E-Safety Policy 2013
E-Safety Policy 2013
E-Safety Policy 2013
Our Vision for ICT Our School Improvement Plan Guidance from Bradford Council and other partners The Data Protection Act (1998)
Priorities for developing and implementing the E-safety Policy: Developing our vision for ICT Developing our e-safety curriculum for all students Training and guidance notes for all school staff Guidance notes for all parents / carers (translated as appropriate) Developing Policy on use of images of children and staff Developing staff code of conduct on the use of ICT
Our Vision for ICT Information and Communication Technology (ICT) contributes to the school curriculum by preparing all young people to participate in a rapidly changing society in which work and other forms of activity are increasingly dependent on ICT. The subject develops pupils; information skills, including the ability to use information sources and ICT tools to help them find, explore, develop, analyse, exchange and present information and to support their problem solving, investigative and expressive work. An essential part of ICT capability is being discriminating about information and the ways, in which it may be used, and making informed judgments about when and how to apply aspects of ICT to achieve maximum benefit. Pupils also develop understanding of the implications of ICT for working life and society. The use of ICT significantly enhances teaching and learning in other subjects by enabling rapid access to knowledge, information and experiences from a wide range of sources. The use of ICT throughout the curriculum encourages critical thinking, imagination and creativity, problem solving, initiative and independence, teamwork and reflection.
interpret the term 'information communication technology' to include the use of any equipment which allows users to communicate or manipulate information (in the broadest sense of the word) electronically."
The school will filter and limit access to social networking sites in languages other than English). Pupils and parents will be advised that the use of social network spaces outside school brings a range of dangers for primary aged pupils. Pupils will be advised never to give out personal details of any kind which may identify them, their friends or their location. Pupils will be advised to use nicknames and avatars when using social networking sites.
8. Managing filtering
The school will work with Bradford Council and Datacable to ensure systems to protect pupils are consistently reviewed and updated. If staff or pupils come across unsuitable online materials, the site must be reported to the e-Safety Coordinator and the ICT team. The ICT team is able to block inappropriate websites using Smoothwall web filtering. The ICT team will ensure that regular checks are made to ensure that the filtering methods selected are appropriate, effective and reasonable. The ICT Development Manager in partnership with the e-Safety Coordinator will monitor staff and pupil access to the Internet using Policy Central Forensic Software. Violations will be reported to the e-safety officer in the first instance and subsequently to the ICT team and Principal.
10. Copyright
All software loaded on school computer systems must have been agreed with the ICT Development Manager. The school will ensure that the use of internet derived materials by staff and pupils complies with copyright law.
Images and resources published electronically out of school, on blogs, websites, social networking sites must be obtained from copy-free sites or comply with the terms of the license under which the materials were issued.
The e-Safety policy has been written by a team with a wide range of experience and will be reviewed on a termly basis.
It has been agreed by the leadership team and approved by Governors. Reviewed: September 2012 by Kate Thompson, Matthew Langley and Christopher Mayoh in collaboration with the leadership team, governors, Datacable, and Bradford Council. Reviewed: Week beginning February 11th, 2013 To be revised: Week beginning June 10th, 2013