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An agreement made at New Delhi on this 16th day of January, 2012, Between SMT. CHAMAN KALI, PGT HISTORY (hereinafter called the retired Govt. Servant, which expression shall include her heirs, executors, Administrators and legal representative) on the one part and the President of India (hereinafter called the Government) on the other part. Whereas the Government has appointed SMT. CHAMANKALI, PGT HISTORY, a retired Govt. Servant in the Post of PGT HISTORY which carried a Scale of Rs.9300/- to Rs.34,800/Contd.2/-.

-2Whereas in accordance with the orders contained in the ministry of Finance, Office Memorandum No.9(34) Estt. III/57, dated the 25 th Nov., 1958, as modified up date the Initial pay or re-employment plus the gross amount of pension and/or the pension equivalent of other forms of retirement benefits shall not exceed (I) the pay the drawn before her retirement or (II) Rs._________________________________which ever is less. Whereas the pension and /or the pension equivalent of retirement benefits in respect of the retired Govt. servants previous services has not been finally determined and sanctioned by the Competent Authority before her reemployment. Whereas the approximate amount of pension equivalent gratuity/pension equivalent of employers contributory provident fund receivable by the retired Govt. Servant has been worked out to be Rs.___________________Per Month. Whereas the retired Govt. Servant is desirous of receiving pay in the reemployment post each month inclusive of the amount of pension due to her for the relevant period but exclusive of a sum of Rs._________________ representing the approximate amount of pension equivalent of employers contribution to C.P.F. Now, therefore the Government have agreed to fix her pay at a sum of Rs.__________________per month, provision allys which sum shall the amount of pension due to her for the relevant period but exclude an approximate amount of pension equivalent of employers contribution to C.P.F. on the condition that. The provisional pay shall be subject to adjustment on the fixation of her final pay in accordance with the orders referred to above, when the pension equivalent of other forms of retirement benefits in respect of her previous service are sanctioned to the retired Government servant by the Competent Authority. Contd.3/-.

-3The retired Govt. Servant shall not have any further for the pension in respect of the period during which she had draw the amount thereof included in the provisional pay. And further that the actual pension equivalent of gratuity/pension equivalent of employers contribution to C.P.F. shall be subject to adjustment from the gratuity/C.P.F. when the sanctioned, to the extent it is different from the approximate amount included from the pay in the re-employed post top arrive at the provisional pay. In witness whereof the retired Government Servant has hereunto set his hand the day and year first before written. Signed by the said________________________in present of_______________



REMINDER-II To The Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of NCT of Delhi, Delhi Sachivalaya, I.P. Estate, New Delhi. (THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL) Sub : Grant of PCA to Steno. Gr.-II posted in MAMC. Respected Sir, Respectfully submitted that I have been working as stenographer GradeII in Maulana Azad Medical College since 14.6.2011 & given an request to your honor dated 05.12.2011 & subsequent reminder dated 29.2.2012 (copies enclosed) which is self explanatory on the subject cited above. Through this request, I humbly request your goodself to kindly consider the request for grant of PCA to the stenographer Grade-II posted in MAMC similar to the counter parts posted in associated hospitals. But till date, no direction has been received so far in the matter. Sir, you are once again requested to kindly consider the matter and issue necessary directions to the MAMC authorities accordingly. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (M.M. Sourot) Stenographer (Grade-II) Maulana Azad Medical College, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI.

Dated : 04.09.2012 Encl : As above (7 Nos.)

OLD BOYS HOSTEL, ROOM NO.12, MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE, GOVT OF NCT OF DELHI. No.F.105/OBH/2012 NOTICE NO.02/2012 Sub : Shifting Rooms Triple seater to Single seater. All those residents of OBH, who are staying in Triple seater and desirous of shifting to triple seater to single seater. They can gives their option to addess to undersigned on plain paper within three days from the date of issue notice. The information of rooms be submitted as under : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name Batch Year Room No. Date of entry in OBH. Address & Mobile No. (DR. SURINDER SINGH) DIRECTOR PROFESSOR OLD BOYS HOSTEL. Dated :

To The Registrar (Firm & Society), Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi, 410, FIE Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-110092. Sub : Registration of our registered society FRAHI EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY at All India Level basis. Sir, Our society in the name of Frahi Public Educational Society is registered with your office under Delhi Firm & Society Registration Act, 1860 vide Registration No.S/45446 of 2003 for carrying out its activities at State level as per approved regulations. Now, we had passed resolution dated 1.8.2011 to extend the social, educational and welfare activities on All India basis and increased its membership from 11 to 16. The newly enrolled members belongs to different states. The formalities as per check list has been completed and photocopy of relevant documents including resolution passed are enclosed herewith. We have also maintained Society Register required as per check list. You are requested to approve the registration of our society at All India Level basis. Yours faithfully,

Encl : As above. Dated :


DETAILS OF DOCUMENT PREPARED/SUBMITTED ALONGWITH THE APPLICATION AS PER CHECK LIST : 1. Memberships Register 2. Valid proceedings (notice duly received by all the Members and minutes signed by the quorum ) for Addition and deletion of members over the years and for holding elections as per the rules of your society, over the years. 3. No dispute affidavit by the Presidents and Secretary of the Society. 4. Up-to-date annual list of governing body (year-wise) In terms of section 4 of the Act. 5. Comparative statement of amendments i.e. existing and proposed. 6. Two complete sets of amended MOA/RR duly signed by members. 7. Valid proceedings (notice duly received by all the Members and the minutes signed by quorum) for Governing body meeting vide which the resolution for amendments to the existing provisions was recommended. 8. Valid proceedings (notice duly received by all the members and the minutes singed by the quorum) for Special meeting of General body in which the resolution for amendment was adopted/considered. 9. Valid proceedings (notice duly received by all the members and the minutes signed by the quorum) for Second Special meeting of General body in which the resolution for amendment was confirmed by 3/5th of the members present. 10.No objection certificate with ownership proof (in case of Change of address). To The Medical Superintendent, Maintained. Attached.

Attached. Attached. Attached. Attached.





Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi. Sub : Request for to open an Juice stall near the Emergency. Madam, I am humbly request you to allow me to open a Juice stall near the emergency of the hospital as there is no stall of juice nearby which is most useful to the patient. I am ready to pay the necessary charges for the same on the hospital terms & conditions. I am also running an Fresh fruit Juice shop at 24 H Taneja Block for the last 10 years. All are satisfied with my services & no one complaint against me. Kindly consider my request sympathetically & allow me for the same. Thanking you, Yours faithfully,

Dated : 08.02.2012 9873760070

(Saneef Ahmed) R/o 24 H Taneja Block MAMC, New Delhi. Mobile :

To, The Dean Maulana Azad Medical College New Delhi-110002

Subject :

Joining Report

Respected Sir, Because of my illness w.e.f. 08.02.2012 to 21.02.2012 and sudden demise of my younger brother on 08.02.2012. I could not attend my duties from 08.02.2012 to 21.02.2012. It is therefore requested that I may kindly be granted Commuted Medical Leave for the above referred period. Medical Leave cum Fitness Certificate is enclosed herewith.

Yours faithfully,

Encl : As above (AMAR SINGH) A.O (Admn.) Date : 22.02.2012

To, The A.O (Estate) Maulana Azad Medical College New Delhi Sub : Joining Report Respected Sir,

In pursuance of Office Order No. F 9(45)/11/MC/E-I/Vol-III/4237 dated 10.3.2012, I hereby report for duty today on 10.3.2012 (A/N).

Yours faithfully, Dated : 12.3.2012 (M.M. SOUROT) Stenographer,GrII

To, The Accounts Officer, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi Sir, The undersigned is working as Administrative Officer in MAMC & going to retire on 30.4.12 on superannuation. My GPF No. is DLG/2437. You are requested to process my case for final payment of GPF. The photo copy of GPF Statement for the Financial Year 20102011 is enclosed herewith alongwith my GPF Pass Book in 4 volume with their photocopy sets in duplicate. The photocopy of the Retirement order & Vigilance clearance are also enclosed. Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


GOVERNMENT OF N.C.T. OF DELHI MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE (ESTATE CELL) 2, BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI-2. No.F.1/Encroachment/MAMC/EC/2012/ To The Dy. Commissoner (Central), Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Old Employment Building Daryaganj, New Delhi. Sub : Request for demarcation of land owned by MAMC. Sir, As desired by you to identified and inform you about the Jhuggies cluster situated on the land of MAMC. The land of MAMC is scuttled and some part is owned by Masjid, School, Kabristan etc. The Estate Branch of MAMC is also not having any certified map of land owned by MAMC. I therefore request you to provide duly certified map and depute the concerned officer to demark the actual land owned by MAMC as the department has to bear approximately Rs.93,000/- per Jhuggi for removing the same. The work has to be done on Priority Basis as the Urban Development department is also pressing hard to submit the certificate under Section 4(b) and Item No. 4(d) (iv) duly certified by the undersigned for conducting the joint survey. Yours faithfully, (A.K. AGARWAL) DEAN, MAMC Dated:

Copy for information to : 1. 2. 3. The Dy. Director (Rehab.)-V, Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board, GNCT of Delhi, Rehabilitation Branch, H-Block, Vikas Kuteer, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 for information. Sh. S.N. Bharwaj, Nodal Officer, MAMC. PA to Dean, MAMC.

GOVERNMENT OF N.C.T. OF DELHI MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE (ESTATE CELL) 2, BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI-2. No.F.1/Encroachment/MAMC/EC/2012/ ORDER As approved by the competent authority, Sh. S.N. Bhardwaj, Security Officer is declared as Nodal Officer for the purpose of Removal of Jhuggies from the land of MAMC. The following two teams are also constituted permanently for conducting the survey and providing information required by the DUSIB and D.C.(Central) office as per their requirement : Team No.1 1. 2. 3. Sh. S.N. Bhardwaj, Security Officer. Sh. Arun Kumar, LDC Sh. Chiranjeev Rao, Chowkidar. Team No.2 1. 2. 3. Sh. Laxman Dass Kashyap, PRO/SW. Sh. Anivesh, LDC Sh. Ramdhan, Chowkidar. (M.K. DAS) ADMN. OFFICER(ESTATE) No.F.1/Encroachment/MAMC/EC/2012/ Copy for information and necessary action to : Dated: Dated:

1. The Admn. Officer (E-I/E-II Branch), MAM Collge, N.Delhi 2. PA to Dean, MAM Collge, New Delhi. 3. Official concerned for compliance. (M.K. DAS) ADMN. OFFICER(ESTATE)

GOVERNMENT OF N.C.T. OF DELHI MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE (ESTATE CELL) 2, BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI-2. No.F.1/Encroachment/MAMC/EC/2012/ To The Principal Secretary (UD), Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Department of Urban Development, 9th Level : C Wing, Delhi Secretariat, New Delhi. Sub : Request for demarcation of land owned by MAMC. Sir, The Dy. Director (Rehab.), Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board vide Letter No.D-DD (Rehab.)/DUSIB/2012/D-63 dated 16.01.2012 and its reminder dated 16.2.2012(copy enclosed) has requested for submitting certificate under Section 4(b) of NCTD Laws (Special Provision) Act, 2011 and Item No. 4(d) (iv) of modified policy guidelines issued by your department for removal of Jhuggies from the land near Maulana Azad Medical College. The land of MAMC is scuttled and some part is owned by Masjid, School, Kabristan etc. The Estate Branch of MAMC is also not having any certified map of land owned by MAMC. I therefore request you to kindly provide duly certified map of the land owned by MAMC as the department has to bear approximately Rs.93,000/per Jhuggi for removing the same. The work has to be done on Priority Basis to submit the certificate under Section 4(b) and Item No. 4(d) (iv) duly certified by the undersigned for conducting the joint survey. Dated:

Yours faithfully, (A.K. AGARWAL) DEAN, MAMC Copy for information to : 1. 2. 3. The Dy. Director (Rehab.)-V, Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board, GNCT of Delhi, Rehabilitation Branch, H-Block, Vikas Kuteer, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 for information. Sh. S.N. Bhardwaj, Nodal Officer, MAMC. PA to Dean, MAMC. GOVERNMENT OF N.C.T. OF DELHI MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE (ESTATE CELL) 2, BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI-2. No.F.1/Encroachment/MAMC/EC/2012/ To The Additional Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Public Works Development, 5th Level : B Wing, Delhi Secretariat, New Delhi. Sub : Request for demarcation of land owned by MAMC. Sir, The Dy. Director (Rehab.), Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board vide Letter No.D-DD (Rehab.)/DUSIB/2012/D-63 dated 16.01.2012 and its reminder dated 16.2.2012(copy enclosed) has requested for submitting certificate under Section 4(b) of NCTD Laws (Special Provision) Act, 2011 and Item No. 4(d) (iv) of modified policy guidelines issued by your department for removal of Jhuggies from the land near Maulana Azad Medical College. The land of MAMC is scuttled and some part is owned by Masjid, School, Kabristan etc. The Estate Branch of MAMC is also not having any certified map of land owned by MAMC. I therefore request you to kindly provide duly certified map of the land owned by MAMC as the department has to bear approximately Rs.93,000/per Jhuggi for removing the same. The work has to be done on Priority Dated:

Basis to submit the certificate under Section 4(b) and Item No. 4(d) (iv) duly certified by the undersigned for conducting the joint survey. Yours faithfully, (A.K. AGARWAL) DEAN, MAMC Copy for information to : 1. 2. 3. The Dy. Director (Rehab.)-V, Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board, GNCT of Delhi, Rehabilitation Branch, H-Block, Vikas Kuteer, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 for information. Sh. S.N. Bhardwaj, Nodal Officer, MAMC. PA to Dean, MAMC. GOVERNMENT OF N.C.T. OF DELHI MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE (ESTATE CELL) 2, BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI-2. Dated:

No.F.1/Encroachment/MAMC/EC/2012/ To The Dy. Commissioner, MCD City Zone, New Delhi-110002.

Sub : Request for demarcation of land owned by MAMC. Sir, The Dy. Director (Rehab.), Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board vide Letter No.D-DD (Rehab.)/DUSIB/2012/D-63 dated 16.01.2012 and its reminder dated 16.2.2012(copy enclosed) has requested for submitting certificate under Section 4(b) of NCTD Laws (Special Provision) Act, 2011 and Item No. 4(d) (iv) of modified policy guidelines issued by your department for removal of Jhuggies from the land near Maulana Azad Medical College. The land of MAMC is scuttled and owned some part is owned by Masjid, School, Kabristan etc. The Estate Branch of MAMC is also not having any certified map of land owned by MAMC.

I therefore request you to kindly provide duly certified map of the land owned by MAMC as the department has to bear approximately Rs.93,000/per Jhuggi for removing the same. The work has to be done on Priority Basis to submit the certificate under Section 4(b) and Item No. 4(d) (iv) duly certified by the undersigned for conducting the joint survey. Yours faithfully, (A.K. AGARWAL) DEAN, MAMC Copy for information to : 1. 2. 3. The Dy. Director (Rehab.)-V, Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board, GNCT of Delhi, Rehabilitation Branch, H-Block, Vikas Kuteer, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 for information. Sh. S.N. Bhardwaj, Nodal Officer, MAMC. PA to Dean, MAMC.

To, The Administrative Officer (E-I), Maulana Azad Medical College, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. Sub : Filing of Pension papers. Sir, Please find enclosed herewith pension papers duly filled in triplicate on account of my retirement on superannuation on 30.4.2012. You are requested to process my case and ensured that the all my retirement benefits are paid well before 30.4.2012. Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Encl : As above.


To, The Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. Sub : Issue of Health Card to pensioner. Sir, Respectfully it is submitted that the undersigned is going to retire from government service on superannuation on 30.4.2012. To avail medical facility after retirement, I want to avail DGHS Medical Facility. I may kindly be intimated the amount to be deposited in Government Treasury and also issue me Medical application form (for pensioner). Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


To, The Admn. Officer (Admn.)/H.O.O. Maulana Azad Medical College, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. Sir, I intend to avail LTC (Home Town) for the Block Year 2010-11 (Extended upto 31.12.2012) for Sri Nagar (J&K) tentatively during the period 27.05.12 to 31.5.12 subject to availability of ticket. Accordingly LTC advance performa is enclosed herewith for further necessary action. Thanking you,

Yours faithfully, Dated : 13.4.2012 (M.M. Sourot) Steno. Gr.II

To, The Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. Sub : Intimation regarding participation in Trust. Sir, The undersigned is working as Associate Professor in department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, MAMC/LNJP Hospital. I hail from rural background of western U.P. where the people get irreparable physical loss due to non availability and non affordable medical aid. Therefore, I, with the other citizens of my native place with mutual consent, have decided to start a charitable trust whose main purpose will be to provide latest medical facility to the community. The trust will function at no profit no loss basis and shall perform all the mandatory guidelines of the Govt. of India. It shall be got registered with the Competent Authority of U.P. Government after completing all the codal formalities as the proposed trust is to be set up in my native District Saharanpur. As stated above, my participation in the proposed trust shall not carry any office profit to me and it will be strictly in accordance with the conduct rules. In Government guidelines, specific emphasis have been given to serve the underprivileged remote and deprived section of the society and my efforts through this trust will just be a step in the same direction. In this connection, it is further added that I may happen to visit my native place frequently in connection with the trust matter that too not on the cost of my office work. Mostly I shall visit to my native place either on holidays, vacations and week ends after my office hours on frequent basis. Please keep the same on record. This of for your kind information and necessary action please. Yours faithfully, Dated : 19.4.2012 (Dr. Renu Tanwar) Associate Professor, Department of Obstt. & Gyne. MAMC, N. Delhi.

Sh. Amar Singh, A.O.(Admn.)/Head of Office.


To whomsoever it may concern

This is to certify that full name of SHUNILA KUMAR, the holder of PAN-ADXPK 0187C, is SHUNILA V. KUMAR. She is D/o Late Hidayat Shahadat Masih and W/o Mr. Shunil Anand Kumar.


To, The Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. Sub : Grant of permission & Issue of DGEHS Card to avail medical facility on post retirement. Sir, With reference to the subject cited above, as advised by Account Branch, I have deposited Rs.39,000/- on account of Govt. fee to avail medical facility after my retirement on 30.4.2012 vide TR-5 Receipt No.dated . I am also enclosing herewith application form in triplicate for issuance of DGEHS Card as retired officer. Further, it is submitted that I am surviving on dialysis because of C.K.D. failure and have to go under dialysis for 03 times a week. It will not be possible for me due to my ill health & other problems to go for dialysis from L.N. Hospital to undergo dialysis. The L.N. Hospital has also advise me to go for dialysis from any Hospital on DGEHS panel near my residence. Rockland hospital is the nearest to my residence and at the moment also with due permission of HOD, I am still undergoing dialysis from Rockland Hospital. Similar permission may also be granted to undergo dialysis from Rockland Hospital after my retirement in addition to OPD facility from L.N. Hospital. Thanking you,

Yours faithfully, Dated : 26.04.2012 Encl : As above. ( AMAR SINGH) ADMINSTATIVE OFFICER(ADMN.)

To, The Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. Sub : Utilization of my services after retirement. Sir, The undersigned after serving Govt. of Delhi in different capacity is going to retire on 30.04.2012. With the grace of God & your kind blessing I had very clean and spotless career. Deans office is very sensitive and also very prestigious office which requires special attention for timely disposal of various matters involving Administration, Accounts, Academic, Security, Student welfare, Examination etc. etc. At present, no officer is attached to Dean in that capacity to co-ordinate all such assignment. Being HOD of a prestigious Medical College, one officer as OSD/PRO is required to be posted in order to help Dean in addition to his personal staff. It is therefore, requested that, if you consider myself to be a suitable candidate for the above post, it shall be my pleasure to assist you in that capacity if, I am given a chance. Thanking you,

Yours faithfully, Dated : 27.04.2012 ( AMAR SINGH) ADMINSTATIVE OFFICER(ADMN.)

To The Asstt. Engineer (Electrical), PWD, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. MAMC Campus, New Delhi-110002. Sub : Providing of Power Backup for Academic Branch. Sir, As you know as per direction of Supreme Court, a P.G. Counseling is going on in the office of Registrar, MAMC but they had complaint that there is frequent power failure due to which it is very difficult to continue the online admission process. You are requested to provide heavy UPS System along with Generator power backup for Registrar office within 24 hours under intimation to this office. Yours faithfully,

(M.K. DAS) ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER(ESTATE) Copy for information to : 1. 2. 3. The Registrar (Academy), MAMC, New Delhi. The Executive Engineer, PWD, MAMC Campus, New Delhi. PA to Dean, MAMC. (M.K. DAS) ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER(ESTATE)

GOVERNMENT OF N.C.T. OF DELHI MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE (ESTATE CELL) 2, BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI-2. No.F.2(Misc.)EC/MC/2012/ OFFICE ORDER In supersession to earlier orders, the link officer amongst the official working in Estate Branch is ordered as under : Name of the official Smt. Neeraj Khattar, Gr.III/UDC Smt. Jasbir Kaur, Steno. Gr.II Sh. M.M. Sourot, Steno. Gr.II Sh. Anivesh, Gr.IV/LDC. Smt. Umesh Malhotra, Steno.Gr.II Link Officer Smt. Jasbir Kaur, Steno. Gr.II Sh. M.M. Sourot, Steno. Gr.II Sh. Anivesh, Gr.IV/LDC. Smt. Umesh Malhotra, Steno.Gr.II Smt. Neeraj Khattar, Gr.III/UDC Dated:

If any of the officer out of above is on leave, that next officer in the chain will be his/her Link Officer.

(M.K. DAS) ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER(ESTATE) All staff member to note for compliance.

GOVERNMENT OF N.C.T. OF DELHI MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE (ESTATE CELL) 2, BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI-2. No.F.1/Mother Dairy/MAMC/EC/2010/ To The Deputy General Manager (Sales & Marketing), Mother Dairy Fruit and Vegetables Private Limited, Fruit & Vegetable Unit, Mangolpuri Industrial Area, Phase-I, Delhi-110092. Sub : Mother Dairys Fruit & Vegetable Safal outlet at Mir Dard Lane Residential Complex. Sir, Reference to your letter dated 1.5.2012 in which you had requested for opening of Fruit & Vegetable Booth of Mother Dairy in the MAMC Campus for the facilities of residents. The Competent Authority is agreed for opening of Fruits & Vegetables Shop of Mother Dairy in the MAMC campus. You are requested to submit the detailed report and required area for opening of the Shop within 15 days from issue of this letter so that the same may be processed by the MAMC. Yours faithfully, Dated:


GOVERNMENT OF N.C.T. OF DELHI MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE (ESTATE CELL) 2, BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI-2. No.F.1/Mother Dairy/MAMC/EC/2010/ To The Asstt. Manager Infrastructure Development, Mother Dairy Fruit and Vegetables Private Limited, A-3, Sector-I, Noida-201 301 (U.P.). Sub : Opening of Mother Dairy Booth in College complex of MAMC. Sir, Reference to letter of Dy. Director (Admn. & Estate) No.F.1/KB/MAMC/EC/2010/8659-61 dated 31.8.10, you was requested to open 02 Mother Dairy Booths in the MAMC campus. After reviewing, the Competent Authority has decided that there is no need of second Mother Dairy Milk Booth in the campus. Hence, proposal of opening of second Milk Booth is now rejected. Yours faithfully, Dated:



Sub : Reference RTI Appeal of Sh. Sanjay Dilore dated 02.05.12. As directed by the Ist Appellate Authority vide Order No.F.30/(284)/ (870)/Ist AA/MAMC/2012-13/38 dated 7.5.12 to the Estate Branch to provide the photocopies of the record after inspection and request is to be made by you. You are requested to inspect the available record with Estate Branch within 5 days from the date of issue of this letter and submit the fee Rs.2/- per page alongwith the request of the documents required by you. However, we have receipt the reply from PRO & R&I In-Charge, MAMC, the same is attached for ready reference.

Encl: As above. Copy to : 1. 2. 3.


Ist Appellate Authority/HOD Forensic Medicine, MAMC, N.Delhi. The SPIO, MAM College, New Delhi. Sh. Sanjay Dilore, 83/96, Type-I, G.B. Pant Hospital, L.N.H. Staff Quarter, New Delhi.


Subject : Annual Increment July, 2013 attendance certificate reg.

It is certified that the following serving employees working in the personal branch of A.O.(E-I/E-II), MAMC alongwith the undersigned are present on first working day of the month of July, 2013 i.e. 01.07.2013 :1. Sh. M.M. Sourot, Gr.II Steno 2. Sh. Rajesh Tiwari, Chowkidar Present Present

(V.K. TYAGI) A.O.(E-I/E-II) Office Supdt.(Estt.-I), MAMC


MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE 2, BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI-2. ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE It is certified that Sh. Rajesh Tiwari, Chowkidar, who is working in the personal branch of Administrative Officer (E-I/E-II) is present on his duty on 06.07.2012 as he was on Earned Leave/Medical Leave w.e.f. 13.06.2012 to 05.07.2012. This certificate is being issued in connection with annual increment due on 02.07.2012.

(V.K. TYAGI) A.O.(E-I/E-II) Office Supdt.(Estt.-I), MAMC

To The Deputy Director (Admn.), Maulana Azad Medical College, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. Sub : Submission of Nomination forms for GPF, Retirement Gratuity/ Death Gratuity, EGIS & Family Pension. Sir, In compliance of office letter No.F.26/01/03/Misc/MC/E-I/20411413 dated 28.12.2012, I am enclosing herewith the nomination forms for GPF, Retirement Gratuity/Death Gratuity, EGIS & Family Pension along with recent passport size photograph for further necessary action please. Form of family details has already been submitted by me on 2001-2012 for office record.

Yours faithfully, Encl : As above. (M.M. Sourot) Steno. Gr-II

To The Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. Sir, With reference to Services-III Order No.F.3(6)/2003/S-III/288-298 dated 18.1.2013, I hereby opt the fixation of pay w.e.f. 23.6.1998. Thanking you, Yours faithfully,

Dated : 15.02.2013 (Ravinder Singh) Sr.P.A.

The Deed of Indemnity is made and executed by Sh./Smt (third Party) (hereinafter called the Indemnifier of the one party in favour of Gurgaon Gramin Bank, as a Bank constituted and functioning under the Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976 with its Head Office situated at 565, Shiv Plaza Railway Road Sector, 4&7 crossing, Gurgaon in Gurgaon Disttt. of Haryana State with branches at various places among others at Gurgaon main herein after called the Bank of the other party. The expressions the Indemnifier and the Bank where the context so ad mists shall mean and include their heirs, legal representatives successors in interest, executors, administrators and assigns. WHEREAS Sh./Smt..........(deceased) was a customer of the bank at its Gurgaon Gramin Bank branch till his death on . WHEREAS the aforesaid Sh./Smt.died interest at testate leaving behind his/herlegal heirs i.e. his/her.. . WHEREAS the aforesaid Sh./Smt..had S.B./Current Account Noin the Bank at its ..Branch. WHEREAS the heirs/legatees of the aforesaid deceased mentioned above have now claimed amounts and through the Bank in the ordinary course insists on formal proof of title of the heirs/legatees, the bank in the in this case has agreed to pay the amount to legatees against their joints discharge / joint discharge / joint stamped discharge, provided the bank is given indemnity as is hereinafter contained in case there shall hereafter be a claim against the bank from any other person or persons whomsoever in respect of the said amount any pertain thereof-2-

-2NOW THEREFORE THE THIS DEED IS EXECUTED AND WITNESSES AS FOLLOWS :1. That in pursuance of the aforesaid agreement and in consideration of the

Bank paying the amount to the aforesaid heirs/legatees of the deceased in the manner stated above the indemnifier hereby agrees with the bank that he/she shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified an and harmless the bank from any claims and demands, made by all actions and proceedings taken against the bank by any persons for persons whomsoever in respect of the said amount or any part thereof also against all expenses costs/losses or damages, which may be incurred or suffered by the Bank in realization thereto. 2. The indemnified and the bank hereby mutually agreed that the liability of the

indemnifier shall not at any time exceed the sum of Rs. . interest. In witness here of the indemnifier have signed this deed on thisday of ..2013.

Sureties : Signatures : Occupation : INDEMNIFIER

To The Assessing Officer (AO), ITO Ward 41( ) Delhi, Dr. Mukherjee Civic Centre, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Delhi-110002. Sub : Regarding additional demand of Rs.2060/- conveyed by Assistant Commissioner, Income Tax (CPC), Post Bag No.2, Bagalore-560100. Sir, I am refer Communication Reference No.CPC/1213/1223995624, Demand Identification No.2013201237018201731T regarding demand of Rs.2060/- raised on account of mismatch of Income Tax paid. It is submitted that while working in the Dy. Commissioner (East) Office, a sum of Rs.500+15=Rs.515/- p.m. were deducted for four month w.e.f. March, 2011 to June, 2011 salary, thereby totaling Rs.2060/-. Thereafter I was transferred to MAMC (my parent employer) who further deducted Rs.700+21=Rs.721/- p.m. (Rs.2163/-) for September, 2011 to November, 2011, Rs.5588+167=5755 for December, 2011, Rs.6370+191=Rs.6561/- for January, 2012 & Rs.6859+207=Rs.7066/- for February, 2012 salary, thereby totaling Rs.21545/- Thus I have paid total tax of Rs.2060+Rs.21545= Rs.23605/- which is evident from FORM-16 issued to me by MAMC. In view of above facts, no outstanding Income Tax is payable on my parts though the payments made by me have been mismatched due to my transfer from one Govt. Department to another Govt. Department, for which I have represented to my previous employer i.e. Deputy Commisioner (East), GNCTD of Delhi on dated 23.08.2013 (copy enclosed). The copy of original FORM-16 alongwith copy of LPC issued by Deputy Commissioner (East) Department upon my transfer to MAMC and representation dated 23.08.2013 are enclosed as a proof of my facts. It is submitted that the demand may be cancelled and notice may be revoked. Yours faithfully, (MADAN MOHAN SOUROT) H.NO.74, MADANGIR VILLAGE NEW DELHI-11062 PAN NO.AQIPS9715J

DATED : 29.08.2013

Copy for information & necessary action please to :Ms. Narmala, Assistant Commissioner, Income Tax (CPC), Post Bag No.2, Electronic City Post Office, Bangalore-560100. (MADAN MOHAN SOUROT)

To The Drawing and Disbursing Officer, Maulana Azad Medical College, 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Delhi-110002. Sub : To file first quarter return (April, 12 to June, 12) for Financial Year 2012-13, Assessment Year 2013-14 in r/o Sh. Madan Mohan Sourot, Steno Gr.-II (PAN NO.AQIPS9715J). Sir, I have received FORM NO.16 for the Financial Year 2012-12, Assessment Year 2013-14 and filed Form ITR-V on 15.7.2013 on the basis of above said form-16 in which details of tax deducted and deposited into central Government accounts shown as given below :
S.No. TDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. TOTAL 0.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 4083.00 4083.00 2466.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 122.00 122.00 74.00 0.00 1545.00 1545.00 1545.00 1545.00 1545.00 1545.00 1545.00 1545.00 4205.00 4205.00 2540.00 23310.00 Surcharge Education Cess Total amount deposited

but Form 26AS -Annual Tax statement under section 203AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 Data updated till 15.7.2013 & 30.08.2013 shows total TDS deposited Rs.18675/instead of Rs.23310/-. On examining the above Form-16 & 26AS, revealed that the TDS deducted during the Ist quarter (april, 12 to June, 12) Rs.1500+45=1545 P.M thereby totaling Rs.4635/- does not deposited through Ist quarter return till date (marked at Sr.No.2 to 4 in Form-16) in my PAN NO.AQIPS9715J account. (copy of Form-16 & Form 26AS are enclosed). In view of above facts, I am to request you to kindly look into the matter & filed the Ist quarter return for Financial Year 2012-12, Assessment Year 2013-14 in my case so that the amount of tax Rs.4635/- can be sorted out. Yours faithfully, (MADAN MOHAN SOUROT)

DATED : 29.08.2013


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