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Dr. Bob Beck On Curing Disease With Electricity

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Bob Beck on Curing Disease with Electricity

April 3, 2013 at 7:09pm One of my favorite teachers of all time is Dr.Bob Beck, Many briliant minds of our day studied under Beck, like Dan winter.... We can all learn soo much about the body and our environment from his fundamental findings. Physicist Robert C. Beck on healing cancer and Aids via blood electrification Bob Beck is a physicist, holding a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Southern California. He also was previously a Professor at the University of California. He began his professional life as a photojournalist and owned a photography studio in Hollywood. He is a researcher and inventor who likes to improve upon other people's inventions. His version of the Brain Tuner has been used successfully to alleviate insomnia, depression, anxiety and addictions. He is also the inventor of the strobe flash light. He has been nominated by a Mexican hospital for the Nobel Prize for his research in developing an aids cure. He believed that he would not receive the prize, which he did not, because he is not a "team player" in the organized health field. Leading Edge Newspaper publishers Kenneth and Dee Burke interviewed Bob Beck at the Global Sciences Congress in Denver, Colorado, where cutting-edge, innovative information continues to be presented year after year. Statement of Robert C. Beck: "All statements made by me are mine, and mine alone. I am expressing this as my opinion; I am expressing it as theoretical, although we have abundant proof; I am saying this information is given for your education and informational purposes only. I cannot make any medical claims, although we have hundreds of spontaneous remissions. Everything I say is copyrighted 1997 by Robert C. Beck." LE: Bob, tell us about your low-cost technology that allows us to cure diseases like AIDS and cancer. Bob Beck: The system I am going to talk to you about today costs $1.32 to cure HIV, Epstein-Barre, hepatitis, herpes and even cancer. And it is one of the biggest surprises I have ever had in my life. I have a package of Spearmint gum. It cost me $1.32 at the airport. For that amount of money, or one can of Coca-Cola, you can have a 100% cure for AIDS, cancer and all of the other known diseases to humans, including some which we have not tested like ebola. A 100% cure, and you will still be alive five years from now, while the statistics say that only 5% of cancer patients will be alive after five years. If you have what I call "immortal blood," you can live to be 110 years old, in perfect health. A woman in France just died at age 122. You can do it yourself, and it is cheap. You will never have a cold again. You will never miss work again. This is the best investment that you can make in your health. It is taking back your power from the doctors and the pharmaceutical houses who have had it for generations. And we guarantee it. We have stacks of testimonials, hundreds of astounding spontaneous remissions, and we have medical records to prove it. It will work. Not maybe. It is the most valuable information that I have ever seen. It is the best that our science can offer today in the hospitals and clinics of America. Recently, Jane and I were invited to the largest alternative cancer clinic in the western hemisphere. The man in charge of the clinic told me that 87% of their terminal, not mid-stage, cancer patients, who had been given up for dead, are now healed! They have scar tissue where once they had lesions; they have

clean biopsies. They are up, they are back at work. Those patients used the technology we are discussing today. When the tests proved that the technology actually worked, I was called in by the Board of Directors of one of the largest hospitals in Southern California. They confronted me and told me to deny that this technology works. Why? Because their business was at stake. Did you know that the "mob" owns about 51% of the pharmaceutical houses in this country? They don't want patients to be able to cure themselves. Compare On Cancer Business. An 80-year old attorney approached me a while back, and he said, "Bob, I was given up for dead. My cancer had metastasised. I was sent home to write my will, to get my house in order . . . to die. I sent my son to Radio Shack, where he bought the parts for your device for $39.00. We put the device together. I walked into the hospital three weeks later, and walked out with clean biopsies. They were stunned. I am back at my job, working 14 hours a day to make up for the time I was in intensive care. I am jogging two miles a day." Another person who approached me at a speaking engagement said, "I was a dying AIDS patient. It took two attendants to lift me onto the potty. I am now back at work, and I have no symptoms." One AIDS patient started on our program with a PCR teat, which measures the number of HIV particles in a cubic centimeter of blood, with a count of 412,473 on June 9, 1995. When he finished on November 1, 1995, his count was less than 100 particles. One hundred particles is the smallest amount their instruments can read, so if the count is less than 100 particles, it is read as zero. So we can say that he had a spontaneous remission. If I only had one of these, it could be a fluke, an accident. But I have test after test from patients replicating these same results. We also waited a month after the blood cleaning took place to have the follow-up tests performed. When you see these with your own eyes, and touch them with your own hands, it is entirely different from anecdotal data. We have had Alzheimer's patients regain their memories when their brains were oxygenated using this technology. You can buy an ozonizer at a tropical fish store. The FDA has prohibited the sale of ozonizers for human use. Russ Torlage and I are going to describe to you shortly how to obtain the technology and how it works. My personal story is that I was "90% dead" when I weighed 290 pounds (I now weigh 145 pounds). My hair had fallen out, and it has grown back; my libido was shot; my prostate was shot. Using this technology, I have taken 35 years off my chronological age (I am 72 years old), and all you have to do is see a drop of my blood and you will believe it. And there are no side effects. I know I would be dead now were it not for this program. So, I really do feel that I have been called to do this. I now weigh half what I used to weigh. When the parasites are all removed from the blood, you lose weight, because the parasites are using your body. They set your appetite so that everything you eat is stored for them to have a meal. People with AIDS have never died from AIDS. They have died from opportunistic infections that have killed them because their immune systems weren't working. There are 23 of these opportunistic infections. This technology kills all 23 of them. The AIDS patients get well; they go back to work. We have the evidence. Do you know how devastating this information is to the establishment? I was given terminal cancer patients by the largest and best-known hospital in California. After 12 of

them were healed, some of them ended up committing suicide because we had taken their crutches away from them. We will say that this technology will not overcome a person's death wish. That is an issue we have to find an answer for and have not yet found, but we will. LE: We heard that within the last few days, five Anthrax cases have surfaced in California and also in Phoenix, Arizona. Bob Beck: We understand the Iranians were playing with Bubonic Plague and Anthrax. We have word from friends who are in high places that our technology is the only thing known besides Ampicillin that will have any effect on any of these diseases. LE: Could you talk about immortal blood? Bob Beck: We coined the phrase "immortal blood," but in the literal sense, it isn't true, of course. It was just a romantic term to describe reverting the blood appearance back to how it looks when we are in perfect health. When viewed under a dark-field microscope, the blood of a normal, healthy human being usually has a lot of parasitic worms, viruses, fungi, germs and pathogens swimming around. After three weeks of doing the blood cleaning, the magnetic pulsing and the silver colloids, which I will talk about later, your blood is not clumped like slinky toys or stacks of poker chips. Who needs more proof than this? More on dark-field microscopy of the blood (with pictures) When the immune system is restored, it can even handle cancer. Any oncologist will tell you this. It has been known for many, many years. You can restore your blood to the immortal state. You can do this yourself at home. We have the clinical proof that it works. It is cheap, do-it-yourself technology.

LE: I would like our readers to know about how you became involved in these technologies, which enhance the immune system and kill every organism that isn't supposed to be there. Bob Beck: I read an article in Science News that was published March 30, 1991. On page 207, it described the "shocking" treatment proposed for AIDS by Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, which had accidentally discovered a way to cure all AIDS. So I looked into this, and I found that a paper on an AIDS cure had been presented to a Joint Congress on Combination Therapies in Washington, D.C., on March 14, 1991, at the First International Symposium on Combination Therapy. more


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