Continuous Maintenance
Continuous Maintenance
Continuous Maintenance
Updated September 5, 2013 The ANSI Essential Requirements provides two options for the maintenance of American National Standards (ANS): periodic maintenance and continuous maintenance. Continuous maintenance is defined as follows: The standard shall be maintained by an accredited standards developer. A documented program for periodic publication of revisions shall be established by the standards developer. Processing of these revisions shall be in accordance with these procedures. The published standard shall include a clear statement of the intent to consider requests for change and information on the submittal of such requests. Procedures shall be established for timely, documented consensus action on each request for change and no portion of the standard shall be excluded from the revision process. In the event that no revisions are issued for a period of four years, action to reaffirm or withdraw the standard shall be taken in accordance with the procedures set-forth in the ANSI Essential Requirements. In addition, the ANSI Essential Requirements provides for the following: A PINS is not required for revisions of an American National Standard that is maintained under continuous maintenance and (1) is registered as such on the ANSI website, (2) has a notice in the standard that the standard is always open for comment and how to submit comments, and (3) has information on the developers website that the standard is under continuous maintenance and how to submit comments. These ANSI-accredited standards developers maintain some or all of their American National Standards using Continuous Maintenance: AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation) AAMVA (American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators) AGA (American Gas Association) AGSC (Auto Glass Safety Council) ASC X9 (Accredited Standards Committee X9, Incorporated) ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.) ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) ASTM (ASTM International) GEIA (Greenguard Environmental Institute) HL7 (Health Level Seven) IESNA (The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) MHI (ASC MH10) (Material Handling Industry) NAHBRC (NAHB Research Center, Inc.) NBBPVI (National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors) NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs) NISO (National Information Standards Organization) NSF (NSF International) TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) UL (Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.)
How to Submit a Proposed Change to an AAMVA Standard Under Continuous Maintenance: Requests for change regarding the D20 standard will be acted upon immediately with a response and/or meeting with the requester. Contact: Enterprise Architecture AAMVA 4301 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22203 Tel: (703) 522-4200 or Fax: (703) 908-2868 E-Mail: or
Schedule (Relevant sections from ASC B109 Procedures Book copied below): 7.0 REVIEW OF STANDARDS 7.1 Revisions of Standards Each standard under the jurisdiction of the Committee shall be reviewed in light of requests and recommendations, and revisions to standards initiated as warranted. Standards may be revised as frequently as necessary in line with indicated safety needs, industry developments or current stateof-the-art. 7.2 Reaffirmation of Standards An existing standard which has not been revised for five (5) years shall be reviewed at the beginning of the fifth year. If it is determined that the standard is needed but that no modification is required, the Committee shall recommend to ANSI the reaffirmation of the standard without revision. 7.3 Withdrawal of Standards Standards which have not been revised (see 7.1) and not reaffirmed (see 7.2) shall be withdrawn. Consideration of withdrawal may be initiated at any time. Contact: Ali M. Quraishi American Gas Association 400 N. Capitol Street, NW, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20001 E-Mail: Phone: (202) 824-7337 Fax: (202) 824-9187
ASC X9 Accredited Standards Committee X9, Incorporated Continuous Maintenance language applicable to all eligible standards:
NOTICE: INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING A PROPOSED CHANGE TO THIS ASC X9 STANDARD UNDER CONTINOUS MAINTENANCE This standard is maintained under continuous maintenance procedures by the Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc. which has established a documented program/process for regular publication of addenda or revisions, including procedures for timely, documented, consensus action on requests for change to any part of the standard. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of approval.
Standards Registered Under Continuous Maintenance: X9.93 Financial Transaction Message Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Part 1: Messages Part 2: Files X9.100-182, Bulk Image and Data Schema X9.100-187, Specifications for Electronic Exchange of Check and Image Data Domestic X9.121 Balance and Transaction Reporting Standard (BTRS) Consideration will be given to proposed changes within 45 days of submittal. Proposed changes must be submitted to: using the published change form
Isabel C. Bailey Membership Services Manager Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc. Financial Industry Standards 1212 West Street, Suite 200 Annapolis, MD 21401 Phone: 410-267-7707 Fax: 410-267-0961
How to Submit a Proposed Change to an ASHRAE Standard Under Continuous Maintenance: go to, select STANDARDS from the homepage, then select this topic. Contact: Standards Secretary 1791 Tullie Circle, NE Atlanta, GA 30329-2305 Phone: 404-636-8400 Fax: 404-321-5478
American National Standards Maintained Under Continuous Maintenance ASME Continuous Maintenance language applicable to all eligible standards: Revised editions of ASME Codes and Standards result from committee consideration of factors such as technological advances, new data, and changing environmental and industry needs. Proposals for revisions are processed in accordance with ASME's accredited Codes and Standards Development Committee Procedures and supplemental procedures of the pertinent standards development committee. Requests for revisions may be submitted at any time and on any portion of the code or standard. Requests will be considered by the responsible committee for the next edition of the code or standard, as applicable. Contacts: See associated standards below the list of technical staff contacts. NOTE : Mailing address and fax number for all staff members listed below are as follows: ASME Two Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 Fax: (212) 591-8501 ASME STAFF DIRECTORY Donnie Alonzo Anthony Amato Ken Baron Steven Biondi Joseph Brzuszkiewicz Geraldine Burdeshaw Allyson Byk Fredric Constantino Ryan Crane Umberto D'Urso Gerry Eisenberg Kevin Ennis Matthew Gerson MAIL STOP 62-B 61-B 62-B 61-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B TELEPHONE (212) 5918034 (212) 5917003 (212) 5917019 (212) 5917150 (212) 5918533 (212) 5918523 (212) 5918539 (212) 5918684 (212) 5917004 (212) 5918535 (212) 5918510 (212) 5917075 (212) 5917179 EMAIL brzuszkiewiczj@asme.or g
Calvin Gomez Angel Guzman Frankel Huang Kathryn Hyam Jack Karian Noel Lobo Richard Lucas Oliver Martinez Adam Maslowski Riad Mohamed Gerardo Moino Colleen OBrien George Osolsobe Joseph Pang Lauren Powers Carlton Ramcharran Patricia Reddington Steven Rossi Christian Sanna Thomas Schellens Daniel Sharp Paul Stumpf Steve Weinman
62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-C 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B 62-B
(212) 5917021 (212) 5918018 (212) 5918514 (646) 9571358 (212) 5918552 (212) 5918540 (212) 5917541 (212) 5917005 (212) 5918017 (212) 5918528 (212) 5918534 (212) 5917881 (212) 5918554 (212) 5918525 (212) 5917008 (212) 5917955 (212) 5918537 (212) 5917522 (212) 5918513 (212) 5918077 (212) 5918538 (212) 5918536 (212) 5917002
Standards Maintained Under Continuous Maintenance: Note: the year date listed after the designation of each standard is the anticipated date of issuance of the next complete edition of this code or standard. Update service includes Cases, Interpretations or Supplements up to this date. For additional information, please visit the ASME homepage at Standards A17.1-10 2013 A17.2-12 2014 A17.3-11 2014 A18.1-11 2014 A90.1-09 2014 A112.18.1-12 2015 A112.18.2-11 201 3 A112.18.6-09 2014 A112.19.1-10 2013 A112.19.2-08 2013 A112.19.3-08 2013 A112.19.5-11 2016 A112.19.7-12 2017 A120.1-08 2014 AG-1-12 2014 B16.1-10 2015 B16.3-11 2016 B16.4-11 2016 B16.5-13 2017 B16.11-11 2016 B16.12-09 2014 B16.15-11 2016 B16.20-12 2017 B16.22-12 2017 Title Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators, and Moving Walks Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts Safety Standard for Belt Manlifts Plumbing Supply Fittings Plumbing Waste Fittings Flexible Water Connectors Enamelled Cast Iron and Enamelled Steel Plumbing Fixtures Ceramic Plumbing Fixtures Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures Flush valves and spuds for water closets, urinals, and tanks Hydromassage Bathtub Systems Safety Requirements for Powered Platforms for Building Maintenance Code on Nuclear Air & Gas Treatment Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Malleable Iron Thread Fittings Cast Iron Thread Fittings Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges - Ring Joint, Spiral-Wound, and Jacketed Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Staff Contact Geraldine Burdeshaw Riad Mohamed Matthew Gerson Riad Mohamed Geraldine Burdeshaw Angel Guzman Angel Guzman Angel Guzman Angel Guzman Angel Guzman Angel Guzman Angel Guzman Angel Guzman Allyson Byk Oliver Martinez Carlton Ramcharran Carlton Ramcharran Carlton Ramcharran Richard Lucas Frankel Huang Carlton Ramcharran Carlton Ramcharran Frankel Huang Carlton
B16.23-11 2016 B16.24-11 2016 B16.25-12 2017 B16.26-11 2016 B16.29-12 2017 B16.33-12 2017 B16.34-13 2015 B16.36-09 2014 B16.39-09 2014 B16.40-08 2013 B16.42-11 2016 B16.44-12 2017 B16.47-11 2016 B16.48-10 2015 B16.49-12 2017 B16.50-13 2018 B18.24-04 R11 2013 B20.1-12 2015
Joint Pressure Fittings Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings (DMV) Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Class 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500 and 2500 Buttwelding Ends Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared Copper Tubes Wrought Copper and Wrought Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings DWV Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves for Use in Gas Piping Systems up to 125 psig (Sizes 1/2 Through 2) Valves Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End Orifice Flanges Malleable Iron Threaded Pipe Unions Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and Valves in Gas Distribution Systems Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 150 and 300 Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves for Use In House Piping Systems Large Diameter Steel Flanges: NPS 26 Through NPS 60 Steel Line Blanks Factory-Made wrought Steel Buttwelding Induction Bends for Transportation and Distribution Systems Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy BrazeJoint Pressure Fittings Part Identifying Number (PIN) Code System Standard for B18 Fastener Products Safety Standard for Conveyors and Related Equipment Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top Running Trolley Hoist) Hammerhead Tower Cranes Portal, Tower, and Pillar Cranes Mobile and Locomotive Cranes Derricks Base Mounted Drum Hoists Slings Hooks Monorails and Underhung Cranes Handling Loads Suspended From Rotorcraft
Ramcharran Carlton Ramcharran Carlton Ramcharran Frankel Huang Carlton Ramcharran Carlton Ramcharran Frankel Huang Richard Lucas Richard Lucas Carlton Ramcharran Frankel Huang Carlton Ramcharran Frankel Huang Richard Lucas Richard Lucas Frankel Huang Carlton Ramcharran Riad Mohamed
Calvin Gomez Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Hyam Hyam Hyam Hyam Hyam Hyam Hyam Hyam Hyam
B30.2-11 2016 B30.3-12 B30.4-10 B30.5-11 B30.6-10 B30.7-11 2015 2015 2014 2015 2016
B30.13-11 2017 B30.16-12 2017 B30.17-06 (R12) 2015 B30.18-11 2016 B30.19-11 2016 B30.20-10 2013 B30.21-05 R10 2013 B30.22-10 2015 B30.23-11 2016 B30.24-13 2018 B30.25-13 2015 B30.26-10 2015 B30.27-09 2014 B30.28-10 2015 B30.29-12 2018 B31.1-12 2014 B31.3-12 2014 B31.4-12 2015 B31.5-13 2016 B31.8-12 2014 B31.8S-12 2014 B31.9-11 2014 B31.12-11 2014 B31E-08 2013 B31J-08 2013 B31Q-10 2013 BPE-12 2014 BTH-1-11 2014 CSD-1-12 2014 NOG-1-10 2013 NQA-1-12 2014 NUM-1-09 2013 OM-12 2015 PALD-09 2013
Storage/Retrieval (S/R) Machines and Associated Equipment Overhead Hoists (Underhung) Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single Girder, Underhung Hoist) Stacker Cranes (Top or Under Running Bridge, Multiple Girder with Top or Under Running Trolley Hoist) Cableways Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices Manually Lever Operated Hoists Articulating Boom Cranes Personnel Lifting Systems Container Cranes Scrap and Material Handlers Rigging Hardware Material Placement Systems Balance Lifting Units Self-Erecting Tower Cranes Power Piping Process Piping Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia, and Alcohols Refrigeration Piping Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines Building Services Piping Hydrogen Piping and Pipelines Standard for the Seismic Design and Retrofit of Above-Ground Piping Systems Standard Test Method for Determining Stress Intensification Factors (i-Factors) for Metallic Piping Components Pipeline Personnel Qualification Bioprocessing Equipment Design of Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers Rules for Construction of Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Multiple Girder) Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications Rules for Construction of Cranes, Monorails, and Hoists (with Bridge or Trolley or Hoist of the Underhung Type) Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants Portable Automotive Lifting Devices
Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Kathryn Hyam Colleen OBrien Riad Mohamed Frankel Huang Frankel Huang Adam Maslowski Adam Maslowski Frankel Huang Richard Lucas Richard Lucas Richard Lucas Paul Stumpf Paul Stumpf Matthew Gerson Gerardo Moino Lauren Powers Oliver Martinez Lauren Powers Frankel Huang Donnie Alonzo
PVHO-1-12 2015 PVHO-2-12 2015 QEI-1-10 2013 QME-12-2017 RT-1-2009 RTP-1-11 2013 STS-1-11 2014
Safety Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy Safety Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy in-Service Guidelines for PVHO Acrylic Windows Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors Qualification of Active Mechanical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Plants Safety Standard for Structural Requirements for Light Rail Vehicles Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Corrosion Resistant Equipment Steel Stacks
Gerardo Moino Gerardo Moino Joseph Pang Lauren Powers Kathryn Hyam Paul Stumpf Lauren Powers
2013 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Next Edition: 2015 10 SEC I Rules for Construction of Power Boilers 10 SEC II Part A Ferrous Material Specifications 10 SEC II Part B Nonferrous Material Specifications Specifications for Welding Rods, 10 SEC II Part C Electrodes and Filler Metals 10 SEC II Part D Properties 10 SEC III Appendices 10 SEC III Subsection Class 1 Components NB 10 SEC III Subsection Class 2 Components NC 10 SEC III Subsection Class 3 Components ND 10 SEC III Subsection Class MC Components NE 10 SEC III Subsection Supports NF 10 SEC III Subsection Core Support Structures NG 10 SEC III Subsection Class 1 Components in Elevated NH Temperature Service 10 SEC III Subsection General Requirements for Division 1 and NCA Division 2 10 SEC III Division 2 Code for Concrete Containments Containments for Transportation and 10 SEC III Division 3 Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Material and Waste Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility 10 SEC III Division 5 Components 10 SEC IV Heating Boilers 10 SEC V 10 SEC VI 10 SEC VII 10 SEC VIII Division 1 Nondestructive Examination Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers Pressure Vessels
Umberto D'Urso Noel Lobo Noel Lobo Steve Rossi Noel Lobo Allyson Byk Allyson Byk Allyson Byk Allyson Byk Allyson Byk Allyson Byk Allyson Byk Allyson Byk Allyson Byk Allyson Byk Allyson Byk Allyson Byk Gerardo Moino Joseph Brzuszkiewicz Gerardo Moino Umberto D'Urso Steve Rossi
10 SEC VIII Division 2 10 SEC VIII Division 3 10 SEC IX 10 SEC X 10 SEC XI 10 SEC XII
Alternative Rules Alternative Rules for High Pressure Vessels Welding and Brazing Qualifications Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks
Steve Rossi Adam Maslowski Steve Rossi Paul Stumpf Ryan Crane Thomas Schellens
ASTM International, ASTM Schedule: Requests to revise standards will be forwarded to the appropriate committee to be addressed at their next meeting. Listed below are the meeting months of the ASTM Committees submitting their standards for ANSI approval.
Committe e Committee Name 1st Meeting 2nd Meeting 3rd Meeting
Petroleum Products and Lubricants Test Methods for Paper and Paper Products Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials Water Reinforced Plastic Piping Systems and Chemical Equipment Fire Standards Performance of Buildings Nondestructive Testing Nuclear Technology -Dosimetry for Radiation Processing Quality and Statistics Photoluminescent Safety Markings Temperature Measurement: only E230 Mechanical Testing: only E8, E8M, E18 and E23 Healthcare Infomatics Health and Safety Standards for Metal Working Fluids Conformity Assessment
November January May May May April June June November November November October December
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Sports Equipment and Facilities Vacuum Cleaners Traction for Footwear Consumer Products: only F400 and F963 Plastic Piping Systems Electrical Protective Equipment for Workers Acoustic Emission Ships and Marine Technology Food Service Equipment
F25 F26
May April
December October
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Health Level Seven, Inc. (HL7) Health Level Seven, Inc. (HL7) hereby informs ANSI that the approved American National Standard(s) listed below shall be maintained using the Continuous Maintenance option. HL7 Version 3 Standard: Reference Information Model In accordance with clause 4.7.2 Continuous maintenance of American National Standards, of the ANSI Essential Requirements, we agree to the following requirements: 1. A documented program for periodic publication of revisions has been established. A copy is enclosed. HL7 publishes a Normative Edition once a year, typically in the April timeframe. 2. The published standard(s) shall include a clear statement of the intent to consider requests for change and information on the process associated with the submittal of such requests. The language of this statement is as follows: This American National Standard is maintained using the continuous maintenance process. Comments or proposals for revision to any part of this standard may be submitted to HL7 at any time. Comments or proposals may be submitted online at or in writing to the Associate Executive Director at Health Level Seven, Inc., 3300 Washtenaw Avenue Suite 227, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104-4261. Comments or proposals submitted in writing must identify the standard in question and include the submitters name, affiliation, telephone number, and e-mail address. 3. Procedures for timely, documented consensus action on each request for change have been established. A copy is enclosed. Refer to section of the HL7 Governance and Operations Manual (attached). 4. The following person(s) may be contacted by those interested in submitting changes (please include name, address, E-mail, phone and fax): Karen Van Hentenryck Associate Executive Director Health Level Seven 3300 Washtenaw Ave., Suite 227 Ann Arbor, MI 5. No portion of the standard(s) shall be excluded from the revision process. 6. In the event that no revisions are issued for a period of four years, action to reaffirm or withdraw the standard(s) shall be taken in accordance with clause 4.7 of the ANSI Essential Requirements. 7. Any changes to the continuous maintenance process, text contained in affected standards or practices associated with
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the information contained herein shall be submitted in writing to ANSI in a timely fashion. Returned by: Name: Karen Van Hentenryck Title: Associate Executive Director Organization: Health Level Seven, Inc. Address: 3300 Washtenaw Avenue, Suite 227, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Telephone Number: 734-677-7777 x104 Facsimile Number: 734-677-6622 E-mail Address:
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The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Standards Maintained Under Continuous Maintenance:
ANSI/IES RP-1-12, American National Standard Practice for Office Lighting ANSI/IESNA RP-16-05, Nomenclature and Definitions for Illumination Engineering Schedule: All submittals received by IESNA are acknowledged and forwarded to the Committee for consideration. The Committee will inform submitters of the disposition of their substantive proposals. Committee consideration will be given to proposed changes according to the following schedule: Deadline: December 31 Proposal Considered: By June 30 Committee consideration will be given to proposed changes by June 30 if proposed changes are received by the Director of Educational and Technical Development no later than December 31. Proposals received after December 31 shall be considered by the Committee no later than June 30 of the following year. To Access Form for Proposing Change to an IESNA Standard Under Continuous Maintenance: The Form for Submittal of Proposed Change to an IESNA Standard Under Continuous Maintenance (Form) is available from 212-248-5000 Ext 115. Any changes to the continuous maintenance process, text contained in affected standards or practices associated with the information contained herein shall be submitted in writing to ANSI ( in a timely fashion. Returned by: Rita M. Harrold Director Technology Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) 120 Wall Street, 17th Floor New York, NY 10005 Phone: 212-248-5000 Ext 115 Fax: 212-248-5017 E-mail: Submit e-mail or disks containing change proposal files to: Director of Educational and Technical Development IESNA 120 Wall Street, 17th Floor New York, NY 10005-4001 E-mail (Alternatively, mail paper versions to IESNA address or Fax: 212-2485017.)
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Material Handling Industry, MHI (ASC MH10) Standards Maintained Under Continuous Maintenance:
MH10.8.2; Data Identifier and Application Identifier Standard
Proposed changes to the standard that were accepted by the MH10.8.2 Data Identifier Maintenance Committee will be integrated into the previously published version at the recommendation of the committee. Upon approval of the new version by MH10 Subcommittee 8 and the full MH10 committee, the standard will be published as a new version. The committee plans to incorporate accepted revisions into the standard as frequently as necessary, but in no case will a published revised standard be issued more frequently than yearly, in line with indicated needs and industry developments. Each accepted revision since the last published version shall be identified in a Document Maintenance Summary appearing immediately before the Table of Contents of the standard.
Craig K. Harmon, Data Identifier Maintenance Committee Chair P.O. Box 2524 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 E-mail: Phone: (319) 364-0212 Fax: (319) 365-8814
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NAHBRC (NAHB Research Center, Inc.) NAHB Research Center, hereby informs ANSI that the following approved American National Standard National Green Building Standard ICC 700 shall be maintained using the Continuous Maintenance option. Additional standards may be identified and added to this list in the future, however, if the procedures used to maintain them vary from those included in this submittal, an additional Continuous Maintenance Registration from will be submitted to PSA/ANSI. In accordance with clause 4.7.2 Continuous maintenance of American National Standards, of the ANSI Essential Requirements, we agree to the following requirements: Standards Maintained Under Continuous Maintenance: ICC 700, National Green Building Standard The following website details the maintenance schedule and contact information for the National Green Building Standard ICC 700. This website was established for the initial printing of ICC 700 and has been maintained continuously. 1. A documented program for periodic publication of revisions has been established. A copy is enclosed. (see website) 2. The published standard(s) shall include a clear statement of the intent to consider requests for change and information on the process associated with the submittal of such requests. The language of this statement is as follows: (see website) 3. Procedures for timely, documented consensus action on each request for change have been established. (See Draft NAHB Research Centers Standards Development and Maintenance Program, sections and, see website) 4. The following person(s) may be contacted by those interested in submitting: Thomas Kenney or or online 301-430-6246 ph, 301-430-6180 fx NAHB Research Center 400 Prince Georges Blvd. Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
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5. No portion of the standard(s) shall be excluded from the revision process. Every section is represented by the online proposal form and as specified in section of Draft NAHB Research Centers Standards Development and Maintenance Program, excerpted below: 6. In the event that no revisions are issued for a period of four years, action to reaffirm or withdraw the standard(s) shall be taken in accordance with clause 4.7 of the ANSI Essential Requirements. (see section #5 above) 7. Any changes to the continuous maintenance process, text contained in affected standards or practices associated with the information contained herein shall be submitted in writing to ANSI in a timely fashion. Returned by: Name: Thomas Kenney Title: Vice President Engineering & Research Organization: NAHB Research Center Address: 400 Prince Georges Blvd, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 Telephone Number: 301-430-6346 Facsimile Number: 301-430-6180 E-mail Address:
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National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBBPVI) Continuous Maintenance language applicable to all eligible standards: The NBIC Committee meets regularly to consider revisions of the rules, new rules, and requests for interpretations. Requests for interpretation must be addressed to the Secretary in writing and must give full particulars in order to receive consideration and a written interpretation (see Mandatory Appendix "1" covering preparation of technical inquiries.) Proposed revisions to the code resulting from inquiries will be presented to the NBIC Committee for appropriate action. Standards Maintained Under Continuous Maintenance: ANSI/NB 23, The National Board Inspection Code Schedule: Colored-sheet Addenda, which include revisions and additions to the Code, are published annually. Addenda are permissive on the date issued and become effective six months after the date of issue. The addenda will be sent automatically to purchasers of the Code up to the publication of the next issue. Contact: Charles S. Withers 1055 Crupper Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43229-1183 E-mail:
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National Council for Prescription Drug Programs, NCPDP Continuous Maintenance language applicable to all eligible standards:
Changes to existing data elements, new data elements, or reject reason codes within the NCPDP standards and the Data Dictionary may be requested using the Data Element Request Form (DERF) process. See also
NCPDP work groups meets on a quarterly basis. Data Element Request Forms are due to the Council on an established calendar at least 30days prior to a work group meeting. The meeting notice/schedule and agenda are posted on the NCPDP website. How to Submit a Proposed Change to an NCPDP Standard Under Continuous Maintenance: See
Lynne Gilbertson Director, Standards Development NCPDP 9240 E. Raintree Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-477-1000 x 120 Fax: 480-767-1042 Email: Patsy McElroy Standards Advisor NCPDP 9240 E. Raintree Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-477-1000 x 124 Fax: 480-767-1042
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ANSI/NISO Z39.83, NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP) Proposed Changes Under continuous maintenance procedures anyone may propose changes at any time. Each change will be considered by the Z39.83 NCIP Standing Committee according to a definite schedule, shown in Section 2. The Standing Committee and NISO leadership committees may also propose changes. The Standing Committee shall follow the procedures in this section in lieu of periodic maintenance and stabilized maintenance procedures. All changes to the Z39.83 standard shall be submitted in compliance with this section. Section 1. Instructions for Submittal of Proposed Change to ANSI/NISO Standard Z39.83 Under Continuous Maintenance If a provision of the standard is proposed to be added or deleted, the text of the provision must be submitted in writing. Comments or proposals for revisions to any part of the standard may be submitted to NISO any time. Submissions must be accompanied by the submitters name, affiliation, telephone number, and e-mail address. Written comments are to be sent to: National Information Standards Organization (NISO) ANSI/NISO Z39.83 Attn: Standards Program Manager 3600 Clipper Mill Road Suite 302 Baltimore, MD 21211 Tel.: 301-654-2512 (main) Fax: 410-685-5278 E-mail: Comments may also be submitted to NISO online at In addition, the following person(s) may be contacted by those interested in submitting changes: Mike Dicus Chair, ANSI/NISO Z39.83 Standing Committee Ex Libris Group E-mail: Section 2. Maintenance Review Schedule All submittals received by NISO are acknowledged and forwarded to the NCIP Standing Committee for consideration. The Standing Committee will inform submitters of the disposition
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of their substantive proposals. Consideration will be given to proposed changes according to the following schedule: Deadline: March 1 Consideration to take place during the NCIP Standing Committee biannual meeting, to take place via teleconference or in person no later than May 31 of each year. Deadline: August 1 Consideration to take place during the NCIP Standing Committee biannual meeting, to take place no later than October 31 of each year. Proposals received after the above deadlines shall be considered by the Standing Committee no later than the subsequent Standing Committee biannual meeting. Section 3. Resolution of Proposed Changes The NCIP Standing Committee may respond to submissions in the following ways: a. Proposed change accepted without modification b. Proposed change accepted with modification c. Proposed change accepted for further study d. Proposed change rejected Responses are voted upon by the Standing Committee and approved by committee majority. Accepted changes (response a or b) shall be incorporated to the continuously maintained standard within two (2) months following the biannual Standing Committee meeting. Changes shall be recorded in a change log and as an addendum to the standard. The Standing Committee shall provide reasons and an estimated schedule for any action other than Proposed change accepted without modification. Proposed changes accepted for further study will be again brought to the Standing Committee for resolution no later than the next review period. All submitted changes and Standing Committee responses will be recorded and made available at In addition, NISO has created a notification registry (NCIPinfo) that will send e-mail announcements when any maintenance activity occurs to the standard. To register, visit Suggestions for improving this standard are invited. Section 4. Publication of a New Edition or Reaffirmation A new edition of a standard under continuous maintenance shall occur within five years of the prior publication date and may be a complete revision or shall incorporate changes to the standard approved by the Standing Committee since the previous edition. Publication of a new edition of the American National Standard that only incorporates previously approved changes does not require additional approval by NISO leadership committees or the ANSI Board of Review. An existing standard that has not been revised for four (4) years of the original publication date shall be reviewed at the beginning of the fourth year. If it is
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determined that the standard is needed but that no modification is required, action to reaffirm the standard shall be initiated. Z39.7, Information Services and Use Metrics & Statistics for Libraries and Information Providers Data Dictionary The ANSI Essential Requirements provides two options for the maintenance of American National Standards (ANS): periodic maintenance and continuous maintenance. Section 4.7.2: Continuous maintenance of American National Standards, states: Continuous maintenance is defined as the maintenance of a standard by consideration of recommended changes to any part of it according to a documented schedule for consideration and action by the consensus body. The standard shall be maintained by an accredited standards developer. A documented program for periodic publication of revisions shall be established by the standards developer. Processing of these revisions shall be in accordance with these procedures. The published standard shall include a clear statement of the intent to consider requests for change and information on the submittal of such requests. Procedures shall be established for timely, documented consensus action on each request for change and no portion of the standard shall be excluded from the revision process. In the event that no revisions are issued for a period of four years, action to reaffirm or withdraw the standard shall be taken in accordance with the procedures set-forth in the ANSI Essential Requirements. In addition, the ANSI Essential Requirements provides for the following (Section 2.4: Notification of standards development and coordination): A PINS is not required for revisions of an American National Standard that is maintained under continuous maintenance and (1) is registered as such on the ANSI website, (2) has a notice in the standard that the standard is always open for comment and how to submit comments, and (3) has information on the developer's website that the standard is under continuous maintenance and how to submit comments. Finally, the following terms are so defined (Annex A: Definitions): Consensus: Consensus means substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. This signifies the concurrence of more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that an effort be made toward their resolution. Consensus body: The group that approves the content of a standard and whose vote demonstrates evidence of consensus. Periodic maintenance: Periodic maintenance is defined as the maintenance of a standard by review of the entire
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document and action to revise or reaffirm it on a schedule not to exceed five years from the date of its approval as an American National Standard. In accordance with the ANSI Essential Requirements, the ANSI/NISO Z39.7 - Information Services and Use Metrics & Statistics for Libraries and Information Providers--Data Dictionary standard is maintained under continuous maintenance procedures. Under continuous maintenance procedures anyone may propose changes at any time. Each change will be considered by the Z39.7 Standing Committee according to a definite schedule, shown in Section 2. The Standing Committee and NISO leadership committees may also propose changes. The Z39.7 Standing Committee shall follow the procedures in this section in lieu of periodic maintenance (5-year cycle) procedures. All changes to the Z39.7 standard shall be submitted in compliance with this section. Section 1. Instructions for Submittal of Proposed Change to ANSI/NISO Standard Z39.7 Under Continuous Maintenance If a provision of the standard is proposed to be added or deleted, the text of the provision must be submitted in writing. Comments or proposals for revisions to any part of the standard may be submitted to NISO any time. Submissions must be accompanied by the submitter's name, affiliation, telephone number, and e-mail address. Written comments are to be sent to: National Information Standards Organization (NISO) - ANSI/NISO Z39.7 Attn: Nettie Lagace, Associate Director for Programs 3600 Clipper Mill Road Suite 302 Baltimore, MD 21211 Tel.: 301-654-2512 (main) Fax: 410-685-5278 Comments may also be submitted to NISO online at Section 2. Maintenance Review Schedule All submittals received by NISO are acknowledged and forwarded to the Standing Committee for consideration. The Standing Committee will inform submitters of the disposition of their substantive proposals. Consideration will be given to proposed changes according to the following schedule: Deadline: May 31 Consideration to take place during the Standing Committee's monthly teleconference, to take place during June, and no later than July of the same year.
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Deadline: December 15 Consideration to take place during the Standing Committee's monthly teleconference, to take place during January of the following year. Proposals received after the above deadlines shall be considered by the Standing Committee no later than the subsequent Standing Committee biannual review meeting. Section 3. Resolution of Proposed Changes The Standing Committee may respond to submissions in the following ways: a. Proposed change accepted without modification b. Proposed change accepted with modification c. Proposed change accepted for further study d. Proposed change rejected Responses are voted upon by the Standing Committee and approved by committee majority. Accepted changes (response a or b) shall be incorporated to the continuously maintained standard within two (2) months following the biannual Standing Committee meeting and submitted for approval via consensus action pursuant to NISO Operating Procedures (section 5), available from this webpage. Changes shall be recorded in a change log and as an addendum to the standard. The Standing Committee shall provide reasons and an estimated schedule for any action other than "Proposed change accepted without modification." Proposed changes accepted for further study will be again brought to the Standing Committee for resolution no later than the next review period. All submitted changes and Standing Committee responses will be recorded and made available at In addition, NISO has created a notification registry that will send e-mail announcements when any maintenance activity occurs to the standard. To register, visit Suggestions for improving this standard are invited. Section 4. Publication of a New Edition or Reaffirmation A new edition of a standard under continuous maintenance shall occur within five years of the prior publication date and may be a complete revision or shall incorporate changes to the standard approved by the Standing Committee since the previous edition. Publication of a new edition of the American National Standard follows the same procedures for approving new standards. If within five years of ANSI approval of the current version, no changes have been recommended by the Z39.7 Standing
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Committee, the NISO consensus group will be asked to reaffirm the standard. For more information on this process, see the NISO Operating Procedures, available from this webpage.
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NSF International
NSF International hereby informs ANSI that the approved American National Standard(s) listed below shall be maintained using the Continuous Maintenance option. Additional standards may be identified and added to this list in the future, however, if the procedures used to maintain them vary from those included in this submittal, an additional Continuous Maintenance Registration from will be submitted to PSA/ANSI. Response The following NSF/ANSI Standards shall be maintained using the Continuous Maintenance Option. Please send comments to the attention of the appropriate Joint Committee Secretariat at: NSF International PO Box 130140 Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0140 Director, Standards Department Ph: 734-913-5774 Fax: 734-8276108 NSF 2 NSF 3 NSF 4 NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF 5 6 7 8 12 13 13 18 20 21 Food equipment Commercial warewashing equipment Commercial cooking, rethermalization and powered hot food holding and Transport equipment Water heaters, hot water supply boilers, and heat recovery equipment Dispensing freezers Commercial refrigerators and freezers Commercial powered food preparation equipment Automatic ice making equipment Refuse processors and processing systems Plastics piping system components and related materials Manual food and beverage dispensing equipment Commercial bulk milk dispensing equipment Thermoplastic refuse containers Plumbing system components for manufactured homes and recreational vehicles Vending machines for food and beverages Detergent and chemical feeders for commercial spray-type dishwashing machines High pressure decorative laminates for surfacing food service equipment. Dinnerware Air curtains fore in food and food service establishments Residential wastewater treatment systems Non-liquid saturated treatment systems Drinking water treatment unitsAesthetic effects Residential cation exchange water softeners
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NSF 24 NSF 25 NSF 29 NSF 35 NSF 36 NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF 37 40 41 42 44
NSF 46 NSF 49 NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF 50 51 52 53 55 58 59 60 61 140 169 170 173 184
Evaluation of Components & Devices used in Wastewater Treatment Systems Class ii (laminar flow) biosafety cabinetry Circulation System Components and Related Materials for Swimming Pools, Spas/Hot Tubs Food equipment materials Supplemental flooring Drinking water treatment unitsHealth effects Ultraviolet microbiological water treatment systems Reverse osmosis drinking water treatment systems Mobile food carts Drinking water treatment chemicalsHealth effects Drinking water system componentsHealth effects Sustainable carpet assessment Special purpose food equipment and devices Glossary of food equipment terminology Dietary Supplements Residential dishwashers Conformity assessment requirements for certification bodies that certify products pursuant to NSF/ANSI 60: Drinking water treatment chemicals - Health effects Drinfield trench product sizing for gravity dispersal onsite wastewater treatment and dispersal systems Personal care products containing organic ingredients Goldenseal root (Hydrasitis canadensis) Glossary of drinking water treatment unit terminology Sustainability assessment for resilient floor coverings Sustainability assessment for commercial furnishing fabric Health/fitness facilities Sustainability assessment for wallcovering products Sustainability assessment for single ply roofing membranes Onsite residential and commercial water reuse treatment systems Onsite residential and commercial graywater treatment systems for subsurface discharge Greener chemicals and processes information Polyethylene pipe and fittings for water-based ground-source "geothermal" heat pump systems Polypropylene pipe and fittings for water-based ground-source "geothermal" heat pump systems Valves for cosslinked polyethylene (PEX) water distribution tubing systems Wastewater treatment systems - Field performance verification Drinking water treatment system components - Lead content Hygiene requirements for the design of meat and poultry processing equipment Hygiene requirements for the design of hand held tools used in meat and poultry processing equipment
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NSF 223 NSF NSF NSF NSF NSF 240 305 321 330 332
NSF 336 NSF 341 NSF 342 NSF 347 NSF 350 NSF 350-1 NSF 355 NSF 358-1 NSF 358-2 NSF 359 NSF 360 NSF 372 NSF/3A/ANSI 14159-1 NSF/3A/ANSI 14159-2
NSF/3A/ANSI 14159-3
Hygiene requirements for the design of mechanical belt conveyors used in meat and poultry processing equipment
In accordance with clause 4.7.2 Continuous maintenance of American National Standards, of the ANSI Essential Requirements, we agree to the following requirements: 8. A documented program for periodic publication of revisions has been established. See NSF International Standards Development and Maintenance Policies, Section 5.2 (AESOP #2419[1]). A copy is attached. 9. The published standard(s) shall include a clear statement of the intent to consider requests for change and information on the process associated with the submittal of such requests. The language of this statement is as follows: Excerpt from the foreword of NSF/ANSI 140 Sustainable carpet assessment: Comments on this Standard should be sent to NSF International, Standards Department, P.O. Box 130140, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48113-0140, USA or to 10. Procedures for timely, documented consensus action on each request for change have been established. See NSF International Standards Development and Maintenance Policies, Section 8 (AESOP #2419[1]). A copy is attached. 11. The following person(s) may be contacted by those interested in submitting changes (please include name, address, E-mail, phone and fax): Jessica Evans, Director Standards Department, NSF International PO Box 130140 Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0140 734-913-5774 734-827-610 12. No portion of the standard(s) shall be excluded from the revision process. 13. In the event that a BSR-8/108 has not been submitted for an American National Standard under continuous maintenance within five years of its approval, the standards developer may request an extension, but shall then maintain the ANS under periodic maintenance. 14. Any changes to the continuous maintenance process, text contained in affected standards or practices associated with the information contained herein shall be submitted in writing to ANSI ( in a timely fashion. Returned by: Andrea Burr Policy Specialist NSF International PO Box 130140 Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0140 734-913-5794
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Schedule: TR 45.3, which is the subcommittee responsible for this standard, meets on a monthly basis. The meeting notice/schedule and agenda are posted on the TIA website. TIA shall address comments or proposals for revision on any part of a standard whenever those comments or proposals are submitted. If no changes are made within four years of the ANSI approval date, TIA shall apply for reaffirmation of the standard(s). Standards are maintained by the TIA Headquarters at 2500 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22201. For additional information, please visit the TIA homepage at Contact: Ms. Susanne White, TIA Standards Secretariat, TIA 2500 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 300 Arlington, Virginia 22201 Email:
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Contact: Deborah Prince Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 12 Laboratory Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3995 Telephone: (919) 549-1460 Fax: (919) 547-6178 Email:
UL 1, Flexible Metal Conduit UL 4, Armored Cable UL 5, Surface Metal Raceways and Fittings UL 5A, Nonmetallic Surface Raceways and Fittings UL 5B, Strut-Type Channel Raceways Fittings UL 5C, Surface Raceways and Fittings for Use with Data, Signal, and Control Circuits UL 6, Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit - Steel UL 6A, Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit Aluminum, Red Brass and Stainless Steel UL 8, Standard for Foam Extinguisher
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UL 9, Standard for Safety for Fire Tests of Window Assemblies UL 10A, Tin-Clad Fire Doors UL 10B, Fire Tests of Door Assemblies UL 10C, Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies UL 13, Power-Limited Circuit Cables UL 14B, Sliding Hardware for Standard, Horizontally Mounted Tin-Clad Fire Doors UL 14C, Swinging Hardware for Standard Tin-Clad Fire Doors Mounted Singly and in Pairs UL 20, General-Use Snap Switches UL 21, LP-Gas Hose UL 22, Standard for Safety for Amusement and Gaming Machines UL 25, Meters for Flammable and Combustible Liquids and LP-Gas UL 30, Metal Safety Cans UL 32, Metal Waste Cans UL 33, Standard for Safety for Heat Responsive Links for Fire Protection Services UL 38, Manual Signaling Boxes for Fire Alarm Systems UL 44, Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables UL 45, Portable Electric Tools UL 47, Standard for Safety for Semiautomatic Fire Hose Storage Devices UL 48, Electric Signs UL 50, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment UL 50E, Standard for Safety for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations UL 51, Power-Operated Pumps and Bypass Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia, LP-Gas and Propylene UL 58, Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Equipment UL 62, Flexible Cord and Fixture Wire UL 66, The Standard for Fixture Wire UL 67, Panelboards UL 69, Electric-Fence Controllers UL 72, Standard for Tests for Fire Resistance of Record Protection Equipment UL 73, Motor-Operated Appliances UL 79, Ninth Edition of the Standard for Safety for PowerOperated Pumps for Petroleum Dispensing Products UL 80, Standard for Safety for Steel Tanks for Oil-Burner Fuel
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UL 82, Gardening Appliances UL 83, Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables UL 87, Power-Operated Dispensing Devices for Petroleum Products UL 94, Tests for Flammability of Plastics Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances UL 96, Lightning Protection Equipment UL 98, Enclosed and Dead-Front Switches UL 103, Factory-Built Chimneys for Residential Type and Building Heating Appliances UL 109, Tube Fitting for Flammable and Combustible Fluids, Refrigeration Service, and Marine Use UL 122, Photographic Equipment UL 123, Standard for Oxy-Fuel Gas Torches UL 125, Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP-Gas (Other than Safety Relief) UL 127, Factory-Built Fireplaces UL 132 Safety Relief Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP-Gas UL 136, Standard for Safety for Pressure Cookers UL 140, Relocking Devices for Safes and Vaults UL 141, Garment Finishing Appliances UL 142, Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids UL 144 Standard for Safety for LP-Gas Regulators UL 147, Hand Held Torches for Fuel Gases UL 147A, Standard for Safety for Nonrefillable (Disposable) Type Fuel Gas Cylinder Assemblies UL 147B, Nonrefillable (Disposable) Type Metal Container Assemblies for Butane UL 150, Antenna Rotators UL 153, Standard for Safety for Portable Electric Luminaires UL 154, Standard for Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher UL 155, Standard for Tests for Fire Resistance of Vault and File Room Doors UL 174, Household Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters UL 180, Standard for Safety for Liquid-Level Gauges for Oil Burner Fuels and Other Combustible Liquids UL 181, Standard for Safety for Factory-Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors UL 181A, Standard for Safety for Closure Systems for Use With Rigid Air Ducts
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UL 181B, Standard for Safety for Closure Systems for Use With Flexible Air Ducts and Air Connectors UL 183, Manufactured Wiring Systems UL 187, X-Ray Equipment UL 193, Alarm Valves for Fire-Protection Service UL 197, Commercial Electric Cooking Appliances UL 198M-2003, Mine-Duty Fuses UL 199, Automatic Sprinklers for Fire-Protection Services UL 201, Garage Equipment UL 203, Standard for Safety for Pipe Hanger Equipment for Fire Protection Service UL 207, Refrigerant-Containing Components and Accessories, Nonelectrical UL 209, Cellular Metal Floor Raceways and Fittings UL 213, Rubber Gasketed Fittings for Fire Protection Service UL 217, Single and Multiple Station Smoke Alarms UL 218A, Battery Contractors for Use in Diesel Engines Driving Centrifugal Fire Pumps UL 218, Standard for Safety for Fire Pump Controllers UL 224, the Standard for Extruded Insulating Tubing UL 231, Standard for Safety for Power Outlets UL 234, Low Voltage Lighting Fixtures for Use in Recreational Vehicles UL 242, Nonmetallic Containers for Waste Paper UL 244A, Solid-State Controls for Appliances UL 248-1, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 1: General Requirements UL 248-2, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 2: Class C Fuses UL 248-3, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 3: Class CA and CB Fuses UL 248-4, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 4: Class CC Fuses UL 248-5, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 5: Class G Fuses UL 248-6, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 6: Class H NonRenewable Fuses UL 248-7, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 7: Class H Renewable Fuses UL 248-8, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 8: Class J Fuses UL 248-9, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 9: Class K Fuses UL 248-10, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 10: Class L Fuses UL 248-11, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 11: Plug Fuses UL 248-12, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 12: Class R Fuses UL 248-13, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 13: Semiconductor Fuses
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UL 248-14, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 14: Supplemental Fuses UL 248-15, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 15: Class T Fuses UL 248-16, Low-Voltage Fuses-Part 16: Test Limiters UL 252, Compressed Gas Regulators UL 252A, Compressed Gas Regulator Accessories, under Continuous Maintenance UL 260, Standard for Safety for Dry Pipe and Deluge Valves for Fire-Protection Services UL 263, Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials UL 268, Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 268A, Standard for Smoke Detectors for Duct Application UL 275, Automotive Glass Tube Fuses UL 283, Standard for Safety for Air Fresheners and Deodorizers UL 291, Automated Teller Systems UL 294, Access Control System Units UL 295, Standard for Safety for Commercial-Industrial Gas Burners UL 296, Oil Burners UL 296A, Standard for Safety for Waste Oil-Burning AirHeating Appliances UL 297, Acetylene Generators, Portable, Medium-Pressure UL 299, Standard for Dry-Chemical Fire Extinguisher UL 300, Standard for Fire Testing of Fire Extinguishing Systems for Protection of Restaurant Cooking Areas UL 305, Panic Hardware UL 307A, Liquid Fuel-Burning Heating Appliances for Manufactured Homes and Recreational Vehicles UL 310, Electrical Quick-Connect Terminals UL 312, the Standard for Safety for Check Valves for FireProtection Service UL 325, Standard for Safety for Door, Drapery, Gate, Louver, and Window Operators and Systems UL 330, Hose and Hose Assemblies for Dispensing Flammable Liquids UL 331, Standard for Safety for Strainers for Flammable Fluids and Anhydrous Ammonia UL 346, Waterflow Indicators for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 347, High Voltage Industrial Control Equipment UL 353, Limit Controls
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UL 355, Cord Reels UL 360, Liquid-Tight Flexible Steel Conduit UL 363, Knife Switches UL 365, Police Station Connected Burglar Alarm Units and Systems UL 372, Primary Safety Controls and Gas and Oil Fired Appliances UL 379, Power Units for Fountain, Swimming Pool, and Spa Luminaires UL 385, Play Pipes for Water Testing in Fire Prevention Service UL 391, Standard for Safety for Solid-Fuel and Combination-Fuel Central and Supplementary Furnaces UL 399, Drinking-Water Coolers UL 401, Standard for Safety for Portable Spray Hose Nozzles for Fire-Protection Service UL 404, Gauges, Indicating Pressure, for Compressed Gas Service UL 405, Standard for Safety for Fire Department Connections UL 407, Manifolds for Compressed Gases UL 412, Refrigeration Unit Coolers UL 414, Meter Sockets UL 416, Refrigerated Medical Equipment UL 427, Refrigerating Units UL 430, Waste Disposers UL 437, Key Locks UL 441, Standard for Safety for Gas Vents UL 443, Standard for Safety for Steel Auxiliary Tanks for Oil-Burner Fuel UL 444 Standard for Safety for Communication Cables UL 448, Standard for Safety for Pumps for Fire-Protection Services UL 448A, Flexible Couplings and Connecting Shafts for Stationary Fire Pumps UL 448B, Residential Fire Pumps Intended for One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Home UL 448C, Stationary, Rotary-Type, Positive-Displacement Pumps for Fire Protection UL 452, Antenna-Discharge Units UL 458, Power Converters/Inverters and Power Converter/Inverter Systems for Land Vehicles and Marine Crafts UL 464, Audible Signal Appliances
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UL 466, Electric Scales and Accessories UL 467, Grounding and Bonding Equipment UL 471, Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers UL 474, Dehumidifiers UL 482, Standard for Safety for Portable Sun/Heat Lamps UL 484, Room Air Conditioners UL 486A-486B, Standard for Safety for Wire Connectors UL 486C, Splicing Wire Connectors UL 486D, Insulated Wire Connectors for Use with Underground Conductors UL 486E, Equipment Wiring Conductors
UL 489A, Circuit Breakers For Use in Communications Equipment
UL 489, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures UL 493, Thermoplastic-Insulated Underground Feeder and Branch-Circuit Cables UL 496, Edison-Base Lampholders UL 497, Protectors for Paired-Conductor Communications Circuits UL 497A, Secondary Protectors for Communications Circuits UL 497B, Protectors for Data Communications and Fire Alarm Circuits UL 497C, Protectors for Coaxial Communications Circuits UL 498, Attachment Plugs and Receptacles UL 498A, Standard for Safety for Current Taps and Adapters UL 499, Standard for Safety for Electric Heating Appliances UL 506, Specialty Transformers UL 507, Electric Fans UL 508, Industrial Control Equipment UL 508C, Standards for Safety for Power Conversion Equipment UL 514A, Standard for Safety for Metallic Outlet Boxes UL 514B, Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings UL 514C, Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Flush-Device Boxes and Covers UL 514D, Cover Plates for Flush-Mounted Wiring Devices UL 521, Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 525, Standard for Safety for Flame Arresters UL 539, Single and Multiple Station Heat Detectors
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UL 541, Refrigerated Vending Machines UL 542, Standard for Fluorescent Lamp Starters UL 551, Transformer-Type Arc-Welding Machines UL 555, Fire Dampers UL 555C, Ceiling Dampers UL 555S, Smoke Dampers UL 558, Standard for Safety for Industrial Trucks, Internal Combustion Engine-Powered UL 561, Standard for Floor-Finishing Machines UL 563, Ice Makers UL 567, Emergency Breakaway Fittings, Swivel Connectors and Pipe-Connection Fittings for Petroleum Products and LP-Gas UL 568, Standard for Safety for Nonmetallic Cable Tray Systems UL 569, Pigtails and Flexible Hose Connectors for LP-Gas UL 574, Standard for Safety for Electric Oil Heaters UL 580, Standard for Tests for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies UL 583, Electric-Battery-Powered Industrial Trucks UL 586, High-Efficiency, Particulate, Air Filter Units UL 588, Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products UL 603, Power Supplies for Use with Burglar Alarm Systems UL 606, Linings and Screens for Use with Burglar-Alarm Systems UL 608, Burglary Resistant Vault Doors and Modular Panels UL 609, Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems, UL 618, Concrete Masonry Units UL 621, Standard for Safety for Ice Cream Makers UL 626, Standard for 2-1/2 Gallon Stored-Pressure, WaterType Water Extinguisher UL 150, Antenna Rotators UL 635, Standard for Safety for Insulating Bushings UL 639, Intrusion-Detection Units UL 641, Standard for Safety for Type L Low-Temperature Venting Systems UL 651, Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit and HDPE Conduit UL 651A, Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and HDPE Conduit UL 651B, Continuous Length HDPE Conduit UL 668, Standard for Safety for Hose Valves for FireProtection Service
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UL 674, Electric Motors and Generators for Use in Division 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 676, Underwater Luminaires and Submersible Junction Boxes UL 680, Emergency Vault Ventilators and Vault-Ventilating Ports UL 681, Installation and Classification of Burglar and Holdup Alarm Systems UL 687, Burglary-Resistant Safes UL 696, Standard for Electric Toys UL 697, Toy Transformers UL 698, Industrial Control Equipment for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 698A, Standard for Safety for Industrial Control Panels Relating to Hazardous Locations UL 705, Power Ventilators UL 710, Exhaust Hoods for Commercial Cooking Equipment UL 710B, Standard for Safety for Recirculating Systems UL 711, Standard for Rating and Fire Testing of Fire Extinguisher UL 719, Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cables UL 723, Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials UL 729, Oil-Fired Floor Furnaces UL 730, Oil-Fired Wall Furnaces UL 731, Oil-Fired Unit Heaters UL 732, Standard for Safety for Oil-Fired Storage Tank Water Heaters UL 737, Standard for Safety for Fireplace Stoves UL 746A, Standard for Safety for Polymeric Materials Short Term Property Evaluations UL 746B, Polymeric Materials-Long Term Property Evaluations UL 746C, Polymeric Materials-Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations UL 746D, Standard for Safety for Polymeric Materials Fabricated Parts UL 746E, Polymeric Materials-Industrials Laminates, Filament Wound Tubing, Vulcanized Fiber, and Material Used in Printed Wiring Boards UL 746F, Standard for Polymeric Materials - Flexible Dielectric Film Materials for Use in Printed Wiring Boards and Flexible Materials Interconnect Constructions UL 749, Household Dishwashers
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UL 751, Vending Machines UL 752, Bullet-Resisting Equipment UL 758, Standard for Appliance Wiring Material UL 763, Motor-Operated Commercial Food Preparing Machines UL 768, Combination Locks UL 771, Night Depositories UL 773A, Nonindustrial Photoelectric Switches for Lighting Control UL 778, Motor-Operated Water Pumps UL 779, Electrically Conductive Flooring UL 783, Electric Flashlights and Lanterns for Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 786, Key-Locked Safes (Class KL) UL 789, Indicator Posts for Fire-Protective Services UL 790, Tests for Fire Resistances of Roof Covering Materials UL 793, Standard for Automatically Operated Roof Vents for Smoke and Heat UL 796, Printed-Wiring Boards UL 796F, Flexible Materials Interconnect Constructions UL 797, Electrical Metallic Tubing UL 797A, Electrical Metallic Tubing - Aluminum UL 814, Gas-Tube Sign and Ignition Cable UL 817, Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords UL 823, Electric Heaters for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 826, Household Electric Clocks UL 827, Central-Station Alarm Services UL 834, Heating, Water Supply, and Power Boilers-Electric UL 840, Insulation Coordination Including Clearances and Creepage Distances in Electrical Equipment UL 842, Standard for Safety for Valves for Flammable Fluids UL 844, Luminaires for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 845, Motor Control Centers UL 852, Standard for Metallic Sprinkler Pipe for Fire Protection Service UL 854, Service-Entrance Cables UL 857, Standard for Safety for Busways UL 858, Standard for Safety for Household Electric Ranges UL 858A, Standard for Safety-Related Solid-State Controls for Household Electric
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UL 859, Household Electric Personal Grooming Appliances UL 864, Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems UL 867, Electrostatic Air Cleaners UL 870, Wireways, Auxiliary Gutters, and Associated Fittings UL 873, Temperature-Indicating and Regulating Equipment UL 875, Electric Dry-Bath Heaters UL 879, Electric Sign Components UL 884, Underfloor Raceways and Fittings UL 886, Outlet Boxes and Fittings for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 887, Delayed-Action Timelocks UL 891, Dead-Front Switchboards UL 896, Standard for Safety for Oil-Burning Stoves UL 900, Air Filter Units UL 907, Fireplace Accessories UL 910, Flame-Propagation and Smoke-Density Values for Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transporting Environmental Air UL 913, Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus for Use in Class I, II, and III, Division 1, Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 921, Commercial Electric Dishwashers UL 923, Microwave Cooking Appliances UL 924, Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment UL 935, Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts UL 943, Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters UL 959, Medium Heat Appliance Factory-Built Chimneys UL 969, Marking and Labeling Systems UL 972, Burglary Resisting Glazing Material UL 977, The Standard for Fused Power-Circuit Devices UL 982, Motor-Operated Household Food Preparing Machines UL 985, Household Fire Warning System Units UL 987, Stationary and Fixed Electric Tools UL 998, Humidifiers UL 1002, Electrically Operated Valves for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 1004-1, Rotating Electrical Machines - General Requirements UL 1004-2, Impedance Protected Motors
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UL 1004-3, Thermally Protected Motors UL 1004-4, Electric Generators UL 1004-5, Fire Pump Motors UL 1004-6, Servo and Stepper Motors UL 1004-7, Electronically Protected Motors UL 1004-8, Inverter Duty Motors UL 1008, Transfer Switch Equipment UL 1008A, Medium-Voltage Transfer Switches UL 1008S, Standard for Safety for Solid-State Transfer Switches UL 1010, Receptacle-Plug Combinations for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 1012, Power Units Other Than Class 2 UL 1017, Vacuum Cleaners, Blower Cleaners and Household Floor Finishing Machines UL 1020, Thermal Cutoffs for Use in Electrical Appliances and Components UL 1022, Standard for Safety for Line Isolation Monitors UL 1023, Household Burglar-Alarm System Units UL 1026, Electric Household Cooking and Food Appliances UL 1028, Standard for Safety for Hair Clipping and Shaving Appliances UL 1029, High-Intensity Discharge Lamp Ballasts UL 1030, Sheathed Heating Elements UL 1034, Burglary-Resistant Electric Locking Mechanisms UL 1037, Antitheft Alarms and Devices UL 1040, Fire Test of Insulated Wall Construction UL 1042, Electric Baseboard Heating Equipment UL 1046, Grease Filters for Exhaust Ducts UL 1047, Standard for Safety for Isolated Power Systems Equipment UL 1053, Standard for Safety for Ground-Fault Sensing and Relaying Equipment UL 1054, Special Use Switches UL 1059, Standard for Safety for Terminal Blocks UL 1063, Machine-Tool Wire and Cables UL 1066, Low Voltage AC and DC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures UL 1067, Electrically Conductive Equipment and Materials for Use in Flammable Anesthetizing Locations UL 1069, Hospital Signaling and Nurse Call Equipment UL 1072, Medium Voltage Power Cables UL 1076, Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and Systems
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UL 1077, Supplementary Protectors for Use in Electrical Equipment UL 1081, Swimming Pool Pumps, Filters and Chlorinators UL 1082, Household Electric Coffee Makers and BrewingType Appliances UL 1083, Household Electric Skillets and Frying-Type Appliances UL 1086, Household Trash Compactors UL 1088, Standard for Safety for Temporary Lighting Strings UL 1090, Electric Snow Movers UL 1123, Standard for Marine Buoyant Devices UL 1180, Standard for Fully Inflatable Recreational Personal Floatation Devices UL 1191, Standard for Components for PFDs UL 1203, Standard for Safety for Explosion-Proof and Dust-Ignition-Proof Electrical Equipment for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 1206, Electric Commercial Clothes-Washing Equipment UL 1207, Sewage Pumps for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 1236, the Standard for Safety for Battery Chargers for Charging Engine-Starter Batteries UL 1238, Control Equipment for Use with Flammable Liquid Dispensing Devices UL 1240 Standard for Safety for Electric Commercial Clothes-Drying Equipment UL 1241, Junction Boxes for Swimming Pool Luminaires UL 1242, Electrical Intermediate Metal Conduit Steel UL 1247, Standard for Safety for Diesel Engines for Driving Centrifugal Fire Pumps UL 1254, Standard for Safety for Pre-Engineered Type Dry Chemical Extinguishing System Units UL 1256, Fire Test of Roof Deck Constructions UL 1261, Electric Water Heaters for Pools and Tubs UL 1275, Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets UL 1277, Electrical Power and Control Tray Cables with Optional Optical-Fiber Members UL 1278, Movable and Wall-or-Ceiling-Hung Electric Room Heaters UL 1283, Electromagnetic Interference Filters UL 1286, Office Furnishings UL 1296, Standard for Safety for Shear Resistance Tests for Ceiling Boards for Manufactured Homes
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UL 1309, Standard for Marine Shipboard Cable UL 1310, Class 2 Power Units UL 1313, Nonmetallic Safety Cans for Petroleum Products UL 1314, Special-Purpose Metal Containers UL 1315, Metal Waste Paper Containers UL 1316, Standard for Safety for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum Products, Alcohols, and Alcohol-Gasoline Mixtures UL 1322, Standard for Safety for Fabricated Scaffold Planks and Stages UL 1323, Standard for Safety for Scaffold Hoists UL 1332, Organic Coatings for Steel Enclosures for Outdoor Use Electrical Equipment UL 1370, Unvented Alcohol Fuel Burning Decorative Appliances UL 1411, Sixth Edition of the Standard for Television and Motor Transformers for Audio-, Radio-, and TelevisionType Appliances UL 1412, Fusing Resistors and Temperature-Limited Resistors for Radio- and Television-Type Appliances UL 1413, High-Voltage Components for Television-Type Appliances UL 1416, Overcurrent and Overtemperature Protectors for Radio- and Television-Type Appliances UL 1417, Special Fuses for Radio- and Television-Type Appliances UL 1419, Professional Video and Audio Equipment UL 1424, Cables for Power-Limited Fire-Alarm Circuits UL 1425, Cables for Non-Power-Limited Fire-Alarm Circuits UL 1426, Standard for Safety for Electrical Cables for Boats UL 1429, Pullout Switches UL 1439, ULs Standard for Safety for Tests for Sharpness of Edges on Equipment UL 1441, Standard for Safety for Coated Electrical Sleeving UL 1446, Standard for Safety for Systems of Insulating Materials - General UL 1447, Electric Lawn Mowers UL 1448, electric Hedge Trimmers UL 1449, Standard for Safety for Surge Protective Devices UL 1450, Motor-Operated Air Compressors, Vacuum Pumps and Painting Equipment UL 1453, Electric Boosters and Commercial Storage Tank Water Heaters
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UL 1468, Direct Acting Pressure Reducing and Pressure Restricting Valves UL 1478, Fire Pump Relief Valves UL 1478A, Pressure Relief Valves for Sprinkler Systems UL 1479, Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops UL 1480, Speakers for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 1482, Standard for Solid-Fuel Type Room Heaters UL 1484, Residential Gas Heaters UL 1486, Quick Opening Devices for Dry Pipe Valves for Fire-Protection Service UL 1557, Electrically Isolated Semiconductor Devices UL 1567, Standard for Safety for Receptacles and Switches Intended for Use with Aluminum Wire UL 1577, Optical Isolators UL 1559, Standard for Safety for Insect-Control Equipment - Electrocution Type UL 1561, Standard for Dry-Type General Purpose and Power Transformers UL 1564, the Standard for Safety for Industrial Battery Chargers UL 1563, Electric Spas, Equipment Assemblies, and Associated Equipment UL 1565, Wire Positioning Devices UL 1569, Metal-Clad Cables UL 1574, Track Lighting Systems UL 1581, Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables, and Flexible Cords UL 1585, Standard for Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers UL 1598, Standard for Safety for Luminaires UL 1598A, Standard for Safety for Supplemental Requirements for Luminaires UL 1598B, Standard for Safety for Supplemental Requirements for Luminaire Reflector Kits for Installation on Previously Installed Fluorescent Luminaires UL 1602, Gasoline-Engine-Powered, Rigid-Cutting-Member Edgers and Edger-Trimmers UL 1610, Central-Station Burglar Alarm Units UL 1626, Standard for Safety for Residential Sprinklers for Fire-Protection Service UL 1635, Digital Alarm Communicator System Units UL 1638, Visual Signaling Appliances - Private Mode Emergency and General Signaling UL 1641, Installation and Classification of Residential Burglar Alarm Systems UL 1647, Motor-Operated Massage and Exercise Machines
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UL 1651, Optical Fiber Cables UL 1653, Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing UL 1655, Community-Antenna Television Cables UL 1659, Standard for Safety for Attachment Plug Blades for Use in Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords UL 1660, Liquid-Tight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit UL 1664, Immersion-Detection Circuit-Interrupters UL 1666, Test for Flame Propagation Height of Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables Installed Vertically in Shafts
UL 1676, Conductive-Path and Discharge-Path Resistors for Use in Radio-, Video-, or Television-Type Appliances
UL 1678, Household Commercial, and Professional-Use Carts and Stands UL 1681, Standard for Safety for Wiring Device Configurations UL 1682, Plugs, Receptacles and Cable Connectors, of the Pin and Sleeve Type UL 1684A, the Standard for Safety for Supplemental Requirements for Extra Heavy Wall Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit (RTRC) and Fittings UL 1685, the Standard for Vertical-Tray Fire-Propagation and Smoke-Release Test for Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables UL 1686, Pin and Sleeve Configurations UL 1690, Data-Processing Cable
UL 1691, Single Pole Locking-Type Separable Connectors
UL 1692, Polymeric Materials - Coil Forms UL 1694, Tests for Flammability of Small Polymeric Component Materials UL 1696, the Standard for Safety for Nonmetallic Mechanical Protection Tubing (NMPT) UL 1699 Standard for Safety for Arc-Fault CircuitInterrupters UL 1703, Standard for Safety for Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels UL 1709, Standard for Safety for Rapid Rise Fire Tests of Protection Materials for Structural Steel UL 1715, Fire Test of Interior Finish Material UL 1727, Commercial Electric Personal Grooming Appliances UL 1738, Standard for Safety for Venting Systems for GasBurning Appliances, Categories II, III, IV UL 1739, Standard for Safety for Pilot Operated Pressure Control Valves
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UL 1746, Standard for Safety for External Corrosion Protection Systems for Steel Underground Storage Tanks, UL 1746 UL 1767, Standard for Safety for Early-Suppression FastResponse Sprinklers UL 1769, Standard for Cylinder Valves UL 1776, The Standard for High-Pressure Cleaning Machines UL 1777, Standard for Safety for Chimney Liners UL 1784, Standard for Air Leakage Tests of Door Assemblies UL 1786, Standard for Safety for Direct Plug-In Nightlights UL 1803, Standard for Safety for Factory Follow-Up on Third Party Certified Portable Fire Extinguishers UL 1820, Fire Test of Pneumatic Tubing for Flame and Smoke Characteristics UL 1821, The Standard for Safety for Thermoplastic Sprinkler Pipe and Fittings for Fire Protection Service UL 1838, Standard for Safety for Low Voltage Landscape Lighting UL 1839, Standard for Safety for Automotive Battery Booster Cables UL 1853, Nonreusable Plastic Containers for Flammable and Combustible Liquids UL 1863, Communications-Circuit Accessories UL 1887, Fire Test of Plastic Sprinkler Pipe for Visible Flame and Smoke Characteristics UL 1889, Standard for Safety for Commercial Filters for Cooking Oil, UL 1897, Uplift Tests for Roof Covering Systems UL 1917, Standard for Safety for Solid State Fan Speed Controls UL 1951, Electrical Plumbing Accessories UL 1963, Refrigerant Recovery/Recycling Equipment UL 1971, Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired UL 1978, The Standard for Safety for Grease Ducts UL 1990, Nonmetallic Underground Conduit with Conductors UL 1993, Standard for Self-Ballasted Lamps and Lamp Adapters UL 1994, Luminous Egress Path Marking Systems UL 1995, Heating and Cooling Equipment UL 1996, Electric Duct Heaters UL 1998, Standard for Safety for Software in Programmable Components
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UL 2006, Standard for Safety for Halon 1211 Recovery/Recharge Equipment UL 2017, General-Purpose Signaling Devices and Systems UL 2021, Standard for Fixed and Location-Dedicated Electric Room Heaters UL 2024, Optical Fiber Cable Raceway UL 2034, Single and Multiple Station Carbon Monoxide Alarms UL 2043, Fire Test for Heat and Visible Smoke Release for Discrete Products and Their Accessories Installed in AirHandling Spaces UL 2044, Commercial Closed Circuit Television Equipment UL 2061, Standard for Safety for Adapters and Cylinder Connection Devices for Portable LP-Gas Cylinder Assemblies UL 2075, Gas and Vapor Detectors and Sensors UL 2079, Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems UL 2085, Protected Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids UL 2089, Standard for Safety for Vehicle Battery Adapters UL 2108, Standard for Safety for Low Voltage Lighting Systems UL 2111, Standard for Safety for Overheating Protection for Motors UL 2115, Processed Solid-Fuel Firelogs
UL 2127, Inert Gas Clean Agent Extinguishing System Units
UL 2129, Standard for Safety for Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers UL 2157, Electric Clothes Washing Machines and Extractors UL 2158, Electric Clothes Dryers UL 2166, Halocarbon Clean Agent Extinguishing System Units UL 2167, Standard for Safety for Water Mist Nozzles for Fire Protection UL 2170, Field Conversion/Retrofit of Products to Change to an Alternative Refrigerant-Construction and Operation UL 2171, Field Conversion/Retrofit of Products to Change to an Alternative Refrigerant-Insulating Material and Refrigerant Compatibility UL 2172, Field Conversion/Retrofit of Products to Change to an Alternative Refrigerant -Procedures and Methods UL 2182, Refrigerants UL 2196, Standard for Tests for Fire Resistive Cables
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UL 2200, Standard for Safety for Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies UL 2202, Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging System Equipment UL 2208, Standard for Safety for Solvent Distillation Units UL 2205, Field Conversion/Retrofit of Alternative Refrigerants in Household Refrigerators and Freezers UL 2225, Standard for Safety for Cables and Cable-Fittings for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 2227, Standard for Overfilling Prevention Devices UL 2238, Cable Assemblies and Fittings for Industrial Control and Signal Distribution UL 2239, Hardware for the Support of Conduit, Tubing, and Cable UL 2250, Standard for Safety for Instrumentation Tray Cable
UL 2251, Standard for Safety for Plugs, Receptacles, and Couplers for Electric Vehicles
UL 2267, Fuel Cell Power Systems for Installation in Industrial Electric Trucks UL 2279, Electrical Equipment for Use in Class 1, Zone 0,1, and 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations UL 2305, Exhibition Display Units, Fabrication and Installation
UL 2231-1, Standard for Safety for Personnel Protection Systems for Electric Vehicle (EV) Supply Circuits; Part 1: General Requirements UL 2231-2, Standard for Safety for Personnel Protection Systems for Electric Vehicle (EV) Supply Circuits; Part 2: Particular Requirements for Protection Devices for Use in Charging Systems
UL 2333, Standard for Safety for Infrared Thermometers UL 2335, Fire Tests of Storage Pallets
UL 2344, Standard for Safety for Material Lifts
UL 2351, Standard for Safety for Spray Nozzles for FireProtection Service
UL 2353, Standard for Safety for Single- and Multi-Layer Insulated Winding Wire
UL 2360, the Standard for Test Methods for Determining the Combustibility Characteristics of Plastics Used in Semi-Conductor Tool Construction UL 2367, Solid-State Overcurrent Protectors
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UL 2368, Standard for Safety for Fire Exposure Testing of Intermediate Bulk Containers for Flammable and Combustible Liquids UL 2388, Standard for Safety for Flexible Lighting Products UL 2390, Test Method for Wind Resistant Asphalt Shingles with Sealed Tabs UL 2420, Standard for Safety for Belowground Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit (RTRC) and Fittings UL 2431, Durability of Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Materials UL 2438, The Standard for Safety for Outdoor SeasonalUse Cord-Connected Wiring Devices UL 2442, Standard for Safety for Wall- and Ceiling-Mounts and Accessories UL 2443, Standard for Safety for Flexible Sprinkler Hose with Fittings for Fire Protection Service UL 2459, Standard for Safety for Insulated Multi-Pole Splicing Wire Connectors UL 2515, Standard for Safety for Aboveground Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit (RTRC) and Fittings UL 2523, Solid Fuel-Fired Hydronic Heating Appliances, Water Heaters, And Boilers UL 2556, Standard for Safety for Wire and Cable Test Methods UL 2560, Emergency Call Systems for Assisted Living and Independent Living Facilities UL 2561, 1400 Degree Fahrenheit Factory-Built Chimneys UL 2575, Lithium Ion Battery Systems for Use in Electric Power Tool and Motor Operated, Heating and Lighting Appliances UL 2577, Standard for Safety for Suspended Ceiling Grid Low Voltage Systems and Equipment UL 2580, Batteries for Use in Electric Vehicles UL 2586, Standard for Safety for Hose Nozzle Valves
UL 2594, Standard for Safety for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
UL 2737, Standard for Safety for Crane Insulators UL 2738, Standard for Safety for Induction Power Transmitters and Receivers for use with Low Energy Products UL 2790, Standard for Safety for Commercial Incinerators UL UL UL UL 4248-1, 4248-4, 4248-5, 4248-6, Fuseholders Fuseholders Fuseholders Fuseholders Part Part Part Part 1: 4: 5: 6: General Requirements Class CC Class G Class H
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UL 4248-8, Fuseholders - Part 8: Class J UL 4248-9, Fuseholders - Part 9: Class K UL 4248-11, Fuseholders - Part 11: Type C (Edison Base) and Type S Plug Fuse UL 4248-12, Fuseholders - Part 12: Class R UL 4248-15, Fuseholders - Part 15: Class T UL 5085-1, Standard for Low Voltage Transformers - Part 1: General Requirements UL 5085-2, Standard for Low Voltage Transformers - Part 2: General Purpose Transformers UL 5085-3, Standard for Low Voltage Transformers - Part 3: Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers UL 6142, Small Wind Turbine Systems UL 8750, Standard for Light Emitting Diode (LED) Equipment for Use in Lighting Products
UL 8752, First Edition of the Standard for Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) Panels UL 8753, The Standard for Field-Replaceable Light Emitting Diode (LED) Light Engines UL 8754, The Standard for Holders, Bases, and Connectors for Solid-State (LED) Light Engines and Arrays
UL 60065, Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus Safety Requirements UL 60079-0, Standard for Safety for Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres - Part 0: General Requirements UL 60079-1, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres Part 1: Equipment Protection by Flameproof Enclosures d UL 60079-5, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres - Part 5: Equipment Protection by Powder Filling q UL 60079-6, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres - Part 6: Equipment Protection by OilImmersion o UL 60079-7, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres - Part 7: Equipment Protection by Increased safety e UL 60079-11, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment Protection by Intrinsic Safety i UL 60079-15, Standard for Safety for Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres - Part 15: Construction, Test and Marking of Type of Protection n Electrical Apparatus
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UL 60079-18, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres - Part 18: Equipment Protection by Encapsulation m UL 60320-1, Standard for Safety for Appliance Couplers for Household and Similar General Purposes - Part 1: General Requirements UL 60335-1, Standard for Safety for Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances, Part 1: General Requirements UL 60335-2-3; Standard for Safety for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances, Part 2: Particular Requirements for Electric Irons. UL 60335-2-8, Standard for Safety for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances, Part 2: Particular Requirements for Shavers, Hair Clippers, and Similar Appliances UL 60335-2-24, Standard for Safety for Household and Similar Appliances, Particular Requirements for Refrigerating Appliances, Ice Cream Appliances and Ice Makers UL 60335-2-34, Household and Similar Electrical Appliances, Part 2: Particular Requirements for MotorCompressors UL 60691, Thermal-Links - Requirements and Application Guide UL 60730-2-8, Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use; Part 2: Particular Requirements for Electrically Operated Water Valves, Including Mechanical Requirements UL 60745-1, Standard for Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements UL 60745-2-1-2006, Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-1: Particular Requirements for Drills and Impact Drills UL 60745-2-2-2006, Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-2: Particular Requirements for Screwdrivers and Impact Wrenches UL 60745-2-4-2006, Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular Requirements for Sanders and Polishers Other Than Disk Type UL 60745-2-5-2004, Standard for handheld MotorOperated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2: Particular Requirements for Circular Saws UL 60745-2-6-2006, Safety for Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-6: Particular Requirements for Hammers
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UL 60745-2-8-2006, Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-8: Particular Requirements for Shears and Nibblers UL 60745-2-9-2006, Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-9: Particular Requirements for Tappers UL 60745-2-11-2004, Standard for Safety for Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular Requirements for Reciprocating Saws UL 60745-2-12-2005, Standard for Safety for Hand-held Motor-operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-12: Particular Requirements for Concrete Vibrators UL 60745-2-14-2006, Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-14: Particular Requirements for Planers UL 60745-2-15, Standard for Safety for Hand-Held MotorOperated Electric Tools - Saftey - Part 2-15: Particular Requirements for Hedge Trimmers UL 60745-2-17-2006, Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-17: Particular Requirements for Routers and Trimmers UL 60745-2-18, Standard for Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-18: Particular Requirements for Strapping Tools UL 60745-2-19, Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools Safety - Part 2-19:Particular Requirements for Jointers UL 60745-2-20, Standard for Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-20: Particular Requirements for Band Saws UL 60745-2-21, Standard for Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-21: Particular Requirements for Drain Cleaners UL 60947-1, Standard for Safety for Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear - Part 1: General Rules UL 60947-4-1, Standard for Safety for Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear; Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-starters; Electromechanical contactors and motorstarters UL 60947-7-3, Standard for Fuse Terminal Blocks UL 60950-1, Information Technology Equipment - Safety Part 1: General Requirements UL 60950-21, Information Technology Equipment -- Safety -- Part 21: Remote Power Feeding UL 60950-22, Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 22: Equipment to be Installed Outdoors
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UL 60950-23-2007, Information Technology Equipment Safety - Part 23: Large Data Storage Equipment UL 61010-1, Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use; Part 1: General Requirements UL 61058-1, Switches for Appliances - Part 1: General Requirements UL 61496-1, Standard for Safety for Electro-Sensitive Protective Equipment, Part 1: General Requirements and Tests UL 61496-2, Standard for Safety for Electro-Sensitive Protective Equipment, Part 2: Particular Requirements for Equipment Using Active Opto-Electronic Devices UL 61965 Standard for Mechanical Safety for Cathode Ray Tubes UL 62275, Cable Management Systems - Cable Ties for Electrical Installations
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