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Proceedings of the ICEECE

December 22-24, Dhaka, Bangladesh

An Improved ACS Algorithm for the Solutions of

Larger TSP Problems
Md. Rakib Hassan, Md. Kamrul Hasan and M.M.A Hashem
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology,
Khulna-9203, Bangladesh


Solving large traveling salesman problem (TSP) in an efficient way is a challenging area for the researchers of computer science.
This paper presents a modified version of the ant colony system (ACS) algorithm called Red-Black Ant Colony System (RB-ACS) for the
solutions of TSP which is the most prominent member of the combinatorial optimization problem. RB-ACS uses the concept of ant colony
system together with the parallel search of genetic algorithm for obtaining the optimal solutions quickly. In this paper, it is shown that the
proposed RB-ACS algorithm yields significantly better performance than the existing best-known algorithms.


To experiment with the modified ant colony system, In ACS [3], a number of artificial ants are used which are
traveling salesman problem (TSP) [1], [2] is chosen initially placed randomly in the cities. Each ant builds a
because it exhibits all the aspects of combinatorial tour, that is, a feasible solution to the TSP by repeatedly
optimization problems and serves as the benchmark applying a stochastic greedy rule which is called here the
problem for evolutionary methods, neural networks, genetic state transition rule [3], [4]. The state transition rule
algorithm, simulated annealing, greedy algorithm and the provides a direct way to balance between exploration of
well-known ant colony system (ACS) [3]-[6]. In TSP, a new edges and exploitation of the accumulated knowledge
number of cities are given which are connected with each about the problem. When an ant is positioned on city r, then
other by edges. The connecting edges have some finite it chooses the next city s by applying the following state
distances. A salesman starts his tour from any city and after transition rule:
traveling each city only once, he returns to the starting city
again. Solution of this problem helps the salesman by
finding the shortest tour of visiting each city exactly once. ⎧⎪arg max {[τ ( r , u ) ] ⋅ [η ( r , u ) ]}β if q ≤ q 0 ( exploitati on)
s=⎨ u∈ J k ( r ) (1)
The existing algorithms for solving the traveling salesman ⎪⎩ S otherwise (biased exploratio n )
problem are not efficient enough. When the number of
cities increases, the time or space required solving the Here, q is a random number uniformly distributed in [0 ..
problem increases exponentially. The ant colony system 1], q0 is a parameter (0≤q0≤1), β is the parameter that
algorithm solves the problem in a reasonable time and determines the relative importance between pheromone and
produces optimal solutions. But when the dimension of the
problem increases, it is time-consuming to produce the
( )
distance, τ r, u is the amount of pheromone between the
result and the result is not often optimal. So, a modification nodes r and u, η=1/ δ is the inverse of the distance δ(r,s),
was required for solving large traveling salesman problems. J k (r) is the set of cities yet to be visited by ant k
The purpose of the modification or improvement is to solve positioned on city r. S is a random variable selected
the problem in a short time and at the same time, the result according to the probability distribution [3], [4] given as
is needed to be optimized. This problem inspired us for a follows:
new algorithm by improving the ant colony system.
⎧ [τ (r , s )]⋅ [η (r , s )]β
⎪⎪ if s ∈ J k (r )
p k (r , s ) = ⎨ ∑ [τ (r , u )]⋅ [η (r , u )]
In this algorithm, two groups of artificial ants are used (2)
which cooperate with other ants to find the solution of a ⎪ u∈ J K ( r )
given problem by exchanging information via pheromone ⎩⎪0 otherwise
deposited on graph edges [3]. Pheromone is a chemical
which is deposited on the ground by ants while walking. This state transition rule is used for the transitions towards
Ants prefer the paths where more pheromone is deposited. nodes connected by short edges and with a large amount of
This new modification of the ACS is experimented using pheromone. The parameter q0 determines the relative
some of the benchmark problems of the traveling salesman importance of exploitation versus exploration and n is the
problem and it is observed that the proposed RB-ACS yields number of cities of the traveling salesman problem.
better results than other well-known algorithms.
Proceedings of the ICEECE December 22-24, Dhaka, Bangladesh

While constructing a tour, an ant also modifies the amount C

of pheromone on the visited edges by applying the local τ init = (6)
updating rule [4]. The local updating rule is defined using cos t (r , s )
the Eqn. (3):
Here, C is a constant and cost(r, s) is the distance
τ ( r , s ) = (1 − ρ ) ⋅ τ ( r , s ) + ρ ⋅ Δ ρ ( r , s ) (3) between the nodes r and s.

Here, 0< ρ<1 is the local pheromone decay parameter. The

effect of local-updating is to make the desirability of edges
change dynamically. Every time an ant uses an edge, it
becomes slightly less desirable because it loses some of its
pheromone making them less desirable for future ants and
allowing for the search of new, possibly better tours in the
neighborhood of the previous best tour.

Once all ants have terminated their tour, the amount of

pheromone on edges is modified again by applying the a). Distance between b). Initial pheromone
global updating rule [4]. But only the globally best ant, cities after applying Eqn. (6)
constructing the shortest tour, is allowed to deposit
pheromone. This is done due to make the search more
directed. The pheromone level is updated by applying the Fig. 1: Application of Eqn. (6) considering C=100
global updating rule of Eqn. (4):

τ (r, s) = (1−α) ⋅τ (r, s) +α ⋅ Δτ (r, s) (4)

⎧⎪ (L ) −1
if ( r , s ) ∈ global − best − tour
where Δ τ (r , s ) = ⎨ gb (5 )
⎪⎩ 0 otherwise

Here, 0< α<1 is the global pheromone decay parameter [4]

and Lgb is the length of the globally best tour from the
beginning of the trial.


This paper presents an improvement of the ant colony

system for solving large traveling salesman problems. The
modified approach is named as Red-Black Ant Colony
System. The RB- ACS is compared with the ant colony
system [3]-[6], ant colony optimization with multiple ant Fig. 2: The local tour of the proposed RB-ACS
clans (ACOMAC) [7], multiple nearest neighbor (NN) [7] where the black path: 3->1->6->2->4->5->3
and dual nearest neighbor (DNN) [7] to ACS and with the and the red path: 2->1->4->3->6->5->2
ii. Separate local paths: In ACS, only one group of
3.1 The Modifications to the Ant Colony System ants is used to search and the ants may use the
path of the other ants. Thus, the search is not
Although the proposed RB-ACS uses the basic concept of fast enough for large TSP problems and the
the ant colony system, it has some major modifications. The search process may get stuck in the local
changes that are made to the ACS are as follows: minima. So, instead of using one group, the
proposed approach uses two groups of ants,
i. Pheromone Initialization: In RB-ACS, the initial namely the black group and the other is red
pheromone of the edges is set according to the group. These two groups search in parallel. They
Eqn. (6). So, the edges which have higher cost, do not follow the path of the other group. Only the
obtain lower pheromone making the desirability ants in the same group may use the same path.
of that edge to decrease whereas in ACS the As a result, the possibility of getting stuck in
initial pheromone is constant. This modification local minima is significantly decreased. Fig. 2
helps the proposed algorithm to search the shows that the red and black ants use separate
solution in a more directed manner. paths for solution.
Proceedings of the ICEECE December 22-24, Dhaka, Bangladesh

iii. Different parameter values: In the proposed RB- Step 3: For each group of ants do
ACS, the two groups have separate compute the best paths of each group
characteristics. They use separate parameter Update the paths
values, especially in the case of local updating Step 4: If (End_condition = True) then
rule. This idea is taken from the behavior of real Print shortest path
ants. There are different groups of ants each of else
which has different characteristics. The goto Step 2
characteristics that may differ are in the
ejaculation of pheromone, evaporation of 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
pheromone, the walking speed of the ants. So,
the proposed RB-ACS uses separate values for The proposed RB-ACS has been verified using different
the parameters in local updating and pheromone TSP benchmark problems which were obtained in the
evaporation. TSPLIB [9]. The TSPLIB contains sample problems on
iv. Global updating: When all the ants have made symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesman problem.
their tours, then global updating rule of Eqn. (4)
is applied. In ACS, only the best ant [4] is The proposed algorithm was run on three problems: Eil51,
allowed to deposit pheromone on its path. But in Eil76 and Kroa100. And the results were averaged over 30
the proposed approach of this thesis, two best trials. These results are compared with the ant colony
ants from each group are allowed to deposit system (ACS), ant colony optimization with multiple ant
pheromone. This makes the global updating clans (ACOMAC) [7] using nearest neighbor (NN)
parallel. As a result, the probability of obtaining heuristic and dual nearest neighbor (DNN) heuristic.
the optimal solutions increases significantly.
The following figures show the comparison with RB-ACS,
These changes to the ant colony system make the RB-ACS ACS+DNN and ACOMAC+DNN [7]. According to the
to search in a more diversified manner and obtain the simulation results, it is observed that the proposed
optimal or nearly optimal solutions quickly. modification yields desired results in a small number of
3.2. Parameter Settings of the Proposed RB-ACS
Fig. 3 shows the result using the Eil51 problem with 51
The parameters [2] considered here are: cities of the TSPLIB. It is observed from the figure that the
ƒ α: pheromone decay parameter [4], 0< α<1 proposed RB-ACS is more convergent than other
ƒ β: relative importance of pheromone versus distance approaches. For Eil51 problem, the optimum length is 426.
The RB-ACS yields this optimum solution in a small
parameter [4], β>0
number of iterations and the average length of the problem
ƒ ρ: trail persistence, 0≤ρ<1 (1-ρ can be interpreted as
is 427.5 using this algorithm which is better than other
trail evaporation [2]);
ƒ m: the number of ants, m=20
ƒ C: a constant related to the initial pheromone
The optimum tour length of Eil76 problem is 538. The
average length of the problem produced by the RB-ACS is
q0=0.9, C=100, τ 0 = (n.Lnn ) −1
, where Lnn is the tour 549.333 which is shown in Fig. 4.
length produced by the nearest neighbor heuristic [12] and n
is the number of cities. These values were obtained by a Fig. 5 shows the result of the problem Kroa100 of 100
preliminary optimization phase [3]-[5], in which it is found cities and Table 1 shows the comparison of the RB-ACS
that the experimental optimal values of the parameters were with ACS (Including ACS+DNN) and ACOMAC
largely independent of the problem, except for τ 0 [4] for
(Including ACOMAC+DNN) using three different TSP
benchmark problems. The tour length given in this table is
where τ 0 = ( n.L nn ) −1 . of average length.

3.3 RB-ACS Algorithm It is observed from the figures that all the results produced
by the proposed approach are better than the other
Step 1: Initialize pheromone and place the ants of each algorithms. The figures are shown on the next page.
group randomly in each city
Step 2: For each city do
For each ant of the two groups do
Choose the next city according to the state
transition rule
if(every city is visited) then
place the ants in their starting cities
Update the visited edges using local updating
Proceedings of the ICEECE December 22-24, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Average length 435 ACS

1 501 1001 1501 2001 2501 3001


Fig. 3: Comparison of the proposed RB-ACS with ACS+DNN and

ACOMAC+DNN using Eil51 benchmark problem with 51 cities

575 RB-ACS
570 ACS
Average length

565 ACS+NN
1 501 1001 1501 2001 2501 3001


Fig. 4: Comparison of the proposed RB-ACS with ACS+DNN and ACOMAC+DNN

using Eil76 benchmark problem with 76 cities

24300 RB-ACS
23800 ACS
Average length

23300 ACOMAC
22800 ACS+NN
22300 ACS+DNN
1 451 901 1351 1801 2251 2701


Fig. 5: Comparison of the proposed RB-ACS with ACS (include ACS+NN

and ACS+DNN) and ACOMAC (include ACOMAC+NN and ACOMAC+DNN)
using Kroa100 benchmark problem with 100 cities
Proceedings of the ICEECE December 22-24, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Table 1: Comparison of RB-ACS with ACS (Including ACS+DNN) and ACOMAC (Including ACOMAC+DNN) [6] using
four different TSP benchmark problems
Benchmark ACOMAC
Eil51 (426) 434.178 430.684 430.6656 430.0076 427.5

Eil76 (538) 559.7041 555.230 557.772 552.6128 549.333

Kroa100 (21282) 21684.64 21457.93 21440.0923 21408.23 21389.235

It is observed that the RB-ACS provides a significant Evolutionary Computation, IEEE-EC 96, IEEE
improvement for obtaining a global optimum solution or Press, pp. 622–627, 1996.
near global optimum solution in a very short number of [7]. C. F. Tsai, C.W. Tsai and C.C. Tseng, “A new
iterations. approach for solving large traveling salesman
problem,” IEEE World Congress on Computational
5. CONCLUDING REMARKS Intelligence, [CD-ROM], 2002.
[8]. H. K. Tsai, J. M. Yang and C. Y. Kao, “Solving
The proposed Red-Black Ant Colony System presented in Traveling Salesman Problems by Combining Global
this paper is shown to produce better results for the solution and Local Search Mechanisms,” IEEE World
of larger traveling salesman problems. We believe and hope Congress on Computational Intelligence, [CD-
that our approach would be a very promising one because ROM], 2002.
of its generality and because of its effectiveness in finding [9]. TSPLIB: http://www.iwr.uniheidelberg.de/iwr/
very good solutions efficiently to various fields of difficult comopt/soft/TSPLIB95/TSPLIB.html.
problems. The fields of interest may be the difficult
combinatorial problems such as load balancing problem in
telecommunications networks, multiple-fuel economic load
dispatch problem, binary constraint-satisfaction problem,
random number generation, data mining, pattern
recognition, job scheduling problem and much more.
Actually, the RB-ACS is a promising approach which can
be a valuable topic for the researchers from different fields,
e.g., artificial intelligence, biology, mathematics operations
research since it can greatly improve the performance for
finding good solutions, especially for high-dimensional


[1]. E.L. Lawler, J.K. Lenstra, A.H.G. Rinnooy-Kan and

D.B. Shmoys, “The Travelling Salesman Problem,”
New York:Wiley, 1985.
[2]. J.L. Bentley, “Fast algorithms for geometric traveling
salesman problems,” ORSA Journal on Computing,
Vol. 4, pp. 387–411, 1992.
[3]. M. Dorigo and L.M. Gambardella, “Ant Colony
System: A Cooperative Learning Approach to the
Traveling Salesman Problem,” IEEE Transactions on
Evolutionary Computation, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 53-66,
[4]. M. Dorigo, V. Maniezzo and A.Colorni, “The ant
system: Optimization by a colony of cooperating
agents,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics–Part B, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 1-13, 1996.
[5]. T. Stützle and H. Hoos, “The ant system and local
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Proceedings of ICEC'97 - 1997 IEEE 4th
International Conference on Evolutionary
Computation, IEEE Press, 1997.
[6]. L.M. Gambardella and M. Dorigo, “Solving
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Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on

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