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List of Contemporary Artists

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List of contemporary artists

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This is a list of artists who create contemporary art, i.e. those whose peak of activity can be situated somewhere between the 1970s (the advent of postmodernism) and the present day. Artists on this list meet the following criteria:

The person is regarded as an important figure or is widely cited by his/her peers or successors. The person is known for originating a significant new concept, theory or technique. The person has created, or played a major role in co-creating, a significant or well-known work, or collective body of work, that has been the subject of an independent book or feature-length film, or of multiple independent periodical articles or reviews. The person's work either (a) has become a significant monument, (b) has been a substantial part of a significant exhibition, (c) has won significant critical attention, or (d) is represented within the permanent collections of several notable galleries or museums, or had works in many significant libraries.

See also: Art, List of painters, List of modern artists, and List of sculptors

Marina Abramovic (born 1946), performance artist Vito Acconci (born 1940), installation and performance artist Bas Jan Ader(19421979), conceptual artist Nadir Afonso (born 1920), geometric abstractionist Gustavo Aguerre (born 1953), conceptual, performance and installation artist Eija-Liisa Ahtila (born 1959), video artist Peggy Ahwesh (born 1954), video artist Rita Ackermann (born 1968), artist Chantal Akerman (born 1950), filmmaker Vikky Alexander (born 1959), installation artist Edward Allington (born 1951) sculptor Laurie Anderson (born 1947), performance artist Carl Andre (born 1935), sculptor Janine Antoni (born 1964), sculptor and installation artist Ida Applebroog (born 1929), painter Nobuyoshi Araki (born 1940), photographer Diane Arbus (19231971), photographer Siah Armajani (born 1939), sculptor Mireille Astore (born 1961), conceptual, performance and installation artist

Javier Arevalo (1936), painter Mino Argento (born 1927), painter

Francis Bacon (19091992), painter Jo Baer (born 1929), painter John Baldessari (born 1931), conceptual artist Banksy (born 1974), graffiti artist Fiona Banner (born 1966) Matthew Barney (born 1967), filmmaker Artur Barrio (born 1945), Interactive artist Jennifer Bartlett (born 1945), painter Jean-Michel Basquiat (19601988), painter Vanessa Beecroft (born 1969) Zdzisaw Beksiski (19292005), painter Larry Bell, (born 1939), sculptor Maurice Benayoun (born 1957), media artist Lynda Benglis (born 1941), sculptor Jos Bernal (born 1925), painter/sculptor Joseph Beuys (19211986) Ashley Bickerton (born 1959) Janet Biggs (born 1959), video and performance artist Thierry Bisch (born 1953), painter David Blatherwick (born 1960), painter and video artist Guy Bleus (born 1950), performance artist, mail art Godfrey Blow (born 1948), painter Christian Boltanski (born 1944) Henry Bond (born 1966) Christine Borland (born 1965) Michal Borremans (born 1963), painter Eberhard Bosslet (born 1953) Fernando Botero (born 1932), painter Louise Bourgeois (19112010), sculptor Robert J Brawley (born 1936), painter Candice Breitz (born 1972), video artist Stuart Brisley (born 1933), performance artist Glenn Brown (born 1966) Angela Bulloch (born 1966) Deborah Butterfield (born 1949), sculptor Chris Burden (born 1946) Gerard Byrne (born 1969), installation artist

Sophie Calle (born 1953), conceptual artist from France Nuno de Campos (born 1969), painter Janet Cardiff (born 1957), installation artist Gerard Caris (born 1925) Norman Carlberg (born 1928), sculptor Gillian Carnegie (born 1971), painter

Anthony Caro (born 1924), sculptor Antonio Caro (born 1950), painter, conceptualization Nicolas Carone (19172010), painter, sculptor James Casebere (born 1953), photographer Maurizio Cattelan John Cederquist (born 1946), American sculptor Vija Celmins (born 1938) John Chamberlain (19272011), sculptor Jake and Dinos Chapman (born 1966 and 1962) Judy Chicago (born 1939) Illya Chichkan (born 1967), installation and video artist Dan Christensen (19422007), abstract painter Christo (born 1935) Lygia Clark (19201988) Francesco Clemente (born 1952) Chuck Close (born 1940), painter Claude Closky (born 1963) Jon Coffelt (born 1963), painter, new media, book arts, fiber art Mat Collishaw (born 1966) Tony Cragg (born 1945), sculptor Michael Craig-Martin (born 1941), painter, printmaker, digital artist, sculpture Martin Creed (born 1968), installation artist Jos Luis Cuevas (born 1934), painter, print maker, sculptor

Dado (19332010) Hanne Darboven (19412009) Ian Davenport (born 1966), painter and printmaker Ronald Davis (born 1937), abstract painter Richard Deacon (born 1949), sculptor Tacita Dean (born 1965), conceptual artist, filmmaker Wim Delvoye (born 1965), neo-conceptual artist Guy Denning (born 1965), painter Rineke Dijkstra (born 1959), photographer Sam Dillemans (born 1965), painter Braco Dimitrijevic (born 1948) Stephen DiRado (born 1957), photographer Mark Divo (born 1966) Peter Doig (born 1959), painter Joel Ducorroy (born 1955), plate artist Marlene Dumas (born 1953), painter John Duncan (born 1953), performance, installation artist

Leif Elggren (born 1950) lafur Elasson (born 1967) Tracey Emin (born 1963) Rob Erdle (19492006) Ali Omar Ermes (born 1945)

Bracha Ettinger (born 1948) Eva and Adele (born ?), performance artists Valie Export (born 1940)

Jan Fabre (born 1958) jvind Fahlstrm (19281976) Angus Fairhurst (19662008) Ingrid Falk (born 1960) Bernd Fasching (born 1955) Charles Fazzino(born 1955) Kenneth Feingold (born 1952) Susan Fereday (born 1959), artist, photographer Stephen Finer (born 1949) Eric Fischl painter (born 1948) Peter Fischli & David Weiss (born 1952, born 1946) Dan Flavin (19331996) Bruno Fonseca (19581994) Caio Fonseca (born 1959) Peter Forakis (19272009), sculptor Jane Frank (19181986) Helen Frankenthaler (19282011), painter Andrea Fraser (born 1965), performance artist Lucian Freud (19222011) Tom Friedman (born 1965), conceptual sculptor

Anya Gallaccio (born 1963) Harry Gamboa, Jr. (born 1951) H.R. Giger (born 1940) Isa Genzken (born 1948) Gilbert and George, (born 1943 and 1942) Sam Gilliam (born 1933), painter Liam Gillick (born 1964) Robert Gober (born 1954) Ken Goldberg (born 1961) Michael Goldberg (19242007), painter Nan Goldin (born 1953), photographer Jack Goldstein (19452003) Andy Goldsworthy (born 1956) Peter Golfinopoulos (born 1928) Leon Golub (19222004) Felix Gonzales-Torres (19571996) Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (born 1965), artist and filmmaker Robert Goodnough (19172010) Douglas Gordon (born 1966) Antony Gormley (born 1950), sculptor Dan Graham (born 1942) Robert Graham (19382008)

Rodney Graham, (born 1949), photographer, installation artist Cleve Gray (19182004) Peter Grzybowski (born 1951), performance artist Genco Gulan (born 1969), sculptor, performance artist Don Gummer (born 1946), sculptor

Hans Haacke (born 1936), conceptual artist Karl Hagedorn (19222005), painter David Hall (born 1937), video artist Richard Hamilton (19222011), painter, collagist Keith Haring (19581990), painter, graffiti artist Mona Hatoum (born 1952), performance artist Carl Michael von Hausswolff (born 1956) Tim Hawkinson (born 1960), sculpture artist Gottfried Helnwein (born 1948), multimedia artist, installation artist, painter, photographer, performance artist Diango Hernandez (born 1970), conceptual artist, painter Eva Hesse (19361970), sculptor Hugo Heyrman (born 1942), painter, multimedia artist Gary Hill (born 1951), video artist Susan Hiller (born 1940), installation artist Damien Hirst (born 1965), installation artist Saskia Holmkvist (born 1971), conceptual artist Christian Holstad, (born 1972), conceptual artist Toos van Holstein (born 1949), painter Jenny Holzer (born 1950), interdisciplinary artist Peter Howson (born 1958), painter Gary Hume (born 1962) Pierre Huyghe (born 1962), media artist

John Stuart Ingle (born 1933), painter Koji Ishikawa (born

Alfredo Jaar (born 1956), conceptual artist Richard Jackson (born 1939), painter, installation Michael (Mike) Jansen (born 1951), painter, performer and composer Jeanne-Claude (19352009) Chantal Joffe (born 1969), painter Jasper Johns (born 1930), painter, printmaker Ray Johnson (19271995), pop artist, mail art Mary Jordan (born 1969), filmmaker, performance artist and activist Gerry Judah (born 1951), artist, designer Donald Judd (19281994), sculptor Isaac Julien (born 1960), filmmaker

Ilya Kabakov (born 1933), installation artist Eduardo Kac (born 1962), transgenic artist Stanya Kahn (born 1968), performance, video artist Wolf Kahn (born 1927), landscapes, oil paints/pastels Nabil Kanso (born 1946), painter Anish Kapoor (born 1954), sculptor On Kawara (born 1949), conceptual artist Jonathan Keats (born 1971), conceptual artist Mike Kelley (19542012) Ellsworth Kelly (born 1923), painter Anselm Kiefer (born 1945), painter Manfred Kielnhofer (born 1967), sculptor, installation artist, photographer, painter Edward Kienholz (born 1927), installation artist Scott Kildall (born 1969), performance, new media, conceptual Miru Kim (born 1981), photography Bodys Isek Kingelez (born 1948), sculpture Martin Kippenberger (19531997) Komar and Melamid (born 1943 and 1945) Jeff Koons (born 1949) Frans Koppelaar (born 1943), painter Mark Kostabi (born 1960), painter Barbara Kruger (born 1949), artist and photographer Yayoi Kusama (born 1929), installation artist, performance artist, painter

David LaChapelle (born 1963), photographer Suzanne Lacy (born 1945), performance/public artist Ronnie Landfield (born 1947), painter Michael Landy (born 1963) Annika Larsson (born 1972), artist Maria Lassnig (born 1919), painter Matthieu Laurette (born 1970), multimedia, conceptual, installation, video artist Robert Lazzarini (born 1965), sculptor, installation artist Lee Bul (born 1964), sculpture, installation, conceptual artist Lennie Lee (born 1958), multimedia, performance, video, photography Zoe Leonard (born 1961), photographer and visual artist Mark Lewis (born 1958) installation and film artist Sol LeWitt (19282007), installation and conceptual artist Allan Linder (born 1966), painter and sculptor Claude-Max Lochu (born 1951), painter Richard Long (born 1945) Robert Longo (born 1953), painter and sculptor Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (born 1967), installation artist Sarah Lucas (born 1962) Cecilia Lundqvist (born 1971), video artist

Terence Main (born 1954), American modernist sculptor Totte Mannes (born 1933), painter Brice Marden (born 1938), painter Milovan Destil Markovi (born 1957) Agnes Martin (19122004), painter Eugene J. Martin (19382005), painter Richard Mayhew (born 1934), painter Paul McCarthy (born 1945) Allan McCollum (born 1944) Ryan McGinley (born 1977), photographer Steve McQueen, (born 1969) Cildo Meireles (born 1948), sculptor and installations Ana Mendieta (19481985) Thom Merrick (born 1963) Boris Mikhailov (born 1938), photographer Ksenia Milicevic (born 1942), painter and architect Haroon Mirza (born 1977) Franco Mondini-Ruiz (born 1961) Sebastian Diaz Morales (born 1975), video artist Yasumasa Morimura (born 1951), photographer Robert Morris (born 1931) Loren Munk (born 1951), painter Leonard van Munster (born 1972), installation artist Antoni Muntadas (born 1942) Takashi Murakami (born 1962), sculptor and painter Elizabeth Murray (19402007), painter Wangechi Mutu (born 1972), painter

Bruce Nauman (born 1941) Odd Nerdrum (born 1944), painter Shirin Neshat (born 1957), visual artist Alexander Ney (born 1939), sculptor and painter Daniel Ng (born 1963), painter Graham Nicholls (born 1975), installation artist Kenneth Noland (19242010), painter Ted Noten (born 1956), jewelry designer, conceptual and installation artist

Albert Oehlen (born 1954), painter Markus Oehlen (born 1956), painter Chris Ofili (born 1968), painter Jules Olitski (19222007), painter Arthur Omar (born 1948), photographer, filmmaker, video and installation artist, Yoko Ono (born 1933), musician, artist Orlan (born 1947), performance and body artist Roman Opaka (19312011), painter Julian Opie (born 1958), digital artist Gabriel Orozco (born 1962), conceptual and installation artist

Nam June Paik (19322006), video artist Roxy Paine (born 1966), sculptor Niki de Saint Phalle (19302002) sculptor Cornelia Parker (born 1956) Ray Parker (19221990), painter Ed Paschke (19392004) Stefano Pasquini (born 1969), sculpture, video and installation artist Virginia Patrone (born 1950), painter Simon Patterson (born 1967) Oliver Payne and Nick Relph (born 1977 and 1979), video artists Pedro Pedraja (born 1974), painter Jacques Pellegrin (born 1944), painter Manuel Pereira da Silva (19202003), sculptor Grayson Perry (born 1960) Elizabeth Peyton (born 1965), painter Richard Piegza (born 1954), performance, video and installation artist Adrian Piper (born 1948), conceptual artist Steven Pippin (born 1960) Philip Pocock (born 1954), internet and installation artist Ihor Podolchak (born 1962), painter, printmaker and filmmaker Mark Podwal (born 1945) Sigmar Polke (born 19412010) Larry Poons (born 1937), painter William Powhida (born 1976) Kenneth Price (19352012), ceramicist, sculptor Richard Prince (born 1949), painter and photographer Martin Puryear (born 1941), sculptor

Li Qing (artist) (born 1981), painter, photographer, video artist Marc Quinn (born 1964), sculptor

Alessandro Raho (born 1971) Yvonne Rainer (born 1934), performance artist Rall (born 1949), artist Neo Rauch (born 1960), painter Robert Rauschenberg (19252008), painter, collagist, printmaker, neo-dadaist Peter Reginato (born 1945), sculptor Marc Rembold (born 1963), painter, sculptor, and new media Seund Ja Rhee (19182009), painter, printmaker, and ceramist Jason Rhoades (19652006), installation artist and sculptor Jesse Richards (born 1975), artist Peter Richards (born 1970), artist, curator Gerhard Richter (born 1932), painter Ken Rinaldo (born 1958), electronic installation/robotics

Pipilotti Rist (born 1962) James Rosenquist (born 1933), painter Ernest Ruckle (born 1940), painter Thomas Ruff (born 1958), photographer Edward Ruscha (born 1937), painter, printmaker and filmmaker

Anri Sala (born 1974) Chri Samba (born 1956), painter Jean-Michel Sanejouand (born 1934), painter and sculptor Michael Salter (born 1967) digital artist, installation artist, painter, photographer Dominique Sanson (born 1949), painter Bojan Sarcevic (born 1974), sculptor Arthur Sarkissian (born 1960), painter Raymond Saunders (born 1934), painter Jenny Saville (born 1970), painter Julian Schnabel (born 1951), painter, sculptor and filmmaker Carolee Schneemann (born 1939), performance artist Stefanie Schneider (born 1968), photographer Thomas Schtte (born 1954), sculptor Richard Serra (born 1939), sculptor Stephen Shanabrook (born 1965), sculptor Joel Shapiro (born 1941), sculptor Cindy Sherman (born 1954), photographer, performance artist Yinka Shonibare (born 1962) Amy Sillman (born 1966), painter Lorna Simpson (born 1960), interdisciplinary artist Victor Sloan (born 1945), photographer, mixed media artist, video artist, Bob and Roberta Smith (born 1958) Jack Smith (19321989), film director Kiki Smith (born 1954) Michael Snow (born 1929), filmmaker, musician, painter Joan Snyder (born 1940), painter Konstantia Sofokleous (born 1974), video artist, drawings Keith Sonnier (born 1941), sculptor Joe Stefanelli (born 1921), painter Frank Stella (born 1936), painter, printmaker Sarah Sze (born 1969), sculptor

Tomoko Takahashi (born 1966), installation artist Mark Tansey (born 1949), painter Sam Taylor-Wood (born 1967) Diana Thater (born 1962), video Paul Thek (19331988) Wayne Thiebaud (born 1920), painter, printmaker Arthur Thrall (born 1926), printmaker, painter Wolfgang Tillmans (born 1968), photographer Rirkrit Tiravanija (born 1961)

Mark Titchner painter and philosopher Francisco Toledo (born 1940), painter, print maker, sculptor Slaven Tolj (born 1964), performance, installation artist Helmut Tollmann (born 1945), painter Scott Treleaven (born 1975) Rosemarie Trockel (born 1952) Zoja Trofimiuk (born 1952), sculptor, printmaker Ayako Tsuru (born 1941), muralist artist Israel Tsvaygenbaum (born 1961), Russian-American artist Gavin Turk (born 1967) James Turrell (born 1943) Richard Tuttle (born 1941), postminimalist Luc Tuymans (born 1958), painter Cy Twombly (19282011), painter Jacek Tylicki (born 1951), multimedia artist Keith Tyson (born 1969)

Francis Upritchard (born 1976)

Cyble Varela (born 1943) Vladimr Vaek (19192003), painter Lydia Venieri (born 1964) Bill Viola (born 1951) John Virtue (born 1947) Wolf Vostell (19321998) multimedia artist Peter Voulkos (19242002), ceramicist, sculptor

Jeff Wall (born 1946), photographer Magnus Wallin (born 1965), video artist Mark Wallinger (born 1959) Suling Wang (born 1968), painter Andy Warhol (19281987), pop artist Gillian Wearing (born 1963) Lawrence Weiner (born 1942), conceptual artist Monika Weiss (born 1964), installation, video and performance artist Ai Weiwei (born 1957), Chinese, conceptual artist Jean Wells, contemporary pop artist Franz West (born 1947) Rachel Whiteread (born 1963), sculptor Hannah Wilke (19401993), sculptor Jerry Wilkerson (19432007), painter Thornton Willis (born 1936), painter Jane and Louise Wilson (born 1967), installation artists Richard Wilson (born 1953), installation artist

Shaun Wilson (born 1972), video artist Joel-Peter Witkin (born 1939), photographer Francesca Woodman (19581981), photographer Wu Guanzhong (born 1919), painter Andrew Wyeth (19172009), painter

Peter Young (born 1940), painter Yang Maolin (born 1953), painter, sculptor Yatrides Georges (born 1931), painter

Andrea Zittel (born 1965), installation artist Larry Zox (19362006), painter Zheng Lianjie (born 1962), ink painting, performance, installation artist

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