appoint a Deputy Grand Secretary, with the approval of the Grand Lodge. He shall have charge of and oversee the printing of the Annual Proceedings of the Grand Lodge.
Adopted December 7, 1988

DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS* 12.10. The Masonic Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge shall be divided from time to time into districts of at least five Lodges, over each of which the Grand Master shall appoint a member of Grand Lodge to serve as District Deputy Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005 * For Form of Commission, see page 200. (Rev. 2006)

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12, 12.11

12.11. It shall be the duty of each District Deputy Grand Master to visit the Lodges in his district; inspect their labors, and inquire into their condition and proceedings; give them Masonic advice and instruction; and report annually to the Grand Master the state of the Lodges in his district, and all that he shall have done therein. He may congregate the Masters, Wardens, and members of such Lodges, at their respective places of meeting, at such times as he may think proper; and may grant Dispensations to pass and raise Brethren to the degree of a Master Mason. He shall account for, and pay over quarterly to the Grand Secretary, all moneys received by him on account of the Grand Lodge. He shall attend the Quarterly Communications of the Grand Lodge at least twice in each year, and his actual expenses shall be paid by the Grand Lodge. He shall be furnished with an appropriate collar, jewel and apron, which shall be handed by him to his successor in office, unless he is entitled to retain the apron in accordance with Article 12.13.
Adopted December 7, 2005

12.12. Should the Grand Master require them, the District Deputy Grand Masters shall meet him at any place within this Jurisdiction he may think proper to name, their actual expenses in attending such meeting to be paid by the Grand Lodge. PAST DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS 12.13. A District Deputy Grand Master may serve for a period not to exceed seven years and having served as such for a period of five years or more may retire from that office as a Past District Deputy Grand Master. As such he shall be entitled to all the honors and privileges of a District Deputy Grand Master, including an assigned place in Grand Lodge processions and listing ad vitam among Grand Lodge Officers, except that the office of Past District Deputy Grand Master shall carry with it no duties, responsibilities, or claim to payment of any expenses. He shall be entitled to retain his apron in recognition of his office.
Adopted December 7, 2005

For Forms, see pages 191 to 193.

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GRAND CHAPLAINS 12.14. The Grand Master shall appoint as many Masons in good standing in their Lodges as necessary to serve as Grand Chaplains. Their duty shall be to attend the Communications of the Grand Lodge to offer up to the Great Architect of the Universe the prayers of the Brethren, invoke His blessings upon their labors, and assist in the necessary rites and ceremonies of all Masonic occasions.
Adopted December 7, 2005

GRAND DEACONS 12.15. The Grand Master shall appoint two members of the Grand Lodge to serve as Grand Deacons. It shall be their duty to bear the messages of the Grand Master and the Grand Wardens throughout the Grand Lodge.
Adopted December 7, 2005

GRAND STEWARDS 12.16. The Grand Master shall appoint two members of the Grand Lodge to serve as Grand Stewards. It shall be their duty to act as Masters of Ceremonies, direct the members and visitors at the Communications of the Grand Lodge to the places assigned them, and see that the orders of the Grand Master in this respect are enforced.
Adopted December 7, 2005

GRAND MARSHAL 12.17. The Grand Master shall appoint a member of the Grand Lodge to serve as Grand Marshal. It shall be his duty to proclaim the Grand Officers,* form and regulate all processions of the Grand Lodge, make all necessary proclamations, see that the proper ceremonies on all occasions are duly observed, and enforce the orders of the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005 * See pages 18, 129 and 130. See page 146. (Rev. 2006)

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12, 12.18

GRAND SWORD BEARER 12.18. The Grand Master shall appoint a member of the Grand Lodge to serve as Grand Sword Bearer. It shall be his duty to carry the Sword of State before the Grand Master in the processions of the Grand Lodge, and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him in the Grand Lodge by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

GRAND PURSUIVANT 12.19. The Grand Master shall appoint a member of the Grand Lodge to serve as Grand Pursuivant. It shall be his duty to receive the reports of the Grand Tyler, announce the name and Masonic title of all who desire admission, see that none enter without their proper Masonic clothing and jewels, and enforce the orders of the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

GRAND TYLER 12.20. The Grand Master shall appoint a member of the Grand Lodge to serve as Grand Tyler. It shall be his duty to guard the outer door of the Grand Lodge, report to the Grand Pursuivant the name and Masonic title of all who desire admission, summon the members of the Grand Lodge when directed by the Grand Master, and perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Grand Master. He shall have charge of and be responsible for the safekeeping of the furniture, clothing, and jewels of the Grand Lodge. He shall admit no Brother who is not properly clothed.
Adopted December 7, 2005

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ARTICLE 13 Powers and Duties of the Trustees and Standing Committees of the Grand Lodge TRUSTEES OF THE GRAND LODGE CONSOLIDATED FUND 13.01. The Grand Master shall appoint five members of the Grand Lodge to serve as the Trustees of the Grand Lodge Consolidated Fund. The Trustees shall adopt and regularly review an Investment Policy for the Consolidated Fund, select investment advisers to carry out the Investment Policy, and review the performance of such advisers at least quarterly. Based upon the recommendation of the Committee on Finance, the Trustees shall adopt an annual spending policy for the Consolidated Fund. The Trustees shall report their proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

TRUSTEES OF THE JOSEPH W. MURRAY MEMORIAL FUND 13.02. The Grand Master shall appoint five members of the Grand Lodge to serve as Trustees of the Joseph W. Murray Memorial Fund. The Trustees shall arrange for the custody of the assets of the Joseph W. Murray Memorial Fund, adopt an Investment Policy, invest the assets in accordance therewith, and distribute the income thereof for the use of the Masonic Childrens Home. The Trustees shall report their proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

TRUSTEES OF THE TITLE TO THE MASONIC TEMPLE AND OTHER REAL ESTATE* OF THE GRAND LODGE 13.03. The Grand Master shall appoint five members of the Grand Lodge to serve as Trustees of the Title to the Masonic
* See Proceedings of Grand Lodge, 1885, page 57; and 1890, page 91. (Rev. 2006)

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13, 13.04

Temple and Other Real Estate of the Grand Lodge. The Trustees shall hold the title of the Masonic Temple, receive and hold in trust the title of all other real estate that may become the property of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates, convey the same only in accordance with the directions of the Grand Lodge or its delegates, and otherwise conform to the Regulations enacted by the Grand Lodge for their government. The Trustees shall report their proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

TRUSTEES OF THE MASONIC CHARITIES FUND 13.04. The Trustees of the Masonic Charities Fund shall be the Grand Officers. The purpose of the Masonic Charities Fund is to coordinate and conduct gift planning and development functions for the charitable activities of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates. The Masonic Charities Fund is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as being a tax-exempt charitable organization as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The Trustees shall report their proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

ADMINISTRATORS OF THE GRAND LODGE PENSION PLAN 13.05. The Grand Master shall appoint five members of the Grand Lodge to serve as the Administrators of the Grand Lodge Pension Plan. The Administrators shall be responsible for the administration and governance of the Grand Lodge Pension Plan. The Administrators shall adopt and regularly review an Investment Policy for the Pension Plan, select investment advisers to carry out the Investment Policy, and review the performance of such advisers at least quarterly. The Administrators
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shall report their proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

COMMITTEE ON LANDMARKS 13.06. The Committee on Landmarks shall consist of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden and all living Past Grand Masters. Meetings of the Committee may be convened at the direction of the Grand Master, or upon the request of any two members thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee shall meet at least twice in each year.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.07. All questions touching upon the Ancient Usages, Customs and Landmarks of the Fraternity and the Ahiman Rezon shall be referred to the Committee.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.08. The Grand Master shall meet with and inform the Committee regarding the general supervision, governance and management of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.09. In its discretion, the Committee shall be entitled to review and approve the compensation arrangements for the employees of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates.
Adopted December 7, 2005

COMMITTEE ON APPEALS 13.10. The Grand Master shall appoint five members of the Grand Lodge to serve as the Committee on Appeals.
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13, 13.11

13.11. When an appeal is made to the Grand Lodge by an accused Brother,* or by any Brother, from the final action of a Lodge in the case of such accused Brother, it shall be referred to the Committee.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.12. The Committee shall cause notice to be given to the Lodge, the accused Brother, and the complainant who made the charges before the Lodge, or any Brother complaining of the action of the Lodge, of the time and place, when and where the Committee will consider the same, and a copy of such notice shall be kept by the secretary of the Committee. 13.13. The Committee, at the hearing of the appeal, shall confine itself to the record as presented, unless it is deemed important, to a better understanding of the appeal, that witnesses should be examined, and then notice shall be given to all the parties of the time and place, when and where the witnesses will be heard. 13.14. Copies of all the papers which were before the Lodge and its committee, together with a copy of the minutes of the Lodge and the minutes of the committee which tried the case, shall be presented through the Grand Lodge to the Committee, together with the cause of the appeal, and the grounds of the same specifically and fully set out in writing by the appellant, who shall see that copies of all the papers, as above mentioned are attached to his appeals as exhibits. These papers shall be prepared by the Secretary of the Lodge, by direction of the Master, on application of the appellant; and for the extra service of the Secretary of the Lodge in preparing said exhibits, the Lodge may make such allowance to the Secretary, as it shall deem proper.
Adopted December 7, 2005

* For manner of Trial and Forms, see page 164. As to who may appeal, see Article 22.03, page 74. (Rev. 2006)

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13.15. If questions of Masonic jurisprudence only are involved in the appeal, the appeal and the papers which are to be made part of the exhibits shall be sufficient, but if not, other testimony, papers, or minutes which are necessary, shall be required. 13.16. If the appeal is found to be a case which needs additional testimony, the Committee may make such an order therefor, as in its judgment will subserve the ends of Masonic Law, right, and justice. It is, however, deemed better to omit taking testimony, if the Committee can arrive at a clear understanding of the facts from the record, and the undisputed statements of the parties as to the grounds of the appeal.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.17. The appellant, the Lodge, the complainant, and such other parties as the case may require, may be represented before the Committee by any Master Mason, to be chosen by them or any of them. 13.18. The report of the Committee shall be presented to the Grand Lodge, at the next Quarterly Communication after it has been prepared. 13.19. The form of the appeal in all cases shall be as follows: 1. Copy of original charge or charges, and specifications; 2. Copy of the minutes showing the action of the Lodge thereon; 3. Copy of the minutes showing the proceedings of the Lodge as to the trial of the said charge or charges, and the appointment of the committee; 4. Copy of the summons and all the notices sent to or served on the parties;
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5. Copy of the notices to the witnesses, with the names of the witnesses; 6. Copy of the minutes of the proceedings of the committee appointed to try the charge or charges; the testimony of the witnesses; and the report of the committee with the resolution attached thereto; 7. Copy of the minutes showing the action of the Lodge on the resolution of the committee; 8. The appeal, stating specifically the grounds on which the same is made; 9. The certificate of the Secretary of the Lodge, under its seal, that the said copies appear to be true and correct copies. The appeal and all papers connected therewith must be sent to the Grand Secretary within six months from the final action of the Lodge. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE 13.20. The Committee on Finance shall consist of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden and not less than five nor more than seven members of the Grand Lodge that shall be appointed by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.21. The Committee shall be advised of all significant financial matters related to the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.22. The Committee shall review quarterly and annual financial statements and annual budgets for the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates.
Adopted December 7, 2005

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13.23. The Committee shall be provided copies of the annual tax returns filed by the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates at the meeting next succeeding the filing of such returns.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.24. The Committee shall review distributions received by the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates from trusts and estates and ensure that the same are allocated to appropriate funds held for the benefit of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates in accordance with the intent of the donors.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.25. The Committee shall recommend to the Trustees of the Consolidated Fund a spending policy for the Grand Lodge Consolidated Fund, and shall make such other recommendations as the Committee believes to be in the best financial interests of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.26. The Committee shall review and adopt written expense reimbursement policies for all officers, employees, directors and volunteers of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.27. The Committee shall at all times have access to the books and papers of the Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer and all other persons entrusted with the management of the Grand Lodge and its charitable components and affiliates.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.28. The Committee shall report annually at the Quarterly Communication in December an estimate of the probable receipts and disbursements for the next calendar year, and shall otherwise report its proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
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13, 13.29

COMMITTEE ON FRATERNAL RECOGNITION 13.29. The Grand Master shall appoint five members of the Grand Lodge to serve on the Committee on Fraternal Recognition to which shall be referred all communications made to this Grand Lodge concerning requests for fraternal recognition and such other subjects requiring special consideration as the Grand Master may deem proper to submit to it. The Committee shall examine such matters and make recommendations to the Grand Lodge to grant or deny them and shall otherwise report its proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

COMMITTEE ON BY-LAWS 13.30. The Grand Master shall appointed five members of the Grand Lodge to serve on the Committee on By-Laws. The Committee on By-Laws shall examine proposed changes to the By-Laws of Lodges and Masonic Temple and Hall Associations and expunge from such By-Laws all provisions which contravene the established usages and regulations of the Fraternity or the intent of the model provisions developed by the Grand Lodge. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Grand Lodge to grant or deny the proposed changes, and shall otherwise report its proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

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COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS 13.31. The Grand Master shall appoint not less than three members of the Grand Lodge to serve on the Committee on Publications. The Committee shall review publications submitted to it by the Grand Master and/or Grand Secretary for compliance with the Ahiman Rezon and the Digest of Decisions and submit its recommendations to the Grand Secretary. The Committee shall reports its proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

COMMITTEE ON MASONIC HOMES 13.32. The Committee on Masonic Homes shall consist of the Grand Officers and seven additional members of the Grand Lodge that are elected by the Grand Lodge as set forth in Article 5. The elected members of the Committee shall not serve more than eight years on the Committee. Any Grand Officer shall be eligible to serve a full eight-year term exclusive of any time served as a Grand Officer.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.33. The Masonic Homes is an unincorporated charitable unit of the Grand Lodge. It is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as being a tax-exempt charitable activity of the Grand Lodge as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.34. The Committee shall provide for the admission to and management of the Masonic Homes under and subject to such Rules and Regulations as may be approved by the Grand Lodge from time to time. The Committee shall report its proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
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TEMPORARY AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES 13.35. The Grand Master may, in his discretion, establish temporary or special committees for such purposes as he determines appropriate.
Adopted December 7, 2005

ALMONERS OF THE GRAND LODGE CHARITY FUND 13.36. The Grand Master shall appoint a Past Master in good standing from each Lodge meeting with the limits of the City of Philadelphia to serve on the Board of Almoners of the Grand Lodge Charity Fund. It shall be the duty of the Almoners to distribute available amounts of the Grand Lodge Charity Fund in the manner provided for in the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Grand Lodge for the management of said Fund. The Almoners shall report their proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

STEWARDS OF THE STEPHEN GIRARD CHARITY FUND 13.37. The Grand Master shall appoint a Past Master in good standing from each Lodge meeting within the limits of the City of Philadelphia to serve on the Board of Stewards of the Grand Lodge Charity Fund. It shall be the duty of the Stewards to distribute available amounts of the Stephen Girard Charity Fund in the manner provided for in the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Grand Lodge for the management of said Fund. The Stewards shall report their proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

BURSARS OF THE THOMAS R. PATTON MEMORIAL CHARITY FUND 13.38. The Grand Master shall appoint a Past Master in good standing from each Lodge meeting within the limits of the City of Philadelphia to serve on the Board of Bursars of the Thomas R. Patton Memorial Charity Fund. It shall be the duty
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of the Bursars to distribute available amounts of the Thomas R. Patton Memorial Charity Fund in the manner provided for in the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Grand Lodge for the management of said Fund. The Bursars shall report their proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

THE PENNSYLVANIA MASONIC YOUTH FOUNDATION 13.39. The Pennsylvania Youth Foundation was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the Department of State as of November 6, 1981 as a non-profit corporation. The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Children was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the Department of State as of December 23, 1985 as a non-profit corporation. Effective January 1, 2006, the Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Children merged into the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation, and the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation changed its name to the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation. The mission of the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation now reflects the combined missions of the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation and the Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Children, and is as follows: to provide guidance to youth in Pennsylvania in their mental, physical and spiritual development, to assist youth in developing a philosophy of life that will sustain them in the future, to support organizations and programs that help youth avoid drug and alcohol abuse, violence and bullying.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.40. The Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as being a taxexempt charitable organization as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
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13, 13.41

13.41. The Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation shall be appointed by the Grand Master and manage the corporation under the terms of and subject to its By-Laws. The Board shall report its proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

THE MASONIC LIBRARY AND MUSEUM OF PENNSYLVANIA* 13.42. The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the Department of State as of April 6, 1990 as a non-profit corporation. The purposes of the Library and Museum are: To maintain and operate a Library for the use of Freemasons and the general public consisting of the books, pamphlets, manuscripts, prints and related materials illustrative of the history, work, nature, and the objections of Freemasonry and related subjects; To maintain and operate a public museum for the display of regalia, jewelry, emblems and other items of whatever character illustrative of or historically connected to Freemasonry and related subjects; To maintain, operate and present to the public historic structures and monuments illustrative of or historically connected to Freemasonry and related subjects, including the Masonic Temple located at One North Broad Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; To undertake or support efforts to preserve or restore artifacts and structures of every description representing the history and culture of Freemasonry; To undertake or support educational programs that present and explain the history and culture of Freemasonry and related subjects to Freemasons and the general public; and
* For an account of the Library and Museum, see page 210. (Rev. 2006)

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To undertake all other tasks attendant upon or related to the pursuit of such purposes.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.43. The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as being a taxexempt charitable organization as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.44. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Grand Officers, and the Chairmen of the following standing committees of the Board, as set forth in the By-Laws, to wit: Committee on Temple, Committee on Masonic Education, Committee on John Wanamaker Research Center, Committee on the Preservation of Masonic Monuments, and the Committee on the Academy of Masonic Knowledge. The Board shall reports is proceedings to the Grand Lodge whenever required by the Grand Master.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.45. The Committee on Temple shall supervise and provide for the general use, maintenance and security of the Masonic Temple, and any capital projects approved by the Board.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.46. The Committee on Masonic Education shall coordinate, support and engage in Masonic research and publish from time to time treatises illustrative of Freemasonry in general, and to disseminate Masonic Education through lectures, exhibits, forums and other means.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.47. The Committee on the John Wanamaker Research Center shall supervise the artifacts, archives and collections exhibited or maintained in and about the Masonic Temple or such other locations outside the Masonic Temple as approved by the Board, whether or not such artifacts, archives and collections are owned by the Library and Museum, or are on loan from the Grand Lodge or another party.
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13.48. The Committee on the Academy of Masonic Knowledge shall develop and present programs related to Masonic history and philosophy.
Adopted December 7, 2005

13.49. The Committee on the Preservation of Masonic Monuments shall monitor the condition of public monuments created, established, refurbished, and/or preserved by the Library and Museum of Grand Lodge or for or on behalf of public, governmental or charitable organizations in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
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ARTICLE 14 Precedence of the Grand Lodge* 14.01. On all occasions of public ceremonies, the Grand Lodge maintains its exclusive and peculiar character. Uniting with other public bodies, it cannot surrender its inherent claim to precedence of all other associations, societies, or public bodies created by either Federal, State, or municipal authority. The order which the Grand Lodge directs as the governing rule of its action, on occasion of public ceremonies, is not to be departed from or set aside, for any reason of convenience, or conformity with the order which is made to regulate such public ceremony.

14.02. On every such occasion of public participation in any ceremony, all the members of the Grand Lodge shall appear in Masonic dress, consisting of a suit of black clothes, black necktie, black silk hat, and white gloves; the Officers of the Grand Lodge and Subordinate Lodges shall wear their appropriate jewels and aprons; the other members of the Grand Lodge, white lambskin aprons; Past Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters and Past Masters shall wear their appropriate jewels on the left lapel of the coat.

14.03. When the Grand Master issues his orders for such public ceremony, they are compulsory and binding on every member of the Grand Lodge, the officers of Subordinate Lodges, and the members thereof.

* See Article 23.01, page 75. (Rev. 1994)

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ARTICLE 15 Masonic Clothing 15.01. Every Brother must wear a Masonic apron on entering a Lodge. To be properly clothed for admission to Communications of the Grand Lodge, every Master and Warden of a Lodge must wear his appropriate jewel and apron. Every Past Master must wear his jewel. Lodges may make such other rules for the government of their members as to dress at Lodge meetings only, as may be approved in their ByLaws. 15.02. Masonic aprons are made of white lambskin and are fifteen inches wide and thirteen inches deep, square at the bottom, with a one and one-half inch blue border, and a flap in triangular shape, with a one inch blue border. The name and number of the Lodge may be on them. 15.03. The officers aprons are made of white satin or white lambskin, and of the same dimensions as other Masonic aprons; have a representation of the jewel of the office embroidered thereon in silver or other white material, are lined with blue and have blue strings. There may also be perpendicular lines about two inches long and one inch wide raised on horizontal lines of the same width and about three inches in length, thereby forming two squares. The aprons may have a blue ribbon border on them about two inches wide, and two silver or other white tassels pendent on blue ribbons, one near each side of the apron, and dropping down to the representation of the jewel. 15.04. The aprons of the Grand Officers, Past Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters, and District Deputy Grand Masters, are made of white satin with a purple velvet border, being one inch in width and having a quarter inch edging of gold; are of the same dimensions as other Masonic

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aprons, are rounded at the bottom, have a rounded flap, are lined with purple, and have purple strings. The aprons of the other Officers of the Grand Lodge are the same, excepting that the purple border has no edging of gold. The aprons, with the exception of that of the Grand Master, have a representation of the appropriate jewel embroidered thereon in gold. The apron of the Grand Master has the blazing Sun in the center, and the words SIT LUX ET LUX FUIT* above it; and on the flap, an Eye within a Triangle, both irradiated; all in gold embroidery. ARTICLE 16 Jewels 16.01. The jewels of the Grand Officers are of gold, and shall be suspended from collars of purple velvet (with a narrow edging of gold lace, or cord), on which stars are embroidered. The Grand Masters collar shall have seven stars, the Deputy Grand Masters six stars, the Senior Grand Wardens five stars, the Junior Grand Wardens four stars, the Grand Treasurers and the Grand Secretarys, each three stars. The jewels of the Past Grand Masters and Past Deputy Grand Masters are of gold, and shall be suspended by a purple ribbon, to be worn on the left lapel (or suspended from the left breast pocket) of the coat. The jewels of the other Officers of the Grand Lodge are of gold, and shall be suspended from collars of purple ribbon.
Adopted December 8, 2006

16.02. The jewels of the Officers of the Grand Lodge are as follows: Grand Master The Compasses, extended to 45, with the segment of a Circle at the points and an Eye within a Triangle, surmounting a Glory, in the center. Deputy Grand Master The Compasses and Square united, with the blazing Sun in the center. Senior Grand Warden The Level. Junior Grand Warden The Plumb.
* A motto frequently used in Masonry, although sometimes written Lux Fiat et Lux Fit signifying Let there be light, and there was light. For representation of all the Jewels, see pages 215 to 232. (Rev. 2007)

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Grand Treasurer The Cross Keys, tied by a ribbon. Grand Secretary The Cross Pens, tied by a ribbon, the points resting on an open book in scroll form. Past Grand Master - The Compasses and Square united, with the irradiated Sun, in the center, setting behind clouds, and with the Gavel pendent between the legs of the Compasses. Past Deputy Grand Master The Compasses and Square only. Past Grand Treasurer The Cross Keys, tied by a ribbon, in the center of a wreath. Past Grand Secretary The Cross Pens, tied by a ribbon, the points resting on an open book in scroll form, surrounded by a wreath. District Deputy Grand Masters The blazing Sun in the center of a wreath composed of two branches of laurel, tied by a ribbon. Past District Deputy Grand Masters The blazing Sun setting behind clouds in the center of a wreath composed of two branches of laurel tied by a ribbon. Grand Chaplains The open Bible within a Triangle, surmounting a Glory. Deputy Grand Secretary The Cross Pens on a scroll, tied by a ribbon. Grand Deacons The Dove and Olive Branch. Grand Stewards The Cornucopia. Grand Marshal The Sword. Grand Sword Bearer The Broadsword. Grand Pursuivant The Cross Swords. Grand Tyler The Sword, with the Key across the Hilt. The jewels of the Grand Chaplains, Deputy Grand Secretary, Grand Deacons, and Grand Stewards, are within a circle, upon which is engraved a sprig of Acacia and an ear of Wheat.
Adopted December 6, 1989

16.03. The jewels of the officers of Subordinate Lodges are of silver, and shall be suspended from collars of blue without stars or embroidery, except silver edgings. The Past Masters

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jewel is of silver, and may be suspended by a blue ribbon, to be worn on the left lapel (or suspended from the left breast pocket) of the coat. 16.04. The jewels of the officers of Lodges are as follows: Master The Square. A Past Masters jewel shall be a Square and the diagram of the forty-seventh proposition of the First Book of Euclid pendent within it. The sides of the Square to be 2-1/8 and 2-1/2 inches long, respectively, and may have raised borders and be embellished with appropriate Masonic emblems, either engraved or raised upon the Square. The jewel shall be suspended from a blue ribbon or from a hanger or cross bars, the entire jewel and hanger or cross bars to be made of silver only, and no gold, precious or imitation stones shall be used in any part of its construction. Senior Warden The Level. Junior Warden The Plumb. Treasurer The Cross Keys. Treasurers Service Jewel. The jewel shall be suspended from a pale blue ribbon with the top supporting bar to have the name of the Lodge, the center bar to contain the name of the Treasurer, the lower bar to indicate the years of service, with the completion of service date to be added to the lower bar at the end of the Treasurers term of office. There shall be suspended from the lower bar a Square and Compasses against a wreath of olive leaves, all of gold color with cross keys of silver color centered upon them.* Secretary The Cross Pens. Secretarys Service Jewel. The jewel shall be suspended from a pale blue ribbon with the top supporting bar to have the name of the Lodge, the center bar to contain the name of the Secretary, the lower bar to indicate the years of service, with the completion of service date to
* The Treasurers Service Jewel is illustrated on page 230 of Section 14 of this volume. (Rev. 1999)

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be added to the lower bar at the end of the Secretarys term of office. There shall be suspended from the lower bar a Square and Compasses against a wreath of olive leaves, all of gold color with cross quills of silver color centered upon them.* Chaplain The Open Bible. Deacons The Dove and the Olive Branch. Masters of Ceremonies The Cross Rods. Pursuivant The Cross Swords. Tyler The Sword, with the Key across the Hilt. WANDS The Wands or Rods of the Deacons are of wood, seven feet in length, and slightly tapering towards the top, white for one foot from the top and the remainder blue. COLUMNS**
Adopted December 2, 1998

* The Secretarys Service Jewel is illustrated on page 230a of Section 14 of this volume. ** NOTE - The Ionic Column signifies strength and belongs in the West. The Corinthian Column signifies beauty and belongs in the South. The Doric (Architectural) Column signifies wisdom and belongs in the East. (Rev. 1999)

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ARTICLE 17 Subordinate Lodges 17.01. Every Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons within this Jurisdiction shall work under a Warrant from this Grand Lodge, and acknowledge its authority. The precedence of a Lodge shall be determined by the date of its Warrant, as recorded on the minutes of the Grand Lodge. 17.02. A Warrant may be granted by the Grand Lodge, when deemed expedient, on the petition of at least fifteen Master Masons, not members of any Lodge, or conditionally resigned from their Lodges, on the recommendation of the District Deputy Grand Master, and of at least three Master Masons, members of a Subordinate Lodge within this Jurisdiction. But no Warrant shall be granted for a Lodge within five miles of the place mentioned in the Warrant of an existing Lodge, without the consent of such Lodge, given under its seal, unless under special circumstances. The petition must be accompanied with Certificates or Transfer Certificates from the Lodge or Lodges to which the petitioners last belonged, or from which they have conditionally resigned, or other satisfactory evidence of the good Masonic standing of the petitioners, and that they are not members of any Lodge or have conditionally resigned from their Lodge; and their Lodge Certificates or Transfer Certificates must accompany their petition.

For Forms of Petition and Warrant, see pages 182 to 184. (Rev. 1999)

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17, 17.03

17.03. Every Lodge must be lawfully warranted, and duly and solemnly constituted by the Grand Master with his Officers; or, in the absence of the Grand Master, by the Deputy Grand Master, or a Grand Warden, according to rank, or a District Deputy Grand Master, or a Past Master, duly authorized by the Grand Master. The authority to constitute a Lodge is given under the private seal of the Grand Master, or, in the absence of the Grand Master, by the Acting Grand Master, under the seal of the Grand Lodge, attested by the Grand Secretary.* 17.04. Lodges have the option of having a membership classification known as Honorary Member which may be created with a minimum of 20 years membership and upon the payment of at least Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) to the Lodge, which sum shall be in cash and which shall be placed in the Permanent Fund of the Lodge. Lodges are prohibited from making Honorary Members based solely or partially on number of years of membership in a Lodge, payment of full dues for a specified period, or age of a member, or any combination of the foregoing. Any Lodge By-Laws which are in contravention of the foregoing are hereby declared null and void.
Adopted December 3, 1997

* See page 190. (Rev. 1998)

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17.04A. A Lodge may grant Life Membership to its Members upon the payment of $1,000.00 which sum shall be invested in the Permanent Fund of the Lodge, the income only to be used for the general operations of the Lodge.
Adopted December 3, 1997

17.05. No Lodge can be represented in the Grand Lodge until it has been duly constituted. 17.06. The officers of the Lodge are a Worshipful Master, a Senior and a Junior Warden, a Treasurer, Secretary, Trustees, a Representative and a Substitute Representative in the Grand Lodge*, a Senior and a Junior Deacon, and a Tyler, to which, for the better regulation of the Lodge, may be added a Chaplain, two Stewards, a Senior and a Junior Master of Ceremonies, and a Pursuivant, all of whom must be Master Masons; and with the exception of the Tyler and Chaplain, members of the Lodge. 17.07. The Master and Wardens of every new Lodge shall be named in the petition for a Warrant, and are to be appointed by the Warrant of such Lodge. The Treasurer and the Secretary shall be chosen by the Warrant members. The Representative shall be elected, and the other officers shall be appointed by the Master. 17.08. At the Stated Meeting of the Lodge next preceding St. John the Evangelists Day, in every year, the Master, Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary, Trustees, Representative in the Grand Lodge, and Substitute Representative in the Grand Lodge, shall be elected by ballot; except that if there be only one candidate for an office to be filled, he may be elected to that office on motion duly made, seconded and the question put to a voice vote. Otherwise, the election is to be conducted in the same manner as elections are conducted in the Grand Lodge, and shall be according to the Rules regulating the election of Grand Lodge Officers. The Master and Wardens are to be duly installed on or before such St. John the Evangelists
* See Article 3.04, page 7. See Article 5.01, page 9. (Rev. 2001)

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Day, except by virtue of a Dispensation granted by the Grand Master. If an officer succeeds himself in the same office, he need not be reinstalled.
Adopted December 2, 1987

17.09. The Master, Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary shall not enter upon their duties until duly installed, and former officers shall continue in office until their successors are duly qualified. 17.10. In case of the death, default of election, refusal to be installed or for any reason a vacancy occurs in the office of a Master, Warden, Treasurer or Secretary, a Dispensation may be granted by the Grand Master to permit a special election to fill any such vacancy until the next annual election. A member who does not reside in Pennsylvania may be elected and serve as Master, Warden, Treasurer or Secretary, or any such duly elected officer who moves outside the State of Pennsylvania may continue to serve as such, provided such nonresidence will not prevent the performance of the duties of his office. 17.11. No Brother can be elected Master of a Lodge, unless he has been elected and served as Warden of a Lodge within this Jurisdiction, except at the formation of a new Lodge, when no Past Warden, who is willing and qualified to act as Master, is to be found among the members, unless by virtue of a Dispensation, granted by the Grand Master.

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POWERS AND DUTIES OF LODGES 17.12. A Lodge must assemble for labor at least once in every month; but the Stated Meetings in the months of July and August may be omitted by vote of the Lodge. A Masonic month must elapse between Stated Meetings. The hour for meeting shall be fixed by the By-Laws of the Lodge. When a Stated Meeting of a Lodge falls on the eve or day of a religious or national holiday or on the day of a Communication of the Grand Lodge or of a District Meeting, such Stated Meeting may be changed without the amendment of the By-Laws of the Lodge to a different time on the day in question or to a day within seven days before or seven days after the date of the religious or national holiday or eve thereof or of the Communication of the Grand Lodge or of the District Meeting and if a Stated Meeting is held at a changed hour or on a changed date and notice thereof is properly given to the members of the Lodge, such Stated Meeting shall be a valid meeting for all purposes.
Adopted December 5, 1984

17.13. The stated place of meeting of a Lodge is inserted in its Warrant, but should circumstances at any time render such a place of meeting improper, the Master may convene the Lodge at some other place, within the limits named in the Warrant. But, no Lodge can be removed without the Masters knowledge, nor any motion made for that purpose unless he is present. When a motion is made to change the stated place of meeting of the Lodge, and is seconded by two Members, a summons with the Seal of the Lodge attached, attested by the Secretary, shall be issued to every Member, stating the proposition for removal, and assigning a time for acting upon it. Such summons shall be issued at least ten days before the meeting, and upon such special call no other business than that designated shall be entered upon. A vote of two-thirds of the Members present, and the approval of the Grand Master, or of the District Deputy Grand Master, shall be necessary to authorize such
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removal. If it is decided in favor of removal, immediate notice of the place to which the Lodge has been removed shall be given to the Grand Secretary. The minority may appeal from the vote of the Lodge, directing such removal, and a hearing shall be given to both parties in the Grand Lodge before such removal is confirmed and registered. Removals from one room to another in the same building may be made at any Stated Meeting of the Lodge, provided one months notice of the intention to vote on a Resolution to remove is given to all the Members. The Worshipful Master may, with permission of the District Deputy Grand Master, cancel or postpone a Lodge Meeting in the event of local or weather emergencies. Appropriate notice of the postponement or cancellation of the Lodge Meeting shall be provided to all Members by public or private means as are reasonably practical.
Adopted December 8, 2000

17.14. Elections shall be held, and all other business and work shall be done, in a Master Masons Lodge, excepting only such business or work as shall strictly belong to a Fellow Craft or Entered Apprentice Masons Lodge. A Lodge may, when conferring Degrees other than that of Master Mason, open and close on the Degree which is to be conferred.
Adopted December 8, 2000

17.15. Every Lodge shall have power to frame By-Laws for its own government, provided they are not inconsistent with the Constitution of the Grand Lodge. The By-Laws of every Lodge shall be submitted for examination by the Grand Lodge, and, when approved, a copy must be deposited with the Grand Secretary. Such By-Laws shall be delivered by the Grand Secretary to the Committee on By-Laws, which shall report thereon to the Grand Lodge for its approbation, and until approved they shall not be valid.
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17.16. A Committee shall be appointed and announced at a Stated Meeting of the Lodge preceding St. John the Evangelists Day in every year to audit the accounts of the Lodge as of the close of the current calendar year. The Trustees of the Lodge shall present a copy of their Report to the Audit Committee by February 15 and report to the Lodge at the Stated Meeting next following such date. The Audit Committee shall submit their Report to the Lodge no later than the March Stated Meeting for approval, a copy of which shall immediately be sent to the District Deputy Grand Master. After review by the District Deputy Grand Master, the Report shall be at once forwarded to the Grand Secretary, to arrive no later than April 15.
Adopted December 6, 1989

17.17. Every Lodge is required to submit to the Office of the Grand Secretary a Monthly Return designed by the Grand Secretary providing information relating to membership statistics, i.e., (1) Petitions presented for membership and/or membership and initiation and actions taken, i.e., Approved or Elected, Rejected, Withdrawn, Null/Void; (2) Initiations, Passings and Raisings; (3) Deaths; (4) Resignations; (5) Suspensions and Expulsions with the reason; (6) Members restored to good Masonic standing and/or Members restored to membership; and (7) Address changes. This Monthly Return shall be completed and submitted immediately following each monthly Stated Meeting disclosing all changes since the preceding Stated Meeting. Supplemental Returns may be required at the direction of the Grand Secretary. Every Lodge is required to prepare a General Return (Annual Return) to be filed in the Office of the Grand Secretary on or before the first Wednesday in March summarizing the Monthly and Supplemental Returns for the preceding Masonic Year. Unless a dispensation is granted by the R.W. Grand Master extending the time of filing, the Warrant of a defaulting Lodge is ipso facto suspended.

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17, 17.18

Every Lodge is required to submit the names of all Elected and Appointed Officers as required on a format provided by the Grand Secretary immediately following the Stated Meeting in December.
Adopted December 2, 1987

17.18. Warrants of all Lodges suspended for delinquency as to returns, may be revived by the Grand Master, on receipt of such returns. 17.19. A Lodge shall pay its dues to the Grand Lodge on or before December 31st of each year based upon the General Return membership figures of the prior year. A Lodge failing to pay its dues to the Grand Lodge, on or before the first day of March, for the preceding year, shall be charged interest on the same, from the date, at six percent, per annum. Any Lodge in arrears to the Grand Lodge for two years dues or rent shall be notified thereof by the Grand Secretary; and, if all arrearages due the Grand Lodge are not paid in full within six months from the date of such notice, its Warrant is ipso facto suspended, and, unless cause is shown to the contrary, at the next Quarterly Communication it shall be vacated. During the suspension or sequestration of the Warrant of a Lodge, neither its officers, members, nor Representative can sit in the Grand Lodge, or visit any Subordinate Lodge.
Adopted December 5, 1990

17.20. A Lodge may be dissolved: 1. By neglecting to make its returns in due time; 2. By neglecting to pay its dues or rent to the Grand Lodge; 3. By not assembling during twelve months; 4. By the death or resignation of its members; 5. By unmasonic conduct, and the resumption of its Warrant by the Grand Lodge therefor.
(Rev. 1996)

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17.21. The Grand Master may, on application and notice, sequestrate the Warrant of a Lodge for violation of the Landmarks, or for such act or acts of insubordination as tend to destroy the peace and harmony, or imperil the character of the Craft. But the Warrant of a Lodge cannot be forfeited until it has been duly warned of its offense, and has been summoned by the Grand Secretary, to answer the charge made against it. 17.22. When a Lodge is dissolved, it is the duty of its last Treasurer and Secretary, within three months after its dissolution, to surrender to the Grand Secretary, the Warrant, books, papers, jewels, furniture, and funds of such Lodge; and the last presiding officer must transmit to the Grand Secretary an inventory thereof, and be responsible for the execution of this Article. No Brother of such Lodge shall be admitted into any other Lodge, or entitled to the benefits of Freemasonry, until he has paid to the Grand Secretary, all arrears due by him to such Lodge, or had the same remitted by the Grand Lodge, and obtained a certificate of the same, which he must present with his petition for membership to the Lodge to which he petitions therefor; provided that this shall not apply to the members of any Lodge which may be dissolved for unmasonic conduct; in which cases the Brother must be restored by a vote of the Grand Lodge, before he can obtain any such certificate. 17.23. A Lodge not distinguished by a name, being desirous of obtaining one, must produce its Warrant to the Grand Master, who will direct the Grand Secretary to endorse thereon the name selected and to certify the same, under his hand and the seal of the Grand Lodge, but no Lodge shall be named for a living person. 17.24. Every Lodge shall have a seal, to be affixed to its Certificates, and other documents proper for publication. An impression from its seal shall be sent to the Grand Secretary, and due notice given him of any change in such seal, with an impression from the substitute.

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17.25. No Lodge, or Brother is permitted to print or publish, or cause to be printed or published, the whole, or any part of the proceedings of any Lodge, or the Grand Lodge, nor shall any Brother publish any work, or discourse, relative to Freemasonry, without previously obtaining the consent of the Grand Master, nor shall any communication relative to the affairs of the Grand Lodge be read in a Subordinate Lodge, or become any part of the business thereof, unless its author be a member of that Lodge, or unless permitted by the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master. 17.26. A Lodge Certificate shall not be granted by the officers of the Lodge to a Brother, unless he has been a member thereof, and resigned therefrom, or after suspension or expulsion, has been restored to good Masonic standing.* 17.27. No Lodge, officer, or member of a Lodge, shall be permitted to grant a certificate or recommendation to enable any Brother to proceed from Lodge to Lodge as a pauper, or in an itinerant manner to apply to Lodges for relief. 17.28. A Lodge in this Jurisdiction, or Lodges in other Jurisdictions, may delegate to another Lodge in this Jurisdiction the advancement of any Brother.
Adopted December 5, 1984

17.29. The fees for initiation and admission to membership shall not be less than the sum of $175.00, of which $25.00 must be placed in the Permanent Fund of the Lodge. In the event the Lodge does not have a Permanent Fund, one must be created by Amendment of the Lodges By-Laws. Any amount in excess of the minimum fee for initiation and admission to membership shall be such as each Lodge ordains for itself, subject to the approval of the Grand Lodge.
Adopted December 4, 1985

* See Article 11.01 to 11.03, pages 17 and 18. Set Article 17.04, page 47.

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17.30. Any Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons within this Jurisdiction, after having secured the approval of the Grand Master, and he in turn that of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, may upon due notice hold a meeting in the Symbolic Lodge Room of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Building at Alexandria, Virginia, and confer degrees upon duly approved candidates with the same responsibility upon the Worshipful Master of the Lodge for the proper conduct of the meeting that would be his for a meeting conducted within the Jurisdiction.

17.31. Any Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons within this Jurisdiction, after having secured the approval of the Grand Master may, under such conditions, rules and regulations as shall be determined upon by the Committee on Masonic Homes, and upon due notice, hold a meeting in the Masonic Temple of the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, or may under such conditions, rules and regulations as shall be determined upon by the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation, and upon due notice, hold a meeting in the Chapel at the Masonic Conference Center (Patton Campus) at Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, and confer degrees upon duly approved candidates with the same responsibility upon the Worshipful Master of the Lodge for the proper conduct of the meeting that would be his for a meeting conducted at the regular place of meeting of his Lodge.
Adopted December 4, 1985

17.32. Any Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons within this Jurisdiction which does not regularly meet in the Masonic Temple, No. l North Broad Street, Philadelphia, after having secured the approval of the Grand Master may, under such conditions, rules and regulations as shall be determined upon by the Committee on Temple, and upon due notice, hold a meeting

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17, 17.33

in said Masonic Temple, and confer degrees upon duly approved candidates with the same responsibility upon the Worshipful Master of the Lodge for the proper conduct of the meeting that would be his for a meeting conducted at the regular place of meeting of his Lodge. 17.33. Any Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons within this Jurisdiction, after having secured the approval of the Grand Master, and he in turn that of the Grand Master of a sister Jurisdiction, may upon due notice exemplify the Pennsylvania Work in a Lodge in the sister Jurisdiction. Any Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of a sister Jurisdiction having secured the approval of the Grand Master of the sister Jurisdiction, and he in turn that of the Grand Master of Pennsylvania, may upon due notice exemplify the Work of the sister Jurisdiction within a Pennsylvania Lodge but only after the Pennsylvania Lodge has been called off from labor or closed.

ARTICLE 18 Officers of Lodges MASTER 18.01. It is the duty of the Master to enforce the observance of the Constitution, and the Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge, and the By-Laws of his Lodge; and see that the officers discharge their duties faithfully; that true and correct minutes are made of all Lodge proceedings; that true and correct accounts are kept, and exhibited at the stated times, according to the By-Laws and orders of the Lodge and its Master; and that the property and funds of the Lodge are justly managed and dispensed.

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18.02. It is also his duty to attend all Communications of the Grand Lodge. He is empowered to call special meetings of his Lodge at pleasure. He has charge of the Warrant of constitution, which must always be displayed in the Lodge when it is opened, and during its labors. To him belongs the appointment of all officers of the Lodge not elective, and of all committees not otherwise provided for. 18.03. When there is no Warrant displayed, there can be no Lodge opened. The Master, when he cannot attend, shall give the Warrant to the Senior Warden, and in his absence to the Junior Warden; and if all three are absent, no Lodge can be opened, except by the Grand Master, or some Brother specially authorized by him for that purpose.

WARDENS 18.04. In the absence of the Master, the Wardens, according to rank, shall supply his place until his return, or until the next annual election. 18.05. The duty of the Wardens in the Lodge is to assist the Master in conducting its labors. It is also their duty to attend all Communications of the Grand Lodge. When the Lodge is called off, it is under the government of the Junior Warden, who shall remain in his station. He may permit any Brother to retire, but he cannot admit any Brother without the permission of the Master.

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18, 18.06

TREASURER 18.06. The Treasurer shall keep a correct account of all moneys received by him, and pay out the same only on orders drawn upon him by the authority of the Lodge, which shall be signed by the Master, and countersigned by the Secretary. He shall make regular entries of his receipts and expenditures, and have his books and vouchers ready for examination, at the times fixed by the By-Laws, or whenever called upon by the Master. He shall open an account in the name of the Lodge, as Treasurer, in a bank or trust company to be designated by the Lodge, through which all moneys received and paid by him on account of the Lodge shall pass.

SECRETARY 18.07. The Secretary shall keep a record of all the transactions of the Lodge proper to be committed to writing, that they may be submitted to the Master, or a committee of the Lodge, and to the Grand Master whenever required. He shall preserve a copy of the By-Laws of the Lodge, and of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, and a list of the members of the Lodge, with the dates of their initiation or admission. He shall make a record of all the petitions for initiation and membership, or membership only, and the action of the Lodge thereon; and of the suspensions, expulsions, resignations, and deaths of members, restorations to good Masonic standing, and restorations to membership, and give notice thereof to the Grand Secretary immediately after the meeting at which the same take place. He shall immediately notify all rejected petitioners that they have been rejected.*

* See Article 21.13, page 72.

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18.08. He shall, on or immediately before the fifteenth day of November in each year, forward to the Grand Secretary a correct list of all the members of the Lodge who are also members of the Grand Lodge. He shall also make out the annual return of the Lodge which is required by Article 17.17, p. 51, and retain a duplicate thereof. 18.09. He shall issue to all the Members notices for all Stated Meetings in which he shall give the full name,* age, occupation, residence of every petitioner whose petition is pending for initiation and membership, or membership only, and the names of the members forming the Committee of Inquiry, but he shall not give the names of the recommenders in said notices. He shall also send a notice of each meeting to the District Deputy Grand Master. In the notices for the Stated Meeting of the Lodge to be held one month before the annual election, he shall state the amount of dues which may be owing by the Member to whom the notice is sent, on the night of the annual election. He shall make his returns at the time and in the form required by the Grand Lodge and perform such other duties as may pertain to his office or be required by the Ahiman Rezon. He shall perform every act as Secretary, which the Master of the Lodge may direct, in aid of the business of the Lodge, or concerning the same. He shall keep a record, in which shall be recorded the place of residence of each Member of the Lodge, which record shall be the best evidence of the residence of said Member.
Adopted December 4, 2002

OTHER OFFICERS 18.10. The duties of the Chaplain, Deacons, and other officers of the Lodge, are similar to those of the corresponding Officers in the Grand Lodge. 18.11. The place of the Junior Master of Ceremonies is in front and at the right hand of the Senior Warden, and his business is to attend to the preparing-room door. The place of
* It is indispensable that the complete name shall be written with first, middle and last names, all spelled correctly. If the legal title of an individual consists of an initial instead of a full name, so designate. If there is no middle name or names, so state. (Rev. 2002)

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the Senior Master of Ceremonies is in front and at the left hand of the Senior Warden, and his business is to attend to the examining-room door. The place of the Pursuivant is in front of the Senior Warden, and his business is to attend to the outer door. The place of the Tyler is at the outer door, which it is his business to guard.

ARTICLE 19 Members 19.01. When a member of the Lodge changes his residence, he shall notify the Secretary of the Lodge of which he is a member. The Lodge may proceed against a member for nonpayment of dues after having given him due notice of the same. Dues are payable at the beginning of each year. Those owing dues will be suspended at the January Stated Meeting after having been given due notice. The Lodge may at its discretion postpone suspension to the April Stated Meeting, but no longer. Fifty-year members and those members who are unable to pay their dues by reason of financial hardship determined after an investigation by the Lodge shall not be suspended but may have their dues remitted. The By-Laws of any of the Lodges which are in conflict with the foregoing are hereby annulled.
Adopted December 7, 1988

19.02. A Brother who has been suspended for non-payment of dues may, on the payment of the same, be restored to good Masonic standing (which does not include restoration to membership), by a majority vote of the members present at any stated meeting of the Lodge. A Brother who has been suspended as aforesaid, may, on the payment of all arrears of dues to the
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time of his suspension, be restored to membership within one year from the date of his suspension, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any stated meeting of the Lodge, after due and timely notice to all the members; provided the resolution therefore has been offered at a previous stated meeting, and laid over for a Masonic month. A Brother restored to good Masonic standing cannot thereafter be restored to membership.* 19.03. A Candidate shall not receive more than one degree on the same day, or a subsequent degree at a less interval than one Masonic month from his reception of a former degree, without a Dispensation from the Grand Master or his representative to whom this authority has been deputed. But before the Entered Apprentice Mason Degree may be conferred on any Candidate, a Masonic month must have elapsed from the date of his approval by the Lodge, except by virtue of a Dispensation grantable by the Grand Master alone. And it is recommended to all Lodges to require proof of a Brothers proficiency in the Craft, either by examination in the Lodge or by the report of a Committee of Examination, before he is advanced. 19.04. Brethren made at sight or by Dispensation do not thereby become members of the Lodge in which they are made. To become members they must apply by petition, and be duly elected, as hereinafter provided. 19.05. Not more than five Freemasons can be made at one and the same session of the Lodge, or on the same day; nor any one under the age of twenty-one years, unless by a Dispensation from the Grand Master. 19.06. A Member of a Lodge ceases to be such by expulsion, suspension, or resignation. But no Member shall be permitted to resign and withdraw from membership until his dues have been paid or remitted by his Lodge, and a Member of a Lodge shall not be suspended for non-payment of dues while subject to Masonic charges.
* Restoration to membership must be completed within one year, and the dues must be paid in money. After a Brother has been restored to good Masonic standing he is then an unaffiliated Mason, and in order to become a member of a Lodge, must petition for membership in accordance with Article 20.01, page 63. See Article 20.01, page 63. Resignations must be in writing. (Rev. 2001)

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19, 19.07

A Member may terminate his membership in the Fraternity by voluntary resignation in one of two methods. The first is a resignation without prejudice, which will not prevent that Member from rejoining the Fraternity at a later time. The second is a resignation with prejudice, which will be conclusive and binding upon the individual so that he will not be able to rejoin a Fraternity at a later date for any reason whatsoever.
Adopted December 8, 2000

19.07. No Brother shall use his masonic connection or Lodge Certificate, or expose any Masonic emblem as a sign, in his business transactions. 19.08. If a Brother by his behavior shall disturb the harmony of the Lodge, he is thrice formally to be admonished by the Master; and if he persists in his irregular conduct, he may be punished according to the By-Laws, of his Lodge, or the Master may direct him to leave the room, and shall see that this direction is enforced before continuing the business of the Lodge. 19.09. A member of a Lodge in this Jurisdiction is permitted to be at the same time a member of more than one Lodge either in this or in another Jurisdiction. A member of a Lodge in another Jurisdiction may be at the same time a member of one or more Lodges in this Jurisdiction, if dual or plural membership is permitted by the other Jurisdiction. Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction may accept honorary membership from any Grand Lodge with which this Grand Lodge is in fraternal correspondence.
Adopted December 8, 2006

(Rev. 2007)

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ARTICLE 20 Petitions for Membership and Transfer of Membership 20.01. Any Brother in good Masonic standing who is not a member of a Lodge and desires to become a member, must apply by petition* and be recommended by two Master Masons, members of the Lodge, who must also sign the petition. The petition, on its presentation to the Lodge by the Secretary, must be read, and referred to a Committee of Inquiry, consisting of three Master Masons, members of the Lodge, none of whom shall be one of his recommenders, and at a subsequent stated meeting of the Lodge, not exceeding four months thereafter, if the Committee has unanimously reported in favor of the petition being granted, a ballot shall be had; and, if the petitioner receives a unanimous vote, he shall be declared elected; provided that inquiry has been made of the Grand Secretary, whether there is anything on the records of the Grand Lodge against the petitioner, and a favorable reply has been received from the Grand Secretary. A second ballot shall not be taken on a petition for membership, but a new petition may be presented to the same or any other Lodge, at any time. 20.02. When a Brother Master Mason desires to change his membership from one Lodge to another, he shall present a notice of his desire and a conditional resignation in writing to the Secretary of his Lodge, setting forth therein the Lodge in which he desires to become a member and his resignation from his present Lodge conditioned upon his acceptance in the Lodge of his choice. If presented at a stated meeting it shall be read in open Lodge at that meeting, and, if presented between meetings, at the next stated meeting, whereupon, if his dues are paid for at least six months in advance and there are no charges pending against him, there shall be issued to him, under the seal of the Lodge, a Transfer Certificate (for Form, see page 65). This Transfer Certificate shall be deposited with his petition in
* For Form, see page 188. See Article 21.03, page 68. See Article 21.10, page 71.

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the Lodge which he desires to join and shall be regarded as the necessary documentary evidence to accompany a Petition for Membership. If elected, the Secretary of the petitioned Lodge shall immediately notify the Lodge of which the Petitioner is a member (for Form, see page 65) and his resignation shall become effective and his membership therein shall cease as of the date of said election. If at the expiration of six months from the date of issuance of the Transfer Certificate the Petitioner has not been elected into Membership in the petitioned Lodge, the Transfer Certificate shall become null and void and the Petitioner shall remain a member of his original Lodge with no interruption in his membership record by reason of the issuance of the Transfer Certificate. The above procedure shall be followed when both Lodges are within our Jurisdiction. When a Member of a Lodge in our Jurisdiction desires to change his membership to a Lodge in another Jurisdiction, the above procedure shall be followed except that the Transfer Certificate (Form 11.05) shall be forwarded to our Grand Secretary and he in turn will forward it to the Grand Secretary of the Jurisdiction in which the other Lodge is located; also the Notice to Former Lodge of Election by Transfer will be handled through the respective Grand Secretaries. When a Member of a Lodge in another Jurisdiction wishes to transfer his Membership to a Lodge in our Jurisdiction, the Forms used by the other Jurisdiction shall be accepted in our Jurisdiction. All correspondence must be carried out through the respective Grand Secretaries. When a Brother petitions for membership only, he must present a Lodge Certificate under the seal of the Lodge of which he was last a member, a Transfer Certificate as herein provided, or furnish other satisfactory evidence that he is in good Masonic standing and, except when a Transfer Certificate is submitted, that he is not a member of any Lodge.

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Form 11.05
Whereas, Brother ______________________________________________________________________, a Master Mason and a member of _______________________________________________________ Lodge No. _________________________, Free and Accepted Masons, held at ______________________________ under a Warrant from the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, having filed with said Lodge a notice of his intention to conditionally resign therefrom and to petition ____________________ Lodge No. _____________________, Free and Accepted Masons of _________________________________ for membership in said Lodge and having conformed with the By-Laws of his Lodge: Therefore, we, the Master and Wardens of ___________________ Lodge No. _____________________, do grant him this Transfer Certificate as evidence of his right to file such Petition and of his conduct as a worthy Brother during his continuance among us, and recommend him to the kind consideration of the Fraternity. This Transfer Certificate to become null and void at the expiration of six months from the date hereof unless Brother ____________________________________________________________________________ shall have been elected to membership in _______________________________________________________ Lodge No.________________________________________________________, prior to said date. Witness our hands and the seal of our Lodge, at ______________________________________________, the _______________ day of __________, A.D. __________, A.L __________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Master ______________________________________________ Senior Warden ____________________________________________________ Junior Warden ATTEST Secretary _________________________________________________ [SEAL] Entered _____________________ Crafted ____________________ Raised ___________________________ Signature of the Petitioner ___________________________________________________________________

Form 11.06
To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of _________________________________________________________ Lodge No. _____________________, Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania: It is my intention to petition ______________________________________________________________________________ Lodge No. __________________________ , held at ________________________ for membership therein and I therefore submit my resignation, conditioned upon and to become effective only upon my acceptance in said Lodge, and I hereby request that a Transfer Certificate, as provided by the Ahiman Rezon, be issued to me. _________________________________________________________Signature Date ______________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Address

Form 11.07
To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of _________________________________________________________ Lodge No. _____________________, Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania: You are hereby notified that at a Stated Meeting of _______________________________________________________________ Lodge No. _______________, held at _______________, held on ____________________, 19 ___________, Brother ______________________________, late a member of your Lodge was elected to membership in this Lodge. _____________________________________________, Secretary _________________________________________________________Lodge No. ______________________ ____________________________________ Address of Secretary Date ______________________________ NOTE: TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP IS NOT FINAL UNTIL THIS FORM IS COMPLETED AND RETURNED.

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20, 20.03

20.03. A Brother who has been expelled or suspended, or who has resigned without prejudice for any other cause than for non-payment of dues or non-proficiency, and is desirous of being restored must apply at a Stated Meeting of the Lodge of which he was last a Member, when, if a majority of the Members of the Lodge present shall so decide, the Lodge shall request the Grand Lodge to remove the expulsion or suspension, and, after it is removed, the Brother may petition for membership in the same manner and subject to the same Rules and Regulations governing the proceedings in cases for membership. A Brother who has been expelled, suspended or otherwise disciplined by a Grand Master may only seek reaffiliation of such discipline by action of the Grand Master and the Grand Master alone.
Adopted December 8, 2000

ARTICLE 21 Petitions for Initiation and Membership 21.01. The requisite qualifications for initiation and membership in a Lodge are that the petitioner shall be a man, free born, of mature age, of good Masonic report, able to earn a livelihood for himself and family, read and write the English language; except in Lodges which have been warranted to work in the German language or the Spanish language, where the petitioner must be able to read and write the German language or the Spanish language, and perform the work of a member in a Lodge. He must be unbiased by improper solicitation and uninfluenced by mercenary or other improper motives. He shall have been a bona fide resident of this Jurisdiction for at least one year prior to the presentation of his petition; provided, however, that a bona fide resident of another Jurisdiction who is desirous of presenting a petition for initiation and membership to a Lodge within this Jurisdiction may present such petition, but no action can be taken on same by the Lodge, until a waiver of jurisdiction has been obtained by the Grand Master from the Grand Lodge of the Jurisdiction in which the petitioner resides.
Adopted December 4, 1996 (Rev. 2001)

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He must apply by petition, to be presented at a stated meeting of the Lodge. His petition must be in writing, or partly written and partly printed.* He must sign the petition with his full name, set forth therein his age, occupation, and residence, that he has not been rejected by any regularly constituted Masonic Lodge, and that he believes in the existence of a Supreme Being. He must be recommended by two Master Masons, one of whom must be a Member of the Lodge being petitioned.
Adopted December 3, 1997

The petition, on its presentation to the Lodge by the Secretary, must be read, and referred to a Committee of Inquiry, consisting of three Master Masons, members of the Lodge, none of whom shall be a recommender.
Adopted December 7, 1994

21.02. The petition having been presented at one stated meeting, action by the Lodge can be had at the next or some subsequent stated meeting, not exceeding four months thereafter, if a favorable report is made; provided that one month shall have elapsed since the meeting at which the petition was presented; and provided, further, that inquiry has been made of the Grand Secretary, whether there is anything on the records of the Grand Lodge against the petitioner, and a favorable reply has been received from the Grand Secretary. If the four months for making the report shall expire at a time when the meetings of the Lodge are omitted, the report may be made at the first stated meeting of the Lodge which shall occur thereafter.

* For Form, see page 185. See footnote on page 59. His residence, and not his business address must be given. For Form, see page 189. See Article 21.10, page 71.

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21, 21.03

21.03. The Committee, or one of its number, shall wait on the petitioner, read to him his petition, and inquire whether he subscribes to all the conditions thereof. The Committee shall make diligent and careful inquiry as to all matters which pertain to the character and residence of the petitioner, and a report to be favorable, must be signed by all the members of the Committee. If any member of the Committee refuses or fails to act, the Master may appoint another member in his place, who shall not report immediately, but may report at the stated meeting next succeeding his appointment. If the Committee fails to report within four months, the petition shall be declared null and void. If one of the Committee reports unfavorably, the petitioner shall be declared rejected. 21.04. When the report has been read to the Lodge, if it is favorable, the Master shall order a ballot to be taken on the petition, and one black ball shall reject the petitioner. Every member of the Lodge present, unless excused by the Master, on his own application shall vote upon this ballot, that unanimity before initiation may be ascertained. If by the ballot the petitioner is rejected, and it has been so announced, a test ballot may be had by order of the Master, if he believes that error or mistake has occurred; provided, especially, that no member has left the Lodge room after the first ballot was had, and before the test ballot is taken; and provided, further, that it is stated as the reason for said test ballot, that it is believed that the result of the first ballot was an error or mistake. Every member of the Lodge present must vote on the test ballot. 21.05. If the petitioner, having been balloted for and approved, does not present himself for initiation within six months thereafter, all proceedings in his case are void. If the six months shall expire at a time when the meetings of the Lodge are omitted, the initiation may take place at the first meeting of the Lodge which shall occur thereafter. A petition

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for initiation and membership cannot be withdrawn until a favorable report shall have been made, and then only by permission of a majority of all the members present. 21.06. In case of a rejection upon a ballot, a second ballot upon the petition may be had, provided that the motion therefor shall be made at the same or a subsequent stated meeting held within six months after the rejection. Such motion shall lie over until the next or some subsequent stated meeting, not exceeding three months thereafter, and, if the motion is adopted, the second ballot must be had at the next stated meeting after the adoption of the resolution, notice thereof being given to all the members. When a petitioner is rejected, the Secretary shall forthwith send notice, under the seal of the Lodge, of the fact of rejection to the petitioner, and to the Grand Secretary, giving the full name, age, occupation, and residence of the petitioner.* 21.07. If the report of the Committee is favorable, and the ballot approves the petitioner, he may receive the first degree in Freemasonry subject, however, to objection from any Member of the Lodge until initiation. When an objection is made, it must be entered on the Minutes and cannot be withdrawn. Such objection shall have the same force and effect as a rejection by ballot, and the petitioner shall be in the same position as on a rejection by ballot. If no objection is made, and the degree is completed, any objection to advancement must be in the form of a charge against the Brother, which must be tried in a Lodge of Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft Masons, in which the charge was made. After any charge has been preferred, he shall not be advanced, and if upon trial he is found guilty, he shall receive such Masonic discipline as shall be determined by the trial committee.
Adopted December 8, 2000

* See Article 21.13, page 72. See Article 21.14, page 72. (Rev. 2001)

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21, 21.08

21.08. A resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania may apply for initiation and membership to any Lodge within the county of his residence or any contiguous county and inquiry of any other Lodge is not mandatory. In all other cases, however, when a petition is received by a Lodge, other than that which is nearest to the place of residence of a petitioner, the Lodge receiving such petition for initiation and membership, shall under its seal, request a Lodge within this Jurisdiction, nearest the place of residence of the petitioner, to appoint a Committee of Inquiry, consisting of three Master Masons, members of the Lodge. The Committee shall be appointed as soon as the request is received. The request need not be read in Lodge before the Committee is appointed. The notices for the meeting of the Lodge inquired of shall state A Committee of Inquiry has been appointed to determine the standing and character of __________ and his fitness to be made a Mason in __________ Lodge No. _____ and shall give the age, occupation and residence of the petitioner. If the inquiry is received in sufficient time to print it in the notice for the next stated meeting, it shall be placed in that notice. The Committee appointed by the Worshipful Master shall promptly make diligent and careful inquiry as to the character and fitness of the petitioner to be made a Mason and determine whether any valid Masonic objection exists against him. The report of the Committee to be favorable must be signed by all members of the Committee. If any member of the Committee refuses or fails to act, the Master shall appoint another member in his place. If one member of the Committee reports unfavorably, the petitioner must be considered as unworthy. When the Committee has completed its investigation, it shall submit its report in writing to the Worshipful Master at the stated meeting, the notice for which informed the members of the appointment of the Committee of Inquiry. The Worshipful Master shall then direct the Secretary of the Lodge to certify under the seal of the Lodge to the Grand Secretary the result of the investigation.

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21.09. The Lodge receiving the petition shall not act thereon, until it has received notice from the Grand Secretary authorizing it to take such action.* 21.10. In all cases, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Lodge receiving a petition for initiation and membership, or for membership only, to inquire of the Grand Secretary whether there is anything on the records of the Grand Lodge against the petitioner, giving his full name, age, occupation, and residence, as set out in his petition; and, when necessary, stating he does not reside near the Lodge to which he has sent his petition for initiation and membership, or for membership only, until it makes the above inquiry, and receives a favorable reply from the Grand Secretary. 21.11. The fact that a petitioner does not reside nearest to the Lodge to which he applies, is no disqualification for initiation and membership therein; but if a petitioner so petitions, and the Lodge inquired of replies, under its seal, that a Masonic objection exists, such reply shall be entered on the minutes of the Lodge to which the petitioner has applied, and is equal to an objection, which stops all proceedings of said Lodge, and the petitioner is left to the same course as a rejected petitioner, as hereinafter provided. 21.12. In all cases in which a person petitioning for initiation and membership, or for membership only, in a Lodge, is rejected, the Secretary shall record on the minutes of the Lodge the fact of the rejection, and forthwith send notice of the same, under the seal of the Lodge, to the petitioner, and to the Grand Secretary, as required in Article 21.06.

* See Article 21.10, page 71. See footnote on page 59. See Article 21.15, page 73.

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21, 21.13

BALLOT 21.13. The right of each member to vote by ballot is a right vested in him. For the exercise of this right, he can never be questioned, either by the Lodge, a member, or any other Masonic authority, unless he shall acknowledge that he has acted upon un-masonic reasons. It is the right of each member of a Lodge to cast a ballot, as his conscience and Masonic light command. But it should never be exercised to gratify personal malice, spite, revenge, or any private animosity, or unkindness, or for personal objection of the member, which is individual only to the petitioner, and does not affect his character as a member of society. The black ball is to protect the Lodge, the Craft, and the fair name of the Fraternity of Freemasons; and on such grounds it is a duty to cast a black ball, if the member so voting, believes that the initiation and membership of the petitioner would bring reproach on the Fraternity, by reason of the unfitness of such petitioner to become a Freemason. A REJECTED PETITIONER FOR INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIPFURTHER PROCEEDINGS 21.14. At or after the expiration of six months from the date of his final rejection on the first petition, the rejected petitioner may present a second petition* for initiation and membership, in the Lodge that rejected him; which petition shall be subject to the same proceedings by the Lodge as in the case of a first petition, except that it cannot be withdrawn until a ballot has been taken and the petitioner approved. A second ballot cannot be taken on a second or subsequent petition. If the petitioner is again rejected, the same course shall be followed by the Secretary, as in the case of the first petition and rejection, stating in addition, in the notice to the Grand Secretary, that it is a second rejection.

* For Form, see page 186. See Article 21.02 to 21.09, pp. 67-71. See Article 21.13, page 72.

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21.15. At or after the expiration of one year from the rejection, on second petition, the petitioner may apply* in writing to the same Lodge that rejected him, stating that he has been informed that he has been twice rejected therein, and that he believes that the objection, which previously existed against him, does not now exist, and asking the Lodge to permit him to present to it a third petition for initiation and membership. On receipt of this application, the Lodge shall order the same to lie over for one month, and notice shall be given to all the members, that at the next stated meeting the Lodge will act on said application. At the next stated meeting the Master shall direct the Secretary to read the application, and when the same is read, the Master shall direct a ballot to be taken thereon. If the ballot is not unanimous, it ends all action by the Lodge in the case for one year, after which the petitioner may again apply, when the application shall be subject to the same proceedings. If the ballot is unanimous, the petitioner may present a third petition, subject to the same Rules and Regulations governing the proceedings in cases of first and second petitions for initiation and membership. If the petitioner is again rejected, this rejection ends all action by the Lodge in the case. 21.16. When a petition for initiation and membership is received by a Lodge from one who has been rejected in this Jurisdiction at least 10 years prior to the presentation of such petition, all action upon the same shall be subject to the direction of the Grand Master.

* For Form, see page 188.

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22, 22.01

ARTICLE 22 Trials and Appeals* 22.01. When a charge or charges are made against a Brother, they must be in writing. Each charge must be specific, stating the matter complained of, and to each charge there must be added such special matter, in the nature of a specification, as will bring the subject complained of to the understanding of the Lodge, great care being taken that nothing is put in writing that violates the Landmarks of Freemasonry. After the charge or charges, and specifications, are prepared by an experienced Brother, or submitted to such for examination as to the special care required, the same shall be presented at a stated meeting of the Lodge, and read by the Secretary. 22.02. A motion may then be made to refer the same to a committee, to report if a trial is necessary. If, however, the Lodge deems it best, a majority vote shall cause said charge or charges, and specifications, to be sent to a committee to try the Brother on the same. If the Lodge resolves to try the Brother, the Master shall appoint the committee. If the trial results in conviction and suspension or expulsion, the entire record connected with the trial shall be filed in the Grand Secretarys office with the records of the Lodge. 22.03. The accused Brother may appeal to the Grand Lodge, from the final action of the Lodge in his case, within six months thereafter; and any member of the Lodge, or any affiliated Mason, who believes that a wrong has been done to the interests of Freemasonry by the said action of the Lodge, may likewise appeal to the Grand Lodge within six months thereafter. The proceedings on the appeal are governed by Articles 13.11 to 13.19, pages 32 to 35.

* For Manner of Trial and Forms, see page 164.

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ARTICLE 23 Precedence of Lodges* 23.01. A Lodge cannot participate in any public ceremony, unless it so participates as a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. If it appears as a Lodge, all the members shall appear in Masonic dress, the officers wearing their appropriate jewels and aprons, the other members white lambskin aprons; except at funerals when jewels and aprons shall be omitted. A Lodge cannot appear in public without the permission of the Grand Master first had and obtained, on a statement made by the Master, of the purpose of the ceremony in public. 23.02. When a Lodge is called out to attend the funeral of a Brother, it must have precedence of all other associations and societies. The funeral ceremonies for a deceased Brother, established by the Grand Lodge, must be used. ARTICLE 24 Visitors 24.01. A visitor unknown to the Master, but vouched for by a Brother present, that he has Masonic knowledge that the visitor is a Brother Mason, or having passed a satisfactory examination by a committee of the Lodge, may be admitted by the Master at his will and pleasure; but the Master may, and should, refuse admittance to any one who will disturb the harmony of the Lodge. Visitors may be present during an election of officers.
Adopted December 5, 1984

24.02. By an Amendment to the Ahiman Rezon, adopted December 8, 2000, Article 24.02 was omitted in its entirety.

* See Article 14.01, page 41. For the Masonic Burial Service, see pages 147 to 163. (Rev. 2001)

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25, 25.01

ARTICLE 25 Amendments 25.01. No amendment or alteration of the Ahiman Rezon shall be made, unless it is proposed in writing at the Annual Grand Communication, or at the March or June Quarterly Communications, and considered at the Quarterly Communication in December* next succeeding; nor shall any amendment or alteration of the Rules and Regulations of the Grand Lodge be made, unless it is proposed in writing at one Quarterly Communication, and acted upon at the next or some subsequent Communication. In either case, notice of such proposed amendment or alteration shall be given to the Lodges, and such amendment or alteration shall receive the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Grand Lodge present or represented. ARTICLE 26 Seal of the Grand Lodge 26.01. The following is a representation of the Seal of the Grand Lodge.

* See Article 9.18-9.19, page 15. See Article 12.09, page 21 and page 214.

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1, 1.01




SECTION 1 PRAYERS USED IN LODGES 1.01 Prayer at the Opening of a Lodge

Most Holy and Glorious Lord GOD, Thou Great Architect of Heaven and Earth, Who art the Giver of all good gifts and graces, and hast promised that where two or three are gathered together in Thy Name, Thou wilt be in the midst of them: In Thy Name we assemble and meet together, most humbly beseeching Thee to bless us in all our undertakings, that we may know and serve Thee aright, and that all our doings may tend to Thy glory. Amen. Response by the Brethren: So mote it be.


Prayer at the Making of a Mason

We beseech Thee, O Lord GOD, to bless this our present undertaking, and grant that this candidate for Freemasonry may dedicate his life to Thy service, and become a true and faithful Brother among us. Endue him with a competency of Thy Divine wisdom, that he may, through the influence of the pure principles of our Fraternity, be better enabled to display the beauties of holiness to the honor of Thy great Name. Amen.


Prayer at the Closing of a Lodge

May the blessings of Heaven rest on us, and on all regular Freemasons! May we practice out of the Lodge those principles of religion and morality we are taught within it! May every moral and

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1, 1.03

social virtue cement us in the bonds of peace and fraternal love, and procure Thy gracious favor, O blessed LORD GOD, Who livest and reignest in indescribable glory and happiness, forever and ever. Amen. Response by the Brethren: So mote it be.

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SECTION 2 CHARGES 2.01 Charge to the Grand Master at his Installation

Let me congratulate you, Right Worshipful Sir, on being raised to the high station of Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons in Pennsylvania, and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging. The Brethren look with confidence to your experience and wisdom as enabling you to fill that station, dignified and illustrated by a long line of noble Grand Masters, with honor to yourself, and advantage to the Fraternity. You go up to it endeared to us all by bonds of brotherhood, in maintaining which you have never been found wanting by any Freemason. You carry with you our hopes and prayers that the Father of Light, of Life, of Love, may endow you with His good and perfect gifts; that His wisdom may enlighten your mind; that His power may strengthen your hands; and that His goodness may fill your heart, and so you will be steadfast in justice and liberal in charity, qualities which do more become your place than all its outward symbols. Let me congratulate you, the Officers of the Grand Lodge and other Brethren, on the election of our Grand Master. As it is his duty to command, according to our Constitutions, so it is ours with readiness to obey. If we look outside of the Lodge, we will find that upon this right to command, and duty to obey, not merely is all civil society organized, but so is the very frame of the physical and moral government of GOD. What is the ruler among men? What is the Almighty Maker among the stars of heaven? What He is among the angelic host, the angels of knowledge and power, that, in a Masonic sense, is this Grand Master in this Grand Lodge among us, his Brethren. He is in authority over us, and therefore is ordained of GOD. He says to this man, Come, and he cometh; to that man, Go, and he

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2, 2.02

goeth. And it is well for us to be so mastered. In this obedience we learn our higher duties, and prepare for admission, after life ended, into the Temple not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. While we respect ourselves, venerate our Fraternity, and practice the principles we are taught at the Altar, which represents the footstool of the throne of The Eternal, the surest evidence we can give of our faith and our work, is so to testify of them that among the Brethren the highest claim of merit, is for him who honors Freemasonry, obeys its Ancient Usages, Customs, and Landmarks, is dutiful to the Grand Lodge, and honors the Grand Master. Response by the Brethren: Amen. So mote it ever be with the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons.


Charge to the Warrant Master of a Lodge at his Installation at the Constitution of a Lodge

Worshipful Brother:You have been of too long standing, and are too good a member of our Lodge, to require now any information as to the duties of your office. What you have seen praiseworthy in others, we doubt not you will imitate; and what you have seen blameworthy, you will in yourself avoid. We have, therefore, great reason to expect that you will be constant and regular in your attendance on the Lodge, faithful and diligent in the discharge of your duty; and that you will make the honor of the Supreme Architect of the Universe, and the good of the Craft, the chief objects of your regard. While we are confident that you will give all due heed to the Laws and Regulations of our Fraternity, as more particularly becoming your present station, we trust that you will, at the same time, require a due obedience to them from every member, well knowing that without this the best Laws are useless. For a pattern of imitation, consider the sun, which, rising in the East, regularly diffuses light and life to all within its system. In

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like manner it is your province to spread the light of Freemasonry among the Brethren of the Lodge. Forcibly impress upon them the dignity and high importance of Freemasonry, and seriously admonish them never to disgrace it. Charge them to practice out of the Lodge those duties which they have been taught within it; and, by amiable, discreet, and virtuous conduct, to convince mankind of the excellence of the Institution; so that when any one is said to be a Freemason, it may be also said of him, that he is one to whom the burdened heart may pour out its sorrows and not be betrayed; to whom distress always may prefer its suit and not be rejected; who is never prevented by any difference of faith or opinions from being the friend of good and true men of all professions; who listens to the warnings of temperance and to the voice of humility; and whose hand is guided by justice, and whose heart is filled with benevolence. In a word, that he is one whose life is the daily proof of his love of GOD, and of his regard for men. Tell them that whatever eloquence they may exert in speaking of the excellence of Freemasonry, it is their example only which can recommend it to the esteem of the world. From the knowledge, Worshipful Sir, we already have of your zeal and abilities, we rest assured that you will discharge the duties of your important station in such a manner as will redound to your own honor, as well as to the honor of the Lodge, over which you are elected to preside. 2.03 A Charge at the Opening of a Lodge

Brethren:As useful knowledge is the great object of our desire, we ought to apply ourselves with zeal to the practice and profession of Freemasonry. The ways of wisdom are beautiful, and lead to pleasure. Knowledge is attained by degrees, and cannot everywhere be found. Wisdom seeks the secret shade, and the lonely cell, designed for contemplation. There enthroned she sits, delivering her sacred oracles. There we are to seek her, and to pursue the real bliss. Though the passage is difficult, the farther we trace it the easier it will become.

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2, 2.04

If we are united, our Fraternity must flourish. Let all private animosities, therefore, if any should exist, give place to peace and good fellowship. Uniting in the same grand design, let us be happy ourselves, and endeavor to contribute to the happiness of others. Let us promote the useful arts, and by that means mark our superiority and distinction. Let us cultivate the moral virtues, and improve in all that is good and amiable. Let the genius of Freemasonry preside over our conduct, and, under her sovereign sway, let us preserve a nobleness and justness of understanding, politeness of manners, and evenness of temper. Let our recreations be innocent and pursued with moderation; and never let us suffer irregular indulgences to expose our character to derision and contempt. Thus, shall we act in conformity to our precepts, and support the name we have always borne, of being a respectable, regular, and uniform Fraternity. 2.04 A Charge at the Closing of a Lodge

Brethren :You are now about to quit the sacred retreat of friendship and virtue, to mix again with the world. Amidst its concerns and employments, forget not the duties you have heard so frequently inculcated and forcibly recommended within this Lodge. Be, therefore, diligent, prudent, temperate, discreet. And remember, also, that around this Altar you have solemnly and repeatedly promised to befriend and relieve, with unhesitating cordiality, so far as shall be in your power, every Brother who shall need your assistance; that you have promised to remind him, in the most tender manner, of his failings, and aid his reformation; to vindicate his character when wrongfully traduced; and to suggest in his behalf the most candid, favorable, and palliating circumstances, even when his conduct is justly reprehensible. If you faithfully observe these duties, the world will observe how Freemasons love one another, in obedience to the will of GOD.

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Remember always, Brethren, that these solemn rites, of which you have been partakers, and your parts in them, are as binding on your consciences out of the Lodge as within it. They are links in that chain made in life, for eternity. And these generous principles are to extend farther. Every human being has a claim upon your kind offices. So that we enjoin it upon you, Do good unto all, while we recommend it more especially to those who are of the household of the faithful. 2.05 Charge at Initiation

Brother: You are now admitted, by the unanimous consent of this Lodge, a fellow of our Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternityancient, as having subsisted from time immemorial and honorable, as tending in every particular to do honor to those who conform to its noble precepts. The greatest monarchs and most exalted heroes and patriots, of all ages and countries throughout the known world, have been encouragers of Freemasonry; and many of them have presided as Grand Masters of Masons in their respective Jurisdictions, not thinking it any lessening of their highest dignities to level themselves with their Brethren in Freemasonry and to act upon the same Square as they did. The worlds Great Architect is our Supreme Grand Master; and the unerring rule He has given us, is that by which we work. Religious disputes are never suffered within the Lodge; for, as Freemasons, we worship GOD as our consciences require, and thus we are united as in one sacred band. There are three general heads of duty which Freemasons ought always to inculcate, namely: to GOD, our neighbor, and ourselves; to GOD, in never mentioning His Name but with that reverential awe which a creature ought to bear to his Creator, and in looking upon Him always as the GOD over all; to our neighbor, in acting upon the Square, or doing as we would be done by; and to ourselves, in avoiding all intemperance and excesses, whereby we may be rendered incapable of following our work, or led into behavior

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2, 2.05

unbecoming our laudable profession, and in always keeping within due bounds, and free from all guilt. In the State, a Freemason is to behave as a peaceable and dutiful citizen, conforming cheerfully to the government under which he lives. He is to be a man of benevolence and charity; not sitting down contented, while his fellows, much more his Brethren, are in want, when it is in his power, without prejudicing himself or his family, to relieve them. In the Lodge, he is to behave with all due decorum, lest the beauty and harmony of its workings should be disturbed or broken; he is to be obedient to the Master and other officers set in authority over him, and is to apply himself closely to the business of Freemasonry, that he may the sooner become skilled therein, both for his own credit and for that of the Lodge, and thereby earn advancement as the wages of his labors. He is not to neglect his own necessary avocations for the sake of Freemasonry, nor to involve himself in quarrels with those who through ignorance may speak evilly or despitefully of it. He is to be a lover of the arts and sciences, and is to take all opportunities to improve himself therein. If he recommends a friend to be made a Freemason, he must vouch him to be such as he really believes will conform to these duties, lest by the misconduct of that friend at any time the Lodge should pass under evil imputations. Nothing can be more shocking to all faithful Freemasons than to see any of their Brethren profane the sacred Rules of Freemasons; and such as do, they wish had never been admitted into the Fraternity.

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2, 2.06 A Charge at Passing




Brother: Being now advanced to the second degree in Freemasonry, we congratulate you on your preferment. The internal, and not the external, qualifications of a man are principally regarded by Freemasonry. As you increase in knowledge, you will consequently improve in fitness for further advancement in the rights and privileges of the Craft. It is unnecessary to recapitulate the several duties, which, as a Freemason, you are bound to discharge; or to enlarge on the necessity of a strict performance of them, as your own experience must have convinced you of their value. It may be sufficient to observe that your past behavior and regular deportment have merited the additional honor which we have now conferred; and, in this new character, it is expected that you will not only conform to the principles of Freemasonry, but still persevere in the practice of virtue. The study of the liberal arts, that valuable branch of education which tends so effectually to polish and adorn the mind, is earnestly recommended to your consideration; especially the noble Science of Geometry, which is established as the basis of our Art. Freemasonry and Geometry originally were synonymous terms, and this Science being of a divine and moral nature, is enriched with the most useful knowledge; for while it proves the wonderful properties of nature, it also demonstrates the more important truths of morality. As the solemnity of our ceremonies requires a serious deportment, you are to be particularly attentive to your behavior in our regular assemblies; to preserve the Ancient Usages and Customs of the Fraternity sacred and inviolable, and induce others, by your example, to hold them in due veneration. Every regular sign or summons, duly given to you, you are to honor and obey, as they accord with our professed principles. Such is the nature of your present engagements; and to these duties you are now bound by the most solemn, sacred, and enduring ties.

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2, 2.07

A Charge at Raising

Brother: Your zeal for our Institution, the progress you have made in its mysteries, and your steady conformity to its useful Regulations, have pointed you out as a proper object for this peculiar mark of the favor of the Brethren. Duty, honor, and gratitude, now bind you to be faithful to your trust; to support the dignity of your character on all occasions, and strenuously to enforce, by precept and example, a steady obedience to the tenets of Freemasonry. Exemplary conduct, on your part, will convince the world that merit is the just title to our privileges, and that on you our favors are not undeservedly bestowed. In this respectable character you are authorized to restrain the irregularities of less informed Brethren; to correct their errors; to fortify their minds with resolution against the snares of the insidious; and to guard them against every allurement to vicious practices. To preserve unsullied the reputation of the Fraternity ought to be your constant care, and, therefore, it becomes your province to caution the inexperienced against a breach of fidelity. The Laws and Regulations of the Fraternity you are to support and maintain, and be ever ready to aid in their execution. You are to look impartially upon the offenses of your Brethren; in the decision on every breach of the Regulations, you are to judge with candor, to admonish with friendship, and to reprehend with justice. In our private assemblies you may now offer your opinions on whatever subjects are presented for decision. You are free to introduce any motion which you may suppose will be for the advantage or honor of the Fraternity. By the exercise of these rights and privileges, you may improve your rational and intellectual powers, qualify yourself to become a useful member of society, and vie with skillful Brethren in an endeavor to excel in everything that is good and great. You are to relieve the necessities of your Brethren, to the utmost of your power and ability, without prejudice to yourself or your private concerns. Do this in a cheer-

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ful spirit, for our Great Master has said that He loveth a cheerful giver. On no account are you to injure a Brother, or to see him injured, but you are to apprise him of all approaching dangers, and consider his interest as inseparable from your own. Universal benevolence you are zealously to inculcate; and, by your well ordered conduct, endeavor to show how false are the slanders which have been uttered against this venerable Institution. The Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry you are carefully to preserve, and not suffer them on any pretense to be broken, impaired, weakened, altered or destroyed; or countenance any departure from our established Usages and Customs. Your virtue, honor, and character are concerned in supporting with dignity the respectability of your Masonic profession. Let no motive, therefore, make you swerve from your duty, violate your vows to GOD, or betray your trust; but be true and faithful, and imitate the example of that celebrated artist whom you have this evening represented. Thus you will render yourself deserving of the honor which this Lodge has conferred, and worthy of the confidence that it has reposed.

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FLOOR FORM OF LODGE ROOM Corners of Altar are to be equidistant from the Lights

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FLOOR FORM FOR CONSTITUTING A LODGE ROOM Corners of Altar are to be equidistant from the Lights

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At the time appointed for constituting the new Lodge, the Brethren thereof shall assemble in the Lodge room. The Grand Master and his Officers (or the Brother authorized by the Grand Master for the purpose, with such other Brethren as he shall call to his assistance), shall meet at the same time in some place convenient to the Lodge room. The Master- and Wardens-elect of the new Lodge are then to wait upon the Grand Master, and state that they are the officers named in the Warrant, and ask the Grand Masters pleasure; the Grand Master shall request the Deputy Grand Master to make the necessary examination, on which duty he shall immediately enter, and, on its completion, the Master-elect shall address the Grand Master as follows: Right Worshipful Grand Master: The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, having granted to a number of Brethren a Warrant to open and hold a Lodge in __________,they are desirous that the Lodge should be consecrated and constituted, and the officers installed, agreeably to the Ancient Usages and Customs of the Craft; for which purpose they are now assembled in the Lodge room, by your order, and await your pleasure. The Grand Master shall answer: Brother __________: Be pleased to inform the Brethren assembled that the Grand Master and his Officers will forthwith attend them, to comply with their desires.

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The Master- and Wardens-elect shall return to the Lodge room, and the Brethren prepare for the reception of the Officers of the Grand Lodge. The Lodge or floor cloth is to be placed near the center of the Lodge room, with the three vessels thereon, containing the elements of consecration, Corn, Wine, and Oil, and is to be covered. The Lodge room shall be opened and untyled, and the lights properly arranged, all the Brethren present being seated, and the stations and places remaining vacant. The officers and Warrant members of the New Lodge shall be seated in the northeast part of the Lodge room. While the Officers of the Grand Lodge enter the Lodge room, instrumental music may be performed, and the Brethren shall rise and remain standing, until otherwise directed. The Officers of the Grand Lodge shall enter in the following order: Grand Marshal Grand Tyler and Grand Pursuivant Grand Stewards Grand Deacons Grand Chaplains and Deputy Grand Secretary Past District Deputy Grand Masters District Deputy Grand Masters Past Deputy Grand Masters Past Grand Masters Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer Grand Wardens Deputy Grand Master Grand Master Grand Sword Bearer On the entrance of the Grand Master, the procession shall halt and open ranks to the right and left, facing inward.

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The Grand Master, preceded by the Grand Sword Bearer, and followed by the other Officers of the Grand Lodge, in reverse order, shall pass through to the East; the Grand Master standing on the platform, the other Grand Officers on the second step from the floor in front of the station, and the appointed Officers of the Grand Lodge on the floor near to the platform, all facing the West. The Grand Master shall take his station, and direct the Officers of the Grand Lodge to take their respective stations and places. The Grand Lodge shall be then opened, and the Grand Chaplain shall make the following INVOCATION The might of the Father of Heaven be with us now at our beginning, and teach us so to govern us here in our living and working, that we may come to His bliss which never shall have ending. Amen. Response by the Brethren: So mote it be. After the invocation, the Brethren shall sing the ANTHEM (For the music, See page 109) Unto Thee, great GOD, belong Mystic rites and sacred song; Lowly bending at Thy shrine, We hail Thy Majesty divine. Glorious Architect above, Source of light and Source of love, Here Thy light and love prevail: Hail! Almighty Master, hail!

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The Grand Marshal shall then direct the officers and members of the new Lodge to form in an oblong square in front of the Grand Master, when the Deputy Grand Master shall advance to the floor, and address the Grand Master as follows: Right Worshipful Grand Master: A number of Brethren, being duly instructed in the mysteries of Freemasonry, and having a desire to form a Lodge, have, for that purpose, made application to the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, which has granted them a regular Warrant: the Brethren now attend before you, according to your instructions, and are desirous that their Lodge should be consecrated and constituted, and their officers installed, agreeably to the Ancient Usages and Customs of the Fraternity. The Grand Master shall answer: Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master: The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania having been pleased to grant a Warrant to the Brethren, conferring on them the rights and privileges of a regularly constituted Lodge, I shall proceed, with pleasure, to comply with their request. The Deputy Grand Master shall then return to his station. The Grand Master shall then say: Right Worshipful Grand Secretary: Read the Warrant granted by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, for the constitution of __________ Lodge No. _____. The Grand Secretary shall then read the Warrant. When the Warrant shall have been read, the Brethren shall sing the following or any other that is appropriate:

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ODE (For the music, See page 110) Hail! Mysterious, Glorious Science, Which to discord bids defiance, Harmony alone reigns here. Come, lets sing to Him that raised us From the rugged path that mazed us To the Light that we revere. Hail! Mysterious, Glorious Science, Which to discord bids defiance. The Lodge is then to be uncovered by the Grand Stewards. CONSECRATION The ceremony of consecration shall then be entered upon. and the Grand Chaplain shall make the following INVOCATION Most Holy and Glorious GOD, Great Architect of the Universe, Maker and Ruler of all worlds; Vouchsafe from Thy celestial Temple in realms of light and glory, to bless us in this our present undertaking. We humbly pray Thee to grant us Wisdom in all our doings, Strength in all our difficulties, and the Beauty of harmony in all our communications. Help us, O GOD of Light and Life, to erect this Lodge, and now solemnly to consecrate it to the glory of Thy Name. Glory be to GOD on High. Response by the Brethren: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. So mote it be.

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The Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Wardens shall take their stations around the Lodge or floor cloth; the Deputy Grand Master in the East, the Senior Grand Warden in the West, and the Junior Grand Warden in the South, in front of the vessels containing the Corn, Wine, and Oil. The Deputy Grand Master shall take up the vessel of Corn, the Senior Grand Warden the vessel of Wine, the Junior Grand Warden the vessel of Oil, and at the proper time pour the elements of consecration on the Lodge. The Grand Chaplain shall then offer the CONSECRATION PRAYER Be pleased, O Lord, to vouchsafe that as we now pour the elements of consecration over this Lodge, they may be the harbingers of Thy bounties to the Brethren, and that we all may be blessed by Thy goodness with the Corn of nourishment,*the Wine of refreshment,and the Oil of joy. Grant, O Lord, that those who are now about to be invested with the government of this Lodge may be indued with wisdom to instruct the Brethren in all their duties. May brotherly love, charity, and truth always prevail amongst the members of this new Lodge, and may these bonds of union continue to strengthen the Lodges throughout the world. Bless all our Brethren, wherever dispersed, and grant speedy relief to all who are oppressed or distressed. We affectionately commend to Thee all the members of Thy whole family. May they increase in the knowledge of Thee, and in the love of each other. Finally, may it please Thee, that finishing our work here below under Thy protection, we may pass at last from this earthly abode to that heavenly Temple above, in the City which hath foundations, whose Builder and Maker is GOD. Glory be to GOD on High. Response by the Brethren: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. So mote it be.

* After each of the words nourishment, refreshment, and joy, there shall be a short pause, while the respective Grand Officers pour the elements.

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The Grand Chaplain shall then dedicate the Lodge as follows: To the glory of GOD and in memory of holy ST. JOHN, we dedicate this Lodge. May every Brother revere his character and imitate his virtues. Glory be to GOD on High. Response by the Brethren: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. So mote it be. Here music may be introduced. The Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Wardens shall then return to their respective stations. The Warrant Members will be seated. The Grand Master shall then say: Brethren: We shall now proceed, according to Ancient Usage, to constitute these Brethren into a regular Lodge. The Deputy Grand Master standing on the North part of the floor, shall then present the Master-elect to the Grand Master, saying: Right Worshipful Grand Master: I present you Brother __________, whom these Brethren have chosen for their Master. The Grand Master shall ask them if they remain satisfied with their choice, and they shall bow in token of assent. The Grand Master shall then inquire of the Deputy Grand Master, whether he has examined the Master elected by the members, and named in the Warrant, and has found him well skilled in the Noble Science and the Royal Art. The Deputy Grand Master shall advance with the Master-elect, and present him in front of the Grand Masters station, saying:

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Right Worshipful Grand Master: I present you my worthy Brother __________, to be installed Master of this new Lodge. I believe him to be of good morals, and of great skill, true, and trusty; and as he is a lover of the whole Fraternity wherever dispersed, I doubt not that he will discharge his duty with fidelity towards his Lodge, and in strict conformity to the Constitution, and the Laws and Regulations of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge. The Deputy Grand Master shall then return to his station. The Grand Master shall then address the Master-elect, saying: Brother __________: Previous to your installation and investiture, it is necessary that you should signify your assent to those Ancient Charges and Regulations which point out the duty of a Freemason. The Grand Master shall then direct the Grand Secretary to read a summary of the Ancient Charges and Regulations, which is as follows:



l. You agree to be a good man and true, and strictly to obey the moral law. 2. You agree to be a peaceable citizen and cheerfully to conform to the laws of the country in which you reside. 3. You promise not to be concerned in plots and conspiracies against government, but patiently to submit to the decisions of the supreme legislature. 4. You agree to pay a proper respect to the civil magistrate, to work diligently, live creditably, and act honorably by all men.

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5. You agree to hold in veneration the original Rulers and Patrons of Freemasonry, and their regular successors, supreme and subordinate, according to their stations; and submit to the awards and resolutions of your Brethren when convened, in every case consistent with the Constitutions of the Fraternity. 6. You agree to avoid private piques and quarrels, and to guard against intemperance and excess. 7. You agree to be cautious in carriage and behavior, courteous to your Brethren, and faithful to your Lodge. 8. You promise to respect genuine Brethren, and to discountenance impostors and all dissenters from the original plan of Freemasonry. 9. You agree to promote the general good of the Fraternity, to cultivate the social virtues, and to propagate the Knowledge of the Art. 10. You promise to pay homage to the Grand Master for the time being, and to his Officers when duly installed; and strictly conform to every edict of the Grand Lodge, or General Assembly of Freemasons, that is not subversive of the principles and groundwork of Freemasonry. 11. You admit that it is not in the power of any man, or body of men, to make innovations in the Landmarks of Freemasonry. 12. You promise a regular attendance on the Communications of the Grand Lodge on receiving proper notice; and to pay attention to all the duties of Freemasonry on convenient occasions. 13. You admit that no new Lodge shall be formed without permission of the Grand Lodge; and that no countenance be given to any irregular Lodge, or to any person clandestinely initiated therein, being contrary to the Ancient Charges of the Craft.

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14. You admit that no person can be regularly made a Mason in, or admitted a member of, any regular Lodge without previous notice, and due inquiry into character. 15. You agree that no visitors shall be admitted into your Lodge without due examination, and producing proper vouchers of their having been initiated into a regular Lodge. The Grand Master shall then say: Brother __________: Do you submit to these Charges and Regulations, and promise to support them as Masters have done before you in all ages? The Master-elect shall answer: Right Worshipful Grand Master: I do. The Grand Master shall then say: Brother __________: In consequence of your cheerful acquiescence in, and promise of conformity to, the Ancient Charges and Regulations of our Craft, you are now to be installed Master of this new Lodge, in full confidence of your care, skill, and capacity to govern the same. All the Brethren present, not Past Masters, shall then retire; and the Master-elect shall be installed by the Deputy Grand Master in ancient form. The Brethren who had withdrawn shall then return and take their seats, music being rendered during their entrance. The various implements of the profession, as emblematical of our conduct in life, shall be then explained by the Grand Master to the Master after the following manner: The Holy Bible, that great light in Masonry, will guide you in the path of truth, direct you to the temple of happiness, and point out to you the whole duty of man. The Square teaches us to regulate our actions by the principles of morality and virtue.

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The Compasses teach us to limit our desires in every station, that rising to eminence by merit, we may live respected, and die regretted. The Rule directs that we should punctually observe our duty, press forward in the path of integrity, and, inclining neither to the right nor left, keep eternity in view. The Line teaches the criterion of moral rectitude, and to avoid dissimulation in our conversation and actions. The Book of the Constitution you are to search at all times, and to cause it, as well as your By-Laws, to be read by your members, that none may pretend ignorance of the excellent precepts it enjoins. 3.03 INSTALLATION

The officers and members of the new Lodge shall then form a procession in the northeast part of the Lodge room, preceded by the Master and Wardens, who shall pass in a single file around the Lodge room three times, conducted by the Grand Marshal, passing in a slow pace the stations of the Junior Grand Warden in the South, and the Senior Grand Warden in the West. When the Master arrives at the East, he shall halt in front of the Grand Masters station, facing the West, and the officers and members shall each one salute him as they pass in the usual manner. As the procession passes the Grand Master each time, he shall say: Brethren: Behold your Master! During the procession, the following shall be sung:

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(For the music, see page 111)

Hail, Masonry divine! Glory of ages, shine, Long may'st thou reign; Where'er thy Lodges stand, May they have great command, And always grace the land, Thou art divine! Great fabrics still arise, And grace the azure skies, Great are thy schemes; Thy noble orders are Matchless beyond compare; No art with thee can share, Thou are divine! Hiram, the Architect, Did all the Craft direct How they should build; Solomon, great Israels king, Did mighty blessings bring, And left us room to sing Hail, Royal Art! The Brethren having resumed their seats, the Master of the new Lodge shall present severally in front of the Grand Masters station, his Wardens and other officers, naming them and their respective offices. The Grand Master shall inquire of the members if they remain satisfied with each and all of them; they shall bow in token of assent.

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The several officers shall then be installed by the Officers of the Grand Lodge of corresponding station, and the Grand Marshal shall deliver the appropriate jewel and clothing to the Installing Officer for investiture. Each officer as installed, shall be conducted by the Grand Marshal to the Grand Master, who shall deliver to each of them a short charge.


CHARGE TO THE SENIOR WARDEN Brother _______________:

You are appointed Senior Warden of this new Lodge, and are now invested with the insignia of your office. The Level demonstrates that we are descended from the same stock, partake of the same nature, and share the same hope; and though distinctions among men are necessary to preserve subordination, yet no eminence of station should make us forget that we are Brethren. He who is placed in the lowest spoke of fortune's wheel, may be entitled to our regard, because a time will come, and the wisest knows not how soon, when all distinctions, but that of goodness, shall cease, and death, the grand leveller of human greatness, shall reduce us to the same state. Your regular attendance at the meetings of the Lodge is essentially necessary. In the absence of the Master, you are to govern this Lodge. In his presence you are to assist him in the government of it. I firmly rely on your knowledge of Freemasonry, and attachment to the Lodge, for your faithful discharge of the duties of this important trust. Look well to the West!

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CHARGE TO THE JUNIOR WARDEN Brother _______________:

You are appointed Junior Warden of this new Lodge, and are now invested with the insignia of your office. The Plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations, to hold the scale of justice in equal poise, to observe the just measure between pleasure and intemperance, and to make our passions and prejudices coincide with the line of our duty. To you is intrusted the reception of candidates, also the superintendence of the Craft, during the hours of refreshment. It is therefore indispensably necessary that you should not only be temperate and discreet in the indulgence of your own inclinations, but carefully observe that none of the Craft be suffered to convert the purposes of refreshment into intemperance and excess. Your regular and punctual attendance is particularly requested, and I have no doubt but that you will faithfully execute the duty which you owe to your present appointment. Look well to the South! At the conclusion of these Charges shall be sung the following: ANTHEM (For the music, see page 112) When the sun gloriously comes forth from the ocean, Making earth beautiful, chasing shadows away, Thus do we offer Thee our prayer of devotion, GOD of the Fatherless! guide, oh! guide us to-day. When oer the western hills the sunset tints blending, Show us how quickly fades all that on earth seems bright, Then to unfading realms our prayer ascending, GOD of the Fatherless! guard, oh! guard us to-night.

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CHARGE TO THE TREASURER Brother ____________________:

You are appointed Treasurer of this new Lodge. It is your duty to receive all the moneys of the Lodge, keep just and regular accounts of the same, and pay them out at the Masters will and pleasure, with the consent of the Lodge. I trust that your regard for the Fraternity will prompt you to the faithful discharge of the duties of your office. 3.07 CHARGE TO THE SECRETARY Brother ____________________: You are appointed Secretary of this new Lodge. It is your duty to observe the Masters will and pleasure; to record the transactions of the Lodge in an exact and Masonic manner; and to pay such moneys of the Lodge as you may receive, into the hands of the Treasurer. Your good inclinations to Freemasonry and this Lodge will, I hope, induce you to discharge the duties of your office with attention and fidelity, and by so doing you will merit the esteem and applause of your Brethren. 3.08 CHARGE TO THE SENIOR AND JUNIOR DEACONS Brothers ____________________: You are appointed Deacons of this new Lodge. It is your province to attend on the Master and Wardens, and to act as their proxies in many of the active duties of the Lodge, and you also act as assistants in the immediate practice of our rites. These Wands as badges of your office, I intrust to your care, not doubting your vigilance and attention. Music The Grand Master shall then deliver the

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CONCLUDING CHARGE Worshipful Master:

The Grand Lodge having committed to your care the superintendence and government of the Brethren, who are to compose this new Lodge, you cannot be insensible of the obligations which devolve on you as their head, nor of your responsibility for the faithful discharge of the important duties of your office. The honor, reputation, and usefulness of your Lodge will materially depend on the skill and assiduity with which you manage its concerns; whilst the happiness of its members will be generally promoted, in proportion to the zeal and ability with which you propagate the genuine principles of our Institution. For a pattern of imitation, consider the great luminary of nature, which rising in the East. regularly diffuses light and lustre to all within its circle. In like manner, it is your province to communicate and spread instruction and light to the Brethren of your Lodge. Forcibly impress upon them the dignity and high importance of Freemasonry, and seriously admonish them never to disgrace it. Charge them to practice out of the Lodge those duties which they have been taught within it, and, by amiable, discreet, and virtuous conduct, to convince mankind of the goodness of the Institution; so that when any one is said to be a member of it, the world may know that he is one to whom the burdened heart may pour out its sorrows, to whom distress may always prefer its suit; whose hand is guided by justice, and whose heart is expanded by benevolence. In short, by a diligent observance of the By-Laws of your Lodge the Constitutions of Freemasonry, and, above all, the Holy Scriptures, which are given as the rule and guide of your faith, you will be enabled to acquit yourself with honor and reputation, and lay up a crown of rejoicing when time shall be no more.

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Brothers Senior and Junior Wardens: You are too well acquainted with the principles of Freemasonry to warrant any fear that you will be found wanting in the discharge of your respective duties. Suffice it to mention, that what you have seen praiseworthy in others, you should carefully imitate, and what in them may have appeared defective, you should in yourselves amend. You should be examples of good order and regularity; for it is only by a due regard to the Laws in your own conduct that you can expect obedience to them from others. You are assiduously to aid the Master in the discharge of his trust, diffusing light, and imparting knowledge to all whom he shall place under your care. In the absence of the Master, you will succeed to higher duties; your acquirements must therefore be such as that the Craft may never suffer for want of instruction. From the spirit which you have hitherto evinced, I entertain no doubt but that your future conduct will be such as to merit the applause of your Brethren, and the testimony of a good conscience. Brethren of __________ Lodge, No. __________: Such is the nature of our Constitution that as some must, of necessity, rule and teach, so others must of course learn to submit and obey. Humility in both is an essential duty. The officers who are appointed to govern your Lodge, are sufficiently acquainted with the rules of propriety, and the Laws of the Institution, to avoid exceeding the powers with which they are intrusted, and you are of too generous dispositions to envy their preferment. I therefore trust that you will have but one aim, to please each other, and unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness.

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Finally, my Brethren, as this association has been formed and perfected in so much unanimity and concord, in which I greatly rejoice, so may it long continue. May you long enjoy every satisfaction and delight which disinterested friendship can afford. May kindness and brotherly affection distinguish your conduct as men and as Masons. Within your peaceful walls may your childrens children celebrate with joy and gratitude, the transactions of this auspicious solemnity. And may the tenets of our profession be transmitted through your Lodge, pure and unimpaired, from generation to generation. After the delivery of the foregoing Charge, and after ascertaining who of the petitioners for the Warrant for the Lodge are present (for none but those petitioners present can be included in the constitution of a Lodge), the Grand Master shall declare as follows: In the name of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, I now constitute and form you, my good Brethren, into a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. From henceforth I empower you to act as a regular Lodge, constituted in conformity to the rites of our Craft, and the Charges of our Ancient and Honorable Fraternity; and may the Supreme Architect of the Universe prosper, direct, and counsel you in all your doings. Response by the Brethren: Amen. So mote it be. The Grand Marshal shall then make proclamation three times in the following manner: In the name of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, I proclaim this new Lodge, by the name of __________, No. _____, duly constituted.

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The Brethren shall then sing the following: PSALM

(For the music, see page 113)

With one consent let all the earth To GOD their cheerful voices raise; Glad homage pay with awful mirth, And sing before Him songs of praise. For Hes the Lord, supremely good, His mercy is forever sure; His truth, which always firmly stood, To endless ages shall endure. The Grand Stewards shall then cover the Lodge or floor cloth. The Grand Lodge shall then be closed, and the Grand Chaplain shall offer the following PRAYER Most Holy and Glorious GOD, Thou great Architect and Builder of the Universe; We render thanksgiving and praise for the Masonic Fraternity, as members of which we are now assembled; and for the protection and aid afforded us in the constitution of this Lodge. May our obligations, Almighty Father, have their full influence and effect upon our minds. Thou alone canst order the unruly wills and affections of sinful men. Graft in our hearts the love of Thy great Name, increase in us every virtue, nourish us in all goodness, and of Thy great mercy keep us in the same, through all our days. And as Thou didst aforetime appear unto Thy servant Moses in a flame of fire, out of the midst of a bush, enkindle, we beseech Thee, in our hearts, a flame of true devotion and reverence for Thee, of brotherly kindness for each other, and of charity for all mankind. And now unto the King, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise GOD, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. Response by the Brethren: So mote it be. The Officers of the Grand Lodge shall then retire in the same order in which they entered, the Brethren remaining standing. Instrumental Music After the procession has withdrawn from the Lodge room, the Brethren shall retire.

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Slowly Lous M. Gottschalk

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Slowly J. B. Calkin

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Preston Ware Orem

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Old Hundred


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The Lodge shall be opened in the degree of a Master Mason. The Grand Master shall direct the Grand Marshal to enter the Lodge, and announce to the Master that he is in waiting, prepared to pay it a Grand Visitation, to which the Master shall respond that the Lodge is prepared to receive him. The Deacons of the Lodge shall stand inside the Lodge room, at each side of the entrance door, facing each other, with their Wands crossed, touching near the top. The Brethren shall form on the right and left of the Deacons in two lines, facing inward, leaving a space for the Grand Master and his Officers to pass between the lines toward the East. The Officers of the Grand Lodge shall enter in the following order: Grand Marshal Grand Tyler and Grand Pursuivant Grand Stewards Grand Deacons Grand Chaplains and Deputy Grand Secretary Past District Deputy Grand Masters District Deputy Grand Masters Past Deputy Grand Masters Past Grand Masters Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer Grand Wardens Deputy Grand Master Grand Master Grand Sword Bearer On the entrance of the Grand Master, the procession shall halt, and open ranks to the right and left, facing inward.

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The Grand Master, preceded by the Grand Sword Bearer, and followed by the other Officers of the Grand Lodge, in reverse order, shall pass through to the East; the Grand Master standing on the platform, the other Grand Officers on the second step from the floor in front of the station, and the appointed Officers of the Grand Lodge on the floor near to the platform, all facing the West. The grand honors are then to be given three times; after which the Master shall surrender his station to the Grand Master, together with the Warrant of constitution of the Lodge and the Gavel. The Grand Master shall then direct the Officers of the Grand Lodge to take their respective stations and places, and the officers of the Lodge shall resign their stations and places to the corresponding Officers of the Grand Lodge. He shall then direct the Grand Secretary to make his report on the minutes of the Lodge.* The Grand Master shall then make such observations as, in his judgment, the circumstances and situation of the Lodge may require. The Grand Master shall then return the Warrant and Gavel to the Master, and the Officers of the Grand Lodge shall vacate their respective stations and places, which shall then be resumed by the officers of the Lodge. Should the Officers of the Grand Lodge retire before the Lodge is closed, the same ceremony must be observed as at their entrance, with the exception of the grand honors.

* Prior to the Grand Visitation, the minute-book of the Lodge must be delivered to the Grand Secretary, when demanded, in order to enable him to examine the same and make report thereon.

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The procession shall be formed as prescribed on page 146, under the orders of the Grand Marshal. The Brethren shall appear in Masonic dress, the Officers of the Grand Lodge and the officers of the Lodges wearing their appropriate jewels and aprons, and the other Brethren white lambskin aprons. When the head of the procession reaches the West end of the platform prepared for the Grand Lodge, it shall be halted, the ranks shall be opened to the right and left, facing inward, and the Brethren shall uncover. The Grand Master, preceded by the Grand Sword Bearer, and followed by the other Officers and members of the Grand Lodge in reverse order, shall advance through the opened ranks to the East of the platform. As this procession advances the band shall play a march. The Grand Master shall take his station, and direct the Officers of the Grand Lodge to take their respective stations and places. All things being in order, the Grand Chaplain shall offer the OPENING PRAYER O Great and Eternal GOD and Father, Maker of worlds and Ruler of men; We come before Thee to offer our adoration and praise, our prayers and supplications. We pray Thee to bless the work now begun, with the Corn of strength, the Wine of refreshment, and the Oil of joy. We implore Thee to bless the Brotherhood of Freemasonry here and everywhere, and give to it unity, harmony, and prosperity. We ask Thee of Thy great mercy to preserve and

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protect us, and to have compassion for those who suffer, and especially for the widows and fatherless children of our Brethren. Be pleased to teach us Thy will, that we may ever revere Thy Holy Name, and obey Thy divine laws; so that in all our labors we may have respect to those in authority over us, as they and we are accountable to Thee the only wise GOD, blessed forevermore. Look down from heaven, Thy dwelling-place, O Thou Who didst create the earth and the sea, the heavens and all that is therein; and pour out upon this Fraternity the manifold blessings which aforetime Thou didst bestow upon our fathers. O Thou Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent GOD, hear us, be with us, and grant us Thy salvation. And when we shall have ended our labors here on earth, do Thou, O Father of Light and Love, Who are plenteous in mercy, receive us, we pray Thee, to Thy kingdom above, to render Thee thanks and praise forevermore. Amen. Response by the Brethren: So mote it be. Then may be sung the following or other appropriate anthem: A MASONIC ANTHEM In every clime, from age to age, Masons performed their mystic rite, Craftsmen, scholar, poet, sage, Met, and beheld Masonic light. In every clime, in every nation, Masons their Temple built in peace, From Cornerstone to dedication, No discord caused their work to cease. Apprentice, Craft, and Master Mason, Each his allotted task performed, And in whatever place or station, Devoted faith his work adorned. Strong in this faith, in bonds united, Which hostile men essay to sever, Our solemn vows to each are plighted, To be a Brotherhood forever.

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The Grand Marshal shall then advance to the center of the platform, face the East, and proclaim: Silence! Silence! Silence! and return to his place. The Deputy Grand Master shall address the Grand Master: Right Worshipful Grand Master: __________ Lodge, No. __________, within the Jurisdiction of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, at a regular meeting, held __________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____, requested you to lay the Cornerstone of the New Masonic Hall. The Brethren are now assembled for the performance of that ceremony. The necessary arrangements have been made by the Committee of the Lodge intrusted with their preparation, and I now have the pleasure to present to you the Chairman of that Committee. The Chairman of the Building Committee shall then address the Grand Master: Right Worshipful Grand Master: The Committee charged with the duty of preparing the Cornerstone, and making the arrangements for its being laid, have completed their labors. It is now ready, Right Worshipful Sir, to be made the Cornerstone of this New Masonic Hall. The Grand Chaplain shall then make the following

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INVOCATION O Lord our GOD, Supreme Architect of Heaven and Earth; we render Thee thanksgiving and praise for the Masonic Fraternity, its establishment and its prosperity, as members of which we are now assembled to adore and magnify Thy Holy Name. Teach us, we pray Thee, to feel our continual dependence upon Thee, that in all our works begun, continued and ended in Thee, we may show forth Thy glory, Who art our Father and our GOD. And as Thou didst aforetime appear unto Thy servant Moses in a flame of fire, out of the midst of a bush, enkindle, we beseech Thee, in our hearts, a flame of true devotion and reverence for Thee, of brotherly kindness for each other, and of charity for all mankind. And unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise GOD, be honor and glory forever and ever, Amen. Response by the Brethren: So mote it be. The Grand Master shall direct the Grand Treasurer to place the coins, and other valuable gifts, in the Cornerstone. The Grand Treasurer, having deposited the articles in the box placed in the cavity of the Cornerstone, shall address the Grand Master: Right Worshipful Grand Master: The coins and other valuable presents, set apart to be placed in the Cornerstone of the New Masonic Hall, are now duly deposited there; and your directions have been faithfully obeyed. The Grand Master shall then direct the Grand Secretary to read a list of the articles so deposited, the resolutions of the Lodge in relation to the New Masonic Hall, the list of the Building Committee, and the list of Lodges, and of the Grand Officers for the Masonic year.

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Then may be sung the following or other appropriate anthem: A MASONIC ANTHEM Sons of the Mystic Tie, Brothers in Freemasonry, Your voices raise, In joyous anthem of triumphant praise To the Great Architect of all, On Him we call, For He, tis He alone, Who in our hearts is the Foundation-stone. While here today A Cornerstone we lay Our Temple's symbolry, Of GOD and Virtue, Science, Masonry, Faith, Hope, and Charity, Lights in our Fraternity Beam as the light above. Then may the Almighty Father, GOD, His love, Send to us as a dove, To bless us all, To bless us all, Great Architect! on Thee, on Thee we call, Sons of the Mystic Tie, Brothers in Freemasonry Your voices raise; In this your anthem of triumphant praise. The Grand Master shall then address the Deputy Grand Master: Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master: It is my will and pleasure, that the Cornerstone of the New Masonic Hall be now laid. Announce it to the Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, that he may announce it to the Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, with directions to proclaim it to the Brethren, that all present may govern themselves accordingly.

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The Deputy Grand Master shall then address the Senior Grand Warden: Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden: It is the Right Worshipful Grand Masters will and pleasure that the Cornerstone of the New Masonic Hall be now laid. Announce it to the Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, with directions to proclaim it to the Brethren, that all present may govern themselves accordingly. The Senior Grand Warden shall then address the Junior Grand Warden: Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden: It is the Right Worshipful Grand Masters will and pleasure, that the Cornerstone of the New Masonic Hall be now laid. Proclaim it to the Brethren, that all present may govern themselves accordingly. The Junior Grand Warden shall then say: Brethren: Take notice, it is the Right Worshipful Grand Masters will and pleasure, that the Cornerstone of the New Masonic Hall be now laid on this site. Govern yourselves accordingly. The Grand Master shall then address the Deputy Grand Master: Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master: See that the Craftsmen have well and truly prepared the Corner-stone to be laid by me. The Deputy Grand Master shall then proceed to the Stone with the Square, test and try it, then return to his station, and say: Right Worshipful Grand Master:

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I find the Cornerstone of this New Masonic Hall, Tried and True, Trusty and Square, and that the Craftsmen have worked well. The Grand Master shall then say Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, and Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden: Proceed to the Cornerstone, while the workmen and laborers are laying it in its proper position, at the northeast angle of the foundation; try it with the Plumb, Level, and Square, and report to us if it is well and duly prepared. The Grand Officers shall proceed as directed. The Cornerstone is then to be lowered to its bed, and placed in proper position. The Junior Grand Warden shall try it with the Plumb, and say : Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master: I find the Cornerstone Plumb; and return to his station. The Senior Grand Warden shall try it with the Level, and say: Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master: I find the Cornerstone Level; and return to his station. The Deputy Grand Master shall try it with the Square, return to his station, and say: Right Worshipful Grand Master: I find the Cornerstone of this New Masonic Hall, Plumb, Level, and Square, and that the Grand Officers have approved the work.

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Then shall be sung the following PSALM With one consent let all the earth To GOD their cheerful voices raise; Glad homage pay with awful mirth, And sing before Him songs of praise. Convinced that He is GOD alone, From Whom both we and all proceed; We, whom He chooses for His own, The flock that He vouchsafes to feed. For Hes the Lord, supremely good, His mercy is forever sure; His truth, which always firmly stood, To endless ages shall endure. The Grand Deacons shall then proceed to the Cornerstone, the Senior Grand Deacon carrying the Gavel, and the Junior Grand Deacon carrying the Trowel. The Grand Master, preceded by the Grand Marshal and the Grand Sword Bearer, shall then proceed to the Cornerstone, take the Trowel from the Junior Grand Deacon, and spread the cement, when the covering stone shall be fixed in its place by the workmen. He shall then take the Gavel from the Senior Grand Deacon, strike the Cornerstone three times therewith, and return to his station, and the other Officers shall return to their places. The Grand Master shall then say: * I, __________, Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania, and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, declare this Cornerstone to be Plumb, Level, and Square, and so duly laid according to the Ancient Usages, Customs, and Landmarks of Freemasonry, and may the Great Architect of Heaven and Earth bless the work here begun, and make it memorable to the latest generations.
* In the absence of the Grand Master, whoever acts as Grand Master shall say: I, __________, Acting Grand Master of Masons, etc.

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Then shall be sung the following or any other that is appropriate: ANTHEM Now the Cornerstone is firmly laid, Here shall the Temple stand, The glory of our noble Craft Let GOD be praised; He is always gracious To His servants. Exalt and glorify Him evermore; The Cornerstones now firmly laid. Let GOD he praised. Amen. So mote it be. The Grand Stewards shall then proceed to the Cornerstone, one carrying the vessel containing the Corn, the other the vessels containing the Wine and the Oil. The Deputy Grand Master, with the Grand Wardens, shall then proceed to the Cornerstone, and the Grand Steward shall present the Cornucopia to the Deputy Grand Master, who shall drop the Corn on the Stone, and say: May plenty be showered down upon the people of this ancient Commonwealth, and may the labors of the Craft he refreshed by the Great Giver of every good and perfect gift. The Grand Steward shall then present the Wine to the Senior Grand Warden, who shall pour it on the Stone, and say: May health and safety he vouchsafed to the Craftsmen employed in erecting this New Masonic Hall, and may the Supreme Architect bless and prosper all their labors. The Grand Steward shall then present the Oil to the Junior Grand Warden, who shall pour it on the Stone, and say: May the Supreme Ruler of the World vouchsafe unity, peace, and prosperity, to the people of Pennsylvania, and to the nations of the earth; preserve and protect the Fraternity of Freemasons; and

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make the virtues of the Craft a lesson to the world, and the labors of the Craftsmen easy, and their burdens light. The Officers shall then return to their stations and places. Then may be sung the following ANTHEM Come, Father of the poor, to earth; Come with Thy gifts of precious worth, Come, Light of all of mortal birth! Whateer without Thy aid is wrought, Or Temple proud, or wisest thought, Is vain without Thy blessing sought. O grant us, Lord, who trust in Thee And hold the faith in unity, Thy precious gift of charity. The Chairman of the Building Committee shall then present the Architect to the Grand Master, saying: Right Worshipful Grand Master: I present to you Brother __________, chosen to be the Architect of the New Masonic Hall. He has his Craftsmen ready for the work, and desires you to give him the designs from the trestleboard, and the tools of the workmen. The Grand Master shall then hand him plans and tools, and intrust him with the work.

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Then shall be sung the following HYMN Before Jehovahs awful throne, Ye nations, bow with sacred joy; Know that the Lord is GOD alone; He can create, and He destroy. We are His people, we His care, Our souls, and all our mortal frame: What lasting honors shall we rear, Almighty Maker, to Thy Name? Well crowd Thy gates with thankful songs; High as the heaven our voices raise; And earth, with her ten thousand, tongues, Shall fill Thy courts with sounding praise. The Grand Marshal shall then advance to the center of the platform, face the East, and, after commanding silence, make proclamation three times in the following manner :* Brethren: Take notice that Brother __________ , Right Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, has this day, at this place, laid the Cornerstone of the New Masonic Hall. After the third time he shall add: Wisdom! Strength! Fraternity!

An Oration may then be delivered.

* In the absense of the Grand Master, the Grand Marshal shall say: Take notice that Brother __________, Acting Right Worshipful Grand Master, etc.

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Then may be sung the HALLELUJAH CHORUS Hallelujah! Hallelujah! For the Lord GOD Omnipotent reigneth, The kingdom of this world is become The kingdom of our Lord, And He shall reign forever and ever. King of kings, and Lord of lords. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The Grand Chaplain shall then pronounce the following

May the blessings of GOD Almighty, Who made Heaven and Earth, and all who dwell therein, be with us all, and remain with us, now and forevermore. Amen. Response by the Brethren: So mote it be. The band shall then play a march, during which the Grand Lodge and the different Lodges, shall be formed as before, and return to their respective places of meeting.

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On the day appointed for the dedication of a Masonic Hall, the Brethren of the different Lodges shall be convened in suitable localities, where they shall be formed, and proceed to the place of formation of the procession at the hour designated. The Brethren shall appear in Masonic dress, the Officers of the Grand Lodge and the officers of the Lodges wearing their appropriate jewels and aprons, and the other Brethren white lambskin aprons. The procession shall be formed as prescribed on page 146, under the orders of the Grand Marshal. When the head of the procession arrives at its destination, it shall be halted, and the ranks opened to the right and left, facing inward, and the Officers and members of the Grand Lodge shall pass through, followed by the members of the different Lodges, in reverse order. The Officers of the Grand Lodge on entering the Hall shall proceed to a room near to or adjoining the Lodge room. The Brethren (Master Masons) of the Lodges shall proceed directly into the Lodge room, and take position on either side thereof, being careful to leave the middle of the floor vacant, in order that sufficient space may be left for the processions and other ceremonies. While the Officers of the Grand Lodge enter the Lodge room, instrumental music may be performed, and the Brethren shall rise and remain standing, until otherwise directed.

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The Officers of the Grand Lodge shall enter in the following order: Grand Marshal Grand Tyler and Grand Pursuivant Grand Stewards Grand Deacons Grand Chaplains and Deputy Grand Secretary Past District Deputy Grand Masters District Deputy Grand Masters Past Deputy Grand Masters Past Grand Masters Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer Grand Wardens Deputy Grand Master Grand Master Grand Sword Bearer On the entrance of the Grand Master, the procession shall halt and open ranks to the right and left, facing inward. The Grand Master, preceded by the Grand Sword Bearer, and followed by the other Officers of the Grand Lodge, in reverse order, shall pass through to the East; the Grand Master standing on the platform, the other Grand Officers on the second step from the floor in front of the station, and the appointed Officers of the Grand Lodge, on the floor near to the platform, all facing the West. The Grand Marshal shall advance in front of the Altar, and remain there until he makes the following proclamations: * Silence! Silence! Silence! By virtue of the authority in me vested, I hereby proclaim Brother __________ , Right Worshipful Grand Master [or Deputy Grand Master] of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging.

* In the absense of the Grand Officers, the Grand Marshal shall say: By the virtue of the authority in me vested, I hereby proclaim Brother __________ , Acting Right Worshipful Master, etc.

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Instrumental Music By virtue of the authority in me vested, I hereby proclaim Brother __________, Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden [or Junior Grand Warden or Grand Treasurer or Grand Secretary] of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging. Instrumental music being rendered after each proclamation. The procession of the Officers of the Grand Lodge shall then be formed by the Grand Marshal, in the northeast angle of the Lodge room, right in front, facing the East. Instrumental Music While the procession moves three times around the Lodge room, from the East to the South and the West. When the Grand Master arrives at the East the third time, the procession shall halt, and the Grand Stewards shall place near the center of the room the Lodge or floor cloth, with the vessels of Corn, Wine, and Oil upon it, and cover it, and illume the lesser lights. The Grand Master shall then take his station, and direct the Officers of the Grand Lodge to take their respective stations and places. The Grand Lodge shall then be opened, and the Grand Chaplain shall make the following

The might of the Father of Heaven be with us now at our beginning, and teach us so to govern us here in our living and working, that we may come to His bliss which never shall have ending. Amen. Response by the Brethren: So mote it be.

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Music The Chairman of the Building Committee shall then advance with the Architect, in front of the station of the Grand Master, and address him as follows: Right Worshipful Grand Master: I present to you Brother __________ , the Architect of this building, who has completed the labors confided to his care, and now desires to surrender the implements intrusted to him when the Cornerstone was laid, and to return the designs furnished him from the trestleboard, which he has faithfully carried out to the entire satisfaction of the Building Committee. The Architect shall then address the Grand Master as follows: Right Worshipful Grand Master: Returning my thanks for the honor conferred when I was chosen to be the Architect of this building, I have respectfully to inform you that the work is now completed, and to return to you the implements intrusted to me when the Cornerstone was laid, and to express the hope that the designs upon the trestleboard which have been furnished to me, from time to time, will be found to have been faithfully carried out. The Grand Master shall then address the Architect as follows: Brother __________ : I congratulate you, my Brother, upon the successful completion of your arduous labors, and assure you of the entire approval of the Grand Master, of the manner in which you have executed the important trust confided to you. Music The Grand Secretary shall then say: Right Worshipful Grand Master: It is the desire of the Fraternity to have this new Hall dedicated to Freemasonry, according to Ancient Usage and Custom.

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The Right Worshipful Grand Master shall then say: In compliance with the expressed desire of the Fraternity we shall now dedicate this new Hall in accordance with the Ancient Usage and Custom. The Grand Officers will assist me in the dedicatory ceremony. The Grand Stewards shall then uncover the Lodge or floor cloth. Instrumental Music while the Grand Stewards are attending to this duty. The Right Worshipful Grand Master shall then say: Brother Grand Marshal, form the Grand Lodge Officers. The procession of the Officers of the Grand Lodge shall then be formed by the Grand Marshal, in the northeast angle of the Lodge room, right in front, facing the East. Music While the first procession is made three times around the Lodge room. When the Grand Master arrives at the East, the procession shall halt, and remain standing; and the Grand Chaplain, accompanied by the Grand Stewards, on his right and left, shall leave the procession, stand at the Lodge or floor cloth, in the East, facing the West, and offer the following

O Eternal GOD, mighty in power and of majesty incomprehensible, Whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain, much less the walls of temples made with hands; mercifully look upon us Thy servants, now assembled in Thy Name and presence, and bless and prosper all our works begun, continued, and ended in Thee. Graciously bestow on us Wisdom in all our purposes, Strength and Courage in all our difficulties, and the Beauty of harmony and holiness in all our communications and work. Let Faith be the

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foundation of our Hope, and Charity the fruit of our obedience to Thy blessed will. O Thou Preserver of men, be pleased mercifully to accept this service at our hands and to prosper this our undertaking. May all who shall he lawfully appointed to rule in this Hall be under Thy special guidance and protection, and faithfully observe and fulfill all their obligations to Thee and to the Lodge. May all who come within these walls have but one heart, and one mind, to love, honor, fear, and ohey Thee, as Thy majesty and unbounded goodness claim; and to love one another, as Thou hast loved us. May every discordant passion be here banished from our hearts. May we here meet in Thy presence as a band of Brethren, created by the same Almighty Hand, daily sustained by the same Beneficent Providence, and travelling the same road to the land of immortality. May Thy Holy Word always be here present to our minds, and may virtue and love, harmony and peaceful joy, reign triumphant in our hearts. May all the proper work of our Institution, proposed and accomplished in this Hall, be such as Thy wisdom may approve, and Thy goodness prosper. And, finally, be graciously pleased, O Thou Sovereign Architect of the Universe, to bless the Craft wheresoever dispersed, and make its members true and faithful to Thee, to their neighbors, and to themselves. And when our strength declines and our labor is drawing to an end, graciously enable us, we pray Thee, to pass through the valley of the shadow of death supported by Thy rod and Thy staff, to that Temple above, that House not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Glory be to GOD on High. Response by the Brethren: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. So mote it be. The Grand Master shall ascend the platform in front of his station, and say: In the Name of the Supreme and Eternal G OD , the Grand Architect of Heaven and Earth, to Whom be all honor and glory, I dedicate this Hall to FREEMASONRY.

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The Grand Chaplain shall then drop Corn (the vessel containing which shall be handed to him by the Grand Steward stationed on his right), over the Lodge or floor cloth, and the grand honors shall be given under the direction of the Grand Marshal. The Grand Master and the other Officers shall then return to their places in the procession. Music While the second procession is made three times around the Lodge room. When the Grand Master arrives at the East, the procession shall halt, and remain standing, and the Grand Master shall ascend the platform in front of his station, and say: In the Name of the Supreme and Eternal G OD , the Grand Architect of Heaven and Earth, to Whom be all honor and glory, I dedicate this Hall to VIRTUE and SCIENCE. The Grand Chaplain, accompanied and standing as before, shall then pour Wine (the vessel containing which shall be handed to him by the Grand Steward stationed on his left), upon the Lodge or floor cloth, and the grand honors shall be given as before. The Grand Master and the other Officers shall again return to their places in the procession. Music While the third procession is made three times around the Lodge room. When the Grand Master arrives at the East, the procession shall halt, and remain standing, and the Grand Master shall ascend the platform in front of his station, and say: In the Name of the Supreme and Eternal G OD , the Grand Architect of Heaven and Earth, to Whom be all honor and glory, I dedicate this Hall to UNIVERSAL BENEVOLENCE.

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The Grand Chaplain accompanied and standing as before, shall then pour Oil (the vessel containing which shall be handed to him by the Grand Steward stationed on his left), on the Lodge or floor cloth, and the grand honors shall be given as before. Music The Grand Master shall then take his station, and the other Officers shall resume their respective stations and places. The Grand Chaplain shall then make the following

O Lord GOD, there is no god like Thee, in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, Who keepest covenant and merry with Thy servants that walk before Thee with all their hearts. Let all the people of the earth know that the Lord He is GOD, and that there is none else, and that this house is built and dedicated to Thy Name. But will GOD, indeed, dwell on the earth? Behold the heaven, and heaven of heavens, cannot contain Thee; how much less this house that we have builded. Yet have Thou respect unto the prayer of Thy servant, and to his supplication, O Lord my GOD, to hearken unto the cry and to the prayer of Thy servant and Thy people. And hearken Thou to the supplication of Thy servant, and of Thy people; and hear Thou in heaven, Thy dwelling-place, and when Thou hearest, forgive. Response by the Brethren: The Lord is gracious, and His mercy endureth forever. The Grand Chaplain shall then give the following

Blessed be the Lord, that hath given rest unto His people. The Lord our GOD be with us, as He was with our fathers. Let Him not leave us nor forsake us, that He may incline our hearts unto Him, to

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walk in all His ways, and to keep His commandments, and His statutes, and His judgments, which He hath commanded our fathers. Glory be to GOD on High. Response by the Brethren: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. So mote it be. An oration, or an address, may now be delivered. Music The Grand Lodge shall then be closed, and the Grand Chaplain shall pronounce the following

May the blessings of GOD Almighty, Who made heaven and earth and all who dwell therein, be with us all and remain with us, now and forevermore. Amen. Response by the Brethren: So mote it be. The Grand Stewards shall then cover the Lodge or floor cloth, and extinguish the lesser lights. Instrumental Music while the Grand Stewards are attending to this duty. The Grand Marshal shall then form a procession of the Officers of the Grand Lodge, which shall move three times around the Lodge room, the Brethren remaining standing, and retire to the place whence it set out, where it shall he dismissed. Instrumental Music After the procession has withdrawn from the Lodge room, the Brethren shall retire.

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The proper authorities for the erection of the building, and the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, shall assemble at the time and place designated and march in procession to the site of the new building. The Brethren shall appear in Masonic dress, the Officers of the Grand Lodge and the officers of the Lodges wearing their appropriate jewels and aprons, and the other Brethren white lambskin aprons. The procession shall be formed as prescribed on page 146, under the orders of the Grand Marshal. When the head of the procession reaches the West end of the platform prepared for the Grand Lodge, it shall be halted, the ranks shall be opened to the right and left, facing inward, and the Brethren shall uncover. The Grand Master, preceded by the Grand Sword Bearer, and followed by the other Officers of the Grand Lodge, the proper authorities, and the members of the Grand Lodge, in reverse order, shall advance through the opened ranks to the East of the platform. As this procession advances, the band shall play a march. The Grand Master shall take his station, and direct the Officers of the Grand Lodge to take their respective stations and places.

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The President, or the Chairman of the constituted authorities delegated to erect the public building, shall preside, taking his seat on the North side of the platform. The Grand Marshal shall advance to the center of the platform, face the East, and proclaim: Silence! Silence! Silence! and return to his place. The Deputy Grand Master shall address the Grand Master: Right Worshipful Grand Master: The duly constituted authorities for the erection of the __________ have requested you to perform the ceremony of laying the Cornerstone. The necessary arrangements have been made by the authorities, and I have now the pleasure to present to you their President. The President shall address the Grand Master: Right Worshipful Grand Master: The Committee charged with the duty of preparing the Cornerstone have completed their labors, and it is now ready to be laid. The Grand Master shall reply: Mr. President: Thanking the authorities represented by you for the honor paid to the Craft, in the invitation to the Right Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, to lay the Cornerstone of the __________, I shall now proceed to perform that duty, according to our Ancient Usages and Customs.

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The Grand Chaplain shall then make the following INVOCATION O Thou Supreme Architect of the Universe, in Thy Name we assemble and lift our hearts unto Thee, O Creator and Ruler of the World. Deign to look upon us from the throne of Thy majesty, even upon us, unworthy supplicants of Thy favor. Of Thine only gift it cometh that Thy faithful people do unto Thee true and laudable service. We invoke Thy presence and Thy blessing upon the work of our hands today. We beseech Thee, our GOD, let Thy blessing continue upon our Nation and Commonwealth. Bless the President of these United States, the Governor of this Commonwealth, the legislative and judicial officers of the land and Nation, and all who are united with them in authority. May they all be men in whom Thou canst find delight, and by whom Thou wilt bring upon the people great prosperity. And now, Almighty Architect of the Universe, remember Thy servants, and direct us in all our doings with Thy most gracious favor. Lend Thine aid and bestow Thy benediction as we prepare and lay the Cornerstone of the edifice here to be erected; for except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. May the structure knit together by this stone, in the beauty and grandeur of its material parts, typify the abiding presence of that righteousness which alone exalteth a nation. O Thou Sovereign Architect of the Universe, have respect unto the prayer of Thy servants, and to their supplication, and enkindle, we beseech Thee, in our hearts a flame of true devotion and reverence for Thee, brotherly kindness for each other, and charity for all mankind. And unto the King, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise GOD, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. Response by the Brethren: So mote it be. The Grand Master shall then direct the Grand Treasurer to place the documents, coins, and other valuable articles, in the Cornerstone.

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The Grand Treasurer, having deposited the articles in the box placed in the cavity of the Cornerstone, shall address the Grand Master: Right Worshipful Grand Master: The coins and other valuable presents, set apart to be placed in the Cornerstone of the new building, are now duly deposited there; and your directions have been faithfully obeyed. The Grand Master shall then direct the Grand Secretary to read a list of the articles so deposited. Instrumental Music The Grand Master shall then address the Deputy Grand Master: Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master: It is my will and pleasure that the Cornerstone of the new building be now laid. Announce it to the Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, that he may announce it to the Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, with directions to proclaim it to the Brethren, that all present may govern themselves accordingly. The Deputy Grand Master shall then address the Senior Grand Warden: Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden: It is the Right Worshipful Grand Masters will and pleasure that the Cornerstone of the new building be now laid. Announce it to the Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, with directions to proclaim it to the Brethren, that all present may govern themselves accordingly.

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The Senior Grand Warden shall then address the Junior Grand Warden: Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden: It is the Right Worshipful Grand Masters will and pleasure that the Cornerstone of the new building be now laid. Proclaim it to the Brethren, that all present may govern themselves accordingly. The Junior Grand Warden shall then say: Brethren: Take notice, it is the Right Worshipful Grand Masters will and pleasure that the Cornerstone of the new building be now laid on this site. Govern yourselves accordingly. The Grand Master shall then address the Deputy Grand Master: Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master: See that the Craftsmen have well and truly prepared the Cornerstone to be laid by me. The Deputy Grand Master shall then proceed to the Stone with the Square, test and try it, return to his station, and say: Right Worshipful Grand Master: I find the Cornerstone of this new building Tried and True, Trusty and Square, and that the Craftsmen have worked well. The Grand Master shall then say: Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, and Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden:

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You will proceed to the Cornerstone, while the workmen and laborers are laying it in its proper position, at the northeast angle of the foundation; try it with the Plumb, Level, and Square, and report to us if it is well and duly prepared. The Grand Officers shall proceed as directed. The Cornerstone is then to be lowered to its bed, and placed in its proper position. The Junior Grand Warden shall try it with the Plumb, and say: Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master: I find the Cornerstone Plumb; and return to his station. The Senior Grand Warden shall try it with the Level, and say: Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master: I find the Cornerstone Level; and return to his station. The Deputy Grand Master shall try it with the Square, return to his station, and say: Right Worshipful Grand Master: I find the Cornerstone of this new building Plumb, Level, and Square, and that the Grand Officers have approved the work. Instrumental Music The Grand Deacons shall then proceed to the Cornerstone, the Senior Grand Deacon carrying the Gavel, and the Junior Grand Deacon carrying the Trowel. The Grand Master, preceded by the Grand Marshal and Grand Sword Bearer, shall then proceed to the Cornerstone, take the Trowel from the Junior Grand Deacon, and spread the cement, when the covering stone shall be fixed in its place by the workmen. He shall then take the Gavel from the Senior Grand Deacon, strike

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the Cornerstone three times therewith, and return to his station, and the other Officers shall return to their places. The Grand Master shall then say :* I, __________ , Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging. declare this Cornerstone to be Plumb, Level, and Square, and so duly laid according to the Ancient Usages, Customs, and Landmarks of Freemasonry; and may the Great Architect of Heaven and Earth bless the work here begun, and make it memorable to the latest generations. Instrumental Music The Grand Stewards shall then proceed to the Cornerstone, one carrying the vessel containing the Corn, the other the vessels containing the Wine and the Oil. The Deputy Grand Master, with the Grand Wardens, shall then proceed to the Cornerstone, and the Grand Steward shall present the Cornucopia to the Deputy Grand Master, who shall drop the Corn on the Stone and say: May plenty be showered down upon the people of this ancient Commonwealth, and may the labors of the Craft be refreshed by the Great Giver of every good and perfect gift. The Grand Steward shall then present the Wine to the Senior Grand Warden, who shall pour it on the Stone and say: May health and safety be vouchsafed to the Craftsmen employed in the erection of this new building, and may the Supreme Architect bless and prosper all their labors. The Grand Steward shall then present the Oil to the Junior Grand Warden, who shall pour it on the Stone and say: May the Supreme Ruler of the World vouchsafe unity, peace, and prosperity to the people of Pennsylvania, and to the nations of the earth; preserve and protect the Fraternity of Freemasons; make

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the virtues of the Craft a lesson to the world, and the labors of the Craftsmen easy and their burdens light. The Officers shall then return to their stations and places. Instrumental Music The Chairman of the Building Committee shall then present the Architect to the Grand Master, saying: Right Worshipful Grand Master: I present to you __________ the Architect of the new building. He has his Craftsmen ready for the work, and desires you to give him the designs from the trestleboard, and the tools of the workmen. The Grand Master shall then hand him plans and tools, and intrust him with the work. Instrumental Music The Grand Marshal shall then advance to the center of the platform, face the East, and, after commanding silence, make proclamation three times in the following manner :* Brethren: Take notice, that Brother __________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, has this day, at this place, laid the Cornerstone of the __________. After the third time he shall add: Wisdom! Strength! Fraternity

An Oration may then be delivered.

* In the absence of the Grand Master, the Grand Marshall shall say: Take notice, that Brother __________, Acting Right Worshipful Grand Master, etc.

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The Grand Chaplain shall then pronounce the following: BENEDICTION May the blessings of GOD Almighty, Who made the heaven and the earth, and all who dwell therein, be with us all and remain with us, now and forevermore. Amen. Response by the Brethren: So mote it be. The band shall then play a march, during which the Grand Lodge and the authorities shall be formed as before, and return to the place from whence they set out.

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Band Grand Marshal Each Lodge in the following order, the Junior Lodge in front: Tyler Members Pursuivant Masters of Ceremonies Deacons Chaplain Past Masters Secretary and Treasurer Wardens Master Band Grand Tyler Building Committee when required Architect Members of the Grand Lodge Grand Pursuivant Grand Stewards Grand Deacons Grand Chaplains and Deputy Grand Secretary Past District Deputy Grand Masters District Deputy Grand Masters Past Deputy Grand Masters Past Grand Masters Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer Grand Wardens Deputy Grand Master Grand Master Grand Sword Bearer Marshal

* See Articles 14.01, page 41 and 23.01, page 75.

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No Brother can be interred with the ceremonies of the Fraternity, unless he has been advanced to the degree of a Master Mason, and at the time of his decease was a member of a Lodge, and in good Masonic standing, unless by a Dispensation from the Grand Master.* The Master of the Lodge of which he was a member, having received notice of a Brothers decease, and that it is the desire of his family or friends that he should be interred with Masonic ceremonies, should notify the Lodge, and, at his discretion, invite the members of other Lodges to attend. The Brethren should assemble in the Lodge room, and, at the appointed time, a Lodge having been opened in the degree of a Master Mason, the following service shall be confined to the Lodge room exclusively.

MASTER: Brother Senior WardenFor what purpose are we assembled? SENIOR WARDEN: To honor the memory of our Brother, whom death has taken from us, and to pay the last sad rites of mortality. MASTER: Brother Junior WardenWhat sentiments should inspire the souls of Freemasons on occasions like the present? JUNIOR WARDEN: Calm sorrow for the absence of our Brother who has gone beyond us; earnest solicitude for our own eternal welfare; and a firm faith and reliance upon the wisdom and goodness of the Great Architect of the Universe.
* For Form, see page 196. In case of the decease of a Brother of a distant Lodge, where a Masonic funeral is desired, the Master of the Lodge to whom the request for the performance of Masonic ceremonies is made, shall proceed in like manner as if the deceased Brother had been a member of his own Lodge.

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M ASTER : Brethren-Commending these sentiments to your earnest consideration, let us invoke the assistance of Almighty GOD in these our solemn ceremonies. CHAPLAIN: O Almighty and Eternal GOD! There is no number of Thy days or of Thy mercies. Thou hast sent us into this world to serve Thee, but we wander far from Thee into paths of error. Our passions are violent and distempered; our understandings are weak; our bodies frail, and our wills perverse. Look Thou upon us, our Father, in mercy and pity, and enable us so to live, that when we come to die we may lie down in the grave as those who compose themselves to sleep, and, with a firm and abiding trust in Thy mercy, may the gloom and dread of dissolution be dispelled. Be with us now, and sanctify the solemnities of this occasion to our hearts, that we may serve Thee in spirit and understanding, and to Thy Name shall be ascribed the praise forever. Amen. RESPONSE BY THE BRETHREN: So mote it be. MASTER: My days are swifter than a weavers shuttle, and are spent without hope; the eye of him that hath seen me shall see me no more; as the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away, so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more. He shall return no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more. SENIOR WARDEN: Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? Are not his days also like the days of an hireling? As a servant earnestly desireth the shadow, and as a hireling looketh for the reward of his work, so am I made to possess months of vanity, and wearisome nights are appointed to me. JUNIOR WARDEN: As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth; for the wind passeth over it and it is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more. MASTER: The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

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SENIOR WARDEN: Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. JUNIOR WARDEN: What man is he that liveth and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave? MASTER: Thus saith the Lord: I will ransom them from the power of the grave. I will redeem them from death! O, death! I will be thy plagues! O, grave! I will be thy destruction! SENIOR WARDEN: Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. JUNIOR WARDEN: For He knoweth our frame, He remembereth we are dust. MASTER: O! that my words were now written. O! that they were printed in a book; that they were graven with an iron pen and lead, in the rock forever; for I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see GOD. The Brethren shall then sing the following Ode: during the singing of the first verse, the Junior Warden shall leave his station, and extinguish the light in the South; in the second verse, the Senior Warden the light in the West; and in the third verse, the Master the light in the East, remaining at their several positions until after the singing of the fourth verse, when they shall resume their stations. ODEC. M. When autumns leaves shall gently fall Unmarked to mother earth, The soul shall hear our Fathers call, And rise to heavenly birth. No burning tear, no mournful sigh, Can pass the silent tomb;

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There loves sweet blossoms neer shall die, But find a dearer bloom. No painful thought, no anxious care, Can eer invade thy rest; The bliss above thy better share, In heavens own glory blessed. Rest! Brother! Rest! thy journey oer, Immortal life begun; Now safely reached a calmer shore, Beyond a changing sun! After the singing a eulogy may be delivered, or appropriate remarks made by the Brethren in regard to the deceased Brother, after which the Master shall continue. MASTER: Here we have no abiding-place; soon the places that now know us shall know us no more forever. I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. SENIOR WARDEN: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them. JUNIOR WARDEN: For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of GOD, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. MASTER: Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his. Let us pray. CHAPLAIN: Our Father and Creator, the darkness and the light to Thee are both alike. Thou hast vouchsafed to call us Thy children, and dost most graciously permit us to call Thee Father. Behold us, we pray Thee, hear us with a fathers compassion, as we now lift our hearts to Thee. Thou art our only refuge and strength, our glory and confidence. Thou givest for a little while and then takest away; the flower is cut down in the tender bud; death spares

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not the innocence of childhood, or the hoary head of righteousness. O our Father, let not our faith in Thy goodness be shaken by the mysteriousness of Thy ways; but sustain us, O righteous Father, in our good resolutions and in the steadfast performance of lifes duties; look upon us in mercy, and accept with indulgence the little service we may be enabled to render to the cause of virtue, charity and truth; let the death of our Brother impress upon our minds the solemn thought that we too must soon pass away; give us, we beseech Thee, Thy grace, that we may spend our fleeting hours in Thy service, and when lifes journey is over may we each hear the welcome sound, Well done, good and faithful servant. And unto Thee be all the glory, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. RESPONSE BY THE BRETHREN: So mote it be. The Master shall then close the Lodge.

9.02 MASONIC FUNERALS Instructions for conducting a Masonic Funeral Service in a home, funeral home or at a grave site. The Masonic Funeral Service takes immediate precedence after the Religious Services and when they have been performed the Lodge must leave the area or grounds. The Lodge cannot join with any other association in the performance of Funeral Ceremonies. (The Booklet contains space to indicate the Masonic record of the deceased Brother and the names of those members of the Fraternity who attended the Service. The booklet is to be presented to the family of the deceased following the service. The Instruction Sheet must be removed from the Booklet before the presentation.)

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When the Worshipful Master receives a request to conduct a Masonic Funeral Service at a home, mortuary or grave site he shall arrange to have the white leathern apron delivered to the Funeral Director prior to the time of the service. The Worshipful Master, or his representative, upon delivering the apron, should instruct the Funeral Director on the correct placement of the apron and inform him on the procedure for a Masonic Funeral Service. The apron, in services held in the home or mortuary, shall be placed in the customary position as worn in the Masonic Lodge, but not tied. At the grave site the apron is placed upon the coffin in the same manner as placed for a closed coffin. Evergreens and scroll are placed on coffin, or dropped into open grave. The Service will be given from memory. The Service will only be read in a case where the Worshipful Master or other qualified Brethren are unavailable. Ideally, the Worshipful Master, Wardens and the Chaplain of the Lodge will conduct the service. If this is not possible it is recommended that a team of proficient Brethren, appointed by the Worshipful Master perform the service to the best of their ability. This team should be carefully selected and would perform only at the request of the Worshipful Master. It is recommended and preferred that Masonic Dress be worn by the Brethren participating; Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden and Chaplain if at all possible. Otherwise they should wear dark clothes, dark necktie, black shoes, white gloves, apron, collar and jewel. Attending Brethren should wear dark

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Head CASKET Foot

MASONIC FUNERALS 153 Pedestal SEC. 9, 9.02 clothes, aprons and white gloves if possible. The display on the left W. M. S. W. coat lapel of a blue ribbon two inches long and one-half inch wide Chap. J. W. is optional.

The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens shall each carry in the hand a sprig of evergreen for use in the Ceremony. The Worshipful Master and the Chaplain shall stand at the head F a m i The l y Wardens stand at the foot Widowof the casket. facing the Worshipful Family Master and the Chaplain.
B r et hr en

en hr et Br

The center of the casket shall be unobstructed in order that the mourners may view the body. The Brethren may form on two sides of the room or grave site in a manner not to obstruct the view of the mourners. In case of a large visitation of Brethren, those not able to take positions at the casket shall assemble in an adjoining room or near the grave site. Mourners Mourners

If the entrance has aisles on the sides of the room, the brethren will form as shown and the widow and family will be seated across the front between the aisles. Brethren who have retired may re-enter to offer personal condolences to the family, if they desire to do so.

The Pedestal shall be on square with the head end of the casket. The Master will stand fast until all others have exited, and he will then exit The Master will stand fast until all others have exited, and he directly last. He may proceed will then exit last. He may proceed directly to the widow to the widow and offer and offer condolences on behalf of the Lodge. condolences on behalf of the Lodge.
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Entrance E n t r aFuneral n c e Service at Mortuary Designated Formation

Designated Formation Funeral Service at Morturary

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After the Service is completed the Brethren shall pass in front of the coffin, or grave, in single file with the Senior and Junior Wardens leading off, pay their respects to the deceased Brother and then retire. The Worshipful Master shall stand fast until all the Brethren have passed and then retire last. The Brethren shall not pause while retiring for any purpose. If a Brother wishes to offer additional condolences or sympathy to the widow or family of the deceased Brother, he must wait and reenter the room after the Worshipful Master has retired. If it is necessary to have Brethren assembled in another room, or near the grave, the Wardens should assist them to pass by the casket. The Worshipful Master shall remain in place until after all the Brethren have passed, and then retire last. NO INNOVATIONS ARE PERMITTED The Director of the Ritualistic Work, Regional Instructors and Principals of the Schools of Instruction are prepared to instruct when requested or needed. Special Notes. 1. Closed Casket In each of these services when the casket is closed the apron is placed upon the casket prior to the service and the scroll and evergreen are placed on a pedestal, or may be carried in hand if no pedestal is used. When the casket is draped with a United States Flag, the scroll, apron and sprigs of evergreen must he placed upon a pedestal at or near the head of the casket and after each is used during the ceremony, each must be returned to the pedestal. Nothing shall be placed upon the United States Flag. 2. Crematory Urn In the case of a Crematory Urn, scroll, apron and evergreen shall be placed on a suitable small table or pedestal at an appropriate place in the room where the ceremony would be held. 3. Half casket In the case where only the upper half of the casket is open the apron shall be placed on the casket in the same relative position as if it were on the body. The scroll and evergreen shall be

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placed by the Worshipful Master the same as for the regular service. The evergreens of the Wardens should be placed alongside the body near the scroll. 4. Blanket If a blanket has been placed upon the body the apron shall be laid on top of the blanket in the same position as if there were no blanket. For Special cases, consult the Director of the Ritualistic Work. MASTER: Forasmuch as it has pleased Almighty GOD in His wise Providence to take out of this world the soul of our deceased Brother, we have come to acknowledge a relationship which the dearest ties of friendship and love enjoin, that of tendering a farewell to our departed Brother. As we mourn his departure, let us learn the lesson of our own mortality. How honorably he maintained the cares of life we can attest; let us, therefore, preserve his memory and dwell on all that was good and amiable in his character. That our Brother was faultless cannot be supposed, but as we shall all appear before the Almighty Judge, let our hearts register only our Brothers virtues. Farewell, my Brother; you have gone to meet your GOD, and may He approve of you. May we be faithful and when our end approaches, may our eyes be closed in peace. Farewell, till the Grand Summons comes. Then, Brother, may we rise to greet you. And now, because our GOD is the GOD of hope and consolation and does not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men, let us invoke His mercy and His grace. (Officers and members will stand with hands clasped, right over left, heads bowed) CHAPLAIN: Almighty and Everlasting GOD, the Lord of Life and Death, help us to approach Thee with profound reverence, and with a humble sense of our helplessness and dependence. Standing in the presence of death, we feel and acknowledge how frail and uncertain is our own condition; and while we thank Thee for the life of our Brother, we sincerely ask Thee to strengthen us who are still on our pilgrimage, and teach us that we may continue
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to grow in wisdom and understanding. May the labor of our hands, minds and hearts be diligent and productive, knowing that there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom we may take with us whither we go. Inspire in us such trust in Thee and such a measure of charity toward all mankind that we may secure Thy Divine approval. Let Thy Fatherly care and protection be over those who are bereaved. Remember them, O Lord, in mercy; supply their needs, and remove all rebellion from their hearts. Let Thy blessing rest upon us, in the performance of this fraternal duty. Comfort us with a sense of Thy goodness, lift up Thy countenance upon us and give us that peace which this world can neither give nor take away. Heavenly Father, pardon our sins, be our Strength in weakness, our Light in darkness and our Hope in Death. Glory be to GOD on High. RESPONSE BY THE BRETHREN: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. So mote it be. (All raise heads, drop hands at sides) (Master should turn to audience when speaking) MASTER: On this scroll, (hold up scroll) we have inscribed the name and Masonic record of our Brother. His spirit has returned whence it came. (Deposit in casket alongside body) This lambskin or white leathern apron worn by our Brother (point to apron) is an emblem of innocence, and the badge of a Freemason. It is more ancient than the Golden Fleece or the Roman Eagle; more honorable than the Star and Garter, or any order instituted by man. The charms of friendship and innocence cannot revoke the inevitable termination of this life, nor extend our tenure on earth. The occasion which now brings us together reminds us that we too are mortal, and our spirits shall someday leave this earthly home.

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This evergreen (hold up to display) is an emblem of our faith in the immortality of the soul. It is a symbol of that immortal part within us which continues to exist beyond physical death. Farewell, my Brother. (Lay on left lapel of deceaseds coat) SENIOR WARDEN: Farewell, my Brother. (Place evergreen in the casket alongside the body) JUNIOR WARDEN: Farewell, my Brother. (Place evergreen in the casket alongside the body) The following Invocations shall then be made by the Master: (Officers and members again fold hands right over left and bow heads) MASTER: May we be true and faithful and may we live and die in love. RESPONSE: So mote it be. M ASTER : May we profess what is good, and always act agreeably to our professions. RESPONSE: So mote it be. MASTER: May the Lord bless us and prosper us; and may all our good intentions be crowned with success. RESPONSE: So mote it be. MASTER: Glory be to GOD on High. RESPONSE: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. So mote it be. MASTER: May Almighty GOD of His infinite goodness, at the great tribunal of unbiased justice, extend His mercy toward our Brother and toward all of us, and crown our hope with everlasting peace in the realms of a boundless eternity. This we ask, in the honor of His Name, to Whom be glory now and forever. Amen. RESPONSE: So mote it be.

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Lodge Officers are to commit this entire service to memory. The Worshipful Master does not wear a hat and only he and the Wardens will deposit the evergreen. No other Masonic Funeral Service is authorized. 9.04 MASONIC MEMORIAL SERVICE

The following Memorial Service is to be performed in lieu of the regular Masonic Funeral Service in situations where the remains of the deceased brother are absent (missing in action, lost at sea, air crash, lost in a fire or similar situation). These Masonic ceremonies must take immediate precedence prior to the religious services if any are held. A Lodge cannot join with any other association in the performance of memorial services. Brethren participating in the Service should wear dark clothes, dark necktie, black shoes, white gloves, apron, collar and jewel (if participating Lodge Officer). It is recommended and preferred that Masonic dress be worn if at all possible. Attending Brethren should wear dark clothing, aprons and white gloves, if possible. A blue ribbon, two inches long and one-half inch wide, may be attached to the left lapel of the coat. (optional) A suitable pedestal or table of sufficient height shall be placed in the front center between the Master and the Wardens, upon which has been placed the apron, scroll and evergreen. If necessary, the pedestal or table may be placed upon a riser or platform in order to assure adequate visibility to the assembly. Sufficient reserved seating will be arranged for the Brethren in attendance. (If service is performed in a mortuary, the formation shall be used as in the regular Funeral Service.) The Brethren will form in the rear of the church, chapel or other place where the service is to be performed, or in a side room, if appropriate, and at the appointed time they shall proceed to the
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place designated for the service in single file in the following order of procession: Worshipful Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Chaplain Officers Members Using the center aisle, or if no center aisle exists, using one side aisle only, the Brethren will proceed to their respective places as shown below. The Master, Wardens and Chaplain will turn and face the assembly; all others will take reserved seats. Chaplain Master Pedestal Sr. Warden Jr. Warden

The officers and Brethren being in position, the Master, assisted by the Wardens and Chaplain will perform the Service in a deliberate, solemn and dignified manner, being careful not to hurry. If the Service cannot be given flawlessly from memory, then it shall be read from previously prepared brochures. Upon completion of the Service the Brethren will retire in reverse of the order of entry, the Master exiting last. The pedestal, scroll, apron and evergreen may remain in place until completion of any religious services which may be held. If any Brethren desire to remain for any religious service, they will quietly re-enter the room and be seated. At the end of all services, the Master will express to the bereaved, sympathy and condolences from the Lodge, and if the widow or next of kin desires it, he will present to her, or them, the elements used in the Memorial Service for keepsake purposes.

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MASONIC MEMORIAL SERVICE MASTER: Brother Senior Warden, for what purpose are we here assembled? S ENIOR WARDEN : To honor the memory of our late Brother __________ (name) who has returned to his Creator, the Grand Architect of the Universe. M ASTER : Brother Junior Warden, what sentiments should inspire the souls of Freemasons on occasions like the present? JUNIOR WARDEN: Calm sorrow for the absence of our departed Brother, earnest solicitude for our own eternal welfare and a firm faith and reliance upon the wisdom and goodness of the Grand Architect of the Universe. M ASTER : Brethren, commending these sentiments to your earnest consideration, let us invoke the assistance of Almighty GOD in these Ceremonies. CHAPLAIN: Almighty and Eternal GOD, there is no number of Thy days or of Thy mercies. Thou hast sent us into this world to serve Thee but we wander far from Thee into paths of error. Our passions are violent and distempered; our understandings are weak, our bodies are frail and our wills perverse. Look Thou upon us, our Father, in mercy and enable us to live that when we are called again unto our Creator we may lie down in peaceful sleep knowing that the gloom and dread of dissolution has been dispelled. Be with us now and sanctify the solemnities of this occasion to our hearts, that we may serve Thee in spirit and in truth; and to Thy name be all praise and glory, forever and ever. Amen. So Mote It Be. MASTER: Brethren, let us join in recital of the 23rd Psalm. The Senior Warden will lead us in our worship. SENIOR WARDEN: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters; He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake. Yea, though I walk through the

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valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen. MASTER: Forasmuch as it has pleased Almighty GOD in His wise Providence to take out of this world the soul of our deceased Brother, we have come to acknowledge a relationship which the dearest ties of friendship and love enjoin; that of honoring the memory of our departed Brother. As we mourn his departure let us learn the lesson of our own mortality. How honorably he maintained the cares of life, we can attest; let us, therefore, preserve his memory and dwell on what was good and amiable in his character. That our Brother was faultless cannot be supposed; but as we shall all appear before the Almighty Judge, let our hearts register only our Brothers virtues. We have come to honor the memory of our departed Brother who has gone to meet his GOD. May we be faithful and when our end approaches may our eyes be closed in peace. Farewell, till the Grand summons comes; then Brother, may we rise to greet you. And now, because our GOD is the GOD of hope and consolation and does not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men, let us invoke His mercy and His grace. CHAPLAIN: Almighty and everlasting GOD, the Lord of life and death, help us to approach Thee with profound reverence and with a humble sense of our helplessness and dependence. On this solemn occasion we feel and acknowledge how frail and uncertain is our own condition; and while we thank Thee for the life of our Brother, we sincerely ask Thee to strengthen us who are still on our pilgrimage; and teach us that we may continue to grow in wisdom and understanding. May the labor of our hands, minds and hearts be diligent and productive, knowing that there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, we may take with us whither we go. Inspire in us such trust in Thee and such a measure of charity toward all mankind that we may secure Thy Divine
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approval. Let Thy Fatherly care and protection be over those who are bereaved; remember them, O Lord, in mercy; supply their needs and remove all rebellion from their hearts. Let Thy blessing rest upon us in the performance of this fraternal duty. Comfort us with a sense of Thy goodness, lift up Thy countenance upon us, and give us that peace which this world can neither give nor take away. Heavenly Father, pardon our sins, be our Strength in weakness, our Light in darkness and our Hope in death. Glory be to GOD on High. RESPONSE: As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. So Mote It Be. MASTER: (holds up scroll) On this scroll we have inscribed the name and Masonic record of our Brother (reads the inscription). His spirit has returned whence it came (replaces scroll). MASTER: (Displays fully exposed apron) This lambskin, or white leathern apron, once worn by our Brother is an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Freemason. It is more ancient than the Golden Fleece or the Roman Eagle; more honorable than the Star and Garter, or any order instituted by man (replaces apron). M ASTER : The charms of friendship and innocence cannot revoke the inevitable termination of this life, nor extend our tenure on earth. The occasion which now brings us together reminds us that we too are mortal, and our spirits shall someday leave this earthly home. MASTER: This evergreen (holds up evergreen) is an emblem of our faith in the immortality of the soul. It is a symbol of that immortal part within us which shall continue to exist beyond physical death. Farewell, my Brother (replaces evergreen). MASTER: May we be true and faithful, and may we live and die in love. RESPONSE: So Mote It Be.

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M ASTER : May we profess what is good, and always act agreeably to our professions. RESPONSE: So Mote It Be. MASTER: May the Lord bless us and prosper us; and may all our good intentions be crowned with success. RESPONSE: So Mote It Be. MASTER: Glory be to GOD on High. RESPONSE: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. So Mote It Be. MASTER: May Almighty GOD of His infinite goodness, at the great tribunal of unbiased justice, extend His mercy toward our Brother and toward all of us, and crown our hope with everlasting peace in the realms of a boundless eternity. This we ask in the honor of His Name, to whom be glory now and forever. Amen. RESPONSE: So Mote It Be.

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10, 10.01.1


If a member is believed to be guilty of a Masonic offense, charges, which in this case are defined as accusations, must be in writing and may be preferred against him in the Lodge of which he is a member by an affiliated Mason, whether or not the accuser is a member of the same Lodge. The accused must be a member of one of the Subordinate Lodges in Pennsylvania or a Mason of another Jurisdiction residing in Pennsylvania. If charges are preferred against the Master of a Lodge, such charges must be preferred in Grand Lodge. When the accusation is made, the first consideration must be as to whether or not it will sustain a Masonic charge. Article 22 of the Ahiman Rezon states that the charge must be in writing, specific, state the matter complained of, and have added a specification in such detail as will bring this matter to the understanding of the Lodge. The charge or charges shall be in general terms, viz, (a) conduct unbecoming a Mason, or (b) gross unMasonic conduct and more fully stated in specifications under each charge in matters proper to be committed to writing. Each specification must clearly state the matter complained of and must give the time and place where the offense was committed and, if possible, the names of the persons involved. An example of Masonic offenses requiring Masonic punishment are drunkenness, profanity and blasphemy, undue solicitation for candidates, visiting irregular or clandestine Lodges, abuse of the ballot, adultery, violation of the particular injunctions of the Ritual or any of the Landmarks of Masonry, violation of the Constitution, laws, edicts, rules, by-laws or regulations of the Grand Lodge or the Subordinate Lodge and cruel treatment of wife, child or other member of one's family.

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Freemasonry will not take cognizance of differences which are cognizable in civil tribunals of the law unless they are Masonic offenses per se. In business matters the civil Courts alone must try and decide them. A Lodge is not a civil tribunal to hear and determine questions of mere business transactions between Brethren. It is only Masonic offenses that can be tried by the Lodge. Any breach of Masonic duty is a Masonic offense. However, if a Brother in his business transactions has so conducted himself as to bring reproach upon the Craft, charges may be preferred against him for unMasonic conduct prejudicial to the reputation of the Fraternity. A member of a Lodge outside of this Jurisdiction but residing in it may be tried for unMasonic conduct in this Jurisdiction by the Lodge nearest to his place of residence. If found guilty and expelled or suspended in accordance with the procedure set forth herein, the Lodge must furnish a properly certified copy of all proceedings and the evidence to the Lodge of which the accused is a member as well as its final action thereon, this is to be done through the Office of the Grand Secretary. Charges and specifications must first be submitted to the District Deputy Grand Master having jurisdiction, but not a member of the Lodge in which they are to be preferred. He shall examine them both as to form and substance and make such suggestions as he deems necessary or proper to ensure that they comply with the requirements of the Ahiman Rezon. (See Article 22, page 74, of the Ahiman Rezon.) He shall endorse on them a notation showing that they have been so submitted to him and no charges may be considered in any Lodge in the absence of such a notation. If for any reason the District Deputy Grand Master is unable to act for instance, if the charges are to be presented in his own Lodge then the charges and specifications shall be submitted to an experienced Brother designated by the Grand Master upon application made to him.

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10, 10.01.2

Once the charges have been prepared and approved by the District Deputy Grand Master, it is the duty of the Secretary to read the same at the next Stated Meeting of the Lodge and mail a notice of the same to the accused Brother. It must be kept in mind that a member is presumed innocent until proven guilty and therefore a member against whom charges have been filed is entitled to all the rights and privileges of his membership until he is found guilty. A member cannot be permitted to resign while charges are pending against him and a member who has resigned and whose resignation has been accepted prior to the filing of charges cannot be tried by his Lodge for an offense committed before he resigned. After the Secretary has read the charges and mailed a notice of the same to the accused Brother, a motion may then be made to refer the charges to a Committee of not less than three nor more than five, no one of whom shall be the accuser, to report to the Lodge whether a trial is necessary. The Committee appointed shall examine informally into the matters complained of and report to the Lodge at a subsequent Stated Meeting not more than four months from the date of the Meeting at which it was appointed. The Lodge by a majority vote of all members present may sustain or reject the report of this Committee. If the report of the Committee is sustained or, if, when the charges are first presented to the Lodge, the Lodge by a majority vote of all the members present deems it best, the Master shall appoint a Committee of not less than three nor more than five members of the Lodge, no one of whom shall be the accuser or a witness, to which the charges and specifications shall be referred to try the Brother on the same. 10.01.2 TRIAL

When the charges are referred to a Trial Committee either as a result of the report of the first Committee appointed or of the action of the Lodge on the original reading of the charges, it is the duty of the Secretary to prepare and deliver to the Trial Committee a certified copy of the charges and specifications, attaching thereto a cer-

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tificate under the seal of the Lodge setting forth that the said copy is true and correct and deliver the same to a member of the Trial Committee who shall in turn deliver the same to the Secretary of the Trial Committee as soon as one is selected as hereinafter provided. As soon as possible, after its appointment, the Trial Committee shall meet, and organize, by the election of one of its members as Chairman and another member as Secretary. The proceedings of the Committee shall be under the direction of the Chairman, who will be responsible of the proper conduct of the proceedings. The Secretary of the Committee shall prepare all notices, see that they are properly served, keep accurate records of the meetings of the Committee and of its proceedings generally, and prepare the report of the Committee, if unanimous, otherwise the majority report; attach to the report prepared by him, copies of the charges, specifications and summons, showing the time and manner of service thereof, copies of all notices served upon the accused, showing the time and manner of service thereof, all of the testimony taken and exhibits offered at the trial; deliver the same to the Secretary of the Lodge, as hereinafter provided, and generally assist the Chairman of the Committee in the performance of its duties as may be directed by the Chairman. At its organizational meeting, the Trial Committee shall fix a time for the meeting of the Committee, naming the day and hour when and the place where the Committee will meet to hear the case. The Master shall then issue a summons under the seal of the Lodge, attested by the Secretary, notifying the Brother that a charge or charges (a true copy of which, with the specifications, under the seal of the Lodge, must accompany the summons) have been preferred against him, filed in the Lodge, and referred for trial to a Committee composed of ________ Brethren, whose names shall be given, and summoning him to appear before the said Committee at the time and place designated by the Committee (setting out the
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10, 10.01.2

same), to make answer to said charge or charges and specifications, and proceed with the trial thereof. He shall deliver this summons to the Secretary of the Trial Committee, for service on the accused at least three days prior to the date of the meeting of the Trial Committee. The accused shall have at least three days' notice as hereinafter provided, of all meetings of the Trial Committee. The accuser and the accused shall each be entitled to have a Brother Master Mason present at all meetings of the Trial Committee, to advise him or them. The testimony of all the witnesses shall, when possible, be taken stenographically by a Brother Master Mason and transcribed thereafter as soon as possible, but in all cases the substance of such testimony shall be reduced to writing at the time it is given. The testimony of each witness shall be signed by such witness or the absence of such signature satisfactorily explained. Brethren will testify on their obligations as Freemasons. The testimony of all other witnesses must be taken orally at the meetings of the Trial Committee, under an oath to be administered by an officer authorized to administer oaths. Where a witness needed in a Masonic trial is not within the Jurisdiction, his testimony may be obtained in one or the other of two ways. (1) The most satisfactory to both sides is to have him come on and be personally present; or (2) if he cannot be obtained in this way, have both sides prepare interrogatories and cross-interrogatories, after the manner adopted in civil proceedings, and send them both together on to him, and if the witness be a Freemason, have him answer both series of questions on his honor as a Mason. An ex parte affidavit alone should not be used, since the right of cross-examination should not be denied. A copy of the summons and of the charge or charges and specifications, attested as aforesaid, shall be served on the Brother accused, by the hand of a Brother, who need not be a member of the Trial Committee, by delivering the same to him personally, if he can be found, not less than three days before the meeting of the
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Committee; or if he cannot be found, then by leaving the same at his place of residence, as recorded in the book kept by the Secretary of the Lodge of the places of residence of the members.* The Brother selected to serve said summons, and copy of the charge or charges and specifications, shall make written statement of the time and manner of service, and shall deliver the same to the Secretary of the Trial Committee at or before the time fixed for the first meeting of the Committee to take testimony. If the accused Brother cannot be found, and has no place of residence that is known, then the Brother selected to serve said summons, and copy of the charge or charges and specifications, shall make a written statement of these facts, and deliver the same to the Secretary of the Trial Committee before or at the time fixed for the first meeting of the Committee to take testimony. The Committee shall then adjourn till another day, and take such measures to have said summons and copy served on the said accused Brother, as will enable the Committee to have lawful Masonic information that said summons and copy were served. If at that meeting all reasonable efforts to serve such summons and copy have failed, and no one appears to represent the said accused Brother, the Master of the Lodge should then appoint an affiliated Master Mason to represent the accused, who shall be afforded every privilege the accused is allowed, and the Committee shall take all the testimony offered to sustain the charge or charges and specifications, and make thereon a report at a stated meeting of the Lodge; whereupon the Lodge may either proceed to act on such report and finding of the Committee, or postpone action to a stated meeting to be fixed by the Lodge. If in the meantime no information has been received as to the place of residence of the accused Brother, and there is no reasonable assurance that the said Brother can be served with further notice, the Lodge shall proceed to act on the report and finding of the Committee; provided at least two stated meetings of the Lodge have been held between the meeting at which the Committee to try
*This is the best evidence of a Member's residence. See Article 18.09, page 59. (Rev. 1994)

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10, 10.01.2

the Brother was appointed, and the stated meeting at which final action is had on the report and finding of the Committee. If the accused Brother is served with said summons, and the copy of the charge or charges and specifications, as above provided, and the said Brother appears at the meeting of the said Committee, and presents good ground for delay, the Committee may postpone further action to a day, hour, and place certain, of which the said Brother asking for delay shall in writing accept notice, to be filed with the Secretary of the Committee. Notice of the adjourned meeting of the Committee shall be given to all parties and witnesses then known to the Committee. The Secretary of the Committee shall make full and accurate minutes of all these proceedings. At the next meeting of the Committee, the parties having been notified under the seal of the Lodge, attested by the Secretary, as each and every notice must be attested both as to the day, hour, and place where the said Committee will meet, the Committee shall proceed to hear all the witnesses for the accuser and for the accused Brother, and reduce their testimony to writing, to be signed by the witnesses. After hearing all that may be said by the parties, or a Master Mason representing either or any of them, the Committee shall convene privately, and find as to the said charge or charges and specifications, and report their finding to the Lodge. The report of the Committee must conclude with a resolution finding the charge or charges and specifications proved, or not proved, or proved as to part of the charges, and not proved as to the others, specifying the same, or not proved as to all the charges. The accused Brother shall have notice of the stated meeting at which the report is to be made to the Lodge, under the seal of the Lodge, attested by the Secretary, and he may be present at such meeting, and shall have the privilege, either personally or by

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counsel, of addressing the Lodge in the case, but shall retire therefrom before action of the Lodge is had upon the resolution. At such stated meeting the Committee shall make its report, and then the Lodge shall act on the same, as it may deem proper, either at that meeting or the next regular stated meeting of the Lodge. No further postponement shall be permitted. If the resolution of the Committee is rejected in whole or in part, or adopted in whole or in part, the Lodge must by resolution accurately set forth its action thereon. If the charge against one who has been tried and convicted in a Court of law for a violation of any federal or state law, the only specification necessary is a certified copy of the Court record. In such cases there can be only one verdict, that of "guilty" and suspension or expulsion must follow. In this case, if the District Deputy Grand Master is advised of the conviction, reviews the same, and informs the Grand Master of the facts of the case, the Grand Master may of his own volition without further action on the part of the Lodge direct the suspension or expulsion of the accused and convicted Brother. The penalty to be inflicted for Masonic offenses shall be suspension or expulsion absolutely, and not suspension for any specified period. If guilty, either suspension or expulsion must follow. The distinction between the two does not seem to be material in Pennsylvania. Reference to Section 3 of Article 20 of the Ahiman Rezon provides that a Brother who has been expelled or suspended for any cause other than for non-payment of dues must apply at a stated meeting of the Lodge when, if a majority of the members present so decide, the Lodge shall request the Grand Lodge to remove the expulsion or suspension and after it is removed, the Brother may petition for membership in the same manner and subject to the same Rules and Regulations governing the proceedings in cases of Petitions for Membership.
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10, 10.01.3

The Committee at the conclusion of the trial files its report concluding with a resolution finding the charges proved or not proved and notice of the same is given the accused. At the next stated meeting of the Lodge, the Committee reports and the accused has the right to address the Lodge either personally or by counsel but must retire before the vote is taken on the report of the Committee. If the finding is "guilty", either suspension or expulsion must follow. In case the accused shall feel aggrieved by the admission of improper evidence or the rejection of proper evidence, he may at the time except to the ruling of the Committee (which ruling and exception shall be entered on the minutes of the Committee), and may present his exceptions to the Lodge in writing, at the time the report of the Committee is made, stating briefly the ruling of the Committee, and the ground of his objections, which is first to be considered, and if the action of the Committee is reversed, the case shall without vote, be referred back to the Committee for further consideration. In acting upon exceptions, each party may be heard briefly, but general debate shall not be permitted. If the exceptions are not sustained, the Lodge shall proceed to act upon the resolution. When the Lodge has finally acted on the case, the Secretary of the Committee shall hand to the Secretary of the Lodge the minutes of the Committee, copies of the summons and all the notices served on the Brethren, and all the original papers intrusted to him. The accused Brother if his whereabouts be known, shall be informed by the Master in writing, under the seal of the Lodge, attested by the Secretary, of the final action of the Lodge in his case within one week from the date of such final action. 10.01.3 APPEALS

When the Lodge has finally acted regardless of what that action may have been the accused, any member of the Lodge or any affiliated Mason who believes that a wrong has been done
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to the interests of Freemasonry by the action of the Lodge, may appeal to the Grand Lodge within six months after final action of the Lodge. The appeal which must conform to the provisions of Article 13.19, pages 34 and 35, shall be sent to the Grand Secretary together with a copy of the minutes of the Lodge relating thereto. The matter is then referred to the Committee on Appeals and the procedure of that Committee is outlined in Articles 13.12 through 13.18 of the Ahiman Rezon. The Committee on Appeals may in some cases reach a conclusion based upon the written record alone but in other cases may require the production of additional testimony and for this purpose may conduct hearings and summon witnesses. Notice is given to all parties in interest of all meetings of the Committee on Appeals and upon reaching a conclusion, that Committee presents its report to the Grand Lodge. Action thereon by the Grand Lodge is final and there is no appeal therefrom.

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10, 10.02

CHARGES ________________A.D. _____, A.L. ____

To the Worshipful Master, Officers and Brethren of ___________ Lodge, No _________, Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania: The undersigned, a Master Mason, and a member of__________ Lodge, No. _________, Free and Accepted Masons, hereby charges Brother _______________________________________________, a Master Mason [or F.C., or E.A., as the case may be], and a member of your Lodge, with [here insert in general terms the offense charge as,] 1. Gross unmasonic conduct; or, 2. Conduct unbecoming a Mason; as is more fully stated in the following specification [or specifications], to wit: First, _______________________ Second, _____________________ Third, _______________________ Signed_________________________ Note.The specification or specifications must set forth in clear, plain language, as nearly as practicable, the nature of the offense, the time when, and the place where, the same occurred, so that the accused Brother shall be afforded a full opportunity of defending himself. Nothing, however, should be stated that would be improper to be committed to writing. If the charge is an offense against the criminal law, which has been tried in a Civil Court, the specification must allege that the Brother has been tried for it, naming the offense.

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___________LODGE NO. _________, FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS To __________: BROTHER: Charges and specifications, of which a certified copy, under the seal of the Lodge, attested by the Secretary, is herewith served on you,were preferred against you, and filed in said Lodge, and were referred for trial to these Brethren, viz., _____________________, Committee. You are hereby summoned to appear before said Committee, at____________________________________________________, on the_________day of__________, A.D._____, A.L._____ at _____oclock_____M., of that day, to make answer to said charges, and proceed with the trial thereof. Witness my hand, and the seal of said Lodge, this__________ day of__________, A.D._____, A.L._____. _________________________ [SEAL]
Attest: Master


(To be endorsed on the back.) -------------------10.04 ENDORSEMENT OF SUMMONS TO Brother_________________________ Filed this__________day of___________, A.D._____, A.L.______,
_________________________Secretary of the Committee ____________________LODGE NO._____, FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS

__________, A.D._____, A.L._____

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10, 10.05

I hereby certify, that on the ___________ day of ____________, A.D._____, A.L._____, at the________________________in the State of_______________________, I served on Brother _______a copy of the within summons, and a copy of the charges and specifications referred to therein, certified by the Secretary, under the seal of the Lodge, by delivering to and leaving the same with him [or by leaving the same at his residence with an adult member of his family]. _________________________
Member (or Tyler) of said Lodge

The accused Brother may, if he chooses, accept service of the summons by endorsing on the same the following: __________, A.D._____, A.L_____ I hereby accept service at___________________, of the within summons, and of a certified copy, under the seal of the Lodge, attested by the Secretary, of the charges and specifications referred to herein, this____________day of___________, A.D._______, A.L._____. _________________________ 10.05 SUBPNA TO WITNESSES
___________________LODGE NO._____, FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS ____________________, A.D._____, A.L._____

To________________________: You are hereby notified and required to appear before the Committee heretofore appointed to try the charges preferred by Brother________________ against Brother________________ at______________________, on the__________day of_________, A.D._____, A.L._____, at_____oclock_____M., of that day, to testify as a witness therein, on behalf of said________. By order of the Committee, ____________________
Secretary of the Committee

(To be endorsed on the back.)

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____________________LODGE NO._____, FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS __________________, A.D._____, A.L._____

I hereby certify, that on the__________day of__________, A.D._____, A.L._____, I served a copy of the within subpna on _________________________, at_________________________in the County of_________________________, by delivering to and leaving the same with him [or, by leaving the same at his residence with an adult member of his family]. _________________________
Member (or Tyler) of said Lodge

Or, if service is accepted, I hereby accept service of the within subpna, at__________, this__________day of__________, A.D._____, A.L._____. _________________________ 10.07 REPORT OF COMMITTEE
__________, A.D._____, A.L._____ To the Worshipful Master, Officers, and Brethren of ____________________Lodge No.__________, Free and Accepted Masons: BRETHREN:

Your Committee appointed to try the charge [or charges] preferred against Brother________________on the__________day of__________, A.D._____, A.L.______, having heard all that was offered before them by the parties, do find from the evidence On specification first of charge first, Guilty [or second not guilty]. third [After passing upon each specification to the first charge, add] On charge first guilty [or not guilty]. And they offer the following resolution: Resolved, That Brother_________________________is guilty [or not guilty], and recommend that he be expelled [or suspended] from this Lodge [or that the charge or charges be dismissed]. [The same course must be pursued upon the several specifications to each charge, if there is more than one, and upon each charge.] The accompanying papers contain the minutes and proceedings of the Committee, and the testimony taken, with the signatures of the several witnesses to their testimony.

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10, 10.08

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 10.08



____________________LODGE NO.__________, FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS ____________________, A.D._____, A.L._____

To_________________________: BROTHER: Take notice that the Committee appointed to try the charge [or charges] preferred against you on the __________day of __________, A.D._____, A.L._____, have completed their labors, and will present their report to the Lodge at the stated meeting to be held in the Lodge room, in__________, on the__________day of__________, A D._____, A.L.______, at which time and place you may attend, if you think proper. Fraternally yours, _________________________
Chairman of the Committee


Attest: _________________________
Secretary of the Lodge

(To be endorsed on the back.) I hereby certify, that on the __________day of _________, A.D._____, A.L._____, at _____________________, in the County of ____________________, I served a copy of the within notice, on Brother __________________________, by delivering to and leaving same with him [or by leaving the same at his residence with an adult member of his family]. _________________________
Secretary of the Committee

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11, 11.01




To Brother_________________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: I do hereby certify that Brother_________________________is a Master Mason, and a member in good standing of________Lodge No.________, held at____________________, and I therefore recommend him as worthy of obtaining a Grand Lodge Certificate Witness my hand and the seal of said Lodge, this __________ day of __________, A.D._____, A.L._____. [SEAL] ____________________ Master Attest : ____________________ Secretary Date when initiated or last admitted, __________. __________ 11.02 GRAND LODGE CERTIFICATE The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: To all Ancient, Regular, Free and Accepted Masons, throughout the Globe: UNION HEALTH HAPPINESS We do hereby certify that the bearer hereof, Brother__________, a member of ________ Lodge No. _________, held at _________, under our Jurisdiction, has been raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, and has performed all his works among us, to the entire satisfaction of the Brethren. He is therefore recommended as such. In testimony whereof, we have delivered to him this Certificate;

Signature of Brother

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11, 11.03

and, that the same may not be of use to any one else, we have caused him to sign his name in the margin. Given at the City of Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, this__________day of__________, A.D._____, A.L._____. G.M. [SEAL] G. SEC. ___________ GRAND LODGE CERTIFICATE FOR A BROTHER MADE BY DISPENSATION The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: To all Ancient, Regular, Free and Accepted Masons, throughout the Globe: UNION HEALTH HAPPINESS We do hereby certify that the bearer hereof, Brother _____________________, being otherwise fully qualified, but unable to abide the usual time among us, has been duly entered, passed, and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, by Dispensation, in________Lodge No.________, held at _________, under our Jurisdiction. He is therefore recommended as such. In testimony whereof, we have delivered to him this Certificate, and, that the same may not be of use to any one else, we have caused him to sign his name in the margin. Given at the City of Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, this__________day of__________, A.D._____, A.L._____. G.M. D.G.M. [SEAL] S. G. W. J. G. W. G. SEC. G. TREAS. 11.03

Signature of Brother


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LODGE CERTIFICATE FOR A BROTHER WHO HAS RESIGNED E.A. or Whereas, Brother_________________________, an F.C. M.M. _____ and last a member of __________Lodge No.__________, Free and Accepted Masons, held at ___________________, under a Warrant from the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, has regularly withdrawn from the said Lodge, and conformed to its By-Laws: Therefore, we, the Master and Wardens of said Lodge, do grant to him this Certificate of his conduct as a worthy Brother during his continuance among us, and recommend him to the kind consideration of the Fraternity throughout the world. Witness our hands, and the seal of said Lodge, at__________, this__________day of__________, A.D.______, A.L._____. _______________ Master [SEAL] _______________ S.W. _______________ J. W. Attest: _______________ Secretary

{ }

Signature of Brother

Entered ________ Crafted __________ Raised __________ ___________ TRANSFER CERTIFICATE FOR A BROTHER MASTER MASON WHO WISHES TO TRANSFER TO ANOTHER LODGE (Conditional Resignation) Whereas, Brother _________________________ a Master Mason and a member of __________________ Lodge No. _____, Free and Accepted Masons, held at ____________________, under a Warrant from the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, having filed with said Lodge a notice of his intention to conditionally resign therefrom and to petition __________________ Lodge No. _________, Free and Accepted Masons of _______________ for membership in said Lodge and having conformed with the By-Laws of his Lodge: Therefore, we, the Master and Wardens of _________________ Lodge No.__________, do grant him this Transfer Certificate as
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11, 11.06

evidence of his right to file such Petition and of his conduct as a worthy Brother during his continuance among us, and recommend him to the kind consideration of the Fraternity. This Transfer Certificate to become null and void at the expiration of six months from the date hereof unless Brother __________ shall have been elected to membership in __________ Lodge No. _____, prior to said date. Witness our hands and the seal of our Lodge, at __________ this __________day of __________, A.D._____, A.L._____. _______________________________ Master _______________________________ S. W. [SEAL] _______________________________ J. W. ATTEST: _______________________________ Secretary Entered __________ Crafted __________ Raised ______________ Signature of the Petitioner ________________________________ __________ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TRANSFER MEMBERSHIP TO ANOTHER LODGE AND CONDITIONAL RESIGNATION To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of __________ Lodge No. _________ Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania: It is my intention to petition__________Lodge No.__________ held at __________for membership herein and I therefore submit my resignation, conditioned upon and to become effective only upon my acceptance in said Lodge, and I hereby request that a Transfer Certificate, as provided by the Ahiman Rezon, be issued to me. ________________________ Signature ________________________ Name ________________________ Address ________________________ Date ________________ __________ 11.06

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11, 11.07



NOTICE TO FORMER LODGE OF ELECTION BY TRANSFER To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of__________ Lodge No. ___________, Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania: You are hereby notified that at a Stated Meeting of _______ Lodge No. _______ held on _____________, 19______, Brother __________, late a member of your Lodge was elected to membership in this Lodge. ________________________________ Secretary _________________________ Lodge No. _____ ______________________ Address of Secretary ________________________________________ Date _______________________


F. & A.M.

We do hereby certify that Brother________________________, an { }___ and last a member of _______ Lodge No. ______, Free and Accepted Masons, held at__________, under a Warrant from the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, has ceased to be a member thereof, and is in good Masonic standing: Therefore, we, the Master and Wardens of said Lodge, do grant him this Certificate, and recommend him to the kind consideration of the Fraternity throughout the world. Witness our hands, and the seal of said Lodge, at __________ this _____ day of __________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____. _______________ Master [SEAL] _______________ S.W. _______________ J.W. Attest: _______________ Secretary Entered ________ Crafted __________ Raised __________ ___________

Signature of Brother

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182 11.09



11, 11.09

PETITION FOR A WARRANT FOR A NEW LODGE To the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania, and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: We, the undersigned, being regular Master Masons, formerly members of the Lodges mentioned opposite our respective names, and at this time not members of any Lodge pray for a Warrant of constitution, empowering us to meet as a regular Lodge, at __________, to be called __________ Lodge No. __________, and there to discharge the duties of Freemasonry in a constitutional manner according to the forms of the Fraternity, and the Constitution, Laws, and Regulations of the Grand Lodge. And we have chosen, and do recommend, Brother__________to be Master, Brother__________to be Senior Warden, and Brother __________ to be Junior Warden, of the said Lodge. The prayer of this petition being granted, we promise strict conformity to the Ancient Landmarks of the Craft, and the Constitution, Laws, and Regulations of the Grand Lodge. [To be signed by at least fifteen unaffiliated Master Masons.] RECOMMENDATION TO BE SIGNED BY THREE OR MORE WELL-KNOWN AND APPROVED MASTER MASONS We recommend that the prayer of the above petition be granted. RECOMMENDATION OF THE DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER I recommend that the prayer of the above petition be granted. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER

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RECOMMENDATION BY THE NEAREST LODGE, IF WITHIN FIVE MILES At a stated meeting of __________ Lodge No.__________, held at__________ on the__________ day of__________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____, on motion made and seconded, it was Resolved, That the above petition be recommended to the favorable consideration of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge. Witness my hand, and the seal of said Lodge, this _______ day of_______, A.D._____, A.L._____. [SEAL] _______________ Master Attest: _______________ Secretary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WARRANT FOR A NEW LODGE Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden. To all whom it may concern. The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, in ample form assembled at the City of Philadelphia, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: WISDOM STRENGTH FRATERNITY Know ye, that we, the said Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons (according to the Old Constitutions, revived by his Royal Highness Prince Edwin, at York, in the Kingdom of England, in the year of the Christian era, nine hundred twenty and six, and in the year of Masonry, four thousand nine hundred twenty and six), by virtue of the powers and authorities vested in us, do hereby constitute and appoint our worthy and well-beloved Brethren _______________ Master, _______________ Senior Warden, and _______________ Junior Warden, of a Lodge to be called _______________ Lodge No. __________, to be held at __________, or within five miles of the same. And we do further authorize and empower our said 11.10

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trusty and well-beloved Brethren _______________, to admit and make Freemasons according to the Most Ancient and Honorable Custom of the Royal Craft in all ages and nations throughout the known world, and not contrariwise. And we do further empower and appoint the said _______________, and their successors, to hear and determine all and singular, matters and things relating to the Craft within the jurisdiction of the said Lodge, with the assistance of the members of the said Lodge. And lastly, we do hereby authorize and empower our said trusty and well-beloved Brethren _______________, to install their successors, being first duly elected and chosen, to whom they shall deliver this Warrant, and to invest them with all the powers and dignities to their offices respectively belonging; and such successors shall in like manner, from time to time, install their successors, etc. Such installation is, if practicable, to be made on or before St. John the Evangelists Day, during the continuance of this Lodge, forever. Provided always, that the said above-named Brethren, and their successors, pay due respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, and the Constitution, Laws, and Regulations thereof, otherwise this Warrant is to be of no force or effect. Given by the authority granted in open Grand Lodge, on the__________day of__________, in the year of our Lord one thousand, _________ hundred and _________, and of Masonry, five thousand, _________ hundred and _________, under the hands of our Right Worshipful Grand Officers, and the seal of our Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, at the City of Philadelphia, this __________day of ______, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, _________ hundred and _______, and of Masonry, five thousand, __________ hundred and _______. [SEAL] G. Treas. __________ Attest: G. Sec.

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11, 11.11



PETITION FOR INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP To the Worshipful Master, Officers, and Members of _________ Lodge No._________, Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania: I, the undersigned respectfully pray that I may be initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry and become a member of your Worshipful Lodge. I declare that I am free by birth, unbiased by the improper solicitations of friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary or other improper motives; that I am prompted solely by a favorable opinion conceived of the Institution, and a desire of knowledge; and that I freely and voluntarily offer myself a candidate. I further declare my belief in the existence of a Supreme Being; that I have never before petitioned any regularly constituted Masonic Lodge, to be made a Mason and been rejected; and that, if my petition is approved, I will conform to the Ancient Usages and Customs of the Fraternity. Name in full____________________________________________ Age_____years. Date of Birth _____________________________ Occupation_____________________________________________
(State specifically and in detail the character of the occupation)


Social Security Number if Volunteered _______________________ Residence of Petitioner ___________________________________ City or Town ___________________________________________ County ________________________State ___________________ Where I have continuously resided since _____________________ My former residences were at __________________________ for ___________years, and at __________________________ for ___________years. Place of Birth___________________________________________ Name of Employer_______________________________________ Business of Employer ____________________________________ Signature of Petitioner____________________________________ Date of Signature________________________________________
(Give Street and Number)

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11, 11.12

I recommend the petitioner as worthy, and certify that I have been personally acquainted with him for __________ year_____ immediately preceding this date. _________________________________ Date_______________ I recommend the petitioner as worthy, and certify that I have been personally acquainted with him for__________year_____ immediately preceding this date. _________________________________ Date_______________ __________ PETITION FOR INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP, AFTER A REJECTION ON FIRST PETITION To the Worshipful Master, Officers, and Members of ________ Lodge No. ________, Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania: I, the undersigned respectfully pray that I may be initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry, and become a member of your Worshipful Lodge. I declare that I am free by birth, unbiased by the improper solicitations of friends and uninfluenced by mercenary or other improper motives; that I am prompted solely by a favorable opinion conceived of the Institution, and a desire of knowledge, and that I freely and voluntarily offer myself a candidate. I further declare my belief in the existence of a Supreme Being; that on or about __________, A.D. 19_____, I petitioned __________ Lodge No. _____, within the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of __________ and was rejected [which said rejection was removed as per certificate hereto attached], and that, if my petition is approved, I will conform to the Ancient Usages and Customs of the Fraternity. 11.12

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Name in full____________________________________________ Age_____years. Date of Birth _____________________________ Occupation_____________________________________________

(State specifically and in detail the character of the occupation)

Social Security Number if Volunteered _______________________ Residence of the Petitioner ________________________________ City or Town ___________________________________________ County ________________________State ___________________ Where I have continuously resided since _____________________ My former residences were at __________________________ for ___________years, and at __________________________ for ___________years. Place of Birth___________________________________________ Name of Employer_______________________________________ Business of Employer ____________________________________ Signature of Petitioner____________________________________ Date of Signature________________________________________ I recommend the petitioner as worthy, and certify that I have been personally acquainted with him for__________year_____ immediately preceding this date. _________________________________ Date_______________ I recommend the petitioner as worthy, and certify that I have been personally acquainted with him for__________year_____ immediately preceding this date. _________________________________ Date_______________
NOTE.When this Form is used in accordance with Article 21.15 or 21.16, by one rejected in Pennsylvania, strike out the words which said rejection was removed as per certificate hereto attached. (Give Street and Number)


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11, 11.13

11.13 APPLICATION OF A PETITIONER FOR PERMISSION TO PETITION FOR INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP AFTER A REJECTION ON SECOND PETITION To the Worshipful Master, Officers, and Members of __________ Lodge, No. __________, Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania: I, the undersigned respectfully represent that I have been informed that I have been twice rejected as a petitioner for initiation into the mysteries of Freemasonry and membership in your Worshipful Lodge; and that I believe that the objection which previously existed against me does not now exist; and I ask that I may be permitted to present a third petition for initiation and membership, promising cheerfully to conform to the Ancient Usages and Customs of the Fraternity. Witness my hand this _____day of_________, AD.__________ Recommended by Full Name ____________ _________________________ Age__________________ _________________________ Occupation____________ Residence_____________

If the above permission is unanimously granted, the petitioner may present a petition in the same form as second petition, Sec. 11.12, stating the date of his last rejection. __________ PETITION FROM A BROTHER FOR MEMBERSHIP To the Worshipful Master, Officers, and Members of __________ Lodge No. __________, Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania: and last a member I, the undersigned, of__________Lodge No.__________held at__________as may be seen by reference to the enclosed Certificate, respectfully pray that I may be admitted a member of your Worshipful Lodge. 11.14

An Entered Apprentice, A Fellow Craft, or A Master Mason,

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11, 11.15



Witness my hand, this ________ day of ________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____. Recommended by Full Name ____________ _________________________ Age__________________ _________________________ Occupation____________ Residence_____________ __________ 11.15 REPORT ON A PETITION FOR INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP, OR MEMBERSHIP ONLY To the Worshipful Master, Officers, and Members of __________ Lodge No. __________, Free and Accepted Masons: The Committee appointed on the within petition of ____________________ to make the necessary inquiries relative to his fitness [for initiation as a Freemason, and] for membership in this Lodge, hereby certify that one of the undersigned has personally interviewed the petitioner, at his home, has read to him the petition, and inquired whether he subscribes to all the conditions thereof. That they have made diligent and careful inquiry as to all matters which pertain to the character and residence of the petitioner, and report { } the prayer of his petition being granted. Witness our hands, this ______ day of ______, A.D. 19_____, A.L. 59_____ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Committee _____________________________________ __________

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11, 11.16

11.16 CERTIFICATE OF THE REPRESENTATIVE OF A LODGE IN THE GRAND LODGE To Brother __________________, a Past Master, and a member of __________ Lodge No. __________, under the Jurisdiction of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: At a stated meeting of __________ Lodge No. __________ held at ____________ on the _______ day of _______, A.D. _____, A.L. _____, you were elected the Representative of said Lodge, in the Grand Lodge aforesaid. Witness my hand, and the seal of this Lodge, this ________ day of ________, A.D._____, A.L._____. [SEAL] _______________ Master Attest: _______________ Secretary __________ DISPENSATION TO CONSTITUTE A LODGE, AND REPORT THEREON I, ____________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: To my worthy Brother ____________________, Greeting: Reposing the greatest confidence in your zeal, fervor, and constancy in the Craft, I do, by virtue of the powers and authorities in me vested, hereby authorize and empower you to call to your assistance a sufficient number of known and approved Past Masters in ____________________ to open and constitute a new Lodge, to be held there; and to proceed to the installation of our worthy Brethren __________ Master, __________ Senior Warden, and __________ Junior Warden, and others, the officers of a new Lodge, there to be constituted and established, to be called and known by the name of __________ Lodge No. __________, Free and Accepted Masons, according to the Most Ancient and Honorable Custom of the Royal Craft, in all ages, and amongst all nations in the known world, and not contrariwise. You will make report to me, hereunto annexed, of your proceedings. This 11.17

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Dispensation shall remain in force for __________ months from the date hereof, and no longer. Given under my hand and seal, at the City of Philadelphia, this __________ day of __________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____. [SEAL] Attest GRAND MASTER
Grand Secretary

REPORT THEREON To Brother ____________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: I do hereby report, That in pursuance of the powers deputed in the above Dispensation, I did, on the________ day of ________, A.D. _____, A.L._____, in conjunction with a sufficient number of known and approved Past Masters, constitute the Lodge called __________ Lodge No. __________, Free and Accepted Masons, and installed the officers thereof, according to Ancient Usage and Form. Witness my hand at _______ this ________ day of __________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____. ____________________ __________ PETITION FOR A DISPENSATION TO PASS AND RAISE, OR TO RAISE To Brother ____________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: The petition of ____________________ respectfully shows: That your petitioner is an Entered Apprentice [or, a Fellow Craft] Mason, and a member of __________ Lodge No. _____, held at __________, and that he is desirous of being further advanced in Freemasonry, but cannot await the usual delays required by the Ahiman Rezon: He, therefore, prays that you will be pleased to grant a Dispensation allowing him to be passed, and 11.18

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11, 11.19

raised [or, raised] to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. Witness my hand, this __________ day of __________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____. ______________________________ (Full name of Petitioner) We, the Master and Wardens of __________ Lodge No. _____, Free and Accepted Masons, recommend the above petitioner to the Right Worshipful Grand Master as a worthy Brother, and deserving of the favor prayed for by him. Witness our hands, this day of __________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____. _______________ Master _______________ Senior Warden _______________ Junior Warden Granted _______________________________ DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER -----------------------------------DISPENSATION TO PASS AND RAISE, OR TO RAISE I, __________, the Right Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: To the Worshipful Master of ________ Lodge No. __________, Free and Accepted Masons, Greeting: By virtue of the powers and authorities in me vested, I do hereby authorize and empower you to pass, and raise [or, to raise] to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, Brother _________________ an Entered Apprentice [or, a Fellow Craft] Mason, and a member of your Lodge, who has been duly recommended to me by your Lodge as worthy thereof, and cannot await the usual delays required by our Laws. And for so doing, this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand, at _________ this _________ day of __________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____. Right Worshipful Grand Secretary -----------------------------------(Rev. 2002)


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11, 11.22


By an Amendment to the Ahiman Rezon, adopted December 6, 1995, this Dispensation was eliminated.


By an Amendment to the Ahiman Rezon, adopted December 6, 1995, this Dispensation was eliminated.

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11, 11.23


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I, __________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: To the Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Members of _________ Lodge No. __________, Free and Accepted Masons, held at___________, Greeting: Whereas our Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, by Warrant under the hands of the then Right Worshipful Grand Officers, and the seal of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, bearing date the _________ day of ________, in the year of our Lord, one thousand _________ hundred and ________, and of Masonry, five thousand __________ hundred and __________, and recorded in the Book of Warrants, No. _________, Page __________, authorized the holding of a Lodge under its Jurisdiction in __________, or within five miles thereof, called __________ Lodge No. __________, which Lodge was duly constituted on the __________, and the labors thereof carried on agreeably to the Ancient Landmarks, so far as our Right Worshipful Grand Lodge has information respecting the same. And whereas it has been represented to me, that the said Warrant has been lost or destroyed: Now, therefore, by virtue of the powers and authorities in me

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11, 11.24

vested, I do hereby authorize, empower, and direct you, the present, and succeeding Master, Wardens and members of the said _________ Lodge No. ________, to continue your Masonic labors in the same full and complete manner to all intents and purposes, as you could, or might lawfully have done, if your said Warrant had not been _______ and was still in existence, agreeably to all the Usages, Constitutions, Laws and Regulations of the Ancient Craft, and especially to those of our Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, and not contrariwise. This Dispensation shall continue in force until the next Communication of our said Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, and until its pleasure in the premises shall have been made known to you. Given under my hand and seal, at the City of Philadelphia, this day of ________, in the year of our Lord, one thousand ________ hundred and ________, and of Masonry, five thousand __________ hundred and __________. [SEAL] GRAND MASTER __________ DISPENSATION TO LAY THE CORNERSTONE OF A PUBLIC BUILDING WISDOM STRENGTH FRATERNITY Whereas it has been made known to me that the properly constituted authorities have requested the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania to lay the Cornerstone of the __________ at _________, in the county of _________, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; And whereas the Craft in all ages, when lawfully requested so to do, have by the proper Officer performed this ceremony according to the Regulations of the Ancient Craft: Therefore, by virtue of the powers and authorities in me vested, I do hereby authorize and empower you, Brother __________, District Deputy Grand Master, in and for District No.__________, in which said ceremonies are to be performed, with the aid of the Brethren of _________ Lodge No. _________, and other Free and Accepted Masons in good Masonic standing, to join in the procession and ceremonies in proper Masonic clothing, and to do and perform the work of laying the said Cornerstone according to 11.23

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the Ancient Usages, Customs, and Landmarks of Freemasonry, and not contrariwise. Given under my hand and seal, at the City of Philadelphia, this _________ day of _________, A.D._____, A.L._____ [SEAL] GRAND MASTER __________ DISPENSATION TO ATTEND A MASONIC CELEBRATION I, ____________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: To the Worshipful Master of _________ Lodge No._________ Free and Accepted Masons, held at __________, Greeting: Whereas your Worshipful Lodge has prayed me for permission to attend the __________, in the __________, and assist in the ceremonies thereof, on the day of __________, A.D._____, A.L. ______: Therefore, by virtue of the powers and authorities in me vested, I do hereby authorize you, together with the members of your Lodge, and other Free and Accepted Masons in good Masonic standing, to join in the procession and ceremonies of said __________, in your proper Masonic clothing on said day. And for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, at the City of Philadelphia, this day of _________, A.D._____, A.L.______. [SEAL] GRAND MASTER __________ 11.25 DISPENSATION FOR THE BURIAL OF AN UNAFFILIATED MASTER MASON WITH MASONIC CEREMONIES I, ____________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: To Brother ____________________, 11.24

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11, 11.27

District Deputy Grand Master of District No. __________, Greeting: Whereas you have made a special request, praying for permission to inter with Masonic ceremonies, our late Brother _____________, an unaffiliated Master Mason, late a resident of your District: Therefore, by virtue of the powers and authorities in me vested, I do hereby authorize and empower you to have our late Brother ________________ interred according to the forms and ceremonies of the Fraternity; Provided, however, that he was a Master Mason in good Masonic standing at the time of his decease; and, further provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to authorize the Brethren to appear in public in Masonic clothing. Given under my hand and seal, at the City of Philadelphia, this __________ day of __________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____. [SEAL] GRAND MASTER

__________ DISPENSATION TO FORM A MASONIC PROCESSION I, ___________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: To the Worshipful Master of _________ Lodge No. _________, Free and Accepted Masons, held at ___________, Greeting: Whereas your Worshipful Lodge has prayed me for permission to form a Masonic procession, and attend divine service on the __________ day of __________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____, 11.26

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Signature of Brother

the said day being

St. John the Baptists Day. St. John the Evangelists Day. The day appointed for opening and consecrating the new Lodge room. The day appointed by the President of the United States, as a day of humiliation and prayer. The day appointed as a day of thanksgiving.

Therefore, by virtue of the powers and authorities in me vested, I do hereby authorize you to form a Masonic procession of the members of your Lodge, and other Free and Accepted Masons in good Masonic standing, for the purpose aforesaid. And for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, at the City of Philadelphia, this __________ day of __________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____. [SEAL] GRAND MASTER __________ 11.27 COMMISSION TO A BROTHER TO VISIT FOREIGN GRAND LODGES AND LODGES To the Most Worshipful and Worshipful Grand and Subordinate Lodges of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the world with which we are in amity: I, _____________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, send greetings: Whereas it is the intention of our worthy and respected Brother ______________________, a Member of _________Lodge No. __________, under my Jurisdiction, and the Jurisdiction of our Grand Lodge, to travel into other Jurisdictions. I, therefore, in order to promote, as far as in me lies, a fraternal communication with the different Lodges with which our Grand Lodge is in correspondence, do hereby authorize my said Brother

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11, 11.29

____________________ to visit the Grand Lodge and Subordinate Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons with which our Grand Lodge is in correspondence. In testimony whereof, I have caused him to sign his name in his usual signature, in the margin hereof, and herewith I commit him to the protection of the Great Architect of the Universe. Given under my hand and the seal of our Grand Lodge at the City of Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, this ___________ day of __________ in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and __________ and of Masonry, five thousand nine hundred and __________. Attest: [SEAL] R.W. GRAND MASTER R.W. GRAND SECRETARY __________ 11.28 DEPUTATION TO VISIT LODGES WITHIN THIS JURISDICTION I, ____________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: To the Worshipful Masters, Wardens, and Members of all the Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons held at the __________, Greeting: By virtue of the powers and authorities in me vested, I do hereby authorize, empower, and request my faithful and beloved Brother __________, a Past Master and a member of __________Lodge No.__________, under the Jurisdiction of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, in my name and behalf, to visit your Worshipful Lodges, to examine and inquire into their state and proceedings, and to make report thereon. Also in my name, and on my behalf, I do authorize and empower him to deliver to your Lodges respectful, affectionate, and fraternal addresses; recommending harmony and union among the Brethren, and strict adherence to the true and acknowledged

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principles of Ancient Freemasonry; and also, for the purposes aforesaid, to congregate the Masters, Wardens, and Members of your Lodges, at such times and places, and within the limits of the respective Lodges, as to him shall appear fit. This authority shall continue in force for the term of __________ months from the date of these presents, and no longer. Given under my hand and seal, at the City of Philadelphia, this day of _________, in the year of our Lord one thousand ________ hundred and _________ and of Masonry, five thousand _________ hundred and ________. [SEAL] GRAND MASTER __________ COMMISSION TO A DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER I, ____________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: To my trusty and well-beloved Brother ________, a Past Master, and a member of __________ Lodge No. __________, held at ____________, WISDOM STRENGTH FRATERNITY Reposing the greatest confidence in your zeal, fervor and skill in the Masonic Art, I do, by virtue and in pursuance of the powers and authorities in me vested, hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint you, my said beloved Brother __________, District Deputy Grand Master in and for the Masonic District No. _________, comprising the following Lodges, to wit: And I do hereby invest you with the rank and dignity of a District Deputy Grand Master of the said Right Worshipful Grand Lodge; and I do hereby authorize and empower you, in the name of the said Right Worshipful Grand Lodge, to visit respectively all the Worshipful Lodges now constituted, or which may hereafter be constituted within the said District, as often as may be convenient, or you may judge necessary; to inspect their labors, and examine
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and inquire into the state of the said Lodges and their proceedings, and to give them all due Masonic advice and instruction. Also, in my name, and on my behalf, I do authorize and empower you to deliver to the said Lodges respectful, affectionate, and fraternal addresses, recommending harmony and union among the Brethren, and the strictest adherence to the true and acknowledged principles of Ancient Freemasonry; and also, for the purposes aforesaid, to congregate and assemble together severally the Masters, Wardens, and Members of the said Lodges, at their respective places of meeting, and at such times as to you shall appear fit. And I do further authorize and empower you, in my name, to grant Dispensations to pass, and raise persons to the degree of a Master Mason, in any of the Lodges now constituted, or hereafter to be constituted, within the said District, and to make returns of the same, with all the fees collected therefrom. And you will annually report to me your proceedings in the premises. This power and authority shall be and continue in force during my continuance in office, unless sooner suspended or revoked, hereby revoking all former Commissions that may have issued from me, or any of my predecessors in office, to any Brother, vesting in him the like powers and authority within the said District. Given under my hand and seal, at the City of Philadelphia, this __________ day of __________, in the year of our Lord, one thousand __________ hundred and __________, and of Masonry five thousand _________ hundred and __________. [SEAL] GRAND MASTER __________

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DISPENSATION TO HOLD A SPECIAL ELECTION I, ____________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: To the Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Members of ________ Lodge No._______, Free and Accepted Masons, held at ________, Greeting: In consequence of an emergency, caused by __________ and by special request of your Lodge, duly certified to me, therefore by virtue of the powers and authorities in me vested, I do hereby authorize and empower you, to hold an election for __________, at your next regular stated meeting, and to fill any vacancies which may arise by reason thereof; Provided, however, that due and timely notice of such election is given to the members of your Lodge. And for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal, at the City of Philadelphia, this day of __________, A.D. _____, A.L. _____ [SEAL] GRAND MASTER __________ 11.31 SPECIAL ELECTION RETURN


To Brother ____________________, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging: I do hereby certify that at the stated meeting of __________ Lodge No. __________, held at__________, on the ________ day of __________, A.D. ______, A.L._____, at an election held by virtue of a Dispensation issued by you on the ____________ day of

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Lodge No.
Number of Members beginning of year Initiated Admitted Ceased Remaining Dues



Abstract of the General Returns made to the Grand Lodge by

Master Senior Warden Treasurer Secretary Junior Warden

, held at

, commencing

, A.D. 20

, A.L. 60

Day of Election

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Register of the Members of
Occupation Age Residence Admitted Degree Initiated Passed Raised Ceased, when and how


Lodge No.

, held at

, commencing

, A.D. 20

, A.L. 60


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__________, A.D._____, A.L._____, the following Brethren were duly elected officers of the said Lodge for the remainder of the Masonic year ending on St. John the Evangelists Day next. _______________ Master _______________ Senior Warden _______________ Junior Warden _______________ Treasurer _______________ Secretary

Witness my hand, and the seal of said Lodge, this __________ day of __________, A.D._____, A.L. _____ [SEAL] _______________ Master Attest: _______________ Secretary

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SECTION 12 12.01 HISTORICAL NOTES AHIMAN REZON The first Masonic book published in America was printed in Philadelphia by Brother BENJAMIN FRANKLIN in 1734. It was a reprint of what is known as Andersons Constitutions, which was published in 1723 under the authority of the Grand Lodge of England, and entitled: The Constitutions of the Freemasons. Containing the History, Charges, Regulations, &c., of that Most Ancient and Right Worshipful Fraternity. For the use of the Lodges, and was compiled by Brother James Anderson, D.D. This reprint is now very scarce. A copy of it is in the Library of the Grand Lodge. The Ahiman Rezon; or, A Help to a Brother, was prepared in 1756 by Brother Laurence Dermott, Grand Secretary of the GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND ACCORDING TO THE OLD INSTITUTIONS, once called the Ancients. This corresponded to the Book of Constitutions of the GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND, once called the Moderns. The first Book of Masonic Law published by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was entitled: Ahiman Rezon abridged and digested: as a Help to all that are or would be Free and Accepted Masons". It was prepared by the Grand Secretary, Rev. Brother William Smith, D.D., Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, and was almost entirely a reprint of Dermotts work; it was approved by the Grand Lodge November 22, 1781, published in 1783, and dedicated to Brother GEORGE WASHINGTON. It is reprinted in the introduction to the first or edited reprint of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, 1730-1808. (See The Library and Museum, p. 210.) On April 18, 1825, a revision of the Ahiman Rezon was adopted, being taken largely from Andersons Constitutions.

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Another revision was adopted June 15, 1857, which was followed by the revisions adopted June 15, 1867; December 5, 1877; December 6, 1893; December 4, 1895; December 1, 1915; December 5, 1928; December 3, 1947; December 5, 1962; December 6, 1972; December 2, 1981, and December 4, 1991. __________

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The Minutes of the Grand Lodge of March 26, 1787; October 7, 1816; and March 17, 1817, show that efforts were made from time to time to establish a Library. Nothing, however, appears to have been accomplished until June 7, 1871, when a Committee of five was appointed to examine and arrange such material for a Library as was in the possession of the Grand Lodge, to procure, if practicable, complete sets of the Proceedings of Sister Grand Lodges with which the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was in correspondence, and to take such other steps as might be necessary for the formation of a Masonic Library. Within the first six months of its existence, the Committee on Library had accumulated nearly one hundred and fifty volumes of the Proceedings of other Grand Lodges and nearly three hundred volumes of works of Masonic reference. Since 1871, the Library has enjoyed a growth and patronage that distinguishes it as one of the great collections of Masonic books, manuscripts, and documents. Over the years, the Library has not only purchased a variety of publications of interest to Masons but also has received them as gifts from Lodges, individual Members and others interested in Freemasonry. Currently, its approximately seventy thousand publications books, pamphlets and periodicals comprise an outstanding resource for Masonic study, education and research. In addition to these publications, many of them unique or rare items, the Library is also proud of its collections of broadsides and prints, a number of which are on exhibit in the Museum. One important feature of the Library is the Circulating Library. Two hundred titles may be borrowed by Members by mail or in person. A catalogue listing the books, together with rules and regulations for borrowing them, is available from the Executive Director, Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107.

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A modern Library Reading Room, adjacent to the Museum, contains some 3,000 books of reference, as well as current Masonic periodicals. The Museum occupies a room whose architecture and decorations, including the mosaic floor, are intricate Byzantine. The ceiling, which is divided into sixty-six oblong coffers, is supported by columns having fluted shafts and bold Corinthian-type capitals. Virtues obtained from education are illustrated by the Latin inscriptions and the twenty allegorical figures on the frieze. On permanent display in the Museum are many outstanding items. A choice and popular attraction is the Washington Masonic Apron embroidered by Madame Lafayette and presented by Brother Lafayette to Brother George Washington in August, 1784. Also on exhibit is Miss Fanny Burkes copy of the Masonic portrait of Brother George Washington, painted from life by William Williams, Philadelphia, September, 1794. The original portrait is in Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, VA. Another Washington item is the bronze model of Donald De Lues statue of George Washington at Prayer which was presented to Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, PA., by Pennsylvania Freemasons. Displayed under protective glass is the original Warrant for a Provincial Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, granted July 15,1761, by the Grand Lodge Ancients of England. Other important pieces on permanent exhibit are: Original minute book of Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia, recording the minutes of July 4, 1776. The Geneva Bible, better known as the Breeches Bible, printed in London, 1599, and the 1620 Bible brought to America by Edward Winslow on the Mayflower. Ancient Torah brought from the Holy Land by John Wanamaker.

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Crusaders sword and scabbard of the 13th century, and a cross found in a Crusaders grave, ca. A.D. 1250. Masonic Apron of Brother Tom Thumb (Charles Stratton). Rare Chinese Export and Lowestoft bowls, Liverpool pottery, porcelain, cut glass, and silver, all with Masonic symbols. Exhibits are changed periodically so as to display the many rare and unusual Masonic and Masonic-related artifacts from our collections. In April 1990, the Library and Museum underwent a complete change and was incorporated as a separate 501(c)(3) organization known as the The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania. This not-for-profit corporation operates under the direction of an eleven member Board of Directors. The Library and Museum Rooms, located on the First Floor of the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, are open on weekdays from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and on Saturdays from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon, except during July and August. The Library and Museum are closed Sunday and most legal holidays. When special visitations are scheduled after the usual business hours, the Library and Museum will be staffed upon request to accommodate the visiting Brethren and their guests.

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The Masonic Hall on Chestnut Street between Seventh and Eighth Streets, having become too small to accommodate the meetings of the various Masonic bodies in Philadelphia, in 1865 a Committee of five was appointed for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of purchasing a lot suitable for the erection of a Hall, commensurate with the wants, of the Fraternity. This Committee recommended the adoption of a resolution that a Committee of seven be appointed to select a site, adopt a plan, and prepare an estimate of the probable cost of erecting a Masonic Hall, which resolution was adopted June 5, 1866. This Committee reported in favor of the present site on Broad Street, which was adopted, and possession was obtained July l, 1867 Brother James H. Windrim, of Philadelphia, was selected as the architect. The cornerstone of the Temple was laid on St. John the Baptists Day, June 24, 1868, by the Right Worshipful Grand Master, Brother Richard Vaux, he using the gavel which Brother GEORGE WASHINGTON used at the laying of the cornerstone of the Federal Capitol at Washington, D.C., September 18, 1793. The Broad and Filbert Streets fronts are constructed of Cape Ann syenite of a grayish white color, and the Juniper and Cuthbert

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Streets fronts of Fox Island granite, and are perfect specimens of Norman architecture. The porch, which is one of the most elaborate and costly works of the kind in the country, is of Quincy granite. The Temple, the largest and finest building in the world exclusively devoted to Masonic purposes, is 150 feet by 250 feet, the highest pinnacle of the grand tower rising to a height of 250 feet. The building contains a Grand Lodge and six Subordinate Lodge rooms, a Grand Chapter and one Subordinate Chapter room, an Asylum, Council Chamber and attendant apartments for the Knights Templar, two banquet halls, a Library and a large number of smaller apartments. On September 26, 1873the day after the eighty-seventh anniversary of the Independence of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvaniathe Temple was dedicated by the Right Worshipful Grand Master, Brother Samuel C. Perkins, the oration being delivered by Right Worshipful Past Grand Master, Brother Robert A. Lamberton. The cost of the lot was $158,061.64; of the building, $1,298,768.89; and of the furnishing, $110,737.88. A complete description is given in the Dedication Memorial Volume. The Temple is open to visitors Monday through Friday, except holidays, from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M., and on Saturdays from 9 A.M. to 12 noon, except during the months of July and August. 12.04 FORMER SEALS OF THE GRAND LODGE

The following are representations of the former Seals used by the Grand Lodge, prior to the adoption of the present Seal in 1825. (See page 76.) No. 1 was the same design as that of the Grand Lodge of England, except that Philad. was substituted for London. No. 2 was adopted June 7, 1790.

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(References to the Ahiman Rezon are to the Article and Page (P) number; References to the supplemental material following the Ahiman Rezon are to the Section and Page (P) number.)

Absence of Grand Master, 9.01, 9.03 P 11 Grand Secretary, 9.03 P 11 Grand Treasurer, 9.03 P 11 Other Grand Officers, 9.01 P 11 Subordinate Lodge Officers, 18.03 P 57 Academy of Masonic Knowledge See COMMITTEE ON ACADEMY OF MASONIC KNOWLEDGE Accounts Audit Committee Subordinate Lodge, 17.16 P 51 To be furnished Committee on Finance, 12.08 P 20 Kept by Treasurer, 18.06 P 58 Addressing Member Method of, 9.07 P 13 Administrators of Grand Lodge Pension Plan Appointment of, 13.05 P 28 Duties of, 13.05 P 28 Advancement by another Lodge, 17.28 P 54 Ahiman Rezon Amendments, 25.01 P 76 Amendments when to be acted on, 9.21 P 15 Amendments when vote by Lodges is requested, 9.17 P 14 Certification of, 11.01-11.05 P 17-18 Copy of bound to be kept by Grand Secretary, 12.09 P 21 Cost of, 10.01 P 16 Historical Notes, Sec. 12.01 P 208 Almoners of Grand Lodge Charity Fund Appointment of, 6.01 P 9 Number of, 13.36 P 36 Powers and Duties of, 13.36 P 36 Amendments to Ahiman Rezon, 25.01 P 76 and 9.21 P 15 Amendments to Motions, 9.05 P 12 Ample Form Grand Lodge, 9.01 P 11 Ancient Charges Closing of Lodge, Sec. 2.04, P 82 At Initiation, Sec. 2.05 P 83 Installation of Grand Master, Sec 2.01 P 79 Installation of Master, Sec. 2.02 P 80 and Sec. 3.02 P 97 Opening of Lodge, Sec. 2.03 P 81 At Passing to Second Degree, Sec. 2.06 P 85 At Raising, Sec. 2.07 P 86 Ancient Usages, etc. Right to Discuss, 9.11 P 14 Ancient Usages and Customs Past Grand Masters Conservators of, 12.01 P 18 Anthems, P 109 to 113 Appeal from Decision of Grand Master, 9.14 P 14 Appeals See COMMITTEE ON APPEALS Appointed Officers Grand Lodge Qualifications, 4.04 P 7 Appointed Officers Subordinate Lodges
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Appointment of, 18.02 P 57 Duties, 18.10 P 59 Places, 18.11 P 59 Appointment of Grand Lodge Committees, 12.03 P 19 Appointment of Grand Lodge Employees, 12.03 P 19 Appropriations of Grand Lodge, 10.01 P 16 Aprons Grand Officers Composition, 15.04 P 42 Masonic Composition, 15.02 P 42

INDEX Subordinate Lodge Officers Composition, 15.03 P 42 Arrears Lodge Grand Secretary to Send Statement, 12.09 P 22 Lodge One Year Not Permitted to Vote, 9.22 P 16 Lodge Two Years Suspension, 17.19 P 52 Audit Committee Subordinate Lodge, 17.16 P 51

Ballot Exercise Not Subject to Question, 21.13 P 72 Ballot See VOTE Balloting on Petition, 21.04 P 68 and 21.14 P 72 Bank Account of Lodge, 18.06 P 58 Black Ball Not for Personal Reasons, 21.14 P 72 Burial Service, 147, 151 and 158, Sec. 9.01 to 9.03 P 147 to 158 Bursars of Thomas R. Patton Memorial Fund Number of, 13.38 P 36 Powers and Duties of, 13.38 P 36 Business Masonry Not to be used in, 19.07 P 62 Business Order of, 9.04 P 12 By-Laws Committee on Number of Members, 13.30 P 34 Powers and Duties of, 13.30 P 34 By-Laws of Subordinate Lodge, 17.15 P 50

Candidate Must be Age Twentyone, 19.05 P 61 Candidate Qualifications of, 21.01 P 66 Candidate See PETITIONS FOR INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP
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Ceremonies Constituting a Lodge, Sec. 3.01 P 90 Cornerstone Laying Masonic Hall, Sec. 5.01 P 116 Cornerstone Laying Public Building, Sec. 7.01 P 137

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INDEX Dedication Masonic Hall, Sec. 6.01 P 128 Grand Visitation, Sec. 4.01 P 114 Regulations for Public, 14.01 P 41 and 23.01 P 75 Certificates English Language, In, 11.05 P 18 Grand Lodge Cost of, 10.01 P 16 Grand Lodge Granting of, 11.01 P 17 Paupers, 17.27 P 54 Subordinate Lodge, Granting of Certificates, 11.02 to 11.05 P 17-18 and 17.26-17.27 P 54 Requirements of, 11.02-11.03 P 17-18 To Member Restored to Masonic Standing, Sec. 11.08 P 181 To Resigned Member, Sec. 11.04 P 179 See Also FORMS Chaplain See GRAND LODGE OFFICERS, 4.04 P 7 or SUBORDINATE LODGE OFFICERS, 18.10 P 59 Charges See ANCIENT CHARGES Charges of Unmasonic Conduct Appeal from Conviction, 22.03 P 74 and 13.11 P 30 Form of See FORMS Limitation on Time for Appeal, 22.03 P 74 Reference to Committee, 22.02 P 74 Requirements of, 22.01 P 74 Who May Appeal, 22.03 P 74 Charitable Relief to Widows, etc. 13.36 P 36 Clothing Masonic In Lodge, 15.01 P 42


Collars Grand Officers, 16.01 P 43 Subordinate Officers, 16.03 P 44 Columns Location and Meaning, 16.04 P 45 Columns of Wardens, 16.04 P 45 Commission See FORMS Committees of Grand Lodge Appointment of, See Also GRAND LODGE 6.01 P 9 and 12.03 P 19 Committee on Academy of Masonic Knowledge Duties of, 13.48 P 40 Committee on Appeals Appeals to be Referred to, 13.11 P 30 Form of Appeal, 13.19 P 31 Nature of Hearing, 13.13 P 30 Notices of Hearing, 13.12 P 30 Number of Members, 13.10 P 29 Order to Take Testimony, 13.16 P 31 Papers to be Presented to, 13.14 P 30 Report of, 13.18 P 31 Representation of Parties Interested, 13.17 P 31 Restoration after Expulsion, 20.03 P 66 Time for Taking Appeal, 22.03 P 74 When Testimony, etc. are needed, 13.15 and 13.16 P 31 Who May Appeal, 22.03 P 74 Committee on By-Laws Number of Members, 13.30 P 34 Powers and Duties of, 13.30 P 34
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INDEX Committee on Preservation of Masonic Monuments Duties of, 13.49 P 40 Committee on Publications Duties of, 13.31 P 35 Number of Members, 13.31 P 35 Committee on Temple Power and Duties of, 13.45 P 39 Special Committees Discharge of, 9.20 P 15 Examination of Accounts, 9.20 P 15 Temporary, 13.35 P 36 Committees of Subordinate Lodges Appointment of, 18.02 P 57 Communications of Grand Lodge Extra and Special, 8.01 P 10 and 12.05 P 20 Form of, 9.01 P 11 Notices of, 12.09 P 21 Order of Business, 9.04 P 12 When Held, 8.01, 8.02 P 11, 12 Consolidated Fund See TRUSTEES OF GRAND LODGE CONSOLIDATED FUND Constituents of Grand Lodge, 3.01 P 6 Constituting Lodge Manner of, Sec. 3.01 P 90 Cornerstone Masonic Hall Ceremony, Sec. 5.01 P 116 to 127 Cornerstone Public Building Ceremony, Sec. 7.01 P 137 to 145

Committee on Finance Access to Books, 13.27 P 33 Annual Report to Grand Lodge, 13.28 P 33 Numbers of Members, 13.20 P 32 Powers and Duties of, 13.21 to 13.28 P 32-33 Committee on Fraternal Recognition Number of Members, 13.29 P 34 Powers and Duties of, 13.29 P 34 Committee of Inquiry, 20.01 P 63 and 21.01 P 67 Duties of, 21.03 P 68 Failure to Act Promptly, 21.03 P 68 Number of Members, 20.01 P 63 and 21.01 P 67 Report of, 21.03 P 68 Committee on John Wanamaker Research Center Duties of, 13.47 P 39 Committee on Landmarks Number of Members, 13.06 P 29 Powers and Duties of, 13.06 to 13.09 P 29 Committee on Masonic Education Duties of, 13.46 P 39 Committee on Masonic Homes Election of Members, 13.32 P 35 Number of Members, 13.32 P 35 Powers and Duties, 13.34 P 35 Tax-Exempt Status, 13.33 P 35

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Death of Officer See VACANCY Debate Brother Not Addressed By Name, 9.07 P 13 Brother May Not Speak More Than Twice, 9.08 P 13 Vote Ordered by Grand Master, 9.10 P 14 December Quarterly Communication Amendments to Ahiman Rezon, 9.21 P 15 Election of Grand Officers, 9.21 P 15 Questions of Finance, 9.21 P 15 Dedication of Masonic Hall Ceremony, Sec. 6.01 P 128 Degrees Advancement by Another Lodge, 17.28 P 54 Candidate Must be 21 Years Old, 19.05 P 61 First, within six months, 21.05 P 68 Limitation on Number, 19.03, 19.05 P 61 Time When Received, 19.03 P 61 Deputation to Visit Lodges, Sec. 11.28 P 199 Deputy Grand Master Disability or misconduct of, 4.06 P8 Jewel of See JEWELS Powers of, 12.06 P 20 Station of, 12.06 P 20 Deputy Grand Secretary, 12.09 P 21 Jewel of See JEWELS Digest of Decisions cost of, 10.01 P 16 Disability or misconduct of Elective Grand Officer, 4.06 P 8 Discussion of Ancient Usages, etc., 9.11 P 14 Discussion of Proceedings of Subordinate Lodge, 9.11 P 14 Disorderly Conduct Grand Lodge Penalty for, 9.09 P 13 Subordinate Lodge Penalty for, 19.08 P 62 Dispensations Cost of, 10.01 P 16 District Deputy Grand Master may grant, 12.11 P 24 and 19.03 P 61 Forms See FORMS Granting of, 12.03, 12.11 P 18, 24 To Receive Degrees, 19.03 P 61 Special Election, 17.10 P 48 Under 21, 19.05 P 61 Dissolution of Subordinate Lodge Becoming member of another Lodge, 17.22 P 53 Causes of, 17.20 P 52 Duties of Officers, 17.22 P 53 Loss of Rights of Members, 17.19 P 52 and 17.22 P 53 District Deputy Grand Master Appointment of, 12.03 P 19 Duties of, 12.11, 12.12 P 24 Jewel of See JEWELS Notices of Lodge Meetings to be Sent to, 18.09 P 59 One for Each District, 12.10 P 23 Districts, 12.10 P 23 Dress See MASONIC DRESS AND MASONIC CLOTHING

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INDEX Remission of, 10.01 P 16 Subordinate Lodge Failure to Pay, 19.01 P 60 Notices of, 18.09 P 59 and 19.01 P 60 Relief From, 10.01 P 16 Suspension for Failure to Pay, 19.01, 19.02 P 60

Dual Membership, 19.09 P 62 Due Form Grand Lodge, 9.01 P 11 Dues Grand Lodge Failure to Pay, 17.19 P 52 Life Members of Subordinate Lodges, 10.01 P 16 Members of Subordinate Lodges, 10.01 P 16 Relief From Member of, 10.01, 10.02 P 16, 17

Edicts Issuance of, 12.03 P 19 Election Grand Officers time of, 5.01 P 9 and 9.21 P 15 Subordinate Lodge Forms See FORMS Officers, 17.08 P 47

Return of, 17.17 P 51 Special, 17.10 P 48 Ex Officio Chairman of Committees, 12.04 P 20 Expulsion Removal of, 20.03 P 66

Fees for Warrants, Dispensations, etc., 10.01 P 16 Fees of Subordinate Lodge for Initiation, etc., 10.01 P 16 and 17.29 P 54 Finance Committee See COMMITTEE ON FINANCE

Finance Questions Involving Subordinate Lodge Funds, 9.21 P 15 Floor Form for Constituting a Lodge, P 89 Floor Form of Lodge Room, P 88

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INDEX Forms Appeal, 13.19 P 31 Burial of Unaffiliated Mason Dispensation for, Sec. 11.25 P 196 Certificate of Grand Lodge to Member, Sec. 11.01, 11.02 P 177 Member Made by Dispensation, Sec. 11.03 P 178 Certificate of Lodge Resigned Member, Sec. 11.04 P 179 Restored Member, Sec. 11.08 P 181 Certificate to Representative in Grand Lodge, Sec. 11.16 P 190 Charges of Unmasonic Conduct, Sec. 10.02 P 172 Summons, Sec. 10.03, 10.04 P 173 Commission to District Deputy Grand Master, Sec. 11.29 P 200 Commission to Visit Foreign Lodges, Sec. 11.27 P 198 Committee Report After Trial, Sec. 10.07 P 175 Notice of Filing, Sec. 10.08 P 176 Cornerstone Public Building Dispensation to Lay, Sec. 11.23 P 195 Deputation to Visit Lodges in Jurisdiction, Sec. 11.28 P 199 Dispensation to Attend a Masonic Celebration, Sec. 11.24 P 196 Dispensation for Burial of Unaffiliated Mason, Sec. 11.25 P 196

Dispensation to Constitute a Lodge and Report Thereon, Sec. 11.17 P 190 Dispensation to Lay Cornerstone Public Building, Sec. 11.23 P 195 Dispensation to Lodge to continue Labors after Loss of Warrant, Sec. 11.22 P 194 Dispensation to Lodge to Form Masonic Procession Sec. 11.26 P 197 Dispensation to Pass, Raise, etc., Sec. 11.19 P 192 Petition for, Sec. 11.18 P 191 Dispensation to Hold Special Election, Sec. 11.30 P 202 Return of, Sec. 11.31 P 202 District Deputy Grand Master Commission to, Sec. 11.29 P 200 Foreign Lodges Commission to Visit, Sec. 11.27 P 198 Grand Lodge Certificate to Member, Sec. 11.02 P 177 Member Made by Dispensation, Sec. 11.03 P 178 Grand Lodge Certificate Recommendation for, Sec. 11.01 P 177 Initiation and Membership Application for Third Petition, Sec. 11.13 P 188 Petition for, Sec. 11.11 P 185 Petition for, after First Rejection, Sec. 11.12 P 186 Report on, Sec. 11.15 P 189

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INDEX After First Rejection, Sec. 11.12 P 186 For Third Petition, Sec. 11.13 P 188 Report on, Sec. 11.15 P 189 Petition for Dispensation to Pass, Raise, etc., Sec. 11.18 P 191 Petition for Membership and Report on, Sec. 11.14, 11.15 P 188, 189 Petition for Warrant for New Lodge, Sec. 11.09 P 182 Procession on Public Occasions, Sec. 8.01 P 146 Recommendation for Grand Lodge Certificate, Sec. 11.01 P 177 Recommendations Petition for Warrant for New Lodge, Sec. 11.09, 11.10 P 182-183 Report of Committee After Trial, Sec. 10.07 P 175 Notice of Filing Same, Sec. 10.08 P 176 Reports on Petition for Initiation, etc., Sec. 11.15 P 189 Representative in Grand Lodge Certificate to, Sec. 11.16 P 190 Resigned Members Lodge Certificate, Sec. 11.04 P 179 Restored Member of Lodge Certificate, Sec. 11.08 P 181 Special Election Dispensation to Hold, Sec. 11.30 P 202 Return of, Sec. 11.31 P 202

Forms Continued Lodge Certificate Resigned Member, Sec. 11.04 P 179 Restored Member, Sec. 11.08 P 181 Lodge Dispensation to Constitute, Sec. 11.17 P 190 Report on, Sec. 11.17 P 191 Lodge Room Floor, P 88 For Constituting Lodge, P 89 Masonic Celebration Dispensation to Attend, Sec. 11.24 P 196 Masonic Procession Dispensation to Lodge to Form, Sec. 11.26 P 197 Members Grand Lodge Certificate, Sec. 11.02 P 177 One Made by Dispensation, Sec. 11.03 P 178 Membership Petition for, Sec. 11.14 P 188 Report on, Sec. 11.15 P 189 New Lodge Petition for Warrant for, Sec. 11.09 P 182 Recommendations, Sec. 11.09 P 183 Warrant of, Sec 11.10 P 183 Notice of Transfer of Membership, Sec 11.06 P 180 Petition Initiation and Membership, Sec. 11.11 P 185
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INDEX Forms Continued Subpoena to Testify, Sec. 10.05, 10.06 P 174, 175 Summons Charges of Unmasonic Conduct, Sec. 10.03 P 173 Testimony Subpoena for, Sec. 10.05, P 174 Transfer of Membership, Sec. 11.05 P 179 Trial, Sec. 10.01 P 164 Committee Report on, Sec. 10.07 P 175 Notice of Filing Report, Sec. 10.08 P 176 Unmasonic Conduct Charges of, Sec. 10.02 P 172 Summons on Charges of, Sec. 10.03 P 173


Visitation of Lodges in Jurisdiction Deputation to, Sec. 11.28 P 199 Warrant Dispensation to Continue Labors after Loss of, Sec. 11.22 P 194 Warrant for New Lodge, Sec. 11.10 P 183 Fraternal Recognition See COMMITTEE ON, etc. Funds Of Dissolved Lodge, 17.22 P 53 Of Lodge to be Paid to Treasurer, 18.06 P 58 Funeral Precedence of Lodge, 23.02 P 75 and Sec. 9.02 P 151 Funeral Service, Sec. 9.01, 9.02, 9.03 P 147 to 158

Grand Chaplain Appointment of, 4.03 P 7 Duties of, 12.14 P 25 Number of, 12.14 P 25 Qualifications of, 4.04 P 7 Grand Deacons Appointment of, 4.03 P 7 Duties of, 12.15 P 25 Grand Lodge Addressing Members in, 9.07 P 13 Ample Form, Due Form, etc., 9.01 P 11 Appointment of Committees, 6.01, 13.35 P 9, P 36 Appropriations, 10.01 P 16 Approval of Standing Committee Reports, 9.20 P 15 Certificates Cost of, 10.01 P 16 Form of See FORMS Granting of, 11.01 to 11.03 P 17 to 18 Charity Fund Almoners, 13.36 P 36 Trustees Appointment, 6.01 P9 Trustees Powers and Duties, 13.36 P 36 Committees See COMMITTEE ON, etc. Committees of, 6.01 P 9 Committees Appointment of, 12.03 P 19 Powers and Duties, 13.01 P 27

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INDEX Powers and Duties of, 12.01 P 18 Order of Business, 9.04 P 12 Papers and Communications Reference to Committees, 9.04 P 12 Parliamentary Law Not Applicable, 9.15 P 14 Payment of Dues By Member, 10.02 P 17 Pension Plan See ADMINISTRATORS OF GRAND LODGE PENSION PLAN Powers and Duties of Officers, 12.01 to 12.20 P 18 to 26 Powers and Duties of Trustees and Committees, 13.01 P 27 Precedence, 14.01 P 41 Presiding Officer, 9.01 P 11 Previous Question Not Permitted, 9.12 P 14 Privileged Question Not Permitted, 9.11 P 14 Proceedings in, 9.01 to 9.22 P 11 to 16 Proceedings Not to be Published, 17.25 P 54 Public Ceremonies, 14.01, 14.02 P 41 Qualifications Appointed Officers, 4.04 P 7 Questions Involving Subordinate Lodge Funds, 9.21 P 15 Questions of Vital Importance, 9.19 P 15 Quorum, 9.02 P 11 Reference to Committees of Papers and Communications, 9.04 P 12 Representation of Seal, 26.01 P 76 Representative in, 3.03 P 6 Representative Vacancy in Office, 3.04 P 7

Grand Lodge Continued Communication to Subordinate Lodge, 17.25 P 54 Communications, 8.01 P 10 Notice of, 12.09 P 21 Consolidated Fund See TRUSTEES OF GRAND LODGE CONSOLIDATED FUND Constituents of, 3.01 P 6 Dues of Subordinate Lodge Members, 10.01 P 16 Life Members, 10.01 P 16 Remission of, 10.01 P 16 Election of Officers Majority Vote Required, 5.01 P9 Time for, 5.01 P 9 and 9.21 P 15 Employees appointment of, 12.03 P 19 Former Seals, Sec. 12.04 P 214 Grand Officers See GRAND OFFICERS Honorary Members, 3.01 P 6 Inherent Power, 7.01 P 10 Installation of Officers, 4.04 P 7 Instruction to Representative, 9.18 P 15 Landmarks Governed by, 7.01 P 10 Majority Vote, 9.13 P 14 Masonic Clothing Required, 12.19 P 26 Masters of Ceremonies, 12.16 P 25 Meeting Direction to Leave, 9.09 P 13 Member Called to Order, 9.09 P 13 Member Payment of Dues, 10.02 P 17 Members of, 3.01, 3.02 P 6 Officers See GRAND OFFICERS Officers Installation of, 4.04 P 7
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INDEX Grand Lodge Continued Representatives Travel Expenses, 10.03 P 17 Revenue of, 10.01 P 16 Right to Speak, 9.08 P 13 Right to Vote Dues Delinquent, 9.22 P 16 Seal Custody of, 12.09 P 21 Representation of, 26.01 P 76 Speak Right to, 9.08 P 13 Special Committees Discharge of, 9.20 P 15 Special Communications, 12.05 P 20 Time to Elect Officers, 5.01 P 9 and 9.21 P 15 Title of, 1.01 P 5 Trustees of, 6.01 P 9 Trustees Powers, 13.01 P 27 Vote by Lodges, 9.17 to 9.19 P 14-15 Vote Majority, 9.13 P 14 Method of, 9.16 P 14 Ordered by Grand Master, 9.10 P 14 Right to Dues Delinquent, 9.22 P 16 Tie, 9.13 P 14 Warrants Granted to Subordinate Lodges, 7.01 P 10 Grand Marshal Appointment of, 4.03 P 7 Duties of, 12.17 P 25 Grand Master Absence, 9.01, 9.03 P 11 Apron of See APRONS Chairman of Committees, Ex Officio, 12.04 P 20 Collar of See COLLARS Commands Silence, 9.14 P 14 Commission to Preside at Communication, 9.01 P 11


Disability or Misconduct of, 4.06 P8 Duty to Visit Lodges, 12.05 P 20 Edicts Issuance of, 12.03 P 19 Election of, 5.01 P 9 Ex Officio Chairman of Committees, 12.04 P 20 Installation of, 12.02 P 18 Jewel of See JEWELS Order for Public Ceremony, 14.03 P 41 Powers of, 12.02 to 12.05 P 18-20 Proclamation of, 12.02 P 18 and Sec. 6.01 P 128 Public Ceremony Order for, 14.03 P 41 Questions of Order Decided By, 9.14 P 14 Seal of, 12.03 P 19 and 17.03 P 46 Silence Commanded by, 9.14 P 14 Special Commission to Preside at Communication, 9.01 P 11 To State Question, 9.05 P 12 Title of, 1.01, 2.01 P 5 Vacancy in Office, 12.06 P 20 Vote Directed by, 9.10 P 14 Tie Deciding Vote, 9.13 P 14 Grand Officers (See Also GRAND MASTER, DEPUTY GRAND MASTER, etc.) Aprons Composition, 15.04 P 42 Appointive, 4.03, 4.04 P 7 and 6.01 P 9 Collars, 16.01 P 43 Disability or Misconduct of, 4.06 P8 Election Time of, 5.01 P 9 and 9.21 P 15 Installation of, 4.04 P 7 Jewels (See Also JEWELS) 16.01, 16.02 P 43
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INDEX Jewel of See JEWELS Grand Treasurer Absence, 9.03 P 11 Apron of See APRONS Books Accessible to Finance Committee, 13.27 P 33 Collar of See COLLARS Disability or Misconduct of, 4.06 P 8 Duties of, 12.08 P 20 Election Time of, 5.01 P 9 and 9.21 P 15 Installation of, 4.04 P 7 Jewel of See JEWELS Title of, 2.01 P 5 Vacancy in Office, 4.05 P 8 Grand Tyler Appointment of, 4.03 P 7 Duties of, 12.20 P 26 Jewel of See JEWELS Grand Visitation Ceremony at, Sec. 4.01 P 114 Grand Wardens Apron of See APRONS Collar of See COLLARS Duties of, 12.07 P 20 Election Time of, 5.01 P 9 and 9.21 P 15 Installation of, 4.04 P 7 Jewel of See JEWELS Stations of, 12.07 P 20 Title of, 2.01 P 5 Vacancy in Office, 4.05 P 8

Grand Officers Continued List of, 4.01, 4.02 P 7 Proclamation of, Sec. 6.01 P 128 Reception of at the Grand Visitation, Sec. 4.01 P 114 Titles of, 2.01 P 5 Vacancy, 4.05 P 8 Voting for, 9.17 P 14 Grand Pursuivant Appointment of, 4.03 P 7 Duties of, 12.19 P 26 Jewel of See JEWELS Grand Secretary Absence, 9.03 P 11 Apron of See APRONS Attesting Orders Drawn by Grand Master, 12.09 P 21 Books Accessible to Finance Committee, 13.27 P 33 Collar of See COLLAR Deputy, 12.09 P 21 Disability or Misconduct of, 4.06 P 8 Duties of, 12.09 P 21 Election Time of, 5.01 P 9 and 9.21 P 15 Installation of, 4.04 P 7 Jewel of See JEWELS Notice to Lodges in Arrears, 12.09 P 21 and 17.19 P 52 Office Hours, 12.09 P 21 Title of, 2.01 P 5 Vacancy in Office, 4.05 P 8 Grand Stewards Appointment of, 4.03 P 7 Duties of, 12.16 P 25 Jewel of See JEWELS Grand Sword Bearer Appointment of, 4.03 P 7 Duties of, 12.18 P 26

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Historical Notes Ahiman Rezon, Sec. 12.01 P 208 Library, Sec. 12.02 P 210 Temple, Sec. 12.03 P 213 Homes See COMMITTEE ON MASONIC HOMES Honorary Members of Grand Lodge, 3.01 P 6 Subordinate Lodges, 17.04 P 46 Another Grand Lodge, 19.09 P 62 Hymns See MUSIC

Inherent Power of Grand Lodge, 7.01 P 10 Initiation Within six months, 21.05 P 68 Initiation and Membership See PETITION FOR INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP Inquiry See COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY Inquiry to Grand Secretary, 21.10 P 71 Inquiry to be Made of Nearest Lodge, 21.08 P 70 Inquiry Nearest Lodge When Not Necessary on Petition, 21.12 P 71 Installation of Grand Master, 4.04 P 7 and 12.02 P 18 Officers of Grand Lodge, 4.04 P 7 Officers of Subordinate Lodge, 17.08 P 47 Instructions to Representative, 9.18, 9.19 P 15 Instructions to Representative, etc., on Voting, 9.18 P 15 Interest on Delinquent Dues, 17.19 P 52 Investment of Funds Trustees, 13.01 P 27

Jewels Provisions of Ahiman Rezon Grand Officers, 16.01, 16.02 P 43 Past Master, 16.03 P 44 Subordinate Lodge Officers, 16.03, 16.04 P 44, 45 Representations of Grand Master, Sec. 13 P 215 Deputy Grand Master, Sec. 13 P 216 Senior Grand Warden, Sec. 13 P 217 Junior Grand Warden, Sec. 13 P 217 Grand Treasurer, Sec. 13 P 218 Grand Secretary, Sec. 13 P 218 Past Grand Master, Sec. 13 P 219 Past Deputy Grand Master, Sec. 13 P 220 Past Grand Treasurer, Sec. 13 P 221 Past Grand Secretary, Sec. 13 P 221
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INDEX Treasurers Service Jewel, Sec. 14 P 230 Secretary, Sec. 14 P 230a Secretarys Service Jewel, Sec. 14 P 230a Chaplain, Sec. 14 P 230b Deacons, Sec. 14 P 230b Masters of Ceremonies, Sec. 14 P 231 Pursuivant, Sec. 14 P 232 Tyler, Sec. 14 P 232 John Wanamaker Research Center See COMMITTEE ON JOHN WANAMAKER RESEARCH CENTER Jurisdiction Removal From Grand Master, 12.06 P 20 Grand Officers, 4.05 P 8 Representative, 3.04 P 7 Subordinate Lodge Officers, 17.10 P 48

Jewels Continued District Deputy Grand Master, Sec. 13 P 222 Past District Deputy Grand Master, Sec. 13 P 222 Grand Chaplain, Sec. 13 P 223 Deputy Grand Secretary, Sec. 13 P 223 Grand Deacons, Sec. 13 P 224 Grand Stewards, Sec. 13 P 224 Grand Marshal, Sec. 13 P 224 Grand Sword Bearer, Sec. 13 P 225 Grand Pursuivant, Sec. 13 P 225 Grand Tyler, Sec. 13 P 226 Master, Sec. 14 P 227 Past Master, Sec. 14 P 227 Senior Warden, Sec. 14 P 228 Junior Warden, Sec. 14 P 229 Treasurer, Sec. 14 P 230

Landmarks Committee of Members of, 13.06 P 29 Powers and Duties of, 13.07 P 29 Conservators, 12.01 P 18 Grand Lodge Governed By, 7.01 P 10 Past Grand Masters, Conservators of, 12.01 P 18 Right to Discuss, 9.11 P 14 Writing Nothing to be put in, 22.01 P 74 Library See MASONIC LIBRARY AND MUSEUM OF PENNSYLVANIA Life Members Grand Lodge, 3.02 P 6 For Initiation, 21.01 P 67 Life Membership, 17.04A P 47 List of Members, 18.08 P 59 Lodge Rooms Form of See FORMS Lodges See GRAND LODGE or SUBORDINATE LODGES

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Majority Vote Determination, 9.13 P 14 Mason Making at Sight, 12.03 P 19 Mason At Sight See SIGHT Masonic Aprons Composition, 15.02 P 42 Masonic Charges, Trials and Appeals (See also FORMS) Charges, Sec. 10.01.1 P 164 Trials, Sec. 10.01.2 P 166 Appeals, Sec. 10.01.3 P 171a Masonic Charities Fund See TRUSTEES OF MASONIC CHARITIES FUND Masonic Clothing in Lodges, 15.01 P 42 Masonic Dress Funerals, 14.02 P 41 and Sec. 9.02 P 151 Masonic Dress Public Ceremonies Grand Lodge, 14.02 P 41 Subordinate Lodge, 23.01 P 75 Masonic Education See COMMITTEE ON MASONIC EDUCATION Masonic Hall See CEREMONIES Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Meeting in Temple, 17.31 P 55 Masonic Homes See also COMMITTEE ON MASONIC HOMES Masonic Jurisdiction Districts, 12.10 P 23 Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania Board of Directors, 13.44 P 39 Library, 13.42 P 38 Museum, 13.42 P 38 Report of, 13.44 P 39 Tax Exempt Status, 13.43 P 39 Masonic Memorial Service, Sec. 9.04 P 158 to 163 Masonic Month Between Meetings, 17.12 P 49 Masonic Temple Historical Notes, Sec. 12.03 P 213 Master Absence, 18.03 P 57 and 17.10 P 48 Appointment of Committees, 18.02 P 64 Appointment of Officers, 18.02 P 57 Apron of See APRONS Charge To at Installation, Sec. 2.01 P 79 and Sec. 3.02 P 97 Collar of See COLLARS Grand Lodge Member of, 3.01 P6 Jewel of See JEWELS Member of Grand Lodge, 3.02 P 6 New Lodge Named in Petition, 17.07 P 48 Powers and Duties of, 18.01 P 56 and 18.02 P 57 Qualifications of, 17.11 P 48 Title of, 17.06 P 47 Vacancy in Office, 17.10 P 48 Visitors Admission of, 24.01 P 75 Masters of Ceremonies Grand Lodge, 12.16 P 25 Meeting Place (See Also SUBORDINATE LODGE) Change of, 17.13 P 49 Failure to Meet for 12 Months, 17.20 P 52 Meeting Each Month, 17.12 P 49 Place of, 17.13 P 49 Time of, 17.13 P 49
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INDEX Membership Petition for See PETITION FOR MEMBERSHIP Dual, 19.09 P 62 Plural, 19.09 P 62 Transfer of, 20.02 P 63 Memorial Service, Sec. 9.04 P 158 to 163 Mileage Representative in Grand Lodge, 10.03 P 17 Minutes Grand Lodge To Be Kept, 12.09 P 21 When Read, 9.04 P 12 Subordinate Lodge Concerning Trials, etc., 13.19 P 31 Delivery to Grand Secretary Prior to Grand Visitation, Sec. 4.01 P 114 To Be Kept, 18.07 P 58 Instructions to Representative, etc., 9.18 P 15 Misbehavior of Member, 19.08 P 62 Misconduct or disability of Elective Grand Officer, 4.06 P 8 Motion to Place on Table, etc., 9.05 P 12 Motion to Postpone Action, 9.05 P 12 and 9.10 P 14 Motions Dilatory and Evasive, 9.05 P 12 Motions and Amendments Thereof, 9.05 P 12 Multiple Lodge Membership, 19.09 P 62 Museum See MASONIC LIBRARY AND MUSEUM OF PENNSYLVANIA Music Masonic, P 109 to 113

Members Certificate Resigned Member, Sec. 11.04 P 179 Certificate Restored Member, Sec. 11.08 P 181 Expulsion by Subordinate Lodge, 19.01 P 60 and 19.06 P 61 Forms See FORMS Grand Lodge Certificate for, Sec. 11.01 and 11.02 P 177 Honorary, 3.01 P 6 Members of, 3.01, 3.02 P 6 Method of Addressing, 9.07 P 13 Ordered to Leave Meeting, 9.09 P 13 Payment of Dues, 10.02 P 17 Right to Speak, 9.06 P 13 Right to Speak More than Twice, 9.08 P 13 Twice Called to Order, 9.09 P 13 List of, 18.07 P 58 List To Be Sent to Grand Secretary, 18.08 P 59 Misbehavior of, 19.08 P 62 Multiple Membership, 19.09 P 62 Not More than 5 Made at Same Session, 19.05 P 61 Removal of Expulsion, 20.03 P 66 Residence Change of, 19.01 P 60 Resignation, etc. 19.06 P 61 In Several Lodges, 19.09 P 62 Suspension of, 19.01, 19.02 P 60 and 19.06 P 61 Termination of, 19.06 P 61 Trial Manner of, Sec. 10.01 P 164 to 171 Twentyone Years of Age, 19.05 P 61
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Lodge in Arrears, 12.09 P 21 and 17.19 P 52 Of Lodge Meetings, 18.09 P 59 Of Petitions, 18.09 P 59 and 21.08 P 70 Second Ballot on Petition, 21.06 P 69 Suspension of Brother, 19.01 P 60 On Third Petition for Initiation, etc., 21.15 P 73 Warrant Forfeiture of, 17.21 P 53

Name of Lodge, 17.23 P 53 Notice of Transfer of Membership, 20.02 P 63 Notices Changes of Place of Meeting, 17.13 P 49 Contents of for Stated Meeting, 18.09 P 59 On Forfeiture of Warrant, 17.21 P 53 Grand Lodge Communication, 12.09 P 21 Inquiry Relative to Petitioner, 21.08 P 70

Objection to Candidate for Advancement, 21.07 P 69 Objection to Petitioners to be Entered on Minutes, 21.07 P 69 and 21.11 P 71 Off Labor Duties of Junior Warden, 18.05 P 57 Officers Appointed See APPOINTED OFFICERS Officers of Subordinate Lodge, 17.06 P 47 Qualifications of, 17.06 P 47 Order Member Called to Grand Lodge, 9.06 P 13 Subordinate Lodge, 19.08 P 62 Order Public Ceremonies, 14.01 P 41 Order See QUESTIONS OF ORDER Questions of Decided by Grand Master, 9.14 P 14 Order of Business Grand Lodge, 9.04 P 12 Order of Procession Public Appearance, Sec. 8.01 P 146

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Parliamentary Law Not Applicable, 9.15 P 14 Past Deputy Grand Master Apron of See APRONS Collar of See COLLARS Jewel of See JEWELS Member of Grand Lodge for Life, 3.02 P 6 No Dues Payable, 10.02 P 17 Title of, 2.01 P 5 Past District Deputy Grand Master Powers and Duties of, 12.13 P 24 Past Grand Master Apron of See APRONS Collar of See COLLARS Committee on Landmarks, 13.06 P 29 Exempt from Dues, 10.02 P 17 Jewel of See JEWELS Landmarks Conservators of, 12.01 P 18 Members of Grand Lodge for Life, 3.02 P 6 No Dues Payable by, 10.02 P 17 Title of, 2.01 P 5 Past Masters Apron of See APRONS Collar of See COLLARS Jewel of See JEWELS Member of Grand Lodge, 3.01 P 6 Patton Thomas R., Charity Fund, 13.38 P 36 Pauper Certificate to Travel as, 17.27 P 54 Penalty Misbehavior of Members, 9.09 P 13 and 19.08 P 62 Penalty to Lodges for Failure to Assemble for 12 Months, 17.20 P 52
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Insubordination Acts of, 17.21 P 53 Neglecting to Make Returns, 17.20 P 52 Neglecting to Pay Dues, etc., 17.19, 17.20 P 52 Unmasonic Conduct, 17.20 P 52 Violation of Landmarks, 17.21 P 53 Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation Board of Directors, 13.41 P 38 Duties of, 13.39 P 37 Report of, 13.41 P 38 Tax Exempt Status, 13.40 P 37 Permanent Fund Honorary Membership Fees, 17.04 P 46 Life Membership Fees, 17.04A P 47 Petitions to Grand Lodge, 12.09 P 21 Petitions for Initiation and Membership Action by Lodge on, 21.02 P 67 Advancement Objection to, 21.07 P 69 Ballot Exercise Not Subject to Question, 21.13 P 72 Balloting Clearance from Grand Secretary Required, 21.09, 21.10 P 71 Balloting on, 21.04 P 68 and 21.13 P 72 Black Ball Not for Personal Reasons, 21.13 P 72 Clearance from Grand Secretary for Balloting, 21.09, 21.10 P 71 Committee of Inquiry Failure Promptly to Act, 21.03 P 68

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INDEX Petitions for Initiation and Membership Continued Committee of Inquiry Report of, 21.03 P 68 Duties of Committee of Inquiry, 21.03 P 68 Failure of Committee of Inquiry Promptly to Act, 21.03 P 68 Grand Secretary Reply to Inquiry, 21.09, 21.10 P 71 Initiation Petitioner to Present Himself for within six months, 21.05 P 68 Inquiry Committee of, 21.03 P 68 Inquiry to Grand Secretary, 21.02 P 67 and 21.10 P 71 Inquiry to be Made to Lodge Nearest Residence, 21.08 P 70 Inquiry Nearest Lodge When Not Necessary, 21.08 P 70 Lodge Nearest Residence Objection of, 21.11 P 71 Notice to Members, 18.09 P 59, 21.08 P 70 and 21.15 P 73 Notices of Rejection to Be Sent, 21.06 P 69, 21.12 P 71, 21.15 P 73 and 18.07 P 58 Null and Void, 21.03 P 68 Objection to Advancement, 21.07 P 69 Objection of Lodge Nearest Residence, 21.11 P 71 Objection to Petitioner, 21.07 P 69 Petitioner to Present Himself for Initiation, 21.05 P 68 Presentation of Stated Meeting, 21.01 P 66

Qualifications of Candidate 21.01 P 66 Reference to Committee of Inquiry, 21.01 P 66 Rejection Second Petition, 21.14 P 72 Third Petition, 21.15 P 73 Rejection of Petitioners Authority of Grand Master, 21.16 P 73 List to be Kept, 18.07 P 58 Notice to Grand Secretary, 21.06 P 69 and 21.12 P 71 Notice to Petitioner, 18.07 P 58, 21.06 P 69 and 21.12 P 71 Recorded in Minutes, 21.12 P 71 Second Ballot, 21.06 P 69 Ten Years Previously, 21.16 P 73 Test Ballot, 21.04 P 68 Reply From Grand Secretary, 21.09, 21.10 P 71 Report of Committee of Inquiry, 21.03 P 68 Requirements of, 21.01 P 66 Residence Failure to Petition Lodge Nearest, 21.11 P 71 Inquiry of Lodge Nearest, 21.08 P 70 Objection of Lodge Nearest, 21.11 P 71 Waiver of, by Dispensation, 21.01 P 66 Second Ballot, 21.06 P 69 Second Petition, 21.14 P 72 Stated Meeting To be Presented at, 21.01 P 66
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INDEX Precedence of the Grand Lodge, 14.01 P 41 Precedence of Lodges, 17.01 P 45b and 23.01, 23.02 P 75 Precedence of Lodge Funeral, 23.02 P 75 and Sec. 9.02 P 151 Preservation of Masonic Monuments See COMMITTEE ON PRESERVATION OF MASONIC MONUMENTS Previous Question, 9.12 P 14 Printing or Publishing Proceedings See GRAND SECRETARY Privileged Question, 9.11 P 14 Proceedings of Grand Lodge, 9.01 P 11 Not to be Published, 17.25 P 54 Except by Grand Secretary, 12.09 P 21 Procession Dispensation, Sec. 11.26 P 197 Order of, Sec. 8.01 P 146 Permission of Grand Master, 23.01 P 75 Proclamations Form of Dedication of Masonic Hall, Sec. 6.01 P 128 to 136 Form of Grand Master, 12.02 P 18 Made by Grand Marshal, 12.17 P 25 Proficiency Proof of for Advancement, 19.03 P 61 Public Appearance Order of Procession, Sec. 8.01 P 146 Public Building Ceremonies for Laying Cornerstone, Sec. 7.01 P 137 Public Ceremonies Grand Lodge, 14.01, 14.02 P 41 Public Ceremony Order of, 14.03 P 41 and 23.01 P 75 Punishment of Member, 19.08 P 62

Petitions for Initiation and Membership Continued Stated Meeting Vote On, 21.02 P 67 Ten Years Previous Rejection, 21.16 P 73 Test Ballot, 21.04 P 68 Third Petition, 21.15 P 73 Vote On At Stated Meeting, 21.02 P 67 Withdrawal of First Petition, 21.05 P 68 Second Petition, 21.14 P 72 Third Petition, 21.15 P 73 Petition for Membership, 20.01 P 63 Ballot Unanimous, 20.01 P 63 Inquiry of Grand Secretary, 20.01 P 63 Must Be Presented and Read, 20.01 P 63 Must Be Referred to Committee of Inquiry, 20.01 P 63 Proof of Masonic Standing, 20.02 P 63 Report of Committee, 20.01 P 63 Second Ballot, 20.01 P 63 Second Petition, 20.01 P 63 Petition for Warrant for New Lodge, 17.02 P 45b Petitioners Included in Constitution of New Lodge, Sec. 3.09 P 105 Plural Membership, 19.09 P 62 Powers and Duties See SPECIFIC OFFICERS Prayers At Closing of Lodge, Sec. 1.03 P 77 At Making of Mason, Sec. 1.02 P 77 At Opening of Lodge, Sec. 1.01 P 77
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Qualifications Grand Lodge Members, 3.02 P 6 Grand Officers, 4.04 P 7 Master, 17.11 P 48 Petitioner for Initiation, etc., 21.01 P 66 Petitioner for Membership, 20.01 P 63 Subordinate Lodge Officers, 17.06 P 47 Quarterly Communication in December See DECEMBER QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION Questions In Grand Lodge See QUESTIONS IN GRAND LODGE Majority Vote Decides, 9.13 P 14 Of Order, 9.14 P 14 Vote By Lodges, 9.17 P 14 Standing, 9.16 P 14 Viva Voce, 9.16 P 14 Questions in Grand Lodge December Quarterly Communication To Be Decided At, 9.21 P 15 Of Finance December Quarterly Communication, 9.21 P 15 Of Order Decided By Grand Master, 9.14 P 14 Previous Not Permitted, 9.12 P 14 Privileged Not Allowed, 9.11 P 14 Of Vital Importance, 9.19 P 15 Vote By Lodges, 9.17 to 9.19 P 14-15 Vote Instructions to Representative, 9.18 P 15 Majority, 9.13 P 14 Tie, 9.13 P 14 Vote on How Taken, 9.16 P 14 When Taken, 9.10 P 14 Quorum Grand Lodge, 9.02 P 11

Real Estate Powers and Duties of Trustees, 13.03 P 27 Recommendation See FORMS Recommenders See PETITION FOR MEMBERSHIP and PETITION FOR INITIATION, etc. Registry of Warrants, Dispensations, etc., 12.09 P 21 Regulations Amendment of, 25.01 P 76 Power to Make, 7.01 P 10 Summary of Ancient Charges and Regulations, Sec. 3.02 P 97 Rejection of Petitioners Authority of Grand Master, 21.16 P 73 List to be Kept, 18.07 P 58 Notice to Grand Secretary, 21.06 P 69 and 21.12 P 71 Notice to Petitioner, 18.07 P 58, 21.06 P 69 and 21.12 P 71 Recorded in Minutes, 21.12 P 71

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INDEX Petitioner One Years, 21.01 P 66 Waiver of, for Initiation, by Dispensation, 21.01 P 66 Residents Officers Need Not Be, 17.10 P 48 Resignations Charges Pending Not Permitted, 19.06 P 62 Dues in Arrears Not Permitted, 19.06 P 62 List to be kept, 18.07 P 65 Notification to Grand Secretary, 18.07 P 58 Petitioners for New Lodge, 17.02 P 45b Resolutions and Amendments Thereof, 9.05 P 12 Restoration To Good Masonic Standing, 19.02 P 60 To Membership, 19.02 P 60 and 20.03 P 66 After Expulsion, 20.03 P 66 Returns Election of Officers, 17.17 P 51 Lodge Registry of, 12.09 P 21 Penalty for Failure to Make, 17.20 P 52 Revenue of Grand Lodge, 10.01 P 16

Rejection of Petitioners Continued Ten Years Previously, 21.16 P 73 Removal from Jurisdiction See JURISDICTION Removal of Suspension, Expulsion, etc., 19.02 P 60 and 20.03 P 66 Reports Standing Committees When Approved, 9.20 P 15 Standing Committees When Read, 9.04 P 12 Trustees, 9.04 P 12 See FORMS Representative in the Grand Lodge Certificate Copy to Grand Secretary, 3.03 P 6 and 3.04 P7 Election of, 3.03 P 6 and 3.04 P 7 Instructions to, 9.18 P 15 Mileage, 10.03 P 17 Qualifications of, 3.03 P 6 Travel Expense, 10.03 P 17 Vacancy in Office, 3.04 P 7 Vote by Lodges, 9.17 to 9.19 P 1415 Vote Right to, 9.17 P 14 Requirements of Petition for Initiation, 21.01 P 66 Residence Change of Notification, 19.01 P 60 Failure to Petition Lodge Nearest, 21.11 P 71 Inquiry of Lodge Nearest, 21.08 P 70 Members List to be kept, 18.09 P 59 Petitioner Must State, 21.01 P 66

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St. John the Evangelists Day Annual Grand Communication, 8.01 P 10 Annual Returns Subordinate Lodges, 17.17 P 51 Installation of Grand Officers, 4.04 P 7 Installation of Subordinate Officers, 17.08 P 47 Seal Grand Lodge, 26.01 P 76 Grand Lodge Former Ones, Sec. 12.04 P 214 Grand Lodge Preservation and Use of, 12.09 P 21 Grand Master, 12.03 P 19 Subordinate Lodge Impression of to be sent to Grand Secretary, 17.24 P 53 Necessity of, 17.24 P 53 Second Ballot Petition for Initiation, 21.06 P 69 Second Petition for Initiation, etc., 21.14 P 72 Secretary Appeal Preparation of Papers on, 13.14 P 30 Aprons See APRONS Collars See COLLARS Dissolution of Lodge Duty of, 17.22 P 53 Jewel of See JEWELS Powers and Duties of, 18.07 P 58 Special Compensation on Appeals, 13.14 P 30 Vacancy in Office, 17.10 P 48 Sequestration of Warrant Causes of, 17.21 P 53 Sight Making a Mason at, 12.03 P 19 Sight Mason Made at, not Member of Lodge, 19.04 P 62 Silence Commanded, 9.14 P 14 Special Committees Discharge of, 9.20 P 15 Special Communications of Grand Lodge, 8.01 P 10 and 12.05 P 20 Special Election Forms See FORMS Subordinate Lodge, 17.10 P 48 Standing Committee Reports, 9.20 P 15 Stewards of Stephen Girard Charity Fund Number, 13.37 P 36 Powers and Duties, 13.37 P 36 Stewards Subordinate Lodge, 17.06 P 47 Subordinate Lodges Absence of Officers, 18.03 P 57 Advancement by another Lodge, 17.28 P 54 Annual Report to Grand Lodge, 17.17 P 51 Annual Return, 17.17 P 51 and 18.08, 18.09 P 59 Appeal from Vote to Change Meeting Place, 17.13 P 49 Appointment of Committees, 18.02 P 57 Appointment of Officers, 18.02 P 57 Appointed Officers duties, 18.10, 18.11 P 59 Appointed Officers Places, 18.11 P 59 Aprons, 15.03 P 42 Arrears Notice to Lodge, 17.19 P 52
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INDEX Dispensation for Special Election, 17.10 P 48 Dissolution Becoming Member of Another Lodge, 17.22 P 53 Causes of, 17.20 P 52 Duties of Officers, 17.22 P 53 Loss of Members, etc., Rights, 17.22 P 53 Dues Failure to Pay, 19.01 P 60 Dues Notices, 18.09 P 59 and 19.01 P 60 Duties of Appointed Officers, 18.10, 18.11 P 59 Election In Master Masons Lodge, 17.14 P 50 Election of Officers, 17.08 P 47 Failure to Pay Dues, 19.01 P 60 Failure to Pay Grand Lodge Dues, 17.19 P 52 Fees for Initiation, 17.29 P 54 Filling Vacancy in Office, 17.10 P 48 First Officers Selection of, 17.07 P 47 Grant of Warrant, 17.02 P 45b Honorary Members of, 17.04 P 46 Installation of Officers, 17.08 P 47 Jewels of Officers (See JEWELS) 16.03, 16.04 P 44, 45 Life Membership, 17.04A P 47 List of Members, 18.08 P 59 Master Duties of, 18.01 to 18.03 P 56-57 Qualifications of, 17.11 P 48 Master Masons Lodge Work Done in, 17.14 P 50 Meeting Change in Place of, 17.13 P 49

Subordinate Lodges Continued Assumption of Duties by Officers, 17.09 P 48 Audit Committee, 17.16 P 51 Bank Account of Lodge, 18.06 P 58 Becoming Member of Another Lodge, 17.22 P 53 Business Masonry has no part in, 19.07 P 62 By-Laws, 17.15 P 50 Candidate Must Be 21 Years Old, 19.05 P 61 Change in Place of Meeting, 17.13 P 49 Collars, 16.03 P 44 Columns of Wardens, 16.04 P 45 Communication from Grand Lodge, 17.25 P 54 Constituting of, 17.03 P 46 Degrees Candidate 21 Years Old, 19.05 P 61 Degrees Conferring at National Memorial Building, 17.30 P 55 Degrees Conferring at Temple, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, 17.31 P 55 Degrees Conferring in Chapel, Masonic Conference Center - Patton Campus, Elizabethtown, 17.31 P 55 Degrees Limitations on Number, 19.03 to 19.05 P 61 Degrees Time When Received, 19.03 P 61 Delinquent Dues Summons, 19.01 P 60 Dispensation to Receive Degrees, 19.03 P 61
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INDEX Subordinate Lodges Continued Failure for 12 Months, 17.20 P 52 In National Memorial Building, 17.30 P 55 In Temple, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, 17.31 P 55 In Chapel, Masonic Conference Center - Patton Campus, Elizabethtown, 17.31 P 55 In Masonic Temple, 17.32 P 55 Place of, 17.13 P 49 Time of, 17.12 P 49 Members Certificate, 17.26, 17.27 P 54 Members Disturbing Harmony, 9.09 P 13 and 19.08 P 62 Members List of, 18.08 P 59 Membership In More Than One Lodge, 19.09 P 62 Termination of, 19.01 P 60 and 19.06 P 61 Misbehavior of Member, 19.08 P 62 Multiple Membership, 19.09 P 62 Name Selection of, 17.23 P 53 National Memorial Building Meeting In, 17.30 P 55 Notice to Lodge of Arrears, 17.19 P 52 Notices of Meetings, 18.09 P 59 Notices of Petitions for Initiation, etc., 18.09 P 59 Off Labor Duties of Junior Warden, 18.05 P 57 Officers of, 17.06 P 47 Officers Assumption of Duties by, 17.09 P 48 Election, 17.08 P 47 Installation, 17.08 P 47 Must be Installed, 17.09 P 48

Non-residents, 17.10 P 48 Pauper Certificate to Travel as, 17.27 P 54 Permanent Fund, 17.04 P 47 Petition for Initiation, etc. See PETITION FOR MEMBERSHIP and PETITION FOR INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP Petition for Warrant, 17.02 P 45b Places of Appointed Officers, 18.11 P 59 Precedence of, 17.01 P 45b Proceeding Not to Be Published, 17.25 P 54 Public Ceremony or Appearance, 23.01 P 75 Publishing Proceedings Prohibited, 17.25 P 54 Punishment of Member, 19.08 P 62 Qualifications of Master, 17.11 P 48 Qualifications of Officers, 17.06 P 47 Removal of Suspension of Lodge, 17.18 P 52 Removal of Suspension of Member, 19.02 P 60 and 20.03 P 66 Representation in Grand Lodge, 17.05 P 47 Residence Notice of Change of, 19.01 P 60 Residences Book of Members, 18.09 P 59 Residents Officers must be, 17.10 P 48 Returns Election of Officers, 17.17 P 51 Lodge Registry of, 12.09 P 21
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INDEX First Officers Appointed by, 17.07 P 47 Grant of, 17.02 P 45b Master Has Charge of, 18.02 P 57 Must be Displayed, 18.02, 18.03 P 57 Necessary, 17.01 P 45b Petition for, 17.02 P 45b Sequestration of, 17.21 P 53 Subpoena See FORMS Substitute Representative See REPRESENTATIVE IN GRAND LODGE Summons Forms See FORMS Grand Secretary Issuance of, 12.09 P 21 Subordinate Lodge Change in Place of Stated Meeting, 17.13 P 49 Delinquent Dues, 19.01 P 60 Requirements of, 19.01 P 60 Suspension Of Lodge, 17.17 to 17.19 P 51 to 52 Officers, etc. Loss of Rights in Grand Lodge, 17.22 P 53 Revival of, 17.18 P 52 Of Member Non-Payment of Dues, 19.01 P 60 Other Causes, 20.03 P 66 Record of, 18.07 P 58 Removal of, 19.02 P 60 Stated Meeting Action Must Be Taken At, 19.01 P 60 Terminates Membership, 19.06 P 61

Subordinate Lodges Continued Penalty for Failure to Make, 17.20 P 52 Seal of, 17.24 P 53 Secretary Duties of, 18.07 to 18.09 P 58-59 Sequestration of Warrant, 17.21 P 53 Special Election Dispensation for, 17.10 P 48 Suspended Lodge Loss of Rights By Members, etc., 17.22 P 53 Suspension of Lodge, 17.17 to 17.19 P 51 to 52 Suspension of Member for NonPayment of Dues, 19.01 P 60 Suspension of Member Removal of, 19.02 P 60 and 20.03 P 66 Suspension from Membership, 18.07 P 58 and 19.06 P 61 Termination of Membership, 19.06 P 61 Terms of Office of Officers, 17.09 P 48 Treasurer Duties of, 18.06 P 58 Unmasonic Conduct in, 17.20 P 52 Vacancy in Office, 17.10 P 48 Violation of Landmarks, 17.21 P 53 Vote 23 to Restore to Membership, 19.02 P 60 Vote Unanimous for Initiation, etc., 20.01 P 63 and 21.04 P 68 Wands, 16.04 P 45 Wardens Duties of, 18.04, 18.05 P 57 Warrant Cost of, 10.01 P 16
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Temple Account of, Sec. 12.03 P 213 Termination on Membership, 19.01 P 60 and 19.06 P 61 Terms of Office Subordinate Lodge, 17.09 P 48 Test Ballot, 21.04 P 68 Testimony of Witnesses How Taken, Sec. 10.01 P 164 Third Petition for Initiation, etc., 21.15 P 73 Tie Vote, 9.13 P 14 Title to Masonic Temple, 13.03 P 27 Titles of Grand Lodge, 1.01 P 5 Grand Officers, 2.01 P 5 Master, 17.06 P 47 Transfer of Membership, 20.02 P 63 Travel Expense Representative in Grand Lodge, 10.03 P 17 Treasurer Duties of, 18.06 P 58 Vacancy in Office, 17.10 P 48 Trials See CHARGES OF UNMASONIC CONDUCT, also FORMS Trustees of Grand Lodge Consolidated Fund Appointment of, 13.01 P 27 Duties of, 13.01 P 27 Trustees of Joseph W. Murray Memorial Fund Appointment of, 13.02 P 27 Duties of, 13.02 P 27 Trustees of Masonic Charities Fund Appointment of, 13.04 P 28 Duties of, 13.04 P 28 Trustees of Title to Real Estate Powers and Duties of, 13.03 P 27

Unaffiliated Mason Burial of, Sec. 9.01 P 147 and Sec. 11.25 P 196 Visiting by, 24.02 P 75 Unmasonic Conduct See CHARGES OF UNMASONIC CONDUCT

Vacancy in Office Grand Lodge Officer, 4.05 P 8 Grand Master, 12.06 P 20 Master, 17.10 P 48 and 18.03 P 57 Representative, 3.04 P 7 Subordinate Lodge Officer, 17.10 P 48 Visitations Ceremony at Grand, Sec. 4.01 P 114 Commission to Visit Foreign Lodges, Sec. 11.27 P 198 Deputation to Visit, Sec. 11.28 P 199 Of Lodges by Grand Master, 12.05 P 20 Visitors in Lodge, 24.01, 24.02 P 75 Vote Directed by Grand Master, 9.10 P 14 For Grand Officers, 9.17 P 14 By Lodges, 9.17 P 14 and 9.19 P 15 Lodges in Arrears, 9.22 P 16
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INDEX Unanimous When Required, 20.01 P 63 and 21.04 P 68 Viva Voce, 9.16 P 14 Yeas and Nays, 9.16 P 14 Voting Instructions to Representative, etc., 9.18 P 15

Vote Continued Majority Determination, 9.13 P 14 Previous Question Forcing by, 9.12 P 14 By Representative, 9.17 P 14 Standing, 9.16 P 14 Tie, 9.13 P 14 Two-thirds When Required, 19.02 P 60

Waiver of Jurisdiction, 21.01 P 66 Wands, 16.04 P 45 Wardens Aprons of See APRONS Columns of See COLUMNS Jewel of See JEWELS Members of Grand Lodge, 3.01 P6 Off Labor Powers of Junior, 18.05 P 57 Powers and Duties of, 18.05 P 57 Warrant Cost of, 10.01 P 16 Display Necessary for Meeting, 18.02, 18.03 P 57 Dissolution of Lodge Officers Duties, 17.22 P 53 Forms See FORMS Honorary Members Cost of, 17.04 P 46 Life Members Cost of, 17.04A P 47 Master Has Charge of, 18.02 P 57 Master and Wardens Appointed by, 17.07 P 47 Necessary for Lodge Work, 17.01 P 45b Petition for and Grant of, 7.01 P 10 and 17.02, 17.03 P 45b, 46 Revival of, 17.18 P 52 Sequestration of, 17.21 P 53 Suspension of, 17.19 P 52 Suspension Officers Loss of Rights, 17.22 P 53 Washington Masonic National Memorial Building Meeting in, 17.30 P 55 Widows Charitable Relief to, 13.36 P 36 Withdrawal First Petition, 21.05 P 68 Second Petition for Initiation, etc., 21.14 P 72 Third Petition for Initiation, etc., 21.15 P 73 Work to Be Done in Master Masons Lodge, 17.14 P 50

Year Lodge in Arrears How Calculated, 17.19 P 52
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