Practical Insight Meditation
Practical Insight Meditation
Practical Insight Meditation
If you sincerely desire to develop contemplation and getting up from the bed, mindfulness should be directed to
attain insight in this your present life, you must give up every detail of the body’s activity. Each movement of the
worldly thoughts and actions during the training. This hands, legs and rump must be performed in complete aware-
course of action is for the purification of conduct, the ness. Are you thinking of the time of day when awakening? If
essential preliminary step towards the proper development so, note thinking. Do you intend to get out of bed? If so, note
of contemplation. You must also observe the rules of disci- intending. If you prepare to move the body into position for
pline prescribed for laymen, (or for monks, as the case may rising, note preparing. As you slowly rise, rising. Should you
be) for they are important in gaining insight. For laypeople, remain sitting for any length of time, revert to contemplating
these rules comprise the eight precepts which Buddhist the abdominal movements.
devotees observe on sabbath days (uposatha) and during Perform the acts of washing the face or taking a bath in
periods of meditation.1 An additional rule is not to speak due order and in complete awareness of every detailed
with contempt, in jest, or with malice to or about any of the movement; for instance, looking, seeing, stretching, hold-
noble ones who have attained states of sanctity.2 If you have ing, touching, feeling cold, rubbing. In the acts of dressing,
making the bed, opening and closing doors and windows,
1 The eight Uposatha precepts are: abstention from 1) killing, 2) stealing,
handling objects, be occupied with every detail of these
3) all sexual activity, 4) lying, 5) intoxicants, 6) taking food after noon,
7) dancing, singing, music, shows (attendance and performance), the use actions in sequence.
of perfumes, ornaments, etc., and 8) using luxurious beds. You must attend to the contemplation of every detail in
2 There are four noble individuals (ariya-puggala). They are those who the action of eating:
have obtained a state of sanctity: a) The Stream-winner (sotapanna) • When you look at the food, looking, seeing.
is one who has become free from the first three of the ten fetters • When you arrange the food, arranging.
which bind him to the sensuous sphere, namely: personality belief,
• When you bring the food to the mouth, bringing.
sceptical doubt, and attachment to mere rites and rituals. b) The
Once-returner (sakadagami) has weakened the fourth and fifth of the • When you bend the neck forwards, bending.
ten fetters — sensuous craving and ill-will. c) The Non-returner • When the food touches the mouth, touching.
(anagami) becomes fully free from the above-mentioned five lower • When placing the food in the mouth, placing.
fetters and is no longer reborn in the sensuous spehere before reach- • When the mouth closes, closing.
ing nibbana. d) Through the path of Holiness (Arahanta) one further • When withdrawing the hand, withdrawing.
becomes free of the last five fetters: craving for fine material existence
• Should the hand touch the plate, touching.
(in celestial worlds), craving for immaterial (purely mental) existence,
conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. • When straightening the neck, straightening.