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Grade 3 Full

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Greetings & Some Expectations for NSETs

Greetings to you all, the Native Speaking English Teachers (NSETs) who
are committing yourselves to help improve elementary and secondary school
English education in Seoul. English has grown in importance in Korea in
recent years. Being the language for education and commerce throughout
many developed countries, Korean people have realized the importance of
having a command of the language. According to a study conducted by
Newsweek magazine, three quarters of the world's top 100 universities are in
countries where English is the first language of communication. Thus, English
plays a pivotal role in acquiring and spreading knowledge. It is estimated that
about 70% of Internet-based information is in English; and English is the
predominant language used in writing intellectual and scientific journals.

In order not to stagnate in the face of global development, Korean

students spend a huge amount of time and energy learning English. According
to Korea's Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation(MBC), a Korean student spends
an average of 15,548 hours learning English from middle school through
college. If you take into account the amount of preschoolers learning English,
it can be concluded that Korea spends an enormous amount of time and
money on English education.

Thanks to the amount of time and effort spent on English education, most
Korean students achieve a high level proficiency in English, mainly in reading,
by the 11th or 12th grade. They retain quite extensive vocabulary as well.
Regardless of their reading proficiency, many students still find it difficult
to express themselves comfortably in English. In response, Seoul Metropolitan
Office of Education (SMOE) introduced a new English program in 2005. This
program enabled the government to invite Native Speaking English Teachers
to work in schools throughout Seoul. Your presence and commitment symbolize
the paradigm shift of public school English education here in Korea.

I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the expectations

toward you not only from SMOE but also from students, the real
beneficiaries of your teaching.

You as NSETs are expected to:

1. focus on the development of students' oral communication skills.
Your teaching methods should be designed to give students the
opportunity to communicate in English as much as possible. This will ensure
their communicative competence can emerge naturally. This does not mean
that your lessons should be limited to fostering only oral communication skills.
Focusing on one aspect of language teaching can be detrimental to the other
areas. As well as communicative lessons teachers are encouraged to integrate
other language skills such as reading and writing into their lessons.

2. design your lesson according to student's English proficiency level.

Because of the diversity of students English ability teachers should plan
adaptable lessons according to individual classes. Every class will be different
and teachers should plan accordingly. Each school will have differently styled
English classes. Some schools may separate students according to their
English proficiency level while others will have mixed ability classes. To
prepare for this, teachers should attempt to customize lessons for each
level. This will ensure higher level students are challenged and lower levels
are not overwhelmed. For your benefit, this guide book introduces a couple of
sample lesson plans designed in different levels.

3. plan your lesson based on the authorized textbooks.

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology ensures that school
textbooks follow the national curriculum. As a teacher it is your job to
provide lessons that adhere to the goals and major themes of the national
school curriculum. You are strongly advised to plan your lessons based on the
authorized textbooks. The purpose of this guide book is to help you become
more familiar with the approved lessons. This does not mean that your
teaching materials should be limited to your school's authorized textbooks.
Use the textbooks as a starting point to develop lessons around the topics

4. develop a co-teaching plan through collaboration with co-teacher(s).

For a successful co-teaching lesson, both NSET(s) and KET(s) have to
work together to create a weekly, monthly and yearly co-teaching plan in
advance. Oftentimes, your school affairs may prevent you from having the
chance to discuss a lesson plan. Setting aside a certain time each week is
one way to ensure regular meetings. When it comes to developing a weekly
plan, a three step collaboration is suggested: pre-class collaboration, in-class
collaboration and after-class collaboration. For more details regarding
co-teaching, you can refer to the CO-TEACHING GUIDELINES in this book.

5. have a strong sense of creativity and motivation.

The motto of school education of Seoul is to 'produce people of integrity
coupled with creativity and competence.' With this motto in mind, you are
advised to come up with motivating lesson plans conducive to building
students' creativity and competence. There are several teaching techniques
utilized by teachers in Korean classrooms. Some of them are: peer
competitions, relatable topics, activities requiring students to move about the
classroom, telling stories about yourself and the inclusion of diverse materials, etc.

6. simplify your spoken English.

While Korean students excel in reading, they are much weaker in listening.
Some of your students may not be accustomed to communicating with a
native English speaker and may not understand you. Therefore, you should try
to simplify your spoken English to give students the chance to understand
you. Of course when dealing with higher level students you may choose not to
simplify or adapt your language.
7. educate yourself about the Korean culture.
Koreans' way of thinking and behaving may confuse and possibly aggravate
even the most cultured westerners. The best way to reduce any possible
problems is to attempt to understand the differences and similarities
between Korean culture and your own. Why not try to familiarize yourselves
with Korean culture? This would benefit not only your lives in Korea but the
knowledge you acquire could be utilized into your teaching.

8. try to learn more about your school's vision and philosophy.

Every school has its own vision and philosophy. You are one of the faculty
members of the school and have a responsibility to share its vision and
philosophy. You should encourage students to achieve and embrace your
school's vision and philosophy. In this area your Korean co-teacher(s) will
certainly be a big help to you.

Dear all, you are here with us to help provide quality English education to
Korean students. You are not here as token foreigners promoting a Korean
English education policy. As mentioned earlier, your presence and commitment
symbolize the paradigm shift of school English education in Korea. Remember
that some of your pupils may play a crucial role in the international
community in the future. You are the ones that can help them overcome
their language barrier and build confidence in themselves. Your encouragement
and teaching could help them become valuable members of the global
community. In this sense, I hope that each and every one of you will
motivate yourself to be more proactive in your schools and classes. Please try
your utmost to meet the expectations SMOE and also students have for you.
On behalf of the English education policy department of SMOE, I would like
to express our appreciation for your dedication in improving the English
education system in Seoul and wish you a very memorable time in Korea.
The Generality

1. Goals of Elementary English Curriculum ························································ 3

1.1 Characteristics ····································································································· 3
1.2 Goals ······················································································································· 4

2. Contents of Elementary English Curriculum ················································· 5

2.1 System of Contents ··························································································· 5
2.2 Achievement Standards by Grades/Levels ················································· 7

3. Teaching and Learning Methods ······································································ 12

4. Teaching Methods for Elementary Learners ················································ 14

4.1 Overview of Teaching Methods for Language Learning ····················· 14
4.2 Examples of Listening and Speaking Activities ···································· 16

5. Evaluation ················································································································· 17
5.1 Purposes of Assessment for English Learners ······································· 17
5.2 Principles of Korean Elementary English Evaluation ························· 18
5.3 Authentic Assessment ····················································································· 18

6. Composition Principles and Features of Textbook ······································ 21

6.1 Composition Principles and Features of Textbook ······························· 21
6.2 Details ·················································································································· 21

7. Co-teaching ··············································································································· 25
7.1 Definition ············································································································ 25
7.2 Co-teaching Approaches ················································································· 25
7.3 Co-teaching Steps ····························································································· 26
7.4 Roles for Co-teaching between KET and NSET ··································· 27
7.5 Co-teaching Lesson Plan (Example) ·························································· 32

8. The Yearly Plan of Teaching ············································································· 34

8.1 3rd Grade ··········································································································· 34
8.2 4th Grade ··········································································································· 36
8.3 5th Grade ··········································································································· 38
8.4 6th Grade ··········································································································· 42
Teaching Plan

1. Hello, I'm Minsu ····································································································· 49

2. What's This? ············································································································· 57

3. Happy Birthday! ····································································································· 65

4. Wash Your Hands ·································································································· 73

5. I Like Apples ··········································································································· 81

6. How Many Cows? ··································································································· 89

7. I Can Swim ·············································································································· 97

8. It's Snowing ············································································································ 105


1. Communicative Functions and Sample Sentences ···································· 115

2. Vocabulary ·············································································································· 119

3. Useful Websites ···································································································· 123

4. Related Story Books ···························································································· 125

5. Hangul, the Korean Alphabet ·········································································· 130

6. Korean Folk Tales ······························································································· 132

7. Frequently Asked Questions ··········································································· 150

∎ References ·················································································································· 155

The Generality
1. Goals of Elementary English Curriculum

2. Contents of Elementary English Curriculum

3. Teaching and Learning Methods

4. Teaching Methods for Elementary Learners

5. Evaluation

6. Composition Principles and Features of Textbook

7. Co-teaching

8. The Yearly Plan of Teaching

1 Goals of Elementary English Curriculum

1.1 Characteristics
Elementary English as a core subject raises students' ability to understand and express the basics
of the language as it is used in their daily lives. It is based on the four functions of language:
listening, speaking, reading and writing. The main focus is on listening and speaking. Reading
and writing are based on simple contents related to the former components.
When applying English teaching methodology, Elementary school students' characteristics should
be considered. First of all, elementary school students are full of curiosity, and their thoughts
and behaviors are strongly affected by their senses and experiences. Teaching methods should be
based on students' senses and experiences accordingly. Second, repetitive teaching is
recommended since they learn quickly but forget easily. Finally, they have short attention spans.
Various teaching methods and materials, therefore, such as multi-media should be used
Elementary English focuses on level-focused learning, reflecting students' different abilities.
Level-focused learning includes the basic course, which is applied to all students, and the
advanced/supplementary course. The advanced course offers additional task-based learning for
students who have reached the achievement standard of the basic course. The supplementary
course offers additional task-based learning to help students who didn't reach the achievement
standard of the basic course. In level-focused learning, therefore, students learn on their own
through tasks and activities.
At the elementary school level, it is important to maintain students' interest as well as to make
them familiar with and confident in English. This will be the foundation of improving their
communicative skills to further their English education. Although one of the aims of teaching
English is to help them develop their communicative skills, establishing a good personality is
also important. English education should help students to develop sound moral values and an
independent civil mentality. Also, it should encourage the students to have an understanding
attitude toward foreign cultures, international insight, a cooperative spirit and basic knowledge as
citizens of the world.

❙• 3 •❙
1.2 Goals
Students will learn how to acquire the basic communication ability that is necessary to
understand and use the basic English in their daily lives. In addition, they are able to take in
foreign cultures in a right way, develop Korean culture and find a way to introduce Korean
culture to the world.
⑴ Students will learn how to have confidence and interests in English, and acquire the basic
skills to communicative.
⑵ Students will learn how to have a conversation about their daily routines and general topics.
⑶ Students will learn how to understand various information about foreign culture and acquire
the ability to use it.
⑷ Through the understanding of foreign cultures, students are able to recognize Korean
culture in a new perspective and develop ethical values.

Elementary school English is the starting point of the public English Education, so the goal
will be a part of the achievement of English education. Students will understand and use
English to build up the basic communication skills, take in other cultures properly, and
introduce Korean culture.

❙• 4 •❙
2 Contents of Elementary English Curriculum

2.1 System of Contents

Language Skills
Students will gradually learn how to build up their ability covering four functions of language
: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Language skills Spoken Language Written Language

Receptive skills Listening Reading

Productive skills Speaking Writing

Spoken language is introduced earlier than written language. Listening is introduced earlier
than speaking, and reading is introduced earlier than writing. After some time, these four
functions will be integrated systematically.

Communicative Activities
Communicative Activities are composed of spoken language and written language.

Scope Contents
- For spoken language activities, refer to [Appendix 1] 'Communicative
Spoken Language functions and example sentences'.
Activities - Choose and use 'Communicative functions and examples' to achieve each
grade/step level.
Written Language
- For written language activities, refer to [Appendix 1].

For spoken language activities, you have to introduce some activities that achieve each
❙• 5 •❙
grade/step level centering around [Appendix 1] 'Communicative functions and example
sentences'. For written language activities, refer to [Appendix 1] 'Communicative functions
and example sentences'.

Language Components
For authentic activities, refer to components, culture, language, vocabulary and the length of
single sentences.

Scope Contents
- Activities to motivate students to learn English while considering student
interest, necessity, and cognitive level
- Appropriate contents consider theme, situation, etc.
- Appropriate contents to accomplish each grade/step level
- Appropriate contents for interaction
- Appropriate contents for advanced and development learning
- The way of living and language culture for communication
Culture - Appropriate language and nonverbal expressions of Western cultures
- Cultural difference between Western and Korean cultures
- Listening and speaking should be the main focus of learning. Reading and writing will
only assist.
Language - Natural acquisition of language and authentic communication
- Basic expressions used in daily lives will be taught more frequently
- Consider student cognitive level
- New vocabulary for each grade
3rd Grade: 80 〜 120 words 4th Grade: 80 〜 120 words
5th Grade: 90 〜 130 words 6th Grade: 90 〜 130 words
(Within 450 words, 30 Korean words are permitted)
The length of - 3rd, 4th Grade: less than 7 words in a sentence
single - 5th, 6th Grade: less than 9 words in a sentence
sentences (The cases using 'And, Or, But' are exceptional)

The teacher motivates students to learn English considering student interest, necessity, and
cognitive level. The teacher introduces cultural differences between Western and Korean
cultures, and uses simple communicative functions in spoken words.
❙• 6 •❙
2.2 Achievement Standards by Grades/Levels
3rd Grade

Skills Levels Standards

Students are able to
① distinguish English sound, stress, rhythm, and intonation
② know the meaning of words
③ respond after listening to simple directions and commands in one
④ understand simple dialogues about themselves, family members,
and schools
⑤ enjoy singing short and easy chants and songs
⑥ understand directions for easy and simple games and activities
⑦ understand daily expressions
⑧ listen to words and know the relationship among words
⑨ listen to a sentence and to match it to the right picture
Students are able to
① speak with proper stress, rhythm, and intonation
② say words for familiar objects around them
③ say a word or a sentence about objects or pictures
Basic ④ have easy and short conversations about themselves, family
members, and school
⑤ repeat short and easy chants and songs
⑥ participate in easy and simple games and activities
⑦ use daily expressions such as greetings
⑧ say sentences about objects or pictures
Advanced ⑨ have short conversations about themselves, family members, and

'Achievement standards' is the new concept of the 7th National Curriculum. Up until the 6th
National Curriculum, the contents included different materials according to each grade.
Achievement standards are based on a concept which includes contents and objectives. They
are also divided into a basic level and an advanced level. The basic level contains basic
objectives for all students to achieve while the advanced level contains higher objectives for
students who have achieved the basic goals.
❙• 7 •❙
4th Grade

Skills Levels Standards

Students are able to

① understand short conversations about their daily lives
② understand brief explanations about things and people
③ respond after listening to simple directions and commands with
one or two sentences
④ do simple tasks after listening to easy and simple explanations
Listening ⑤ find out when and where the conversations take place after
listening to simple dialogues
⑥ find key words after listening to simple dialogues about daily lives
⑦ understand simple stories of role-plays

⑧ briefly understand the purpose of simple dialogues

⑨ distinguish the meanings of two sentences after listening to them

Students are able to

① have easy and simple conversations about daily lives
② ask and answer questions about things and people around them
Basic ③ express sentences about directions and commands
Speaking ④ ask for help when they are in need
⑤ chant and sing songs
⑥ speak and act out in role-plays

⑦ have conversations with proper gestures and expressions

⑧ say what they need by using objects and pictures

Students are able to

① read and distinguish capital and lower case letters
Basic ② read easy and simple words
Reading ③ understand meanings of simple words with pictures, real objects,
and actions

④ have an interest in written words around them

⑤ practice using alphabet letters on a computer keyboard

Achievement standards for the 4th grade are built on the achievement standards for the 3rd
grade. Therefore, for teaching the 4th graders, teachers can teach the contents of the 3rd
grade's standards or reorganize the contents in the 4th grade. The written language is
introduced first in the grade 4, but it is limited to recognizing capital and lower case letters
and reading simple words. In the advanced level, teachers can help students speak naturally
by using nonverbal elements such as expressions, gestures, and so on.

❙• 8 •❙
5th Grade

Skills Levels Standards

Students are able to

① understand simple expressions about people and things around them
② do tasks after listening to easy explanations
③ understand situations after listening to simple dialogues
④ understand topics of simple dialogues after listening to them
Listening ⑤ understand simple sentences about past events after listening to
⑥ understand basic dialogues on the phone after listening to them

⑦ understand the situation and the purpose of a conversation after

Advanced listening to simple expressions
⑧ understand the details after listening to explanations about a picture

Students are able to

① have simple and appropriate conversations about specific situations
② talk about daily routines
Basic ③ ask and give orders with two or three sentences
④ say the details after listening to simple words
⑤ talk briefly about past events
⑥ have a basic conversation on the phone

⑦ use idiomatic expressions relating to their daily lives according to

Advanced situations.
⑧ briefly express their feelings about past events

Students are able to

① understand the meaning of simple words
② read simple words
③ read words which they have listened to

④ understand the relationship between sound and spelling

⑤ type the alphabet properly on a computer keyboard

Students are able to

① distinguish and write capital and lowercase letters
② memorize and copy some words which they learned verbally
③ write some words related to pictures or real things

④ listen to some words and write them

⑤ type words on a computer keyboard

❙• 9 •❙
The introduction of writing is a feature of the achievement standards for the 5th grade. In
speaking, a basic conversation on the phone is presented as the achievement standard. In
writing, the achievement standards of the elementary level are writing words, capital and
lowercase letters. In reading, students are able to understand meanings of some words and
read them out. In listening, teachers have students do tasks after listening to commands or
explanations. Listening in the past tense and understanding it are also included.

6th Grade

Skills Levels Standards

Students are able to

① listen to easy and simple expressions about daily lives and
understand the intention and the purpose of what is said
② listen and understand the main ideas of simple dialogues
③ listen to simple expressions and understand the details
④ listen to simple expressions and understand what will happen in the
Listening future
⑤ listen and understand simple dialogues about asking for reasons
⑥ listen and understand simple expressions about comparing things
⑦ understand a simple telephone conversation

⑧ listen to simple expressions and know the order of what happened

⑨ listen to simple expressions and know if they're true or false

Students are able to

① listen to simple expressions about daily lives and ask and answer
questions about them
② express their opinions about ordinary topics in daily lives
③ listen to simple dialogues and state the topic is
④ listen to simple expressions and point out the details
Speaking ⑤ ask and answer briefly about what happened and what will happen,
⑥ ask and answer questions about the facts
⑦ make a simple telephone conversation

⑧ describe the various events of the pictures or cartoons in the right

Advanced order
⑨ compare things with simple expressions

❙• 10 •❙
Skills Levels Standards

Students are able to

① understand the meaning of simple words or phrases
Basic ② read simple phrases or sentences which they learned verbally
Reading ③ read simple sentences
④ read a short and simple story about daily lives

⑤ read a simple story about daily lives and know if it is true or false
⑥ find the same sentences which they have listened to

Students are able to

① write simple words
Basic ② write phrases or sentences which they learned verbally
Writing ③ write upper/lower case letters and punctuation marks (period, question
mark, etc.) correctly

④ describe realia or a phrase in one sentence referring to the sample

⑤ write simple birthday invitation cards or Thank-you cards, etc.

Listening is essential for understanding simple everyday conversations. One of the important
goals of speaking is to improve students' ability to ask and answer some questions or
anticipate the future. Eventually, the goal of reading is to read and understand short and
easy writings about daily lives. Writing has its focus on writing sentences that the students
already have practiced verbally. Also, the ability to punctuate correctly is included in the
achievement standard of writing.

❙• 11 •❙
3 Teaching and Learning Methods

Teaching and Learning Methods

⑴ Get the students stimulated and motivated with songs and chants in a lesson.
⑵ Conduct activity-oriented lessons with role-play and games.
⑶ Try to promote individual and cooperative learning depending on students' level.
⑷ Adapt various teaching methods appropriate to learning objectives and contents.
⑸ Devise teaching methods and materials for supplementary and advanced learning.
⑹ Offer various advanced/supplementary materials to make student-oriented lessons with
individual, pair or group work.
⑺ Supplementary learning encourages systematic individual/small group teaching, while
advanced learning stresses self-directed learning.
⑻ Recognize contents of supplementary learning to meet students' levels, so students can
participate in communication activities positively and with confidence.
⑼ Afford a lot of opportunities for students to have interest and a sense of achievement by
using diverse audio-visual aids and multi-media.
⑽ In the early stages of speaking/writing teaching, emphasize conveying the meaning. Then
gradually shift the focus to fluency.
⑾ In the early stages of teaching speech, avoid the instant correction of students' errors when
it comes to mutual understanding.
⑿ Introduce English speaking culture in proper situation to enable natural culture acquisition.
⒀ Be careful in teaching the linguistic difference between English and Korean.

Considering the developmental stage of elementary school students, various activities, the use
of media, and diverse forms of group work are recommended. The most ideal
teaching-learning method is individualized teaching, but it is rarely possible due to the
problem in securing teachers, etc. In developed countries, however, making up small groups
within the same class according to the students' ability and differentiated teaching is
possible; this is the core of a level-focused curriculum.

❙• 12 •❙
The advanced and supplementary differentiated English class is operated as elementary
course and subordinate course. The supplementary course is for students who could not
reach the basic achievement standards so they could practice additional basic task-based
learning. The advanced course is to enable enriched learning; this does not mean the
extension of content, but the emphasis on fluency and accuracy of the basic course.
The advanced and supplementary differentiated curriculum can be put into action by teachers
who determine the appropriate time to initiate it. It may be managed by the class or units.
The class can be divided into three groups of basic, supplementary and advanced or just
supplementary and advanced group, etc.
The grouping criteria can be established according to the teacher's judgement, students'
preferences or the results of evaluation. Above all, the teacher's judgement is the most
important. The goal of differentiated curriculum is to enable every student to get the same
quality of education by finding and resolving the deficiency factors promptly. The teacher
should pay special attention to the students in need of the supplementary course.
It is suggested that the advanced course be self-directed learning. In contrast, the
supplementary course requires the teacher's direct teaching which invigorates systematic
make-up class by doing individual or small group activities. It is necessary for teachers to
stress the reorganization of supplementary contents and learning activities, which can help
students build up self-confidence in English.

❙• 13 •❙
4 Teaching Methods for Elementary Learners

4.1 Overview of Teaching Methods for Language Learning

Natural Approach
▪ The essence of language is meaning. Vocabulary, not grammar, is the heart of the language.
▪ Designed to give beginners and intermediate learners basic communicative skills.
▪ Based on a selection of communicative activities and topics derived from learners' needs.
▪ Activities allowing comprehensible input, about things in the here-and-now.
▪ Learners should try to involve themselves in activities involving meaningful communication.
▪ The teacher is the primary source of comprehensible input and must choose a rich mixture of
classroom activities.
▪ Materials come from realia rather than textbooks.
▪ The importance of a positive, low-stress climate.

Total Physical Response

▪ Comprehension before production is implemented through carrying out commands.
▪ Teach oral proficiency to produce learners who can communicate uninhibitedly and
intelligibly with native speakers.
▪ Sentence-based syllabus with grammatical and lexical criteria being primary, but focus on
meaning, not form.
▪ Imperative drills to elicit physical actions.
▪ No basic text; materials and media have an important role later.
▪ Initially, voice, actions and gestures are sufficient.
▪ The teacher is like the director of a stage play with students as actors.

Presentation, Practice, and Production (PPP)

▪ Most often referred to as PPP, which stands for Presentation, Practice, and Production.
▪ The teacher introduces a situation and the language is then presented.
▪ The students practice the language using accurate reproduction techniques such as choral
repetition or individual repetition.
▪ The students, using the new language, make sentences of their own, and this is referred to as
❙• 14 •❙
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
▪ Language is a system for the expression of meaning; its primary function is interaction and
▪ Carrying out meaningful tasks and using language which is meaningful to the learner.
▪ Objectives will reflect the needs of the learner.
▪ Syllabus will include some/ all of the following: structures, functions, notions, themes.
▪ Engage learners in communication, involve processes such as information sharing, negotiation
of meaning and interaction.
▪ The teacher is the facilitator of the communication process, participants' tasks, and texts.
▪ The primary role of task-based materials is to promote communicative language use.
▪ Learners negotiate their thoughts by giving as well as taking.

Task-based Approach
▪ A perspective within a CLT framework and a special form of technique.
▪ Put the tasks at the center of one's methodological focus.
▪ In the tasks there are some communication problems to solve and students are given the
essential information to accomplish the tasks.
▪ Students have to use as many expressions as they can deliver the meaning.
▪ The teacher needs to divide the class into small groups and have each student play an active
part in their group.
▪ The more responsibility that students take, the more learning will take place.

▪ The main frameworks of role-play are the situations, roles and useful expressions.
▪ Students need to fully understand the situation, their own roles, and other friends' roles.
▪ The teacher should give a supplementary explanation about the demonstration.
▪ Students will be interested in the role of imaginary people and actively participate in that
activity through which they can gain a more accurate understanding of language functions.
▪ What is most important is that all students who join in role-play and the students observing
it should fully understand the entire situation.
▪ For effective role-play the teacher should have the professional understanding and application
skills to make role-play interesting and meaningful for the class.

❙• 15 •❙
▪ Songs and chants give students with little confidence in a foreign language a lot of interest
and motivation at the beginning of the lesson.
▪ Song and chant with real English phrases allow students to practice intonation, rhythm, and
pronunciation of the language naturally and pleasantly.
▪ It can be useful in reducing boredom and stress, and it is fun for students.
▪ Students can memorize English expressions they need to learn easily through songs or chants.
▪ Teachers should decide when to present songs or chants to students and how to lead the
activities before English class in an organized way.

4.2 Examples of Listening and Speaking Activities

Fly swatter
One student in each group comes up to the front of the class. After listening to what the
teacher says, he/she quickly hits the right card on the board with a fly swatter or toy hammer.

Listen and snatch

Students put some cards on the desk and snatch the picture or word card that matches what the
teacher says. This activity can be done in pairs or groups. The student who gets the most cards wins.

Listen and say numbers

The teacher numbers cards on the board, describes one card and has a student say the right
number matching the card. Names of colors or previous learned words can be used instead of

Hot potato
Students sit in a circle singing along or chanting while passing a bag full of picture or word
cards. When the teacher says 'stop!', the student holding the bag takes out a card and says the
word or sentence on the card.

On the head
The leader of each team comes to the front of the class and the teacher picks out one card and
puts it on the student's head. He or she has to guess the card on his/her head.

Memorize and speak

The teacher shows some disarranged cards for a short moment to the students and then covers
the cards. Students then say what they remember.
❙• 16 •❙
5 Evaluation

5.1 Purposes of Assessment for English Learners

Since Korean Elementary English Education commenced in 1997 for the first time in the history
of Korean English Education, it has been emphasized that quantitative evaluation should be
avoided while processed-centered formative evaluation is preferred. What should be made clear is
that with this new emphasis in place, it does not mean that you do not have to evaluate
students' performance. Rather, it means that teachers should recognize and apply plenty of
alternative evaluations such as authentic assessment, formative assessment and performance
assessment in order to make the testing time meaningful and communicative, setting aside
traditional forms of assessment including the multiple choice test. In fact, the relation between
assessment and instruction can be described as an inseparable cause and effect. Furthermore, it is
well known that the outcome of evaluation decides the content and policies of education.
However, it cannot be denied that a myriad of language testing has poor quality and harmful
effects on teaching and learning. Here, it is worth trying to make changes in evaluation for
young language learners as a native English teacher. First, take a look at the purposes of
assessment which are the following (O'Malley and Pierce, 1996):

▪ Screening and identification: to identify students eligible for special language and/or content
area support programs
▪ Placement: to determine the language proficiency and content area competencies of students in
order to recommend an appropriate educational program
▪ Reclassification or exit: to determine if a student has gained the language skills and content
area competencies needed to benefit from instruction in grade-level classrooms (i.e., from all
English programs not specifically designed to address the needs of English Language Learning
▪ Monitoring student progress: to review students' language and content area learning in classrooms
▪ Program evaluation: to determine the effects of national or local instructional programs
▪ Accountability: to guarantee that students attain expected educational goals or standards

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5.2 Principles of Korean Elementary English Evaluation
▪ Evaluation in elementary schools is not focused on results, but on creating an environment in
which students are motivated to study.
▪ Quantitative evaluation should be avoided because what matters here is to eliminate students'
psychological barriers to learning.
▪ The teacher observes and reports students' participation and communicative ability during the
activities such as games, role-play, etc.
▪ English teaching is centered on spoken language, and evaluation is done through observation
of the students' language-using ability, task-performance, etc.
▪ Advanced/supplementary groups are formed naturally within the atmosphere of open education.

5.3 Authentic Assessment

The term authentic assessment is used to describe the multiple forms of assessment that reflect
student learning, achievement, motivation, and attitudes on instructionally relevant classroom
activities. Examples of authentic assessment contain performance assessment, journals, participation
in the classroom activities, portfolios, and student self-assessment. Because elementary English is
centered on spoken language, students' spoken language abilities will be tested through
meaningful communicative activities. In case of a big class size, organizing students into small
groups can help the evaluation.

Types of authentic assessment

▪ Performance assessment consists of any form of assessment in which the student constructs a
response verbally or in writing. O'Malley and Pierce(1996) said that "students' response may
be elicited by the teacher in formal or informal assessment contexts or may be observed
during classroom instructional or non-instructional settings." Therefore, for this assessment
students need to accomplish complex and significant tasks. Some examples are oral reports,
writing samples, individual and group projects, exhibition and demonstration.
▪ Portfolio assessment is a systematic collection of student work that is analyzed to show
progress over time with regard to instructional objectives(Valencia 1991). For example, a
portfolio can have book reviews, essays, drawings, word puzzles, teacher and student
comments on progress. The record of student work pieces will show the growth of learning
over time.
▪ Student self-assessment is the most essential in terms of authentic assessment because it
promotes direct involvement in learning and cognitive competence with a great deal of
❙• 18 •❙
motivation and attitude toward learning.
▪ Other types are oral interviews, story or text retelling, writing samples, projects/exhibitions,
experiments/demonstrations, teacher's observations, etc.

Authentic assessment samples

▪ Self-assessment for an Oral Report

Name Date

Check the box that best describes your oral report. Add comments.

Activity Always Sometimes Rarely Comments

I practiced what I have

learned from the lesson

I spoke clearly.

I used gestures to help

express meanings.
I answered my peers'

▪ Self-assessment of Participation in Groups

Name Date

How often did you do the following things in your group today?
Put a check in the box that best describes your response and add comments.
Task Always Sometimes Rarely Comments

I listened to others in
my group.

I asked for information.

I agreed/disagreed.

I answered my peers'

I helped my group

❙• 19 •❙
▪ Holistic Oral Language Scoring Rubric Sample

Lesson 9. How was Your Vacation? Date September 9th

Goals: Students will be able to talk about what they did on the weekend using the simple
past tense.

Rating Description

▪ Understands what the teacher is asking about without difficulty

▪ Speaks fluently
A ▪ Uses varied vocabulary
▪ Uses a variety of structures accurately
▪ Uses the simple past tense accurately

▪ Understands what the teacher is asking at a slower pace; requires repetition

▪ Speaks with occasional hesitation
B ▪ Uses learned vocabulary
▪ Uses structures accurately
▪ Uses the simple past tense relatively correctly

▪ Does not understand well what the teacher is asking

▪ Speaks with a lot of hesitation
▪ Uses limited vocabulary
▪ Does not use the simple past tense

▪ Understands little or no English

D ▪ Repeats few words
▪ Does not use the simple past tense

Student's name Grade


❙• 20 •❙
6 Composition Principles and Features of Textbook

6.1 Composition Principles and Features of Textbook

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
Look and Listen⑴ Look and Listen⑵ Look and Speak Role-Play
Listen and Repeat⑴ Listen and Repeat⑵ Let's Sing Review
Grade Let's Play⑴ Let's Chant Let's Play⑶
Let's Play⑵

Look and Listen⑴ Look and Listen⑵ Look and Speak Role-Play
Listen and Repeat⑴ Listen and Repeat⑵ Let's Sing Review
Grade Let's Play⑴ Let's Chant Let's Read
Let's Play⑵ Let's Play⑶

Look and Listen Look and Speak Let's Read Role-Play/Activity

Listen and Repeat⑴ Listen and Repeat⑵ Let's Write Review
Grade Let's Play⑴ Let's Sing/Chant Let's Play⑶
Let's Play⑵

Look and Listen Look and Speak Let's Sing/Chant Role-Play/Activity

Listen and Repeat⑴ Listen and Repeat⑵ Let's Write Review
Grade Let's Play⑴ Let's Read Let's Play⑶
Let's Play⑵

6.2 Details
Look and Listen
Listening is an important part of elementary English especially in the early stage of learning,
because it offers students the language input that they will learn. 'Look and Listen' takes such a
role. The teacher can help students to understand more easily by using pictures and listening to
the CD-ROM title. Teach the students not to listen to all of the words in 'Look and Listen', but
to recognize situations and their context first so that they understand the overall content of the
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Listen and Repeat
This offers the foundation not only for becoming more familiar with pronunciation or intonation,
but also for listening more carefully by speaking it. It can be difficult for young students to
repeat exactly what they heard for the first time. For that reason, accuracy is not emphasized in
the beginning stages. Let students repeat the native speaker's pronunciation naturally. If the
sentence is too long, help the students to practice by using backward build-up or chunking.

Let's Play
The curriculum is focused on learning English through games and activities. Since students tend
to have short attention span and be full of curiosity, games and activities are designed in almost
every class so that students can learn English in a natural and interesting way.

▪ Let's play⑴: This usually focuses on listening rather than speaking because a new language is
presented in the first period. It's difficult for them to speak the language at this time, so the
activity or game focuses on listening to familiarize students with the new language before
they start to speak it.

▪ Let's play⑵: Since students became familiar with the new language through activities or
games in period 1, they're probably ready to practice speaking. So 'Let's play⑵' is designed
as a controlled practice, which allows students to practice speaking under the control of the

▪ Let's play⑶: Students listened to the target language and practiced it a lot in period 1 and 2,
so 'Let's play⑶' offers them an opportunity to use it in a more natural context. In this
activity or game, teachers have to try to guide or help students to use the language
communicatively rather than trying to control them.

Look and Speak

Usually, a reason to speak is needed first in order to practice speaking. In this stage, two or
more pictures are presented to give students an idea of how to initiate a conversation by
themselves. Let students take the opportunity to speak in real situations by looking at the
pictures that contain the main expressions and functions of that lesson. The situations presented
should be similar to the situations that students experienced before or ones they could guess

❙• 22 •❙
Let's Read
In the 5th grade, students are required to read and understand basic vocabulary, and also become
familiar with literal English language which they will learn by doing various activities based on
the content of the lesson. In the 6th grade, students are required to read and understand
vocabulary and simple structure sentences. First, help students understand the meaning of words
and sentences through pictures before practice. Then, they learn to read further through various
activities and games.

Let's Write
Teaching to write starts in the 5th grade, with writing the alphabet and simple words learned
verbally. Use pictures and cue cards as much as you can, and it can help students to feel at
ease in developing writing skills naturally. Writing is reflected by the contents of listening and
reading. It allows students to relieve stress and feel at ease. Don't make the students memorize
or write words or sentences they have learned over and over in the beginning stages. It could
make them lose interest in writing.

Let's Sing/Chant
Songs or chants can be an interesting tools for language teaching and learning. Students are
interested in activities by speaking along with rhythm. They learn the target language by
verbalizing the key words or expressions repeatedly. While singing songs interests students
because it has a certain melody, so does chanting as it has rhythm. First, try to be familiar with
the song or chant by listening to the CD-ROM title, then try it out with the students. If you
use hand motions or rhythmical movements, students will find it more interesting. Also, teachers
can make a natural communicative situation by singing songs or chanting in groups.

By doing role-plays, students take on a role and act according to a given situation which is
closely related to the context of the target language. Role-play is not intended to present or
teach new expressions, but to offer a different activity that can lead to the further understanding
of words and expressions they've already learned. Through role-playing, the students can practice
language in a way it's used in real-life. First, look at the whole situation: how they will act, and
the dialogue they'll be using so that they can be familiar enough with it before beginning
role-play. It is also not good for students to only memorize only their own roles but to act in
awareness of the entire context.

❙• 23 •❙
It presents some activities for students to use all four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and
writing), with which to accomplish the ultimate goals of the lesson. Make sure the students have
truly understood when they are doing listening, reading, speaking and writing activities. It will
help students improve their overall communicative ability. First, the teacher should help the
students to identify the task they will be engaged in, and the goals that they should accomplish.
Then the teacher points to a specific student and checks whether the student truly understood or
not. Teach the students to focus on not only accuracy but also fluency while doing the activity.

Nearing the end of the lesson, 'Let's Review' gives an opportunity to review the entire contents
of that lesson and some activities which strengthen the students' learning, when it is necessary.
In this stage, teachers make sure all the students have truly understood what they were taught in
the unit. Teachers should try not to make students feel like they are being tested. Help students
to review the target language through pair work or group activities.

❙• 24 •❙
7 Co-teaching

7.1 Definition
Co-teaching is defined as an instructional delivery approach in which general and special
educators share responsibility for planning, delivery and evaluation of instructional techniques for
a group of students; general and special educators work in a coactive and coordinated fashion,
which involves the joint teaching of academically and behaviorally heterogeneous groups of
students in integrated settings. (Bauwens & Hourcade, 1991; Friend & Cook, 1992). Co-teaching
in English class is aimed at developing students' communicative ability through collaborative
teaching between a Native Speaking English Teacher and a Korean English Teacher. In this
sense, co-teaching in Korean English class is regarded as interactive teaching in which both
teachers work together with unified aim and with shared responsibility for the lesson and the

7.2 Co-teaching Approaches

Here are some approaches which can be adapted in an English class in Korea. (Kwon, 2004)
Shadow Teaching
Native Speaking English Teacher (NSET) teaches the detailed contents and the Korean English
Teacher (KET) helps students who have difficulty understanding.

One Teach, One Assist

NSET leads the lesson and KET monitors students' responses and teaches them individually. It's
desirable for KET to teach English in English.

Complementary Teaching
KET teaches specific contents, e.g., grammar, vocabulary, reading, etc., and NSET teaches the
learning abilities such as pronunciation, conversation, or listening or the academic survival skills.

Station Teaching
NSET and KET divide the contents and students. Each teacher teaches different content to one
group and here, the different content is called a 'station'. When the first station is finished, the
groups are switched, and each teacher repeats the instructions for the other group.

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Team Teaching
In team teaching, both teachers are responsible for designing a lesson plan, collaborating in
teaching, and evaluating students and contents.

Support Teaching
KET teaches the specific contents and NSET develops supplementary and detailed learning
activities and conducts the lesson for students.

7.3 Co-teaching Steps

Steps Discussion Details

▪ Analysis of the goals of unit plan or the curriculum over time
In a Unit
▪ Checking students' previous knowledge
▪ Instructional content and expectations for students
▪ Checking of the objectives in each period, vocabulary, language
▪ Checking of textbook, teachers' guide, the content of CD-ROM titles
Planning ▪ Activities, time allotment, various interactions between students
and students, students and teachers, and teacher and teacher
In a Period ▪ Teaching method, collaboration styles, decision of teacher roles,
modelling activities
▪ Planning for space related to both students and teachers, noise
level and each educator's tolerance for it
▪ Assignment preparation
▪ Evaluation and grading preparation
▪ Learning objectives, time period, textbook, time allotment
▪ Collaboration styles
Lesson Plan ▪ Teaching and learning activities (Each teacher's role or activity
Preparations should be divided in the lesson plan)
▪ Evaluation plan
▪ Confirming teaching resource preparation
▪ Worksheets, searching for materials, copied handouts
Teaching Co-teaching
▪ Time allotment in teaching and learning
▪ Suitability of activities and resources
▪ Collaboration styles and the roles of teachers
Evaluations ▪ Grouping
▪ Teacher talk and teaching method
▪ Students' participation
For Learners
▪ Students' achievement
Source: Woo. 2007.
❙• 26 •❙
7.4 Roles for Co-teaching between KET and NSET
Roles of Co-teachers by Steps

Steps Korean English Teacher Native Speaking English Teacher

▪ Lesson planning ▪ Assist for lesson planning

Pre-Class Korean English Teacher is responsible for designing and writing lesson plans,
shares ideas with Native Speaking English Teacher and understands cultural and
linguistic backgrounds.

▪ Review the last lesson

▪ Present the objectives ▪ Present the target language
▪ Explain the learning order ▪ Present the examples in real situation
▪ Monitor and control students' work ▪ Model an activity
▪ Model an activity ▪ Model pronunciation or expressions
▪ Give instructions for difficult expressions ▪ Explain cultural differences
In-Class ▪ Give instructions for students' questions ▪ Assist the other teacher in a game or
an activity

Korean English Teacher leads the lesson flow and Native Speaking English
Teacher assists the lesson in various ways (e.g., giving instructions, giving
examples, correcting pronunciation errors, explaining culture, etc.) at appropriate

▪ Lesson analysis and reflection

▪ Establish the approaches of evaluation ▪ Develop evaluation rubrics and assist
and develop evaluation rubrics in evaluation
▪ Next lesson preview

Both review the lesson together. Korean English Teacher chooses the specific
method of evaluation and then both teachers develop the evaluation rubric or
testing sheet. Native Speaking English Teacher assists in evaluation.

Source: Yun. 2007.

❙• 27 •❙
Roles of Co-teachers by Activity

Activity Korean English Teacher Native Speaking English Teacher

Daily Routine ▪ Greeting, weather, date

▪ Warm up before watching the

▪ Explain the video scene using the
CD-ROM title
silent function in the CD-ROM title
Look and Listen ▪ Write students' responses on the
▪ Lead the students to answer the
questions about what they heard
▪ Translate in Korean if necessary
▪ Decide today's key expressions
▪ Underline the chosen sentences
with students
▪ Teach the whole class to listen
Listen and Repeat ▪ Encourage students
and repeat → Teach in groups to
▪ Give scores to groups
listen and repeat

▪ Model the game or the activity ▪ Demonstrate the game or the activity
▪ Translate in Korean if necessary ▪ Model the game or the activity
Let's Play
▪ Encourage students ▪ Lead the game
▪ Give scores to groups ▪ Choose winners

▪ Explain the meaning of words or ▪ Read line by line

Let's Read
sentences ▪ Lead to read aloud

▪ Listen to the song after explaining ▪ Monitor and help in groups

the situation ▪ Read again if necessary
Let's Sing
▪ Use visuals on the board
Let's Chant
Both model the song or chant by taking roles. Sing or chant by taking
roles of teachers and students.

▪ Model reading
▪ Ask questions helping students'
▪ Translating in Korean if necessary
Let's Write comprehension
▪ Lead students to read aloud

Both teach writing in groups.

▪ Explain testing ▪ Ask questions helping students'

Review comprehension
Test ▪ Monitoring in groups ▪ Check answers

Both give compliments and encourage students.

▪ Sum up today's target expressions ▪ Say good bye with each student
Say Good-bye
by talking about today's lesson

Source: Teacher training program for co-teaching with NSET in elementary schools. SETI. 2005.

❙• 28 •❙
Roles of Co-teachers in Teaching a Unit
Period 1

Activity Korean English Teacher Native Speaking English Teacher

Warm up ▪ Greet the class
Review ▪ Review the last lesson
▪ Lead brainstorming on the topic
Look and Listen with a picture or a video scene
▪ Play the CD-ROM title
② Translate new words and ① Say words or sentences for the
sentences into Korean students to repeat
Listen and Repeat
③ Lead vocabulary or sentence ④ Check students' stress,
pattern drill pronunciation and correct them
② Translate if necessary
Let's Play ① Give instructions 2 times
(One of the students can translate.)
(Activities or
games) Both model activity or game. Go around class and give help.

▪ Review what they learned using

speech bubbles
Wrap up
▪ Students translate Korean into

Period 2

Activity Korean English Teacher Native Speaking English Teacher

① Play the CD-ROM title ② Model stress, pronunciation of
Let's Sing
(Students repeat the song or chant.) words or phrase
Let's Chant
Both model the chant/song with actions.

Period 3: for 4th, 5th, 6th grade

Activity Korean English Teacher Native Speaking English Teacher

② Make sure the students know the ① Read the words or sentences
meaning aloud for students to repeat
Let's Read
(Students can translate them.) ▪ Check their pronunciation and
▪ Lead copying words and sentences ▪ Lead writing with sound-letter
Let's Write
❙• 29 •❙
Period 4

Activity Korean English Teacher Native Speaking English Teacher

② Translate if necessary ① Give instructions

Role-play ▪ Model the role-play
▪ Students can do a demonstration

Source: Co-teaching Workshop. Kim. 2008.

Example of 6th grade Co-teaching by period

Steps Procedure Korean English Teacher Native Speaking English Teacher

- talk about weather or current - talk about weather or current

events events

Review - review the last lesson - ask some questions

- do a small activity with
Motivation - do a small activity with KET

Introducing aims - introduce teaching aims

Look and
- provide the story - ask questions about the story

Listen and - model and check the main

1st - provide main expressions
Repeat expressions

- set up the game - explain how to play the game

Let's Play
- play the game with students - play the game with students

Look and
- provide dialogues - ask questions about dialogues
Development Listen and - model and check the main
2nd - provide main expressions
Repeat expressions

- model the reading

Let's Read - provide reading items
- explain how to pronounce

- provide the song or chant

Let's Chant - read the words
- model the song
Let's Sing - sing with students
3rd - sing with students

- provide writing items - read the writing items

Let's Write
- translate with students - help students

❙• 30 •❙
Steps Procedure Korean English Teacher Native Speaking English Teacher

- provide the context for - read the sentences (or explain

role-play (or set up the game) how to play the game)
- demonstrate how to do a - demonstrate how to do a
role-play (or how to play the role-play (or how to play the
game) game)
- work with students - work with students

- provide a worksheet and

Review - help students

- review the lesson - review the lesson

Consolidation Wrap up
- say good-bye - say good-bye
Source: Yun. 2007.

Roles of Co-teachers by Language Skills in Elementary English Curriculum

Language skills Korean English Teacher Native Speaking English Teacher

▪ Focus on checking students' ▪ Focus on key words, sentences,

understanding dialogs and text
▪ Translate if it's new language

Both lead listening activities

▪ Make sure students understand ▪ Model pronunciation, stress and

rules of an activity/game intonation
▪ Monitor/correct students' errors
▪ Translate if necessary ▪ Give instructions for speaking
activities and games

Both model the activities and games, then monitor students' work

▪ Make sure students understand ▪ Teach sound-letter relationship

meaning of what they read ▪ Read words or sentences aloud for
▪ Translate if necessary students to repeat

Both lead reading activities

▪ Give instructions on punctuation ▪ Model writing with sound-letter

Writing rules or other mechanics relationship, shared writing,
Source: Co-teaching Workshop. Kim. 2008.

❙• 31 •❙
7.5 Co-teaching Lesson Plan (Example)
Lesson 8. What Will You Do This Summer? ~ 9. How Was Your Vacation?
∘ Students will be able to listen to and understand the sentences with
Objectives different verb tense (past/present/future tense).
∘ Students will be able to use the sentences with different verb tense.
Key expressions I watched TV. I watch TV. I will watch TV.
Key words will, watched, studied, went, played, listened, visited, met, cooked, etc.
∘ Daily Routines: Greetings, Weather, Date, Day
Warm-up (5′) ∘ Motivation: Ask and answer about what students did yesterday.
Brainstorm the story of Cinderella.
∘ Listen to the story of Cinderella
Presentation (7′) ∘ Present the objectives
∘ New verb tense
∘ Listening activity: Blue and White Flag Games
Practice (10′)
∘ Speaking practice: Making sentences with Time and Verb cards
Production (13′) ∘ Speaking activity: Mission Completion Time Travel Game
∘ Check up: Quiz
Wrap-up (5′) ∘ Assignment: Writing a diary using different verb tense
∘ Assesment: Self assessment for participation and attitude in the class
Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedure Time
( Korean English Teacher, Native Speaking English Teacher)
Warm-up Greetings & Daily Routines 5'
Hello, everyone.
Hi, How are you? How's the weather? What day is it today?
Let's ask her. What did you do yesterday?
I read a story book about Cinderella.
Do you know the story? How does the story go?
(The students answer freely.)
You know it very well. However, the Cinderella from the story that I read
yesterday is different. I will now tell you the new Cinderella story.
Let's listen to the story.

Presentation Present the objectives 7'

What did she do when she was young?
What does she do nowadays? What will she do in the future?
Excellent! In this lesson, we are going to practice speaking about what you did
before, what you do now and what you will do in the future. After practicing,
we will play 'Time Travel Game'.
Are you excited? Let's have fun studying.

Practice Reviewing Verbs 10'

(Draw a time period.) Let's set these 3 different times.
(Showing a card) What does 'watch' mean?
That's right. If we are in 1990, it changes to ... ?
If we are in 2020, we should say ... ?

❙• 32 •❙
Will watch
Excellent! Let's look at more words that you know already.
What's this?
(Students practice the various verb tense with cards.)
< Plan for writing on the board >
1990 NOW 2020
watched watch will watch
studied study will study
․ ․ ․

Listening Activity
At this time, Let's play 'blue and white flags'
I will say a few sentences. Listen carefully and hold up your blue flag if I say
what I did in the past. If I say what I will do in the future, hold up your
white flag. If you survive till the end, you can get 2 points. Are you ready? "I
studied English."
Speaking Practice
Your listening skills are wonderful. Can you speak those sentences by yourself?
Let's practice.
Look at this card. It has "play soccer, 1990" on it. Is it in the future or the
Then, how do we make this into a sentence?

Production Special Activity 1 13'

It's time for time travel. You and the native teacher will travel from the past to
the future. You have only 1 minute for time travel. You have a mission to
complete. If you complete this mission in 1 minute, I will give you candies.
When I push the 'start' button, your time travel begins.
Are you ready to do time travel?
(Give rewards when the students complete the mission.)
Special Activity 2
Let's play a card game. The name of this card game is also "Time Travel."
Listen to how to play the game.
4 people play this game together. Stack a set of cards in the middle and take
turns to flip one card over from the top. Each card has some words on it and
a year. You have to say a sentence matching the verb to the correct time.
Mark the time on your work sheet. Marking 'past-present-future' in a row
means that you have done Time Travel once. When all the cards are used up,
the game is over. The student who has done the most time travelling is the
Wrap-up Check up 5'
Did you have fun with the game? Let's check what you learned today.
There are three questions on the back of your worksheet. Please answer those
questions now.
Assignment & Assessment
Today's homework is writing a diary using the words that we studied today.
Before we finish, evaluate yourselves for this lesson.
You did a great job, today. See you next time.
Source: Na. 2007.

❙• 33 •❙
8 The Yearly Plan of Teaching

The following plan is only an example, each school can reorganize it depending on school

8.1 3rd Grade

Month Week Topic Period Major content

- Pre-study - - ․ Learn words about things, animals, body parts, and fruits

․ Hear and understand expressions for greetings and in-

▪ Greetings troduction
1 1
Hi, Hello, ․ Speak after listening
Bye. ․ Throwing the ball game
1. Hello, ․ Introduce and greet ․ Speak after listening
2 2
I'm Minsu ▪ Introduction ․ Chant ․ Greeting game
I'm ___. ․ Greet and introduce while looking at the pictures
3 My name is 3 ․ Sing along: 'The Hello Song'
_______. ․ Bingo
4 4 ․ Role-play ․ Review the lesson
․ Hear and understand expressions for questioning and an-
swering the names of certain objects
5 1
․ Speak after listening
▪ Confirmation ․ Picking-up-cards game
What's this? ․ Hear and understand apology expressions and respond to
2. What's It's a/an____. an apology
4 6 2
This? ․ Speak after listening ․ Chant
▪ Apology ․ What's missing Game
I'm sorry. ․ Ask and answer the names of different things
7 3 ․ Sing a 'What's This?'
․ Guessing game
8 4 ․ Role-play ․ Review the lesson
․ Understand expressions of gratitude and respond to it
9 1 ․ Speak after listening
․ Gathering presents game
▪ Congratulation
Happy ․ Hear and understand expressions for giving presents
10 3. Happy birthday! 2 ․ Speak after listening ․ Chant
5 ․ Passing-the-shoes-bag game
▪ Appreciation ․ Speak expressions for celebration
11 Thank you. 3 ․ Sing along: 'Happy Birthday, Julie!'
․ Giving-and-taking-presents game
12 4 ․ Role-play ․ Review the lesson

❙• 34 •❙
Month Week Topic Period Major content
․ Hear and understand imperative sentences related to hu-
man body parts and follow directions
13 1
․ Speak after listening
․ Nose, nose, nose game
▪ Giving order ․ Understand imperative sentences and respond to them
14 Wash your 2 ․ Speak after listening ․ Chant
hands. ․ Guess-that-action game
6 4. Wash
Your ․ Look at the pictures and speak imperative sentences
• Accepting
15 Hands 3 ․ Sing along: 'Ally Bally'
O.K., Mom.
․ Passing words game

․ Role-play
16 4 ․ Review the lesson
․ Board game
․ Hear and understand expressions about foods that people
like or dislike
17 1
․ Speak after listening
▪ Likes and ․ Rock, Paper, Scissors game
Do you like ․ Ask and answer questions about favorite food
18 apples? 2 ․ Speak after listening ․ Chant
5. I Like
9 Yes, I do. ․ Guessing game
No, I don't.
․ Speak favorite food while looking at the pictures
19 ▪ Agreement 3 ․ Sing along: 'I Like Apples'
Me, too. ․ Survey game

․ Review the lesson

20 4
․ Making the book about favorite food
․ Hear and understand expressions how to ask and answer
questions related to the numbers of animals
21 1
․ Speak after listening
▪ Factual ․ Animal cards game
․ Hear and understand expressions for size and suggestions
How many
․ Speak after listening
22 6. How cows? 2
․ Chant
10 Many I have two
․ Coloring animals game
Cows? cows.
․ Speak number and size while looking at the pictures
23 ▪ Suggesting 3 ․ Sing along: 'How Many Cows?'
Let's go. ․ Survey

․ Role-play
24 4
․ Review the lesson

▪ Can or Can't ․ Hear and understand what they can or can't do

25 Can you swim? 1 ․ Speak after listening
Yes, I can. ․ Guessing game
7. I Can No, I can't.
11 ․ Ask and answer what they can or can't do
▪ Asking for a ․ Speak after listening
26 2
help ․ Chant
Help! ․ Mime-chain game

❙• 35 •❙
Month Week Topic Period Major content
․ Speak what they can do while looking at the pictures
27 3 ․ Sing along; 'Can You Swim?'
․ Board game
․ Role-play
28 4
․ Review the lesson
․ Hear polite commands for putting on clothes and under-
▪ Giving order standing those commands
29 1
Put on your ․ Speak after listening
gloves. ․ Changing clothes game
8. It's
12 ․ Hear and understand the expressions of the weather
▪ Suggesting ․ Speak after listening
30 Let's make a 2
․ Chant
snowman. ․ Passing cards game
․ Speak the expressions for the polite commands and sug-
31 3
․ Sing along: 'It's So Cold'
․ Dice game
․ Role-play
32 4
․ Review the lesson

8.2 4th Grade

Month Week Topic Period Major content
․ Asking and answering about weather
1 1 ․ Repeating what they hear
▪ Confirmation ․ Weather bingo
How's the ․ Introducing friends and greeting new people
weather? ․ Repeating after the teacher
2 2
․ Chant
1. Nice To
3 ▪ Introduction ․ Introducing game
Meet you
This is ____. ․ Singing a song 'How's The Weather?'
3 3 ․ Reading alphabets from A~M
Nice to meet ․ Completing a weather chart
you. ․ Role-play
4 4 ․ Review the lesson: listening comprehension/talking about
the picture
․ Changing topics and asking and answering about how
▪ Prohibition people are
5 1
Don't do that. ․ Repeating after the teacher
2. Don't Do ․ Cards in order
That ▪ Asking for a ․ Saying phrases about forbidding and requesting
help ․ Repeating what they hear
6 2
Help me, please. ․ Chant
․ Card games

❙• 36 •❙
Month Week Topic Period Major content
․ Singing a song 'Don't Do That'
7 3 ․ Reading alphabets from a~z
▪ Caution ․ Board game
Watch out. ․ Role-play
8 4 ․ Review the lesson: listening comprehension/talking about
the picture
․ Understanding expressions for saying thank you and ask-
ing for help, and how to respond to them
9 ▪ Asking for a 1
․ Repeating after the teacher
․ Asking help activity
Can you help
me? ․ Asking and answering about age
․ Repeating after the teacher
10 2
▪ Greetings ․ Chant
3. How Old
5 Good morning. ․ Dice game
Are you?
▪ Information ․ Singing a song 'Can You Help Me?'
11 How old are 3 ․ Reading alphabets from A~Z, a~z
you? ․ Pair-up game
I'm ____ years
․ Role-play
12 4 ․ Review the lesson: listening comprehension/talking about
the picture
․ Understanding numbers 1~12 and asking and answering
about time
13 1
․ Repeating after the teacher
․ Time bingo

▪ Information ․ Asking and answering about time

14 4. What What time is it? 2 ․ Chant
6 Time Is It's ___.(o'clock) ․ Guessing the time
It? It's time for ․ Singing a song 'What Time Is It?'
15 lunch. 3 ․ Reading words
․ Time-filling game
․ Role-play
16 4 ․ Review the lesson: listening comprehension/talking about
the picture
․ Understanding conversations of asking and answering
about who he/she is
17 1
․ Repeating after the teacher
․ Pointing a right picture

․ Asking and answering who she/he is

18 ▪ Confirmation 2 ․ Repeating after the teacher
5. Who Is Who is she/he? ․ Chant ․ Guessing game
She? She/he is ___.
․ Singing a song 'Who is she?'
19 3 ․ Reading words
․ Survey

․ Role-play
20 4 ․ Review the lesson: listening comprehension/talking about
the picture

❙• 37 •❙
Month Week Topic Period Major content

․ Understanding conversations about ownership

21 1 ․ Repeating after the teacher
․ Ladder game
▪ Checking a fact
Is this your cap? ․ Asking and answering about the colors of items and
Yes, it is. who possesses them
22 No, it isn't. 2
․ Repeating after the teacher
․ Chant ․ Find the owner
10 6. Is This ▪ Asking for help
Your Cap? Help me, please.
․ Singing a song 'Is This Your Puppy?'
23 ▪ Factual 3 ․ Reading words
information ․ Lost and Found
My cap is green.
․ Role-play
24 4 ․ Review the lesson: listening comprehension/talking about
the picture

․ Listening and answering about suggestions

25 1
․ Repeating after the teacher ․ True or False

▪ Suggesting ․ Answering with compassion and asking about how oth-

26 Let's play soccer. 2 ers feel
․ Chant ․ Whispering Activity
7. Sorry, ▪ Declining
I can't Sorry, I can't. ․ Singing a song 'Sorry, I Can't'
27 3 ․ Reading words
▪ Compassion ․ Card game
That's too bad.
․ Role-play
28 4 ․ Review the lesson: listening comprehension/talking about
the picture

․ Asking and answering what they want

29 1 ․ Repeating after the teacher
․ Card Game
▪ Asking about
what someone ․ Asking and answering about price
30 wants 2 ․ Repeating after the teacher
8. How ․ Chant ․ Going Shopping
What do you
12 Much Is
․ Singing a song 'What do you want?'
31 ▪ Shopping 3
․ Reading words ․ Flea Market
How much is it?
․ Role-play
32 4 ․ Review the lesson: listening comprehension/talking about
the picture

❙• 38 •❙
8.3 5th Grade

Month Week Topic Period Major content
․ Asking and answering about a person's name and
▪ Greetings 1 well-being
How are you? ․ Bingo
I'm fine, thank ․ Asking and answering about a person's well-being
you. 2 ․ Singing a song
1. How Are ․ Dice game
▪ Self-introduction ․ Reading words
What's your 3 ․ Distinguishing and writing upper and lower case letters
2 name? ․ Feeling survey
My name's Joon. ․ Role-play
3 ․ Review and consolidate the lesson
․ Asking and answering about the days of the week
▪ Factual ․ Guessing game
3 information ․ Asking and answering about school subjects
What day is it 2 ․ Singing a song
2. What today? ․ Whispering game
Day Is It It's Monday.
Today? ․ Reading words
We have/don't 3 ․ Distinguishing and writing upper and lowercase letters
4 have English ․ Memory game
today. ․ Guessing the day activity
․ Review and consolidate the lesson
․ Asking and answering about location of objects
․ Guessing game
5 ▪ Factual ․ Asking and answering about location of objects
information 2 ․ Chanting
Where's my ․ Hide and Seek
3. It's Under
pencil case?
the Table ․ Reading words
It's under the 3 ․ Distinguishing and writing upper and lowercase letters
6 table. ․ Flick the clip game
․ Find the differences activity
․ Review and consolidate the lesson
4 ․ Understanding and saying exclamatory sentences
1 ․ Understanding and saying expressions for description
․ Snatching game
7 ▪ Interjection
What a nice day! ․ Saying exclamatory sentences and responding
2 ․ Chanting
4. What a ․ Dice game
▪ Describing a
Nice Day!
fact ․ Reading words
It's very tall. 3 ․ Distinguishing and writing upper and lowercase letters
8 ․ Writing game
․ Role-play
․ Review and consolidate the lesson

❙• 39 •❙
Month Week Topic Period Major content
․ Understanding and saying expressions for giving direc-
9 1 tions and asking again
▪ Giving a ․ Finding Cinderella game
direction ․ Understanding and saying expressions for giving direc-
Where is tions
10 5. Where Is 2
Namdaemun? ․ Singing a song
Go straight and ․ Dice game
turn right.
mun)? ․ Reading words
5 ▪ Asking again 3 ․ Distinguishing and writing upper and lowercase letters
11 I'm sorry? ․ Giving directions game
․ Information gap activity
․ Review and consolidate the lesson
․ Understanding and saying expressions for habits
․ Bingo
▪ Habits
12 ․ Understanding and saying expressions for habits
I get up at
seven every day. 2 ․ Singing a song
6. I Get Up ․ Collecting cards game
at Seven
▪ Factual ․ Reading words
Every Day
information 3 ․ Looking at the pictures and writing words
What time do ․ Card relay game
13 you go to bed?
․ Book making activity
․ Review and consolidate the lesson
․ Understanding expressions for describing people
․ Card slam game
▪ Describing a
14 ․ Saying expressions for describing people
She is tall. 2 ․ Singing a song
You have nice ․ Finish the features game
6 7. She's Tall
glasses. ․ Reading words
3 ․ Looking at the pictures and writing words
▪ Asking again ․ Domino game
․ Making a funny picture activity
․ Review and consolidate the lesson

․ Understanding expressions for suggesting and responding

▪ Suggesting 1
․ Snatching game
Let's go
16 swimming. ․ Saying expressions for suggesting and responding
How about this 2 ․ Chanting
afternoon? ․ Matching game
8. Let's Go
Swimming ․ Reading words
▪ Accepting
3 ․ Looking at the pictures and writing words
Sounds good.
․ Omok Word game
7 17
▪ Declining ․ Making a schedule activity
Sorry, I can't. 4
․ Review and consolidate the lesson

❙• 40 •❙
Month Week Topic Period Major content
․ Asking and answering questions using possessive ex-
1 pressions
․ Stand up and say game
17 ▪ Factual ․ Asking and answering questions using possessive ex-
information pressions in various situations
Whose boat is 2
9. Whose ․ Sing a song: 'Whose Boat Is This?'
this? ․ Guessing game
Boat Is
This? ․ Reading and understanding the meanings of some simple
▪ Checking a fact
Is this yours? words
That's mine. ․ Writing the word looking at the picture
18 ․ Putting down the cards game
․ Role-play
․ Review and Consolidate the lesson
9 ․ Listening to the expressions used to offer some food and
responding appropriately
․ Listening and speaking to accept and refuse
▪ Offering food ․ Changing the Line game
19 Go ahead.
Help yourself. ․ Listening to the expressions used to offer some food and
Do you want responding to the offer appropriately
10. Do You 2
some more? ․ Sing a song: 'Do You Want Some More?'
Want Some ․ Pass the cards game
▪ Accepting/ ․ Reading and understanding the meanings of some simple
Declining words
Yes, please. 3
․ Writing the word looking at the picture
20 No, thanks ․ Flick the clip game
․ Collecting the same card game
․ Review and Consolidate the lesson
․ Listening to the expressions of a present action
․ Mime game
21 ․ Listening to and speaking the expressions related to a
▪ Factual present action
information 2
․ Chanting: 'What's She Doing?'
11. What What are you ․ On the head game
Are You doing?
Doing? ․ Reading and understanding the meanings of some simple
I'm washing my words
hands. ․ Writing the word looking at the picture
22 ․ Matching game
․ Finding the differences activity
․ Review and Consolidate the lesson
10 ․ Listening to and speaking expressions related to the vari-
1 ous structures of a house
․ Guessing game
▪ Describing a
23 ․ Listening to and speaking expressions related to the vari-
This is a ous structures of a house
bedroom. ․ Chanting: 'This is a Living Room'
12. This Is a ․ Building a house game
▪ Factual ․ Reading and understanding the meanings of some simple
information words
Where's the 3
․ Writing the word looking at the picture
24 bathroom? ․ Finding pairs game
․ Introducing my future house activity
․ Review and Consolidate the lesson
❙• 41 •❙
Month Week Topic Period Major content
․ Listening to and speaking the simple sentences pertaining
1 to a past activity
▪ Experience ․ Bingo
What did you
13. What ․ Sing along: 'What did you do yesterday?'
do yesterday? 2
Did You ․ The guessing game
I went to the ․ Reading words about sports
Yesterday? 3
Science ․ Survey
26 Museum.
․ Around the world activity
․ Review and Consolidate the lesson
11 ․ Using the expressions used to call a friend, make an ap-
▪ Calling the 1 pointment at a specified time and place
phone ․ Telephone number bingo
Hello, this is ․ Listening to and speaking a basic telephone conversation
Jinho. 2 ․ Chant: 'Is Peter there?'
14. Is Peter
Is Peter there? ․ Guessing game
▪ Answering the ․ Writing the Numbers in English looking at the picture
phone ․ Calling on the phone game
Speaking. ․ Answering the phone activity
․ Review and Consolidate the lesson
․ Listening to and speaking the expressions related to ac-
1 ceptance and declination to suggested activities
▪ Suggesting ․ Guessing bingo
29 Can you join us?
․ Listening to and speaking the expressions related to sug-
gestion and obligation
▪ Accepting/ 2
15. Can ․ Sing along: 'Can You Join Us?'
You Join ․ Collecting same cards game
Us? ․ Reading and understanding the meanings of some simple
Sorry, I can't
▪ Obligation ․ Writing the word looking at the picture
30 ․ Finding someone who has the same plan game
I must go home.
․ Role-play
․ Review and Consolidate the lesson
․ Asking and answering questions regarding past experi-
1 ences
․ Grasping the picture cards game
31 ․ Asking and answering questions regarding past experi-
▪ Experience ences
16. Did You Did you have a 2
․ Sing along: 'Did You Have a Nice Vacation?'
Have a nice vacation? ․ Playing board game
Nice I visited my
․ Reading and understanding the meanings of some simple
Vacation? grandparents.
I went fishing. 3
․ Writing the word looking at the picture
32 ․ Alphabet relay game
․ Making a book activity
․ Review and Consolidate the lesson

❙• 42 •❙
8.4 6th Grade

Month Week Topic Period Major content
․ Asking and answering about where someone is from
․ Jamboree game
1 ․ Asking and answering about where someone is from
▪ Checking a fact 2 ․ Reading sentences for pictures
1.Where Are Where are you ․ Body twister game
You from?
From? Where's your ․ Singing the song
classroom? 3 ․ Writing sentences about pictures
2 ․ Survey
․ Fashion show role-play
․ Wrap up Lesson 1
3 ․ Listening to and speaking about asking directions and
1 giving directions
․ Destination Game
▪ Giving a ․ Asking and answering about directions
direction 2 ․ Reading sentences for pictures
2. Is This
Is this York ․ Moving Human Building game
Street? ․ Singing the song
It's behind the
3 ․ Writing sentences watching pictures
post office.
4 ․ Whisper game
․ Giving directions activity
․ Wrap up Lesson 2

․ Asking and answering for one's favourite season.

▪ Asking for 1
․ True or False game
5 someone's likes
and dislikes ․ Reading a short writing about season
Do you like 2
․ Whispering game
3. I Like ____ ?
Spring I like ______. ․ Writing a simple sentences about season
▪ Saying hello 3
․ Matching game
6 and replying
How's it going? ․ Book-making activity
Not bad. 4
․ Wrap up Lesson 3
․ Asking and answering about someone's birthday
▪ Exchanging 1
․ Ordinal Number game
7 factual
information ․ Singing 'The Month Song'
When is your 2
4. When is ․ Line up game
It's May first. ․ Reading about a birthday
Birthday? 3
▪ Asking again ․ Birthday Comparison game
8 Pardon?
▪ Disagreement ․ Birthday survey activity
I don't think so. 4
․ Wrap up Lesson 4

❙• 43 •❙
Month Week Topic Period Major content
․ Asking and answering related to shopping
9 ▪ Shopping 1
․ Guessing game
May I help
you? ․ Asking and answering related to shopping
▪ Opinion 2 ․ Reading sentences with pictures.
It's too expensive. ․ Shopping Dice game
5. May I
▪ Shopping
Help You? ․ Chant 'May I Help You?'
I'll take it.
▪ Factual 3 ․ Writing sentences with pictures
information ․ Shopping game
11 Here's your
5 ․ Shopping game
change. 4
․ Wrap up Lesson 5

▪ Asking for ․ Listening to the expressions of asking for someone's per-

someone's 1 mission
permission ․ Quick Hammer game
12 Can I have
․ Listening to the expressions of asking for someone's per-
some water?
6. Can I ▪ Feelings 2
․ Reading sentences with pictures
have Some I'm hungry.
․ Card Guessing game
Water? ▪ Opinion
I have no idea. ․ Singing the song
▪ Interjection ․ Dice game
How kind of
․ Problem solving activity
you! 4
․ Wrap up Lesson 6
․ Asking and answering about someone's occupation
․ Bingo game
▪ Factual
14 ․ Asking and answering about someone's occupation
Does your 2 ․ Reading sentences
7. My ․ Guessing the Card over Your Head game
mother work?
Father Is
a Pilot ․ Singing the song 'Does Your Mother Work?'
6 ▪ Describing a 3 ․ Writing sentences
fact ․ Family Finding game
She's a teacher.
․ Family survey activity
․ Wrap up Lesson 7
․ Asking and answering what someone wants to do in the
1 future
․ Picture Bingo game
16 ▪ Plan ․ Asking and answering what someone wants to do in the
What will you future
8. What 2
do? ․ Reading sentences
Will You
I will visit my ․ Baseball game
Do This
Summer ․ Chant 'What Will You Do This Summer?'
I will ride my
bike. 3 ․ Writing sentences with pictures
7 17 ․ Card Matching game
․ Vacation Plan survey activity
․ Wrap up Lesson 8

❙• 44 •❙
Month Week Topic Period Major content
․ Asking and answering what happened in the past
▪ Asking about ․ Card Memory game
17 someone's
experience and ․ Asking and answering what happened in the past
answering 2 ․ Reading the sentence learned verbally
9. How Was ․ Pass the pocket game
How was your ․ Singing a song 'How Was Your Vacation?'
vacation? 3 ․ Writing the sentence learned verbally
It was great. ․ Find my seat game
18 I visited my
grandparents. ․ Making a newspaper activity
․ Wrap up Lesson 9
․ Listening to the expressions of comparing two objects
․ Snap game
19 ▪ Comparing
․ Saying the expressions of comparing two object
I'm taller than
2 ․ Reading the sentence learned verbally
10. I'm ․ Similar sentence game
than You ․ Chant 'I'm taller than you'
▪ Interjection 3 ․ Writing the sentence learned verbally
What a ․ Whisper game
20 surprise!
․ Comparison activity
․ Witch's wart game

․ Asking and answering what they want to do

▪ Asking for ․ Guessing game
21 someone's
․ Asking and answering what they want to do
2 ․ Reading a short story and understand
11. What What do you
․ Yut Game
Do You want to do?
Want to ▪ Suggestion ․ Singing the song, 'What Do You Want to Do?'
Do? How about a 3 ․ Writing short phrases and sentences
musical? ․ Survey Bingo
22 ▪ Agreement
Sounds good! ․ Making clubs activity
․ Wrap up Lesson 11
․ Asking for help and responding
․ Asking for help game
▪ Asking for a
23 help ․ Asking for help and responding
Will you help 2 ․ Asking for help game
12. Will
me with my ․ Shouting game
You Help
▪ Answering ․ Singing the song
Of course. 3 ․ Writing short phrases and sentences
24 No problem. ․ Problem-solving game
․ Doing a role-play
․ Wrap up Lesson 12

❙• 45 •❙
Month Week Topic Period Major content

▪ Calling and ․ Understanding telephone conversations

answering the 1 ․ Asking for reasons and responding to them
phone ․ Guessing game
Mrs. Brown, ․ Asking a question and answering with a reason
speaking. 2 ․ Reading a simple diary
13. That's ▪ Reason ․ Because dice game
too Bad Why?
Because he's ․ Singing the song, 'That's Too Bad'
sick. 3 ․ Writing suitable sentences for pictures
26 ▪ Expressing ․ Relay Dictation game
one's sympathy ․ Writing a diary activity
That's too bad. 4
․ Wrap up Lesson 13
11 ․ Understanding how to invite and accept an invitation
1 ․ Saying the expressions to prohibit
․ What's behind game
27 ▪ Invitation and
accepting ․ Saying the expressions of inviting, accepting/declining,
14. Would and prohibiting
Would you like 2
You Like ․ Reading a simple invitation
to come to my
to Come ․ Happy Family game
to My
Yes, I'd love to. ․ Singing the song, 'Don't Take off Your Shoes'
▪ Prohibition 3 ․ Completing the sentences
Don't take off ․ Making a sentence game
28 your shoes.
․ Doing a role-play
․ Wrap up Lesson 14
․ Listening to and saying the expressions related to daily
1 lives
․ True or False game
29 ▪ Prohibition ․ Listening to and saying the expressions of prohibition
Don't go that and expressions related to daily lives
15. It's way. 2
․ Reading a daily schedule
Time to ․ Spinning Board game
Go Home ▪ Habits
It's time to go ․ Chant 'It's Time to Go Home'
home. 3 ․ Completing the daily schedule
30 ․ Domino game
․ Making-book activity
․ Wrap up Lesson 15
12 ․ Listening to and saying the expressions of congratulating,
1 wishing
․ Board game
31 ▪ Congratulation
Congratulations! ․ Listening to and saying the expressions of congratulating,
16. So ▪ Encouragement ․ Reading a letter
Long, Good luck! ․ Card game
Everyone! ․ Singing the song 'What Middle School Are You Going
▪ Greeting to?'
So long. 3
․ Writing a letter
32 Good-bye. ․ Making a dialogue for the given pictures
․ Playing Board game
․ Wrap up Lesson 16
❙• 46 •❙
Teaching Plan
3rd Grade
1. Hello, I'm Minsu

2. What's This?

3. Happy Birthday!

4. Wash Your Hands

5. I Like Apples

6. How Many Cows?

7. I Can Swim

8. It's Snowing
1 Hello, I'm Minsu

The students will be able to introduce themselves to other people when they
meet them for the first time. They will be able to say goodbye.

To listen to and understand the expressions about greetings

To listen and understand the introductive expressions


To greet each other at the first meeting and say good-bye

To introduce themselves to other people

Communicative 1. Greetings Hi. Hello. Bye

Communicative functions 2. Introduction I'm Minsu. My name is Mina.

Functions and
Language I'm .
structures My name is .

Vocabulary be, bye, hello, hi, I, name

Period Page Procedure Activities

◦Look and Listen ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

1 8~9 ◦Listen and Repeat⑴ ◦Listen and repeat
◦Let's Play⑴ ◦Throwing a ball game

◦Look and Speak ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

◦Listen and Repeat⑵ ◦Listen and repeat
2 10~12
◦Let's Chant ◦Chant: 'I'm Minsu.'
Plan ◦Let's Play⑵ ◦Greeting game

◦Look and Speak ◦Look and speak

3 13~14 ◦Let's Sing ◦Sing along: 'The Hello Song'
◦Let's Play⑶ ◦Name bingo
◦Let's Role-play ◦Role-play: 'Characters of Stories'
◦Let's Review ◦Listen and match
4 15~17
◦Look at the picture and speak
◦Activity in a real context

❙• 49 •❙
3-1-1 Hello, I'm Minsu pp. 8-9

• To listen to and understand greeting expressions

• To listen to and understand when people introduce themselves

✎ Warm up ▸It's time for a fun game.

Greetings ▸Let me show you how to play the game first.
Hi, everyone. ▸Listen carefully.
Nice to meet you. ▸Make groups of 6. Use one ball.
Listen and do ▸Throw the ball to a friend saying 'Hi, I'm '.
Stand up, please. ▸The student who catches the ball does the
Very good. Sit down, please. same as the child who threw the ball.
▸The game continues until all the children throw
The teacher gives simple commands as the students
the ball and say hello.
act out the commands. It is important to speak
Tips Before the game, it's better to give instructions
slowly and clearly.
Objectives in both English and Korean.
Present the objectives

✎ Closing
✎ Development Check-up
Look and Listen Review today's lesson
Look at the picture What will you say when you meet someone for
Who do you see? the first time?
What's in the picture? Listen to the dialogue on the CD-ROM title at
Let's watch the screen home.
(After Pre-listening) What did they say? Good-bye
Listen to the dialogue Good-bye.
Let's watch the screen. See you next Monday.
Listen carefully and take a guess.
Listen again EXTRA
Let's listen to the dialogue again.
What did you hear? Clapping Game ◷ 10'

Listen and Repeat⑴

Listen and repeat
【Grouping】Group work
Let's watch the screen.
【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
Look and listen carefully.
Listen carefully and repeat. ▸Divide the class into groups of six.
Listen and repeat again. ▸Each makes a circle and sits on the floor.
Practice ▸Students clap their hands twice.
Let's practice today's expressions. Use your index ▸The first student says his/her name.
finger. ▸All students clap twice.
Tips Give as much praise as possible to encourage ▸The second student says his/her name.
students. ▸All students clap twice.
▸The second student says the name of the first
Let's Play⑴: Throwing a Ball ◷ 10' student.
【Materials】Soft ball ▸Continue around the circle.
【Grouping】Group work Tips Before the game, teachers should show students
【Expressions】Hi, I'm . how to play the game with a demonstration.
Hello, I'm .

❙• 50 •❙
3-1-2 Hello, I'm Minsu pp. 10-12

• To listen to and understand expressions of introducing and greeting

• To use the expressions with a game

Hello, I'm .
✎ Warm up
Hello, everyone. ▸Students move around the classroom listening
How are you today? to the chant 'I'm Minsu.'
Listen and do ▸When the music stops, greet a friend and
Stand up, please. Sit down, please. introduce yourself.
Listen carefully. ▸After introducing each other, say good-bye to
Review friends.
Say hello to each other and say one's name ▸Students repeat the activity.
Objectives Tips This game could be done by making two circles.
Present the objectives Students in each circle move along in their own
circle. When the chant stops, they greet the
✎ Development
Look and Speak
Look at the pictures ✎ Closing
Open your book to page 10.
Look at the pictures and take a guess.
Review today's lesson
Let's watch the screen
(After Pre-listening) Who are the characters? Say your name to your partner. Let's chant
Listen to the dialogue together.
Let's watch the screen. Good-bye
Listen to the dialogue carefully. See you next time.
What did you hear? Bye everyone.
Tips Listen to the dialogue again to check the
expressions. EXTRA

Listen and Repeat⑵

Finding Partners ◷ 10'
Listen and repeat
Look and listen carefully.
Listen carefully and repeat. 【Materials】Name cards
Listen and repeat again. 【Grouping】Whole class
Tips 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑵
Listen and repeat the sentences line by line.
▸Make groups of 8.
Look at me and guess who I am.
▸Give a name card to each person.
Act out some famous people using their voice or
▸When the teacher says "Let's start!" the
gestures and have students guess who you are
students start greeting other students by saying
and say hello to the person you are mimicking.
"Hi, I'm Kongjwi. What's your name?"
▸They can stand up and move around to do this
Let's chant.
Let's listen to the chant first. activity.
Let's chant with clapping. ▸When the students find the right person to
Let's chant together. match the name, they go back to their seats.
Tips Before this game, have a discussion about
Let's Play⑵: Greeting Game ◷ 10' famous characters from stories that students
【Materials】None know.
【Grouping】Whole class
【Expressions】Hi, I'm .
❙• 51 •❙
3-1-3 Hello, I'm Minsu pp. 13-14

• To introduce themselves and to say good-bye

• To sing the song 'The Hello Song'

✎ Warm up ▸Have students write their friends' names on a

Greetings paper with 16 grids.
Hi, everyone. ▸First they write their own name and fill in the
How are you today? rest with their friends' names.
Listen and do ▸When the teacher calls a student's name he/she
Look at me, please. says 'Hi, I'm S1.'
Clap your hands two times. ▸The others greet by saying 'Hi, S1.'
Review ▸The students with S1's name on their grid
Chant together 'I'm Minsu'. mark an O around the name.
Objectives ▸If students mark an O around every name on
Present the objectives their grid, they win.
Tips Class activity could be followed by group
✎ Development work.

Look and Speak

Listen to the dialogue one ✎ Closing
Let's listen to dialogue One again.
Look at the screen and listen carefully.
Review today's lesson
What did Zeeto say to the puppy?
Do you know this character?
What did Julie say?
Say hi to her/him.
Listen to the dialogue two
Let's sing the song you learned today.
Now, let's listen to dialogue Two again.
What did Mina say?
Time's up. Good-bye.
What did Zeeto say?
Take care, everyone.
Look and speak
Open your book to page 13.
Who can you see in the pictures? EXTRA

Let's watch the screen and check.

Tips Let students practice the dialogue with their Guessing Who I Am ◷ 10'
partners, greeting each other.
【Materials】Pictures of some famous people
Let's sing 【Grouping】Whole class
Listen to the song 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play ⑴
Sing the song
Let's watch the screen and listen carefully to the ▸Collect some pictures of famous people from
song. Let's sing it part by part. magazines or newspapers.
Listen carefully and hum the tune. ▸Mimic one famous person with actions and
Tips The girls pretend to be Julie and the boys pretend have students guess who the person is.
to be Minsu. ▸Teachers could give some hints to the students
when they don't know the answer.
Let's Play ⑶: Name Bingo ◷ 10' ▸Have some students come up to the front and
【Materials】Name cards mimic a person from among the pictures or a
【Grouping】Whole Class person of their choice.
【Expressions】Hi, I'm ____.
Hello, my name is _____.
❙• 52 •❙
3-1-4 Hello, I'm Minsu pp. 15-17

• To do role-play confidently
• To consolidate the contents of the lesson into real situations

Open your book to page 16.

✎ Warm up
Listen carefully and draw a line.
Are you done? Let's check the answer.
Good afternoon, boys and girls.
Look at the pictures and talk about them
It's time for English. Are you ready?
Let's move to page 17.
Listen and do
Look at the pictures. What's the story?
Stand up, please.
Make up a story with the picture.
Sit down, please.
Let's check the answers.
Watch TV, please.
Speak in a real situation
Be quite, please.
(Have two children greet each other)
Sing the song from the last lesson
Tips Have girls sing the first part and boys sing the ✎ Closing
second part by using different names. Check-up
Objectives Wrap up Lesson 1
Present the objectives Let's sing the 'Hello song'.
Do you know who he/she is? He is a famous
actor in Korea. I'll show a part of his face.
✎ Development
Listen to the dialogue with CD-ROM title at
Let's Role-play
Look at the picture Good-bye
Open your book to page 15. Time's up. Good-bye.
What fairy tales do you know?
Take care, everyone. You did a good job today.
Who are the characters in this story?
Let's make up a story together looking at the
pictures in the textbook.
Listen to the story
Let's watch the screen. Getting an Autograph ◷ 10'
What is the story about?
What did you hear? 【Materials】Worksheet
What did they say when they left? 【Grouping】Whole class
Listen and repeat 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play ⑴
Let's watch the screen and repeat after the
dialogue. ▸Give out a worksheet to each child in the class.
Role-play ▸The students move around and greet their
Have students take roles and repeat with friends.
CD-ROM. ▸The students need to meet at least 10 friends.
Let's practice without sound. ▸Write down their friends' names and their
Volunteers may come up and present the autographs in the columns.
role-play. ▸When the columns are filled out completely,
Who wants to be Shim Cheong? the students go back to their seats.
▸If there are students who want to get more of
Students with the same role can practice their lines
their friends' autographs, let them do so.
by standing up and repeating after CD-ROM. It
Tips While doing the activity, students tend to make
can build up students' interest.
too much noise. The teacher should control the
Let's Review noise level in the classroom.
Listen and draw the line

❙• 53 •❙
Lesson 1 Hello, I'm Minsu
Let's Sing: The Hello Song
Look and Listen ⑴
Hello, Zeeto. Hello!
(Zeeto flies in on a spaceship. When Zeeto
Hello, Zeeto. Hello!
hits an antenna it greets that object.)
Hello, Zeeto. Hello!
Zeeto: Hi!
My name is Mina. (Hello!)
(Zeeto says hi to a barking dog.)
Zeeto: Hello!
Hello, Zeeto. Hello!
(Noisy sound makes Julie and Tony come
Hello, Zeeto. Hello!
Hello, Zeeto. Hello!
Tony: (Greeting Zeeto with a smile) Hi!
My name is Minsu. (Hello!)
Zeeto: Hi!
Julie: Hello, I'm Julie.
Bye, bye, Zeeto. Bye, bye.
Zeeto: (Julie's appearance makes Zeeto's face
Bye, bye, Zeeto. Bye, bye.
turn red) Hello, I'm Zeeto.
Bye, bye, Zeeto. Bye, bye.
(Tony laughs heartily seeing Zeeto.)
Bye, bye, Zeeto. Bye, bye. (Bye, bye!)
Look and Listen ⑵
Role-play: Characters of Stories
(Children are doing hide and seek in a (Shim Cheong comes and jumps down from a
playground. Minsu is leaning against a tree, boat-shaped time machine.)
counting numbers.) Shim Cheong: Hello, my name is Shim
Zeeto: (Hitting him on the back) Hi! Cheong.
(Minsu gets surprised when he sees Zeeto.) Children: Hi, Shim Cheong.
Zeeto: (Smiling again at Minsu) I'm Zeeto. (Cinderella appears in an amber carriage.)
Minsu: I'm Minsu. Cinderella: Hi, I'm Cinderella.
(Zeeto guides Minsu to where Mina hides Children: Hi, Cinderella.
herself) (After a short time, Heungbu flies in on a
Zeeto: Hi, my name's Zeeto. swallow.)
Minna: Hello, Zeeto. My name's Mina. Heungbu: Hi, I'm Heungbu.
(Thanks to Zeeto, Minsu finds Mina and she Children: Hi, Heungbu.
gets angry.) (Kongjwi wearing an old cloth flies in on a
Minsu's mom: Minsu, Mina! toad-shaped time-machine.)
(Running over to their mom, Minsu and Mina Kongjwi: Hello, my name is Kongjwi.
say good-bye to Zeeto.) Children: Hello, Kongjwi.
Minsu, Mina: Bye, Zeeto. (When all the people happily talk, while they
Zeeto: Bye! are eating, they are surprised to hear the
clock's ringing)
Let's Chant: I'm Minsu. All: (Getting in their own time machines) Bye!
(Leaving in their own time machines)
I'm Minsu. (Julie)
I'm Zeeto. (clap, clap, clap)
I'm Minsu.
I'm Zeeto. (clap, clap, clap)

Hi, Minsu. (Julie)

Hi, Zeeto. Hey, hey, hey!
Hi, Minsu.
Hi, Zeeto. Hey, hey, hey! Yeah!
❙• 54 •❙
Lesson 1. Hello, I'm Minsu (2/4)

Name card

이몽룡 성춘향 로미오 줄리엣

피터팬 웬디 개미 베짱이

미키 미니 흥부 놀부

시골쥐 서울쥐 미녀 야수

❙• 55 •❙
Lesson 1. Hello, I'm Minsu (4/4)

Autograph Album





How to play:
1. The students move around the classroom and greet their friends.
2. They fill out the worksheet with students' names and autographs.
3. When a student who gets 10 autographs, he/she goes back to his/her seat.

❙• 56 •❙
2 What's This?

The students will be able to ask and answer questions about the names of
Aims different things. They'll also learn how to apologize for their mistakes and how
to reply to apologies.

To listen to and understand the names of different things

To hear and understand expressions of apology

To ask and answer expressions about certain things
To apologize and to respond to an apology

Communicative 1. Confirmation What's this? It's a pencil.

Communicative functions 2. Apology I'm sorry.

Functions and
What's ___________? It's a(an) ________ .

Vocabulary a(an), eraser, it, oh, OK, ruler, sorry, thank, that, this, what, you

Period Page Procedure Activities

◦Look and Listen ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

1 18~19 ◦Listen and Repeat⑴ ◦Listen and repeat
◦Let's Play⑴ ◦'Picking-up-Cards' game

◦Look and Speak ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

◦Listen and Repeat⑵ ◦Listen and repeat
2 20~22
◦Let's Chant ◦Chant: 'I'm Sorry.'
Teaching ◦Let's Play⑵ ◦What's missing? game
◦Look and Speak ◦Speak with pictures
3 23~24 ◦Let's Sing ◦Sing along: 'What's This?'
◦Let's Play⑶ ◦Guessing game
◦Let's Role-play ◦Role-play: 'City Mouse & County
4 25~27 ◦Let's Review ◦Listen and color
◦Look at the pictures and speak
◦Activity in real context

❙• 57 •❙
3-2-1 What's This? pp. 18-19

• To listen to and understand expressions about daily routines

• To use expressions about daily routines

It's a pen/pencil/chair/desk/book.
✎ Warm up
Greetings ▸Cut out the cards on p.153.
Hi, everyone. Welcome back to our English class. ▸The students ask "What's this?"
How's the weather today? ▸The teacher says the name of one item.
Listen and do ▸If students pick up the card with the item that
Clap your hands three times. the teacher said, they get to keep the card
Sit down, please. ▸The student who has the most cards wins the
Review game.
Greet your friends with the expressions that you
learned last time. ✎ Closing
Present the objectives
Review today's lesson
Listen and answer the questions.
✎ Development (Show some pictures of different items) What's
Look and Listen this?
Look at the picture (Ask students to answer) It's a pencil.
Open your book to page 18. Good-bye
What's in the picture? It's time to finish. Good-bye.
Let's watch the screen Take care, everyone.
(After Pre-listening) What did you hear?
Listen to the dialogue EXTRA
How did they say 'pencil' in English?
What object did Zeeto ask about? List of Objects ◷ 10'
Listen again
How can you say "What's this?" in English?
What was Minsu's answer? 【Materials】Various objects
(Ask listening comprehension check questions) 【Grouping】Whole class
【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
Tips Elicit as many words or phrases as possible.
▸Ask each child to choose one object in the
Listen and Repeat⑴ classroom and place it on his or her desk.
Listen and repeat ▸Ask the students to stand up. The students
Practice listen to the names of the objects as you draw
I'll show you a picture and ask you a question. them out of a container.
Please answer. ▸As you select a slip of paper, read out the
(Showing a picture of a pencil) What's this? name of the object. Anyone with this object
Tips To add more fun to the speaking practice process, has to sit down.
use interesting ways of showing the cards that can ▸Continue to draw out all the slips of paper one
intrigue the students' curiosity. by one, and read out the names of the objects.
- Show each card for just a second. ▸The last few children left standing are the
- Reveal it gradually. winners.
Tips It is possible that some children have chosen
Let's Play ⑴: Picking-Up-Cards ◷ 10' objects which you did not include in your list.
【Materials】Cards, various items (p.153) If they know the English word for these items,
【Grouping】Whole class they win bonus points.
【Expressions】What's this?
❙• 58 •❙
3-2-2 What's This? pp. 20-22

• To understand expressions about apologies and how to respond to them

• To use the expressions with games

【Grouping】Whole class
✎ Warm up
【Expressions】What's this?
It's a pen/pencil/chair/desk/book.
Good morning, class.
Let's start our English lesson now. ▸Show students pictures of items and put them
Listen and do on the board.
Touch your English book. ▸Have students close their eyes.
Sit down, please. ▸After hiding one of the objects, have the
Turn around, please. students open their eyes and ask them what's
Clap your hands one time. missing.
Review ▸The students who guess the missing card get a
Listen carefully and do what I say. point.
I'll draw a picture. What's this? Tips Encourage students to speak English as much as
Present the objectives

✎ Development ✎ Closing
Look and Speak Check-up
Look at the pictures Review today's lesson
Open your book to page 20. If you happen to push your friend by mistake,
What's in the picture? what would you say to the person?
Let's watch the screen Let's chant together.
(After Pre-listening) What's happening? Listen to the dialogue with CD-ROM title at
Listen to the dialogue home.
What did Julie drop by mistake? Good-bye
What did Minsu do to Julie? It's time to finish. Good-bye.
What is the meaning of "What's that?" in Korean? Take care, everyone.
What was Minsu's answer?
(Ask listening comprehension check questions.) EXTRA
Tips Try to elicit as many words or phrases as possible.

Puzzle Pieces ◷ 10'

Listen and Repeat⑵
Listen and repeat
Tips 【Materials】One A4 paper, pencil crayons
Listen and repeat the sentences line by line.
Practice 【Grouping】Group work
(Walk around and ask questions by pointing to 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
real objects in the classroom.)
▸Have each group draw one object quickly with
(Help the students understand 'this' and 'that' by
pencil crayons.
using objects that are close and far away.)
▸Then, cut it in 5-6 pieces and put the pieces
Let's Chant into a bag.
Let's listen to the chant first. ▸Exchange the bags.
Let's chant while clapping. ▸The first team to shout out together what the
Let's chant part by part. object is wins the game.
Tips Make sure that students do not spend too much
Let's Play ⑵: What's Missing? ◷ 10' time on drawing.
【Materials】Object flashcards
❙• 59 •❙
3-2-3 What's This? pp. 23-24

• To ask and answer about things through song and practice

• To speak confidently playing a guessing game

✎ Warm up ▸Divide the class into two groups and choose

Greetings one team leader per group.
Hi, everyone. ▸Each team leader comes up to the front and
It's time for English. stands facing the class.
Listen and do ▸The teacher puts one card on the team leader's
Touch your desk. head and makes sure he or she does not know
Point to the door. what the picture is.
Review ▸The class asks the question to the teacher together.
Show realia and ask questions The leader takes a guess and answers the question.
Tips Direct students in a variety of ways by using ▸If the leader guesses correctly in one try, he or
words they have learned. she gets 3 points, 2 points for two guesses, and
Objectives one point for three guesses.
Present the objectives Tips 5-6 cards are suitable for third graders.

✎ Development
Look and Speak
✎ Closing
Listen to dialogue one Check-up
Let's listen to dialogue one. Review today's lesson
How did Zeeto and Minsu greet each other? Listen and answer the questions.
What did Zeeto ask Minsu? (Show some pictures of different items) What's
Listen to dialogue two this?
What did Minsu show Julie? (Have students answer)
How did Julie reply to Minsu's apology? Listen to the dialogue with the CD-ROM title at home.
Look and speak Good-bye
Who is talking? It's time to finish. Good-bye.
Let's check what they are saying while looking at Take care, everyone.
the screen.
Tips Let students practice the dialogue with their EXTRA
partners and then let them do a demonstration.
Mimic Game ◷ 10'
Let's sing
Listen to the song
【Materials】One paper per group
Sing the song
【Grouping】Group work
Let's watch the screen and listen carefully to the
【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
song. Let's sing part by part.
Tips Sing the song by changing the names according to ▸Each group makes a circle.
real objects or flashcards that the teacher shows to ▸One of the group members draws one item on
the students. the paper and covers it.
▸The student asks "What's this?" and the other
Let's Play ⑶: Guessing Game ◷ 10' students take turns guessing.
【Materials】Flashcards (one set per group for both ▸The student who gets the right answer draws a
a teacher and students) picture of an item he or she thinks of. The
【Grouping】Whole class game continues until everyone has the chance
【Expressions】What's that? to draw a picture.
It's a pen/pencil/chair/desk/book.
❙• 60 •❙
3-2-4 What's This? pp. 25-27

• To do a role-play asking and answering about the names of things

• To consolidate the contents of the lesson in real situations

Let's check the answer.

✎ Warm up
Look at the pictures and talk about them
Let's move to page 27. Look at the pictures.
Good afternoon, boys and girls.
What's in the picture?
It's time for English. Are you ready?
Make up a story with the picture.
Listen and do
Let's check the answers.
Touch your head.
Speak in a real situation
Draw a book in the air.
In pairs, have children ask and answer each other
Stand up, please.
about their belongings.
Direct the students with words they learned and let
them draw it with their finger in the air together ✎ Closing
Let's sing the song 'What's this?' Check-up
Tips Divide the class into two teams. Each team takes a Wrap up Lesson 2
role of either asking or answering while singing along. Make students do the role-play by using different
Objectives objects instead of an orange and cake.
Present the objectives Listen to the dialogue with CD-ROM title at
✎ Development
It's time to stop. Good-bye.
Let's Role-play Take care, everyone. You did a good job today.
Look at the picture
Open your book to page 25.
Do you know the story 'City Mouse and Country
Who are the characters in this story? Guessing Game ◷ 10'
Listen to the story
What did Country Mouse ask when he pointed 【Materials】One object card per student
to a piece of orange that was far away? 【Grouping】Group work
What object did Zeeto ask about? 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
Listen and repeat
What was City Mouse's response? ▸Group the students.
(Ask listening comprehension check questions.) ▸Students put their cards into a bag.
Tips Try to elicit as many words or phrases as possible. ▸One student chooses a card from the bag.
Role-play ▸All members ask what it is and the person
Choose one role and repeat along with the answers the question by guessing.
screen. ▸The student looks at the card and says what it
Any volunteers? Please come up and do the is.
role-play. ▸If the guess was correct, the student gets a
Who wants to be Country Mouse? point.
Tips Page 207 shows how to make a hair band for the ▸The person who gets the most point wins the
role-play, game.
Tips You could let the student who picks one card
Let's Review give some hints to the others if they don't know
Listen and choose the right thing after guessing 5 times.
Open your book to page 26.
Listen carefully and choose the correct answer.
❙• 61 •❙
Lesson 2 What's This?
It's OK. It's OK. It's OK.
Look and Listen ⑴ It's OK. It's OK. It's OK.
(Zeeto is looking at the pencil and putting it Thank you!
in his ear and on his head.)
Minsu: Hi, Zeeto. Let's Sing: What's This?
Zeeto: Hello, Minsu.
What's this? What's this?
(Zeeto points to the pencil with curiosity.)
Minsu: It's a pencil. What's this? What, what?
(He paints a ridiculous portrait of Zeeto's It's a pen. It's a pen, pen, pen, pen.
face.) What, what, what, what's this?
Zeeto: Ummm. A pencil. (Writing)
What, what, what, what's this?
Look and Listen ⑵ Pen, pen, pen, it's a pen.
(Julie accidentally knocks her friend's book off Pen, pen, pen, it's a pen.
the desk while walking down the aisle.)
Julie: Oh, sorry.
What's this? What's this?
Kids: It's OK.
(Julie approaches while seeing Minsu who is What's this? What, what?
playing with a new toy car.) It's a book. It's a book, book, book, book.
Julie: What's that, Minsu?
Minsu: It's a ruler. Role-play: City Mouse & Country Mouse
(When he presses the button, the ruler springs (Country Mouse visited City Mouse. As soon
out and pricks her arm.) as Country Mouse entered City Mouse's
Minsu: Oh, I'm sorry. house, he saw lots of delicious food. There
Julie: It's OK. was food more wonderful than he had ever
seen before.)
Let's Chant: I'm sorry Country Mouse: Hi!
City Mouse: Hello!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Country Mouse: (pointing to the cake at hand
Sorry, sorry, sorry. while looking around) What's this?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. City Mouse: It's a cake.
Sorry, sorry, sorry. Country Mouse: (As soon as he touches the
Huh! cake, it falls down. He licks the cream.) Oh,
It's OK. It's OK. It's OK. sorry.
It's OK. It's OK. It's OK. City Mouse: It's OK.
County mouse: (pointing to the orange in the
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. distance while looking around.) What's that?
Sorry, sorry, sorry. City Mouse: It's an orange.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Country Mouse: (When he bites the orange,
Sorry, sorry, sorry. the orange juice splashes on City Mouse's
Huh! face.) Oh, I'm sorry.
It's OK. It's OK. It's OK. City Mouse: (with a bitter smile) It's OK.
It's OK. It's OK. It's OK.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
❙• 62 •❙
Lesson 2. What's This? (2/4)

Bingo Board

❙• 63 •❙
Lesson 2. What's This? (3/4)

Board game

1칸 뒤로

1칸 앞으로

2칸 앞으로 1번 쉬기

3칸 뒤로

2칸 앞으로


❙• 64 •❙
3 Happy Birthday !

Birthdays are special for everyone. Parent's day is a day when people show
Aims thanks to their parents. The students are going to study how to congratulate
and how to respond to those expressions.

To listen to and understand expressions of celebrating a

Listening birthday and responding to them
To listen to and understand what to say when giving a present
To use expressions of celebrating a birthday and respond to
Speaking them
To use expressions for giving and receiving presents

Communicative 1. Celebration Happy birthday!

Communicative functions 2. Appreciation Thank you.

Functions and
Language Happy ___________!
structures This is for ________.

Vocabulary birthday, dad, for, happy, mom, thank, welcome, wow

Period Page Procedure Activities

◦Look and Listen ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title
1 28~29 ◦Listen and Repeat⑴ ◦Listen and repeat
◦Let's Play⑴ ◦'Gathering presents' game

◦Look and Speak ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

◦Listen and Repeat⑵ ◦Listen and repeat
2 30~32
◦Let's Chant ◦Chant: 'Happy Birthday.'
Teaching ◦Let's Play⑵ ◦Passing-the-Shoes-Bag game
◦Look and Speak ◦Look at the pictures and speak
3 33~34 ◦Let's Sing ◦Sing along: 'Happy Birthday, Julie!'
◦Let's Play⑶ ◦Giving-and-Receiving-Presents game

◦Let's Role-play ◦Role-Play: 'Kongjwi & Patjwi'

◦Let's Review ◦Listen and draw a line
4 35~37
◦Look at the pictures and speak
◦Activity in real context

❙• 65 •❙
3-3-1 Happy Birthday! pp. 28-29

• To listen and understand about celebrations

• To take part in the games actively using the expression

✎ Warm up ▸Make groups of six.

Greetings ▸Each member in each group has a number
Hello, everyone. How are you today? between 1 and 6.
How's the weather today? ▸Each student takes turns throwing the dice.
Listen and do Others give the players who threw the dice a
Stand up, please. picture card according to the number that is
Sit down, please. rolled and say "Happy birthday."
Review ▸The student who has the most gifts wins the
Ask questions by showing part of a picture card game.
▸After all the 'presents' are gone, start again.
Flashcards or visuals are needed to review.
Tips Have each student get a chance to have the gift
Present the objectives cards. Make sure that they are using English.

✎ Development ✎ Closing
Look and Listen Check-up
Look at the picture Review today's lesson
Open your book to page 28. Students whose birthday is this month come to
What's happening? the front. Let's wish them a happy birthday.
Let's watch the screen Good-bye
(After Pre-listening) What are the people saying? Next time, we'll look at what to say when you
Listen to the dialogue are giving a gift. Good-bye, everyone.
Who is in this dialogue? Take care, everyone.
Who gave a gift to whom?
Listen again EXTRA
What did Thomas and Minsu say to Julie?
What was Julie's response? Guessing Game ◷ 10'
(Ask listening comprehension check questions.)
Tips Try to elicit as many words or phrases as possible. 【Materials】Gift flash cards
【Grouping】Group work
Listen and Repeat⑴ 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
Listen and repeat
Practice ▸Divide the class into groups of 4 or 6
Let's pretend that it's a friend's birthday and give members.
them a birthday card. ▸There are motions drawn on each card except
Talk with your partner. one which has a birthday cake on it.
▸All members pick a card except S1.
Let's Play⑴: Gathering Gifts Game ◷ 10' ▸S1 picks one student, and say "Happy birthday,
【Materials】Students gift flash cards, dice _________."
【Grouping】Group work ▸If the person has the birthday cake card, S1
【Expressions】Happy birthday. gets one point. The chosen student(S2) says,
Thank you. "Thank you".
You're welcome. ▸If not, they say "Sorry". And the next student
gets a chance to take a guess.

❙• 66 •❙
3-3-2 Happy Birthday! pp. 30-32

• To use expressions about wishing someone a happy birthday

• To speak naturally while playing games

✎ Warm up ▸A bag with gift cards in it is passed around

Greetings the group as well as the birthday hat. While
Hello, everyone. the children are chanting and the music is
How's the weather today? playing, the bag and the hat are passed in the
Listen and do
same direction.
Stand up, please.
▸When the music stops, the student(S1) with the
Sit down, please.
birthday hat pretends it's his birthday.
▸The student who is holding the bag picks one
What would you say on your friend's birthday?
card out and gives it to S1. Others say "Happy
Birthday" together.
Present the objectives

✎ Development ✎ Closing
Look and Speak
Look at the pictures
Review today's lesson
Open your book to page 30.
Let's make a gift with paper or with a photo,
Let's watch the screen
(After Pre-listening) What did you hear? give it to a friend and say, "Happy birthday."
Listen to the dialogue Good-bye
Who are the characters in this dialogue? Next time, we're going to learn a song for
What did Minsu and Mina say to their mom and celebrating a birthday and play a fun game.
dad when giving a gift to them?
What did Minsu give his dad as a gift? EXTRA
(Ask listening comprehension check questions.)
My Birthday
Tips Listen to the dialogues again to check the
◷ 10'

Listen and Repeat⑵ 【Materials】Pieces of paper

Listen and repeat 【Grouping】Group work
Tips Listen and repeat the sentences line by line. 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑵
Now, you'll be Minsu, Mina, dad and mom. ▸Give each person in the group a small piece of
Try to act according to the chosen role. paper. Students draw one present that they want
to get from their parents on their birthday.
Let's Chant ▸Put all the papers into a box and have students
Let's chant part by part. take turns choosing a paper.
Let's chant together. ▸If the picture card is what the child has drawn,
others say "Happy birthday."
Let's Play⑵: Passing the Gifts Bag ◷ 10'
▸If not, the child puts the card back into the
【Materials】Flashcards from lesson 2, a gift bag
【Grouping】Group work
▸The game is over when all the students in the
【Expressions】Happy birthday.
group have their own birthday gift picture.
This is for you.
Tips You can have students draw more than two gift
You're welcome.

❙• 67 •❙
3-3-3 Happy Birthday! pp. 33-34

• To sing the song 'Happy Birthday, Julie!'

• To use the expressions with games

This is for you.

✎ Warm up
Thank you. You're welcome.
Hi, everyone. ▸The students prepare the picture (about six
Look outside. How's the weather? items per student) that they'd like to give their
Listen and do
friends as gifts.
Stand up, please.
▸While the teacher plays the song, 'Happy
Sit down, please.
Birthday' from the CD-ROM title or a song of
choice, each student stands up and walks
Let's chant 'Happy Birthday'.
around the classroom.
▸The students say "Happy birthday" and give
Present the objectives
each other presents.
▸After giving all the presents, they fill in the
✎ Development worksheet about what kind of presents they got
Look and speak and attach the present below the name of the
Listen to the dialogue again student who gave it to them.
What did Thomas and Minsu say to Julie?
How did Julie respond to Thomas and Minsu?
What did Thomas and Minsu say after Julie ✎ Closing
Listen to dialogue two
Review today's lesson
What did Mina say to her mom while giving her
Let's sing 'Happy Birthday!' song.
a flower and a present?
What did Minsu say to his dad while giving him
Did you have fun today?
a flower and a present?
So long, everyone.
Look and speak
Look at the pictures.
What happens? EXTRA
Look at the second picture and tell me what
happens. Mimic Game ◷ 10'
What is Mina saying while giving the present?

【Materials】Wheel boards, clips

Let's sing
【Grouping】Group work
Listen to the song
【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑶
Sing the song
Let's watch the screen and listen to the song. ▸Teacher hides a present and says "Happy
Let's sing part by part. birthday" to a student.
Let's sing together. ▸The student says "Thank you" to the teacher.
▸The teacher, putting two hands together, says
Let's Play⑶: "This is for you."
Giving-and-Receiving-Presents Game ◷ 10' ▸The student asks what it is.
【Materials】Gift flashcards for students ▸The teacher answers.
(6 cards for each student) Tips If the student doesn't say 'Thank you'
【Grouping】Individual work hesitate to give that present to the child until
【Expressions】Happy birthday. they say 'Thank you.'

❙• 68 •❙
3-3-4 Happy Birthday! pp. 35-37

• To do a role-play using birthday celebration expressions

• To consolidate the contents of the lesson in real situations

Look at the screen and check the story.

✎ Warm up
Speak in a real situation
Let's sing the 'Happy birthday' song for our
Hello, class. How are you today?
friends who have a birthday this month.
How's the weather outside?
Listen and do When you receive a present, make sure to say
Stand up, please. "Thank you".
Sit down, please.
Raise your right hand. ✎ Closing
Review Check-up
Sing the song, 'Happy Birthday, Julie!' Wrap up Lesson 3
Objectives Let me give you some homework. Watch the
Present the objectives CD-ROM title at home.
Let's sing together.
✎ Development Good-bye
Let's role-play Did you have fun today?
Look at the picture So long, everyone.
Do you know this story? What is it?
Who are the main characters you're going to EXTRA
meet from the story?
Listen to the story Looking for People ◷ 10'
What special day is it today?
What did the cow, toad, and sparrow say to
Kongjwi? 【Materials】None
【Grouping】Whole class
What was Kongjwi's answer?
【Expressions】Happy birthday! Thank you.
How did they respond to Kongjwii's answer?
Listen and Repeat
▸Divide the class into two groups and have
(Watching the screen, the teacher stops it at each
students choose the leader of their group.
scene of the dialogue, and he/she has the
▸While a leader of team (A) goes outside of the
students repeat the expressions.)
classroom, the other team (B) chooses one
student who has a birthday in their group.
In each group, take the roles from the dialogue
▸The leader of team A comes back to the
and repeat the dialogue.
classroom when the students say "Come in,
Let's role-play with your group.
please". Then the leader looks for the person
Tips Students could do a role-play wearing their masks. whose birthday it is in team B.
▸Students in team A sing the birthday song. If
Review the leader of team A is getting close to the
Listen to the dialogue and draw lines right person, the other team members may sing
Listen carefully to the dialogue and draw lines louder. If he/she is getting further away from
on your book. the right person, the other members sing
Have the students check their own answers by quieter. This will help the leader find the right
using CD-ROM title. person more easily.
Look at the pictures and talk about them ▸The team that finds the right person the fastest,
Who are the main characters? wins the game.
Can you guess the story?
Make up a story with your partner.

❙• 69 •❙
Let's Sing: Happy Birthday, Julie!
Lesson 3 Happy Birthday!
Look and Listen ⑴ Happy birthday, Julie. Thank you!
(Thomas, Minsu and Zeeto are giving gifts to Happy birthday, Julie. Thank you!
Julie.) Happy birthday, oh, Julie!
Thomas, Minsu: Happy birthday, Julie.
Happy birthday, Julie. Thank you!
Julie: Thank you, Thomas. Thank you, Minsu.
Thomas, Minsu: You're welcome.
Happy birthday, Julie. Thank you!
Zeeto: (giving a gift) Happy birthday, Julie.
Julie: Thank you, Zeeto. What's this? Wow! Happy birthday, Julie. Thank you!

(Julie opens the gift that Zeeto gave her. It is Happy birthday, oh, Julie!
the ruler that she wanted. She kisses Zeeto's Happy birthday, Julie. Thank you!
cheek and Zeeto flushes.)

Look and Listen ⑵

Role-play: K ongjw i and Patjw i
(Minsu and Mina are giving flowers and gifts
(Today is Kongjwi's birthday. However, her
to parents.)
stepmother and Patjwi make her do laundry
Mina: (wearing a flower, kissing her cheek,
instead of celebrating her birthday. Kongjwi is
and giving a gift) Mom, This is for you.
crying because she is so sad. But she is
Mom: Oh, thank you.
pleased to hear congratulations.)
Minsu: (giving flower and a gift) This is for
Cow: Hi, Kongjwi. Happy birthday!
you, Dad.
This is for you. (giving a gift box)
Dad: Thank you, Minsu. What's this?
Kongjwi: Thank you.
Minsu: It's a book, Dad.
Toad: Hello! Happy birthday, Kongjwi! This is
Dad: (Giving a big hug to Minsu and Mina
for you. (giving a gift box)
together) Thank you.
Kongjwi: Oh, wow! Thank you!
Sparrow: Hello! Happy birthday, Kongjwi!
Let's Chant: Happy Birthday
(giving a gift box)
Happy birthday, Julie. Kongjwi: Oh, thank you!
Happy birthday, Julie. All: You're welcome.
(There are interesting items in each box.)
This is for you, Julie.
This is for you, Julie.

Oh! Thank you, Zeeto.

Oh! Thank you, Zeeto.

Oh! Thank you, Zeeto.

Oh! Wow, Thank you. Wow!

❙• 70 •❙
Lesson 3. Happy Birthday

Birthday Cards

선물을 그리세요. Draw the present.



※ Cut it along the outline, fold it in half and decorate it by yourself.

❙• 71 •❙
Lesson 3. Happy Birthday

This is for you!


<How to play>: Pair work

1. Put the real eraser in its place.
2. Do rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes first.
3. The loser flicks the eraser with their finger saying “Happy birthday! This is for you."
4. The winner collects the item where the eraser lands, answering "It's a(an) ball, Thank you!"
5. The first person to collect all the 9 items wins the game.
❙• 72 •❙
4 Wash Your Hands
Listening and doing activities are very useful for beginners. In this lesson
learning about body parts through the use of imperative sentences can give
young children confidence in English as well as an interest in learning a
foreign language.

To listen to and understand imperative sentences about body

To listen to imperative sentences and respond to them with
Objectives actions

To use short imperative sentence related to the body

To respond to the imperative sentence

Communicative 1. Orders Wash your hands first.

Communicative functions 2. Responses OK, Mom.

Functions and
Language Wash ___________.
structures OK, ________.

Vocabulary at, close, down, face, hungry, look, no, open, please, sit, stand, touch, up, wash

Period Page Procedure Activities

◦Look and Listen ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

1 38~39 ◦Listen and Repeat⑴ ◦Listen and repeat
◦Let's Play⑴ ◦Nose, Nose, Nose game

◦Look and Speak ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

◦Listen and Repeat⑵ ◦Listen and repeat
2 40~42
◦Let's Chant ◦Chant: 'Wash Your Face'
Plan ◦Let's Play⑵ ◦Guessing game

◦Look and Speak ◦Speak with Pictures

3 43~44 ◦Let's Sing ◦Sing along: 'Ally Bally'
◦Let's Play⑶ ◦Passing words game
◦Let's Role-play ◦Role-Play: 'Begger & Prince'
◦Let's Review ◦Listen and number
4 45~47
◦Look at the pictures and speak
◦Activity in real context
❙• 73 •❙
3-4-I Wash Your Hands pp. 38-39

• To listen to and understand imperative sentences

• To use expressions through practice and games

Let's Play⑴: Nose, Nose game ◷ 10'

✎ Warm up
【Materials】Flash cards
【Grouping】Whole class
Good afternoon, class.
【Expressions】Same as practice
How's the weather today?
Review ▸Teacher says a body part and students point to
Play Simon Says game it.
Tips Let students practice 'ears' and 'eyes' repeatedly in ▸If you think students are familiar with names
order to learn them as a plural nouns. of body parts, try to point to other parts that
Objectives don't match the words in order to keep them
Present the objectives interested.
▸If there is a student who gets it wrong several
times, give them a funny penalty.
✎ Development
Look and Listen
Look at the picture ✎ Closing
(Have students take a guess at what they're going
to study by looking at the picture.)
Review today's lesson
Who do you see in the picture?
Do as I say.
Let's watch the screen
This time, work in pairs. One student says the
(After Pre-listening) What do people say?
expressions and the other acts out what they
Listen to the dialogue
What did the nurse say?
When the doctor said 'Open your mouth', what
I want you to play the nose game with your
did Mina do?
family at home.
Listen again
Bye, everyone.
(Ask listening comprehension check questions.)
Tips To allow them to focus on listening, use the 'no
screen' function while playing the dialogue.

Listen and Repeat⑴ Please Game ◷ 10'

Listen and repeat
Repeat any parts that the students need to
practice more.
【Grouping】Whole class
【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
(Let students listen to the 6 imperative sentences
and let them act according to the sentences.) ▸If the teacher says the imperative sentence
(If the teacher says the right sentence that without 'please', students don't act.
matches the picture he/she is sticking on the ▸If the teacher says the imperative sentence
board, have the students act that card out. If the with 'please', the students act.
teacher's sentence doesn't match the card, have ▸Have all students stand up first. They have to
them do nothing.) sit down if they don't act correctly.
Tips Prepare 6 pictures that show motions (p.95) Tips 'Please' is the most useful expression in English,
If I'm right, do as I say. If I'm wrong, don't do so teach students to use it in imperative
anything. sentences. Let students practice using 'please' and
'Thank you', so that it becomes familiar to them.

❙• 74 •❙
3-4-2 Wash Your Hands pp. 40-42

• To understand imperative sentences

• To use the expressions playing a guessing game

Look at your hands.

✎ Warm up
Wash your hands.
How are you? ▸Divide the class into two teams and let
How's the weather today? them sit facing each other.
Listen and do ▸Let the leaders of team A go behind team B
Stand up, please. and show the cards one bye one to team A.
Sit down, please. ▸Team A acts out what's on the card while
Watch TV, please. team B guesses.
Be quite, please. ▸Teacher times each team to finish.
Objectives ▸When they finish, switch roles and repeat.
Present the objectives
▸The team that finishes first and answers
correctly wins the game.
✎ Development
Look and Speak
Look at the pictures ✎ Closing
Open your book to page 40. Check-up
Guess what's going on. Review today's lesson
Let's watch the screen (Have one student stand like a mannequin and let
(After Pre-listening) Who are the characters? him/her act according to their friends' directions.)
Listen to the dialogue Listen to the dialogue with CD-ROM title at
What did you hear in the dialogue? home.
(Let students watch the dialogue on CD-ROM Good-bye
title.) You did a good job. See you.
What's the meaning of this sentence, ‘Wash your
Tips Watch the dialogues again to check the expressions.

Listen and Repeat⑵

Matching Cards ◷ 10'
Listen and repeat
Did you hear the dialogue? 【Materials】Flash cards (p.153)
Let's listen and repeat line by line. 【Grouping】Pair work
Tips Listen and repeat the sentences line by line. 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑵

▸Put 8 motion cards on the board.

Let's chant
▸Divide the class into two groups and have one
Let's listen to the chant.
leader from each group come to the front.
Chant one part at a time.
▸The students who are sitting use the imperative
Let's chant together.
sentences according to what the teacher is
(Have the girls chant and the boys act.)
doing and the leaders must then slap the
correct card.
Let's Play⑵: Guessing Motions ◷ 10' ▸The team whose leader slapped the right card
【Materials】Teacher's picture cards, a stopwatch. first gets one point.
【Grouping】Whole class ▸Change leaders and repeat.
【Expressions】Open/Close your mouth/ eyes.
Stand up. Sit down.

❙• 75 •❙
3-4-3 Wash Your Hands pp. 43-44

• To sing the song with imperative expressions

• To use imperative expressions playing the game

✎ Warm up ▸Each group stands in a line.

Greetings ▸The teacher gives one doll or baton to the first
Hi, everyone. How are you today? student of each line and gives them an
What day is it today? instructive sentence.
Listen and do ▸Team leaders of each group repeat what the
Stand up, please. teacher said.
Sit down, please. ▸The first student passes the doll to the next
Watch TV, please. person and repeats the sentence.
Open the door. ▸The last students of each group quickly comes
Review to the board and picks the correct card.
What do you say when you want to tell your ▸The group which gets the card first and says
friend to wash his or her hands? the expression correctly wins.
Tips Teacher gives points for good attitude as well as
Present the objectives
for properly producing the target language.

✎ Development
Look and speak ✎ Closing
Listen to dialogue 1 Check-up
What did the nurse say to Mina? Review today's lesson
What did the doctor say to Mina? Let's sing the song we learned today.
Listen to dialogue 2 Good-bye
What did Minsu say? Did you have fun today? So long, everyone.
What did Minsu's mother said to him?
Look and speak
(Have the students identify the content of
Do the role-play with your partner. Flick the Clip ◷ 10'
Let's check by watching the screen.

【Materials】Wheel boards, clips

Let's sing 【Grouping】Group work
Listen to the song 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑵
Sing the song
Let's sing one part at a time. ▸Give each group a wheel board with some
This time, girls sing and boys do the motions. action pictures on it.
Let's sing together.
▸Students take turns flicking the clip on the
Let's Play⑶: Passing Words Card ◷ 10' ▸The others say the expression based on the
【Materials】A doll, movement cards for teacher picture the clip is pointing to.
【Grouping】Whole class ▸If the student responds correctly to the
【Expressions】Look at your hands. command, he or she gets the number of written
Wash your hands. under the picture.
Stand up. Sit down. ▸The student who gets the most point wins.
Open(Close) your eyes/mouth.

❙• 76 •❙
3-4-4 Wash Your Hands pp. 45-47

• To confidently do a role-play using some simple commands

• To use the expressions in real situations

Speak in a real situation

✎ Warm up
Let's use the expressions you have learned so far
in a real situation.
Hello, class. How are you today?
(Demonstrate by walking around the class. Pick
How's the weather outside?
Review one student and tell him/her to close their eyes.)
Sing the song, 'Ally Bally' (While the students' eyes are closed, hand him/her
Objectives a book and ask) What's this?
Present the objectives (If the student gets the right answer, have him or
her open his or her eyes to check what it is).
Very good. Do this with your partner.
✎ Development Tips Encourage them to do this again with their partner
Let's role-play and increase the number of imperative sentences.
Look at the picture
Do you know the story 'The Prince and The
✎ Closing
What are they talking about? Check-up
Make up a story with your group. Wrap up Lesson 4
Let's sing the song 'Ally Bally'.
Listen to the story
What did the prince say when offering the chair?
Thank you. See you tomorrow.
What did the prince say when the beggar tried to
take the food with his dirty hands?
Listen and Repeat EXTRA
Now, watch the role-play one more time.
This time, please repeat line by line.
Speed Game ◷ 10'
(Watching the screen, the teacher pauses the
dialogue, and he/she has the students repeat the
expressions.) 【Materials】Action picture cards, stopwatch
Do a role-play 【Grouping】Whole Class
Each group member takes a role from the 【Expressions】Same as Let's play⑶
dialogue and watches the screen carefully.
Students repeat the dialogue line by line. ▸Put the action picture cards in a row on the
Let's role-play with your group. floor of the classroom and have one group
Tips Give compliments to the students who played their come to the front.
roles very well to encourage them to increase their ▸The first player goes through the picture cards
interest in English and participate in the acting. one by one saying the expression that is
illustrated on it.
Review ▸When the first student gets to the last card, the
Listen and write the correct number second student then does as the first student
Listen and write the numbers next to the pictures. did.
Have you finished? Let's check the answers. ▸Time how long each team takes to do the
Look at the pictures and talk about them activity.
Tips Make sure that students say the expression
Look at the pictures on page 47.
Can you guess the story? Make up a story with correctly.
your partner.

❙• 77 •❙
Lesson 4 Wash your Hands
Look and Listen ⑴ Let's Sing: Ally Bally
(A person is in a dentist's office with a
dentist.) Ally Bally, ally bally bee.

Nurse: Sit down, please. Stand up. Sit down.

Mina: OK. Hee, hee, hee!

Doctor: Open your mouth. Open and close.

Mina: Ahhh... Open and close.

Doctor: (Lift the drill for treatment. Mina Stand up. Sit down.

makes a painful expression and Zeeto is Hee, hee, hee!

watching.) (Repeat)

Look and Listen ⑵ Role-play: The Beggar & The Prince

(When Minsu comes back after playing (One day, the prince invites the hungry
baseball, his face and hands are dirty. When beggar to dinner.)
he tries to pick up some bread on the table, Prince: (Offering a chair) Sit down, please.
his mom speaks to him.)
Beggar: Thank you. (Salivates) I'm hungry.
Minsu: I'm hungry. (He tries to pick up the
(Tries to grab the food with dirty hands).
bread and eats.)
Prince: Oh, no. Look at your hands! Wash
Minsu's mom: Oh, no. Wash your hands,
please. your hands.

Minsu: Please, Mom. I'm hungry. (He tries to Beggar: Oh, please. I'm hungry.
eat again.) Prince: O.K. Open your mouth.
Minsu's mom: Look at your hands! Wash your (Puts one piece of pizza in the beggar's
hands first. mouth.)
Minsu: OK, Mom.
Beggar: (Standing up to wash hands after
eating pizza) Thank you.
Let's Chant: Help Me, please!
Prince: You're welcome.
Wash, wash your face.
Wash, wash your hands.
Wash, wash your face.
Wash, wash your hands. Splash!

Touch, touch your ears.

Touch, touch your eyes.
Touch, touch your nose.
Touch, touch your mouth, sh!

❙• 78 •❙
Lesson 4. Wash Your Hands (3/4)

Flick the clip

❙• 79 •❙
Lesson 4. Wash Your Hands

Picture Cards

❙• 80 •❙
5 I Like Apples
The students will be able to ask and answer questions about the foods they
like or dislike by expressing their opinions about them.

To listen to and understand expressions about what food we

Listening like or don't like
To listen and understand expression of agreement
To use expressions by asking and answering questions about
Speaking their favorite food
To agree with others' opinions using new expressions

1. Likes & Dislikes Do you like apples?

2. Agreement Yes, I do. / No, I don't
Communicative functions
Me, too.
Functions and
Language Do you like ______.
structures I like/I don't like ______.

Vocabulary chicken, do, fish, grape, here, like, lunch, not, time, too, yes

Period Page Procedure Activities

◦Look and Listen ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

1 50-51 ◦Listen and Repeat⑴ ◦Listen and repeat
◦Let's Play⑴ ◦Rock, Scissors, Paper game

◦Look and Speak ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

◦Listen and Repeat⑵ ◦Listen and repeat
2 52-54
◦Let's Chant ◦Chant: 'Do You Like Chicken?'
Plan ◦Let's Play⑵ ◦Guessing game

◦Look and Speak ◦Look at the pictures and speak

3 55-56 ◦Let's Sing ◦Sing along: 'I Like Apples.'
◦Let's Play⑶ ◦Survey Game
◦Let's Review ◦Listen and mark
◦Look at the pictures and speak
4 57-59
◦Real communicative activity
◦Let's play⑷ ◦Activity in real context

❙• 81 •❙
3-5-1 I Like Apples pp. 50-51

• To listen to and understand expressions about we like or dislike

• To use expressions while playing the Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

【Grouping】Whole class
✎ Warm up
【Expressions】I like apples. I don't like apples.
Good morning, class. How are you doing? ▸Put picture cards on the board.
How's the weather today? ▸Divide into two groups and select a leader for
Listen and do each team.
Touch your desk. ▸Students stand on opposite ends of the picture cards.
Point to the door. ▸The two leaders point to each card while the
Touch your desk. others in team A and B say together.
Point to the door. ▸When both leaders meet in the middle, they do
Review 'rock-paper scissors'.
Sing the 'Ally Bally' song. ▸The team that finishes reading all of the cards
Objectives first wins.
Present the objectives Tips When students are familiar with sentences, have
them do pair work by using individual picture
✎ Development
Look and Listen
Look at the picture ✎ Closing
Open your book to page 50. Check-up
Look at the picture, what's happening? Review today's lesson
Let's watch the screen I want to know what food or fruit you like.
(After Pre-listening) What did the people say? Do you like apples?
Listen to the dialogue Raise you hand if you like pears.
What did Minsu like? Good-bye
How about Julie? It's time to finish. See you on Wednesday.
Listen again Good-bye, everyone.
Let's listen again and check your answers.
(Ask listening comprehension check questions.) EXTRA
What fruit doesn't Julie like?
Tips Encourage students to say what they heard.
Snowball Game ◷ 10'
Listen and Repeat⑴
Listen and repeat 【Materials】None
Let's repeat one by one. 【Grouping】Group work
Practice 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
Let's Play 'Snatching game' with a partner. Put
▸Let students think about what food or fruit
some food flash cards on the table. After hearing
they like.
what the teacher says, if you like it, then pick
▸First, one student from each group says what
up the card. If not, just leave the card.
he/she likes.
I like apples. (oranges, pears, bananas, fish)
▸The next student repeats the previous student's
Tips If both students like the same food and try to pick expression and adds what they like.
the same card, the person who touches the card ▸If a child can't memorize all the things others
first wins.
like so far, the student will be out.
Tips For young students it's better to use picture
Let's Play⑴: Rock Paper Scissors ◷ 10'
【Materials】Flash cards
❙• 82 •❙
3-5-2 I Like Apples pp. 52-54

• To understand and use expressions about our favorite food

• To understand and use expressions about agreeing with others' opinions

Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

✎ Warm up
Greetings ▸Make groups of 4 or 6 and then divide each
How are you doing? group into 2 teams.
Listen and do ▸Each team chooses four cards.
Touch your desk. ▸Make sure the students can not see the other
Point to the door. team's menu.
Review ▸The students in team A guess the other group's
Listen carefully and do what I say. cards by asking the question 'Do you like
I'll draw a picture on the board. What's this? apples?'
Objectives ▸If team B has the apple card, then they answer
Present the objectives 'Yes, we do.'
▸The team which guesses correctly wins.
✎ Development Tips Encourage students to speak English as much as
Look and Speak possible.
Look at the pictures
Open your book to page 52. Look at the picture.
What do you see in the picture? ✎ Closing
Let's watch the screen Check-up
(After Pre-listening) What do people say? Review today's lesson
Listen to the dialogue Everyone, do you like apples?
What does 'me, too' mean? Let's chant together.
What food does Thomas like? Good-bye
What's Minsu's favorite food? It's time to finish. Good-bye.
Take care, everyone.
Listen and Repeat⑵
Listen and repeat
Tips Listen and repeat the sentences line by line.
I'll divide the class into two teams. This is team Whispering Game ◷ 10'
A, you are all team B. The teacher hides a food
card and one student asks a question. 【Materials】None
I'll hide one food card behind my back. Guess 【Grouping】Whole class
what it is. 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
Tips Let students have a chance to hide a card
▸Divide the class into groups of 10.
like the teacher does.
▸Have each group make a line.
▸The teacher whispers a sentence to the first
Let's chant
student in each line.
Let's listen to the chant first.
▸They should remember what the teacher says
Let's chant part by part.
and whisper it to the next person.
Let's chant, clapping to the beat.
▸The next student does the same to the next.
Let's Play ⑵: Guessing Game ◷ 10' ▸The last student of each group comes to the
【Materials】Food cards for students (p.97) front and says what he heard.
Tips Make sure that students do not talk loudly so
【Grouping】Group work
【Expressions】Do you like apples? that the other teams can't hear what they say.

❙• 83 •❙
3-5-3 I Like Apples pp. 55-56

• To sing the song entitled 'I Like Apples'

• To find out what food their friends like through a survey activity

✎ Warm up ▸Have the students write or draw two more

Greetings Korean food items that they would like to have
Look outside. How's the weather? on the survey sheet on page 56.
What day is it today? ▸Make sure that students know what to ask and
Listen and do how to answer in the survey.
Touch your desk. ▸Students move around the class asking other
Point to the door. friends and writing down their answer with O
Review or X on the survey sheet.
Chant 'Do You Like Chicken?' ▸When they fill out the whole column on the
Tips Have students recall what they learned in last survey sheet, they go back to their seats.
class by chanting 'Do You Like Chicken?' ▸Find out how many students in each group like
Objectives one type of food.
Present the objectives Tips After the survey graph is made by the students,
put it on the board or walls of the classroom so
that children can see the survey results.
✎ Development
Look and Speak
Listen to dialogue one
Let's listen to dialogue one. ✎ Closing
What did Minsu say? Check-up
What did Julie say? Review today's lesson
Listen to dialogue two (Showing realia or picture flash cards, the
How did Minsu ask Thomas if he likes chicken? teacher can ask some questions to review.)
How did Thomas respond to Minsu? (Have students answer.)
Look and speak Good-bye
What did they say? It's time to finish. So long, everyone.
Let's check the answers watching the screen. Take care.
Practice the dialogue with your partner.
Tips Have students practice the dialogue with their EXTRA

Guessing Game ◷ 10'

Let's sing
Listen to the song
Sing the song 【Materials】None
Let's watch the screen and listen carefully to the 【Grouping】Pair work
song. Let's sing it part by part. 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑶
Tips Sing the song by changing the food names.
▸One student draws the food he or she likes on
their partner's back with his/her finger.
Let's Play ⑶: Survey ◷ 10' ▸The partner guesses and asks, "Do you like
【Materials】Survey sheet (p.56) ____?"
【Grouping】Whole Class ▸The other answers "Yes, I do/No, I don't."
【Expressions】Do you like apples? ▸They continue this process taking turns.
Yes, I do. ▸Whenever they guess correctly, they get one
No, I don't. point.

❙• 84 •❙
3-5-4 I Like Apples pp. 57-59

• To speak confidently about the foods they like or dislike

• To consolidate the contents of the lesson in real situations

✎ Warm up ▸Show students some examples of various books

Greetings they can choose from.
Good afternoon, boys and girls. ▸Let students choose what kind of book they
It's time for English. Are you ready? want to make.
Listen and do ▸Students draw their favorite food or fruit or cut
Put your pencil down. them out of the materials they brought to class.
Hold your paper up. ▸When they finish the books, encourage them to
Touch your head. show them to the other students and talk about
Draw two apples in the air. their favorite and least favorite foods.
Review Tips Since it usually takes time for them to make a
Asking some questions about food or fruit and book, the teacher can connect this activity with
singing the song 'Do You Like Apples?' art class.
Tips Present the flash cards to the students and review
the sentences that they learned last time.
Objectives ✎ Closing
Present the objectives Check-up
Wrap up Lesson 5
I want you to show the book that you made to
✎ Development
your families.
Let's Review Listen to the dialogue with CD-ROM title at
Listen and mark home.
Open your book to page 57.
Listen carefully to the CD-ROM title while It's time to finish. Good-bye.
looking at the picture. Take care, everyone. You did a good job today.
Mark an '○' on Minho's favorite food, and make
an '×' on the food he doesn't like.
Now, listen again and check your answers.
Look at the pictures and talk about them
Look at the pictures on page 58. Bingo ◷ 10'
What's happening?
What did they talk to each other? Let's make up 【Materials】Food flash cards
a story with your partner. 【Grouping】Pair work
Speak in a real situation 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
What is your favorite fruit?
▸The students who finish the book making
Now, tell me what foods you don't like.
activity are asked to sit in groups of 3 to 6
What food do you want to have on your birthday?
Let's get into pairs and ask each other which
▸Each student puts their food flash cards on a
food we like.
bingo board with 9 grids.
▸Students take turns saying what food they like
Let's Play ⑷: Making a Book
or don't like.
【Materials】Pictures of food from various materials
▸The students who have the right cards turn
pencil crayons, scissors, glue, etc.
them over.
【Grouping】Individual work
Tips Students can play this bingo game by asking and
【Expressions】Same as Let's Play ⑴
answering with the food cards that they drew on
the blank bingo board.

❙• 85 •❙
Do you like chicken? Yes, I do.
Lesson 5 I Likes Apples
Do you like chicken? Yes, I do.
Look and Listen ⑴
Do you like chicken? Yes, I do.
(Minsu's Mom gives some snacks to Minsu.
I like chicken. Yeah!
But his hand is dirty because he was
painting. When he sees the snacks, he is so
Do you like fish?
happy. There are apples and grapes, but
Do you like fish?
grapes can not be seen because they are
Oh, no, I don't like fish.
hidden behind the apples.)
Do you like fish?
Minsu, Sandy: I like apples!
Do you like fish?
Minsu's mom: Wash your hands first.
Oh, no, I don't like fish.
(Children wash their hands.)
Julie: (With a disappointed face) I don't like
Do you like fish? No, I don't.
Do you like fish? No, I don't.
Minsu's mom: (Turning the plate) Here.
Do you like fish? No, I don't.
Julie: Grapes! I like grapes. Thank you.
I don't like fish. Hmm!

Look and Listen ⑵ Let's Sing: I like Apples

(Thomas and Minsu are chatting in the school
restaurant.) Doo doo doo doo doo doo! Oh!
Do you like apples, apples?
Minsu: I like lunch time.
Thomas: Me, too. Do you like apples, apples?

Minsu: (Taking dishes) Thank you. Yummy! Yummy! Apples, apples.

Yummy! Yummy! I like apples.
(They find two empty places and are sitting
opposite each other.)
MInsu: I like fish. Do you like fish? Doo doo doo doo doo doo! Oh!
Do you like apples, apples?
Thomas: No, I don't. Here, Minsu.
Minsu: Thanks. Do you like chicken? Do you like apples, apples?

Thomas: Yes, I do. Yucky! Yucky! Apples, apples.

Yucky! Yucky! I don't like apples.
MInsu: Here, Thomas.
Thomas: Thanks.

Let's Chant: Do You Like Chicken?

Do you like chicken?

Do you like chicken?
Oh, yes, I like chicken.
Do you like chicken?
Do you like chicken?

❙• 86 •❙
Lesson 5. I Like Apples (3/4)

Information Gap Activity

My table

Partner's table

How to play:
1. Make your own lunch table with your picture cards,
2. Work with your partner and ask each other "Do you like ________?"
3. If you have the card, answer "Yes, I do." If not, "No, I don't."
4. Check off the food in the grid as your partner answers.
5. The person who guesses the first is the winner.
❙• 87 •❙
Lesson 5. I Like Apples (3/4)

Information Gap Activity



❙• 88 •❙
6 How Many Cows?

Numbers are used often in our daily lives to tell time and to count things.
Aims In this lesson, students will learn expressions used for asking and answering
questions with numbers. They'll learn how to use them in daily life.

To listen to and understand the expressions of how many

Listening animals people have and the size of the animals
To listen to and understand suggestions
To use expressions for counting animals and describing their
Speaking size
To make suggestions

Communicative 1. Confirmation How many cows? I have two cows.

Communicative functions 2. Suggestions Let's go.
Functions and
How many_______? I have _______. Look at the ________.

Vocabulary bear, big, cow, go, have, how, kangaroo, let, many, pig, small, so, the

Period Page Procedure Activities

◦Look and Listen ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

1 60-61 ◦Listen and Repeat⑴ ◦Listen and repeat
◦Let's Play⑴ ◦Animal card game

◦Look and Speak ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

◦Listen and Repeat⑵ ◦Listen and repeat
2 62-64
◦Let's Chant ◦Chant: 'Big and Small'
Plan ◦Let's Play⑵ ◦Coloring animals game

◦Look and Speak ◦Look at the pictures and speak

3 65-66 ◦Let's Sing ◦Sing along: 'How Many Cows?'
◦Let's Play⑶ ◦Exchanging cards game
◦Let's Role-play ◦Role-Play: 'The Pigs' Picnic'
◦Let's Review ◦Listen and write numbers
4 67-69
◦Speak with pictures
◦Activity in real context

❙• 89 •❙
3-6-1 How Many Cow? pp. 60-61

• To listen to and understand the questions about the number of animals

• To use those expressions while playing a game

✎ Warm up
▸Divide the class into two teams and have the
Greetings leader of each team come to the front.
Hi, everyone. How's everything? ▸The leader of team A chooses an animal card
What day is it today? and the other members ask a question to team
Listen and do B, "How many ?"
Take out the animal cards. ▸Team B answers the question with the number
Touch the lion, please. card that the leader of team B picks. If team
Look at the monkey, please. B answers correctly, they get the number of
Review points on the card.
Ask questions about animal cards by revealing each ▸Switch and repeat the process.
one little by little. Review the words that they ▸The team that has the highest score wins the
learned game.
Tips 'Take a guess' activity is used to get students to Tips If necessary, review the pronunciation of plural
take part in the activity and review the last lesson. nouns.
Present the objectives
✎ Closing
✎ Development Check-up
Look and Listen Review today's lesson
Look at the picture Do you have pencils(books/rulers)? How many?
Open your book to page 60. (Have students answer according to the number of
What's in the picture? What's happening? the pencils they have) Five pencils.
Let's watch the screen Good-bye
(After Pre-listening) What did the people say? Time's up. Good-bye.
Listen to the dialogue Take care, everyone.
Do you like pigs?
How many cows are there? How many pigs are EXTRA
Listen again
When do we use 'How many ______?'
Up and Down Game ◷ 10'

Listen and Repeat⑴ 【Materials】Marbles, Animal cards

Listen and repeat 【Grouping】Whole class
Now, listen carefully and repeat. 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
Can you count from 1 to 10? ▸Review animal cards with students.
Listen and tap on your desk as you listen. ▸Pick a numbered marble, but don't show it to
Tips Let students count numbers with real items such as students.
fruit or school supplies. ▸Students take a guess, "How many animals?"
▸Elicit the correct answer by saying 'Up' or
Let's Play ⑴: Animal Cards Game ◷ 10' 'Down'.
【Materials】Animal and number cards (pp.99-101) ▸If they get the answer on the first guess, then
【Grouping】Whole Class give 3 points. If they get the answer on the
【Expressions】How many cats? second guess, give 2 points, etc.
Three cats.
❙• 90 •❙
3-6-2 How Many Cow? pp. 62-64

• To listen and understand expressions used to describe the size of animals

• To use the expressions through games

✎ Warm up ▸Open your book to page 64.

Greetings ▸Students listen to what the teacher says and
Good morning, class. color it as they want to.
Let's start our English lesson now. ▸Make students repeat what the teacher says
Listen and do while coloring it.
Point to the mirror. ▸After coloring, let them talk about the content
Make a circle with your fingers. of the picture with a partner.
Draw a big dog in the air. Tips Students could have a chance to look at the
picture in their books and say something about
What animal is this? (shows a picture)
I have a picture of lions. How many lions?
Present the objectives
✎ Closing
✎ Development Review today's lesson
Look and Speak (Showing a big picture of a bear) Look at this
Look at the pictures bear. Is it small?
Look at pages 62 and 63.
Let's chant together.
What do you see in this picture?
Who do you see in this picture?
Time's up. Good-bye.
Let's watch the screen
Take care, everyone.
(After Pre-listening) What did you hear?
Listen to the dialogue
Where are Minsu and his friends? EXTRA
Who likes monkeys?
Are the monkeys big or small? Matching Game ◷ 10'

Listen and Repeat⑵

Listen and repeat 【Materials】2 sets of animal cards for teachers
Tips Listen and repeat the sentences line by line. 【Grouping】Whole class
Practice 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
(Let students come up and pick an animal card.
▸Put 2 sets of animal cards on the board. Cover
All members act like that animal.)
each card with numbered paper.
Let's chant
▸One student of team A chooses two numbers.
Let's listen to the chant first.
▸The teacher takes off the two papers and
Let's chant clapping to the beat.
checks if the pictures are the same or not. If
Let's chant part by part.
the pictures are the same, team A says "This is
Tips Divide the class into two teams and let them a bear. It's big."
choose one thing in the classroom. Then, have
▸When the students say the sentences correctly,
them chant with saying the thing is big or small.
they get a point. If the pictures are different,
cover them again and the next turn goes to
Let's Play ⑵: Coloring Animals ◷ 10'
team B.
▸The team that gets the most correct answers
【Grouping】Individual work
【Expressions】I have two dogs.

❙• 91 •❙
3-6-3 How Many Cow? pp. 65-66

• To use expressions describing the number of animals and their size

• To sing the song, 'How Many Cows?'

✎ Warm up
▸Let the students imagine their own animal
Greetings farms and randomly write down how many
Hi, everyone. How are you today? animals they have on their survey sheet.(p.66)
How's the weather? ▸When the survey starts, students stand up and
Listen and do meet some friends asking how many animals
Look up, please. they have and write down their responses.
Look down, please. ▸After asking and answering the questions, have
Now, look at me, please. the students thank their friends and say
Review good-bye. Students can continue to meet
Do you remember the chant 'Big and Small'? friends and ask and answer questions.
Let's chant together. ▸When time's up, have the students present their
Tips After chanting, have students act like a big lion or a survey sheets to the whole class.
small mouse mimicking the sound the animal makes. Tips Walk around and give help or advice to students
Objectives who have trouble doing the survey.
Present the objectives

✎ Development ✎ Closing
Look and Speak Check-up
Listen to dialogue one Review today's lesson
What animals do you see? (While showing some number cards and flash
Who are the characters? cards, ask students questions)
How many cows does Minsu's uncle have on How many cows?
the farm? Good-bye
Listen to dialogue two That's all for today. Good-bye
Are the monkeys big or small? See you.
Is the bear small or big?
Look and speak EXTRA
Can you guess what they are saying?
When Minsu looks at the bear, what does he say?
Making a Group Game ◷ 10'
Let's sing
Listen to the song 【Materials】None
Sing the song 【Grouping】Whole class
Let's watch the screen and listen carefully to the 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
song. Let's sing part by part.
Tips Divide the students into two groups, have each ▸Review the names of animals first.
team take the questioning and answering part. ▸Have students ask the teacher what animal
he/she has.
▸The teacher says how many animals he/she
Let's Play ⑶: Survey Activity ◷ 10'
【Materials】Worksheet on the textbook of page
▸Students form groups according to the number
of the animals that the teacher has.
【Grouping】Whole Class
▸The last students who survive are the winners.
【Expressions】How many cats?
Two cats

❙• 92 •❙
3-6-4 How Many Cow? pp. 67-69

• To do a role-play asking and answering about the number of animals

• To consolidate the contents of the lesson in real situations

What's in the picture?

✎ Warm up
Make up a story with the picture.
Let's check the answers.
Good afternoon, boys and girls.
Tips When all the pairs or groups are ready, ask
It's time for English. Are you ready?
several students to tell their stories to the class.
Listen and do
Speak in a real situation
Clap your hands five times.
What's your favorite animal?
Draw a small cat.
Do you have any pets?
Draw a big lion.
How many dogs do you have?
Put your pencils down.
Is it big or small?
What's his/her name?
Sing the song and chant together to review the last
Tips Have students listen to the song and chant. Ask ✎ Closing
questions about what they sang. Check-up
Objectives Wrap up Lesson 6
Present the objectives Let's finish the class with the song 'How Many
✎ Development Listen to the dialogue with the CD-ROM title at
Let's Role-play home.
Look at the picture Good-bye
Open your book to page 67. You did a good job today. Have a nice day.
Do you know the story, 'The Piggy's Picnic'? Take care, everyone.
Who are the characters in this story?
Make up a story with your group members. EXTRA
Listen to the story
What did you hear?
Quiz Time ◷ 10'
How many pigs are there in the story?
Listen and repeat
Let's watch the story again and repeat after the 【Materials】Flash cards
dialogue. 【Grouping】Group work
Role-play 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play⑴
Choose one role and repeat after the CD-ROM.
▸Divide the students into groups of four. And
I want each group to perform the story.
each group chooses two cards.
Any volunteers to come up and do the role-play?
▸S1 should say only 'yes or no' while the others
Tips Have the students change their parts with other
take turns asking questions to find out what
group members.
animal S1 has.
▸Encourage students to try to speak in English
Let's Review
as much as possible.
Listen and write the number of the animals
▸The students who answer correctly get two
Open your book to page 68.
Listen to the dialogue and write the number.
Tips Some questions or answers that students might
Let's check how well you did.
want to use should be written on the board so
Are your answers correct?
that they can refer to them.
Look at the pictures and talk about them
Look at the pictures on page 69.
❙• 93 •❙
Lesson 6 How Many Cows?
Look and Listen ⑴ Let's Sing: How Many Cows?
(Minsu, Zeeto, and Tony are at Tony's uncle's
One, two! One, two, three!
farm. They are looking around the farm.
One, two, three, four! Yeah! Yeah!
Zeeto's mouth is full and he's chewing
One, two! One, two, three!
One, two, three, four! Yeah! Yeah!
Uncle: (Looking at cows way off in the
distance.) I have cows, too.
I have cows. Oh, yeah, yeah!
Minsu: How many cows?
I have cows. Oh, yeah, yeah!
Uncle: Seven.
How many cows? One, two, three.
Tony: (He counts pigs while walking) One,
One, two, three big cows. Mooooo!
tow, three, four. You have four pigs.
Uncle: (Pointing to Zeeto who is eating like a
I have pigs. Oh, yeah, yeah!
pig.) Look!
I have pigs. Oh, yeah, yeah!
Minsu, Tony: (Pointing to Zeeto with a smile)
How many pigs? One, two, three.
Five pigs!
One, two, three small pigs. Oink! Oink!
Look and Listen ⑵
(Minsu, Thomas, Lisa and Mina are looking
Role-play: The pigs' picnic
around at the zoo.)
Mommy Pig: (Counting the piggies that are
Thomas: (Hinting that he wants to go and see
ready to go on a picnic, she urges them to
the monkeys) I like monkeys.
leave quickly) One, two, three, ... , ten. I
Minsu: OK. Let's go.
have ten. Go!
Lisa: (Giving bananas to the monkey) Here!
Eldest brother piggy: How many?
Thomas: (Pointing to the baby monkey)
Mommy pig: Ten. Bye!
It's small.
Eldest brother piggy: Bye. Mom.
(The Mommy monkey throws the banana peel
(To his younger brothers and sisters) Let's go.
as a warning.)
The little piggies go on a picnic and have a
Lisa: (Getting hit by the banana peel) I don't
good time. Now, it's time to go back home.
like monkeys.
So the eldest brother counts his younger
Minsu: (Going to the bear) Look at the bear.
brothers and sisters.
It's big.
Eldest brother piggy: Let's go. One, two,
three, ... , nine.
Let's Chant: Big and Small
(He counts the number of his younger
brothers and sisters once again.) One, two,
Small, small. It's so small.
three, ... , nine!
Small, small. It's so small.
Youngest brother piggy: (asking the eldest
Look at the monkey. It's so small.
brother in confusion) How many?
Look at the monkey. It's so small.
Eldest brother piggy: Nine!
Look at the monkey. It's so small.
Youngest brother piggy: No! Ten.
Oh, it's so small!
Youngest brother piggy: One, two, three, ... ,
Big, big, it's so big. nine, ... , (pointing to the Eldest brother
Big, big, it's so big. piggy) Ten!
Look at the bear. It's so big. Eldest brother piggy: (He is shamefaced.)
Look at the bear. It's so big.
Look at the bear. It's so big.
Oh, it's so big.
❙• 94 •❙
Lesson 6. How Many Cow? (1/4)

Up and Down Game

Three Pigs Five Cows

Nine Monkeys Four Dogs

❙• 95 •❙
Lesson 6. How Many Cows? (4/4)

Quiz Time

Pig Cow Monkey Dog

Cat Bear Horse Chicken

Bird Rabbit Mouse Tiger

Lion Hippo Elephant Frog

❙• 96 •❙
7 I Can Swim

Aims Students will learn how to say what they can or can't do.

To listen to and understand expressions for asking and

answering questions about what they can or can't do
To listen to and understand expressions for how to ask for
Objectives someone's help

To ask and answer what they can do

To use the expressions for asking for help

Communicative 1. Can or Can't Can you swim?

Communicative functions 2. Asking for help Yes, I can./ No, I can't. Help!
Functions and
Language I can _________.
structures Can you ________?

Vocabulary can, come, dance, fly, great, help, jump, on, run, ski, sure, swim, wait

Period Page Procedure Activities

◦Look and Listen⑴ ◦Listen to and watch the CD-ROM
1 70~71
◦Listen and Repeat⑴ ◦Listen and repeat
◦Let's Play⑴ ◦Guessing game
◦Look and Listen⑵ ◦Listen to and watch CD-ROM title
◦Listen and Repeat⑵ ◦Listen and repeat⑵
2 72~74
◦Let's Chant ◦Chant: 'Help Me, Please'
Teaching ◦Let's Play⑵ ◦Miming game

◦Look and Speak ◦Look at the pictures and speak

3 75~76 ◦Let's Sing ◦Sing along: 'Can You Swim?'
◦Let's Play⑶ ◦Dice game

◦Let's Role-play ◦Role-play: 'The Hare and The Tortoise'

◦Let's Review ◦Listen and find the right picture
4 77~79
◦Look at the pictures and speak
◦Activity in real context

❙• 97 •❙
3-7-1 I Can Swim pp. 70-71

• To listen to and understand expressions for asking and answering

Objectives questions about what they can do
• To listen to and understand expressions for asking for help

Let's Play⑴: Guessing Game ◷ 10'

✎ Warm up
【Materials】Flash cards for students
【Grouping】Whole class
Good morning, class. How are you today?
【Expressions】Can you swim (ski/dance/fly/jump)?
How's the weather today?
Listen and do ▸Put 6 flashcards on the board.
Listen carefully and do as I say. ▸Have students close their eyes and choose a
Look up. Look down. Look at me. card that the student have to guess.
(Clapping) Clap your hands. ▸Students take a guess by saying "Can you~?"
Review ▸If a student gets the answer, he/she chooses a
(Showing a picture) How many cows in the card and repeats the process.
picture? Tips The teacher can divide the class into two teams
How many dogs are in the picture? to do the game. The teacher can give a point
Objectives when the students get an answer.
Present the objectives

✎ Closing
✎ Development
Look and Listen
Review today's lesson
Look at the picture
Pick a card and talk with your partner about
Open your book to page 70.
what you can or cannot do with your friends.
What is the story about?
Listen to the dialogue with CD-ROM title at
Let's watch the screen
(After Pre-listening) What happened to Zeeto?
Who can help Zeeto?
Next time, we will learn a chant and play some
Listen to the dialogue
games. Bye!
What did Zeeto say to Minsu in the first
Have a good day. Bye, class.
part of this dialogue?
When he fell into the swimming pool, what did
he say?
Listen again
When Minsu heard Zeeto say, "Help!", what did Who Can Swim? ◷ 10'
he say while running to him?
Can you swim? 【Materials】Flashcards (p.103)
【Grouping】Whole class
Listen and Repeat⑴ 【Expressions】Same as Let's play⑴
Listen and repeat
Now, let's repeat the dialogue line by line. ▸Each student picks one card among the
Listen and repeat again. flashcards that the teacher has.
Practice ▸When the teacher says "Go!", students go
Let's listen and mime. around the classroom asking and answering the
I can swim. (They mime swimming). questions 'Can you swim(dance, ski, skate, fly,
I can ski. / I can dance. / Help! Help! run)?'
▸If one student finds another who has the same
card, they make a group and try to find other
group members.

❙• 98 •❙
3-7-2 I Can Swim pp. 72-74

• To understand and speak expressions about what they can or cannot do

Objectives • To use expressions about what they can do by saying, 'I can', and chant
the expressions about how to ask for help

Let's Play⑵: Sending Motion Game ◷ 10'

✎ Warm up
【Materials】Food flashcards for a teacher
【Grouping】Whole class
Good morning, class. How are you today?
【Expressions】I can ~.
How's the weather today?
Listen and do ▸Make groups of 10.
Listen carefully and do as I say. ▸Students in each group stand in a line.
Clap your hands five times. ▸When the teacher shows a flashcard to the first
Clap your hands ten times. student, the student mimes the expression to the
Well done. Let's try one more time. next student while others face the opposite
Clap your hands six times. direction so they cannot see.
Review ▸Students repeat the process until the last player.
(Pretend that Zeeto is swimming using a puppet) ▸The last student explains the card in English.
What is Zeeto saying? ▸The team that finishes first wins the game.
Present the objectives ✎ Closing
✎ Development Review today's lesson
Look and Listen Let's talk about what you can do with your
Look at the picture partner.
Who are they? Ask which kind of exercises students' families
What's happening? can do in English.
Let's watch the screen Good-bye
(After Pre-listening) What's the dialogue about? Time's up.
Listen to the dialogue Have a good day. Bye, class.
Who is in this dialogue?
What's the first thing Zeeto said to his friends? EXTRA
What did Thomas say to Zeeto?
Listen again Secret Box Game ◷10'
What did Zeeto say when he gave them the ball?

【Materials】A box with flashcards in it (p.103)

Listen and Repeat⑵
【Grouping】Whole class
Listen and repeat
【Expressions】Same as Let's Play(2)
Listen and repeat the dialogue line by line.
Practice ▸Teacher prepares a box with flashcards in it.
Make a line in groups. When I ask 'Can you ▸Chanting 'Can you swim?', students pass the
jump?' to the first student of each group, the secret box to their friends.
person has to answer 'Yes, I can.' Then ask the ▸When the teacher stops the music, the student
same question to the next person. The last person who has the box stands up and picks one card
has to ask the question to me. out of the box.
Can you skate? ▸He/She mimes the card they chose, and other
Let's Chant students guess what he/she can do by asking,
Listen to the chant "Can you ?"
Chant ▸If all the students ask correctly, he/she answers,
Chant one part at a time. 'Yes, I can', otherwise he/she answers 'No, I
Now, let's chant together. can't.'
❙• 99 •❙
3-7-3 I Can Swim pp. 75-76

• To say what they can or cannot do

• To sing the song entitled 'Can You Swim?'

✎ Warm up ▸Play the game in pairs. Student will use the

Greetings game board in their text book.
Good morning, class. How are you today? ▸Before starting this game, the teacher
How's the weather today? demonstrates how to ask and answer questions
Listen and do according to the board.
Listen carefully and do as I say. ▸When the first student flips a coin and 'heads'
Stand up. Walk. Run. appears, he/she can move his/her marker one
Let's try one more time. step forward. When 'tails' appears, then he/she
Clap your hands. Wave your hands. can move his/her marker two steps forward.
Review ▸Their partner asks the question, "Can you~?"
When you ask somebody for help, what do you according to the square that the student's
say? marker landed on.
Now, let me divide you into two groups, a girls' ▸The first student answers 'Yes, I can.' or 'No, I
team and a boys' team. When you chant, the can't'. If they answer correctly they can put
boys' team takes the part of asking for help: the their marker on that square. If it's wrong, they
girls' team takes the part of the helper. have to move back to the previous spot. Take
Objectives turns and repeat this process.
Present the objectives

✎ Closing
✎ Development Check-up
Look and Speak Review today's lesson
Let's listen to dialogue One Let's sing the song together.
Look at the screen and listen carefully, please. Good-bye
Before swimming in the pool, what did Zeeto Time's up. See you next week. Good-bye, class.
say to Minsu?
As Zeeto fell into the water, what did Zeeto say EXTRA
to Minsu?
Let's listen to dialogue Two Information Gap ◷ 10'
What's another way of saying 'Of course, I can
do it'?
【Materials】Survey worksheet (teacher's guide book
Let's Sing p.171)
Let's listen the song 【Grouping】Pair work
Practice 【Expressions】Same as Let's play⑶
Let's sing the song part by part.
▸Prepare two types of survey worksheets with
Now, let's sing together.
different information on each one.
▸Have the students work in pairs. Each student
Let's Play⑶: Board Game ◷ 10'
in a pair takes a different type of worksheet.
【Materials】Some coins for students, markers
Make sure the pairs don't get the same worksheet.
【Grouping】Pair work
▸Students ask and answer each other to try to
【Expressions】Can you swim (skate / ski / fly /
find the missing information and mark ○ or ×.
dance / jump)?
▸Tell the students to use 'Yes' or 'No' when
Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
they answer their partners' questions.

❙• 100 •❙
3-7-4 I Can Swim pp. 77-79

• To ask and answer what they can do by doing a role-play

• To make their own stories from pictures, and talk about their stories

Are your answers correct?

✎ Warm up
Look at the pictures and speak
Greetings Look at the pictures and guess the story.
Good morning, class. How are you doing today?
Who are the main characters?
How's the weather outside?
Can you guess the story? Look at each scene
Listen and do
and imagine what happens.
Listen carefully and do as I say.
Tips Let the students work together in pairs or in
Look at me. Look up. Look down.
groups to create their own stories based on the
Clap your hands.
pictures on page 79.
Clap your hands three times.
Look at the screen and listen to the story.
Shake your hands. Shake your head.
Speak in a real situation
Now, let's talk about sports you can do, and ask
Let's sing the song, 'Can you swim?'
your friends what kind of sports they can do.
Present the objectives
✎ Closing
✎ Development
Wrap up Lesson 7
Let's Role-play You did a good job.
Look at the picture Review the expressions you've learned from this
Open your book to page 77 and look at the lesson using CD-ROM title at home.
pictures. Good-bye
Who are they? Next time, you'll learn how to talk about the
What story is it?
weather in English.
What's happening?
Good-bye, everyone!
Listen to the dialogue
What's the story about?
What did the tortoise say to the hare? EXTRA
As the hare sank into water, how did he ask the
tortoise for help?
Making Books ◷ 10'
Listen and repeat
Please repeat each sentence.
Role play 【Materials】A4 papers for each group (numbers of
Choose one role and repeat after the CD-ROM students +1), colored crayons
title. 【Grouping】Group work
I want each group to perform the story. 【Expressions】Same as the role-play
Tips Students take a role and practice the dialogue by
acting it out. Students do the role-play in groups
▸Have each person take one A4 paper.
in front of the class. ▸Students say what they can do and draw it.
(Let them draw different pictures.)
▸Present their pictures to the class.
Let's Review
▸Make a book in groups by drawing the cover
Listen and find the right pictures
Listen carefully to the dialogue and mark ○ in
Tips Help the students feel comfortable to speak in
your book.
Let's check how well you did. English.
These are the answers.

❙• 101 •❙
Lesson 7 I Can swim
Look and Listen ⑴ Let's Sing: Can You Swim?
Minsu, Tomas, and Zeeto are in the swimming
pool. While looking around, Zeeto thinks about Can you swim? Can you swim?
what he can do. Yes, I can. Yes, I can!
Zeeto: (Trying to swim) I can swim. Can you swim? Can you swim?
Minsu: Can you? Yes, I can. Yes, I can!
Zeeto: Yes, I can. (He goes to the deep part.) Can you fly? Can you fly?
Come on, Minsu! No, I can't. No, I can't!
Zeeto speaks with confidence, but falls into the Can you fly? Can you fly?
water because it's his first time swimming. No, I can't. No, I can't!
Zeeto: Help! Help!
Minsu, Thomas: Wait! I'm coming. Can you dance? Can you dance?
They help him. Minsu does artificial respiration. Yes, I can. Yes, I can!
Zeeto looks surprised, ashamed and runs away. Can you dance? Can you dance?
Zeeto: Oh, no. Yes, I can. Yes, I can!
Can you skate? Can you skate?
Look and Listen ⑵ No, I can't. No, I can't!
(Friends play with a ball and the ball lands on Can you skate? Can you skate?
the high branch.) No, I can't. No, I can't!
Minsu, Thomas, Tony: Oh, no.
Zeeto: I can jump. (After bringing the ball) Here! Role-play: The Hare and The Tortoise
Minsu, Thomas, Tony: Wow! Great! Tortoise: I can swim. Can you?
Thomas: Can you fly, too? Hare: Yes, I can. Look.
Zeeto: Sure. I can. (Zeeto is happy imagining that Tortoise: (Looking at the hare who is pawing the
he flies with Julie.) air to get out of the water) Oh, no.
Hare: Help! Help!
Let's Chant: Help Me, please! Tortoise: Wait! I'm coming.
Hare: (When he's saved from danger by the
Help! Help! Help me, please. tortoise, he flushes with shame and says)
Help! Help! Help me, please. Thanks.
Wait! Wait! I'm coming. Hare: (He wants to recover his reputation) I can
Wait! Wait! I'm coming. run. Can you?
Tortoise: Sure, I can.
Help me, please. At first, the hare has the lead in the race, but
I'm coming. in the middle of the race, he takes a nap. At
Help me, please. last, the tortoise arrives at the finish line ahead
I'm coming. of the hare.
Help me, please. Hare: (Awaking from his napping) Oh, no!
I'm coming. (Running to the tortoise) You are great!
Whew! (Repeat) Tortoise: Thanks.

❙• 102 •❙
Lesson 7. I Can Swim (3/4)

Information Gap Activity

<Type A>



Youngho ○ ○

Suzy × ×

<Type B>



Youngho × ×

Suzy ○ ○

Target Language
A: Can Youngho swim?
B: Yes.

❙• 103 •❙
Lesson 7. I Can Swim

Picture cards

❙• 104 •❙
8 It's Snowing
In this lesson, students will learn how to talk about the weather and ask
Aims someone to put on articles of clothing. Also, they will learn how to suggest to
make a snowman.

To listen to and understand polite commands for putting on

articles of clothing
To listen to and understand a suggestion to make a snowman
To listen to and understand a chant and a song
To tell someone to put on articles of clothing
To suggest going outside and making a snowman
To practice chanting and singing and to participate in a

Communicative 1. Order Put on your gloves.

Communicative functions 2. Suggestions Let's make a snowman.
Functions and
Structures Language
It's _________. Put on your _________. Let's _________.
cap, cold, draw, everyone, glove, make, outside, pants, put, rain, shoe, snow,
snowman, sunny
Period Page Procedure Activities

◦Look and Listen⑴ ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

1 80~81 ◦Listen and Repeat⑴ ◦Listen and repeat
◦Let's Play⑴ ◦Putting on clothes game

◦Look and Listen⑵ ◦Listen and watch CD-ROM title

◦Listen and Repeat⑵ ◦Listen and repeat
2 82~84
◦Let's Chant ◦Chant: 'It's Snowing'
Plan ◦Let's Play⑵ ◦Passing cards game

◦Look and Speak ◦Look at the pictures and speak

3 85~86 ◦Let's Sing ◦Sing along: 'It's So Cold'
◦Let's Play⑶ ◦Dice game
◦Let's Role-play ◦Role-play: 'The Ant and The Grasshopper'
◦Let's Review ◦Listen and number
4 87~89
◦Look at the pictures and speak
◦Activity in real context

❙• 105 •❙
3-8-1 It's Snowing pp. 80-81

• To listen to and understand polite commands, 'Put on your ________.'

• To use commands and descriptions of clothes

【Grouping】Whole class
✎ Warm up
【Expressions】Draw a mouth. It's small.
Draw a nose. It's big.
Good morning, class. How are you today?
Put on your gloves.
How's the weather today?
(shoes/sweater/pants, etc)
Listen and do
Follow my directions. We'll draw something in ▸Have students listen to a teacher and draw a
the air. mouth and nose on the face.
Draw a big apple in the air. ▸Cut out the pictures of clothes on page 105.
Color the apple red, please. ▸Listen to the teacher and place the clothes on
Eat the apple. the picture. 'Put on your gloves/sweater/pants.'
(Showing pictures of animals) What's this?
Is it big? Is it small? ✎ Closing
Present the objectives
Review today's lesson
Meet your friends and give them a piece of your
✎ Development clothing and tell them to put it on. If it is
small, say 'It's small.' If it is big, say 'It's big.'
Look and Listen
Listen to the dialogue with CD-ROM title at
Look at the picture
What do you see in the picture?
Can you guess what they are saying?
Next time, we will learn a chant and play some
Let's watch the screen
games. Bye!
(After Pre-listening) What did the people say?
Have a good day. Bye, class.
What does Julie's mom give to her?
Listen to the dialogue
How's the weather? Is it hot? EXTRA
What does Julie's mom say to Julie?
Listen again
Speed Game ◷ 10'
Why is Julie so sad?
What does Zeeto do with the gloves?
Ask listening comprehension check questions. 【Materials】Various kinds of clothing
【Grouping】Whole class
【Expressions】Put on your gloves.
Listen and Repeat⑴
(shoes/sweater/pants, etc)
Listen and repeat
Now, let's repeat the dialogue line by line. ▸Makes groups of 4-6.
Listen and repeat again. ▸Prepare different kinds of clothes for each
Practice group.
(Showing some gloves) What are these? ▸Teacher tells students what clothes to put on.
Put on your gloves. (Ask students to mime the ▸The students who put on the right clothes first
expression) get a point.
▸Students with the most points at the end will
Let's Play⑴: Putting on the Clothes ◷ 10' be the winners.
【Materials】Pencils, glue, and picture cards (p.105)

❙• 106 •❙
3-8-2 It's Snowing pp. 82-84

• To listen to and understand expressions of describing weather

• To make a suggestion, "Let's ________."

Let's Play⑵: Passing Cards ◷ 10'

✎ Warm up
【Materials】Picture cards (p.105)
Greetings 【Grouping】Group work
Good morning, class. How are you today? 【Expressions】It's cold. It's sunny. It's snowing.
How's the weather today? Put on your gloves.
Listen and do Let's go outside.
Listen carefully and do as I say. Let's make a snowman.
Girls, stand up.
Please go outside. ▸Each group stands in a line.
Please come in. ▸The teacher says a sentence and the first
Review student in each line picks up the right card.
(Pretend to be cold) It's _____. ▸Students in each group pass the card to the
(Pretends to blow warm breath on hands) What next student and say the sentence describing
would you say to me? the picture.
(Pretends that gloves are small) Are they big? ▸The last students come up to the front and say
Objectives the sentences to the teacher. If the sentence is
Present the objectives correct the team will get a point.
Tips The first team can get two points and others can
✎ Development get one point when they say the right sentences.

Look and Listen

Look at the picture
✎ Closing
Who are they?
What's happening? Check-up
Let's watch the screen Review today's lesson
(After Pre-listening) What did the people say? (Showing cards) How's the weather?
Listen to the dialogue (Showing cards) What is it?
How's the weather? Good-bye
Why do they go out? Time's up.
Who was the snowman? Have a good day. Bye, class.
Listen again
Let's listen again and check your answers. EXTRA

Listen and Repeat⑵

Show Me Your Cards ◷10'
Listen and repeat
Listen and repeat the dialogue line by line.
Listen and repeat again. 【Materials】Picture cards (p.105)
Practice 【Grouping】Whole class
Listen to me. If you agree with me, make O 【Expressions】Same as Let's Play(2)
with your arms and say "Me, too."
▸Students put their cards on the desk.
If you don't, make X with your arms and say "I
▸When a teacher says a sentence, students pick
don't like it."
the right card and hold it up.
▸Change the sentences until students get used to
Let's Chant
the expressions on the cards.
Listen to the chant
Tips Do this activity before Let's Play(2). For
Now, let's chant together. variation, play a snatching game in pairs.

❙• 107 •❙
3-8-3 It's Snowing pp. 85-86

• To look at the pictures and say talk about them

• To sing the song, 'It's So Cold."

✎ Warm up ▸Make groups of six.

Greetings ▸Each group has two dice.
Good morning, class. How are you today? ▸Each group is divided into two teams A and
How's the weather today? B.
Listen and do ▸Team A throws the weather dice and says
Clap your hands five times. what is shown.
Put your hands up, please. ▸Team B throws the action dice and says the
Put your hands down, please. action shown on it.
Put your hands on your head. ▸If the action matches the weather cards, team
Put your hands on your shoulders. B gets one point. If the action doesn't match
Review the weather, team A gets a point.
Listen to the teachers and mime it. ▸Have the teams take turns switching their dice
Let's make a snowman. and keep playing the game.
Objectives ▸The team that has the highest score is the
Present the objectives winner.
Tips You can make dice out of empty milk containers
by gluing the pictures on p.105 on them.
✎ Development
Look and Speak
Let's listen to dialogue One ✎ Closing
Look at the screen and listen carefully, please.
What did Mom say to Julie?
Review today's lesson
How are the gloves?
Let's sing the song together.
Let's listen to dialogue Two
How's the weather in the picture?
Next time, we will do a role-play and finish this
What do you say when you want to go outside?
Time's up. See you next week.
Let's Sing
Good-bye, class.
Let's listen to the song.
Let's sing the song part by part.
Now, let's sing together.
Singing Activity ◷ 10'
Let's Play⑶: Dice Game ◷ 10'
【Materials】Two dice for each team (One die has
weather pictures, the other has clothes
【Grouping】Whole class
and body movement pictures. Use the
【Expressions】It's so cold.
cards on page 105.)
Put on your gloves, etc.
【Grouping】Group work
【Expressions】It's cold. ▸Sing the song, 'It's So Cold.' with motions.
It's sunny. ▸Brainstorm what other clothes we wear when
It's snowing. it's cold with the students.
Put on your gloves. ▸Replace names of clothes in the song with
Let's go outside. names of other clothing articles. Do motions
Let's make a snowman. with the song.

❙• 108 •❙
3-8-4 It's Snowing pp. 87-89

• To do a role-play by giving polite commands and suggestions

• To listen and find the right picture
• Make up their own stories with the pictures
• To use expressions of commands and suggestions in a real situation

Look at the pictures and speak

✎ Warm up
What's happening? Can you guess the story?
Greetings Look at Julie, Mina, and Minsu.
Good morning, class. How are you doing today? What would they say?
How's the weather outside? Look at the screen and review the story.
Listen and do Speak in a real situation
Listen carefully and do as I say. (While walking around the classroom, the teacher
Put your hands up, please. picks up a student's cap and puts it on his/her
Put your hands down, please. head.)
Put your hands on your head. EX) Teacher: OO, can I try on your cap?
Put your hands on your shoulders. Student 1: Yes.
Review Teacher: Thank you. (wearing the cap) It's too
Let's sing the song, 'It's So Cold.' small. (Giving the cap back to the student) Put
Objectives on your cap.
Present the objectives

✎ Closing
✎ Development Check-up
Let's Role-play Wrap up Lesson 8
Look at the picture You did a good job.
Open your book to page 87 and look at the When you're in the fourth grade, you will learn
pictures. listening, speaking, and reading with more
Who are they? interesting topics.
What story is it? Good-bye
What's happening? Take care!
Listen to the dialogue Good-bye, everyone!
What's the story about?
What did the grasshopper say to the ant? EXTRA
What did the ant give the grasshopper when he
was cold?
Listen and repeat Rock-Scissors-Paper ◷ 10'
Please repeat each sentence.
Role play 【Materials】Picture cards (p.105)
Tips Students take a role and practice the dialogue by 【Grouping】Pair work
acting it out. Students do the role-play with their 【Expressions】Put on your gloves, etc.
group members in front of the class.
▸Have students choose 3 clothing cards and
have them walk around the classroom.
Let's Review
▸When a teacher says 'Stop', students get into
Listen and find the right pictures pairs and do Rock-paper-scissors.
Listen carefully, and choose the correct picture. ▸The winner says, 'Put on your ____' and gives
Write down the number in each circle. the card to the other student.
Let's check how well you did. ▸The other student says, 'Okay' and takes the
These are the answers. card.
Are your answers correct? ▸Students who give all of their cards away go
back to their seats.

❙• 109 •❙
Lesson 8 It's Snowing
Look and Listen (1) Let's Sing : It's so Cold
(Julie is dressed in a coat, leaving the house,
when her mom says:) Put on your sweater.
Julie's mom: It's cold. Put on your gloves. It so cold.
Julie: Yes, mom. It so cold.
(Trying the gloves on) Too small! It so cold.
(Puts them aside. Then Zeeto puts the gloves Put on your sweater. It so cold.
on his feet.) Yes, Mom. Yes, Mom. OK!

Look and Listen (2) Put on your gloves.

(Children are watching the snow fall outside It so cold.
though a window outside.) It so cold.
Kid: It's snowing. It so cold.
Julie: I like snow. Put on your gloves. It so cold.
Minsu: Me, too. Let's go outside. Yes, Mom. Yes, Mom. OK!
Julie: OK. Let's make a snowman.
(She makes a snowman.) Role-play: The Ant and The Grasshopper
(Zeeto comes covered with snow like a (In the cold day of winter, Ants who worked
snowman.) very hard during the summer get together and
Zeeto: Hi, everyone. have a good time.)
Minsu: You're a snowman? Ant 1: Wow! It's snowing.
(Children fall flat on their backs.) Ant 2: I like snow.
Zeeto: No, no, no, I'm Zeeto. Ant 3: Let's make a snowman.
(At this moment, Grasshopper is shivering
Let's Chant : It's Snowing cold next to the ant house.)
Grasshopper : It's cold. I don't like snow. I'm
Snowing, snowing, it's snowing. hungry.
Snowing, snowing, it's snowing. Ant 1, 2, 3: (They are giving their gloves to
I like snow. the poor grasshopper.) Put on my gloves.
Grasshopper: (Trying to put the gloves on)
Raining, raining, it's raining. Thank you. Oh! Too small.
Raining, raining, it's raining. Ants: Sorry. Let's go.
I like rain. (Ants take the grasshopper into their house.)
Grasshopper: Thank you.
Oh! It's snowing. No! It's raining.
Oh! It's snowing. No! It's raining!
I like snow.
I like rain. (Repeat)

❙• 110 •❙
Lesson 8. It's Snowing (2/4)

Picture cards

❙• 111 •❙
Lesson 8. It's Snowing (3/4)

Dice Game

❙• 112 •❙
1. Communicative Functions and Sample Sentences

2. Vocabulary

3. Useful Websites

4. Related Story Books

5. Hangul, the Korean Alphabet

6. Korean Folk Tales

7. Frequently Asked Questions

Communicative Functions and Sample Sentences

Friendship Activities
Expressing one's appreciation
Thank you (very much).
Meeting and saying good-bye
Thanks a lot.
Good morning/afternoon/evening.
Replying to one's appreciation
Good-bye. (Bye-bye.)
So long.
You're welcome.
See you later.
(It's) My pleasure.
Take care.
Have a nice day.
Drawing attention
Saying hello
How are you?
How's it going?
Excuse me.
How's your family?
Pardon me.
How are things?
Hello, can you help me?
Replying to hello
Fine, thanks.
Compliment, Congratulation, Interjection
I'm okay, thanks.
Not (too/so) bad, thanks.
(Very) Good (for you)!
Not (too/so) good.
Well done!
Happy birthday (to you)!
I'm Jiyoung.
Replying to compliment and congratulation
My name's Jiyoung.
How nice (of you)!
Introducing other person
You're so kind.
This is my friend, Minho.
Replying to someone's introduction
What a nice bag!
Nice to meet you.
How pretty she is!

❙• 115 •❙
Encouragement Is this your book?
Good luck! Aren't you Mr. Lee?
Don't worry. Yeah, that's mine.
No, it's on the third floor.
Making an appointment Describing a fact
How about tomorrow? She has big brown eyes.
Replying to someone's suggestion My mother is a teacher.
No problem. Habits
Sorry, I can't. I get up at seven every day.

Wishing good luck Experience

Good luck! Asking about someone's experience and
Offering food and Replying What did you do yesterday?
Offering food I met Sumi yesterday.
Go ahead. Help yourself.
Do you want some more cake? Plan
What will you have? I'll play baseball tomorrow.
Accepting and declining
Yes, thank you. Comparing
Yes, please. I'm taller than you.

Exchanging factual information Expressing one's attitude

Factual information Agreement and disagreement

How many apples (are there)? Agreement
Do you have a pen? Me, too.
What time is it? Same here.
Does he work in a store? That's right.
Whose pencil is this? That's a good idea.
Checking a fact I don't think so.
Checking and answering

❙• 116 •❙
Suggestion and invitation Confirmation
Suggestion and invitation Asking about someone's confirmation
Can you join us? Are you sure?
Would you like to come? Expressing uncertainty
Will you help me with my homework? I'm not sure (about that).
Accepting someone's suggestion or invitation
OK. Permission
Yes, I can. Asking for someone's permission
Yes, I'd love to. May I go now?
(That) Sounds good. Can I have some more?
Declining someone's suggestion or invitation
(I'm) Sorry, I can't. Giving order and prohibition
Suggestion Open your book
Suggesting Prohibition
Let's go swimming. No, don't do that.
Great. Opinion
Sounds good. Asking for someone's opinion
Sure, you can. What do you want (to do)?
Of course (you may). Saying one's own opinion
Declining I have no idea
Sorry, I can't.
I'm sorry, but I have other plans.
Expressing one's feelings

Can or Can't
Likes and dislikes
Asking if someone can do something and
Asking about someone's likes and dislikes
Do (Don't) you like pears?
Can you swim?
Saying one's likes and dislikes
Sure, I can.
I (don't) like apples.
He can swim.
I like to play baseball.
Expressing when someone can't do something
Sorry, I can't
Happiness and sadness
I'm happy.

❙• 117 •❙
I'm sad. Warning
Anger Be careful!
He is angry. Watch out!
What a surprise! Problem solving

What someone wants Asking for and giving directions

Asking about what someone wants Is this Main Street?
What do you want? Where's the bus stop?
Saying what one wants Turn right.
I want a new cap. It's over there.

Sympathy Shopping
Expressing one's sympathy How much is it?
That's too bad. May I help you?
I'll take it.

Moral attitude
Asking again

Apology and excuse Excuse me?

Apology What (did you say)?

Sorry (about that). Pardon (me)?

Excuse me. I'm sorry

Replying to someone's apology/excuse

That's OK. Calling and answering the phone

That's all right. Hello?

Don't worry (about it). Is Minho there?

This is Mina speaking.

Persuasion and advice

Asking for help

Asking for help
Help me, please.
Sure, I can.
I'm sorry, I can't.
❙• 118 •❙
. Vocabulary
back box close
A backward boy clothes
a/an bad bread cloud
able bag break cold
about ball breakfast color/colour
absent balloon bring comb
across bank brother come
act basket brown cook
address bat brush cookie/cookey
after be but cool
afternoon bean buy corner
again bear by count
ago beautiful bye country
air because cousin
airplane/plane become C cover
airport bed cow
all bee cry
alone beef cut
always before cute
a.m./A.M. begin
car D
and behind
animal bell dad/daddy
another belt dance
answer between dark
ant bicycle/bike daughter
any big day
apple bird deep
arm black dentist
around blanket desk
arrive blue die
as boat dinner
ask body dirty
at book dish
aunt boot do
away borrow doctor/Dr
both dog
B bottle doll
bowl dolphin
baby clock
❙• 119 •❙
door fish
down flag H J
draw floor hair jacket
drink flower half jam
drive fly hand jean
dry follow happy jump
duck food hard just
foot hat
E for hate K
each fox have keep
ear free he kill
early friend head kind
east frog heavy king
easy from helicopter kitchen
eat front hello knee
egg fruit help knife
either full here know
elephant fun hi
high L
enjoy hobby
evening garden hold
every get home
excuse girl hope
expensive give horse
eye glad hospital
glass hot
F left
go hour
face goat house
fall gold how
family good hungry
far grandma/grandmother
I life
farm grandpa/grandfather
fast gray/grey I like
fat great idea lion
father green if listen
field grow ill little
find in live
fine inside long
finger into look
finish it loud
❙• 120 •❙
love neck park refrigerator/fridge
low need pass rest
lunch nephew pay rice
never pear rich
M new pencil ride
mad nice people right
mail niece pepper ring
make night person river
man no/nope pick road
many noon pig room
map north play round
market nose please run
may not pocket
maybe now point S
meat number police sad
meet nurse poor safe
milk pork same
O post sandwich
mirror of potato say
miss/Miss off pretty school
mom/mommy office problem sea
money often pull season
monkey oh puppy seat
month okay/OK purple see
morning old push sell
mother on put send
mouse once set
mouth open
Q shall
move or queen she
movie other question ship
Mr. out quick shoe
Mrs. outside quite shop
Ms. over short
much R shoulder
music P rabbit shout
must page rain show
paint read sick
N pants ready side
name paper rectangle sing
near parent red sister

❙• 121 •❙
sit supper tomorrow week
skirt sure tonight welcome
sky sweet too well
sleep swim tooth west
slow switch towel what
small town when
smile T toy where
snake table train which
snow take tree white
so talk triangle who
soap tall true why
soccer tea try wide
sock teach turn will
some telephone/phone wind
son television/TV
U window
song tell ugly winter
sorry tennis uncle with
sour than under woman
south thank understand word
speak that until work
spoon the up world
spring then use worry
square there wow
stairs they V write
stand thick wrong
star thin very Y
start think visit
station thirsty yard
stay this W yes/yeah/yup
stop through year
store wait
thumb yellow
story walk
tie yesterday
street want
tiger you
strong warm
time young
student wash
study watch Z
subway water
today zebra
sugar way
toe zero
summer we
together zoo
sun weak
❙• 122 •❙
. Useful Websites

Website Address Contents Rating

Vocabulary viewer, flash card maker, games and

www.barryfunenglish.com ★★★★★
※ the same with Korean English textbook of fifth
& sixth grade

Games, songs, stories and lots of activities ★★★★★

www.englishraven.com/main Free educational resources & materials for teachers

.html of EFL/ESL to young learners and teenagers

www.english-4kids.com Word puzzle, power-point and flashcards download ★★★★

www.mes-english.com Free flashcards for download, games and worksheets ★★★★

Dice, board game, word search, crossword puzzle,

www.toolsforeducators.com ★★★★
and domino maker

Classroom labels, word cards, photo cards, hand-

www.senteacher.org ★★★★
writing maker and connective tiles maker,

sitesforteachers.com Lists of famous web-sites for teachers ★★★★

Pop songs are available ★★★★

Printable flashcards, worksheet generator, games,

www.esl-kids.com ★★★
children's songs and nursery rhymes

www.eslflashcards.com Free ESL flashcards ★★★

Word shape worksheet generator, word search maker

www.atozteacherstuff.com ★★★
handwriting worksheet generator and printable books

Teacher helpers-calendars, forms etc.

www.abcteach.com ★★★
Reading comprehensions

www.kizclub.com Crafts ★★★

www.teacherplus.co.kr Printable worksheets (members only) and flashcards ★★★

Printable children's crafts, coloring pages and more

www.dltk-kids.com ★★★
including projects for educational themes

reading-z.com E-books for reading (level A~Z) and related worksheet. ★★★

❙• 123 •❙
Website Address Contents Rating

Crossword, wordsearch, matching and missing words

www.schoolhousetech.com ★★★

Worksheets, complete lesson plans and lots of other

bogglesworldesl.com ★★★

Sharing web site for English teaching materials.

Very useful for a variety of topics!
www.eslprintables.com ★★★
※ You must upload worksheets you created in
order to download worksheets from the website.

Activities and resources for almost any topic in

ESL ★★★
※ It is listed by topic.

www.genkienglish.net/game Many game ideas that are simple and useful for
s.htm different age groups

Good for teaching ABCs and simple reading to

www.starfall.com ★★★
younger learners

Interactive site for learning vocabulary & using it

www.de.mingoville.com/co with games & activities
ntent/view/13/29/lang,ko/ ※ Good for students to use on their own, at
home, or in the computer lab.

Website for students to use to practice English with

pbskids.org ★★★
games, stories, and videos

www.karafun.com Pop songs are available ★★★

www.esl-galaxy.com Printable worksheets and word search ★★★

www.diaryproject.com Numerous diaries whose topics are various. ★★

Free worksheet for Phonics, reading, language arts,

schoolexpress.com ★★
and handwriting

kids-space.org UCC made by children from the world ★★

Many English songs and games good for young

jr.naver.com/english ★★

www.stickersandcharts.com Printable stickers ★★

www.esltower.com Grammar and vocabulary worksheets ★★

❙• 124 •❙
. Related Story Books

3rd Grade

Lesson Story book Published by

People say 'Hello' Will Barber

1. Hello, I'm Minsu.
Goodnight, moon Margaret Wise Brown

Brown bear, brown bear, what Bill Martin, Jr

do you see?
2. What's This?
It looked like spilt milk Charles G. Shaw

Happy birthday, Sam Pat Hutchines

3. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Moon Frank Asch

From head to toe Eric Carle

4. Wash Your Hands.
Clap your hands Lorinda Bryan Cauley

The very hungry caterpillar Eric Carle

5. I Like Apples.
What do you eat? Rick Wetzel

How many? Rozanne Lanczak Williams

6. How Many Cows?
Ten black dots Donald Crews

Can you read a map? Rozanne Lanczak Williams

7. I Can Swim.
I'm special Kimberly Jordano

Barney bear gets dressed Rozanne Lanczak Williams

8. It's Snowing. The jacket I wear in the snow Shirley Neitzel

What's the weather like today? Rozanne Lanczak Williams

❙• 125 •❙
4th Grade

Lesson Storybook Published by

How's the weather? Rozanne Lanczak Williams

1. Nice To Meet you. What's the weather like today? Rozanne Lanczak Williams

What will the weather be like today? Paul Rogers

Go away, dog Joan L. Nodset

2. Don't Do That.
Get off your train John Burningham

I'm older than you are Young Mi Kim

3. How Old Are you?
Ten, nine, eight Molly Bang

What time is it? Rozanne Lanczak Williams

4. What Time Is It?
Time to... Bruce Mcmillan

I love my family Kathleen Beal

5. Who is She?
Do you want to be my friend? Eric Carle

A color of his own Leo Lionni

6. Is this your cap?
Little blue, Little yellow Leo Lionni

Henny Penny H.Werner Zimmermann

7. Sorry, I can't.
Rooster's off to see the world Eric Carle

Good choices for cat and dog Rozanne Lanczak Williams

8. How much is it?
On market street Arnold Lobel

❙• 126 •❙
5th Grade

Lesson Storybook Published by

Bambi Disney (Story teller series)

1. How Are You? The snowman Raymond Brigg

Little red riding hood Classic Tales (Oxford)

Today is Monday Eric Carle

2. What Day Is It Today?
Cookie's week Cindy Ward

Cat on the mat Brian Wildsmith

Learn to read
3. It's Under the Table Pigs (Creative Teaching Press)

Rosie's walk Pat Hutchins

Caps for sale Esphyr Slobodkina

4. What a Nice Day!
Amelia Bedelia Peggy Paarish

Learn to read
5. Where Is On the go (Creative Teaching Press)
City Sounds Jean Marzollo & Sophia Latto

Time/Seasons and Weather Ladybird

6. I Get Up at Seven
Time Ladybird
Every Day.
Clocks and more clocks Pat Hutchins

Goldilocks and the three bears Classic Tales (Oxford)

7. She's Tall. What am I? N. N. Charles, Leo & Diane Dillon

The ugly duckling Classic Tales (Oxford)

Let's pretend Harper Collins Publishers

8. Let's Go Swimming.
The shoemaker and the elves Classic Tales (Oxford)

My river Shari Halpern

9. Whose Boat Is This?
It's mine! Leo Lionni

In the night kitchen Maurice Sendak

10. Do You Want Some
The very hungry caterpillar Eric Carle
Strawberries are red Candlewick Press

The snowman Raymond Briggs

11. What Are You Doing?
Brown bear, brown bear,
what do you see? Eric Carle

❙• 127 •❙
5th Grade

Lesson Storybook Published by

In a people house Theo. LeSieg

12. This Is a Bedroom.
Look-alike Jr. Joan Steiner
(A Look-Alike Picture Puzzle Book)

My friends Taro Gomi

13. What Did You Do
Yesterday? Scary cat runs away Learn to read
(Creative Teaching Express)

Paul Mcguire
14. Is Peter There? Fireman Bill and the dragon (Oxford Storyland Readers)

Learn to read
I'm special (Creative Teaching Express)

15. Can You Join Us? Clap your hands Lorinda Bryan Cauley

Learn to read
Our pumpkin (Creative Teaching Express)

16. Did You Have a Nice Learn to read

Barney bear, world traveler
Vacation? (Creative Teaching Express)

6th Grade

Lesson Storybook Published by

1.Where Are You From? Snow white and the seven dwarves Classic Tales (Oxford)

2. Is This York Street? Home alone 2 - Lost in New York adapted by Jordan Horowits

Learn to read
Round and round the seasons go (Creative Teaching Express)
3. I Like Spring. A tree is nice Janice Mary Udry

The four seasons Rozanne Lanczak Williams

Flower Garden Eve Bunting & Kathryn Hewitt

When this box is full Patricia Lillie & Donald Crews

4. When is Your Birthday?
Learn to read
What's going on?
(Creative Teaching Express)

5. May I Help You? The elephant rock Paul McGuire

Peanut butter and jam Angela shelf Medearis

6. Can I have Some water?
What do we need? Learn to read
(Creative Teaching Express)

❙• 128 •❙
6th Grade

Lesson Storybook Published by

I love my family Kathleen Beal

7. My Father Is a Pilot.
Rosemary Border
The biggest dad
(Oxford Storyland Readers)

On our vacation Anne Rockwell

8. What Will You Do
This Summer? Laurie Krasny Brown &
Dinosaurs travel
Marc Brown

Alma Flor Ada

The picnic
and F. Isabel Campoy
9. How Was Your Vacation?
The treasure hunt - The pet sitters Barbara Hoskins

I'm as quick as a cricket Audrey Wood & Don Wood

10. I'm Stronger than You.
The hare and the tortoise Aesop's fable (Brimax Classics)

11. What Do You Want The Three Billy Goats Gruff Favorite Bedtime Tales
to Do? I want to see... Jim Henson's Muppet babies

12. Will You Help Me, Little Red Hen Ladybird

Please? Henny Penny H.Werner Zimmermann

The good bad cat John Sandford

13. That's too Bad.
D. W. thinks big Marc Brown

Homestay friends-kid power Barbara Hoskins (Oxford)

14. Would You Like to The town mouse and the country
Classic Tales (Oxford)
Come to My House?
Leslie Kimmelman & John Himmelman
Hanukkah lights, Hanukkah lights
(A Trophy Picture Book)

Time to... Bruce Mcmillan (Scholastic)

Judith Grey
15. It's Time to Go Home. What time is it?
(A Giant First-Start Reader)

The ten-second race Diana Tomko

Joan Steiner
Look-alike Jr.
(A Look-like Picture Puzzle Book)
16. So Long, Everyone!
Friends Helme Heine

❙• 129 •❙
. Hangul, the Korean Alphabet

1 Official name
The modern name Hangul (한글) was coined by Ju Sigyeong in 1912. Han (한) meant "great"
in archaic Korean, while geul (글) is the native Korean word for "script".

2 History
Invented and promulgated by Sejong the Great, the fourth King of the Josun Dynasty in 1446,
Hangul, or the Korean alphabet, originally had 28 letters. Four letters of the original 28
disappeared from use in the long history of more than 500 years, and at present, only 24 letters
are in use.
King Sejong explained the need for the new script by saying that the Korean language was
different from Chinese; Chinese characters (known as Hanja) was too difficult for the common
people to write. Likewise, only privileged aristocrats (Yangban), usually male, could read and
write fluently. The majority of Koreans were actually illiterate before the invention of Hangul.
Hangul was designed so that even a commoner could learn to read and write; a document
called Haerye says, "A wise man can acquaint himself with them before the morning is over; a
fool can learn them in the space of ten days."

3 Characteristics
The Korean letters are phonetic symbols, not hieroglyphs, and the language has an abundant
vocabulary of sensitive and emotional expressions. Thus, the abundance of onomatopoeic,
simulation, adjective and exclamatory words are distinguishing characteristics of the Korean

4 Letters
There are 24 letters in the Korean alphabet, ten vowels as medials and fourteen consonants
used both as initial and final letters. Besides these, there are also double consonants, formed by
and based on the original single consonants. The Korean alphabet can be written not only side
ways but also vertically.
The design of the vowels can be explained according to the principles of yin and yang and
vowel harmony. The consonant letters were designed according to articulatory phonetics.

❙• 130 •❙
5 Phonetic value
The individual letter has a phonetic value and an independent form. When two or more letters
are written together, they form syllables, just as in Latin.
It is very helpful for foreign readers to note the spelling rules and the manner in which the
symbols are combined to make syllables and words.
The table below illustrates the vowels and consonants.

Vowels ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ
(모음) (a) (ya) (eo) (yeo) (o) (yo) (u) (yu) (eu) (i)
ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ
Consonants (g,k) (n) (d,t) (r,l) (m) (b,p) (s) (ng) (j) (ch)
(자음) ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ
(k) (t) (p) (h)

6 Expressions
Thank you. 감사합니다. (Gam-sa-ham-ni-da.)
I'm sorry. 미안합니다. (Mi-an-ham-ni-da.)
Excuse me. 실례합니다. (Sil-rye-ham-ni-da.)
Good morning? 안녕하십니까? (An-nyong-ha-sim-ni-ga?)
Please speak more slowly. 좀 더 천 천 히 말 씀 해 주 십 시 오 .
How's the weather today? 오늘 날씨가 어때요? (o-neul-nal-si-ga-eo-dae-yo?)
Let's review the last lesson. 지난 수업을 복습해 봅시다.
Open your books to page 10. 책 10쪽을 펴세요. (chaek-sip-chok-eul-pyeo-se-yo)
Let's watch the video. 비디오를 봅시다. (bi-di-o-reul-bop-si-da)
Look at the blackboard. 칠판을 보세요. (chil-pan-eul-bo-se-yo)
Come up here./Come to the front. 앞으로 나오세요. (ap-eu-ro-na-o-se-yo)
Let's play a game. 게임을 해 봅시다. (ge-im-eul-hae-bop-si-da)
Is everything clear? 이해했나요? (i-hae-haet-na-yo?)
Try again. 다시 해 보세요. (da-si-hae-bo-se-yo)

❙• 131 •❙
. Korean Folk Tales

The Myth of 'Dan-Gun', the First King of Korea

Once upon a time, there lived Hwan-in, the lord of Heaven. He had many sons and one of
them was Hwan-woong. Hwan-woong wanted to come down to Earth so he could have the
whole world under his control.
"If I ruled the Earth, I would make a great country."
So he asked his father, Hwan-in,
"Let me go down to the Earth and take care of the human world."
"Well, that's a great idea. I'll let you go. Go to Taeback Mountain and take these gods with
Hwan-in gave him the God of Rain, the God of Clouds, the God of Wind and 3,000 people
from heaven.
When he reached Tae-back Mountain, he found a city and named it Sinsi which means 'City of
God'. He became the king of one country and took care of it.
Hwan-woong let the three gods control the wind, rain, and the light on Earth.
He instilled moral codes, laws and taught the people various arts and agriculture.
In other words, he taught people the difference between right and wrong and how to farm and
fish for their food.
One day, two animals, a bear and a tiger, visited Hwan-woong and begged him to help them
become humans.
"Your Majesty! We want to be humans. Let us know how to be humans," said the bear.
"Please advise us. How can we become humans?" said the tiger.
"Well, it is very difficult," Hwan-woong replied.
"Don't worry, your Majesty! We would do anything if we could become humans."
"Okay, I'll give you a chance," Hwan-woong said.
"You must stay in a cave for one hundred days to become humans. You have to stay out of
the sunlight. Can you do that?"
"Of course," the tiger and the bear said with a smile.
"It is an easy thing to do," they said earnestly.
"And one more thing! You must eat twenty heads of garlic and a bundle of mugwort everyday
for 100 days. Only the garlic and the mugwort!" said Hwan-woong.
The tiger and the bear made up their mind and entered the cave.

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Not long after, the tiger became completely exhausted and decided to leave the cave.
"I can't eat them anymore. This is ridiculous," said the tiger.
"We have to endure this to become humans. Just hold on a bit longer," said the bear.
But despite the bear's advice, the tiger gave up and ran away.
So the bear was left alone in the cave. Though it was dark and uncomfortable, the bear
remained patient. Twenty one days had passed since the bear entered the cave. Moved by the
bear's sincerity and its firm determination, Hwan-woong visited the bear and turned him into a
beautiful woman. Hwan-woong named her 'Woong-nyuh'.
At first Woong-nyuh was very grateful and overjoyed about becoming a human but soon, she
got disappointed that she didn't have a child.
So she prayed under a tree that she could someday soon have a baby.
Hwan-woong was touched by her prayer and married her.
Woong-nyuh gave birth to a son, who was named Dan-gun.
He surpassed all the other children in every way.
And he took after his father, Hwan-woong.
One day, he went to his father.
"I'd like to make a wonderful country for all people to live in," Dan-gun said.
"That's a great idea. Set up a new country and rule it wisely. Go and find a much bigger piece
of land," said Hwan-woong.
He left his father's land with many people and animals to take to the new land.
Dan-gun established the country in Asadal, which is in the northern area of Pyeong-Yang in
North Korea, in 2333 B.C.
He became the first human king of Korea. His land was named 'Go-Jo-Sun' which is the first
kingdom of Korea.

More about Dan-gun and Go-Jo-Sun

Dan-gun is known as Dan-gun-wang-gum as well. Dan-gun means a "priest" and Wang-gum
means a "king". The government of 'Go-Jo-Sun' was very different from today's because
Dan-gun, the king of 'Go-Jo-Sun', was also a priest. We call this kind of government a
Dan-gun is still respected as the first King of Korea, the founder of Korea. Korea celebrates it's
National Foundation Day on Oct 3rd, when Dan-gun established the first kingdom of Korea,
'Go-Jo-Sun'. There is still a temple which commemorates Hwan-in, Hwan-woong, and Dan-gun's

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The Golden Axe and the Silver Axe

Once upon a time there lived a good woodcutter. He was very poor, so he used to go to the
forest to cut down trees in order to make a living.

One day while he was chopping a tree near a pond, his old axe fell into the pond by mistake.
He said to himself, "Oh, no! If I don't have that axe, I can't cut down trees. Then I will not be
able to earn any money. How can I take care of my parents?" He was so sad and upset that he
cried. The pond god listened to the woodcutter's crying and arose from the pond. "Why are you
sad?" the god asked the woodcutter. "I am a woodcutter. While I was chopping the tree, my axe
fell into the pond. If I don't have the axe, I won’t be able to earn any money," the woodcutter

The pond god disappeared. A little later the god soon appeared with a silver axe. "Is this silver
axe yours?" the god asked. "No, it isn't," the woodcutter answered. The god disappeared again.
This time he came back with a golden axe and asked, "Is this golden axe yours?" The
woodcutter answered, "No it isn't." Finally, the pond god showed him an old rusty iron axe. "Is
this yours?" The woodcutter answered, "Yes, yes, yes! That's an iron axe. That's mine." He was
so happy to find his old iron axe.

The pond god was so happy with his honesty that he said "You are very honest. I will give
you all three axes as a reward." The god gave him all three axes. The woodcutter and his
parents lived happily ever after.

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The Tale of Shim Cheong

Once upon a time, there lived an old blind man, Mr. Shim. He had a daughter named Shim
Cheong. Her mother died three days after she was born, so Mr. Shim lived alone with his
daughter. Even though Shim Cheong was very young, she worked so hard to serve her blind
father. She was well-known as a devoted daughter in the village.

One day, Mr. Shim was crossing the stream. When he was trying to cross a narrow wooden
bridge over the stream, he lost his footing and fell into the water. A Buddhist monk was
passing by at that moment and he pulled Mr. Shim out of the water. The monk looked at him
for a second and told him softly, "I pity the blind. If you donate 300 bags of rice to Buddha,
you will be able to see."

After the monk left, Mr. Shim began to worry. When Cheong got home late that night, she saw
her father's worried face. Cheong asked what happened to her father. Mr. Shim told her the
whole story.

One day, a group of sailors came into the village. They were sailing to China with their cargo,
and wanted to buy a maiden so that they could sacrifice her to the angry sea dragon. Shim
Cheong heard that these men would pay any price for a maiden. She immediately went to the
sailors and told them that she would sell herself to them. People in the village were so sad, but
they were so impressed by her devotion.

A strong wind began to blow and high waves rocked the ship. The ship was lost in a terrible
storm in the middle of the sea. Cheong threw herself into the angry waves. The sailor prayed
for her. Suddenly, the sea became quiet.

After several days, When Shim Cheong opened her eyes, she found herself lying in a beautiful
room she'd never seen before. The sea dragon king was so impressed by her love and devotion
to her father that he saved Cheong and wanted to do something wonderful for her. He put her
in a big lotus flower and sent her back into the world.

Some fishermen saw the big lotus flower floating in the sea and they took it to the king. When
the fishermen delivered the lotus flower to the king he was stunned by its beauty. Then the

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lotus flower opened and Cheong appeared. Everyone was surprised. The king heard the story of
what Cheong had done and he was determined to make her his wife.

Cheong became the queen, but she couldn't stop worrying about her blind father. The king pitied
his wife and wanted to help Shim Cheong find her father. So he invited all the blind in the
country to his palace and held a month long feast.

On the last day of the feast, an old dirty man entered the palace and Shim Cheong called to
him, "Father!" Mr. Shim was so shocked that he opened his eyes. Finally Mr. Shim could see
his daughter. Shim Cheong and her father hugged each other and cried tears of joy for a long
time, and they lived happily ever after.

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The Mysterious Spring

An old couple lived in a small village. Although they were poor, they always shared everything
with their neighbors. Their only wish was to have a child. There was another old man living in
the same town. He was rich and had children, but nobody liked him because he was so greedy
One day, when the poor old man was cutting firewood in the forest, he heard a beautiful twitter
from above. He followed the blue bird to a small, bubbly spring under a tree. He gulped a
handful of water because he was so thirsty. And he fell asleep under the tree.
When he woke up, it was already dark. The old man hurried home. The old man’s wife was
worried about him. Just then the old man arrived. “What happened to you? No wrinkles on your
face! You’ve become young.” The wife shouted with surprise. The next day, the old man took
his wife to the mysterious spring in the forest. The miracle happened to her, too.
The greedy old man heard of this and could not wait to drink the mysterious water himself. As
soon as he saw it, he started to drink as much water as he could. By the next day, the greedy
man hadn't come back home. The young couple were worried about him, so they we went to
the forest to find him. They saw a baby wearing the greedy man's big clothes.
The young couple brought the baby home and took good care of him. The baby grew up to be
a good man. The young couple lived happily with their lovely son until they grew old again.

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The Sun and the Moon

Once upon a time there lived a mother with her son and daughter in a small house. Sadly, they
were so poor that the mother had to go downtown to sell rice cake at the market.
One day, mother was walking back home from the village. She didn't sell any rice cake on that
day. So her basket was full.
She heard a roaring sound. She was frightened. It was a huge tiger standing in front of her.
And the tiger said, "Oh! You have a lot of rice cake. If you give me one, I'll let you go."
Mother was so scared that she gave some rice cake to the tiger and hurried home.
But the tiger soon reappeared and said, "I'm still hungry. If you give me one more, I'll let you
go." Mother gave some more rice cake to the tiger and ran away.
The mean tiger was still hungry so he waited for mother again. But this time he ate all of the
rice cake and mother, too.
At home, the big brother and the little sister were waiting for their mother. It became darker
and darker. They worried about their mom.
"Why is she so late? I'm hungry." The little sister started to cry.
"Don't worry. She'll come soon," the big brother said.
Suddenly, somebody knocked on the door and said, "Oh my babies, open the door. It's me, your
The little sister ran to the door and said, "Mom, is that you? Why are you so late?"
But big brother stopped her and said, "Wait, something is strange. That's not Mom's voice."
"I caught a cold and I have a sore throat," the tiger said.
Big brother still didn't believe it, so he asked, "Then show me your hand."
A big paw burst through the door.
"Oh, no. It's not Mom's hand," the big brother said.
"I worked so hard today that my hands are rough," the tiger said.
This time they believed it and opened the door for their mom.
"You must be very hungry. I'll cook for you," the tiger said, pretending to be mother.
He was wearing mom's clothes. Just then big brother found the tiger's tail under his skirt.
He noticed it was a tiger. Big brother quietly ran outside with his sister and they started to
climb the persimmon tree in the backyard.
"Where is my dinner?" The tiger looked around. But there was nobody in the room. He finally
saw them in the tree.
"Hey, come down." said the tiger. But they didn't move.

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"Well, how did you get there?" the tiger asked.
Big brother had a good idea and answered, "I poured sesame oil over the trunk of the tree."
But it was not true. The tree was so slippery that the tiger couldn't climb it up.
"Ha ha ha... such a fool! Why don't you use an ax?" little sister said.
"Why did you tell him that?" big brother yelled at her but it was too late.
The tiger started to climb up the tree with an ax and almost reached them.
"Oh, God! please help us," the scared children said.
God gave them a rope and they were able to escape.
"Oh, God! give me a rope, too," the tiger asked like big brother and little sister.
God gave him a rotten rope and the tiger fell down to the ground when he gripped it tightly.
God was so impressed with them that he asked big brother and little sister to be the Sun and
the Moon. Little sister was so timid and didn't like being alone at night. So big brother became
the moon, and little sister became the sun.

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The Old Bumpy Man

Long ago, an old man lived in a small town. He had a big ugly bump on his face. Everybody
called him "The Old Bumpy Man". All the children in the town made fun of him. He hated the
bump on his face. He really wanted to get rid of it. It was his only wish.

One day he was coming back home from the mountain very late. It was very dark, so he lost
his way home. It was too dark to see anything. Luckily, he saw a light coming from a small
house in the distance.
"Hello, is anybody here?"
Nobody answered. There was no one home.
"Ooh.. This house looks like a haunted house. It's scary."
He tried to sleep but he couldn't. He decided to sing a song because he was so scared. He had
a beautiful voice. His song spread across the mountain. Just then, The Old Bumpy Man heard
voices talking outside.

"Hey, I think it came from around here," someone said.

"Right, the beautiful song came from this house," said another voice.
Three scary ogres went into the house and found the old man trembling with fear.
"Ooh.. I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me! I just wanted to sing because..." stammered the old man.
"Don't worry, old man. We don't want to hurt you."
"We heard your beautiful song and we really like your voice. Can you sing the song one more
The Old Bumpy Man was scared, but he sang the song and the ogres danced around merrily.
"Wow, you're a really good singer. Where is that beautiful voice coming from?"
The Old Bumpy Man had a good idea.
"My voice comes from this bump on my face, of course."
"Really? Let's trade your bump for our gold," the ogres told him happily.
"Are you joking? You can get rid of my bump?"
"That's easy. It's magic. You just close your eyes for a second."
The Old Bumpy Man's bump was gone, and he got a bunch of gold! It was his lucky day. He
walked away, singing his song happily.

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The story of The Old Bumpy Man and the ogres spread around his small town. There lived
another bumpy old man in the next town. He heard the story, too.
"Ogres will trade bumps for gold? Now, it's my turn to get rid of my bump!"

He went to the mountain to find the haunted house. He started singing a song loudly, but he
was not a good singer. He had a terrible voice. Suddenly, he heard the ogres coming.
"A-Ha! They are coming. I will be rich pretty soon."
"Hey, old man. Does your voice come from your bump too?" The ogres asked him angrily.
"Of course. Just like the other bumpy old man. Do you want to trade it for something?" The
greedy old man asked.
"What? These bumps don't help me sing songs at all!" shouted one of the ogres,
"YOU ARE A LIAR! We came here to give you back your bump! We don't want it."
A new bump became magically stuck to the other side of his face.
"Oh, no. It is not fair. This is not even my bump. Please take it back."
"Get out of HERE, right now!" the ogres shouted.

Ever since then, everyone called him 'The Bumpy Bumpy Old Man', because he was a greedy
liar. He was the only man who had two ugly bumps on his face.

❙• 141 •❙
A Tale Of Brotherly Love

A long time ago, there lived a father and two brothers in a small village. The two brothers
loved each other so much that they shared almost everything. One day, their father sadly passed
away. With his last breath, he proclaimed his dying wish to his sons: "You should love each
other forever." So the elder brother divided the rice pads and other fortunes that his father left
into two and handed one half to his younger brother.

As time passed by, both of them grew up and got married.

When the younger brother got married, his older brother said "I'm really proud of you. If you
need any help, you should let me know." It meant that their bond was still strong even though
they no longer lived together. The two men worked on the farm really hard for their families.
There was never enough food, however, because they had to support their own families with the
divided rice pads and the shared fortune.

It was Fall and the harvest started. "Brother, thanks to your help, we will have more rice than
last year. I'm happy," said the younger brother.

"I don't think so. You work harder than me. I am the one who should say thank you," said the
elder brother.

Each of them piled bundles of rice on their own rice pads to make a heap. When it was dark
both of them went back to their own home. The elder brother couldn't sleep late at night. He
tossed and turned, thinking that his younger brother should have more rice than him. So the
elder brother went to the heap of rice which stood over the middle of his rice pad. He took a
few bundles of the rice and carried it to his brother's. He left the rice there, carefully without a
sound. His heart became filled with joy. What he wasn't aware of, is that his dear brother was
doing the same thing that very night, when he did not see.

The next day, he noticed something very strange. It was hard to believe that there wasn't any
difference in his rice heap. So he whispered, "I will go to brother's rice heap again, and bring
him more tonight. He has a wife and a baby. He needs more rice than I do."

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After everyone in his family fell asleep, he sneaked out of his house and headed for his
younger brother's rice pad. It was the blackest of nights. On the way there, he saw someone
walking in the dark. When the person got closer, the full moon which had been hidden by thick
clouds revealed itself and shone brightly. When their profiles became illuminated by the
moonlight, they suddenly recognized each other. The one standing in the dark dropped bundles
of rice, and so did the elder brother.

"It was you, Brother! What are you doing here?"

"It was you who put the rice onto my heap last night!"

They began weeping and hugged each other. The moon, watching over what they had been
doing, smiled upon them and touched them with its gentle light, like a soft and fragrant breeze.
From that day on, of course, the brothers worked even harder helping and loving each other and
they lived happily ever after.

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The Boy Who Became a Cow

Long ago, there was a boy who was as lazy as a sloth. He wouldn't even lift a finger. He took
a nap whenever he wanted and he day-dreamed while lying on his back all day long. He
sometimes skipped meals because he didn't want to get up.

So his mother nagged him a lot by shouting, "Wake up! How could you live without eating any
food? You should feed yourself." But he didn't budge an inch.

His mom got so worried about him and said, "If you act like a lazy cow you'll become a cow."
"A cow? Would I rather be a cow?" asked he. In fact he was curious about becoming a cow
because he thought that if he became one he would not have to work, eat or listen to his mom.
His mom became speechless with his reply for a moment then yelled, "Do you know what you
are saying? If I were you I would go to the mountain to gather some firewood." The boy was
annoyed so he decided to leave his home.

After walking a long distance, he found an old man making cow masks. He asked him if he
could try one on. The old man said "You should beware. If you put on this mask, you will
certainly become a cow!"

What the old man said made him happy, so he put on the mask. After bringing the mask to his
face, it became stuck there. Suddenly, his arms turned into cow's legs. Surprisingly his own legs
turned into hind legs. He trembled with joy.

The old man took the boy, who was now a cow, to the cattle market and sold him to a farmer.
The farmer slapped his back and said "You look strong. You will work hard for me, won't
you?" The old man said to the farmer, "Do not feed the cow with radish. If it eats radish, it
will die."

On arriving to the farmer's farm, the cow, who was the lazy boy, had to work from early
morning all day until evening. The farmer lashed angrily at his back with a whip, saying,
"Faster, faster, such a lazy cow."
The boy who was now a cow wanted to tell the farmer that he was just a boy and that he
wanted to go back home. But all he could say was "Moo moo".

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He cried over and over again. He missed his mom and regretted his laziness and not listening to
her. He became exhausted and thin. The farmer made the boy work so hard, he felt that he
wanted to die. Then one day, he luckily found a radish in the field. So he pulled it out and ate
it up remembering the words that the old man spoke to the farmer.

Amazingly, he did not die, but instead became a boy again. Eating radish was the only way to
dispell the magic.

He was so happy that he rushed all the way home and became a diligent man who helped with
the house chores and worked on the farm for his mom. He was never lazy again.

❙• 145 •❙
A Tale Of Heungbu and Nolbu

A long time ago, there lived two brothers, Heungbu and Nolbu, in a small town. Nolbu, the
elder brother, was greedy and unkind. Heungbu, the younger brother, was kind and honest. After
their parents passed away, greedy Nolbu kicked Heungbu and his large family out of the house
without giving him any money. Heungbu's children couldn't help but suffer from hunger all the

One day, Heungbu went to ask for some food from Nolbu's wife. "We have no food for you!
Get out of here!" she screamed. Nolbu's wife hit Heungbu's face with a rice scooper.

The long Winter passed and finally, Spring came. A hungry snake was about to eat a baby
swallow that had fallen from the tree. Luckily, Heungbu saw this and pushed the snake away
with a stick, but the baby swallow was hurt.
Heungbu took the baby bird and raised it until the next Fall. By that time the swallow was
ready to fly south for the Winter.

Soon, it was Spring again. Heungbu's family was excited to see the swallow return. The swallow
gave Heungbu's family a gourd seed. Heungbu planted the seed in his garden. The gourds grew
so quickly and got bigger and bigger every day. Heungbu was so pleased. His family took a
gourd and cut it in half. As the big gourd was cut in half, it suddenly made a loud noise.
"Bang! Pop!" Two beautiful angels appeared from inside the gourd and told Heungbu, "You and
your family are so kind and honest. We came here to give you treasure." And from then on
Heungbu's family was not poor any more.

Nolbu was surprised to hear that Heungbu became rich. Nolbu was so greedy and jealous of his
brother. He came up with an idea to get rich like Heungbu. He caught a swallow and broke its
leg deliberately. He took care of the swallow pretending to care about it.

Winter came and went. It was Spring again, and the swallow returned to Nolbu. The swallow
dropped a seed into Nolbu's hand.

Nolbu's gourds grew quickly, too. They got bigger and bigger every day. Nolbu couldn't wait to
cut one in half to see what it would bring. When the gourd was cut in half, it suddenly made a

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loud noise. "Bang! Pop!" Lots of scary goblins and terrible monsters appeared and shouted
angrily, "We're here to take all your treasure from you. You are so mean and greedy." Nolbu's
family was shocked.

Kind and honest Heungbu felt sorry to hear the terrible news about his elder brother and wanted
to help him.

"Oh, my poor brother! Don't worry! I'll take care of you."

"I'm sorry, Heungbu! Forgive me, I should have treated you well. I'll be a good brother from
now on, I promise," he said, honestly.
"Of course, we are brothers," Heungbu agreed.

The two brothers hugged and laughed happily.

❙• 147 •❙
Kongji and Patji

Once, there lived a good couple. They had a beautiful daughter named Kongji. Kongji was such
a nice girl. One day her mother passed away after a long illness. Her father remarried because
he thought that Kongji was lonely. The stepmother had a daughter of her own, Patji who was
lazy and greedy. The stepmother was nice when Kongji's father was around. But behind his
back, she treated her badly. A few months later, her father became sick and died. The
stepmother gave good food and nice clothes to Patji, her step sister. The stepmother kept Kongji
hard at work.
"Kongji, fill this jar with water, until I come back."
No matter how hard Kongji tried, the jar was still empty, because there was a big hole at the
bottom of the jar. When Kongji began crying with sorrow, a big toad appeared and blocked the
hole so that she could fill the jar with water.
The stepmother was surprised,
"How could she have filled the jar?" she wondered.
The next day the stepmother called up Kongji again.
"Kongji, pull out all the weeds from the field."
Kongji worked very hard but she couldn't finish even half of it. When she was crying, a cow
appeared and pulled out all the weeds from the field.
"It is impossible to finish all that in one day," thought the stepmother. She got really angry
when she knew Kongji finished the job on time.
One day, a handsome prince was passing through their village. Everyone went out to see the
prince. The stepmother and Patji dressed up nicely and went out to see the prince.
"Kongji, if you want to see the prince, pound all this rice on the mat, then cut the millet. But
you will never finish it in time. Ha Ha Ha...."
Kongji couldn't pound all the rice by herself. When she was crying desperately, a large flock of
birds flew in and pecked the rice at a great speed and got the work done in a second.
"Now I can go see the prince but I have nothing to wear," she said to herself sadly.
Suddenly, some mice appeared and brought a pretty dress and shoes.
Kongji put on the dress and was running quickly not knowing that the prince was passing by.
She accidentally left a shoe behind.
The prince recognized Kongji's sweetness and kindness.
"Who is that girl? Find the owner of the shoe."
The prince's servants searched for the owner of the shoe all around the country. Many girls

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argued for the ownership of the shoe. But the shoe didn't fit anyone's foot. Finally the prince
came to Kongji's house.
"It's surely Patji's shoe." the stepmother shouted. But Patji couldn't fit her foot in the shoe
because her foot was too big. The prince finally asked Kongji to put on the shoe. The shoe fit
her foot perfectly. The prince realized that Kongji was the one who lost her shoe. The prince
and Kongji got married and lived happily ever after.

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. Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. In what ways should grammar be taught in the Korean Elementary English class?
Grammar is an important part of learning English. However, in the past, grammar has been
over-emphasized and communicative competence has been neglected. Now, the Korean
government is trying to pay more attention to communicative competence and less to grammar.
This however, does not mean that grammar should be ignored.
It is important for teachers to teach and explain simple grammatical concepts that students will
use in every English class. For example, "I am", "She/He is". It is also essential to teach
grammar when lack of grammatical knowledge causes communication problems. Teachers should
keep the students' cognitive levels in mind when teaching grammar. Grammar becomes more
important as the level of the student becomes higher.

Q2. Fluency vs. Accuracy. Which one is more important?

The communicative approach is the basis of the Korean English Curriculum. Therefore, the
ultimate goal is to raise the ability of the students to communicate in English. So, the focus is
to get students to speak in English in a way that is understood. While speaking accurately is
desirable, it is highly recommended that teachers do not constantly correct errors. If teachers
constantly correct students' mistakes, they risk losing the interest and confidence of their students.

Q3. Which method of error correction is preferred?

There are four basic types of error correction. They are explicit correction, recast, clarification
request, and elicitation.
■ Explicit correction is when the teacher explicitly corrects an error. For example:
S. I can run fastly.
T. You should say, I can run fast. You should not add ly at the end of fast.

■ Recast is when the teacher repeats the sentence in its correct form. For example:
S. Where you go yesterday?
T. Where did you go yesterday?

■ Clarification request is when the teacher asks a student for clarification. For example:
T. How long have you had your glasses?
S. Two.
T. What do you mean? Two what?
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■ Elicitation is where a teacher encourages a student to say the correct sentence by asking
some questions. For example:
S. The rabbit ate.
T. The rabbit ate what?
S. The rabbit ate carrots.

Clarification and elicitation are the preferred methods of error correction. Through using either of
these two methods, the teacher is not telling the student that he or she is wrong or that he or
she has made a mistake. These methods also allow the students to think for themselves. Explicit
correction, on the other hand, can prohibit the use of conversation and can also embarrass the
students in front of their peers as they are being told that they have made a mistake. Using
recast as a method of correction is not highly effective as students do not necessarily distinguish
the difference between what they said and what the teacher said.

Q4. In what ways can a teacher motivate Korean Elementary students?

Generally, students are motivated to study a foreign language when they feel that they are
learning something useful and fun. It is important for an English teacher to promote English as
valuable and useful. Students should be made aware of the fact that English is a worldwide
language and that being able to speak English is regarded as highly important.
There are various songs, chants and activities in the book. If they are used in a fun, exciting
way, students will enjoy learning English and will therefore be naturally motivated.

Q5. What are appropriate ways to discipline students?

It is important for the teacher to set the objectives, goals and rules of the class as soon as
possible. Through doing this, students can immediately be aware of what is expected of them
and this will limit misbehaviors. If students fail to follow the classroom rules and show a lack
of effort, they should be disciplined. The Korean co-teacher will have training and experience in
how to deal with such situations so it is important for the NSET and the Korean co-teacher to
communicate well about any problems with students. The students' homeroom teachers are also
able to help with any discipline problems.

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Q6. How should teachers approach teaching students of a variety of different levels in
one class?
There are usually many students in one class. This makes it difficult to give students individual
attention. Teachers are required to develop ways to deal with the fact that there are students at
different levels within one class. Group learning and/or peer learning is one way to overcome
the problem. The teacher should also organize the seating arrangement in the class in a way that
will work best for him/her.
Teachers are advised to use a variety of teaching methods and materials as different students
learn more effectively in different ways. The use of reading materials and worksheets can
provide a good platform for the NEST to help the more advanced learners and for the Korean
teacher to provide help for the students who need supplementary learning.

Q7. Is the use of phonics recommended in a Korean Elementary English class?

Phonics refers to the relation between a sound and an alphabetical letter. But Korean students
can not be exposed to enough language input to find out that relation inductively. Therefore
teaching phonics explicitly is important. The teacher should dedicate appropriate amount of class
time in teaching phonics.

Q8. How can the teacher teach culture in the English Class?
The Korean English Elementary curriculum does require the NEST to provide some level of
cultural content in the class. This should be taught in order to help the students communicate
appropriately in social situations. The basis for teaching culture is that the students will have a
deeper understanding of how to speak and behave in different social circumstances when using

Q9. How much emphasis should be placed on pronunciation?

English is the common medium for communication between people from various countries. Since
it is a worldwide language, it is spoken in many different accents. In Korean English Elementary
schools, the focus is to ensure that students are speaking clearly and that their speech is
comprehensible. The accent which they speak in is not a factor of high importance. Teachers
should correct pronunciation only when it is not understandable.

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Q10. What are NSETs required to do during their non-teaching hours at school?
Any time spent not teaching during working hours should generally be used to prepare for future
classes. This time is an opportunity for the NSET and the Korean teacher(s) to discuss lessons,
ideas etc. Also, during this time, teachers should make teaching materials (flashcards, games
materials etc.) and lesson plans. This time should be used wisely and teachers should ensure
that they are well prepared for the next day.

Q11. How can teachers motivate students to be active and answer questions in class?
Students generally tend to not answer questions for two reasons:
1. the students do not understand the question
2. the students are not interested in the class
It is important for teachers to try to be patient with students. The Korean teacher can help the
NSET to distinguish whether students are not responding due to a lack of understanding or a
lack of interest. Teachers should ask questions using simple language which will help the
students to be comfortable in responding. Teachers can ask simple Yes/No questions to make the
task easier for students. Also, small rewards such as stickers can also encourage and motivate
students to participate.

Q12. How much translation by the Korean teacher is appropriate in a co-teaching class?
The best co-teaching classes do not require any translation. The Korean teacher's role is not to
translate everything the NSET says. Translation may occur in a class to simply confirm the
students' listening comprehension. English should be the main language in the classroom and the
teachers should speak clearly and at an appropriate level for the class. Teachers can ask
advanced students to translate instructions in Korean and the Korean teacher can confirm whether
or not the students understand.

Q13. How can a teacher include all of the students in a class?

In any class, good students are usually active participants. However, not all students like to
participate. Teachers must develop effective methods to motivate students to be active
participants. One good method is for a teacher to learn students' names. Generally, students like
to hear their name and it can help the teacher have a better relationship with a student.
Dividing the class into groups can promote peer learning. The teacher can ask questions to
individual groups and ask for every member of the group to answer together. This helps shy

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students and slower learners to participate without feeling embarrassed. Teachers should always
try to be patient with slow learners and praising them can help them to be more confident in
the future.
Rewards such as coupons, stickers and certificates are excellent ways to encourage learners. They
are useful tokens of praise.

Q14. What is the dress code for Elementary school teachers in Korea?
It is widely believed that teachers are role models for students. Also, Elementary Schools in
Korea are professional environments. Therefore, teachers are required to dress semi-formally.
While formal business attire is not required, teachers must be presentable and smart. Teachers
should not wear clothes that are too revealing or too casual such as low cut tops, skimpy skirts,
sweat suits etc.

Q15. What level of language should a teacher use in the classroom for communicating?
The teacher should be aware of the overall level of the class and try to speak in a level of
English most appropriate for that class. It is encouraged that teachers speak in exaggerated tones
of voice and that they speak using simple sentences. English Elementary teachers should try to
restrict their vocabulary and simplify their language so that the students can understand the
teacher as much as possible. The use of physical movements such as gestures and miming is
highly recommended as it can further enhance students' comprehension.

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● Arthur, H. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers (2nd ed.) Cambridge: Cambridge

Language Teaching Library.

● Diane Larsen-Freeman. 2003. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching.

Oxford: Oxford University Press.

● Harmer, J. 1998. How to teach English: Longman.

● J. Michael O'Malley and Lorraine Valdez Pierce. 1996. Authentic Assessment for

English Language Learners: Practical Approaches for Teachers. NY: Pearson


● Lynne Cook, Ph.D. 2004. Co-Teaching: Principles, Practices, and Pragmatics. New

Mexico Public Education Department Quarterly Special Education Meeting.

● 서울특별시교육연수원. 2005. Teacher training program for co-teaching with NSET

in Elementary schools.

● 김인옥. 2008. Co-teaching Workshop. 서울특별시서부교육청

● 나서영. 2007. 교실수업개선연구대회수업지도안. 서울특별시교육청

● 노경희. 2002. 초등영어습득론. 서울: 한국문화사.

● 서지은. 2006. 초등 3,4학년을 위한 스토리텔링 활용방안. 한남대학교 교육대학원.

● 우지연. 2007. Analysis of Native Speaker Teachers and Korean English Teachers'
Co-teaching Classes. 한국교원대대학원.

● 윤현진. 2007. The Effect of Team Teaching on Elementary English Education. 광주교


● 이완기. 2000. 초등영어교육론(3rd ed.). 문진미디어: 서울용산구.

● Seo, Duk-Il. 2005. Gateway to Speaking Korean

● 이재근, 이은정. 2007. 동화를 활용한 의사소통기능 중심 학습자료 개발 연구.

초등영어교육(vol.13, No.1).

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