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The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - June 12, 2009

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June 12, 2009 • Volume 7, Issue 34 Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea http://imcom.korea.army.mil

Congratulations Class of 2009!

136 seniors graduate from Seoul American High School

With a switch of thier tassles, 136 Seoul American High School seniors officially became gradutes June 6. The SAHS Class of 2009 achieved a 3.12 cumulative grade point average. Five SAHS
seniors earned appointments to various military academies, and 35 seniors earned ROTC scholarships. See page 9 for the story. — U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Lee, Min-hwi


Region News
USAG-Red Cloud
Sights and Sounds
Movie Schedule
P14 Page 25
Religious Support
Special Feature
P16 Daegu celebrates Army’s
First Aid for Dogs
Korean Page
P30 234th Birthday
http://imcom.korea.army.mil NEWS THE MORNING CALM


The Morning Calm
Published by Installation Management
Command - Korea

Commanding General/Publisher: Brig. Gen. John Uberti

Public Affairs Officer/Editor: Edward N. Johnson
Deputy PAO: Slade Walters
Senior Editor: Dave Palmer
Reducing Mental Health Stigma Policy
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Ma- a sign a weakness; it is a sign of maturity, cour-
Commander: Col. Larry A. Jackson rines and our DoD Civilians val- age, and strength.
Public Affairs Officer: Margaret Banish-Donaldson iantly serve our country and sup- As stated by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, seeking
CI Officer: James F. Cunningham
port the ROK-US Alliance every help when struggling with life’s issues is “one of the first big steps
USAG-YONGSAN day. It is not easy to serve far from to reclaiming your career, your life, your future.” USKF offers
Commander: Col. David W. Hall
Public Affairs Officer: David McNally home, and in some cases, far from help through chaplains, behavioral health specialists, social work-
CI Officer: Dan Thompson Family. ers, and through medical channels. Help is easily accessable and
Staff Writers: Sgt. Lee Min-hwi, Cpl. Choi Keun-woo,
Pfc. Hwang Joon-hyun, Spc. Jason C. Adolphson
While living and working in confidential.
Korea is a wonderful experience, The men and women of USFK must ensure their physical and
USAG-HUMPHREYS our “fight and win tonight” mis- mental well-being, and that of their battle buddies, wingmen, and
Commander: Col. Joseph P. Moore
Public Affairs Officer: Bob McElroy sion can be stressful on the mind shipmates. Leaders must become personally involved to guaran-
CI Officer: Lori Yerdon and spirit. tee mental health needs are met, that there is no stigma associated
Writer-Editor: Ken Hall
Designer: Cpl. Kim Hyung-joon Gen. Walter L. Sharp When our Service Members with seeking these services, and that the sons and daughters un-
suffer physical injuries, they usu- der our charge remain in top physical and mental condition.
Commander: Col. Michael P. Saulnier
ally seek medical treatment without feeling ashamed. But our war- Each one of us is needed to achieve the mission. Just as we
Public Affairs Officer: Philip Molter rior mindset often mistakenly associates seeking mental health treat- would not leave any man or woman behind on the battlefield,
Staff Writers: Pfc. Park Kyung-rock, Pfc. Lee Do-dam, ment with personal shortcomings. Thus, Service Members may fail we cannot afford to leave anyone behind due to mental health
Kim Ayeon, Lee Ji-hye
to seek mental health services they need. issues.
This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for The Commander, USPACOM, recently signed “Reducing Men- Take care of yourself and take care of one another. As your
members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The
Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of, tal Health Stigma Policy Statement,” to emphasize the importance commander, I promise to do the same.
or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of De- of Service Members seeking assistance for mental health concerns,
fense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of
this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMCOM-
and leadership support of these Service Members in need of mental
Korea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 9,500 health services. You can see the PACOM policy at www.usfk.mil/ General, US Army
usfk/Uploads/200/MentalHealthStigmaMemorandum.pdf. Commander
Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way con-
nected with the U.S. Government, under exclusive written Leaders at all levels must send a clear message: seeking help is not
contract with the Contracting Command-Korea. The
civilian printer is responsible for commercial advertising.
The appearance of advertising in this publication, including

Eat safe with easy barbeque safety tips to grill by

inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement
by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or ser-
vices advertised. Everything advertised in this publication
shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage
without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin,
age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation,
By Andrew Allen structure and outdoor fires. Use long-handled grilling tools to give
or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or USAG-Daegu Deputy Fire Chief 3. Gas-fueled grills caused an estimated the “grill master” plenty of clearance from
patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity 2,800 home structure fires and 4,400 home heat and flames when flipping burgers.
policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse
to print advertising from that source until the violation is Daegu GARRISON —Fire up the grill, outdoor fires in 2005. Grill masters, keep your grill clean and free
corrected. and start cooking those sizzling hot dogs and On all military installations in Korea, of grease and oil build-up. If a fire flares
Oriental Press President: Charles Chong hamburgers because summer is here. you must position the grill at least 15 up, close the lid and on a gas grill turn the
Commercial Advertising The all-American style barbeque is a feet away from siding, deck railings and heat down.
Telephone: 738-5005 or 723-4253
Fax: (02) 790-5795
welcome sight at any cookout. However, fire out from under eaves and overhanging Here in Korea, propane grills come
E-mail: oppress@kornet.net anywhere else other than in the BBQ can make branches. Place your grill in a safe location; in many shapes and sizes, plus they get
Mail address: PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758 your summer kick-off barbecue memorable for keep it away from outdoor games, play areas “modified” to use Korean LP tanks. Always
Location: Bldg. 1440, Yongsan, Main Post
all the wrong reasons. and foot traffic. check the gas cylinder hose for leaks before
SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Facts & figures from the National Fire Never use gasoline or kerosene to start using it. By using a light soap and water
Phone: DSN 738-4068
E-mail: MorningCalmWeekly@korea.army.mil Protection Association: your BBQ. Only use BBQ starter fluid, and solution applied to the hose, you will
1. In 2005, gas and charcoal grills caused follow the directions on the bottle. quickly reveal escaping gas.
3,400 structure fires and 4,900 outdoor fires in We often think of beer and BBQs going If you determine your grill has a gas
Visit us online or on home properties, resulting in a combined together, but this is a dangerous mix. leak, by either the smell or the soapy bubble
direct property loss of $137 million. People that consume alcohol must be test, turn off the tank if it is safe to do so.
The Morning Calm 2. Gas grills have a higher fire risk than kept away from the grill as well as children If the leak stops, get the grill serviced by a
imcom.korea.army.mil charcoal grills; leaks and breaks are the leading and pets: declare a three-foot “safe zone” professional before using it again. If the leak
cause, accounting for 41 percent of the gas grill around the grill. does not stop, call the fire department.

Retiree Corner:
Wills and other important documents
By Jack Terwiel all military service records and medical records can be ordered
Military Retiree Assistance Office from the National Personnel Records Center, ATTN: Military
Submitting to
Records, 7200 Page Avenue, St. Louis, MO 73132-5100. My
The Morning Calm Weekly Whether it’s applying for Social Security benefits or assisting recommendation is to request two copies of the retirement
Send Letters to the Editor, guest commentaries, a family to apply for survivor benefits, certain documents are DD Form 214.
story submissions and other items: required to provide as evidence of eligibility for a claim. In almost Other important records include marriage certificate for
every case, either an original or a certified copy is required by the each marriage, as well as divorce decrees or spouse’s death
For all submitted items include a point of con- agency to which the claim is submitted. Plain photocopies are certificate for each previous marriage. For family members,
tact name and telephone number. All items are not accepted by any agency except possibly the Defense Finance a birth certificate (or Family Register if born in Korea) and
subject to editing for content and to insure they and Accounting Service (DFAS), but only when the DFAS letter for spouse any proof of previous marriage and termination of
conform with DoD guidelines.
specifies that photocopies are acceptable. the previous marriage. For those born in Korea, these would
IMCOM-K Public Affairs Two of the most important documents for retirees are the normally be recorded in the Family Register.
and the Morning Calm Weekly staff are located birth certificate and the DD Form 214. In the case of the birth All original documents except Family Register should be
at IMCOM-K, Yongsan Garrison. certificate for those born in the U.S., it can be ordered from the copied (minimum five copies). Provide the originals and copies
For information, call 738-4065.
County Clerk where the retiree was born. DD Form 214, as well as to the U.S. Embassy to have certified copies made.
June 12, 2009 NEWS NEWS • PAGE 3

MP Blotter
Area I
n Unknown Person(s), by unknown
means, operating an unknown vehicle,
struck Victim #1’s GOV which was
legally parked, secured and unattended
adjacent to BLDG #4110. Damages to
Victim’s vehicle consisted of a broken left
rear tail light. The unknown individual
fled the scene. A search of the area for
subject(s) and/or witness(s) met with
negative results. Victim #1 rendered a
written sworn statement attesting to the
incident. ECOD is unknown. This is a
final report.

n Unknown person(s), by unknown

means, removed Victim #1’s backpack
and a navigation system which were
unsecured and unattended at BLDG
#1817. A search of the area for subject(s)
and/or witness(es) met with negative
results. ECOL is unknown. Investigation
continues by MPI.

Area II
nUnknown perons(s), by unknown means,
damaged Victim #1’s POV. Damages to
Victim #1’s vehicle consisted of a shattered
front passenger side window. A search of
the area for subject(s) and/or witness(es)
met with negative results. Victim #1
rendered a written statement attesting to
the incident. ECOD is unknown. Due to
the lack of investigative leads, this is a
final report.

n Forgery; Unknown person(s) stole

$22.00 by cashing a forged check that was
stolen from Victim #1. Victim #1 rendered a
written statement attesting to the incident.
ECOL is $22.00. Investigation continues
by MPI.

Area III The Pyeongtaek City Market offers shoppers everything from food to clothes to pots and pans. For those who
nSimple Assault; Unknown person struck love the kim chi, the market offers a variety of styles to suit every taste. — U.S. Army photo by Bob McElroy
Victim #1 in the face with an open hand at the
Enterprise Club, Anjung-Ri, Pyeongtaek-Si.
The unknown person then fled the scene. SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Off-post events and activities
Victim #1 declined medical treatment and
rendered a written sworn statement attesting
“Egypt, the Great Civilization” various soy and bean pastes, corn, traditional fermented be summer and autumn music nights every Saturday
to the incident. Investigation continues by
MPI. Exhibition soybeans, potatoes, and vegetables. Visitors can stay night. The spring shows are offered at a family friendly
The Special Exhibition Gallery of the National at any number of pensions in the area, then take a tour time in early evening every Saturday through June 27.
n False Official Statement; Subject #1 Museum of Korea, Seoul presents artifacts from around a traditional soy and bean paste factory and The shows are part of the Seoul Forest Starry Night
committed the offense of False Official the civilization of Ancient Egypt which stretched participate in various experience programs such as soy Festival. The Saturday shows will continue in July
Statement when Subject #1 previously from 3200BC to 300BC. Now, the National Museum and bean paste making, straw arts and crafts, folk games, and August at 8 p.m. The shows are free, sponsored
reported Subject #1’s spouse committed
Child Neglect, Spouse Abuse and Adultery, of Korea is resurrecting this great civilization, and and traditional performances. Visit www.visitkorea.or.kr/ by the Sejong Cultural Center. To get there, it’s a few
which Subject #1 knew were false. Subject taking visitors back to the world of the pyramids, minutes walk from Ttukseom subway station, line 2,
#1 was advised of Subject #1’s legal rights, mummies, and hieroglyphs. Visitors can discover Dojangpo Maeul (Hill) exit 8. Visit http://tinyurl.com/kpwhz4.
which Subject #1 waived rendering a written the real lives of Ancient Egyptians through the Travelling from Hakdong Pebble Beach to Hammok
sworn statement admitting to the offense. extensive display of genuine artifacts and relics. Beach, one can glimpse the quaint village of Dojangpo Herbnara Farm
Subject #1 was processed and released to
Subject #1’s unit. This is a final report. There will be a special pavilion with holograms Maeul. This quiet fishing village is comprised of charming Herbnara Farm opened in 1994 and has almost 100
and a three-dimensional viewing room for life in little houses as well as a small ferry port. The strong kinds of herbs, covering a total area of 12 square
Area IV the Ancient Egyptian civilization. Visitors will also ocean winds can be felt from the top of the hill overlooking kilometers. It consists of seven theme gardens, ponds
n Hit and Run; Obligation for Safe find comprehensive information and images on the Dojangpo Maeul. This hill is referred to by locals as “The and galleries including the Herb Garden, Children
Operation; An unknown vehicle struck touchscreen computer kiosks located throughout the Hill of Wind” or “Mangneungjandi Park,” but has yet to Garden, Fragrance Garden, and Water Garden. The
Victim #1’s POV adjacent to Gate #6.
The unknown vehicle then fled the scene. exhibition. Visit www.tour2korea.com take on an official name. This spot is one of Geojedo’s uniquely decorated buildings and signs make visitors
Damages to Victim #1’s vehicle consisted best kept secrets. The green grass spreading across the feel as if they are living in a fairy tale. Inside the farm,
of a broken rear bumper. The unknown Daegullyeong Village hillside is spotted with wild flowers in the springtime and there are several spots for taking photos alongside
vehicle sustained unknown damages. Daegullyeong Village is a tourist complex located has a dreamy quality to it. Visitors can sit on one of the the herbs; descriptions and effects are posted at each
KNP responded to the scene and filed in Gangwondo Gangneung-si, and provides visitors benches overlooking the magnificent vistas. “Hoejeon- herb patch. A restaurant and cafeteria provide some
a report. Victim #1 rendered a written
statement attesting to the incident. Victim with a host of various traditional experiences, mongma” (meaning Carrousel in English) is just one of the dishes and drinks made of herbs cultivated on the
#1 reported utilization of Victim #1’s sporting events, and lodging accommodations. many television shows that have been filmed here. Even farm. Bibimbap, steamed chicken and Jeon, and the
seatbelt. ECOD is unknown. Investigation The village of ‘Daegullyeong’ got its name from though this spot has attracted many fans of TV shows shot popular, herb salad with freshly picked flowers, are
continues by TAI. the series of ‘Daegwallyeong’ ridges that stretch here, it is still considered one of the hidden treasures on just some of the items on the menu. Free herbal tea
along the bordering regions of Gangneung and the island of Geojedo. The spring weather of April through is given to people who eat at the restaurant. There is
nAt 0129 hrs, 08 JUN 09, Subject #1 was
Pyeongchang. Although the mountain ridges present June is the perfect time to pack a picnic lunch and enjoy also an exhibition room, which displays and sells herb
observed by MP at the road adjacent to the
Gate #2, USAG-Daegu (Henry). Subject #1 rigorous passages, the area is popular as it boasts this scenic hillside. Visit www.visitkorea.or.kr/ related products such as herbal tea, herbal oil, herbal
was apprehended by MP and transported magnificent scenery. Daegullyeong Village boasts soap, etc. The farm can best be enjoyed from June to
to the USAG-Daegu (Walker) PMO where beautiful Daegwallyeong ridges and clear waters of Seoul Forest Concerts August and takes approximately one hour to tour the
Subject #1 was advised of Subject #1’s the valleys in the mountain villages where tourists Families may enjoy free music concerts at the Seoul entire premises. Visitors can also enjoy the refreshing
legal rights, which Subject #1 waived
can take in the spectacular views of Bogwang 1(il)-ri, Forest Park outdoor stage every Saturday evening at 5 waters that run through the Heungjeong Valley at the
rendering a written sworn statement
admitting to the incident. Subject #1 was Bogwang 2(yi)-ri, and Eoheul-ri. The local specialties pm through June 27. Seoul Forest opened in June 2005 as entrance of the farm in the summer season. Visit www.
processed and released to Subject #1’s include the traditional doenjang (soybean paste), Seoul’s answer to New York’s Central Park. There will also visitkorea.or.kr/
unit. This is a final report.
Source: www.korea.net, www.seoulselection.com, http://english.tour2korea.com, www.visitseoul.net — No endorsement implied.
http://imcom.korea.army.mil NEWS THE MORNING CALM

SOCKOR to host 2009 United Nations

Command SOF Conference
By Lt. Col. Donald Canady Warfare and on conditions in North Korea.
Special to the Morning Calm Weekly One such speaker is Mr. Kang Chol-hwan,
author of Aquariums of Pyongyang. Kang is
Yongsan GARRISON — Special a defector who was imprisoned in the Yodok
Operations Command Korea will host the 2009 concentration camp for ten years before
United Nations Command Special Operations escaping North Korea.
Forces Conference at the Dragon Hill Lodge Other speakers include Dr. Kalev Sepp,
from June 16-18 on Yongsan Garrison in Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Seoul. Special Operations Capabilities, Col. (Ret) Joe
The conference is an annual event Celeski, contributing writer and senior research
where some of the best minds in the Special fellow at the Joint Special Operations University,
Operations community gather to discuss Lt. Col. Karl Cummings, the executive officer
Special Operations as they relate to the Korean of the New Zealand Special Forces Group, Lt.
Theater of Operations. Col. Adrian T. Bogart III, former executive officer
Major topics for this year’s conference of the Combined Joint Special Operations
will include: Concepts of Operation for Task Force Afghanistan (CJSOTF-A), Gilbert
Unconventional Warfare and Organization E. Doan, Deputy of Operational Studies
and Support of United Nations Command at JSOU and Civil Affairs expert, Dr. John
SOF Operations. The conference will broaden Linton, International Healthcare Center
perspectives on international relations and nongovernmental organization representative
issues critical to the improvement of strategic with experience in North Korea and Dr. B. R.
planning and the applications of United Nations Myers, professor of North Korean Studies at
Special Operations Forces in Korea. Dongseo University.
Each year the number of participants at the The conference will also include a Republic
United Nations Command Special Operations of Korea Army Special Operations Forces
Forces Conference has grown. At the last demonstration at the Korean Army Special
conference SOCKOR hosted more than 80 Warfare Center in Seong Nam. Korean Special
professionals and scholars representing six Forces soldiers will set up static equipment
countries. displays and demonstrate their skills in small
This year conference planners expect unit tactics and martial arts.
greater participation, with both military and Those desiring to attend can register for
civilian speakers from the United States, New the event on the web at http://8tharmy.korea.
Zealand and the Republic of Korea. Speakers army.mil/sockor/uncsof.htm or send an email
are experienced UN and SOF leaders, subject to either Donald.Canaday@korea.army.mil or
matter experts in the fields of Unconventional Joong.W.Nam@korea.army.mil.

Remove,destroy the hard drive before

selling your old computer
By Gwendolyn Smalls When you hit the delete button, erasing
NETCOM 1 Sig Bde. Public Affairs data just enables the computer to write
over that space again; it doesn’t actually
Yongsan GARRISON — Once in eliminate the original bits and bytes (the
a while I visit the Yongsan Thrift Shop for information).
bargain items. I have bought cheap items Before you donate your old computer to
there still in fairly good condition and the thrift store, or charity, or toss it out into
usable. Some of these usable items include the trash, remove the hard-drive to ensure
computers, still containing original hard you’re not tossing out or passing along your
disks with personal identifiable information personal details.
(PII), e.g., SSN, phone numbers, street One technique to make sure PII is
addresses, photos, and so on. protected is to use a software tool like Eraser
The problem with this is when people to do a complete wipe of your drive, but
with bad intentions get a hold of the Eraser is not free.
information a whole lot of bad things could The best way without spending any
happen. One of the bad things that could money is to physically remove your drive,
happen is Identity Theft. Identity Theft is and smash the drive with a hammer before
stealing a person’s identity. throwing it in the trash.

Author Kelvin
Boston to speak
Public Broadcasting Service “Moneywise”
host and author Kelvin Boston will meet
with U.S. Forces Korea community
members to discuss financial planning,
saving and investing, home ownership,
credit and bankruptcy 6-9 p.m. June 17
at the Yongsan Army Community Service
classroom, Building S-4106, Room 118. For
information, call 738-4655. Boston is the
author of “Who’s Afraid to be a Millionare:
Master Financial and Emotional Success.”

Col. Larry “Pepper” Jackson (left), USAG-Red Cloud commander, Lt. Col. Donald Meisler (center), USAG-Casey commander, and Richard Davis (right), USAG-Red Cloud deputy commander,
address the Area I workforce during the quarterly Workforce Town Hall Meeting May 19. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker

Commander applauds workforce in town hall meeting

By Pfc. Jamal Walker Warrior Country and what to expect in the Warrior Country to win such a prestigious
USAG-RC Public Affairs near future with a projected schedule. award when they faced Fort Hood, Texas
Jackson spoke about the changes each and Fort Bragg, N.C., the largest in the
CASEY GARRISON — Col. Larry unit will be undergoing and the support world. Additionally, he explained what
“Pepper” Jackson, USAG-Red Cloud the directors will need to provide as troops an honor it is for Warrior Country to be
commander, and members of the USAG- and their Families begin permanent change selected, given the competition.
Casey and Red Cloud chain of command of station season. Jackson also said it is not a reflection on
spoke to the directorates and others in “Although it will be a transition going just DOL but everyone because “when one
attendance during the quarterly Workforce through the PCS season because we will of you directorates and your offices are doing
Town Hall meeting May 19 in the USAG- be losing Lt. Col. Donald Meisler, USAG- a good job, we are all doing a good job.”
Casey Digital Conference Center, which Casey commander, in July and some others,” “Some of you have been doing this for
was broadcast by live television feed to Jackson said. The great thing is we have a a long time and I am proud and confident
Red Cloud Theater for the Red Cloud solid foundation with all the directorates in the professionalism and dedication you
workforce. and we have a strong work force.” bring to the job. This is my opportunity to
The main focus of the meeting was to Jackson spoke about how happy he was tell you how proud I am of each and every Kil, Kwang Chun, USAG-Red Cloud commu-
give Jackson a chance to re-emphasize the with the directorates and the work they are one of you,” Jackson said. nity releations officer, translates English re-
garrison’s mission in Area I, i.e., USAG- doing. He singled out the Directorate of The next Workforce Town Hall Meeting marks made by Area I leadership and others
Red Cloud optimizes installation services Logistics office, by telling everyone they won is scheduled for Aug. 18 in the USAG- into Korean during the quarterly Workforce
to support readiness and well-being for the Department of the Army’s Maintenance Casey Digital Conference Center. Send Town Hall Meeting, which took place in the
service members, Civilians, and Families. Excellence Award for 2008. all questions and topics for approval to the USAG-Casey Digital Conference Center May
Other subjects addressed were happenings in Jackson explained how difficult it was for Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office no 19. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker
later than July 14.

Soldiers, Civilians and Family members revel in Hukilau celebration on Casey

Hukilau revelers were entertained by these three Korean traditional music instrumentalists performing on (from left to right) the traditional Korean violin, Ah geang, the Korean traditional
lyre, Geo mun go, and the traditional Korean flute, Pi ri during the USAG-Casey celebration of Asian Heritage Month, or Hukilau, which took place in the Casey Community Activity Center
May 16. Additional photos from this event are available online at www.flickr.com/imcomkorea. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker
http://imcom.korea.army.mil AREA I THE MORNING CALM

News & Notes

USAG-Casey Change of Command
Garrison commander signs MOU with local church
Lt. Col. Don Meisler, USAG-Casey com-
mander, will relinquish command to Lt. Col.
Richard Fromm July 10, at 10 a.m. H-221
Helipad. In the event of inclement weather,
the ceremony will be conducted in Carey
Physical Fitness Center. For more informa-
tion call: 730-5003.

2009 Independence Day Celebration

Area I will celebrate Independence Day
July 4 on USAG-Casey. Events will begin
at 2 p.m. For more information call: 732-

CG’s Mess Summer Blowout

The CG’s Mess will hold its Summer Blow-
out June 19 at 7 p.m. The event features a
live band, free food, with no membership
required, there will be a $5 cover charge.
For more information call: 732-7258

Fresh Start Community Job Fair

Army Community Service Center will pres-
ent their Fresh Start Career Community
Job Fair July 31 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in
the USAG-Casey Digital Conference Cen-
ter. For more information call: 730-3032.

Power Outage Scheduled

Camp Stanley Directorate of Public Works
will turn off power to the Community Bank Signing a Memorandum of Understanding for the Conduct of Public Affairs Operations are Thomas Vasel (left), pastor of Uijeongbu Baptist
and the Stanley Post Exchange, 9 to 1 Church, and Col. Larry “Pepper” Jackson, U.S. Army Garrison-Red Cloud commander. The MOU, signed May 28, establishes a working
Club, DIC, Tunnel AHA, and Shopping Mall relationship between USAG-Red Cloud and Uijeongbu Baptist Church for the use of church facilities as necessary to host press confer-
tomorrow from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more ences and interviews when such functions could hinder essential operations on post. Jackson thanked Pastor Vasel for his willingness to
information call: 732-6167. support Soldiers and Families as a part of the overall community. — U.S. Army photo by Jack Loudermilk
American Red Cross to offer

17th Ordnance Company celebrates friendship

Babysitting Course
Persons interested in attending a babysit-
ting course for youth ages 11 to 16 years
contact the American Red Cross at: 730-
3246/3184. ROKA 56TH Ordnance joins
ICE Training party for Organization Day
ICE training will be held in building S-435
room 5 from 10 a.m. until noon June 19.
For more information call: 732-6788. By Pfc. Kim, Tae Hoon
USAG-RC Public Affairs
Fun With Fitness
Summer Reading Program RED CLOUD GARRISON — “We
USAG-Casey Library will hold its Fun with go together”, is the mantra of United States
Fitness Summer Reading Program June Forces Korea, and means a great deal to
18 through July 23 at noon in the Casey Li- the 17th Ordnance Company, since its
brary. The opening event will be held June
mission is in cooperation with Republic of
18 at 2 p.m. in the Casey Gateway Club.
For more information call 730-6329/732-
Korea Army and the company is made up
6194/732-5597. of Korean National employees and Korean
Services Corps members.
USO Offers Free Long Distance Utilizing their slogan “enhancing R.O.K.
at USAG-Casey and U.S. relationship and international family
USAG-Casey USO now has Skype and support,” the 17th held an organization day
Ipevo phones available free of charge to barbeque May 22 for Soldiers, Civilians,
make long distance world wide telephone their Families, and ROKA troops attached to
calls complements of Skype, Ipevo and the Ko Jong In (right), 17th Ordnance Company carpenter, picks up some food and T-shirts during
the 17th, at USAG-Red Cloud pavilion.
USO. For more information call: 730-4466. Organization Day, while Staff Sgt. Richard Pierce (far left) , 17th Ordnance Company FMWR
More than 100 attended, playing sports,
and games. coordinator, serves food. The Organization Day was held May 22 at the main pavilion on USAG-
Annual Army OPSEC
Achievement Awards Program “We wanted to provide family support Red Cloud. More than 100 Soldiers, Civilians, their Families, and special guests from ROKA
Forward all OPSEC Achievement Award as well as enhance R.O.K. and U.S. 56th Ordnance Battalion joined for sports, games and barbecue. More photos from this event
nominations to IMCOM-K no later than No- relationship,” said Cpt. Adrian Johnson, are available online at www.flickr.com/imcomkorea. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Kim, Tae hoon
vember 5 in order to recognize significant commander of 17th Ordnance Company. service and other achievements. Jok-gu to promote friendship.
achievements in operations security at the “We brought together our Soldiers and Three Korean officers from 56th “In Jok-gu games, we had ROKA officers
Department of the Army level. For more in- Civilians along with their Family members Ordnance Battalion, along with a couple play with our Korean Nationals and Korean
formation call: 732-7189.
and the ROKA troops.” of enlisted soldiers, attended the event. Service Corps members,” Pierce said. “That
eKnowledge Corp. and NFL Player
After the commander’s safety brief, Lt. Col. Shin, Young Seok, commander was one of the biggest events.”
Tackle SAT and ACT Test Preparation they played Jok-gu, a football sport whose of 56th Ordnance Battalion, gave an Jo h n s o n e m p h a s i ze d e ve r yo n e’s
The eKnowledge Corporation extends $20 rules are similar to volleyball, while other appreciation plaque to Johnson. contributions made the event successful.
million donation to America’s Military Fami- participants cooked. “We had a big ammunition retrieval “If it weren’t for the Soldiers, their
lies by making available SAT and ACT test Those not playing Jok-gu played baseball exercise with 56th Ordnance Battalion Families, Korean Nationals, Korean Service
preparation software to military families and took photos. before,” explained Staff Sgt. Richard Pierce, Corps, and our Department of Army
and veterans. Order free software now and A variety of food was served with the 17th Ordnance Company morale, welfare, Civilians, this would never be as successful
study during the summer. To place an order barbeque, including salads, fried rice, beans, and recreational coordinator, “everyone as it is,” she said.
visit: www.eknowledge.com/military. For
and desserts. reacted quickly and were able to accomplish “We have a lot of very happy people here;
more information call 770-992-0900 or Red
Cloud Education Center: 732-7015.
After lunch, awards were given to seven the mission.” they loved the entire event. It was worth the
people for 10 and 15 years of continuous Two units challenged each other playing effort.” Pierce said.

Area I entertained by
top university choir
By Jim Cunningham lodging to support themselves during the
USAG-RC Public Affairs Pacific rim tour.
“We sing, and that is what we do,” Leach
CASEY GARRISON — Soldiers, said. “We sang concerts to raise funding
Civilians and Family members were for each and every one of us to come on
entertained by the concert choir of Penn this tour.
State University in West Chapel May 26 There are no other sponsors or funding
on USAG-Casey and May 27 on the Village from the University.”
Green at USAG-Red Cloud. The choir has traveled outside the United
The eclectic program consisted of both States twice before.
liturgical and secular music focusing on Poland and the Czech Republic in 2001
music of living and past African American and South Africa in 2005.
composers, both men and women. The tour for 35 singers and four Anthony Leach (standing in front of the piano), Penn State music director, conducts the 35 voice
“Plans for coming to Korea go back to chaperones costs $5,000 per person and Penn State University choir during their concert in the West Chapel on USAG-Casey May 26.
2004,” said Anthony Leach, Penn State lasts 18 days incurring five flights. More photos online at www.flickr.com/imcomkorea.— U.S. Army photo by Jim Cunningham
choral music director. “This is a reasonable figure; we stay in “This means we do everything from and a few whom are only remembered by
“I was in South Korea in July 2004 as a hotels and do not look for lodging being music intended for worship services, their contemporary compositions including
co-conductor of the World Youth Choir. sponsored by those inviting us to perform.” entertainment, jazz, blues and all other forms Rosephanye Powell.
We were based in Pusan and toured Leach said. written and improvised by Africans and The choir always moves about on stage
throughout Korea.” “When we traveled in 2005 the costs African Americans throughout history.” while singing, and enters the concert hall
Since 2006 I have been putting together were more.” Most of the repertoire performed by singing before taking their places on stage.
the necessary resources to come back to Asia The choir has a specialized repertoire of the choir was written by some who are Their exit is the same, shaking the hands
and tour not only in Korea, but Taiwan and well known and obscure composers. unknown because their identities were lost of the audience before exiting the hall.
Japan as well.” “We do sacred and secular music from in history, but their art was remembered, to “We want our audiences to know they
Members of the choir had to raise funds the African and African American cultural classical greats from the early 20th century were all special to us, and we sang personally
to pay for their transportation, board and traditions,” Leach said. including Scott Joplin, James P. Johnson, for them, before leaving,” Leach said.

Red Cloud
lauded for
best AT
Default band (from left) Jeremy Hora-guitar, Dave Benedict-bass guitar, Dallas Smith-vocals and Danny Craig-drums, a popular Canadian band
leads the twin bill of Default and the popular band Trapt in performing for the USAG-Casey community in Gateway Park May 29. Additional pho-
tos from this event and other past events are available online at www.flickr.com/imcomkorea. — U.S. Army photo by Jim Cunningham

Famous bands rock Soldiers on Casey By David Newland

USAG-RC Directorate of Plans, Training,
Mobilization and Security
By Jim Cunningham material. We have three albums out now so caught his attention. Kroeger subsequently
USAG-RC Public Affairs we plan to sing songs from all three.” lent support and production assistance to R E D C LO U D G A R R I S O N —
Default took the stage first with their No. their first and second albums. Between April 27 and May 6, USAG-Red
CASEY GARRISON — Soldiers and 1 hits back to back. Their first album “The Fallout” achieved Cloud underwent a Joint Staff Integrated
Family members had a rock in’ good time on The nonstop rock in’ had the Soldier instant success due to strong radio play of Vulnerability Assessment. Not only was the
the evening of May 29 when Armed Forces crowd’s attention for more than two hours, “Wasting My Time” and “Deny.” assessment successful, the judgment of the
Entertainment brought two popular U.S. after which the best known band of the two, Trapt began their sets with long versions JSIVA team was Red Cloud garrison has
rock bands on post. The show was a double Trapt, took the stage. of their well known hits “Headstrong,” the best anti-terrorism program the team
billing of Default and Trapt, two bands “Our performance tonight will be the “Someone in Control and “Only Through has seen.
currently taking up space on the airwaves long versions of our hit singles and our hit the Pain,” which was originally released in The objective of the JSIVA team is to
of popular music. CDs,” Charell said. “When we record we 2008 for Warner Bros. Records. assist the USAG-Red Cloud commander
“We were asked to come and play for have to keep in mind the time restraints of Trapt members met in high school in with the antiterrorism program in the
the troops,” said Chris Brown, Trapt singer the CD, but in concert we can play our best the middle 1990’s and shortly developed an garrison. The eight team members assessed
and guitar player, “and we thought it was hits in full.” act with Chris Taylor Brown-vocals, Rick areas ranging from risk management
a great opportunity to see a place we have We really respect what Soldiers do in Sanders and Simon Ormandy-guitar, Peter to emergency management, including
never been and play for Soldiers whom we Korea, that is why we are glad to be here Charell on bass and David Stege-drums. anti-terrorism plans, physical security,
respect.” and entertain them, Brown said. T h e y re c o rd e d t h e i r f i r s t C D , infrastructure engineering, training and
“We want to take their minds off being a Default began their first set with their “Amalgamation” in 1997 to sell in local exercises, resource application, program
Soldier for a little while and give them some best known hits, i.e. “Wasting My Time” stores and during concerts. review, consequence analysis, and security
entertainment,” said Trapt bass player Pete and “Deny,” both songs from their first The band had began opening acts with operations.
Charell. “We will be playing all four areas album. the likes of Papa Roach in 1998 before they Each directorate within the Red Cloud
where there are U.S. Soldiers.” The band was discovered by Chad graduated high school. garrison was observed as to how they
The band performed all our rock songs Kroeger, the vocalist of Nickelback (a The band closed their last set with their support the antiterrorism program as well
from up tempo to mid tempo, all original Canadian band), when their demo tape best known hit “Headstrong.” as all 2nd Infantry Division units.

Garrison honors hidden heroes

By Dan Thompson belonging to American military veterans
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs rested among tall grass under dour grey
skies. Many of the graves belong to combat
SEOUL — Just as President Barack veterans of World War II, the Korean War,
Obama and European leaders were and Vietnam. Their government-issue
descending on Normandy, France to tombstones were barely noticeable in the
commemorate the 65th anniversary of little-known cemetery.
D-Day, U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan That all changed with the help of
Commander Col. Dave Hall and an U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan and the
entourage of Soldiers and Civilians cooperation of the Yanghwajin Foreign
recently visited Missionary
t h e Ya n g h w a j i n C e m e t e r y
Foreign Missionary
Cemetery in Seoul “We’ll make sure they management
last week as the
June 5 on a goodwill
mission to honor
are never forgotten.” garrison, cemetery
management, and
American veterans anonymous visitors
buried here.
Col. Dave Hall teamed up to tidy
Hall was joined USAG-Yongsan Commander up the site.
by Command Sgt. “It is truly
Maj. Ralph Rusch unusual to have
in laying flowers at veterans’ graves there. American Servicemembers, especially
More than eight American and Korean combat veterans, buried right here in U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan Commander Col. Dave Hall (center) and Command Sgt. Maj.
Soldiers from the garrison’s Headquarters Seoul,” said Hall. “Now that there is more Ralph Rusch (right) place flowers at the grave of Staff Sgt. Robert E. Bryant June 5 at the
and Headquarters Company trimmed awareness of them, we’ll make sure they are Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery in Seoul. Bryant, who was killed in action in Vietnam
grass and picked up debris on the graves. never forgotten.” in 1972, is among more than 20 U.S. military veterans buried at the cemetery. See photos from
Veterans of Foreign Wars member and Cemetery manager Jung Yong-sub, this event and more at flickr.com/usag-yongsan. — U.S. Army photo by David McNally
U S AG - Yo n g s a n Hu m a n Re s o u rc e s who served as a non-commissioned
Director Bob Clifton ensured each grave officer in the Republic of Korea Army
was honored with an American flag. and received training at Fort Monmouth, Missionary Cemetery and the garrison from the Hapjeong subway station (line
Soldiers sweated heavily under a New Jersey, understands the importance have agreed to cooperate in cataloging two). Brown signs in English lead visitors
humid, sunny sky while plucking weeds of honoring those who ser ved, he more information about those American in towards the cemetery and subway station
atop the graves. When asked if he needed said. “We are very happy to have this Servicemembers buried there. maps clearly indicate its location.
a break, Sgt. Byron McGainey declined friendship and want to assure everyone Visitors interested in paying their respects “Anyone interested in visiting the
the offer. “I consider this an honor,” he that we will honor the memory of anyone to the hidden U.S. heroes of the Seoul cemetery is welcome,” Jung says.
said. “This is nothing compared to what buried here and preserve their memory Missionary Cemetery may visit Monday For information, he may be reached
they sacrificed for us.” for future generations,” he said. through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. directly by calling 02-332-4155 or
Just a month ago, more than 20 graves B o t h t h e Ya n g h w a j i n Fo r e i g n The cemetery is located about 200 meters 011-218-7542.

Community offers parenting advice, support Yongsan recognizes Yard

By Dan Thompson nWhen there are changes in your teen’s friends, behaviors, of the Month winners
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs attitudes, grades or other signs that something is going
YONGSAN GARRISON — Kids may not come with nWhen your teen is going through a transition, such as
instructions, but U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan is stepping starting a new school, moving, or entering middle or high
up efforts to inform parents about free resources available school.
to them following a string of youth misconduct problems nWhen your teen has already gotten into some minor
in the community. trouble.
Problems range from regularly disturbing moviegoers nIf your teen seems unusually stressed.
at the base theater to shoplifting and offensive language nIf your teen seems highly susceptible to peer pressure, lacks
in public places, says Andrea Donaghue, Yongsan’s Army strong coping skills or suffers from anxiety or depressions.
Substance Abuse Counseling Service supervisor. nIf your teen has a high need for stimulation, novelty and
However, instead of focusing on the negative aspects of excitement and becomes bored easily. “Sensation-seekers”
this behavior, Donoghue would like parents to focus on are three times more likely to use illicit drugs.
prevention and what the American Academy of Pediatrics nIf your teen comes from a family with a history of
calls “community monitoring.” substance abuse, violence, or mental health problems.
Community monitoring involves parents being more Donoghue stresses that just because your child may be
networked with other parents and sharing supervision plans. displaying warning signs does not mean that it is too late Garrison housing officials announced the May Yard of the
Parents may give other parents in the network information to intervene, or even that your child may have developed Month winners as Maj. and Mrs. Chon H. Kim, Quarters
about potential trouble spots in the area, negatively a serious problem yet. However, many successful children 7213A, Eagle Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald “BZ”
influential peers, or trends in behavior. do share a common thread. “The common thread among Bresnahan, Quarters 7067A.
Passively observing a youth going down the wrong path teens that do well academically and socially, and stay In addition to a sign posted in the winning yards to
is not the answer, says Donoghue. “There seems to be a healthy and drug-free, is that they have close relationships recognize the best of Yongsan, winners received a $25
myth out there that teen angst, trouble, or not getting with their parents,” she says. gift certificate from the Army and Air Force Exchange
along with parents is a normal rite of passage for teens, If you would like to build a closer bond with Service and a $25 gift certificate from Family and Morale,
and this isn’t the case.” your child and get professional advice along the way, Welfare and Recreation.
So how does one know when their child is having difficulty Donoghue is ready to help. “The ASACS door is “The competition is very tight and we would like to thank
with peer pressure, drugs, or a myriad of other problems? always open,” she says. “Think of us as your personal all the residents who take such pride in their yards and
“Trust your instincts,” says Donoghue. “Monitoring and parenting consultants.” help with the beautification of Yongsan,” said U.S. Army
being there to talk is critical. Teens are still developing Donoghue may be reached by calling 738-4579. Garrison-Yongsan Housing Officer Carol Jones.
judgment and decision-making skills.” Look for weekly parenting tips from the ASACS team each The June winner will be announced June 11. — Photo by
The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign says parents week this summer in both the Morning Calm newspaper Cristino Montanezsoto
should keep a watchful eye out for these warning signs: and garrison website at yongsan.korea.army.mil.
http://yongsan.korea.army.mil AREA II THE MORNING CALM

News & Notes

Gary Sinise and the Lieutenant Dan Band
Everyone is invited to the Gary Sinise and
the Lieutenant Dan Band concert Friday,
June 26, 7 p.m. at the Collier Field House
parking lot. Take the whole family and enjoy
this concert. For information, call 738-5254.

Transportation 101
Learn to use the mass transportation
system in Seoul. Dress for the weather
and bring Korean won for lunch and
transportation. Each participant receives
a free T-Money Card. The next class is
9 a.m.-2 p.m. June 17 in building S4106,
Room 124. For information, call 738-7505.

Red Cross Summer Youth Program

It’s summer again and Red Cross is looking
for volunteers ages 12-17 to help in the
exciting programs planned for this summer
between now and June 17. Activities
include fundraisers, helping at the hospital,
training, leadership opportunities, and more!
Volunteer! Change a life. Get an applications
packet at the Moyer CAC, second floor. For
information, call DSN 738-3670.

Moneywise in the Military

Army Community Service presents
Moneywise in the Military with Kelvin Boston
6-9 p.m. June 17, at the ACS Building S4106, With over 5,000 years of history, Korea is rich in tradition. One of those traditions, bowing, has roots in the Three Kingdoms era. Visitors to Korea
Room 118. This live, free event is hosted by may consider adopting the tradition of bowing during their stay. — U.S. Army photo by Spc. Jason C. Adolphson

Why do Koreans bow?

Kelvin Boston of the PBS series “Moneywise”
and author of “Who’s Afraid to be a Millionaire.”
Make a difference in your financial future! For
information, call 738-7505.

Collier Field House Fun Run

Learn to use the mass transportation By Pfc. Hwang Joon-hyung longer commonplace in modern times. you say hello to an elderly person.
system in Seoul. Dress for the weather USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs Traditional Korean culture emphasized When introduced to somebody formally
and bring Korean won for lunch and the importance of an intricate greeting for the first time, you should perform a
transportation. Each participant receives YONGSAN GARRISON — You may system. As early as in the Three Kingdoms deeper bow of about 30 degrees. Be warned,
a free T-Money Card. The next class is 9 have seen it in a movie or on television before period (57 B.C. until A.D. 669), Koreans however, an exaggerated bow may make
a.m.-2 p.m. June 17 in Building S4106, coming to Korea, but here the tradition of used more than 100 gestures when greeting, people feel uncomfortable.
Room 124. For information, call 738-7505. Some common situations when you might
bowing is everywhere. each appropriate for a specific situation with
If you find yourself not knowing how respect to one’s gender, location, degree of bow include when exchanging objects, when
Bowlopolis Pee Wee Bowling Club
Yongsan Lanes is offering a 10-week to respond when someone bows to you, respect and seniority. asking a question, when asking for a favor, and
instructional Youth Bowling program for you may want to take a moment to learn In modern times, however, bowing in of course, when someone bows to you first.
children age 4-6 years old. The program more about it. Korea is a part of everyday life. It is sometimes As strange as you may feel at first, frequent
starts at 9:45 a.m. every Saturday until June As early as in ancient Egypt, bowing nothing more than a little gesture to go along bowing is one of the most common but
20. Spaces are limited to 25 bowlers and the was a symbol of respect and an important with a ‘thank you’ or ‘excuse me.’ historically significant cultural experiences
cost is $5 per week for a total of $50. For religious gesture. European cultures have To make a polite bow, simply lower your you can participate in while here in Korea.
information, call 723-7830. had a tradition of bowing as well. In Western upper body by about 15 degrees as a sign of Therefore, the next time somebody bows
cultures, only nobility or the aristocracy courtesy. You do not have to bow to your close to you, all you have to do to show your
Spring Flowers at Self Help
received a bow, but the tradition of is no friends, but it is never a bad idea to bow as appreciation is simply bow back.
Additional spring flowers have been purchased
for those residents who were not able to

Friday arts program inspires children

receive any during the first issue. Availability
dates are: June 16, 18, 20 and 23. Stop by Garrison updates
Building 5274 next to the quartermaster
laundry to pick up some flowers. Flowers are fence policy
for GFOQ, family quarters, leased housing
and Hannam Village residents who have not By David McNally
previously picked up flowers this year. For USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs
information, call 738-7531.
Summer Reading Program officials updated a policy letter on the
The Yongsan Library kicks off its Summer
installation of fences in Family Housing areas
Reading Program 11:30 a.m. June 23
with a special party for young readers. June 8. The revised policy clarifies where
Interested? Registration has opened. For fencing is, or is not authorized.
information, call 723-7380. “The change is that the garrison policy letter
now states, ‘Fences are not authorized at Burke
BOSS is Sending Cookies to Combat Towers and Hannam Village,’” said Carol Jones,
BOSS is asking your help in getting U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan housing officer.
addresses of deployed Servicemembers Garrison officials determined that the
and DOD Civilians who would like to apartment-style housing at Burke Towers and
receive a free box of Girl Scout cookies.
Hannam Village were not appropriate for fencing
Please e-mail the full APO addresses for
recipients to latina.brown@korea.army.mil because of limited green space, Jones explained.
or bryon.mcgainey@korea.army.mil. Yongsan community children show off their talent following their Friday painting class at Other USAG-Yongsan housing can construct
the Arts and Crafts Center June 5. The painting class is part of the center’s Friday youth fencing, but only if approved. Policy letter 2-4
For a complete list of community program, which includes drawing, painting, and sculpting classes. Yongsan Arts and prohibits occupants of Itaewon Acres, Black Hawk
information news and notes, visit the Crafts Center was designated the best arts and crafts center in the Army worldwide in Village, Eagle Grove and Yongsan South Post from
USAG-Yongsan official web site at 2007. — U.S. Army Photo by Sgt. Lee min-hwi constructing fences without prior, written approval
http://yongsan.korea.army.mil from the USAG-Yongsan Public Works director.
JUNE 12, 2009 AREA II USAG-Y • PAGE 11

SAHS class of 2009 graduates

By Sgt. Lee Min-hwi
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON — High school officially

ended June 6 for the Seoul American High School
Class of 2009.
Hundreds of well-wishing families, friends, and school
and garrison officials gathered in Collier Field House
to celebrate their accomplishments and watch the 136
graduates turn their tassels.
The class finished the year with a 3.12 grade point average.
Presidential Academic Excellence Awards were awarded to
25 students for maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and
scoring in the top 15 percent on the subtests of the SAT or the
ACT. Honors diplomas were awarded to 19 students with a
cumulative GPA of 3.8 or higher. The class valedictorian was
Jackson Morris and the salutatorian was Crystal Joh.
Other Class of 2009 accomplishments include five high
school seniors earning appointments to military academies:
two to the U.S. Air Force Academy, two to the West Point
Prep School, and one to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. In
addition, 35 seniors earned 63 ROTC scholarships.
Eighth U.S. Army Commander Lt. Gen. Joseph F. Fil Jr.
was the keynote speaker for the commencement ceremony.
Fil thanked all of those who devoted themselves to educating
and preparing young men and women for bright future.
“The teachers, school guidance counselors and all the
administrators made sure that children of the Servicemembers
and civilians serving in Korea receive high quality of education With a switch of their tassels, 136 Seoul American High School seniors officially become graduates. The Class of 2009 achieved
and stimulated our environment,” Fil said. a 3.12 cumulative grade point average. See more photos at flickr.com/usag-yongsan. — U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Lee Min-hwi
Fil also praised the success of the Class of 2009 in academics
and sports. Other than 63 ROTC scholarships, 10 seniors be proud that you are a graduate of SAHS. Embrace your about not only yourself, but also the people who will follow
received military organization-related scholarships from the dreams, chase them, and don’t be afraid to stumble a little your path,” said June Wilkins, the senior class advisor. “It is
Non-Commissioned Officers Association, Audie Murphy along the way.” a new chapter of your lives, seniors. Let’s turn the page.”
Association, Yongsan Sergeants Major Association and more. The motto that illustrated the ambitions of graduates “I feel very relived and happy, but also a little bit sad
Many seniors participated in sports programs and was from Tim McGraw’s quotation, “We all take different because some of the friends I made here are going up to
contributed to winning Far East Championships in paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of different schools,” said Jonathan Zemlin. “I am going to
football and tennis. They also won the Korean-American each other everywhere.” go to the University of Maryland right now, but I hope
Interscholastic Activities Conference Championships in “As we are advancing to the new chapter of our life, we to transfer to the Santiago State University and go back to
girls volleyball, boys and girls basketball and swimming and will face change,” Joh said. “However, we must not let our the states. I would like study graphic design and make 3D
more. Several seniors were competing at “All Conference” mind live in the past. There is little purpose in worrying, images for people’s entertainment. I just like doing things
and “All Tournament” level athletics. even in the glory of our best accomplishments.” that people can laugh at and enjoy.”
“We are so proud of each and every one of you for your “Many people in history all over the world invented “I am really ready to start the next chapter of my life,”
accomplishments. You have demonstrated that you are something for themselves, and you shall be able to do so said Alexandra Roberts. “I am going to go to the University
capable of succeeding in a very challenging environment,” also,” Morris said in his graduation speech. “Every year in of Alaska and probably major in education or psychology.
Fil said. “Precisely because of your experiences living the high school was better than the last, and I am going I would love to work with kids. I probably will become a
overseas and excellent education received, you will excel to really miss it.” fourth-grade teacher because I had a really good teacher
in any environment. Remain positive and confident and “As you walk away from this gymnasium today, think when I was young.”

Prevention key to avoiding potentially deadly heat injuries

By Cpl. Choi Keun-woo heat injuries are dehydration and excessive more effective in treating heat injuries.” nHeavy sweating, headache, light-headedness,
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs salt depletion through sweating. Soldiers Heat stroke can be deadly, so prevention nausea, vomiting, tingling sensations
and community members are strongly urged is key, especially for those unaccustomed to nCore temperature of 99-104 Fahrenheit
YONGSAN GARRISON — It’s that time to continually drink water. Korea’s climate, says Vazquez. Treatment
of the year again – high temperatures, high The Yongsan Safety Office will let the The Army Study Guide recommends the n Move to a shaded area and loosen
humidity and heat injury. While summer community know whenever temperatures following measures to prevent and treat heat clothing
in Korea can be fun, Soldiers and Yongsan reach above 85 degrees Fahrenheit through related injuries: nDrink cold water (1-2 liters over 2-4
community members should be careful to the Yongsan Garrison website, https:// Heat cramps hours)
avoid falling victim to the high heat. yongsan.korea.army.mil. Symptoms Heat Stroke
“Summer temperatures in Korea can Over the past nine years, there have nPainful cramping of the larger muscle Symptoms
reach as high as 100 degrees Fahrenheit, been an annual average of nine cases of heat groups (legs, arms, and abdomen) due to nUnconscious patient may vomit and gasp
which greatly increases the risks of suffering exhaustion and three incidents of heat stroke excessive loss of salt through heavy sweating for air
from heat injuries,” says U.S. Army in the garrison, says Vazquez. While there plus several hours of sustained exertion. Treatment
Garrison-Yongsan Safety Specialist Juan has been a rising trend in heat exhaustion Treatment nLower body temperature as fast as possible
Vazquez. The problem is compounded cases since 2005, there has been a decline in nMove to a shaded area to body temperature 101-102 Fahrenheit
by high humidity because the country is overall cases of heat stroke, which is more n Massage arms and legs to increase or lower
a peninsula surrounded by water. High serious, since 2004. However, that should circulation nRemove all clothing
humidity interferes with the body’s ability not lead to complacency. nConsume 0.1% salt and water solution In case of emergency, one may call the garrison’s
cool itself and thus contributes to heat “Heat exhaustion often leads to heat orally (half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in emergency service at 0505-753-7911.
injuries, he says. stroke,” said Vazquez. “That the average one quart of water), sports drink, salted Heat injury is preventable with adequate
The three main heat injury classifications number of incidents for heat stroke decreased food, meal-ready-to-eat ( with fluid) awareness. For any questions or training
are heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat despite sharp increases in heat exhaustion Heat exhaustion advice, contact the Yongsan Safety Office
stroke. Some of the most common causes of may mean that the garrison has become Symptoms at 738-5253.
http://yongsan.korea.army.mil AREA II THE MORNING CALM

Customer Service
roviding pertinent feedback may very a valuable tool to get important comments
well be the single-most important from our customers. The next focus group
thing you can do to make the Yongsan will be held in August.
community better! We also have an annual survey to
As the garrison commander, I rely on extensively ask important questions about
ICE, or the Interactive Customer Evaluation how we are meeting the needs of our
system available on our website or kiosks community members. The next survey will
around the garrison. be conducted in the fall. Last year, we had
There are some things you should nearly 750 community members participate
understand about our ICE system in in the annual survey.
Yongsan. First, I personally read every As part of our commitment to the Army
comment you send. Family Covenant, we have a tradition of
Second, regardless of your experience providing a level of service commensurate
with one of our service providers, it is to the high level of service given by our
essential that both positive and negative Soldiers and their families. This means we
feedback be provided to us. All too often, do everything we can to provide the best
people who receive good service are less home you can possibly have.
likely to fill out an ICE comment, but, I
would like to encourage you to drop us a
Our community has a tradition of doing
well in the annual Army Communities of
Family Cultural Exchange Program
comment no matter how you feel. I use Excellence competition. I firmly believe this
this as an indicator of how we are meeting is because we listen closely to our community
your needs. members. You have my commitment to
The ICE system is just one of three listen to what you have to say. Customer
ways we monitor customer satisfaction service is key to customer satisfaction.
at the garrison. We also gather feedback I encourage you to use the ICE system to
through Community FIRST (Feedback, let us know how we’re doing. I also want you
Issue, Resolution, Today) with targeted to know that we have a Commander’s Hotline
community members. Last month, we held for issues important to you. You can call 738-
two such sensing sessions with a group of 3484 or use the form on our website.
Department of the Army Civilian Employees I look forward to hearing from you soon!
and a group of active duty Soldiers. This is Army Strong!

Alternative rock bands draw hundreds

More than 500 Yongsan residents turned out Sunday, May 31 for an alternative rock
concert by “Trapt” and “Default.” The outdoor IMCOM Entertainment concert at the Collier
Field House parking lot started at 7 p.m. and went on for hours bringing smiles and cheers
to attendees. “I think the show was great and the people loved it,” said Eric Yim, USAG-
Yongsan FMWR community recreation division chief. — Photo by Chang Chae-hun
June 12, 2009 NEWS IMCOM-K • PAGE 13

Warrior spotlight: Experience helps NCO shape future Soldiers

By Sgt. Scott Kim
1st HBCT Public Affairs

There are many attributes that define

what a great leader should be. Experience
is among the most respected of these
attributes because it can only be gained
through time, hardship and the ability to
learn from mistakes.
That’s why Sgt. Mando Redulla,
paralegal team leader for the 1st Heavy
Brigade Combat Team teaches his Soldiers
the value of picking themselves up after
a fall and take in the lesson that dropped
them in the first place.
“I try and steer them to the positive side
and see the lessons they’ve learned instead
of focusing on their failures,” said Redulla.
Redulla said he joined the Army to repay
his debt to the country which he feels has
given so much to him.
“I just felt that the U.S. has given me
a lot of opportunities: graduating from
DeVry University, Chicago, and taking care
of my Family. I thought this would be a
good way for me to give back to America.”
Redulla is an experienced NCO and
knows what it takes to lead successfully
from the front.
“I deployed with 1st Armored Division Sgt. Mando Redulla (right), paralegal NCO for Headquarters, Headquarters Company, 1st Heavy Brigade Comabt Team, trains Pfc. Derek Wilcox, paralegal for
HHC, 1st HBCT May 27 in the brigade legal office. — U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Scott Kim
and we helped the Iraqis rebuild their court
system because when we got there it was shape the future of the Army through his NCO’s who in turn will take your teachings “You can bounce back from anything
non-existent; and since we were the first leadership and example. and pass them on to the next generation,” but if you live in the mistake and dwell on
occupying unit there it was our job to “You get to transfer your knowledge Redulla said. failures, you won’t improve and they will
reestablish law and order.” and skills to Soldiers which helps them out Going through set-backs and hardships stay with you forever …but if you stand up
Redulla’s main motivation for being an because you are molding them into better will make Soldiers stronger once they get and take responsibility for the failure you’ll
NCO is the knowledge he is helping to Soldiers. Eventually they will become past them, Redulla said. get over it and be stronger for it.”

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http://imcom.korea.army.mil NEWS THE MORNING CALM

Special Power of Attorney may have unintended consequences

By Capt. Randy L. Johnson to an attorney about what resolutions you are understanding of your wishes and it is an doing the talking. This is especially true when
USAG-Humphreys Legal Center seeking to your legal problems. easier method of getting any questions you it comes to family law issues such as divorce
The attorney/client relationship is formed may have about your case answered quickly or child custody problems. They can be
HUMPHREYS GARRISON – We’ve when you speak to an attorney about your and professionally. complex cases that need your involvement and
all see the commercials about the difference legal issues. When you ask your agent to If your instructions or questions to the attention and moreover, your attorney needs
between a general power of attorney and a do it for you, then there is a question as to attorney, via your agent, are not clear, you you to be involved with the representation.
special power of attorney. We all know that a whether the relationship exists between you may get the exact opposite of what you are Just remember to think twice before you
special power of attorney grants the bearer the and the attorney or between the attorney and asking for. It’s a bit like that game we played consider drafting a special power of attorney
authority to do a specific task on your behalf. your agent. In short, you have added a barrier as children, “Telephone”. You told your get someone to handle your legal issues. The
If you’re giving someone a special power between you and the attorney, the person who friend something and they passed it down the lines of communication between you and
of attorney allowing them to file your taxes you are asking to help with your problems. line, by the time it got to the end, what was your attorney should be as clear as possible so
or sell your car, it’s pretty simple. If you are Modern technology (e-mail and VoIP) said was nothing like what you told the first that you get the best representation possible.
giving someone a special power of attorney to allows you to communicate with people in person. While it was all fun and games then, You have all kinds of technology available to
someone to act as your agent in a legal matter the United States with very little effort. You a miscommunication between you and your you to keep establish communication and ask
(hire and communicate with an attorney), can employ these tools to talk with your attorney could be extremely costly now. That questions. The most effective communicator
then it gets a little more complicated and it’s attorney and to make sure that there is a clear is why it’s important for you to be the one of your legal needs is you.
probably not a good idea. It puts your agent
between you and your attorney, two people
whose interests are best served when they are Former drill sergeant competes in Best Warrior
in direct communication.
On its face, it may seem as though it’s so
much easier to give someone a special power
of attorney and let them speak to a lawyer
on your behalf. However, the bottom line is
when it comes to legal matters no one is a more
efficient communicator of your needs and
desires than you. It is probably better for you
and the attorney representing your interests, if
the two of you are communicating directly.
The special power of attorney is basically a
set of instructions and the authority of a person
to go do what you have asked of them. So,
when you add a third person into the mix, in
this case, an attorney, the message sent may not
always equal message received. It is important
to realize that the attorney client relationship Staff Sgt. Carisa Wade, USAG-RC platoon sergeant, prepares to fire one of 10 rounds from her weapon in the kneeling position
relies on communication from the client (you) while participating in the Best Warrior Competition at USAG-Casey May 20.— U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker

June 12-18

LOCATION Today Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Dragonball: Evolution
Observe and Report Dragonball: Evolution
CASEY (PG) 3 p.m. Night at the Museum: Battle.
(R) 6:30 p.m. (PG) 6:30 p.m. No Show Observe and Report No Show
Night at the Museum: Battle... of the Smithsonian
Night at the Museum: Battle... (R) 7 p.m.
730-7354 (PG) 6:30 p.m.
(PG) 8:30 p.m.
(PG) 7:30 p.m.
17 Again (PG-13) 8:30 p.m. (R) 8:30 p.m.

Night at the Museum Night at the Museum

HENRY Terminator Salvation: (PG) 1 p.m. (PG) 3 p.m. Observe and Report
No Show No Show No Show
The Future begins Terminator Salvation Terminator Salvation (R) 7 p.m.
768-7724 (PG-13) 7 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m.

Up Up
HUMPHREYS 12 Rounds (PG) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m. (PG) 3:30 p.m. 17 Again 17 Again State of Play State of Play
(PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m. 12 Rounds 12 Rounds (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m. (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m. (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m. (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.
753-7716 (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m. (PG-13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.

HOVEY Observe and Report 17 Again Night at the Museum: Battle of

No Show Adventureland No Show
Night at the Museum:
Battle of the Smithsonian
(PG-13) 7 p.m. the Smithsonian (R) 7 p.m.
R) 7 p.m.
730-5412 (PG) 7 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m.

12 Rounds
KUNSAN Star Trek (PG-13) 6 p.m. Angels and Demons Knowing
(PG-13) 6 / 9 p.m. Star Trek (PG-13) 6 /9 p.m.
No Show No Show No Show
(PG-13) 6 p.m.
782-4987 (PG-13) 8:30 p.m.

Dragonball: Evolution Dragonball: Evolution
OSAN Hangover (PG) 1 p.m. Hangover
(PG) 1 p.m. (PG) 1 p.m. Obsessed Terminator: Salvation
(R) 7 / 9:30 p.m. Hangover (PG-13) 7:30 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m.
Hangover Hangover
784-4930 (R) 3:30 / 6 p.m.
(R) 3:30 / 6 p.m. (R) 7 p.m.

Terminator Salvation
RED CLOUD (PG-13) 7 p.m. 17 Again Dragonball: Evolution 1 Rounds Monsters vs. Aliens
No Show
Night at the Museum:
Adventureland (PG-13) 7 p.m. (PG) 7 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m. (PG) 7 p.m. Battle of the Smithsonian
732-6620 (R) 9 p.m.
(PG) 7 p.m.

Adventureland Terminator Salvation

STANLEY (R) 7 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m. Terminator Salvation: 12 Rounds No Show Hangover Knowing
Knowing Fast and Furious 2009 The Future Begins (PG-13) 7 p.m. (R) 7 / 9 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m.
732-5565 (R) 9 p.m. (PG-13) 9 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m.

Dragonball:Evolution 12 Rounds 12 Rounds 17 Again 17 Again

The Hangover The Hangover (PG) 2 / 5 / 8 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m. (PG-13) 7 p.m.
YONGSAN (R) 5:30 / 8:30 p.m. (R) 2 / 5 / 8 p.m. Knowing Race to Witch Mountain Knowing 12 Rounds 12 Rounds
Up Up (PG-13) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m. (PG) 3:30 / 6 p.m. (PG-13) 3:30 / 6:00 p.m. (PG-13) 3:30 / 6 p.m. (PG-13) 3:30 / 6 p.m.
738-7389 (PG) 6 p.m. (PG) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m. Taken Knowing Monsters vs. Aliens Monsters vs. Aliens Paul Blart : Mall Cop
(PG-13) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m. (PG-13) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m. (PG) 3:30 / 6 p.m. (PG-13) 3:30 / 6 p.m. (PG-13) 3:30 / 6 p.m.
U.S. ID card holders enjoy free movies courtesy of Army MWR at U.S. Army installations in Korea.
June 12, 2009 CHAPLAIN IMCOM-K • PAGE 15

Area I Worship Schedule Area II Worship Schedule Area III Worship Schedule Area IV Worship Schedule
Protestant Services Protestant Services Protestant Services Protestant Services

Collective Collective Sunday 0930 Brian Allgood Hospital Collective Collective Protestant
Sunday 1000 Stone Chapel Sunday 1030 K-16 Chapel Sunday 1100 Super Gym Sunday 1000 Camp Carroll
Sunday 1000 Stanley Chapel Sunday 1100 Hannam Village Chapel 1100 Suwon Air Base Chapel 1030 Camp Walker
Sunday 1030 West Casey Chapel 1100 Camp Eagle Chapel Church of Christ 1700 Camp Walker
Sunday 1100 Warrior Chapel Liturgical Sunday 0800 Memorial Chapel Gospel 1300 Super Gym Gospel 1215 Camp Walker
Sunday 1100 Crusader Chapel Contemporary Sunday 0930 South Post Chapel Contemporary 1700 Super Gym 1300 Camp Carroll
Sunday 1100 Hovey Chapel Traditional Sunday 1100 South Post Chapel KATUSA Contemporary
Gospel 1100 Memorial Chapel, Casey Gospel Sunday 1230 South Post Chapel Tuesday 1900 Super Gym Friday 1900 Camp Walker
Sunday 1100 Casey Memorial Chapel Mision Pentecostal Hispana Korean Korean
1100 Camp Stanley Chapel Sunday 1400 South Post Chapel Wednesday 1930 Super Gym Tuesday 1900 Camp Carroll
1100 Stanley Chapel Korean Sunday 0910 Hannam Village Chapel Wednesday 1830 Camp Walker
COGIC Catholic Services
Sunday 1230 CRC Warrior Chapel United Pentecostal Mass Catholic Services
KATUSA Sunday 1330 Memorial Chapel Daily 1145 Annex 2 Chapel Mass
Sunday 1930 CRC Warrior Chapel Sunday 0900 Super Gym Sunday 0900 Camp Walker
Sunday 1300 Jackson Auditorium KATUSA Tuesday 1830 Memorial Chapel 1700 Camp Eagle Chapel 1130 Camp Carroll
Tuesday 1900 Camp Stanley Chapel 1700 Suwon Air Base Chapel Saturday 1700 Camp Walker
Tuesday 1840 Casey Stone Chapel Seventh-Day Adventist Jewish
Tuesday 1800 Camp Castle Chapel Saturday 0930 Brian Allgood Hospital Every 2nd Friday 1830 Annex 2 Chapel
Tuesday 1830 Casey Memorial Chapel
For information, contact Corey Ringer at corey.ringer@korea.army.mil, or
Tuesday 1830 Camp Hovey Chapel Early Morning Service call 753-3909
Thursday 1830 West Casey Chapel (Korean) Mon-Sat 0510 South Post Chapel

Catholic Services/Mass Episcopal Sunday 1000 Memorial Chapel

Sunday 1300 Camp Stanley Chapel
Sunday 0900 CRC Warrior Chapel Catholic Services
Sunday 1215 West Casey Chapel
Sunday 0930 Camp Hovey Chapel Catholic Mass Saturday 1700 Memorial Chapel
The Command Chaplain’s Office is here to perform, provide, or coordinate total religious support to the United
Sunday 0800 South Post Chapel Nations Command, U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth U.S. Army Servicemembers, their families and authorized
Later Day Saints Sunday 1130 Memorial Chapel civilians across the full spectrum of operations from armistice to war.
Sunday 1400 West Casey Chapel Mon/Thur/Fri 1205 Memorial Chapel
Tues/Wed 1205 Brian Allgood Hospital
Jewish 1st Sat. 0900 Memorial Chapel Visit the U.S. Forces Korea Religious Support site at:
Friday 1830 West Casey Chapel www.usfk.mil/org/FKCH/Index.html?/org/FKCH/Contents/mission.htm
Jewish for helpful links and information.
Friday 1900 South Post Chapel

Korea-wide Army chaplain points of contact

USAG-Yongsan Chaplains USAG-Humphreys Chaplains USAG-Red Cloud/Casey USAG-Daegu Chaplains

Chaplain (Lt. Col.) David B. Crary: Chaplain (Maj.) Klon K. Kitchen, Jr.: 2ID Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Richard Spencer: Chaplain (Maj.) Pyo Kwon:
david.crary@korea.army.mil, 738-3009 klon.kitchen@korea.army.mil, 753-7274 frank.richard.spencer@korea.army.mil, 732-7998 pyo.kwon@korea.army.mil, 764-5455

Chaplain (Maj.) Adolph G. DuBose: Red Cloud Chaplain (Maj.) Fredrick Garcia: Chaplain (Maj.) Edward Martin:
adolph.g.dubose@korea.army.mil, 738-4043 Chaplain (Capt.) Anthony Flores: fredrick.wayne.garcia@korea.army.mil, 732-6169 Edward.martin7@korea.army.mil, 765-8004
Chaplain (Maj.) Leo Mora Jr.: 753-7042 Red Cloud Chaplain (Capt.) Mario Rosario:
leo.mora@korea.army.mil, 736-3018 mario.s.rosario@korea.army.mil, 732-6016
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No Endorsement Implied
http://imcom.korea.army.mil FEATURE THE MORNING CALM

American, Korean Red Cross lifeguards train for the times

humphreys garrison — The American Red Cross conducted lifeguard training last week at the USAG-
Humphreys Splish Splash Water Park pool. Four instructors trained one American and 19 Korean lifeguards
from throughout the penninsula to develop best practices and necessary skills to respond to recreational
swimming emergencies. In this photo series, lifeguards practice deep water spinal injury rescue procedures.
Download high resolution photos at www.flickr.com/photos/usaghumphreys/ — U.S. Army photos by Ken Hall
http://imcom.korea.army.mil NEWS THE MORNING CALM

USAG-Casey American Red Cross gives Dog First-Aid class

By Jack Loudermilk
USAG-RC Public Affairs

CASEY GARRISON — A first for Area I, the American

Red Cross at USAG-Casey completed a “Dog First Aid”
certification course here June 6.
Jana Fullmer, station manager for Casey’s American Red
Cross office said American Red Cross helps people prepare
for all kinds of emergencies, including those involving
their pets.
“Many people consider their pets as part of the family,”
she explained, “so pet first aid seems like a good fit.”
Fullmer said she plans to continue offering pet first aid
classes if possible.
“This class was taught by Capt. Cynthia Facciolla,
our veterinarian in Area 1,” she said, “but she’s leaving
next month. We are hoping her replacement will agree to
continue the program.”
Fullmer said she expects to offer pet first-aid classes at
least twice a year, depending on demand. “If there’s more
demand,” she said, “we will hold classes more often.”
Facciolla said she volunteered to conduct the training
because “it’s a great idea. Just like you should be prepared
to give basic first aid to your family, there’s no reason not
to be prepared for your dog or cat,” she said.
While the course covered a range of topics from
approaching an injured animal to CPR techniques, Facciolla
said it’s important for owners to know what’s normal –
health wise – for their pet.
“I think the most important thing is just knowing when
you’re in over your head,” she said, “when is the issue minor Using stuffed dogs as training aids during a Dog First Aid certification course at the American Red Cross office, USAG-Casey,
vs. major. People wait or turn to the Internet. Maybe their June 6 are (from left) Dan Silvia, from Army Community Services, Casey; his wife, Kong-Ok Silvia, Casey Parish coordinator;
dog is coughing so they give it something they read about on and daughter Changmi Silvia, student from Clark University. The Silvia family owns nine dogs or, as Dan described, “540 pounds
line and they end up waiting too long to get help. Knowing of dog.” — US Army photo by Jack Loudermilk
what’s normal for your dog will help determine when it’s
time to seek a professional.” are cheap, it’s easy to get an appointment, and someone is “We can also discuss the problem over the phone and
Facciolla said surfing the Internet for answers only “tells available to take calls 24 hours a day.” determine if the issue your pet is having is a real emergency,”
you someone’s opinion; it doesn’t necessarily have to be Military veterinarians are sometimes limited in the she said.
credible. People rely on the Internet hoping to save money. services they can provide, but Facciolla said they do offer To learn more about veterinarian services in Korea, visit
There’s no reason not to call on us. Our costs for services vaccinations, hold sick-calls and appointments. the 65th Medical Brigade’s Veterinary Services web site at

Army Family Team Building students learn about life in military

By Joni Ramsey
USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs


Humphreys Army Family Team Building had the
opportunity to do something that has never been done on
the installation before; they went on a field trip.
AFTB Level I, often referred to as Army 101, teaches
students the basics of living life with the military.
After learning about military customs and courtesies, the
class attended the Humphreys Garrison change of command
ceremony June 3 to apply their knowledge.
Students and instructors headed to the Super Gym to
witness Col. John E. Dumoulin, Jr., relinquished command
to Col. Joseph P. Moore. AFTB Instructor and 23-year
Army retiree Dawn Jones, gave a detailed commentary about
the progression of the ceremony and the meaning behind
customs such as passing the guideon.
“The Change of Command showed some of the basic AFTB instructor Dawn Jones explains the chain of command and brigade command structure to AFTB Level 1 students at the
Drill and Ceremony that Soldiers train to accomplish from Humphreys Army Communuty Services Center recently. — U.S. Army photo by Joni Ramsey
the very first day of entry into the military ranks such as to someone wouldn’t be possible. You have to see it. Seeing “Classes were well organized and instructors broke things
the position of attention, present arms, parade rest and the Soldiers in uniform is one thing but seeing them lined up down so it was easy to understand. I walked away feeling
official changing of command,” said Jones. “It was a great and moving all as one is amazing.” much more knowledgeable and confident about my life
feeling to give information that students could really use and After taking part in USAG-Humphreys history, class with the military,” she said.
understand and relate to their Soldier’s daily work.” resumed at the Family Readiness Center, where students To find out more about the Army, sign up for the Level
Amy Langa, an Army spouse for six years said though had a pizza party to celebrate their learning. They learned I class which will take place Saturday, June 20, 9 a.m. to
she has been in Korea many months, there were still things how to support their child’s education, how to read a leave 5 p.m. in the Army Community Services classroom. Level
to learn in AFTB 1. and earnings statement, the chain of command, acronyms II, geared toward building personal skills such as time and
“It’s nice to know what’s available to us and meet new and terms, and many other topics that are important to stress management and communication, will take place June
people in the process,’ she said. “The information is Army- military life. 30 and July 1. To register, please call Army Community
wide so it’s helpful where ever you are.” Felicity Hall, also a new Army Spouse, recommends Services at DSN: 753-8401 or e-mail Joni Ramsey at joni.
New Army Spouse, Jennifer Garley, said “Explaining it taking the course. ramsey@live.com.

West Point Cadets learn duties, responsibilities of junior officers

By Sgt. 1st Class Krishna Gamble
2nd CAB Public Affairs

humphreys GARRISON — For

approximately three and a half weeks, six
cadets from the U.S. Military Academy at
West Point will be the newest, and quite
possibly the youngest, platoon leaders in
2nd Combat Aviation Brigade.
These juniors and seniors are participants
in the Cadet Troop Leadership Training
program. This program provides U.S.
Military Academy and Reserve Officer
Training Corps Cadets with an active-duty
leadership opportunities and experience by
placing them in platoon leader positions.
“CTLT offers cadets the chance to shadow
a platoon leader and learn from them by
watching them handle different situations,”
said 2nd Lt. Kirstin Strobel, project officer
for the 2nd CAB CTLT program and a
former CTLT participant.
Strobel, a graduate of Pennsylvania State
University, participated in the ROTC
CTLT in the summer of 2003 in Brunssum,
Netherlands. She was assigned as an
executive officer for a headquarters company
that supported the North Atlantic Treaty
“I got to plan their organizational day even
though it happened after I left,” said Strobel,
2nd CAB medical plans officer. “But they
Brig. Gen. Walter M. Golden, (center) assistant division commander for maneuver for the 2nd Infantry Division, and Col Joseph P. Bassani, 2nd
sent me pictures and it was interesting and
Combat Aviation Brigade commander, enjoy lunch with six cadets from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point who are participating in the Cadet
a lot of fun.”
Troop Leadership Training program. — U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Krishna Gamble
That’s the same sentiment the West Point
Cadets have about their experiences with Gowin, a platoon leader with Company C, equipment in 2nd CAB.” Gen. Walter M. Golden recently imparted
2nd CAB. 602nd Aviation Support Battalion. Godwin 2nd CAB will host cadets from USMA to them at a private luncheon held in the
“This is a great opportunity to see what a is a signal officer and his interaction with and ROTC in four successive groups until 2nd CAB dining facility. Golden is the
platoon leader actually does on a daily basis, Langreck gave the 21-year-old cadet from August 18. Cadets will receive an officer assistant division commander for maneuver
and how he interacts with Soldiers. It’s very San Antonio, Texas a second option for evaluation for their time spent in the unit. for the 2nd Infantry Division.
interesting and very different,” said Justin branch selection. “This is a good program. We didn’t have “My dad was career Air Force and my
Langreck, senior at West Point majoring “As the most deployed company in the this opportunity in officer candidate school,” brother is in the Navy ROTC at The Citadel
in biology. Langreck hopes to get medical brigade, I’m showing him what it takes Godwin said. “I hope [the cadets] enjoy it in Charleston, S.C., but I wanted to be in
services as his branch and eventually serve for us operate,” Gowin said. “I’m showing and get as much out of it as [they] can.” the Army,” Langreck said. “He is happy I
as a pharmacist. him proper accountability procedures for “The general told us to listen twice as much serve in the Armed Forces and my mom
Langreck is assigned to 2nd Lt. William D. the more than $5 million worth of signal as we talk,” Langreck said of the advice Brig. preferred I joined the Army.”

‘We should have trust in each other because we live together, just like a family’
By Pfc. Ma, Ju-ho together and, at the end of the duty day,
2nd CAB Public Affairs we all go to our homes at the same time,”
Dillman said.
humphreys GARRISON — To During his long career as an NCO he tried
Master Sgt. James C. Dillman, the safety to make Soldiers feel like the Army was their
NCO for 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, home. His easy-going style of leadership
being a good noncommissioned officer is makes Soldiers work hard on their own; he
not very different from being a good Soldier. doesn’t yell at them or force them to do tasks
After 22 years serving in the Army, he says he wouldn’t do himself.
the secret to his successful career is to “do “We should have trust in each other
his own job.” (because) we live together, just like a family,”
As the safety NCO of the 2nd CAB, Dillman said.
he supervises all brigade safety operations Before joining the Army, he said he
and provides the battalions appropriate wasn’t sure what he could do, but he said
operations and equipment as well. It is the responsibility and commitment he
also his job to maintain and safeguard the experienced in the Army made him grow
brigade’s equipment. up and be more confident in himself. In a
Dillman served in the Marine Corps Master Sgt. James C. Dillman, safety NCO, updates the safety board at 2nd CAB headquarters, few months he will retire from the Army
Reserve while attending college and decided USAG-Humphreys. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Ma, Ju-ho and begin a new phase of his life.
to join the Army after graduation when his his own easy-going style of speech, that he “I don’t think I’m a better person than “It’s time to move on,” Dillman added.
wife was pregnant with their first child. He was “just a little bit fortunate.” any young Soldiers,” he said. “I don’t tell When he leaves the Army in Nov. 2009 he
enlisted as a helicopter mechanic and built But in fact, he truly worked hard, moving them they’ve got to do something I just do plans to go back home and try something
his career fast and successfully. to several places, from the United States to it with them.” new. With his wife and his three sons, he is
“I spent most of my career as an E-7, Germany, to Iraq and the Republic of Korea. Leading his Soldiers the way he has going to continue to raise a good family, just
serving eight total years to reach the rank of He has been an NCO for 19 years. always done, Dillman never had problems like he has done with his Soldiers.
master sergeant,” Dillman said. Asked how Dillman treats his Soldiers as he wants to accomplishing missions. “I will never forget my 22 years in the
he did that outstanding job, he said, with be treated and works together with them. “We report for duty together, work Army. The Army changed me a lot.”
http://imcom.korea.army.mil AREA III THE MORNING CALM

News & Notes Humphreys American School names honor roll students
DOL Organizational Day Honor Roll (6th, 7th and 8th grade)
USAG-Humphreys DOL Day has been By Lori Yerdon
rescheduled from 29 May to 12 Jun 09. USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs Principals Honor Roll
All activities including CIF and Installation (4.0 Grade Point Average)
PBO will be closed. humphreys GARRISON —
TMP vehicle dispatch office, ITO, CTO, post Danielle Ambersley, Emily Cox
shuttle buses and gas station The largest ever group of students
Matthew Horton, Arthur Mills
will operate normal business hours. - 408 - successfully completed the The Humphreys American School Eagle Kayla Pickett, Soo Yun Rhee
Emergency contact numbers are: 2008-2009 school year June 10. D’Onte Blount, Thad Long Cody Rinehart, Sydney Salter
011-327-8762 (Mr. Slawson), 010-4727-2857 Mordecai Choi*, Diamond Lowe Machala Swickard, Alisa Townley
(Mr. Tillery), and 010-5251-1995 The following are the names of
Aaron Cotton*, Aubrey McMahan
(Mr. Scott) students recognized during the 2nd Jonathan Davidson, John McMahan High Honor Roll
Semester Awards Ceremony at HAS Victoria DeBoer, Ethan Mejia (3.5 – 3.99 GPA)
BOSS Beach Blast Coleen deGuzman, Benjamin Mendenhall
Get ready to have a rockin’ weekend at the this week, sponsored by the HAS
Paige Duskie*, Allen Mills Hunter Bova, Kendra Berry
Better Opportunity for SIngle Soldiers Beach Student Council, HAS teachers, Dominique Flores, Robert Paul Susan Choi, Julian Kelly
Blast at Daecheon Beach June 12-14. Mrs. Vicki Leivermann and HAS Yeaji Ham*, Dominic Perez Hannah Davis, Kexy Moreno
Various events will take place on the beach Olivia Hancock, Faisaun Pharr* Joshua Harlan, Victora Moretta
including tug-o-war, sand castle sculpting, free Principal Joyce Diggs.
Tristan Hardin*, Kalen Royal* Howard Hwang, Andrew Schmeltz
music concert, swim suit competition, vollyball Congratulations to the following Hunter Herring*, Emily Schmeltz Camara Jones, Tyler Anderson
tournament, watermelon eating contest, students for their accomplishments: Jackson Hill*, Maliki Smalls* Nathan Kane, David Voelker
jalapeno eating contest, relay and physical Kayla Hood*, Joshua Solmonson Ju Hyeong Lim, Dayjah Tull
fitness competition. Honor Roll (4th and 5th grade) Yamileth Humphrey, Cynthia Stokes Victoria Moreno, Ceressa Swickard
Sign up at the Humphreys Outdoor Recreation Christopher Imajo*, Hakim Tatygulov Hana Santucci, Sarah Snow
Center or call 753-8828 Principals Honor Roll Anna Jenson, Ryan Tillery* Sara Stephens, Cristian Mejia
Crystal Ambersley, Anna Lippert* Christopher Johnson, Julian Totton Amy Burger, Hyong Kim
Army Birthday June 14 Gina Arnold, Felicia Lozinski* Elise Johnson*, Cherish Travis Cory Florence, Jr.
Old-time specials on tap for Army birthday Joshua Aulds, Aubrey McMahan Sierra Julian, Lance Travis
celebration: free swimming at Splish Splash Krystal Brown*, John McMahan Mitchell Welborn* Honor Roll
Water Park, courtesy of the United Club; Noah Cruz*, Ethan Mejia (3.0 – 3.49 GPA)
50-cent Open bowling at the Strike Zone Christina Durham*, Benjamin Mendenhall *Both 3rd and 4th Quarters
Bowling Center; and 50-cent minature golf at Jack Mendenhall*, Maddie Gist*, Thomas BainJun, Young Ham
Augusta West Miniature Golf Course Annie Moore*, Victoria DeBoer Citizenship Award (4th and 5th grade) Jae Ho Kim, John Nichols
Ashton Harlan*, Kenneth Musselwhite* Phillip Limb, Andrea Reta
Humphreys American School Mirae Heo*, Dominic Perez Anagabriel Garcia, Ashton Harlan Jacquel Lopez, Zhenya Townley
New student Registration begins June 15 Andy Horton*, Emily Schmeltz Myah Jennrich, Benjamin Mendenhall Von Joshua Matheny, Abigail Treb
New student Orientation begins August 24 Yamileth Humphrey, Kianna Snape* Janine Mongalo, Kenneth Musselwhite Gee Young Moon, Samantha Brownell
at 11 a.m. in HAS cafeteria Eunice Hwang*, Cynthia Stokes Alana Parra, Brianna Sablan Khalil Osborne, Ciara Florence
Meet and greet your teacher Anna Jenson, Cherish Travis Cherish Travis, Payton Wilson Krizha Robihid, Syerra Dobson
August 28 from 2 - 3 p.m. Jiana Legaspi*, Lance Travis Levi Travis, Eric Campos
Most Improved (4th and 5th grade) Montavia Brooks, Ashley Brown
Moneywise in the Military *Both 3rd and 4th Quarters Jacob Garcia, Alexander Allen
Kelvin Boston, author of “Who’s Afraid Tracy Altvater, D’Onte Blount Ju Bon Lim, Lemuel Travis
to be a Millionaire” and host of the PBS A and B Honor Roll Jonathan Davidson, Felipe Del Mauro Kyle McKinney, Daniel Song
award-winning financial series Moneywise Vanessa Engram, Christopher Johnson Saadiq Phillips, Amber Randall
will present a special seminar specifically Crystal Ambersley, Kenneth Kim Kenneth Kim, Justin Lawson Akasha Wade, Geu Peschon
designed for the military at the Community Gina Arnold, Kevin Kim* Thad Long, Jordon Stevenson Patric Herring, Jasmine Patterson
Activity Center Monday, June 15 at 1:30 p.m. Joshua Aulds, Justin Lawson* Hakim Tatygulov Jaime Manglona, Hope McMahan
Family members welcome to attend. Contact
ACS Financial Services Advisor Clarence
Figgs at 753-8403

Humphreys Camp Adventure

Open June through August to all CYS
Lady Tigers softball team finishes runner-up
Services children that have completed grades
1 - 5. Children can sign up for specific weeks
by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the week
they would like to attend. Visit CYS Services
Bldg. 570 or call 753-8507

Freedom Fest 2009

Sign up now for a fund raising booth at
Freedom Fest, July 3-5 at Independance Park.
Send your request for a booth plus the names
and contact information of two individuals from
your unit, Family Readiness Group or private
organization to ‘area3mwrmarketing@korea.
army.mil’ as soon as possible

Humphreys Construction Update

As Humphreys Garrison grows during the
next several years construction projects will
cause interruptions of electrical and water
service as well as detours and delays on our
roads. We ask your patience as we transform
our post into the Installation of Choice on the
Korean Peninsula.

We Want Your Stories!

We want to publish your stories and photos in
The Morning Calm Weekly and on the USAG- Humphreys Garrison Lady tiger Sydney Saltzer sprints for third base as Yongsan Braves players Kaytlan Soriano (61) and
Humphreys Command Channel. Please send any Lauren Traczyk (64) attempt to throw her out during game three of the Child and Youth Services Girls Softball tournament here
information or products to Ken Hall at the USAG-
June 6. The tournament was the first girls softball event hosted at USAG-Humphreys. 2009 marks the first year Humphreys
Humphreys Public Affairs Office at 754-8847
or kenneth.david.hall@korea.army.mil.
Garrison has fielded a team. Final tournament results: 1st place, USAG-Yongsan Braves; 2nd place, USAG-Humphreys; 3rd
place, USAG-Youngsan White Sox — U.S. Army photo by Lori Yerdon
June 12, 2009 http://imcom.korea.army.mil

Hundreds gear up for BOSS Beach Blast

By Ken Hall Herrera said Beach Blast attendees
USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs will receive gift bags and T-shirts as
and several awards for the sporting
humphreys GARRISON — The events such as trophies and towels.
2009 Better Opportunities for “Osan Defense Commissary
Single Soldiers Beach Blast kicks off Agency has volunteered to help in
this weekend in Daecheon City and making this event the best ever,” he
event organizers expect it will the said. “We also have sponsors who
biggest yet. have donated door prizes which will
This year’s Beach Blast runs from be announced during the events.”
June 12-14 and marks the third “All of us in Area III work very
consecutive year Area III has hosted well together preparing for this
the event. The event attracts U.S. event each year,” said Robert Frace,
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines Suwon Air Base Recreation Center
Tug-o-war during 2008 BOSS Beach Blast. — U.S. Army photo courtesy James Hogrebe
and KATUSAs from all over Korea manager. “We want to do what we
to Daecheon Beach. Herrera. “We learned from previous be offered Saturday and Sunday can to support the overall Area III
According to James Hogrebe, Area years what worked and what didn’t. morning. Participants can begin effort to make sure all the service
III Community Activities Director, We also recognized who were the checking in Friday at noon. members who attend have fun. This
participation in this year’s event will major players in the planning and “When Installation Management event is also part of our partnership
exceed the last three. execution phases.” Command asked who could host this with MWR and ‘I am strong,’ which
“We have more than 500 Soldiers Herrera said the Daecheon City event – it was a no-brainer because is a new sexual abuse awareness
signed up and a core group of about Mayor’s office and city officials have the beach location is easy to get to, campaign which has recently been
50 volunteers,” said Hogrebe. “Our been supportive during the planning has a new resort hotel and water added to BOSS as a partnership.”
preparations are on track and this phase and the actual event. park and we have great cooks,” said Saturday’s activities will feature
year’s Beach Blast will be the largest “We’ve had several meetings with Hogrebe. “We’ve been working on a tug-o-war, sand castle sculpting,
one ever held in Korea.” them and they’ve been eager to listen this event for about eight months volleyball tournament, watermelon
Dean Herrera, BOSS Morale, to our concerns and assist in any and this year’s event was planned eating contest, jalapeno eating
Welfare and Recreation Advisor way,” he said. perfect to correspond with the contest, relay, physical fitness
attributes this years’ high turn-out The three-day event will feature ocean tides. The tide was a critical competition and an added bonus:
in part to word-of-mouth from last 30 canopy tents, 50 tables and a factor because during the day on the the Army’s birthday celebration.
years’ attendees. rock climbing wall. The first night weekend of the event, the tide will “This year the Army’s birthday
“This year our planning and of the event will feature spaghetti be out most of the day, and when it falls into our beach blast weekend
preparations have been streamlined and meatballs with garlic bread rolls back in, we will be done with perfectly,” said Frace. “This is a great
and run more efficiently, said from 4p.m. to 6 p.m. Breakfast will the activities by then.” pick-up of participation.”

What are your plans for summer vacation?

“I’m leaving to go back to the “We’re taking a vacation to “I’ll be teaching the summer “I’m going to a week-long
United States and spending a couple Hawaii and then spending half of enrichment program here at HAS camp with the Boy Scouts and
of weeks visiting family, and I’m our summer with our grandparents and then I’m heading to South also going swimming a lot. then
also taking a one-week course at the in New York and the other half Carolina near Myrtle Beach. I’m also I’m moving with my family to
University of Virginia. Then I’ll spend with friends in Virginia. We are also going to Hawaii before returning Israel.” - Christopher Imajo,
some time in Washington D.C. visiting moving to Pennsylvania.” - Anna back to Korea.” - Ms. Bernadette Humphreys American School 5th
the Smithsonian and other museums.” - Lippert, Humphreys American Kollbrand, Humphreys American grade student
Ms. Joyce Diggs, Humphreys American School 5th grade student School Kindergarten teacher
School Principal
JUNE 12, 2009 AREA IV USAG-D • PAGE 25

Daegu celebrates Army’s 234th Birthday

By Cpl. Lee, Jaewon Army Support Group, Command Sgt. Maj.
19th ESC Public Affairs Clinton G. Hall, 501st SBDE, Command
Sgt. Maj. David Abbot, U.S. Army Garrison
DAEGU — Soldiers, Civilians, Family Daegu, Command Sgt. Maj. Tomeka N.
Members and local Korean dignitaries O’Neal, 501st Special Troops Battalion,
gathered at the Inter-Burgo Hotel in Daegu, and Brig. Gen. Xavier P. Lobeto, 19th ESC
Saturday to celebrate the 234th United Commanding General.
States Army Birthday. “Tonight is special not just for U.S.
The celebration of the 234th Army Army NCOs, but also special for Republic
Birthday is in recognition of the priceless of Korea Army NCO’s like myself,” said
service the Army community contributes Choi. “The roles of NCO’s are getting
to peace and prosperity of the world. The larger and growing bigger as today’s world
Daegu version of the Army Birthday Ball continues to change rapidly.”
was put together by 19th ESC cultural To commemorate the 234th Army
ambassadors and other sponsors, strongly Birthday Ball, the keynote speech was given
supported in many different ways to by Lt. Gen. Michell H. Stevenson, Deputy
celebrate the Army’s Birthday. Chief of Staff, G4, Department of Defense,
The theme of this year is “The Year of who shared his life experiences and lessons
the Noncommissioned officer.” This year’s as a son, a husband, a leader, and most
theme is in tribute to all past and present importantly, as an American Soldier.
NCO’s who have dedicated their passion Stevenson entered the Army at the tail
around the world defending and protecting end of the Vietnam War. He recalled it was
freedom and democracy. a very tough time for the Army because
The entire Army has been promoting most of Soldiers were draftees, resulting in
various the “Year of the NCO” programs to low spirit and lack of motivation. However,
inspire communities and to encourage the Stevenson was able to overcome hardships
NCO spirit around the world. According by lessons and values he had acquired from
to Secretary of the Army the Hon. Pete his father, an NCO and Veteran of World
Geren, the NCO Corps is the glue that War II.
has held the Army together through this Stevenson gave footprints of NCO’s in
period of protracted conflict. the Army history, emphasizing its hidden
The last time the Year of the NCO was significance which has been a strong presence
celebrated was in 1989. During 2009, the throughout the history of the Army.
Army is celebrating it again to recognize and “For the past eight years, we have been
credit NCOs on their significant roles and fighting a global war against the terrorism
accomplishments worldwide. and the role of the NCO Corps has never
In a same context, the 234th Army been more crucial,” said Stevenson, “the
Birthday Ball was mainly produced by successes we have achieved in Afghanistan
NCO’s, and the event was mostly operated and Iraq are because of highly effective
by NCO’s from emcees and entertainment small units, which were energized by
to NCO Creed recital and benediction of NCO’s great leadership.”
the event. For celebrating the Ball, Pfc. Na, Sung-ho,
The Army Birthday Ball was emceed Inspector General, 19th ESC, also a famous
by Sgt. Maj. Jeffery Watts, S3, 501st Korean pop singer, sang “A sad, sad name”
Sustainment Brigade, 19th ESC, who kept and Me-gu, a Korean traditional drumline,
good atmosphere for the Ball with his quick performed to entertain the attendees.
wit throughout the celebration. The 234th Army Birthday Ball concluded
The event started with the posting with Lobeto’s closing remarks and a recital
of colors and invocation by Master Sgt. (TOP) Soldiers, families and Daegu citizens attended in 234th Army Birthday Ball to of the NCO Creed by Moore.
John W. Proctor, Chaplain’s office, 19th celebrate the “Year of the NCO” and promoted stronger relationships with each other, “I am deeply honored to celebrate the
ESC. Then the toasts were presented by Jun 6. (MIDDLE) Brig. Gen. Xavier P. Lobeto, Commanding General, 19th Expeditionary Year of the NCO and how it has turned
Sgt. Karll M. Moore, 19th ESC NCO of Sustainment Command and Lt. Gen. Mitchell H. Stevenson, Deputy Chief of Staff, G4, out,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Brian
the Year from 498th Combat Sustainment Department of Defense present an appreciation award to President Sohn, Jung-Kil, S. Connie, 19th ESC, “It is great to see
Support Battalion, Command Sgt. Maj. 19th ESC Cultural Ambassador. (BOTTOM) A traditional Korean percussion band different periods of NCO’s transformations
Choi, Jong Joon, Area IV Republic of Korea performs at the 234th Army Birthday Ball. — U.S. Army Photos by Cpl. Lee, Jaewon over the time.”

Notice of Area IV Road & Gate Closures

The following Gates will be closed for Maintenance, Safety and Repair Work

• Camp Henry Gate #1 will be closed from 8 p.m. June 19 - 7 p.m. June 21
• Camp Henry Gate #2 will be closed from 8 p.m. June 26 - 7 p.m. June 28
• Camp Walker Gate #4 will be closed from 8 a.m. July 11 - 7 p.m. July 12
• Camp Walker Gate #6 will be closed from 8 a.m. July 18 – 7 p.m. July 19
Please note that there will only be one Gate open per Installation while the work is done. So please plan accordingly as well for delays. We are sorry
for any inconvenience or delays this may cause.

If you have any questions about the security process, contact Robert F. Nelson Directorate of Emergency Services at 764-4106 or 010-9261-2006,
or email: Robert.f.nelson@korea.army.mil
http://imcom.korea.army.mil AREA IV THE MORNING CALM

t News & Notes U.S. Army children exchange culture with

USAG-Daegu Change of Command
U.S. Army Garrison Daegu Change Daebong Elementary School students
of Command Ceremony will beheld at
Camp Walker’s Kelly Gym, 10 a.m., By Lee, Jihye
June 26. Col. Michael P. Saulnier will be USAG-Daegu Public Affairs
relieved by Col. Terry D. Hodges. For
more information, call 768-8072. DAEGU — U.S. Army Garrison Daegu
Child, Youth and School (CYS) children
403rd AFSB Change of Command had a chance to learn Korean traditional
The Army Material Command, (AMC) musical instruments on June 3 in Daebong
403rd Army Field Support Brigade elementary school, Nam-gu, Daegu. Its
(AFSB) would like to announce ‘403rd purpose was to exchange cultures and to
Army Field Support Brigade’- Change understand each other, aiming for forming
of Command Ceremony. The location an intimacy between Korean and American
is at Camp Walker Kelly Field (Kelly students and confidence for Korean
Gym: Inclement Weather) on 22 July students in using English.
2009, at 10 in the morning. Outgoing At 3 p.m., elementary school students
Commander: Col. Andre Q. Fletcher, gathered in the gymnasium in Daebong
Incoming Commander: Col. Barry Elementary School. There were almost
Diehl. For more information, call 90 children, about 50 from Daebong and
Children from Daegu Garrison CYS play the Korean traditional percussion janggu together with
768-7630. 40 children from CYS. Children as well
as teachers from Daebong elementary the students from Daebong Elementary School, during ‘Culture-Exchange Day’, June 3.— U.S.
Speak Korean! Learn Korea! school welcomed USAG CYS students and Army photo by Kim, Ayeon
Korean-English Speech Contest teachers with great hospitality. the third is for the janggu (double-headed what he was doing.
will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 In the beginning, there was an opening drum pinched in at the middle), followed “I taught them how to play the sangmo.
a.m., Wednesday at Henry Theater. ceremony, followed by snack time for all the by fourth for the drum. In my case I have been playing this sangmo
Admission is free! Anyone who children. In the snack time the children had a So, the students from CYS were divided for about one year, starting from last year
are confident in speaking Korean time to share their greetings with each other, into four groups and each group came when I was in my 1st grade. I feel proud of
can attend this contest. For more eating rice cakes, muffins and beverages. to each spot to learn how to play those this and also think that American friends
information, call Capt.(P) Kim, Jong “I said hello and also made a lot of musical instruments. When American are doing really great,” said Choi, Woo-
Sang at 768-8451. Korean friends in here. I think Korean students couldn’t understand how to play young, a student from Daebong Elementary
friends are all friendly and very kind. I love those musical instruments, Korean students School.
Camp Carroll Worship Service it,” said Mykel Colins with a bright smile. kindly taught them how. “I also talked with foreign friends in
Every Tuesday there will be an 11:40 After light snacks, culture exchange Kim, Hyun-ji, a student from Daebong English, which was really great to me.
a.m. worship service at the Camp time was given to both schools’ children. Elementary School said, “In here, I talked When I get friendly with them, I want to
Carroll Chapel and everyone is Daebong Elementary School students with CYS friends and also, I taught them play with them, doing gawibawibo game.
invited. Lunchi will be provided after prepared Korean traditional musical how to play Korean traditional musical I wish there would be more chances for me
the service. For more information, instruments. Playing those instruments instrument. And I feel really glad to see to show this traditional musical instrument
contant the Camp Carroll Chapel staff was a real great experience for the children, American friends this closer. If there is any to foreign friends,” added Choi.
at 765-8343 both Korean and American. chance to be with foreign friends, I would At the end of the event, all the children
There were four sections in the gymnasium like to join again.” gathered together and played the musical
Building Survey Notification to learn Korean musical instruments. The In the middle of the gym, students instruments, listening to ‘Chungdo Chasan’
Syncadd Systems, Inc will be first corner was for playing the tabor (small from CYS gathered with a brightened face traditional folk music.
conducting a space and manpower drums) and the sangmo (traditional hat with to see a boy who was playing the sangmo.
survey of buildings on Camps Henry, a long lace), the second was for the gong, Looking at him, they started to imitate
Walker, and Carroll until September
2009. They will be using a laser Pay-Day Golf Scramble to bring the community out
measuring device to record the By Kim, Ayeon
dimensions of garrison facilities. They USAG-Daegu Public Affairs
will also be photographing building
exteriors, which has been approved CAMP WALKER — The monthly
by USAG Daegu. Please afford them Payday Golf Scramble was held at Camp
access to the facilities to complete Walker’s Evergreen Golf Course June 5.
this project. For information, call Groups of four, in fact 18 of them, came
768-8760. out to compete and enjoy the beautiful
weather at the Evergreen Golf Course. The
Daegu Spouses Association Payday Scramble was open to active duty
Get Involved in your Community! military, eligible ID card holders, U.S.Forces
Daegu Spouses Association (DSA) Korea government employees and their
supports the community through family members.
welfare donations and scholarships. Robert Chartier, chief of U.S. Army
Find out more at www.taeguspouses. Garrison Daegu Directorate of Public
org Be a part of something great! For Works environmental office, said, “The
information, call 010-5846-0933. Payday Golf Scramble is to bring the (from left) Lt. Col. Kosan Ko, 19th ESC G6, Chief Warrant Officer Tad Benuett, Chief Warrant
community out, to play golf, to have a good Officer David J. Dwyer, 19th ESC G6 and Ian R. Kelley, professor, Keimyung College University,
We Want Your Stories time and to make better friends. We’ve tried played as a team for the Payday Golf Scramble, June 5. — U.S. Army photo by Kim, Ayeon
If you want to advertise any events or this kind of event for many years. It’s not makes us socialize with other people in our - they are really great guys and excellent
information for the Area IV community only golf, but various sports like bowling community. Though there was no hole-in- golfers so we are playing like Tiger Woods.
in the Morning Calm Weekly, please the last time. It makes us have fun.” one, it’s just a good day. I will join again.” So far, it was a lot of fun. I am looking
send an e-mail to Cpl. Park Kyung- Prizes had been prepared for the winners Even though there are winners and losers, forward the next one.”
rock, kyungrock.park@korea.army.mil and losers. All players, however, enjoyed all of them had a great time. The next golf scramble will be held
or 768-8070 for Camp Walker, Henry playing golf regardless of the prizes. They Ian R. Kelley, professor of Department July 10 at the Evergrren Golf Course,
and George and contact Cpl. Lee just enjoyed the meaningful time with their of Hotel, Tourism and Catering at with a shotgun start at noon. Get there
Dodam, dodam.lee@korea.army.mil. friends and families. Keimyung College University attended by 11:30 a.m. for registration. To find
“It’s a great opportunity to get out and as a civilian player. He said, “It’s a great more information about the Payday Golf
to share time with co-workers,” Arnold chance to give the community players Scramble, contact Sgt. 1st Class Jason D.
Pindle, Deputy to the Commander, 403rd enjoy the game and to come out with their Gibbons, Headquarters & Headquarters
Army Field Support Brigade said, “Besides it friends playing golf well. My teammates Co., USAG Daegu, at 768-8689.
JUNE 12, 2009 AREA IV USAG-D • PAGE 27

USAG-Daegu has best garrison Scholarships for Military Children Program announces 2009 winners
By Carrie Williams Scholarship Managers, a professional
antiterrorism program in the Army Defense Commissary Agency, Marketing scholarship firm, selects the winners
By Phillip Molter based on academic merit, participation
USAG-Daegu Public Affairs DAEGU — Drum roll please . . . “and in extracurricular and volunteer activities,
the winner of a $1,500 scholarship is Patrick and the quality of their essays. Recipients
B. Buehl from Daegu American School as are notified by letter. The full list of
DAEGU GARRISON — United States
announced by Mr. Lito Miraflor, store scholarship recipients and sponsoring
Army Garrison Daegu earned awards for
director at the Daegu Commissary. The business partners can be found online at
the Best Installation Antiterrorism Program
scholarships are part of the Scholarships www.militaryscholar.org.
as well as the Outstanding AT Innovation
for Military Children Program, funded by Nearly every one of the Defense
or Action from Installation Management
manufacturers and suppliers that provide Commissary Agency’s stores will announce
Command, June 5.
products and services for commissaries a local winner; many commissaries will
Garrison Daegu won two of the four
around the globe. announce multiple winners.
annual awards given by IMCOM, which conducted extensive planning and team
“We’re excited to report that the The Scholarships for Military Children
recognize superior achievement in AT by coordination, implementing numerous
scholarship program continues to be a program is administered by Fisher House
installations and individuals Armywide. innovative steps and a multitude of best
success in helping military families defray Foundation, a nonprofit organization
"I am extremely proud that the hard work practices to ensure compliance with Army
the cost of education,” said Defense responsible for building comfort homes near
of Daegu's antiterrorism and force protection and DoD AT standards.
Commissary Agency Director and Chief military medical centers. The foundation
staff has justifiably been recognized as the Novel use of a closed circuit television
Executive Officer Philip E. Sakowitz bears all costs of the program so that every
best in the U.S. Army," said Garrison Daegu (CCTV) system at Busan's Pier 8 led to
Jr. “We’re proud to be associated with dollar donated goes for scholarships. The
Commander, Col. Michael Saulnier. "More Garrison Daegu capturing the innovative
a program that has awarded 4,132 general public has the opportunity to
importantly, that hard work means that action award. Placing a CCTV system
scholarships totaling more than $6.4 donate to the program through the military
Garrison Soldiers, Civilians and their Family helped ease a considerable surveillance
million since its inception in 2001.” scholar Web site.
Members who live and work throughout burden for the security personnel; however,
Area IV, from Camp Carroll in Waegwan to large areas were blocked whenever a ship
Pier 8 in Busan, can rest assured that they came alongside the pier. This was a challenge EXCHANGE from Page 26
do so safely and securely." eagerly tackled by the Daegu team. The After this event was over, children got local elementary school. It was an event
The AT awards come on the heels of solution? Place a camera on the ship, high up together and exchanged their telephone which makes friendship between Daebong
Garrison Daegu's recognition as an Army on a mast, eliminating the "blind spot" and numbers as well. With sad feelings to have to Elementary School and CYS strong as a
Community of Excellence, and further significantly increasing the force protection say bye, Kelly Kaylee Peters, a student from part of Good Neighbor program, so this
cement Daegu's position as an assignment posture. CYS said, “I played the instruments and time would be really valuable for all of us,”
of choice not only in South Korea but Among the many Daegu Garrison talked with Korean friends. I felt really happy said Kyong Anguay, a teacher from CYS.
worldwide. team members in the Directorate of Plans, to be here and also made a lot of friends, so “It’s been about three months as I work
Garrisons around the world, both overseas Training, Mobility & Security (DPTMS) I will keep in touch with them.” for School Age Service program, and I
and in the U.S., compete for these annual responsible for these achievements are Students from CYS said goodbye to found out that there are so many people
awards. The Daegu Garrison AT team passed director William Cole; Steven Gamble, friends from the Daebong school. In turn, who want to learn more about Korea. If
numerous inspections and assessments security manager; Tim Friedrich, AT students from Daebong Elementary School there can be many programs like this, I
from higher headquarters with flying colors program manager; Martin Garcia, AT waved their hands. want all the people who are interested in
during the competition period. To win the officer for Camp Carroll; and Sgt. 1st Class “It was really exciting to learn four this program would join us all together,”
overall best program award, Garrison Daegu Gregory Cinocco, security NCO. musical instruments with children in this Anguay added.
http://imcom.korea.army.mil AREA IV THE MORNING CALM

AREA IV Job Opportunities

Camps Henry, Walker , George
KOEZ095555249 Supv Logistics Mgt Spec (Instr) YC-2 19TH ESC Jun 19
KOEZ09528445 Medical Support Tech GS-5 168th Med Bn Jun 15
Camp Carroll
KOEZ09506492 Outreach Prog Coord GS-9 ACS Jun 18
KOEZ09230602R Logistics Mgt Spec YA-2 AFSBN-NEA Jun 22
KOEZ09512096 Marine Cargo Specialist
GS-9 837th Trans Bn Jun 12
KRNAFEZ090018WW Business Manager DFMWR, Bowling Ctr Jun 26
SN-09-0180T Recreation Aid, KGS-0189-3 KGDS-3 DFMWR, CRD, Pool Until Filled
(Not to exceed 30 Sep 2009) (5 Positions) 1st Cut Off 22 May
N/A On-Call HR Specialist N/A SERCO, MPD Until Filled
N/A ACAP Counselor P/T – F/T N/A SERCO, ACAP Until Filled

For more information, contact Employment Readiness Program Manager, Steven Wegley at 768-7951


Hours of Operation:
Memorial Day through Labor Day
Tuesday through Sunday 1000 - 1900
Holidays 1000 - 1900

Come enjoy the pool in a safe and healthy environment for all!
For more informaton, call Camp Carroll Outdoor Swimming Pool at 765-4274

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