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Single-Switch High Step-Up Converters With Built-In Transformer Voltage Multiplier Cell

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Single-Switch High Step-Up Converters With Built-In Transformer Voltage Multiplier Cell

AbstractIn this paper, a built-in voltage gain extension cell is proposed to give a universal topology derivation on next-generation high step-up converters for large voltage gain conversion systems. Several improved single-switch high step-up converters with builtin transformer voltage multiplier cell are derived with some advantageous performance, which includes extremely large voltage conversion ratio, minimized power device voltage stress, effective diode reverse-recovery alleviation, and soft-switching operation. The turns ratio of the built-in transformer can be employed as another design freedom to extend the voltage gain, which shows great design flexibility. Compared with their active clamp counterpart, only one MOSFET is required to simplify the circuit configuration and improve the system reliability. The over resonance frequency and the below resonance frequency operation modes are studied to explore the circuit performance, and the key parameter design criterion is provided to show a valuable guidance for future industrial applications. Finally, the experimental results from a 500 W 36-380 V prototype are provided to validate the effectiveness of the main contributions in this paper. Index TermsBuilt-in transformer, high step-up, voltage gain extension cell, voltage multiplier cell.

Fig. 1. Single-switch boost converters: (a) conventional boost converter and (b) conceptual high step-up converter.


HE conventional single-switch boost converter, as shown in Fig. 1(a), is widely employed in the distributed front-end

convert 12 V onboard battery up to 100 V at steady operation, even to 400 V during the start-up stage [3]. The 48 V standard battery is required to be boosted to nearly 400 V for back-up uninterruptable power systems. Furthermore, the output voltage of the individual photovoltaic (PV) cell is generally lower than 60 V [4], [5]. However, the grid-connected ac voltage is 220 V for single-phase local utility in most countries, which also calls for high step-up and high-efficiency converters to realize the integrated PV modules. In these high step-up and high output voltage applications, the extremely large duty cycle is inevitable with the conventional boost converter, which increases the switch peak current, deteriorates the switching condition, and expands the conduction and switching losses. Furthermore, from the small-signal model analysis, once the duty cycle is close to 1, the dynamic response of the boost converters is limited because there is only a small duty cycle regulation range during the transient operation. How to realize high step-up dc/dc converters without extreme duty cycle to improve the system performance is becoming one of the most emergent technologies for power electrics researchers. A new class of single-switch high step-up dc/dc converters is proposed by introducing some passive voltage lift components in [6] and [7]. A voltage doubler cell is proposed to achieve nonisolated high step-up dc/dc converters by connecting many voltage doubler cells in cascaded structure [8]. The voltage gain of the singe-switch transformerless dc/dc topologies is twice of that of the conventional boost converter, where two similar inductors are charged in parallel and discharged in series [9]. However, the aforementioned converters operate at hard

power factor correction applications, such as the server power systems due to its advantages of simple structure, low cost, and easy implementation [1], [2]. At ideal continuous current mode (CCM) operation, the voltage gain of the conventional boost converter is only determined by the switch duty cycle, which means only one control freedom is available to regulate the output voltage. Therefore, its optimal voltage conversion ratio is limited to approximately four times with a relatively high efficiency. However, nearly or even over 10 times of voltage gain is expected in some high step-up applications. For example, the automobile high-intensity-discharge headlamps usually need to

Fig. 2. Performance improvements of proposed conceptual converter with built-in voltage gain extension cell in high step-up applications.

switching condition and the diode reverse-recovery losses are considerable in the high output voltage applications. A zero voltage switching (ZVS) boost converter with voltage doubler cell is derived to reduce the switching losses [10]. One of the major limitations of the converters published in [6]-[10] is that these topologies cannot provide another controllable and flexible freedom except the duty cycle to obtain the large and wide voltage conversion. In order to extend the voltage gain, avoid the extreme duty cycle operation, and reduce the switch voltage stress, a built-in voltage gain extension cell can be inserted into the conventional boost converter, which is plotted in Fig. 1(b). With the proposed built-in voltage gain extension cell, another control variable can be provided to achieve extremely high step-up conversion. The circuit performance improvements of the proposed conceptual converter in the large voltage conversion systems are depicted in Fig. 2, where vgs and vds are the switch gate signal and drain-source voltage, respectively, iD o is the output diode current. The solid line shows the steady-state waveforms for the conventional boost converter and the dashed line demonstrates the key waveforms for the conceptual high step-up boost converter. By inserting the built-in voltage gain extension cell, the switch voltage stress is reduced, the switch peak current is minimized, and the dynamic response may be enhanced because the turn-OFF period is greatly extended. A clear and advantageous circuit performance can be achieved in the high step-up applications. Therefore, how to realize the built-in voltage gain extension cell with simple but effective circuit components is an innovative and valuable solution to derive novel high step-up and high-efficiency converters. The diode-capacitor voltage multiplier can be inserted into Cuk, Zeta, and Sepic converters to serve the conventional boost, as the built-in voltage gain extension cell [11]-[14]. The voltage gain can be extended by making many diode-capacitor voltage multipliers in series. However, the circuit may be a little complex. A flexible and controllable variable is expected to appear on the voltage gain expression except the duty cycle to regulate the voltage conversion ratio. Generally, the turns ratio of the coupled inductor is one of the selectable control freedom to im-

plement the built-in voltage gain extension cell. Recently, some single-phase coupled-inductor-based converters have been published in literatures to offer another design freedom rather than the switch duty cycle to satisfy the stringently high step-up requirements [15]-[23]. Some of them can be derived from the isolated flyback converters [15]. Some of them come from the composition of the conventional boost and flyback converter [16], and others can be taken as the integration of the coupled inductor and switched capacitor [17]-[19]. Furthermore, some voltage doubler, tripler, and quadrupler are integrated with the conventional single-switch boost converter to achieve an extremely large voltage conversion ratio [20]-[23]. Unfortunately, the input current ripple of most coupled-inductor-based converters is a little large because the input current is equal to the continuous magnetizing inductor current plus the reflected discontinuous secondary winding current. This makes the electrolytic capacitors in the input side indispensable. This has passive impact on the power density and circuit reliability improvements. The transformer existed in the isolated converters is a pretty good component to regulate the circuit voltage conversion ratio and optimize the switch duty cycle. The built-in transformer concept can be also employed in the nonisolated converters to conduct as the voltage gain extension cell and achieve large and wide voltage conversion. Some single-phase builtin transformer based high step-up converters are proposed to achieve high step-up conversion, ZVS soft-switching operation, diode reverse-recovery alleviation, and low input current ripple [24], [25]. In these built-in transformer based converters, two active switches are required and both of them operate in the asymmetrical complementary manner. In this paper, the active clamp switch in the single-phase high step-up built-in transformer based converter presented in [24] is replaced by a passive diode by exploring its detailed operation analysis. Furthermore, some other improved topologies are generated to better satisfy the extremely high step-up applications by introducing some topology derivation law. These proposed single-switch high step-up converters have quite simple circuit configuration and can reduce the system cost. Furthermore, zero current switching (ZCS) turn-ON condition is provided for the switch, and the diode reverse-recovery problem that existed in the conventional boost converters can be alleviated effectively by the inherent leakage inductance of the built-in transformer. In addition, the turns ratio of the transformer and the switch duty cycle can be both employed to achieve extremely large voltage conversion ratio with optimized circuit performance. II. TOPOLOGY DERIVATION AND CIRCUIT OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS The published ZVS high step-up built-in transformer based converter in [24] is shown in Fig. 3(a). The built-in voltage multiplier cell is composed of a transformer, an active clamp switch Sc , a clamp capacitor Cc , a dc block capacitor Cb , a switched capacitor Cm , and a regenerative diode Dr . The turns ratio of the built-in transformer is another design freedom for the voltage gain extension. The switches S and Sc work with the asymmetrical complementary operation to regulate the voltage on the

and (b) are the same. Also, the clamp diode Dc can be shifted from the main power branch to the minor one to further enhance the circuit performance. The improved single-switch high stepup converter is introduced in Fig. 3(c). This improved version has some other clearly advantageous performance, which will be discussed in detail in the following sections. In the dashed block, a voltage multiplier cell is inserted to extend the voltage gain and reduce the switch voltage stress. The primary winding of the transformer has n1 turns and its secondary winding has n2 turns. LLk represents the leakage inductance of the transformer. N is defined as the turns ratio of n2 /n1 . Based on the relationship between the switch turn-ON time and the resonance period caused by the leakage inductance LLk and the block capacitor Cb , there are two typical operation modes. The first one is named as the over resonance frequency (ORF) operation and the other one is the below resonance frequency (BRF) operation. In ORF mode, the switch turn-ON time DTs is longer than the resonance period Tr caused by leakage inductance and block capacitor. The leakage current iLk is discontinuous and its key steady-state waveforms are shown in Fig. 4(a). On the contrary, in BRF mode, the switch turn-ON time DTs is shorter than the resonance period Tr . The leakage current iLk keeps continuous and its corresponding key waveforms are described in Fig. 4(b). Each operation stages are analyzed briefly as follows. The equivalent circuits are demonstrated in Fig. 5. A. ORF Operation (Tr = LLk Cb< DTs ) Stage 1 [t0 , t1 ]: Before t1 , the switch S is in the turn-ON state and the voltage across the filter inductor Lf is the input voltage Vin . The clamp diode Dc and the output rectifier Do are reverse biased. And the energy stored in the clamp capacitor Cc is transferred to the switched capacitor Cm through the regenerative diode Dr and the secondary winding of the built-in transformer. The current of the switch is the summation of that of the filter inductor, leakage inductance, and secondary winding of the built-in transformer. The block capacitor Cb and the leakage inductance LLk begin to resonant VTs = VCm VCc LLk diLk (t) = VTp VCb (t) dt iS (t) = iLf (t) + iLk (t) + iLk (t) N . (1) (2) (3)

Fig. 3. High step-up built-in transformer based converter derivation: (a) ZVS high step-up converter with voltage multiplier cell; (b) derived single-switch high step-up converter; and (c) another improved single-switch high step-up converter.

capacitor Cc . ZVS soft-switching performance is achieved for the switches S and Sc due to the additional parallel capacitor Cs . The input current ripple is small due to its CCM operation to remove the large input electrolytic capacitors. As a result, this built-in transformer based converter is a good candidate for the high step-up and high-efficiency conversion systems. However, from the detailed steady operation analysis of the ZVS high step-up converter in Fig. 3(a), during the active clamp switch Sc turn-ON stage, the clamp capacitor Cc is charged by the input inductor Lf through the clamp switch Sc , and the energy stored in the clamp capacitor is discharged to the load through the output diode Do . It can be concluded that the discharging current of the clamp capacitor comes from the output current, and the clamp capacitor energy-charging path is not the same as the energy-discharging path. This means there is an existing discharging path for the clamp capacitor. The bidirectional power flow for the active clamp switch is not mandatory, which indicts that the auxiliary switch Sc can be replaced by a passive diode Dc . The derived single-switch high step-up converter is plotted in Fig. 3(b). The voltage gain of the converters in Fig. 3(a)

Stage 2 [t1 , t2 ]: At t1 , the current of the leakage inductance LLk resonates to zero and the regenerative diode Dr turns OFF naturally, which minimizes the regenerative diode reverse-recovery losses. The filter inductor current is still increased linearly due to the input voltage. Stage 3 [t2 , t3 ]: At t2 , the switch S turns OFF and then the clamp diode Dc and the output rectifier Do turn ON to deliver the input energy to the output load. Part of another filter inductor energy transfers to the clamp capacitor Cc iDo (t) = iLk (t) N (4)

Fig. 4. Key steady-state waveforms of improved converter in Fig. 3(c): (a) ORF operation. (b) BRF operation.

iCc (t) = iLf (t) iDo (t) iLk (t) VTs = Vout + VCc + VCm .

(5) (6)

Fig. 5. Operational stages of proposed converter in ORF and BRF modes: (a) ORF stage 1 [t0 -t1 ]; (b) ORF stage 2 [t1 -t2 ]; (c) ORF stage 3 [t2 -t3 ]; (d) ORF stage 4 [t3 -t4 ]; (e) ORF stage 5 [t4 -t5 ]; and (f) BRF stage 2 [t1 -t2 ].

Stage 4 [t3 , t4 ]: At t3 , the clamp diode Dc turns OFF naturally, which alleviates the diode reverse-recovery problem. The filter inductor current is the summation of the leakage current and output diode current iLf (t) = iDo (t) + iLk (t). (7)

Stage 5 [t4 , t5 ]: At t4 , the switch S turns ON with the ZCS softswitching performance because its turn-ON current is increased linearly from zero. The filter inductor current starts to increase again, and the current of the leakage inductance LLk and that of

the output diode Do decreases to zero at the end of this stage VT s = Vout + VC m LLk diLk = VT p VC b dt B. BRF Operation (Tr = LLk Cb> DTs ) (8) (9)

During BRF operation, the leakage current iLk is still higher than zero when the switch S turns OFF. In this case, the operation of stage 2 has a small difference compared with the ORF operation whose equivalent circuit is plotted in Fig. 5(f). Once the switch S turns OFF, the clamp diode Dc starts to conduct to make the voltage on the secondary winding equal to that of the switched capacitor Cm . The leakage current iLk decreases quickly in an approximately linear way. The other stages in the BRF operation are the same as those of the ORF operation VTs = VCm LLk diLk = VCc + VCb + VTp . dt A. Voltage Gain Expression In order to simplify the derivation of the voltage gain of the improved high step-up converter with voltage multiplier cell, it is reasonable to taken the voltage ripple on the block capacitor Cb , the clamp capacitor Cc , and the switched capacitor Cm as zero. As a result, the voltage on Cc can be derived by employing the voltage-second balance principle on the input inductor Lf , which is given by 1 VCc = 1 D Vin . (12) (10) (11)

Furthermore, the voltage gain of the improved version is a little higher than that of ZVS high step-up built-in transformer based converter published in [24]. Even the turns ratio of the built-in transformer is zero, which means the transformer is removed from the proposed converter, the voltage gain of the simplified topology is doubled compared with the conventional boost converter. Great design flexibility is provided to achieve large and wide voltage conversion by regulating the built-in transformer turns ratio and the switch duty cycle alternatively. B. Power Device Voltage and Current Stress Analysis The voltage stresses of the switch S and the clamp diode Dc are equal to the voltage on the clamp capacitor Cc , which are given by inD = NVout VS = Vdc = VC c = 1V +2. (17)


From (17), it can be drawn that the switch voltage stress is decreased greatly as the turns ratio increases, which makes highperformance MOSFETs with low RDS ON available to improve the circuit performance. The maximum switch voltage is only half of the high output voltage. The voltage stress of the regenerative diode Dr is the same as that of the output diode Do , which is equal to the output voltage minus the clamp capacitor voltage
(18) VDo = VDr = Vout VCc = 1+D1 Vin = N + 2 Vout . From (18), it can be seen that the voltage stress of the output and regenerative diodes is lower than the output voltage. If the

The voltage on the block capacitor Cb is the average dc voltage of the switch S, which is obtained by VCb = VCc (1 D) = Vin . (13)

When the switch S turns ON, the voltage on the primary winding of the built-in transformer VT p is the voltage on the block capacitor Cb . Its secondary winding voltage VT s is equal to the voltage on the switched capacitor Cm minus that on the clamp capacitor Cc . They are calculated by
s = VC m VC c N VTp = VCb = VT N


When the switch S is in the turn-OFF state, the output voltage is derived by (15) + V C c VT s . From (12) to (15), the voltage gain of the improved converter can be derived as follows:

Vout = VC

turns ratio of the built-in transformer is zero, the voltage stress of the output diode and the regenerative diode is only half of the output voltage. For the current stress analysis, the clamp capacitor Cc is charged by the current across the clamp diode Dc . The switched capacitor Cm is charged by the current across the regenerative diode Dr and the discharging current of the switched capacitor Cm is equal to the output diode current iD o . As a result, the average current of the diodes Dc , Dr , and Do is the same. In order to simplify the analysis, the switch turn-ON period is assumed to be half of the resonant period, which is given as DTs Tr /2. In this case, the improved converter operates in critical mode, where the regenerative diode current is just decreased to zero when the switch turns ON. This assumption is reasonable to give an approximate result for the power device selection. The peak current of the diodes Dc , Dr , and Do can be derived by Idc ID r ID o
peak Iin

(N + 2) (1 D) Iout

(19) (20) (21)

M = Vout = N + 2 Vin 1D.


peakTs peak

From (16), it can be seen that the turns ratio of the built-in transformer can serve as another control freedom to extend the voltage gain compared with the conventional boost converter.

(N + 2) in N ILf+ 1 N I + 1 (N + 1)(1 D)Iout .

Tr Iout 2D Iout

and the switch peak current and rms current are calculated by

switch voltage stress can be reduced correspondingly. Moreover, the leakage energy can be recycled by employing active or IS peak Iin + TT s r Iout (N 2 1 D)D + ( (22) passive clamp schemes, which cannot only suppress the possi)D Iout ble turn-OFF voltage spikes on the power MOSFETs, but also provide ZVS or ZCS soft-switching operation. However, genIrms S erally speaking, the topologies with higher voltage gain under [ ]2 1 Tr / 2 (N + 1)Ts Iout the same duty cycle and turns ratio need more power diodes and sin(r t) + Iin dt switched capacitors, which may increase the circuit complexity TS 0 Tr [ ] and system cost. Consequently, a tradeoff should be made to 1 (N + 1)22 optimize the converter performance based on the application 2 Iout + (N + 2) 2 (1 D) + 2(N(12)(N + 1) D 8D2 specifications. In fact, the built-in transformer based converter D)D can be also integrated with the switched capacitor technique to (23) realize the voltage doubler, tripler, and quadrupler. These derived converters have quite similar circuit performance with the C. Diode Reverse-Recovery Alleviation coupled-inductor-based converters, including the voltage gain, From the steady-state operation, it can be drawn that the the power device voltage/current stress, leakage energy recycle clamp diode current is reduced to zero before it turns OFF, solution, and regulation capability. One of the main differences which means that is no reverse-recovery problem for the clamp is that an individual filter inductor is adopted in the input side diode. For the output diode, its turn-OFF current falling rate is to reduce the current ripple, which can benefit the input source, controlled by the leakage inductance of the built-in transformer, especially for the PV, fuel cells, and battery sources. The limitation of the built-in transformer based converters is that two which is derived by magnetic components are required, which impact the power diD o (t) = (N + 1)Vout (24) density improvement. dt N (N + 2)LLk . For the regenerative diode, there are two different cases based IV. KEY PARAMETER DESIGN GUIDANCE on the operation modes. In ORF operation, the current across the regenerative diode is resonated to zero before it turns OFF A. Turns Ratio of Built-In Transformer Selection without any reverse-recovery problem. In BRF mode, its turnThe turns ratio of the built-in transformer is the most signifiOFF current falling rate is given by cant parameter for the proposed converter because it determines the switch duty cycle, the power device voltage, and current diD r (t) out = V (25) stress, which is obtained by dt (N + 2)L .

From (24) and (25), it can be seen that the reverse-recovery problem can be alleviated effectively by employing a small leakage inductance as the turns ratio increases, which can reduce the electromagnetic interference noise and improve the circuit efficiency. D. Circuit Performance Comparison and Evaluation In summary, there are two fundamental schemes to provide another controllable freedom rather than the duty cycle to extend the voltage gain greatly without extremely large duty cycle. The first one is to employ the coupled inductor. In this case, the turns ratio of the coupled inductor can serve as another control variable to regulate the voltage gain. The other solution is to adopt the built-in transformer, where its turns ratio is used to control the output voltage. Furthermore, the switched capacitor technique can be combined with the coupled inductor or built-in transformer to derive advanced high step-up converters, which can further extend the voltage gain and reduce the switch voltage stress. Most of the recent published coupledinductor-based high step-up converters can be regarded as the integration of the coupled inductor and switched capacitor techniques [17]-[23], which can achieve the voltage doubler, tripler, and quadrupler, and even higher voltage conversion ratio with several coupled inductor doubler cells in series. Meanwhile, the

N = Vout (1 D) 2. Vin


Once the switch duty cycle is selected, the turns ratio of the built-in transformer can be calculated and the power device voltage/current stress can be easily carried out. B. Leakage Inductance of Built-In Transformer Design The leakage inductance can be employed to control the output diode current falling rate and to alleviate the diode reverserecovery problem. The relationship between the leakage inductance and the diode current falling rate is derived by diD o (t) = (N + 1)Vout dt N (N + 2)LLk . (27)

It can be seen that the diode current falling rate is determined by the turns ratio, the output voltage, and the leakage inductance. As the turns ratio increases, a small leakage inductance is sufficient to alleviate the diode reverse-recovery problem. C. Input Filter Inductor Selection The input filter inductor Lf is designed to make that the input current ripple is approximately 20% of the average input current,

which is derived by Lf = Vin D IL f f s . (28)


Due to the built-in voltage multiplier cell of the proposed converter, the switch duty cycle can be optimized to reduce the input current ripple, which can prolong the usage life of the PV arrays or the fuel cells. D. Power Device Selection Once the turns ratio of the built-in transformer is designed, the voltage and current stress of the switch and diodes can be derived. As a result, the power devices can be selected by considering some acceptable voltage and current margins. E. Capacitor Design How to suppress the voltage ripple on the clamp capacitor Cc and the switched capacitor Cm to a tolerant range is the main consideration for the capacitor design. The relationship between the voltage ripple and the output power can be derived by Pout (29) VoutVc fs whereVc is the maximum tolerant voltage ripple on the capacitor Cc or Cm . The design of the block capacitor is a little complex based on the operation modes. From the operation analysis, the required block capacitor can be obtained considering the proposed converter working in critical mode Cb2 D2 (30) s LLk f 2 If the block capacitor is larger than the critical value, the proposed converter operates in BRF mode. However, a smaller block capacitor makes the proposed circuit in ORF mode. Generally speaking, a large block capacitor can minimize its voltage ripple, but it is bulky and costly. As a result, a compromise should be made to optimize the circuit performance. V. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed converters, a 500 W prototype with the topology shown in Fig. 3(c) is built and tested. The main components and parameters are summarized in Table I. For the magnetic components, the toroidal sendust core CS572125 from Magnetics is employed for the input filter inductor, and the input inductance is about 100H with 26 turns. The PQ3230 magnetic core is used for the built-in transformer with turns ratio of 17/7. The magnetizing inductance is about 260H and the leakage inductance is as 1.6H. For the power devices, IRFP4227 is selected as the switch. MUR820 is used for the clamp diode. Both the regenerative and output diodes are MUR1560. For the capacitors, the clamp capacitor is 2.2F and the switched capacitor is 1F. The output capacitor is 470F. The block capacitor has three choices, which can make the proposed converter operate in ORF, BRF, and critical modes with C

Vin = 36 V at 500 W full loads. In ORF operation, the block capacitor is 3.7F. In BRF operation, the block capacitor is about 16.3F. When the block capacitor is 6.9F, the proposed converter can operate in critical mode. The following experimental results are given with Pout 500 W and Vin = 36 V. The key waveforms with different block capacitors are demonstrated in Figs. 6-8. The gate signal/drain-source voltage of the switch S and the voltage/current waveforms of the clamp diode Dc are given in Fig. 6(a). The switch duty cycle is about 0.6 because the builtin transformer voltage multiplier cell provides another design freedom for the voltage gain extension. This is optimal for the input current ripple cancellation, dynamic response improvement, and power device peak current reduction. Moreover, the switch voltage stress is only about 90 V, which is far lower than the 380 V output voltage. As a result, the low-voltage-rated power MOSFETs with low Rds ON can be used to improve the circuit performance. Furthermore, the clamp diode current decreases to zero before it turns OFF, which means there is no reverse-recovery problem for the clamp diode. The voltage waveforms on the clamp capacitor Cc , block capacitor Cb , and switched capacitor Cm are shown in Fig. 6(b). The voltage on the clamp capacitor is about 90 V, which is equivalent to the switch voltage stress. The voltage on the block capacitor is nearly 40 V, which is the input voltage, and the voltage on the switched capacitor is almost 190 V. The voltage and current waveforms of the regenerative and output diodes are plotted in Fig. 6(c). Both the regenerative and output diodes have the voltage stress of approximate 300 V, which is also lower than the output voltage. The turn-OFF current falling rate of the output diode is controlled by the leakage inductance of the built-in transformer, which effectively alleviates the output diode reverse-recovery problem. The key current waveforms, including the input inductor current, the switch current, the clamp capacitor current, and the current across the second winding of the built-in transformer, are demonstrated in Fig. 6(d). Due to the input inductor and the

Fig. 6. Experimental results with Cb = 16.3F: (a) waveforms of switch S and clamp diode Dc ; (b) voltage waveforms of clamp capacitor Cc , block capacitor Cb , and switched capacitor Cm ; (c) waveforms of regenerative diode Dr and output diode Do ; and (d) key current waveforms.

Fig. 7. Experimental results with Cb = 6.9F: (a) waveforms of switch S and clamp diode Dc ; (b) voltage waveforms of clamp capacitor Cc , block capacitor Cb , and switched capacitor Cm ; (c) waveforms of regenerative diode Dr and output diode Do ; and (d) key current waveforms.

Fig. 9. Measured efficiency curves: (a) Vin = 36 V with different block capacitors. (b) Cb = 6.9F with different input voltages.

optimal operation without extreme duty cycle, the input current ripple is small, which can minimize the input capacitor and prolong the usage life of the input source. Furthermore, the switch current is flat, which can reduce the conduction losses. The influence of different block capacitors on the circuit performance can be also found in Figs. 6-8. When the block capacitor is 16.3F, the proposed converter operates in BRF mode, where the current across the regenerative diode is still higher than zero when the switch turns ON, as shown in Fig. 6(c). This may increase the reverse-recovery losses a little although its turn-OFF current falling rate is controlled by the leakage inductance. When the block capacitor is 3.7F, the proposed converter works in ORF mode. The regenerative diode turns OFF naturally without reverse-recovery problem, which is shown in Fig. 8(c). However, in this case, the switch peak current increases a little, which is given in Fig. 8(d). When the block capacitor Fig. 8. Experimental results with Cb = 3.7F: (a) waveforms of switch S and clamp diode Dc ; (b) voltage waveforms of clamp capacitor Cc , block capacitor is changed to 6.9F, the proposed converter operates in critical Cb , and switched capacitor Cm ; (c) waveforms of regenerative diode Dr and mode, where the regenerative diode current is just decreased to output diode Do ; and (d) key current waveforms. zero when the switch turns ON. The corresponding waveforms are given in Fig. 7. In addition, the voltage ripple on the block capacitor is different with different values. The higher the block capacitor, the smaller the voltage ripple.

The measured efficiency of the proposed converter is plotted in Fig. 9. Fig. 9(a) shows the efficiency comparison with different block capacitors and Vin = 36 V. The measured efficiency in the three cases is very close and the critical operation has the highest efficiency. The maximum efficiency of 96.6% and the efficiency of 95.6% at 500 W full loads are achieved with Cb = 6.9F. From the efficiency point of view, the critical operation mode can provide the optimal efficiency. The tested efficiency comparison with different input voltages and Cb = 6.9F is given in Fig. 9(b). It can be seen that even the input voltages have a large variations; the conversion efficiency can be kept up to a high level within a large load range. Even though the input voltage is reduced to 30 V, the maximum efficiency is still over 96%. VI. CONCLUSION In this paper, the inherent limitation of the conventional boost converter in the high step-up applications is summarized and a voltage gain extension cell is proposed to provide a conceptual solution for high step-up, low cost, and high-efficiency conversion. Some improved single-switch high step-up converters with built-in transformer voltage multiplier cell are derived from their active clamp counterpart to simplify the circuit structure. These improved converters contain the following clear advantages: 1) The switch duty cycle and the turns ratio of the built-in transformer can be employed as two controllable variables to extend the voltage gain; 2) The power device voltage stress is far lower than the high output voltage; and 3) The diode reserve-recovery problem can be fully or partly solved based on the operation modes due to the leakage inductance. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed converters are excellent topology candidates for high future high step-up conversion systems. REFERENCES
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