mode offline-a ; Another offline mode, Whta's the difference? also "Service r equired" 3. mode reset ; the phone get back to normal mode after reset 4. requestnvitemidread ID ; read NV-ITEM by the id 5. requestnvitemread NAME; read NV-ITEM by the NAME, Example: requestnvitemread sec_code 6. mode ftm ; my mobile turns into "Factory test mode" 7. mode online ; works with mode ftm, not working when in offline mode 8. run <script file name>. scr ; run certain script which can edit by text edito r, it's a .scr file with some command line, normally putted in the QXDM install directory 9. wait TIME ; let the phone wait a certain time before do next command; used to be used in a scr file 10. send_is801_message <GpsControl> <FileName> [<SetBitOption>] ; GPSONE test co mmand...more to learn