The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - June 12, 2009
The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - June 12, 2009
The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - June 12, 2009
June 12, 2009 • Volume 7, Issue 34 Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea
With a switch of thier tassles, 136 Seoul American High School seniors officially became gradutes June 6. The SAHS Class of 2009 achieved a 3.12 cumulative grade point average. Five SAHS
seniors earned appointments to various military academies, and 35 seniors earned ROTC scholarships. See page 9 for the story. — U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Lee, Min-hwi
Retiree Corner:
Wills and other important documents
By Jack Terwiel all military service records and medical records can be ordered
Military Retiree Assistance Office from the National Personnel Records Center, ATTN: Military
Submitting to
Records, 7200 Page Avenue, St. Louis, MO 73132-5100. My
The Morning Calm Weekly Whether it’s applying for Social Security benefits or assisting recommendation is to request two copies of the retirement
Send Letters to the Editor, guest commentaries, a family to apply for survivor benefits, certain documents are DD Form 214.
story submissions and other items: required to provide as evidence of eligibility for a claim. In almost Other important records include marriage certificate for
every case, either an original or a certified copy is required by the each marriage, as well as divorce decrees or spouse’s death
For all submitted items include a point of con- agency to which the claim is submitted. Plain photocopies are certificate for each previous marriage. For family members,
tact name and telephone number. All items are not accepted by any agency except possibly the Defense Finance a birth certificate (or Family Register if born in Korea) and
subject to editing for content and to insure they and Accounting Service (DFAS), but only when the DFAS letter for spouse any proof of previous marriage and termination of
conform with DoD guidelines.
specifies that photocopies are acceptable. the previous marriage. For those born in Korea, these would
IMCOM-K Public Affairs Two of the most important documents for retirees are the normally be recorded in the Family Register.
and the Morning Calm Weekly staff are located birth certificate and the DD Form 214. In the case of the birth All original documents except Family Register should be
at IMCOM-K, Yongsan Garrison. certificate for those born in the U.S., it can be ordered from the copied (minimum five copies). Provide the originals and copies
For information, call 738-4065.
County Clerk where the retiree was born. DD Form 214, as well as to the U.S. Embassy to have certified copies made.
June 12, 2009 NEWS NEWS • PAGE 3
MP Blotter
Area I
n Unknown Person(s), by unknown
means, operating an unknown vehicle,
struck Victim #1’s GOV which was
legally parked, secured and unattended
adjacent to BLDG #4110. Damages to
Victim’s vehicle consisted of a broken left
rear tail light. The unknown individual
fled the scene. A search of the area for
subject(s) and/or witness(s) met with
negative results. Victim #1 rendered a
written sworn statement attesting to the
incident. ECOD is unknown. This is a
final report.
Area II
nUnknown perons(s), by unknown means,
damaged Victim #1’s POV. Damages to
Victim #1’s vehicle consisted of a shattered
front passenger side window. A search of
the area for subject(s) and/or witness(es)
met with negative results. Victim #1
rendered a written statement attesting to
the incident. ECOD is unknown. Due to
the lack of investigative leads, this is a
final report.
Area III The Pyeongtaek City Market offers shoppers everything from food to clothes to pots and pans. For those who
nSimple Assault; Unknown person struck love the kim chi, the market offers a variety of styles to suit every taste. — U.S. Army photo by Bob McElroy
Victim #1 in the face with an open hand at the
Enterprise Club, Anjung-Ri, Pyeongtaek-Si.
The unknown person then fled the scene. SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Off-post events and activities
Victim #1 declined medical treatment and
rendered a written sworn statement attesting
“Egypt, the Great Civilization” various soy and bean pastes, corn, traditional fermented be summer and autumn music nights every Saturday
to the incident. Investigation continues by
MPI. Exhibition soybeans, potatoes, and vegetables. Visitors can stay night. The spring shows are offered at a family friendly
The Special Exhibition Gallery of the National at any number of pensions in the area, then take a tour time in early evening every Saturday through June 27.
n False Official Statement; Subject #1 Museum of Korea, Seoul presents artifacts from around a traditional soy and bean paste factory and The shows are part of the Seoul Forest Starry Night
committed the offense of False Official the civilization of Ancient Egypt which stretched participate in various experience programs such as soy Festival. The Saturday shows will continue in July
Statement when Subject #1 previously from 3200BC to 300BC. Now, the National Museum and bean paste making, straw arts and crafts, folk games, and August at 8 p.m. The shows are free, sponsored
reported Subject #1’s spouse committed
Child Neglect, Spouse Abuse and Adultery, of Korea is resurrecting this great civilization, and and traditional performances. Visit by the Sejong Cultural Center. To get there, it’s a few
which Subject #1 knew were false. Subject taking visitors back to the world of the pyramids, minutes walk from Ttukseom subway station, line 2,
#1 was advised of Subject #1’s legal rights, mummies, and hieroglyphs. Visitors can discover Dojangpo Maeul (Hill) exit 8. Visit
which Subject #1 waived rendering a written the real lives of Ancient Egyptians through the Travelling from Hakdong Pebble Beach to Hammok
sworn statement admitting to the offense. extensive display of genuine artifacts and relics. Beach, one can glimpse the quaint village of Dojangpo Herbnara Farm
Subject #1 was processed and released to
Subject #1’s unit. This is a final report. There will be a special pavilion with holograms Maeul. This quiet fishing village is comprised of charming Herbnara Farm opened in 1994 and has almost 100
and a three-dimensional viewing room for life in little houses as well as a small ferry port. The strong kinds of herbs, covering a total area of 12 square
Area IV the Ancient Egyptian civilization. Visitors will also ocean winds can be felt from the top of the hill overlooking kilometers. It consists of seven theme gardens, ponds
n Hit and Run; Obligation for Safe find comprehensive information and images on the Dojangpo Maeul. This hill is referred to by locals as “The and galleries including the Herb Garden, Children
Operation; An unknown vehicle struck touchscreen computer kiosks located throughout the Hill of Wind” or “Mangneungjandi Park,” but has yet to Garden, Fragrance Garden, and Water Garden. The
Victim #1’s POV adjacent to Gate #6.
The unknown vehicle then fled the scene. exhibition. Visit take on an official name. This spot is one of Geojedo’s uniquely decorated buildings and signs make visitors
Damages to Victim #1’s vehicle consisted best kept secrets. The green grass spreading across the feel as if they are living in a fairy tale. Inside the farm,
of a broken rear bumper. The unknown Daegullyeong Village hillside is spotted with wild flowers in the springtime and there are several spots for taking photos alongside
vehicle sustained unknown damages. Daegullyeong Village is a tourist complex located has a dreamy quality to it. Visitors can sit on one of the the herbs; descriptions and effects are posted at each
KNP responded to the scene and filed in Gangwondo Gangneung-si, and provides visitors benches overlooking the magnificent vistas. “Hoejeon- herb patch. A restaurant and cafeteria provide some
a report. Victim #1 rendered a written
statement attesting to the incident. Victim with a host of various traditional experiences, mongma” (meaning Carrousel in English) is just one of the dishes and drinks made of herbs cultivated on the
#1 reported utilization of Victim #1’s sporting events, and lodging accommodations. many television shows that have been filmed here. Even farm. Bibimbap, steamed chicken and Jeon, and the
seatbelt. ECOD is unknown. Investigation The village of ‘Daegullyeong’ got its name from though this spot has attracted many fans of TV shows shot popular, herb salad with freshly picked flowers, are
continues by TAI. the series of ‘Daegwallyeong’ ridges that stretch here, it is still considered one of the hidden treasures on just some of the items on the menu. Free herbal tea
along the bordering regions of Gangneung and the island of Geojedo. The spring weather of April through is given to people who eat at the restaurant. There is
nAt 0129 hrs, 08 JUN 09, Subject #1 was
Pyeongchang. Although the mountain ridges present June is the perfect time to pack a picnic lunch and enjoy also an exhibition room, which displays and sells herb
observed by MP at the road adjacent to the
Gate #2, USAG-Daegu (Henry). Subject #1 rigorous passages, the area is popular as it boasts this scenic hillside. Visit related products such as herbal tea, herbal oil, herbal
was apprehended by MP and transported magnificent scenery. Daegullyeong Village boasts soap, etc. The farm can best be enjoyed from June to
to the USAG-Daegu (Walker) PMO where beautiful Daegwallyeong ridges and clear waters of Seoul Forest Concerts August and takes approximately one hour to tour the
Subject #1 was advised of Subject #1’s the valleys in the mountain villages where tourists Families may enjoy free music concerts at the Seoul entire premises. Visitors can also enjoy the refreshing
legal rights, which Subject #1 waived
can take in the spectacular views of Bogwang 1(il)-ri, Forest Park outdoor stage every Saturday evening at 5 waters that run through the Heungjeong Valley at the
rendering a written sworn statement
admitting to the incident. Subject #1 was Bogwang 2(yi)-ri, and Eoheul-ri. The local specialties pm through June 27. Seoul Forest opened in June 2005 as entrance of the farm in the summer season. Visit www.
processed and released to Subject #1’s include the traditional doenjang (soybean paste), Seoul’s answer to New York’s Central Park. There will also
unit. This is a final report.
Source:,,, — No endorsement implied.
Author Kelvin
Boston to speak
Public Broadcasting Service “Moneywise”
host and author Kelvin Boston will meet
with U.S. Forces Korea community
members to discuss financial planning,
saving and investing, home ownership,
credit and bankruptcy 6-9 p.m. June 17
at the Yongsan Army Community Service
classroom, Building S-4106, Room 118. For
information, call 738-4655. Boston is the
author of “Who’s Afraid to be a Millionare:
Master Financial and Emotional Success.”
Col. Larry “Pepper” Jackson (left), USAG-Red Cloud commander, Lt. Col. Donald Meisler (center), USAG-Casey commander, and Richard Davis (right), USAG-Red Cloud deputy commander,
address the Area I workforce during the quarterly Workforce Town Hall Meeting May 19. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker
Hukilau revelers were entertained by these three Korean traditional music instrumentalists performing on (from left to right) the traditional Korean violin, Ah geang, the Korean traditional
lyre, Geo mun go, and the traditional Korean flute, Pi ri during the USAG-Casey celebration of Asian Heritage Month, or Hukilau, which took place in the Casey Community Activity Center
May 16. Additional photos from this event are available online at — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker
Area I entertained by
top university choir
By Jim Cunningham lodging to support themselves during the
USAG-RC Public Affairs Pacific rim tour.
“We sing, and that is what we do,” Leach
CASEY GARRISON — Soldiers, said. “We sang concerts to raise funding
Civilians and Family members were for each and every one of us to come on
entertained by the concert choir of Penn this tour.
State University in West Chapel May 26 There are no other sponsors or funding
on USAG-Casey and May 27 on the Village from the University.”
Green at USAG-Red Cloud. The choir has traveled outside the United
The eclectic program consisted of both States twice before.
liturgical and secular music focusing on Poland and the Czech Republic in 2001
music of living and past African American and South Africa in 2005.
composers, both men and women. The tour for 35 singers and four Anthony Leach (standing in front of the piano), Penn State music director, conducts the 35 voice
“Plans for coming to Korea go back to chaperones costs $5,000 per person and Penn State University choir during their concert in the West Chapel on USAG-Casey May 26.
2004,” said Anthony Leach, Penn State lasts 18 days incurring five flights. More photos online at— U.S. Army photo by Jim Cunningham
choral music director. “This is a reasonable figure; we stay in “This means we do everything from and a few whom are only remembered by
“I was in South Korea in July 2004 as a hotels and do not look for lodging being music intended for worship services, their contemporary compositions including
co-conductor of the World Youth Choir. sponsored by those inviting us to perform.” entertainment, jazz, blues and all other forms Rosephanye Powell.
We were based in Pusan and toured Leach said. written and improvised by Africans and The choir always moves about on stage
throughout Korea.” “When we traveled in 2005 the costs African Americans throughout history.” while singing, and enters the concert hall
Since 2006 I have been putting together were more.” Most of the repertoire performed by singing before taking their places on stage.
the necessary resources to come back to Asia The choir has a specialized repertoire of the choir was written by some who are Their exit is the same, shaking the hands
and tour not only in Korea, but Taiwan and well known and obscure composers. unknown because their identities were lost of the audience before exiting the hall.
Japan as well.” “We do sacred and secular music from in history, but their art was remembered, to “We want our audiences to know they
Members of the choir had to raise funds the African and African American cultural classical greats from the early 20th century were all special to us, and we sang personally
to pay for their transportation, board and traditions,” Leach said. including Scott Joplin, James P. Johnson, for them, before leaving,” Leach said.
Red Cloud
lauded for
best AT
Default band (from left) Jeremy Hora-guitar, Dave Benedict-bass guitar, Dallas Smith-vocals and Danny Craig-drums, a popular Canadian band
leads the twin bill of Default and the popular band Trapt in performing for the USAG-Casey community in Gateway Park May 29. Additional pho-
tos from this event and other past events are available online at — U.S. Army photo by Jim Cunningham
Transportation 101
Learn to use the mass transportation
system in Seoul. Dress for the weather
and bring Korean won for lunch and
transportation. Each participant receives
a free T-Money Card. The next class is
9 a.m.-2 p.m. June 17 in building S4106,
Room 124. For information, call 738-7505.
Customer Service
roviding pertinent feedback may very a valuable tool to get important comments
well be the single-most important from our customers. The next focus group
thing you can do to make the Yongsan will be held in August.
community better! We also have an annual survey to
As the garrison commander, I rely on extensively ask important questions about
ICE, or the Interactive Customer Evaluation how we are meeting the needs of our
system available on our website or kiosks community members. The next survey will
around the garrison. be conducted in the fall. Last year, we had
There are some things you should nearly 750 community members participate
understand about our ICE system in in the annual survey.
Yongsan. First, I personally read every As part of our commitment to the Army
comment you send. Family Covenant, we have a tradition of
Second, regardless of your experience providing a level of service commensurate
with one of our service providers, it is to the high level of service given by our
essential that both positive and negative Soldiers and their families. This means we
feedback be provided to us. All too often, do everything we can to provide the best
people who receive good service are less home you can possibly have.
likely to fill out an ICE comment, but, I
would like to encourage you to drop us a
Our community has a tradition of doing
well in the annual Army Communities of
Family Cultural Exchange Program
comment no matter how you feel. I use Excellence competition. I firmly believe this
this as an indicator of how we are meeting is because we listen closely to our community
your needs. members. You have my commitment to
The ICE system is just one of three listen to what you have to say. Customer
ways we monitor customer satisfaction service is key to customer satisfaction.
at the garrison. We also gather feedback I encourage you to use the ICE system to
through Community FIRST (Feedback, let us know how we’re doing. I also want you
Issue, Resolution, Today) with targeted to know that we have a Commander’s Hotline
community members. Last month, we held for issues important to you. You can call 738-
two such sensing sessions with a group of 3484 or use the form on our website.
Department of the Army Civilian Employees I look forward to hearing from you soon!
and a group of active duty Soldiers. This is Army Strong!
More than 500 Yongsan residents turned out Sunday, May 31 for an alternative rock
concert by “Trapt” and “Default.” The outdoor IMCOM Entertainment concert at the Collier
Field House parking lot started at 7 p.m. and went on for hours bringing smiles and cheers
to attendees. “I think the show was great and the people loved it,” said Eric Yim, USAG-
Yongsan FMWR community recreation division chief. — Photo by Chang Chae-hun
June 12, 2009 NEWS IMCOM-K • PAGE 13
June 12-18
Up Up
HUMPHREYS 12 Rounds (PG) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m. (PG) 3:30 p.m. 17 Again 17 Again State of Play State of Play
(PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m. 12 Rounds 12 Rounds (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m. (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m. (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m. (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.
753-7716 (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m. (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.
12 Rounds
KUNSAN Star Trek (PG-13) 6 p.m. Angels and Demons Knowing
(PG-13) 6 / 9 p.m. Star Trek (PG-13) 6 /9 p.m.
No Show No Show No Show
(PG-13) 6 p.m.
782-4987 (PG-13) 8:30 p.m.
Dragonball: Evolution Dragonball: Evolution
OSAN Hangover (PG) 1 p.m. Hangover
(PG) 1 p.m. (PG) 1 p.m. Obsessed Terminator: Salvation
(R) 7 / 9:30 p.m. Hangover (PG-13) 7:30 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m.
Hangover Hangover
784-4930 (R) 3:30 / 6 p.m.
(R) 3:30 / 6 p.m. (R) 7 p.m.
Terminator Salvation
RED CLOUD (PG-13) 7 p.m. 17 Again Dragonball: Evolution 1 Rounds Monsters vs. Aliens
No Show
Night at the Museum:
Adventureland (PG-13) 7 p.m. (PG) 7 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m. (PG) 7 p.m. Battle of the Smithsonian
732-6620 (R) 9 p.m.
(PG) 7 p.m.
Area I Worship Schedule Area II Worship Schedule Area III Worship Schedule Area IV Worship Schedule
Protestant Services Protestant Services Protestant Services Protestant Services
Collective Collective Sunday 0930 Brian Allgood Hospital Collective Collective Protestant
Sunday 1000 Stone Chapel Sunday 1030 K-16 Chapel Sunday 1100 Super Gym Sunday 1000 Camp Carroll
Sunday 1000 Stanley Chapel Sunday 1100 Hannam Village Chapel 1100 Suwon Air Base Chapel 1030 Camp Walker
Sunday 1030 West Casey Chapel 1100 Camp Eagle Chapel Church of Christ 1700 Camp Walker
Sunday 1100 Warrior Chapel Liturgical Sunday 0800 Memorial Chapel Gospel 1300 Super Gym Gospel 1215 Camp Walker
Sunday 1100 Crusader Chapel Contemporary Sunday 0930 South Post Chapel Contemporary 1700 Super Gym 1300 Camp Carroll
Sunday 1100 Hovey Chapel Traditional Sunday 1100 South Post Chapel KATUSA Contemporary
Gospel 1100 Memorial Chapel, Casey Gospel Sunday 1230 South Post Chapel Tuesday 1900 Super Gym Friday 1900 Camp Walker
Sunday 1100 Casey Memorial Chapel Mision Pentecostal Hispana Korean Korean
1100 Camp Stanley Chapel Sunday 1400 South Post Chapel Wednesday 1930 Super Gym Tuesday 1900 Camp Carroll
1100 Stanley Chapel Korean Sunday 0910 Hannam Village Chapel Wednesday 1830 Camp Walker
COGIC Catholic Services
Sunday 1230 CRC Warrior Chapel United Pentecostal Mass Catholic Services
KATUSA Sunday 1330 Memorial Chapel Daily 1145 Annex 2 Chapel Mass
Sunday 1930 CRC Warrior Chapel Sunday 0900 Super Gym Sunday 0900 Camp Walker
Sunday 1300 Jackson Auditorium KATUSA Tuesday 1830 Memorial Chapel 1700 Camp Eagle Chapel 1130 Camp Carroll
Tuesday 1900 Camp Stanley Chapel 1700 Suwon Air Base Chapel Saturday 1700 Camp Walker
Tuesday 1840 Casey Stone Chapel Seventh-Day Adventist Jewish
Tuesday 1800 Camp Castle Chapel Saturday 0930 Brian Allgood Hospital Every 2nd Friday 1830 Annex 2 Chapel
Tuesday 1830 Casey Memorial Chapel
For information, contact Corey Ringer at, or
Tuesday 1830 Camp Hovey Chapel Early Morning Service call 753-3909
Thursday 1830 West Casey Chapel (Korean) Mon-Sat 0510 South Post Chapel
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) David B. Crary: Chaplain (Maj.) Klon K. Kitchen, Jr.: 2ID Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Richard Spencer: Chaplain (Maj.) Pyo Kwon:, 738-3009, 753-7274, 732-7998, 764-5455
Chaplain (Maj.) Adolph G. DuBose: Red Cloud Chaplain (Maj.) Fredrick Garcia: Chaplain (Maj.) Edward Martin:, 738-4043 Chaplain (Capt.) Anthony Flores:, 732-6169, 765-8004,
Chaplain (Maj.) Leo Mora Jr.: 753-7042 Red Cloud Chaplain (Capt.) Mario Rosario:, 736-3018, 732-6016
No Endorsement Implied
No Endorsement Implied
humphreys garrison — The American Red Cross conducted lifeguard training last week at the USAG-
Humphreys Splish Splash Water Park pool. Four instructors trained one American and 19 Korean lifeguards
from throughout the penninsula to develop best practices and necessary skills to respond to recreational
swimming emergencies. In this photo series, lifeguards practice deep water spinal injury rescue procedures.
Download high resolution photos at — U.S. Army photos by Ken Hall
‘We should have trust in each other because we live together, just like a family’
By Pfc. Ma, Ju-ho together and, at the end of the duty day,
2nd CAB Public Affairs we all go to our homes at the same time,”
Dillman said.
humphreys GARRISON — To During his long career as an NCO he tried
Master Sgt. James C. Dillman, the safety to make Soldiers feel like the Army was their
NCO for 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, home. His easy-going style of leadership
being a good noncommissioned officer is makes Soldiers work hard on their own; he
not very different from being a good Soldier. doesn’t yell at them or force them to do tasks
After 22 years serving in the Army, he says he wouldn’t do himself.
the secret to his successful career is to “do “We should have trust in each other
his own job.” (because) we live together, just like a family,”
As the safety NCO of the 2nd CAB, Dillman said.
he supervises all brigade safety operations Before joining the Army, he said he
and provides the battalions appropriate wasn’t sure what he could do, but he said
operations and equipment as well. It is the responsibility and commitment he
also his job to maintain and safeguard the experienced in the Army made him grow
brigade’s equipment. up and be more confident in himself. In a
Dillman served in the Marine Corps Master Sgt. James C. Dillman, safety NCO, updates the safety board at 2nd CAB headquarters, few months he will retire from the Army
Reserve while attending college and decided USAG-Humphreys. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Ma, Ju-ho and begin a new phase of his life.
to join the Army after graduation when his his own easy-going style of speech, that he “I don’t think I’m a better person than “It’s time to move on,” Dillman added.
wife was pregnant with their first child. He was “just a little bit fortunate.” any young Soldiers,” he said. “I don’t tell When he leaves the Army in Nov. 2009 he
enlisted as a helicopter mechanic and built But in fact, he truly worked hard, moving them they’ve got to do something I just do plans to go back home and try something
his career fast and successfully. to several places, from the United States to it with them.” new. With his wife and his three sons, he is
“I spent most of my career as an E-7, Germany, to Iraq and the Republic of Korea. Leading his Soldiers the way he has going to continue to raise a good family, just
serving eight total years to reach the rank of He has been an NCO for 19 years. always done, Dillman never had problems like he has done with his Soldiers.
master sergeant,” Dillman said. Asked how Dillman treats his Soldiers as he wants to accomplishing missions. “I will never forget my 22 years in the
he did that outstanding job, he said, with be treated and works together with them. “We report for duty together, work Army. The Army changed me a lot.”
News & Notes Humphreys American School names honor roll students
DOL Organizational Day Honor Roll (6th, 7th and 8th grade)
USAG-Humphreys DOL Day has been By Lori Yerdon
rescheduled from 29 May to 12 Jun 09. USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs Principals Honor Roll
All activities including CIF and Installation (4.0 Grade Point Average)
PBO will be closed. humphreys GARRISON —
TMP vehicle dispatch office, ITO, CTO, post Danielle Ambersley, Emily Cox
shuttle buses and gas station The largest ever group of students
Matthew Horton, Arthur Mills
will operate normal business hours. - 408 - successfully completed the The Humphreys American School Eagle Kayla Pickett, Soo Yun Rhee
Emergency contact numbers are: 2008-2009 school year June 10. D’Onte Blount, Thad Long Cody Rinehart, Sydney Salter
011-327-8762 (Mr. Slawson), 010-4727-2857 Mordecai Choi*, Diamond Lowe Machala Swickard, Alisa Townley
(Mr. Tillery), and 010-5251-1995 The following are the names of
Aaron Cotton*, Aubrey McMahan
(Mr. Scott) students recognized during the 2nd Jonathan Davidson, John McMahan High Honor Roll
Semester Awards Ceremony at HAS Victoria DeBoer, Ethan Mejia (3.5 – 3.99 GPA)
BOSS Beach Blast Coleen deGuzman, Benjamin Mendenhall
Get ready to have a rockin’ weekend at the this week, sponsored by the HAS
Paige Duskie*, Allen Mills Hunter Bova, Kendra Berry
Better Opportunity for SIngle Soldiers Beach Student Council, HAS teachers, Dominique Flores, Robert Paul Susan Choi, Julian Kelly
Blast at Daecheon Beach June 12-14. Mrs. Vicki Leivermann and HAS Yeaji Ham*, Dominic Perez Hannah Davis, Kexy Moreno
Various events will take place on the beach Olivia Hancock, Faisaun Pharr* Joshua Harlan, Victora Moretta
including tug-o-war, sand castle sculpting, free Principal Joyce Diggs.
Tristan Hardin*, Kalen Royal* Howard Hwang, Andrew Schmeltz
music concert, swim suit competition, vollyball Congratulations to the following Hunter Herring*, Emily Schmeltz Camara Jones, Tyler Anderson
tournament, watermelon eating contest, students for their accomplishments: Jackson Hill*, Maliki Smalls* Nathan Kane, David Voelker
jalapeno eating contest, relay and physical Kayla Hood*, Joshua Solmonson Ju Hyeong Lim, Dayjah Tull
fitness competition. Honor Roll (4th and 5th grade) Yamileth Humphrey, Cynthia Stokes Victoria Moreno, Ceressa Swickard
Sign up at the Humphreys Outdoor Recreation Christopher Imajo*, Hakim Tatygulov Hana Santucci, Sarah Snow
Center or call 753-8828 Principals Honor Roll Anna Jenson, Ryan Tillery* Sara Stephens, Cristian Mejia
Crystal Ambersley, Anna Lippert* Christopher Johnson, Julian Totton Amy Burger, Hyong Kim
Army Birthday June 14 Gina Arnold, Felicia Lozinski* Elise Johnson*, Cherish Travis Cory Florence, Jr.
Old-time specials on tap for Army birthday Joshua Aulds, Aubrey McMahan Sierra Julian, Lance Travis
celebration: free swimming at Splish Splash Krystal Brown*, John McMahan Mitchell Welborn* Honor Roll
Water Park, courtesy of the United Club; Noah Cruz*, Ethan Mejia (3.0 – 3.49 GPA)
50-cent Open bowling at the Strike Zone Christina Durham*, Benjamin Mendenhall *Both 3rd and 4th Quarters
Bowling Center; and 50-cent minature golf at Jack Mendenhall*, Maddie Gist*, Thomas BainJun, Young Ham
Augusta West Miniature Golf Course Annie Moore*, Victoria DeBoer Citizenship Award (4th and 5th grade) Jae Ho Kim, John Nichols
Ashton Harlan*, Kenneth Musselwhite* Phillip Limb, Andrea Reta
Humphreys American School Mirae Heo*, Dominic Perez Anagabriel Garcia, Ashton Harlan Jacquel Lopez, Zhenya Townley
New student Registration begins June 15 Andy Horton*, Emily Schmeltz Myah Jennrich, Benjamin Mendenhall Von Joshua Matheny, Abigail Treb
New student Orientation begins August 24 Yamileth Humphrey, Kianna Snape* Janine Mongalo, Kenneth Musselwhite Gee Young Moon, Samantha Brownell
at 11 a.m. in HAS cafeteria Eunice Hwang*, Cynthia Stokes Alana Parra, Brianna Sablan Khalil Osborne, Ciara Florence
Meet and greet your teacher Anna Jenson, Cherish Travis Cherish Travis, Payton Wilson Krizha Robihid, Syerra Dobson
August 28 from 2 - 3 p.m. Jiana Legaspi*, Lance Travis Levi Travis, Eric Campos
Most Improved (4th and 5th grade) Montavia Brooks, Ashley Brown
Moneywise in the Military *Both 3rd and 4th Quarters Jacob Garcia, Alexander Allen
Kelvin Boston, author of “Who’s Afraid Tracy Altvater, D’Onte Blount Ju Bon Lim, Lemuel Travis
to be a Millionaire” and host of the PBS A and B Honor Roll Jonathan Davidson, Felipe Del Mauro Kyle McKinney, Daniel Song
award-winning financial series Moneywise Vanessa Engram, Christopher Johnson Saadiq Phillips, Amber Randall
will present a special seminar specifically Crystal Ambersley, Kenneth Kim Kenneth Kim, Justin Lawson Akasha Wade, Geu Peschon
designed for the military at the Community Gina Arnold, Kevin Kim* Thad Long, Jordon Stevenson Patric Herring, Jasmine Patterson
Activity Center Monday, June 15 at 1:30 p.m. Joshua Aulds, Justin Lawson* Hakim Tatygulov Jaime Manglona, Hope McMahan
Family members welcome to attend. Contact
ACS Financial Services Advisor Clarence
Figgs at 753-8403
“I’m leaving to go back to the “We’re taking a vacation to “I’ll be teaching the summer “I’m going to a week-long
United States and spending a couple Hawaii and then spending half of enrichment program here at HAS camp with the Boy Scouts and
of weeks visiting family, and I’m our summer with our grandparents and then I’m heading to South also going swimming a lot. then
also taking a one-week course at the in New York and the other half Carolina near Myrtle Beach. I’m also I’m moving with my family to
University of Virginia. Then I’ll spend with friends in Virginia. We are also going to Hawaii before returning Israel.” - Christopher Imajo,
some time in Washington D.C. visiting moving to Pennsylvania.” - Anna back to Korea.” - Ms. Bernadette Humphreys American School 5th
the Smithsonian and other museums.” - Lippert, Humphreys American Kollbrand, Humphreys American grade student
Ms. Joyce Diggs, Humphreys American School 5th grade student School Kindergarten teacher
School Principal
JUNE 12, 2009 AREA IV USAG-D • PAGE 25
• Camp Henry Gate #1 will be closed from 8 p.m. June 19 - 7 p.m. June 21
• Camp Henry Gate #2 will be closed from 8 p.m. June 26 - 7 p.m. June 28
• Camp Walker Gate #4 will be closed from 8 a.m. July 11 - 7 p.m. July 12
• Camp Walker Gate #6 will be closed from 8 a.m. July 18 – 7 p.m. July 19
Please note that there will only be one Gate open per Installation while the work is done. So please plan accordingly as well for delays. We are sorry
for any inconvenience or delays this may cause.
If you have any questions about the security process, contact Robert F. Nelson Directorate of Emergency Services at 764-4106 or 010-9261-2006,
or email:
USAG-Daegu has best garrison Scholarships for Military Children Program announces 2009 winners
By Carrie Williams Scholarship Managers, a professional
antiterrorism program in the Army Defense Commissary Agency, Marketing scholarship firm, selects the winners
By Phillip Molter based on academic merit, participation
USAG-Daegu Public Affairs DAEGU — Drum roll please . . . “and in extracurricular and volunteer activities,
the winner of a $1,500 scholarship is Patrick and the quality of their essays. Recipients
B. Buehl from Daegu American School as are notified by letter. The full list of
DAEGU GARRISON — United States
announced by Mr. Lito Miraflor, store scholarship recipients and sponsoring
Army Garrison Daegu earned awards for
director at the Daegu Commissary. The business partners can be found online at
the Best Installation Antiterrorism Program
scholarships are part of the Scholarships
as well as the Outstanding AT Innovation
for Military Children Program, funded by Nearly every one of the Defense
or Action from Installation Management
manufacturers and suppliers that provide Commissary Agency’s stores will announce
Command, June 5.
products and services for commissaries a local winner; many commissaries will
Garrison Daegu won two of the four
around the globe. announce multiple winners.
annual awards given by IMCOM, which conducted extensive planning and team
“We’re excited to report that the The Scholarships for Military Children
recognize superior achievement in AT by coordination, implementing numerous
scholarship program continues to be a program is administered by Fisher House
installations and individuals Armywide. innovative steps and a multitude of best
success in helping military families defray Foundation, a nonprofit organization
"I am extremely proud that the hard work practices to ensure compliance with Army
the cost of education,” said Defense responsible for building comfort homes near
of Daegu's antiterrorism and force protection and DoD AT standards.
Commissary Agency Director and Chief military medical centers. The foundation
staff has justifiably been recognized as the Novel use of a closed circuit television
Executive Officer Philip E. Sakowitz bears all costs of the program so that every
best in the U.S. Army," said Garrison Daegu (CCTV) system at Busan's Pier 8 led to
Jr. “We’re proud to be associated with dollar donated goes for scholarships. The
Commander, Col. Michael Saulnier. "More Garrison Daegu capturing the innovative
a program that has awarded 4,132 general public has the opportunity to
importantly, that hard work means that action award. Placing a CCTV system
scholarships totaling more than $6.4 donate to the program through the military
Garrison Soldiers, Civilians and their Family helped ease a considerable surveillance
million since its inception in 2001.” scholar Web site.
Members who live and work throughout burden for the security personnel; however,
Area IV, from Camp Carroll in Waegwan to large areas were blocked whenever a ship
Pier 8 in Busan, can rest assured that they came alongside the pier. This was a challenge EXCHANGE from Page 26
do so safely and securely." eagerly tackled by the Daegu team. The After this event was over, children got local elementary school. It was an event
The AT awards come on the heels of solution? Place a camera on the ship, high up together and exchanged their telephone which makes friendship between Daebong
Garrison Daegu's recognition as an Army on a mast, eliminating the "blind spot" and numbers as well. With sad feelings to have to Elementary School and CYS strong as a
Community of Excellence, and further significantly increasing the force protection say bye, Kelly Kaylee Peters, a student from part of Good Neighbor program, so this
cement Daegu's position as an assignment posture. CYS said, “I played the instruments and time would be really valuable for all of us,”
of choice not only in South Korea but Among the many Daegu Garrison talked with Korean friends. I felt really happy said Kyong Anguay, a teacher from CYS.
worldwide. team members in the Directorate of Plans, to be here and also made a lot of friends, so “It’s been about three months as I work
Garrisons around the world, both overseas Training, Mobility & Security (DPTMS) I will keep in touch with them.” for School Age Service program, and I
and in the U.S., compete for these annual responsible for these achievements are Students from CYS said goodbye to found out that there are so many people
awards. The Daegu Garrison AT team passed director William Cole; Steven Gamble, friends from the Daebong school. In turn, who want to learn more about Korea. If
numerous inspections and assessments security manager; Tim Friedrich, AT students from Daebong Elementary School there can be many programs like this, I
from higher headquarters with flying colors program manager; Martin Garcia, AT waved their hands. want all the people who are interested in
during the competition period. To win the officer for Camp Carroll; and Sgt. 1st Class “It was really exciting to learn four this program would join us all together,”
overall best program award, Garrison Daegu Gregory Cinocco, security NCO. musical instruments with children in this Anguay added.
For more information, contact Employment Readiness Program Manager, Steven Wegley at 768-7951
Come enjoy the pool in a safe and healthy environment for all!
For more informaton, call Camp Carroll Outdoor Swimming Pool at 765-4274