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T his 2009 edition of the Fact Sheets on the European Union is the 12th since the publication
first appeared in 1979 for the first direct elections to the European Parliament. As with
previous editions, every effort has been made to ensure that the fact sheets fulfil their
purpose of providing non-specialists with an overview of European integration and of the
European Parliament’s contribution to that process by keeping them simple, clear and
concise and using a format that is as consistent and straightforward as possible.
The number of fact sheets (165) and structure of the publication have been modified only
slightly since the previous edition. We have naturally included developments that have
occurred over recent years, such as the reform of the common agricultural policy, climate
change and the development of the single market.
Each fact sheet is identified by a number, the first two parts of which refer to the section and
chapter to which the fact sheet belongs. This numbering scheme is also used for cross
references. At the beginning of the publication, the contents pages list all fact sheets by
section and chapter and indicate the start page for each.
Where reference is made to articles of the treaties (Treaty establishing the European
Community and Treaty on European Union), only the new numbering system introduced by
the Nice Treaty has been used. Nevertheless, we also refer to the changes introduced by the
Lisbon Treaty.
This new publication reflects the legislative situation as it stood in August 2008, the cut-off
date for drawing up the revised texts.
In addition to bringing the fact sheets up to date, we hope that we have further improved
their readability and thus also their value to readers as a quick but sufficiently
comprehensive overview of progress on the main points of European integration. Readers
wishing to go into greater detail are referred to more specialist works, particularly those
produced by the European Parliament’s Secretariat.
Regular updates are made to the English, French and German versions of the Fact Sheets on
the European Union on the European Parliament’s website (http://www.europarl.europa.eu/).
Lastly, please note that a CD-ROM containing the fact sheets in 21 official EU languages is
available from the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
T he aim of these fact sheets is to provide those new to the subject with an overview of the process of
European integration and the European Parliament’s role in this development.
New fact sheets on topical issues and the developments of the last few years have recently appeared
online, for example: the institutional reforms undertaken in preparation for the accession of Bulgaria and
Romania; the new financial perspective; gender equality; asylum, and immigration policy; management
of external borders; judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters; sports policy; the Lisbon strategy;
the European neighbourhood policy (ENP); the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) and
central Asia.
With access to around 165 fact sheets, readers will find that this is one of the best sources of
information about the Union’s institutions and policies.
The content of these fact sheets covers six main areas: how the EU works, citizens’ Europe, the internal
market, common policies, economic and monetary union and the EU’s external relations.
The internal market
Following the dismantling of previous
6 The EU’s economic, commercial and financial
weight makes it a leading player on the
barriers, goods, services and capital move as international scene. It has signed a series of
freely throughout Europe as inside a Member bilateral and multilateral agreements with
State. The removal of obstacles and the most countries and regions of the world. The
opening up of national markets means that common foreign and security policy (CFSP) is
more companies can compete with one one of the instruments of the European
another. Union’s external relations.
2 Citizens’ Europe
2.1. Respect for fundamental rights 2.3. Freedom of movement for 2.5. The right of petition, 101
in the EU, 91 persons, 95
2.2. The citizens of the Union and 2.4. Voting rights and eligibility, 100
their rights, 94
1 works 4 Common policies
Legal basis movement of goods, persons, capital and services and the
— The Treaty of the European Coal and Steel Community gradual convergence of economic policies.
(ECSC), or Treaty of Paris, was signed on 18 April 1951 and — The aim of Euratom was to coordinate the supply of fissile
came into force on 24 July 1952. For the first time, six materials and the research programmes on the peaceful
European States agreed to work towards integration. This use of nuclear energy, already under way or being
Treaty made it possible to lay the foundations of the prepared in the Member States.
Community by setting up an executive known as the
— The preambles of the three Treaties reveal a unity of
‘High Authority’, a Parliamentary Assembly, a Council of
purpose behind the creation of the Communities, namely,
Ministers, a Court of Justice and a Consultative
the conviction that the States of Europe must work
Committee. Concluded for a limited period of 50 years, in
together to build a common future as this alone will
accordance with its Article 97, the ECSC Treaty expired on
enable them to control their destiny.
23 July 2002. In accordance with the protocol annexed to
the EC Treaty, the net worth of the ECSC’s assets at the
time of its dissolution was allocated to research in the Main principles
sectors related to the coal and steel industry through a The European Communities (the ECSC, EEC and Euratom) were
Research Fund for Coal and Steel. The coal and steel born of a gradual process of thinking about Europe, an idea
sectors are now completely under the ordinary regime that was closely bound up with the events that had shattered
set up by the EC Treaty. the continent. In the wake of the Second World War the major
industries, in particular the steel industry, needed reorganising.
— The Treaties of the European Economic Community (EEC)
The future of Europe, threatened by East–West confrontation,
and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC,
lay in Franco-German reconciliation.
otherwise known as ‘Euratom’), or the Treaties of Rome,
were signed on 25 March 1957 and came into force on A. The appeal made by Robert Schuman, the French Foreign
1 January 1958. In contrast to the ECSC Treaty, the Treaties Minister, on 9 May 1950 may be considered as the starting
of Rome were concluded ‘for an unlimited period’ (Article point for the Community. At that time, the choice of coal and
240 of the EEC Treaty and Article 208 of the EAEC Treaty), steel was highly symbolic: in the early 1950s coal and steel
which gives them almost a constitutional character. were vital industries, the basis of a country’s power. In addition
to the clear economic benefits to be gained, the pooling of
— The six founding countries were Belgium, Germany, France,
French and German resources was to mark the end of
Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
antagonism between the two countries. On 9 May 1950
Robert Schuman declared: ‘Europe will not be built in a day nor
Objectives as part of some overall design; it will be built through practical
— The avowed intentions of the founders of the ECSC were achievements that first create a sense of common purpose’. It
that it should be merely a first stage towards a ‘European was on the basis of that principle that France, Italy, Germany
Federation’. The common market in coal and steel was to and the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and
be an experiment which could gradually be extended to Luxembourg) signed the Treaty of Paris, of which the main
other economic spheres, culminating in a ‘political’ Europe. points were:
— The aim of the European Economic Community was to — the free movement of products and free access to sources
establish a common market based on the four freedoms of of production;
I. Main achievements in the first stage quotas and phasing out internal customs ended as early as
1 July 1968. By the same date Europe had adopted a
common external tariff for trade with third countries.
— Article 8 of the Treaty of Rome provided for completion of
a common market over a transitional period of 12 years, in
three stages ending on 31 December 1969. — ‘Green Europe’ was the second major project for European
integration. The first regulations on the CAP were adopted
— Its first aim, the customs union, was completed more and the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee
quickly than expected. The transitional period for enlarging Fund (EAGGF) was set up in 1962.
— Meanwhile the Court of Justice interpreted the regulations III. Developments in comprehensive plans
on the transitional period in such a way that, when it
ended, a number of Treaty provisions took direct effect,
for integration
such as Articles 13, 30, 48, 52 and 59 (3.2.3).
Encouraged by the initial successes of the Economic
— Even so, at the end of the transitional period there were still Community, the aim of also creating political unity for the
major obstacles to freedom of movement; the single Member States resurfaced in the early 1960s, despite the
market was not complete. failure of the plans for the European Defence Community
(EDC) in August 1954.
II. First amendment of the Treaties A. Failure of an attempt to achieve political union
1. The Fouchet plan
A. Improvements to the institutions At the 1961 Bonn Summit the Heads of State or Government
1. The first institutional change came about with the Merger of the six founding Member States of the European
Treaty of 8 April 1965, which merged the executive bodies. Community asked an intergovernmental committee, chaired
This took effect in 1967, setting up a single Council and single by the French ambassador Christian Fouchet, to put forward
Commission of the European Communities (the ECSC, EEC and proposals on the political status of a union of European
EAEC) and introducing the principle of a single budget. peoples. This research committee tried vainly, on two
occasions between 1960 and 1962, to present the Member
2. The Council decision of 21 April 1970 set up a system of
States with a draft treaty that was acceptable to all. Fouchet
the Community’s own resources, replacing financial
based his plan on strict respect for the identity of the Member
contributions by the Member States (1.5.1).
States, thus rejecting the federal option. The negotiations
3. Budgetary powers failed on three objections: uncertainty as to the place of the
United Kingdom, disagreement on the issue of a European
— The Treaty of Luxembourg of 22 April 1970 granted the defence system aiming to be independent of the Atlantic
European Parliament (EP) certain budgetary powers Alliance, and the excessively intergovernmental nature of the
(1.3.1). institutions proposed, which was likely to undermine the
— The Treaty of Brussels of 22 July 1975, gave the EP the supranational aspect of the existing Community institutions.
right to reject the budget and to grant the Commission a 2. After the failure of the Fouchet proposals there were no
discharge for implementing the budget. The same Treaty further attempts at a fundamental review of the Community
set up the Court of Auditors, a body responsible for Treaties until the Spinelli initiative in 1984. The debate on the
scrutinising the Community’s accounts and financial form that a future political union might take continued at a
management (1.3.10), which began work on 25 October more pragmatic level in a number of reports and resolutions.
3. In the absence of a political community, its substitute took
— The EP systematically used its budgetary powers to the form of European political cooperation, or EPC (6.1.1). At
develop the Community’s action. the summit conference in The Hague in December 1969 the
4. The Act of 20 September 1976 had given the EP a new Heads of State or Government decided to look into the best
legitimacy and authority by introducing its election by direct way of making progress in the field of political unification. The
universal suffrage by Community citizens. The first election Davignon report, adopted by the foreign ministers in October
took place in June 1979 (1.3.1). 1970 and subsequently amplified by further reports, formed
the basis of EPC until the Single European Act entered into
B. Enlargement force.
Meanwhile the Community was getting larger. The UK joined B. The 1966 crisis
on 1 January 1973, together with Denmark and Ireland; the
A serious crisis arose when the tricky issue of moving on to
Norwegian people had voted against accession in a
the third stage of the transition period (due on 1 January
referendum. Greece became a member in 1981; Portugal and
1966) began to emerge. At this stage voting procedures in the
Spain joined in 1986.
Council were to change, with a move from unanimous to
C. A
fter this first round of enlargement there were calls for qualified majority voting in certain areas. The change of
greater budgetary rigour and reform of the CAP. The 1979 voting method reflected greater emphasis on a supranational
European Council reached agreement on a series of approach in the Community. France opposed a range of
complementary measures. The Fontainebleau agreements Commission proposals, which included measures for
of 1984 obtained a sustainable solution, based on the financing the common agricultural policy, and stopped
principle that adjustments could be made to assist any attending the main Community meetings (its ‘empty chair’
Member State with a financial burden that was excessive in policy). In exchange for its return it demanded a political
terms of its relative prosperity. agreement on the role of the Commission and majority
disagreements, submitted a set of somewhat disparate texts to 1. This replaced unanimity in four of the Community’s
the European Council meeting in Luxembourg on 2 and 3 existing responsibilities:
December 1985. With some difficulty, the Council adopted — amendment of the Common Customs Tariff,
conclusions and the foreign ministers knocked them into
shape on 27 January 1986. — freedom to provide services,
— the free movement of capital, and
V. The Single European Act (SEA): — the common sea and air transport policy.
an important stage 2. It was introduced for several new responsibilities:
On 17 February 1986 nine Member States signed the SEA, — the internal market,
followed later by Denmark (after a referendum voted in — social policy,
favour), Italy and Greece on 28 February 1986. The Act was
ratified by Member States’ parliaments during 1986, but — economic and social cohesion,
because a private citizen had appealed to the Irish courts its — research and technological development, and
entry into force was delayed for six months, until 1 July 1987.
— the environment.
The SEA was the first substantial change to the Treaty of Rome. 3. It formed the subject of an amendment to the Council’s
A. Extension of the Union’s powers internal rules of procedure, so as to comply with the
Presidency’s declaration on Article 149(2) of the EEC Treaty in
1. Through the creation of a large internal market
the Final Act of the SEA. This states that in future a vote may be
This was to be completed by 1 January 1993. The creation of called in the Council not only on the initiative of its President,
the internal market consisted in taking up and broadening the but also at the request of the Commission or a Member State if
objective of the common market introduced in 1958 (3.1.0). a simple majority of the Council’s members are in favour. They
2. Through establishing new powers must receive two weeks’ notice of such a request.
These were: C. Growth of the role of the European Parliament
— monetary capability, The EP’s powers were strengthened by:
— social policy, — making Community agreements on enlargement and
association agreements subject to Parliament’s assent;
— economic and social cohesion,
— introducing a procedure for cooperation with the Council
— research and technological development,
(1.4.1) which gives Parliament real, if limited, legislative
— the environment, and powers. It applied to about a dozen legal bases at the time
and marked a crucial point in the transformation of the EP
— cooperation in the field of foreign policy
as co-legislator, on an equal footing with the Council.
B. Improvement in the decision-making capacity of the
Council of Ministers g Wilhelm Lehmann
Qualified majority voting July 2008
It covers the following areas: office, the ‘Secretary-General of the Council responsible
— rules and the exercise of controls on crossing the for the CFSP’, and a new structure, the ‘Policy Planning
Community’s external borders; and Early Warning Unit’. With regard to security, a
reference to Petersburg missions defines the scope of any
— combating terrorism, serious crime, drug trafficking and future joint action.
international fraud;
— In the area of external economic policy, the Council has
— judicial cooperation in criminal and civil matters; been empowered to extend the field of application to
— the creation of a European Police Office (Europol) with a services and intellectual property rights.
system for exchanging information between national
B. A stronger position for Parliament
police forces;
1. Legislative power
— combating unauthorised immigration; and a. The co-decision procedure has been extended to 15
— a common asylum policy. legal bases which were in the EC Treaty:
— Article 12: prohibition of discrimination,
II. The Amsterdam Treaty
— Article 18: free movement of EU citizens,
The Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European — Article 42: free movement of workers,
Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities
and certain related acts, signed in Amsterdam on 2 October — Article 47(1): recognition of qualifications,
1997, entered into force on 1 May 1999. — Article 67: visa procedures,
A. Increase in EU powers — Article 71: transport policy, including air transport,
1. European Community — Article 141(3): implementation of equal pay for equal work,
— With regard to objectives, special prominence has been — Article 148: implementation of the European Social Fund
given to balanced and sustainable development and a (ESF),
high level of employment.
— Article 150(4): vocational training measures,
— A mechanism has been set up to coordinate Member
States’ policies on employment, and there is a possibility of — Article 153(4): consumer protection,
some Community measures in this area. — Article 156: trans-European networks (‘other measures’),
— The agreement on social policy has been incorporated into — Article 162: implementation of the European Regional
the EC Treaty with some improvements (removal of the Development Fund (ERDF),
— Article 172: implementation of framework research
— The Community method now applies to some major areas programmes,
which hitherto came under the ‘third pillar’, such as asylum,
immigration, crossing external borders, combating fraud, — Article 175(3): environment protection measures,
customs cooperation and some of the cooperation under — Article 179: development cooperation;
the Schengen Agreement, which the EU and Communities
and to eight new legal bases:
have endorsed in full.
— Article 129: measures to promote employment,
2. European Union
— Intergovernmental cooperation in the areas of police and — Article 135: customs cooperation,
judicial cooperation has been strengthened by defining — Article 137(2): social policy,
objectives and precise tasks and creating a new legal
instrument similar to a directive. — Article 152(4): health protection, veterinary and plant
health measures,
— There are changes in the policy areas of the environment,
public health and consumer protection. — Article 255: principles governing access to documents,
— There are new provisions with regard to specific problems — Article 280: combating fraud,
such as general interest services, cultural diversity and the — Article 285: Community statistics,
use of languages and measures applicable to very remote
— Article 286: establishment of a body to monitor protection
and island regions and overseas countries and territories.
of individuals with regard to data processing.
— The instruments of the common foreign and security
It therefore applies to most areas of legislation.
policy were developed later, in particular by creating a
new instrument, the common strategy, which should b. Excepting only agriculture and competition policy, the
normally be implemented by a majority decision, a new co-decision procedure applies to all the areas where the
I. Treaty of Nice the Finnish Presidency, the Helsinki European Council set the
agenda for the IGC as follows: the three items of ‘Amsterdam
The Treaty was signed on 26 February 2001 and entered into leftovers’ plus all the changes required in preparation for
force on 1 February 2003. enlargement.
A. Objectives C. Content
The conclusions of the Helsinki European Council (10 and 11 The IGC opened on 14 February 2000 and completed its work
December 1999), confirmed at Nice in December 2000, in Nice on 10 December 2000, reaching agreement on the
required the EU to be able, by the end of 2002, to welcome the above institutional questions and a range of other points,
new Member States which were ready for accession. In the namely:
event the European Union opened its doors to 10 new — a new distribution of seats in the European Parliament;
Member States on 1 May 2004. The presence of these
countries, which have a low or moderate level of population, — more flexible enhanced cooperation;
increased the total relative weight of countries with a smaller — monitoring of fundamental rights and values within the EU,
population in comparison with the most populous countries and
(only two of the new Member States are more populous than
the previous Member State average). The Treaty of Nice thus — strengthening of the EU’s judicial system.
sought to: 1. Weighting of votes in the Council
— make the Community institutions more efficient and Right from the start of the IGC it was clear that the key to any
legitimate; other agreement would be the nature of the qualified majority
voting system to be used in future in the Council. Taking
— prepare the EU for its major enlargement to include
together the system of voting in the Council, the composition
countries from eastern Europe.
of the Commission and, to some extent, the distribution of
B. Background seats in the European Parliament, the European Council
realised that the main imperative at this summit was to
A number of institutional issues had been addressed by the
change the relative weight of the Member States and their
Intergovernmental Conferences of Maastricht and Amsterdam
ability to wield their influence, a subject which no IGC had
(1.1.3) but not satisfactorily resolved (unfinished business
addressed since the Treaty of Rome.
referred to as the ‘Amsterdam leftovers’): the size and
composition of the Commission, weighting of votes in the The protocol on the institutions annexed to the Treaty of
Council, extension of qualified majority voting. The protocol on Amsterdam had envisaged two methods of defining qualified
the institutions annexed to the Treaty of Amsterdam stipulated majority voting: a new system of weighting (modified from the
that, in the case of enlargement entailing the accession of not present one) or the application of a dual majority (of votes and
more than five countries, the Commission ‘shall comprise one population), the solution proposed by the Commission and
national of each Member State, provided that, by that upheld by Parliament.
[accession] date, the weighting of the votes in the Council has
The IGC chose the former option and decided that the
been modified’ (no provision was made for the eventuality of
number of votes allocated to each Member State would be
more than five new members joining).
changed with effect from 1 January 2005. In a declaration
The Cologne European Council (3 and 4 June 1999) thus annexed to the Treaty it also set out a common position to be
decided that a further Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) adopted by the Union for determining, in the course of
would have to be convened in early 2000 and completed by accession negotiations, the number of votes to be given to
the end of that same year. Its remit would be those the applicant countries. In a Union of 15, a qualified majority
institutional questions still unresolved after Amsterdam and was to require 169 votes out of 237, or 71.3 % of the votes. In
the new Treaty amendments which would be necessary in this a Union of 27, a qualified majority requires 255 votes out of
context. Further to this decision and on the basis of a report by 345, or 73.9 % of the votes. The previous requirement was 62
advocates-general, which remains at eight. The Court of fundamental rights by a Member State, to cover cases where a
Justice retains jurisdiction over questions referred for a patent breach of fundamental rights has not actually occurred
preliminary ruling, but it may under its statute refer types of but there is a ‘clear risk’ that it may occur. The Council, acting by
matters other than those listed in Article 225 of the EC Treaty a majority of four fifths of its members and after obtaining the
to the Court of First Instance. assent of the European Parliament, determines the existence
b. Court of First Instance of the risk and addresses appropriate recommendations to the
Member State in question.
The powers of the Court of First Instance are increased to
include certain categories of preliminary rulings. Judicial D. Role of the European Parliament
panels will be established by unanimous decision of the As at the earlier Intergovernmental Conferences, the EP was
Council. A declaration asks for the establishment as swiftly as actively involved in preparations for the 2000 IGC, giving its
possible of a judicial panel with jurisdiction to deliver views on the conference agenda and its progress and
judgments in first instance on disputes between the objectives in resolutions adopted on 3 February and 13 April
Community and its servants. All these operating provisions, 2000. Parliament also expressed its opinion on the substance
notably the powers of the Court of First Instance, are and judicial implications of the Charter of Fundamental Rights
henceforth set out in the Treaty itself. by adopting a resolution and a decision (resolution on the
5. Legislative procedures drafting of a European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights
Although a considerable number of new policies and and decision of 14 November 2000 approving the draft
measures (27) now require qualified majority voting in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union).
Council, co-decision has been extended only to a few minor In its resolution of 31 May 2001 on the Treaty of Nice and the
areas (Articles 13, 62, 63, 65, 157, 159 and 191 of the EC Treaty; future of the Union, the EP was very critical of the Treaty,
assent is required for Article 161). accusing it above all of not having prepared adequately for the
6. Enhanced cooperation forthcoming round of new accessions. It did, however, express
The basic idea in Nice was to compensate for the inadequate its satisfaction at the substantial reforms made to the structure
extension of qualified majority voting and prevent blockages and operation of the judicial system, which were intended to
in decision-making after enlargement. preserve the unity of Community law, thus consolidating the
Union’s judicial role.
Like the Amsterdam Treaty, the Treaty of Nice contains general
provisions which apply to all areas of enhanced cooperation The EP thought that the smooth functioning of the EU would
and provisions specific to the pillar concerned. But whereas depend on the outcome of the debate on the future of Europe
the Amsterdam Treaty provided for enhanced cooperation announced in a declaration annexed to the Treaty and that this
under the first and third pillars only, the Treaty of Nice provides debate would culminate in a Treaty reform in 2004. Apropos of
for it under all three pillars. this, Parliament insisted that the next IGC should proceed
along lines radically different from the traditional model: it
As before, enhanced cooperation must be a last resort. On should be a transparent process, with the involvement of
this point, however, the Treaty of Nice makes two changes: members of the European Parliament and national
previously the rule was that enhanced cooperation ‘is only parliaments, the Commission, and input from ordinary people,
used where the objectives of the said Treaties could not be and it should culminate in the production of a constitution-
attained by applying the relevant procedures laid down type document.
therein’ (Article 43 TEU); in future, enhanced cooperation can
only be used ‘when it has been established within the
Council that the objectives of such cooperation cannot be II. Convention on the Future of Europe
attained, within a reasonable period of time, by applying
the relevant provisions of the Treaties’. So referral to the A. Basis
European Council will no longer be possible, and the concept In accordance with Declaration No 23 of 11 December 2000
of ‘a reasonable period of time’ clarifies the overly flexible annexed to the Treaty of Nice, the Laeken European Council
wording of Article 43 TEU. decided to organise a Convention bringing together the main
The EP’s role in the authorisation procedure has been parties concerned for a debate on the future of the European
strengthened. Under the third pillar, Parliament’s right to be Union.
informed becomes a requirement that it be consulted. Under B. Objectives
the first pillar, consultation remains the general rule but the
To prepare the next IGC in as transparent a manner as possible,
EP’s assent is required in all areas where enhanced cooperation
addressing the four main issues raised by the further
relates to a question covered by the co-decision procedure.
development of the EU: a better division of competences,
7. Protection of fundamental rights simplification of the Union’s instruments of action, increased
A paragraph was added to Article 7 TEU, concerning decisions democracy, transparency and efficiency, and the drafting of a
to be taken in the event of a ‘serious and persistent breach’ of Constitution for Europe’s citizens.
The Treaty, which was signed on 29 October 2004 and finances of the Union, together with the rules for
approved by the European Parliament on 12 January 2005, has membership
to be ratified by each Member State in accordance with its
— Part II: the Charter of Fundamental Rights
own constitutional requirements (Article IV-447). It is planned
to come into force, subject to a successful ratification process, — Part III: the internal and external policies and functioning
either on 1 November 2006, or at the start of the second of the Union
month following the final ratification. — Part IV: general and final provisions
3. Two annexes and 36 protocols
Objectives and background
4. Fifty declarations
1.1.4. I.
B. More effective institutions
Contents 1. A European Parliament with greater powers
Although the nature of the document, with its title of ‘Treaty The European Parliament’s legislative and budgetary powers
establishing a Constitution for Europe’, has given rise to various and its functions of political scrutiny and consultation have
political interpretations, there is no longer any doubt about its once again been extended (Article I-20).
legal status: the text constitutes the same type of Treaty as the The introduction of the ‘ordinary legislative procedure’ (Article
earlier Treaties which it replaces (Article IV-437). Three key III-396), which corresponds to the current co-decision
elements prove this: the provisions on its entry into force procedure with the Council acting by a qualified majority,
(requiring the agreement of each Member State), on its reaffirms the EP’s role as co-legislator. The scope of this
revision (requiring unanimous approval, Article IV-443(3)) and procedure has been increased to 34 areas (including
on the possibility given to the Member States to withdraw agriculture, asylum and immigration) and, with a few minor
from the Union (Article I-60). All three show that the Union is differences, now also covers the budgetary procedure
still answerable to the Member States. (1.4.3). The abolition of the distinction between compulsory
Although the new text puts an end to the concept of ‘pillars’, it and non-compulsory expenditure means that the EP will be
still maintains the hybrid structure of the EU. Certain able to negotiate the adoption of the entire Community
Community-level (supranational) elements have been budget on an equal footing with the Council (Article III-404).
strengthened, particularly in the areas of justice and home As for the other legislative procedures, the ‘cooperation
affairs (JHA), while other fields like the common foreign and procedure’ has been abolished, while ‘assent’ continues to exist
security policy (CFSP) remain an intergovernmental matter as ‘consent’ and will apply to the arrangements concerning the
(1.4.1, 1.4.2). The Treaty nevertheless contains certain EU’s own resources (Article I-54), among other things. Only the
important new elements, both in its general provisions and consultation procedure remains unchanged. The EP will now
policies and in relation to institutional reform. These include: be consulted in the area of diplomatic and consular
protection, for example.
— recognition of the EU’s legal personality (Article I-7);
Regarding the EP’s powers of supervision and appointment,
— the incorporation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights,
it should be noted that the EP has a new right to elect the
which marks a major step forward for the protection of
Commission President on a proposal from the European
citizens’ rights in the EU;
Council, which chooses the candidate by a qualified majority
— the election of a President of the European Council; taking account of the outcome of the European elections. The
— the creation of a post of Union Minister for Foreign Affairs. EP also approves the Commission as a whole.
As for Parliament’s internal organisation, the maximum
A. Basic structure number of MEPs has been set at 750. By the time of the 2009
1. Preamble elections the European Council must decide, on an initiative
2. Four main sections containing 448 articles: from Parliament and with its consent, how the seats are to be
— Part I: fundamental provisions on the objectives, distributed. The system will be based on the current
competences, institutions and bodies, democratic life and ‘degressively proportional’ representation system, with a
achieved, while leaving it to the national authorities to a. Protocol 1 — The role of national parliaments in the European
choose the methods; Union promotes greater involvement of the Member States’
parliaments in the EU’s political process by giving them
b. non-legislative acts (Article I-35), which will be adopted
information and monitoring rights, including:
by the European Council, the Council of Ministers, the
Commission, or other institutions, where appropriate: — the direct forwarding to the national parliaments of draft
legislative acts and other documents from the European
— European regulations are regulatory acts of general institutions;
— a six-week period between a draft legislative act being
— European decisions have individual or general application, forwarded and the date when it is put on the agenda for
— recommendations and opinions express points of view and the Council, and 10 days between its being placed on the
are not binding. agenda for the Council and its adoption.
b. Protocol 2 — The application of the principles of subsidiarity
D. Democratic life, citizens’ rights and transparency and proportionality requires the European institutions to take
A whole series of provisions are designed to do more to these two principles into consideration when drafting
promote democratic rights and citizens’ rights at European legislative acts. It gives national parliaments the right:
level (2.1 to 2.5). — to say whether they think both principles have been
Regarding the EU’s democratic foundations, the Treaty refers applied correctly (‘early warning system’); if one third of
for the first time to the three fundamental principles of the parliaments (or one quarter where the proposal is in
democratic equality, representative democracy and the JHA field) feel that there has not been adequate
participatory democracy. Participatory democracy includes the compliance with the principles, the Commission must
possibility of a citizens’ initiative (Article I-47): 1 million reconsider its proposal and decide whether to withdraw,
European citizens from a number of Member States can sign a maintain or amend it, giving precise reasons for doing so;
petition asking the Commission to put forward proposed — to bring proceedings before the Court of Justice, through
legislation on a particular subject. their Member States, for infringement of the principle of
In the area of the protection of fundamental rights, the subsidiarity by a legislative act.
rights of European citizens will now be more comprehensively 2. Flexibility
guaranteed than ever before (Article I-9). This can be seen not a. ‘Bridging clauses’ and ‘emergency brakes’
just in the plans for the EU to accede to the European
Despite the more widespread application of qualified majority
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and
voting (Article I-23), decisions in the Council of Ministers still
Fundamental Freedoms, but above all in the inclusion of the
require unanimity in certain important areas. To make work run
Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Treaty, giving the Union
more smoothly in future, a general bridging clause (Article
a list of rights that will be legally binding on its institutions
IV-444) has been included in the Treaty. This will enable the
and bodies and on the Member States when applying
European Council, acting by unanimity and after obtaining the
European law.
consent of the European Parliament, to allow a qualified
In order to try to make the EU’s political system more majority vote instead of a unanimous vote, or, where
transparent, Parliament and the Council will now be required appropriate, an ordinary legislative procedure instead of a
to meet in public when considering and voting on a legislative special legislative procedure for any area mentioned in Part III
act (Article I-50). Citizens will also have a constitutional right of of the Treaty, except for decisions with military implications or
access to documents of the EU’s institutions, bodies, offices in the area of defence. However, a single national parliament
and agencies. may prevent the decision from coming into force by
expressing its opposition within six months to the use of the
E. The policies of the Union bridging clause. In addition to the general bridging clause,
Of the provisions relating to the Union’s internal and external there are also specific bridging clauses which apply to clearly
policies (Part III of the Treaty), the main changes from previous defined areas such as social policy (Article III-210) or the CFSP
Treaties primarily concern the fields of justice and home affairs (Articles I-40 and III-300). ‘Emergency brakes’ have been
(4.11.1), economic and monetary policy (5.1 to 5.5) and introduced in several fields so that if a Member State considers
the CFSP (6.1.1). that draft legislation or a procedure would undermine the
fundamental principles of its legal system, it can call on the
F. Other provisions European Council to look at the case in question.
1. The role of the national parliaments and the principles b. Enhanced cooperation
of subsidiarity and proportionality In areas where the EU has non-exclusive competence, a
The desire to bring Europe closer to its citizens is reflected in number of Member States may establish enhanced
major changes to two protocols annexed to the Treaty (1.2.2). cooperation between themselves in order to attain the
— the President of the European Council can decide to However, it should also be pointed out that some fields are still
convene a Convention in order to prepare for an IGC; he largely outside of its sphere of influence, such as revisions of
does not have to do so, however; the European Council the Treaties, institutional reforms, the CFSP and defence policy.
may decide by a simple majority and with the EP’s consent During the reform process, the EP took considerable
not to convene a Convention; advantage of the working methods of the Convention, which,
in the early stages at least, relied on open deliberation rather
b. a simplified procedure (Article IV-445), which applies only
than closed diplomatic negotiation, the traditional IGC
to the Union’s internal and external policies referred to in
method. Similarly, the EP was able for the first time to
Title III of Part III of the Treaty. This enables the European
participate fully in all phases of the IGC.
Council to amend the Treaty without having to convene an
IGC. All amendments are adopted by a unanimous decision
of the Council after consulting the EP and the Commission, g Wilhelm Lehmann
and they must be ratified by all the Member States. November 2005
Legal Base primary law with a modernised legal foundation for the
European Union.
Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on the European Union
and the Treaty establishing the European Community (OJ C Yet after more than five years of constitutional debate and
306, 17.12.2007). negotiations another Treaty amending the existing primary
law was signed. As is well known, this change of strategy came
History about as a result of the negative outcome of two referendums
on the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe
The Lisbon Treaty started as a constitutional project at the end (Constitutional Treaty) in May and June 2005, in response to
of 2001 (European Council Declaration on the Future of the which the European Council decided to have a two-year
European Union, or Laeken Declaration), and was followed up ‘period of reflection’. In March 2007, the German Presidency
in 2002 and 2003 by the European Convention (1.1.5). An was able to revive the reform effort at a celebratory event
important goal of this endeavour was to replace existing EU marking the 50th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. The
Berlin Declaration, adopted by all Member States, enshrined 4. The disappearance of the pillars
their common resolve to agree on a new Treaty in time for the a. Legal personality of the EU
2009 European elections.
The Lisbon Treaty gives the EU full legal personality. Therefore,
On the basis of the Berlin Declaration, the European Council of the Union obtains the ability to sign international treaties in
21 to 23 June 2007 adopted a detailed mandate for a the areas of its attributed powers or join an international
subsequent Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) under the organisation. Member States may only sign international
Portuguese Presidency. The IGC concluded its work in October agreements that are compatible with EU law.
2007. The Treaty was signed at the European Council of Lisbon
b. Area of freedom, security and justice (FSJ)
on 13 December 2007 and is meant to be ratified by the
Member States and enter into force before the European The Treaty of Lisbon completes the absorption of the
Parliament elections in June 2009. remaining pillar three aspects of FSJ (police and judicial
cooperation in criminal matters) into pillar one. Its
intergovernmental structure ceases to exist by making the acts
Content adopted in this area subject to the ordinary legislative
A. Objectives and legal principles procedure (qualified majority and co-decision) and using the
1. Purpose of the reform legal instruments of the Community method (regulations,
directives and decisions), unless otherwise specified.
To enhance the legitimacy, efficiency and transparency of the
EU, the Treaty of Lisbon returns to the traditional method of 5. Revision of the Treaties
changing the existing Treaties. The Treaty establishing the The European Parliament will be able to propose amendments
European Community is renamed the ‘Treaty on the Functioning to the Treaties, as is already the case for the Council, a Member
of the European Union’ and the term ‘Community’ is replaced by State government or the Commission. Normally, such an
‘Union’ throughout the text. The Union takes the place of the amendment would require the convocation of a Convention. It
Community and is its legal successor. The Lisbon Treaty does not will, however, be possible to revise the Treaties without
create State-like Union symbols like a flag or an anthem. Terms convening an IGC, through simplified revision procedures
such as ‘constitution’, ‘law’ or ‘foreign minister’, used in the concerning the internal policies and actions of the Union
Constitutional Treaty, have also disappeared. Although the new (Articles 48(6) and 48(7) TEU). The European Parliament’s
text is hence no longer a Constitutional Treaty by name, it consent is required in order to decide not to convene a
preserves most of its substantial achievements. Convention if this is deemed to be justified by the scope of the
No additional exclusive competences are transferred to the proposed amendments.
Union by the Lisbon Treaty. However, it changes the way the B. Enhanced democracy and better protection of
Union exercises its existing powers and some new (shared) fundamental rights
powers by enhancing citizens’ participation and protection,
creating a new institutional set-up and modifying the 1. Participatory democracy
decision-making processes for increased efficiency and The Treaty of Lisbon expresses the three fundamental
transparency. A higher level of parliamentary scrutiny and principles of democratic equality, representative democracy
democratic accountability is therefore attained. and participatory democracy. Participatory democracy takes
the new form of a citizens’ initiative: 1 million European citizens
2. Supremacy of Union law from a ‘significant’ number of Member States (to be
Unlike the Constitutional Treaty, the Lisbon Treaty contains no determined by regulation) can request the Commission to put
article formally enshrining the supremacy of Union law over forward a legislative proposal.
national legislation, but a declaration was attached to the
Treaty to this effect (Declaration No 17), referring to an opinion 2. The Charter of Fundamental Rights
of the Council Legal Service which reiterates consistent case- The Charter of Fundamental rights will not be incorporated
law by the Court. directly into the Lisbon Treaty but acquires a legally binding
character through Article 6(1) TEU, giving the Charter the same
3. The limits of Union competences
legal value as the Treaties. As the Charter itself makes clear, it
The Lisbon Treaty for the first time organises and clarifies the does not extend to competences of the Union as defined by
powers of the Union. It distinguishes three types of the Treaties. A protocol introduces specific measures for the
competences: exclusive competence, where the Union alone United Kingdom and Poland concerning exceptions to the
can legislate, and Member States only implement the EU’s justiciability of the Charter before national courts.
legislation; shared competence, where the Member States can
legislate and adopt legally binding measures if the Union has 3. The European Convention for the Protection of Human
not done so; supporting competence, where the EU adopts Rights (ECHR)
measures to support or complement Member States’ policies. The EU will accede to the European Convention once the 14th
Union competences can now be handed back to the Member protocol to the ECHR enters into force, which allows not only
States in the course of a Treaty revision. States but also international organisations to become
D. More efficient and democratic policymaking must submit its opinion to the legislator, along with the
1. Increased flexibility and enhanced cooperation opinions of the national parliaments. The legislator may then
decide by a majority of 55 % of the members of the Council or
Several so-called ‘passerelle clauses’ allow a change from
a majority of the votes cast in the European Parliament that
unanimous decision-making to qualified majority voting and
the proposal is not to be given further consideration.
from the consultation procedure to co-decision (Article 31(3)
TEU, Article 81, 312 and 333 TFEU, plus some passerelle-type 3. New powers
procedures concerning judicial cooperation in criminal A certain number of new or extended policies have been
matters). In order to use such a passerelle a unanimous introduced in environmental policy, which now includes the
decision must be taken by the European Council and a fight against climate change, and energy policy, which makes
majority of the EP. Matters with military implications are new references to solidarity and the security and
excluded. Moreover, any such change can be blocked if one interconnectivity of supply. Furthermore, intellectual property
national parliament voices its opposition within six months of rights, sport, space, tourism, civil protection and administrative
the date of notification. cooperation are now the possible subject of EU lawmaking.
In areas where the Union has no exclusive powers, at least nine 4. Common security and defence policy (CSDP)
Member States can establish enhanced cooperation between In CSDP the Lisbon Treaty introduces a mutual defence clause
themselves. Authorisation to proceed with enhanced which provides that all Member States are obliged to provide
cooperation must be granted by the Council after obtaining help to a Member State under attack. A solidarity clause
the consent of the European Parliament. In CFSP, the Council provides that the Union and each of its members have to
must approve any enhanced cooperation by unanimity. Acts provide assistance by all possible means to a Member State
adopted in the framework of enhanced cooperation bind only affected by a human or natural catastrophe or by a terrorist
the participating Member States. attack.
2. The role of national parliaments A ‘permanent structured cooperation’ is open to all Member
The Lisbon Treaty considerably strengthens the principle of States who commit themselves to taking part in European
subsidiarity by involving the national parliaments in the military equipment programmes and to providing combat
decision-making process. The protocol on the role of national units that are available for immediate action. To establish such
parliaments in the European Union ensures that they are cooperation, it is necessary to have a qualified majority vote by
regularly informed of new legislative proposals. the Council after consultation with the HR.
Legal bases declarations and acts on the organisation and running of the
— Treaty on European Union. institutions, the designation, structure and legal effects of
which stem from the individual provisions of the Treaties or
— Treaty establishing the European Community. the overall context of law embodied in the Treaties.
— Derived or secondary acts of Community law (Article 49 of Furthermore, the legal character of a measure taken by an
the EC Treaty). institution of the Union does not depend on its official
designation, but on its object and material content. As
— Unwritten Community law. preliminaries to the adoption of legal acts, White Papers, Green
— International treaties. Papers and action programmes are also significant. It is
through these documents that the Union institutions and
more specifically the Commission usually agree on longer-
Objectives term objectives (e.g. the White Paper on the single market).
Creation of a legal order for the Union to achieve the
objectives stipulated in the Treaties. 2. The various legal acts under secondary Community
a. Regulations
They have general application, are binding in their entirety and
A. Primary Community law
are directly applicable in all Member States. As ‘Community
1.1.1 to 1.1.3. law’, regulations must be complied with fully by those to
whom they apply (private persons, Member States, Union
B. Secondary Community law
institutions). Regulations apply directly in all the Member
1. General points States, without requiring a national act to transpose them. As
The Community’s forms of action under Article 249 of the soon as they enter into force (on the date stipulated or, failing
Treaty establishing the European Community (EC) are this, on the 20th day following their publication in the Official
regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and Journal of the European Union) they become part of national
opinions. These are original legal instruments in Community legal orders.
law, with no connection to national or international legal
instruments. These legal actions may be undertaken by the Regulations serve to ensure the uniform application of
institutions of the Union only if they are empowered to do so Community law in all the Member States. At the same time,
by a provision of the Treaties (principle of attribution of they prevent the application of national legal rules which are
powers). Individual legal acts (with the exception of incompatible with their substantive clauses. Implementing
recommendations and opinions, which have no binding force) provisions adopted by Member States may not amend or
must be based on actual provisions of the Treaties (including supplement the scope and effectiveness of regulations
what are known as implied powers). If a specific power is not (principle of sincere cooperation: Article 10 EC).
provided by the Treaties, in certain circumstances recourse b. Directives
may be had to the subsidiary rule regarding competence in
Article 308 of the EC Treaty. The list of legal actions in i. Nature and scope
Article 249 of the EC Treaty is not exhaustive; there are, in They are binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon the
addition, various forms of action, such as resolutions, Member States to whom they are addressed. However, those
Member States are left the choice of form and methods to directly invoke against another individual (the ‘horizontal
achieve their objectives. Directives may be addressed to effect’) the direct effect of an untransposed directive (see
individual, several or all Member States. In order to ensure that consistent case-law, Faccini Dori case [1994] ECR I-3325 et seq.
the objectives laid down in directives become applicable to at point 25).
individual citizens, an act of transposition (or ‘national iii. Responsibility for failure to transpose a directive
implementing measure’) by national legislators is required,
According to Court case-law (Francovich case, [1991] ECR 5357
whereby national law is adapted to the objectives laid down in
et seq.), an individual citizen is entitled to claim compensation
directives. Individual citizens are given rights and bound by
from a Member State which has not transposed a directive or
the legal act only when the directive is transposed into
has done so inadequately where:
national law. Since the Member States are only bound by the
objectives laid down in directives, they have some discretion — the directive is intended to confer rights on individuals;
in transposing them into national law, in taking account of — the substance of the rights can be ascertained on the basis
specific national circumstances. Transposition must be effected of the directive; and
within the period laid down in a directive. In transposing
directives, the Member States must select the national forms — there is a causal connection between the breach of the
which are best suited to ensure the effectiveness of duty to transpose the directive and the loss sustained by
Community law (Article 10 EC). Directives must be transposed the individual.
in the form of binding national legislation which fulfils the Fault on the part of the Member State does not then have to
requirements of legal certainty and legal clarity and establishes be demonstrated in order to establish liability. If the Member
a position whereby individuals can rely on the rights derived State has powers of discretion in transposing the law, the
from the directive. Regulations which have been adopted as a violation must also, in addition to the three above criteria,
result of EC directives may not subsequently be amended qualify as defective or non-existent transposition: it must be
contrary to the objectives of those directives (‘blocking’ effect substantial and evident (judgment of the Court of Justice of 5
of directives). March 1996, Brasserie du Pêcheur/Factortame, Cases 46/93 and
ii. Possible direct applicability 48/93, [1996] ECR I-1029).
Directives are not directly applicable, in principle. The Court of c. Decisions
Justice of the European Communities, however, has They are binding in their entirety. Where those to whom
nevertheless ruled that individual provisions of a directive may, they are addressed are stipulated, they are binding only on
exceptionally, have a direct effect in a Member State without them. These may be Member States or natural or legal
requiring an act of transposition by that Member State persons. Decisions serve to regulate actual circumstances
beforehand (consistent case-law since 1970: ECR 1213 et seq.) vis-à-vis specific entities addressed thereby. Like directives,
where the following conditions are satisfied: decisions may include an obligation on a Member State to
— the period for transposition has expired and the directive grant individual citizens a more favourable legal position. In
has not been transposed or has been transposed this case, as with directives, an act of transposition on the
incorrectly; part of the Member State concerned is required as a basis
for claims by individuals. Decisions may be directly
— the provisions of the directive are imperative and applicable under the same preconditions as the provisions
sufficiently clear and precise; of directives.
— the provisions of the directive confer rights on individuals. d. Recommendations and opinions
If these requirements are fulfilled, individuals may cite the They have no binding force, that is to say they do not establish
provisions of the directive against all agencies in whom State any rights or obligations for those to whom they are
power is vested. Such agencies are organisations and addressed, but do provide guidance as to the interpretation
establishments which are subordinate to the State or on which and content of Community law.
the State confers rights that exceed those arising from the law
on relations between private persons (Court judgment of 22 3. System of competence, procedures, enforcement and
June 1989 in Case 103/88 Fratelli Costanzo). The case-law is application of legal acts
mainly justified on the principles of effet utile and the uniform a. Legislative competence, right of initiative and legislative
application of Community law. But even when the provision procedure
concerned does not seek to confer any rights on the 1.3.6, 1.3.8 and 1.4.1.
individual, and only the first and second conditions are
satisfied, the Court’s consistent case-law says the Member b. Enforcement of legislation:
State authorities have a legal duty to comply with the Under primary law, the EC has only limited powers of
untransposed directive. This case-law is mainly justified on the enforcement itself, as EC law is usually enforced by the
grounds of effet utile, the penalisation of violations of the Treaty Member States (duty of loyal cooperation under Article 10 of
and legal protection. On the other hand, an individual may not the EC Treaty). In fact the Treaty of Lisbon states (Article 291(1)
Legislative, delegated and implementing acts may be adopted the Parliament and the Council considerably, by describing it
as regulations, directives or decisions but the adjective henceforth as the ‘ordinary legislative procedure’. When the
‘delegated’ and the word ‘implementing’ will be included in the Treaty of Lisbon enters into effect, Parliament will be the co-
title of the relevant act. legislator in 95 % of Union legislation.
Moreover, anxious to improve the application of Union law in
Role of the European Parliament the Member States and of increasing the acceptance of
Community law by its citizens, Parliament is taking action to
Under the procedures laid down in Article 250 et seq. of the EC
simplify the legislative process, improve the drafting of
Treaty, Parliament has certain rights to participate in the
legislation and secure more effective penalties for those cases
enactment of legislation (1.4.1). However, despite the
where Member States fail to comply with Union law.
widening of its powers in the Treaty on European Union
(1.1.2), it continues to have limited influence as far as policies
which are not subject to the co-decision procedure are g Roberta Panizza
concerned. The Treaty of Lisbon expands co-decision between July 2008
The Lisbon Treaty, in its protocol on the application of the — Any amendment which may be made to the Commission’s
principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, states that as part text by the Council or Parliament must be accompanied by
of the scrutiny of the legality of legislative acts, the Court has a justification regarding the principle of subsidiarity if it
the power to issue rulings in proceedings for annulment for entails a change in the sphere of EU intervention.
violation of the principle of subsidiarity. These proceedings The three institutions will regularly check, under their internal
may be instigated by a Member State on behalf of its procedures, whether the action envisaged complies with the
parliament if necessary, if their constitution permits. provisions concerning subsidiarity as regards both the choice
The Committee of the Regions also has the right to do this of legal instruments and the content of the proposal.
where provision is made for it to be consulted. Accordingly, under Rule 34 of Parliament’s rules of procedure,
‘During the examination of a legislative proposal, Parliament
shall pay particular attention to respect for fundamental rights
Role of thE European Parliament and the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality’.
1. Ongoing work In addition to this agreement, at the European Council in
Parliament has defended the principle of subsidiarity for many Edinburgh the Commission undertook, inter alia, to provide
years, and was the instigator of this concept when, on 14 justification for all its proposals for legal acts in the light of the
February 1984, in adopting the draft Treaty on European application of the principle of subsidiarity, to withdraw or
Union, it included a provision stipulating that where the Treaty revise certain proposals and to review existing legislation. It
conferred on the Union competence which was concurrent was also envisaged that the Commission would draw up an
with that of the Member States, the Member States could act annual report on observance of the principle.
so long as the Community had not legislated. Moreover, it
In its resolution of 13 May 1997 on the Commission reports on
stressed that the Community should only act to carry out
application of the subsidiarity principle in 1994, 1995 and 1996,
those tasks which could be undertaken more effectively in
Parliament drew attention to the binding, constitutional nature
common than by individual States acting separately.
of the subsidiarity principle, which was subject to
The European Parliament was to reincorporate these interpretation by the Court, and pointed out that it should not
proposals on the principle of subsidiarity into many obstruct the legitimate exercise of the powers of the Union.
resolutions (e.g. resolutions of 23 November and 14 Neither should it in any way be used as pretext to call into
December 1989, 12 July and 21 November 1990 and 18 May question the acquis communautaire. In its resolution of 8 April
1995), in which it reaffirmed its support for this principle in 2003, Parliament considers that differences with regard to
the context of the European Union and called for a debate to implementing the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality
be opened on the interpretation and application of the should preferably be settled at the political level, on the basis
principle of subsidiarity. of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 25 October 1993, but
Legal Basis adopted a new draft, on the basis of which the Heads of State
or Government, after settling a number of differences, reached
— The original Treaties (1.1.1).
agreement at their meeting of 12 and 13 July 1976.
— Decision and Act concerning the election of the
representatives of the European Parliament by direct The Decision and Act on European elections by direct
universal suffrage (20 September 1976), as amended by the universal suffrage were signed in Brussels on 20 September
Council Decision 2002/772/EC, Euratom of 25 June and 23 1976. After ratification by all the Member States, the text came
September 2002. into force on 1 July 1978. The first elections took place on 7
and 10 June 1979.
Following German unification, the composition of the With the accession of Bulgaria and Romania on 1 January 2007
European Parliament was adapted to demographic change. In the number of seats in the European Parliament was
accordance with Parliament’s proposals in a resolution on a temporarily raised to 785 in order to accommodate MEPs from
scheme for allocating the seats of its members, the number of these countries. After the 2009 elections the number of seats
MEPs elected in June 1994 increased from 518 to 567. After the will be reduced to 736. However, the Treaty of Lisbon would
fourth EU enlargement, the number of MEPs increased to 626, provide for a maximum number of 751 members.
with a fair allocation of seats for the new Member States, in
line with the resolution mentioned above. Gradual increase in powers
The Intergovernmental Conference in Nice introduced a new Replacement of Member States’ contributions by the
distribution of seats in the European Parliament, which was Community’s own resources (1.5.1) led to a first extension of
applied at the European elections in 2004. The maximum Parliament’s budgetary powers under the Treaty of
number of members (previously set at 700) was increased to Luxembourg, signed on 22 April 1970. A second Treaty on the
732. The number of seats allocated to the 15 old Member same subject, strengthening Parliament’s powers, was signed
States was reduced by 91 (from 626 to 535). The 197 remaining in Brussels on 22 July 1975 (1.1.2).
were distributed among all old and new Member States on a
The Single European Act enhanced Parliament’s role in certain
pro rata basis.
legislative areas (cooperation procedure) and made accession
and association treaties subject to its consent.
Since 1 January 2007, membership of the European The Maastricht Treaty, by introducing the co-decision
Parliament has been as follows: procedure in certain areas of legislation and extending the
cooperation procedure to others, marked the beginning of
Belgium 24 Parliament’s metamorphosis into the role of co-legislator. It
Bulgaria 18 gave Parliament the power of final approval over the
Czech Republic 24 membership of the Commission, which was an important step
Denmark 14 forwards in Parliament’s political control over the European
Germany 99 executive.
Estonia 6 The Treaty of Amsterdam extended the co-decision procedure
Ireland 13 to most areas of legislation and reformed the procedure, putting
Greece 24 Parliament as co-legislator on an equal footing with the Council.
Spain 54 With the appointment of the President of the Commission
being made subject to Parliament’s approval, Parliament further
France 78
increased its control over the executive power.
Italy 78
The Treaty of Nice extended the scope of the co-decision
Cyprus 6
procedure in seven provisions of the EC Treaty: measures to
Latvia 9 support antidiscrimination action of the Member States
Lithuania 13 (Article 13 EC), certain measures for issuing visas
Luxembourg 6 (Article 62(2)(b)(ii) and (iv) EC), measures on asylum and on
Hungary 24 certain refugee matters (Article 63 EC), measures in the field of
Malta 5 judicial cooperation in civil matters (Article 65 EC), support
Netherlands 27 measures in the industrial field (Article 157 EC), actions in the
field of economy and social cohesion (Article 159 EC), and
Austria 18
regulations governing political parties at European level and in
Poland 54 particular the rules regarding their funding (Article 191 EC).
Portugal 24
The Treaty of Lisbon represents a further important extension
Romania 35
of both the application of qualified majority in the Council
Slovenia 7 (using a new principle) and of the application of the co-
Slovakia 14 decision procedure to some 45 new legislative domains. Co-
Finland 14 decision thus becomes the most-used decision-making
Sweden 19 procedure and would cover especially important subjects such
United Kingdom 78 as the common agricultural policy and justice and security
Total 785
(absolute majority: 393)
g Wilhelm Lehmann
August 2007
Legal basis reading; if they do not agree, the act can only be adopted after
successful conciliation.
Articles 189 to 201 of the Treaty establishing the European
Community (EC). B. Consultation
The consultation procedure continues to apply to agriculture,
Objectives taxation, competition, harmonisation of legislation not related
to the internal market, aspects of social and environmental
As an institution representing the citizens of Europe,
policy (subject to unanimity), some aspects of the area of
Parliament forms the democratic basis of the Community. If
freedom, security and justice, and adoption of general rules
the Community is to have full democratic legitimacy,
and principles for ‘comitology’. This procedure also applies to a
Parliament must be fully involved in the Community’s
new ‘framework decision’ instrument created by the
legislative process and exercise political control on the public
Amsterdam Treaty under the third pillar (Article 34(2)(b) TEU)
behalf over the other Community institutions.
for the purpose of approximation of laws and regulations.
It finally adopts the budget and monitors its implementation judicial cooperation (Articles 21 and 39 TEU). Implementation
(Articles 272, 275 and 276 EC). of the Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline
and sound financial management (2006/C 139/01) has
It discusses the annual general report (Article 200 EC).
improved CFSP consultation procedures as far as financial
It gives a discharge on implementation of the budget (Article aspects are concerned.
276 EC).
After the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty almost all aspects
The Lisbon Treaty will eliminate the distinction between of police and judicial cooperation as well as other policies in
compulsory expenditure and non-compulsory expenditure the area of freedom, justice and security will be subject to the
and put Parliament at an equal level with the Council in the general legislative procedure (co-decision). As to foreign
annual budgetary procedure. policy, the creation of the new High Representative of the
Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy will enhance
Control over the executive Parliament’s influence because (s)he will also be Vice-President
of the Commission.
Parliament has several powers of control.
Legal basis threshold will rise to 25 MEPs from at least seven Member
— Articles 189 to 201 of the Treaty establishing the European States. The political groups hold regular meetings during the
Community (EC). week before the part-session and during the part-session
week, as well as seminars to determine the main principles of
— European Parliament’s rules of procedure. their Community activity. Several political groupings have
founded political parties that operate at European level, e.g.
Membership the European People’s Party, the Party of European Socialists,
the European Green Party and the European Liberal Democrat
There are at present 785 members, allocated as follows:
and Reform Party. They work in close cooperation with the
Germany 99; France, Italy and the United Kingdom 78; Spain
corresponding political groups within Parliament.
and Poland 54; Romania 35; the Netherlands 27; Belgium, the
Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary and Portugal 24; Sweden 19; D. European political parties
Bulgaria and Austria 18; Denmark, Slovakia and Finland 14; The European political parties’ importance in forming a
Ireland and Lithuania 13; Latvia 9; Slovenia 7; Estonia, Cyprus European awareness and in expressing the political will of the
and Luxembourg 6; Malta 5. citizens of the Union is recognised in Article 191 EC,
introduced by the Maastricht Treaty. Parliament recommends
Organisation the creation of an environment favourable to their continued
development, including the adoption of framework legislation.
A. Management bodies The Treaty of Nice supplemented Article 191 with a legal base
They comprise the Bureau (the President and 14 Vice- which allowed the adoption via the co-decision procedure of
Presidents); the Conference of Presidents (President and a statute of European level political parties and particularly of
political group chairmen); the six (after July 2009 five) rules concerning their funding. Since the entry into force of
Quaestors responsible for members’ administrative and this regulation ((EC) No 2004/2003), in 2004, several new
financial business; the Conference of Committee Chairmen; political parties have been founded, raising their total number
and the Conference of Delegation Chairmen. The term of to 10.
office of the President, Vice-Presidents and Quaestors is two
and a half years.
B. Committees and delegations Under the Treaty, Parliament organises its work independently.
Members are assigned to 20 committees, two subcommittees, It adopts its rules of procedure, acting by a majority of its
interparliamentary delegations and delegations to joint members (Article 199 EC). If the Treaties do not provide
parliamentary committees. There is also the Joint Assembly set otherwise, Parliament acts by an absolute majority of the votes
up under the agreement between the African, Caribbean and cast (Article 198). It decides the agenda for its part-sessions,
Pacific (ACP) States and the EU. which primarily cover the adoption of reports by its
committees, questions to the Commission and Council, topical
Each committee or delegation elects its own ‘bureau’ and urgent debates and statements by the Presidency. Plenary
comprising a chairman and four (after July 2009 three) vice- sittings are held in public.
At the Edinburgh European Council of 11 and 12 December confirmed that it had determined the seat of Parliament in
1992 the Member States’ governments reached agreement on accordance with Article 289 EC. The substance of this decision
the seats of the institutions, whereby: was included in the Treaty of Amsterdam in a protocol
annexed to the Treaties, which Parliament regretted.
— Parliament should have its seat in Strasbourg, where the 12
monthly part-sessions, including the budget session, Parliament draws up its annual calendar of part-sessions on
should be held; the proposal of the Conference of Presidents. In general,
Parliament holds 12 four-day part-sessions in Strasbourg and
— additional plenary part-sessions should be held in Brussels; six two-day part-sessions in Brussels. On 18 December 2006
— the parliamentary committees should meet in Brussels; Parliament held for the first time a supplementary plenary
sitting in Brussels directly after the European Council of 15 and
— the Parliament’s secretariat and departments should 16 December 2006. In future, this practice will be consolidated.
remain in Luxembourg.
This decision was criticised by Parliament. However, the Court g Wilhelm Lehmann
of Justice (judgment of 1 October 1997 — C 345/95) July 2008
EPP-ED: Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats Greens/ALE: Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance
PES: Socialist Group in the European Parliament GUE/NGL: Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left
ALDE: Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe IND/DEM: Independence and Democracy Group
UEN: Union for Europe of the Nations Group NI: non-attached members
has established eight large regional constituencies: North- and most new Member States; 21 in Belgium, the Czech
West, West, East, South-West, South-East, Massif Central, Île-de- Republic, Ireland, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and the
France and Overseas. In Germany, although the electoral United Kingdom; 23 in France; and 25 in Italy.
legislation will not be changed, parties are allowed to present
2. Residence
lists of candidates at either Land or national level. Similarly, in
Finland parties may present their lists at either constituency or In Luxembourg, since the new electoral law of 18 February
national level. 2003, at least five years’ residence is required (previously 10
years) to enable a Community national to stand for election to
C. Entitlement to vote the European Parliament. Moreover, a list may not comprise a
1. Vote of non-nationals in the host country majority of candidates who do not have Luxembourgish
Voting age is 18 in all the Member States. Citizens of the Union nationality.
residing in a Member State of which they are not nationals E. Nominations
now have the right (Article 19 EC) to vote in elections to
Parliament in the Member State in which they reside, under In some Member States (the Czech Republic, Denmark,
the same conditions as nationals of that State. However, the Germany, Greece, Estonia, the Netherlands and Sweden) only
concept of residence still varies from one national electoral political parties and political organisations may submit
system to another. nominations. In the other countries nominations may be
submitted if they are endorsed by the required number of
Some countries require voters either to have their domicile or signatures or electors, and in some cases (Ireland, the
customary residence on electoral territory (France and Finland), Netherlands and the United Kingdom) a deposit is also
or customarily to stay there (Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, required. In Ireland and Italy candidates may nominate
Luxembourg, Portugal and Italy), or to be registered on the themselves if they are endorsed by the required number of
electoral roll (Denmark, Ireland, Hungary, the Netherlands, signatures.
Austria, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom).
F. Election dates
To be entitled to vote in Luxembourg, Community citizens
must also prove a minimum period of residence. This was In accordance with national traditions, the voting takes place
reduced, however, with the entry into force of the new on:
electoral law on 18 February 2003. Since then, the obligatory — Thursday in Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and the
period of residence in the territory of Luxembourg has been United Kingdom,
five years, although this period does not apply to Community
electors who do not have the right to vote in their Member — Sunday in all other countries.
State of origin, because they are resident outside that State or The last elections were held on 10 and 13 June 2004. The next
because of the period of that residence. will take place on 4 and 7 June 2009.
2. Vote of non-resident nationals in the countries of
G. Voters’ option to alter the order of candidates on lists
In the United Kingdom the right to vote of citizens resident In some States (Germany, Greece, Spain, France and Portugal)
abroad is confined to civil servants, members of the armed voters cannot alter the order in which candidates appear on a
forces and citizens who left the country less than five years list. In others (Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, the
before, provided they submit a declaration to the appropriate Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Sweden) the order on the
authorities. Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria and Portugal list may be changed using transferable votes. In Luxembourg
only grant the right to vote to their nationals living in an EU voters may vote for candidates from different lists. In Sweden,
Member State. Belgium, Greece, Spain, France, Italy and voters may also add names to the lists or remove them. The
Sweden grant their nationals the right to vote whatever their list system is not used in Ireland, Malta or the United
country of residence. Germany grants this right to citizens who Kingdom.
have lived in another country for less than 10 years. In Ireland H. Allocating seats
and Hungary the right to vote is confined to EU citizens
domiciled on the national territory. Most Member States have adopted the d’Hondt rule for
allocating seats. Germany uses the Hare–Niemeyer method
D. Right to stand for election and Luxembourg a variant of the d’Hondt method, the
Apart from the requirement of nationality of an EU Member Hagenbach-Bischoff method. In Greece seats are allocated by
State, which is common to all the Member States, conditions the weighted method of proportional representation known
vary from one to another. as Eniskhimeni Analogiki, in Ireland by the single transferable
vote method, in Italy by the whole electoral quota and largest
1. Minimum age remainder method, and in Sweden by the Sainte-Laguë
The minimum age is: 18 in Denmark, Germany, Spain, the method (division by successive odd numbers but modified to
Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, Portugal Finland, Sweden make the largest common divisor 1.4).
Both the EP and the NPs have deplored this democratic deficit Laeken (2001). It also played an important role during the
and endeavoured to reduce it. debates of the Convention on the Future of Europe (1.1.4),
where it was the subject of one of the 11 working groups. The
— The NPs have gradually become concerned at their loss of
Convention finally adopted a protocol on the role of national
influence and have come to see better national control
parliaments in the European Union, which was attached to the
over their governments’ European activities and closer
Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. In May 2006, the
relations with the European Parliament as a way of
European Commission agreed to transfer electronically all new
restoring lost influence and ensuring together that Europe
proposals and consultation papers to the national parliaments.
is built on democratic principles.
The Treaty of Lisbon would introduce a new mechanism for
— On its side, the EP has generally taken the view that
national parliaments to watch over the respect of the
substantial relations with the NPs would help to strengthen
subsidiarity principle in new legislative proposals. It would give
its legitimacy and bring Europe closer to the citizen.
a majority of chambers the possibility to block a new
B. The evolving context of cooperation Commission proposal. However, the final decision would be
up to the legislative authority (European Parliament and
The role of the NPs has continued to decline as European
Council of Ministers). The Treaty also contains new articles
integration has progressed, with the strengthening of
clarifying the role of national parliaments in the European
Community fiscal and budgetary powers in 1970 and 1975,
institutional set-up (Articles 10 and 12 TEU).
the rise of majority voting in the Council and of the EP’s
legislative powers following the Single European Act in 1987
and the Maastricht Treaty in 1993, the latter also creating the Achievements: the instruments of cooperation
common foreign and security policy (CFSP) and cooperation in
A. Conferences of presidents of the parliamentary
the spheres of justice and home affairs (CJHA), and a further
assemblies of the European Union
increase in the EP’s legislative powers in the Amsterdam Treaty
of October 1997. Following meetings held in 1963 and 1973, the conferences
were introduced in 1981. Comprising the presidents of the NPs
Until 1979 the EP and the NPs were linked organically, since and the EP, they were held initially every two years. They are
MEPs were appointed from within the NPs. Direct elections to prepared by meetings of secretary-generals and discuss
the EP broke those ties, and for some 10 years relations ceased precise questions of cooperation between the NPs and the EP.
altogether. The need to restore them became apparent after
1989, when contacts were made and attempts were set in During recent years, the presidents have met every year.
train to replace the original organic ties. The Maastricht Treaty Important recent conferences were held in Athens, from 22 to
helped by including two declarations (Nos 13 and 14) on the 24 May 2003 (on the role of the European parliaments in an
subject, which provide in particular for: enlarged Europe) and in Lisbon, on 20 and 21 June 2008 (on
the EU beyond the Treaty of Lisbon).
— respecting the NPs’ involvement in the activities of the
European Union (their respective governments must Since 1995 the EP had maintained close relations with the
inform them ‘in good time’ of Community legislative parliaments of the associate and accession countries. The
proposals and joint conferences must be held where presidents of the European Parliament and these parliaments
necessary); have repeatedly met to discuss accession strategies and other
topical questions.
— cooperation between the EP and the NPs, by stepping up
contacts, holding regular meetings and granting reciprocal B. The ECPRD
facilities. The grand conference in Vienna in 1977 set up the European
Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation
The NPs have recently acquired a measure of control over their
(ECPRD), a network of documentation and research services
governments’ Community activities, as a result of
that cooperate closely to facilitate access to information
constitutional reforms, government undertakings or
(including national and Community databases) and
amendment of their own operating methods. Their
coordinating research so as to avoid duplication. It centralises
committees specialising in European affairs have played a
and circulates research and has created a website to improve
major role in this development, in cooperation with the EP.
exchanges of information. Its directory facilitates contact
The protocol on the role of national parliaments annexed to between the member parliaments’ research departments. The
the Treaty of Amsterdam encourages greater involvement of Centre is jointly administered by the EP and the Parliamentary
national parliaments in the activities of the EU and requires Assembly of the Council of Europe.
consultation documents and proposals to be forwarded
promptly so the NPs can examine them before the Council C. Conference of parliaments of the Community
takes a decision. The role of national parliaments is This idea took practical shape in Rome in 1990 under the name
furthermore dealt with in a declaration to the Nice Treaty of ‘European assizes’. Its theme was ‘the future of the
(2000) and in the Declaration of the European Council in Community; the implications, for the Community and the
Member State to the single currency is taken by the Council Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the term of his or her
meeting at the level of Heads of State or Government. mandate.
4. Common foreign and security policy and cooperation B. Operation
in the fields of justice and home affairs Depending on the area concerned, the Council takes its
In these fields of competence, created by the Treaty on decision, by simple majority, qualified majority or unanimously
European Union, the Council does not act as a Community (1.4.1 and 1.4.3).
institution but according to specific intergovernmental rules.
1. Simple majority
In the field of foreign and security policy, it adopts common This means that a decision is taken when there are more votes
positions and joint actions and also draws up conventions. The for than against. Each member of the Council has one vote.
troika formula has changed after the Treaty of Amsterdam: the The simple majority is applicable when the Treaty does not
Presidency of the Council is now assisted in the field of the provide otherwise (Article 205(1) EC). It is thus the decision-
common foreign and security policy by the Council general making process found in ordinary law. In practice it applies to
secretariat, whose General-Secretary exercises the functions of only a small number of decisions: internal Council rules,
High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, organisation of the Council secretariat, and the rules governing
and the Member State that will hold the next Presidency. The committees provided for in the Treaty.
Council and Presidency are also assisted by a policy planning
2. Qualified majority
and early warning unit, which was set up under a declaration
annexed to the Final Act of the Amsterdam Treaty. a. Mechanism
In many cases the Treaty requires decisions by qualified
Since the Treaty of Amsterdam, the Council has also adopted
majority, which entails more votes than a simple majority. In
framework decisions on approximation of legislation in the
that case there is no longer equality of voting rights. Each
fields of justice and home affairs (4.12.1).
country has a certain number of votes in line with its
population (Article 205(2) EC).
Before the accession of the 10 new Member States in 2004, the
A. Composition situation was the following: Germany, France, Italy and the
1. Members United Kingdom 10 votes; Spain 8 votes; Belgium, Greece, the
Netherlands and Portugal 5 votes; Austria and Sweden 4 votes;
The Council consists of a representative of each Member State,
Denmark, Ireland and Finland 3 votes, and Luxembourg 2
at ministerial level, ‘authorised to commit the government of
votes. The total was 87 with 62 needed for a decision. In the
that Member State’ (Article 203 EC).
event of a decision without a Commission proposal, the 62
2. Presidency votes must have been cast by at least 10 Member States.
The Council acting by a qualified majority (since the Treaty of With the accession of the 10 new Member States, the total
Nice) is chaired by the representative of the Member State number of votes in the Council rose to 124 during a
that holds the Council Presidency: this changes every six transitional period (1 May to 31 October 2004). The required
months, in the order decided by the Council acting qualified majority was 88 (70.97 %).
unanimously (Article 203 EC). The Treaty of Nice did not
From 1 November 2004, a new weighting of votes was
change this six-monthly rotation. In order to give new
introduced and qualified majority will be obtained if (with 27
Member States the time to prepare for their Presidency the
Member States):
previous rotation order was continued until the end of 2006.
On 1 January 2007 the following order was decided: Germany — the decision receives at least 255 votes of a new total of
and Portugal in 2007, Slovenia and France in 2008, the Czech 345 (73.91 %),
Republic and Sweden in 2009, Spain and Belgium in 2010, — the decision is approved by a majority of Member States,
Hungary and Poland in 2011, Denmark and Cyprus in 2012, and
Ireland and Lithuania in 2013, Greece and Italy in 2014, Latvia
and Luxembourg in 2015, the Netherlands and Slovakia in — the decision is approved by at least 62 % of the EU’s
2016, Malta and the United Kingdom in 2017, Estonia and population (the check on this latter criterion must be
Bulgaria in 2018, Austria and Romania in 2019, and Finland in requested by a Member State).
the first half of 2020. If a proposal does not come from the Commission, adoption of
The Treaty of Lisbon would change the system of rotating an act of the Council shall require at least 255 votes in favour,
presidencies. It would formalise the practice of 18-month team cast by at least two thirds of the members.
presidencies in a draft decision of the European Council to be The Treaty of Lisbon would discard the system of weighted
adopted after the entry into force of the Treaty and create a votes and follow a simple rule of double majority (55 % of the
long-term Presidency for the foreign affairs Council, which members of the Council, comprising at least 15 of them and
would be chaired by the High Representative of the Union for representing Member States comprising at least 65 % of the
C. Tasks
History The Solemn Declaration on European Union adopted by the
A. Summits Heads of State or Government in Stuttgart in 1983 defined the
tasks of the European Council as:
The European Council is the present form of summit conferences
of Heads of State or Government of the Community Member — defining approaches to further the construction of Europe;
States. The first of these ‘European summits’ took place in Paris in
— issuing guidelines for Community action and political
1961. There have been several since then at fairly regular
intervals, becoming more frequent since 1969.
— initiating cooperation in new areas; and
B. How the name arose
— expressing the common position in questions of external
The Paris European Summit in February 1974 decided that
such meetings of Heads of State or Government should be
held regularly in future under the name of ‘European Council’, The Lisbon Treaty would make the European Council an
enabling a general approach to be taken to the problems of institution of the European Union. Its tasks would be to
‘provide the Union with the necessary impetus for its The same applies when the Treaty on European Union (Article
development and define the general political directions and 7) gives the Council, meeting in the composition of Heads of
priorities thereof’ (Article 15 TEU as amended). State or Government, the power to start the procedure
suspending the rights of a Member State as a result of a
D. Incorporation in the Treaties serious breach of the Union’s principles.
The Single European Act (1986) included the European Council
in the body of the Community Treaties for the first time, defining B. Relations with the other institutions
its composition and convening its meetings twice a year. The European Council takes decisions with complete
The Treaty of Maastricht (1992) formalised its role in the independence; unlike the Community system, its decisions do
European Union’s institutional process. not involve a Commission initiative or Parliament’s
The Treaty of Lisbon will make the European Council a full
institution of the European Union (Article 13 TEU as amended). But the Treaty does provide an organisational link with the
Commission, since its President forms part of the European
Council, which is also assisted by another Commissioner.
Organisation Moreover, the European Council often asks the Commission to
A. Composition submit reports in preparation for its meetings.
The European Council brings together the Heads of State or The only link with Parliament laid down by the Treaty is that in
Government of the Member States and the President of the Article 4 TEU, requiring the European Council to submit to
Commission, assisted by the foreign ministers and a Member Parliament:
of the Commission.
— a report after each of its meetings,
B. Operation — a yearly written report on the progress of the Union.
The European Council meets at least twice a year. It is chaired
by the Head of State or Government of the country holding But Parliament can exercise some informal influence:
the Council Presidency. It normally takes decisions — by the presence of its President at European Council
unanimously. Since 2002 one European Council meeting per meetings, which has become current practice,
Presidency has been held in Brussels. When the Union
— by the resolutions it adopts on items on the agenda for
comprised 25 members, all formal European Council meetings
meetings, on the outcome of meetings and on the formal
started to be held in Brussels. The presidencies are
reports submitted by the European Council.
nevertheless free to organise informal European meetings
wherever they like. Under the Lisbon Treaty the new High Representative of the
Under the Lisbon Treaty a long-term Presidency would be Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy would become an
introduced. The President would have a mandate of 30 additional component proposing and carrying out foreign
months, renewable once. policy on behalf of the European Council.
C. Powers
Role 1. General
A. Place in the Union’s institutional system The European Council provides the Union with ‘the necessary
Under Article 3 TEU, the European Council forms part of the impetus for its development’ and defines the ‘general political
‘single institutional framework’ of the Union. But it is the source guidelines’ (Article 4 TEU).
of a general political impetus rather than a decision-making 2. Foreign and security policy matters
body in the legal sense. It only takes decisions with legal The European Council defines the principles of and general
consequences for the Union in exceptional cases (see point 2 guidelines for the common foreign and security policy (CFSP)
below). In essence it is an intergovernmental body, taking and decides on common strategies for its implementation
decisions unanimously. (Article 13 TEU).
It is not yet a Community institution. When the Treaty It decides whether to recommend to the Member States a
establishing the European Community entrusts a decision to move towards a common defence, under Article 17(1).
the Heads of State or Government, they act as a Council in the
Community sense of the word and not as the European If a Member State intends to oppose the adoption of a
Council. This applies to: decision for important reasons of national policy, the
Council may decide by a qualified majority to refer the
— decisions as the ultimate authority for allowing closer
matter to the European Council for a unanimous decision
cooperation in the Community sphere, under Article 11(2) EC;
(Article 23(2) TEU). The same procedure can apply if Member
— choosing the Member States which fulfil the conditions for States decide to establish enhanced cooperation in this field
access to the single currency, under Article 121(4) EC. (Article 27c(2) TEU).
Legal basis — After approval the Member States appointed the other
Articles 211 to 219 of the Treaty establishing the European Commissioners by common accord with the nominated
Community (EC). President.
— Finally, there was a further round of parliamentary approval
History and the Commissioners were appointed.
The Commission is the Community’s one executive body. To The Treaty of Nice introduced the following changes.
begin with, each Community had its own executive: the High
— It is the Council, acting by a qualified majority, which
Authority for the European Coal and Steel Community of 1951,
nominates the person it intends to appoint as President of
and a Commission for each of the two Communities set up by
the Commission. The Lisbon Treaty stipulates that the
the Treaty of Rome in 1957, the EEC and Euratom. These three
results of the European elections have to be taken into
bodies merged into a single European Commission under the
account for the selection of the candidate. The nomination
Treaty of 8 April 1965, which took effect on 1 July 1967 (1.1.2).
must be approved by the European Parliament.
Composition and legal status — The Council, acting by a qualified majority and by common
accord with the nominee for President, adopts the list of
A. Number of Members the other persons whom it intends to appoint as Members
The Commission was for a long time composed of at least one of the Commission in accordance with the proposals made
and not more than two Commissioners per Member State. In by each Member State.
practice the five most populous countries returned two — The President and the other Members of the Commission
Commissioners and the others one, including the 10 new must be approved as a body by the European Parliament
Member States since 1 May 2004. and appointed by the Council, acting by a qualified
Since 1 November 2004 the Commission has consisted of one majority.
Commissioner per Member State. When the Union reached the
number of 27 Member States on 1 January 2007 the number of C. Legal status
the Commissioners should have become smaller than the 1. Term of office
number of the Member States. The Members of the Since the Treaty of Maastricht a Commissioner’s term of office
Commission will be selected on the basis of a rotation system has matched Parliament’s legislative term of five years. It is
based on the principle of equality. This new system will only be renewable.
introduced with the new Commission to be appointed in 2009.
2. Personal accountability (Articles 213(2) and 216 EC)
The Lisbon Treaty would provide for a number of Commission Members of the Commission are required:
Members of two thirds of Member States. However, this would
only be applied from 1 November 2014 and the European — to be completely independent in the performance of their
Council would still have the right to change the number of duties, in the general interest of the Community; in
Commissioners unanimously. The Members of the Commission particular, they may neither seek nor take instructions from
shall be selected from among the nationals of the Member any government or other external body;
States on the basis of a system of equal rotation, reflecting — not to engage in any other occupation, whether it is
satisfactorily the demographic and geographical range of all gainful or not.
the Member States (Article 17 of the Treaty on European Union
(TEU), as amended). Commissioners can be dismissed by the Court of Justice, at the
request of the Council or the Commission itself:
B. Method of nomination
— if they break any of these obligations,
Under the Treaty of Amsterdam the nomination of the
Commission took place as follows. — if they cease to fulfil the conditions required for the
performance of their duties,
— The Member States’ nominee for Commission President
was first put to Parliament for approval. — if they are guilty of serious misconduct.
— recommendations for the exchange rate between the As part of these ‘requirements’ the Council has taken to setting
single currency and the other currencies and for general up ‘committees’ composed of national civil servants which are
orientations for exchange-rate policy, under Article 111; associated with the Commission’s implementing powers. While
some of these committees are only advisory, others make it
— recommendations on measures to be taken if a Member
possible to curb the Commission’s powers (in the case of
State is in balance-of-payments difficulties, under Article
management committees) or even absorb them (in the case of
regulatory committees). With respect to the competition rules
b. U
nder the common foreign and security policy and police applying to companies — concerted practice and abuse of a
and judicial cooperation dominant position — Council regulatory acts have conferred
considerable implementing powers on the Commission
In these areas, not only is the Commission fully involved in the (3.3.1 and 3.3.2).
Council’s work, but it may also — in the same way as the
Member States — consult the Council on any proposal, under Parliament has repeatedly criticised the adverse effects of this
Articles 22 and 34(2) EU. The High Representative of the Union ‘comitology’, which was increasingly inappropriate as the co-
for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy provided for by the decision procedure spread into general use (see in particular
Lisbon Treaty will be Vice-President of the Commission. Hence, Parliament’s resolution of 13 December 1990). The Council
the Commission will have a stronger role in foreign policy. As decision of 1999 ‘laying down the procedures for the exercise
to former third pillar areas, most of them will be transferred to of implementing powers conferred to the Commission’
the general legislative procedure improved the involvement of the European Parliament in the
comitology procedures by acknowledging a right to
B. Powers to monitor the implementation of Community information and a right to review.
After long negotiations between the three institutions, a new
The Community Treaties require the Commission to ensure committee procedure (‘regulatory procedure with scrutiny’)
they are properly implemented, together with any decision was introduced by Council Decision 2006/512/EC of 17 July
taken to implement them (secondary law). This is its role as 2006. Parliament changed its rules of procedure accordingly
guardian of the Treaties. It does so mainly through the (resolution of 14 December 2006). This new procedure entitles
‘failure to act’ procedure under Article 226 EC: if it considers Parliament and the Council to scrutinise quasi-legislative
that a Member State has failed to fulfil an obligation under the measures implementing an instrument adopted by co-
Treaty, it can initiate proceedings by requiring the State decision and to reject such measures.
concerned to submit its observations. If these do not satisfy
the Commission it delivers a reasoned opinion requiring the D. Regulatory powers
matter to be put right by a specific date; after that date it can The Treaties seldom give the Commission full regulatory
ask the Court of Justice to settle the matter. powers.
The main ones are: — Pacing the abolition of taxes and measures having an
equivalent effect to customs duties or quantitative
— implementing the budget, under Article 274 EC; restrictions during the transitional period of the Treaty of
— authorising the Member States to take safeguard measures Rome, setting up the customs union.
laid down in the Treaties, particularly during transitional 2. Provisions that remain in force
periods; Applying Community rules to public undertakings and public
— enforcing the competition rules, particularly in monitoring service undertakings, under Article 86(3) EC.
State subsidies, under Article 88(2).
E. Consultative powers
2. Delegated by the Council The Treaties give the Commission a general power of
Articles 124 EAEC and 211 EC state that the Commission must recommendation and opinion, under Article 211 EC.
exercise the powers conferred on it by the Council for the They also provide for it to be consulted on certain decisions,
implementation of the rules laid down by the Council. The such as on the admission of new Member States to the Union,
Single European Act amended the EC Treaty, in Article 202, so under Article 49 TEU.
as to require the Council to confer such powers, but it also
allowed the Council: Lastly, the Commission is consulted on the statute for MEPs
and the statute for the Ombudsman.
— to reserve the right to exercise implementing powers itself,
— when conferring such powers on the Commission, to g Wilhelm Lehmann
impose certain requirements. July 2008
I. Court of Justice of the European Their immunity may only be waived by a unanimous decision
of the Court.
3. Obligations (statute)
Judges and advocates-general:
Legal basis
— take an oath (independence, impartiality and preservation
Articles 220, 226, second paragraph, 227, 230, 232, 234 to 237
of secrecy) before taking up their duties;
and 300 of the Treaty establishing the European Community
(EC). — may not hold any political or administrative office or
engage in any occupation;
Article 136 of the Euratom Treaty.
Protocol, annexed to the Treaties, on the statute of the Court of — give an undertaking that they will respect the obligations
Justice. arising from their office.
— who possess the qualifications required for appointment to The Court sits in chambers (of three or five judges), in a Grand
the highest judicial offices in their respective countries or Chamber (11 judges) or in a full Court (these various
who are jurisconsults of recognised competence; formations were introduced by the Treaty of Nice: (1.1.4).
— another Member State after it has brought the matter The Court also has the jurisdiction to review decisions made
before the Commission (Article 227). by judicial panels (see below, Civil Service Tribunal) or by the
Court of First Instance on preliminary issues. The review
Role of the Court:
procedure is an exceptional procedure, limited to cases where
— to confirm that the State has failed to fulfil its obligations, there is a serious risk of the unity or consistency of Community
in which case the State is required to take the necessary law being affected.
measures to comply with the Court’s judgment;
If the Court’s ruling might affect the decision on the
— if the Commission considers that the Member State proceedings that were the subject of the decision at first
concerned has not taken such measures, it may (after a instance; it is not however an appeal ‘in the interest of the law’.
preliminary procedure, as provided for above) propose to
the Court of Justice that it impose a lump sum or penalty
payment on the Member State in question, the amount
being determined by the Court on the basis of a The Court of Justice has shown itself to be a very important
Commission proposal (Article 228 of the EC Treaty). factor — some would even say a driving force — in European
b. P
roceedings against the Community institutions for
annulment and for failure to act 1. In general
Subject: cases where the institutions have adopted acts that Its judgment of 15 July 1964 in the Costa/Enel case was
are contrary to Community law (annulment: Article 230) or, in fundamental in defining European Community law as an
infringement of Community law, have failed to act (failure to independent legal system taking precedence over national
act: Article 232). legal provisions. Similarly, its judgment of 5 February 1963 in
the Van Gend & Loos case established the principle that
Referral: actions may be brought by the Member States, the Community law was directly applicable in the courts of the
institutions themselves or any natural or legal person if it Member States. Other significant decisions concern the
relates to a decision addressed to them. protection of human rights: judgment of 14 May 1974 in the
Role of the Court: the Court declares the act void or declares Nold case, in which the Court stated that fundamental human
that there has been a failure to act, in which case the rights are an integral part of the general principles of law that
institution at fault is required to take the necessary measures it upholds (1.5.1).
to comply with the Court’s judgment (Article 233).
I. In specific matters
c. Other direct proceedings
a. T he right of establishment: judgment of 8 April 1976 in the
Actions against Commission decisions imposing penalties on Royer case, in which the Court upheld the right of a
firms (Article 229). national of a Member State to stay in any other Member
State independently of any residence permit issued by the
Actions for compensation for damages caused by the
host country.
institutions or their servants (Article 235).
Actions by Community officials and servants against their b. T he free movement of goods: judgment of 20 February
institutions (Article 236) — competence currently devolved to 1979 in the Cassis de Dijon case, in which the Court ruled
the Civil Service Tribunal (see below). that any product legally manufactured and marketed in a
Member State must in principle be allowed on the market
Actions relating to contracts concluded by the Community of any other Member State.
(Article 238).
c. T he external jurisdiction of the Community: AETR
2. Indirect proceedings: question of validity raised before judgment of 31 March 1971, in the Commission/Council
a national court or tribunal (Article 234) case, which recognised the Community’s right to conclude
The national courts are normally responsible for applying international agreements in spheres where Community
Community law in cases relating to the implementation of the regulations apply.
law. However, when an issue relating to the interpretation of
d. R
ecent judgments establishing an obligation to pay
the law is raised before a national court or tribunal, the court
damages by Member States that have failed to transpose
or tribunal may seek a preliminary ruling from the Court of
directives into national law or failed to do so in good time.
Justice. If it is a court of last instance, it is compulsory to refer
the matter to the Court. e. V
arious judgments relating to social security and
3. Responsibility at second instance competition.
The Court has the jurisdiction to review appeals limited to f. R
ulings on breaches of Community law by the Member
points of law in rulings of the Court of First Instance. The States, which are vital for the smooth running of the
appeals do not have suspensory effect. common market.
A. Composition The statute may extend the Court’s jurisdiction to other areas.
1. Number The judgments given by the Court at first instance may be
One judge per Member State, so there are currently 27. subject to a right of appeal to the Court of Justice, but this is
limited to points of law.
The judges may be called upon to perform the task of
advocate-general. B. Responsibility at first and last instance
2. Conditions to be met The Court of First Instance has the jurisdiction to give
They must possess the ability required for appointment to preliminary rulings (Article 234) in the areas laid down by the
high judicial office. statute. However, these decisions may exceptionally be subject
to review by the Court of Justice ‘where there is a serious risk of
They must be persons whose independence is beyond doubt. the unity or consistency of Community law being affected’.
3. Appointment procedure The review does not have suspensory effect.
The judges are appointed by common accord of the It is not, however, an appeal in the interest of the law if the
governments of the Member States. Court’s ruling is likely to have an impact on the decision on the
proceedings that were the subject of the Court’s ruling.
B. Characteristics of the office
Identical to those of the Court of Justice. — In cases of reviews of decisions of the Court of First
Instance ruling on the decisions of judicial panels (see
below), the Court of Justice refers the matter to the Court
Organisation and operation of First Instance, which is bound by the points of law laid
A. Internal organisation down by the Court of Justice. However, the Court of Justice
itself decides the case if the decision on the proceedings is
The judges elect the President from among their number for a
based on the same evidence as that brought before the
renewable period of three years.
Court of First Instance, taking into account the review of
The Court appoints its registrar. the Court of Justice.
— In cases of reviews of decisions of the Court of First natural and legal persons against regulatory acts will be
Instance on preliminary issues, the Court of Justice’s answer facilitated.
to the question referred replaces that of the Court of First
— The scope of cases brought for failure to act is extended to
Instance (Article 62 of the Court’s rules of procedure).
include the European Council, the European Central Bank
C. Responsibility for appeals and other EU bodies and organisms that fail to act.
If the Council decides to make use of the option to create — The Court of Justice will have jurisdiction to review judicial
judicial panels to hear and determine at first instance certain cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation,
classes of actions, the decisions of these panels may be subject but not to review the validity or proportionality of police
to a right of appeal before the Court of First Instance. operations or the exercise of the responsibilities incumbent
upon Member States with regard to the maintenance of
III. European Union Civil Service Tribunal law and order and the safeguarding of internal security.
— Although the Court still does not have jurisdiction over the
In order to relieve the Court of First Instance of some of its
acts adopted in the area of the common foreign and
proceedings, Article 225a of the EC Treaty, introduced by the
security policy, it has jurisdiction to review the legality of
Treaty of Nice, provides for the possibility of establishing
restrictive measures against natural or legal persons.
‘judicial panels’ with the jurisdiction to hear certain categories
of actions ‘in certain specific areas’ at first instance. In Significant progress is also made in the area of infringements:
accordance with this provision, the Council decision of 2 when the Commission brings a case before the Court of
November 2004 establishes a ‘European Union Civil Service Justice against a Member State that has failed to fulfil its
Tribunal’ (OJ L 333, 9.11.2004, p. 7). obligation to notify measures transposing a directive, it may,
This decision stipulates that the decisions of this Tribunal are when it deems appropriate, specify to the Court the amount of
subject to appeals to the Court of First Instance. These appeals the lump sum or penalty payment to be paid by the Member
do not have suspensory effect, are limited to points of law and State.
must lie on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction of the Civil Finally, the changes to the Court’s Statue will be subject to the
Service Tribunal, a breach of procedure before it that adversely ordinary legislative procedure, rather than unanimity in the
affects the interests of the party concerned and the Council.
infringement of Community law.
Role of the European Parliament
The Lisbon Treaty
Since a 1990 ruling on a case by Parliament brought as part of
The entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty would introduce the legislative procedure on the adoption of health measures
changes with regard to the following points. to be taken following the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the
— The appointment of candidates for the posts of judge and Court has granted the European Parliament the right to bring
advocate-general by the Member States will first be before the Court actions to have decisions declared void
subject to an examination by a panel of seven persons, one (Article 230 EC) for the purpose of safeguarding its
of whom will be proposed by the European Parliament. prerogatives under the legislative procedure.
— The legality of acts of the European Council and of bodies The Treaty of Nice extends the European Parliament’s capacity
or organisms (agencies, offices, etc.) intended to produce to bring such decisions before the Court, which is no longer
legal effects vis-à-vis third parties will henceforth be limited to defending its prerogatives.
— Taking into account the development of case-law, the g Claire Genta
conditions governing the admissibility of cases brought by July 2008
Legal basis — they may not engage in any other professional activity,
Articles 246 to 248, 279 and 280 of the Treaty establishing the whether paid or not;
European Community (EC). — if they infringe these conditions the Court of Justice can
The Treaty on European Union raised the Court of Auditors to remove them from office.
the rank of Community institution by amending Article 7 of C. Organisation
the EC Treaty accordingly.
The Court elects its President from among its Members for a
renewable term of three years.
A. Composition Powers
1. Number A. The Court’s audits
One member per Member State (the Nice Treaty formalised 1. Scope
what had hitherto only been the recognised procedure), thus
The Court’s remit covers examination of any revenue or
currently 27.
expenditure accounts of the Community or any Community
2. Qualifications body, unless precluded by that body’s constitution. It carries
They must: out its audits in order to obtain a reasonable assurance as to:
— belong or have belonged in their respective countries to — the reliability of the annual accounts of the Communities;
external audit bodies, or be especially qualified for this — the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions;
office; and
— show that their independence is beyond doubt. — the soundness of financial management.
3. Nomination 2. Methods of investigation
Members of the Court are appointed: The Court’s audit is continuous; it may be carried out before
— by the Council, by qualified majority; the closure of accounts for the financial year in question.
— on the recommendation of each Member State regarding It is based on records and may also be carried out on the spot,
its own seat; in:
— after consulting Parliament. — Community institutions;
2. Status In the Member States the audit is carried out in liaison with the
competent national bodies or departments.
Members enjoy the same privileges and immunities that apply
to judges of the Court of Justice. These bodies are required to forward to the Court any
document or information it considers necessary to carry out its
3. Duties
Members must be ‘completely independent in the
performance of their duties’. This means: 3. Main publications
Following its audits the Court provides Parliament and the
— they must not seek or take instructions from any external
Council with a yearly statement of assurance (‘DAS’ for
déclaration d’assurance in French) as to the reliability of the
— they must refrain from any action incompatible with their accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying
duties; transactions.
It draws up an annual report, which it forwards to the assurance). The DAS was always qualified by reservations over
Community institutions and publishes in the Official Journal of recent years and has been criticised repeatedly by the EP,
the European Union together with the institutions’ replies to the notably in its discharge resolutions in which it made concrete
Court’s observations. proposals as to how to arrive at a positive DAS. The Court of
The Court may comment at any time on specific issues, Auditors reacted by suggesting the development of a
particularly in the form of special reports. Community internal control framework with common
principles and standards to be used at all levels of
B. Advisory powers administration in the institutions and Member States alike
The other institutions may ask the Court for its opinion (Court of Auditors’ Opinion No 2/2004 on the ‘single audit’
whenever they see fit. model).
The Court’s opinion is mandatory when the Council: The Commission has taken this up and developed the
‘roadmap to an integrated internal control framework’
— adopts financial regulations specifying the procedure for
(adopted by the Commission on 15 June 2005). The EP has
establishing and implementing the budget and for
welcomed this in its discharge resolution of April 2006 with
presenting and auditing accounts;
respect to the implementation of the 2004 budget.
— determines the methods and procedure whereby the
The Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 on budgetary
Community’s own resources are made available to the
discipline and sound financial management (see ‘the
multiannual financial framework’ 1.5.2) stipulates under
— lays down rules concerning the responsibility of financial ‘Ensuring effective and integrated internal control of
controllers, authorising officers and accounting officers; or Community funds’: ‘The institutions agree on the importance
— adopts anti-fraud measures. of strengthening internal control without adding to the
administrative burden for which the simplification of the
underlying legislation is a prerequisite. In this context, priority
Role of the European Parliament will be given to sound financial management aiming at a
The Court of Auditors was created in 1977 at the initiative of positive statement of assurance, for funds under shared
the European Parliament. Since then, it has assisted the management.’
European Parliament and the Council in exercising their role of
controlling the implementation of the budget.
g François Javelle
A bone of contention has been the absence of an unqualified Helmut Werner
positive DAS (i.e. the Court of Auditors’ annual statement of July 2008
If he does not obtain the assistance he requests, the Among the Ombudsman’s achievements, the following can be
Ombudsman will inform Parliament, which will take cited: the ‘Code of good administrative behaviour’ (approved
appropriate action. by the EP in 2001), a procedural code for complainants under
the Article 226 infringement procedure (adopted by the
The Ombudsman can also cooperate with his counterparts in Commission in 2002), the abolition of age limits in recruitment
the Member States, subject to the national law concerned. to the institutions and bodies, and the draft recommendation
The Ombudsman and his staff are required not to pass on to the European Commission in complaint 116/2005/MHZ
information that they obtain in the course of their inquiries, concerning public access to documents.
particularly if it could harm the complainant or any other At the plenary sitting of 15 January 2003, Mr Nikiforos
person concerned. Diamandouros was elected European Ombudsman by the
European Parliament for the remainder of the current
However, if the information appears to be a matter of criminal
parliamentary term. Seven candidates were interviewed at the
law, the Ombudsman will immediately notify the competent
public hearing for the post of European Ombudsman, held by
national authorities and the Community institution to which
the Committee on Petitions on 25 and 26 November 2002.
the official or member of staff is answerable.
4. Outcome of inquiries E. Revision of the Ombudsman’s statute
Wherever possible, the Ombudsman will act in concert with On 11 July 2006, the Ombudsman submitted to the President
the institution or body concerned to find a solution that will of Parliament a proposal for adaptation of his statute of
satisfy the complainant. 9 March 1994. The Committee on Petitions supported this
proposal in its report on the Ombudsman’s annual report 2005
Where the Ombudsman establishes an instance of (EP resolution of 16 November 2006) and Parliament finally
maladministration, he shall refer the matter to the institution approved Anneli Jäätteenmäki’s report proposing
or body concerned, which shall have three months in which to amendments to the statute on 22 April 2008. These
inform him of its views. amendments were approved by the Council on 12 June 2008.
The Ombudsman shall then forward a report to the European They seek primarily to:
Parliament and the institution or body concerned on the
outcome of his inquiries. — allow the Ombudsman to consult any document he needs
in the course of his inquiries and to lift the secrecy
Finally, the Ombudsman shall inform the complainant of the exception, while clarifying and strengthening the
result of the inquiry, the opinion delivered by the institution or provisions for the Ombudsman to maintain the
body concerned and any recommendations of his own. confidentiality of documents disclosed to him;
At the end of each annual session, the Ombudsman shall — extend the cooperation of the European Ombudsman
submit a report to Parliament on the outcome of his inquiries. (already established with the national ombudsmen) to the
bodies in charge of the promotion and protection of has very close relations with Parliament, which is exclusively
human rights in the Member States; responsible for his appointment and dismissal, regulates his
— amend the wording of the provision concerning the duties, assists with his investigations and receives his reports.
testimony of officials who do not speak on a personal basis, On the basis of several annual reports on the activities of the
but as officials (the original formulation referred to European Ombudsman, the Committee on Petitions reiterated
speaking ‘in accordance with instructions from their that the European Ombudsman and his national and regional
administrations’); opposite numbers should work with the committee and the
— request the Ombudsman to notify the European Anti- Parliament to ensure that what emerges from the current
Fraud Office (OLAF) if in the course of his inquiries he modifications of the Treaties maximises the access,
receives information that might fall within OLAF’s remit. transparency and accountability of the European Union.
History (1.1.1 to 1.1.6) areas and strengthening Parliament’s role in appointing the
The Treaty of Rome gave the Commission powers of proposal
and negotiation, mainly in the fields of legislation and external Following this approach, the Treaty of Nice considerably
economic relations, and allocated powers for decision-making increased Parliament’s powers. On the one hand, the co-
to the Council or, in the case of appointments, representatives decision procedure (in which Parliament has the same powers
of the Member States’ governments. It gave Parliament a as the Council) will apply to almost all new areas where the
consultative power. Council decides by qualified majority. On the other hand,
Parliament now has the same powers as the Member States in
Parliament’s role has gradually grown in the budgetary terms of referring matters to the Court of Justice. The Treaty of
domain with the reforms of 1970 and 1975, in the legislative Lisbon would be a further qualitative step towards full equality
domain with the Single European Act and in the area of with the Council in EU legislation and finance.
appointments with the Treaty of Maastricht. The Single
European Act also gave Parliament the power to authorise Legislative procedures
ratification of accession and association treaties; Maastricht
extended that power to other international treaties of certain A. Co-decision procedure (Article 251 of the EC Treaty)
kinds. The Treaty of Amsterdam made substantial progress 1. Scope
down the road to democratising the Community, by Since the entry into force of the Treaty of Nice, this procedure
simplifying the co-decision procedure, extending it to new has applied to no less than 32 legal bases (1.1.4). It now
A. Procedure for amendment of the Treaties — Decision: by the Council, unanimously; the agreement
(Article 48 TEU) between Union Member States and the applicant State,
— Proposal: any Member State or the Commission. setting out the terms of accession and the adjustments
required, is put to all the Member States for ratification in
— Commission’s role: consultation and participation in the accordance with their constitutional requirements.
Intergovernmental Conference.
C. Sanctions procedure for a serious and persistent
— Parliament’s role: consultation before the
breach of Union principles by a Member State
Intergovernmental Conference is convened (the
(Article 7 TEU)
conferences themselves involved Parliament on an ad hoc
basis but with increasing influence: for some time it was 1. Main procedure
represented either by its President or two of its members, — Proposal for a decision determining the existence of a
at the last Intergovernmental Conference it provided three serious and persistent breach: one third of the Member
representatives). States or the Commission.
— Parliament’s assent: adopted by a two thirds majority of the the Interinstitutional Agreement on financing the CFSP this
votes cast, representing a majority of its members. consultation process is an annual event on the basis of a
— Decision determining the existence of a breach: adopted Council document.
by the Council at Heads of State or Government level, 2. Common strategies, joint actions and common
unanimously, without the participation of the Member positions (Article 23 TEU)
State concerned, after inviting the State in question to — Recommendation for common strategy: adopted
submit its observations on the matter. unanimously by the Council.
— Decision to suspend certain rights of the State concerned: — Decision on common strategy: European Council,
adopted by the Council by a qualified majority (without unanimously.
the participation of the Member State concerned).
— Adoption of joint actions, common positions or other
2. The Treaty of Nice supplemented this procedure with a decisions: on the basis of a common strategy, adoption of
precautionary system decisions implementing a joint action or common position:
— Proposal for a decision determining a clear risk of a serious by the Council, acting by a qualified majority, unless a
breach of Union principles by a Member State: on the Member State opposes it for important reasons of national
initiative of one third of the Member States, of the policy. If so the Council, acting by a qualified majority, may
Commission or of the European Parliament. request referral of the matter to the European Council for a
— Parliament’s assent: adopted by a two thirds majority of the unanimous decision.
votes cast, representing a majority of its Members. — Adoption of common positions or joint actions not
— Decision: adopted by the Council by a four fifths majority covered by a common strategy: the Council, unanimously.
of its members, after hearing the State in question. 3. International agreements (Article 24 TEU)
D. Closer cooperation procedure — Authorisation to open negotiations: Council.
1. Cooperation in the Community sphere (Article 11 EC) — Negotiations conducted by the Council Presidency,
— Proposal: exclusive right of the Commission; Member assisted by the Commission as appropriate.
States which intend to establish enhanced cooperation — Agreement concluded by the Council on a
can apply to the Commission to that effect. recommendation from the Presidency;
— Parliament’s role: opinion only, or consent when enhanced
— Where the agreement relates to a matter on which
cooperation relates to an area covered by the co-decision
unanimity is required for the adoption of internal decisions,
the Council acts unanimously. In the reverse case or where
— Decision: Council, acting by a qualified majority. However, a the agreement relates to implementing a joint action or
member of the Council may request that the matter be common position, the Council acts by a qualified majority
referred to the European Council, after which the Council in accordance with Article 23.
will in turn act by a qualified majority.
F. Procedure for decisions on police and judicial
2. Cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs cooperation in criminal matters (Article 34 TEU)
(Article 40 TEU)
— Proposal: any Member State or the Commission;
— Application to the Commission by the Member States
concerned. — Parliament’s role: consulted before the adoption of
framework decisions, decisions (excluding common
— Proposal from the Commission or not less than eight
positions) or conventions; the Presidency and the
Member States.
Commission must regularly inform Parliament of the
— Consultation of the European Parliament. progress in these areas.
— The Council acts by a qualified majority. — Decision: by the Council, unanimously, or by a qualified
— The procedures for the Council’s decision and, if necessary, majority when adopting measures to implement ‘decisions’.
for referral to the European Council are similar to the Measures implementing conventions can be adopted by a
preceding case. majority of two thirds of the contracting parties.
Legal basis Before 1970, budgetary powers were vested in the Council
— Article 272 of the Treaty establishing the European alone; Parliament had only a consultative role.
Community (EC); Article 177 of the Euratom Treaty. The Treaties of 22 April 1970 and 22 July 1975 increased
— Articles 31 to 47 of the Financial Regulation (Council Parliament’s budgetary powers.
Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on
— The 1970 Treaty, which followed on from the introduction
the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget
of the Community’s own resources, gave Parliament the
of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002), as
last word on what is known as ‘non-compulsory
amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 of 13
December 2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006)).
— Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 on budgetary — The 1975 Treaty gave it the right to reject the budget as a
discipline and sound financial management (OJ C 139, whole.
14.6.2006). Budgetary decisions now have to be taken jointly by
— EP’s rules of procedure, Annex IV — Implementing Parliament and the Council with Parliament having a decisive
procedures for examination of the general budget of the role to play: it has the last word on non-compulsory
European Union and supplementary budgets. expenditure, which now accounts for a majority of all
expenditure (approximately 67 % of commitment expenditure
respectively 65 % of payment expenditure in the general
budget for 2008), and it finally adopts the budget and can also
The exercise of budgetary powers consists firstly in reject it as a whole.
determining the nature of the expenditure, then establishing
the annual amount of such expenditure and the revenue B. The stages in the procedure
necessary to cover it, and finally exercising control over the The budgetary procedure is set out in Article 272 of the EC
implementation of the budget. The budgetary procedure itself Treaty, which stipulates the sequence of stages and the time
involves the preparation and adoption of the budget (see limits which must be respected by the two arms of the
1.5.3 for details on implementation and 1.5.4 for details on
budgetary authority: the Council and Parliament. The
control). budgetary procedure, as defined in the Treaty, extends from
1 January to 31 December of the year preceding the budget
Achievements year in question.
A. Background In practice, however, a ‘pragmatic’ timetable has been applied
Parliament has gradually become the second arm of the by the three institutions since 1977, completed by the
budgetary authority. provisions on budgetary discipline in the Interinstitutional
Agreement and improvements to the budgetary procedure. acting by a qualified majority, expressly reject or alter it,
The different stages are now as follows. failing which it will be deemed accepted; if the
1. Stage 1: establishment of the preliminary draft budget proposed modification would lead to an increase, the
by the Commission Council must, again acting by a qualified majority,
expressly accept it, failing which it will be deemed
The Parliament and the Council lay down guidelines which are
discussed in the course of a trialogue on the priorities for the
budget and an ad hoc conciliation procedure on compulsory • it can alter the amendments (relating to the non-
expenditure. The Commission draws up the preliminary draft compulsory expenditure) adopted by Parliament, or
budget and forwards it to the Council and Parliament by accept them.
1 September at the latest (by the end of April, according to the The draft budget as amended is returned to Parliament around
pragmatic timetable). Since 2002, an annual policy strategy 22 November.
(APS) decision has preceded the adoption of the preliminary
draft budget. 5. Stage 5: second reading by Parliament and adoption
of the budget
The Commission may modify the preliminary draft budget at a
Parliament has 15 days in which to complete the second
later stage by means of a letter of amendment, to take account
of new developments.
— If it does not state its position within that period, the
2. Stage 2: establishment of the draft budget by the
budget is deemed adopted together with the
amendments modified by the Council.
At first reading, and after conciliation with a Parliament
delegation, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, adopts — If, acting by a majority of its members and three fifths of
the draft budget and forwards it to Parliament by 5 October the votes cast, it amends or rejects the changes which the
at the latest (by the end of July according to the pragmatic Council has made to its initial amendments, in so doing it
timetable). While this reading is going on, the ad hoc winds up the procedure and the President of Parliament
conciliation procedure is initiated on the compulsory declares that the budget has been finally adopted and it
expenditure to be entered in the budget, leading to a second can then be implemented.
trialogue meeting between the institutions in late June. — Parliament may also, acting by a majority of its members
3. Stage 3: first reading by Parliament and two thirds of the votes cast, reject the budget as a
Parliament has 45 days in which to state its position. whole. Should it do so, the procedure must begin again
from the start, on the basis of a new draft, and, until the
Within that period, it may either adopt the draft budget or latter is adopted, the Community must operate with
decline to state a position, in both of which cases the budget monthly appropriations calculated on the basis of one
is deemed finally adopted, or else modify it either: twelfth of the budget for the previous financial year
— in the form of amendments to non-compulsory (known as the ‘provisional twelfths’ system).
expenditure; these must be adopted by an absolute 6. Supplementary and amending budgets
majority of the component members of Parliament In the event of unavoidable, exceptional or unforeseen
(qualified majority); or circumstances, the Commission may propose during the year
— in the form of proposed modifications to compulsory that the budget as adopted be amended; it does this by
expenditure; these must be adopted by an absolute submitting preliminary draft amending budgets.
majority of the votes cast (simple majority). Amending budgets are also used to enter the balance from
Thus altered, the draft is then referred back to the Council. the previous year in the budget for the current year.
4. Stage 4: second reading by the Council These amending budgets are subject to the same rules as the
The Council has 15 days in which to conduct its second general budget.
reading, which generally takes place during the third week of
C. Compulsory expenditure and non-compulsory
November. It may:
— accept all of Parliament’s amendments and proposed (1.5.1) (This distinction is to be abolished by the Lisbon
modifications, in which case the budget will be deemed Treaty.)
adopted; or
1. Compulsory expenditure (CE)
— not accept them, in which case: The distinction between ‘compulsory’ expenditure (i.e.
• it takes a final decision on the proposed modifications obligatory expenditure as derived from the Treaties) and ‘non-
(relating to the compulsory expenditure): if a proposed compulsory’ expenditure (the rest) determines the division of
modification would not increase the overall power over the budget between Parliament and the Council.
expenditure of any of the institutions, the Council must, Parliament has the last word on non-compulsory expenditure
B. The Interinstitutional Agreements on budgetary Although multiannual financial frameworks do not replace the
discipline (Interinstitutional Agreements, multiannual annual budgetary procedure, the Interinstitutional
financial frameworks) (1.5.2) Agreements have introduced a form of budgetary co-decision
Following the budgetary crises in the 1980s (referral to the procedure, which allows Parliament to assert its role as a fully
Court of Justice, delays in the adoption of the budget, fledged arm of the budgetary authority, to consolidate its
rejection of the budget by Parliament, the use of provisional credibility as an institution and to orientate the budget
twelfths), the legal, political and institutional balance of the towards its political priorities.
1970s had deteriorated. The institutions tried to overcome The Treaty of Lisbon will institutionalise the multiannual
these difficulties with the joint declaration in 1982, prefiguring financial framework (Article 312 of the Treaty on the
the Interinstitutional Agreements: of 1988 on implementation Functioning of the European Union, consolidated version),
of the Single European Act (1988–92); of 1993 for the period which will become a legally binding act adopted through a
1993–99; of 1999 for the period 2000–06; and of 2006 for the special legislative procedure: it will be adopted by the Council
period 2007–13. by unanimity after receiving the consent of the Parliament (by
These successive agreements meant that the recurrent the majority of its component members). This article also
confrontations were replaced with an interinstitutional stipulates that, throughout the whole procedure, the
reference framework for the annual budgetary procedures. institutions ‘shall take any measure necessary to facilitate its
adoption’, which reinforces the role of the EP in relation to
They considerably improved the way the budgetary procedure traditional assent procedures and enhances the possibility of a
worked by: final agreement.
— formalising interinstitutional collaboration through Moreover, the same article allows that in the future the
trialogues and conciliation between the various stages of multiannual financial framework (MFF) be approved by the
establishing the budget; Council by qualified majority, provided that a previous
unanimous decision of the European Council authorises it.
— providing special provisions in certain areas of conflict, Regarding its content, the future legally binding MFF will be
such as the classification of expenditure, the inclusion of roughly similar to the present Interinstitutional Agreement. Its
the financial provisions in legislative instruments, the legal lifetime will be at least five years, which will allow for moving
bases and the pilot projects and preparatory actions towards a rough parallelism with the term of Parliament and of
(initiatives of the Parliament with no legal basis), the Commission, as required by the democratic principle.
expenditure relating to the fisheries agreements, financing
of the CFSP, etc.; The Lisbon Treaty also establishes a clear hierarchy between
the basic financial acts of the Union: the MFF must respect the
— limiting the role of the maximum rate of increase rule; ceiling established in the decision on own resources; the
— setting up decision-making mechanisms for additional annual budget must respect the ceilings defined in the MFF.
resources, such as the flexibility instrument, the emergency
aid reserve, the European Globalisation Fund, the European g Jose-Luis Pacheco
Solidarity Fund or the revision of the ceilings of the Helmut Werner
multiannual financial framework. July 2008
provides for a slow phasing out of the UK abatement, and The unity rule is not fully adhered to either, owing to the fact
foresees, for the period 2007–13 only, a reduction of the GNI that European Development Fund appropriations are not
contribution of EUR 605 million annually for the Netherlands included in the budget. Parliament in its resolutions has
and of EUR 150 million annually for Sweden. Subsequently and repeatedly requested that the EDF be integrated into the
following a proposal of the Commission of 8 March 2006 general budget.
(COM(2006) 99) the Council decided on 7 June 2007 on the
system of own resources to cover these adjustments (this B. Budget structure based on the characteristics of the
decision is currently in the process of ratification and is to take appropriations
effect retroactively as from 1 January 2007). 1. Nature of the appropriations: compulsory
expenditure/non-compulsory expenditure (see also
F. Borrowing and lending operations 1.4.3)
The Euratom Treaty expressly empowers the Community to
Article 272 of the EC Treaty sets out two types of expenditure:
contract loans. Although the EC Treaty does not, Article 308
‘compulsory’ expenditure enabling the obligations resulting
thereof has been applied for this purpose and loans have
from the Treaty or from acts adopted in accordance with it to
greatly increased in volume since 1978.
be fulfilled, and ‘non-compulsory’ (all other) expenditure. It also
The new Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline sets out two different procedures.
and sound financial management of May 2006 provides for
Compulsory expenditure essentially consists of:
extended recourse to such ‘new financial instruments’. The
Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have — agricultural price support expenditure (EAGGF —
been invited, in their respective spheres of competence, to Guarantee Section);
make proposals:
— international agreements, including the fishing
— in accordance with the conclusions of the European agreements;
Council of December 2005, to increase the EIB’s capacity
for research and development loans and guarantees up to — reserves for loan guarantees and reserves for emergency
EUR 10 billion in the period 2007–13, with an EIB aid;
contribution of up to EUR 1 billion from reserves for risk- — officials’ pensions.
sharing financing;
2. Operating expenditure/administrative expenditure/
— to reinforce the instruments in favour of trans-European individual activity budgets
networks (TENs) and small and medium-sized enterprises
The general budget is divided into eight sections, one for each
up to an approximate amount of loans and guarantees of
institution. While the other institutions’ sections consist
EUR 20 billion and EUR 30 billion, respectively, with an EIB
essentially of administrative expenditure, the Commission
contribution of up to EUR 0.5 billion from reserves (TENs)
section (Section III) consists of operational expenditure to
and up to EUR 1 billion (competitiveness and innovation)
finance actions and programmes and the administrative costs
of implementing them (technical assistance, agencies, and
human resources).
II. Expenditure
As part of its administrative reform, the Commission has
A. Basic principles introduced a new budget nomenclature by establishing
individual activity budgets grouping together expenditure on
The Community budget obeys the nine general rules of unity,
a particular measure, thus making it easier to assess the cost
budgetary accuracy, annuality, equilibrium, unit of account
and effectiveness of each Community policy (activity based
(the euro), universality, specification (each appropriation is
allocated to a particular kind of expenditure), sound financial
management and transparency, according to Articles 3 to 30 3. The multiannual financial framework (1.5.2)
of the Financial Regulation. Since 1988, Community expenditure has been placed in a
Nonetheless, the annularity rule has to be reconciled with the multiannual framework known as the ‘financial perspective’,
need to manage multiannual actions, which have grown in which breaks the budget down into headings with
importance within the budget. The budget therefore includes expenditure ceilings. The multiannual financial framework
differentiated appropriations consisting of: indicates the scale and composition of the Community’s
forecast expenditure and reflects the main budgetary priorities
— commitment appropriations, covering the total cost during for the period covered (generally seven years, but ‘at least five
the current financial year of legal obligations contracted for years’ with the Lisbon Treaty which would allow
activities lasting a number of years; synchronisation with the term of the Commission and the
— payment appropriations, covering expenditure in legislative term). This is important for the regulations
connection with implementing commitments contracted governing the different EU programmes to be set in
during the current financial year or previous ones. conformity with the MFF. These regulations are essential for
C 139, 14.6.2006); its Annex I was amended by Decision 1999 and one of its main challenges was reconciling the
2008/29/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of common agricultural policy (4.2.2) and enlargement (6.3.1).
18 December 2007 (OJ L 6, 10.1.2008).
In February and July 2004 the Commission proposed a new
agreement and a new financial perspective for the period
Objectives 2007–13, which in a series of intense negotiations (see below)
As from the 1980s, the political and institutional balance of the led to the new Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006
Community’s financial arrangements came under mounting providing for EU spending of up to EUR 864.3 billion over the
pressure from three types of difficulties: period 2007–13.
— The Parliament has played a major role in enabling the the adoption of this fundamental act programming the
budgetary means for launching Galileo, the EU satellite evolution of the expenses of the Union is formally
navigation system (4.8.6). Consequently, Decision recognised. Parliament may have preferred a co-decision
2008/29/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of procedure instead of the consent procedure. However, the
18 December 2007 (OJ L 6, 10.1.2008) amended Annex I to fact that the new Treaty stipulates that throughout the
the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 (OJ C 139, procedure the institutions ‘shall take any measure
14.6.2006). necessary to facilitate its adoption’ reinforces its role.
— The recognition by the Treaty of Lisbon that in the future
the MFF will be a legally binding act adopted through a
g Jose-Luis Pacheco
special legislative procedure which requires the consent of Anne Vitrey
the EP by the majority of its component members implies Helmut Werner
that the role of the EP as an equal partner of the Council in July 2008
Legal basis Commission powers for the implementation of the rules which
Articles 202, 274, 275 and 279 of the Treaty establishing the the Council lays down by means of comitology (Article 202 EC
European Community (EC). and Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying
down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers
Article 179 of the Euratom Treaty. conferred on the Commission (OJ L 184, 17.7.1999), as
amended by Council Decision 2006/512/EC of 17.7.2006 (OJ
Objectives L 200, 22.7.2006), i.e. with the help of advisory, management
The Commission must comply with the Treaties, of which it is and regulatory committees composed of representatives of
the guardian, and with provisions and instructions set out in the Member States and chaired by a representative of the
the Financial Regulation and in specific regulations, decisions Commission.
or directives. Moreover, it is important that expenditure be Poor implementation of the budget by Member States is
undertaken within policy guidelines. The Commission penalised through the clearance of accounts procedure for
implements the budget on its own responsibility (Article 274) agricultural spending, whereby corrections to receipts of
but is subject to the political control of the EP (1.5.4) and to national governments from the budget are made following
control by the Court of Auditors (1.3.10). The Member States controls by the Commission. A similar arrangement has been
shall cooperate with it to ensure that the appropriations are introduced to ensure that only eligible expenditure is financed
used in accordance with the principles of sound financial by the Structural Funds.
management, i.e. economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
This kind of implementation may also give rise to difficulties
between the Council and the EP. In effect, the Council may
Operation decide to reserve for itself the right to commit expenditure or
A. Basic mechanism the power to amend the Commission’s commitment decision,
should the competent committee consisting of
Implementation of the budget is made up of two main
representatives of the Member States deliver an opinion
operations, commitments and payments: in the first instance,
conflicting with that decision.
commitment of expenditure, a decision is taken to use a
particular sum from a specific budgetary line in order to Implementation of the budget in particular sectors has been
finance a specific activity; then, after the corresponding legal the subject of frequent criticism by the Court of Auditors
commitments (e.g. contracts) have been established and the (1.3.10). Since the resignation of the Commission in March
contractual service, work or supplies delivered, the 1999 in response to the first report of the Committee of
expenditure is authorised and the sums due are paid. Independent Experts, which denounced inefficiencies and
maladministration, a chain of administrative and political
B. Implementing bodies responsibility as well as standards of financial management
The budget may be implemented through centralised have been established within the Commission.
management (by Commission services), shared management
(by Commission and national bodies), joint management (with C. Implementation rules
international organisations) and by delegated management 1. The Financial Regulation
(via executive agencies created by Community decision), The process of recasting the Financial Regulation, in which
according to Article 54 of the Financial Regulation. Parliament played a major role by means of its budgetary
In practice, a large proportion of the budget is implemented powers, was a key element in the administrative reform of the
on a day-to-day basis by the Member States, especially for Commission. The previous regulation (dating from 1977) was
those sections of the budget involving agriculture (EAGGF governed by the system of prior control by the central
4.2.6) and the Structural and Cohesion Funds (the European financial controller of each institution. This system has given
Regional Development Fund 4.5.2, the European Social Fund way to a decentralised system of ex ante and a posteriori
4.9.2, the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) 4.4.3 and the controls, which enables the authorising officer within the
Cohesion Fund 4.5.3), and by candidate countries as part of directorate-general to undertake the expenditure without
pre-accession aid (6.3.1). requiring the prior approval of the financial controller, but
which is then subjected to various types of controls, including
In some specific cases, the Council may directly exercise its those related to the internal audit. The Financial Regulation
implementation capacity but generally it confers on the (Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June
2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general Furthermore, in virtually all policy areas, the EP influences the
budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002), as implementation of the budget through its legislative and non-
amended by Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 legislative activities, e.g. by reports and resolutions or simply
of 13 December 2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006), should be read by addressing oral or written questions to the Commission.
together with its implementing rules (Commission Regulation Over the last few years, Parliament has strengthened its
(EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 laying political control over the Commission by introducing
down detailed rules for the implementation of Council instruments which enable an exchange of information on the
Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 (OJ L 357, 31.12.2002), implementation of funds and the amount of commitments
as amended by Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) outstanding, i.e. legal commitments which have not yet been
No 1261/2005 of 20 July 2005 (OJ L 201, 2.8.2005). honoured by payment. Outstanding commitments can
The Commission’s main tool for implementing the budget and become a problem if accumulated over longer time periods.
for monitoring its execution is its computerised accounting Parliament is therefore pushing the Commission to keep these
system ABAC (accruals based accounting). The Commission under control.
has adjusted the system to the obligations laid down in the New tools are being developed that should allow for better
new Financial Regulation. This includes the transition from monitoring of the implementation and to improve the ‘value
‘cash oriented’ accounting to modern ‘accrual’ accounting, for money’ of EU programmes. For this purpose, the EP
which allows accounting events (e.g. entering into a legal supports high standard activity statements (prepared by the
commitment) to be recorded when they occur, rather than Commission in preliminary draft general budget working
only when cash is received or paid. Furthermore, the documents) and regular cost effectiveness analyses of
Commission has taken actions to meet the highest Community programmes.
international accounting standards, in particular the
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) Finally, it should be mentioned that the European Parliament
established by the International Federation of Accountants has strongly supported and influenced the new revision of the
(IFAC). Financial Regulation, as well as the Interinstitutional
Agreement of 17 May 2006 on budgetary discipline and sound
2. The procurement rules financial management (multiannual financial framework
An important aspect of budgetary implementation is 1.5.2). Key elements are the improvement of the
compliance with Community legislation applicable to public implementation of the budget, increasing the visibility and the
procurement contracts (supply, works and services, 3.4.1). benefits of Community funding to the citizen and achieving
the right balance between the protection of financial interests,
Role of the European Parliament the proportionality of administrative costs and user-friendly
Firstly, the EP, as one of the two arms of the budgetary procedures. According to Article 44 of the aforementioned
authority, has a prior influence on the implementation of the Interinstitutional Agreement, priority will be given to sound
Community budget, by means of the amendments and financial management aiming at a positive statement of
decisions taken in the context of the budgetary procedure assurance by the Court of Auditors (1.3.10 and 1.5.4).
(1.4.3) to allocate funds. The EP may ask to make use of the As mentioned above, the comitology decision (1999/468/EC)
reserve mechanism of the budget: during the budgetary of 28 June 1999 was amended by Council Decision 2006/512/
procedure the Commission may propose to transfer funds for EC of 17 July 2006 (OJ L 200, 22.7.2006). The new ‘regulatory
expenditure of whose justification, sufficiency or procedure with scrutiny’ entitles Parliament to scrutinise quasi-
implementation conditions it is not convinced in a reserve legislative measures implementing an instrument adopted by
(‘Provisions’ title, Article 43 of the Financial Regulation). Both co-decision and to reject such measures by an absolute
the EP and Council are required to approve proposals for majority of MEPs. Thus it strengthens Parliament’s power of
transfers (Article 24 of the Financial Regulation). control.
Moreover, the discharge procedure (1.5.4), although Article 317 of the Lisbon Treaty (consolidated version)
concerning the financial year which ended two years underlines more clearly than Article 274 EC, which it would
previously, allows the EP to control and influence current replace, the control and audit obligations of the Member
budgetary implementation. Many of the questions put to the States in the implementation of the EU budget.
Commission by the Committee on Budgetary Control in the
framework of the discharge procedure concern the
implementation of the budget, and the discharge resolution, g Anne Vitrey
Helmut Werner
which is an integral part of the discharge decision, contains July 2008
many obligations and recommendations addressed to the
Commission, the proper execution of which is monitored in
follow-up reports.
If a proposal to grant discharge is not carried by a majority, or if which the discharge motion was rejected, a group of five
Parliament decides to defer its discharge decision, Parliament independent experts was established, which reported on
informs the institutions or agencies concerned about the accusations of fraud, mismanagement and nepotism against
reasons for refusing to grant discharge. They are required to the European Commission; the Commissioners then resigned
take measures without delay to eliminate the obstacles to the en bloc on 16 March 1999.
discharge decision.
Individual members of the Committee on Budgetary Control
Then, within six months, the Committee on Budgetary Control specialise in particular Community policies and prepare the
submits a fresh report containing a new proposal to grant or EP’s response to ECA special reports in their field, often in the
refuse discharge. form of working papers for the guidance of the general
rapporteur on the discharge.
4. Anti-fraud measures: by OLAF
The European Anti-Fraud Office (known as OLAF) was As stated above, the Commission, the other institutions and
established in 1999 (Commission Decision 1999/352/EC, ECSC, the agencies must report on the measures taken in the light of
Euratom). It is competent to carry out investigations the observations of the discharge resolutions. The Member
independent of the Commission. At the instigation of the EP it States must inform the Commission on the measures they
has been reinforced. Its role is to protect the Union’s financial have taken following the EP’s observations and the
interests, with a responsibility for fighting fraud involving EU Commission must take these into account when writing its
funds in all institutions and for coordinating the bodies follow-up report (Article 147 of the Financial Regulation).
responsible in the Member States. As described in the fact sheet on the Court of Auditors
Within the framework of Regulations (EC) No 1073/1999 and (1.3.10), following the absence of an unqualified positive
(Euratom) No 1074/1999 regarding OLAF’s investigations, on statement of assurance by the Court of Auditors for many
25 May 1999 Parliament, the Council and the Commission years in a row the European Parliament has fostered the
signed an Interinstitutional Agreement regarding internal development of an integrated control framework comprising
investigations. This agreement stipulated that each institution also the management shared with the Member States.
should establish common internal rules intended to ensure
C. Other instruments
the smooth running of OLAF’s investigations. A part of these
rules which is now integrated into the EU institutions’ Staff Parliament’s specialised committees are also contributing to
Regulations oblige staff to cooperate with OLAF and include a ensure that Community funds are spent in an efficient way in
certain amount of protection for staff members who divulge the best interest of the European taxpayer.
information regarding possible fraud or corruption. This is also On a number of occasions, the members of the Committee on
known as protection of ‘whistleblowing’. Budgetary Control have also held discussions with
Article 280 of the EC Treaty concerns fraud and the EU’s representatives of the corresponding committees of
financial interests; it requires close and regular cooperation parliaments in the Member States, with national auditing
between Member States and the Commission, as well as authorities and with representatives of customs departments;
opening the way to specific Council measures to afford on-the-spot enquiries have also been carried out by individual
equivalent and effective protection in the Member States for members to ascertain the facts underlying particular problems.
the EU’s financial interests. In December 1995 the EP exercised for the first time its right
acquired under the Treaty to establish a Committee of Inquiry.
Role of the European Parliament This committee reported on allegations of fraud and
maladministration under the Community transit system. The
A. Development of powers committee’s 38 recommendations received wide support. The
From 1958 to 1970 the EP was simply kept informed of Committee on Budgetary Control has followed up on their
decisions on discharge given by the Council to the implementation. In this context the new computerised transit
Commission on its implementation of the budget. In 1971, it system (NCTS) has been developed.
won the power to grant the discharge together with the
Following the fact that several EU officials who had divulged
Council. Since 1 June 1997, when the Treaty of 22 July 1975
information on possible fraud, corruption or mismanagement
entered into force, it alone has given the discharge on the
had not been adequately protected by the aforementioned
accounts, after the Council has given its recommendation.
whistleblowing protection rules, the EP’s Committee on
B. Use of the discharge Budgetary Control has suggested to the Commission that
these rules be revised.
The EP may decide to defer discharge where it is dissatisfied
with particular aspects of the Commission’s management of The Lisbon Treaty strengthens the control facilities oriented
the budget. Refusal of discharge is considered as tantamount on results achieved by the EU programmes implemented
to requiring resignation of the Commission. This threat was put using the Union’s finances. Article 318 TFEU (consolidated
into effect in December 1998: following a vote in plenary at version; replacing Article 275 EC) obliges the Commission to
g Helmut Werner
July 2008
1 works 4 Common policies
Citizen's Europe
Citizens’ Europe incorporates various aspects including fundamental rights, citizenship of the
Union, free movement of persons within the Union, the right to vote and stand in European and
local elections and the right to petition the European Parliament.
they consider it to be binding and the Court of Justice has political institutions (EP, Council and Commission) on 5 April
already invoked some of its provisions. The charter was 1977 and expanded in 1989.
included in Part II of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for In 1994, it drew up a list of the fundamental rights guaranteed
Europe. by the Union.
An article in the Lisbon Treaty refers to the charter — which is It has given special attention to the drafting of the charter by
not itself incorporated in the Treaty — and makes it legally making it ‘one of its constitutional priorities’ and stipulating its
binding. A protocol lays down derogations for Poland and the requirements, notably that:
United Kingdom.
— the document should have fully binding legal status by
C. EU accession to the European Convention on Human being incorporated into the Treaty on European Union (‘A
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Charter … constituting merely a non-binding declaration
The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe stated that and … doing no more than merely listing existing rights
the Union would accede to the Convention (Article I-9). would disappoint citizens’ legitimate expectations’); it thus
The Lisbon Treaty enshrines this accession. called for the charter to be incorporated into the Treaty
establishing a Constitution for Europe;
D. A European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights — any amendment should be subject to the same procedure
The European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, as its original drafting, including the formal right of assent
created in 1997 and established in Vienna, has been converted for Parliament;
into the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
following the European Council decision in December 2003. — it should contain a clause requiring the consent of
Parliament whenever fundamental rights are to be
The agency’s powers will be limited to Community aspects, restricted;
— it should recognise that fundamental rights are indivisible,
Concerning its role in dealing with areas of police and judicial by making the charter applicable to all the institutions and
cooperation in criminal matters (Title VI of the Treaty on bodies of the EU and all its policies, including those
European Union), the Council agreed that the Union contained in the second and third pillars in the context of
institutions and Member States could, as appropriate and on a the powers and functions conferred upon it by the Treaties;
voluntary basis, make use of the agency’s expertise within
these areas as well. The Council will, before 31 December 2009, — it should be binding on the Member States when applying
reconsider the possibilities for empowering the agency to or transposing provisions of Community law (resolutions of
pursue its activities in the areas covered by Title VI. 16 September 1999 and 23 October 2002).
The Council regulation of 15 February 2007 setting up the Finally, it has regularly called for the EU to accede to the
agency entered into force on 1 March 2007. European Convention on Human Rights, stressing that this
accession would not duplicate the role of a binding
On 28 February 2008 the Council adopted Decision 2008/203/ Community charter.
EC establishing a multiannual framework for the agency that
defines its areas of action and priorities for 2007–12 (OJ L 63, It has called for the creation of an agency for fundamental
7.3.2008). Morten Kjaerum of Denmark was appointed the rights on several occasions. In a resolution on 26 May 2005
director of the agency in March 2008 and took up his post on constituting a demand for legislation to be initiated in
1 June 2008. accordance with Article 192 of the EC Treaty, it stresses that the
agency must follow the development of the implementation
of the charter and the provisions of the Treaty. It should ensure
Role of the European Parliament the quality and coherence of the EU’s human rights policy. The
1. General attitude agency must be independent. An informal trialogue has been
The European Parliament (EP) has always given priority to set up between the European Parliament, Council and
respect for fundamental rights in the Union. Since 1993, it has Commission to define the agency’s structure and mandate.
held a debate and adopted a resolution on this issue every The European Parliament has stressed the need for the agency
year on the basis of a report by its Committee on Citizens’ to be able to carry out its activities in areas covered by Title VI
Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs. of the Treaty on European Union and police and judicial
2. Specific actions cooperation in criminal matters.
The EP has in particular upheld the importance of codifying
fundamental rights in a binding document. g Jean-Louis Antoine Grégoire
It was responsible for the declaration of principle on the July 2008
definition of fundamental rights adopted by the EU’s three
fundamental rights in accordance with the European Community basis, so that EU citizens would have an
Convention on Human Rights and the ‘constitutional traditions independent status. In addition, from the start it advocated
common to the Member States’, as general principles under the incorporation of fundamental and human rights into
Community law but it does not make any reference to the primary law and called for EU citizens to be entitled to
legal status of Union citizenship (for fundamental rights in the bring proceedings before the Court of Justice when those
European Union, 2.1). rights were violated by EU institutions or a Member State
(resolution of 21 November 1991).
Union citizenship does not as yet entail any duties for citizens
of the Union, despite the wording to that effect in Article 17(2) — During the negotiations on the Treaty of Amsterdam,
of the EC Treaty, which constitutes a major difference between Parliament again called for the rights associated with EU
it and citizenship of the Member States. citizenship to be extended, and it criticised the fact that
the Treaty did not make any significant progress on the
Article 22, second paragraph, of the EC Treaty and Article 48 of
content of EU citizenship, with regard to either individual
the Teatry on European Union provide opportunities to develop
or collective rights. One of Parliament’s demands that is still
citizenship of the Union gradually and thus provide citizens of
outstanding is the adoption of measures by a qualified
the Union with an enhanced legal status at European level. The
majority to implement the principle of equal treatment
Treaty of Lisbon also makes provision, in Article 11 of the Treaty
and ban discrimination (resolution of 11 June 1997). It
on European Union (consolidate verision), for a new right for
should be noted, however, that since the Treaty of
citizens of the Union: ‘Not less than 1 million citizens who are
Amsterdam the co-decision procedure that applies to the
nationals of a significant number of Member States may take
measures has made it easier to exercise the rights
the initiative of inviting the Commission, within the framework
associated with EU citizenship (Article 18(2)).
of its powers, to submit any appropriate proposal on matters
where citizens consider that a legal act of the Union is required — In accordance with Parliament’s requests, the Treaty
for the purpose of implementing the Treaties’. establishing a Constitution for Europe of 18 July 2003,
drawn up by the Convention on the Future of Europe,
stipulated that any natural or legal person may institute
Role of the European Parliament
proceedings against an act addressed to that person or
— In electing the European Parliament by direct suffrage, EU which is of direct and individual concern to him or her, and
citizens are exercising one of their essential rights in the EU: against a regulatory act which is of direct concern to him
that of democratic participation in the European political or her and does not entail implementing measures. This
decision-making process. provision is reiterated in the Treaty of Lisbon.
— Parliament has always wanted to endow the institution of
Union citizenship with comprehensive rights. It advocated g Claire Genta
the determination of Union citizenship on an autonomous July 2008
a. Incorporation of the Schengen system and other parts of • a ll EU citizens may enter the Schengen area merely by
cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs (CJHA) showing an identity card or passport;
in the ‘Community pillar’ • c ommon visa policy: nationals of third countries
Initially, the Schengen implementing convention formed part included in the common list of non-member countries
of the cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs whose nationals need an entry visa are entitled to a
(CJHA) within the European Union. This meant that it was not single visa valid for the entire Schengen area; however,
part of Community law but took the form merely of Member States may require a visa for other third
intergovernmental cooperation. A protocol to the Amsterdam countries.
Treaty provides for transfer of the ‘Schengen acquis’ into a new — Harmonisation of the treatment of asylum-seekers: This
Title IV, comprising Articles 61 et seq. EC on ‘Visas, asylum, was taken over by the Dublin Convention, which entered
immigration and other policies related to free movement of into force on 1 September 1997 for the 12 original
persons’. Many of the areas covered by Schengen have signatories, on 1 October 1997 for Austria and Sweden, and
therefore now been transferred to the Community sphere. As on 1 January 1998 for Finland. As of 1 September 2003, the
most of Schengen is now part of the EU acquis, at the time of Dublin II regulation provides the legal basis for establishing
the last EU enlargement of 1 May 2004 it was no longer the criteria and mechanism for determining the State
possible for accession countries to ‘opt out’ (Article 8 of the responsible for examining an asylum application in one of
Schengen protocol). the Member States of the EU (excluding Denmark) and in
b. Participating countries Iceland and Norway by a third-country national. However,
from that date, the Dublin Convention remains in force
There are currently 24 full Schengen members and Monaco between Denmark and the other Member States of the EU
(treated as part of France): Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, and Iceland and Norway.
Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Austria,
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Poland, the Czech — Police and judicial cooperation: police forces assist each
Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta other in detecting and preventing crime and will have the
and Slovenia. For nine of the Member States joining in May right to pursue fugitive criminals into the territory of a
2004 (Cyprus did not meet the criteria) internal land and sea neighbouring Schengen State.
border checks on persons were abolished as of 21 December The Schengen information system (SIS) is essential for effective
2007, while restrictions on air borders were lifted on 30 March operation of the Convention: it supplies information on the
2008. entry of third-country nationals, the issue of visas and police
cooperation. Access to the SIS is primarily restricted to the police reside with a national of a Member State who is employed
and the authorities responsible for border checks. In addition, in the territory of another Member State (Regulation (EEC)
the present Schengen information system (SIS) database has No 1612/68, Directive 73/148/EEC, Directive 90/364/EEC,
limited capacity. A new system, SIS II, should be in place by 31 Directive 90/365/EEC, Directive 93/96/EEC).
December 2008. Due to the delays in the SIS II deployment,
These directives require Member States to grant the right of
Portugal offered a modified version of its SIS 1+ system, which it
residence to those persons and to some of their family
called ‘SIS one4all’. ‘SIS one4all’ is a temporary solution designed
members (including in certain cases family members in the
to enable the EU Member States who acceded in 2004 (the
ascending line), provided that they have adequate resources
Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta,
so as not to become a burden on the social assistance
Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia) to join Schengen.
schemes of the Member States and are covered by sickness
d. institutional consequences insurance. However, the rights of the family members are
— With the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam, the derivative and not independent of the right of the EU citizen in
Council replaced the Executive Committee of the the respective family; the latter must actually have exercised
Schengen Convention. The Council also had, pursuant to his or her own right of free movement. If the family members
Title IV of the EC Treaty, to adopt measures within a period are not EU citizens they may be required to hold an entry visa
of five years ‘to establish progressively an area of freedom, by the Member State of their residence.
security and justice’ in the field of visas, asylum, In 2004, the Union adopted a directive on the right of citizens
immigration and other policies related to free movement of the Union to move and reside freely within the Member
of persons, to ensure that Union citizens and third-country States: Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament
nationals are not checked when crossing internal borders. and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of
It is also responsible for regulating standard measures for the Union and their family members to move and reside freely
checks on persons at external borders and standard rules within the territory of the Member States amending
for issuing visas and granting freedom of travel within the Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 and repealing Directives 64/221/
Member States’ territory to third-country nationals. The EEC, 68/360/EEC, 72/194/EEC, 73/148/EEC, 75/34/EEC, 75/35/
Council focused on these accompanying measures of EEC, 90/364/EEC, 90/365/EEC and 93/96/EEC.
secondary legislation in its resolution of 18 December 1997
laying down the priorities. b. Current legislation
— Following the transfer of parts of CJHA to the Community Directive 2004/38/EC brings together the piecemeal measures
sphere, the Court of Justice has received new powers, as found in the complex body of legislation that has governed
measures under the new Title IV of the EC Treaty are this matter to date. The new measures are designed, among
actionable in the Court, provided that they do not concern other things, to encourage administrative formalities to the
the abolition of frontier controls, the maintenance of law bare essentials, to provide a better definition of the status for
and order or the safeguarding of internal security under family members and to limit the scope for refusing entry or
Article 68(2). terminating the right of residence. It also broadens the
definition of family to include non-married partners. Within the
2. European Union area scope of Directive 2004/38/EC, family members include: the
As the Schengen Convention is not yet being effectively spouse; the registered partner, if the legislation of the host
applied in all the EU Member States, Union territory as a whole Member State treats registered partnerships as equivalent to
should be considered separately from the Schengen area. marriage; the direct descendants who are under the age of 21
a. EU nationals and their families or are dependants and those of the spouse or partner as
defined above; the dependent direct relatives in the ascending
With the aim of transforming the Community into an area of line and those of the spouse or partner.
genuine freedom and mobility for all Community citizens, the
Council had guaranteed rights of residence to persons other This directive has been transposed into national law and has
than workers: started to be implemented by all Member States since 30 April
2006. It has now replaced all the aforementioned legal
— retired persons: employees and self-employed persons measures.
who have ceased their occupational activity (Directive
90/365/EEC); c. T ransitional period for workers from new EU Member
— students: exercising the right to vocational training
(Directive 90/366/EEC); The Treaty of Accession signed on 16 April 2003 (Act of
Accession, Part IV: Temporary Provisions) allows the ‘old’
— others: all persons who do not already enjoy a right of
EU-15 Member States to introduce the so-called ‘transitional
residence (Directive 90/364/EEC).;
arrangements’ to nationals from the 10 Member States that
— family members (spouses and children under 21, acceded in 2004 except for the particular cases of Cyprus and
irrespective of their nationality): these have the right to Malta. The Treaty of Accession signed on 25 April 2005 allows
— Council Directive 2005/71/EC of 12 October 2005 on a temporary protection, but subject to prior unanimous
specific procedure for admitting third-country nationals for adoption of common framework legislation on asylum.
the purposes of scientific research (OJ L 289, 3.11.2005); According to the statement signed by the Heads of State or
— Commission Regulation (EC) No 635/2006 of 25 April 2006 Government, the shift to qualified majority voting and co-
repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1251/70 on the right of decision would take place as of 1 May 2004 (without the need
workers to remain in the territory of a Member State after for a unanimous decision) for:
having been employed in that State (OJ L 112, 26.4.2006); — Article 62 of the EC Treaty, for measures setting out the
— Council Directive 2006/100/EC of 20 November 2006 conditions for free circulation of non-Member State
adapting certain directives in the field of freedom of nationals legally resident on EU territory;
movement of persons, by reason of the accession of — Article 63 of the EC Treaty, for illegal immigration and the
Bulgaria and Romania (OJ L 363, 20.12.2006); repatriation of illegally resident persons.
— Council Decision of 18 December 2006 appointing Italian,
Maltese and Swedish members and alternate members of Role of the European Parliament
the Advisory Committee on Freedom of Movement for
Parliament wants to secure the greatest possible measure of
Workers (OJ C 320, 28.12.2006);
freedom to travel for all persons within the Union’s internal
— Commission Regulation (EC) No 1430/2007 of 5 December frontiers. In its view, this is an essential condition for the
2007 amending Annexes II and III to Directive 2005/36/EC operation of the internal market.
of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Parliament warmly welcomed Directive 2004/38/EC as its
recognition of professional qualifications (OJ L 320, correct and quick transposition into the national legislations of
6.12.2007); the Member States would involve very beneficial
— Commission Decision 2007/172/EC of 19 March 2007 improvements. The barriers still facing citizens wishing to
setting up the group of coordinators for the recognition of exercise their rights would almost disappear. Moreover,
professional qualifications (OJ L 79, 20.3.2007); Parliament believes there should be no distinction within the
internal frontiers between freedom of movement for
— a proposal for a Council directive on a single application
Community nationals and that of third-country nationals.
procedure for a single permit for third-country nationals to
Freedom of movement is a fundamental human right; any
reside and work in the territory of a Member State and on a
restriction on that freedom hinders third-country nationals’
common set of rights for third-country workers legally
access to the internal market. While the abolition of internal
residing in a Member State (SEC(2007) 1393) (SEC(2007)
borders requires some accompanying measures, this must not
1408); and
be a pretext for introducing systematic controls in border areas
— a proposal for a Council directive on the conditions of entry or hermetically sealing off external borders.
and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes
Parliament is adamant that, in the post-Nice process, the co-
of highly qualified employment (SEC(2007) 1382)
decision procedure is extended to all areas within justice and
(SEC(2007) 1403).
home affairs, including the rights of third-country nationals. It
e. Restrictions on freedom of movement believes that it is vital to ensure a balance between the aims of
freedom, security and justice, taking account of fundamental
Freedom of movement for people is subject to limitations
rights and citizens’ freedoms. To this end, the European
justified on grounds of public policy, public security or public
Parliament supports very much the developments which the
health (Articles 39(3), 46(1) and 55 EC). These exceptions must
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, as amended,
be strictly interpreted and the limits to their exercise and
particularly its Article 294 would bring to the field of freedom,
scope are set out by the general principles of law such as the
security and justice, such as co-decision powers in almost all
principles of non-discrimination, proportionality and
area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ) matters. Moreover
protection of fundamental rights.
most decisions in the Council would be taken by qualified
B. Changes introduced by the Treaty of Nice majority voting which would accelerate the speed of
Under the Treaty of Nice, visa, asylum and immigration policy development of the AFSJ.
are to be decided mainly by the co-decision procedure. The
shift to qualified majority voting is provided for under Article g Joanna Apap
63 of the EC Treaty for matters concerning asylum and July 2008
adopting a ‘uniform procedure in all Member States or a Moreover, Parliament has long called for a uniform system for
procedure in accordance with principles common to all elections to the European Parliament, to take the place of the
Member States’, after having been approved by the Member national electoral laws for such elections (1.3.4).
States in accordance with their respective constitutional
requirements (Article 223 of the Treaty on the Functioning of
g Wilhelm Lehmann
the European Union, as amended). July 2008
1 works 4 Common policies
3.1. Principles and general completion 3.3.2. Abuse of a dominant position and
of the internal market, 107 investigation of mergers, 125
3.3.3. State aid, 127
3.2. The main freedoms of the internal
3.3.4. Public undertakings and services of
market, 110
general interest, 121
3.2.1. The free movement of goods, 110
3.2.2. Free movement for workers, 113 3.4. Approximation of legislation, 135
3.2.3. Freedom of establishment and 3.4.1. Public procurement contracts, 135
freedom to provide services and 3.4.2. Company law, 137
mutual recognition of diplomas, 116 3.4.3. Financial services: establishment and
3.2.4. The free movement of capital, 119 practical application of the Lamfalussy
process, 141
3.3. Rules of competition, 122 3.4.4. Financial services: key legislation, 143
3.3.1. General competition policy and 3.4.5. Intellectual, industrial and commercial
concerted practices, 122 property, 146
The number of current prosecutions, (at various stages of the and asked for a debate which goes beyond the common rules
infringement proceedings, which start with a default notice on the four freedoms, on fundamental rights and on
and may continue with a reasoned opinion and then referral to competition. Parliament underlined, notably, the need:
the Court of Justice), nevertheless rose from approximately — to improve the effectiveness of control by the Commission
700 in 1992 to over 1 600 in May 2005. of the correct transposition and implementation of EC and
Some serious gaps remain as essential legislative projects are EU law, including the ex ante scrutiny of national draft
still pending, like the full freedom of movement for persons, regulations, and the procedures opened by complaints
tax harmonisation and certain directives not yet transposed in and by petitions;
all Member States on public contracts, transport and — for Member States to ensure that they are not causing new
intellectual property. implementation problems by imposing additional
The debate on the effective achievement of the internal requirements (‘gold-plating’);
market focuses nowadays on its complete transposition and — to improve the central role of Parliament in monitoring
implementation as well as on the need that all EU policies be Member States’ implementation of, and compliance with,
finalised and executed taking into account their Community law and supervising the Commission, also via
interdependence and complementariness with the objective the new ‘regulatory procedure with scrutiny’;
of the so-called ‘European home market’.
— to strongly increase the involvement of national
In other words, the debate on the European home market parliaments;
focuses, at the moment, on the best way to fit all the EU
policies into the perspective of a single domestic space, and all — for a common approach to better regulation, based on
discussions and decisions related to the various objectives, regulatory principles, namely subsidiarity, proportionality,
policies and their implementation are to be discussed and accountability, consistency, transparency and targeting,
taken in cooperation between EU and national authorities as and the constitution of ‘better regulation’ task forces,
much as possible, under a shared responsibility principle. accompanying all proposals with a ‘better regulation
checklist’, with references to any relevant study or impact
The requirements of European integration suggest that the assessment, in particular in relation to internal market
internal market should eventually culminate in a fully integrated legislation;
home market: a ‘European home market’. Its features would
— for the Commission, as the classic method of regulation is
include numerous objectives and policies going beyond the
not always the most appropriate, to provide in the annual
four freedoms, mutual recognition, the single currency and fair
work programme a list of those proposals which may be the
competition as a harmonised tax system, a unique space based
subject of alternative regulation; Parliament must be
on freedom and security, with complete freedom of movement
provided with a list of policy measures in which the
for persons and an unconditional right of residence throughout
Commission has used alternative means of regulation,
the Union, a regulated system for public procurement and
including an evaluation of the failure or success of such
services of public interest, as well as in the media and
means of regulation, their impact on the situation in practice
information society and e-commerce, company law and
— and more specifically on employees’ and consumers’
contract law, corporate governance, the financial markets,
rights, social cohesion, fair competition, the stimulation of
intellectual property, data protection, mutual recognition, legal
growth and the EU’s competitive position — as well as clear
instruments to enable businesses to operate effectively
objectives and defined deadlines for actions, as well as
throughout the market, completion of the trans-European
sanctions for non-compliance (Interinstitutional Agreements
transport, energy and telecommunications networks, and the
of 16 December 2003 on ‘better law-making’ and of
creation of a free market for services (3.2.3).
22 December 1998 on ‘quality of drafting EU legislation’);
Role of the European Parliament — to have more transparent and effective stakeholder
consultation, in view of the importance of participative
Parliament was a driving force in the process that led to the democracy;
launching of the internal market. Particular mention should be
made of its resolution of 9 April 1984. It vigorously supported — that the Commission must continue to consolidate,
the White Paper in 1985 and regularly supported the simplify and codify Community legislation to improve
Commission’s efforts. In particular, it has backed the idea of accessibility and legibility;
transforming the internal market into a fully integrated home — that the Commission’s reports on implementation must
market by 2002 (resolution of 20 November 1997). not be confined to a legal analysis and should evaluate in
In recent resolutions (among many others: 12 February 2006, practice the application of the legislation in question.
14 February 2006, 16 May 2006, 6 July 2006) Parliament has
supported the idea that the internal market is a common g Zelio Fulmini
framework and point of reference for many EC and EU ‘policies’ June 2006
To prevent the emergence of further obstacles a directive was both guaranteeing the free circulation of goods and products
adopted in 1983 (replaced by Directive 98/34/EC of 22 June and respecting the other Treaty establishing the European
1998) requiring Member States to inform the Commission of Community objectives, such as the environment, consumers
all projected technical regulations. National standardisation and competition.
bodies are for their part required to forward their work
Harmonisation was often extremely arduous at the beginning
programmes and draft standards.
as directives were dealing with all the technical specifications
C. Exceptions to the prohibition of measures having an and required unanimity in the Council. Nevertheless their
effect equivalent to that of quantitative restrictions impact was positive. In case C-421/04 the CJ stated that:
Article 30 of the EC Treaty allows Member States to take ‘According to settled case-law, in a field which has been
measures having an effect equivalent to quantitative exhaustively harmonised at Community level, a national
restrictions when these are justified by general, non- measure must be assessed in the light of the provisions of that
economic considerations (public morality, public policy or harmonising measure and not of those of primary law’
public security, the protection of health and life of humans, (paragraph 20).
animals or plants, the protection of national treasures and the Harmonisation was then facilitated by the introduction of the
protection of industrial and commercial property). Control qualified majority rule, required for most directives relating
over the use made of this possibility is of course exercised by the completion of the single market (Article 95 EC as modified
the Court of Justice. Such an exception to a principle must be by the Maastricht Treaty) and by the adoption of a new
strictly interpreted and national measures cannot constitute a approach aimed at avoiding onerous and detailed
mean of arbitrary discrimination or disguised restriction on harmonisation, proposed in the Commission White Paper of
trade between the Member States. In Case C-421/04, June 1985.
paragraph 28, the CJ stated that: ‘According to settled case-law,
in the context of the application of the principle of the free E. Completion of the internal market
movement of goods, the Treaty does not affect the existence The creation of the single market implies the elimination of all
of rights recognised by the legislation of a Member State in remaining obstacles to free movement. The Commission White
matters of intellectual property, but only restricts, depending Paper of June 1985 set out the physical and technical obstacles
on the circumstances, the exercise of those rights.’ Exceptions to be removed and the measures to be taken by the
are no longer justified if Community legislation has come into Community to this end. Most of these measures have now
force in the same area and does not allow them. Finally, the been adopted.
measures must have a direct bearing on the public interests to 1. Elimination of checks at internal borders (physical
be protected and must not go beyond the necessary level barriers)
(principle of proportionality).
a. Customs formalities
The Court of Justice has recognised (Cassis de Dijon case) that, These were simplified during the period 1985–92 (single
over and above the rules set out in Article 30, the Member administrative document, common border posts,
States may make exceptions to the prohibition of measures simplification of Community transit procedures) before being
having an equivalent effect on the basis of mandatory abolished on 1 January 1993.
requirements (relating, among other things, to the
effectiveness of fiscal supervision, fairness of commercial b. Border controls
transactions, consumer protection and protection of the These were abolished on 1 January 1993. Checks, particularly
environment). in connection with animal and plant health, may be carried
out inside a Member State, without discrimination based on
Member States have to notify national exemption measures to
the origin of the goods or the mode of transport, in the same
the Commission. In order to facilitate supervision of such
way as such checks are made on domestic products.
national exemption measures procedures for the exchange
of information and monitoring mechanism were 2. Elimination of technical barriers
introduced, as stated in Articles 95 and 97 of the EC Treaty, After the removal of customs formalities and border controls,
Decision No 3052/95/EC of the European Parliament and technical barriers became the chief remaining obstacle to
Council of 13 December 1995 and Council Regulation (EC) No complete freedom of movement. They are numerous, highly
2679/98 of 7 December 1998. diverse and constantly changing. There are two main ways in
which they can be eliminated.
D. Harmonisation of national provisions
Since the late-1970s, the Community has made considerable a. Monitoring of compliance with the principle of mutual
efforts in this respect: more than 250 directives on a great recognition of national rules (Article 28 EC Treaty)
variety of subjects related to the internal market have been b. Legislative harmonisation
adopted. The adoption of Community harmonisation laws The new approach and the global approach were based on
enabled the obstacles created by national provisions to be the Council resolution of 7 May 1985, confirmed in the Council
removed as inapplicable and stated common rules aimed at resolution of 21 December 1989 and Council Decision 93/465/
3. Standardisation
Role of the European Parliament
The need for European standards arising from the new
approach has led to major development of the European Parliament supported the completion of the internal market
standardisation system. Standardisation is a voluntary process (3.1) and the role of the European standardisation bodies,
based on consensus amongst different economic actors and and has always given particular backup to the ‘new approach’
carried out by independent standards bodies acting at in connection with the free movement of goods, clarifying its
national, European and international levels. The European definition in a report in 1987. It has made a strong legislative
Standardisation System, originally based on two bodies (CEN, contribution to the harmonisation directives.
set up in 1961, and Cenelec, set up in 1962), was relatively Parliament also supported the need for stronger cooperation
inactive, and was revived in the early 1980s by Directive between European and national authorities in order to
83/189/EEC (replaced by Directive 98/34/EC). Three improve the quality of the European legislation, to identify the
organisations now exist: CEN, Cenelec and ETSI. legislation in need of simplification or codification, in
Harmonisation directives referred at the beginning to the accordance with the goal to put more effort into better
industrial standards which are not mandatory as they are not regulation, prompt transposition and correct implementation.
laid down by the national authorities. This made the Parliament often called on the other institutions to support,
production of European standards considerably suitable. The when possible, co-regulation and voluntary agreements in
process was still hampered by its slowness and the practice of order to respect the same principle of better law-making.
transposing European standards into national ones.
Nevertheless, for the Parliament, ‘better regulation’ does not
In the course of the 1990s further discussions improved the necessarily mean ‘no regulation at all’ and it amended several
quality and efficiency of European standardisation, in particular legislative acts introducing rules to prevent the risk for
by replacing consensus with majority voting for adopting consumers to be misled into buying cheaper goods without
standards and by the direct application of European standards being informed about buying a smaller volume or quantity. In
(no need for national transposition). this respect Parliament has always strongly supported the need
Manufacturers refer nowadays to the European standards for clear and complete information for consumers to be
laid down by European standardisation bodies. The validity of included in all pre-packed goods under free movement, as well
the remaining national standards is covered by the mutual as for their ‘certification of origin’, clear indication of prices,
recognition principle. mandatory nominal quantities or pack size for most pre-packed
goods, readable weight and volume indications on product
F. The principle of mutual recognition labelling, and respect of national rules for typical products.
The Court’s reasoning developed the ‘Cassis de Dijon’
Parliament strongly supported, in this respect, a strategy at
jurisprudence, laying down the principle that any product
European level for a comprehensive and high-quality impact
legally manufactured and marketed in a Member State in
accordance with its fair and traditional rules, as well as assessment policy on European legislation.
manufacturing processes of that country, must be allowed
on to the market of any other Member State. This was the g Zelio Fulmini
basic reasoning which animated the debate towards the May 2007
three years. The directive also makes provision for a series of (1 May 2009 to 30 April 2011), but only if an EU-15 Member
procedural guarantees. State experiences serious disturbances in its labour markets.
2. Restrictions on taking up jobs in the public service The timetable for Bulgaria and Romania differs by starting
According to Article 39(4) of the EC Treaty, free movement of the first phase on 1 January 2007 and ending the third on
workers does not apply to employment in the public sector. 31 December 2013.
Access to the public service may be restricted to only nationals
C. Measures to encourage freedom of movement
of the host Member State.
1. Mutual recognition of training
However, this derogation has been interpreted in a very As a basic principle, any EU citizen should be able to freely
restrictive way by the Court of Justice of the European practice his or her profession in any Member State. However,
Communities and, therefore, only those posts in which the the practical implementation of this principle is often hindered
exercise of public authority and the responsibility for by national requirements for access to certain professions in
safeguarding the general interest of the State is involved may the host country.
be restricted to their own nationals (for example the internal or
external security of the State). These criteria must be evaluated In the past, the EU set up a system for the mutual recognition of
in a case-by-case approach in view of the nature of the tasks certificates and diplomas for professional purposes between
and responsibilities covered by the post in question (Case Member States to overcome these differences. A distinction was
66/85, 3 July 1986). made between regulated professions (professions for which
certain qualifications are legally required) and professions that
The Commission listed the activities that it considered as part are not legally regulated in the host Member State.
of the ‘public service’ (statement 5 January 1988): firstly, the
specific functions of the State and allied bodies, such as the Recently, the system for recognition of professional
armed forces, the police and the other forces of order, the qualifications was reformed to help make labour markets more
judiciary, the tax authorities and the diplomatic service; flexible and encourage more automatic recognition of
secondly, employment in government departments, regional qualifications. The new directive on the recognition of
authorities and other similar bodies, and central banks, where professional qualifications (2005/36/EC), which entered into
staff (officials and other employees) who carry out activities on force in October 2007 (3.2.3) consolidates and modernises 15
the basis of a public legal power of the State or of another existing directives covering all recognition rules, except those
legal person governed by public law are involved. applicable to lawyers, activities in the field of toxic substances,
and commercial agents. The directive distinguishes between
3. Restrictions on the freedom of movement of nationals ‘freedom to provide services’ and ‘freedom of establishment’ on
of the new Member States the basis of criteria such as duration, frequency, regularity and
During a transitional period of up to seven years after continuity of the provision of services.
accession of 10 Member States to the EU on 1 May 2004
(Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Recognition can take place through the general system for the
Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia) and of two recognition of professional qualifications, or the system of
Member States on 1 January 2007 (Bulgaria and Romania), automatic recognition of qualifications attested by professional
certain conditions may be applied that restrict the free experience (i.e. craft, commerce and industry sector), or the
movement of workers from, to and between these Member system of automatic recognition of qualifications for specific
States. These restrictions only concern the freedom of professions (i.e. doctors, nurses, dentists, midwives, veterinary
movement for the purpose of taking up a job and may differ surgeons, pharmacists and architects).
from one Member State to another. 2. The EURES network (European employment services)
Three phases of the transitional period allow the EU-15 The Commission is aiming to reinforce and consolidate EURES
Member States to open the labour market to workers of the as a fundamental instrument by networking the employment
aforementioned countries. However, the transitional services of the EEA countries. Occupational and geographical
arrangements cannot be extended beyond an absolute mobility has thus become a key element of the European
maximum of seven years. employment strategy (EES) and of the action plan on skills and
mobility (4.9.3).
For the new Member States that acceded to the EU in 2004:
After the first phase from 1 May 2004 to 30 April 2006, the 3. Other activities to strengthen workers’ mobility
Commission published a report on the transitional provisions The European Union has made major efforts to create an
(February 2006) and concluded that national restrictions have environment conducive to worker mobility:
little effect on controlling migration movements and depend — an action plan on skills and mobility from 2002 to 2005;
more on factors associated with supply and demand
conditions. The EU-15 Member States had to notify as to their — a European health insurance card since 2006;
intention for the second phase (1 May 2006 to 30 April 2009). — the coordination of social security schemes speeded up
National measures may be extended for further two years with the adoption of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 (4.9.4);
manage undertakings, for a permanent activity of a stable and by a restrictive interpretation: exclusions can cover only those
continuous nature, under the same conditions laid down by specific activities and functions which imply the exercise of the
the law of the Member State of establishment for its own authority; a whole profession can be excluded only if the entire
nationals. activity is dedicated to the exercise of official authority, or the
Restrictions on freedom to provide services within the part that is dedicated to the exercise of the public authority is
Community shall be prohibited in respect of nationals of a inseparable from the rest.
Member State who are established in a State of the Exceptions enable Member States to exclude the production
Community other than that of the person for whom services of or trade in war material (Article 296(1)(b) EC) and retain
are intended. All those services normally provided for rules for non-nationals in respect of public policy, public
remuneration shall be considered as ‘services’, insofar as they security or public health (Articles 46(1) and 55 EC).
are not governed by the provisions relating to freedom of
movement for goods, capital and persons. As long as B. Implementation of Articles 43 and 49 of the EC Treaty
restrictions on freedom to provide services have not been Two general programmes adopted on 18 December 1961
abolished, each Member State shall apply such restrictions made provision for directives to abolish restrictions to freedom
without distinctions on grounds of nationality or residence to of establishment and provision of services for various activities.
all persons providing ‘services’. The person providing a ‘service’ Although the Council adopted a good number of directives,
may, in order to do so, temporarily pursue her/his activity in the work was far from being completed in 1974 when the
the State where the service is provided, under the same Court decided that, despite omissions or lack of secondary EC
conditions as are imposed by that State on its own nationals. law (mainly directives and regulations), under the terms of the
Treaty, the two freedoms had a direct effect from the end of
Activities such as transport, insurance and banking are also
the transition period, i.e. from 1 January 1970. These rulings
affected by this freedom but are dealt with in separate fact
were the Reyners judgment of 21 June 1974 (2/74) on
sheets (3.4.2, 3.4.3 and 4.5.1).
freedom of establishment and the Van Binsbergen judgment
These provisions have direct effect from the end of the of 3 December 1974 (33/74) on freedom to provide services.
transition period, i.e. from 1 January 1970 (the Reyners
judgment of 21 June 1974 (2/74) on freedom of establishment The direct effect of the two freedoms means that Community
and the Van Binsbergen judgment of 3 December 1974 nationals are entitled to be treated as nationals. A Member
(33/74) on freedom to provide services). The direct effect of State must allow nationals of other Member States to establish
the two articles of the EC Treaty means that Community themselves or provide services on its territory under the same
nationals are entitled to be treated as nationals and that they conditions as its own nationals. Any discrimination on the
can require competent national jurisdictions to apply Articles grounds of nationality is thus prohibited. Nevertheless,
43 and 49 of the EC Treaty. Any discrimination on the grounds national rules concerning the conditions of access to and the
of nationality is prohibited. This means that Member States exercise of the activities still leaves barriers for non-nationals,
must modify national rules that restrict these two freedoms, eventually obliged to engage in further studies to obtain the
including also the national rules which are indistinctly national qualifications required or to cover extra costs and
applicable to domestic and foreign operators if they hinder or burdens. Community measures aimed to facilitate the exercise
render their exercise less attractive, with delays and additional of the two freedoms remained, then, still worthwhile and they
costs. mainly aim to secure mutual recognition of the national rules
and, possibly, harmonise them. In some cases they abolish
Articles 43 and 49 of the EC Treaty cannot be interpreted as other collateral restrictions on movement, such as Council
conferring on companies a right to transfer their central Directives 73/148/EEC (repealed by Directive 2004/38/EC) and
management and control their central administration to 93/96/EEC on the right of residence or Directive 96/71/EC on
another Member State while retaining their status as posting of workers in the framework of the provision of
companies incorporated under the legislation of the Member services. Under Directive 2004/38/EC Member States will grant
State of origin.
the right of permanent residence to nationals of other
The European Commission and Court of Justice of the Member States who establish themselves within its territory in
European Communities are responsible for ensuring the order to pursue activities as self-employed persons, when the
implementation and the respect of EC rules. The Commission restrictions on these activities have been abolished. A
has the power to open infringement procedures against those ‘residence permit for a national of a Member State of the EC’ is
Member States who do not comply with their obligations, issued and may not be withdrawn solely on the grounds that
under Article 226 of the EC Treaty (3.4.2 and 3.4.3). she/he is no longer in employment. The right of residence for
2. The exceptions persons providing and receiving services is of equal duration
The Treaty excludes activities connected with the exercise to the period during which the services are provided.
of official authority from freedom of establishment and An important step toward the effectiveness of the exercise of
provision of services (Article 45(1) EC). This exclusion is limited these two fundamental freedoms is Council Regulation (EC)
From that moment, ‘harmonisation’ and ‘mutual recognition’ duration than in the host country, a certain length of
methods went on under a parallel system, with possible professional experience or may require, if the training differs
situations where they have been used under a complementary substantially, an adaptation period or aptitude test, at the
system using at the same time a regulation and a directive (see discretion of the applicant, unless the occupation requires
the Council resolutions of 3 December 1992 and 15 July 1996 knowledge of the national law.
on transparency of qualifications and vocational training
certificates). Role of the European Parliament
The new system was set up in three stages. Here again, Parliament has been instrumental in liberalising
— In 1990, higher education diplomas awarded on the activities of the self-employed. It has ensured strict
delimitation of activities that may be reserved for nationals
completion of professional education and training of at
(e.g. those relating to the exercise of public authority). It is
least three years’ duration were recognised (Directive
also worth mentioning the case Parliament brought before
89/48/EEC of 21 December 1988).
the Court of Justice against the Council for failure to act with
— In 1992, the system was expanded to diplomas, certificates regard to transport policy. That case, brought in January
and qualifications that are not part of long-term higher 1983, led to a Court judgment (13/83 of 22 May 1985)
education, with two levels: condemning the Council for failing to ensure free provision
• shorter post-secondary or professional courses, of international transport services and to lay down
conditions under which non-resident carriers may operate
• secondary courses (Directive 92/51/EEC of 18 June 1992). transport services within a Member State. This was in breach
— In 1999 a system was introduced for the mutual of the Treaty. The Council was thus obliged to adopt the
recognition of qualifications for access to certain necessary legislation (4.5.1).
commercial, industrial or craft occupations not yet covered The role of Parliament has grown with the application of the
by the previous directives (textiles, clothing, leather, wood, co-decision procedure (as provided for in the Maastricht
etc.) (Directive 1999/42/EC of 7 June 1999). Treaty) to most aspects of freedom of establishment and
In all three cases, the host Member State may not refuse access provision of services.
to the occupation in question if applicants have the
qualifications required in their country of origin. However, it g Zelio Fulmini
may demand, if the training they received was of a shorter September 2006
other Member States from investing in the companies a single payments area in the EU by 2010. The aim is to make
concerned. cross-border payments as easy, secure and cheap as national
c. Infringement proceedings against Greece and Sweden payments. The proposed directive has been extensively
reviewed in the ECON committee and is due for first reading in
The European Commission has taken action against Sweden
October 2006 in Parliament; main points of discussion
and Greece to ensure that they implement internal market
concerned the scope of the directive, its efficiency and
laws correctly. The Commission will formally request Sweden
application to payment service providers.
to modify an aspect of its taxation legislation requiring foreign
financial institutions that are not formally established in
Sweden to provide the Swedish tax authorities with annual Role of the European Parliament
information on any business they do with Swedish residents. Parliament has strongly supported the Commission’s efforts
The Commission considers that this requirement tends to to encourage the liberalisation of capital movements.
dissuade foreign financial institutions from providing cross- However, it has always taken the view that such liberalisation
border services in Sweden and is therefore incompatible with should be more advanced within the Union than between
EC Treaty rules on free movement of services and free the Union and the rest of the world, to ensure that European
movement of capital. The Commission will also formally savings treat European investment as a priority. It has also
request Greece to modify its legislation on company law pointed out that capital liberalisation should be backed up
rendering valid decisions on capital increases in public limited by full liberalisation of financial services and the
liability companies taken by the Greek government. The harmonisation of tax law in order to create a unified
Commission considers this to be incompatible with EU European financial market. It was thanks to its political
company law, which requires these decisions to be taken at a pressure that the Commission launched the legislation on
general meeting. harmonisation of domestic and cross-border payments
(resolution of 17 June 1988).
D. Consequences of economic and monetary union
1. Abolition of the safeguard clause Parliament in its last non-legislative resolution of 7 July 2005
Since 1 January 1999 and the beginning of the third phase of (T6-0301/2005) supports the goal of an efficient, integrated
economic and monetary union, the articles relating to the and safe market for clearing and settlement of securities in
safeguard clauses to remedy crises in the balance of payments the EU. It believes that the creation of efficient EU clearing
(Articles 119 and 120 EC) are no longer applicable to those and settlement systems will be a complex process, and notes
Member States having adopted the single currency. On the that true European integration and harmonisation will
other hand, they remain applicable to the Member States require the combined efforts of different stakeholders and
which do not belong to the euro area. that the current public policy debate should focus on: (a)
bringing down the cost of cross-border clearing and
2. Payments settlement; (b) ensuring that systemic or any other remaining
a. Harmonisation of the cost of domestic and cross-border risks in cross-border clearing and settlement are properly
payments managed and regulated; (c) encouraging the integration of
Regulation (EC) No 2560/2001 of 19 December 2001 clearing and settlement by removing distortions of
harmonised the costs of domestic and cross-border payments competition; and (d) ensuring proper transparency and
within the euro area. governance arrangements.
b. New legal framework for payments
The Commission proposed in December 2005 a directive that g Josine Kamerling
will bring down existing legal barriers to enable the creation of September 2006
Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the 10 June 1999), each relating to certain categories of agreement.
implementation of the rules on competition laid down in The Commission uses block exemptions to this end.
Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty.
C. Practice
1. Individual decisions On the basis of the Treaty and the implementing rules, over
The Commission can take the following decisions on some 40 years the Commission has developed a substantial
concerted practices. policy on concerted practices.
a. Infringements 1. Wide use of block exemptions
Any infringement of the rules in Article 81(1) means that the a. Horizontal or cooperation agreements
agreement or practice automatically becomes void and has to Among the horizontal or cooperation agreements (between
be ended immediately. The Commission may impose fines on companies in competition), the main beneficiaries have been:
undertakings of up to 10 % of their turnover. It may also
impose periodic penalty payments not exceeding 5 % of the — specialisation agreements (Regulation (EC) No 2658/2000);
average daily turnover in the preceding business year per day and
and calculated from the date appointed by the decision until — research and development agreements (Regulation (EC)
the infringement has ended. No 2659/2000).
National bodies (specialised authorities and courts) may also The Commission evaluated (January 2002) the functioning of
impose penalties for infringements, as the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 240/96 concerning application of
Article 81(1) and (2) have direct effect. The national courts, competition rules to technology transfer agreements. As a
but not the Commission, may grant damages to companies result, Commission Regulation (EC) No 772/2004 of 27 April
that have been affected. But the national courts must 2004 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to
withdraw from a case once the Commission begins categories of technology transfer agreements was adopted.
proceedings. Since 1 May 2004, all national competition
b. Distribution or vertical agreements
authorities are also empowered to apply fully the provisions
of the Treaty in order to ensure that competition is not Distribution or vertical agreements (concluded between
distorted or restricted. National courts may also apply directly undertakings at different levels of the same production chain)
these prohibitions so as to protect the individual rights were subject to separate exemption rules for each type of
conferred to citizens by the Treaty. agreement and each sector but are now covered by a single
system granting a general exemption for agreements, as long
b. Exemptions as the companies in question do not dominate the market;
Although a company’s dealings infringe the prohibition in this condition has resulted in the setting of ceilings (a turnover
Article 81(1), this company can escape penalty under of not more than EUR 50 million for the parties to the
Article 81(3). Exemptions are issued exclusively by the agreement and not more than 30 % of the market share for
Commission at the company’s request. They are granted for a the distributor), and certain serious restrictive practices are in
fixed period and may be subject to modification of certain any case excluded (Regulation (EC) No 2790/1999 of 22
aspects of the agreements or practices concerned. December 1999).
In these individual cases the Commission can act on its own A notable block exemption concerns motor vehicles.
initiative on the basis of information available, e.g. following its Commission Regulation (EC) No 1400/2002 of 31 July 2002,
own inquiries. It can also do this on the companies’ initiative replacing Regulation (EC) No 1475/95, removes important
(requests for negative clearance or exemptions) or following a regulatory constraints in distribution. It is valid for eight years
complaint by any party with an interest in taking action and will allow, inter alia, competing brands in the same
against an agreement (other companies, public authorities or showroom, increased access to original parts and competition
individuals). During an investigation, the Commission can ask among retail outlets.
the companies for information and carry out checks on the
2. Agreements of minor importance
spot. It can carry out investigations in a sector as well as in
The Commission on the other hand has concluded that
individual cases.
although certain agreements do not fulfil the conditions of
2. Block decisions Article 81(3) and thus are not entitled to an exemption, they
These are designed to simplify the Commission’s should not be regarded as infringing the prohibition. These are
administrative task so it does not have to deal individually with agreements of minor importance (the de minimis principle),
too many concerted practice cases and to make it easier for considered inherently incapable of affecting competition at
companies to fulfil their obligations by giving certain types of Community market level but useful for cooperation between
action a general prior exemption on the basis of Article 81(3). small and medium-sized enterprises. As a result the
The Commission was granted this facility under several Council undertakings do not have to notify them and obtain a ruling
regulations (in particular 19/65/EEC of 2 March 1965, (EC) No on compatibility with the Treaty. These agreements were for a
2821/71 of 20 December 1971 and (EC) No 1215/1999 of long time defined by market share and annual turnover
A particularly significant example was the Volkswagen case • t here is provision for systematic cooperation between
(1998), in which the Commission fined Volkswagen AG national authorities and between them and the
EUR 102 million for agreements aiming to prevent Volkswagen Commission.
dealers in Italy from selling vehicles to buyers who were not
resident in Italy. The fine was subsequently reduced by the Role of the European Parliament
Court to EUR 90 million. Parliament’s principal role is scrutiny of the executive.
Commissioners are called to account for controversial
D. Reform of the implementing rules
decisions at question time in plenary and the Commissioner
The Commission conducted a review of the system for applying responsible for competition appears several times a year
the rules on competition (Regulation (EC) No 1/2003), which before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs to
had been in existence since 1962 (Regulation No 17/62). This explain his policy and discuss individual decisions.
review highlighted the disadvantages of the obligation on
undertakings to notify it of any agreements in order to obtain Parliament is involved in competition legislation only through
negative clearance or exemption. This is a heavy burden for the the consultation procedure. Its influence is thus limited in
undertakings and means that the Commission has to examine a favour of that of the Commission and Council. Annually,
number of files which often do not raise problems with regard Parliament adopts a resolution on the Commission’ annual
to the applicable rules but involve so much work that it has no report on competition policy. At various occasions in this
time to reach well-founded decisions. It resorts to ‘administrative context, it has demanded competition legislation to be
letters’ which close the case on the basis of a presumption of brought under the scope of the co-decision procedure (most
non-infringement of the rules but do not have legal effect. recently April 2006).
Moreover, the Commission is unable to devote sufficient time
and effort to investigating the most serious infringements of g Arttu Makipaa
which, it may be supposed, it will not receive notification. September 2006
(c) in each of at least three Member States included for the investigations), the basic deadline expires after a further 90
purpose of point (b), the aggregate turnover of each of at working days, extended automatically by 15 working days
least two of the undertakings concerned is more than when commitments are offered towards the end of the
EUR 25 million; and investigation. In complex cases, the deadline may also be
(d) the aggregate Community-wide turnover of each of at extended by a maximum of 20 additional days, at the parties’
least two of the undertakings concerned is more than request or with their approval.
EUR 100 million; C. Practice
unless each of the undertakings concerned achieves more Since the regulations entered into force in 1990, the
than two thirds of its aggregate Community-wide turnover Commission has examined over a thousand proposed
within one and the same Member State. mergers, and the numbers have risen from 131 notifications in
2. Procedure and powers 1996 to 249 in 2004. Most of these cases end in authorisation.
Outright prohibitions are very rare; since 1990 they represent
a. Powers
less than 1 % of all notified transactions. The most notable
Companies proposing mergers within the terms defined
cases include the Aérospatiale/Alenia merger with de
above must notify the Commission, which will consider
Havilland, which was prohibited in 1991, and the Boeing
whether the proposal creates or strengthens a dominant
merger with McDonnell Douglas, which was authorised
position on the relevant market. If it does so, the operation is
subject to certain commitments by Boeing in 1997.
prohibited. If not, the Commission confirms that it is
compatible with the common market and authorises the
merger, possibly on certain conditions. Furthermore, merging Role of the European Parliament
parties may request the referral of a case to the Commission or Parliament has generally favoured extending the Community’s
to a Member State (or Member States) prior to its notification powers on abuse of a dominant position. In particular, it
at the national or Community level, an option not currently supported the Commission proposal for reducing the
available; merging parties may request the referral of a case to thresholds for launching a merger investigation. In July 2002 it
the Commission if it is notifiable in at least three Member adopted a report on the Commission’s Green Paper of
States; if all competent Member States agree, the Commission December 2001 on a review of Council Regulation (EEC)
acquires exclusive jurisdiction for the case. Finally, the criteria No 4064/89 (the merger regulation). That report accepted
to be fulfilled for referral have been simplified in comparison most of the Commission’s proposals, especially with regard to
with the past. the division of responsibility between the Commission and the
b. Procedure Member States. Parliament has been consulted on the draft
The normal Phase 1 deadline now expires after 25 working merger regulation, which came into force on 1 May 2004.
days. This period is extended by 10 working days when
commitments are offered or when a Member State requests g C. Ipektsidis
the referral of the case. For Phase 2 cases (in-depth November 2005
Legal basis principle prohibits any form of State aid that is likely to distort
Articles 87 to 89 of the Treaty establishing the European intra-Community competition, on the grounds that it is
Community (EC). incompatible with the common market. However, an absolute
ban would be untenable: even under a strictly liberal system, it
is hard to imagine any government willingly divesting itself
Objectives entirely of the opportunity to provide funding for certain
Competition can be restricted not only by businesses (3.3.1 economic activities. To do so would be to fail in one of its basic
and 3.3.2) but also by governments, if they grant public responsibilities, namely to ensure that people’s basic needs are
subsidies to businesses. For this reason, the Treaty of Rome in supplied by correcting imbalances or helping out in
— aid to make good the damage caused by exceptional 3. Infringement proceedings under Article 88(2)
events, such as natural disasters; The Commission formally serves notice on the Member State
charged with the offence, requiring it to comment within a
— aid for certain areas of the Federal Republic of Germany given period (normally one month).
affected by the division of Germany.
If the comments fail to satisfy the Commission, the latter may
Possible in some circumstances, under Article 87(3); Such decide that the State must alter or abolish the aid within a
exemptions ‘may be considered’ and hence are not automatic. given period (normally two months).
They cover:
If the Member State fails to comply with the Commission
— aid to underdeveloped regions; decision by the deadline, the Commission, or any other State
— aid to promote the execution of a major project of involved, may refer the matter to the Court of Justice.
European interest or remedy a serious disturbance in the The State concerned may itself apply to the Court within the
economy of a Member State; specified period.
— aid to facilitate the development of certain economic At the same time, the Member State concerned may apply to
activities or areas, provided it does not adversely affect the Council for a decision on whether the aid is compatible
trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common with the common market. Such an application results in
interest; suspension of any infringement proceedings under way, but if
the Council has not made its attitude known within three the EC Treaty, concerning the motor vehicle sector and the
months, the Commission has to give a decision. synthetic fibres sector, was issued. The criteria for exemption are
shown in points i and ii below.
C. Implementation
1. General view i. Territorial criteria
The EC Treaty gives the Commission, if not discretionary For exemption under point (a) (aid to promote the economic
powers, at least very wide scope for exercising its judgment in development of areas where the standard of living is
applying the provisions of the Treaty, both with regard to the abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment),
basic rules (the exemptions allowed under Article 87(3)) and to the aid must go to regions with a per capita GDP below 75 %
procedure (Article 88). It states, however, that Council of the Community average (Level 2 regions of the
regulations may be introduced to implement the provisions. Nomenclature of Territorial Statistical Units — NUTS). For
This option was not taken up until very recently, with the result exemption under point (c) (aid to facilitate the development of
that implementation of the aid procedure was for a long time certain economic activities or areas but not having a
an entirely administrative and judicial matter. significant adverse effect on trading conditions), the aid must
Until the early 1970s the issue of State aid did not take on go to regions corresponding to Level 3 of NUTS forming
special importance. It began to do so after the recession of compact zones of at least 100 000 inhabitants each, to regions
1974 and 1975, and particularly after 1980, when the with a population density of under 12 inhabitants per km2, or
considerable growth of aid led to a very marked rise in cases to regions eligible under the Structural Funds, all within an
referred to the Commission. The Commission tried to ease this overall ceiling for the number of aid recipients laid down at
increasing workload by establishing criteria for application of Community level and divided between the Member States.
the ground rules and procedures, which it decided should be ii. Criteria for objective and volume
made public in the form of various types of texts: framework
In principle, aid cannot be used to help run businesses, but only
documents, communications, guidelines, sometimes just
for investment (start-up or creating additional jobs). It must not
letters, but also directives and regulations. But this piecemeal
exceed a certain proportion of investment; in general, 50 % for
approach at the purely administrative level did not provide
exemption under point (a) and 20 % under point (c).
sufficient legal certainty or clear and effective administrative
management. Legislation was therefore needed and was b. Sector-specific aid
adopted in 1998 for the ground rules and 1999 for the The exemption criteria have been laid down in several texts for
procedural rules. In Commission Regulation (EC) No 794/2004 each of the main sectors: steel, shipbuilding, automobiles and
of 21 April 2004, implementing Council Regulation (EC) synthetic fibres (4.7.2 and 4.8.2 to 4.8.4). These include various
No 659/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of types of texts, but for shipbuilding they are Council directives
Article 93 of the EC Treaty, new detailed provisions concerning on the basis of Article 87(3)(e). Transport and agriculture are
the form, content and other details of notifications and annual subject to a specific legal system involving Articles 87 to 89
reports referred to in Regulation (EC) No 659/1999 are set out. and ad hoc provisions (4.2 and 4.6). The same is true for
The new regulation also sets out provisions for the calculation State enterprises and public services (3.3.4).
of time limits in all procedures concerning State aid and of the
These texts have one common theme: to be acceptable, aid
interest rate for the recovery of unlawful aid.
must not tend to preserve the status quo by maintaining over-
2. Application of the ground rules capacity but must aim to restore long-term viability by
As there is by definition no obligation to notify aid which is resolving structural problems, including by reducing capacity;
automatically exempt (Article 87(2)), the Commission’s work it should be degressive and proportional.
consists of applying the rules on exemption laid down by the
Guidelines for application of competition rules to different
Treaty for certain types of aid (Article 87(3)) and thus
sectors are regularly issued. Recent communications refer to
establishing for each of them a set of exemption criteria.
environmental protection, risk capital, advertising of
a. Regional aid (Article 87(3)(a) and (c)) agricultural products, public service broadcasting and
The current system is laid down by the ‘guidelines’ of March restructuring of the steel sector.
1998, which brought together several previous c. Horizontal aid
communications. In March 2002, the Commission issued a
This is aid which is likely to benefit all sectors of the economy:
multi-sectoral framework on regional aid for large investment
research and development, SMEs, environmental protection,
projects that covers regional aid intended to promote initial
salvage and restructuring of failing enterprises, and
investment, including associated job creation. This framework
was modified by the Commission communication of November
2003 on the modification of the multi-sectoral framework on Until now, horizontal aid, like the other forms of aid, has been
regional aid for large investment projects (2002) with regard to covered by various piecemeal texts (framework documents,
the establishment of a list of sectors facing structural problems. guidelines, etc.) laying down the exemption criteria for each
A proposal of appropriate measures pursuant to Article 88(1) of type of aid.
SGEIs are not defined by EC law but are normally considered C. Development of Community policy
as commercial services of general economic utility on which For a long time, faced by a lack of rules in the EEC Treaty, EC
the public authorities therefore impose specific public institutions were sensitive not to be seen to infringe the
service obligations (transport, postal services, energy and requirement of neutrality on the ownership of undertakings, as
communications). The definition of services considered to laid down by Article 295 of the EC Treaty, and to respect
be of general economic interest is essentially left to the activities essentially connected with public interest, within the
Member States. exclusive competence of the Member States. Questions
Public service obligations may be imposed by the public materialised in the mid-1980s when the compatibility of the
authorities on the body providing a service. modalities of accomplishing a mission of public or general
interest by these subjects was scrutinised under the rules on
In this context, the term concessions and the rules competition and internal market and concern rose on the links
concerning their award, as well as the application of the existing between public authorities and the undertakings they
provisions of public contracts relating to the creation of mixed own or control and the aid that public authorities were able to
capital entities whose objective is to provide a public service grant to such undertakings.
(institutionalised PPPs), should be clarified.
The Commission, using its special powers under Article 86(3)
2. The principle and the exceptions of the EC Treaty, required, with Directive 80/723/EEC of 25 June
The Treaty of Rome, as modified, does grant a place to SGEIs 1980 on the transparency of financial relations between
and provides an opportunity to exempt them from the rules Member States and public undertakings (as amended by
on the internal market and competition insofar as it is Directive 2000/52/EC), Member States to provide information
necessary to enable the undertakings responsible for such on financial assistance granted to public undertakings and
services to perform their tasks (Article 86(2) EC), as well as on other information concerning the activities of the public
the basis of particular aspects of general interest under Articles undertakings. They also have to submit annual reports.
The Commission then started to put forward the view that, this mission which would not have been incurred by an
even if the infrastructure itself remains under exclusive enterprise operating solely according to market criteria. As
ownership, the monopolist owner must grant access to third the Court declared that such effective compensations are
parties wishing to compete with regard to supply of transport, not a State aid (Ferring case, C-53/00, and Altmark Trans
services or energy via that network (i.e. telephone case, C-280/00), the Commission (OJ L 312, 29.11.2005,
communications or electricity) and, from the early 1990s, pp. 67–73) decided to establish thresholds and criteria to
started to challenge special and exclusive rights, either by consider the compensation received by the vast majority
taking actions under Article 226 or by proposing directives of services as compatible with the competition rules if the
aimed to apply the principles of the internal market to the services in question have, in advance and by legal act,
specific sectors. The Commission, in various communications been attributed with a mission of general interest.
(OJ C 281, 26.9.1996 and OJ C 17, 19.1.2001) aiming to establish
— Regulation of the market: Where private operators
a European public service policy, acknowledged the
provide such a service, whether or not linked by a public
importance of public services and proposed to insert the
services contract, Member States may impose ‘public
concept into the Treaty and to establish instruments to
service obligations’, but only if such obligations are
evaluate and coordinate national regulatory bodies and to
necessary, justified, not discriminatory, applied
develop trans-European networks. At the European Council
indiscriminately, based on objective criteria, known in
held in Lisbon in March 2000, the Heads of State or
advance and proportionate (Analir case, C-205/99).
Government acknowledged the key role of services of general
interest and called for more rapid liberalisation in the gas, Some examples on exclusive rights (the import and wholesale
electricity, transport and postal services sectors. The 2003 marketing of alcoholic beverages and the tobacco monopoly
Green Paper and the 2004 White Paper on services of general in Austria, the retail sale of alcohol in Sweden and Finland, and
interest defined the elements of a horizontal strategy to ensure the de minimis aid granted to transports by rail, road and inland
that all citizens and firms in the Union have access to quality waterways under Regulation (EEC) No 1191/69) illustrate the
general-interest services at affordable prices. flexibility in the application of the Treaty when it comes to
recognising the inherent missions of these services’ missions of
In this sense, EC legislation wishes to promote the supply of
general interest.
high-quality general-interest services, as concerns network
activities such as telecommunications, electricity, gas and The EC provisions applicable to specific sectors are dealt with by
railways, with the aim of opening up markets by limiting special the following laws: for the transport sector, Article 73 of the EC
or exclusive rights, or cutting them back substantially, identifying Treaty, which allows State aid if intended to compensate for ‘the
the ‘public service’ as a ‘social obligation’ or a ‘universal service’ discharge of certain obligations inherent in the concept of a
and to encourage public authorities to be clear about the public service’; Directive 97/67/EC on postal services, which
correspondence between the burdens or obligations associated began to open up the sector to competition but also required
with the mission and the restrictions on access to the market Member States to provide a minimum level of services for users’
necessary to allow these organisations to perform properly. benefit under the terms of ‘universal service’ and ‘reserved
service’; the directive of 10 June 2002, which opened up the
The public authorities and the operators cooperate most
market for mail weighing more than 100 g, from 2003, and more
frequently under these situations. Directive 2004/18/EC applies
than 50 g, from 2006; Directive 2003/55/EC, which has made a
in the following instances.
significant contribution towards the creation of an internal
— Delegation: When the public authorities decide to market for gas; and the Community definition of ‘universal
delegate a mission of general interest to an external service’ in the field of communications, under which users must
partner, Community law on public contracts and be able to have access at a fixed location to international and
concessions comes into play and the principles of national calls, as well as emergency services. Other Community
transparency, equal treatment and proportionality apply. policy instruments and actions share the same consumer
— The management of a service under a public–private protection objectives, namely: the implementation of the trans-
partnership (PPP): This is increasingly used to provide European networks programme, the initiative for the creation of
services of general interest. Directive 2004/18/EC applies as a European research area, the action plan on consumer policy
soon as a public authority intends to conclude a contract and the e-Europe action plan. Horizontal consumer protection
for pecuniary interest with a legally distinct enterprise. legislation, dealing with issues such as unfair contract terms and
Significant clarifications on the distinction between distance selling, also applies the mentioned principles related to
‘internal’ and ‘third party’ entities have been brought by the services of general interest.
Court in the Stadt Halle judgment (Case C-26/03).
— Use of public financial compensation: A public authority Role of the European Parliament
may decide to pay compensation to an external body for Parliament has linked the need to respect and support ‘public
the performance of a mission of general interest, intended services’ and ‘services of general interest’ with the need to
to refund for any expenditure involved in accomplishing increase competition for the benefit of consumers and citizens.
The Community equipped itself with legislation aimed at Concerning Directive 2004/17/EC, the ‘special arrangements’
coordinating national rules imposing obligations on publicity provided for by Directives 93/38/EC, 94/22/EC and 90/531/EEC
Legal basis office is located. The first system is found in the United
Article 44(2)(g) of the Treaty establishing the European Kingdom and the Netherlands, and the second in Belgium,
Community (EC) provides that, in order to attain freedom of Germany, France and others.
establishment, the Council must act by means of directives in
accordance with the co-decision procedure to provide the Articles 94, 95, 293 and 308 of the EC Treaty also allow
necessary degree of coordination of the safeguards which, for Community intervention in company law but play only a
the protection of the interests of members and others, are secondary role.
required by Member States of companies or firms within the
meaning of the second paragraph of Article 48 of the EC
Treaty, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent
throughout the Community. — Because of its position in the text of the EC Treaty, there is
Article 48 enshrines in the EC Treaty the two systems that exist no doubt that the primary objective of the harmonisation
in the Community for attaching a company or firm to the legal of company law is to promote the attainment of freedom
system of a Member State. Companies may come under the of establishment by removing obstacles which the
incorporation system, which is typical of common law, or be different national legal systems are likely to present for
subject to the law of the country in which their registered companies operating across borders.
4. Guarantees concerning the financial situation of Special measures also apply to cooperatives. The directive
companies specifies the minimum content of the common cross-border
After a certain period, authorised capital required for the merger project and in order to protect the interests both of
constitution of a public limited liability company no longer shareholders and of third parties, provision is made, for each
gives creditors a guarantee of security. Thus, the second company involved in a merger, for both the cross-border
directive contains provisions to ensure that authorised capital merger project and the actual cross-border merger to be
is available throughout a company’s existence. To ensure that publicised in an entry in the appropriate public register.
information provided in accounting documents is equivalent In addition, Directive 2005/19/EC of 17 February 2005
in all Member States, the fourth, seventh and eighth directives amending Directive 90/434/EEC introduces a common system
(78/660/EEC of 25 July 1978, 83/349/EEC of 13 June 1983 and of taxation applicable to mergers, divisions, transfers of assets
84/253/EEC of 10 April 1984) require company accounts and exchanges of shares concerning companies of different
(annual accounts, consolidated accounts and approval of Member States.
persons responsible for carrying out statutory audits) to give a
Finally, Directive 2007/36/EC on the exercise of certain rights of
true and fair view of the company’s assets, liabilities, financial
shareholders in listed companies abolishes the main obstacles
position and profit or loss. Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of
to a cross-border vote in listed companies which have their
the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002 on
registered headquarters in a Member State, by introducing
the application of international accounting standards
specific requirements for a certain number of shareholder
harmonises the financial information presented by publicly
rights at the general meeting.
traded companies in order to guarantee protection for
investors. 2. The operation of European-scale companies
Directive 2006/43/EC of 17 May 2006 on statutory audits of There has not been much development other than on tax
annual accounts and consolidated accounts amends (4.18.5) and social rules (4.9.6). The 11th Council directive
Directives 78/660/EEC and 83/349/EEC and repeals Directive (89/666/EEC of 21 December 1989) on disclosure requirements
84/253/EEC. It aims to improve the reliability of the financial in respect of branches opened in a Member State by certain
statements of companies by establishing minimum types of company governed by the law of another State or
even a non-Community country enables persons resident in a
requirements for the statutory audit of annual and
country where a branch is established to obtain a minimum
consolidated accounts. In addition, the directive widens the
amount of information on branches in other Member States.
scope of EU legislation in force (Directive 84/253/EEC), by
An international bankruptcy convention was signed on
specifying the role of statutory auditors, the fact that they
23 November 1995, under which European-scale undertakings
must demonstrate their independence and the code of ethics
will be declared bankrupt at European level, instead of
which they must adhere to, and introduces external quality
undergoing the multiple bankruptcies that were hitherto the
assurance requirements.
B. Regulations for companies with a Community 3. Community statutes
dimension a. Aim
1. Removal of barriers to company development on a To allow companies that want to act or establish themselves
Community scale beyond their national frontiers the option of being subject to
The first aim was to make it easier for companies to operate in one set of laws and not several as is the case at present.
Member States other than their country of origin. This was the
aim of the convention of 29 February 1968 on the mutual b. Long period of stalemate
recognition of companies, which has still not come into force The efforts to bring about this Community legislation are not
as it has not been ratified by all the Member States. new, as the Commission presented its first proposal for a
regulation on a statute for a European company in 1970, but
Directive 2005/56/EC on cross-border mergers of companies this proposal (which has been amended on numerous
with share capital is intended to facilitate cross-border mergers occasions) became permanently stalled because of its
between companies with share capital. It introduces a simple provisions on worker participation; some Member States
framework which is strongly derived from rules for national totally rejected such participation, while others made it a
mergers and which will avoid the liquidation of the company condition for accepting the very idea of a European company.
being taken over. The directive applies to mergers of
companies with share capital which are constituted in In order to break the deadlock, the Commission presented
accordance with the legislation of a Member State and whose (1989) a new proposal which had a legal basis providing for
statutory headquarters, central administration or main adoption by the Council acting by a qualified majority, and no
establishment is within the Community, if at least two of them longer unanimously, and which was divided into two parts so
are subject to the legislation of different Member States. It as to split off the provisions on worker participation:
applies to all companies with share capital apart from bodies — a proposal for a regulation on the operation of the
involved in collective investment in transferable securities. European company (based on Article 96);
thus preventing its adoption until the question of worker in a Member State to establish a European private company
participation had been settled at Community level. (EPC) on Community territory, subject to and in accordance
Parliament was behind proposals for a European statute for with a procedure which will have to be set out in a regulation.
undertakings in the mutual sector, following a report putting It therefore requests the Commission to submit to Parliament a
forward the idea of a European cooperative society and a legislative proposal on the statute for a European private
resolution of 13 March 1987 advocating a European statute for company, which shall take into account the recommendations
associations. It was a parliamentary intergroup that presented included in the resolution on the arrangements regarding
the Commission with a draft European statute for associations formation, capital stock, organisation, content of articles of
on 14 April 1985. association, liability of the executive director, annual accounts,
possibilities for conversion and dissolution, liquidation,
More recently, on 1 February 2007, Parliament adopted a
insolvency and suspension of payments.
resolution which included recommendations for the
Commission regarding the European private company statute.
Parliament is of the opinion that it should be possible for one g Roberta Panizza
or more natural or legal persons who do not necessarily reside July 2008
reference before the relevant framework legislation has been division of responsibility between level 1 and the subsidiary
definitively adopted at level 1 and this means that negotiations levels could upset the balance of power among the EU
at levels 1 and 2 have taken place simultaneously. This approach institutions if the Council and Parliament are involved only in
has had the effect of advancing discussions with market level 1 legislation whilst it is left to the Commission, with the
operators. It has come under severe criticism, however, because help of the specialist committees, to determine technical
implementing measures cannot be planned (at level 2) before details.
the aim, scope and substance of the framework legislation has
been precisely and finally determined (at level 1). D. Degree of detail in framework legislation
Deciding what should fall within the respective remits of levels
B. Adequate consultation with market operators 1 and 2, on the basis of the degree of regulatory detail
Market operators take the view that the market has no effective involved, is not straightforward.
say, that they are insufficiently involved in level 2 discussions
In particularly technical areas the degree of detail at level 1 is
and that they do not have enough input into the preparation of
growing, with the result that framework legislation may
new rules. They also claim that insufficient attention is paid to
include technical aspects that might have been expected to
the impact of such rules, especially the costs they entail.
be delegated to level 2. Including too much detail at level 1
Consultation times are often considered too short and this also undermines the aim of accelerating the legislative process
makes it harder to win the agreement of market operators. It is and making it more flexible.
claimed that the quality of legislation suffers because too
much emphasis is placed on accelerating the process. The broader the formulation of framework legislation and the
greater the delegation of detailed decision-making to level 2,
Recently there has been more intensive consultation with the easier it will become — other things being equal — to
market operators at levels 1 and 2. The EU institutions have adapt measures to market developments and to new
many formal and informal forums for communication with demands on legislators. This implies, however, that as much of
market experts, and it is therefore possible to obtain the work as possible will be removed from the ordinary law-
information and opinions throughout the legislative process. making process, with a resulting reduction in the direct
C. Specific legal and institutional problems (choice of influence of the European Parliament and Member States on
legal instruments/EP influence) the shaping of legislation for the financial markets.
Debate has focused particularly on the questions of
democratic supervision and the democratic legitimacy of the g Judith Marion Braun
level 3 committees of experts. There is concern that the July 2008
claim under civil law, so investors are not entitled to intensify competition, leading in turn to a higher incidence of
compensation. bankruptcy and a decline in customer confidence.
In the short term, Solvency II could also result in reduced
Insurance and occupational pensions insurance protection for those branches of the industry that
cover long-term high risks, because the demands placed on
A. Solvency II
them will be greater in quantitative terms. It is possible, too,
1. Aim that insurers will decide to restrict cross-subsidising, with the
This directive will radically overhaul the financial supervision of result that some types of premium will rise. There is a further
insurance firms, replacing the former static model of risk that the planned system of supervision will accelerate the
supervision with a dynamic, risk-based approach in order to already established trend towards consolidation, increasing
afford consumers and companies better protection. It will the current pressure of competition on small and medium-
promote deeper integration of the EU insurance market and sized insurers.
protect insurance firms and claimants more effectively.
Ultimately this should make EU insurance and reinsurance
companies more able to compete internationally.
The Lamfalussy process (3.4.3) changed the way that the
2. Content supervision of Europe’s financial market is structured, by
a. Ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets introducing committees of experts at level 3 with the aim of
Under the Solvency I rules there was a static system of achieving uniform supervisory practice and regulation
calculating a company’s solvency margin: it was assessed throughout the EU.
against overall trading volume, and the calculation simply A high level of convergence in supervisory practice in all the
reflected the size of the balance-sheet or profit and loss EU Member States is a basic precondition for completion of
figures. the internal market.
By contrast, the Solvency II system is more concerned with There is a problem, however, with the transposition of
actual risk and the focus of supervision will be the individual European directives into national law and the quality of the
risk level of each company. The principle is that calculation of implementation process. There is a risk that market operators
the solvency margin should reflect all relevant and quantifiable will be treated differently in different Member States, with
risks, and at least the four major categories: market risk, credit damaging consequences for fair competition and effective
risk, technical insurance risk and operational risk. The new integration of financial services markets.
supervisory system will thus mean that insurance firms’ capital
resources are adequate for meeting their risks.
Role of the European Parliament
Although it is so strongly risk orientated, Solvency II also
The European Parliament (EP) has shown a particularly high
includes safety mechanisms. A key concept here is the
degree of commitment in the most recent rounds of
minimum capital requirement (MCR), a safety-net level below
legislation for financial services markets. Not only has its
which a company’s available capital should never fall. pursued its co-legislative role, but it has also steadily
b. Capital management supported the work of the Commission, moving discussions
Under the Solvency II rules, an insurance company’s board will forward on many occasions and taking its own initiatives to
be responsible for developing and implementing its make its position clear.
investment strategy. The aim will be to manage assets so By virtue of its proactive approach, the EP is prominently
prudently that obligations such as capital adequacy or a involved both in current discussions at the Council, the
specific risk/return profile are met at all times. Commission and other international institutions about
3. Evaluation development of the supervisory structure for financial markets
Solvency II offers practical benefits to companies with at EU level and in exploring how to avoid systemic risk.
relatively large sums of money at their disposal, helping them
to invest and to compete in increasingly global markets. g Judith Marion Braun
Supervisory authorities fear, however, that a livelier market will July 2008
Directive 2006/115/EC of 12 December 2006 on rental right other means’. It stipulates that databases shall be protected both
and lending right and on certain rights related to copyright in by copyright, covering the intellectual creation involved in their
the field of intellectual property. selection or the arrangement of their content, and by a sui
Directive 2006/116/EC of 12 December 2006 on the term of generis right protecting investment (of money, human resources,
protection of copyright and certain related rights. effort and energy) in the obtaining, verification or presentation
of the contents. The directive does not apply to computer
b. Approval of international treaties programs used in the making or operation of databases nor to
On 16 March 2000 the Council approved the World Intellectual the works and other materials that they contain. Nor does it
Property Organisation (WIPO) Copyright Treaty and the WIPO affect the legal provisions for, in particular, patent rights, trade
Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT). These treaties marks and design rights and unfair competition.
will help to ensure a balanced level of protection for works of
Protection of biotechnological inventions by Directive
art and other protected objects and allow public access to
98/44/EC of 6 July 1998.
content available on networks.
Directive 98/84/EC of the European Parliament and of the
By Decision 94/800/EC of 22 December 1994 the Council
Council of 20 November 1998 on the legal protection of
approved the agreement on trade-related aspects of
services based on, or consisting of, conditional access covers
intellectual property rights (TRIPS) concluded in the Uruguay
all services to which access is conditional, including pay-TV
Round negotiations. The agreement provides that the States
and radio, video and audio services on demand, electronic
parties shall apply among themselves the rules of ‘national
treatment’ and ‘most-favoured-nation treatment’. publishing and a wide range of online services offered to the
public on a subscription or pay-as-you-use basis.
3. Patents
Council Regulation (EC) No 873/2004 amends Council Regulation
a. Initial attempt at creating a Community patent
(EC) No 2100/94 instituting a system of Community protection
For a long time a Community system of patents had been for plant varieties in such a way as to bring its provisions into line
deemed necessary to prevent the unfair competition resulting with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 and
from national patents’ territorial limits. This was the aim of the Directive 98/44/EC on the protection of biotechnological
Luxembourg agreement of 15 December 1989 on the creation inventions. Regulation (EC) No 873/2004 provides that
of a Community patent issued by the European Patent Office ‘Compulsory licences shall be granted to one or more persons by
(EPO) and effective uniformly and simultaneously throughout the Office, on application by that person or those persons, but
the European Union. The agreement has never come into force only on grounds of public interest’ (Article 1(1)).
as not all the Member States have ratified it.
A draft directive on the patentability of computer-
b. Partial improvements implemented inventions proposed by the Commission on
i. Harmonisation of national rules 20 February 2002 was rejected by the European Parliament at
Commission Regulation (EC) No 240/96 of 31 January 1996 its second reading on 6 July 2005.
harmonised and simplified the rules applicable to patent The Commission has proposed an amendment to Directive
licences and know-how licences, to encourage the 98/71/EC with the aim of freeing up the trade in component
dissemination of technical know-how in the Union and parts for motor vehicles. On 12 December 2007 the European
promote the manufacture of technically improved products; Parliament amended the draft directive which was intended to
ii. Community protection of certain sectors amend Directive 98/71/EC at first reading of the co-decision
procedure. Specifically, Parliament approved an amendment
Council Directive 87/54/EEC of 16 December 1986 on the legal
requiring consumers to be informed of the source of parts
protection of topographies of semiconductor products.
through the use of a trade name or any other appropriate form
Council Directive 91/250/EEC of 14 May 1991 on the legal to enable them to make an informed choice from rival
protection of computer programs (amended by Council products offered for the repair. The amended proposal is
Directive 93/98/EEC of 29 October 1993): This directive requires awaiting first reading by the Council.
the Member States to protect computer programs by
copyright, as literary works within the meaning of the Berne c. New plan for a Community patent
Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. On 1 August 2000 the Commission presented a new draft
regulation on the Community patent (COM(2000) 412).
Supplementary protection certificate for plant protection According to this draft, the Community patent will coexist with
products created by Regulation (EC) No 1610/96 of 23 July 1996. the national patents. Legal protection will be guaranteed by a
Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council special court. The European Parliament approved the draft on
of 11 March 1996 provides for the legal protection of databases 9 April 2002 with a series of amendments concerning language
— a database being defined as ‘a collection of independent provisions, the role of national patent offices vis-à-vis the
works, data or other materials arranged in a systematic or European Patent Office, and legal arrangements. The Council has
methodical way and individually accessible by electronic or not yet secured the unanimous approval required for this draft.
1 works 4 Common policies
Common policies
These policies are the lines of action the Community decides to follow in certain areas in order
to achieve the general objectives it has set. They are known as ‘common’ policies because they
concern all Member States of the Union. This harmonised action provides a leverage effect that
makes it possible to obtain better results.
Such policies include: the common agricultural policy (CAP), regional and cohesion policy,
transport policy, social and employment policy, environment policy and the policy on research
and technological development.
4.1. The Lisbon strategy, 151 4.4.4. International fisheries relations, 194
4.4.5. Fisheries control and
4.2. Common agricultural policy, 154
enforcement, 197
4.2.1. The Treaty of Rome and the
4.4.6. The European fishing industry in
foundations of the CAP, 154
figures, 199
4.2.2. Reform of the common agricultural
policy, 156 4.5. Regional and cohesion policy, 201
4.2.3. The first pillar of the CAP: I. The single 4.5.1. Economic and social cohesion, 201
common market organisation, 159 4.5.2. The European Regional Development
4.2.4. The first pillar of the CAP: II. Direct aid Fund (ERDF), 204
to farms, 162 4.5.3. The Cohesion Fund, 206
4.2.5. The second pillar of the CAP: rural 4.5.4. The Solidarity Fund, 208
development policy, 164
4.2.6. Financing of the CAP, 167 4.6. Transport policy, 211
4.2.7. External aspects of the CAP: WTO 4.6.1. Transport policy: general principles, 211
Agreement on agriculture, 170 4.6.2. Land transport: market access, 213
4.2.8. The DOHA Round and 4.6.3. Land transport: harmonisation of
agriculture, 173 legislation, 216
4.2.9. The CAP and the Treaty of Lisbon, 176 4.6.4. Road traffic and safety provisions, 220
4.2.10. The CAP in figures, 178 4.6.5. Air transport: market access, 222
4.6.6. Air transport: competition and
4.3. Forestry policy, 183 passenger rights, 223
4.3.1. The European forestry strategy: 4.6.7. Air transport: air traffic
framework, 183 and safety rules, 226
4.3.2. The European forestry strategy: 4.6.8. Sea transport: access to the market and
principles and action, 185 competition, 228
4.4. Common fisheries policy, 187 4.6.9. Sea transport: traffic
4.4.1. The common fisheries policy: origins and safety rules, 230
and development, 187 4.6.10. Inland waterway transport,
4.4.2. Fisheries resources conservation, 189 intermodality and logistics, 233
4.4.3. Fisheries structural assistance, 192
2. Coordination Group on the Lisbon Strategy: January and 1 February 2006, highlighted the need to define
composition, objectives and Parliament resolution 2005 the Lisbon strategy in more specific and realistic terms. The
In December 2004, the Coordination Group on the Lisbon benefits of the ‘flexicurity’ model proposed by the new Lisbon
Strategy was set up to create a forum for discussion, actions agenda received general approbation and it was
and interinstitutional dialogue. It is made up of 33 acknowledged that social cohesion is unsustainable without
representatives from the different political groups representing competitiveness, and competitiveness is not viable without
the 10 parliamentary committees most concerned by the social cohesion.
Lisbon strategy and is chaired by Mr Joseph Daul, President of Finally, in December 2005, the Coordination Group on the
the Conference of Committee Chairs. It provides a forum for Lisbon Strategy organised a public hearing to discuss
regular open debate and support for the legislative work of competitiveness, research and eco-design. The hearing
the different committees and increases communication with boosted discussions on the role of stakeholders in the
national representatives. implementation process of the Lisbon objectives and on
On 9 March 2005, the European Parliament adopted a creating a sound competitive and research area in Europe.
resolution on the ‘Mid-term review of the Lisbon strategy’ (P6_ 5. 2007 developments
TA(2005)0069) supporting an effective refocusing of the Lisbon
At the beginning of 2007, the European Commission
strategy, identifying key policy areas, such as innovation,
published its yearly report on the status of implementation in
reducing bureaucracy, and important proposals, such as
all Member States of the national reform programmes. The
REACH or the services directive and emphasising economic
European Parliament continues to closely monitor
growth, the environment and social cohesion.
implementation through the activities of its Lisbon G33
3. Parliament resolution 2006 Group.
On 15 March 2006, the European Parliament adopted a
The group’s mandate was extended for another year at the
resolution on the ‘Preparations for the European Council: the
coordinator’s meeting in September 2006, where it was also
Lisbon strategy (P6_TA(2005)0069), demanding the objective
decided to appoint two co-rapporteurs to prepare the
analysis of the national action plans, concrete proposals
European Parliament resolution which will be voted on in
responding to future demographic challenges and addressing
advance of the European spring Council. Emphasis will be
the strategic role of energy policies.
placed on benchmarking, the integrated guidelines for growth
4. Interparliamentary dialogues and jobs and the critical issue of energy in the EU.
The European Parliament places great importance on the role
of national parliaments and focuses on the strengthening of a
g Olalla López Alvarez
bilateral dialogue. Debates at the second joint parliamentary Gianpaolo Meneghini
meeting between the European Parliament and the national Jochen Richter
parliaments, ‘The parliaments on the way to Lisbon’, on 31 September 2006
Legal basis the global supply of farming produce very rigid; on the other,
food demand is inelastic, in other words, it reacts little to price
Articles 32 to 38 of the Treaty establishing the European
fluctuations. Since supply is inflexible in the short term, it is
Community (EC), based on the new numbering introduced by
demand that determines market prices, but because demand
the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997).
is inelastic, an abundant supply will bring down prices,
whereas a short supply will force them up. All of these factors
Objectives create permanent market instability. In this situation,
governments have always tended to regulate agricultural
A. Reasons for the CAP: background and specific
markets and to support farming income, a tendency inherited
characteristics of agricultural supply and demand
by the CAP.
When the Treaty of Rome established the common market in
1958, agriculture in the six founding Member States was Although agriculture today accounts for only a small part of
strongly affected by State intervention, particularly with regard developed economies, even in the EU (4.2.10, Table II), State
to the orientation and control of supply, price guarantees, intervention has increased of late with agro-rural policies
direct income support for farmers, marketing and/or which have added new dimensions to support for the
agricultural structures. For agricultural produce to be included traditional function of the primary activity, namely food
in the free movement of goods while maintaining State production. These new dimensions include sustainable
intervention in the agriculture sector, national intervention development, land management, town and country planning,
mechanisms which were incompatible with the common diversification and renewal of the rural economy and the
market had to be removed and transferred to Community production of energy and biomaterials. Support for non-
level; this is the fundamental reason for the creation of the market aspects of agriculture — in other words, those not
common agricultural policy. rewarded by the market — has thus become a key strand of
today’s agricultural and rural policies, including the CAP.
Several Member States and all the farmers’ professional
organisations wanted to maintain strong State intervention in B. Objectives
agriculture. In addition, intervention in agriculture was based Article 33 of the EC Treaty sets out the specific objectives of
on the principle, widespread at the time, of the specific nature the CAP:
of this sector, with its dependence on climate and geography
and systemic imbalances between supply and demand a. t o increase agricultural productivity by promoting
leading to strong fluctuations in prices and income. technical progress and ensuring the optimum use of the
factors of production, in particular labour;
Agriculture is in fact characterised by its relationship with
natural resources. It derives products from these resources as b. to ensure a fair standard of living for farmers;
part of a natural cycle designed to satisfy that most basic c. to stabilise markets;
human need: to eat. Agriculture is thus an economic activity
d. to assure the availability of supplies;
existing within the natural environment. It maintains and
cultivates the land, but is also penalised by a wide range of e. to ensure reasonable prices for consumers.
climate conditions and geographical constraints.
These objectives are both economic (a, c and d) and social (b
Agriculture must also cope with market instability: on the one and e) and are intended to safeguard the interests of producers
hand, the length of production cycles and fixed inputs make and consumers. In practice, the objectives of the CAP have
remained unchanged since the Treaty of Rome, worded in such Current instruments of the CAP
a way as to prove extremely flexible and able to embrace the 1. Overall view
countless reforms witnessed since the 1980s (4.2.2). It is
Since the major CAP reform in 2003, implemented in several
noteworthy that, as evidenced by existing case-law, the
stages (see 4.2.2), the main instruments of the CAP are based
objectives of the CAP cannot all be fully achieved at the same
on five basic texts:
time. The Community legislator therefore has considerable room
for manoeuvre when it comes to choosing the instruments and — Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 of 29 September
scope of the reforms, depending on the market and the 2003 establishing common rules for direct support
priorities set by the Community institutions at any given time. schemes under the common agricultural policy and
establishing certain support schemes for farmers (OJ L 270,
Alongside the specific objectives of the CAP set out in Article
21.10.2003) (4.2.4);
33, several provisions of the Treaty have added other
objectives applicable to all policies and actions of the — Council Regulation (EC) No 1783/2003 of 29 September
European Union. In this respect, public health (Article 152(1)), 2003 amending Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 on support
consumer protection (Article 153(2)), economic and social for rural development from the European Agricultural
cohesion (Article 159) and environmental protection (Article Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) (OJ L 270,
175) are becoming objectives of the CAP in their own right. 21.10.2003) (4.2.5);
Furthermore, at a time of market liberalisation and — Council Regulation (EC) No 1290/2005 of 21 June 2005 on
globalisation, Article 133 sets out the principles of the the financing of the common agricultural policy (OJ L 209,
common commercial policy applicable to trade in 11.8.2005) (4.2.6);
agricultural products. Finally, the principles of competition
policy make an exception for the production of and trade in — Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September
agricultural products, in view of the unique structure of the 2005 on support for rural development by the European
primary sector (Article 36). Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) (OJ L 277,
21.10.2005) (4.2.5 and 4.2.6);
Overall results — Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007
establishing a common organisation of agricultural
The CAP produced spectacular results. The Community was
markets which codified the regulatory mechanisms of 21
soon able to overcome the food shortages of the 1950s,
previous sectoral OCMs (OJ L 299, 16.11.2007) (4.2.3).
achieving self-sufficiency and then generating cyclical and
structural surpluses due to a number of reasons: huge 2. The agricultural decision-making process: the most
technical advances, price guarantees for producers, the prominent bodies playing a role in applying the CAP
ongoing enlargement of the EU and, finally, increasing market Article 37(2) and (3) of the EC Treaty sets out the procedure
liberalisation. Financial constraints as well as changes in for the preparation and implementation of the CAP, based on a
Community and world agriculture during the 1980s led to a proposal of the Commission, the opinion of the European
root-and-branch reform of the CAP. Under guidelines Parliament and if necessary the Economic and Social
proposed in 1985 in the Green Paper (the Commission’s Committee and the decision of the Council by qualified
discussion paper on the prospects for the CAP), the measures majority vote. This is a simple consultation procedure for the
introduced by the Single European Act (1986), decisions European Parliament which, despite the new procedures
adopted by the Council in February 1988 and the 1992 and (cooperation and co-decision) introduced by the Single
1999 reforms (Agenda 2000) (4.2.2), under the aegis of the European Act, the Maastricht Treaty and the Amsterdam Treaty,
World Trade Organisation’s 1994 Agreement on Agriculture has never been modified.
(4.2.7), new tools were provided for the CAP. However, there are other bodies which are involved in the
In Luxemburg on 26 June 2003, the Council of Agricultural implementation of the CAP as part of the ‘committee
Ministers of the European Union reached an agreement on a procedure’. Since 1961, when the first common organisations
radical reform of the CAP, based on the Commission proposals of the market were established, several committees have
presented on 23 January 2003 (4.2.2). Many reasons, both been set up. The Commission had proposed to give itself wide
internal and external, justified this substantial change, in decision-making powers for running the COMs; some Member
particular the need to consolidate the ‘European agricultural States felt, however, that this power should remain with the
model’ in an enlarged EU, to satisfy the greater demands made Council. The committees were a compromise between the
by society, to bring farmers and taxpayers together again by two positions: management was entrusted to the Commission,
involving them in a joint project characterised by more but it had to consult a committee consisting of representatives
acceptable costs and less bureaucratic management, to of the Member States, using the qualified majority procedure.
improve the economic efficiency of the instruments of Three main types of committee take part in designing and
agricultural policy and, finally, to seek to achieve compatibility implementing the common agricultural policy: management
with the WTO agreements, thereby ensuring a greater degree committees (dealing with market organisation), regulatory
of legitimacy at international level. committees (dealing with rules to be applied in general areas)
policy of support prices that were very high compared with — There were specific measures for livestock production,
the world market prices and an unlimited buying guarantee, which included a significant reduction in the price of beef
the CAP started to produce more and more surpluses. In the and a headage payment compensating livestock farmers
early 1980s, priority was given to closing the widening gap for loss of earnings, again entered in the WTO’s ‘blue box’
between supply and demand and controlling the burden of (4.2.7). Payment of beef premiums was subject to a
agricultural expenditure on the EU budget. To improve the maximum number of livestock per hectare of forage area
situation, the Commission published a Green Paper (COM(85) to encourage extensive farming.
333) recommending a more restrictive pricing policy to bring — There were accompanying measures which supplemented
EU prices into line with world prices, to freeze spending and the market-related measures, an optional early retirement
to accommodate the lower prices caused by surpluses. scheme for farmers over the age of 55, agro-environmental
Measures aimed at controlling supply and budgetary measures for farmers committed to using environment-
‘stabilisers’ were introduced into several markets (with milk friendly methods, and afforestation aid for farmland.
quotas first of all in 1984, followed by co-responsibility levies
on cereals in 1986, and the introduction of guaranteed C. Agenda 2000: a new stage in the 1992 reform
maximum quantities (GMQs) for herbaceous crops in 1987 At the end of the 1990s, following the completion of the 1992
and 1988). reform, the prospect of EU enlargement triggered fears that
In February 1988, the Brussels European Council decided to the adoption of the CAP by new members would translate by
take further steps, since the previous action had not been the return of surpluses and by an explosion in agricultural
successful in reducing either expenditure or surpluses. The expenditure. In this context, the WTO’s 1994 Agreement on
most important measures taken were: the application of a Agriculture (4.2.7) governed the management instruments of
framework of budgetary discipline for the period 1988–92, the CAP and limited the possibility of reorientation and of
limiting the rise in agricultural spending to growth in GDP; subsidised exports. In addition, the financial framework for the
extension of the budgetary stabilisers to virtually all sectors Union from 2000–06 had made the stabilisation of the CAP
(reduction in prices and aid once production reaches a budget a priority.
predetermined ceiling); voluntary set aside of arable land; On this basis, the Commission proposed reducing production
incentives for the extensification of production and conversion incentives by lowering guaranteed prices further (COM(97)
of surplus products; direct income support for small producers 2000). By approximating world prices, this would also reduce
who are the worst affected by the reforms. export subsidies. In addition, Agenda 2000 had adopted the
conclusions of the Cork Conference in 1996 in favour of
B. The 1992 reform: the great turning point
strengthening rural development policy, on the one hand to
In view of the persistence of surpluses and the burden on the
make agriculture contribute more towards land use planning,
budget, in 1991 the Commission published two discussion
and on the other to reconcile agriculture with the
papers on the future of the CAP (COM(91) 100 and COM(91)
environment and encourage complementary or alternative
258). In addition, the resolution of the GATT panel on oilseeds
activities to farming.
(contrary to European interests) and ongoing negotiations in
the Uruguay Round (4.2.7) called for a reorganisation of The 1997 Luxembourg European Council, which declared
existing market mechanisms. On 21 May 1992, the Council that agriculture in Europe had to be multifunctional,
reached a political agreement on the proposed reform. This sustainable, competitive and located throughout the territory,
brought about radical changes in the CAP, replacing a system set the strategic objective for the reform. Following the
of protection through prices with a system of compensatory agreement reached at the end of the Berlin European
income support. The reform was phased in from 1993 Council (24 and 25 March 1999), the reform mainly
onwards, but only applied to certain products: herbaceous concerned the following aspects:
crops (cereals, oilseeds and proteins), beef and, to a lesser — a new alignment of EU prices with world prices, partly
extent, sheepmeat and goatmeat and tobacco. The Council’s offset by direct aid;
decisions were based on three strands.
— on a voluntary basis, the introduction by Member States of
— There were specific measures for crop production, which environmental cross-compliance as a condition for
included a significant reduction in guaranteed cereal prices granting aid and the option of reducing this (modulation)
and the abolition of institutional prices for oilseeds and to finance rural development measures;
proteins, and compensation for the resulting loss of
income by direct aid per hectare of herbaceous crops. — an increase in existing socio-structural and accompanying
This aid, which was not calculated based on quantity measures, particularly agro-environmental measures,
produced but by surface area multiplied by a fixed yield, within a new rural development policy, from now on
was entered in the WTO’s ‘blue box’ (4.2.7). These known as the ‘second pillar of the CAP’ (4.2.5);
payments were also conditional, except for small — a six-year, three-part financial framework: EUR 40.5 billion
producers, on a compulsory set aside of 15 %. on average per year for the first pillar of the CAP (market
was rejected. Finally, Parliament renewed its calls for full co- During the preparatory debate on the ‘health check’,
decision on agricultural policy, an aim which will only be Parliament on the whole supported the key themes of the
achieved once the Lisbon Treaty comes into force (4.2.9). mid-term review proposed by the Commission in its
The EP also emphasised, in its resolution of 22 April 2004 (T5- communication of 20 November 2007 (P6_TA-
0367/2004, OJ C 104, 30.4.2004) that it is not bound by the PROV(2008)0093 of 12 March 2008). The final decision of the
decision taken by the Brussels Council on agricultural Council on the legislative proposals is expected by the end of
spending until 2013, and reaffirmed its support for 2008.
strengthening rural development policy. Furthermore, it
expressed reservations concerning the seven-year period for g Albert Massot Marti
the 2007–13 financial perspective. August 2008
Legal basis the 2007 reforms of the fruit and vegetable sector
(Regulation (EC) No 1182/2007, OJ L 273, 17.10.2007) and the
The market policy — based on Article 32 of the Treaty
2008 reforms of the wine market (Regulation (EC) No
establishing the European Community (EC) and on basic
479/2008, OJ L 148, 6.6.2008) will soon be incorporated into
regulations founded on that article governing the various
Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007; on the other hand, the cotton
common market organisations (CMOs) — was the oldest
sector, which is governed by protocols annexed to the
instrument in the CAP and, until the 2003 reform, it was the
Accession Treaties for Greece and Spain, will remain outside
most important. Since then, the majority of the direct aid
the regulation; the same applies to bananas, since the most
schemes for CMOs have been transferred to Regulation (EC)
recent reform in this sector removed the regulation of
No 1782/2003 (OJ L 270, 21.10.2003) (4.2.4). In 2007, as part of
banana production from the CAP and inserted it into the
the CAP simplification process that was then under way, a
programmes for the outermost regions (POSEI) (Regulation
single common market organisation for all agricultural
(EC) No 2013/2006, OJ L 384, 29.12.2006).
products was put in place to replace the existing 21 CMOs
(Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, OJ L 299, 16.11.2007). This
made it possible to repeal about 50 Council instruments. Achievements
A. Scope of the CMOs
Objectives The first CMOs, and the instrument that funds them, the
The market policy aims to guide agricultural production and EAGGF, were introduced in 1962. Shortly afterwards, the range
stabilise markets. It works by placing products or groups of of products placed under CMOs was expanded to cover all the
products under a particular regime, the common market agricultural products listed in Annex II to the Treaty, the two
organisation (CMO), in order to govern their production and major exceptions being alcohol and potatoes. Although the
trade, in compliance with the basic principles of the CAP (i.e. CMOs are often similar in structure, they vary in organisational
the single market, Community preference and financial detail. They offer guarantees which vary according to the
solidarity) and in accordance with common rules and special economic and agricultural characteristics of the
appropriate mechanisms. The latter had been set out in basic products concerned and are grouped under two main
regulations for each product until the entry into force of the headings:
single CMO, which codified the market regulation systems in
— an internal or ‘internal market’ heading, with common
price systems, measures to control supply and stocks,
With regard to the sectoral reforms following the measures to support production and measures for the
establishment of the single CMO: the provisions adopted in organisation or regulation of the market;
A reform of the fruit and vegetable sector was adopted in The most recent reform adopted was the reform of the wine
2007. It brought in: sector, in 2008. The broad outlines of the reform were as
— the inclusion of the existing aid for processed fruit and
vegetables in the SFP; — the phasing-out of distillation schemes;
— a simplification and strengthening of the producer — the introduction of a decoupled single farm payment for
organisations system, in which they are given responsibility each wine grape holding; it will also be possible for aid for
for crisis management under a co-financing system; the use of must to be changed into decoupled payments;
— the introduction of measures to promote consumption, — the implementation of a voluntary grubbing-up scheme;
including encouragement for the consumption of fruit and — the abolition of planting rights by the end of 2015 (or,
vegetables in educational establishments. possibly, 2018, at national level);
Table 2 — P
roducts listed by type of intervention price (Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007: single CMO) and direct
support system (Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003)
1. Products with 2. Products with
CMO 3. Products without 4. Products with
CMOs at common CMOs at common
regulated prices and customs CMOs or
Support prices with automatic prices and conditional
direct aid only without CMOs
intervention intervention
A. Products with Cereals (except rice, Exceptional measures Rye, sheepmeat and
decoupled aid (SFP) durum wheat and rye) to support markets goatmeat, oilseeds,
in cases of animal processed fruit and
diseases for all livestock vegetables, regional
production (Article 44) premiums, hops, seeds,
Beef and veal (male flax and hemp
bovine animals)
B. Products with Rice Protein crops, dried
decoupled aid (SFP) fodder, durum wheat,
and aid coupled to olive oil, cotton, legumes,
production tobacco, starch potatoes
C. Products with Sugar and milk Wine products Nuts, silkworms, red fruits, Poultry and eggs
direct aid coupled (sectors with national (distillations), fresh bananas, energy crops, (health crises)
to production production quotas ) fruit and vegetable apiculture, drying aid,
(withdrawals) quality products
D. Products without Pigmeat Processed agricultural
direct support products (PAPs), live
plants and cut flowers,
some fresh fruit and
vegetables, potatoes,
ethyl alcohol
NB: This classification does not take into account private storage measures or products with partial optional decoupling.
— the creation of national aid allocations for adjusting the 2. CMOs with common prices and conditional intervention
sector to changing demand; These CMOs lay down a guaranteed price scheme, although it
— the transfer of distillation funds to the rural development of is applicable only in the event of a serious market crisis, to be
wine-growing regions; initiated by the Commission. The sectors concerned are wine
(in distilled form), animal products in the event of health
— the revision of existing wine-making practices and the crises or to some fresh fruits and vegetables (from 2008 in
improvement of labelling rules. the form of withdrawals for which producer organisations are
responsible). In terms of direct support, some of these sectors
C. CMO classification by support mechanism
receive SFPs (beef and veal); others are entitled to aid coupled
Changes in the aims and means of organising the markets to production. There are also products with mixed support
resulting from the 1992, 1999 and 2003 reforms have changed schemes (decoupled and coupled).
the design of the CMOs, which may now be classified in four
categories according to the price mechanisms of the single 3. CMOs with direct production aids only
CMO used, on the one hand, and the direct support regimes There is a long list of products that only receive aid (coupled,
established for the same products by Regulation (EC) No decoupled or mixed), following the latest reforms.
1782/2003, on the other hand (Table 2). 4. CMOs without support
1. CMOs with reference prices and automatic Certain products (flowers and plants, some fresh fruit and
intervention vegetables, and processed agricultural products) only receive
All cereals still apply common prices under an automatic customs protection. Other products, such as poultry and eggs,
intervention scheme, complemented by SFPs. Sugar and dairy also have customs CMOs but, exceptionally, can receive aid for
products also have a reference price system paid to producers by serious market crises. Finally, there are products without CMOs
public intervention agencies in exchange for delivery of their (in particular, ethyl alcohol and potatoes).
products, where market prices are too low. These two sectors,
which at the same time still have national production quota g Albert Massot Marti
systems, receive specific compensatory aid (linked to production). August2008
Since the new Member States did not have any historic maintenance; (b) Community standards in force relating to
reference points for setting the single payments, a simplified public health, animal health, the environment and animal
single area payment scheme (SAPS) was set up and 10 of welfare (19 standards in total listed in Annex III to Regulation
the 12 new Member States have applied it. It involves the (EC) No 1782/2003).
payment of uniform amounts per eligible hectare of If a farmer does not abide by the cross-compliance rules, the
agricultural land, up to a national ceiling that derives from the direct payments he can claim will be partially reduced or
accession agreements, which is gradually increased during the totally removed.
transitional period, until the aid of the 12 new Member States
is fully aligned with the level of aid of the EU-15. 4. Farm advisory system
An agricultural audit system is provided for farmers, who
Full decoupling is the general principle of the 2003 reform.
receive information on how to apply certain standards and
However, the Member States have the option to maintain a
good practices to production processes. The service, which is
percentage of support for production within the framework of
optional for the Member States, should help producers to
the SPS in order to avoid production abandonment or severe
abide by the cross-compliance rules.
market disturbance as a result of moving to the SPS. This
partial decoupling, which is optional, applies to arable crops 5. New financial instruments: the budgetary discipline
(up to 25 % of single payments remain coupled to the mechanism and modulation
hectare), beef and veal (a proportion of the premiums per A budgetary discipline mechanism applies in order to keep
head of livestock), sheep and goats (up to 50 % of the expenditure on the first pillar of the CAP below the annual
premiums), olive oil (40 % of aid remains coupled), cotton budget ceilings set within the multiannual financial framework
(35 % of aid is coupled), seeds (for certain varieties), tobacco (4.2.6). An adjustment to the direct payments will be
(within the framework of the move towards full decoupling) proposed when forecasts indicate that the total forecast
and hops (up to 25 % remaining coupled). expenditure has been exceeded in a given financial year.
The Member States may keep up to 10 % of the national Within the framework of the Agenda 2000 reform (4.2.2), the
envelopes for granting to particular types of agriculture Member States had the option to apply a modulation of direct
considered to be important in terms of environmental aid, on an optional basis, in order to reinforce the second pillar
protection or product quality. This is therefore a kind of of the CAP (4.2.5). With the entry into force of Regulation (EC)
‘recoupling’ of the single payments to provide specific No 1782/2003, the modulation becomes compulsory. It
support to some sectors. This system has been used by Greece applies to all farmers in the 15 older Member States, apart from
(for durum wheat, quality beef, sheep’s milk and goats’ milk, small farmers (receiving less than EUR 5 000). With a view to
quality tobacco and olive oil), Spain (for beef and veal, aid for reinforcing the Member States’ rural development
the dairy sector, tobacco, cotton and sugar), Italy (for durum programmes, all the direct payments (single payments and
wheat, beef and veal, sheepmeat, sugar and energy crops), other aid coupled to production) have been reduced (by 3 %
Portugal (for cereals, beef and veal, sheepmeat, olive oil and in 2005; by 4 % in 2006; and by 5 % from 2007 until 2012).
sugar), Slovenia (for beef and veal), Sweden (for the Each Member State receives at least 80 % of the appropriations
improvement of quality certification systems), Finland (for that it has acquired through modulation (for Germany, 90 %,
winter cereals and beef and veal) and the United Kingdom (for because of the crisis in the rye sector). The remaining amounts
quality beef ). are distributed between the 15 Member States in line with
2. Maintenance of support systems linked to production objective criteria: area farmed, agricultural employment and
Alongside products that may be subject to partial decoupling, GDP per capita in terms of purchasing power.
Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 maintains a range of specific Two countries, Portugal and the United Kingdom, may add to
support systems, still linked to production: quality premium this an optional modulation.
and supplement for durum wheat, premium per hectare for
protein crops, area aid for rice, aid for nuts, aid for seeds, aid for 6. Integrated administration and control system
energy crops, aid for starch potatoes, dairy premiums, aid for Each Member State creates an integrated administration and
grain legumes, aid for the drying of cereals, aid for flax and control system which includes the following elements: a
hemp and aid for sugar beet. computerised database, an identification system for
agricultural parcels, a system for the identification and
3. Cross-compliance registration of single payment entitlements, aid applications,
The provisions on cross-compliance are one of the key new an integrated control system and a single system to record the
elements of the 2003 reform, which made the single payments identity of each farmer who submits an aid application.
subject to compliance by farmers with: (a) environmental
and agricultural conditions laid down by the Member States C. Reform of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003: the 2008
(whether or not they actually produce from their land) ‘health check’
designed to restrict soil erosion, maintain soil structure and soil As part of the ‘health check’ of the CAP (to be adopted, in
organic matter levels and ensure a minimum level of principle, by January 2009), the Commission proposed that
framework safeguarding the future of rural areas, based in 2. The reform of the Structural Funds
particular on agricultural multifunctionality — in other words, its The 1992 reform of the Structural Funds introduced, in
ability to provide a range of services going beyond the mere Objectives 1 and 5b, new measures such as the promotion of
production of foodstuffs — and on the ability of the rural high-quality products, the prevention of natural disasters in
economy to create new income and employment whilst the most remote regions, the renovation and development of
conserving the culture, environment and heritage of rural areas. villages and the promotion and conservation of the rural
heritage. Like the earlier measures, they were supported by the
Achievements EAGGF Guidance Section through co-financing.
163 million ha (compared with 145 million ha for the EU-15). — When drawing up their national or regional strategy, the
The number of farms has risen by more than a million with the competent domestic authorities must adopt an integrated
10 new countries, most of them operating on a semi- approach that makes appropriate use of spatial planning
subsistence basis. The number of farmers has also risen, by a and maximises the synergy between and within the
total of 3 million (4.2.10, Table II). different axes.
With a view to meeting these new challenges, and as part of — Complementarity must likewise be ensured between the
the preparatory work on the new financial perspective for various Community instruments, promoting synergy between
2007–13, the European institutions established in 2005 a structural, employment and rural development policies.
single fund for the second pillar of the CAP, the EAFRD The national and regional rural development programmes for
(European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development), bringing the period 2007–13 were approved by the Commission during
together all the previous measures (Regulation (EC) No the first half of 2008.
1698/2005, OJ L 277, 21.10.2005) (4.2.6).
In addition to the 2007–13 multiannual financial framework, Role of the European Parliament
Council Decision 2006/144/EC set out Community strategic The European Parliament has always maintained that rural
guidelines for rural development in the new programming development policy should reinforce, supplement and adapt
period (Decision 2006/144/EC, OJ L 55, 25.2.2006). These the CAP to protect the European agricultural model. In 2005
guidelines identify key actions for achieving the Community’s the EP welcomed the establishment of a single fund for rural
priorities, particularly as concerns the Gothenburg sustainable development but it proposed a different financial distribution
development objectives and the renewed Lisbon strategy for for the priority axes (T6-0215/2005 of 7 June 2005, OJ C 124,
growth and employment established by the Gothenburg 25.5.2006). The Members stated in the same resolution that the
European Council (15 and 16 June 2001) and the Thessaloniki desire to incorporate Natura 2000 into the new Regulation (EC)
European Council (20 and 21 June 2003) respectively. Four No 1698/2005, without earmarking additional funds, was
new axes are set out: highly problematical. They therefore called for the resources
— improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and available for commitment under the EAFRD to be raised to
forestry sectors (axis 1); EUR 95 750 million at 2004 prices for the new 2007–13
programming period (4.2.10, Table I).
— improving the environment and countryside (axis 2);
As far as the rural development policy strategic guidelines are
— improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging
concerned, the European Parliament approved the broad
diversification of the rural economy (axis 3);
thrust of the Commission’s proposals but pointed out that
— building local capacity for employment and diversification more emphasis should be placed on the modernisation of the
(axis 4 — Leader). agricultural sector and the needs of young farmers (T6-
Key actions for each axis are suggested to the Member States 0062/2006 of 16 February 2006).
for their national or regional rural development programmes
for 2007–13. In addition, the Council decision establishes some g Albert Massot Marti
programming criteria. August 2008
environmental measures, measures to improve the quality B. Allocation by expenditure category and by sector
of life in rural areas and encourage the diversification of the The expenditure for the first pillar (EUR 49.8 billion in 2006)
rural economy and establish local capabilities (4.2.5). (4.2.10, Table IV.1) consists of 80.7% of direct aids to farmers
(EUR 34 billion). The sharp increase in direct aids since 1992 has
Legal framework of Regulation (EC) No 1290/2005 resulted in a parallel decrease in other EAGGF Guarantee
Section expenditure: export subsidies stand at just 5.9 %
The new regulation ((EC) No 1290/2005) stipulates the
(EUR 2.4 billion) and the other market subsidies (buying at
conditions which allow the Commission to manage the
guaranteed prices, guidance aids, distillations) stand at just
agricultural budget and also clarify the cooperation obligations
EUR 5.6 billion (11.3 % of the total). However, support
incumbent on Member States. Provision is made within this
measures for the rural development policy, which is the
framework for Member States to agree to paying agencies, as
responsibility of the EAGGF Guarantee section stands at 15.4 %
well as coordination bodies responsible for centralising
(EUR 7.7 billion).
information which has to be provided to the Commission.
In the past the top three sectors which benefited from the
The filing of annual accounts must be accompanied by a EAGGF Guarantee Section were arable crops (cereals, oilseed
statement of assurance from the head of the paying agency as and proteins), beef and milk products. After the 2003 reform
well as a document certifying that the accounts which have (4.2.2 and 4.2.4) and the resultant decoupling of aids in
been filed are complete, accurate and truthful. Commission relation to production, the top expenditure item was single
oversight involves an accounts clearance procedure in two payments to farms (29.1 % of the EAGGF Guarantee Section
stages (accounting and compliance). In order to protect the total in 2006), followed by direct aids once again linked to the
financial interests of the Community, the Commission ensures production of arable crops (17.5 %), beef sector subsidies
that sums paid out erroneously are recovered. Without prejudice (6.6 %), direct aids for the production of olive oil (4.6 %) and
to checks carried out by the domestic authorities, the direct aids to the dairy sector (2.9 %).
Commission can arrange for checks to be performed in situ.
The new regulation includes rules on budgetary discipline, C. Distribution by country
which involves determining the amounts available on an As shown in Table IV(1) for the 2006 financial year (4.2.10),
annual basis for EAGF expenditure, forecasts regarding France is the largest beneficiary of the EAGGF Guarantee
compliance with payment timescales which States must abide Section in absolute terms (20.1 %), followed by Spain (13.3 %),
by and rules on the possible reduction and suspension of Germany (13.1 %), and Italy (10.9 %). As far as the EAGGF
monthly or quarterly payments. In order to ensure that budget Guidance Section is concerned, Spain is the top beneficiary
ceilings are not exceeded, the Commission is relying on a (22.15 %), followed by Italy (14.0 %) and Germany (13.1 %). The
warning system which monitors EAGF expenditure on a little influence new Member States have had on the EAGGF
monthly basis. Guarantee Section should be noted (8.9 %) given the gradual
alignment process of direct payments which is still in progress.
In order to carry out Fund activities, Commission departments However, the new Member States already receive a significant
are assisted by the Committee on the Agricultural Funds share of the EAGGF Guidance Section (22.1 %) in accordance
whose members include representatives of Member States. with the priority given to the modernisation of agricultural
Post-auditing of the management of agricultural credits is facilities and the development of rural areas in these countries.
carried out by the Court of Auditors and also by the
European Parliament’s Committee on Budgetary Control. Table IV(2) (4.2.10) also shows the uneven distribution of CAP
direct aid at farm level: 82.12 % of CAP recipients in the EU-25
receive less than EUR 5 000 per year, with a total amount
The changing nature of agricultural and rural equivalent to 15.5 % of the total for direct aid paid out by the
expenditure EAGF. Yet the percentage of farms that receive more than
A. General overview EUR 100 000 is very small (23 000 of a total of 7.3 million,
0.31 % in other words), with a total amount equivalent to
The share of agricultural expenditure in the European Union EUR 4.4 billion (13.3 % of the total for direct aid paid in 2006).
budget has decreased constantly in recent years. Whereas the Countries with a higher percentage of large farms which
CAP represented 66 % of the Community budget in the early benefit from the CAP are the Czech Republic, the United
1980s, it is likely to account for just 39 % of it in 2013 (4.2.10, Kingdom, eastern Germany and Slovakia. This situation
Table I). Since 1992, the date of the first significant overhaul of obviously raises certain issues as far as the legitimisation of
the CAP and the explosion in direct aid, agricultural CAP aid is concerned given the values of European citizens as
expenditure has remained stable in real terms, apart from in a whole.
1996 and 1997 (because of the BSE crisis and the accession of
three new Member States). The budget cost of the CAP
compared with the GDP of the EU has therefore decreased, Role of the European Parliament
from 0.54 % in 1990 to 0.47 % in 2007 (0.44 % forecast for 2013) The Interinstitutional Agreements of 1988, 1993, 1999 and
(4.2.10, Table I). 2006 have enabled the European Parliament to somewhat
It should be pointed out that there is a certain degree of cattle (in the case of ‘compensatory aids’ approved by the
flexibility as regards implementation for both developing CAP in 1992) (4.2.2). They were moreover protected from
country members (special and differential treatment) and any challenge before the WTO Dispute Settlement Body
least-developed and net food-importing developing countries (DSB) by a ‘peace clause’ lasting 9 years, which expired on
(special provisions). 31 December 2003. However, the amount of support
On the basis of the Agreement on Agriculture, WTO Member under the AMS and aid in the blue box category (‘total
States have undertaken to implement a programme for the AMS’) for each product must not exceed total support
reform of agricultural policies in force (over the period 1995– granted during the 1992 marketing year.
2000 for developed countries and 1995–2004 for developing — The ‘green box’ includes two support groups. The first
countries). This programme lays down specific binding involves public services programmes (e.g. research,
commitments in three major areas which have had a training, extension, inspection, marketing, promotion,
significant impact on the CAP. infrastructures, domestic food aid or public food security
stocks). The second involves direct payments to
A. Market access
producers which are fully decoupled from production.
The Agreement on Agriculture seeks to improve access to These mainly involve income guarantee and security
markets by requiring: programmes (natural disasters, State financial
— the conversion of all border protection measures into contributions to crop insurance and so on), programmes
customs duties (tariff equivalents) and to then gradually directed at adjusting structures (incentives for the
reduce them (by 36 % in 6 years, 1995–2000, compared cessation of farming, withdrawal of production resources,
with the reference period of 1986–88); investment aid) and environmental protection
programmes. All green box aid which is deemed to be
— for specific products which are not subject to tariffication,
compatible with the WTO framework is totally exempt
undertakings for ‘minimum access’ to third countries by
from reduction commitments.
opening up tariff quotas to be established, representing
5 % of the 1986–88 base period consumption for each C. Export subsidies
group of products by the end of 2000;
The Agreement on Agriculture allows agricultural exports to
— maintenance of the so-called ‘current access’: import tariff receive subsidies. Permission is only granted once WTO
concessions which were already in force in 1995 must be members have undertaken to reduce their subsidies, however.
kept at least at their 1986–88 level; Export support measures must therefore be reduced by 21 %
— the introduction of a safeguard clause, which is triggered in terms of volume and 36 % in terms of budget over 6 years
either when the volume of imports exceeds a certain compared with the 1986–90 base period level (except for beef
threshold or import prices fall below a certain level. products where the period covers 1986–92). In the European
Union this linear reduction was carried out for 20 groups of
B. Domestic support products. For processed products only the budgetary
The Agreement on Agriculture makes provision for a reduction reduction applies.
in support volumes which varies depending on the nature of
the aid, which is categorised in different ‘boxes’ depending on Impact of the Agreement on Agriculture on the CAP
the effect they have in terms of distorting trade on agricultural
markets, measured by the degree of ‘decoupling’ involved in The aim of the CAP reform in May 1992, in addition to its
relation to production. domestic objectives, was partly to facilitate the signing of the
Agreement on Agriculture as part of the Uruguay Round. As a
— The ‘orange box’, also known as the aggregate measure result the European Union has to a large extent complied with
of support (AMS), combines price support and aid the undertakings signed in Marrakesh.
coupled with production which is not exempt from
reduction obligations. It must be reduced by 20 % over A. Market access
6 years compared with the reference period 1986–88. In Undertakings involving EU consolidated rights involve 1 764
addition, all WTO members may apply the ‘de minimis tariff lines. The average consolidated customs duty for food
clause’, which allows any support amounting to less than products, which stood at 26 % at the start of the
5 % of the value of the product under consideration implementation period, was only 17 % at the end of the
(specific aids) or of total agricultural production (non- period. In addition, the EU applied zero or minimal duty to 775
specific aids) to be excluded from the current AMS. This lines out of the total 1 764. Only 8 % of the tariff lines have a
ceiling is set at 10 % for developing countries. customs duty in excess of 50 %. These tariff peaks apply to
— The ‘blue box’ includes aids linked to supply control dairy products, beef, cereals and cereal-based products, sugar
programmes which are exempt from reduction and sweeteners. Negotiations which are currently in progress
undertakings, e.g. direct aids based on area and output for the Doha Round (4.2.8) are likely to focus on these
which are fixed and allocated for a quantity of heads of products in particular.
Legal basis commitment to the WTO to do so); the fifth session of the
The framework for the present agricultural negotiations was Ministerial Conference (held in Mexico in September 2003)
defined by Article 20 of the Marrakesh Agreement on for the presentation of the comprehensive draft
Agriculture. Under the terms of this article, WTO members commitments; and 1 January 2005 for the conclusion of
confirmed that reducing agricultural support and protection the negotiating agenda as a whole.
was an ongoing and gradual process. They also agreed that
negotiations for continuing the process would begin on The current negotiations
1 January 2000. Furthermore, Article 20(c) specifies that the
A. Progress
negotiations should take account of non-trade concerns (such
as environmental protection, food safety, rural development Thus far, the deadlines agreed upon have barely been met.
and animal welfare) and special and differential treatment for 1. The negotiations on the modalities for the commitments
developing countries. were not concluded by the deadline of 31 March 2003. The
substantial differences between the WTO members resulted
Objectives in them rejecting the compromise text presented by the
The talks began in March 2000, in line with the provisions of chairman of the agriculture negotiations. In the meantime,
Article 20 of the Agreement on Agriculture. However, it was members launched negotiations more modest in remit with
the fourth WTO Ministerial Conference, held in Doha a view to reaching an agreement on the modalities at the
(Qatar) in November 2001, that truly launched the Cancún Ministerial Conference in September 2003.
agricultural negotiations. 2. Under the Doha mandate, the fifth Ministerial Conference
The Conference’s final declaration confirmed the aims of the held in Cancun from 10 to 14 September 2003 was
preparatory work, clarified the general framework for negotiations supposed to mark a point much closer to the end of the
— which are now held as part of the Doha Development negotiations. It was intended to assess the progress made
Agenda (DDA) — and established a new timetable. since the Doha Conference on the 20 or so chapters on the
negotiating table (including agriculture). Moreover, on the
— The objective of the negotiations continues to be the basis of an agreement on the modalities, members were to
establishment in the long term of a fair and market- table their offers or ‘comprehensive draft commitments’. In
orientated trading system through a programme of the end, the Cancún Conference also ended in failure. This
fundamental reform comprising strengthened rules and was due to several factors: the delay in agreeing the
specific commitments on agricultural support and protection modalities of the negotiations; the lack of political will to
by the State, the aim being to correct and prevent restrictions reconcile members’ positions and the controversy
and distortions in world agricultural markets. surrounding the ‘Singapore issues’ (trade and investment,
— To achieve this, and without prejudging the outcome, WTO competition policy, transparency in government
members have committed themselves to negotiations procurement and trade facilitation). However, if agricultural
aimed at substantial improvements in market access, issues (including the cotton initiative tabled by four African
reducing, with a view to phasing out, all forms of export countries) were a major stumbling block, in the end it was
subsidies, and substantial reductions in trade-distorting the refusal of the developing countries to discuss the
domestic support, by ensuring that special and differential ‘Singapore issues’ that left its mark on the conference. After
treatment for developing countries is an integral part of all Cancún, the negotiations on agriculture were suspended
elements of the negotiations and by taking into account until the end of 2003, along with proceedings regarding all
the non-trade concerns mentioned in the proposals for the matters included on the Doha agenda.
negotiations submitted by WTO members. The 3. The process was resumed at the beginning of 2004, with a
negotiations take place at special sessions of the WTO number of political initiatives from Australia, Brazil, India,
Committee on Agriculture. the United States and the EU. In May of that year, the EU
— There were three key deadlines in this process: 31 March announced some substantial concessions, agreeing, in
2003 for establishing the ‘modalities’ (the methods to be particular, to negotiate a date for the abolition of all forms
applied in the ultimate aim of bringing members to reduce of export subsidy for agricultural products. The result was
their tariffs and cut back subsidies and to make a binding the General Council Framework Agreement of 1 August
1. The European Union which maintain a high level of subsidies. It is especially critical
Relying at times on the group of countries that share some of of the EU, which it holds responsible for the detrimental effects
its ideas (the ‘friends of multifunctionality’), the EU is seeking a of the CAP on the agricultural world and the limited access to
better organised and more market-oriented multilateral Community markets. It is keen to see the elimination of export
trading system, but is concerned about social, economic and subsidies, and very reluctant about the concept of agricultural
environmental sustainability. It refers to efforts made and to be multifunctionality favoured by Europe.
made in future in the areas of domestic support (1992, 1999 4. The developing countries
and 2003 CAP reforms (see (4.2.2)) and market access
Representing three quarters of WTO members, developing
(‘Everything but arms’ initiative, 6.5.2).
countries have become distrustful and seek to defend their
The latest EU proposals on the modalities for commitments own agricultural production and non-trade concerns (food
agree to an average tariff reduction of 60 % to improve market security, means of subsistence, poverty, rural employment,
access, which is undoubtedly the most sensitive area for Union etc.). They also call for special and differential treatment
agriculture. EU proposals on market access are strictly adapted to their specific situation. During the Cancún
conditional on further clarification from other developed Ministerial Conference, they organised themselves into new
countries on the elimination of their forms of export support. alliances in order to promote their interests more successfully.
US commitments on food aid and export credits are not yet
— The alliance of 20 countries (G20) formed in 2006 has grown
sufficient. Australia, Canada and New Zealand need to provide
to 22, led by Brazil, China and India, and strives to protect
further commitments on the reform of their State trading
both the millions of peasant farmers in their countries and
enterprises. The EU also seeks real discipline on the most trade-
distorting US farm payments (counter-cyclical payments). their flourishing industry from too sharp a reduction in
customs tariffs. Also opposed to agricultural subsidies, the
Moreover, the EU reaffirmed its desire for balance in the group is calling in particular for the abolition of export
continued reform of the agricultural trading system by subsidies and stricter rules for food aid and export credits.
ensuring special treatment for developing countries, specific
commitments for sensitive products and due regard for non- — A new alliance was formed in 2003 among the African
trade concerns (environmental considerations, rural Union, the ACP countries and the least-developed countries
development, animal welfare and effective protection of (G90) over a range of common negotiating positions on
designations of origin). agriculture, market access for non-agricultural products, the
Singapore issues and development. The African countries
2. The United States denounced, in particular, the poor access for their products
The USA is campaigning within the WTO for a fundamental to the markets of developed countries and the importance
reform of world agricultural trade. Ignoring the criticisms of tariff and non-tariff barriers. They also criticised the
concerning the level and forms of its domestic support policy, agricultural subsidies in developed countries (United States,
it seems to be prepared to reduce trade-distorting domestic EU and Japan), stating that they were one of the most
support substantially. questionable aspects of the Doha Round.
The most recent US proposal aims to cut agricultural — Finally, an alliance of developing countries (G33) was
subsidies to less than USD 15 billion a year, a slight formed to promote recognition of strategic products
improvement on its previous offer of USD 17 billion. Crawford (‘special’ products designated by the beneficiaries
Falconer has asked the United States to bring down its themselves and exempt from reductions or quotas) and a
subsidies to between USD 13 billion and USD 16.4 billion special safeguard mechanism for developing countries.
dollars. Brazil, representing the emerging countries, considers
that US subsidies would still be too high at that level. In 2007
the United States paid its farmers some USD 8 billion in
Role of the European Parliament
subsidies. The US offer would therefore allow Washington to The European Parliament (EP) has voiced its opinion on the
increase its domestic support by USD 7 billion. However, the Doha Round negotiations on several occasions. In ensuring
US negotiators insist that the relatively low level of support compliance with the negotiating mandate granted to the
granted last year was down to the rocketing prices of primary Commission, the EP has always supported the efforts of
agricultural products on the world markets. US subsidies are European representatives to aid progress in the negotiations in
largely counter-cyclical and are used to pay the difference the aim of producing a balanced agreement (1).
between world prices and the price producers receive. This
means that the US government may have to pay out more
g Albert Massot Marti
money to its farmers should prices fall. August 2008
3. The Cairns Group
(1) Resolutions of 13 December 2001 (OJ C 177 E, 25.7.2002, p. 290),
Bringing together 17 exporting countries whose common
25 September 2003 (OJ C 77 E, 26.3.2004, p. 393), 12 May 2005 (OJ C 92 E,
interest is to reduce obstacles that are harmful to agriculture, 20.4.2006, p. 397), 1 December 2005 (OJ C 285 E, 22.11.2006, p. 126) and
this group is very bitter towards the developed countries, 4 April 2006 (OJ C 293 E, 2.12.2006, p. 155).
the Council. There is a distinct risk of a profusion of delegated 1. The first vote, by a qualified majority, concerns the
acts in the field of agriculture, in particular in the context of the amendments to the DB. The TFEU says nothing about the
single market organisation (4.2.3), especially if the institutions conduct of this vote in plenary, which would establish the
do not get round to clarifying the limits of legislative position of the EP on all appropriations and would
competence between the European Parliament and the Council. conclude the first reading stage.
Article 291 of the TFEU makes provision for implementing 2. The second vote, by a simple majority, concerns the
powers to be conferred on the Commission or the Council outcome of the Conciliation Committee, grouping
where uniform conditions for implementing legally binding representatives of the Council and an equal number of
Union acts are needed. In this context, amendments will need members representing the European Parliament, which is
to be made to the existing regulatory provisions on convened in the event of disagreement on the amended
‘comitology’ (Decision 1999/468/EC, OJ L 184, 17.7.1999) draft budget. The Conciliation Committee is one of the main
(4.2.1) after the entry into force of the new Treaty. innovations in the annual budgetary procedure of the TFEU.
It embodies the dialogue between the two arms of the
Agricultural financial aspects of the TFEU budgetary authority. If the EP and the Council do not
The Treaty of Lisbon contains significant changes at the succeed in approving a ‘joint text’ in 21 days, the
financial level with respect to the existing Treaties and Commission is obliged to present a new draft budget (DB).
secondary legislation. It introduces a new Title II in the TFEU The TFEU does not define the exact number of members or
with six chapters and 15 articles. Most of the new financial the level of representation of the Council: two very sensitive
provisions are general in scope. However, they have specific subjects which will need to be negotiated by the EP and the
effects on the area of agricultural expenditure which, it should Council and to be formalised through an Interinstitutional
be remembered, even now still accounts for the major part of Agreement. Otherwise, some decisions to be taken only
the Community budget (4.2.10, Tables I and IV). concern the European Parliament: for example, the scope of
the mandate from the plenary for the EP representatives on
A. Removal of the distinction between compulsory the Conciliation Committee and the margin of discretion
expenditure and non-compulsory expenditure conferred in the negotiation process; the leadership of the
In order to simplify the procedure for the adoption of the annual European Parliament delegation; the election of its
budget, the TFEU eliminates the distinction between representatives; or relations between the Conciliation
‘compulsory expenditure’ (CE) and ‘non-compulsory expenditure’ Committee and the EP Committee on Budgets and the
(NCE) (4.2.6) in its new Articles 314 and 315 (replacing other specialised committees (in our case, in particular, the
Articles 272 and 273 TEC). Henceforth, the two arms of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development).
budgetary authority (European Parliament and Council) will 3. A third vote option should be added for the specific
jointly decide on all budgetary expenditure. Hence the Council eventuality of the rejection of the joint text by the Council. In
acquires decision-making powers on NCE and the European this latter hypothesis, the EP vote would decide to confirm
Parliament acquires them on CE (in particular, agricultural all or some of the amendments adopted during the single
expenditure). Nevertheless, the distinction between CE and NCE reading. That said, the EP would, by dint of a reinforced
remains in the Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary qualified majority (majority of members plus three fifths of
discipline and sound financial management (OJ C 139, the votes cast), have the last word on the annual budget.
14.6.2006) and in the general financial regulations (Regulation
(EC) No 1605/2002, OJ L 248, 16.9.2002), which will have to be C. Consolidation of the multiannual financial framework
adjusted after the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon. and budgetary discipline
B. The new annual budgetary procedure The provisions on budgetary discipline are introduced in a new
Article 310(4) TFEU, which also mentions the ‘multiannual
The TFEU introduces a new Chapter 3 ‘The Union’s annual
financial framework’. In fact the Treaty repeats and updates most
budget’ in Title II ‘Financial provisions’, which amends and
of the provisions on the multiannual financial perspectives in
simplifies the existing budgetary procedure. New Article 314
force under the Interinstitutional Agreement on Budgetary
TFEU replaces Article 272 TEC and creates a special legislative
Discipline and Sound Financial Management. That said, the
procedure for the adoption of the annual budget jointly by the
‘multiannual financial framework’ and its rules are integrated for
European Parliament and the Council. Following the abolition of
the first time in primary legislation by way of Article 312 TFEU.
the preliminary draft budget (PDB), the two current readings will
be replaced by a single reading: the Commission presents its These provisions of the Treaty of Lisbon confirm the duration
proposed draft budget (DB) not later than 1 September, and of the multiannual financial framework (five years). They
the Council subsequently adopts its position and forwards it to establish the ‘special legislative procedure’ for the adoption of
the EP not later than 1 October stating the reasons which led it the regulation which will set the amounts of the annual
to adopt its position. It must be remembered that currently the ceilings for appropriations and, finally, they formalise the
Council gives no reasons for the reductions it adopts. From then content of the financial perspectives on the basis of
on, the new procedure provides for three votes in Parliament: expenditure categories representing the main sectors of the
(5) Signatory countries to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
(6) Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina.
Source: European Commission, ‘Agriculture in the European Union — Statistical and economic information, 2007’.
The EU has the sixth largest forest area in the world and has The average size of public forests in the EU-15 is over 1 000 ha,
varied, well-managed forests with a strong economic potential. whereas private forests have an average size of 13 ha. Private
The lack of an appropriate legal basis for forestry in treaties forests are managed by over 15 million owners; these are
does, however, hamper the development of a genuine mostly small non-industrial owners who manage their forests
European forestry policy. The European forestry strategy, which on the basis of sustainability. The forestry–wood–paper
has developed despite the absence of its own legal basis, sector represents 4.3 % of jobs in the primary sector and 3.7 %
emphasises sustainable management and calls upon various of jobs in the secondary sector, or 2.5 % of the total number of
instruments which are part of other Community policies such jobs in the EU, the equivalent of the main industrial sectors
as rural development, environmental protection, development (chemical, mechanical, construction, transport, etc.). It provides
cooperation, the harmonisation of legislation, research and more than 3.5 million jobs, often in rural areas, which make a
statistics. decisive contribution to maintaining the vitality of rural areas
that are often disadvantaged and which have very limited
The importance of forestry in the European Union economic options. The forestry–wood–paper sector
contributes 2.2 % of the European GDP and has an annual
The EU is one of the main players in world forestry. The turnover of over EUR 300 billion, although this figure is
accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden in 1995 doubled its probably an underestimate in view of the wide range of wood-
forest area (which rose to 113 million ha, 87 million ha of which processing industries.
were productive forest), while the average rate of afforestation
increased from 21 % to 31 %. With the enlargement of 2004, The forest cover shows an overall increase in the enlarged EU
the EU-25’s forest area increased by 20 % and exceeded (contrary to the trend in agricultural land, which is steadily
148 million ha, taking only productive forests into account. It decreasing): more than 450 000 ha of additional forest every
exceeded 160 million ha if all forests and other woodland areas year. This is the result of forestation and reforestation policies
are taken into account. The EU-25 represents the sixth world implemented a few decades ago and an undeniable European
forest area, the equivalent of China or Indonesia. Romania and savoir faire in forestry. This surplus of forest resources makes
Bulgaria, which joined the EU in 2007, brought the EU-27 the EU an exception as far as the rest of the world is
about 10 million ha of additional forest. concerned, given that forests in the world are regressing at an
alarming rate of some 15 million ha a year (traditionally tropical
The simple division between non-coniferous (55 % of the total)
forests and more recently boreal forests).
and coniferous (45 % of the total) species indicates the variety
of ecological conditions with a gradient depending on the The EU-25 represents 20 to 25 % of world production and
latitude and altitude. From the Arctic Circle to the forests in consumption of timber and derived products, depending on
French Guiana, most of the great forest ecosystems in the the product. The EU is the world’s second largest consumer of
world (temperate, boreal, alpine, Mediterranean, subtropical, tropical wood in the world after Japan. The EU traditionally has
tropical, etc.) are represented within the EU. Reflecting natural a trade deficit in timber with the rest of the world; its trade
conditions, agricultural, grazing and forestry practices and deficit has fallen from EUR 21 billion to EUR 7 billion with
social pressures, the structure of forest stands and their place recent enlargements.
in the landscape indicates the changing social demands and
multifunctional needs in goods and services. The variety of The EU is also an important player in international forestry
ownership patterns — with 35 % in private ownership and cooperation. The EU is the first world contributor in
65 % in public ownership — allows a large range of development cooperation in the forestry sector (over EUR 600
management and silvicultural options. million a year — in terms of the contribution by European
Gothenburg objectives of safeguarding the quantity and the tailored to the specific nature of forests in the Member States.
quality of the natural resource base. Parliament regretted that the Commission communication on
the implementation of the EU forestry strategy did not devote
In its communication, the Commission proposed establishing
special attention to the issue of fires, ignoring the fact that
an EU action plan for the sustainable management of forests
they are the main cause of the deterioration of forests.
from 2006. At its meeting of 30 and 31 May 2005, the Council
Parliament called for the forestry action plan to contain
supported the Commission proposals, particularly with regard
provision for a possible European fire fund or European forest
to the need for an action plan and it stressed that this plan
fund, which could be used to support action intended to
should offer a framework capable of ensuring consistency
conserve and restore the mountain and forest areas included
between the various measures in support of forests and
in the Natura 2000 network.
should act as a coordination instrument.
The forestry action plan was finally adopted on 15 June 2006.
The Parliament’s evaluation study of the Commission report,
Over a period of five years (2007–11), the action plan defines a
entitled ‘European forestry strategy: outlook’ (PE 355.366 of 4
common vision, general and specific principles and objectives
July 2005), presented to the Committee on Agriculture in July
to be achieved by 18 key actions, divided into four groups,
2005, recommended a clarification and renovation of the legal
which the Commission proposes to implement jointly with the
basis for the European forestry strategy and put forward 10
Member States. It also makes provision for additional measures
specific proposals for a genuine Europe of forests. Parliament’s
that may be carried out by the Member States in the light of
study also emphasised the fact that the Commission report fell
their specific requirements and priorities with the aid of
short on the analysis of certain topical matters such as the
existing Community instruments, even if the national
sharp increase in forest fires in southern EU Member States
instruments may also prove necessary. However, the action
and the alarming decrease in tropical forests.
plan does not have a financial statement and consequently
The Kindermann report (INI/2005/2054), adopted in plenary on has been criticised for being an ‘empty’ plan by professionals in
16 February 2006 in Strasbourg, also recommended that the the forestry sector. The 2007 progress report on the
Council and Commission should give objective consideration implementation of the forestry plan (internal Commission
to the possibilities of creating a specific legal basis for forests in document) reports on certain advances which are for the most
the EU Treaties or in the draft European Constitution and part limited to the launch of studies (on forest dieback for
proposed 11 ‘strategy elements’ based on the study’s example), the holding of conferences (on timber industry
conclusions. competitiveness) and the creation of new working groups.
Cooperation with the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and
In the ‘Capoulas Santos report’ (INI/2005/2195) — see also the
Technical Advice of the United Nations Framework Convention
‘Estrela report’ (INI/2005/2192) and the ‘Galeote report’
on Climate Change has, however, been stepped up.
(INI/2005/2193) — on natural disasters (fires, droughts and
floods), the European Parliament stressed the need for a
specific Community forest protection programme, based on g Angel Angelidis
prevention and management of the risk of forest fires and June 2008
f. More direct involvement of fishermen in the decisions that — an action plan to counter the social, economic and
affect them regional consequences of the restructuring of the EU
To this end, regional advisory councils (RACs) consisting of fishing industry;
fishermen, scientific experts, representatives of other sectors — a Community action plan to reduce discards of fish; and
related to fisheries and aquaculture, regional and national
authorities, environmental groups and consumers from the — the creation of a single inspection structure, the
maritime or fishing zone in question were be set up. The Community Fisheries Control Agency.
RACs may be consulted by the Commission, submit In addition, two important Commission communications
recommendations and suggestions or inform the complement the new CFP:
Commission or the Member State concerned about
— a communication on fisheries partnership agreements
problems concerning the implementation of CFP rules in
with third countries; and
their area. Each RAC will cover sea areas under the
jurisdiction of at least two Member States. It will establish its — a communication on improving scientific advice for
own procedures. Following the reform, seven regional fisheries management; as well as
advisory councils were set up in 2004 to promote better — a compliance work plan and scoreboard to comply with
governance within the CFP and closer involvement of the the rules of the CFP.
various interests in the sector in its development. Areas
covered by the regional advisory councils include the Baltic
Role of the European Parliament
Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the North Sea, the Atlantic
Ocean, the high seas and pelagic stocks. A. Competence
4. Accompanying measures — Fisheries legislation: consultative role.
As part of the reform, the Commission also presented a series — EU membership of international conventions and
of Community action plans which aim to clarify some aspects conclusion of agreements having significant financial
of the CFP, in particular: implications: assent.
— a Community action plan on fisheries in the B. Role
The reports and opinions on Commission’s proposals for new
— a Community action plan to integrate environmental legislation and policies have given Parliament the opportunity
protection requirements into the CFP; to express its own model for the CFP.
— a Community action plan for the eradication of illegal,
unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing; g Ana Olivert-Amado
— a strategy for the sustainable development of European July 2008
Also, when these measures are no less stringent than Role of the European Parliament
Community legislation, Member States may apply them solely Parliament has always been concerned about respect for the
to fishing vessels flying their flag in waters under their principles of precaution and sustainable resources. Of note are
sovereignty and jurisdiction. its recent reports on the following subjects.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that experimental fishing — The Johannesburg Summit on Sustainable Development,
projects serve to promote conservation and the investigation that laid down a worldwide goal of ‘reducing the rate of
of selective fishing techniques to be implemented. loss of biodiversity by 2010’; one of the basic demands of
2. Long-term strategy for fisheries resources this strategy was the elimination of destructive fishing
management practices. Although this problem requires a specific
a. Multiannual stock management plans seek to maintain approach in the fisheries sector, the EP in its report A6-
the volume of stocks within safe biological limits. These 0183/2008, supports the approach of tackling the problem
plans lay down maximum catches and a series of technical in an integrated manner, in the light of the conclusions of
measures, taking into account the characteristics of each the Green Paper on European maritime policy.
stock and fisheries (species targeted, gear used, state of — The report on the communication from the Commission
stocks concerned) and the economic impact of the on the review of the management of deep-sea fish
measures on the fisheries in question. stocks (A6-0103/2008): the EP calls for more protection of
b. M
ultiannual stock recovery plans will be implemented deep sea species starting by improving the available
for fish stocks that are in danger. They are based on scientific information.
scientific advice and provide for limits on the fishing effort — The report on a policy to reduce unwanted by-catches
(that is, the number of days vessels are at sea). They ensure and eliminate discards in European fisheries (A6-
‘that the impact of fishing activities on marine ecosystems 0495/2007), where the EP sees as a positive change the
is kept at sustainable levels’. expansion of the definition of discards to include both
3. Fleet management commercial and non-commercial species that are dumped
over the side.
Fleet management is a way of adjusting fishing capacity in
order to bring about a stable and enduring balance between — Other important aspects where the EP has given its
such fishing capacity and their fishing opportunities. Some opinion, such as, inter alia, in report A6-0408/2007 on the
ways to achieve this are: proposal for a Council regulation establishing a
multiannual recovery plan for blue fin tuna in the
— fixing the number of vessels and type authorised to fish
eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean.
(e.g. by fishing licences);
— The proposal for a Council regulation on the conservation
— fleet register as a means to control and monitor fishing and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources
capacity; under the common fisheries policy (A5-0392/2002).
— entry:exit schemes and overall capacity reduction; — The proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation
— reduction of fishing effort; (EC) No 973/2001 laying down certain technical measures
for the conservation of certain stocks of highly
— reference levels;
migratory species (A5-0015/2003).
— Member States’ obligation to report on their fleet capacity;
— European Fisheries Fund (EFF) instruments to adjust fishing g Ana Olivert-Amado
capacity. July 2008
of the total tonnage and engine power was withdrawn. — promoting environment-friendly fishing and production
The remainder has been withdrawn through assistance methods;
to joint enterprises or export of vessels to third — providing adequate support for those employed in the
countries. sector;
3. The 2002 CFP reform spelled out an end to the MAGP — facilitating diversification of economic activity in areas
and a simpler system was introduced for limiting the dependent on fishing.
capacity of the European fleet. This system gave the
Member States more responsibility for the management of 2. Types of action
their fleets. There are four main aspects. To ensure the economic, environmental and social
sustainability of fishing, the EFF concentrates on these five
— the capacity of the fleet of each Member State must
priority areas.
comply with a reference level (based on the final MAGP
objectives of each fleet in 2002); — Measures for the adaptation of the Community fishing fleet:
Fishermen and the owners of vessels affected by the
— the use of strict entry:exit ratios for capacity of fleets: measures taken to combat overexploitation of resources may
the applicable ratio depends on whether public aid is obtain aid for permanent or temporary withdrawal of fishing
involved or not and the size of the vessel; vessels or for training, reconversion or early retirement.
— the conditions for granting public aid to the fleet are — Aquaculture, processing and marketing: The acquisition
reviewed; and use of gear and methods that reduce the impact of
— aid for construction of vessels: export to third countries fishing on the environment will be promoted. The aid will
and setting up of joint ventures was discontinued at be concentrated on small and micro enterprises.
the end of 2004. — Measures of common interest: Projects that help
Aid for modernisation of vessels continues under sustainable development or the conservation of
certain conditions: vessels must be at least five years old resources, the strengthening of markets in fishery
and the aid must be used for specific purposes (use of products or the promotion of partnerships between
more selective fishing methods; installation of satellite scientists and operators in the fisheries sector will be
vessel monitoring systems (VMS); better product eligible for aid.
processing and quality on board and better working and — Sustainable development of fisheries areas: Measures and
safety conditions). initiatives aimed at diversifying and strengthening
Member States only receive indirect encouragement economic development in areas affected by the decline in
to adjust fleets (capacity or effort) in relation to effort fishing activities will be supported.
management regimes under recovery plans or to — Technical assistance: Action relating to preparation,
reduction in fishing opportunities (TACs). monitoring, administrative and technical support,
evaluation, audit and control necessary for implementing
C. The European Fisheries Fund (EFF)
the proposed regulation.
The EFF has replaced the FIFG and will run during 2007–13.
However, many FIFG measures are included in the new fund. The Member States are responsible for allocation of the
financial resources between these five priorities.
1. Objectives
The EFF provides financial support for social, economic and 3. Resources
environmental objectives. The fund supports the sector in For the period 2007–13 the total EFF budget amounts to
efforts to adapt fleets whose competitiveness needs to be EUR 3.849 million of which EUR 2.908 million will go to the
strengthened and encouraged by measures to protect and convergence areas and EUR 941 million to the non-convergence
improve the environment. The EFF will also help the fishing areas. Funding will be available for all sectors of the industry —
communities most severely affected by these changes to sea and inland fisheries, aquaculture businesses, producer
diversify their economic activities. organisations, and the processing and marketing sectors.
The EFF has five priorities: D. Other financial aid to the fisheries sector
— supporting the main objectives of the common fisheries a. State aid: General State aid guidelines for all industries are
policy (CFP), especially those established under the 2002 not a subsidy according to WTO rules. This includes grants
reform; this means ensuring sustainable exploitation of and tax exemptions.
fisheries resources and a stable balance between these b. De minimis aid: A type of State aid implying EUR 30 000
resources and the capacity of the EU fishing fleet; per company over a three-year period. It has no distortive
— increasing the competitiveness and economic viability of effect on the internal market or competition.
operators in the sector; c. Fuel aid: A type of State aid addressed to alleviate fuel crises.
Legal basis — To provide fish supply to European markets and to provide
Articles 32 to 37 and 300 of the Treaty establishing the European
Community (EC); Articles 38 to 43 of the Lisbon Treaty (not yet in — To contribute to the sustainable development of world
force). On the basis of Articles 37, 300 and 310 of the EC Treaty, fisheries.
Parliament’s assent is required for the adoption of international — To tackle destructive fishing practices.
fisheries agreements. In addition, the European Parliament (EP)
must be immediately and fully informed of any decision — To improve scientific research and data collection.
concerning the provisional application or the suspension of — To combat illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing.
agreements. With regard to the ratification of international
— To strengthen control and inspections under the regional
fisheries agreements, the Lisbon Treaty provides that they will
fisheries organisations.
be ratified by the Council after consent of the Parliament (Article
188N(10) of the Lisbon Treaty).
Objectives A. Role and importance
1. Raison d’être
— To ensure appropriate EU access to the world’s main
fishing zones and resources. Bilateral and multilateral fishing agreements became necessary
after many non-member countries established exclusive
— To enhance bilateral and regional cooperation. economic zones (EEZs) of 200 nautical miles in the mid-1970s.
Later, in 1982, the United Nations adopted the Convention on were adopted by the Council conclusions (11485/1/04) on the
the Law of the Sea (Unclos), aimed at being a constitution for Commission communication on an integrated framework for
the oceans, recognising coastal States’ rights to control the fish fisheries partnership agreements with third countries. The
harvest in adjacent waters. Although EEZs cover only 35 % of underlying idea is to become a partner with the third country
the total area of the seas, they contain 90 % of the world’s fish for the development of sustainable and responsible fisheries
stocks. Not only EEZs but the high seas are governed by the and for the enhancement of the value of fisheries products.
Unclos and that encourages States to cooperate with each FPAs are also meant to underpin coherence with other policies
which other in the conservation and management of living such as development cooperation, environment, trade and
resources (including marine mammals) in the high seas by the health. All FPAs consist of a fisheries agreement and a protocol
establishment of regional fisheries organisations (RFOs). Unclos (e.g. defining the conditions of the agreement).
implied that distant water fishing fleets (DWFF) ´needed to
Under these agreements the European fleet gets access rights
enter into international agreements and/or other
to the fisheries surplus in the EEZ of mostly ACP countries (also
arrangements in order to get access to fisheries resources in
Greenland). In December 2007 the EU had 17 FPAs in force. The
either third countries’ EEZs or in the high seas covered by an
financial terms are based on a lump sum paid by the EC and
RFO. The principle of the freedom of the seas was over.
fees from private shipowners. In addition to the financial
2. Financial investment and benefits for the European compensation, agreements can include access to the
fleet European market at lower customs tariffs. The Community’s
The budget allocated to international fishing agreements financial contribution is justified by a mutual interest of the
increased from EUR 5 million in 1981 to almost 300 million in two parties to invest in sustainable fisheries policy and not just
1997 (0.31 % of the total Community budget and nearly 30 % as a payment for access rights. Under current WTO rules this
of the resources allocated to the fisheries sector). The high arrangement is not considered a subsidy. The contribution
level of investment was maintained in 1998 and 1999, but mainly covers expenses linked to management costs, scientific
slackened off when the agreement with Morocco (totalling assessment of fish stocks, fisheries management, control and
about EUR 90 million) was not renewed. In 2003, the amount monitoring of fishing activities, and expenses for the follow-up
allocated for fishing agreements was less than EUR 200 million and evaluation of a sustainable fishing policy. Unilateral
and no increase was planned in the 2004 budget. In 2002, commercial preferences granted by the EU under the Cotonou
catches under the international agreements accounted for Agreement to ACP countries (and authorised by the WTO)
20 % of all Community catches and were valued at terminated at the end of 2007. A new scheme called economic
approximately EUR 1 billion. The agreements provide for direct partnership agreements (EPAs), focusing mainly on commercial
employment for about 30 000 people and generate aspects (e.g. rules of origin, market access and sanitary and
considerable economic activity in sectors and regions heavily phytosanitary standards), was introduced as from 1 January
dependent on fishing. At the moment the most important 2008.
agreement in terms of financial compensation and access
FPAs are particularly important for tuna fisheries (Cape Verde,
rights is with Mauritania with EUR 86 million/year giving access
Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Kiribati, Madagascar, Mauritius,
to about 200 European vessels. Spain is historically the biggest
Micronesia, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe, Seychelles
beneficiary of external fishing agreements.
and the Solomon Islands). Other agreements for mixed
3. Geographical extension fisheries are in force with Greenland, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,
Since the first agreement was signed with the United States in Mauritania and Morocco. In general, the duration of the
1977, 29 agreements have been signed in all, 26 of which were protocol varies, from country to country, from two to six years.
in force in the period 1993–99, mainly with African and Indian
b. Reciprocal agreements
Ocean countries (15) and countries in the north Atlantic (10);
These agreements involve an exchange of fishing
only one was signed with a Latin American country (Argentina).
opportunities between EU fleets and third countries. Norway,
At the end of 2002, 21 fishing agreements were in force. In 2007,
the Faroe Island and Iceland have had this type of agreement
the EC had 20 fisheries agreements in force with coastal States
over the years. The reference base to guarantee an equal
in Africa (13), the Pacific (3) and northern countries (Iceland,
Faroe Islands, Greenland and Norway). Regarding high seas exchange is the ‘cod equivalent’ (one tonne of cod represents
fishing, the European fleet operates in the Atlantic, x tonnes of another species in exchange).
Mediterranean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Antarctic, For fishing agreements with countries in the north, catch
through arrangements with RFOs covering these areas. landings by the Community fleet fluctuated over the period
1993–97 between 300 000 and 370 000 tonnes per year. The
B. Types of fishing agreement main ‘industrial’ species (used primarily for the manufacture of
1. Bilateral fisheries agreements fishmeal) made up more than 70 % of catch landings; the main
a. Fisheries partnership agreements (FPAs) species in terms of value is cod. Denmark, with 82 % of the
FPAs are an outcome of the 2002 reform of the CFP and the catch, is the biggest producer. Germany, Sweden and the
Johannesburg Summit on Sustainable Development. They United Kingdom share 15 % of the volume. The agreement
Legal basis b. C
larification of competences of the players in the fisheries
Article 32 to 37 of the Treaty establishing the European
Community (EC); Articles 38 to 43 of the Lisbon Treaty (not yet — Member States are responsible for the
in force). implementation of CFP rules on their territory and in
their waters and also for the vessels flying their flags
operating outside these waters. Member States are also
responsible for placing observers on board and taking
The control policy seeks to ensure fisheries regulations are decisions, including the prohibition of fishing activities.
observed and where necessary to enforce compliance. In
short, adoption of the measures is the responsibility of the — The Commission must ensure that the Member States
Community bodies, while the Member States are responsible meet their obligations equally in terms of equity and
for implementing the measures and applying sanctions in effectiveness. Every three years, it shall draw up an
cases of infringements in their area of jurisdiction. evaluation report to be submitted to the European
Parliament and the Council on its action on the
application of the CFP rules by the Member States.
— The operators involved in all fisheries activities, from
A. Background catching to marketing, transporting and processing,
1. Control and enforcement systems before the 2002 must comply with the specifications of domestic law in
common fisheries policy (CFP) reform each stage of the production.
The control and enforcement of fishing activities by Member c. More harmonised application of the rules: Sanctions
States before the 2002 reform was hindered by poor within Member States continue to vary and this acts as a
enforcement of the rules, modest compliance and overfishing. constraint to the uniform achievement of common level of
This was the result of an ineffective control system, the main compliance. The Council shall draw up a list of sanctions to
problem being the lack of uniformity in the way Member be applied by Member States for serious infringements.
States were enforcing the CFP, e.g. different administrative d. Ensuring commitment by Member States: The reform
services, legislation and judicial proceedings. At the EU level has granted more autonomy to the Commission in the
there were some bottlenecks as well; there was no list of control of Member States’ fishing activities (e.g.
sanctions to be applied by Member States in the case of Community inspectors can now undertake inspections
serious infringements of CFP rules, nor did the Commission on fishing vessels and premises of businesses or other
inspectors have powers beyond the inspectors of the Member bodies related to the CFP without being accompanied by
States. At the international level, there was a need to better an inspector of the Member State concerned and the
define the competences of the Commission and the Member Commission can deduct fishing quota when Member
States within regional fisheries organisations (RFOs). States have failed to cease overfishing). There is another
2. Control and enforcement systems after the 2002 CFP measure (the CFP compliance scoreboard) that, by raising
reform public awareness on the performance of Member States
The reformed CFP (Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002) brought in their control and enforcement activities, aims to
new changes aiming at overcoming these deficiencies by the achieve better compliance.
adoption of the following measures. B. Cooperation, control and inspection
a. Greater cooperation in enforcement and creation of a EU fishing vessels operate in EU waters, in the waters of third
joint inspection structure (JIS): This was provided for in countries and on the high seas. Member States are
the action plan for the uniform and effective responsible to enforce CFP rules on all vessels fishing in their
implementation of the CFP (COM(2003) 130). The JIS was to waters and on vessels flying their flag outside their waters.
ensure the pooling of Community and national inspection Member States shall cooperate with EU inspectors and with
and monitoring resources through the Community other Member States to ensure compliance with the rules of
Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA). the CFP.
Role of the European Parliament Community fishing vessels outside Community waters
The European Parliament has always supported the adoption and the access of third-country vessels to Community
of effective control and enforcement measures and the waters (A6-0072/2008). The EP supports this proposal,
reports indicated below concern these matters. which is part of the ‘simplification’ of the CFP, setting up
general rules for applying/issuing licences to fish,
— Report on the proposal for a Council regulation clarifying the responsibilities of the Commission and the
establishing a Community system to prevent, deter and Member States and specifying the reporting
eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) requirements of fishing activities. It also contains
fishing (A6-0193/2008). The EP made a number of innovative ideas that would improve compliance with the
demands, such as: improved implementation of the CFP terms of fisheries agreements and bring greater
provisions to reduce IUU fishing by EU vessels; a ban on transparency to the activities of EU vessels in third-
trade in IUU fish; the requirement that the legal origin of country waters. Although it is not clear to what extent the
fish be demonstrated before being offloaded or imported proposal will be modified in the Council, and whether
into the EU; the creation of a Community register of IUU certain aspects will end up included in the ‘control
vessels; common minimum penalties for infringements; regulation’, Parliament considers that the provisions of
and a ban on the entry into EU ports of IUU vessels and this proposal are very important to maintain.
their fish.
— Report on the proposal for a Council regulation g Ana Olivert-Amado
concerning authorisation for fishing activities of July 2008
Catches Kingdom is only 6 %. In Spain, France and the Netherlands, all
production is intended for human consumption. Catch
Following a period of continuous growth, world catches seem values and employment in the fisheries sector are an
to have reached a ceiling, at 145 million tonnes. Despite the accurate reflection of this situation. For example, the unit
European Union’s enlargement EU production has been value of landings in Spain is seven times higher than that of
gradually declining (by 21 % between 1992 and 2006) and is Danish landings.
now 5.3 million tonnes. At the start of the 1990s, EU catches
represented 7 % of world fisheries, which made the EU the The enlargement of 2004 caused a 9 % increase in EU
third largest world producer after China and Peru. In 2005, catches. Of the catches by the 10 States which acceded to the
Community production accounted for only 6 % of world European Union in 2004, 97 % are shared by the four countries
catches. In 2006, 75 % of Community catches were caught in which border the Baltic Sea. Of these four States, only in
the North-East Atlantic, 11 % in the Mediterranean and Black Lithuania had catches remained stable over the previous
Sea, 8 % in the mid-eastern Atlantic and 3 % in the western decade. In contrast, catches in Poland had fallen by 54 %,
Indian Ocean. those in Estonia by 34 %, and those in Latvia by 21 %.
— implementation of Community policies, in particular the — The additionality of Community and national contributions
single market; is observed.
These new rules went together with a major financial boost.
— use of the existing Structural Funds (European Agricultural
During the same year, 1988, the Council gave its agreement in
Guidance and Guarantee Fund — Guidance Section;
principle to a series of economic measures known as the
European Social Fund; European Regional Development
‘Delors I package’, which provided for a doubling of the
Fund) and the creation of a Cohesion Fund.
amount allocated to the Structural Funds over the following
five years (see the summary table at the end of the text).
2. Developments following the Maastricht Treaty
A. Background a. Contribution of the Treaty
The Treaty of Rome makes no provision for regional policy but The Maastricht Treaty provides for:
only for solidarity mechanisms in the form of two Structural
Funds: the European Social Fund (4.9.2) and the European — submission by the Commission of a report to the Council
Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund — Guidance and Parliament every three years on the progress made
Section (4.2.5). towards achieving economic and social cohesion (second
paragraph of Article 130b);
Regional policy was only put in place after the Community’s
— the possibility of ‘specific actions’ outside the Structural
first enlargement (1973), with the creation of the European
Funds (third paragraph of Article 130b);
Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in 1975. But for a long
time it had only modest resources, which prevented it from — the creation of a Cohesion Fund (second paragraph of
having any real impact. Article 130d).
— introduction of a provision concerning actions before the Thanks to its cooperative approach, the EP was able to obtain
Court of Justice for violation of the principle of subsidiarity, an increase in financial resources for territorial cohesion for the
which lays down that ‘the Committee of the Regions may period 2007–13, an objective of prime importance in the
also bring such actions against legislative acts for the context of enlargement. It also put forward several proposals
adoption of which the Treaty on the Functioning of the that helped enhance the text of the new Regulation ((EEC) No
European Union provides that it be consulted’ (Article 8 of 1083/2006) by stressing:
Protocol No 2 on the application of the principles of — the need to make funds more accessible to disabled people;
subsidiarity and proportionality);
— the strengthening of the partnership principle: namely that
— strengthening of the provisions relating to the outermost any appropriate body representing civil society,
regions (Article 107(3)(a) TFEU) in view of their structural, environmental partners, non-governmental organisations
economic and social situation. and bodies responsible for promoting equality between
men and women can take part in the Structural Funds
Role of the European Parliament partnership negotiations;
The European Parliament (EP) has invariably supported — the strengthening of the environmental aspect in
economic and social cohesion as an essential precondition for managing the Structural Funds, particularly sustainable
solidarity in order to maintain EU values, and has thereby development, and the introduction of a new article
facilitated consolidation of its position as an essential aspect of ensuring that this dimension is always taken into account.
European integration, on a par with the single market and The EP played an active role in all the preliminary phases
monetary union. In this connection, it has promoted the idea leading up to the signing of the Lisbon Treaty. It obtained
that the amounts allocated must be of a sufficiently high level satisfaction on many issues, including:
to ensure its effectiveness. The EP has always vigorously — introduction of the concept of ‘territorial cohesion’;
supported the proposals, which it considers the minimum
necessary, to increase allocations to the Structural Funds. — substitution of the assent procedure with co-decision for
the vote on the general rules on the Structural Funds;
It therefore took a hand in the 1993 reform, stressing the
— fleshing-out of the definition of the principle of
need for sufficient funding. It persuaded the European
Commission in July 1993 to accept a code of conduct on
implementing structural policy which binds it closely to the — strengthening of the specific provisions relating to the
establishment of ‘Community support frameworks’ (4.5.2) and outermost regions.
to their implementation and evaluation. The code of conduct The EP has therefore managed to consolidate its legislative
has given rise to an ongoing dialogue in which Parliament has powers, which have increased over time:
given its support to two Commission projects: a system for — Single Act: cooperation with the Council for the vote on
publicising Structural Fund measures and a regulation on the general rules on the Structural Funds;
recovery of sums invested in the event of irregularities.
— Maastricht Treaty: assent procedure for the vote on the
Parliament was also able to influence the 1999 reform thanks general rules;
to its new power to give assent for the general rules on the — Amsterdam Treaty: co-decision with the Council for the
Structural Funds. It expressed its position in particular in its vote on the implementing measures applicable to the
resolution of 19 November 1998, and the Council took most of general rules;
its views into account, so that Parliament was able to give its
assent on 6 May 1999. With regard to the vote on the — Lisbon Treaty: co-decision with the Council for the vote on
implementing measures, it secured in advance application of the general rules.
the co-decisional powers granted to it by the Amsterdam Treaty.
The code of conduct with the Commission has been extended g Ivana Katsarova
to include all the structural instruments (6 May 1999). July 2008
Summary table
2000–06 2007–13
Objectives Financial instruments Objectives Financial instruments
Cohesion Fund Cohesion Fund ‘Convergence’ ERDF
Objective 1 ERDF — Cohesion Fund
— ESF — —
EAGGF — Guarantee and
— — —
EAGGF — Guidance
— FIFG — —
Objective 2 ERDF ‘Regional competitiveness ERDF
— ESF and employment’ regional ESF
level — national level:
Objective 3 ESF European employment —
European territorial
Interreg ERDF ERDF
Leader+ EAGGF — Guidance — —
Rural development and EAGGF — Guarantee — —
restructuring of fisheries
FIFG — —
outside Objective 1
9 objectives 6 instruments 3 objectives 3 instruments
Objectives Achievements
The Treaty states that the Fund ‘shall provide a financial Initially the Council set up (1 April 1993) a ‘cohesion financial
contribution to projects’ in the fields of: instrument’ (Regulation (EEC) No 792/93). The Cohesion Fund
complementing the public efforts of the beneficiary State. 6. Insufficient financial resources
Intended to finance measures alleviating non-insurable On 1 October each year, at least one quarter of the annual
damage in principle, the urgent actions eligible for the amount allocated to the Solidarity Fund should remain
Fund are: available in order to cover needs arising at the end of the year.
— immediate restoration to working order of infrastructure In exceptional cases and if the remaining financial resources of
and plant in the fields of energy, drinking water, the Fund prove insufficient, the Commission may decide to
wastewater, telecommunications, transport, health and use part of the amount foreseen for the following year.
C. Amount of aid
— providing temporary accommodation and funding rescue At 15 June 2006, the following amounts had been mobilised
services to meet the immediate needs of the population under the Solidarity Fund:
— EUR 728 million for regions devastated by floods, divided in
— immediate securing of preventive infrastructures and the following way: EUR 444 million for Germany, EUR 134
measures of immediate protection of the cultural heritage; million for Austria, EUR 129 million for the Czech Republic
— immediate cleaning up of disaster-stricken areas, including and EUR 21 million for France (Decision 2002/1010/EC of
natural zones. the European Parliament and of the Council of 21
November 2002);
2. Submission of the application
— EUR 48.539 million for regions in Portugal affected by fires
No later than 10 weeks after the first damage caused by the
(Decision 2003/786/EC of the European Parliament and of
disaster, the State affected should submit an application to the
the Council of 9 October 2003);
Commission for assistance from the Fund. It should provide all
possible information on the damage caused by the disaster — EUR 56.25 million for regions in Italy (affected by a natural
and its impact on the population and the economy. It must disaster) and regions in Spain (damage caused by the
estimate the cost of the foreseen assistance and indicate any Prestige oil tanker) (Decision 2003/785/EC of the European
other sources of national, Community and/or international Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2003);
— EUR 21.9 million for regions struck by fires in Spain and
3. Payment of the subsidy and recovery regions affected by floods in Malta and France (Decision
Beneficiary Member States must seek all possible 2004/323/EC of the European Parliament and of the
reimbursement from third parties. On the basis of this Council of 30 March 2004);
information, the Commission will decide if the Solidarity — EUR 5.67 million for Slovakia, following a storm that had
Fund may be mobilised and, if that is the case, to accord a catastrophic effects (Decision 2005/706/EC of the
grant to be paid immediately and in a single instalment. If European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September
the final estimation of the damage is substantially lower than 2005);
the first forecasts on the basis of which the State demanded
the grant, the Commission will ask for reimbursement of the — EUR 92.88 million for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden
difference. following a storm that had catastrophic effects (Decision
2006/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
4. Implementation of 17 November 2005).
The beneficiary State is responsible for the implementation of
the grant and, where applicable, for the coordination with D. New Commission proposal
other Community funds in order to ensure their The proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation
complementarity. However, it is not possible for the actions of 6 April 2005 establishing the European Union Solidarity
undertaken by the Solidarity Fund to be double financed by Fund (COM(2005) 108 final) is intended to provide a more
the Structural Funds, the Cohesion Fund, the European appropriate response to acts of terrorism and public health
Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), ISPA or emergencies. The Commission drew up this proposal in
Sapard. response to the revision clause in Regulation (EC) No
2012/2002 scheduled for the end of 2006. The new regulation
5. Use of the subsidy
was due to enter into force in January 2007.
The grant must be used within one year of the date on which
it has been disbursed. The beneficiary State must reimburse 1. Scope
any part of the grant remaining unused. Six months after the The new financial instrument provides financial assistance to
expiry of this period, it is to present a report on the financial the Member States and the countries currently negotiating EU
execution to the Commission. This document should detail the membership. The use of the Fund to assist countries that are
expenditure eligible for the Solidarity Fund as well as all other not (yet) Member States is based on a specific provision in the
funding received, including insurance settlements and Treaty of Nice governing economic and financial cooperation
compensation from third parties. with non-EU countries.
Legal basis coming to terms with increased traffic and the minimisation of
Article 3(1)(f ) and Title V of the Treaty establishing the European subsequent consequences such as traffic accidents, respiratory
Community (EC) (Treaty of Lisbon: Article 4(2)(g) and Part Three, diseases, noise, environmental damage or traffic jams.
Title VI, of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union). Using this model involves an integrated approach to
optimise the efficiency of the transport system, transport
Objectives organisation and safety as well as to reduce energy
consumption and environmental repercussions. The
In the Treaties of Rome, Member States had already stressed
cornerstones of this model include improving the
the importance of a common transport policy with its own
competitiveness of environmentally friendly modes of
title. Transport was therefore one of the first common policy
transport, the creation of integrated transport networks used
areas of the Community. The first priority was the creation of
by two or more modes of transport (combined transport and
a common transport market, in other words the realisation
intermodality) as well as the creation of fair conditions of
of freedom of services and the opening of transport markets.
competition between modes of transport through fair
To a great extent, this goal has been reached. One exception
charging for external costs caused by them.
has proved to be rail transport, for which the completion of
the single market was brought about only in part.
In the process of opening the transport markets, it is also a
matter of creating fair conditions for competition as much for A. General policy guidelines
individual modes of transport as between them. For this The 1985 White Paper on the completion of the internal
reason, the harmonisation of national legal and market made recommendations for ensuring the freedom to
administrative regulations, including the prevailing provide services and set out the guidelines for the common
technological, social and tax conditions, has gradually taken on transport policy. In November 1985, the Council adopted three
an ever-increasing importance. main guidelines: the creation of a free market (without
quantitative restrictions) by 1992 at the latest; increasing
The successful completion of the European internal market,
bilateral and Community quotas; and eliminating distortion of
the discontinuation of internal borders and falling transport
competition. It also adopted a ‘master plan’ of goals to be
prices due to the opening and liberalisation of transport
reached by 31 December 1992 for all modes of transport (land,
markets as well as changes in production systems and in
sea, air). This included the development of infrastructure of
storage have led to a constant growth in transport. The
Community interest, the simplification of border controls and
transport of people and goods has more than doubled over
formalities as well as improving safety.
the last 30 years. Nevertheless, the economic view of a very
successful and dynamic transport sector is juxtaposed with On 2 December 1992, the Commission adopted the White
increasing social and ecological ramifications. Increasingly, the Paper on the future development of the common transport
model of ‘sustainable mobility’ gains in significance. policy. The main emphasis was on the opening of transport
This model is in a tug of war between two different sets of markets. At the same time, the White Paper represented a
goals. On one hand, it is a question of safeguarding fairly priced turning point towards an integrated approach, embracing all
and efficient mobility for people and goods as the central modes of transport, based on the model of ‘sustainable mobility’.
element of a competitive EU internal market and as the basis for The Commission Green Paper of 20 December 1995
the free movement of people. On the other hand, there is the entitled ‘Towards fair and efficient pricing in transport’
Alongside fundamental support for the liberalisation of the the achievements in some transport policy fields and
transport markets carried out, the European Parliament welcomed in principle the further measures envisaged by the
continued to stress the necessity of implementing this alongside Commission in this mid-term review. However, it also pointed
an all-embracing harmonisation of the prevailing social, tax and out numerous existing challenges for the EU transport policy
technological conditions and of safety standards. Moreover, the and drew up a comprehensive list of measures.
European Parliament regularly supported the model of
In its resolution of 11 March 2008 the European Parliament drew
sustainable mobility with specific proposals and demands.
up numerous recommendations for environment-, climate- and
On 12 February 2003, Parliament adopted a resolution on the energy-policy action under the European transport policy.
Commission’s White Paper ‘European transport policy for Parliament proposed a policy mix of technological improvements,
2010: time to decide’. The resolution stressed that the idea of market-based instruments and flanking measures to reconcile
sustainability must be the foundation and the standard for the environmental, transport and energy policies. Among other
European transport policy. Parliament shared the Commission’s things, it called for demand management measures (for example
analysis as regards the magnitude of problems relating to congestion charges and road pricing), emissions-based
transport and the unequal growth of the modes of transport. It differential take-off and landing charges at airports, and the
stressed the importance of creating an integrated global reduction of CO2, SO2 and NOx emissions from shipping.
transport system. The shift of emphasis towards
environmentally friendly modes of transport, whilst maintaining On 9 July 2008 the European Parliament adopted a resolution
the competitiveness of road transport, was approved as was on the Commission Green Paper ‘Towards a new culture for
the fair charging of infrastructure and external costs for each urban mobility’. Parliament called for the development at
mode of transport. Additionally, Parliament demanded that European level of an integrated global approach to urban
transport should be given the political and budgetary mobility intended to serve as a common frame of reference for
consideration warranted by its strategic character and its role as European, national, regional and local players (municipalities,
a service of general interest. Parliament supplemented this citizens, businesses and industry). Parliament highlighted the
general approach with a multitude of specific demands and following areas, among others: the importance of integrated
proposals for each individual mode of transport, transport and comprehensive sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs)
safety, the schedule, and financing of the European transport with an emphasis on long-term city planning and spatial
network as well as better coordination with other EU policy planning; research and development in the field of
areas. The same applies for the further transport-related topics sustainable transport; and the EU’s role in the development
of intermodality, research, development and new technologies. and promotion of intelligent transport systems (ITS) and in
The Commission has already taken up many of these themes in funding innovative technologies.
its most recent legislative proposals.
In its resolution of 12 July 2007 on the mid-term review of the g Nils Danklefsen
transport White Paper, the European Parliament acknowledged July 2008
Member States. The rail market has also been further opened railway undertakings were also laid down. The third rail
up by three so-called ‘rail packages’. package, through Directive 2007/58/EC, added a number of
provisions to Directive 2001/14/EC that should facilitate long-
Directive 91/440/EEC has been amended by Directive
term investment, for example, in high-speed railway lines.
2001/12/EC of 26 February 2001. The directive provided for
access, from March 2003, by international freight transport 2. Outlook: revitalising the railways
services to the trans-European rail freight network. From 15 In 1996 the Commission already formulated a strategy for
March 2008 the whole of the European network for revitalising the railways, which was reinforced in September
international rail freight services was to be opened up. In 2001 by the publication of the White Paper entitled ‘European
addition, the directive provided for the introduction of transport policy for 2010: time to decide’. This comprises the
separate organisational units for the provision of rail transport following main elements:
services and the operation of infrastructure, as well as
— the opening up of national freight markets to cabotage;
introducing separate accounting for passenger and freight
transport services. The aim was to ensure that the allocation of — the establishment of a high safety level;
infrastructure capacity, the levying of charges for use and the — the development of interoperability;
granting of authorisations is carried out independently of the
provision of transport services, and to ensure balanced, non- — the gradual opening up of international passenger services;
discriminatory access to rail infrastructure. Under the second — the promotion of measures relating to quality of services
rail package, the opening up of the market was taken a step and strengthening of customer rights;
further by Directive 2004/51/EC of 29 April 2004. The full
— the creation of a European agency for safety and
opening up of the freight transport market, including
cabotage, should have taken place from 1 January 2007. The
agreement on the second rail infrastructure package included Thanks to the adoption of the three railway packages,
a declaration by the European Parliament and the Council of significant progress has been made in recent years in
Ministers that the aim was to open up the market for revitalising the railways. Many of the obstacles in the way of an
international rail passenger services by 2010. The necessary integrated European railway area have been gradually
legal bases for this opening of the market were created by removed. However, European railways still face considerable
Directive 2007/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the challenges if they are to maintain their current share of total
Council of 23 October 2007 in adopting the so-called third traffic volume and increase it in the medium term. In the area
rail package. The opening of the market for international of rail freight transport this will depend on legislation already
passenger transport services until the 1 January 2010 also adopted being properly transposed into national law and
includes the right to convey passengers between any train applied in all of the Member States. The Commission should
station located on the route of an international transport present a report on the implementation of the
service, including stations located in the same Member State. abovementioned Directive 2007/58/EC in 2012. This report
Under certain circumstances, however, the Member State may should propose, if appropriate, complementary measures and
limit this right. further steps in relation to the opening of the national rail
passenger transport markets.
b. Allocation of infrastructure capacity
Directive 95/19/EC of 19 June 1995 aimed to guarantee fair C. Urban, suburban and regional services
and non-discriminatory access to infrastructure. An important Urban, suburban and regional rail and road transport services
aspect was the requirement to set up a system for the frequently entail public service obligations in the Member States
charging of infrastructure fees based on actual costs, with the and are often provided by public companies. The main
fees being collected by an independent body. As part of the legislation governing this area was Regulation (EEC) No 1191/69
first railway package, this directive was replaced by Directive of 26 June 1969 (as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1893/91 of
2001/14/EC of 26 February 2001, which gives a more precise 20 June 1991). A Commission proposal of 26 July 2000 proposed
definition of railway undertakings’ rights in relation to the the recasting of this regulation. This was aimed at developing
allocation of infrastructure capacity and introduces a competition in public passenger transport services, in particular
procedure for alleviating capacity constraints. With the public local and regional transport services, with the help of
adoption of the second railway package, this directive and compulsory public tendering. The proposal was replaced in July
Directive 95/18/EC were amended by Directive 2004/49/EC of 2005 by a new Commission proposal (COM(2005) 319). In May
29 April 2004. The aim was to harmonise the legislative 2007, the Council of the European Union and the European
framework in the Member States and to develop common Parliament finally agreed on the restructuring of public
safety targets and methods. A system was introduced for the passenger transport in the form of Regulation (EC) No
issuing, content and validity of safety certificates, and the 1370/2007. In addition to the tendering of transport services this
principle of an independent technical investigation in the regulation permits, in certain circumstances, the direct awarding
event of accidents was established. The key elements of of services to small and medium-sized enterprises as well as the
common safety systems for infrastructure managers and so‑called ‘in-house businesses’. Hence cities and regions may
requirements and thus the certification of locomotive drivers for a licence to be granted, and the licensing procedure, were
in the EU. A train driver’s licence issued by one Member State laid down.
must be recognised by the other Member States. This mutual
recognition of harmonised train drivers’ licences is regarded Role of the European Parliament
as an essential component in creating a European railway
area. The directive specifies the tasks for which the Parliament has used its legislative powers to support, in
competent authorities of the Member States, train drivers principle, most of the Commission’s proposals for
and other stakeholders in the sector, in particular railway harmonisation, whilst at the same time emphasising certain
undertakings, infrastructure managers and training centres, aspects to which it attaches particular importance.
are responsible. — During the legislative procedure on the infrastructure
charging directive in 2005, Parliament successfully pressed
The directive states that all train drivers must hold a licence
for the scope of the directive to be extended to include all
demonstrating that they satisfy minimum conditions as
vehicles over 3.5 tonnes, and for the environmental aspects
regards medical requirements, basic education and general
of the directive to be strengthened. In negotiations with
professional skills. They must also hold additional certificates
the Council of Ministers, Parliament was able, in particular,
attesting that they have received specific training relating to
to successfully argue that the new directive should include
the routes operated, the equipment used and the operational
a roadmap for the internalisation of external costs for all
and safety procedures specific to a particular company.
modes of transport. The new Commission proposals on
3. Passenger rights greening transport are in large part due to the pressure
Also as part of the third railway package, in autumn 2007 the exerted by the European Parliament in the field of
Council and Parliament adopted Regulation (EC) No environmental policy.
1371/2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations. This — In the area of social legislation, Parliament made a
regulation establishes rules on such matters as compensation substantial contribution to improving and simplifying the
in the event of substantial delays and undertakings’ liability for regulation on driving and rest time. In addition, Parliament
passengers and their luggage in the event of accidents. When secured a significant increase in checks on driving and rest
the regulation comes into force at the end of 2009, passengers time. In the negotiations on the working time directive,
who suffer delays will be entitled to a 25 % reduction on the Parliament successfully argued that the provisions should
ticket price for a 60 minute delay, and a 50 % reduction for a apply not only to employed drivers but also, from 2009, to
delay of 120 minutes or more. Railway undertakings will also self-employed drivers, who make up some 40 % of all
be responsible for providing comprehensive information to drivers.
passengers on such matters as passenger rights, timetables,
fastest journeys, lowest fares, accessibility, access conditions — With regard to the rights of rail passengers, extending the
and availability of facilities for the disabled. Railway scope of the directive was among Parliament’s
undertakings must also introduce non-discriminatory access achievements. Apart from the possible exemptions
rules for the transport of disabled people and people with described above, this will give passengers clear rights and
reduced mobility. However, under certain conditions, national entitlement to compensation not only on cross-border rail
long-distance rail services and urban, suburban and regional services but also on domestic services.
services may be exempt from the regulation. — In its resolution of 15 June 2006, Parliament expressly
4. Administrative harmonisation supported the introduction of the ERTMS/ETCS rail
signalling system and put forward many proposals on the
a. Admission to the occupation (operating licences) transition to this system and its financing.
Directive 95/18/EC of 19 June 1995 provides that, in order to
be allowed to exercise its right of access to the infrastructure in — In its resolution of 12 July 2007 on implementation of the
all of the Member States, a railway undertaking must have an first railway package, Parliament called for further revision
operating licence. The licence is issued by the Member State in of the directive on HGV charges and took the view that, to
which the company is established, subject to compliance with achieve fair intermodal competition, tariffs for road
certain common conditions (good repute, financial fitness and transport should be adjusted in line with the rail route
professional competence), and is valid throughout the pricing system, tolls should be made mandatory for all
Community. The directive has been amended by Directive lorries over 3.5 tonnes on all roads in the EU without
2001/13/EC of 26 February 2001, which extended the loopholes, and external costs should be internalised.
provisions on the issuing of licences to cover almost all railway
undertakings with just a few exceptions. In addition, the safety, g Nils Danklefsen
economic and financial conditions required to be met in order July 2008
October 1995 introduced uniform procedures for checks. comparative studies of the circumstances in which accidents
Directive 2001/26/EC of 7 May 2001 modified Directive 95/50/ occur and facilitates dissemination of information and
EC to introduce uniform procedures for checks on the proposed solutions.
transport of dangerous goods by road. In its recommendation 2001/115/EC of 17 January 2001 to
Council Directive 96/35/EC of 3 June 1996 on the appointment the Member States on the maximum permitted blood
and vocational qualification of safety advisers for the transport alcohol content for drivers, the Commission proposed a
of dangerous goods by road, rail and inland waterway obliges maximum of 0.5 mg/ml for all vehicle drivers and 0.2 mg/ml
every undertaking concerned with this transport to appoint for HGV drivers.
one or more suitably qualified safety advisers to monitor
In its Recommendation 2004/345/EC to the Member States,
compliance with the rules.
the Commission proposed procedures for enforcement of
In December 2006 the Commission submitted a proposal to the rules on drink-driving, speeding and the use of seat
update and harmonise the existing legislation (COM(2006) belts.
4. eSafety Role of the European Parliament
In its communication ‘Information and communications In many resolutions the European Parliament has underlined
technologies for safe and intelligent vehicles’ (COM(2003) 542) the importance of road safety in the Community. It expressed
of 15 September 2003, the Commission expresses its intention its views in its resolution of 29 September 2005 on the
of supporting the development, large-scale deployment and Commission’s latest action programme. Parliament endorsed
use of modern safety systems based on new information and the Commission’s guiding principles for this programme and
communications technologies. On this basis, what is known as called for further measures such as a Europe-wide road safety
the eSafety initiative was introduced. Intelligent vehicle campaign, more uniform road signs and increased use of new
safety systems include automatic speed adjusters, devices to technologies such as: (a) seat belt reminders; (b) advanced
prevent involuntary lane departures, collision warning devices restraint systems; (c) electronic speed limitation systems;
and automatic emergency call systems in the event of an (d) ‘alcolocks’ which block the car if the driver is drunk; and
accident (eCall). (e) new cars to be fitted with an automatic emergency call
5. Safety of road infrastructure system (eCall) from 2009.
Directive 2004/54/EC of 29 April 2004 lays down minimum Parliament also called on the Commission to propose
safety requirements for tunnels in the trans-European road legislative measures with regard to maximum alcohol limits
network. These rules are concerned with the organisational, (in line with Parliament’s recommendation of 0.5 mg/ml for
technical and operational aspects of tunnels. The directive adults and 0.2 mg/ml for new drivers). In its resolution of
aims to impose new and harmonised safety rules on all tunnels 18 January 2007 on the mid-term review of this programme,
longer than 500 metres that are in use, under construction or Parliament once more adopted an extensive list of
being planned. demands.
In mid-2008, the Council of Ministers and the European In the context of its legislative powers, Parliament basically
Parliament agreed a directive on the safety management of supported the Commission proposals, and at the same time
road infrastructure (not yet published in the Official Journal). contributed a number of proposals for improvements to the
The directive obliges the Member States to evaluate the legislation. For example in the negotiations on the directive on
transport safety of road construction schemes and to carry out safety in tunnels, Parliament improved the provisions on
safety audits. The new directive also contains regulations on emergency exits, lighting and escape routes. In addition the
safety management in the road network and on road safety directive takes account of Parliament’s calls for more attention
checks. The directive also lists various measures for making to be paid to the needs of disabled people in the construction
sections of roads with accident black spots safer. of emergency exits.
6. Miscellaneous
The Commission has introduced a databank on road traffic g Nils Danklefsen
accidents (CARE), which makes it possible to undertake July 2008
C. Additional achievements and the extension of access rights, including to cabotage (see
1. Access to the ground-handling market its resolution of 14 February 1995 on the Commission
The ground-handling market is governed by Directive 96/67/EC communication ‘The way forward for civil aviation in Europe’).
of 15 October 1996. Prior to this, the provision of ground- At the same time, it has recommended that liberalisation
handling services at airports within the EU was a monopoly should proceed at a cautious pace to take into account its
controlled by a small number of service providers. With the effects with regard to safety, quality of service, fare
entry into force of this directive, these services were gradually transparency and employee working conditions. In its
opened up to competition and full liberalisation was achieved in resolution of 4 May 2000, Parliament insisted that safety
December 2002. The directive is primarily concerned with concerns should remain an underlying principle in all
introducing free market access for the providers of ground- measures and policies in air transport.
handling services. Furthermore, for certain categories of service The recently concluded aviation agreements with third
there must be a choice of at least two providers at the larger countries were approved by the European Parliament. However,
airports in the EU. The Commission presented a report on the in its resolution of 17 January 2006 on air transport relations
application of the directive (COM(2006) 821) in January 2007. with Russia, Parliament stressed that no comprehensive
2. Reservation systems agreement should be concluded without the immediate and
complete abolition of Russian overflight charges.
a. Computer reservation systems (CRS)
Computer reservation systems (hereinafter ‘CRS’) are crucial to In its resolution of 17 January 2006 on Community external
the efficiency of air transport. There is strong interest from aviation policy, Parliament insisted on the need for a coherent
passengers wishing to find the best-value fares as well as from strategy for developing a common external aviation policy and
smaller companies anxious to have access to the system. outlined the requirements in terms of market opening, safety
Regulation (EEC) No 2299/89 of 24 July 1989 on a code of standards, social policy and the environment.
conduct for computerised reservation systems was, therefore, The European Parliament played a crucial role in shaping the
adopted. The code of conduct was established to promote recast of the regulation on common rules for the operation of air
transparency and to prevent any market abuses or distortions of transport services in the Community (not yet published in the
competition. Council Regulation (EC) No 323/1999 of 8 February Official Journal). One of Parliament’s particular achievements
1999 adapted the code of conduct to new market conditions. was to put an end to the practices of false bait advertising and
The code of conduct regulates how travel bookings are confusing price information (on the Internet, for example). In
managed by air carriers and rail transport operators, CRS and future, the final price payable, including all applicable taxes and
travel agents. In November 2007 the most recent developments charges, surcharges and fees, must be displayed at the start of
in the aviation market and information technology, and also the the booking process. Furthermore, ‘optional price supplements’,
development of alternative distribution channels, led the such as for checking in additional hold baggage, must be
Commission to propose further adapting this code of conduct communicated in a clear, transparent and unambiguous way at
for CRS to promote greater competition (COM(2007) 709). the start of any booking process, and their acceptance by the
customer must be on an ‘opt-in’ basis.
Role of the European Parliament
Parliament has supported the development of the Community g Nils Danklefsen
aviation market. It therefore argued in favour of code sharing July 2008
greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the 3. Rights of passengers with reduced mobility
Community’. All flights landing at and taking off from The Council of Ministers and the European Parliament agreed
European airports are accordingly to be included in this on a series of rights for passengers with reduced mobility in
scheme from 2012. Distortions of competition should Regulation (EC) No 1107/2006 of 5 July 2006. The regulation
therefore be eliminated and the environmental efficiency of includes the following elements.
air transport improved. Unlike the situation to date, allocation
is no longer based on historic emissions, but on a uniform — The creation, in all airports with over 150 000 passengers,
European benchmark. Airlines already using efficient aircraft of designated points which people with reduced mobility
today are thus being rewarded. In the initial period (2012), can approach to request assistance. They cannot be
emissions should be reduced by 3 % compared with the refused boarding, except in a few very strictly defined
period 2004–06 and by 5 % in the second period (from cases.
1 January 2013). — The airport operators are responsible for the provision of
these services free of charge. Those affected cannot be
B. Passenger rights
charged for any additional costs. The request for assistance
1. Overbooking, denied boarding, delays (for example to and from the aircraft) must be made
The first common rules for a system of compensation payment known by the persons concerned at least 48 hours before
in the case of denied boarding on scheduled flights were set departure.
out in Regulation (EEC) No 295/91 of 4 February 1991. Package
flights were governed by Directive 90/314/EEC. — All airlines (according to their passenger share) are to
contribute to the financing of these services.
On 17 February 2005, Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of 11
February 2004 came into force, establishing common rules on 4. Insurance requirements for aircraft operators
compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of The objective of Regulation (EC) No 785/2004 of 21 April 2004
denied boarding, and of cancellation or long delay of flights. It was the harmonisation of the level of insurance in air transport,
was aimed at securing a higher level of protection for establishing the minimum levels of insurance cover per
passengers and as these events can cause serious passenger and per item of luggage. The minimum level of
inconvenience, passengers have the right to claim insurance in respect of third-party liability was also established.
compensation. In the event of denied boarding due to The rules are equally valid for Community airlines as for non-
overbooking or cancellation of flights, passengers’ rights EU aircraft operators and apply to damage occurring in flight
include reimbursement of their tickets, a free return flight to and on the ground. As well as accidents, insurance must also
the point of departure or a later flight to their destination, or cover the risks of war, hijackings, acts of terrorism and
compensation (staggered up to EUR 600 for flights of over sabotage. Aircraft operators are obliged to present insurance
3 500 km). Additionally, meals, refreshments, means of certificates to the competent Member State authorities.
telecommunication and hotel accommodation if necessary
must also be made available. In the event of a delay, Role of the European Parliament
passengers have the right to compensation depending on the
In numerous reports and statements, the European Parliament
length of the delay.
(EP) emphasised the significance of a common air transport
2. Black list of unsafe airlines policy as well as stronger competition between airlines. In the
The Council and the European Parliament drew up a blacklist resolution of 4 May 2000, Parliament put forward the opinion
of unsafe airlines in Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 of 14 that the development of the internal market for European air
December 2005, thus strengthening passengers’ right to transport had contributed positively to competition and that
information. The EU-wide blacklist will be updated at least passengers now have at their disposal an extensive range of
every three months. It contains the names of all airlines where flights at often cheaper prices. However, other elements such
there is evidence of serious safety defects or where it has as delays and overbooking must not be permitted to impair
become clear that the authorities responsible for an airline are the benefits of liberalisation. With regard to State aid, the EP
unwilling or unable to implement safety norms or oversee an welcomed the end, as announced by the Commission, of the
aircraft. Airlines on this blacklist are prohibited from flying in transition period for State aid for airlines and put forward the
EU territory. It will no longer be possible for an aircraft which view that State airlines should be made to exist within an
has been banned from taking off or landing in one Member entirely commercial environment.
State to fly to another Member State.
On the subject of time slot allocation, the EP requested in the
The ticket vendor is required — regardless of how the booking same resolution that the Commission submit a proposal for
is made — to inform passengers of the identity of the airline the revision of the relevant regulation. In the subsequent
with which they will fly, as soon as it has been determined. legislative procedure, the Parliament supported the
Passengers have the right to reimbursement or an equivalent Commission’s proposal in principle. However, it secured
flight, in the event of the reserved airline being added to the improvements for example with regard to the empowerment
black list after the booking was made. and independence of the coordinator and to market entry
Interoperability Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 of 10 March When an aircraft from a third country lands at a Community
2004 governs the interoperability of the individual systems airport, a safety inspection may be carried out even in the
within the European air traffic management network. absence of any grounds for suspicion. Airlines operating
3. European Aviation Safety Agency aircraft that have repeatedly been identified in the past as
having safety flaws should be subject to more frequent
Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 of 15 July 2002 established the
inspections. In the event of the discovery of safety flaws,
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The EASA is an
aircraft could be grounded. To ensure the best possible
executive agency of the European Union, based in Cologne,
monitoring of safety standards, the information gathered by a
Germany. It is responsible for adopting safety rules applicable
Member State during an inspection must be passed on to the
to products, persons and organisations and for conducting
Commission and the other Member States.
inspections and investigations to ensure that these rules are
being observed. Further tasks of the EASA include awarding 7. European air traffic controller licence
airworthiness certificates, giving expert opinions and Directive 2006/23/EC of 5 April 2006 introduced common
supporting the Commission in the drafting of legislative requirements for the granting of a Community air traffic
proposals in the field of air transport. Regulation (EC) No controller licence. The rules on the training and licensing of air
216/2008 extended the EASA’s tasks to cover air operations, traffic controllers were also harmonised. This should ensure the
pilots’ licences and — within the limits set by the Chicago mobility of air traffic controllers within the EU.
Convention — the safety of third-country aircraft. 8. Air security
4. Galileo and SESAR Following the attacks of 11 September 2001, Regulation (EC)
The Commission first presented its proposal on the satellite No 2320/2002 of 16 December 2002 was adopted, establishing
navigation system Galileo in February 1999. The aim of the common standards, measures and procedures in the field of
programme is to equip the EU with independent technology civil aviation security. Some of the areas covered by the
that can be used for a broad range of activities, in particular in regulation are passenger security checks, security restricted
the transport field. Galileo, which was set up by Council areas at airports, staff checks, cockpit security, training and
Regulation (EC) No 876/2002 of 21 May 2002 as a joint air-to-ground communication. The regulation requires each
undertaking (by the Commission and the European Space Member State to adopt a national civil aviation security
Agency (ESA)), was due to be ready for use by 2008. Because of programme. In September 2005, the Commission presented a
difficulties in the negotiations on the Galileo concession, the proposal to revise the regulation (COM(2005) 429). In early
Council of Ministers called on the Commission in June 2007 to 2008 the European Parliament and the Council agreed on the
present alternative proposals for the financing of the project new regulation ((EC) No 300/2008 of 11 March 2008). This
by September 2007. regulated, among other things, in-flight security measures,
A technological component of the single European sky, the such as entry to the flight crew compartment, the carriage of
SESAR programme aims to develop a new generation of weapons on board and the deployment of in-flight security
European air traffic management. The project is to be carried out officers (‘sky marshals’).
in three stages: the definition phase (2005–07), the development 9. Dealing with accidents
phase (2008–13) and the deployment phase (2014–20). Directive 94/56/EC of 21 November 1994 establishing the
5. Technical requirements and administrative procedures fundamental principles governing the investigation of civil
for civil aviation (EU-OPS) aviation accidents and incidents seeks to provide the
To ensure high safety standards, Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 competent authorities with an appropriate legal framework.
of 16 December 1991 set out to harmonise technical The Warsaw Convention, which governs air carriers’ liability in
requirements and administrative procedures in the field of civil the event of an accident, covers only international transport.
aviation. At the beginning of 2006, the Council and Parliament On 9 October 1997, the Community adopted Regulation (EC)
agreed to proceed with a revision of this regulation. This No 2027/97. It is applicable to accidents that befall Community
makes the technical requirements and administrative air carriers on domestic or international routes, in which
procedures (JAR-OPS) drawn up by the Joint Aviation passenger injury occurs. The liability limit is higher than that of
Authority part of Community law as ‘EU-OPS’. The regulation the Warsaw Convention. This regulation was then amended by
sets out detailed rules in a variety of areas, such as flight and Regulation (EC) No 889/2002 of 13 May 2002. With regard to
duty time limitations and rest requirements, instruments and airline liability in the event of an accident, Community law was
equipment, communication and navigation equipment, the brought fully into line with the Montreal Convention of 28 May
transport of dangerous goods and rules on cabin crew. 1999. This ensures the uniform application of certain rules
6. Safety of third-country aircraft regarding international air transport.
Directive 2004/36/EC of 21 April 2004 introduced a 10. New Commission proposals: single European sky II
harmonised procedure for the monitoring of the compliance In June 2008 the Commission presented the second single
of third-country aircraft with safety standards. European sky package (COM(2008) 389). It has four
Legal basis unfair competition from the merchant fleets of third countries
Article 80(2) of the Treaty establishing the European and against protectionist trends. The Community is particularly
Community (EC) (Treaty of Lisbon: Article 100(2) of the Treaty concerned to ensure that the principal maritime transport
on the Functioning of the European Union), supplemented by routes are kept open to all operators.
the Treaty’s general provisions on competition and the
freedom to provide services (3.2.3). Achievements
Objectives A. General
The aim is to apply the Treaty principle of freedom to provide Sea transport was the subject of a 1985 Commission
services to the Union’s sea transport industry and ensure that memorandum entitled ‘Progress towards a common transport
competition rules are complied with. This policy is based on policy — Maritime transport’ and a 1996 communication
the Community’s need to defend itself against the threat of ‘Towards a new maritime strategy’.
The Commission Green Paper on sea ports and maritime against unfair pricing practices adopted by certain third-
infrastructures (COM(97) 678) contained a detailed review country shipowners.
of the industry and took a close look at the problems of port
Regulation (EEC) No 479/92 granted a further block exemption
charges and market organisation. It also discussed
in favour of ‘consortia’ between liner shipping companies
integrating ports into the trans-European networks and
(further details of which have been decided on a number of
maximising their role as transhipment points in the
occasions over the years).
intermodal transport chain.
In 2004, the Commission also submitted revised guidelines for
B. Market access State aid to maritime transport communication (COM(2004)
1. First action to apply the principle of freedom to 43). This indicated what aid — particularly for the purpose of
provide services promoting the entry of vessels in the registers of the Member
Regulation (EEC) No 4055/86 of 22 December 1986, applying States or a return to registration under their flags — was
the principle of freedom to provide services to maritime compatible with Community law.
transport between Member States and third countries, In February 2001 the European Commission submitted a
abolished the restrictions on EU shipowners after a transitional
package of measures to establish clear rules and to set up an
period. It prohibited future cargo-sharing arrangements with
open and transparent procedure for access to services in
third countries other than for liner shipping in exceptional
ports — the ‘ports package’ (COM(2001) 35). The purpose
of the proposal was to open up port services to competition
Regulation (EEC) No 4058/86 of 22 December 1986, on and thereby realise the fundamental freedoms guaranteed
coordinated action to safeguard free access to cargoes in by the EC Treaty and comply with its competition rules, both
ocean trade, enables the Community to take retaliatory at individual sea ports and between them. This was intended
measures if EU shipowners or ships registered in a Member to increase the efficiency of sea ports. In addition, the
State encounter restrictions on the free access to cargoes. financial relationships between sea ports or port systems and
2. The free market: liberalisation of cabotage providers of port services on the one hand and the State
In June 1992 the Council adopted a package of measures to authorities on the other hand were to be rendered
phase in the liberalisation of cabotage, i.e. access for carriers transparent. After the European Parliament had rejected the
not resident in a given Member State to the maritime proposal at third reading on 20 November 2003, the
transport market between the ports of that Member State. Commission made a fresh attempt to tackle the matter and
Council Regulation (EEC) No 3577/92 of 7 December 1992 laid on 13 October 2004 submitted a new proposal (COM(2004)
down definitively the principle of liberalisation of cabotage 654), which was intended to overcome certain criticisms of
from 1 January 1993 for Community shipowners operating points in the original, failed proposal. However, the European
vessels registered in a Member State. The liberalisation process Parliament also rejected the new proposal, this time at first
was completed on 1 January 1999. reading, on 18 January 2006, and some time later the
Commission withdrew it.
C. Competition rules
The Commission then carried out a comprehensive
On 22 December 1986 the Council adopted Regulations consultation process, which resulted in its submission in
(EEC) No 4056/86 and (EEC) No 4057/86 as part of the October 2007 of the considerably broader ‘Communication on
maritime package. The first of these regulations laid down a European ports policy’ (COM(2007) 616). In it the
the procedures for applying the rules on competition to
Commission again discusses the framework conditions of
international maritime transport to or from one or more
competition law within and between the ports and announces
Community ports and aimed to ensure that competition
guidelines for State aid to ports, for example. In addition, the
was not distorted by means of agreements. It exempted
communication also deals with other challenges, however,
certain technical agreements and, in some cases, liner
such as efficiency and future capacities required by the ports,
conference agreements from the rules on competition laid
as well as the necessary connections with the hinterland,
down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty (a ‘block
environmental concerns and the far-reaching change in sea
exemption’). On 13 October 2004, the Commission adopted
a White Paper on the review of Regulation 4056/86,
applying the EC competition rules to maritime transport D. Working conditions
(COM(2004) 675). There it concluded that there was no Directive 1999/63/EC of 21 June 1999 was based on an
longer any justification for retaining the exemption for liner agreement between the European Community Shipowners’
conferences, as price stability could also be achieved by Associations (ECSA) and the Federation of Transport Workers’
means of other forms of cooperation which would distort Unions in the EU. It concerns the organisation of the
competition less. working time of seafarers on board ships flying the flag of an
The second regulation, Regulation (EEC) No 4057/86, provided EU Member State. Directive 1999/95/EC of 13 December 1999
for a redressive duty to protect Community shipowners complements it, applying to ships flying the flag of a third
the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) of safety Directive 98/41/EC of 18 June 1998 on the registration of
standards which should be as uniform as possible and persons sailing on board passenger ships makes it possible
recognised worldwide. The principal international agreements to monitor the number of passengers and thus improve the
include the International Convention for the Prevention of effectiveness and speed of rescue operations in the event of
Pollution from Ships (Marpol), the International Convention an accident.
for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the International
4. Port State control
Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW). The aim of Directive 95/21/EC of 19 June 1995 is to enforce
international environmental and safety standards more
The prompt amendment of Community law to take account effectively by means of compulsory regular inspections at
of these international agreements is an essential objective of Community ports (port State control). As a result, enforcement
the EU’s sea transport policy. In the past, however, not all IMO of safety standards and inspections of living and working
measures have proved adequate to improve safety at sea. It conditions on board ships are no longer left purely to the flag
was therefore equally necessary both for Member States and/ States but have partly become a matter for the competent
or the Community to participate in the further development authorities at EU ports. The directive was amended as part of
and improvement of these international agreements and to the Erika I package (see below).
adopt additional measures at EU level.
5. Ship inspection and survey organisations
(classification societies)
Achievements Council Directive 94/57/EC of 22 November 1994 lays down
A. Fundamental legislation common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey
As there are international rules to regulate safety at sea, the organisations (classification societies). It was likewise amended
Community’s main contribution has been to transpose them as part of the Erika I package.
into Community law, ensuring that they have legal force and B. Developments after the Erika and Prestige disasters
uniform application throughout the Member States. In the
After the accidents involving the Erika and Prestige, EU
1990s, considerable progress was made in this regard.
maritime safety standards were again tightened up
1. Training of seafarers considerably. In March and December 2000 the Commission
Directive 94/58/EC of 22 November 1994 on minimum training put forward the so-called Erika I and II packages to bring about
conditions for seafarers gave the 1978 IMO Convention on the necessary improvements. The following measures were
Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for adopted as a result.
Seafarers (STCW) the force of Community law. It has been 1. The Erika I package
amended a number of times in accordance with new
Directive 2001/105/EC of 19 December 2001 stepped up and
international requirements, and the various provisions were
simplified the Community rules and standards laid down in
consolidated by Directive 2001/25/EC of 4 April 2001. A
the original directive concerning ship inspection and survey
proposal to recast this directive (COM(2007) 610) is currently
organisations (classification societies). Its aim was uniform
going through the legislative procedure between the Council
compliance with standards, more stringent quality
of Ministers and the European Parliament.
requirements applicable to classification societies, greater
2. Ships’ equipment transparency of findings and making classification societies
Directive 96/98/EC of 20 December 1996 concerning on-board more independent of shipowners or shipbuilding companies.
equipment aims to ensure uniform application of the SOLAS The directive provides for the competent authorities of the
Convention on marine equipment for commercial vessels and Member States to monitor classification societies. If their
enforce the IMO resolutions deriving from it. performance is shown to be inadequate, their recognition can
be temporarily suspended or withdrawn altogether. In the
3. Safety of passenger craft event of proven negligence, a classification society can under
On 8 December 1995 the Community adopted Regulation (EC) certain circumstances be held liable for the consequences of
No 3051/95 on the safety management of roll-on/roll-off an incident involving a ship.
passenger ferries (‘ro-ro’ ferries). This laid down that safety
Directive 2001/106/EC of 19 December 2001 made port State
management systems must be established and maintained.
control compulsory for certain potentially hazardous vessels.
The safety of vessels providing scheduled services Member States are required to carry out inspections more
between two Community ports is the subject of Directive frequently and more thoroughly and to conduct more
98/18/EC of 17 March 1998. In addition to compulsory safety extensive inspections of certain high-risk vessels such as gas,
standards, the directive provides for regular inspections of oil and chemical tankers. In addition, the directive introduced a
ships and certification by means of safety certificates. This so-called blacklist. It became possible to deny access to EU
directive was amended by Directive 2003/24/EC of 14 April ports to ships sailing under the flag of a blacklisted State (the
2003 and Directive 2003/75/EC of 29 July 2003. blacklist being published in the annual report of the Paris
2. The Erika II package These proposals are currently passing through the legislative
procedure at the Council and the European Parliament. The
Directive 2002/59/EC of 27 June 2002 established a Community
Council of Ministers and the European Parliament are expected
vessel traffic monitoring and information system
to reach an agreement by the end of 2008/beginning of 2009.
(SafeSeaNet). The operator of any vessel wishing to call at a port
in a Member State must, in advance, supply various information C. Hazard control on ships and in port facilities
to the relevant port authority, particularly concerning dangerous In response to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, the
or polluting cargoes. The vessel must be fitted with an so-called ISPS code was adopted at the Diplomatic
automatic identification system (AIS), and a timetable was laid Conference of the IMO in 2002, as were various amendments
down for the compulsory fitting of vessels with voyage data to other international agreements. The aim is to improve the
recording systems (VDR systems or ‘black boxes’). The directive protection of ships and port facilities, particularly against
gave Member States greater powers of intervention and terrorist attack. Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 of 31 March 2004
authorised the competent authorities to forbid vessels from is intended to ensure uniform interpretation and
departing in bad weather conditions. It also required Member implementation of these IMO decisions. The regulation
States to adopt plans for giving refuge to vessels in distress. requires Member States, inter alia, to carry out security
Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002 of 27 June 2002 established the assessments at their port facilities and to monitor compliance
European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). Its task is to with security regulations.
provide scientific and technical advice to the Commission and
D. Environmental standards for shipping
to monitor the implementation of legislation in the field of
maritime safety. Its remit has recently been expanded to In recent years, numerous measures have been taken to
include new duties in the field of pollution control. protect the marine environment. These include:
sanctions (COM(2008) 134). This harmonisation should In the final report of this committee, which was adopted in
ensure that ships committing pollution offences are April 2004, the EP made many recommendations for future
penalised in the same way in all the Member States and measures in the field of safety at sea. It called for a
that offences within the EU are not able to escape comprehensive and coherent policy for maritime transport,
prosecution. based, inter alia, on the following additional measures: a ban
on non-compliant ships, the introduction of a system of
liability covering the entire maritime transport chain, and
Role of the European Parliament
improvements to the living and working conditions and
Parliament has strongly supported the initiatives relating to training for seafarers. Parliament also called for the
safety at sea and has helped to make progress in this field by establishment of a European coastguard, compulsory pilotage
means of initiatives of its own. in environmentally sensitive and navigationally difficult sea
After the Erika tanker disaster, Parliament urged the areas, and a clear decision-making and command structure in
Commission, in its resolutions of 20 January 2000 and 2 March Member States for dealing with maritime emergencies, in
2000, to submit concrete proposals for improving safety at sea. particular as regards the mandatory assignment of an
emergency mooring or port. Parliament took the view that EU
The Erika I and Erika II shipping safety packages which the action, such as the banning of flags of convenience from
Commission subsequently submitted received Parliament’s European territorial waters, might be necessary, and called
support. Parliament urged that the legislative procedure be upon the Commission to investigate the scope for introducing
concluded swiftly and also secured important improvements. mandatory insurance for vessels in European waters. The
For example, despite the initial resistance of some EU Commission has already taken account of many of these
governments, Parliament inserted a provision requiring ships requests in its proposed third package of measures to promote
to be equipped with voyage data recording systems (VDR safety at sea. In the subsequent legislative procedure,
systems or ‘black boxes’), which provide information for use in Parliament issued a reminder that this package should be dealt
investigations after an accident. with speedily at the Council of Ministers.
After the Prestige oil tanker disaster off the coast of Spain in
2002, the European Parliament (EP) decided to set up a g Nils Danklefsen
Temporary Committee on Improving Safety at Sea (MARE). July 2008
Legal basis safest modes of transport. The Community has more than
35 000 km of inland waterways linking many towns and areas
4.6.1. of industrial concentration. Inland waterways exist in 18 out
of the 25 Member States. The modal share of inland
Objectives waterway transport currently accounts for 7 % of total inland
transport in the European Union. In the hinterland of the
Together with rail and short sea shipping, inland waterway largest seaports, the modal share of inland waterway
transport is considered to be a mode of transport which can transport can reach up to 43 %.
contribute to sustainable mobility and help improve the
sustainability of the transport system. Per tonne-kilometre, Besides safeguarding the proper application of the legislation
inland waterway transport is extremely energy-efficient and on market access and competition as well as the
is regarded as one of the most environmentally friendly and harmonisation of specific legal provisions, attention has
well as strategic traffic information for time and journey the Marco Polo programme for the period 1 January 2003 to
planning. This will also open up new opportunities for better 31 December 2006 was EUR 75 million. The aim of the
freight and fleet management. programme is to shift international road freight traffic to short
sea shipping, rail and inland waterways as well as to promote
3. Promotion of inland waterway transport
innovative projects.
On 17 January 2006, the Commission proposed a multiannual
integrated European action programme for inland waterway Regulation (EC) No 1692/2006 of the European Parliament and
transport (NAIADES) (COM(2006) 6 final). It recommends of the Council of 24 October 2006 establishes a ‘Marco Polo II’
action to be taken between 2006–13 with the aim of fully programme. Relying on the proven mechanisms of the current
exploiting the market potential of inland navigation and programme, Marco Polo II includes two new actions: (a) larger
deploying the ample free capacities of inland waterway geographical scope for intermodal transport solutions and
transport more effectively. The programme provides for alternatives to road transport, including outside the EU, and (b)
numerous legislative, coordination and support measures, and motorways of the sea, which are intended to encourage a
focuses on five strategic areas: shift towards short sea shipping. During the negotiations on
the financial perspective, the EP and the Council agreed a total
— creating favourable conditions for services and the budget of EUR 450 million for ‘Marco Polo II’ for the period
development of new markets; this includes (a) testing and 2007–13.
introduction of new logistical concepts, (b) supporting
scheduled services for intermodal transport, (c) facilitating 2. Intermodal loading units
access to capital for SMEs, and (d) improving the In April 2003, the Commission presented a proposal for a
administrative and regulatory framework; directive on intermodal loading units (COM(2003) 155). It aims
to create new uniform technical norms for a European
— incentives for the modernisation of the fleet, e.g. by intermodal loading unit which can be used in all modes of
developing and promoting the use of innovative concepts transport. This would greatly simplify the process of
and technologies for the construction of new vessels; transhipment and make intermodal transport more
— measures to address the skills shortage, e.g. by competitive. An amended proposal by the Commission has
improving working and social conditions, greater mutual now been published after the European Parliament, but not
recognition of qualifications, and securing the existence of the Council, gave its opinion on this proposal.
education and training institutions; 3. Freight transport logistics
— promotion of inland navigation as a successful partner In June 2006, the Commission published its communication
in business, e.g. through more intensive publicity work or entitled ‘Freight transport logistics in Europe — the key to
by setting up and expanding a European inland waterway sustainable mobility’ (COM(2006) 336). It defines a strategy
transport promotion and development network; to improve the framework conditions in which to increase the
efficiency of individual modes of transport and their
— provision of appropriate infrastructure through the
combinations. The aim is to utilise fewer units of transport,
improvement and maintenance of the European waterway
such as vehicles, wagons and vessels, to carry more freight.
network and development of transhipment facilities, and
by supporting and coordinating the development and
introduction of RIS. Role of the European Parliament
The European Parliament has regularly voiced support for
B. Intermodality and logistics
inland waterway transport and measures to promote
Intermodal transport is defined as ‘a transport system whereby intermodal transport. In its resolution of 12 February 2003 on
at least two different modes are used in an integrated manner the Commission’s transport White Paper, the European
in order to complete a door-to-door transport sequence’. A Parliament called for the substantial expansion of the Marco
priority, in this context, is to integrate the more Polo programme with significant additional funding. It also
environmentally friendly modes of transport — rail, inland called for increased EU co-financing for key inland waterway
waterway and short sea shipping — into the transport chain projects undertaken within the framework of the TENs in a
more effectively. Impediments and friction costs arise primarily manner compatible with the requirements of EC
when there is a change of mode during a journey. This may environmental legislation, and called on the Commission to
result in higher prices, longer journeys and more delays, and submit a proposal for harmonised technical provisions for the
may have an impact on the competitiveness of intermodal implementation of river information services (RIS). It also called
transport. To that extent, improving the logistical quality and for a significant increase in the number of transport centres
efficiency of intermodal transport is a key objective. and logistical centres and put forward specific proposals to
1. Marco Polo programme improve and promote intermodality.
On 22 July 2003, the European Parliament and the Council The Commission’s proposal for a directive on intermodal
adopted Regulation (EC) No 1382/2003 on the Marco Polo loading units was adopted by the European Parliament on
programme. The financial framework for implementation of 12 February 2004, subject to certain amendments.
Paper referred in particular to the contribution made to job Est in France of PPs 4 and 17 entered into service in 2007;
creation, not only in building the infrastructure itself, but also and in 2008 the Madrid–Barcelona high-speed railway line.
through its subsequent role in economic development. It
— The transport projects were forced to comply with EU
identified 26 priority projects for transport, eight for energy
environmental legislation, particularly through a strategic
and nine for a data highway system. The Brussels European
environmental impact assessment as a complement to the
Council adopted the White Paper in December 1993 and set
conventional environmental impact assessment.
up two working groups, whose recommendations were
approved by the European Councils of Corfu and Essen in — The new concept of motorways of the sea, based on
1994 (foreseeing 14 priority projects for transport and 10 for intermodality, was introduced to make certain sea routes
the energy sector). more efficient and to integrate short sea shipping with rail
transport, by providing high-quality and frequent
B. Sectoral legislative measures alternatives to road transport. Four corridors were defined
1. Transport for the implementation of the motorways of the sea
a. The 1996 guidelines project to 2010 (Baltic Sea, western Europe via the Atlantic,
Decision No 1692/96/EC of 23 July 1996 on Community eastern and western Mediterranean).
guidelines for the development of the trans‑European — Six ‘European coordinators’ for particularly important
transport network (TEN-T) sets out broad lines for the projects were appointed in July 2005. They are important
measures necessary to set up the network. The decision European figures who act as mediators in order to facilitate
established characteristics of the networks for each mode of the contacts with the national decision-making authorities,
transport, eligible projects of common interest and priority transport operators and users, and representatives of civil
projects. Emphasis was placed on environmentally friendly society. They also lay the groundwork for the EIB’s
modes of transport, in particular rail projects. The TEN-T investment decisions.
encompasses all modes of transport and the entire territory of
the Union and they may extend to the EFTA countries, the — A Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency,
countries of south-eastern Europe and the Mediterranean based in Brussels, was set up in October 2006. It is responsible
countries. Initially, this decision incorporated 14 projects of for the technical and financial preparation and monitoring of
common interest that were adopted by the Essen Council. the decisions on the projects managed by the Commission.
Decision No 1346/2001/EC of 22 May 2001 amending the — By 2020 the TEN-T should cover 100 345 km of roads and
TEN-T guidelines with regard to seaports, inland ports and 106 845 km of railways, including 30 000 km of high‑speed
intermodal terminals subsequently added criteria for these railways (at least 200 km/h). In addition, 14 630 km of
remaining elements missing from the TEN-T, thereby providing inland waterway networks, 120 inland waterway ports, 23
for a Community ‘transport development plan’ encompassing inland/seaports and 264 Class A seaports (of international
all modes of transport. importance), as well as 407 airports are part of the trans-
European network. Completion of the TEN-T implies the
b. Revision of the TEN guidelines construction of the ‘missing links’, i.e. building or improving
The enlargements of the EU in 2004 and 2007, coupled with on the road network that existed in 2005 with 20 300 km of
serious delays and financing problems in the realisation of the motorways or high-quality roads, and 18 975 km of high-
TEN-T — particularly cross-border sections — led to the need speed railway lines (new or improved conventional lines).
for a thorough revision of the TENs guidelines. On the basis of In addition, 3 500 km of roads, 12 300 km of railways and
proposals made by a specially appointed working group 1 740 km of inland waterways are to be modernised.
headed by former European Commissioner Karel van Miert,
this revision was eventually adopted in the form of Decision — In May 2008 the Commission estimated the total costs at
No 884/2004/EC of 29 April 2004, amended by Council around EUR 900 billion for the period 1996–2020, EUR 500
Regulation (EC) No 1791/2006 of 20 November 2006. The million of which has yet to be invested between 2007 and
revision comprised the following main elements. 2020. On the basis of the latest data provided by the
Member States in April 2008, the costs of the priority
— A list of priority projects (PP) was increased to sections of 28 PPs — excluding the Galileo project and the
approximately 30, 18 of which relate solely to rail transport, motorways of the sea — amount to EUR 397 billion, an
3 to road transport, 4 to multimodal transport, primarily rail increase of 16.8 % compared with the 2004 estimate of
and road, 2 to internal waterways and 1 to the so-called EUR 340 billion (for more on the financing of the TENs, see
‘motorways of the sea’. Some of the projects have already fact sheet 4.7.2.).
been completed, e.g. the Øresund fixed link (between
Sweden and Denmark, 2000), Malpensa airport (Italy, 2001) 2. Energy
and the Betuwe railway line (between Rotterdam and the a. The 1996 guidelines
German border, 2007). Significant sections of some of the At the Essen Summit of December 1994, several energy
other projects have also been completed: the Nürnberg– projects were awarded priority status. Decision No 1254/96/EC
Ingolstadt section of PP 1 in 2006; the first phase of the TGV of 5 June 1996 laid down a series of guidelines for trans-
was created. This was intended as an added incentive for When the decision establishing new guidelines for the TEN-E
Member States to ensure prompter realisation of projects. was being adopted in 2006, the EP pointed out that the
With the adoption of the own-initiative report ‘Keeping Europe declaration of European interest and the possibility of
moving — sustainable mobility for our continent’ on 12 July appointing coordinators were essential tools for achieving a
2007, the EP took stock of the situation and laid down new genuine internal gas and electricity market and ensuring
objectives in the TEN-T sector. It stressed in particular that the security of supply, and it called for an improvement in
completion of the entire trans-European network is the best network interconnections. Moreover, it emphasised that in
way to create the conditions needed to make the most of the order to obtain Community funding the priority projects
different modes of transport through an approach called ‘co- should be compatible with the objectives of sustainable
modality’, and that a redistribution of the balance between the development and improve the EU network’s security of
modes of transfer (‘modal transfer’) is needed to reduce the supply.
environmental impact of transport. In this regard, the EP
encourages transfers to rail, bus and maritime transport, which g Piero Soave
still have only a small share of the market. July 2008
— multiannual and annual programmes in the fields of Regulation (EC) No 680/2007 introduces the loan guarantee
transport and energy for granting Community financial aid instrument as a form of Community financial aid for
to the selected projects; guarantees to be issued by the EIB on its own resources. The
EIB itself manages the Community contribution to the loan
— the amount of Community aid granted to studies is 50 %, guarantee instrument (Article 6(1) and Annex).
irrespective of the project of common interest concerned,
and the amount granted to priority projects is from 10 % to 3. Private sector contribution
30 % in the field of transport (with a maximum of 30 % for On 30 April 2004, the Commission published a Green Paper
cross-border sections of priority projects); (COM(2004) 327) on public–private partnerships (PPPs), which
examines PPPs in the light of Community law on public
— each year, the Commission shall submit a report on the contracts and concessions .
activities undertaken; in the implementation of the
regulation, it is assisted by a normative committee, In addition, on 7 March 2005, the Commission published a
composed of representatives of the Member States, which communication on the design of an EU loan guarantee
meets in the appropriate composition for the subject instrument for TEN-transport projects (COM(2005) 76). The
being discussed (transport, energy or telecommunications); instrument is intended to provide support for specific types of
PPPs. The aim is to stimulate private sector investment in
— inclusion of risk capital in EU financial aid; priority TEN-T projects by providing credit assistance.
— the financial contribution to the provisioning and capital
allocation for guarantees must be issued by the EIB from its C. The new financial framework for 2007–13
own resources under the loan guarantee instrument; For the new financing period 2007–13, the Commission, with
Parliament’s support, initially proposed EUR 20.35 billion for
— the financial framework for the period 2007–13 allocates
TEN-T and EUR 340 million for TEN-E. However, the Council
EUR 8 168 million to the TENs, EUR 8 013 million of which is
insisted on a drastic reduction of these funds. The agreement
for transport (TEN-T) and EUR 155 million for energy
between the Council and Parliament on the new TENs financial
(TEN-E) (see Section C);
framework provided for EUR 8 013 million in the area of
— taking into account that the estimated TEN-T investment in transport and EUR 155 million in the area of energy. Thus, the
priority projects far exceeds the amount of financial aid for amounts laid down in the financial framework represent only
transport for the period 2007–13, the Commission should, 40 % of the amount originally proposed in the area of
with the help of European coordinators, support and transport and 45 % of the amount for energy. The European
coordinate Member States’ efforts to finance and complete Parliament and the Council therefore agreed a revision of
the TEN-T network in line with the timetable laid down. It Regulation (EC) No 2236/95 laying down general rules for the
should also study and solve the long-term financial granting of Community financial aid in the field of trans-
problem, bearing in mind that the TEN-T building period European transport and energy networks. The new regulation
((EC) No 680/2007), applicable from 1 January 2007, stipulates funding. Thus, the percentage share of funding for transport
that, in order to complement national (public or private) infrastructure projects was fixed in such a way as to devote at
sources of financing, these limited Community resources least 55 % to railway projects (including combined transport)
should be focused on certain categories of projects which will and a maximum of 25 % to road projects. Furthermore,
provide the greatest added value for the network as a whole. Parliament emphasised the need for the Commission to
These include in particular cross-border sections and projects ensure coordination and coherence of completed projects
aimed at removing bottlenecks. In addition, the rates of with those financed by contributions from the Community
support should be modified for certain categories of projects budget, the EIB, the Cohesion Fund, the ERDF or other
(e.g. for certain waterways, ERMTS/ETCS or the SESAR Community financing instruments.
In its resolution of 8 June 2005 on the financial framework for
In addition, the contribution to TEN-T made by the cohesion 2007–13, Parliament welcomed the Commission proposal on
policy operational programmes adopted by the Commission TEN-E and on TEN-T priority projects. However, Parliament
was EUR 43 billion, including the contribution for ports and noted that the resources allocated for 30 transport priority
airports (approximately EUR 34.6 billion comes from the projects constitute a minimum amount which must be
Cohesion Fund and EUR 8.3 billion from the Structural Fund). regarded as subject to upward revision. It also declared its
As well as trans-European networks, the satellite navigation willingness to examine innovative financing instruments such
systems (EGNOS and Galileo programmes) are also financed by as loan guarantees, European concessions, European loans and
the EU. The amount allocated to the deployment phase of the an interest relief fund, or EIB facilities.
Galileo programme in particular is EUR 3 405 million for the After the Council had agreed massive reductions to the
period 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013. original Commission proposal at the end of 2005, Parliament,
in the subsequent negotiations on the financial perspective,
Role of the European Parliament urged that the amount allocated to the TENs be increased. In
the final agreement with the Council, Parliament obtained an
The European Parliament has the right of scrutiny over the
increase of EUR 500 million as well as extra EIB funding for the
Commission’s financing proposals. In the course of the
realisation of the TENs.
legislative procedure on the adoption of Regulation (EC) No
2236/95, Parliament requested amendments intended In its resolution of 12 July 2007, the EP calls on the Commission
primarily to improve criteria, objectives and procedures in to make proposals about the possible extension of new
order to provide Member States and businesses with more alternative and innovative ways of financing and to provide
certainty and transparency and to develop partnership extra resources for transport and the related research during
between the public and private sectors. the review of the financial framework in 2008 (paragraph 6).
In the subsequent legislative procedure on amendment of this
regulation, Parliament urged that more environmentally g Piero Soave
friendly modes of transport be given priority in terms of July 2008
enterprises, technical harmonisation, research, innovation, innovation and entrepreneurship, improved investment in
investment and EU-wide tendering. sustainable development and lastly the recognition of
The 1990 Commission communication entitled ‘Industrial changing societal demands. The Commission proposes that
policy in an open and competitive environment’ (COM(90) all these challenges be met through the promotion of
556) proposed a coherent industrial policy strategy aimed at innovation, knowledge and research, of entrepreneurship,
creating general conditions for enterprise to improve and of sustainable industrial production.
competitiveness of EU industrial policy and compensate The communication entitled ‘Fostering structural change: an
where necessary for market failure. The instruments provided industrial policy for an enlarged Europe’ (COM(2004) 274)
by various other EU policies were to be used. Industrial policy follows on from the December 2002 communication entitled
strategy has been refined and re-examined in the ensuing ‘Industrial policy in an enlarged Europe’ and the November
years. 2003 communication entitled ‘Some key issues in Europe’s
The 1993 Commission White Paper entitled ‘Growth, competitiveness — Towards an integrated approach’, which
competitiveness, employment — The challenges and had sketched out an analysis of the problem of
ways forward into the 21st century’ (COM(93) 700) referred deindustrialisation. The Commission proposes three types of
to the particular importance of expanding research and action to accompany structural change. Firstly, the EU must
technological development, adjusting education and training continue its efforts at better legislation and creating a
systems and accelerating the installation of trans-European regulatory framework that is favourable to industry. Secondly,
networks, especially in the areas of transport, the synergies between different Community policies having an
telecommunications and energy, in a partnership between the impact on industry’s competitiveness need to be better
public and private sectors. exploited. Thirdly, the Union must continue to develop the
sectoral dimension of industrial policy.
The 1995 Commission ‘Report on the implementation of
Council resolutions and conclusions on industrial policy’ The Commission communication on industrial policy,
(SEC(95) 437 final) showed that action taken by the EU on announced as part of the EU’s Lisbon programme in July 2005,
industrial policy contributes to a general improvement in aims to strengthen the European Union’s industrial sector by
competitiveness. The Commission reviews the state of developing a more integrated approach to industrial policy
competitiveness of EU industry in annual reports. The 2002 (COM(2005) 474). The health of manufacturing industry is
report on European competitiveness (SEC(2002) 528) essential for Europe’s ability to grow. This communication aims
examined issues such as the role of human capital in to extend and complete the existing framework of EU
economic growth, productivity in services, sustainable industrial policy by focusing on its practical application in the
development in manufacturing industry, and links between various sectors.
industrial policy and competition policy.
In December 1995, the Commission adopted the Green Paper Role of the European Parliament
on innovation (COM(95) 688 final), which identified factors that The Maastricht changes to the EC Treaty dealt with the
encourage or hamper innovation in the EU, and proposed, at question of industrial policy for the first time, an achievement
all decision-making levels, practical measures to step up the that can be attributed to initiatives by Parliament which
EU’s overall innovation capacity, with special emphasis on helped stimulate the reorganising of the steel sector and
SMEs. In 1996, Parliament endorsed the main principles of the called for a more dynamic industrial policy. Parliament
Commission’s conclusions on innovation. adopted numerous resolutions, including those listed below.
The Commission communication entitled ‘The — The resolution of 14 May 1998 on the Commission paper
competitiveness of European enterprises in the face of on ‘Competitiveness of European industry’ identified
globalisation’ (COM(98) 718) invited industry, trade unions weaknesses in the European economy (e.g. inadequate
and the EU institutions to define a new industrial policy and presence in new areas of information technologies, low
proposed measures for improving the competitiveness of EU investment, unfriendly tax systems causing company
companies in the global market. relocations, a fragmented single market coupled with a
lack of a European company identity) and called on the
The Commission considered it necessary to examine the
Commission to come forward with a genuine European
future of EU industrial policy in view of European
industrial policy based on a mix between incentives to
enlargement. In 2002, its communication entitled
encourage investments, loans or direct financial aid to
‘Industrial policy in an enlarged Europe’ (COM(2002) 714)
underlined the key role of knowledge and innovation in a help old industries modernise and the use of venture
global economy. EU industry is faced with the challenge of capital.
globalisation, which requires EU industry to respond quickly — The resolution of 15 January 1999 called on the
to unanticipated developments, and an increased Commission for a detailed analysis of the effects of the
convergence on regulatory issues. Other challenges include international financial crisis on EU industry, especially for
technological and organisational changes, improved textiles, steel and shipbuilding.
Legal basis Thus, since the Treaty of Maastricht, Article 157 of the EC Treaty
Fifty years after entering into force, the Treaty on the European constitutes the legal basis for the steel industry. This article is
Coal and Steel Community, as the legal base for steel industry, governed by co-decision, giving Parliament the role of co-
expired as planned on 23 July 2002. Before its expiry, it had legislator.
been amended on various occasions by the following Treaties:
the Merger Treaty (Brussels 1965), Treaties amending certain Objectives
financial provisions (1970 and 1975), the Treaty on Greenland The EU is the world’s second largest steel producer after China,
(1984), the Treaty on European Union (TEU, Maastricht, 1992), with total production of crude steel of 143 million tonnes in
the Single European Act (1986), the Treaty of Amsterdam 2004 (30 % of world production). The European steel industry
(1997), the Treaty of Nice (2001) and the Treaties of Accession comprises some 300 enterprises — almost all of them large.
(1972, 1979, 1985 and 1994). They account for about 1.8 % of the value added and 1.5 % of
At the beginning of the 1990s, following extensive debate, its employment in EU manufacturing. There has been a rapid
expiry was considered the best solution as opposed to growth in steel production elsewhere in the world — mainly
renewing the Treaty or a compromise solution. Thus, the in Asia — leading to a sharp decline in the EU’s traditional
Commission proposed a gradual transition of these two surplus in iron and steel. EU imports have increased from 15.4
sectors into the Treaty establishing the European Community. million tonnes in 1997 to 26.6 million tonnes in 2001. The EU is
The rules of this Treaty have applied to the coal and steel trade second to the USA in trading power, with Japan third.
since the expiry of the ECSC Treaty.
The Luxembourg-based Arcelor Group, created in February
A protocol on the financial consequences of the expiry of the 2002 following the merger of three steel producers — Aceralia,
ECSC Treaty and on the research fund for coal and steel is annexed Arbed and Usinor — became the world’s second largest
to the Treaty of Nice. This protocol provides for the transfer of all steelmaking group, with 5 % of the market. In 2006 following a
assets and liabilities of the ECSC to the European Community and bid of Mittal Steel, based in The Netherlands, a new group
for the use of the net worth of these assets and liabilities for called ArcelorMittal has been formed, which is the world’s
research in the sectors related to the coal and steel industry. leading steel company, by both revenue and production. The
company operates 61 plants across 27 countries, employing
Some decisions of February 2003 contain the necessary
some 320 000 employees.
measures for the implementation of the provisions of the
protocol, the financial guidelines and the provisions relating to EU tariffs for steel products are relatively low. The average
the research fund for coal and steel. consolidated bound rate was around 2 % in 2000, and all tariffs
disappeared in 2004 in line with the EU’s commitments in the US steel safeguards. Their arguments included the following
GATT Uruguay Round. Imports from many countries enter the points.
EU at preferential rates under bilateral agreements. Imports of — The USA hit a wide diversity of steel products on the basis
steel products from all countries except Russia, Ukraine and of an arbitrary definition of like-products.
Kazakhstan enter the EU freely without facing quantitative
restrictions or similar barriers. — The US action was not justified by sudden, recent, sharp
and significant increase in imports.
Naturally, the global economic situation has had a great
impact on demand for steel. World export prices for a tonne of — The USA failed to ensure that the injury caused by other
commonly traded hot-rolled coil rose to USD 400 during 2003, factors is not attributed to imports.
up from USD 260 in 2002 and USD 175 in 2001. The rises have — As a result, the US measures are disproportionate because
sparked anger on the part of big steel users like Caterpillar, the they go beyond the extent necessary to remedy the injury
US maker of construction machines, and Emerson, a leading caused by imports.
electronics equipment producer. Since January 2002, the
— The USA excluded imports from certain WTO members
shares of Ispat, Corus, Nucor and Arcelor (some of the largest
from the measures, in a manner incompatible with relevant
steelmaking companies in the world) have risen 85 %, 31 %,
WTO provisions.
28 % and 22 % respectively, relative to world stock markets.
However, while demand in the EU and the United States is — The USA failed to observe the obligation to grant equal
decreasing rapidly, China comes to the rescue of the world’s treatment in excluding developing members from their
steelmakers. Unexpected surges in demand of as much as protectionist measures.
10 % in 2002 pulled global steel consumption to a record level The tariffs affected two thirds of the EU’s steel exports and the
in 2002. The high demand is primarily a result of the country’s Commission rapidly took action, imposing additional customs
booming construction industry. duties on imports of certain US products. On 12 July 2002, the
To reduce costs and increase competitiveness, many large total number of steel products exempted from the tariffs was
steel producers are collaborating on the improvement of 250, or about 6 %. Most of the exempted products were
production technologies. In 2002, Eurostrip, an Arcelor, smaller speciality items, which are not sold in large volumes in
ThyssenKrupp and Voest Alpine consortium, set up two test the USA. Retaliatory sanctions from the EU towards the USA
plants in Germany and Italy, producing steel by a thin-strip could amount to as much as EUR 378 million. Pascal Lamy, the
method called Castrip, based on technology originally EU Trade Commissioner at the time, said the decision on
developed by BHP, an Australian mining and steel concern. The whether to retaliate or not would depend on how many
partners are currently attempting to license this technology, European steel companies gained exemptions from the tariffs.
which they say could lead to steel plants making 500 000 Climbing steel prices affect in particular the automotive
tonnes a year with half the costs of conventional mills. industry. In Russia, car producers have had to break contract
In March 2002, US President Bush announced tariffs for three relations with regional steel producers and start building new
years of up to 30 % on imported steel, guided by Section 201 ones with foreign suppliers, whose products can be cheaper.
of the Trade Act, a safeguard clause in US trade legislation. This Russia exports steel worth up to EUR 460 million a year to the
decision was made in order to protect the country’s ailing steel USA, but its exports are currently severely affected by the US
industry during a restructuring of the American industry. tariffs. However, the decrease in exports to the USA is being
President Bush had followed the International Trade partly compensated for by an EU–Russia trade agreement,
Commission’s recommendation from 2001 to impose signed on 9 June 2002, designed to increase imports of certain
significant tariffs of between 20 % and 40 % on 17 steel Russian steel products into the EU. The agreement increased
products for three years in order to remedy the steel crisis in quantitative limits for the import of steel products such as flat
the USA. Under WTO rules, countries can impose temporary and long products into the EU for 2002 to 2004. Similar
increases in tariffs, known as safeguards, to give time for a agreements have been made with both Ukraine and
domestic industry to restructure to improve competitiveness. Kazakhstan.
The EU Commission, however, claims the US action breaks From an environmental viewpoint the industry remains an
WTO rules. It is particularly concerned that there has been no important emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2), accounting for
overall increase in steel imports — a precondition for around 30 % of all industrial CO2 emissions in the EU. During
safeguard actions — and that some of the moves target the the last 20 years, the energy required to produce a tonne of
wrong steel products. Two thirds of EU steel exports were steel has fallen by 40 %, and throughout the 1990s there was a
affected by President Bush’s actions, which came into force reduction of 20 % in CO2 emissions for the industry. Steel is
two weeks after the announcement. 100 % recyclable with no downgrading in quality. This makes
In June 2002, the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body accepted steel the most recycled material in the world.
the request by the Commission and by other world producers In many of the new Member States the steel industry is of
that a panel should be established to judge the legality of the great importance. In March 2002, representatives from the
4.8.3. Shipbuilding
The European shipbuilding industry is governed by Article 157 of the EC Treaty, related to the industrial policy. Japan,
followed by South Korea, is currently the largest shipbuilding country. On a European level, the Norwegian group Aker
Yards stands at fourth place in the world.
already proposed reintroducing subsidies temporarily for Given the prospect of enlargement, the Commission proposed
European shipyards, but disagreement among the 15 States a new programme, LeaderSHIP 2015, which defines the future
had blocked the plan. This time, Competition Commissioner of the European shipbuilding and ship repair industry. This
Mario Monti said that the compromise plan would reduce programme was drawn up within the framework of the
the amount of subsidies from the originally proposed 14 % industrial policy in an enlarged Europe. LeaderSHIP 2015,
and that it would also limit their duration and scope. The which seeks to promote safe and environment-friendly
Commission will now hold a series of further negotiations shipbuilding together with a European approach to the needs
with the Korean authorities in an attempt to restore normal of the shipbuilding industry, is the equivalent of ‘G10
trading practices. The proposal for the defensive mechanism medicines’ for the pharmaceuticals industry and ‘STAR 21’ for
was limited to those market segments in which the the aerospace industry.
Commission and the Council found that the EU industry had
been considerably injured by unfair South Korean trade Role of the European Parliament
practices, namely container ships and tankers carrying
Parliament has for a long time defended the European
products in general and chemicals in particular.
shipbuilding sector, particularly in light of the competition
Seeing that the negotiations broke down between the EU and from South Korea. In its resolution of 30 May 2002, in which it
South Korean authorities in September 2002, the Commission states that, as early as November 2001, it approved the
stated in its communication on the world shipbuilding Commission proposal for a Council regulation concerning a
industry (sixth report) of November 2002 that it had again temporary defensive mechanism for shipbuilding, Parliament
initiated WTO action against South Korea through the dispute ‘recalls that it asked the Commission to amend its proposal to
settlement procedure. include other market segments, namely gas tankers (LNG and
On 11 June 2003, the Community called on the Dispute LPG carriers), ferries and ro-ro vessels, as these ship types are
Settlement Body (DSB) to establish a panel on the unfair also referred to in the complaint lodged with the WTO’.
practices of South Korea’s shipbuilding sector. As Regulation Parliament also reiterated its demand that the proposed
(EC) No 1177/2002 was due to expire on 31 March 2004 and as temporary defensive mechanism should accompany the
the Republic of Korea had not yet implemented the measures Community’s actions against South Korea in the WTO and that
decided upon in the ‘agreed minutes’ and the discussions in it should apply only for the duration of the WTO proceedings.
the WTO had little chance of finishing before that date, it was
decided that the temporary defensive mechanism would be g Miklos Györffi
extended to 31 March 2005. September 2006
on 24 March 1998 and over 100 regulations have been CO2 emission figure for new passenger cars of 140 g CO2/
developed under its auspices. There is a very strong analogy km by 2008/09;
between EU legislation and some of these regulations in terms — labelling of cars with information on fuel economy and CO2
of their technical provisions. The EU has adopted 78 emissions of new passenger cars offered for sale or lease in
regulations to date, most of which are considered to be the EU to enable consumers to make an informed choice;
equivalent to their corresponding EU directives. As a result,
type-approvals based on these regulations are accepted in the — the promotion of car fuel efficiency by fiscal measures. The
EU as equivalent to type-approvals based on the respective Environment Council in October 1999 reiterated the need
separate directives. to study the possibility of establishing a reference
framework for fiscal incentives.
In addition, the EU negotiated, through the UNECE, a new
global agreement of 1998 to allow non-contracting parties to The EU established a programme on air quality, road traffic
the 1958 global agreement, such as the USA, to be associated emissions, fuels and engine technologies (the auto-oil
more closely with the international harmonisation process. programme) in 1997. Its objective is to develop an enhanced
Both instruments have the same scope with regard to methodology to assess measures to reduce noxious emissions
harmonising technical regulations on motor vehicles and from road transport and other sources. This technical input will
parts, but the 1998 agreement does not provide for the mutual help develop vehicle emission and fuel quality standards and
recognition of approvals granted on the basis of global other measures to achieve the air quality standards and related
technical regulations. As regards decision-making, the 1998 objectives at least possible cost.
agreement is based on consensus, whereas the 1958 A study on emission control technology for heavy-duty
agreement relies on majority voting of regulations. In addition, vehicles, delivered in May 2002 by a consortium of six
unlike the regulations adopted under the 1958 agreement, organisations, will assist the Commission in the development
those adopted under the global agreement do not have direct of future legislation.
effect in the contracting parties’ legal systems.
The auto-oil II programme was reviewed by the Commission in
E. Environment policy its communication COM(2000) 626.
As far as environmental protection is concerned, significant Provisions to ensure that new passenger cars and light-duty
progress has been made in reducing pollutant emissions, trucks up to 3 500 kg are designed to comply with required
greenhouse gases and waste. minimum rates with respect to their reusability, recyclability
— Directive 70/220/EEC on measures to be taken against air and recoverability have been included in Directive 2005/64/EC
pollution by emissions from motor vehicles lays down the of the European Parliament and Council of 26 October 2005.
limit values for motor vehicle carbon monoxide and
unburnt hydrocarbon emissions. Role of the European Parliament
— Commission Directive 77/102/EEC added limit values for The EP has always taken a close interest in the EU automobile
emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx). industry. It has supported the Commission and encouraged it
to establish a common automobile market, to promote the
— Directive 88/436/EEC introduced limit values for particulate
general competitiveness of the automobile industry and to
emissions from diesel engines.
ensure a better balance of trade with third countries. Much
— Directive 94/12/EC introduced more stringent limit values attention has also been devoted to problems relating to air
and provided for a 50 % reduction in the most harmful pollution by emissions.
vehicle emissions compared with 1991 levels.
As far as CARS 21 is concerned, on 6 October 2005 Parliament
— Directive 98/69/EC introduced yet more stringent values to held a public hearing, organised jointly by the Committees on
apply from 2000 and 2005, according to the type of vehicle. the Internal Market, Transport and the Environment. The
The EU strategy to reduce CO2 emissions from passenger cars hearing examined the competitiveness of the car industry and
and improve fuel economy (COM(1995) 689 final) was issues concerning road safety and environmental protection.
endorsed by the Council in 1996. It aims to achieve an average Two members of the European Parliament participated in the
specific CO2 emission figure for all passenger cars of 120 g CO2/ CARS 21 high-level group as Parliament’s representatives in the
km by 2010 at the latest. The objective is to be achieved by group: Garrelt Duin (PSE) and Malcolm Harbour (EPP-ED).
three instruments:
— commitments by the automobile industry on fuel g Miklos Györffi
economy improvements, to achieve an average specific September 2006
taking place in a second field, that of new materials (advanced procedures for the marketing authorisation of medicinal
composite materials, plastics, ceramics, etc.), which have products, the Commission proposed amending Directives
themselves led to significant breakthroughs in 2001/83/EC and 2001/82/EC. This revision was implemented
microelectronics and biotechnology. Many chemicals firms through Directives 2004/27/EC and 2004/28/EC.
have taken part in projects sponsored under the framework
Alongside this revision, Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 amended
programme of EU research and technological development
the operation of the European Agency for the Evaluation of
activities. Not only does the programme provide financial
Medicinal Products (EMEA) and changed it to the European
contributions to meet 50 % of research costs, it also pools the
Medicines Agency. The changes to the centralised procedure
research carried out by various institutes and regions, opening
(Regulation (EC) No 2309/93) are corrections of certain
up new market opportunities.
operating methods and adjustments to take account of
B. Pharmaceuticals industry scientific and technological developments as well as the
The sector is characterised by: enlargement of the EU.
Legal basis generally used for actions in the field of industrial policy. The
Lisbon Treaty foresees a new legal basis (Article 189 TFEU) for a
Air transport policy is based on Article 80(2) of the Treaty coherent space policy.
establishing the European Community (EC), (Article 100(2) of
the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)).
Aircraft construction is based on Article 308 EC (Article 352 Objectives
TFEU), which covers the cases in which the Treaty does not Aerospace is vital to Europe’s objectives for economic growth,
make explicit provision for means of attaining one of the EU’s security and quality of life. It is influenced by a broad range of
objectives. Article 157 EC (Article 173 TFEU) is the legal basis European policies such as trade, transport, environment,
security and defence. European aerospace must maintain a public representative, the leaders of integrated technology
strong competitive position in the global aerospace demonstrators (ITDs) and the associate members of the
marketplace, a condition for achieving the EU’s economic and individual ITDs. It is also open to new members. The Clean Sky
political objectives. Joint Undertaking will rely on a number of external advisory
The new European space policy aims to foster better bodies, involving national States and the ACARE European
coordination of space activities between the EU, ESA and their technology platform for aeronautics. The maximum
respective Member States, thus enabling Europe to exert a Community contribution to the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking
global leadership in the space sector. covering running costs and research activities will be EUR 800
million paid from the budget appropriation allocated to the
theme ‘Transport’ of the FP7 specific programme ‘Cooperation’.
The European aerospace industry is one of the world’s leaders A. The aircraft industry
in large civil aircraft, business jets and helicopters, aero- 1. Competition policy
engines and defence electronics, accounting for one third of The Council resolution of 1975 and declaration of 1977 laid
all aerospace business turnover worldwide, compared with the foundations for coordinating Member States’ aircraft
almost half for US industry. construction policies given that aerospace technology is
advancing rapidly and becoming increasingly expensive,
According to the July 2002 report of the European Advisory
requiring extensive cooperation. The Airbus programme is
Group on Aerospace ‘Strategic Aerospace Review for the 21st
exemplary in this respect. Launched in 1968 as an economic
Century’ (STAR 21), which consists of seven aerospace industry
interest grouping, Airbus Industrie is now one of the most
chairmen, five European Commissioners, the EU High
important players in Europe’s aeronautical industry. Other
Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
cooperative projects are the Tornado, Alpha Jet and Transall
and two members of the European Parliament, the following
programmes, which, together with joint space projects,
features give the industry its distinctive character:
greatly increase the competitiveness of the European
— close links between civil and defence activities; manufacturers. In 1985 a number of EU countries agreed to
— the cyclical nature of the industry; pool their resources in developing the EFA or ‘Eurofighter’ for
the 1990s.
— high level of capital intensity;
In its 1997 communications on the European aerospace and
— consolidation;
defence-related industries, the Commission recognised that
— privatisation; the industry was too fragmented to face up to international
— EU–US relationships. competition and that restructuring was going too slowly.
Accompanying measures were needed — actions under the
In response to the STAR 21 report, the Commission has fifth European framework programme for research, the
published a communication (COM(2003) 600), which proposes application of public procurement rules, the adoption of a
a coherent framework for the aerospace industry. European company statute, uniform certification by a
The ‘Clean Sky’ joint technology initiative for aeronautics European civil aviation authority and European standardisation
and air transport, one of the first of the new JTIs to get off — to avoid a de facto US monopoly.
the ground under FP7, is a public–private partnership that will In its 1999 communication ‘The European airline industry: from
bring together EU-funded projects and major industrial single market to worldwide challenges’, the Commission
stakeholders in the aeronautics and aerospace sectors with the assessed the progress of the European airline industry and
goal of providing a step forward in the technology capability identified policies to safeguard its competitiveness.
of ATS environment-friendly systems. Clean Sky received a
positive vote from the European Parliament and was formally With a view to ensuring the competitiveness of Europe’s
adopted by the Council of Ministers in December 2007. Clean industries, the communication ‘Industrial policy in an Enlarged
Sky is the largest European research project ever, at EUR 1.6 Europe’ (COM(2002) 714) mentioned the aerospace sector as
billion equally shared between the European Commission and one of the sectors that required a clear commitment on the
industry, over the period 2008–13. For the implementation of part of the EU and the Member States to improve
the Clean Sky JTI, Council Regulation (EC) No 71/2008 sets up a competitiveness.
joint undertaking (based in Brussels) for the period up to 31 Following the United States’ withdrawal from the 1992 bilateral
December 2017 (Clean Sky Joint Undertaking) which will EU–US agreement and the initiation of WTO dispute
contribute to the implementation of the seventh framework settlement procedures against the EU, the EU for its part on
programme and in particular Theme 7, Transport (including 6 October 2004 decided to mirror the US steps by initiating
aeronautics), of the specific programme ‘Cooperation’. The WTO dispute settlement procedures regarding various US
members of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking will be the federal, State and local subsidies benefiting Boeing. A WTO
European Community represented by the Commission as panel was set up thereafter.
linking the demand and supply of space systems within a is managed by the ESA and the Commission manages the
strategic partnership; development of GMES services through FP7 and assures
— achieving greater coherence and synergy of research and optimal integration of data from in-situ monitoring.
development in order to optimise the use of resources — applications of satellite telecommunications to provide
available in Europe, including the network of technical centres. affordable and economically viable services to the largest
It also made provision for joint and concomitant meetings of possible customer base;
the Council of the European Union and the ESA Council at — security aspects (complementary to security research and
ministerial level. Since then, the so-called ‘Space Council’ has to GMES activities);
met several times (25 November 2004, 7 June 2005 and 28 — exploration of space;
November 2005) for the adoption of jointly-endorsed
orientations for space. In May 2005 the Commission set out — RTD for strengthening space foundations (space
the preliminary elements of Europe’s space policy in a technology and space sciences).
communication (COM(2005) 208). On 22 May 2007 the The EU Member States have earmarked EUR 1.43 billion for
European Space Council adopted the resolution on the funding the space element over the duration of FP7.
European space policy through which the European Union,
3. Galileo — the flagship EU satellite navigation system
ESA and their Member States have for the first time a common
political framework for space activities in Europe that will Finding your way around a large building, tracking pollutants
benefit all citizens and keep European industry strong and and dangerous goods, monitoring animal migration, allowing
competitive. The new European space policy highlights the the location of stolen property, or lost pets or individuals or
importance of the space sector as a strategic asset for the allowing near real-time reception of messages in case of
independence, security and prosperity of Europe, makes emergency are only a few examples of the benefits Galileo
specific reference to defence and security applications, aiming could provide. The Galileo satellite radio navigation system
to support increasing synergies between military and civil is an initiative launched by the European Union and the
space programmes, calls for ensuring sustainable funding for European Space Agency which aims to be the first satellite
space applications and provides for a specific coordination positioning and navigation system in the world specifically
mechanism for such international cooperation. designed for civil purposes. The EGNOS programme, which is
also a part of the European satellite radionavigation policy,
At a time when new world players, such as China or India, are aims to improve the quality of signals from the American GPS
now becoming significant competitors in establishing space and the Russian Glonass systems to ensure reliability over a
projects, the Lisbon Treaty foresees a new legal basis (Article vast geographical area. In light of the changes in the course of
189 TFEU) for a coherent space policy to promote scientific the Galileo programme since the start of 2007 and in particular
and technical progress, industrial competitiveness and the the fact that the European Community will now assume
implementation of its policies. To this end, the Union will responsibility for the deployment of the system and the
promote joint initiatives, support research and technological resulting additional cost for the Community budget during the
development, coordinate the efforts needed for the 2007–13 financial framework, the Commission put forward a
exploration and exploitation of space and establish any proposal for a regulation on the further implementation of the
appropriate relations with ESA. The European Parliament and European satellite radionavigation programmes (EGNOS and
the Council will have shared competences and will adopt the Galileo) to amend its initial proposal (COM(2004) 477). The
necessary measures in accordance with the so-to-be-called current proposal abandons the concession contract with the
‘ordinary legislative procedure’ excluding any harmonisation of private sector and the principle of public–private partnership
the laws and regulations of the Member States. for the deployment phase. The European Parliament realises
2. Research and development policy the technological, political and economic importance of the
For many years, Europe’s public financial support for space programme and has consistently given its full support. The
research and development was channelled through national main innovations which will strengthen the role of the EP are:
space organisations and the ESA, although several space- the application of the regulatory procedure, with scrutiny on
related R & D technology projects have been financially the most important aspects of the decision-making, and the
supported under the sixth and seventh EU research framework introduction of a new institutional mechanism for monitoring
programmes. The seventh framework programme (FP7) (2007– the programmes: the Galileo Interinstitutional Panel (GIP).
13) is supporting a European space programme focusing on
applications such as: Role of the European Parliament
— global monitoring for environment and security (GMES) — a In January 2002 Parliament stated that it ‘welcomes the
European initiative to combine satellite and other drafting of a coherent European strategy for space and
observation data in order to provide value-added emphasises the importance of close and effective cooperation
information services dealing with environment and security; between the Commission and the European Space Agency on
under FP7 the development of the GMES space component this initiative’.
— Article 149 EC (education), (Article 165 TFEU); Article 151 EC Under the Treaty of Rome the audiovisual field was not defined
(culture), (Article 167 TFEU). as a separate policy. The growing economic importance of the
audiovisual sector over the years and its very great sociological
and cultural implications prompted the first attempts to open
Objectives up the audiovisual market to competition in the Member
— To strengthen the internal market for broadcasting and States at the beginning of 1980s. In 1984 the Commission
audiovisual services. adopted a ‘Green Paper on the establishment of a common
market in broadcasting, especially by satellite and cable’ and in nonlinear audiovisual media services) which are defined as ‘an
1987 a ‘Green Paper on the development of the common audiovisual media service provided by a media service
market for telecommunication services and equipment’. It was provider for the viewing of programmes at the moment
in 1989, with the adoption of the Council Directive 89/552/EEC chosen by the user and at his individual request on the basis of
on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, a catalogue of programmes selected by the media service
regulation or administrative action in Member States provider’. The aim of the directive is to deepen the internal
concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities — market for nonlinear/on-demand audiovisual services
known as the TV without frontiers directive — that a (minimum harmonisation with regard to protection of minors,
common audiovisual policy began to take shape. The hate speech, commercial communication) and to modernise
Maastricht Treaty or the Treaty on European Union, which was the rules, especially advertising rules, for linear/broadcast
signed in 1992 and entered into force on 1 November 1993, services. Jurisdiction will continue to be determined on the
added a specific reference to the audiovisual sector in basis of the country-of-establishment principle but the
Article 128, which deals with culture: ‘Action by the directive contains a procedure which allows a Member State
Community shall be aimed at encouraging cooperation to oblige a television broadcast directed wholly or mostly
between Member States and, if necessary, supporting and towards a Member State other than the one where the
supplementing their action’ in such fields as ‘artistic and literary broadcaster is established to comply with its own national
creation, including in the audiovisual sector’. Furthermore, the rules. The directive keeps the basic principles of the current
Community should take cultural aspects into account in its directive as well as amending and introducing new rules
action under other provisions of this Treaty. The Treaty of including those listed below.
Amsterdam, which was signed on 2 October 1997 and entered — Access to short news reports: Member States must
into force on 1 May 1999, was accompanied by a protocol on ensure that any broadcaster established in the Community
the system of public broadcasting. It confirmed the has access on a fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory
importance attached by the Member States to the role of basis to events of high interest to the public which are
public broadcasting, which is linked to the democratic, social transmitted on an exclusive basis for the purpose of short
and cultural needs of each society as well as to the need to news reporting.
safeguard plurality in the mass media.
— European works in on-demand audiovisual media
Television without frontiers directive (TVWF directive) services: Member States shall ensure that on-demand
The 1989 TWF directive was modified in 1997 to clarify certain audiovisual media services provided by media service
of its provisions and to bring it up to date with technological providers under their jurisdiction promote, where
developments such as teleshopping and sponsoring. It practicable and by appropriate means, the production of
regulates television broadcasting services and includes and access to European works.
traditional TV, pay-per-view and near-video-on-demand but
— Product placement: In principle it is prohibited but
not video-on-demand and on-demand information services.
exemptions to this principle are provided for certain types
The directive’s current version contains provisions, inter alia, on
of programme (films, series, sports, light entertainment)
the country of origin principle, promotion of European works
subject to certain conditions. In any event programmes for
(the so-called ‘quotas’ regime), advertising and sponsorship,
children are not allowed to contain product placement.
broadcasting of major events of major importance for society
and the right to reply. The directive set up a contact — Protection of minors in on-demand audiovisual media
committee which is composed of representatives of the services: Programmes which might seriously impair the
responsible authorities from the Member States. physical, mental or moral development of minors should
only be made available in such a way that ensures that
The audiovisual media services directive
minors will not normally hear or see such on-demand
Meanwhile the new and fast developing information and audiovisual media services.
communication technologies combined with other
developments in the broadcasting markets are set to — Co- and self-regulation: Member States must encourage
transform the European audiovisual landscape. Consequently media service providers to develop codes of conduct
on 13 December 2005 the Commission proposed a directive towards children, for example to preclude junk food
on audiovisual media services amending the TVWF directive commercials aimed at children.
(COM(2005) 646). Directive 2007/65/EC adopted on — Advertising: A core of ‘qualitative’ rules on audiovisual
11 December 2007 amends the television without frontiers commercial communication is applied to all audiovisual
directive and renames it ‘audiovisual media services media services. The rules which apply only to linear
directive’ (AVMSD). It entered into force on 19 December services have been simplified and streamlined. Commercial
2007 and the deadline for implementation by the Member breaks are only allowed once every 30 minutes in TV films
States is 19 December 2009 at the latest. In the meantime the (excluding series, serials and documentaries),
TVWF directive remains fully applicable. The scope of the new cinematographic works and news programmes. In
directive is extended to cover on-demand services (i.e. children’s programmes, commercial breaks will be allowed
services, mobile TV and future new services that differ from spectrum will bring the greatest benefits and which actions
today’s fixed or mobile offerings. The digital switchover will need to be taken at EU level.
have a significant impact on the EU economy, driving
Related acts
innovation, job growth and productivity.
— Communication of 2 February 2006 from the Commission
The switchover from analogue to digital TV broadcasting in to the Council, the European Parliament, the European
Europe, expected by 2012, will release significant spectrum Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the
known as the ‘digital dividend’. In its communication of Regions on reviewing the interoperability of digital
13 November 2007 entitled ‘Reaping the full benefits of the interactive television services pursuant to communication
digital dividend in Europe: A common approach to the COM(2004) 541 of 30 July 2004 (COM(2006) 37).
use of the spectrum released by the digital switchover’,
the European Commission defines the digital dividend as ‘the — Communication of 29 September 2005 from the
spectrum over and above the frequencies required to support Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the
existing broadcasting services in a fully digital environment, European Economic and Social Committee and the
including current public service obligations’ — meaning part Committee of the Regions on EU spectrum policy priorities
of the frequency bands from 174 to 230 MHz (VHF) and from for the digital switchover in the context of the upcoming
470 to 862 MHz (UHF). Due to digital compression systems the ITU Regional Radiocommunication Conference 2006 (RRC-
same amount of spectrum needed for one analogue TV 06) (COM(2005) 461).
channel can be used for six to eight standard digital TV — Communication of 24 May 2005 from the Commission to
channels. The 27 Member States do not have a common the Council, the European Parliament, the European
timetable to switch to fully digital broadcasting. In many Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the
Member States plans for the digital switchover are hardly Regions on accelerating the transition from analogue to
developed, while in a few others, Sweden and Finland, the digital broadcasting (COM(2005) 204).
switchover has already taken place.
— Communication of 30 July 2004 from the Commission to
The Commission also proposed freed-up frequencies to be the Council, the European Parliament, the European
arranged into clusters for the three most common types of Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the
networks. Regions on interoperability of digital interactive television
— Unidirectional high power networks (i.e. mainly for fixed services (COM(2004) 541).
broadcasting services): This part of the UHF should be used
— Communication of 17 September 2003 from the
both to ensure the continuation of existing TV
Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the
programmes in digital format (which is formally outside of
European Economic and Social Committee and the
the scope of the digital dividend) as well as to deploy
Committee of the Regions on the transition from analogue
appropriate resources to accommodate new
to digital broadcasting (from digital ‘switchover’ to
broadcasting needs fitting this traditional structure of
analogue ‘switch-off’) (COM(2003) 541).
Mobile TV is a product of the convergence of media, telecom
— Unidirectional medium to low power networks (i.e.
and information technologies and it has the potential to
typically for mobile multimedia services, and newer forms
provide personalised, time-shifted and on-demand audiovisual
of converged broadcasting and communications services).
content, anytime, while on the move. Several bearer
— Bi-directional low power networks (i.e. typically for fixed technologies currently dominate the mobile TV landscape
and mobile broadband access services): This cluster could with DVB-H being a clear contender to become a single
also possibly include other applications such as innovative standard in the EU market. The potential market for mobile TV
low power broadcasting services. is substantial but the take-up of services in Europe remains
slow in comparison with the USA and Asia as multiple
A different degree of spectrum planning coordination is
technical standards may hamper the emergence of a strong
envisaged: national management for unidirectional high
internal market for mobile TV. In response, in its
power networks; national management combined with
communication entitled ‘Strengthening the internal market for
optional EU coordination for unidirectional medium to low
mobile TV’ (COM(2007) 409 of 18 July 2007) the European
power networks; and EU harmonisation on a flexible basis for
Commission identified the Digital Video Broadcasting
bi-directional low power networks.
Handheld (DVB-H) standard as the most suitable for the future
Considering both the amount of spectrum available after the development of terrestrial mobile TV in Europe and
switchover and the desirability of UHF spectrum for a variety of announced its intention to push for a single standard and a
applications for both broadcasters and telecom operators, the consistent regulatory regime across Member States to achieve
Commission’s proposals for the digital dividend will be the economies of scale and flexibility for users. The Commission
focus of intense debate in the European Parliament and in the communication on the digital dividend proposes that one of
Member States regarding to which services the freed the identified sub-bands ‘unidirectional medium to low power
2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic rights, basic access and quality of service (‘net neutrality and
communications networks and services (authorisation freedoms’), one day number portability, access to freephone
directive); Directive 2002/19/EC on access to, and numbers from abroad; more responsibility to operators and
interconnection of, electronic communications networks and NRAs with respect to the security and integrity of networks
associated facilities (access directive); Directive 2002/22/EC and services; and the establishment of a new telecoms body.
on universal service and users’ rights relating to electronic
To become law, the Commission’s proposals will need to be
communications networks and services (universal service
approved by the European Parliament and the Council of the
directive); Directive 2002/58/EC concerning the processing of
European Union.
personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic
communications sector (e-privacy directive). Directive 3. Other initiatives
2002/77/EC on competition in the markets for electronic In light of the excessive roaming charges that consumers and
communications networks is also considered part of the business travellers have so far endured while abroad in other
regulatory framework. So are the radio spectrum decision EU countries, on 12 July 2006 the Commission launched a
(No 676/2002/EC) and the amended decision (2004/641/EC) proposal for a separate regulation for roaming charges on
establishing the European Regulators Group for Electronic public mobile networks within the Community, to reduce
Communications Networks and Services (2002/627/EC). roaming charges (COM(2006) 382). The EU roaming
regulation ((EC) No 717/2007) became binding law in all 27
2. The 2007 review
Member States on 30 June 2007. It only applies to voice calls
Article 25 of the framework directive requires that a review of
within the EU and expires on 30 June 2010. Consumers will
the framework has to commence no later than 25 July 2006.
benefit from the ‘Eurotariff’ that sets a maximum limit for calls
The Commission launched the consultation process in two
made and received when abroad in an EU country and carriers
phases — at the end of 2005 as a ‘call for input’ which paved
are expected to compete below this cap. The Eurotariff rates
the way for a second consultation launched by the
will gradually decrease from 2007 to 2009. Wholesale charges
Commission on 29 June 2006. According to the Commission,
(the prices that operators charge each other for roaming) are
despite improved competition in some areas a substantial
also capped. The Commission shall review the functioning of
reform of the 2003 regulatory framework is considered
this regulation and report to the European Parliament and the
necessary as its assessment shows that there is a continued
Council no later than 30 December 2008. On 7 May 2008 the
lack of a single market for electronic communications and
Commission launched a public consultation on the
increasing divergence of regulatory approaches in the
functioning and effects of the EU roaming regulation as well as
enlarged EU.
on specific issues such as inadvertent roaming, the effect of
The Commission’s proposals were adopted on 13 November the regulation on smaller operators and on domestic prices,
2007 and include: a proposal for a directive amending the the issue of actual and billed minutes, the need for a
framework, access and authorisation directives (better regulation for data roaming services and SMS and the duration
regulation directive); a proposal for a directive amending the of the EU roaming regulation.
universal service and e-privacy directives (citizens rights
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is an emerging
directive); a proposal for a regulation establishing the
technology with great potential for the European industry,
European Electronic Communications Market Authority
citizens and society in general and the forerunner of the
(EECMA regulation). In addition, the three legislative reform
emerging ‘Internet of Things’, a vision of the future where
proposals are accompanied by an impact assessment, a
everyday objects have individual digital presence and are
communication setting out the outcome of the review and
networked. From March to October 2006 the Commission
summarising the reform proposals and a second edition of the
conducted a series of high-level workshops and a first public
recommendation on relevant product and service markets
consultation. In November 2006 the Commission issued a
according to which the number of markets susceptible to ex
decision on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for RFID
ante regulation is reduced from 18 to 7. The Commission has
devices operating in the ultra-high frequency (UHF) band. In
also presented a communication entitled ‘Reaping the full
March 2007 the Commission adopted a communication
benefits of the digital dividend in Europe: A common
entitled ‘Radio frequency identification (RFID) in Europe:
approach to the use of the spectrum’.
steps towards a policy framework’ (COM(2007) 96). An RFID
The main proposed changes to the current framework are, Expert Group was established in June 2007. From 21 February
inter alia, the following: a spectrum management reform, to 25 April 2008 the Commission launched a public
including the introduction of the principles of technological consultation, in the form of an online questionnaire on the
and service neutrality, and spectrum trading; a stronger draft text of a Commission recommendation on the
control role for the Commission in remedies and the implementation of privacy, data protection and information
introduction of functional separation (forced separation of security principles in applications supported by RFID. As part
activities without divestiture of assets) as a possible remedy for of the review of the e-privacy directive in the context of the
national regulatory authorities (NRAs); measures aimed at 2007 EU telecom reform the Commission proposed
strengthening and improving consumer protection and user amendments to the e-privacy directive with respect to RFID
Community support programmes into a common approximately 2 500 new .eu domain names being registered
framework (COM(2005) 121). One of the three specific each business day, the EU top-level domain is a real promoter
programmes in the CIP framework is the ICT policy support of an EU Internet identity.
programme (the two others are the entrepreneurship and
The 112 single European emergency call number was
innovation programme and the intelligent energy-Europe
established by Council Decision 91/396/EEC of 29 July 1991
programme). The ICT policy support programme will build
and reinforced through Article 26 of the universal service
on the aims of the previous e-TEN, Modinis and eContent
directive. Today 112 is available in all but one EU Member
programmes and will support the objectives of the
State. Member States are also obliged to make sure that
integrated strategy i2010 — European information
emergency services are able to establish the location of the
society 2010. The ICT programme has a budget of
person calling 112. From 2010 onwards all new cars should be
EUR 730 million and will stimulate the new converging
equipped with an e-call system that will send accident data,
markets for electronic networks, media content and digital
including the car’s location in the case of emergency.
technologies. It will test solutions to the bottlenecks that
delay wide European deployment of electronic services. It On 15 February 2007 the Commission adopted Decision
will also support the modernisation of public sector 2007/116/EC on reserving the national numbering range
services to raise productivity and improve services. beginning with ‘116’ for harmonised numbers for harmonised
services of social value such as the 116000 hotline to report
— The ‘e-Inclusion: be part of it!’ campaign was formally missing children. In October 2007 the decision was amended
launched in December 2007 following the adoption on 8 to include the numbers 116111 and 116123. which should be
November 2007 of the communication ‘European i2010 used as helplines for children and adults in need of support
initiative on e-Inclusion — to be part of the information (2007/698/EC).
society’. The communication also proposes a strategic
framework for action to implement the Riga ministerial C. ICT and research
declaration ‘ICT for an inclusive society’ of June 2006, by In the context of the research framework programmes (FPs)
enabling the conditions for everyone to take part in the information technologies have been given substantial
information society by bridging the broadband, attention. The seventh framework programme (FP7)
accessibility and tackling competences gaps, accelerating (2007–13), as a natural successor of the fifth framework
effective participation of groups at risk of exclusion and programme (FP5) (1998–2002) and the sixth framework
improving quality of life and integrating e-Inclusion actions programme (FP6) (2002–06), again includes ICT as one of
to maximise lasting impact. the 10 central thematic areas under ‘Cooperation’, one of the
four specific programmes, and again proposes ICT as one of
— Intelligent car initiative — ‘Raising awareness of ICT for
the most highly prioritised areas as regards budget allocation.
smarter, safer and cleaner vehicles’ is a programme
A total of EUR 9.1 billion is earmarked for funding ICT over the
launched in February 2006 by the Commission to remove
duration of FP7, making it the largest research theme in the
bottlenecks in rolling out intelligent systems and to speed
‘Cooperation’ programme, which is itself the largest specific
the development of smarter, safer and cleaner transport for
programme of FP7, with a budget of EUR 32 billion. The aim is
Europe. It is a flagship initiative of the EU’s i2010 strategy
to enable the EU to master and shape future developments in
and is intended to promote the use of ICTs in cars and
ICT to meet the demands of the society and the economy,
transport infrastructure. On 19 June 2008 the first
drive growth and sustainable development and boost
‘Intelligent car’ report, entitled ‘Towards Europe-wide safer,
innovation, creativity and industry competitiveness. Actions
cleaner and efficient mobility’, was discussed and voted on
have been decided to strengthen Europe’s scientific and
by the European Parliament plenary in first reading.
technological base in ICT, stimulate innovation through ICT
On 3 January 2008 the Commission adopted a communication use and ensure that ICT progress is rapidly dispersed and
on creative content online in the single market, which deployed. The joint technology initiatives (JTIs), which stem
launched a public consultation in preparation for the adoption primarily from the work of European technology platforms
of a recommendation on creative content online. A (ETPs), are a new concept in FP7. They are proposed as a new
stakeholders’ discussion and cooperation platform, the so- way of realising public–private partnerships in fields of key
called ‘Content online platform’, will work on the four main, importance for industrial research and development at
horizontal challenges identified by the Commission: availability European level and would have particular relevance in the ICT
of creative content, multi-territory licensing for creative domain.
content, interoperability and transparency of digital rights
management (DRM) systems, legal offers and piracy. Role of the European Parliament
On 7 April 2008 the EU top-level domain celebrated its The European Parliament advocates a robust and advanced
second anniversary since it became available to the general ICT policy. As the area is largely subject to co-decision, the
public within the EU (Regulation (EC) No 733/2002). With more European Parliament has been very active in the adoption of
than 2.8 million registered .eu domain names, and legislative acts. However, it has also constantly helped to keep
Directive 90/219/EEC governs work activities involving the Outside the EU, cotton is already a major GM crop. Cotton does
contained use of genetically modified micro-organisms not have any food use in Europe beyond the small (and
(GMMs) (extended by the majority of Member States to economically irrelevant) quantities consumed as cotton seed
include all use of GMOs under contained conditions in oil. Fibre and wood/paper will probably remain the main
national laws). candidates in this category for some time. There are other
plants that have dual uses. Conventional rape is already used
As individual sectors have continued to expand, a move
for diesel production, apart from feed and oil. If a food/feed
towards a more sector-based approach has developed,
plant is genetically modified to replace petroleum products by
particularly in terms of the commercialisation of products. For
producing fine chemicals, but not to be used for food/feed, it
will need approval under Directive 2001/18/EC. If it were also
— Regulation (EEC) No 2309/93 largely governs pharmaceutical used for food or feed, further approval under the proposed GM
and medicinal applications. It laid down procedures for the food and feed regulation would also be necessary. A further
authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for example is a plant modified to contain and be consumed as a
human and veterinary use and established the European pharmaceutical compound, for example a plant vaccine. This
Medicines Agency (EMEA) in London. modification would have to be approved by EMEA, which
— Regulation (EC) No 258/97 governs GM foods and GM would also have to perform an environmental risk assessment
seeds under the various seed directives (66/401/EEC, equivalent to that under Directive 2001/18.
66/402/EEC, 66/403/EEC, 69/208/EEC, 70/457/EEC and 4. Pharmaceuticals
70/458/EEC on the marketing of seeds). Biotechnology is a key driver of progress in the pharmaceuticals
This sector-based legislation has introduced provisions to sector, whose end-user benefits are easy to identify.
specifically address risk and other issues although the Biotechnology makes possible the development of new cures; it
environmental elements come under Direrctive 2001/18/EC, also permits yields and quality to be improved and enables
which replaced Directive 90/220/EEC in 2002. existing pharmaceutical products to be manufactured with a
lesser impact on the environment. The pharmaceuticals sector is
Directive 2001/18/EC introduces appropriate implementing highly regulated and is already covered by substantial EU
measures and guidance; ensures a harmonised framework for legislation; new pharmaceutical products are subject to
authorising and labelling feed consisting of, containing or regulation under Directive 65/65/EEC and its supporting
produced from GMOs; sets up a comprehensive labelling legislation, notably Regulation (EEC) No 2309/93. Any product
regime to allow consumers/users to fully exercise their choice; (whether or not a biotechnology product) that makes medicinal
and addresses the issue of liability with respect to significant claims is required to meet stringent standards of quality, safety
environmental damage arising from contained use of and efficacy; under Regulation (EEC) No 2309/93 all new
genetically modified micro-organisms (GMM) (within the scope products with a major biotechnological component are subject
of Directive 90/219/EEC) and deliberate release into the to centralised assessment by the EMEA. Given the considerable
environment of GMOs. It also ensures that the Biosafety Protocol barriers to market entry of these products, the regulatory system
to the 2000 Convention on Biological Diversity signed by the EU should seek to avoid unnecessary difficulties that would impede
(COM(2000)182) is appropriately implemented in EU legislation. biotechnology companies’ efforts to compete and bring
2. Industrial biotechnology and bioremediation pharmaceuticals products to market. It costs an estimated EUR
Europe is a world leader in harnessing GMMs to produce 250 million to develop a new drug. Consequently
pharmaceutical compounds and industrial enzymes. The main pharmaceutical companies tend to concentrate on potential
pharmaceutical uses are production of therapeutic protein best-sellers that can be sold to millions of people: there is
products such as insulin and growth hormones, while the relatively little research into ‘orphan drugs’ (treatments for rare
industrial uses are mainly in the food and detergent industries diseases) and drugs to treat diseases that are common only in
and bioremediation. This is done in sealed systems, and the low-income countries. However, changes in legal constraints
final product is neither a GMM nor directly derived from one. can create incentives for pharmaceuticals companies to develop
The approval procedure for these activities is covered by ‘orphan drugs’: in 2000 the Commission introduced an orphan
Directive 90/219/EEC on contained use of genetically modified drug directive, which, though still in the early stages, is already
micro-organisms. To the extent that GMOs are released into having a positive impact on the use of biotechnology.
the environment, e.g. for bioremediation purposes, they have
B. Competition policy
to be approved under Directive 2001/18/EC.
Biotechnology focuses on solving specific problems. The
3. Non-food agricultural and sylvicultural biotechnology Commission also paid special attention to building up the
Non-food agricultural GMOs also need approval under Directive competitiveness of EU industries by improving the potential to
2001/18/EC. Trees have been developed but not yet planted create SMEs, whose activity is based on research and the spirit
commercially, with the aim of producing paper more efficiently. of enterprise. These new industries, founded on scientific
Such trees are subject to prior authorisation under Directive knowledge, are a source of industrial competitiveness,
1999/105/EC on the marketing of forest reproductive material. technological innovation for investment and job creation.
Legal basis against those applied in the EU, with particular reference to
EU action in this field must be based on Article 308 which
provides for cases in which the European Treaties do not make 2. Research and development policy
explicit provision for the action needed to attain one of the The EU R & D framework programme is aimed solely at civil
EU’s objectives. Article 157 provides a legal basis for EU objectives. Some of the technological areas covered (e.g.
industrial policy. However, progress towards applying internal materials, information and communication technologies —
market rules on the defence equipment market have been ICT) can contribute to the improvement of the defence
restrained by Article 296(1) of the Treaty establishing the technological base and the competitiveness of this industry.
European Community (EC) that states ‘any Member State may One should therefore examine the best way to reflect defence
take such measures as it considers necessary for the protection industry needs in the implementation of EU research policy.
of the essential interests of its security which are connected
3. Intra-EU transfers and public procurement
with the production of or trade in arms, munitions and war
material’. The EU needs to simplify and harmonise the rules on intra-EU
transfers of defence products and equipment. A second
fundamental task is to simplify and harmonise EU rules for
Objectives public procurement. It is important to have the guidelines in
The defence industry has been important for the EU because order to establish an EU framework in this area.
of its technological and economic policy aspects. The 4. Exports
competitiveness of the European defence industry is vital to A common regime for dual-use goods and technologies
the credibility of the nascent European security and defence export control was adopted by the Council, based on
policy. It is important that the EU Member States cooperate Regulation (EC) No 1334/2000 (amended by (EC) No
with one another in order to end policies and practices that 2432/2001) and Joint Action 401/2000/CFSP under the CFSP
prevent European defence companies from working together concerning the control of technical assistance related to
more efficiently. certain military end-users, which together form an integrated
system. This regime reflects the international arrangements to
Achievements prevent proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
The EU defence industry is important for the European Regarding conventional arms exports, a major step was
economy as a whole. It employs around 800 000 people and achieved in June 1998 with the adoption of an EU code of
over recent years has contributed between 2 and 2.5 % of EU conduct on arms export. Its aim is to improve transparency,
GDP. Like all other industrial activities, the defence industry is prevent unfair competition and clarify the rules applicable to
required to deliver increased efficiency to provide value for common projects. The Council assesses implementation of the
money to its customers and, at the same time, to protect its code on an annual basis. In June 2000 the Council adopted the
shareholders’ interests. common list of equipment covered by the code of conduct.
resources to the tune of EUR 1 billion (reaching up to EUR 1.8 also encourages the Commission’s efforts to contribute to the
billion) per year. Whilst meeting EU security needs it would gradual creation of a European defence equipment market
also help the EU meet the Lisbon economic criteria and (EDEM) which is more transparent and open between Member
Barcelona target of 3 % spending on R & D of all Community States. The report pays particular attention to the role of
research spending. It has yet to be seen if such a large figure Article 296 and argues against its continued use and for efforts
will be met under the financial perspectives 2007–13. to focus on its removal. It also urges the Commission to work
closely with the EDA on the establishment, in parallel, of a
comprehensive action plan with accompanying measures in
Role of the European Parliament related areas, such as security of supply, transfer, exports, State
aid and off-sets, which are necessary in order to create a level
In a resolution in April 2002 on European defence industries,
playing-field for fair intra-European competition. The report
the EP reiterated its view that a strong, efficient and viable
also notes the lack of a ‘two-way’ street in transatlantic defence
European armaments industry and an effective procurement
procurement, which needs to be addressed.
policy were vital to the development of ESDP. This was
repeated in a more recent report on the Green Paper on
defence procurement (2005/2030(INI)) in response to the g Gerrard Quille
Commission’s Green Paper consultation. The Parliament report May 2006
Directive 2000/43/EC on implementing the principle of equal was proclaimed by EU leaders, the European Commission and
treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin the European Parliament. The summit also marked an
and Directive 2000/78/EC on establishing a general framework important step in the development of a European Union
for equal treatment in employment and occupation. strategy against poverty and social exclusion.
Among major innovations introduced by the Amsterdam C. The social and employment policy within the Lisbon
Treaty was also the launch of the European employment agenda
strategy (EES). In the early 1990s several Member States had
experienced very high levels of unemployment, which While agreeing upon a strategy aimed at making the European
threatened to develop into a persistent feature of European Union the most competitive economy in the world and
labour markets. Heads of State or Government had then achieving full employment by 2010 during the extraordinary
realised the need to look jointly for solutions and during the meeting of the European Council in Lisbon in March 2000, the
European Council meeting in Essen in December 1994 they Heads of State or Government also recognised that economic
had committed themselves to better coordinate their national growth was not in itself sufficient to fight against poverty or
policies. The Amsterdam Treaty added the promotion of a high the danger of social exclusion and committed themselves to
level of employment to the list of the EU objectives and improve cooperation in this area; they decided that suitable
conferred on the European Community the responsibility to objectives should be set by the Council by the end of the year
support and complement the activities of the Member States, and agreed that policies for combating social exclusion should
to encourage cooperation between them and to develop a be based on an open method of coordination combining
‘coordinated strategy’. national action plans and a programme presented by the
Commission to encourage cooperation in this field. At the
The EES (Articles 125 to 130 EC) is based on an open method same time, the European Council underlined that European
of coordination whose key components are the common social protection systems should be modernised so as to
employment guidelines (adopted by the Council on a ensure their sustainability and called for greater cooperation in
Commission proposal following conclusions of the European the area of pensions.
Council on the employment situation in the Community and
after Parliament’s consultation), the national programmes on Later that year, at the Nice Summit, a European social policy
the implementation of such guidelines, a joint annual report agenda was adopted up to 2005, based on Commission
by the Council and the Commission on the employment communication COM(2000) 379, with a view to converting the
situation and on the implementation of the employment political commitments made at Lisbon into concrete action
guidelines and, if considered appropriate, Council and modernising the European social model. At the heart of
recommendations to Member States (4.9.3). During the the agenda was the idea to ‘ensure the positive and dynamic
Amsterdam Summit in June 1997 it was decided that the new interaction of economic, employment and social policy’. It was
provisions on the EES would be immediately applied, without decided that progress on implementation of the agenda
waiting for the entry into force of the whole amending Treaty should be examined by the European Council every year at its
and the employment guidelines for 1998 were adopted by the spring meeting. The Heads of State or Government also
Council after the special Luxembourg ‘Job summit’ in approved the objectives adopted by the Council in the fight
November 1997. against poverty and social exclusion and invited the Member
States to submit by June 2001 their national action plans
The signature of the Nice Treaty was quite deceiving for those covering a two-year period and to define indicators and
expecting major progress in the social sector. In fact, a Social monitoring mechanisms capable of measuring progress.
Protection Committee was created (Article 144) to promote
cooperation on social protection policies between Member In 2003 it was decided to extend the open method of
States and with the Commission, but all proposals to expand coordination to health and long-term care and to endeavour
the co-decision procedure were rejected. Only a few minor to streamline the three cooperation processes ongoing in the
changes were introduced, including the so-called passerelle field of social protection into one single exercise, the social
clause under Article 137 allowing the Council to unanimously protection and social inclusion process, with one
decide to apply co-decision to the fields of the protection of comprehensive annual report and some overarching
workers where their employment contract is terminated, the objectives.
representation and collective defence of the interests of
workers and employers, and the conditions of employment for Following the mid-term review and the reform of the Lisbon
third-country nationals legally residing in Community territory. strategy, the social and employment policies have also
The modernisation of social protection systems was added to undergone some adaptations. From 2005 the employment
the list of sectors where the Community shall encourage guidelines were streamlined into the integrated guidelines for
cooperation between the Member States. growth and jobs together with the broad economic policy
guidelines. The process was reorganised around a three-year
During the Nice Summit, moreover, a Charter of Fundamental cycle, during which guidelines stay unchanged in order to
Rights of the European Union, drafted by a special convention, allow for a medium-term approach.
these resolutions, such as the inclusion of the social agreement element in people’s integration into society, a sound social
in the Treaty and the insertion of an employment chapter, and policy is nonetheless needed to safeguard the right of all to
constitute a successful outcome of the EP’s work. social protection and the cohesion of the societies of the
Member States.
In 2003, when the Commission presented the third scoreboard
on implementing the social policy agenda, the EP underlined In October 2005, in a own-initiative report on the OMC on
that social security was vital to reduce the risk of poverty. It social protection and social inclusion, Parliament called on
asked the Commission to provide new initiatives, inter alia with the Council and Commission to open negotiations for an
a view to incorporating a social dimension in competition interinstitutional agreement setting out the rules for
policy, drafting a directive on social protection for new forms selecting the areas of policy to which the open method of
of employment and adopting an initiative making it easier to coordination is to be applied and for Parliament’s
reconcile work and family life. participation in the setting of objectives and indicators and
The EP has often called on the Commission and Member access to documents, participation in meetings, observation
States to ensure the correct, full and timely implementation of and supervision of progress, as well as information on reports
EC anti-discrimination legislation. and best practices. In the same year, the EP approved an
own-initiative report on a ‘European social model for the
The EP played an active role in the mid-term review of the future’ and, after identifying the values associated with such
Lisbon strategy. In its resolution of 9 March 2005, Parliament model (equality, solidarity, individual rights and
insisted on detailed consultation and on the establishment of responsibilities, non-discrimination and redistribution with
joint programming with the European Commission. It recalled access for all citizens to high-quality public services, and the
that a high level of social protection was central to the Lisbon high social standards already achieved), recognised that
strategy and that it is unacceptable that people should be ‘there is no alternative to urgently reforming economic and
living below the poverty line and in a position of social social systems where they fail to meet the criteria of
exclusion; the EP called for the reinforcement of policies to efficiency and socially sustainable development, and where
combat poverty and social exclusion, with a view to renewing they are inadequate to tackle the challenges of demographic
the commitment for the elimination of poverty by 2010, and change, globalisation and the IT revolution’.
asked for an ambitious social agenda.
In a resolution on the social dimension of globalisation of
In May 2005 the EP adopted an own-initiative report on the November 2005, the European Parliament called for a social
social agenda 2006–10, which criticised the lack of practical policy agenda aimed at developing an inclusive and cohesive
measures in the programme presented by the Commission society, based on gender equality and the combating of all
and expressed concerns that ‘the attainment of the ambitious forms of discrimination and taking account of all groups. The
Lisbon strategy is not being tackled as vigorously as has been report on ‘social reality stocktaking’ approved in November
claimed elsewhere’; it therefore invited the Commission to 2007, reminded the Member States of the need to make
draw up a genuine social policy agenda, with specific policy optimal use of the social OMC and encouraged them to
proposals, a timetable and a procedure for monitoring its introduce a decent living minimum wage. The EP had also
implementation and insisted on the specification of clear asked the Council of the European Union to strengthen the
targets and indicators to measure the results of the social social dimension of the employment guidelines for 2008–10.
inclusion strategy. The EP also considered that the agenda
should provide for the annual monitoring of the safeguarding
of fundamental social rights by the Union. Parliament took the g Moira Andreanelli
view that, although having employment is the most important August 2008
Important principles, objectives and activities mentioned in 1. The Coal and Steel Community Treaty
the Treaty include promotion of a high level of employment Workers have benefited from re-adaptation aid in the
throughout the Community by developing a coordinated European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) since the
strategy, particularly with regard to the creation of a skilled, 1950s. Aid was granted to workers in the coal and steel sectors
whose jobs were threatened by industrial restructuring. The 2. The Essen process (1994)
European Social Fund (4.9.2), created in the early 1960s, was In order to fight unemployment, the European Council of Essen
the principal weapon in combating unemployment. in December 1994 agreed on five key objectives to be pursued
2. Actions in the 1980s by Member States: (i) to invest in vocational training; (ii) to
In the 1980s and early 1990s, action programmes on increase employment intensive growth; (iii) to reduce non-wage
employment focused on specific target groups: ERGO labour costs; (iv) to increase active labour market policies; and (v)
(long-term unemployed), LEDA (local employment to fight youth and long-term unemployment. Member States
development) and ELISE (helping SMEs). In the same period a should ensure they translate these recommendations into
number of observatory and documentation systems were multiannual programmes monitored by the Commission and
established. The European Commission and the ministries of the Council. The European Council was informed annually on
employment of the Member States decided in 1982 to set up the result of the Commission’s and the Council’s review. The
MISEP (mutual information system on employment policies in Essen process contributed to raising awareness of high
Europe). Sysdem (Community system of documentation on unemployment in the Member States at EU level.
employment) was established in 1989. At the end of 1989 the 3. The contribution of the Amsterdam Treaty (1997)
Council called upon the Commission and the Member States The new ‘Employment’ title in the Amsterdam Treaty set up
to set up a European Employment Observatory (EEO). The third the European employment strategy and the permanent,
EEO network, Resnet (research network), was established in Treaty-based Employment Committee with advisory status
1997. to promote coordination of the Member States’ employment
3. EURES and labour market policies.
To encourage free movement and help workers to find a job in The Treaty has not changed the basic principle of the Member
another Member State, the former SEDOC system was States having sole competence for employment policy, but
improved and renamed EURES (European employment the Member States have committed themselves to coordinate
services) in 1992. their employment policies at Community level. The Treaty
EURES is a cooperation network designed to facilitate the free entrusts the Council and the Commission with a much
movement of workers within the European Economic Area stronger role and new tasks and tools. The European
(EEA) and Switzerland. The reform (2002) improves EURES’ Parliament has been involved more closely into the decision-
institutional framework by decentralising decisions to the making process, too. The responsibilities of the social partners
members of the network. Partners in the network, which is and their possibilities to contribute are also enhanced through
coordinated by the European Commission, include public the inclusion of the social protocol into the Treaty.
employment services, trade unions and employers’
organisations. C. The European employment strategy (EES) 1997–2004
The extraordinary Luxembourg job summit in November 1997
Based on the EURES Charter and three-year activity plans,
anticipated the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty in
EURES’ main objectives are to inform, guide and provide advice
1998 and launched the EES, the so-called Luxembourg
to potentially mobile workers on job opportunities and living
and working conditions in the EEA, to assist employers to
recruit workers from other countries, and to provide advice It created the framework for the annual cycle for coordinating
and guidance to workers and employers in cross-border and monitoring national employment policies. The
regions. coordination of national employment policies at EU level is
based on the commitment of the Member States to establish a
In this context, 2006 was proclaimed as the European Year of
set of common objectives and targets. The strategy was built
Workers’ Mobility (3.2.2) to raise awareness and increase
around the following components.
understanding of the benefits of working in a new country
and/or occupation, as well as highlighting how the EU can — Employment guidelines: based on a proposal from the
help workers move. Commission, the Council agreed every year on a series of
guidelines setting out common priorities for Member
B. Towards a more comprehensive employment policy States’ employment policies.
1. The White Paper on growth, competitiveness and
employment (1993) — National action plans: each Member State drew up an
annual national action plan describing how these
The high level of unemployment in most EU countries
guidelines are implemented into practice at national level.
contributed to release the White Paper on growth,
competitiveness and employment under President — Joint employment report: the Commission and the Council
Jacques Delors (1993). It launched the debate on the jointly examined the national action plans and presented a
European economic and employment strategy by bringing joint employment report to the European Council. Based
the issue of employment to the top of the European agenda on this analysis, the Commission presented a proposal for
for the first time. the employment guidelines for the following year.
Role of the European Parliament enhance the role of parliaments, not the European Parliament,
but also national parliaments, which play a full role in setting
A. General and achieving national targets (‘Report on a European social
The EP considers employment as one of the most model for the future’ (A6-0238/2006)). Furthermore, it called on
important priorities for the EU and believes that the EU and Member States to fully implement the revised strategy and to
Member States have to coordinate their efforts. Working set concrete targets for employment.
towards full employment should be made an explicit goal of
the Member States and the EU. Since April 1983, the EP has Regarding the employment guidelines 2008–10 Parliament
adopted many resolutions on the issue. shares the view that the renewed Lisbon strategy is
beginning to deliver results. The employment guidelines do
The role of the European Parliament has been gradually further not need a complete revision but rather need to be
developed and, since the Amsterdam Treaty, Parliament has to amended on very particular points, in particular related to
be consulted on the employment guidelines (Article 128(2)) strengthening the social dimension of the Lisbon strategy
before being drawn up annually by the Council, regardless of and the quality of employment. The Lisbon strategy is not
the multiannual cycle. delivering for all European citizens as it may have delivered
more jobs but not always better jobs. The fact that there are
B. Detailed actions
14 million working poor in the EU shows that the Lisbon
In 1994, a special Temporary Committee on Employment strategy for growth and jobs is not delivering on social
was created. The EP stressed in the report in 1995 that the EU inclusion. The common social objectives of Member States
and the Member States should adopt an integrated strategy should be better taken into account within the Lisbon
dedicated to job creation, encompassing all policies which agenda, in order to ensure the continuing support for
have an impact on employment. European integration by the Union’s citizens. Parliament
During the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference, the EP recommends integrating a balanced ‘flexicurity’ approach in
ensured that employment policy got a much higher priority in the employment guidelines.
the Amsterdam Treaty by calling for a specific employment The Lisbon Treaty will raise the employment objective by
chapter in the Treaty. Many of the EP’s proposals on introducing full employment and social progress as a goal
employment policy were considered in the Treaty of (Article 3(3)).
Amsterdam and by the Luxembourg European Council on
Employment in October 1997. Title VIII, Articles 145 to 150, will become the employment
chapter but remain unchanged except in Article 130(1) where
Already in its resolution of June 2003 on the employment the Employment Committee will be established by simple
guidelines, the EP called for streamlining and better majority in the Council.
coordination between broad economic policy guidelines,
employment guidelines, social inclusion strategy and The Charter of Fundamental Rights will become legally
sustainability strategy. It also stressed the need for better binding by respecting the principle of subsidiarity according
involvement of all relevant actors (e.g. social partners and to general provisions of Title VII of the Charter and contribute
national parliaments) and quantitative targets to be developed to strengthen employment and social policies.
to measure progress on quality at work. An integrated The social clause in the draft Lisbon Treaty (Article 5(a)) will
approach on equal opportunities and gender equality in the contribute to strengthen the employment policy as it states ‘In
labour market should be developed and all Member States defining and implementing its policies and activities, the
should aim at halving the number of working poor by 2010. Union shall take into account requirements linked to the
The new employment guidelines 2005–08 were backed by promotion of a high level of employment, the guarantee of
Parliament. It supported ‘the economic and social principles adequate social protection, the fight against social exclusion,
that define the integrated guidelines’ but called on the and a high level of education, training and protection of
Member States to adopt ambitious national reform human health.’
programmes that are coherent with the guidelines. The EP
insisted repeatedly in involving more national parliaments in g Christa Kammerhofer
the Lisbon strategy. The open method of coordination should August 2008
Legal basis benefits. The aggregation principle means that the competent
Articles 42, 63 and 308 of the Treaty establishing the European Member State must take account of periods of insurance and
Community (EC). employment completed under another Member State’s
legislation in deciding whether a worker satisfies the
requirements regarding the duration of the period of
Objectives insurance or employment. As regards the right to membership
The basic principle enshrined in the Treaty of Rome is the of unemployment or sickness funds, for example, application
removal of obstacles to freedom of movement for persons of the aggregation principle means that the person can be
between the Member States (3.2.2). To achieve this, it is transferred directly from a fund in one Member State to a fund
necessary to adopt social security measures which prevent EU in another Member State.
citizens working and residing in a Member State other than
their own from losing some or all of their social security rights. 3. Prevention of overlapping of benefits
This principle is intended to prevent anyone obtaining undue
Achievements advantages from the right to freedom of movement.
Contributing to social security systems in two or more
In 1958, the Council issued two regulations on social security
Member States during the same period of insurance does not
for migrant workers which were subsequently superseded by
confer the right to several benefits of the same kind.
Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71, supplemented by
implementing Regulation (EEC) No 574/72. Nationals from 4. Exportability
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are also covered by way of
This principle means that social security benefits can be paid
the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement, and
throughout the Union and prohibits Member States from
Switzerland by the EU–Swiss Agreement. In 2004, the
reserving the payment of benefits to people resident in the
coordination regulation ((EC) No 883/2004) was adopted to
country, but it does not apply to all social security benefits.
replace Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71. However, the new
Special rules apply to the unemployed, for example. Different
regulation can only be applied when its implementing
rights apply to exporting cash benefits (e.g. sickness benefit or
regulation (replacing Regulation (EEC) No 574/72) will have
pensions) and benefits in kind (e.g. medical assistance). Cash
been adopted (expected in 2009).
benefits are usually paid in accordance with the rules of the
A. The four main principles of Regulation (EEC) No country in which the person entitled to them lives or is staying.
1408/71 Generally speaking, benefits in kind are governed by the rules
1. Equal treatment of the country in which the fund member is staying. If the
Workers and self-employed persons from other Member States competent State is not the State of residence, the competent
must have the same rights as the host State’s own nationals. State must reimburse the State of residence or stay for its
For the principle of equal treatment to apply, three conditions expenditure on benefits in kind.
must be met: equivalence of facts, aggregation of periods and
B. Persons covered
retention of rights. In other words, a Member State may not
confine social security benefits to its own nationals. The right Originally, Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 only covered workers
to equal treatment applies unconditionally to any worker or but, with effect from 1 July 1982, its scope was extended to
self-employed person from another Member State having cover the self-employed too (see Regulation (EEC) No
resided in the host State for a certain period of time. 1390/81). The regulation also covers members of workers’ and
self-employed persons’ families and their dependants, as well
2. Aggregation
as Stateless persons and refugees (see Article 2(1)).
This principle applies where, for example, national legislation
requires a worker to have been insured or employed for a By Council Regulation (EC) No 1606/98 of 29 June 1998 the
certain period of time before he is entitled to certain benefits, Council extended the scope of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 in
e.g. sickness, invalidity, old-age, death or unemployment order to set civil servants on an equal footing with the rest of
the population as regards the general statutory pension rights (EEC) No 1408/71. It is still based on the same four principles of
provided in the Member States. Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71. However, the aim of the new
Regulation (EC) No 307/1999 of 8 February 1999 extended the regulation is to simplify the existing Community rules for the
scope of the regulation to include all insured persons, coordination of Member States’ social security systems by
particularly students and persons not in gainful strengthening cooperation between social security
employment. institutions and improving the methods of data exchange
between them. The obligation on administrations to
Council Regulation (EC) No 895/2003 of 14 May 2003 extended cooperate with one another in social security matters should
the scope of the regulation to cover nationals of third be improved and the movement from one Member State to
countries provided they are legally resident on Union another, whether for professional or private purposes, without
territory. any loss of social security entitlements will be facilitated.
C. Benefits covered For example, in the area of old-age pensions, it is necessary to
Article 4(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 lists the social specify what steps the insured person must take in order to
security benefits covered by the regulation and the provisions apply for payment of his/her pension, to which institution the
which seek to prevent migrant workers and self-employed claim must be submitted (in a case where the insured person
persons from suffering losses because they work or have has worked in several Member States), how the institutions will
worked in one or more Member States: exchange information to ensure that the insured person’s full
career is taken into account, and how each institution will
— sickness and maternity/paternity benefits;
calculate the pension to be paid for the relevant period.
— invalidity benefits intended for the maintenance or
improvement of earning capacity; However, the new rules on coordination in Regulation (EC)
No 883/2004 cannot be applied until the corresponding
— old-age benefits; implementing regulation has been adopted to replace the
— survivors’ benefits; implementing regulation ((EEC) No 574/72).
— benefits in respect of accidents at work and occupational The proposal to revise the implementing regulation was
diseases; tabled by the Commission in January 2006 (COM(2006) 16).
— unemployment benefits; The EP adopted the first reading in July 2008 and the Council is
still in the process of negotiation. It is expected that the
— family benefits. implementing regulation will be adopted by the European
Pre-retirement benefit schemes do not fall within the scope of Parliament and the Council in 2009.
the regulation. According to Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71, The proposal completes the modernisation work done by
insured persons resident in another Member State for a short Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 and is intended to clarify the
period may avail themselves of emergency medical services rights and obligations of the various stakeholders as it defines
there. Where non-emergency services are concerned, the the necessary measures for the persons covered to travel, stay
relevant insurance fund must first give its approval. Two or reside in another Member State without losing their social
judgments by the Court of Justice in the Decker (C‑120/95) and security entitlements. The proposal contains general principles
Kohll (C-158/96) cases suggest that all insured persons might to allow the coordination to function. These principles include
in the future be able to obtain medical treatment or medical single applicable legislation, assimilation of the facts, and
products anywhere in the Union, provided that this does not equal treatment. Member States are required to comply with
result in an excessive rise in costs. these but have exclusive competence in defining, organising
D. Future outlook and financing their national social security systems.
1. Prospects for the reform of Regulation (EEC) No The following elements will be covered by Regulation (EC) No
1408/71 883/2004 and its implementing regulation.
Since 1971 Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 has been amended
— Improvement of the rights of insured persons by the
on numerous occasions in order to take into account
extension of coverage in respect of persons and scope
developments at Community level, changes in legislation at
in respect of social security areas covered: The
national level and the case-law of the Court of Justice. As the
population covered by the regulation will include all
regulation was a complex and rather impractical piece of
nationals of Member States who are covered by the
legislation the Commission presented a proposal for a
social security legislation of a Member State. Hence, not
fundamental reform of the whole legislative system at the
only employees, self-employed, civil servants, students and
end of 1998 (COM(98) 779).
pensioners but also persons who are not part of the
2. Towards better coordination of social security systems active population will be protected by the coordination
The European Parliament and the Council approved rules. That simplifies and clarifies the rules determining the
Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 in order to replace Regulation legislation applicable in cross-border situations.
The card is issued for free by the institution of the competent Another important change is the explicit inclusion of self-
State or State of residence. In order to facilitate acceptance of employed as beneficiaries of the provisions on social security
cases and refund of the costs of care provided, the three main in the framework of the freedom of workers’ movement.
entities involved — the insured persons, the providers of care
and the institutions — must recognise the single model and g Christa Kammerhofer
the uniform specifications of the card. August 2008
— mineral-extracting industries (drilling) (Directive 92/91/EEC); C. Community action programmes and strategies on
health and safety at work
— mineral-extracting industries (Directive 92/104/EEC);
Since the early stages with the European Coal and Steel
— fishing vessels (Directive 93/103/EC);
Community, research programmes (from 1951 to 1997) were
— chemical agents (Directive 98/24/EC, as amended by established in the field of safety and health at work. They
Directive 2000/39/EC); focused on, for example, industrial hygiene and safety in the
— minimum requirements for improving the safety and mining industry, the control of nuisances and ergonomics in
health protection of workers potentially at risk from steel plants.
explosive atmosphere (Directive 1999/92/EC); The Advisory Committee played a major role in drawing up
— the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to the first action programme of the European Communities on
biological agents at work (Directive 2000/54/EC); safety and health at work from 1978 to 1982, with the
agreement of both sides of industry, focusing on the causes of
— the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure occupational accidents and diseases; the second programme
to carcinogens or mutagens at work (Directive (1983–87) dealt with training, information statistics and
2004/37/EC); research; the third (1988–92) with social aspects of the
— the minimum health and safety requirements regarding development of the internal market; the Community
the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical programme (1996–2000) with the impact of rapid change in
agents on vibration (Directive 2002/44/EC), noise the way people work through the revolution in information
(Directive 2003/10/EC), electromagnetic fields (Directive technology.
2004/40/EC) and artificial optical radiation (Directive The European Social Agenda (adopted in 2000) contributed
2006/25/EC). to a more strategic approach on health and safety at work at
The framework directive has had an impact on other legislative EU level with the objectives of: consolidating, adapting and,
acts, and in particular on: the Commission’s proposal to amend where appropriate, simplifying existing standards; promoting
Directive 91/383/EEC on temporary agency workers; the the application of legislation in small and medium-sized
proposal to amend Directive 2003/88/EC on certain aspects of enterprises (SMEs) — taking into account the special
constraints to which they are exposed — by means of a The European Parliament supports the Commission’s activities
specific programme; developing from 2001 onwards, to increase the provision of information to SMEs. Work must
exchanges of good practice and collaboration between labour be adapted to people’s abilities and needs and not vice
inspection institutions. versa. Working environments should be developed to take
greater account of the special needs of disabled and older
Subsequently, the Community strategy 2002–06 adopted a
workers. Parliament urges the Commission to investigate new
global approach to well-being in the workplace. It emphasised
emerging risks not yet covered by current legislation, e.g.
the culture of risk prevention, the combination of a variety of
stress, burnout, violence and harassment in the workplace.
political instruments and the building of partnerships between all
the players on the safety and health scene. It pointed at the fact Parliament called on the Commission to amend the directive
that an ambitious social policy is a factor in the competitiveness on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to
equation and that, conversely, having a ‘non-policy’ engenders biological agents at work (Directive 2000/54/EC) to protect
costs which weigh heavily on economies and societies. health workers from blood-borne infections due to needle-
The current Community strategy for the period 2007–12 stick injuries (resolution of 6 July 2006, P6_TA(2006)0305) and
focuses on prevention. It aims to achieve a continuous, to amend the directives related to musculoskeletal disorders.
sustainable and homogeneous reduction of occupational The extension of the scope of the framework directive
accidents and diseases in the EU, in particular through defining (89/391/EEC) to excluded groups of workers such as the
and implementing national strategies based on a detailed military, the self-employed, domestic workers and home
evaluation of the national situation and improving and workers is another key request. It also calls for a directive laying
simplifying existing legislation as well as enhancing its down minimum standards for the recognition of occupational
implementation in practice through non-binding instruments diseases.
such as the exchange of good practices, awareness-raising
campaigns and better information and training. The Repeatedly, Parliament has been pleading for better
Commission’s target to reduce 25 % of work accidents across implementation of existing directives.
the EU was welcomed by the European Parliament. With the Lisbon Treaty entering into force, the ordinary
legislative procedure will be applied, but the characteristics
Role of the European Parliament of the co-decision procedure remain unchanged. Furthermore,
the Charter of Fundamental Rights will become legally binding
The European Parliament has frequently emphasised the need
by respecting the principle of subsidiarity according to the
for optimal protection of workers’ health and safety. In many
general provisions of Title VII of the Charter.
resolutions, it has called for all aspects directly or indirectly
affecting the physical or mental well-being of workers to be
covered. Until now, the European Parliament has had significant g Christa Kammerhofer
influence on directives improving working conditions. August 2008
In May 2008 employers’ and workers’ representatives from the and the two subsequent Presidencies, the European
maritime shipping industry signed an agreement on labour Commission and the social partners. The three Council
standards in the sector, which aims to apply certain provisions Presidencies are normally represented by the Heads of State
of the International Labour Organisation’s 2006 Maritime or Government and the ministers in charge for labour and
Labour Convention and, upon request, the European social affairs; the European Commission has also two
Commission proposed in July 2008 that the Council adopt a representatives, who are usually its President and the
directive for the implementation of the agreement. member responsible for employment and social affairs. The
social partners’ members are divided into two delegations of
Following the changes introduced by the Treaty of
equal size, comprising 10 workers’ representatives and 10
Amsterdam, the consultation process has become even more
employers’ representatives, with special attention to be paid
important, since it covers all the fields now falling under
to the need to ensure a balanced participation between
Article 137.
men and women. Each group shall consist of delegates of
With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, a new article European cross-industry organisations either representing
(Article 152 TFEU) would be inserted between current general interests or more specific interests of supervisory
Articles 137 EC (151 TFEU) and 138 EC (153 TFEU), stating: ‘The and managerial staff and small and medium-sized
Union recognises and promotes the role of the social partners businesses at European level.
at its level, taking into account the diversity of national
systems. It shall facilitate dialogue between the social partners, Technical coordination is provided for the workers’ delegation
respecting their autonomy.’ Article 153 TFEU would also give by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and for
the Member States the possibility to entrust the social partners the employers’ delegation by the Union of Industrial and
with the implementation of a Council decision adopted on Employers’ Confederations of Europe (UNICE).
ratification of a collective agreement signed at European level. If ratified, the Lisbon Treaty would entail inclusion of the
Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment in the
B. Tripartite social dialogue Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union under the
From the very start of the European integration process, it was new Article 152.
considered important to involve economic and social
stakeholders in drawing up Community legislation. The
Consultative Committee for Coal and Steel and the European
Role of the European Parliament
Economic and Social Committee bear witness to this. The European Parliament (EP) has always supported the
development of the social dialogue and has made a practical
Since the 1960s a number of advisory committees have
contribution by extending frequent invitations to the social
existed whose role is to support the European Commission on
partners at EU level to present their views before the
the formulation of specific policies. In general, these
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs delivers a report
committees, such as the Committee on Social Security for
on any relevant proposals. The EP considers it vital to promote
Migrant Workers, the Committee on the European Social Fund
and ensure the broadest possible participation by
and the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and
organisations representing the social partners, particularly at
Men, are made up of representatives of national employers’
the level of small and medium-sized enterprises.
and trade unions’ organisations, as well as representatives of
the Member States. The EP has also often reminded the Commission of the need
for a coherent industrial policy at European level, in which the
From 1970 the key tripartite social dialogue forum at European
social partners should play a key role.
level was the Standing Committee on Employment, composed
of 20 representatives of the social partners, equally divided It must be recalled that the Lisbon Treaty has foreseen a clear
between trade unions and employers’ organisations. Reformed right for the EP to be informed on the implementation of
in 1999, the Committee was fully integrated into the collective agreements concluded at Union level (Article 155
coordinated European employment strategy. TFEU) and on the initiatives taken by the Commission to
encourage cooperation between the Member States under
On the basis of a joint contribution of the social partners to the
Article 156 TFEU, including matters relating to the right of
Laeken Summit in December 2001, the Council launched a
association and collective bargaining between employers and
tripartite social summit for growth and employment in March
2003 (2003/174/EC). The tripartite social summit has replaced
the Committee on Employment and facilitates ongoing
consultation between the Council, the Commission and the II — INFORMATION, CONSULTATION
social partners on economic, social and employment AND PARTICIPATION OF WORKERS
questions. It meets at least once a year and one of its meetings
must be obligatorily held before the spring European Council. Legal basis
Formalising a process that had been developing since 1997, Articles 44, 94, 95 and 137 of the Treaty establishing the
the summit consists of the current EU Council Presidency European Community (EC).
irrespective of their legal status. The EP believes that workers Community legislation concerning information and
should be involved in company decision-making concerning consultation of workers, especially on collective redundancies
the introduction of new technology, changes in the and safeguarding employees’ rights in the event of transfers of
organisation of work, production and economic planning. undertakings and, in particular, it insisted on the need to
speed up the long-awaited revision of the European works
In a resolution of 5 June 2003 on the Commission
council directive (94/45/EC).
communication on a framework for the promotion of
employee financial participation (COM(2002) 364), the EP Parliament also asked the Commission to take action to ensure
reaffirmed its support for the participation of employees in that Community legislation on information and consultation of
profits and enterprise results. workers is fully implemented in the Member States, especially
as regards Directive 94/45/EC.
More recently, in a resolution on strengthening European
legislation in the field of information and consultation of
workers of 10 May 2007 (P6_TA(2007)0185) the European g Moira Andreanelli
Parliament called on the Commission to review and update August 2008
forms of gender-based violence; elimination of gender matters of employment and occupation (Article 141(3) of
stereotypes; and promotion of gender equality in external and the EC Treaty, as amended by the Treaty of Amsterdam);
development policies. The roadmap represents the the Parliament thus played a significant role in the
Commission’s commitment in the field of equal opportunities adoption of Directive 2002/73/EC of 23 September 2002
between women and men. on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment
for men and women as regards access to employment,
4. The 2006 European Pact for Gender Equality
vocational training and promotion, and working
The European Pact for Gender Equality, initiated by the Czech, conditions;
Danish, Spanish, French, Finnish and Swedish governments
was adopted by the spring European Council in March 2006. — Community incentive measures to support actions taken
Its main purpose is to encourage actions by the Member by the Member States to combat discrimination
States and the EU to enhance women’s participation in the (Article 13(2) of the EC Treaty, as amended by the Treaty of
labour market, to improve work–life balance for women and Nice).
men, and to promote gender mainstreaming. The pact builds The Treaty of Lisbon extends further the application of co-
on already existing objectives, targets and instruments within decision to the adoption of measures in combating trafficking
the Lisbon process and reinforces the implementation of in women and children.
national reform programmes (4.9.3) to raise the employment
In addition, Parliament contributes not only to the overall policy
rate of women.
development on equality between women and men (for
5. The European Institute for Gender Equality example by adopting resolutions on the report the
The European Parliament and the Council established in Commission presents each year to the spring European Council
December 2006 a European Institute for Gender Equality on developments in gender equality in the EU), but also to the
with the overall objective to contribute to and strengthen the development of Community policy in more specific areas.
promotion of gender equality, including gender The European Parliament has notably focused, through its
mainstreaming in all Community and national policies. It will own-initiative reports which allow it to draw the attention of
also fight against discrimination based on sex and raise other institutions to specific problems, on the following issues
awareness of gender equality by providing technical assistance over recent years:
to the Community institutions by collecting, analysing and
disseminating data and methodological tools. — the fight against trafficking in women (see the resolution of
17 January 2006);
Role of the European Parliament — the fight against violence against women (see the
resolution of 2 February 2006); and
The European Parliament has played a significant part in
supporting the equal opportunities policy, particularly since it — gender equality in external relations (see for example the
established its Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender resolution of 1 June 2006 on the situation of women in
Equality in July 1984. armed conflicts or the resolution of 16 November 2006 on
women in international politics).
Parliament’s action has been facilitated by the extension of the
application of the co-decision procedure in the following Through its Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender
areas: Equality, the European Parliament has also developed dialogue
and cooperation with the national parliaments on equal
— measures to promote equality between men and women opportunities within the network of parliamentary
with regard to labour market opportunities and treatment committees for equal opportunities for women and men in
at work (Article 137 of the EC Treaty, as amended by the the European Union (NCEO) since it was set up in 1997.
Treaty of Amsterdam);
— measures aimed at applying the principle of equal g Hélène Calers
opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in July 2008
away from the labour market is not only a matter of inclusion policies, with three general objectives and specific
safeguarding human rights, but it also contributes to targets for each of the three existing strands.
enhancing productivity and growth.
The overarching objectives of the OMC for social protection
This was already acknowledged in the employment guidelines and social inclusion are to promote: (a) social cohesion, equality
for 1999, where the ‘employability pillar’ focused on ‘promoting between men and women and equal opportunities for all
a labour market open to all’ and, based on the consideration through adequate, accessible, financially sustainable, adaptable
that ‘many groups and individuals experience particular and efficient social protection systems and social inclusion
difficulties in acquiring relevant skills and in gaining access to, policies; (b) effective and mutual interaction between the
and remaining in, the labour market’ and that ‘a coherent set of Lisbon objectives of greater economic growth, more and better
policies promoting the integration of such groups and jobs and greater social cohesion, and with the EU’s sustainable
individuals into the world of work and combating development strategy; and (c) good governance, transparency
discrimination is called for’, asked the Member States to ‘give and the involvement of stakeholders in the design,
special attention to the needs of the disabled, ethnic implementation and monitoring of policy.
minorities and other groups and individuals who may be
The current goals specific to the OMC on eradication of
disadvantaged, and develop appropriate forms of preventive
poverty and social exclusion are described as follows: access
and active policies to promote their integration into the labour
for all to the resources, rights and services needed for
market’ (guideline 9).
participation in society, preventing and addressing exclusion,
The employment guidelines for 2005–07 and 2008–10 further and fighting all forms of discrimination leading to exclusion;
clarify the relationship between the economic and social the active social inclusion of all, both by promoting
implications of open labour markets: they underline that ‘equal participation in the labour market and by fighting poverty and
opportunities and combating discrimination are essential for exclusion; ensuring that social inclusion policies are well-
progress [...] Member States should aim towards active coordinated and involve all levels of government and relevant
inclusion of all through promotion of labour force actors, including people experiencing poverty, and that they
participation’, recall that ‘raising employment levels is the most are efficient and effective and mainstreamed into all relevant
effective means of generating economic growth and public policies.
promoting socially inclusive economies’ and therefore ask the Interaction between the three OMC strands is, however,
Member States to ‘increase the employment rates of older especially evident when considering social policies to support
workers and young people’ and promote the ‘active inclusion the most vulnerable target groups such as the elderly and the
of those most excluded from the labour market’ (guideline 17). disabled. Cooperation on ‘adequate and sustainable pensions’ is
2. The open method of coordination in the social sector meant to guarantee adequate retirement incomes for all and
Building on the conclusions of the Lisbon Council in March access to pensions which allow people to maintain, to a
2000, later that year the Nice European Council decided that reasonable degree, their living standard after retirement and the
the cooperation on policies designed to combat social financial sustainability of public and private pension schemes.
exclusion should be based on an open method of The third OMC strand on ‘Accessible, high-quality and
coordination (OMC) combining national action plans and sustainable healthcare and long-term care’ aims to ensure access
Commission initiatives promoting cooperation. The method is for all to adequate health and long-term care and that the need
built around: (i) common aims in the fight against poverty and for care does not lead to poverty and financial dependency.
social exclusion, (ii) national action plans for fighting against As foreseen by the EC Treaty, under Article 144, a Social
poverty and social exclusion, (iii) joint reports on social Protection Committee has been established to promote
inclusion and regular monitoring, joint evaluation and peer cooperation between Member States and with the
review, and (iv) common indicators to measure progress and Commission on social protection policies. The Committee is
compare good practices. Member States agreed to regularly composed of two delegates from each Member State and the
prepare national action plans against poverty and social Commission.
exclusion starting in June 2001. These were to be informed by
the objectives identified by the Council, namely: to facilitate C. Incentive measures
participation in employment and access by all to resources, Between 1975 and 1980, in the framework of its first anti-
rights, goods and services; to prevent the risks of exclusion; to poverty programme, the European Economic Community
help the most vulnerable; to mobilise all relevant players. conducted an initial set of pilot projects and pilot studies
designed to combat poverty and exclusion. This first
The OMC was also applied in parallel to other social protection
programme was followed by two others (1985–89 and 1989–
sectors, i.e. on providing adequate and sustainable pensions
94). Community action in this area, however, was continually
and on ensuring accessible, high-quality and sustainable
being contested in the absence of a legal basis.
healthcare and long-term care. In 2005, the European
Commission proposed to streamline the ongoing processes Such a problem was solved with the entry into force of the
into a new framework for the OMC of social protection and Treaty of Amsterdam, which enshrined the eradication of
adapting successfully to a situation in which the labour force is groups in the media and advertising, physical access to
older and fewer in number; guaranteeing appropriate, viable information for people with disabilities, telecommunication,
and flexible pensions; ensuring that everyone has access to electronic communication, transport modes and public spaces,
high-quality healthcare while guaranteeing the financial social advantages and access to and supply of goods and
viability of health services. The Green Paper ‘Confronting services which are available to the public’. The report also called
demographic change: a new solidarity between the on the Commission and the Member States to mainstream
generations’ (COM(2005) 94) underlines that the EU is facing equal opportunities and non-discrimination in the Lisbon
unprecedented demographic changes that will have a major strategy for growth and employment, the guidelines for the
impact on the whole of society. To meet this challenge, the open method of coordination on social inclusion, and national
Lisbon agenda needs to be implemented and people should reform programmes and the regulations governing the
work longer; it is also necessary to continue modernising social Structural Funds.
protection systems, especially pensions, to ensure their social
The EP has often adopted resolutions with the aim of
and economic sustainability and to enable them to cope with
improving conditions for the socially excluded, the elderly and
the effects of demographic ageing.
people with disabilities. It emphasises that the Community
In March 2008 the European Commission organised a must show greater solidarity with these groups and work for
conference on ‘Protecting the dignity of older persons — The their integration into society. In this context, it has urged the
prevention of elder abuse and neglect’, bringing together Member States to set minimum incomes so that the most
experts and policymakers to raise awareness and trigger an disadvantaged groups obtain the necessary means to achieve
open debate on a widespread problem. a reasonable standard of living and are guaranteed social
protection and adequate healthcare.
Role of the European Parliament In 1993, the EP initiated the organisation of a senior citizens’
The European Parliament (EP) was an active player in the parliament. The EP held a European conference entitled ‘Older
debate that led to the inclusion of Article 13 in the EC Treaty. people in the 21st century — a new lease of life’ in October
The Lisbon Treaty would endow the Parliament with a power 1998 and, in November 2003, organised a European
of consent when adopting non-discrimination legislation parliament of disabled people. Together with the Commission,
under Article 13(1) (new Article 19 of the Treaty on the Parliament has celebrated 3 December as the European Day of
Functioning of the European Union). Disabled People every year since 1993.
It has often called on the Commission and Member States to In an own-initiative report on social reality stocktaking of
ensure the correct, full and timely implementation of the November 2007, the EP stressed that access to goods and
directives adopted on the basis of Article 13 of the Treaty: the services should be a right for every EU citizen. The EP also
Commission should not hesitate in pursuing infringement invited the Commission and the Member States, in
actions against Member States in this regard. cooperation with organisations representing the disabled, to
develop national, regional and local initiatives to promote
An own-initiative report on progress made in equal
feasible employment opportunities for people with a
opportunities and non-discrimination in the EU, approved by
disability. The report also asked the Commission and the
the EP on 20 May 2008, called for a commitment by the
Member States to provide adequate resources to facilitate
Commission to carry out a substantial review of the
access to lifelong learning programmes as a means of
implementation of Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC and
limiting the exclusion of elderly people, among others, from
to issue a proposal for a new directive which should be relating
employment and to foster their continuous participation in
to all areas not already covered by instruments adopted on the
social, cultural and civic life.
basis of Article 13 of the Treaty and should cover ‘all the areas
that fall within the Community’s competence as well as
education, lifelong learning, social protection including social g Moira Andreanelli
security, housing and healthcare, images of discriminated August 2008
Legal basis the EU’s main objectives. Article 6 (ex Article 3c) of the EC
Treaty explicitly mentions the need to integrate protection of
European environmental law dates back to a conference of
the environment into all Community sectoral policies. This new
Heads of State or Government in October 1972 which decided
clause has widespread application; by moving it from an article
that a Community environmental policy was essential. Since
on the environment to an important position at the beginning
1972 the Community has adopted some 250 pieces of
of the Treaty, the EU’s leaders underlined their commitment to
legislation, chiefly concerned with limiting pollution by
the objective of sustainable development, and the final act
introducing minimum standards, notably for waste
noted the Commission’s undertaking to draw up impact
management, water pollution and air pollution. A number of
assessment studies when putting forward proposals that were
action programmes provide the framework for this legislation.
likely to have significant environmental implications.
The entry into force of the Single European Act in 1987, adding
a title specifically on this subject to the Treaty establishing the Article 95(3) (ex Article 100a) of the EC Treaty expressly states
European Community (EC), is generally acknowledged as a that ‘health, safety [and] environmental protection’ must take
turning point for the environment. Since the Rome Treaties as a base ‘a high level of protection, taking account in
were revised by the Treaties of Maastricht and Amsterdam, the particular of any new development based on scientific facts.
legal basis for Community environment policy has been Within their respective powers the European Parliament and
Articles 174 to 176 (ex Articles 130r to 130t) of the EC Treaty. the Council will also seek to achieve this objective’. The Union
Under Article 174(2) (ex Article 130r) of the EC Treaty, thus pursues an active policy to protect the soil, water, climate,
Community environment policy rests on the principles of air, flora and fauna. But in accordance with the subsidiarity
precaution, prevention, rectifying pollution at source and principle (1.2.2), the Union will tackle environmental
‘polluter pays’. Commission communication COM(2000) 1 problems only when it can deal with them more effectively
establishes clear and effective guidelines for the application of than national or regional government.
the precautionary principle, as it had not been defined in the
EC Treaty or in other Community instruments. Achievements
Directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability with regard to 1. Community environment programmes
the prevention and remedying of environmental damage The sixth Community environment action programme
establishes a framework of environmental liability based on ‘Environment 2010: our future, our choice’ (Decision No
the ‘polluter pays’ principle. The directive applies to 1600/2002/EC), provides a strategic framework for the
environmental damage or to an imminent threat of such Community’s environmental policy for 2002–12 and is
damage caused by pollution of a diffuse character, where it is regarded as the central environmental component of the
possible to establish a causal link between the damage and Community’s sustainable development strategy. It is based
the activities of individual operators. particularly on the ‘polluter pays’ principle, the precautionary
principle and preventive action, and the principle of
rectification of pollution at source. It focuses on four priority
areas for action: climate change; biodiversity; environment
The Treaty of Amsterdam heightened the profile of European and health; and sustainable use of natural resources and
Union environment policy. Changes to the preamble and management of waste. Five priority avenues of strategic
Article 2 (ex Article B) of the EU Treaty strengthened the action are proposed: improving the implementation of
principle of sustainable development, so that it is now one of existing legislation; integrating environmental concerns into
other policies; working more closely with the market; on environment legislation linking the Member States and the
empowering people as private citizens and helping them to Commission). Member States are obliged to inform the agency
change behaviour; and taking account of the environment in of the main component elements of their national
land-use planning and management decisions. The environment information networks. The agency is also open to
Commission publishes annually a review of environmental countries that are not members of the European Union.
policy; the last review was the ‘2005 environment policy
4. The Community eco-label award scheme
review’ (COM(2006) 70).
and eco-audits
The programme required the European Commission to According to Regulation (EEC) No 880/92 (revised by
prepare thematic strategies (TS) covering seven areas. All Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000) on a Community eco-label
seven TS were adopted in the course of 2005 and 2006: air award scheme, the EU eco-label may be awarded to products
pollution, prevention and recycling of waste, protection and available in the Community which meet certain environmental
conservation of the marine environment, soil protection, requirements and specific eco-label criteria. The criteria are set
sustainable use of pesticides, sustainable use of resources, and and reviewed by the European Union Eco-Labelling Board
urban environment. (EUEB), which is also responsible for the assessment and
The TS represent the next generation of environment policy. verification requirements relating to them. They are published
They work with themes rather than with specific pollutants or in the Official Journal of the European Union.
economic activities as has been the case in the past and take a The Community eco-label award scheme is designed to
longer-term perspective in setting clear environmental promote products which have a reduced environmental
objectives to around 2020, and will thus provide a stable policy impact compared with other products in the same product
framework. Finally, they focus on identifying the most group and to provide consumers with accurate and
appropriate instruments to deliver European policy goals in scientifically based information and guidance on products. The
the least burdensome and most cost-effective way possible. Commission and the Member States must promote the use of
2. Impact assessment the eco-label by means of awareness-raising actions and
information campaigns. They must ensure coordination
An impact assessment is defined as a mapping out of the
between the Community eco-label scheme and existing
potential consequences of a decision across its social,
national schemes. In 2005, the Commission finished the
economic and environmental aspects, its potential short-term
evaluation process of the eco-label scheme, as required under
and long-term costs and benefits, and its regulatory as well as
the eco-label regulation, and published final
budgetary implications. It explores a range of legislative and
recommendations, research findings and an executive
non-legislative options available to policymakers in order to
summary. In February 2006 the Commission adopted a
meet clear defined objectives. Environmental assessment is
decision establishing the Community eco-label working plan.
automatically required for plans and programmes which are
In June 2007 the Commission adopted a decision of
prepared for town and country planning, land use, transport,
establishing the ecological criteria for the award of the
energy, waste management, water management, industry,
Community eco-label to soaps, shampoos and hair
telecommunications, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and
Regulation (EC) No 761/2001 (replacing Regulation (EEC) No
3. European Environment Agency (EEA)
1836/93), allowing voluntary participation by organisations in
In 1990 the Council adopted a regulation establishing the EEA
a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS), set
and the European environment information and observation
up a new scheme to improve industrial environmental
network (Regulation (EEC) No 1210/90 and amended
protection by introducing a form of environmental
Regulation (EC) No 933/1999). It defines the agency as a
central Community body. The EEA’s objective is to protect and
improve the environment in accordance with the provisions of The objective of this regulation is to promote improvements in
the Treaty and Community environment action programmes, the environmental performance of organisations in all sectors.
with a view to establishing sustainable development within The EMAS was evaluated by the Commission in 2005 through
the Community. To achieve this, the agency must provide the the EVER study (Evaluation of EMAS and eco-label for their
Community and the Member States with information which is revision). On 24 January 2006, Parliament signed a ‘European
objective, reliable and comparable at European level and Parliament environmental statement’ which expresses that the
which will enable them to take the measures required to European Parliament will ensure that its activities are
protect the environment, evaluate the implementation of consistent with current best practice in environmental
those measures and ensure that the public is properly management.
informed on the state of the environment. 5. LIFE+: a financial instrument for the environment
The agency may cooperate in the exchange of information In 2004, the Commission proposed a new single instrument for
with other bodies, including the IMPEL network funding environmental work, called LIFE+ (COM(2004) 621).
(‘Implementation of environment law’ — information network This instrument, replacing existing financial programmes such
Commitment of the EU to global environmental problems was In its resolution of July 1998, the EP recognised that the use of
shown by the major role and the active contributions of the environmental levies could distort competition between those
Community during the UN World Summit on Sustainable Member States which introduced environmental taxes and
Development in Johannesburg 2002 (see 4.10.3) to the those which did not, thus making it desirable for such levies to
political declaration and plan of implementation (to improve be introduced by all Member States together.
access to basic sanitation and drinking water; to reduce At Parliament’s request, the 6EA programme (2001–10)
biodiversity loss, to halt the decline of fish stocks; and to contains provisions for listing and phasing out environmentally
minimise harmful effects on human health from the harmful subsidies, for environmental taxes at appropriate
production and use of chemicals by 2020). national or Community level, for Kyoto Protocol emission
targets and for thematic strategies for tackling environmental
7. European environment and health strategy
priorities. All legislation arising from the thematic strategies
There is a strong link between poor health and environmental has been and/or will be adopted by co-decision. In addition,
problems: as many as 60 000 deaths per year in large European targets are being sought under the programme for cutting
cities are caused by long-term exposure to air pollution. Being greenhouse gas emissions, linked to an assessment by the
more exposed to environmental risks than adults, one child in International Panel on Climate Change. The programme will
seven is affected by asthma. In June 2004 the Commission promote the development of alternative fuels and fuel-
presented a European environment and health action plan efficient vehicles. Under the agreement, the rising volumes of
2004–10 (COM(2004) 416), comprising points aimed at urban traffic will also be tackled and efforts made to improve
improving coordination between the health, environment and the quality of the urban environment.
research sectors. In June 2007, the EC published a mid-term
review of the action plan (COM(2007) 314). Furthermore, environmental concerns will be mainstreamed
into Community policymaking, which Parliament called for,
8. Lisbon partnership for growth and jobs and and special attention will be devoted to increasing
simplification of EU environmental law environmental awareness among the general public and local
The EU’s sustainable development strategy calls for economic,
social and environmental policies to complement and In response to the communication on the precautionary
reinforce each other (see 4.10.3). Communication COM(97) principle, the European Parliament adopted in December 2000
592 on environment and employment, entitled ‘Building a a report calling for clearer guidelines on the application of the
sustainable Europe’, encourages new and clean technologies, principle, believing it should be invoked whenever a
thereby promoting new business opportunities. The ‘2005 provisional objective scientific evaluation of the risks shows
environment policy review’ (COM(2006) 70) highlights how that there are justified fears of potentially dangerous effects on
eco-innovation, environmental technologies and better the environment or human, animal or plant health that are
regulation can contribute to achieving the Lisbon strategy incompatible with a sufficiently high level of protection of the
objectives (COM(2000) 330). Community. Parliament’s resolution covers not only the
definition and scope of the precautionary principle but also general and the environmental consequences in particular
risk assessment, risk management, risk communication and were concerned (‘Enlargement and environment’ workshop,
the burden of proof. November 2003).
In January 2005, Parliament adopted an own-initiative report With a view to improving legislative assistance to members,
on the European environment and health action plan 2004– Parliament’s Environment Committee has concluded three
10. Parliament considers the action plan to be insufficiently framework contracts with independent research institutes.
ambitious and insufficiently promoting preventive action. Under the terms of these contracts, the committee can ask for
Furthermore, it might have no added value for certain Member independent expert advice on a variety of emerging issues
States where an ‘environment and health’ strategy is already in falling within its area of responsibility.
place. In addition, Parliament is currently assessing the mid-
term review of the action plan.
g Yanne Goossens
During the long negotiations with the accession countries, July 2008
Parliament played an active role as far as enlargement in
3. Access to justice The infringement proceedings under Articles 226 and 228 of
the Treaty provide a powerful tool to address implementation
A proposal for a directive (COM(2003) 624) intended to
problems. Complaints on the implementation of
transpose the third pillar, which guarantees public access to
environmental legislation often take the form of written
justice in environmental matters, was brought forward in 2003,
questions and petitions to the European Parliament. This
but has so far only had its first reading in Parliament.
reflects the concern of European citizens about the state of the
Parliament wants the directive to establish a minimum
environment and Member States’ ‘green record’. In this context,
framework for access to justice in environmental matters and
new working methods need to be developed with Member
for Member States to be free to grant broader access. It
States at all stages of the implementation life cycle.
proposed amendments which would extend access to justice
in environmental matters to citizens’ organisations confronted D. Serious environmental crimes — protection of the
with a tangible environmental problem and not only to environment through criminal law
environmental entities as in the original proposal. In order to guarantee a high level of protection of the
B. Establishment of a European pollutant release and environment the increasing problem of environmental crime
transfer register must be tackled. The Community has adopted numerous
pieces of legislation protecting the environment. Member
In May 2003 the European Community signed the UNECE States are required to transpose and implement those acts.
protocol on pollutant release and transfer registers (the PRTR Experience has shown, however, that the sanctions currently
protocol) within the framework of the fifth ministerial applied by Member States are not always sufficient to achieve
conference ‘Environment for Europe’. The protocol aims to full compliance with Community law. Not all Member States
establish, for each Member State, a coherent, integrated and provide for criminal sanctions against the most serious
publicly accessible pollutant release and transfer register at breaches of Community law protecting the environment.
national level. Therefore a minimum standard on the constituent elements of
In 2004, the Commission adopted a proposal for a regulation criminal offences in breach of Community law protecting the
aiming at enhancing public access to environmental environment needs to be established. In order to ensure its
information through the establishment of a coherent, better and harmonised application in all Member States, this
integrated, Europe-wide PRTR (COM(2004) 634). Council objective can be better achieved at Community level rather
Decision 2006/61/EC approves the protocol on behalf of the than at national level.
European Community. Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 sets up a In February 2007, the Commission proposed a directive on the
pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) at European protection of the environment through criminal law
Union (EU) level in the form of a publicly accessible electronic (COM(2007) 51). This proposal replaces the proposal for a
database. The public will be able to access this register free of directive of the Parliament and the Council on the protection
charge on the Internet and will be able to find information of the environment through criminal law (2001/0076(COD)) as
using various search criteria (type of pollutant, geographical amended after the first reading of the European Parliament, in
location, affected environment, source facility, etc.). order to implement the findings of the Court of Justice of the
European Communities in its judgment of 13 September 2005
C. Implementation and enforcement of Community
(C-176/03, Commission v Council) which annulled Framework
environmental law
Decision 2003/80/JHA on the protection of the environment
The Dublin European Council of June 1990 stressed that through criminal law.
Community environmental legislation would only be effective
if fully implemented and enforced by Member States. On 14
May 1997, in its resolution on the Commission’s Role of the European Parliament
communication COM(96) 500, Parliament called on the The European Parliament has always insisted on the need for
Commission to produce and publicise an annual report on better public access to environment-related information and
progress in adopting and implementing Community for improving public participation and access to justice in
environmental matters and on that information being measures to improve respect for Community rules on the
disseminated using the latest technology available, enabling protection of the environment, the promotion of improved
Community legislation to be brought into line with the Århus standards of inspection, monitoring and enforcement by
Convention. Member States and a more systematic review of the
application of environmental legislation across the Member
The European Parliament also considers simplifying and
improving Community legislation to be one of its duties and
has stressed the importance of clearer legislation which is The European Parliament strongly supports the objective of
better supervised and implemented. In addition, the European prompt, uniform and effective implementation of EU
Parliament supported proposals to establish a system of environmental law. As an example, in 1997 the European
minimum criminal sanctions for the most serious breaches of Parliament passed a resolution calling on the Commission to
Community law protecting the environment. produce and publicise annual reports on progress in adopting
and implementing EU environmental legislation. The
The effectiveness of EU environmental policy is largely
Commission now publishes annual surveys on the
determined by its implementation at national, regional and
implementation and enforcement of Community
local levels. At present, however, although the number of
environmental law in response to the European Parliament
complaints concerning instances of non-compliance with
calling on it to do so.
Community law is slightly decreasing, deficient application
and enforcement remains an important issue in the field of Implementation issues have been high on the agenda of
environmental law. The need for improved implementation Environment Committee meetings over the last few years. The
has been recognised as a key priority of both the fifth and the committee now draws up three follow-up reports each year, in
sixth environmental action programmes. which it looks at adopted EU legislation in the environment
The European Parliament stressed (see Decision No and related fields, examines problems of implementation and
1600/2002/EC on the sixth Community environment action assesses whether or not the legislation is meeting its initial
programme; 4.10.1) that ‘more effective implementation objectives.
and enforcement of Community legislation on the
environment’ should be regarded as one of the strategic g Yanne Goossens
objectives of EU environmental policy. The EP thus called for July 2008
Legal basis and objectives on Environment and Development, the statement of principles
for the sustainable management of forests, and the legally
binding conventions on biological diversity and on climate
change. The UN Commission on Sustainable Development
Achievements (CSD) was established to ensure effective follow-up of the
UNCED of 1992. National, regional and global commitments
A. Introduction
were defined at the World Summit on Sustainable
In 1987, the Brundtland report ‘Our common future’ was Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002.
published, dealing with sustainable development and the
change in politics needed for achieving this. The 1992 United B. Global partnership for sustainable development
Nations Conference on Environment and Development Globalisation acts as a powerful force for sustaining global
(UNCED) led to the adoption of Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration growth and providing ways of dealing with international
Council conclusions of 29 April 1999, environmental policy and (governments, public bodies, regional authorities, traditional or
sustainable development should be integrated into industrial local communities, cooperatives, international organisations,
policy. On 14 and 15 May 2001 the industry integration non-governmental organisations or private actors) in
strategy was adopted at the Industry/Energy Council. The developing countries and which are intended to promote
communication ‘Industrial policy in an enlarged Europe’ sustainable development may receive EU financial aid and
(COM(2002) 714 final) recognises the need to develop and technical assistance. The budget for applying the regulation
strengthen policies in the area of sustainable production. over the period 2000–06 was EUR 93 million. The
Communication COM(2006) 136 on corporate social communication COM(2004) 629 presents the specific
responsibility (CSR) aims at integrating social and objectives and the conditions governing the implementation
environmental concerns into business operations on a of the financial instrument for development cooperation and
voluntary basis. economic cooperation for the period 2007–13.
3. Environment and energy policy 6. Integrating environmental protection requirements
Directive 2006/32/EC on energy end-use efficiency and energy into the common fisheries policy (CFP)
requires Member States to draw up national action plans A communication from the Commission (COM(2002) 186) set
(NAPs) to achieve 1 % yearly energy savings in the retail, supply out a Community action plan to integrate environmental
and distribution of electricity, natural gas, urban heating, and protection requirements into the common fisheries policy.
other energy products including transport fuels. The target is Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 sets measures to ensure the
only indicative but the NAPs will have to be submitted to the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries
Commission for approval and will be reviewed every three resources. COM(2004) 438 promotes environment-friendly
years. The process will be spread over nine years, starting in fishing methods, focusing on bringing fishing effort down to
January 2008. This directive complements existing energy viable levels and maintain it there; optimising the catch of
legislation such as the energy performance of buildings target species and minimising unwanted catches; and
directive, the combined heat and power directive and the minimising the impact of fishing on marine habitats.
directives on the energy labelling of appliances.
7. Integrating the environmental dimension into
In January 2007, the Commission presented an ‘energy and sustainable development of the urban environment
climate change package’, focusing on the use of renewable In January 2006, the European Commission adopted the
energy and a reduced and more efficient use of energy. This thematic strategy on the urban environment (COM(2005) 718).
was followed by the climate and energy package of January The strategy sets out new measures to support and facilitate
2008 (see 4.10.7 and 4.13). the adoption of integrated approaches to the management of
4. Environmental and sustainable agriculture the urban environment by national, regional and local
The agri-environmental strategy of the common agricultural authorities. In July 2008 the European Parliament adopted an
policy (CAP) is largely aimed at enhancing the sustainability of own-initiative report on a recent Commission Green Paper to
agro-ecosystems. The measures set out to address the tackle the negative effects of urban transport on climate
integration of environmental concerns into the CAP change and the environment.
encompass environmental requirements (cross-compliance) 8. Integration of the environment into economic policy
and incentives (e.g. set-aside) integrated into the market and The Commission communication ‘Bringing our needs and
income policy, as well as targeted environmental measures responsibilities together — integrating environmental issues
that form part of the rural development programmes. with economic policy’ (COM(2000) 576) of September 2000 on
Simplification of the CAP in 2003 lead — amongst others — to integrating environmental issues into economic policy was the
the introduction of a new system of direct payments, known basis for the Ecofin Council’s ‘First step toward a strategy’ report
as the single payment scheme (SPS), under which aid is no of 27 November 2000 to the Nice European Council. Achieving
longer linked to production (decoupling). the Kyoto targets through market instruments, such as an
While the 2003 reform modernised the CAP, the 2007/08 CAP emissions trading system, was the underlying objective of the
health check proposals (COM(2007) 722) present an report. Furthermore, the report stressed the need for annual
opportunity to review this policy. This includes how to master broad economic policy guidelines fully incorporating the
new challenges, from climate change to growth in biofuels objectives of environmental integration. The best strategy for
and water management, and ongoing ones, such as integrating the environment into economic policy is to create
biodiversity, by adapting to the new risks and opportunities. or improve the functioning of markets for environmental
goods and to create and assign well-defined property rights
5. Integration of the environmental dimension in
for environmental goods and services which are enforceable
developing countries
by law and tradable.
Regulation (EC) No 2493/2000 promotes full integration of the
environmental dimension into the development process of 9. Integration of the environment into transport
developing countries. The regulation lays down the rules The European strategy on transport and environment (Council
under which cooperation projects initiated by various players report of 6 October 1999 to the European Council of Helsinki)
Legal basis and objectives investment is required to prevent toxic emissions, as well as
careful planning and management of the plant and sensitive
selection of sites.
General background The EU’s sixth environment action programme identifies waste
prevention and management as one of four top priorities. Its
All products used have a natural resource base. European primary objective is to decouple waste generation from
economies depend highly on natural resources, including economic activity, so that EU growth will no longer lead to
raw materials such as minerals, biomass and biological more and more rubbish. Recycling has great potential for
resources; environmental media such as air, water and soil; reducing pollution. Energy consumption is cut by between a
flow resources such as wind, geothermal, tidal and solar quarter and three fifths for every tonne of paper produced
energy; and space (land area). In using resources and from waste paper rather than wood, while atmospheric
transforming them, capital stocks are built up which add to the pollution is cut by 75 %. Recycling of paper, cardboard and
wealth of present and future generations. However, if current glass is therefore of prime importance. Levels of recycling in
patterns of resource use are maintained in Europe, the Member States range from 28 % to 53 % for paper and
environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources cardboard (EU average: 49.6 %) and between 21 % and 70 %
will continue. The dimensions of our current resource use are for glass.
such that the chances of future generations — and the
developing countries — to have access to their fair share of
scarce resources are endangered. The sustainable use of Achievements
resources, involving sustainable production and consumption A. Natural resources: thematic strategy on the
is hence a key ingredient of long-term prosperity, both within sustainable use of natural resources
the EU and globally.
In December 2005, the Commission presented a
European society has grown wealthier through the use of communication on the thematic strategy on the sustainable
these natural resources; however, not without repercussions use of natural resources (COM(2005) 670) to decouple
on the environment such as air pollution (4.10.6), global economic growth from environmental degradation. The
warming (4.10.7) and the production of waste. Total waste strategy focuses on improving knowledge, developing
generation in the EU is about 1.8 billion tonnes per year monitoring tools and fostering strategic approaches in specific
(excluding the 700 million tonnes of agricultural waste). This economic sectors and is closely linked with the thematic
means that approximately 3.5 tonnes per capita of waste is strategy on waste which was adopted the same day.
produced in the EU every year. This consists mainly of waste
from households, industry, commercial activities, agriculture, B. Waste management
construction and demolition projects, mining and quarrying 1. The thematic strategy on the prevention and recycling
activities and from energy generation. This amount is growing of waste
faster than GDP and less than a third of it is recycled. The
The thematic strategy on the prevention and recycling of
European Environment Agency (EEA) identifies the following
waste, as adopted by the European Commission in December
six major waste streams in the EU: manufacturing waste (26 %),
2005, deals with substantial environmental impacts
mining and quarrying waste (29 %), construction and
(COM(2005) 666). EU policy has several main objectives,
demolition waste (22 %) and municipal solid waste (14 %).
including avoiding waste by promoting environment-friendly
In the EU’s most densely populated areas, disposal by and less waste-intensive technologies and processes and by
dumping is reaching its limits, and while it remains a possible producing environmentally sound and recyclable products;
solution in other areas the opportunities are limited in the long promoting reprocessing, and in particular the recovery and
term by the threat of water and soil pollution and the protests reuse of waste as raw materials; improving waste disposal by
of local inhabitants. Recourse to dumping will depend on the introducing stringent European environmental standards,
availability of conveniently situated and well-planned sites and particularly in the form of legislation; tightening up the
the pre-treatment. Waste incineration is an option in many provisions governing the transport of dangerous substances
cases, having the advantage of energy recovery. However, and reclaiming contaminated land. These objectives are to be
2. End-of-life ships: ship dismantling radioactive waste and spent fuel will replace Directive 92/3/
On 22 May 2007, the Commission approved, following its Euratom. The provisions of this directive prohibit the export of
orientation debate of 28 March 2007, a Green Paper on better radioactive waste to the ACP countries, in line with the
ship dismantling (COM(2007) 269), which analyses the Cotonou Convention signed in 2000, to a destination south of
problems posed by this activity, sets out the options for action latitude 60° south or to a third country which does not have
at EU level and poses questions to the stakeholders. The the resources to manage the radioactive waste safely.
Commission bases its analysis on the fact that the dismantling 5. Packaging and packaging waste
of European ships nowadays often takes place in developing The packaging and packaging waste directive (94/62/EC)
countries under dangerous and environmentally harmful covers all packaging placed on the market in the Community
conditions, and contrary to Community waste shipment law. and all packaging waste, whether it is used or released at
On this basis, a consultation process of the stakeholders was industrial, commercial, office, shop, service, household or any
launched until 30 September 2007. In May 2008 the European other level, regardless of the material used. The directive
Parliament adopted a resolution on the Green Paper on better requires Member States to take measures, which may include
ship dismantling (2007/2279(INI)). national programmes, to prevent the formation of packaging
3. Waste electrical and electronic equipment waste, and to develop packaging reuse systems. Directive
Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain 2004/12/EC (amending Directive 94/62/EC) establishes criteria
hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment clarifying the definition of the term ‘packaging’.
(the so-called RoHS directive) was adopted after a long and 6. Directive on the management of waste from extractive
controversial debate in the European Parliament (EP). This industries
directive aims to protect the soil, water and air against In 2006, Directive 2006/21/EC on the management of waste
pollution through the restriction of the use of certain from extractive industries was adopted, based on the
substances, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium and Commission proposal COM(2003) 319. This directive seeks to
certain hexavalent brominated flame retardants. It lays down tackle the significant environmental and health risks associated
provisions to ensure that from 1 July 2006 new electrical and with the management of mining waste as a result of their
electronic equipment put on the market does not contain any volume and pollution potential.
of these substances. Certain exemptions apply, inter alia, to the
use of mercury in compact and straight fluorescent lamps, as D. Waste treatment
well as to the use of lead in different types of solders and as an 1. Use of sewage sludge in agriculture
alloying element. The progressive implementation of the urban wastewater
It provides for the prohibition of other hazardous substances treatment directive (91/271/EEC) in all Member States is
and for their replacement by more environment-friendly increasing the quantities of sewage sludge requiring disposal.
alternatives as soon as new scientific evidence is available, on Council Directive 86/278/EEC on the protection of the
the basis of a new proposal from the Commission. In 2008, two environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge
acts were adopted amending Directive 2002/95/EC: Directive is used in agriculture has been quite successful in preventing
2008/35/EC establishing maximum concentration values for crop contamination by pathogens which could have been
certain hazardous substances and Commission Decision caused by the use of sludge on agricultural soils. Some
2008/385/EC on adapting to technical progress the annex on Member States have a particularly high reuse rate; others
exemptions for applications of lead and cadmium. prefer to landfill or reincinerate the sludge they produce.
Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic 2. Landfill sites
equipment (WEEE) was also adopted after a long and Directive 1999/31/EC is intended to prevent or reduce the
controversial debate in the EP. It was later amended by adverse effects of the landfill of waste on the environment, in
Directive 2008/34/EC and aims at protecting soil, water and air particular on surface water, groundwater, soil and air, as well as
against pollution, through better disposal of WEEE. on human health. The directive sets up a system of operating
4. Radioactive waste and substances permits for landfill sites.
In accordance with Directive 80/836/Euratom, each Member 3. Incineration
State must make compulsory the reporting of activities which Directive 2000/76/EC has applied to existing plants since 28
involve a hazard arising from ionising radiation. In the light of December 2005 and has applied to new plants since
possible dangers, activities are subject to prior authorisation in December 2002, to prevent or reduce, as far as possible, air,
certain cases decided upon by each Member State. Shipments water and soil pollution caused by the incineration or co-
of radioactive waste between Member States and into and out incineration of waste. In the proposal for the new waste
of the EU are subject to the specific measures laid down by directive, the Commission called for more flexibility in the
Council Regulation (Euratom) No 1493/93 and Directive 92/3/ waste hierarchy to allow waste to be treated in a cheaper and
Euratom. From 25 December 2008, Directive 2006/117/ more energy-efficient way. The Commission had put forward
Euratom on the supervision and control of shipments of an energy-efficiency threshold to determine whether an
Legal basis and objectives data through its public web portal and rapid reaction to deal
with for example reporting of pollution.
B. EU international agreements on regional waters
Achievements The Helsinki Convention on the protection and use of
transboundary watercourses and international lakes
A. Framework directive in the field of water policy
(Council Decision 95/308/EC) was signed on behalf of the EU
The objective of the water framework directive (WFD) in Helsinki in 1992. Actions of the parties are guided by the
(2000/60/EC) is to establish an EU framework for the precautionary principle, the ‘polluter pays’ principle and the
protection of inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal principle of sustainability.
waters and groundwater, in order to prevent and reduce
pollution, promote sustainable water use, protect the aquatic The EU signed the Convention on the protection of the
environment, improve the status of aquatic ecosystems and Rhine in April 1999 in Berne (Council Decision 2000/706/EC).
mitigate the effects of floods and droughts. River basins The convention is designed to preserve and improve the
covering the territory of more than one Member State are ecosystem of the Rhine, strengthening cooperation between
assigned to an international river basin district. the Community and the Rhine riparian States.
By 2007 Member States must have completed an analysis of The Convention on cooperation and protection and
the characteristics of each river basin district, a review of the sustainable use of the Danube River and the Convention on
impact of human activity on the water, an economic analysis the protection of the Black Sea against pollution are the
of water use and a register of areas requiring special current instruments for environmental cooperation. The
protection. All bodies of water used for the abstraction of Commission communication COM(2001) 615 outlines a
water intended for human consumption providing more than strategy for environmental cooperation in the Danube–
10 m³ a day as an average or serving more than 50 persons Black Sea region.
must be identified. Nine years after the date of entry into force Today, 20 Mediterranean coastal States and the EU are the
of the directive, a management plan and programme of contracting parties to the Barcelona Convention, signed in
measures must be produced for each river basin district. 1976 by all Member States and amended in 1995 to establish
the precautionary principle and to set as a new and ultimate
By 2010 Member States must ensure that water pricing
target the full elimination of pollution sources. The most
policies provide adequate incentives for users to use water
significant aspect of the Barcelona Convention and the
resources efficiently and that the various economic sectors
Mediterranean action plan are its six protocols, dealing, for
contribute to the recovery of the costs of water services,
example, with pollution from ships and aircraft, pollution
including those relating to the environment and resources. By
from land-based sources, and pollution by transboundary
2012 at the latest and every six years thereafter, the
movements of hazardous waste. The Commission
Commission will publish a report on the implementation of
communication COM(2006) 475 establishes a strategy for
the directive and will convene, where appropriate, a
the Mediterranean basin to protect the marine
conference of interested parties on EU water policy.
environment and the coastline of this region and to reduce
The objectives of the WFD are to be achieved no later than 15 pollution by 2020.
years after its entry into force (2015), although this deadline
The Helsinki Convention on the protection of the Baltic
may be extended or relaxed under certain conditions, and the
Sea, signed in March 1974 by all States bordering the Baltic
first review of the river basin management plan should take
and in force since 1980, is intended to abate pollution of the
place in 2021. The 2007 implementation report ‘Towards
Baltic Sea area caused by discharges through rivers, estuaries,
sustainable water management in the EU’ (COM(2007) 128), as
outfalls and pipelines, dumping and normal operations of
presented on the EU Water Conference 2007, shows that
significant progress has been made; however, there are still a
number of shortcomings. Simultaneously with the report, the The Paris Convention for the protection of the marine
Commission presented the new Community instrument WISE environment of the north-east Atlantic, signed in 1992,
(water information system for Europe) which contains data requires the parties to observe the precautionary and the
and information collected at EU level, allowing for exchange of ‘polluter pays’ principles.
3. Quality required of shellfish waters and water to report to the Commission containing information on codes of
support fish life good agricultural practice, designated nitrate vulnerable zones
Specific measures are intended for the protection and/or (NVZ), the results of water monitoring and a summary of the
improvement of the quality of fresh waters which support relevant aspects of action programmes drawn up in relation to
certain fish species and shellfish. These are provided for in nitrate vulnerable zones.
Directive 79/923/EEC on the quality required of shellfish waters
F. Flood protection management and water scarcity
and Directive 78/659/EEC on the quality of fresh waters
needing protection or improvement in order to support fish Over the past 30 years droughts have dramatically increased
life. In accordance with the EU’s policy to simplify legislation, in number and intensity in the European Union and, in 2003,
the Commission proposed a codification of Directive 79/923/ one of the most widespread droughts affected over 100
EEC on shellfish waters and its subsequent amendments into a million people and about a third of the EU land. In January
single text (COM(2006) 205). The new directive (2006/113/EC) 2006 the European Commission proposed a directive on the
was adopted by Parliament and the Council in December assessment and management of floods (COM(2006) 15). In
2006. By 2013, the codifying directives on this subject will be November 2007, Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment
repealed by the WFD. and management of flood risks entered into force. Its aim is
to reduce and manage the risks that floods pose to human
4. Urban wastewater treatment health, the environment, infrastructure and property. Under
Directive 91/271/EEC (amended by 98/15/EC) deals with urban the proposed directive Member States need to carry out a
wastewater treatments. Aid under the Structural Funds and preliminary assessment to identify the river basins and
the Cohesion Fund may be allocated and the Commission also associated coastal areas at risk of flooding. For such zones
intended to increase its support to small and medium-sized they need to draw up flood risk maps and flood risk
agglomerations affected by the deadline of 31 December 2005 management plans focused on prevention, protection and
as well as to the candidate countries, for which the preparedness.
implementation of the directive represents a major challenge.
Further to the request of a number of Member States to
E. Discharges of substances, limit values and nitrate initiate a European action on water scarcity and droughts
EU legislation has introduced a system of strict limit values for made during the Environment Council of March 2006, the
dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic Commission agreed to analyse this and to present a first report
environment, while at the same time leaving Member States for the June 2006 Environment Council. In recognition of the
free to choose the system of quality objectives, with the acuteness of the water scarcity and drought challenges in
corresponding obligation to show that these objectives are Europe, the Commission launched in early 2007 a study in
being met. The ‘basic directive’ on discharges of certain order to quantify the water saving potential across Europe. On
dangerous substances (76/464/EEC) contained a blacklist of 5 June 2007 the Impact Assessment Board adopted an opinion
132 substances declared dangerous by virtue of their toxicity on the draft version of the impact assessment of the
and bio-accumulation. It was supplemented by specific communication. In May 2008 the Commission presented a
directives prescribing limit values and quality objectives for communication ‘Addressing the challenge of water scarcity
cadmium, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), mercury and and droughts’ in the European Union.
titanium dioxide. Directive 2006/11/EC codifies and replaces
this directive and its subsequent amendments. Role of the European Parliament
Decision No 2455/2001/EC establishes a list of priority The European Parliament (EP) has frequently taken the
substances in the field of water policy for which quality initiative in the field of water protection. In January 2000,
standards and emission control measures will be set at following the oil slick disaster caused by the wreck of the Erika,
Community level, amending the WFD. In July 2006, the the EP called for a sustainable, long-term European transport
Commission adopted a proposal for a new directive on policy to be implemented to prevent the risk of any further oil
environmental quality standards in the field of water policy pollution disasters. It welcomed the initiative seeking to set up
(COM(2006) 397), amending the WFD. The proposed directive an EU cooperation framework in the field of accidental marine
will set limits on concentrations in surface waters of 41 pollution (COM(1998) 769), and insisted that this decision
dangerous chemical substances (33 priority substances and should be taken as quickly as possible in order to create the
eight other pollutants) that pose a particular risk to animal and optimum conditions for managing crises such as that caused
plant life in the aquatic environment and to human health. The by the Erika.
emission reduction programmes, as mentioned in the old
Moreover, the EP urged an effective, coherent, integrated
directive (76/464/EEC), will remain place until 2013.
policy on water, which would take account of the vulnerability
The protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates of aquatic ecosystems near coasts and estuaries. The EP set
from agricultural sources is laid down by Directive 91/676/EEC, four objectives: coordination of Member State initiatives,
as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003. The nitrates charges for water use, a programme of measures for Member
directive requires Member States to submit every four years a States and exemptions.
The ‘Clean air for Europe’ programme and the Inspire initiative gases and pollutants arising from them are harmful to human
aim at reducing such pollution by 2020. The reduction of health, corrode various materials and damage vegetation, have
atmospheric pollution, such as that caused by transportation, a detrimental effect on agricultural and forestry production
also means a reduction of noise pollution. and cause unpleasant smells. Many of these pollutants are
responsible for the greenhouse effect. Some substances such
Legal basis and objectives as arsenic, cadmium, nickel and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons are human genotoxic carcinogens and there is
4.10.1. no identifiable threshold below which they do not pose a risk
to human health. The EU has taken important steps over the
General background past decade, leading to a decrease in the emissions to air and
Community activities to protect the air concern a wide range water of a number of pollutants. Between 1990 and 2002,
of problems: limiting depletion of stratospheric ozone, and emissions decreased by 43 % in the EU-15 and by 58 % in the
controlling acidification, ground-level ozone and other EU-10, despite increased economic activity.
pollutants and climate change. Atmospheric pollutants, which
enter the air from a wide variety of sources, can be subdivided Achievements
into three broad categories: emissions from mobile sources
(transport industry); emissions from immobile sources A. Management and quality of ambient air
(businesses, homes, farms and rubbish dumps); and emissions The ‘old’ air quality framework directive (96/62/EC) set out
caused by power generation. High concentrations of these the basic principles of a common strategy for establishing
ambient air quality objectives with a view to reducing or 2. National emission ceilings for certain atmospheric
preventing harmful effects on the environment and health. It pollutants
was supplemented by four so-called ‘daughter’ directives, Directive 2001/81/EC on national emission ceilings for certain
relating to specific pollutants, which were merged (except for atmospheric pollutants is part of the follow-up to the
the fourth daughter directive) into a new air quality directive in Community strategy to combat acidification (COM(97) 88
May 2008 (see subsection B): final), which sought to establish national emission ceilings for
— the first directive (1999/30/EC) on sulphur dioxide, nitrogen sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), volatile organic
dioxide and nitrogen oxides, particulates (PM10) and lead in compounds (VOC) and ammonia (NH3). The Commission
ambient air; adopted a proposal for the revision of the national ceilings
directive in summer 2007, which was built upon the work
— the second directive (2000/69/EC), which introduced performed under the CAFE programme and the thematic
specific limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide; strategy on air pollution.
— the third directive (2002/3/EC), which established an
C. Reduction of transport emissions
information threshold, an alert threshold (higher than
information threshold), target values and long-term aims Passenger transport volumes and freight transport have
for ozone concentration in ambient air; respectively risen by 20 % (period 1990–2003) and 43 % (since
1992) while GDP has increased by 30 %. Road and aviation
— the fourth directive (2004/107/EC), which establishes target were estimated to increase by 36 % and 105 % respectively
values for concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, between 2000 and 2020 in the EU-25, with the strongest
nickel and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. growth taking place in the EU-10.
B. Thematic strategy on air pollution and the ‘Clean air While emissions from most sectors, such as energy supply,
for Europe’ programme industry and agriculture, dropped between 1990 and 2004 in
In 2001, a ‘Clean air for Europe’ (CAFE) programme (COM(2001) the EU-15, greenhouse gas emissions from transport rose by
245) was adopted by the Commission. In September 2005 a 26 %. Several directives have been adopted at Community
thematic strategy on air pollution (COM(2005) 446) and a level in order to limit pollution due to transport, setting
proposal for a CAFE directive (COM(2005) 447) were adopted. maximum emission limits for vehicles and other sources of
pollution and introducing tax measures in the transport sector
The objectives proposed in the thematic strategy are to aimed at encouraging the consumer to act in a more
reduce by 2020 the concentration of PM2.5 by 75 % and of environment-friendly manner. These actions at Community
ground level ozone by 60 %, as well as to reduce the threat to level have had positive results, but the progress achieved to
the natural environment from both acidification and date is threatened by the rising number of vehicles on the
eutrophication by 55 %, which is technically possible by road and vehicle use, leading to an increase of fuel
2020. This means cutting SO2 emissions by 82 %, NOx by consumption.
60 %, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) by 51 %, ammonia by
1. Road vehicles: petrol and diesel engines
27 % and primary PM2.5 by 59 % from 2000 levels. It is
estimated that these reductions would save 1.71 million life Road transport generates about one fifth of the EU’s CO2
years by lowering exposure to PM, reduce acute mortality emissions, with passenger cars responsible for around 12 %.
from exposure to O3, deliver EUR 42 billion per year in health Motor vehicle emissions are regulated by Directive 70/220/EEC
benefits, reduce environmental damage to forests, lakes and (light vehicles) and 88/77/EC (heavy vehicles). In cooperation
streams and to biodiversity, reduce damage to buildings and with the oil and motor-vehicle industries, the Commission has
materials, and reduce the cost of damage to agricultural drawn up an ‘auto-oil’ programme to reduce exhaust gas
crops by EUR 0.3 billion per year. According to the proposed emissions. A review of the Oil programme, running from 1997
strategy, a large part of these reduction objectives will be until 2000, was published by the Commission in October 2000
delivered through improved implementation of measures (COM(2000) 626).
already adopted. Under the auto-oil programmes, several measures have been
1. New directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air adopted to tackle air pollution from motor-vehicle emissions
for Europe and to address the quality of petrol and diesel fuel through
banning lead in petrol and setting emission limit values
The new directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air
(Directives 98/70/EC, 98/69/EC, 98/77/EC, 1999/96/EC and
for Europe (Directive 2008/50/EC) was adopted in May 2008.
This new directive merges most of existing legislation into a
single directive (except for the fourth daughter directive) with Within the context of the European climate change programme
no change to existing air quality objectives. It sets new air (see 4.10.7), the Commission proposed in January 2007 a
quality objectives for PM2.5 (fine particles) and includes the renewed Community strategy to reduce CO2 emissions from
possibility to discount natural sources of pollution when light-duty vehicles (passenger cars and light-commercial vans),
assessing compliance against limit values. with a view to reaching the EU objective of 120 g CO2/km by
50 MW, irrespective of the type of fuel used, and aims at established rules and procedures with regard to the
gradually reducing the annual emissions of SO2 and NOx from introduction of noise-related operating restrictions at
existing plants and lays down emission limit values in the case Community airports. In COM(2001) 74 the Commission
of new plants. Further requirements for plants below 50 MW proposes a directive on the establishment of a framework for
are under consideration as part of the implementation of the noise classification of civil subsonic aircraft for the purpose of
thematic strategy on air pollution. calculating noise charges, aiming at promoting the use of
less noisy aeroplanes.
3. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Council Directive 1999/13/EC on the limitation of emissions of c. Railway traffic
VOCs due to the use of organic solvents in certain activities Directive 96/48/EC and Directive 2001/16/EC provide a
and installations is part of the overall strategy to reduce legislative framework for technical and operational
pollution. It complements the auto-oil programme, by harmonisation of the rail network for high-speed rail and
combating emissions of organic solvents from stationary conventional rail respectively. The low noise train development
commercial and industrial sources, and the 1994 directive on programme launched jointly by the German, Austrian and
VOC emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its Italian railways aims to achieve a substantial reduction in noise
distribution chain. The requirements on the solvent content of emissions for the whole system, of up to 23 dB(A), by new
paints and varnishes are established in the paints directive goods train designs which optimise noise reduction. At EU
(2004/42/EC). level, a proposal dating back to 1984 to harmonise the
regulations governing noise emissions from trains was
E. Management of noise pollution withdrawn by the Commission on 28 July 1993.
The Green Paper on action against noise (COM(96) 540) sought
to develop a new approach to the problem of noise and a first d. Airborne noise emitted by household appliances and
step towards an integrated programme for combating noise equipment used outdoors
(mainly caused by traffic and by industrial and recreational Directive 86/594/EEC covers provisions related to measuring
activities). Economic incentives are an essential part of EU methods determining and monitoring the airborne noise
noise abatement policy. Possible measures are: subsidies for emitted by household appliances. The 1996 Commission
the development and the purchase of quieter products; a legal Green Paper on future noise policy highlighted the increase in
requirement to provide information on products; noise levies noise pollution in urban areas. Directive 2000/14/EC, as
in accordance with the ‘polluter pays’ principle; and the amended by Directive 2005/88/EC, is a framework directive
introduction of noise licences. designed to control noise emissions and labelling of more
than 50 types of equipment used outdoors.
1. Framework directive for the assessment and
management of exposure to environmental noise e. Industrial noise and construction plants
Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and Large industrial and agricultural installations covered by
management of environmental noise aims at harmonising the IPPC directive are subject to receiving permits, following
noise indicators and assessment methods, gathering noise the use of best available techniques (BATs) as references. Since
exposure information in the form of ‘noise maps’, and making industrial environmental noise is a local issue, measures to be
this information available to the public. Furthermore, it taken depend on the location, which makes it hard to establish
required the Member States to draw up action plans by no BATs for noise prevention and control. Noise emitted by
later than 18 July 2008. In 2004 the Commission submitted a construction plants such as excavators, loaders, earth-
report to the Council and the EP on existing EU measures moving machines and tower cranes is regulated by several
relating to sources of environmental noise (COM(2004) 160). directives and regulations at EU level.
2. Sectoral legislations f. Recreational craft
a. Road traffic Directive 2003/44/EC, amending Directive 94/25/EC, concerns
Directives 70/157/EEC and 97/24/EC set limits on the recreational motorboats, including personal watercraft, and
permissible sound level of motor vehicles (with a maximum complements its design and construction requirements with
speed of more than 25 km/h) and of mopeds and environmental standards regarding exhaust and noise
motorcycles respectively. Complementing legislation on emission limit values.
vehicles themselves, Directive 2001/43/EC provides for the
testing and limiting of tyre rolling noise levels, and for their Role of the European Parliament
phased reduction.
The European Parliament has played a decisive role in the
b. Air traffic formulation of a progressive environmental policy to combat
Directive 92/14/EEC was adopted in 1992, based on standards air pollution. Parliament welcomed the Commission’s
of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), in order thematic strategy on air pollution, but noted with concern
to limit the operation of aeroplanes and ban the noisiest that the strategy does not show how the objectives of the
aircraft from European airports. Directive 2002/30/EC sixth Environmental action programme could be attained and
Legal basis and objectives particular deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels (such as
coal, oil and natural gas) and other fuels, which leads to the
4.10.1. emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), one of the most important
GHGs. Other important contributors to the recent climate
General background change are methane, nitrous oxide and fluorocarbons.
Over the past 100 years global mean temperature has 1. Impacts of climate change
increased by 0.7 °C and in Europe by about 1.0 °C. Global warming has led to: more extreme weather events such
Temperatures are projected to increase further by 1.4 to 5.8 °C as floods, droughts, heavy rain, heatwaves, forest fires; water
by 2100, with larger increases in eastern and southern Europe. availability issues; disappearance of glaciers and less snowfall;
There is increased evidence that most of this warming can be adaptation and sometimes shifts in the distribution patterns or
attributed to the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and even the extinction of fauna and flora; promotion of certain
aerosols by human activities. The most important issue is the plant diseases and pests; a rising sea level; and intensified
large rise in concentrations of GHGs in the atmosphere. These photochemical smog, causing health problems. Ecosystems
gases trap heat that is radiated from the earth's surface and are known to have a certain capability (‘resilience’) to adapt to
prevent it escaping into space, causing ‘global warming’. disturbances, and should therefore be able to cope with the
Human activities that contribute to climate change include in climate changes by means of ‘moving’ into new relatively
steady states. However, once the disturbances pass a certain CO2 emissions in 1990. The ‘burden-sharing agreement’ further
stress level, the ecosystem’s resilience might be ‘lost’, causing redistributes the overall 8 % reduction target among the EU
the ecosystem to jump from the one steady state to the other Member States, as can be found in Annex II to Council
in just a few years. Scientific evidence exists saying that the Decision 2002/358/EC. Decision No 280/2004/EC of the
risks of irreversible and possibly catastrophic changes would European Parliament and of the Council provides for a
greatly increase if global warming exceeded 2 °C above the mechanism for monitoring Community greenhouse gas
pre-industrial levels. The EU’s position is therefore that the emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol.
objective of global action must be to keep the temperature
At the Montreal world climate conference in December 2005,
rise within this 2 °C limit.
the Commission and EU Member States pressed for, and
2. Cost of action versus cost of non-action successfully obtained, a decision that international talks should
The Stern review on the economics of climate change, start on future action to combat climate change after 2012,
commissioned by the UK government and published in when the Kyoto Protocol commitments expire (‘post-2012
October 2006, said that managing global warming and thus strategy’).
reducing GHG emissions would cost +/– 1 % of global GDP
B. Efforts within the EU
every year, while inaction could cost the economy ‘at least 5 %’
of GDP each year and up to 20 % in the worst-case scenario. In 1. European climate change programme (ECCP)
its impact assessment accompanying COM(2007) 2, the The ECCP was established in June 2000 on the basis of two
Commission shows that taking action to limit climate change communications (COM(2000) 88 and COM(2001) 580) to help
is fully compatible with sustaining global economic growth. identify the most environment-friendly and cost-effective EU
Around 0.5 % of total global GDP would be required to invest measures enabling the EU to meet its targets under the Kyoto
in a low-carbon economy for the period 2013–30, leading to a Protocol. Within the context of its first phase (ECCP I), working
0.19 % decrease in global GDP growth per year up to 2030 groups have investigated the possibilities of and the issues
(only a fraction of the expected annual GDP growth rate of related to: market-based mechanisms such as an emission
2.8 %). And this is without taking into account associated trading scheme (ETS), joint implementation and clean
health benefits, greater energy security and reduced damage development mechanism; energy supply and consumption
from avoided climate change. Tackling climate change has (including the use of renewable energy and the improvement
been on the agenda of the EU for the past few years and is of the energy performance of buildings); transport; industry;
being integrated into other policy areas, outside of agriculture and forestry (including their use as carbon sinks);
environment policies, as well. and research. The second phase (ECCP II) was launched in
October 2005. ECCP II consists of several working groups:
Helped by the EU-level policies and measures, as well as by ECCP I review (with five subgroups: transport, energy supply,
national initiatives, the EU has succeeded in ‘decoupling’ its energy demand, non-CO2 gases and agriculture); aviation; CO2
greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth. By 2004, and cars; environmentally safe use of carbon capture and
the EU-15 had collectively reduced its emissions by 0.9 % while storage; adaptation; and EU ETS review.
the economy grew by 32 % (compared to the base year of
1990 in most cases); the EU-25 achieved a 7.3 % reduction. 2. The climate and energy package
In 2005, the Commission issued a communication entitled
Models developed under the fourth IPPC assessment report ‘Winning the battle against global climate change’ (COM(2005)
(2007) show that if no action is taken to further reduce 35), which recommends a number of elements to be included
greenhouse gas emissions, the global mean temperature in the EU’s further climate change strategies and proposals to
would increase by about 3.4 °C by 2080 compared to 1990 prepare the EU’s position for future international negotiations.
levels, affecting negatively nearly all European regions.
In January 2007, the European Commission presented its
‘Climate and energy package’. It includes a communication
Achievements ‘Limiting global climate change to 2° Celsius: the way ahead
A. The Kyoto Protocol for 2020 and beyond’ (COM(2007) 2) setting out proposals and
Under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework options for keeping climate change to manageable levels.
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) concluded in 1997, In March 2007, EU leaders agreed on a binding target to
contracting parties committed themselves to reducing the six reduce the overall EU greenhouse gas emissions by 20 %,
greenhouse gases responsible for climate change: CO2, compared with 1990 levels, by 2020. This target would be
methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorcarbons, perfluorcarbons and raised to 30 % should other industrialised nations, including
sulphur hexafluoride. The European Community committed the USA, take similar steps. In addition, global emissions would
itself to achieving an overall reduction in CO2 emissions of 8 % in have to be cut by 50 % by 2050, implying reductions in
the period 2008–12 compared with 1990 levels. developed countries by 60 to 80 %.
The protocol entered into force in February 2005, after being Furthermore, the EU summit endorsed the Commission
ratified by 55 contracting parties, accounting for 55 % of total roadmap on a 20 % renewables target for energy consumption
b. Greenhouse gas emission trading in respect of the Kyoto concentrations in the atmosphere by up to 30 %. The EU set
Protocol’s project mechanisms up a technology platform on zero emission fossil fuel power
The so-called ‘linking directive’ (2004/101/EC) links the EU ETS plants at the end of 2004 and has proposed a regulatory
with the other Kyoto flexible mechanisms: joint framework to commercialise and subsidise this new
implementation (JI) and the clean development mechanism technology.
(CDM). CDM projects involve investment by rich nations in On 23 January 2008, the European Commission issued a
‘clean’ projects in the developing world in exchange for CO2 communication on CCS demonstration projects and a
emissions credits. The basic rationale for the CDM is that proposal for a directive on the legal framework for CCS as part
abatement of GHGs in developing countries can be achieved of the larger package on renewable energies and climate
at lower costs than in developed countries. JI projects are change (COM(2008) 18).
similar and allow for emission credits obtained through
projects in other developed countries. C. International policy on climate change
In addition to its firm independent commitment to a 20 %
c. Sources outside of the EU ETS: burden/effort sharing
reduction by 2020, the EU commits itself to a 30 % reduction in
Road transport, shipping, waste, agriculture and forestry greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 provided that other
remain excluded from the EU ETS. In order to achieve an developed countries commit themselves to comparable
average 10 % reduction of greenhouse gases from sectors not emission reductions and economically more advanced
covered by the ETS, the Commission has set national targets, in developing countries contribute adequately according to their
relation to the 2005 levels, according to countries’ per capita responsibilities and respective capabilities.
GDP (COM(2008) 17).
The EU played an important role in Bali in securing the
The use of credits obtained through financing emission agreement on the roadmap towards a new comprehensive
reduction projects in countries outside the EU through the agreement on cutting emissions to be reached by 2009, and is
CDM will be limited to 3 % of Member States’ emissions from convinced that developed countries can and should commit
sources outside the ETS in the year 2005. themselves to a 30 % cut in emission levels by 2020. The EU
4. Energy efficiency and renewable energy will continue to take the lead in the negotiation of an
ambitious international agreement, the next steps being the
In order to increase the share of renewable energy in Europe
COP14 meeting in Poznan in December 2008 and COP15 in
and to reduce oil-dependency, the European Commission
Copenhagen 2009.
adopted the EU biomass action plan (COM(2005) 628) and a
communication on the EU strategy for bio fuels (COM(2006) The main issues within the climate negotiations are:
34) to improve the production and use of bio-energy in — carbon trading versus a carbon tax;
Europe and in third countries.
— the need for predictable carbon prices and a possible
Following the energy–climate package of January 2007, future global carbon market;
European leaders signed up in March 2007 to a binding EU-
wide target to source 20 % of their energy needs from — sectoral approaches: auctioning versus free allocation;
renewables such as biomass, hydro, wind and solar power by — the possibility of imposing a carbon import tax on foreign
2020 while increasing energy efficiency by 20 %. As part of the goods produced by energy-intensive industries operating
overall target, a binding minimum target was set for each in countries that do not have tough restrictions on CO2
Member State to achieve at least 10 % of their transport fuel emissions; a similar option would be a WTO-wide deal on
consumption from biofuels. However, the binding character of the full elimination of tariffs on 43 products identified by
this target is ‘subject to production being sustainable’ and to the World Bank as environment friendly;
‘second-generation biofuels becoming commercially available’.
On 23 January 2008, the Commission put forward — technology financing and development of clean and
differentiated targets for the share of energy from renewable environment-friendly technologies;
sources in final energy consumption in 2020 for each EU — adaptation;
Member State, based on the per capita GDP of each country
— energy efficiency;
(COM(2008) 19).
— forest conservation: agreements were made in Bali to
5. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) expand on existing mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol
CCS technology separates CO2 from atmospheric emissions that provide incentives for developing countries to prevent
(resulting from industrial processes), compresses the CO2 and deforestation on their territories.
transports it to a location where it can be stored in geological
or mineral formations and/or oceans. According to the UN D. Adaptation to climate change and the clean
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, CCS could development mechanism
remove 80 to 90 % of CO2 emissions from power plants if The climate policy based on emission reduction needs to be
successful, and could reduce the costs of stabilising the CO2 complemented with an efficient response to the unavoidable
(EFICS), setting up a system to collect, coordinate, standardise, which laid down common measures for the contained use of
process and disseminate information concerning the forestry genetically modified micro-organisms for the purposes of
sector and its development. Council resolution of 15 protecting human health and the environment. Furthermore,
December 1998 on EU forestry strategy established a in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC introducing a new
framework for forest-related actions in support of sustainable efficient and transparent regulatory system on the deliberate
forest management (SFM). In June 2006, a communication on release of GMOs into the environment, it adopted (proposals
an EU forest action plan was adopted (COM(2006) 302). for) decisions on the placing on the market of certain
Regulation (EC) No 2494/2000 on measures to promote the genetically modified products or, where applicable, on a
conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests temporary ban on the sale and use of such products. In
and other forests in developing countries includes the March 2008 European Parliament and the Council adopted a
protection or restoration of biodiversity and ecological resolution and made some amendments to the
functions of forest ecosystems. Currently, the use of biofuels is Commission’s proposal to amend Directive 2001/18/EC on
under debate following possible negative impacts such as the deliberate release into the environment of GMOs by
rainforest depletion and increased competition with wood and introducing a reference to the new regulatory procedure
food production. A communication and a legislative proposal with scrutiny.
from the Commission to prevent the placing on the EU market
Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 lays down procedures for the
of illegally harvested timber or timber products and a
authorisation, supervision and labelling of genetically modified
communication on measures to reduce deforestation are
food and feed and aims to guarantee a high level of protection
expected for the end of 2008.
for human life and health, animal health, the environment and
6. Soil protection consumers’ interests while ensuring that the internal market
In September 2006 the Commission adopted COM(2006) 231 functions properly. Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003 broadens
on a thematic strategy for soil protection together with a the concept and includes all types of foodstuffs containing or
proposal for a directive (COM(2006) 232) and an impact produced from GMOs (e.g. proteins), additives and flavourings
assessment. The thematic strategy for oil protection builds on for human consumption, and GMO animal feed. The European
a stakeholder consultation process of 2003 and covers erosion, Parliament and the Council adopted on 11 March 2008
organic matter loss, contamination, landslides, compaction, Regulation (EC) No 298/2008, amending Regulation (EC)
salinisation, sealing and other aspects of soil degradation. The No 1829/2003 on genetically modified food and feed, as
proposal for a soil framework directive is subject to the co- regards the implementing power conferred on the
decision procedure. The European Parliament adopted its first Commission.
reading opinion on 13 November 2007. Recommendation 2003/556/EC sets guidelines for the
7. Climate change and biodiversity development of national strategies and best practices to
ensure the coexistence of GMOs with conventional and
Climate change has led to the adaptation of several plant and
organic farming, in order to help Member States develop
animal species, leading in some cases to shifts in distribution
national (legislative) strategies for coexistence. In March 2006,
patterns or even the extinction of fauna and flora. Changing
the Commission adopted a report on the implementation of
ocean currents and sea level rise affect marine (wild) life and
such national measures (COM(2006) 104).
marine ecosystems such as coral reefs and mangroves.
Furthermore, climate change and the related temperature
increases are promoting certain plant diseases, pests and Role of the European Parliament
invasive plant/animal species, having implications, amongst The European Parliament has always played a decisive part in
others, on agriculture, food production, nature and establishing EU systems concerning the protection of nature
biodiversity. Approximately 20 to 30 % of plant and animal and biodiversity.
species assessed so far are likely to be at increased risk of
extinction if increases in global average temperature exceed In May 2007, Parliament adopted an own-initiative report on
1.5 to 2.5 °C. the Commission communication entitled ‘Halting the loss of
biodiversity by 2010 — and beyond — Sustaining ecosystem
On 29 June 2007 the European Commission adopted its first services for human well-being’ (COM(2006) 216). Parliament
policy document on adapting to the impacts of climate felt that the ‘EU action plan to 2010 and beyond’ would be
change. This Green Paper, entitled ‘adaptation to climate insufficient to conserve biodiversity and sustain ecosystem
change in Europe — options for EU action’, builds upon the services in the longer term. Biodiversity should be one of the
work and findings of the European climate change main principles of the ‘health check’ on the common
programme. In April 2008 the European Parliament adopted its agriculture policy (CAP) due to be carried out in 2008.
On 24 April 2008, Parliament adopted a resolution on
8. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) preparations for the COP–MOP meetings on biodiversity and
In June 2006, the Commission adopted a proposal for a biosafety in Bonn, Germany. Parliament expressed its deep
directive (COM(2006) 286), codifying Directive 90/219/EEC, concern at the continued loss of biodiversity and at the
4.10.9. Chemicals
The guidelines adopted in the EU aim at protecting the population and the environment against the potential effects of
chemicals. The REACH directive regulates the registration, evaluation and authorisation of such substances and the
restrictions applicable to them. The Seveso directive aims to prevent and reduce serious industrial accidents while the
pesticides and biocides directives deal with the environmental and health risks of plant protection products.
Legal basis and objectives sustainable development context including substances which
were placed on the market prior to 1981.
See 4.10.1.
The REACH regulation established a European Chemicals
Agency (ECHA), inaugurated in Helsinki on 3 June 2008, to
take a central role in the implementation of this regulation. The
A. Registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction agency’s main initial job is to negotiate a six-month pre-
of chemicals (REACH) registration exercise in which firms must send basic substance
and company details and expected registration dates. The
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament
information will be used to launch a registration phase that
and of the Council was adopted on 18 December 2006 and
will last until 2018. Firms that do not pre-register must register
entered into force on 1 June 2007. It concerns the registration,
their substances by 1 December 2008. Furthermore, the
evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH).
REACH regulation amended Directive 1999/45/EC concerning
The aim of the REACH regulation is better protection of the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative
humans and the environment from the possible risk of provisions of the Member States relating to the classification,
chemicals and to promote sustainable development. Although packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations.
EU legislation already prohibited some harmful chemicals
Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 on the evaluation and
(asbestos, for example), there have been gaps with regard to
control of the risks of existing substances and Commission
existing chemical substances. There has been a lack of
Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive
information on the effects of many existing substances which
76/769/EEC on the restriction of the use of other dangerous
were placed on the market prior to 1981, when the
substances and preparations are repealed. Commission
requirement for the testing and notification of new substances
Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC
was introduced. Such substances account for approximately
are repealed by the REACH regulation.
99 % of the total volume of substances available on the
market. The Commission considered a strategy to guarantee Directive 67/548/EEC aims: to guarantee adequate protection
the protection of human health and the environment in a for humans and the environment against the potential risks of
chemical substances; to introduce a uniform notification provides for an obligation on industrial operators to put
procedure for new chemical substances and provisions on into effect safety management systems, including a
packaging and temporary labelling for dangerous substances; detailed risk assessment using possible accident scenarios.
to introduce an environmental hazard mark; and to reduce as
far as possible the number of experiments on animals. As the C. Vertical legislations
REACH regulation does not include rules for classification, 1. ‘Europe against cancer’
labelling and packaging of dangerous substances, Directive The ‘Europe against cancer’ programme within the framework
67/548/EEC will therefore continue to apply in its relevant parts. for action in the field of public health, adopted by Decision
But in order to adapt it to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 No 646/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council,
(REACH) it has been amended by Directive 2006/121/EC of as extended by Decision No 521/2001/EC of the European
the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2001, comprises
2006. As the new regulation on REACH introduced the same an improving of health information and tackling lifestyle-
registration requirements for new chemicals as for the existing related health determinants in certain settings. Directive
substances, the rules for notification of new chemicals in 94/48/EC, which emerged from the 1990–94 action plan and
Directive 67/548/EEC had to be amended. the ‘Europe against cancer’ programme, aims to restrict the
Directive 2004/10/EC (amending and repealing Directives marketing and use of carcinogenic and mutagenic substances
87/18/EEC and 88/320/EEC) aims to harmonise laws, regulations and those causing birth defects, and of certain aliphatic
and administrative provisions relating to the application of the chlorinated hydrocarbons and coal-tar oils
principles of good laboratory practice and the verification of 2. PCPs
their applications for tests on chemical substances.
Production and use of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its
B. Major accidents: Seveso directives compounds has been restricted in the EU since the 1980s.
After the accident at Seveso, the EU took steps to legislate in Directive 76/769/EEC (ban on the production in the EU) has
order to prevent major accidents and to limit their since been repealed by Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH).
consequences as highlighted in the following directives. Directive 91/173/EC restricts its use to a concentration equal to
or greater than 0.1 % by mass, except in substances and
— Directive 82/501/EEC, updated in 1987, imposes the same preparations intended for use in industrial installations:
obligation on manufacturers in all Member States to inform treatment of wood; impregnation of heavy-duty textiles; and as
the authorities about substances, plants and risks of major a synthesising and/or processing agent in industrial processes.
accidents (excepting nuclear installations). It requires
Member States to inform persons likely to be affected by a 3. Asbestos
major accident. The Commission maintains files containing Directives 91/382/EEC and 2003/18/EC, amending Council
an account of major accidents, including an analysis of Directive 83/477/EEC, intend to protect workers against the
their causes and the measures taken in response. dangers of asbestos. The main point of Directive 2003/18/EC is
— Directive 88/610/EEC extended the original directive’s the introduction of a single limit value (of a maximum airborne
scope to include the storage of dangerous chemical concentration of 0.1 fibres per cm3 as an eight-hour time-
products, whether packaged or not, at any site. The weighted average) for the exposure of workers instead of the
provisions on informing the public have also been made two years in the original directive. This directive applies to both
more stringent; details are given of the minimum the maritime and air transport sectors, which was not the case
information which must be made available, e.g. the nature under the original directive. In a case where its provisions are
of the risk to the public and the environment, measures to more favourable, Directive 2004/37/EC on the protection of
be taken in the event of an accident, existing emergency workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or
plans and provisions on access to further information. mutagens at work (‘the carcinogens directive’) will apply.
— The Seveso II directive (96/82/EC) replaced the original 4. Plant protection products (pesticides)
Seveso directive (82/501/EEC). It revised and extended the Two measures apply to pesticides: a European Parliament and
scope of the directive, introduced new requirements Council regulation on maximum residue levels (MRLs) of
relating to safety management systems, emergency pesticides in products of plant and animal origin, adopted in
planning and land-use planning and tightened up the April 2004, and Directive 79/117/EEC, concerning the
provisions on inspections to be carried out by Member harmonisation of legislation, which is intended to prohibit the
States. The directive constitutes the instrument for sale and use of plant protection products containing certain
transposing into law the EU’s obligations under the active substances. Directive 91/414/EEC on the placing of plant
Convention on the Trans-boundary Effects of Industrial protection products on the market (as last amended by Directive
Accidents of the United Nations Economic Commission for 99/1/EC) aims to create uniform conditions for the authorisation
Europe. The Seveso II directive was amended by Directive of pesticides and to establish an authorisation procedure. It
2003/105/EC. In view of recent industrial accidents (the complements provisions on classification, packaging and
Netherlands, France and Romania), the amended directive labelling. On 12 July 2006, the Commission adopted a proposal
In June 2007 the Commission launched a decision amending reading, Parliament focused on the issues of duty of care, again
Council Directive 67/548/EEC and Regulation (EC) on role of the Parliament in the agency, SMEs, and
No 1907/2006. The purpose is to establish a new system on communication of information, comitology, again on
classification and labelling of hazardous substances and registration/data sharing, again on authorisation/substitution,
mixtures by implementing in the EU the international criteria and on animal testing. At the end of the legislative procedure,
agreed by the United Nations. the agreement achieved between Parliament and the Council on
the controversial issue of authorisation/substitution includes the
obligation to always present a substitution plan if suitable safer
Role of the European Parliament
alternatives exist (although a substitution plan will not be
The European Parliament played a key role in the developing of necessary in this case for granting the authorisation). The length
the promising regulation on REACH. The most controversial areas of the review period — to which all authorisations will be subject
within the REACH discussions have been ‘registration’ and — will be determined on the basis of the substitution plan.
‘authorisation/substitution’. In the first reading the EP made
amendments on registration, authorisation, substances in In December 2007, the Council reached political agreement on
articles, SMEs and the agency. In particular, in the registration a common position following its first reading of a draft
chapter, it introduced a targeted approach on data requirements directive establishing a framework for Community action to
for existing substances produced at lower tonnages (1 to 10 achieve a ‘sustainable use of pesticides’. In March 2008 the
tonnes) and introduced the ‘one substance, one registration’ Commission modified the legislative proposal of the placing of
(OSOR) approach to minimise costs, with an opt-out in specific plant protection products on the market. In addition, in March
conditions where it can be justified. On the authorisation chapter, 2008 the European Parliament adopted the report on statistics
Parliament was in favour of always considering available on plant protection products. It aims at establishing a
substitutes, favouring innovation through time-limited transparent system for reporting and monitoring the progress
authorisations (five years) and certainty through a list of the most made towards the objectives of the ‘thematic strategy on
hazardous substances. Parliament also strengthened the sustainable use of pesticides’.
European Chemicals Agency’s role for evaluating dossiers and In March 2008 the European Parliament and the Council of the
substances, while at the same time maximising the use of European Union adopted Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on
Member States’ expertise on substance evaluation. maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed as
regards the implementing powers conferred on the Commission.
In its common position, the Council adopted an approach very
similar to Parliament’s on registration and evaluation; while
significant differences between the position of Parliament and g Gianpaolo Meneghini
the Council on the authorisation chapter remained. In second June 2008
Legal basis and objectives influence the life-cycle environmental impacts of products:
4.10.1 and Articles 174 to 176 of the Treaty establishing the application of the ‘polluter pays’ principle in fixing the prices of
European Community (EC). products, information for consumer choice, and definition of
eco-designed products. The Green Paper on integrated
product policy (COM(2001) 68) presents a strategy for
strengthening and refocusing product-related environmental
A. Integrated product policy (IPP) policies with a view to promoting the development of a
1. Green Paper on integrated product policy market for greener products and, ultimately, to stimulating
The integrated product policy (IPP) strategy focuses on the public discussion. In principle, all products and services fall
three stages in the decision-making process which strongly within the scope of this Green Paper. The strategy proposed in
standardisation. This enables contracting authorities to ask fertilisers and pesticides, disease prevention, increased harvest,
for products with environmentally friendly production etc. However, GMOs have raised widespread public concern
methods or to award extra points for products manufactured about their possible impact on human health and the
as such. Other relevant provisions on ‘green’ public environment. The Community has adopted several directives,
procurement relate to: aiming at the safe use of GMOs, including a regulatory system
— environmental considerations and characteristics as award on the deliberate release of GMOs into the environment and
criterion; procedures for the authorisation, supervision and labelling of
genetically modified food and feed (see 4.10.8). Regulation
— environmental characteristics in terms of performance or (EC) No 258/97 on novel foods and novel food ingredients was
functional requirements; adopted after a long process of conciliation.
— information on obligations related to environmental
E. Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology deals with the manipulation of atoms or
— environmental management measures as a means to molecules to produce materials, devices and new
prove a tenderer’s capacity to execute a specific works or technologies. It involves the ‘nano-scale’ construction, atom by
service contract; atom and molecule by molecule, of new devices possessing
— explicit preference for EMAS (and equivalent means of extraordinary properties. Nanotechnology uses the individual
proof ) when asking for environmental management atoms directly and, through their manipulation and through
measures, as a way to certify the measures put in place. the application of assembly processes, groups of atoms are
formed with a view to manufacturing nanomaterials.
B. Action plan for sustainable consumption, production
and industry In 2004, the Commission presented an communication
entitled ‘Towards a European strategy for nanotechnology’
Current consumption and production patterns have led to
(COM(2004) 338). In 2005, the Commission published
increased emissions of greenhouse gases, pollution and the
COM(2005) 243 ‘Nanosciences and nanotechnologies: an
depletion of natural resources. More sustainable consumption
action plan for Europe 2005–09’, defining actions for the
and production could be achieved in Europe without
‘immediate implementation of a safe, integrated and
additional costs for companies and households, while bringing
responsible strategy for N & N [nanosciences and
benefits. In July 2008, the EC proposed a package of actions
nanotechnologies]’. This action plan complements the
and proposals (COM(2008) 397) to improve the environmental
Commission’s strategy on life sciences and biotechnology.
performance of products and stimulate the demand for more
sustainable goods and production technologies. EU industry Recent concern on lack of toxicity data on nanomaterials and
will be encouraged to take up new opportunities and innovate its impacts on health and the environment have become a
in order to ensure its continued leadership in environmental challenge to the safe commercialisation of nanotech products,
performance. The action plan also explores means for requiring an increased investment and coordination of
promoting sustainable production and consumption research and development in the EU. The Commission
internationally. published a scientific opinion on the appropriateness of the
EU technical guidance documents for chemicals with regard
C. Environmental technology action plan (ETAP) to nanomaterials in August 2007 and adopted in February
Environmental technologies constitute an important bridge 2008 a recommendation on a code of conduct for
between the Lisbon strategy and sustainable development, nanotechnology. Furthermore, in June 2008 the Commission
having the potential to contribute to growth while at the same published a communication on regulatory aspects of
time improving the environment and protecting natural nanomaterials (COM(2008) 366 final).
resources. The environmental technology action plan (ETAP),
as adopted in January 2004 (COM(2004) 38), aims at
Role of the European Parliament
supporting innovation in, and developing and using,
environmental technologies. It consists of: a survey of The integrated product policy strategy developed in the
promising technologies that could address the main Commission Green Paper is fully in line with the objectives
environmental problems; identification, with stakeholders, of and ideas of the European Parliament (as underlined on
the market and institutional barriers that are holding back various occasions). The European Parliament has stressed the
development and use of specific technologies; and an need for environmental criteria to be incorporated into
identification of a targeted package of measures. government procurement procedures, and has expressed the
view that a more exhaustive study should have been carried
D. Biotechnology out into the success and failures of existing IPP policies, such
New biotechnology techniques have the potential to deliver as the European eco-label scheme and the directive on
improved food quality and environmental benefits through, packaging. It also regretted the lack of clear objectives with
amongst others, agronomically enhanced crops. Genetically timetables and the lack of methods and indicators for
modified organisms (GMOs) may be linked to reduced use of monitoring IPP.
Legal basis actions shall not prevent any Member State from maintaining
or introducing more stringent measures as long as they are
Articles 95 and 153 of the Treaty establishing the European
compatible with the EC Treaty.
Community (EC).
As a consequence, consumer policy is, nowadays, part of the
Objectives Union’s strategic objective of improving the quality of life of all
Article 95 is the legal basis for the measures of harmonisation its citizens. In addition to direct action to protect their rights,
which have as their object the establishment of the internal the Union ensures that consumer interests are built into EU
market. It also emphasises the objective of a high level of legislation in all relevant policy areas (Council resolution of
protection, taking into account any new development based on 31 December 1986). It is important that all 460 million citizens
scientific facts, when concerning consumer protection measures. in the EU benefit from the same high level of consumer
protection (Council resolution of 9 November 1989 on future
Article 153, as modified by the Amsterdam Treaty, introduced a priorities for relaunching consumer protection policy). EU
legal basis for a complete range of actions at European level. It legislation, cooperation with the national authorities, common
stipulates that ‘the Community shall contribute to protecting actions, co-regulation between consumer and business
the health, safety and economic interests of consumers as well organisations, good practice guidelines and support of
as to promoting their right to information, education and to consumer organisations are all considered major instruments.
organise themselves in order to safeguard their interests’. It also
provides for greater consideration to be given to consumer Achievements
interests in other EU policies. Article 153 strengthens, in this
sense, Article 95 and broadens its remit beyond single market A. General
issues to include access to goods and services, access to the EU action in favour of consumers has started in the form of a
courts, the quality of public services, and certain aspects of series of action plans, beginning with the Council resolution of
nutrition, food, housing and health policy. It also states that EU 14 April 1975.
Following the completion of the single market, consumer Decision No 20/2004/EC establishing a general framework for
policy objectives have now to be considered as part of the EU financing Community actions in support of consumer policy
major policies. provides that the Commission shall be assisted by an advisory
committee (see also Decision 2003/709/EC).
The most recent programme on the strategy for consumer
policy at European level for the period 2002–06 (Council 2. Consumer education
resolution of 2 December 2002) sets out three mid-term The EU has organised actions for consumer education at
objectives, implemented through actions in a short-term various stages, for example in primary and secondary schools
rolling programme (Decision No 20/2004/EC), which will be with the gradual inclusion of consumer education in school
regularly reviewed: syllabuses. The Commission has also piloted teacher-training
— a high common level of consumer protection; schemes.
— effective enforcement of consumer protection rules; The draft 2007–13 programme aims to introduce other special
actions in this sense, such as the support for the creation of
— involvement of consumer organisations in EU policies. Master courses on consumers’ rights and consumer policy at
EU consumer policy aims nowadays to: University level.
— guarantee essential health and safety standards, so that 3. Consumer information
buyers are confident about making cross-border purchases The ability of consumers to protect themselves is directly
and sure that the products are safe (see in this sense the linked to knowledge. Broad policy lines included: the
numerous European normative acts on the Community transparency of prices; product information; the development
eco-label); of consumer information services; increased comparative
testing of products.
— guarantee that they are protected against illegal and
abusive practices; A first step was reached with Directive 98/6/EC, which
established common rules for the indication of the prices of
— enable individuals to be informed and understand policies
products offered in the internal market.
that affect them;
Directives 90/313/EEC and 2003/4/EC introduced rules on
— establish a coherent and common environment across the
public access to environmental information.
Union for an effective enforcement of consumer protection
rules; The EU has set up European consumer information centres
(ECC-Net) to provide information and handle consumer
— ensure that consumer’s concerns are integrated into the
complaints and has reinforced the link with and between
whole range of relevant EU policies from environment and
consumer organisations. A parallel network, FIN-NET, fulfils the
transport to financial services and agriculture.
same role for complaints about cross-border financial services.
The Commission estimates that a major future objective is to
The Commission also published a practical guide for
harmonise and simplify all rules and actions in the area of
consumer protection involving nowadays many directives, in
addition to the case-law and the various rules of the Member 4. Legal protection of consumer rights
States. Simplification of existing rules, where possible, could One of the major assets to be dealt with is, since the
help both consumers (access to a greater choice of products Amsterdam Treaty, the guarantee of the highest possible level
at better prices) and businesses (reducing their burdens). The of effective legal protection of consumer interests, via
methods of achieving this simplification are the adoption of administrative, jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional procedures.
new directives or the adoption of framework directives to be
Almost all directives have introduced rules concerning
supplemented by targeted directives and national rules. The
jurisdictional and alternative dispute resolutions that
method of framework directives is estimated by the
consumers can use to protect their rights when intra-national
Commission to be more effective in combination with the
conflicts arise, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the
current self-regulation rules or codes of good conduct and the
actions and avoid excessive burdens and costs for the
voluntary undertakings from businesses with regard to
consumers themselves, in particular with the alternative
consumers (amended proposal for a decision establishing a
dispute resolution (ADR) procedures and the injunctions.
programme of Community actions in the field of health and
consumer protection policy 2007–13 (COM(2006) 235 final)). 5. Scientific support
Decision 93/53/EEC set up a scientific committee for
B. Sectoral measures designations of origin, geographical indications and
4.10.2. certificates of specific character.
1. Consumer groups Three scientific steering committees were created to bring
EU institutions wish to involve consumers’ interests wider scientific experience and overview into questions
representatives. related to consumers by Decision 2004/210/EC. The advice of
mechanism and GMO labelling and traceability, in accordance 6. European exchange of information and surveillance
with the precautionary principle. systems
3. Medicinal products Decisions 93/683/EEC and 93/580/EEC established a
European home and leisure accident surveillance system
Directive 89/381/EEC (as amended) contains special provisions
(EHLASS), a regular information system on accidents at home
to promote particularly high standards for medicinal products
and during leisure activities and a Community system for the
derived from human blood.
exchange of information between Member States on the
Directive 2001/83/EC introduces a code relating to medicinal dangers arising from the use of consumer products, except for
products for human use (governing production, placing on pharmaceuticals and products for trade use.
the market, distribution and utilisation). The good practices
regarding clinical trials for medicinal products for human use B. Protection of consumers’ economic interests
are laid down in Directive 2003/94/EC. Directive 92/28/EEC 1. Information society services, electronic commerce and
states rules concerning advertising medicinal products for electronic and cross-border payments
human use. Directive 2000/31/EC covers the liability of service providers
Set up in 1993, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) established in the EU for services (services between
manages the procedures for the authorisation of marketing of enterprises, services between enterprises and consumers,
pharmaceutical products. No medicinal product may be services provided free to the recipient which are financed, for
placed on the market unless an authorisation has been issued. example, by advertising income or sponsoring), online
electronic transactions (interactive telesales of goods and
4. General product safety system services and online purchasing centres in particular), and
Directive 2001/95/EC organises a general product safety online activities such as newspapers, databases, financial
system requiring the respect of standards by any product put services, professional services (solicitors, doctors, accountants
on the market for consumers including all products that provide and estate agents), entertainment services (video on demand),
a service, products which are not eatable but could easily be direct marketing and advertising and Internet access services.
confused with foodstuff by their appearance, smell or packaging
Directive 2002/38/EC stipulates rules on taxation for services
(Directive 87/357/EC), excluding second-hand products and
supplied in electronic form over electronic networks
antiques. Distributors and manufacturers must provide
(information, cultural, artistic, sporting, scientific, educational,
consumers with the necessary information, take the necessary
entertainment or similar services as well as software, computer
measures to avoid such threats (e.g. withdraw products from the
games and computer services).
market, inform consumers, and recall products which have
already been supplied to consumers), monitor the safety of Directive 97/5/EC and Regulation (EC) No 2560/2001 ensure
products and provide the documents necessary to trace the that charges for cross-border payments in euros (cross-
products. If a product poses a serious threat calling for quick border credit transfers, cross-border electronic payment
action, the Member State involved immediately informs the transactions and cross-border cheques) are the same as those
Commission via RAPEX, a system for the rapid exchange of for payments in that currency within a Member State.
information between States and the Commission.
Directive 98/26/EC reduces the risks associated to the
5. Safety of cosmetic products, explosives for civilian use participation in payment and security systems. It lays down
and toys common rules stating that transfer orders and netting must be
Various directives (80/1335/EEC, 82/434/EEC, 83/514/EEC, legally enforceable and cannot be revoked once they have
85/490/EEC, 93/73/EEC, 95/32/EC and 96/45/EC) have been been entered into the system. The insolvency of a participant
adopted to improve the safety of cosmetic products, as well may not have retroactive effect and the insolvency law of the
as protecting consumers by providing for ingredient State whose system is involved is applicable.
inventories and more informative labelling. Directives 2002/58/EC, concerning the processing of personal
Safety requirements for explosives for civilian use and data and the protection of privacy in the electronic
similar products such as explosives and pyrotechnic articles communications sector, and 2002/22/EC, concerning the
are set out in Directives 93/15/EEC, 1999/45/EC and 2004/57/ ‘universal service’ and the users’ rights related to electronic
EC and Decision 2004/388/EC. The directives do not apply to communications and services, dealt with consumer protection.
explosives for military or police use and munitions. 2. TV without frontiers
Toy safety requirements (mechanical and physical danger, Directive 89/552/EEC, as amended, ensuring the free
toxicity and flammability, toys for children less than three years movement of broadcasting services preserves certain
old) are stipulated by Directives 88/378/EEC, as amended, and public interest objectives, such as cultural diversity, the right
76/769/EEC and by Decisions 93/465/EEC and 1999/815/EC. of reply, consumer protection and the protection of minors.
The Standardisation Committee (CEN) revises and develops The provisions relate to, inter alia, ethical considerations (in
new standards. Toys that meet these standards bear the ‘CE’ particular the protection of minors — programmes broadcast
conformity marking. in un-encoded form are to be preceded by an acoustic
those expenses effectively incurred. The purchaser’s right of be opened at the competent national courts level, against
withdrawal may be exercised, with no costs, within three infringements (misleading advertising, unfair commercial
months if the information required by the directive is not practices, contracts negotiated away from business premises,
included in the contract. consumer credit, package travel, medicinal products for
9. Air transport human use, unfair contractual terms, time-shares, distance
contracts, sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees)
Regulations (EC) No 261/2004 and (EC) No 2027/97, as
made by commercial operators from other countries.
amended, establish common rules on compensation and
Consumers associations may seek to: stop or prohibit, under
assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and
an urgent procedure, any illegal act; adopt the needed
cancellation or long delay of flights and on air carrier liability
measures to eliminate the effects of the infringement; order
(passenger and baggage), in case of accidents. Passengers
the payment of a penalty in the event of failure to comply with
now have the right to demand a cash compensation payable
the former decision within the specified time limit.
within one month under the rules displayed at airports.
2. European judicial network in civil and commercial
Regulation (EEC) No 2299/89, as amended, on computerised
matters and obligation to cooperate for national
reservation systems (CRS) for air transport products establish
obligations for the system vendor (to allow any carrier on an
equal basis) and for the carriers (to communicate with equal Decision 2001/470/EC established such a network to simplify
care, and simultaneously, information to all systems). the life of citizens facing cross-border litigation by improving
the judicial cooperation mechanisms between Member States
Regulation (EEC) No 2409/92 introduces common criteria and in civil and commercial matters and by providing them with
procedures governing the establishment of the air fares and air practical information to facilitate their access to justice.
cargo rates charged by air carriers on air services within the
Community. Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 establishes a network of
national authorities responsible for the effective enforcement
Regulation (EC) No 2320/2002, as amended, introduces of EC consumer protection law and obliges them, since
common rules in the field of civil aviation security standards, 29 December 2005, to cooperate to guarantee the
following the criminal acts of 9/11 (11 September 2001). enforcement of EC law and to stop any infringement, using
10. European consumer centres network (Euroguichets) appropriate legal instruments as the injunctions, in the case of
In the European consumer centres network (ECC-Net), intra-Community infringements.
Euroguichets give information and assistance to consumers
within the context of cross-border transactions. This network Role of the European Parliament
also works together with other European networks, notably
Parliament has been at the origin of most of the adopted
FIN-NET (financial), Solvit (internal market) and the European
measures (inter alia, European Food Safety Authority, European
judicial network in civil and commercial matters.
Medicines Agency, GMOs, safety in the areas of cosmetics,
C. Protection of consumers’ legal interests tourism, unfair contract terms, distance selling, door-to-door
1. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures and sales, use of hormones, exports of various dangerous
injunctions substances as pesticides, greater protection to workers and
consumers in the destination countries for EU exports, and
Recommendation 98/257/EC, Decision No 20/2004/EC and the
Directive 76/768/EEC on animal experiments for cosmetic
Council resolution of 25 May 2000 lay down the principles to
be followed in ADR proceedings, aimed to guarantee the
single consumer with cheaper and faster intra-national legal Parliament has also supported traditional food and producers
remedies. located in isolated areas.
Directive 98/27/EC, as modified, harmonises existing EU and
national law and, in order to protect the collective interests of g Azelio Fulmini
consumers, introduces the ‘actions for injunctions’ which can June 2006
(which was the object of a successful legal challenge) on effectiveness because of the dilution caused by their disease-
the advertising and sponsorship of tobacco products. by-disease approach. Calls were made for a more horizontal,
Together with the directive on television advertising of inter-disciplinary approach concentrating on areas where EU
tobacco products, this directive will ban the advertising action could produce ‘added value’.
and sponsorship of tobacco products in the EU. 2. The 2003–09 programme
4. Drugs In May 2000 the Commission put forward a proposal for a new
Drugs is the only major scourge to be specifically mentioned programme to replace the existing eight programmes with a
in the EU Treaty and recognised in the Commission’s single, integrated, horizontal scheme. The proposal was
communication as a multi-faceted problem linked to social adopted after a long co-decision procedure and the final
exclusion and unemployment. The EU set up a European decision was published in October 2002. The scheme came
Committee to Combat Drugs (CELAD) in 1990, and a European into effect on 1 January 2003 to run for six years with a budget
Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (based in of EUR 312 million. The new programme will focus on key
Lisbon) in 1995. The EU has also signed the UN Convention priorities where a real difference can be made. It focuses on
against Illicit Traffic in Narcotics, as well as developing bilateral three strands of action, as listed below.
contacts with producer countries. a. Mutual exchange of information
5. AIDS and communicable diseases This concerns knowledge about people’s health, health
The current programme comprises information, education and interventions and health system functioning. The inclusion of
preventive measures to combat AIDS and other related health system comparisons is a new element here since this
communicable diseases. Emphasis is also placed on had always been considered a purely national matter. In terms
collaborative research, international cooperation and of organisation it still is, but systems have much to learn from
information pooling. The Commission has also proposed the each other and Court of Justice decisions on citizens seeking
creation of a network for the epidemiological surveillance and medical help in other Member States have increased the
control of AIDS and other communicable diseases such as CJD. importance of this aspect, as has the fact that Member States
face the same kinds of problems in providing health services
6. Injury prevention
to an increasingly elderly population.
This programme focuses on home and leisure accidents and
targets children, adolescents and older people. Activities are b. Strengthening rapid response capacity
complementary to those pursued in other fields such as It is now seen as essential for the EU to have a rapid response
consumer protection, transport, civil protection and the capacity to react to major health threats in a coordinated
EHLASS programme. manner, especially given the threat of bioterrorism and the
potential for worldwide epidemics in an age of rapid global
7. Pollution-related diseases
transport making it easier for diseases to spread.
Many of the provisions of the fifth environmental action plan,
on energy, transport and agriculture, will have a significant c. Targeting actions to promote health and disease prevention
indirect health impact. The pollution-related diseases This is to be undertaken by tackling the key underlying causes
programme concentrates on improving data and risk of ill health relating to personal lifestyles and economic and
perception as well as disease-specific actions for respiratory environmental factors. It will entail, in particular, working
conditions and allergies. closely with other EU policy areas such as the environment,
transport, agriculture and economic development.
8. Rare diseases
This programme targets those diseases with a prevalence rate In addition, it will mean closer consultation with all interested
of less than five people per 10 000 EU population. It is parties and greater openness and transparency in decision-
intended to create an EU database and information exchange making. A key initiative in this is the setting-up of an EU Health
to improve early detection and identify possible ‘clusters’, as Forum as a consultative mechanism.
well as encourag the setting-up of support groups. Provisions have been made for structural arrangements,
9. Other activities establishing a new programme committee and strengthening
the Commission’s coordinating and technical capabilities by
Activities outside the eight programmes have included
externalising certain functions, and possibly by creating an
tobacco control, surveillance and control of communicable
executive agency for certain functions once a regulation on
diseases, safety of blood and blood products and various
the establishment of such agencies has been adopted.
reports and studies.
In addition to projects on specific areas of the three policy
C. Recent developments strands, there will be cross-cutting projects involving elements
1. Evaluation of the current programmes of all three. Projects will be much more clearly linked to policy
The eight programmes carried out between 1996 and 2002 development needs and will be larger than in the past to
were evaluated during 2003. During their lifetime the overall ensure added value at EU level and a measurable and
design of the programmes was criticised for being limited in sustainable contribution to public health. Some projects will
— asylum policy entails for the achievement of an area of freedom, security and
justice, including a serious lack of parliamentary control.
— immigration and the rights of third-country nationals
Cooperation with the Council is considered to be insufficient.
— fight against fraud and cross-border corruption The EP hopes that the post-Nice process will see the co-
— fight against drug trafficking decision procedure being extended to all areas within justice
and home affairs. Parliament supports very much the
— customs cooperation developments which the Treaty on the Functioning of the
d. Treaty on the European Union (consolidated version) European Union, particularly its Article 294, would bring in the
(OJ C 325, 24.12.2002) field of freedom, security and justice as it would have co-
Third pillar (Title VI, Articles 29 to 42) decision powers in almost all AFSJ matters. Also most decisions
in the Council would take place by qualified majority voting
— police cooperation (QMV), which would increase the speed of development of the
— judicial cooperation in penal matters AFSJ.
— fight against organised crime It is critical of the current system, which encourages the
random initiatives proposed by the Member States instead of
— fight against trafficking in human beings proposals that are coherent and carefully prepared from a
e. Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. (OJ C310, strategic point of view.
16.12.2004) As regards the common asylum and immigration policy, the EP
f. The Hague programme notes that moving this area from the third to the first pillar
within the framework of the Treaty of Amsterdam has not
Role of the European Parliament resulted in any greater efficiency and regrets the fact that there
In accordance with Article 39 of the Treaty on European Union, are still many obstacles within the Council.
the European Parliament (EP) holds a debate each year on the Main European Parliament resolutions
progress made in the area of police and judicial cooperation in
— Resolution of 27 October 1999 on the European Council
criminal matters. In actual fact, its annual report covers all of
meeting in Tampere
the progress made in establishing an area of freedom, security
and justice. — Resolution of 10 March 2003 relative to the progresses
realised in 2002 toward the creation of the AFSJ
Parliament fully supports the creation of the AFSJ. Its role is
simultaneously to: — Resolution of 19 December 2003 on the outcome of the
Intergovernmental Conference
— legislate, by participating in the decision-making process;
— Resolution of 11 March 2004 on the progress made in 2003
— provide impetus, by initiating new projects; in creating an area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ)
— act as a watchdog, by monitoring respect for adoption — Resolution of 8 June 2005 on the progress made in 2004 in
deadlines for texts and their compatibility with civil creating an area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ)
liberties. (Articles 2 and 39 of the EU Treaty)
Parliament notes that the establishment of such an area is — Resolution of 30 November 2006 on the progress made in
today one of the main priorities of European integration. It the EU towards the area of freedom, security and justice
believes that it is vital to ensure a balance between the aims of (AFSJ) (Articles 2 and 39 of the EU Treaty)
freedom, security and justice, taking account of fundamental
rights and citizens’ freedoms. However, it considers that as a — Resolution of 21 June 2007 on an area of freedom, security
representative of the peoples of the EU, and without prejudice and justice: strategy on the external dimension, action plan
to its formal competences, it should be involved in the implementing the Hague programme (2006/2111(INI))
adoption of all measures, including those adopted within the
framework of the third pillar. It highlights the negative g Joanna Apap
consequences the division between the first and third pillar July 2008
the need for a unanimous decision as initially foreseen by — Council Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 of 18 February 2003
Article 67 EC); establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining
the Member State responsible for examining an asylum
— regular migration once a ‘common framework’ has been
application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-
completed — which is still not the case.
country national (OJ L 50, 25.2.2003. p. 1)
2. Slow rate of progress
— Council Regulation (EC) No 1560/2003 of 2 September
The Treaty of Amsterdam established a Community
2003 laying down detailed rules for the application of
competence in asylum and immigration matters. However, in
Council Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 establishing the
matters of regular immigration the Council will continue to act
criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State
unanimously and the European Parliament is simply consulted,
responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in
as the condition of a ‘common framework’ is still far from
one of the Member States by a third-country national
fulfilled. The Hague programme retains the current procedure.
(OJ L 222, 5.9.2003, p. 3)
Decisions will continue to be taken unanimously by 22 States.
— Council Decision 2004/904/EC of 2 December 2004
— By virtue of a protocol annexed to the Treaty of
establishing the second European Refugee Fund for the
Amsterdam, Denmark has no vote.
period 2005–10 (OJ L 381, 28.12.2004, p. 52)
— The United Kingdom and Ireland also abstain from voting,
by virtue of another protocol to the Treaty of Amsterdam, — Council Directive 2004/83/EC of 29 April 2004 on minimum
but an opt-in clause allows them to participate, on a case- standards for the qualification and status of third-country
by-case basis, in texts negotiated by the EU. nationals and stateless persons as refugees or as persons
who otherwise need international protection (OJ L 304,
3. List of the main EU legislative measures and other 30.9.2004, p. 12)
relevant legal texts since the Treaty of Amsterdam
— Council Directive 2005/85/EC of 1 December 2005 on
a. Asylum, refugees and temporary protection (Article 63(1) and
minimum standards on procedures in Member States for
(2) EC)
granting and withdrawing refugee status (OJ L 326,
i. Relevant international legal texts 13.12.2005)
— 1951 Convention of Geneva relating to the status of
— Council Decision 2006/167/EC of 21 February 2006 on the
refugee and the 1967 protocol relating to the status of
conclusion of a protocol to the agreement between the
refugees, the prohibition of expulsion or ‘principle of non-
European Community and the Republic of Iceland and the
Kingdom of Norway concerning the criteria and
— Agenda for protection of the United Nations, 26 June 2002 mechanisms for establishing the State responsible for
ii. The main EU legislative measures examining a request for asylum lodged in a Member State
or in Iceland or Norway (Text with EEA relevance) (OJ L 57,
— Council Decision 2000/596/EC of 20 September 2000 28.2.2006)
establishing a European Refugee Fund (OJ L 252, 6.10.2000,
p. 12) — Council Decision 2006/188/EC of 21 February 2006 on the
conclusion of the agreement between the European
— Council Regulation (EC) No 2725/2000 of 11 December Community and the Kingdom of Denmark extending to
2000 concerning the establishment of ‘Eurodac’ for the Denmark the provisions of Council Regulation (EC)
comparison of fingerprints for the effective application of No 343/2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for
the Dublin Convention (OJ L 316, 15.12.2000) determining the Member State responsible for examining
— Council Directive 2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001 on minimum an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States
standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a by a third-country national and Council Regulation (EC)
mass influx of displaced persons and on measures No 2725/2000 concerning the establishment of ‘Eurodac’
promoting a balance of efforts between Member States in for the comparison of fingerprints for the effective
receiving such persons and bearing the consequences application of the Dublin Convention (OJ L 66, 8.3.2006)
thereof (OJ L 212, 7.8.2001, p. 12) — Commission Decision 2006/401/EC of 20 January 2006
— Council Regulation (EC) No 407/2002 of 28 February 2002 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of
laying down certain rules to implement Regulation (EC) No Council Decision 2004/904/EC as regards Member States
2725/2000 concerning the establishment of ‘Eurodac’ for management and control systems, and rules for the
the comparison of fingerprints for the effective application administrative and financial management of projects co-
of the Dublin Convention (OJ L 62, 5.3.2002, p. 1) financed by the European Refugee Fund (notified under
document number 2006/C 51/3) (OJ L 162, 14.6.2006)
— Council Directive 2003/9/EC of 27 January 2003 laying
down minimum standards for the reception of asylum — Council Decision 2006/688/EC of 5 October 2006 on the
seekers (OJ L 31, 6.2.2003, p. 18) establishment of a mutual information mechanism
of two or more Member States, of third-country nationals — Agreement between the Republic of Albania and the
who are the subjects of individual removal orders (OJ L 261, European Community on the readmission of persons
6.8.2004, p. 28) residing without authorisation (OJ L 124, 17.5.2005)
— Council Regulation (EC) No 377/2004, of 19 February 2004, — Agreement between the European Community and the
on the creation of an immigration liaison officers network Russian Federation on readmission (OJ L 129, 17.5.2007)
(OJ L 64, 2.3.2004, pp. 1–4) — Agreement between the European Community and the
— Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of Republic of Moldova on the readmission of persons
the Council on common standards and procedures in residing without authorisation
Member States for returning illegally staying third-country — Proposal for a Council decision on the signature of the
nationals (SEC(2005) 1057, COM(2005)391 final — COD agreement between the European Community and
2005/0167) Ukraine on the readmission of persons (COM(2007) 197)
— Commission Decision 2007/675/EC of 17 October 2007 — Agreement between the European Community and the
setting up the Group of Experts on Trafficking in Human former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on the readmission
Beings (OJ L 277, 20.10.2007) of persons residing without authorisation (OJ L 334,
ii. What are the next steps in EU policy as regards 19.12.2007)
immigration? — Agreement between the European Community and the
As part of the work under the Hague programme, a policy plan Republic of Montenegro on the readmission of persons
on regular migration, including admission procedures, was residing without authorisation (OJ L 334, 19.12.2007)
presented at the end of 2005. This was built on the results of — Agreement between the European Community and Serbia
the discussions on the Green Paper on an EU approach to on readmission of persons residing without authorisation
managing economic migration (COM(2004) 811 final of 11 (OJ L 334, 19.12.2007)
January 2005, Brussels). The integration of migrants has been
placed at the top of the AFSJ agenda by the Hague — Agreement between the European Community and Bosnia
programme, where the Council reconfirmed the need for and Herzegovina on the readmission of persons residing
greater coordination of national integration policies and EU without authorisation (OJ L 334, 19.12.2007)
initiatives in this field. In view of the next steps on immigration, on 1 September
On the external dimension of migration, the Hague 2005 the Commission published a ‘migration package’
programme establishes that ‘policies which link migration, consisting of four communications.
development cooperation and humanitarian assistance should On 6 June 2007 the Commission presented the Green Paper
be coherent and be developed in partnership and dialogue on the future common European asylum system (CEAS) as a
with countries and regions of origin’. constituent part of an area of freedom, security and justice,
With regard to irregular migration the Hague programme calls emanating from the idea of making the European Union a
for an integrated approach towards return and repatriation single protection area for refugees, based on the full and
procedures. The instruments adopted should cohere with inclusive application of the Geneva Convention and on the
other external policies of the Community that include common humanitarian values shared by all Member States.
migration aspects (e.g. partnerships with the countries of The Hague programme action plan foresees the adoption of
origin or readmission agreements). In light of this, the so-called the proposal for CEAS by the end of 2010.
‘external dimension of asylum and immigration’ has become a
principal focus within the programme. Role of the European Parliament
List of readmission agreements The European Parliament (EP) supports very much the
— Agreement between the Government of the Hong Kong developments which Article 294 of the Treaty on the
Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of Functioning of the European Union, as amended, would bring
China and the European Community on the readmission of about in this field because of the extension of its co-decision
persons residing without authorisation (OJ L 17, 24.1.2004) powers as well as qualified majority voting (QMV) to all matters
under Article 63 EC.
— Agreement between the Democratic Socialist Republic of
Sri Lanka and the European Community on the On immigration policy the Constitution would incorporate
readmission of persons residing without authorisation the provisions of the Treaty of Amsterdam. It would provide
(OJ L 124, 17.5.2005) for:
— Agreement between the European Community and the — placing European policy for legal immigration in the
Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s context of the management of migration flows;
Republic of China on the readmission of persons residing — the creation of a clear legal basis for the integration of
without authorisation (OJ L 143, 30.4.2004, p. 97) third-country nationals.
Parliament supports the idea of greater solidarity: In a resolution of 21 June 2007, Parliament called for
practical cooperation, quality of decision-making in the
— between Member States.
common European asylum system:
In a resolution passed on 11 April 2000, Parliament called — between the EU and third countries.
for the introduction of a system allowing a sharing of
resources in proportion to the relative efforts made by In a resolution adopted on 1 April 2004, it advocated
each Member State. sharing the burden of taking in refugees ‘with third
countries on the basis of a partnership involving the
In a resolution of 6 July 2006, Parliament approves the countries of origin, transit, initial refuge and destination’.
Commission proposal on the establishment of a mutual
information procedure concerning Member States’ g Joanna Apap
measures in the areas of asylum and immigration. July 2008
The European Council of Thessaloniki on 19 and 20 June a. Controlling the external border
2003 held that ‘a coherent approach is needed in the EU on Crossing external borders is only allowed at border crossing
biometric identifiers or biometric data, which would result points called ‘authorised crossing points’, and during a set
in harmonised solutions for documents for third-country schedule. The list of crossing points is found in the annex to
nationals, EU citizens’ passports and information systems (VIS the common manual. This document allows for exceptions for
local border traffic. On 20 December 2006, the European situated at various locations on all the outermost limits of the
Parliament and the Council adopted a regulation that defines Union (roads and ports) and within it (airports and railway
an applicable legal framework on crossing the external stations). Surveillance of the Union’s external borders is carried
borders: Regulation (EC) No 1931/2006 of the European out mainly at its eastern and southern borders (Russia, Ukraine,
Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 laying the western Balkans, and the Mashreq and Maghreb
down rules on local border traffic at the external land borders countries).
of the Member States and amending the provisions of the
b. Supervision of the external borders
Schengen Convention (OJ L 405, 30.12.2006). The document
sets out more flexible conditions that favour persons who Supervision of the external borders is carried out by national
legally reside in the border zone. In particular, this proposal, authorities in the same way as it is carried out at the crossing
which follows the 9 September 2002 communication, points. National cooperation between these authorities falls
introduces a special ‘L’ visa (for local border traffic), for under mutual assistance in police and customs matters. The
which the acquisition rules are less strict than those for classic Union encourages this cooperation through the ARGO
Schengen visas. programme. Based on a Council decision of 13 June 2002, this
programme, which also concerns the operational aspects of
The main objectives of the VIS are to: border control, supports Member States’ measures aimed at
— facilitate the fight against the use of fraudulent documents; strengthening the efficiency of authorised crossing point
controls and offering an equivalent level of effective
— improve visa consultation and identifications for the protection and surveillance at the external borders. Also, the
application of provisions in relation to the Dublin II idea of the possible creation of a European corps of border
regulation (which establishes the criteria and mechanism guards is mentioned in the Hague programme, though no
for determining the State responsible for examining an deadline is given due to divergence of opinion between the
asylum application in one of the Member States of the EU) Member States.
and the return procedure;
Council Regulation (EC) No 2004/2007 establishes the Border
— enhance the administration of the common visa policy, Management Agency, to oversee operational cooperation
prevent ‘visa shopping’ by ensuring the ‘traceability’ of along the EU’s external borders. The agency, called Frontex,
every individual applying for a visa, and strengthen EU which is based in Warsaw, shall coordinate and assist Member
internal security. States’ various actions in managing (controlling) the common
EU frontier.
The border guards will be able to use the VIS to access a
database on: The tasks allocated to the EU’s new Border Management
Agency are:
— visas (issued, cancelled or refused);
— coordinating the operational cooperation between the
— the holder’s biometric data.
Member States as regards the management of the external
Pursuant to the provisions of the Convention applying the borders;
Schengen Agreement, the controls are carried out at the — training national border guards;
external borders of the Schengen area. This area includes 26
Member States, excluding the United Kingdom and Ireland but — carrying out risk analyses;
including Norway, Iceland and Switzerland. The 10 new — following up research on control and surveillance of the
countries that joined the EU in 2004 and Switzerland belong to external borders;
the Schengen area, even if the border controls with the other
Member States are being temporarily maintained. On — supporting Member States in circumstances wherein they
28 November 2003, the Council adopted conclusions to request increased technical and operational assistance at
improve the flow of traffic with the new Member States. In the external borders; and
conclusions, it recommends adopting bilateral agreements — supporting Member States in organising joint return
that are intended to ensure that persons should only have to operations
stop once to undergo both entry and exit control procedures.
3. List of the main legislative measures
The Hague programme underlines the necessity to rapidly — Council Decision 2002/463/EC of 13 June 2002 adopting
abolish border control with the new Member States. For the an action programme for administrative cooperation in the
nine Member States that joined in May 2004 (Cyprus did not fields of external borders, visas, asylum and immigration
meet the criteria) internal land and sea border checks on (ARGO programme)
persons were abolished as of 21 December 2007, while
— Council Decision 2004/512/EC of 8 June 2004 establishing
restrictions on air borders were lifted on 30 March 2008.
the visa information system (VIS)
Cyprus and the non-EU member Switzerland hope to join
Schengen next year and Romania and Bulgaria by 2011. — Council Regulation (EC) No 2007/2004 of 26 October 2004
Controls on external borders are carried out at crossing points establishing a European Agency for the Management of
Since the Single European Act of 1987, which enshrined in the — Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000
Treaty of Rome the concept of a European Community on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of
without borders, the idea of a ‘European judicial area’ has been judgments in civil and commercial matters;
acknowledged. The Treaty of Maastricht incorporated judicial — Council Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001 of 28 May 2001 on
cooperation in civil and criminal matters under Title VI as an cooperation between the courts of the Member States in
area of common interest to the EU Member States. the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters;
2. The contribution of the Treaty of Amsterdam and the — Council Decision 2001/470/EC of 28 May 2001 establishing
Treaty of Nice a European judicial network in civil and commercial matters;
The Treaty of Amsterdam brought judicial cooperation in civil
— Council Regulation (EC) No 743/2002 of 25 April 2002
matters within the Community sphere although it did not
establishing a general Community framework of activities
make it subject to the Community decision-making
to facilitate the implementation of judicial cooperation in
procedures under ordinary law: the Commission does not
civil matters;
have a monopoly on right of initiative, the Council almost
always takes decisions in this area unanimously, and — Council Directive 2003/8/EC of 27 January 2003 to improve
Parliament only has a consultative role. access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing
minimum common rules relating to legal aid for such
The Treaty of Nice allows measures relating to judicial
cooperation in civil matters — except family law — to be
adopted using the procedure in Article 251 of the EC Treaty, in — Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 November
co-decision with the European Parliament, with the Council 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and
acting by a majority. enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and
matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC)
3. The Tampere European Council (1999) and the Hague
No 1347/2000;
programme (2004)
The Tampere European Council stressed that citizens can — Regulation (EC) No 805/2004 of the European Parliament
enjoy freedom only in a genuine common area of justice, and of the Council of 21 April 2004 creating a European
where everyone can apply to the courts and authorities in all enforcement order for uncontested claims.
the Member States just as easily as in their own country. It B. Judicial cooperation in criminal matters
concluded that there was a need for closer convergence of 1. Before the Treaty of Amsterdam
legislation, in particular with regard to cross-border matters
The Council of Europe drew up the first legal acts on judicial
and automatic referral to the principle of mutual recognition
cooperation in criminal matters. With the inclusion of this
of court decisions and pre-court decisions, such as those
sphere in the Treaty of Maastricht, a number of European
relating to evidence.
Union agreements joined the existing instruments:
The Hague programme stresses the need to make cross-
— 1995 agreement on a simplified extradition procedure
border civil law procedures easier by developing judicial
based on the 1957 convention;
cooperation in civil matters and mutual recognition.
Continuing to implement mutual recognition measures is an — 1996 agreement on extradition between Member States of
essential priority. the Union, supplementing the conventions of 1957 on
extradition and 1977 on the suppression of terrorism by
4. The Treaty of Lisbon
widening the scope of extradition proceedings;
Legal cooperation on civil matters is being developed in
accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure. However, — work began in 1996 on a draft convention on legal
family law is subject to a special legislative procedure: the Council assistance to supplement the 1959 Council of Europe
takes decisions unanimously once it has consulted Parliament. convention, extending mutual assistance between judicial
authorities and modernising the present methods;
The Council may decide that certain aspects of family law can
— special instruments adopted in the area of fraud and
be the subject of suitable regulations in accordance with the
corruption in the EU took the form of a 1995 convention
ordinary legislative procedure. In this case the proposal is
on protecting the Communities’ financial interests and a
notified to national parliaments. If a single national parliament
1997 convention on combating corruption involving civil
is opposed then this will prevent it from being adopted.
servants of the European Communities or the EU Member
5. Main legislation adopted States.
— Council Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on 2. The contribution of the Treaty of Amsterdam and the
insolvency proceedings; Treaty of Nice
— Council Regulation (EC) No 1348/2000 of 29 May 2000 on The last-named initiative anticipated the entry into force of the
the service in the Member States of judicial and Treaty of Amsterdam. The new Title VI in the Treaty on
extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters; European Union, dealing with police and judicial cooperation
— Directive 2001/97/EC of the European Parliament and of Member States that it considers necessary to ensure that the
the Council of 4 December 2001 amending Council rules which it lays down are fully effective. Thus, if the EU has a
Directive 91/308/EEC on prevention of the use of the legal basis for a policy under the EC Treaty, it should be
financial system for the purpose of money laundering; this possible to make provision if necessary for penal sanctions for
directive is aimed in particular at extending the implementation of this policy without being required to abide
identification and reporting obligations to a number of by the specific provisions of the third pillar.
activities and professions likely to be used for money
laundering purposes and ensuring better coverage of the Role of the European Parliament
financial and credit sectors;
1. Civil law
— Council framework decision of 13 June 2002 on combating Parliament considers that the Union’s objective should be to
terrorism, which aims in particular to approximate the simplify recourse to justice for citizens and companies and to
definition of terrorist offences, penalties and sanctions in all make justice more effective in an integrated European area,
of the Member States; particularly by encouraging the emergence of a common
— Council framework decision of 13 June 2002 on the judicial culture. It also thinks the recognition and enforcement
European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures of judgments should be a practically automatic process
between Member States, which seeks to replace the between Member States, and that there is therefore an urgent
extradition procedures with a simplified system for need to encourage the compatibility of legal rules and
surrender between judicial authorities for a range of proceedings.
serious crimes; 2. Criminal law
— Council framework decision of 19 July 2002 on combating The EP welcomes the incentive provided by the Commission
trafficking in human beings, which seeks to harmonise and the Council — generated to a large extent by the attacks
offences and sanctions in this area; of 11 September 2001 — that has resulted in the adoption of
important provisions, especially the European arrest warrant.
— Council framework decision of 27 January 2003 on the The establishment of Eurojust is also considered to be a major
protection of the environment through criminal law; step forward.
— Council framework decision of 22 July 2003 on the The EP’s primary concern is maintaining the balance between
execution in the European Union of orders freezing the objective of safety and respect for fundamental rights.
property or evidence;
The principle of mutual recognition of judicial decisions is the
— Council framework decision of 24 February 2005 on the cornerstone of judicial cooperation. Mutual trust between
application of the principle of mutual recognition to national judicial systems should be strengthened. The main
financial penalties; aim is to guarantee European citizens the right to justice both
— the Council has adopted a draft decision on the European in comparable conditions and on the basis of ever-higher
evidence warrant for use in proceedings in criminal matters quality standards. To this end, the European Parliament calls for
and a draft framework decision whereby Member States the definition, with the Member States, of a ‘Quality Charter for
would take account of decisions concerning convictions. Criminal Justice in Europe’. It has also called on the
Commission to submit to the EP legislative proposals to
In April 2007 the Council reached political agreement on improve the minimum guarantees concerning procedural
adoption of a framework decision on combating racism and rights. Common minimum standards for the common basic
xenophobia. procedural safeguards would facilitate both mutual
8. Consequences of the Court of Justice judgment in case recognition and mutual trust.
C-176/03 (13 September 2005)
It authorises the legislator, within the framework of the EC g Jean-Louis Antoine-Grégoire
Treaty, to take measures relating to the criminal law of the July 2008
Legal Basis 4. The Tampere European Council (1999) and the Hague
Police cooperation: Articles 29 and 30 of the Treaty on programme (2004)
European Union. The adoption of the Hague Programme by the European
Council has provided the EU with a new five-year programme,
Customs cooperation: Article 135 of the Treaty establishing the as a follow-up to the plan adopted in Tampere. Europol is to
European Community (EC). play a central role in the fight against serious forms of
organised crime and cross-border terrorism. The European
Objectives Police College (CEPOL) will help to increase mutual confidence
Guaranteeing citizens a high level of protection in an area of in order to improve police cooperation. The fight against
freedom and security through police cooperation between terrorism is a matter of the utmost importance.
the Member States. This objective is achieved through closer The exchange of information, when available, should begin in
cooperation between police forces and customs authorities, 2008.
both directly and through Europol.
5. The Lisbon Treaty
Police cooperation has been incorporated into the Community
Achievements system. This implies the extension of the co-decision procedure,
A. General development of police cooperation qualified majority voting in the Council, the use of Community
1. The Schengen agreements (1985–1990) legislative instruments with direct effect and a stronger role for
Formal police cooperation between the Member States’ the Court of Justice subject to a five-year transitional period (see
representatives began in 1976. judicial cooperation in criminal matters, 4.12.1.).
The Schengen system set up liaison officers in the signatory In the area of operational cooperation between police
States to coordinate the exchange of information on terrorism, authorities and law enforcement services, the Council takes
drugs, organised crime and illegal immigration networks. It decisions under the special legislative procedure, in other
introduced a right of pursuit across frontiers, enabling police words a unanimous decision following consultation of
officers to pursue a suspect on the territory of another Parliament. In the absence of unanimity, a group of at least
Member State, but Member States apply this right in different nine Member States may request that the matter be referred
ways. Patrols, in some cases with officers of different to the European Council. If no agreement is reached, at least
nationalities, carry out checks throughout the Schengen nine Member States may enter into enhanced cooperation.
territory. The Court of Justice does not have any jurisdiction, in
particular, to verify the validity or the proportionality of
2. The Treaties of Maastricht (1992), Amsterdam (1997) operations carried out by the police or other law enforcement
and Nice (2003) bodies in a Member State.
The Treaty of Maastricht spelt out matters of common interest
The Treaty brings Europol within the Community system. Its
on which it sought to encourage cooperation: terrorism, drugs
structure, functioning, area of action and tasks will be laid
and other forms of international crime. It also provided for a
down in a regulation in accordance with the ordinary
European Police Office (Europol), together with a system for
legislative procedure.
exchanging information throughout the Union.
The Treaty of Amsterdam defined the objectives of the B. The European Police Office (Europol)
Member States and the relevant authorities, calling for 1. Mission
cooperation between police forces, customs authorities and Created by a Council Act of 26 July 1995 (drawing up the
the courts to ensure a high level of safety. It also increased the Convention on the establishment of a European Police Office),
role of Europol. The Treaty of Nice did not introduce any Europol began to operate on 1 July 1999.
changes. a. Original mandate
3. The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe Europol’s objective is to improve the efficiency of the
(2004) competent services in the Member States and their
Police cooperation was integrated into EU policies and Europol cooperation in the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and
was integrated into the institutional framework. other serious forms of international crime such as trafficking in
nuclear and radioactive products, illegal immigration networks, senior officers of the Member States’ police forces. It supports
trafficking in human beings, trafficking in stolen cars and and develops a European approach to the major problems
money laundering connected with these types of crimes. The encountered by the Member States. To this end, it conducts
Council may also decide to entrust Europol with responsibility training sessions, participates in the development of
for other forms of crime. harmonised training programmes, and disseminates best
practice and research results.
Europol’s priority tasks are as follows: facilitating the exchange
of information between Member States, collating and The college takes the form of a network made up of the
analysing information and intelligence, aiding investigations in national institutes for the training of high-ranking police
the Member States by notifying them of any relevant officials. It has a permanent secretariat (headquarters:
information, and maintaining a computerised system of Bramshill, United Kingdom) and legal personality. From 2006
information collected directly from the Member States. onwards its budget is the responsibility of the EU. It will
therefore appear in the EU budget.
b. Extension of its mandate
Europol’s mandate was successively extended to include D. Other instruments for cooperation
money laundering in general (irrespective of the type of crime The task force of the police chiefs of the Member States was
connected with the money laundered) by the Council Act of established in October 2000. It meets at least once during
30 November 2000 and then all of the aspects of international each six-month presidency of the Council.
organised crime set out in the annex to the Europol
Convention by the Council Decision of 6 December 2001. The European network for crime prevention has been meeting
Further amendments were made in 2003 to reinforce the since 2001 to enable the exchange of experiences and good
operational support that Europol provides to the national practice between the national officers responsible for crime
police authorities. These provisions have now come into force. prevention in each Member State.
Legal basis emphasise that energy policy must form part of the general
— Coal: the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel aims of EU economic policy based on market integration and
Community (ECSC), and in particular Articles 3 and 57 to 64 deregulation, and public intervention must be limited to what
(expired in 2002). is strictly necessary to safeguard public interest and welfare,
sustainable development, consumer protection and economic
— Nuclear energy: the Treaty establishing the European and social cohesion. However, beyond those general aims
Atomic Energy Community (EAEC) or Euratom, and in energy policy must pursue particular aims that reconcile
particular Articles 40 to 76 (investment, joint undertakings competitiveness, security of supply and protection of the
and supplies) and 92 to 100 (the nuclear common market). environment. In 2005, the Commission published Report on the
— Overall energy policy and energy policy in other fields: the Green Paper on energy: four years on European initiatives (ISBN
Treaty establishing the European Community (EC), and in 92-894-8419-5) that proposes initiatives to promote actions
particular Articles 100 (supply difficulties) and 308. towards a better and more sufficient energy supply.
The most recent revision of the EC Treaty has still not managed Another Green Paper on energy efficiency was adopted by the
to include a separate chapter on energy. Energy policy has Commission in 2005, which proposes actions in Member
simply been incorporated in the list of objectives (Article 1(u)); States to promote better use of all energy sources (COM(2005)
the subject of ‘energy’ is also included under the title 265). It was followed by the ‘Green Paper: a European strategy
‘Environment’ (Title XIX, Article 175(2)). In addition the Treaty for sustainable, competitive and secure energy’ (COM(2006)
mentions the trans-European networks, which include energy 105). This set out new energy realities facing Europe based on
infrastructure (Title XV, Articles 154 to 156 in connection with three main objectives: sustainability, competitiveness and
Article 158). security of supply. The overall framework — the first ‘strategic
EU energy review’ — should help to achieve these objectives.
The EC Treaty thus confirms that the sphere of activity of the Concrete proposals are made such as completing the internal
EU encompasses the energy sector. It is clear that certain gas and electricity market, ensuring that the EU`s internal
Member States are as yet not prepared to transfer important energy market guarantees security of supply and solidarity
responsibilities to the EU. According to the subsidiarity between Member States, asking for a real Community-wide
principle, energy policy must be largely regarded as the debate on the different energy sources, dealing with the
Member States’ responsibility. challenges of climate change in a manner compatible with the
The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe would, if Lisbon objectives, relying on a strategic energy technology
adopted, contain a distinct chapter on energy. In plan and enhancing a common external energy policy.
Article I-14(2(i), energy is defined as a shared competence; and
The European Council on 23 and 24 March 2006 called for an
in Section 10, Article III-256, the following is outlined as aims
energy policy for Europe (EPE) and invited the Council and the
for the Union’s policy on energy:
Commission to prepare a set of actions with a clear timetable
— ensure the functioning of the energy market; enabling it to adopt a prioritised action plan at its meeting in
— ensure security of energy supply in the Union, and spring 2007.
— promote energy efficiency and energy saving and the The EPE should be based on shared perspectives on long-term
development of new and renewable forms of energy. supply and demand and an objective, transparent assessment
of the advantages and drawbacks of all energy sources, and
contribute in a balanced way to its three main objectives:
— increasing security of energy supply through the
EU energy policy is still directed towards the long-term energy
development of a common external policy approach and
objectives first set out in 1995 in the ‘White Paper — An
dialogues with Member States and partners;
energy policy for the EU’ (COM(95) 682), followed by the Green
Paper ‘Towards an European strategy for the security of energy — ensuring the competitiveness of European economies and
supply’ (COM(2000) 769) and subsequent report on it the affordability of energy supply by working with Member
(COM(2002) 321). Parliament, the Council and the Commission States to complete the opening of the internal market for
development, but overall constitute a set of interesting renewable energy sources. The framework programme is
options for contributing to meet both future demand for worth EUR 200 million for the period 2003–06, though both
electricity and objectives to limit climate change (achieving the European Parliament (EP) and the Commission argued for
Kyoto and post-Kyoto targets). much more money.
2. Hydrocarbons Directive 2002/91/EC on the energy performance of buildings
EU energy policy objectives are to substitute crude oil by other (in particular insulation, air conditioning and the use of
forms of energy while also encouraging prospecting (offshore renewable energy sources) was adopted in 2002 (due for
exploration etc.) and the exploitation of indigenous implementation in 2006). This is concerned, first and foremost,
hydrocarbons. Security of supply is to be encouraged by with a method for calculating the energy performance of
diversifying sources and by EU rules on obligatory reserves buildings, minimum requirements for new and existing large
(Member States must keep 90 days’ stocks of the main buildings and energy certification.
petroleum products based on the previous year’s figures). With its proposed directive of July 2002 (COM(2002) 415), the
3. Nuclear energy and nuclear fuels Commission wanted to push ahead with the development
and use of cogeneration or combined heat and power
Nuclear energy is still accorded a key role in EU energy policy
production (CHP). The production of electricity and heat in a
objectives. However, the 1986 Chernobyl disaster made
single integrated process leads to savings in primary energy,
nuclear energy highly controversial. Abandonment of nuclear
and is therefore a further means of fulfilling the EU’s energy
power is at the earliest a medium-term prospect but, in any
policy objectives. The proposal gave rise to controversial
event, greater efforts must be made to improve the safety
discussions in both the EP and the Council and is mainly
standards of nuclear power stations. Despite the EAEC Treaty,
concerned with establishing a uniform definition for electricity
the Commission’s powers are far from adequate (for example,
produced in CHP plants. The directive (2004/8/EC) was
no uniform standards for safety and discharges; no EU
adopted in co-decision in February 2004.
consultation procedure concerning power stations sited near
frontiers; no clear EU provisions for the storage and transport Directive 2003/30/EC on the promotion of the use of biofuels
of nuclear fuels or nuclear waste; difficulties in establishing or other renewable fuels for transport was adopted in May
basic standards of radiation protection; no adequate EU 2003. The directive aims at promoting the use of biofuels or
system of information and monitoring in cases of nuclear other renewable fuels to replace diesel or petrol for transport
malfunctions; no agreed emergency procedures in case of purposes in each Member State, with a view to contributing to
disaster). objectives such as meeting climate change commitments,
environment-friendly security of supply and promoting
In the Green Paper on energy security, nuclear power was
renewable energy sources. The directive asks Member States
grouped (together with coal, oil, gas and renewables) as a ‘less
to ensure that a minimum proportion of biofuels and other
than perfect’ energy option, and the question was raised as to
renewable fuels is placed on their markets, and, to that effect,
how the EU can develop fusion technology and reactors for
to set national indicative targets. Reference values for these
the future, reinforce nuclear safety and find a solution to the
targets provided in the directive are 2 % by 31 December 2005
problem of nuclear waste. As nuclear safety could no longer
and 5.75 % by 31 December 2010, calculated on the basis of
be considered from a purely national perspective, in January
the energy content of all petrol and diesel for transport
2003, and in preparation for enlargement, the Commission
purposes placed on their markets.
adopted a new approach to safety of nuclear facilities and
nuclear waste (COM(2003) 32). In 2004, the Commission put Directive 2006/32/EC on energy end-use efficiency and energy
forward a revised proposal (COM(2004) 526) based inter alia on services (repealing Council Directive 93/76/EEC) was adopted
European Parliament suggestions which were grouped around on 5 April 2006. This aimed to boost energy efficiency in the
two new directives: one in the field of safety of nuclear EU and promote the market for energy services (such as
facilities (adopted finally as a Council regulation in 2006), and lighting, heating, hot water, ventilation).
another on radioactive waste management. In May 2004, the Commission adopted a communication to
4. Renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency the Parliament and the Council which proposed an evaluation
Promoting renewable energy is one of the main objectives of of the effect of the contribution of renewable energy sources
EU energy policy. As stated previously, the aim is to double in the EU and put forward proposals for concrete actions
renewables’ share of total energy consumed to 15 % by 2010 (COM(2004) 366).
and increase renewable energy sources for the internal Subsequently, in its resolution on the share of renewable
electricity market to 22.1 % of the total production (Directive energy in the EU and proposals for concrete actions
2001/77/EC). Decision No 1230/2003/EC ‘Intelligent energy for (2004/2153(INI)) the European Parliament recognised the
Europe’ contains measures to promote renewables and exceptional importance of renewable energies and stressed
increase energy efficiency. There are sub-programmes the importance of setting mandatory targets for 2020 that
supporting sustainable development projects and expanding send a clear signal to market actors as well as national
cooperation between the EU and developing countries for policymakers, emphasising that renewable energies are the
to the EU will create the need to include them in the internal On 14 February 2006, Parliament adopted a resolution
energy market to benefit from open competition, containing recommendations on heating and cooling from
improvement of energy efficiency and the gradual renewable sources of energy (INI/2005/2122). The objective of
introduction of renewable energy sources. the proposal is to evaluate and exploit economic potential
with the aim of increasing the share of renewable energies
Role of the European Parliament used in heating and cooling in the EU from the present level of
approximately 10 % to a realistic though ambitious figure of at
Parliament’s main task is to convince Member States that the least 20 % by 2020 whilst setting binding national targets.
long-term common interest in solving these problems at EU
level is more important than short-term national interests In March 2006, Parliament adopted a joint resolution on
where other solutions may be given preference. Parliament has security of energy supply in the EU, urging the Council and the
repeatedly advocated a separate chapter on energy, now Commission to achieve a more resolute and concrete
planned for the first time in the EU Constitution. In the current European energy policy together with new, ambitious targets.
discussion on the EU’s future energy policy, Parliament is now
In its own-initiative report on the Green Paper on energy
pressing even more vigorously for the implementation of
efficiency or doing more with less (INI/2005/2210), the
important energy policy objectives (increasing energy
European Parliament proposed the creation of an energy
efficiency, developing alternative sources of energy and secure
efficiency fund by which local energy and environment
energy supply systems, combating the greenhouse effect and
agencies would receive financial support.
pursuing international cooperation and clarification in respect
of CO2 and energy taxes). The European Parliament has also considered the international
aspects in its ‘Non-legislative resolution on EU–Russia relations’
Two important initiatives were adopted by Parliament in 2005,
(INI/2004/2170). The resolution emphasises the need to further
the first on oil dependency (PE A6-0509/2005) calling for a
develop and implement a common energy strategy for Europe
wider action to diversify energy sources and create a coherent
that incorporates producers, distributors and consumers, and
global energy strategy, and the second a resolution on the
creates a transparent and sustainable energy system that
share of renewable energy (A6-0227/2005) with which
enhances the regional diversity of energy supplies.
Parliament calls for concrete action to replace classical energy
sources by using all other renewable energy, namely wind
power, hydropower plants, solar-thermal power, geothermal g Miklos Györffi
plants and biomass. September 2006
mobility in the context of various Marie Curie fellowship, — sustainable development, global change and ecosystems:
grant and award schemes, with a maximum Community EUR 2 329 million
contribution of 100 %.
— citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society:
C. The sixth framework programme (2002–06) EUR 247 million
1. Background — specific activities covering a wider field of research:
The sixth RTD framework programme (FP6) was adopted on EUR 1 409 million (including horizontal research activities
27 June 2002 (Decision No 1513/2002/EC of the European involving SMEs with a budget of EUR 473 million and
Parliament and of the Council). The programme runs from 1 specific measures in support of international cooperation
January 2003 to 31 December 2006. FP6 was specially with a budget of EUR 346 million)
designed to promote the establishment of a European — non-nuclear activities of the JRC: EUR 835 million
research area (ERA) endorsed by the Lisbon European Council
b. Structuring the ERA
in March 2000 and supported by the EP. The creation of an ERA
aims at: (i) ensuring the free movement of researchers, ideas Budget: EUR 2 854 billion:
and technology in Europe; (ii) overcoming the fragmentation — research and innovation: EUR 319 million
of European research and creating a critical mass; and
— human resources: EUR 1 732 billion
(iii) coordinating national and European programmes and
policies. — research infrastructures: EUR 715 million
2. Instruments — science and society: EUR 88 million
FP6 introduced two new instruments with the aim of c. Strengthening the foundations of the European research area
specifically addressing the problem of fragmentation of EUR 347 million
European research and increasing its impact:
4. Implementation of the programme
— networks of excellence, which aim at progressively a. Participation
integrating partners’ research capacities for the purpose of
promoting Community scientific and technological Any legal entity, i.e. any natural or legal person established in a
excellence; Member State or associated country in accordance with
national, international or Community law may respond to calls
— integrated projects, which are substantial in size and aim at for proposals and, if their proposal is accepted, receive
constituting a critical mass in research activities focusing Community support. Thus, universities, research centres,
on clearly defined scientific and technological objectives. businesses, including SMEs, and international organisations may
In addition, Article 169 of the EC Treaty was applied for the first ask for funding. Entities from third countries may also participate
time to a partnership between European and developing in consortia and even receive support for certain FP activities.
countries for carrying out a programme of clinical trials to b. Calls for proposals
combat AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. As a general rule, project proposals are submitted in response to
3. Budget and lines of action calls for proposals. Consortia wishing to respond normally have
The initial FP6 budget of EUR 17.5 billion, of which at least three months to draw up and submit their proposal.
EUR 1.23 billion was for Euratom, was later increased to c. Information sources
EUR 19 235 million, of which EUR 1 352 million was for Calls for proposals are published in the Official Journal of the
Euratom, to take enlargement into account. The overall European Union and on the Commission Internet pages
financial amount for the EC FP (EUR 17 883 million) was designed for this purpose. The key instrument for the
distributed among different activities as follows. dissemination of information about calls for proposals and the
a. Focusing and integrating Community research (including FP in general, as well as about related policy issues, is the
thematic priorities) Commission-supported CORDIS server. RTD info magazine also
provides information.
Budget: EUR 14 682 million:
At national level in the Member States, associated countries
— life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health: and other partner countries, there are national contact points
EUR 2 514 million (NCPs) to supply information on the FPs and assist potential
— information society technologies: EUR 3 984 million applicants.
— nanotechnologies, materials and new production d. Proposal evaluation and selection of projects
processes: EUR 1 429 million Project evaluation usually comprises a single step. For
particular activities a two-phase procedure is applied:
— aeronautics and space: EUR 1 182 million
participants are first invited to submit a summary proposal. If
— food quality and safety: EUR 753 million their initial application is accepted, they are invited to submit a
Legal basis EU policy for SMEs dates back to a first action programme,
adopted in 1983 at the close of the European Year of SMEs and
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operate mainly at
the Craft Industry. A second such programme began in 1987
national level, as relatively few SMEs are engaged in cross-
and was reinforced by the Council for the period 1993–96. A
border business within the EU. However, independently of
third multiannual programme covered the period 1997–2000
their scope of operations, SMEs are affected by EU legislation
and a fourth multiannual programme initially ran for the
in various fields, such as taxation (Articles 90 to 93 of the Treaty
period 2001–05 with a budget of EUR 450 million (extended to
establishing the European Community (EC)), competition
2006 with an increase in the financial reference amount by
(Articles 81 to 89 EC) and company law (right of establishment
EUR 88.5 million). The five prime objectives of the fourth
— Articles 43 to 48 EC), regional and social policy (Articles 136
programme: enhancing growth and the competitiveness of
to 145 EC) and customs formalities (Articles 25 to 27 EC), to
business in a knowledge-based economy; promoting
mention a few areas.
entrepreneurship; simplifying and improving the
Various regulations, such as Council Regulation (EEC) No administrative and regulatory environment for business;
2137/85 on the European economic interest grouping, improving the financial environment for business; and giving
Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 on the European company business easier access to EU support programmes.
statute and Directive 2001/86/EC on the involvement of
employees or Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 on State aid are The Council adopted the European Charter for Small
examples of secondary legislation that have a tangible impact Enterprises in June 2000, setting out recommendations for
on SMEs in the EU. small enterprises to take full advantage of the knowledge
economy. Since 2000 the Commission has produced annual
The Commission adopted a new definition of SMEs in implementation reports on the state of implementation of the
Recommendation 2003/361/EC. The staff thresholds used are charter.
the following: micro (0 to 10 employees), small (10 to 50
employees) and medium-sized enterprises (50 to 250 Various subsequent initiatives of the Commission have had a
employees). The recommendation increased the financial tangible impact on SMEs. For example, in 2001 the
ceilings (turnover or balance sheet total) to take account of Commission launched a ‘Go digital’ awareness campaign to
inflation since the first SME definition in 1996. The new demonstrate to SMEs the potential benefits of adopting and
definitions entered into force on 1 January 2005. efficiently using e-business. As a follow-up to the eEurope
2002 action plan and helping SMEs to ‘Go digital’, the
Commission has launched specific actions to help SMEs adopt
Objectives information and communication technologies (ICT) and
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises make up 99 % of all e‑business.
enterprises in the EU. SMEs are about 23 million in number,
employing about 100 million and are an essential source of At the beginning of 2003 the Commission also launched a
entrepreneurial spirit and innovation, which is crucial for the public debate on how to further improve the entrepreneurship
competitiveness of European companies. EU policy for SMEs agenda, through its Green Paper on entrepreneurship in
aims to ensure that Community policies and actions are small- Europe (COM(2003) 27). This resulted in the Commission
business friendly and contribute to making Europe a more communication ‘Action plan: the European agenda for
attractive place for setting up a company and doing business. entrepreneurship’ (COM(2004) 70). Decision No 1639/2006/EC
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October
2006 establishing a competitiveness and innovation
Achievements framework programme (2007–13) was the follow-up to this
A. General SME policy initiative.
Current SME policy in the EU largely falls within the scope of The CIP is especially directed at SMEs and brings together into
the Lisbon strategy, which aims to make the EU the most a common framework specific Community support
competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the programmes and relevant parts of other Community
world. SMEs play a crucial role in this objective. programmes in fields critical to boosting European
productivity, innovation capacity and sustainable growth, stresses the need for the continuous improvement of the
whilst simultaneously addressing complementary framework conditions for businesses in the single market.
environmental concerns. It is composed of sub-programmes, Various initiatives and measures exist or are planned to
such as the entrepreneurship and innovation programme, the facilitate the establishment and operation of SMEs in the
ICT policy support programme and the ‘Intelligent energy — internal market. SMEs have been granted derogations in many
Europe’ programme. areas, for example the approximation of company law,
competition rules and taxation.
The Commission communication on better regulation for
growth and jobs (COM(2005) 97) adopted by the Commission 1. Company law
in 2005 aims to reform the way in which the European The ‘European company’ is regarded as one of the key
institutions, individually or jointly, legislate at European level, elements for the completion of the internal market. Since 2001
and how the Member States implement and apply this there exists a possibility for a public limited company to be set
legislation at national level. There have been two strategic up in the EU (Societas Europaea (SE)) which allows enterprises
reviews of this package. Under the better regulation initiative, to operate throughout the EU subject to the EU legislation
all EU legislation is also to be assessed as to its impact on SMEs, directly applicable in all Member States.
and if necessary to be made more SME friendly.
With the SBA, the European Commission adopted a proposal
Also in 2005, the European Commission adopted its ‘Modern for a European private company statute (also known as the
SME policy for growth and employment’ communication. This ‘Societas Privata Europaea (SPE)’ COM(2008) 396/3), in June
communication proposed action in five key areas, namely: 2008. The SPE statute contains a set of uniform company law
promoting entrepreneurship and skills; improving SMEs access rules that would apply to any private company incorporated as
to markets; cutting red tape; improving SMEs growth potential; SPE across all Member States, wider than those contained in
and strengthening the dialogue and consultation with SME the SE statute. This, if adopted, will bring considerable benefits
stakeholders. The initiative aimed to ensure that all aspects of for SMEs, saving time and reducing costs, especially when
EU policy to help SMEs are coordinated, and that the needs of setting up business across different Member States.
SMEs are more fully assessed in drawing up such policies.
2. Competition policy
B. The Small Business Act (SBA) The EU’s State aid policy has, for a long time, treated SMEs
The most comprehensive and encompassing initiative on favourably, recognising the special difficulties they face due to
SMEs to date was brought forward by the Commission as a their size. With the Small Business Act, the Commission
communication (COM(2008) 394) in June 2008 in the form of proposes a new exemption regulation (general block
the Small Business Act (SBA). exemption regulation (GBER)) on State aid, which consolidates
into one text and harmonises the rules previously existing in
The SBA consists of various different initiatives and principles. It five separate regulations, and enlarges the categories of State
is named an ‘Act’ to symbolically underline the political will aid covered by the exemption. Under the new rules, SMEs can
behind it in the absence of a binding legislative nature. The receive investment aid of up to EUR 7.5 million for a given
SBA aims to create a new policy framework integrating the project without having to notify the Commission. The initiative
existing instruments and building on the European Charter for also aims to facilitate environmental protection projects and
Small Enterprises and the ‘Modern SME’ policy. In this, it takes a promote female entrepreneurship.
‘political partnership approach with Member States’ rather
than proposing a fully fledged Community approach. The SBA In the past, the Commission made some efforts to modernise
aims to improve the overall approach to entrepreneurship in its competition rules, make procedures more efficient, increase
the EU by ‘thinking small first’. With the SBA, the Commission their transparency and facilitate their application. Aid for SMEs
attempts to establish a genuine partnership within the EU for has been on the agenda repeatedly. In January 2001,
SMEs’ benefit. Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 on the application of Articles 87
and 88 of the Treaty to State aid to SMEs replaced the
At the core of the SBA are 10 common guiding principles, such guidelines from 1996. It exempted investment aid (15 % of
as creating a more entrepreneur-friendly environment or eligible costs for small and 7.5 % for medium-sized
improving SMEs access to finance, which should be enterprises), aid for consultancy (50 % of eligible costs), and aid
implemented through policy measures both at the EU and for participation in fairs and exhibitions (50 % of eligible costs).
Member State levels. These principles are supplemented by
the announcement of four legislative proposals to follow at a 3. Taxation
later date: the European private company statute; a late The open consultations leading to the SBA contained the
payment directive; a new exemption regulation on State aid; question on the most common problems that SMEs faced in
and a directive on reduced VAT rates. the internal market. There, taxation was named among the
three single most important issues. Although the rules in
C. SMEs in the single market indirect taxation are to some extent harmonised under a
The Commission’s communication on the single market for Community framework, direct taxation (including company
21st century Europe (COM(2007) 724 of 20 November 2007) taxation) remains a full national competence. This has a
businesses in order to encourage growth, employment Enterprises (2005/2123(INI)), which comprises 10 ‘lines of
and investment, particularly by means of a special code of action’: education and training for entrepreneurship;
banking conduct for small businesses. cheaper and faster start-up; better legislation and
regulation; availability of skills; improving online access;
— In a 2002 resolution the EP stressed the importance for getting more out of the single market; taxation and
small businesses of open markets in telecommunications, financial matters; strengthening the technological
energy, postal services and transport. Parliament favoured capacity of small enterprises; making use of successful
applying experimental VAT-reduction measures across the e-business models and developing top-class small
board to all labour-intensive businesses. It called for access business support; developing stronger, more effective
to finance such as the EIB/EIF funds for normative representation of small enterprises’ interests at Union and
investments, and supported the funding of SMEs during national level.
start-up. Parliament welcomed progress in providing for
cheaper and quicker registration of enterprises in the EU. — The EP adopted the CIP (in first reading) on 1 June 2006.
The EP’s main concern was the structural orientation of the
— In 2005 the EP adopted a resolution entitled ‘Strengthening programme towards potential applicants, i.e. direct
European competitiveness — the effects of industrial beneficiaries in terms of radical simplification of the
change on policy and the role of SMEs’, in which it application procedure, including a one-stop shop
proposed a policy based on three elements: better approach (CIP agency). In the area of ICT programmes, it
lawmaking; developing an integrated approach to policy; was essential that the focus was shifted from where it
and pursuing appropriate sectoral policies and specific currently lies, with the authorities, to the real engine of
measures, which requires an in-depth knowledge of each innovation, which is SMEs.
industrial sector.
— In September 2005 the EP published an own-initiative g Arttu Makipaa
report on the implementation of the Charter for Small July 2008
4.16. Tourism
So far, the tourism policy has not been granted a place in the Treaties. As tourism is an area that can contribute to
achieving the goals of the Lisbon strategy, it has become an increasingly important part of the European policies. In the
event of ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon this policy will benefit from a specific legal basis.
Legal basis states, amongst other things, that the Union shall
complement the action of the Member States in the tourism
The Treaty establishing the European Community has not sector, in particular by promoting the competitiveness of
contained a specific chapter on tourism until now, but Union undertakings in that sector.
Article 3(u) of the Treaty has allowed the Community to pass
measures dealing with this area. Provisions on the free
movement of people, goods and services, SMEs and
consumer protection, as well as environmental, transport and The EU tourism industry is made up of around 2 million
regional policies, are all relevant to tourism, because of its companies, primarily small and medium-sized enterprises. It
multifarious nature. The measures taken in these policy areas contributes 4 % of total GDP and employment (around
can affect tourism within the Community, whether directly or 8 million jobs). When its close association with other economic
indirectly. With the coming into force of the new Treaty of sectors is taken into account, this figure becomes even higher.
Lisbon, which is yet to be ratified by the Member States, the On the global stage, the EU is the most important tourist
Community’s tourism policy shall have a clear legal basis in region. Because of its economic weight, the tourism sector is
the form of the new Title XXI ‘Tourism’. The new Article 176 B an integral part of the European economy and thus measures
Role of the European Parliament that all investments which are clearly damaging to the
environment, human rights, the minimum labour
The European Parliament has made vital contributions to the
standards as set out by the International Labour
development of Community tourism and has often given
Organisation, the native way-of-life or the cultural heritage
momentum to concrete measures.
of the destination country are not supported. Furthermore,
— The European Parliament called for action against travel Parliament proposed the introduction of a certified
agencies, airlines and hotel chains which encourage sex ‘European fair trade tourism’ label to encourage ethical
tourism (resolution of 6 November 1997 on the Commission standards in tourism.
communication on combating child sex tourism). In the
— Likewise, on 8 September 2005 the European Parliament
resolution of 30 March 2000 on the same topic, Parliament
passed a resolution on new prospects and new
requested Member States to introduce universally-binding
challenges for sustainable European tourism, consisting
extraterritorial laws, making it possible to legally pursue and
of 70 paragraphs. The European Parliament set out its
punish people, who whilst abroad committed illegal acts
position and demands on the different aspects of an EÚ
relating to the sexual exploitation of children.
tourism policy. These aspects included: (a) competitiveness
— Moreover Parliament proposed the coordination of and quality of services, (b) safety in tourism, (c) new
Community policies on the promotion of employment in initiatives on sustainable tourism, (d) awareness and
the tourism industry with national employment policies as promotion of European tourism, (e) tourism and transport,
well as the improvement of quality and safety standards (f ) promotion of tourism at Community level,
within the European tourism industry (resolution on (g) coordination of regulations.
tourism and employment of 18 February 2000).
— In its resolution of 29 November 2007 on ‘A renewed EU
— In its resolution on the future of European tourism of tourism policy: towards a stronger partnership of
14 May 2002, Parliament emphasised the need for an European tourism’ the European Parliament dealt with,
integrated approach to all political measures affecting among other things, the effect the visa policy has on
tourism. On this point, it called for all the relevant tourism. It highlighted the need to simplify visa application
Commission directorates-general (Transport, Regional procedures and to reduce the costs of tourist visas for entry
Policy, Employment, Environment, Social Policy, Consumer into any Member State. It called on the Member States that
Protection, Education and Culture) to work towards the are party to the Schengen Agreement to establish
harmonisation of the hitherto fragmentary nature of the common consular desks for the grant of visas to third-
measures taken and towards an integration of all country applicants, to ensure that these desks have the
Community programmes aimed at safeguarding the same working methods and apply the same visa criteria
sustainable development of this sector. and to improve the reception given to visa applicants.
Furthermore, it advocated greater harmonisation of quality
— In its resolution on tourism and development of
standards for tourist accommodation in Europe as well as
8 September 2005, Parliament stressed the need to reinvest
the further development of quality management schemes
the profits generated by tourism back into local
in this area.
development. It called for all European investments in the
tourism industry of developing countries to be subject to
the same regulations as those applicable to the granting of g Nils Danklefsen
assistance within the European Union, so as to make sure December 2007
also the focus of a recommendation on further European the development of the vocational training systems of the
cooperation in this area (2006/143/EC). It calls on universities countries of central and eastern Europe, the independent
and quality assurance agencies to introduce stringent quality States of the former Soviet Union, and Mongolia. The
controls and advocates the establishment of a European European University Institute in Florence (set up in 1976)
register of these agencies. contributes to the development of the cultural and scientific
Europass was set up by Decision No 2241/2004/EC with the heritage of Europe. The Eurydice network (set up in 1981),
aim of improving transparency of qualifications and skills. It collects information on education systems in the Member
offers Europe’s citizens the opportunity to present their skills States which is then disseminated via an internet portal
using harmonised documents. Comparability of skills is also (www.eurydice.org).
the objective of the recently established European
qualifications framework (COM(2006)479). It is intended to Role of the European Parliament
facilitate the transfer and recognition of qualifications acquired The European Parliament has always supported close
in various systems of education and training by defining cooperation between the Member States in the fields of
various levels of knowledge and thus enabling qualifications education and training and increasing the European
to be classified and compared. dimension in the Member States’ education policies. It has
3. eLearning therefore been an advocate for the establishment of a solid
Despite a high level of education, the EU remains behind the legal basis for education and training. Following the adoption
USA and Japan as regards new information and of the Maastricht and Amsterdam Treaties which introduced
communication technologies. The Commission has therefore two new articles in these fields, Parliament gained
adopted the ‘eLearning’ initiative to adapt the Member considerable influence over the policies carried out, since all
States’ education and training systems to the latest decisions are now taken under the co-decision procedure and
developments in this field. In Seville in June 2002, the with qualified majority voting in Council. Therefore the
European Council launched the eEurope 2005 Action Plan Parliament has been able to increase the budget for several
with the aim of developing modern public services and a Community programmes such as Socrates II and Erasmus
dynamic environment for e-business. In 2003 an eLearning Mundus. In the process of adopting the lifelong learning
programme was introduced with the aim of effectively programme, Parliament also called for a clear increase in the
integrating information and communication technologies into budget allocated and for easier access to these actions. In the
education and training systems in Europe. The four areas of negotiations with the Council, MEPs were successful in
action of the programme are: promoting digital literacy, increasing the monthly amount paid to students by EUR 50 to
European virtual campuses, e-twinning of schools in Europe, the current figure of EUR 200.
promoting further teacher training and transversal actions for Parliament regards education as the best way of ensuring the
the promotion of e-learning in Europe. Since 2007 the support EU’s competitiveness. With a view to achieving the Lisbon
measures for e-learning have been part of the new objectives, Parliament recently called on the Member States to
‘integrated action programme in the field of lifelong increase investment in education, frame more consistent
learning’ (see above). national education policies, promote scientific and technical
4. Community centres, institutes and networks studies, and develop an integrated strategy for lifelong
Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of learning which will support social inclusion (T6-0384/2005).
Vocational Training (set up in 1975), assists the Commission in
implementing the Community vocational training policy. The g Constanze Itzel
European Training Foundation (set up in 1990) contributes to July 2008
Legal basis these two programmes were merged to form the Community
Articles 149 and 150 of the Treaty establishing the European action programme for youth (2000–06). The programme was
Community (EC). supplemented by other actions such as ‘Initiatives for Youth’,
which aimed to support innovative and creative projects
Article 149 of the EC Treaty provides for youth exchanges and designed to promote the social integration of young people,
exchanges between socio-educational instructors. Action to ‘joint actions’ with the Socrates and Leonard da Vinci
promote vocational training under Article 150 also expressly programmes(4.17.1) and ‘accompanying measures’. The Youth
includes young people. programme also supported cooperation activities with third
Action falling within the scope of Articles 149 and 150 is countries through the Euro-Med Youth Programme I, which
subject to the co-decision procedure. In the field of youth was aimed at young people in 31 participating countries. The
policy there is no provision for harmonising Member States’ Youth programme also supported cooperation with countries
legislation. Rather, the Council mostly adopts in South-east Europe (SEE), the Commonwealth of
recommendations here. Independent States (CIS) and Latin America (LA).
The Lisbon Treaty adopted by the European Council in In November 2006, with Decision No 1714/2006/EC, the ‘Youth
October 2007, assuming that it comes into force, adds to the in action’ programme was adopted as the successor to ‘Youth’
tasks of the Union in relation to young people that of for the period 2007–13. The aim of the programme is to
promoting participation by young people in democracy in strengthen young people’s active citizenship, develop their
Europe (see Articles 149 and 150 of the new ‘Treaty on the solidarity and promote European cooperation on youth policy.
Functioning of the European Union’). These aims are based on the White Paper ‘A new Impetus for
European youth’ (see below). The five areas for action include
Attention is also drawn to the Charter of Fundamental European voluntary service, exchanges between young
Rights. It includes an article on children’s rights (Article 24) and people and political cooperation. The programme has a
an article forbidding child labour and providing for protection budget of EUR 885 million.
of young people in the workplace (Article 32). With the entry
2. Action programme to promote bodies active at
into force of the Treaty, the Charter of Fundamental Rights
European level in the field of youth
would acquire the force of law (Article 6 TEU).
Decision No 790/2004/EC of 21 April 2004 also established a
Community action programme to promote bodies active
Objectives at European level in the field of youth. The programme ran
The Treaty article on young people is explicitly aimed at from 2004 to 2006, with a budget of EUR 13 million. It
encouraging the development of youth exchanges and supported the activities of organisations which contribute to
exchanges of youth workers. With the Lisbon Treaty, the strengthening Community action and increasing its
promotion of increased participation by young people in effectiveness, inter alia through youth exchanges, educational
democratic life in Europe will be added to the objectives. In and vocational training measures, debates on youth policy,
addition to this article, children and young people benefit dissemination of information on Community policy and
from EU objectives in other fields, such as education and measures to promote involvement and initiative on the part of
training, health, or in relation to the rights of children and young people.
young people.
With the launch of the new generation of support
programmes on 1 January 2007, support for bodies working in
Achievements the youth field was brought under the umbrella of the new
‘Youth in Action’ programme.
A. Action programmes
1. ‘Youth’ and ‘Youth in action’
Other EU initiatives
The Community has promoted youth exchange in Europe for
the last 20 years. By 1988 the Community had already 1. Towards youth policy cooperation in Europe
established the ‘Youth for Europe’ programme to promote a. White Paper on Youth
exchanges between young people. In 1996 the Commission On 21 November 2001 the Commission adopted a White
then additionally proposed a Community action programme Paper entitled ‘A new impetus for European youth’
for a European voluntary service for young people. In 2000, (COM(2001)681), thus setting out a framework for cooperation
in the field of youth. Its priorities are to promote participation, be made a permanent part of European youth policy. With
active citizenship and voluntary activities by young people. It is European Youth Week now forming part of the Youth in action
also intended to improve the information available to young programme, this has been achieved.
people on European issues and increase knowledge of youth-
d. Structured dialogue
related issues.
In a resolution adopted in 2005 the Council of Ministers called
The White Paper provided the impetus for the development of for the development of a structured dialogue with young
European cooperation in the youth field. This takes place on people, reiterating this goal frequently in subsequent years.
the basis of the ‘open coordination method’, which means Structured dialogue means that the EU institutions and
defining common objectives and translating them into national governments discuss selected themes with young
national policies. people. The theme for 2008 is ‘Future challenges for young
b. European Youth Pact people’. The dialogue is conducted at national and European
level and is coordinated by the Commission.
At its spring summit in March 2005 the European Council
adopted a European Pact for Youth as part of its revised Lisbon The structured dialogue also facilitates the evaluation of
strategy refocusing on growth and employment. The main European cooperation in the field of youth policy, which is
objective is to improve school education and vocational currently under way. In a consultation process, the
training, mobility, integration of Europe’s young people into experiences gained are evaluated and reviewed. Based on
the workplace and social inclusion. At the same time, the aim the outcomes of this consultation, the Commission is
is to make for a better work–life balance. The Commission also planning to propose new priorities and methods for Europe’s
calls for initiatives in the various areas to be organised in a future youth policy in early 2009.
more coherent way. 2. Protecting the rights of children and young people
The Commission subsequently adopted a communication a. EU strategy on the rights of the child
(COM(2005)206) setting out how the pact could be On 4 July 2006 the European Commission adopted the
implemented. The Commission believes that the pact’s communication ‘Towards an EU strategy on the rights of the
objectives should be integrated into the European child’ (COM(2006)367). The communication aims to introduce
employment strategies and the Education and training 2010 a comprehensive EU strategy to promote and effectively
work programme (4.17.1) and has identified measures and protect the rights of the child in internal and external
programmes that can support the pact’s objectives. European Union measures, as well as to support efforts by
Three years after the adoption of the pact, issues relating to the Member States in this area. The planned measures
young people’s education and labour market integration are include the attribution of single telephone numbers within
still on the political agenda. In a recent communication on the EU for a helpline for children in need and missing and
‘Promoting young people’s full participation in education, abused children. As one outcome of the communication, the
employment and society’ (COM(2007)498), the Commission European Forum on the Rights of the Child was created in
takes as its theme the issues of youth unemployment and the 2007 to provide the European institutions, national
unsatisfactory schooling received by numerous young people. governments, international organisations, non-governmental
In view of the current situation, the Commission calls for closer organisations, civil society and other stakeholders the
coordination between all the policy areas that have opportunity to exchange information about best practice
repercussions for young people. It proposes a series of new and to work together to improve the situation of children in
initiatives intended to build bridges between education and Europe.
employment. Young people’s participation in European b. Preventing and combating violence against children and
decision-making processes is also to be improved. young people
c. European Youth Week Since 2000 the EU has funded projects and actions to
combat violence against children, young people and
The third European Youth Week took place in June 2007. The
women via the Daphne programme. The target groups are
central event was held in Brussels. Here, more than 150 young
children and young people under 25 years of age, and
people from 35 European countries took part in seven
women. Since 2007 the Daphne programme has formed
workshops on issues such as European identity, intercultural
part of the general programme ‘Fundamental rights and
dialogue, enlargement, equality and discrimination. A number
justice’. The aim of the programme is ‘to contribute to the
of decentralised events also took place. During the fourth
protection of children, young people and women against all
European Youth Week in November 2008, numerous debates
forms of violence and to attain a high level of health
about current challenges and the future direction of youth
protection, well-being and social cohesion’ (Decision No
policy in Europe will be organised in all the participating
779/2007/EC). The programme also extends to the fight
against trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation.
In light of the success of the European Youth Week, the Funding totalling EUR 116 million is available for the
European Parliament had called for European Youth Week to programme for the period 2007–13.
Multilingualism, in the EU’s view, is an important element of of language (Article 21). Respect for linguistic diversity is a
Europe’s competitiveness. One of the objectives of the fundamental value of the European Union, in the same way
language policy of the EU is therefore that every European as respect for the person and openness towards other
citizen should master two other languages in addition to their cultures.
mother tongue. The EU institutions also take the principle of linguistic
diversity into account in their correspondence with citizens.
Legal basis Therefore each citizen of the Union has the right, ‘[to] write to
Articles 3, 21 and 149 of the Treaty establishing the European any of the institutions or bodies referred to in this Article or
Community (EC). in Article 7 in one of the languages mentioned in Article 314
and have an answer in the same language’ (Article 21 of the
In the field of education and vocational training, the EC Treaty EC Treaty).
gives the EU the task of supporting and supplementing action
The Lisbon Treaty further enhances the respect for language
by the Member States aimed at developing the European
diversity. Hence Article 3(3) of the EU Treaty on the tasks of the
dimension in education, particularly through the teaching and
Union shall now read: ‘It shall respect its rich cultural and
dissemination of EU languages (Article 149(2)), while fully
linguistic diversity, and shall ensure that Europe’s cultural
respecting cultural and linguistic diversity (Article 149(1)).
heritage is safeguarded and enhanced.’ The Charter of
The Charter of Fundamental Rights adopted in 2000 also Fundamental Rights shall also become legally binding with the
places an obligation on the Union to respect linguistic entry into force of the Reform Treaty (see Article 6 of the EU
diversity (Article 22) and prohibits discrimination on grounds Treaty).
Objectives Achievements
The aim of European Union language policy is to promote the A. Support programmes
teaching and learning of foreign languages in the EU and 1. Education and vocational training
create a language‑friendly environment for all Member State The main financial support for foreign language learning has
languages. Foreign language competence is regarded as one so far been provided under the Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci
of the basic skills which every EU citizen needs to acquire in educational and vocational training programmes. This support
order to improve his/her educational and employment will be continued in the period 2007–13 with the new lifelong
opportunities within the European learning society, in learning Programme (4.17.1).
particular by making use of the right to freedom of movement
a. Socrates: action programme in the field of education
of persons. Foreign language competence is also seen as very
important in supporting cultural exchange and personal The Socrates programme, launched in 1995, consisted of eight
development (2002/C 50/01). areas of action, four of which included measures to promote
language learning.
Within the framework of education and vocational training i. L ingua: promoting language teaching and language
policy, the European Union’s objective is therefore for every EU learning
citizen to master two other languages in addition to his/her
mother tongue. In order to achieve this objective, children are Lingua has supported projects which raise citizens’
to be taught two foreign languages in school from an early awareness of the European Union’s linguistic diversity,
age (2005/C 141/04). encourage people to learn languages throughout their
lifetime, and improve access to foreign language learning
In the context of the Lisbon strategy adopted by the resources across Europe. It also supported the
European Council in March 2000, the importance of foreign development and dissemination of innovative techniques
language learning in raising competitiveness is being and good practice in language teaching. Lingua also aimed
emphasised. In connection with the reforms of national to improve language teaching by ensuring that sufficient
education and vocational training systems needed in order to high-quality language learning tools and tools for assessing
achieve the Lisbon objectives, EU education ministers have set linguistic skills were made available.
themselves the goal of improving foreign language teaching, ii. Comenius: European cooperation on school education
encouraging language learning from an early age, and making
learning a foreign language more popular. The European Comenius included several measures to promote language
Commission, in designing and implementing the learning. Firstly, Comenius supported various types of school
multilingualism policy, shall be supported by an expert group, partnerships, one aim being to encourage language learning.
established in 2002 under the ‘Education and training 2010’ Training grants were also available to teachers. Those eligible
work programme. to apply were student teachers, language assistants, language
teachers and teacher training establishments.
For the 2004–2009 legislative term, a Commissioner whose iii. Erasmus: Community action programme in the field of
responsibilities expressly include multilingualism — Jan Figeľ higher education
from Slovakia — was appointed for the first time. Under
Commissioner Figeľ, the Commission presented its New Under the EU’s mobility programme for students, support
framework strategy for multilingualism (COM(2005)596) in was provided for intensive language courses, which give
November 2005, which has three main aims: to encourage students the opportunity to study the language of the host
language learning and promote linguistic diversity in society, country over three to eight weeks in the host country.
to promote a multilingual economy, and to give citizens Support was targeted especially at courses in less widely
easier access to information on the EU in their own used EU languages as well as languages spoken in third
languages. The Member States are also being called upon to countries participating in the Erasmus programme.
support the achievement of the first two of these aims by iv. Grundtvig: adult education and other educational
taking additional measures. Following the entry of Romania pathways
and Bulgaria into the EU on 1 January 2007, the Romanian
Encouraging foreign language learning was one of the main
Leonard Orban was appointed the first Commissioner for
aims of the European action programme for developing
Multilingualism. One of the new Commissioner’s aims is to
adult education. The EU therefore supports the design and
improve workers’ foreign language skills and foreign
production of teaching materials aimed at improving
language skills within small and medium-sized enterprises,
knowledge of Member States’ languages and culture.
and he has launched the Business Forum for Multilingualism
for this purpose. The Commission has also announced a b. Leonardo da Vinci: action programme in the field of vocational
Communication on Multilingualism for September 2008, training
which will define a new framework for the EU’s policy on The Leonardo programme supported projects aimed at
multilingualism. enhancing employees’ skills in the area of multilingual and
both the Commission and the Council to propose further the different languages spoken by its citizens is a major
measures to strengthen multilingualism in the EU. factor in ensuring greater transparency, legitimacy and
effectiveness. Legislation adopted by the EU must be
Role of the European Parliament available to all EU citizens in their respective mother
tongue. In addition, every EU citizen has the right to
A. Multilingualism initiatives present requests or petitions in an official language of his or
From the outset of the process of integration, the European her home country to the European Parliament, other EU
Parliament has been an advocate for recognising the institutions and advisory bodies and the European
importance of, and promoting, linguistic diversity in the Ombudsman, and to receive a reply in that language. This
European Union. It was at the European Parliament’s initiative EU commitment to multilingualism in law-making and
that the European Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages (EBLUL) administration is unique throughout the world.
was established back in 1982; this is a non-governmental
organisation which promotes and disseminates information As regards interpreting, the European Parliament differs from
about regional and minority languages on a network basis. the other EU institutions in so far as the principle of
‘controlled full multilingualism’ is observed in its day-to-day
During the current legislative term, Parliament has already work. That means that interpretation is provided out of, and
produced own-initiative reports on a number of occasions to into, all EU official languages. With the exception of smaller
give fresh impetus to the development of language policy in meetings, interpretation is provided for part‑sessions and
Europe. In particular, the Committee on Culture and Education, meetings of parliamentary bodies, committees and groups
in its reports, has identified the need for action in certain areas on the basis of this principle, in so far as the capacity of the
and called on the Commission to draw up measures aimed at interpreting service allows. In the case of less widely used
recognising the importance of, and promoting, linguistic languages, it is ascertained prior to the meetings of smaller
diversity in the EU. For example, with regard to school bodies whether MEPs speaking these languages will be
education, the importance of a language‑friendly environment attending the meeting. An individual MEP’s right to
in helping children from immigrant communities to integrate interpretation of debates into his or her own mother tongue
has been highlighted (T6-0385/2005). The European and interpretation of his or her own speeches is enshrined in
Parliament has also repeatedly drawn attention in resolutions Parliament’s rules of procedure. In its efforts to safeguard the
to the situation and the need to support regional and minority use of all official languages in practice in parliamentary
languages (P5-B(2001)0815; P5-TA(2003)0372). proceedings, the European Parliament is the very
embodiment of linguistic diversity in the EU.
B. Principle of multilingualism applying to Parliament’s
On 1 January 2007, the number of official languages of g Constanze Itzel
the EU institutions rose to 23. The EU believes that using July 2008
Legal basis the Member States, while respecting national and regional
Article 151 Treaty establishing the European Community (EC). diversity and at the same time bringing the common cultural
heritage to the fore. EU intervention in the field of culture is
Articles 3, 30, 87(3)(d) and Article 133 EC Treaty. governed by the principles of subsidiarity and
The Treaty of Rome did not contain a specific paragraph on complementarity. Any act of harmonisation of Member States’
cultural policy. Cultural policy received its own legal basis only legal and regulatory provisions is excluded from the scope of
with the adoption of the Maastricht Treaty. Article 151 of the Article 151. Measures are taken by the European Parliament
Nice Treaty provides a basis for action aimed at encouraging, and Council under the co-decision procedure; unanimity is at
supporting and if necessary supplementing the activities of present still required in the Council.
— The Raphael programme was adopted in 1997 with the people’s lives and professions are affected by many provisions
aim of encouraging cooperation between the Member of the EU Treaty. The EU has adopted directives on copyright,
States in the area of cultural heritage with a European intellectual property and legislation concerning resale rights,
dimension. and rental and lending rights (3.4.4). As a way of supporting
artistic and intellectual creativity, the EU allows Member States
2. Culture 2000
to apply reduced rates of VAT to certain goods and services
On the basis of the experiences of this first phase of such as the supply of books and periodicals, access to cultural
programmes, a first EU framework programme in support of events and reception of radio and TV broadcasts (minimum
Culture was established in 2000 with a total budget of standard rate: 15 %, reduced rate: 5 %).
EUR 167 million for a five-year period (2000-2004). Its purpose
was to simplify action by using a single instrument for The EC Treaty also guarantees workers’ freedom of movement.
financing and programming cultural cooperation. The In the case of workers in the cultural sector; however, this right,
programme aimed to: promote cultural dialogue and mutual and therefore artists’ mobility, is often hampered by national
knowledge of the culture and history of European peoples, administrative barriers, which still need to be removed.
promote cultural activity and transnational dissemination of In June 2007 Parliament adopted a report on the social status
culture and exchanges of artists and those working creatively of artists (T6-0236/2007), which highlights the fact that many
and in other ways in the field of culture and their works, artists working for a short time in various Member States face
promote cultural diversity and the development of new problems with visas, health insurance, unemployment benefits
forms of cultural expression, promote exchanges of and pensions. Among various other measures, it proposes
experience on conserving Europe’s cultural heritage and devising a practical guide for European artists. In addition, it
foster the intercultural dialogue between European and non- calls for a pilot project to introduce a European electronic
European cultures. In 2003 the programme was extended social security card, a European professional register and a
unchanged for the years 2005 and 2006. European mobility fund, on the lines of the Erasmus
3. The new Culture programme (2007–13) programme, which would help to promote exchanges of
teaching staff and young artists.
Since Culture 2000 was very successful, in 2004 the
Commission submitted a proposal to establish the Culture 2. Cultural industries
2007 programme for the period 2007–13 (COM(2004)469). The cultural industries such as cinema, audiovisual media,
Based on comprehensive evaluations and consultations, the publishing, craft industry and music contribute to job creation
programme continues the cultural actions referred to above. and economic prosperity in Europe, as recently confirmed by a
After long negotiations about the financial perspective, during study carried out for the Commission. In view of the tensions
which Parliament called for a substantial increase in the between culture and the economy, and to protect cultural
funding provision, the budget was set at EUR 400 million diversity, in some cases the cultural industries need different
(Decision No 1855/2006/EC). The programme aims to promote rules from those that apply to other sectors of industry.
the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural Because of the special nature of the cultural industries, in the
sector, encourage the transnational circulation of artistic and WTO trade negotiations the EU has always taken the position
cultural works and products and encourage intercultural that certain cultural and audiovisual sub-sectors should not be
dialogue. liberalised (the so-called cultural exception). Similarly in the
common market, culture is to a certain extent exempt from
4. Support for European bodies
the prohibition on State aid (Article 87(3)(d)), and many
European Parliament and Council Decision 792/2004/EC audiovisual services are exempt from the field of application of
established an action programme to promote bodies active at the services directive (2006/123/EC) adopted in December
European level in the field of culture for the period 2004–06, 2006; the text also clearly allows measures to protect or
with a reference amount of EUR 19 million. The general promote cultural or linguistic diversity or media pluralism.
objective was to support the activities of bodies whose work
programme or actions pursue aims of general European For the protection of cultural diversity the Unesco general
interest. After the programme expired, this support was conference in October 2005 adopted the ‘Convention on the
incorporated in the new culture programme. The support has Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural
been set at about 10 % of this programme’s budget, and is Expressions’. The convention contains a number of rights and
likely to amount to around EUR 40 million. obligations concerning the promotion and protection of
cultural diversity. Decision 2006/515/EC concerns the
B. Other activities European Community’s agreement to the Unesco convention
1. The situation of workers in the cultural sector in and its accession to it.
Europe The cultural industries have become an increasing focus of
The EU has approximately 7 million people professionally attention in European policy for some years. For example, the
active in the cultural sector. Apart from pure support for them important role of innovative cultural industries in promoting
through EU programmes such as Culture and MEDIA, these Europe’s competitiveness was underlined as an objective of
talks on the new Culture programme and the European Constitutional Treaty. In a recent report of 10 April 2008 on
agenda for culture (see above), Parliament called for greater cultural industries in Europe (T6-0123/2008), the European
attention to be paid to protection of the European cultural Parliament calls for a task force for culture to be set up, along
heritage. with a programme to promote the cultural industries. Other
proposed measures include innovative funding methods and
The European Parliament has also considered the specific
a reduction in VAT.
nature of cultural industries on various occasions. In its
resolution of 4 September 2003 it supported unanimity in
the Council in the field of trade regarding cultural and g Constanze Itzel
audiovisual services, which is also recommended by the July 2008
March 2007, after achieving the required 30 ratifications by Role of the European Parliament
Unesco Member States. The EP has emphasised that the EU should stimulate the
4. Protection of minors and human dignity growth and competitiveness of the audiovisual sector whilst at
The protection of minors is an important element of the same time recognising its wider significance in
audiovisual policy, for which the AVMS directive contains safeguarding cultural diversity. The EP’s resolutions in the
specific provisions. In September 1998, the Council adopted 1980s and early 1990s on television repeatedly called for
Recommendation 98/560/EC on the protection of minors common technical standards for direct broadcasting by
and human dignity in audiovisual and information services, satellite and for HDTV.
which covers all electronic media. The recommendation A. Television without frontiers directive
offers guidelines for the development of national self-
1. Background
regulation regarding the protection of minors and human
dignity. On the basis of a 2003 evaluation report, the The EP has strongly supported the TVWF directive since 1989
Commission decided to propose an update of the and was even able to secure that Member States be allowed to
recommendation in April 2004 (COM(2004) 341). Parliament decide that some major national and international events,
adopted its final report on this issue in December 2006 (P6_ such as the Olympic Games, have to be shown on ‘free
TA(2006)0537). The rapporteur responsible was French MEP channels’ when the directive was revised in 1997.
Marielle de Sarnez. In a own-initiative report adopted in September 2005 (P6
An additional measure in this area is the multiannual action TA(2005)0322) on the respect of Articles 4 and 5 of the TVWF
plan to promote the safer use of the Internet by combating directive, the EP noted that the quotas for European works and
illegal and harmful content, which was established by Decision works of independent producers had ‘broadly been met’.
No 276/1999/EC of the European Parliament and of the 2. Current situation
Council of 25 January 1999. In November 2007, the EP approved the ‘audiovisual media
5. State aid to cinema services’ directive in second reading, making no changes to
the political agreement reached in the Culture Council of
In May 2008, Commissioners Kroes and Reding announced
Ministers on 24 May of the same year. The rapporteur
that current rules which allow cinema to be subsidised under
responsible for this ‘dossier’ was German MEP Ruth Hieronymi.
derogation from State aid rules will remain in force until 2011.
The European Parliament negotiated an ‘early’ agreement with
This exception is based on the 2001 communication on the
the Council, in order to secure approval of the new legislation,
future of cinema and the audiovisual industry in Europe
which it saw as urgent, as quickly as possible.
(COM(2001) 534 final), which allows public authorities to
subsidise up to 50 % of a film’s budget, under certain Member States have until December 2009 to transpose the
conditions. new directive into national legislation.
6. Media literacy The main elements in the new legislation are listed below.
In December 2007 the European Commission published a a. Product placement
communication where it stressed the importance of Product placement shall in principle be forbidden. However,
promoting a common European approach to media literacy Member States are left the choice to decide to authorise
(COM(2007) 833 final). ‘Media literacy’ means, in simple terms, product placement in cinematographic works, films and series,
the ability to understand the workings of the media, to sports programmes and light entertainment programmes. TV
critically evaluate its messages and to create one’s own audiences must be clearly informed on any product
communications, combining pictures, words and sound. placement, at the beginning and at the end of a TV broadcast.
Many believe that such skills are vital, not only for practical
reasons such as finding a job, but also to fully exercise In all cases, product placement is subject to some obligations,
citizenship. for example:
7. Creative content online — no product placement may take place in news, current
affairs and children’s programmes;
The Commission has also recently published a communication
on creative content online in the single market (COM(2007) — the placement of some goods, like tobacco and
836 final), which is expected to be rapidly followed by a prescription medicines, is forbidden.
recommendation on the same subject in the autumn of 2008. b. Advertising
This document sets out what the Commission believes are the
Advertising cannot exceed 15 % maximum of the daily
major obstacles to the growth of the internal market in online
transmission time and 20 % maximum within a given one-
creative goods, for example musical downloads. It selects a
hour period.
number of areas where an EU regulatory response is necessary,
for example on ‘multi-territory licensing’ and digital rights Advertising should not infringe upon gender, disability, age or
management systems (DRMs). sexual orientation, nor violate human dignity.
As a general rule, and based on the existing Treaty provisions tackle the problem. The ‘Home-grown players rule’, currently
supported by the case-law of the CJ and decisions of the applied by UEFA, imposes that each professional football club
European Commission, it can be stated that sport, whenever should have at least eight players trained at the club or in the
representing an economic activity, falls under the scope of EC same country in its squad of 25. The other model is the FIFA
rules. Sport in Europe, however, is characterised by a very close sponsored ‘6 + 5’ proposal, under which in every professional
relationship between its professional and amateur branches. team 6 of the 11 players actually taking the field would have
This structure, described as the European sports ‘pyramid’ to be nationals of the country they are playing in. The
model, is founded on local and amateur sport and ends in the Commission has criticised this idea for being discriminatory
highly professional leagues and respective federations. The against non-nationals, which runs counter to the free
different layers are linked by the fact that competitions are not movement of workers, whereas it gave cautious support to the
closed (relegation is possible) and through certain ‘Home-grown players rule’.
redistributive measures which channel some of the profits
from the top to the amateur level. Therefore, a clear separation B. Competition policy
between professional and amateur and between economic There are two strands to sport: on the one hand, the sporting
and non-economic sporting activities in practical terms would activity itself which fulfils a social, integrating and cultural role
be impossible to achieve. to which the competition rules of the Treaty do not
theoretically apply, and, on the other hand, a series of
economic activities generated by sporting activities to which
the competition rules of the Treaty do apply. The
In its action under the various Treaty provisions and interdependence and in particular the overlap between these
declarations, the EU deals with the economic, social, two strands makes the application of competition rules more
educational and cultural aspects of sport. complex.
Sporting federations are considered under EC law as
Achievements ‘undertakings’ and therefore fall under the scope of EC anti-
Many aspects of EU policies have an impact on the sporting trust rules. Hence Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty play an
world. In addition to those listed above, it is worth mentioning important role in the sports sector. The Commission has the
audiovisual policy and health policy. task of ensuring that EU competition rules are respected. Many
complaints brought before the Commission and court cases
A. Free movement of workers
are based on the claim that a sports body has misused its
As an economic activity under the terms of Article 2 of the EC power and breached anti-trust rules (see for example the
Treaty, sport must comply with European law, in particular the recent case Meca-Medina and Majcen v Commission, Case
provisions relating to the free movement of workers, as C-519/04 P).
acknowledged by the Court of Justice ruling in the Walrave
case (1974). Since then, various cases (Dona, Deliège and Another competition aspect is State aid (Articles 87 to 89).
Lethonen) have confirmed this approach. In December 1995 Many sport clubs rely on subsidies granted by local, regional or
the Court, basing its reasoning on Article 48, ruled in the very national authorities (in the form of tax breaks, preferential
important Bosman case (C-415/93) that transfer fees, directly conditions for loans, etc), especially when it comes to financing
affecting a footballer’s access to the employment market in sports infrastructure. This practice, depending on the specific
another EU country, were an obstacle to the free movement of circumstances, could be considered a breach of State aid rules.
workers and thus illegal under the Treaty. The Court also ruled C. Sports events and audiovisual policy
against any limit on the number of non-national EU players
Television is the primary source of funding for professional
who could be fielded in a club team. In December 1998,
sport in Europe. Some sports, such as football and Formula 1,
following a number of complaints, the Commission expressed
achieve very high viewing figures, which explains the
several reservations to the International Federation of Football
importance attached to these events by broadcasters. Many
Associations (FIFA), with regard to its transfer system and its
broadcasters are willing to pay large amounts for the exclusive
compatibility with EU competition law and free movement of
right to broadcast popular sports events. In this regard the
workers. After long discussions, the Commission, FIFA and
audiovisual media services (AVMS) directive, is important since
UEFA (the Union of European Football Associations) and
it sets out guarantees as regards the unencoded broadcasting
professional footballers’ representatives (FIFPro) agreed in 2001
of certain major sporting events. The directive allows national
to bring the transfer system in line with EU law whilst taking
authorities to specify a limited number of events which must
account of the specific nature of football.
be available for broadcasting on ‘free’ channels.
Many argue that under current arrangements the training of
young sportspersons is not sufficiently taken into account. D. Public health and the fight against drug-taking
Especially in team sports, notably football, young talent is EU Member States have national legislation to combat drug-
increasingly ‘imported’ from outside national or EU borders to taking in sport, but EU sports ministers and the EU institutions
the detriment of young local players. Two models exist to have taken the view in several resolutions that the current
The European Parliament has also been concerned by the EU to only complement the actions of Member States in
incidents of racism in professional football. In May 2006 it the sports field and to respect the autonomy of the sports
adopted a written declaration calling on UEFA to ensure that movement. Parliament also called for more consistency and
referees have the option, according to clear and strict legal certainty in EU policy, suggesting the setting up of a
guidelines, to stop or abandon matches in the event of serious ‘structured partnership and dialogue between the
racist abuse. Commission and the sports movement’.
E. The White Paper on sport
In May 2008, Parliament reacted to the White Paper on sport g Gonçalo Macedo
July 2008
on adopting a report drawn up by Greek MEP Manolis
Mavromatis (P6_TA(2008)0198), which stressed the need for
2. The Europe Direct information centres 6. The ‘Youth in action’ programme (2007–13)
The 400 new Europe Direct information centres which were (COM(2004) 471)
set up on 1 May 2005 provide information, advice and The new programme is aimed at young people between the
assistance to citizens of the EU and answer their questions ages of 13 and 30 in the Member States and in third countries,
about EU legislation, policies, programmes and sources of particularly those covered by the new neighbourhood policy.
financing. This initiative supports the Europe Direct contact ‘Youth in action’ comprises five measures, including European
centres, which can be telephoned free of charge from any voluntary service, youth exchange measures and the ‘Youth of
Member State on 00800 6 7 8 9 10 11. the world’ programme to promote projects with third
3. The Prince programme
The Prince programme (information programme for the The main proposed objectives are:
citizens of Europe) supplements and consolidates the — promoting young people’s active citizenship in general and
deployment of communication instruments in connection their European citizenship in particular;
with important EU topics. The information measures adopted
under the programme are based on the principle of — developing young people’s solidarity, in particular in order
partnership between the EU institutions and the authorities to reinforce social cohesion in the European Union;
and civil-society organisations in Member States. The — fostering mutual understanding between peoples through
information campaign launched by means of Prince has the young people;
purpose of cultivating public awareness of the benefits of the
— contributing to developing the quality of support systems
EU and the challenges facing it.
for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society
4. The European transparency initiative organisations in the youth field;
The main purpose of this initiative was to make the work of the — promoting European cooperation in youth policy.
EU institutions more transparent and accessible. One practical
measure for this purpose is the Commission’s intention of
publishing on its Europa website the names of those who
Role of the European Parliament
receive EU funding. Since 10 October 2006, it has in addition Over the years, the European Parliament has critically
been possible to access information about EU grants and examined the Commission’s proposals in the field of
contracts. communication. As the representative of the interests of
Europe’s citizens, it also itself has a duty to communicate what
A consultation exercise was launched based on the Green Europe is about and to articulate and act upon citizens’
Paper on the European transparency initiative. Participants interests in Europe. In its reports, Parliament has repeatedly
were invited to express their opinion on the following aspects made detailed proposals for improving the relationship
of transparency in the European Union. between the EU and its citizens, although in many cases the
— Transparency and representation of interests: This is Commission has only accepted them to a limited extent. As a
concerned with lobbying in the EU. result, members of the European Parliament have become
very critical of Commission initiatives. However, there is no
— The Commission’s minimum standards for consultation of dispute as to the fact that the EU’s communications capacity
interested parties: This part provides a structured needs to be significantly improved.
framework for feedback on the application of standards.
Parliament takes the view that, in its communication with
— Announcement of the names of recipients of EU funding: citizens and the media, the EU must express itself in a way that
This part was to be used for a debate on publication of the is easy to understand, as EU jargon widens the gulf between
names of recipients of money from various EU funds the EU institutions and citizens.
administered by the Commission in cooperation with the
Member States, particularly the Structural Funds and the For this reason, it believes that the methods used to
funds earmarked for the common agricultural policy. communicate with the public should be assigned high
priority. A two-way exchange of information and ideas is
5. The ‘Citizens for Europe’ programme (2007–13) called for, that is, a dialogue between the EU and its citizens
(COM(2005) 116) at all levels.
The low turnout in the 2004 elections to the European
In its report on the White Paper on a European communication
Parliament was one of the reasons why the European Union
policy, drawn up by Spanish MEP Luis Herrero-Tejedor and
decided to promote active participation by citizens, to place
approved in November 2006 (P6_TA(2006)0500), the EP called
citizens at centre stage and to give them the opportunity to
for the following measures.
act on their responsibilities as European citizens. The main
purpose of the programme is to promote cross-border — In order to ‘decentralise the message’, the EP advocated
involvement of citizens and thus cultivate a stronger European communicating European issues at national, regional and
awareness. local level. It also stressed the importance of local European
Legal basis measures to prevent distortions of the market. Article 293 also
recommends the conclusion of inter-State fiscal conventions
Action in the general taxation field can be justified by the in order to avoid double taxation.
general aim of the Treaty establishing the European
Community (EC), expressed in Article 3, of eliminating
between Member States ‘customs duties [...] and all other Objectives
measures having equivalent effects’; and of ‘ensuring that
competition in the common market is not distorted’. Article 93 Both the creation of the single market and the completion of
deals specifically with indirect taxation (VAT and excise duties). economic and monetary union have led to new Community
Measures in other tax fields are generally taken on the basis of initiatives in the field of general taxation. The Community is
Article 94 (completed by Articles 96 and 97) covering pursuing a number of objectives.
— A first, long-standing aim has been to prevent differences The average taxes on consumption are moderately on the rise
in indirect tax rates and systems from distorting while those on labour are moderately decreasing, in
competition within the single market. This has been the accordance with a rather global trend. However, the average
purpose of legislation under Article 93 on VAT and excise implicit tax rate on labour is still the highest with 34.8 % of
duties (4.18.2 and 4.18.3). GDP (EU-27), followed by consumption (22.1 %) and capital
(29 %). As to differences between Member States, labour taxes
— In the field of direct taxation, where the existing legal range from 21.5 % in Malta to 44.5 % in Sweden. Consumption
framework mostly takes the form of bilateral agreements was effectively taxed at 34.0 % in Denmark, while the lowest
between Member States, the primary objective of implicit consumption tax rates were registered in Spain
Community action has been to close the loopholes which (16.4 %). The highest implicit tax rates on capital were recorded
permit tax evasion and to prevent double taxation in Ireland (42.5 %), and the lowest in Estonia (8.4 %).
reducing a high level of taxation’, and could help in attaining a be implemented as quickly as possible, and ‘especially the
reduction in administrative burdens, an increase in removal of those rules which discriminate between
competitiveness and a modernisation of the European social residents and non-residents or leave loopholes for fraud
model. and are thus incompatible with a single market’. Likewise,
there should be support for the initiatives taken within the
As regards excise duties, the report observed that ‘differing
OECD to restrict ‘the distortions produced by tax havens’.
policies regarding the setting of levels of duties do not in
themselves constitute a barrier to the internal market, except — Progress towards a ‘definitive VAT system which will apply,
when they are invoked to justify exceptions to the free in full, the country-of-origin principle’ should be a priority,
movement of goods’. since there was a danger that ‘the current system, which
was originally a transitional one, is increasingly becoming
The report also dealt with the related issue of how far action
definitive’. Measures to improve the current system were
concerning taxation should be decided at EU level. In
nevertheless welcome.
principle, it stressed that ‘the subsidiarity principle should
guide EU taxation policy’ and that ‘decisions on levels of tax — The Council should adopt the framework directive on the
must remain within the exclusive competence of the Member taxation of energy products ‘without delay’. The ‘polluter
States’. Where action at EU level was undertaken, ‘the principle pays’ principle should be applied more widely.
of unanimity should be retained whenever tax bases or rates
— ‘A multilateral tax agreement for the EU’, based on the
of taxation are at issue’.
OECD model tax agreement, should be framed to
Nevertheless, the report also drew attention to a number of ‘overcome the problems faced by companies and tax
areas in which action at EU level was necessary. administrations in the light of the existence of over 100
very different bilateral tax agreements.’
— Increased efforts were needed ‘to remove discrimination,
double taxation and administrative barriers’. There was ‘an — The report also supported a limited extension of qualified
urgent need for the Commission to tackle the main tax majority voting in the Council ‘for decisions concerning
obstacles to cross-border activity by European firms’, which mutual assistance and cooperation between tax
meant action on the fiscal treatment of intra-group transfer authorities’. In any case, ‘Parliament should be given co-
pricing, cross-border loss relief and cross-border flows of decision powers in the taxation area’.
income between associated companies.
— Tax competition had to take place ‘in the context of rules g Arttu Makipaa
preventing improper conduct’. The ‘Monti package’ should July 2008
Legal basis and ‘re-taxing’ of imports in trade within the EEC (see below).
All Member States had introduced VAT by the early 1970s.
Under Article 93 of the Treaty establishing the European
Community (EC), the Council is required to adopt measures for
In April 1970 the decision was taken to finance the EEC budget
the harmonisation of ‘turnover taxes, excise duties and other
from the Communities’ own resources. These were to include
indirect taxes’ where this is ‘necessary to ensure the
payments based on a proportion of VAT and ‘obtained by
establishment and functioning of the internal market’.
applying a common rate of tax on a basis of assessment
determined in a uniform manner according to Community
Objectives rules’. The primary objective of Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May
1977 — generally known as the sixth VAT directive — was to
Under the first VAT directive of 11 April 1967 Member States ensure that each Member State had a broadly identical ‘VAT
replaced their general indirect taxes by a common system in base’: i.e. levied VAT on the same transactions. Numerous
order to achieve transparency in the ‘de-taxing’ of exports subsequent amending directives have attempted to remove
priorities’ (COM(2003) 614) containing an interim report on Important legislation proposed by the Commission, but
the progress made between 2000 and 2003. During that time, pending in the Council include notably the so called ‘one-stop
nine VAT-related proposals presented in 2000 had been shop’ (COM(2004) 782) or the taxation of postal services
adopted. The general assessment of the Commission on the (COM(2003) 243). Moreover, in terms of pending procedures, in
success of the new strategy as of 2000 was positive, stating November 2007 the Commission proposed to modernise the
that the new strategy had provided the Council with some current legislation for insurance and financial services
new impetus in VAT matters. (COM(2007) 746 and 747).
Several directives had amended the sixth VAT directive b. More uniform application and administrative cooperation
(77/388/EC) since 1977. The most important recent piece of EU Council Regulation (EC) No 1777/2005 of 17 October
VAT legislation is Directive 2006/112/EC. This ‘VAT directive’ 2005 sets the basis for more uniform application of
is effectively a recast of the sixth VAT directive as common EU rules under the sixth directive. As differences in
amended over the years, bringing together various the practical application of common rules was becoming a
provisions (see points a and b below) in a single piece of real obstacle, the regulation now gives legal force to a
legislation, thus providing more clarity. number of agreed approaches to elements of VAT law,
In line with the revised strategy of 2000, Community action in ensuring transparency and legal certainty for both traders
the short term should focus broadly on simplification, and administrations.
modernisation, a more uniform application and administrative A proposal for simplifying VAT charging to counter tax
cooperation. evasion and avoidance and repealing certain decisions
a. Simplification and modernisation granting derogations was presented in COM(2005) 89 and
A simplification of the ‘tax representative’ system approved by the Council in July 2006. This gives all Member
(COM(1998) 660) was published in 1998 and adopted by the States the possibility to apply special rules to simplify the
Council in 2000. This directive annulled from 1 January 2002 application of VAT as many have proved successful. Until then,
the obligation made to European operators by the VAT system Member States could only apply such rules through individual
to appoint a tax representative for non-established taxable requests, the right to which remains in force.
persons. The administrative system in VAT requires a great deal of
A directive on harmonisation of content of invoices and cooperation between administrations, as under existing
electronic invoicing modernisations (COM(2000) 650) was mechanisms various loopholes exist to avoid tax payments.
adopted by the Council in 2002. This directive defined Combating fraud is therefore a priority objective for the
particulars that must appear on an invoice and simplified and Community. Important amendments to the sixth directive in
modernised to account for new invoicing technologies and this respect include administrative cooperation in the field
methods. of VAT (COM(2001) 294), adopted in 2003, and mutual
assistance in the recovery of claims (COM(1998) 364),
The growing importance of information technology focused adopted in June 2001.
attention on the application of VAT in this area. The
Commission proposed a directive on value added tax The Fiscalis programme, the first phase of which ran from 2003
arrangements applicable to telecommunications services to 2007 (Decision No 2235/2005/EC), and the second phase of
(COM(97) 4), following a decision by the Council to apply a which is currently running until 2013 (Decision No 1482/2007/
temporary derogation from the normal provisions of the sixth EC), as well as the computerised VAT information exchange
directive, and apply a ‘reverse charge’ procedure (which system (VIES) facility to verify VAT numbers (Regulation (EC) No
remains in force). An amendment on VAT on e‑commerce 638/2004) are meant to reinforce the functioning of indirect
(COM(2000) 349) was adopted in 2002, which created a level taxation systems in the EU in general. As the measures to
playing field in the taxation of e‑commerce. improve the present system continue, in March 2008 the
Commission proposed a package of measures to tackle VAT
On 7 October 2003 the sixth directive was amended by a evasion connected with intra-Community transactions more
directive on the place of supply of gas and electricity effectively (COM(2008) 147).
(COM(2002) 688). Its purpose was to review the current VAT
rules in order to avoid double or non-taxation by harmonising B. VAT rates
the rules governing the place of supply. The current structure of the VAT rates is in essence a snapshot
of the actual VAT rates prevailing in the Member States at the
Two directives were adopted in February 2008, one on the
moment the 1993 VAT harmonisation was undertaken.
place of supply for services (Directive 2008/8/EC), and the
other on VAT refunds (2008/9/EC). The new rules will ensure The Commission’s original proposals on VAT rates (COM(87)
that VAT on (business to business) services will accrue to the 321) were for ‘approximation’ within two tax bands: a standard
country of consumption, with some exceptions, such as rate between 14 and 20 %; and a reduced rate between 5 and
restaurant and catering services. The directive on VAT refunds 9 %. However, the main provisions of Directive 92/77/EEC of
will ensure a quicker processing of VAT refund claims. 19 October 1992 were:
Legal basis (COM(85) 15) was also blocked. The single market programme
Under Article 93 of Treaty establishing the European of 1985, however, created a new impetus. All the existing texts
Community (EC), the Council is required to adopt measures for on structures were eventually replaced by a new proposal
the harmonisation of ‘turnover taxes, excise duties and other (COM(90) 432), which became Directive 92/83/EEC in October
forms of indirect taxation’ where this is ‘necessary to ensure the 1992. It defines the products on which excise is to be levied,
establishment and functioning of the internal market’. and the method of fixing the duty (e.g. in the case of beer by
reference to hl/degree Plato or hl/alcohol content).
Objectives 2. Rates
The Commission’s initial proposals under the single market
The rates and structures of excise duties vary between
programme (COM(87) 328) were that for each product there
Member States, affecting competition.
would be a single Community rate, fixed as the average of
Levying duties on products from other Member States at existing national rates. For both wine and beer this would have
higher rates than on those domestically produced is been ECU 0.17 per litre, and for spirits ECU 3.81 per 0.75 litre
discriminatory, and forbidden by Article 90 of the EC Treaty. bottle. Unlike VAT, however, few national alcohol excise rates
Very large discrepancies in the duty on a particular product are close to the average rate. No Member State found the
can result in tax-induced movements of goods, loss of revenue proposals acceptable. The Commission then proposed a more
and fraud. flexible approach (COM(89) 527). Instead of single, harmonised
rates there would be minimum rates and target rates, on
Attempts have therefore been made since the early 1970s to which there would be long-term convergence. Only the
harmonise both structures and rates, but progress has been minimum rates were retained in Directive 92/84/EEC. The
slight, in part because of considerations other than purely levels agreed were:
fiscal. For example, high levels of duty have been imposed in
— alcohol and alcoholic beverages (i.e. spirits): ECU 550 per hl
some Member States as part of general policies to discourage
of pure alcohol;
drinking and smoking. On the other hand, wine and tobacco
are important agricultural products in some Member States. — intermediate products: ECU 45 per hl;
A further report published in May 1998 advocated a solution to strength’, with the final objective of reaching two rates per unit
the ‘57 % problem’ through a technical adjustment giving of alcohol: one for beverages with less than 15 % alcohol
Member States more flexibility in applying minimum rates. It content and another for those above.
also proposed increases in the specific minimum amounts to On tobacco products, the opinion adopted by Parliament
take account of inflation: + 18.5 % for the period 1992–98 and accepted the initial fixing of minimum rates only, but stated that
+ 4.5 % for 1999 and 2000 inclusive (though no Member State the various taxes ‘should be approximated stage by stage with a
actually charges below the resulting rates). Finally, it proposed view to achieving single target rates’. Parliament agreed with a
that reviews of the system should in future take place every five minimum overall rate of 57 % for cigarettes; but it suggested that
rather than every two years. These proposals were not adopted. there should be an alternative minimum overall rate of ECU 35 per
A new report and draft directive (COM(2001) 133) were 1 000 cigarettes, as in the case of other tobacco products.
published in 2001 and proposed:
B. 1997
— a EUR 70 minimum specific excise duty in conjunction
In September 1997 Parliament reaffirmed that there should be
with the 57 % rule; as regards cigarettes, most Member
no distortion of competition between different alcoholic
States would have to apply a minimum excise incidence
beverages, and suggested guidelines for future action:
(specific and ad valorem together) of 57 % of the tax-
inclusive retail selling price of the most popular price — the current differences in rates between wine, beer and
category and a minimum excise duty (specific and ad spirits should not be increased;
valorem together) of EUR 70 per 1 000 cigarettes; — lower rates on small distillers’ and brewers’ products;
— a EUR 100 minimum specific excise duty as an alternative — a full report on the wine market, including taxation, to be
to the 57 % rule; higher-taxing countries like Sweden, produced by the Commission;
which have difficulties in complying with the 57 % rule,
would have to apply either the minimum excise incidence — new forms and mixtures of alcohol to be taxed;
(specific and ad valorem together) of 57 % of the tax- — an assessment of the positive and negative health and
inclusive retail selling price of the most popular price social effects of alcohol consumption.
category, or a minimum excise duty (specific and ad
In the case of cigarettes and manufactured tobacco,
valorem together) of EUR 100 per 1 000 cigarettes for the
Parliament called in principle for an ‘upward harmonisation’ of
category most in demand;
rates, but also for further studies before any changes would be
— a higher minimum excise duty on very cheap (imported) made. In particular it asked the Commission to examine:
— the ‘automatic trigger’ problem, which widened disparities
These proposals were rejected by the European Parliament in rates between Member States;
(see below), but in February 2002 were adopted in a modified
— social costs, health risks, nicotine addiction and
form by Council Directive 2002/10/EC. The EUR 100 per 1 000
monopolistic practices;
alternative threshold was reduced to EUR 95 and the EUR 70
additional threshold to EUR 60 per 1 000 from July 2002, rising — the smuggling of tobacco products;
to EUR 64 from July 2006. Spain and Greece were given later — the relationship between duty on cigarettes and that on
deadlines. The new Member States also enjoy transition hand-rolled tobacco;
periods until a final deadline of 2010 (with the exception of
Malta and Cyprus, which adopted the general regime). — the effect on employment of higher levels of duty.
C. 2002
Role of the European Parliament In 2002 Parliament rejected the Commission’s proposals for
A. 1987–92 changes in tobacco excise rates (see above), one of the main
Parliament’s Economic Affairs Committee examined the reasons being the projected impact on the enlargement
structure and rates of alcohol and tobacco excise in great countries, where rates are significantly below even the EU
detail, consulting widely with the various interests concerned. minimum rates which applied at the time.
A three-day public hearing was held in April 1988. In the case Parliament’s most recent report on EU tax policy was adopted
of alcoholic beverages, draft reports considered various in March 2002. It stated that Parliament ‘does not agree with
alternative approaches. Parliament’s final opinion on the draft the Commission’s policy with regard to duties on tobacco and
directives proposed the following minimum rates of duty: alcoholic products, particularly with regard to upwards
ECU 559.25 per hl/alcohol for spirits; ECU 37.4 per hl for harmonisation, through the constant raising of minimum
intermediate products; ECU 4.67 per hl for wine and sparkling taxation levels’.
wine: ECU 0.374 per hl/degree Plato for beer.
Parliament also called for the 1994 review to fix, for each g Arttu Makipaa
category, ‘a rate of excise duty proportional to the alcoholic September 2006
saving; and it was partly for this reason that the tax was outlined in a communication entitled ‘Environmental taxes and
conceived as being only 50 % on CO2 emissions, the other half charges in the single market’ (COM(97) 9).
being on energy content. The proposal was also seen as part
of an overall policy for fiscal reform. Since it was intended to C. The 1997 proposals
be ‘fiscally neutral’, the revenue raised could be used to reduce In 1997 the Commission published new proposals for
other taxes — in particular, to shift the general burden of restructuring the Community framework for the taxation of
taxation from ‘taxes on jobs’ (especially non-wage labour costs) energy products (COM(97) 30). This sought to build on the
to taxes on the use of resources. This has been described as system for taxing mineral oils by extending it to all energy
the ‘double dividend’. products, and in particular to products directly or indirectly
substitutable for mineral oils: coal, coke, lignite, bitumens and
Following deadlock in the Council on the 1992 proposals —
products derived from them; natural gas; and electricity.
which were opposed both for technical reasons and for
reasons of national fiscal sovereignty — the Commission In the case of electricity, the tax would be on the electricity
published a revised version (COM(94) 127), providing for itself rather than the fuel inputs, although a rebate would be
broad flexibility. The minimum rates set by the original possible where ‘environmentally preferable’ fuels were used for
proposal became target rates, and exemptions for various generation. The legislation proposed minimum excise duties.
industries were allowed. But the Council did not adopt the This proposal was debated in the EU’s Council of Ministers and
revised proposal either. Instead, individual Member States have was extensively changed before being adopted as Directive
been pursuing their own solutions towards reducing CO2 2003/96/EC of 27 October 2003. The minimum rate system for
emissions. The environmental aspects of the situation were energy products is listed in the following tables.
Energy products used as motor fuels for certain industrial and commercial purposes
Gas oil (EUR per 1 000 l) 21 Kerosene (EUR per 1 000 l) 21
LPG (EUR per 1 000 kg) 41 Natural gas (EUR per gigajoule) 0.3
Directive 2004/74/EC amends the energy directive as regards introduced for the first time provisions which allow Member
the possibility for the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, States to tax aviation fuel for domestic flights and, by means of
Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to bilateral agreements, fuel used for intra-Community flights. In
apply temporary exemptions or reductions in the levels of such cases, Member States may apply a level of taxation below
taxation. Additionally, Directive 2004/75/EC amends the the minimum level set out in this directive.
energy directive as regards the possibility for Cyprus to apply In 2000 the Commission also published a communication on
temporary exemptions or reductions in the levels of taxation. the taxation of aircraft fuel (COM(2000) 110), which outlined
Council Directive 2003/96/EC provides for a mandatory five possible systems, ranging from taxing national flights only
exemption from the harmonised excise duty for energy to the taxation of all flights for all carriers to all destinations.
products supplied for use as fuel for the purpose of air The discussions show that it will be very difficult, if not
navigation other than in private pleasure-flying. However, it impossible, to reach an agreement on this issue. During the
— index the minimum tax rates to inflation; and applied more widely, particularly in the energy products
— establish a procedure allowing Member States to refund sector’, and that ‘it should be implemented not only through
the tax, in whole or in part, where firms could demonstrate taxation but also through regulation’.
that it was leading to a competitive handicap. Parliament gave a favourable opinion on the biofuel proposals
On the taxation of diesel proposals, Parliament has raised in October 2002 and adopted amendments designed to
certain questions concerning the practicality of operating two strengthen them.
rates of tax, and on the need for full harmonisation rather than
only minimum rates. g Arttu Makipaa
September 2006
In its resolution of April 2002 on EU tax policy in general,
Parliament argued that ‘the ‘polluter pays’ principle needs to be
according to their (familiar) Home State rules of the parent continue discussions on the draft directive, based on the
company or the head office when doing business in another principle that ‘all citizens resident in a Member State of the
Member State. European Union should pay the tax due on all their savings
income’. The UK Treasury then published a paper (Exchange of
C. Personal direct taxation information and the draft directive on taxation of savings, February
1. Income tax 2000) which argued that only the full exchange of information
The taxation of those who work in or draw a pension from one between tax authorities could achieve this.
Member State, but live and/or have dependent relatives in
After lengthy negotiations, a compromise was agreed at the
another, has been a source of problems. Bilateral agreements
Santa Maria de Feira European Council on 20 June 2000.
avoid double taxation in general, but fail to cover such
questions as applying various forms of tax relief available in the — The exchange of information model would be the ultimate
country of residence to income in the country of employment. objective, to be introduced within seven years of the
In order to ensure equal treatment between residents and adoption of the directive.
non-residents, the Commission proposed under Article 94 (ex
— Meanwhile, Austria and Luxembourg — which maintain
Article 100) a directive on the harmonisation of income tax
banking secrecy for non-residents — and possibly other
provisions with respect to freedom of movement (COM(79)
Member States would introduce a withholding tax on
737). This would have applied the general principle of taxation
interest paid to non-residents, at a rate to be decided. An
in the country of residence, but was not adopted by the
‘appropriate share of their revenue’ would be transferred to
Council and was withdrawn in 1993. Instead the Commission
the investor’s State of residence.
issued a recommendation under Article 211 (ex Article 155)
covering the principles that should apply to the tax — Introduction of the legislation would, however, be
treatment of non-residents’ income. conditional on agreement being reached on equivalent
measures with key third countries (notably Switzerland)
Meanwhile, the Commission brought infringement
and with the USA. A decision, by unanimity, would be
proceedings against some Member States for discrimination
taken on the matter by the end of 2002.
against non-national employees. The Court of Justice (CJ)
ruled in 1993 (Case C-112/91) that a country could tax its own On 3 June 2003, the Council adopted the directive on taxation
nationals more heavily if they resided in another Member of savings income in the form of interest payments. It entered
State. The Court found, however, that a country cannot treat a into force on 1 July 2005, and contains the following provisions.
non-resident national of another Member State less favourably
— All Member States will ultimately exchange information on
than its own nationals (see above: Case C-279/93). In general,
interest payments to individuals resident for tax purposes
the integration in the field of personal direct taxation can be
in another Member State. All Member States except
said to evolve through CJ rulings rather than ordinary decision-
Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg will immediately
making procedure of the institutions.
introduce a system of information reporting.
2. Taxation of bank and other interest paid to non-
residents — Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg are entitled to receive
information from other Member States and will introduce a
In principle, a taxpayer is required to declare such income. In
system of information reporting at the end of a transitional
practice, ‘the free movement of capital [...] together with the
period during which they will levy a withholding tax of
existence of bank secrecy [...] will increase the potential for tax
15 % for the first three years, 20 % for the following three
evasion by individuals’ (Ruding report). Some Member States
years and 35 % thereafter; 75 % of this revenue is to be
impose a withholding tax on interest income; but when in
transferred to the Member State of residence of the saver
1989 Germany introduced such a tax at the modest rate of
10 %, there was massive movement of funds into Luxembourg,
and the German tax had temporarily to be abolished. — The transitional period will end if and when the EC enters
into agreement with Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San
That same year the Commission published a draft directive for a
Marino and Switzerland to exchange information upon
common system of withholding tax on interest income
request and these countries continue simultaneously to
(COM(89) 60), levied at the rate of 15 %. Some Member States
apply the withholding tax, and if and when the Council
opposed this on the grounds that it would lead to a flight of
agrees by unanimity that the USA is committed to
capital from the Community. The proposal was eventually
exchange of information.
withdrawn, and a new one, to ensure a minimum of effective
taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments On 2 June 2004 the Council adopted a decision on the
within the Community (COM(1998) 295), was presented. The agreement between the EC and Switzerland providing for
rate proposed was 20 %, but there was to be an alternative measures equivalent to those in the directive. The agreement
system of providing information on payments to the tax was signed on 26 October 2004. Its key elements also form the
authorities of the saver’s Home State. The European Council basis for agreements with Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco and
meeting in Helsinki in December 1999 reached an agreement to San Marino.
Following agreement
2004–06 2007–09 2010+
with Switzerland, the USA, etc.
Belgium, Luxembourg Belgium, Luxembourg Belgium, Luxembourg Vote by unanimity on whether to adopt automatic
and Austria: 15 % and Austria: 20 % and Austria: 35 % information exchange, depending upon Andorra,
withholding tax. Others: withholding tax. Others: withholding tax. Others: Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and Switzerland
automatic information automatic information automatic information adopting and the USA being ‘committed to’
exchange. exchange. exchange. information exchange ‘upon request as defined in
the OECD agreement’.
Role of the European Parliament (4.18.2). Of the alternatives under consideration, Parliament
On tax proposals, Parliament’s role is confined to the one- was ‘interested in the idea of Home State taxation, perhaps as
reading consultation procedure. Its resolutions and an intermediate stage in moving towards a common tax base’,
amendments have broadly supported all Commission understood as ‘new harmonised EU rules, existing in parallel to
proposals in the fields of both company and personal direct national rules, available to European companies as an optional
taxation — including all elements of the ‘Monti package’ scheme’. Most recently, Parliament adopted a resolution on
— while advocating a widening of their scope. It gave its corporate tax on 13 December 2005. In this resolution,
opinion on the Ruding report, and the Commission’s reaction to Parliament welcomes and reiterates its support for the
it, in a report adopted in April 1994. In giving general approval Commission proposals with regard to the common
to the Commission’s approach on SMEs on 24 October 1994, consolidated tax base and Home State taxation for SMEs.
Parliament called for a plan of action in a form that could form
part of an integrated programme for SMEs. g Arttu Makipaa
Parliament gave its initial views on the Commission’s proposals July 2008
in the field of corporate taxation in its resolution of March 2002
1 works 4 Common policies
Legal basis fixed rates of exchange between the currencies and the
— Decisions of the European Summits of The Hague (1969), possibility of adjustment. The creation of a parallel system was
Paris (1972) and Brussels (1978). unnecessary.
— Articles 98 to 124 of the Treaty establishing the European B. Second period (1969–79): the first efforts towards
Community (EC), introduced by the Maastricht Treaty. integration
— Protocols annexed to the EU Treaty on the transition to the The demise of the Bretton Woods system, confirmed by the
third stage of economic and monetary union, the excessive ending of the dollar’s convertibility into gold on 15 August
deficit procedure, the convergence criteria, the opt-out 1971, was followed by a period of flexible exchange rates. With
clauses for the United Kingdom and Denmark, the Statutes the oil crisis of the early 1970s, the European currencies came
of the European Monetary Institute, the European System under even greater pressure. In the face of such general
of Central Banks and the European Central Bank. instability, the cause of serious economic and social difficulties,
the Member States sought to put in place a framework which
could provide a minimum of stability, at least at European
level, and could lead to monetary union.
The main aims of monetary union are:
As early as 1969, when the international monetary system was
— to finalise the completion of the internal market by threatening to collapse, the Heads of State or Government had
removing exchange rate fluctuations and the costs already decided at the Hague Summit that the Community
inherent in exchange transactions, as well as the costs of should progressively be transformed into an economic and
hedging against currency fluctuation risks; monetary union.
— to ensure comparability of costs and prices within the In October 1970, Pierre Werner, the then Prime Minister of
Union, which helps consumers, stimulates Luxembourg, proposed the following.
intra-Community trade and facilitates business;
— In the first stage, that the fluctuation margins between the
— to reinforce Europe’s monetary stability and financial currencies of the Member States should be reduced.
power by:
— Then the complete freedom of capital movements should
• e nding, by definition, any possibility of speculation be achieved with integration of the financial markets,
between the Community currencies, particularly the banking systems.
• e nsuring, through the economic dimension of the
— Finally, exchange rates should be fixed irrevocably between
monetary union thus established, that the new
the currencies.
currency is largely invulnerable to international
speculation, On 12 April 1972 the ‘snake in the tunnel’ narrowed the
fluctuation margins between the Community currencies to
• e nabling the euro to become a major reserve and
± 2.25 % (the snake) and those operating between these
payment currency.
currencies and the dollar to ± 4.5 % (the tunnel). To ensure that
this mechanism functioned properly, in 1973 the Member
Achievements States created the European Monetary Cooperation Fund
A. First period (1957–69): absence of a European (EMCF) which was authorised to receive part of the national
monetary policy monetary reserves (5.2).
The Rome Treaty laid down only minor provisions for monetary The results of this mechanism were disappointing. The
cooperation. The six founding Member States of the Member States reacted to the disruption caused by the rise in
Community were participants in the Bretton Woods oil prices in different ways, which led to frequent and sharp
international monetary system, which was characterised by fluctuations in exchange rates. There were entrances and exits
European System of Central Banks (ESCB); progressive transfer • a n inflation rate not exceeding more than 1.5 % the
of decision-making power for monetary policy to average of the three Member States achieving the best
supranational institutions; irrevocable fixing of parities result on price stability in the year preceding the third
between the national currencies and introduction of the single stage,
European currency.
• a budget deficit not exceeding 3 % of GDP, or at the
The Madrid European Council of June 1989 adopted the very least close to that level, provided that it has
Delors plan as a basis for its work and decided to implement declined continuously,
the first of these stages from 1 July 1990, when capital
movements and financial services would be fully liberalised. • g
overnment debt not exceeding 60 % of GDP, or at the
very least close to that level owing to a substantially
In December 1989 the Strasbourg European Council had to diminishing trend,
take account of a new situation that had emerged owing to
the prospect of German reunification. It was decided to • a long-term interest rate that does not exceed more
convene an Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) to prepare than 2 % the average of the three best performing
the amendments to the Rome Treaty in view of EMU. countries in the area of price stability,
Approved by the European Council of December 1991, the • m
aintenance of the normal fluctuation margins in the
amendments proposed by the Intergovernmental Conference exchange-rate mechanism of the European Monetary
were incorporated into the Treaty on European Union System and no devaluation against the currency of
signed in Maastricht on 7 February 1992. The Treaty’s EMU another Member State for at least two years.
project was based on the general outlines of the Delors plan
c. The decision to move on to the third stage
but differed from it on some significant points. In particular,
the second stage did not begin until 1 January 1994 and did Article 121 provided that the Council would set the date for
not include the transfer of responsibilities for monetary policy passage to the third stage, with a minimum date and cut-off
to a supranational body but simply the strengthening of date.
cooperation between central banks, replacing the former The Madrid European Council (15 and 16 December 1995)
Committee of Governors with the European Monetary Institute decided that the third stage would begin on 1 January 1999. It
(EMI) (5.2), which would be responsible, with the gave the single currency a name, the euro, and, after
Commission, for the technical preparation of EMU. consultation with the Commission and the EMI, adopted the
Establishment of the ESCB was deferred to the third stage. scenario for its introduction.
E. Fifth period: stages in economic and monetary union The Brussels European Council (2 May 1998), acting on the
(1990–2002) recommendation of the Commission and the Council for
1. First stage (1 July 1990 to 31 December 1993) Economic and Financial Affairs (Ecofin) and on the opinion of
This consisted of: the European Parliament, decided that 11 countries —
Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
— completion of the internal market, entailing in particular the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Finland — would
the full liberalisation of capital; proceed to the next stage.
— strengthening of economic coordination, through
3. Third stage (1 January 1999 to 1 July 2002)
greater convergence on price stability and public finance
reform. On 1 January 1999, EMU started with those 11 countries.
Greece joined them on 1 January 2001.
2. Second stage (1 January 1994 to 31 December 1998)
a. The European Monetary Institute (EMI) a. The European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and European
Set up on 1 January 1994 (5.2), this was the precursor to the Central Bank (ECB) came into operation on 1 January 1999
future European Central Bank and was to prepare for the third (5.2)
stage of EMU. b. The process of introducing the euro
b. Budgetary and monetary discipline On 1 January 1999, the euro became the sole official currency
In this stage, Member States were to: of the participating Member States:
— render their central banks independent of the political — the parities of the participating currencies and their rate for
authorities (Article 116(5) of the EC Treaty); conversion into euro were irrevocably fixed;
— discontinue their overdraft facilities with their central banks — the euro became a currency in its own right and the ECU
and their privileged access to financial institutions basket ceased to exist;
(Articles 101, 102, 103 of the EC Treaty); — monetary policy and exchange-rate policy is carried out in
— endeavour to fulfil the following five convergence criteria euro and the participating Member States issue their new
(Article 121 of the EC Treaty): public-sector debt instruments in euro.
Parliament calls for closer involvement in the nomination and area since the tight timetable of this consultation process is
appointment of ECB Board members and is of the opinion that making it very difficult to verify the content of convergence
the democratic ex -ante reporting and transparency would be reports objectively.
improved if a candidate proposed by Council were to face a
vote of approval in Parliament. Parliament is calling for g Christine Bahr
improvements to the procedure for enlargements of the euro July 2008
— to ensure comparability of costs and prices within the — to strengthen coordination of the monetary policies of the
Union, which helps consumers, stimulates intra- Member States with a view to ensuring price stability;
Community trade and facilitates business; — to monitor the functioning of the European Monetary
— to reinforce Europe’s monetary stability and financial power by: System;
• e nding, by definition, any possibility of speculation — to facilitate the use of the European currency unit (ECU)
between the Community currencies, and oversee its development;
• e nsuring, through the economic dimension of the — to ascertain the state of compliance by the Member States
monetary union thus established, that the new currency with the convergence criteria for access to EMU and to
is largely invulnerable to international speculation, report thereon to the Council.
accordance with the principles of an open market economy As from the time when the number of members of the
with free competition, favouring an efficient use of resources. Governing Council exceeds 21, each member of the Executive
Board will have one vote and the number of governors of
Achievements national central banks eligible to vote, and thus the number of
voting rights held by the NCBs, will be 15. The voting rights will
A. The guiding principles of ECB action be assigned and rotate as follows:
1. The independence of the ECB — as from the time when the number of governors of
The essential principle of the ECB’s independence is set out national central banks exceeds 15 and until it reaches 22,
in Article 108 of the EC Treaty and Article 7 of the Statute of the NCB governors will be allocated to two groups,
the ESCB. When exercising powers and carrying out tasks and according to a ranking of the size of their Member State’s
duties, neither the ECB, nor a national central bank (NCB), nor share in the aggregate GDP at market prices and in the
any member of their decision-making bodies may seek or take total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary financial
instructions from Community institutions or bodies, from any institutions of the Member States which have adopted the
government of a Member State or from any other body. euro. The shares in the aggregate GDP at market prices and
Respect for Article 108 is guaranteed by the form of the in the total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary
mandate entrusted to the members of the Executive Board financial institutions will be assigned weights of 5/6 and
and the Governing Council (5.2). 1/6, respectively. The first group will be composed of five
The ECB’s independence is also maintained by the governors with five voting rights and the second group of
prohibitions referred to in Article 101 of the EC Treaty, which the remaining governors with the remaining votes.
also apply to the NCBs: overdraft facilities or any other type of — As from the time when the number of NCB governors is 22,
credit facility in favour of Community institutions or bodies, the governors will be allocated to three groups according
central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, to a ranking based on the above criteria. The first group will
other bodies governed by public law or public undertakings of be composed of five governors and will be assigned four
Member States are prohibited (5.2). voting rights. The second group will be composed of half
The independence of the ECB centres around the free choice of the total number of NCB governors, with any fraction
of monetary policy instruments. The Treaty provides for the use rounded up to the nearest integer, and will be assigned
of traditional instruments (Articles 18 and 19 of the Statute) eight voting rights. The third group will be composed of
and allows the Governing Council to decide by a majority of the remaining governors and will be assigned three voting
two thirds on the use of other methods as it sees fit (Article 20 rights.
of the Statute). — The Governing Council will adopt all the necessary
2. The principles of accountability and transparency of measures to implement the rotation of voting rights by a
the ECB majority of two thirds of its members, both eligible to vote
and not eligible to vote. In particular, the Governing
In order to ensure the credibility of the ECB, the Treaty (Article
Council may decide to defer the start of the rotation
113(3) EC) and the Statute (Article 15) impose reporting
system until such time as the number of NCB governors is
commitments. The ECB draws up and publishes reports on the
more than 18.
activities of the ESCB at least quarterly. A consolidated financial
statement of the ESCB is published each week. The ECB When carrying out their activities in the Governing Council,
addresses an annual report on the activities of the ESCB and the governors of the national central banks must not defend
on the monetary policy of both the previous and the current national interests but must act in the collective interest of the
year to the European Parliament. In practice the ECB publishes euro area. The minutes of the Governing Council meetings
Monthly Bulletins which provide an in-depth analysis of the and the breakdowns of votes cast are not published.
economic situation and the outlook for price developments.
B. The ECB’s monetary policy strategy
The ECB is also accountable to the European Parliament.
Members of the ECB’s Executive Board regularly appear before 1. Overview
the European Parliament (5.2). However, the EP cannot give At its meeting on 13 October 1998, the ECB Governing Council
any instructions to the ECB and has no a posteriori control. agreed on the main elements of its monetary policy strategy:
3. Voting rules in the ECB Governing Council quantitative definition of price stability; an important role for
(Article 11 of the Statute) the monitoring of the growth of the monetary mass identified
by an aggregate; and a broadly based assessment of the
Voting in the Governing Council respects the ‘one member, outlook for price developments.
one vote’ principle. Each member of the Governing Council
therefore has one vote. Monetary policy decisions are taken by The ECB has opted for a monetary strategy based on two
a simple majority of members eligible to vote; in the event of a pillars, whose respective roles were clearly defined once again
tie, the ECB President has the casting vote. during the review of the monetary strategy on 8 May 2003.
3. Holding of minimum reserves Inflation averaged 2.1 % in 2007, a little above the level
In accordance with Article 19(1) of the Statute, the ECB may compatible with the definition of price stability. Since the end
require credit institutions established in Member States to hold of 2007 inflation has showed a marked increase as a result of
minimum reserves with the ECB and national central banks. the global economic situation. The ECB has not resorted to
The aim of the minimum reserves is to stabilise the short-term short-term voluntarism in response to this increase, however,
interest rates on the market and to create (or enlarge) a but is working to maintain price stability in the medium term,
structural liquidity shortage among the banking system vis-à- in accordance with its mandate.
vis the euro system, making it easier to control money market
rates through regular allocations of liquidity. The calculation Role of the European Parliament
methods and determination of the amount required are set by
the Governing Council. In its resolution on the ECB’s 2007 annual report the EP points
out that it has called for greater transparency in the ECB, and it
D. Assessment also emphatically demands improvements in the ECB’s
The euro, a visible symbol of European identity, became the communications policy. As regards the ECB’s monetary policy
second largest currency in the world when it was launched. It strategy the EP takes the view that the two-pillar model is an
has become an international currency of investment and appropriate method for measuring price stability.
currency on the markets alongside the dollar and the yen.
Since it started operating, the euro system has had to deal Changes resulting from the Lisbon Treaty
with the depreciation of the euro (25 % depreciation in
The Lisbon Treaty does not provide for any significant changes
relation to the dollar between the beginning of 1999 and the
to the implementation of Europe’s monetary policy.
beginning of 2002) then with a lengthy appreciation in relation
to the dollar from the beginning of June 2002, reaching new
highs as a result of the global financial crisis that began in g Christine Bahr
August 2007. July 2008
reporting, preparing and making recommendations, as well as BEPGs. Conversely, the recommendations issued in the BEPGs
of the follow-up of the implementation of decisions. The are to be applied when setting goals in other fields.
Economic and Financial Committee gives opinions and
2. The macroeconomic dialogue — the Cologne process
prepares the Council’s work, as does the Economic Policy
Committee (EPC), which also contributes to the Commission’s The Cologne summit of June 1999 introduced bi-annual
work. Finally, the social partners are involved in their fields of meetings of representatives of various European institutions
main interest: employment, wage developments and and the social partners, called the macroeconomic dialogue or
structural reform. the Cologne process. Its purpose is to be a forum for an
exchange of views, thereby fostering a common assessment of
C. Main tools the economic situation at the European Union level. It is
1. Overall policy coordination — broad economic policy hoped that such exchanges will lead to stability-oriented wage
guidelines (BEPGs) claims and a balanced macroeconomic policy mix, supporting
strong non-inflationary growth. The model for this procedure
a. Nature and frequency is the dialogue between management and labour
The BEPGs are the central, overarching policy document for organisations common in some Member States. The parties in
different areas of economic policy coordination. They cover the macroeconomic dialogue include the social partners, the
both macroeconomic and structural policy issues. The Ecofin Council, the Commission and the ECB.
Council adopts this strategic document, endorsed by the
3. Framework for fiscal policy — Stability and Growth Pact
European Council, in early summer of each year on the basis of
the Commission’s recommendation. In 2003 the period for The purpose of coordinating budgetary policies is to ensure a
major revisions was increased to three years, reflecting the sufficient degree of coherence between the Member States’
medium-term character of this strategy document. Since 2005 fiscal policies, given the common monetary policy conducted
the BEPGs and the employment guidelines have been by the ECB. The coordination of budgetary policies consists of
combined into the integrated guidelines for growth and jobs. multilateral surveillance and the excessive deficit procedure,
the rules for which are set out in detail in the Stability and
b. Content Growth Pact (5.5).
The purpose of the BEPGs is to give concrete
4. Employment — the Luxembourg process and the
recommendations to the Member States with regard to
employment guidelines
macroeconomic and structural policies. The document
consists of two broad sections, the first devoted to orientations a. Procedures
common to all Member States or all euro area Member States The employment guidelines constitute the centrepiece of this
and the second containing country-specific policy coordination process. The Council adopts this policy
recommendations. document on the basis of the Commission’s proposal. The
Member States are requested to take the guidelines into
c. Legal status account when formulating their national employment policies.
The BEPGs are not legally enforceable, but there is an emphasis They must submit to the Commission national action plans
on peer pressure exercised by other Member States making (NAPs) on employment, which are examined by the
the recommendations politically binding. To step up the Commission and the Council. The NAPs are an input to the
pressure, the Council can issue a recommendation to non- Commission’s joint employment report and thereby to the
compliant Member States and make it public. following year’s employment guidelines. Apart from the
Member States, the European Parliament, the Economic and
d. Implementation and follow-up
Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions each
Since 2000 the Commission has been publishing an annual to provide an input to the employment guidelines which are
enhance the follow-up of the recommendations. The report combined with the BEPGs into the new integrated guidelines
aims to give more visibility to progress made or missed, for growth and jobs (4.9.3).
permitting results to be taken into account when preparing
the BEPGs for the following year. The also constitutes an b. Legal status
important link between the BEPGs and the coordination of Policy coordination in employment matters uses the open
budgetary policies under the provisions relating to the method of coordination. It is based on regular reporting, peer
Stability and Growth Pact (5.5). review and general guidelines issued to Member States.
Country-specific recommendations can also be given, but they
e. Relationship with sectoral coordination
are not legally binding.
In order to guarantee the coherence of sectoral coordination
— the so called ‘processes’ — information must flow between 5. Structural reforms — Cardiff process and Lisbon
them and the overall coordination based on the BEPGs. Input targets
from the coordination in fields of budgetary policy and public a. Origin and content
finances, employment, structural reform and the general The aim of structural reforms is to make product, services and
macroeconomic dialogue is used in the preparation of the capital markets more efficient, thus promoting a high standard
Legal basis would not work due to the moral hazard problem. Individual
— Articles 2, 4 and 98-104 of the Treaty establishing the countries cannot be made accountable for their budgetary
European Community (EC), introduced by the Treaty of imprudence as the credible mechanisms to punish them do
Maastricht. not exist. This is especially so as the non-bailout provisions in
EMU (Article 103 EC) cannot really be used as an effective
— Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure, annexed to the threat. Due to this uncertainty and given the experience of a
Treaty. drift towards ever-higher debt levels, the Member States have
— Protocol on the convergence criteria referred to in opted for a framework of rules-based fiscal policy.
Article 121, annexed to the Treaty. Keeping public finances in balance under normal
circumstances will give the Member States room for
Objectives manoeuvre, allowing them to use discretionary fiscal policy to
react to asymmetric economic shocks, i.e. those shocks hitting
A. Goals
only the Member State concerned but not the euro area as a
The purpose of the framework for fiscal policies of the Member whole.
States is to fulfil the Treaty objective of securing sound public
finances in the context of deeper economic integration, in
particular within economic and monetary union (EMU). Rules Achievements
outlining a common framework for national fiscal policies A. Framework
were introduced into EU law in the Treaty of Maastricht as an
1. Convergence criteria
essential element of the preparations for the completion of
EMU. Although national sovereignty in the field of fiscal policy The convergence criteria define the framework for fiscal
was maintained, the autonomy of Member States was reduced policies for EU Member States before their entry into EMU, and
by the convergence criteria, with which they had to comply in they therefore continue to apply to those Member States that
order to be allowed to adopt the euro (5.2). have not yet adopted the euro. For the first 11 Member States
that entered the third stage of EMU in 1999, along with Greece
1. Fiscal prerequisites in a monetary union — which was able to join at the beginning of 2001 — and all
In a monetary union with fiscal policy independence, a other countries that have since adopted the euro, the original
common framework for fiscal policies can be justified by the criteria are no longer applicable. The fiscal policy framework
risk of moral hazard. Such a problem arises when one applicable to them, however, draws heavily on the
participant can act knowing he will not be suffering the (full) convergence criteria and includes reporting procedures and
consequences of his actions. In EMU this might be the case if a sanctions. Council Regulation (EC) No 3605/93 on the
Member State chose to run high budget deficits and application of the protocol on the excessive deficit procedure
accumulate debt, expecting to escape the full cost of this remains applicable.
course of action because the other EMU members would bear
2. The Stability and Growth Pact
some of the cost. In the absence of a monetary union, a
country with such imprudent policies would be subjected to a The Stability and Growth Pact consists of:
higher cost of borrowing in the form of higher interest rates. In — the Resolutions of the Amsterdam European Council of
an extreme case, the debt might swell to a level which the June 1997 on stability, growth and employment;
debtor could not sustain without help from its partners, who
— Council Regulation (EC) No 1466/97 of 7 July 1997 on the
will be forced to pay in order to avoid damage to the common
strengthening of the surveillance of budgetary positions
currency. If the imprudent country was one of the big
and the surveillance and coordination of economic
economies, its behaviour might also lead to higher interest
policies, as amended by Council Regulation
rates for the EMU as a whole. Although some economists
(EC) No 1055/2005 of 27 June 2005; and
argue that global financial markets would be efficient enough
to charge individual Member States the full cost of higher — Council Regulation (EC) No 1467/97 of 7 July 1997 on
borrowing, thus persuading them not to run excessive deficits speeding up and clarifying the implementation of the
and debt, this outcome is anything but certain. Other excessive deficit procedure, as amended by Council
economists convincingly argue that these market mechanisms Regulation (EC) No 1056/2005 of 27 June 2005.
3. Excessive deficit procedure (EDP) 2002 was found to be excessive. In all cases, the Council
a. Concept subsequently adopted a decision on the existence of an
The purpose of the procedure is to ensure that excessive excessive deficit and a recommendation with a view to
deficits are promptly corrected. In normal circumstances, a bringing an end to the situation. In July 2004, the Council
general government deficit exceeding the reference value of decided that Hungary, together with five other countries (the
3 % of gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is Czech Republic, Cyprus, Malta, Poland and Slovakia), had
considered excessive. This deficit limit is not applicable in a excessive deficits, as they were well in excess of the 3 %
severe recession. Before the reform of the pact in June 2005 a reference value laid down in the Maastricht Treaty. The
severe recession was defined as an annual drop in real GDP of deadline for the correction of the deficit was set at 2008 as the
at least 2 %. After the reform, a negative rate of GDP growth or deficit was significantly above the reference value on
a prolonged period of low growth suffices. The EDP may also membership date and because of the ongoing structural shift
be set aside in ‘exceptional’ circumstances, and the scope of to a modern, service-oriented market economy. Annual targets
these circumstances was increased in the reform in June 2005 were agreed according to Hungary’s own convergence
(now called ‘relevant factors’).Most importantly, additional programme. In accordance with the excessive deficit
relevant factors include circumstances where countries spend procedure defined in the Treaty on European Union and in
on efforts to ‘foster international solidarity and to achieving Regulation (EC) No 1467/97, the Council also set a deadline for
European policy goals, notably the reunification of Europe if it taking ‘effective action’ to reduce the deficit. In January 2005,
has a detrimental effect on the growth and fiscal burden of a the Council concluded that the action planned by the
Member State’. Hungarian Government was not sufficient to reach the deficit
target in 2005 and a new recommendation was issued. In
b. Implementation October 2005, the Commission concluded that the Hungarian
The Commission is responsible for monitoring the Member budgetary outlook had deteriorated considerably since the
States’ budgetary positions and debt levels. For this purpose, last assessment. The original 2005 target of 3.6 % was revised
the Member States report to the Commission their planned upwards to 6.1 % and a deficit target of 5.2 % was set for 2006.
and actual government deficits and debt levels twice a year, by The Commission therefore recommended that the Council
1 March and 1 September. If the Commission detects a deficit decide that Hungary had again failed to take effective action
that is or risks becoming excessive, it must draw up a report. to correct its excessive deficit. The deadline for Hungary to
The Commission may prepare a report even where the correct the deficit has now been set at 2009. In the meantime,
reference values are not exceeded, if it considers that there is a it has been possible to conclude the procedures against
risk of excessive deficit or debt. Based on a recommendation of Cyprus (2006), Malta (2007), Slovakia, Poland and the Czech
the Commission, the Council then decides whether an Republic (all 2008). In 2008 a new procedure was initiated
excessive deficit exists. If the Council concludes that there is an against the United Kingdom, which is to correct its excessive
excessive deficit, it will make a recommendation to the budget deficit by the 2009–10 financial year.
Member State, establishing a deadline of six months for
effective corrective action to be taken. If the Member State C. Evolution of deficits and debt
does not take adequate measures, the Council may require it,
The overall conclusion with regard to the fiscal rules remains
at the latest 10 months after the reporting of the data
positive: deficits and debt levels have decreased significantly
indicating the existence of an excessive deficit, to make a non-
since the rules were introduced in the Maastricht Treaty. After
interest bearing deposit. However, under the reformed Pact
an initial clear decline in deficits in the run-up to EMU, many
the Council may extend this period by one additional year. The
Member States entered EMU with a slightly excessive deficit,
payable deposit comprises a fixed component equal to 0.2 %
which led to time limits being set for achieving a budgetary
of GDP and a variable component linked to the size of the
position close to balance or in surplus. The purpose was to
deficit. Each subsequent year the Council may decide to
avoid the medium-term objective becoming a moving target
intensify the sanctions by requiring an additional deposit,
which would never be reached. However, most Member States
though the annual amount of deposits may not exceed the
used the economic upturn of the late 1990s to balance their
upper limit of 0.5 % of GDP. A deposit is as a rule converted
budgets also notably driven by the motivation to qualify for
into a fine if, in the view of the Council, the excessive deficit
the euro, the result being a significant reduction in public
has not been corrected after two years.
deficits. By the end of 2001, seven of the then 12 EMU
c. Practice Member States had achieved the target of close to balance or
Since the beginning of the third stage of EMU, the Commission in surplus. This picture was darkened at times by the
has prepared a number of reports under the excessive deficit subsequent deterioration in some Member States and by the
procedure. In September 2002, it concluded that the fact that among those that have so far failed to reach a
Portuguese government’s actual deficit of 4.1 % of GDP in balanced position are the euro area’s three largest economies
2001 was excessive. In November 2002, the Commission (France, Germany and Italy), which account for more than 70 %
reached the same conclusion concerning Germany’s projected of the total output. Following the reform of the Stability Pact,
deficit for 2002. In April 2003, the French deficit of 3.1 % in however, a slight improvement in average budgetary positions
1 works 4 Common policies
Legal basis Charter, as well as the principles of the Helsinki Final Act
The Treaty on European Union (TEU) sets out the basis of the and the objectives of the Paris Charter, including those on
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) in Title V, Articles external borders;
11 to 28. — to promote international cooperation;
The CFSP is further consolidated by other provisions: — to develop and consolidate democracy and the rule of law,
— In the TEU: and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms;
• Title I concerning the Common Provisions, especially Article 2(b) of Title I TEU (Common provisions) defines the
Articles 2 and 3; general objectives of the Union, which also apply to the
framework of the CFSP.
• Title VIII concerning the Final Provisions;
In addition, Member States are bound by a clause of loyalty
• Protocol on Article 17, annexed to the Treaty by the towards the EU. Article 11(2) stipulates that they shall;
Treaty of Amsterdam;
— support the CFSP actively and unreservedly;
• Declarations 27 to 30 adopted by the 1990
Intergovernmental Conference (Maastricht Treaty) and — refrain from any action which is contrary to the interests of
five declarations adopted by the 1996 the Union or is likely to impair its effectiveness in
Intergovernmental Conference (Treaty of Amsterdam): international relations;
No 2 on enhanced cooperation between the EU and — work together to enhance and develop their mutual
the Western European Union (WEU); No 3 on the WEU; political solidarity.
No 4 on Articles 24 and 38; No 5 on Article 25; and No 6
on the establishment of a policy planning and early
warning unit (6.1.3). Declaration No 1 on the European
security and defence policy, adopted by the 2000 A. European political cooperation (EPC)
Intergovernmental Conference (Nice Treaty) is also After the failure of the ‘Pleven plan’ in 1954, which aimed to
relevant. create an integrated European army under joint command, the
— In the EC Treaty: Articles 296, 297, 300 and 301. first concrete projection of political will emerged at the Hague
Summit of 2 December 1969. The six foreign ministers
introduced a text, known as the ‘Davignon report’ which
constituted the first steps towards European political
Article 11 of the Treaty on European Union defines the cooperation (EPC); this was based on cooperation procedures
following five objectives of the CFSP: between Member States outside the Community structure.
— to safeguard the common values, fundamental interests, Within the framework of the EPC, the Member States enhanced
independence and integrity of the Union in conformity coordination of foreign policies and adopted a number of
with the principles of the United Nations Charter; common positions, concerning especially the Middle East
region. The EPC was further strengthened by the creation of the
— to strengthen the security of the Union in all ways; European Council in 1974, which defined the general
— to preserve peace and strengthen international security, in orientations of the EPC agenda and by the Single European Act
accordance with the principles of the United Nations in 1987, which provided the legal basis for the procedure.
2. Agreements with one or more States or international cooperation among smaller groups of Member States in this
organisations policy area as well.
Article 24 stipulates that when the agreement is envisaged in
order to implement a joint action or common position, the Role of the European Parliament
Council shall act by QMV.
A. Treaty provisions
3. Political and Security Committee (PSC)
Article 21 of the Amsterdam Treaty urges the Presidency to
The PSC, set up by Council decision in January 2001, is
consult the Parliament on the main aspects and the basic
authorised by the European Council to exercise political
choices of the CFSP. The European Parliament may ask
control and strategic direction of a crisis management
questions to the Council or make recommendations to it.
operation (Article 25).
4. Enhanced cooperation B. Interinstitutional Agreement
The Treaty’s Articles 27(a) to 27(e) extend the possibility for Under paragraph 40 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of
enhanced cooperation to the implementation of a joint action 6 May 1999, the Member States are required to prepare an
or a common position on CFSP issues that do not have any annual Council document on the main aspects and basis
military or defence implications. As for other policy areas, it choices of CFSP, including the financial implications for the
should be noted that enhanced cooperation may be general budget of the European Communities.
undertaken only as a last resort, once it is established that the
intended goal cannot be achieved within reasonable time C. Actual action
through applying the relevant Treaty provisions. Despite its modest formal role in the process, the European
Parliament has supported the concept of CFSP from its
E. The Treaty of Lisbon (2009?) inception and sought to extend its scope. Bearing in mind
After the failure of the EU Constitution project in 2005, its key conflicts throughout the world but especially those in the
institutional provisions were recast in a further reform treaty, Balkans and in the Middle East, as well the changing nature of
which was signed in Lisbon on 19 October 2007. If this Treaty the security situation after the terrorist attacks of
of Lisbon — despite being rejected in the Irish referendum on 11 September 2001, Parliament has repeatedly noted that the
12 June 2008 — is ultimately ratified, major changes would performance of the CFSP is weakened by the three-pillar
ensue in the foreign policy arena: structure, calling on Member States to make less systematic
1. High Representative use of the constructive abstention mechanism. It also pushed
for an EU ‘Foreign Minister’ and the creation of a single
The office of the European Union’s High Representative for European diplomatic service.
Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, currently combined with
the role of Secretary-General of the Council, would be Parliament’s main instrument in this political dialogue is the
substantially enhanced as the new High Representative annual report and resolution on CFSP (called the ‘Brok report’
(originally called the EU Minister for Foreign Affairs in the after its author, the current and long-serving chair of the
Constitution) would also be a Vice-President of the Foreign Affairs Committee). This report is Parliament’s direct
Commission, thus increasing the impact, coherence and response to the annual Council document on CFSP (see
visibility of the EU’s external action. above) and feeds into the budgetary procedure, under which
Parliament, as one half of the EU budgetary authority, must
2. European External Action Service
approve the CFSP budget.
A new European External Action Service would be established,
While waiting for the Constitutional Treaty to further formalise
composed of officials from the Council the Commission and
its role in CFSP, the European Parliament has achieved a degree
the Member States, to provide back-up and support to the
of informal cooperation in practice with the Presidency, the
High Representative, in conjunction with the diplomatic
Council Secretariat and the Commission. Representatives of all
services of the Member States, in the implementation of the
three entities regularly attend the meetings and hearings of
Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and of the
3. Legal personality Sub-Committee on Security and Defence (SEDE), created in
A single legal personality for the Union would strengthen its 2004. It has also built working relations with national
role in external affairs and make it a more visible partner for parliaments in the field of foreign policy, holding an annual
third countries and international organisations. This would exchange with these on CFSP and ESDP.
enhance its effectiveness in multilateral forums and in bilateral
negotiations. g Stefan Schulz
4. Enhanced cooperation July 2008
Background Instruments
Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), which is A. General
the underlying legal provision concerning human rights, 1. Common foreign and security policy decision-making
states: ‘The Union is founded on the principle of liberty,
Human rights issues arising in the EU’s external relations
democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental
through the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) or
through the European Community’s trade or development
Article 2 of the Lisbon Treaty on European Union (consolidated policies are generally dealt with by EU foreign affairs
version, pending ratification) deepens this commitment by ministers in the General Affairs and External Relations
stating: ‘The Union is founded on the values of respect for Council, which meets every month. At working level within
human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law the Council, human rights issues in the EU’s external relations
and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons are the responsibility of officials who meet in a thematic
belonging to minorities’. Regarding the Union’s external Working Party on Human Rights (COHOM). This working
relations, the same article affirms the Union’s commitment to party is composed, as a general rule, of the heads of human
‘eradication of poverty and the protection of human rights, in rights divisions of the ministries of foreign affairs of each of
particular the rights of the child, as well as to the strict the Member States, as well as of a representative of the
observance and the development of international law, Commission.
including respect for the principles of the United Nations 2. Appointment of a personal representative of the High
Charter’. Representative on Human Rights in the area of the
Objectives On 29 January 2007, the Secretary-General/High
Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy
Article 11 of the TEU further specifies that one of the (CFSP), Javier Solana, appointed Dr Riina Kionka as his personal
objectives of the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) is representative for human rights in the area of common foreign
‘to develop and consolidate democracy and rule of law, and and security policy. Dr Kionka is the second person, following
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms’. Mr Michael Matthiessen, to take up this position created by the
Council in December 2004, ‘as a contribution to the coherence
Furthermore, as far as development cooperation is concerned, and continuity of the EU human rights policy’.
‘Community policy in this area shall contribute to the general
objective of developing and consolidating democracy and the 3. Mainstreaming human rights and democratisation
rule of law, and to that of respecting human rights and policies in the external relations of the EU
fundamental freedoms’ (Article 177 of the Treaty establishing Mainstreaming is the process of integrating human rights
the European Community (EC)). and democratisation issues into all aspects of EU policy
decision-making and implementation, including external
Article 21 of the Lisbon Treaty on European Union assistance. The European Commission first outlined
(consolidated version, pending ratification) confirms and measures to this effect in its communication of May 2001
deepens these statements: ‘The Union’s action on the on the EU’s role in promoting human rights and democracy
international scene shall be guided by the principles which in third countries. In 2006 the Political and Security
have inspired its own creation, development and Committee of the Council of the European Union endorsed
enlargement, and which it seeks to advance in the wider recommendations on further measures on mainstreaming,
world: democracy, the rule of law, the universality and such as a more systematic use of reports and
indivisibility of human rights and fundamental freedoms, recommendations by UN special rapporteurs and Treaty
respect for human dignity, the principles of equality and monitoring bodies as well as addressing systematically the
solidarity, and respect for the principles of the United Nations protection of human rights in all phases of European
Charter and international law.’ security and defence policy (ESDP) operations.
4. Adoption of guidelines for EU policy on key human rights clause. This is formalised as an ‘essential clause’, a provision
rights concerns stipulating that respect for human rights and democratic
The EU guidelines on human rights are policy documents principles underpins the internal and external policies of the
adopted by the Council of the EU. Guidelines are a practical parties and constitutes an essential element of the agreement. It
instrument of EU human rights policy for the different EU is often followed by an additional clause on non-execution of
actors allowing for a sustained action in a number of key areas the agreement in the case of breaches of such an essential
of concern: action against the death penalty (1998), the element of the agreement. Measures taken under the human
creation of specialised dialogues on human rights (2001), rights clause may take different forms, from reduction or
action against torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading suspension of cooperation to more serious sanctions.
treatment or punishment (2001), the protection of children in 2. Common strategies, actions, positions
armed conflicts (2003), the protection of human rights
defenders (2004), compliance with international humanitarian The EU pursues its human rights and democracy objectives by
law (2005), and most recently the guidelines on the rights of defining the general principles on which its policy is based.
the child in December 2007. Specific EU action has been taken These principles may be reflected in ‘common strategies’ when
and recommendations have been made to Member States on the EU and its Member States have significant common interests
each of these guidelines. (e.g. Russia, the Mediterranean), in ‘joint actions’ when an EU
operational action is deemed to be necessary (e.g. appointment
5. European Instrument for Democracy and Human of special EU representatives and crisis management operations),
Rights (EIDHR) or in ‘common positions’ when it is a case of defining the EU’s
On 1 January 2007, a new regulation for the European position on a particular geographic or thematic issue. While
Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) entered these instruments are not specifically designed to defend
into force. It is the key EU financial assistance instrument in human rights, they are regularly used for this purpose.
human rights and democracy promotion. In practice this is
3. Démarches and declarations
often done by supporting civil society actors working for
human rights and democracy in third countries. It follows an Diplomatic démarches taken by the Presidency of the EU
earlier European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights Council, the troika or a Member State on behalf of all Member
(between 1994 and 2006) during which an average of some States vis-à-vis the authorities of a third country are a
EUR 120 million was allocated annually to projects related to significant means of pressure. They are generally taken
the improvement of the human rights situation and confidentially and involve reminding the authorities of their
democracy in third countries worldwide. international human rights commitments, whether in a
particular area (e.g. stoning, the death penalty), or as regards a
According to EIDHR strategy for the years 2007–10, the defender of human rights or an organisation facing particular
particular focus of EIDHR funding will be on the following areas: danger. In 2007 over 90 démarches were made related to
— enhancing respect for human rights and fundamental concerns on torture and ill treatment. General démarches on
freedoms in countries and regions where they are most at the death penalty were carried out in almost 30 countries.
risk; Along the same lines, public declarations can be used to call
upon a government to respect human rights or to welcome a
— strengthening the role of civil society in promoting human positive development (e.g. the holding of elections). Along the
rights and democratic reform; same lines, public declarations can be used to call upon a
— support to areas covered by EU guidelines on key human government to respect human rights or to welcome a positive
rights concerns; development (e.g. the holding of elections).
— supporting the international framework for human rights; 4. Political dialogue and specific human rights dialogues
— EU election observation missions. Human rights are systematically addressed within the political
dialogue that the European Union conducts with third
6. The drafting of an annual report on human rights countries or regional groups, in the framework of the common
Since 1999 the Council has published an annual report on foreign and security policy (CSFP). In addition, the European
human rights in order to make its policy and action in this field Union has engaged in dedicated human rights dialogues with
more transparent, while Parliament has published its own a growing number of countries, the first being created with
annual report on human rights in the world since 1984. China and Iran. In 2001 the Council adopted the ‘European
Union guidelines on human rights dialogues’. Based on these
B. EU initiatives in third countries guidelines, human rights dialogues should include discussions
1. The ‘human rights and democracy’ clause in external enhancing cooperation on human rights, registering the
EU agreements concern felt by the EU at the human rights situation in the
Since 1995, bilateral trade agreements and the various types of country concerned, and endeavouring to improve the human
association and cooperation agreements between the EU and rights situation in that country. In 2007 it was agreed that an
third countries or regional organisations have included a human EU–AU human rights dialogue should be an integral part of
EU institutional framework was not necessary, despite the fact and their strategic capabilities by implementing reforms in
that it was foreseen in the Amsterdam Treaty; rather, those their armed forces required for autonomous EU action.
functions that the WEU assumed in the field of Petersburg 5. Nice European Council
tasks would be included in the EU.
In December 2000, the European Council in Nice assessed
2. Helsinki European Council each Member State’s undertakings with regard to forming the
A concrete military aim was set up by the European Council, European security and defence policy.
known as the ‘headline goal’: by the year 2003, in voluntary 6. Gothenburg European Council
cooperation, the Member States should be able to deploy At the June 2001 European Council in Gothenburg, the EU was
within 60 days, and then sustain, forces capable of the full committed to developing and refining its capabilities,
range of Petersburg tasks, including the most demanding, in structures and procedures in order to improve its ability to
operations up to corps level (up to 15 brigades consisting of undertake the full range of conflict prevention and crisis
50 000 to 60 000 persons). This new force, to be called the management tasks, making use of military and civilian means.
European Rapid Reaction Force (ERRF), would be available for A particular emphasis was made to conflict prevention under
deployment to a crisis area up to 2 500 miles away within 60 an EU programme for the prevention of violent conflict.
days, and should be sustainable for up to one year. It is to be
noted that the achievement of this goal does not involve the 7. Laeken European Council
establishment of a European army. At the December 2001 European Council in Laeken, the EU
adopted a declaration on the operational capability of the
3. Feira European Council European security and defence policy saying that:
At the June 2000 Council, in Feira, Portugal, the EU formally
— the development of military capabilities does not imply
established the interim Political and Security Committee
the creation of a European army;
(PSC), composed of national representatives dealing with all
aspects of CFSP, including the ESDP. Feira also introduced a — the Union has begun to test its structures and procedures
body to provide military advice to the PSC in the form of an relating to civilian and military crisis management
interim EU Military Committee (EMC) (supported by an operations;
interim EU Military Staff ), composed of the chiefs of defence — the Union’s crisis management capability has been
represented by their military delegates, which will give strengthened by the development of consultation,
advice and make recommendations to the PSC. Similarly, in cooperation and transparency between the EU and NATO
the area of civilian crisis management, the Feira Council in crisis management in the western Balkans.
welcomed the establishment of the first meeting of the
Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management Furthermore, on capabilities widely regarded as lacking in
(CIVCOM). It also introduced priority areas in civilian crisis European inventories and essential for crisis management
management, in particular the commitment to provide by operations the Laeken Council approved the European
2003 up to 5 000 police officers for international missions capability action plan (ECAP). This called on Member States to
across the range of conflict prevention and crisis mobilise voluntarily all efforts, investments, developments and
management operations, to be able to identify and deploy coordination measures, both nationally and multinationally, in
up to 1 000 police officers within 30 days, and to welcome order to improve existing resources and progressively develop
the Commission to contribute to civilian crisis management the capabilities needed for the Union’s crisis management
within its spheres of action. The police officers will be under actions.
the control of the PSC, while effective operational control will 8. Seville European Council
be in the hands of the HR. It is estimated that such a The European Council welcomed the first crisis management
commitment would require a maximum pool of 15 000 exercise conducted by the Union in 2002, which tested
committed and trained personnel. successfully the ESDP structures and decision-making
4. The ‘Capabilities commitment conference’ procedures.
On 20 November 2000 in Brussels, the Member States took 9. Copenhagen European Council
part in the first ‘Capabilities commitment conference’, which is The European Council also indicated the Union’s willingness to
now an annual event. The conference provides an opportunity lead a military operation in Bosnia following NATO’s
for the Member States to ‘volunteer’ specific national Stabilisation Force (SFOR). It confirmed the Union’s readiness to
commitments corresponding to the military capability goals take over the military operation in the former Yugoslav
set by the Helsinki European Council. These commitments Republic of Macedonia as soon as possible in consultation
have been set out in a document known as the ‘Force with NATO. Subsequently, an agreement was reached with
catalogue’. In accordance with the guidelines of the Helsinki NATO in March 2003 known as ‘Berlin Plus’ that paved the way
and Feira European Councils on collective capability goals, the for the first military ESDP operation, known as Concordia. The
Member States committed themselves to medium and long- second military operation ‘Artemis’ in the Democratic Republic
term efforts in order to further improve both their operational of the Congo (CD), which was launched in June 2003,
Council. At the beginning of the 2004 legislature, in implementation of international law, reminding that the use of
recognition of the rapid development in ESDP, the European force is authorised only by the UN Security Council.
Parliament sep up a new Subcommittee on Security and In addition, the EP proposes, in the context of the CFSP and
Defence (SEDE) within its Foreign Affairs Committee. The the ESDP, regular meetings bringing together representatives
European Parliament has consistently, through its resolutions, of the competent committees of national parliaments and the
pointed to the lack of a parliamentary dimension in the EP, with a view to examining the development of the two
development of ESDP and has noted a serious democratic policies jointly with the Council Presidency, the HR for the
deficit. CFSP and the Commissioner responsible for external relations.
In its resolutions of 15 June 2000 and of 30 November 2000, In its resolution of 2008 on the implementation of the
the EP stressed the importance of developing the military European security strategy and ESDP, the European Parliament
assets and capabilities of the Member States as well as the called once more for a strong parliamentary dimension to the
civilian instruments of conflict prevention and crisis ESDP by intensifying cooperation between the European
management. This was further elaborated in its resolution of parliament and the national parliaments, through joint
10 April 2003 on the new European security and defence meetings and regular consultation. It also called for a revision
architecture — priorities and deficiencies. Subsequently the EP of the European security strategy to include important issues
has adopted specific resolutions on the European security such as immigration, energy security, the international security
strategy and in 2008 on the implementation of the European implications of climate change and security-development
security strategy and European security and defence policy nexus of issues.
(ESDP). In addition, following discussions within SEDE on the
Furthermore, it considers that combating terrorism must
scrutiny of ESDP, the European Parliament has adopted
become a central component of European foreign and
resolutions approving the deployment of ESDP operations in
security policy, with aspects of external security having to be
BA (EUFOR Althea), the DRC (EUFOR RD Congo) and in Chad
combined with those of internal security.
(EUFOR Tchad/CAR).
I. Trade — it is the second importer after the United States with
19.0 %;
A. The EU’s place in world trade
2. However, its relative position has been falling in the long
1. In 2006, the EU accounted for almost a fifth of world
term. In 1980 (with only nine Member States) it accounted
for 21 % of exports and 27 % of imports. This can be
— it is the first exporter ahead of the United States with compared with the situation of China, excluding Hong
19.2 %. Kong, which during the same period rose from
B. The nature of the EU’s trade Table 4 — Breakdown of total exports by product
1. Main products
2000 2007
The European Union primarily buys and sells manufactured
goods: they represent 90 % of its exports and about three Foodstuffs and beverages 5.6 % 5.0 %
quarters of its imports. Raw materials 2.1 % 2.5 %
a. M
achines and transport equipment alone account for over Energy 3.4 % 5.0 %
44 % of exports and over 30 % of imports. Chemical products 14.0 % 15.9 %
Machines and transport equipment 46.3 % 43.8 %
b. Energy and chemical products come next.
Other 28.6 % 27.7 %
c. C
onversely, foodstuffs and raw materials constitute only Source: Eurostat
a little over 5 % of exports and 5.3 % of imports.
Table 5 — Breakdown of total imports by product — a significant increase with China, the countries of the
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the OPEC
2000 2007 countries, as well as the candidate countries (Croatia,
Foodstuffs and beverages 5.5 % 5.3 % Macedonia and Turkey);
Raw materials 5.0 % 4.9 %
In spite of this progress, and with the exception of the United
Energy 16.2 % 23.3 % States, the EU candidate countries and the Southern and
Chemical products 7.1 % 8.4 % Eastern Mediterranean countries (MEDA), the EU’s trade
Machines and transport equipment 37.4 % 29.1 % balance continues to show a deficit with most of the
Other 28.8 % 29.0 % economic areas, notably China.
Source: Eurostat Table 7— Main trading partners of EU-27 (as a % of
total imports+exports)
2. Export-import balance by product
In 2007 the EU had a high surplus for chemical products and a 2000 2007
very high surplus for machines and transport equipment. On 1/USA 24.1 % 1/USA 16.6 %
the other hand, it has a considerable deficit for energy, which 2/Japan 7.5 % 2/China 11.4 %
almost doubled during the period 2000–07. 3/Switzerland 7.3 % 3/Russia 8.7 %
Table 6 — EU-27 balance of trade by product 4/China 5.5 % 4/Switzerland 6.4 %
(billion EUR) 5/Russia 4.7 % 5/Japan 4.6 %
6/Norway 4.0 % 6/Norway 4.5 %
2000 2007
7/Turkey 2.7 % 7/Turkey 3.7 %
Foodstuffs and beverages 7.1 -13.4
8/South Korea 2.4 % 8/South Korea 2.4 %
Raw materials -31.4 -39.7
9/Taiwan 2.4 % 9/India 2.1 %
Energy -131.9 -269.1
10/Canada 2.2 % 10/Brazil 2.0 %
Chemical products 48.4 77.4
Source: Eurostat
Machines and transport equipment 21.9 129.2
Other -42.7 -69.6
Table 8 — EU exports by economic area (billion EUR)
Total -142.9 -185.3
Source: Eurostat Variation
Zone or
2000 2007 2007/2000
(as a %)
C. The EU’s main trading partners
United States 238.2 261.6 +8.9
With more than 16 % of total trade during the period 2000–07,
the United States remained the EU’s main trading partner, Candidate countries 39.5 67.9 +41.8
being the first customer and the first supplier. However, this EFTA 101.6 140.4 +27.6
share has declined somewhat since 2000. ACP countries 40.4 61.7 +15.1
During the same period China moved from fourth to second OPEC 55.3 102.2 +45.8
place, replacing Japan. Its exports to the EU increased fourfold MEDA 90.8 119.6 +24.0
and its imports tripled. ASEAN 41.8 54.5 +0.2
During this period Japan fell from second to fifth place behind Latin America 55.6 71.3 +0.2
Russia and Switzerland. Russia has made considerable EEA 1 693.9 2 649.0 +36.0
progress, moving from fifth to third place. CEECs 148.0 29.2 -80.2
Finally, India and Brazil have taken the places of Taiwan and DAE 83.6 98.9 +0.1
Canada respectively. During the period 2000–07, EU CIS 33.8 128.6 +73.7
exports to the major economic areas had varied success. China 25.8 71.7 +64.0
There was: Japan 45.4 43.7 +3.7
— no change with Latin America, ASEAN, the dynamic Asian Source: Eurostat
economies (DAE) and Japan; (1) Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey
(2) MEDA: southern and eastern Mediterranean countries
— a slight increase with the United States; (3) EEA: European Economic Area
— a relative increase with the ACP countries, EFTA, the DAE: Dynamic Asian economies (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea,
Taiwan, Hong Kong)
southern and eastern Mediterranean countries (MEDA) and
CIS: Commonwealth of Independent States (countries of the former USSR)
the European Economic Area (EEA);
B. Type of services
Services (insurance, financial services, IT services, licences)
now rank first in exports, having displaced transport
and travel.
Table 11 — Trade in services of EU-27 (billion EUR)
2004 2007
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
Total services 368.1 321.7 46.4 501.4 413.0 88.4
Transport 93.5 79.5 14.0 118.5 102.0 16.5
Travel 62.1 79.5 -17.4 76.7 94.1 -17.3
Communication services 6.4 7.1 -0.7 9.8 10.7 0.9
Construction 9.6 5.8 3.8 15.9 7.9 8.0
Insurance 10.7 8.4 2.3 14.3 7.7 6.5
Financial services 29.6 11.9 17.7 54.3 21.3 33.0
Information technology & information 16.3 8.1 8.2 23.6 10.3 13.2
Royalties and licence fees 20.4 29.4 -9.0 25.5 36.1 -10.6
Other business services 102.4 77.5 24.9 147.8 107.6 40.2
Personal, cultural and recreational services 5.1 6.3 -1.2 5.0 5.9 -0.9
Administrative services 9.1 5.5 3.7 7.7 7.2 0.7
Non-classified services 2.9 2.9 0.1 2.5 2.2 0.3
Source: Eurostat
C. Main partners
In 2007, 48 % of the trade of the EU-27 was with the
United States, 20 % was with Switzerland, 6.6 % with Japan,
6.2 % with Russia and 6.1 % with China.
Table 12 — The EU’s main trading partners (billion EUR)
2005 2006 2007
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
Switzerland 49.4 38.1 11.3 52.7 37.8 15.0 60.6 41.8 18.9
Russia 12.3 9.1 3.2 14.2 10.8 3.4 18.1 11.5 6.7
Canada 9.0 7.6 1.3 10.2 8.2 2.0 11.3 9.5 1.8
United States 123.2 118.2 4.9 134.7 122.1 12.6 139.0 127.8 11.2
Brazil 4.6 4.0 06 5.2 4.6 0.5 6.6 4.8 1.8
China 12.3 9.6 2.7 12.8 11.3 1.4 17.7 13.1 4.6
Hong Kong 8.3 5.6 2.6 6.9 6.7 0.2 8.3 7.8 0.7
India 5.4 4.8 0.6 7.0 5.5 1.4 9.0 6.6 2.4
Japan 19.6 12.3 7.3 18.9 12.9 6.0 19.3 13.3 6.0
Source: Eurostat.
g Dominique Delaunay
July 2008
— the systematic attention paid to trade protection measures, As the conference (November to December 1999) was a
especially antidumping and antisubsidy measures. complete failure, the EU subsequently argued for a new round
of negotiations. (For details of the Union’s overall approach, see
2. The creation of the WTO the Commission communication COM(1999) 331 and the
The Uruguay Round resulted in the creation of a new Council conclusions of 21 June, 27 September and
organisation, the WTO, through the Marrakesh agreements of 15 November).
15 April 1994. The EC played a very active role in negotiating
3. 2000–01
these agreements, which establish a new set of international
trading rules and a mechanism for their implementing them In the course of 2000, the EU endeavoured to restore
and for adopting new rules. It joined this organisation confidence and achieved a consensus on the launch of a new
immediately (entry into force of the agreements: 1 January round of negotiations aimed not only at continuing with the
1995). In doing so, it was agreeing to make major concessions liberalisation of trade but also at establishing a more solid
in relation to its own commercial policy, above all by replacing regulatory framework, promoting sustainable development
the agricultural levies at its external borders (a mechanism that and assisting the developing countries. It played an active role
provided a very high level of protection for its agriculture) with in the WTO’s working groups, in particular the Committee on
customs duties and reducing export subsidies (another key Technical Barriers to Trade, in which it put forward
element of the European preference in the area of agriculture). contributions on international standardisation and labelling. It
However, it intends to retain, through other means, the supported China’s accession to the organisation, which took
‘European social and rural model’ and to this end advocates place in 2001 along with that of Taiwan.
‘multifunctional’ agriculture. The EU welcomed the decision of the Doha Ministerial
Conference (November 2001) to launch a new round of trade
C. The EU’s participation in the major stages of the WTO’s negotiations, lasting three years. The conference addressed its
activities hopes of boosting growth through further liberalisation as well
1. 1996 and 1997 as greater regulation of the system through agreements on
Following the WTO Ministerial Conference in Singapore in investment, competition and public procurement, and
December 1996, the EU played an important role over the support for the developing countries, whose influence
course of 1997. increased at this conference.
— The cotton problem, where African producers (Benin, significant proportion of which have been directed at the
Burkina-Faso, Mali and Chad) and China are ranged against United States. Its greatest success was against the US
the US, the former calling for a 82 % drop in US domestic protection measures concerning steel imports: the DSB
production subsidies; condemned these measures and even authorised the EU to
establish retaliatory measures (which amounted to USD 4 000
— The banana problem: South American producers are
million); the United States finally withdrew their measures in
critical of the EU for applying prohibitive taxes on their
December 2003.
bananas. The EU has said that it would be willing to lower
the tax from EUR 176 per tonne to EUR 144 per tonne in
2016. An agreement in principle was reached. However, Role of the European Parliament
ACP countries, which have preferential treatment with The EP has supported the Commission in its desire to shield
regard to access to the European banana market, the health, education and audiovisual sectors from
threatened to block any global agreement in the absence liberalisation in order to safeguard universal service and
of financial compensation; cultural diversity (resolution of 12 March 2003).
— Finally, South Africa, Argentina and China continue to It has defended the place of social standards in the
oppose the opening up of their industrial markets. international trading system, calling for close cooperation in
The failure of the Doha Round negotiations reflects the this area between the WTO and the International Labour
difficulty in establishing a strong multilateral, rule-based Organisation (resolutions of 13 November 1996 and 13 January
commercial system. At this stage, it is difficult to predict when 1999).
negotiations might resume. In the meantime, the breakdown It has expressed its support for the export of affordable,
in talks risks encouraging a proliferation of bilateral essential medicines to the poorest countries through an
agreements, which could penalise the poorest countries. exemption from the authorisation of the patent-holder
(resolution of 12 February 2003), which was eventually
D. Participation in dispute settlement accepted by the WTO General Council.
One of the major breakthroughs of the WTO compared with
the GATT system has been the creation of a binding It has expressed the wish that the Doha Development Agenda
mechanism for the settlement of trade disputes between will place the development issue at the forefront of the
States, in the form of a permanent body with its own negotiations (resolution of 12 May 2005).
jurisdiction (the Dispute Settlement Body, DSB), which deals Finally, it has spoken out in favour of a reform of the World
with the issues referred to it by setting up special panels. Trade Organisation (resolution of 3 April 2008).
The EU has often had recourse to this body and has been
responsible for around one third of the panels set up since the g Dominique Delaunay
system began. It has won the majority of its disputes, a July 2008
ambassadors. They focus on the conditions and timing of the open negotiations with Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta,
adoption, implementation and enforcement of all the EU rules Romania and Slovakia and to recognise Turkey’s status as a
already in force (the acquis, which is not negotiable) by the candidate country.
candidate country. For the purpose of the accession
The negotiations have been guided by two fundamental
negotiations the EU legislation is divided into 35 subject-
related chapters. The Commission keeps the Council and the
European Parliament informed about the candidate countries — a single negotiating framework;
throughout the process, through regular progress reports
— separate negotiations with each country, starting in each
and strategy papers. It monitors fulfilment of benchmark
case at the appropriate time, depending on the applicant’s
requirements, and progress made by the candidate country in
level of preparation, and proceeding at their own pace.
applying EU legislation and respecting undertakings.
3. The pre-accession strategy — the instruments
When negotiations on all the chapters are completed to the
satisfaction of both sides, the detailed terms and conditions In 1994, the Essen European Council defined a pre-accession
are incorporated into a draft accession treaty, which lists all strategy to prepare the candidate countries of central and
transitional arrangements and deadlines, as well as details of eastern Europe for EU membership based on implementation
financial arrangements and any safeguard clauses. of the Europe agreements, the Phare programme of financial
assistance and a ‘structured dialogue’ bringing all Member
B. Earlier enlargements States and candidate countries together to discuss issues of
The six founder members were joined: common interest. The Luxembourg European Council, of
December 1997, decided on an enhanced pre-accession
— in 1973 by Denmark, the Republic of Ireland and the strategy for the 10 central and east European countries
United Kingdom; (CEECs). The strategy comprised two instruments.
— in 1981 by Greece;
— Accession partnerships: bringing all forms of EU
— in 1986 by Spain and Portugal; assistance within a single framework for the purpose of
— in 1995 by Austria, Finland and Sweden. implementing national programmes to prepare the
candidates for accession. The programmes cover the short-
C. The fifth enlargement term and medium-term priorities to be observed in
The fifth EU enlargement has been, in the view of the European adopting the acquis, and mobilise the financial resources
Parliament, a unique task of an unprecedented political and available for this purpose.
historic dimension, which provides an opportunity to further the — Community aid: the Berlin European Council of March
integration of the continent by peaceful means. The EP 1999 decided substantially to increase pre-accession aid
considered that all the applicant countries have a right to be and to create two specific instruments, ISPA (for transport
allowed to accede to the Union. However, it expressed concerns and environment) and Sapard (for agriculture and rural
on a number of occasions about the inadequacy of the EU’s development) to supplement the Phare programme, which
institutional framework and the additional resources required for would now concentrate on strengthening administrative
the financing of the enlarged Union. Throughout the and judicial systems and aiding investment related to the
subsequent negotiations it has stressed the need to evaluate adoption of the Community acquis. Assistance was
the candidate countries on the basis of merit and in line with stepped up with the adoption, in 2002, of the action plans
the principle of differentiation. for building administrative, judicial and institutional
1. Applications for accession capacity and the special transition facility for
Cyprus (July 1990) and Malta (July 1990, reactivated 1998), institution-building endorsed by the European Council
Hungary and Poland (March and April 1994), Romania and in October 2002.
Slovakia (June 1995), Latvia and Estonia (October and Cyprus and Malta received pre-accession assistance under a
November 1995), Bulgaria and Lithuania (December 1995), the specific Council regulation for 2000–04. Assistance has focused
Czech Republic and Slovenia (January and June 1996). (Turkey on the harmonisation process, and in the case of Cyprus, on
had already applied in 1987.) bi-communal measures that might help to bring about a
2. The accession process political settlement. The Helsinki European Council of
December 1999 decided that Turkey, like all the candidate
The Luxembourg European Council of December 1997
countries, would benefit from a pre-accession strategy to
endorsed the Commission’s opinion on the membership
support reforms.
applications and decided to launch the enlargement process
and open negotiations, initially with six applicant countries: the 4. Historic accession of 10 new Member States in 2004
Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia. a. Accession on 1 May 2004
It also agreed on an enhanced pre-accession strategy. The The European Council in Copenhagen on 12 and 13
Helsinki European Council of December 1999 decided to December 2002 concluded accession negotiations with to
in the June 2008 referendum for its approval. It is quite unlikely As regards freedom of expression the EP took the view that the
that the 1 January deadline will be met. repeal of Article 301 of the Turkish Constitution and other legal
provisions ‘representing an illegitimate restriction on freedom
While the main articles of the TEU (Articles 49 and 6(1))
of expression as guaranteed by international law would be the
concerning enlargement conditions are not substantially
best solution’.
modified, the Lisbon Treaty incorporates the main foreign
policy innovations contained in the Treaty establishing a The report also called for the armed forces to ‘fully and
Constitution for Europe. Among those it provides for the High unambiguously acknowledge civilian control’.
Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy who will
be both Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Council and Vice- The EP urged the Turkish government to launch ‘a political
President of the European Commission and, in this capacity, initiative favouring a lasting settlement of the Kurdish issue’,
will be assisted by a European External Action Service. including a ‘comprehensive master plan to boost the
socioeconomic and cultural development of the south-east of
E. Future enlargement of the Union Turkey while, at the same time, it also urged Turkey ‘not to
1. Turkey engage in any disproportionate military operations violating
Iraq’s territory’.
Turkey had applied for EU membership in 1987. At the Helsinki
European Council of December 1999 Turkey was officially 2. Croatia
recognised as a candidate country on an equal footing with Croatia submitted its application for membership in February
other candidate countries. This marked the beginning of a 2003. Following a positive opinion and recommendation by
pre-accession strategy for Turkey designed to stimulate and the European Commission of April 2004, the June 2004
support its reform process through financial assistance and European Council decided that Croatia was a candidate
other forms of cooperation. The European Council of country. The December 2004 European Council decided that
December 2004 decided to start accession negotiations with accession negotiations would be opened on 17 March 2005
Turkey on 3 October 2005. This decision was based on the provided that Croatia cooperated fully with the UN
Commission’s recommendation of October 2004 which International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The
recommended starting accession negotiations provided Hague (ICTY). However, the Council concluded in March 2005,
Turkey implemented certain key pieces of legislation in the as the Chief Prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal had done, that
judicial field. Following an intensive debate in the Council and Croatia was not fully cooperating with the ICTY. In an
the European Parliament as well as inside Member States, the important, positive signal to Croatia, the EU adopted a
accession negotiations with Turkey were opened on negotiating framework so that the only remaining obstacle to
3 October 2005. On 28 September 2005, the European be overcome before negotiations could begin was for Croatia
Parliament had given its backing to the opening of accession to take further measures to ensure full cooperation with the
talks with Turkey. However, the EP showed its dissatisfaction Tribunal. As this last remaining obstacle was later judged to be
with Turkey’s lack of formal recognition of the Cyprus removed, accession negotiations with Croatia were formally
government by postponing a vote on the extension of the opened on 3 October 2005. In its conclusions, the Council
EU–Turkey customs union to the 10 new Member States. The confirmed, however, that less than full cooperation with the
EP also called on Ankara to recognise the Armenian genocide. ICTY at any stage could lead to the suspension of negotiations.
Although Turkey has made progress as regards legislation and
In its most recent resolution of 10 April 2008 on the
practical implementation, the sustainability and irreversibility
Commission report concerning Croatia’s progress in 2007, the
of the reform process will need to be confirmed over a longer
European Parliament recalls that ‘the future of all western
period of time. In its resolution of 15 December 2004 the
Balkan countries lies effectively in the European Union’ and
European Parliament had noted that the negotiation process
says that ‘Croatia is well on the way to full membership of the
with Turkey ‘[...] by its very nature is an open-ended process
European Union’, provided that it continues to meet the
and does not lead “a priori” and automatically to accession [...]’.
necessary conditions. The EP congratulates Croatia on the
In its most recent resolution of 21 May 2008 on the progress it has made so far with regard to the opening of
Commission’s report concerning Turkey’s progress in 2007, the negotiating chapters, in meeting the benchmarks for opening
European Parliament reiterated that accession negotiations are new chapters and in alignment of Croatia’s corpus of law with
‘an open-ended process’ and stressed that ‘modernisation is EU standards. But the resolution also highlighted some
first and foremost in Turkey’s own interest,’ while it also noted concerns over judicial reform, administrative capacity and
that further delays in reform plans ‘will seriously affect the pace corruption, as well as the country’s outstanding border issues
of negotiations. MEPs added that ‘a new constitution is the with its neighbours, especially Slovenia and Bosnia and
only way the government can ensure separation of State and Herzegovina, which have to be resolved. The European
religion, and all civil society representatives need to be Parliament ‘shares with the Commission the view that, with
involved in this process’. The new constitution should also increased efforts on the part of Croatia and continuous
‘ensure gender equality, [...] and reaffirm women’s human support by the EU institutions, accession negotiations should,
rights as their individual rights’. in any event, be concluded in 2009’.
On the issue of future enlargements, the report insists that ‘the The report affirms that ‘participation in the European
Union must make efforts to strengthen its integration capacity’. neighbourhood policy (ENP) does neither in principle nor in
Parliament ‘recalls in this context the need to undertake the practice constitute a substitute for membership or a stage
necessary internal reforms, aimed, among other things, at leading necessarily to membership’. Nevertheless, it argues
increasing efficiency, social cohesion and strengthening that there is a conceptual and legal gap between the
democratic accountability’. Members are also ‘convinced that European neighbourhood policy and the Union’s enlargement
any acceding State should resolve its main internal problems, policy, which needs to be bridged. MEPs therefore argue that
particularly concerning its territorial and constitutional set-up, the EU should ‘establish an area based on common policies’
before it can join the Union’. Parliament emphasises that the related to democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
guiding principles of the EU enlargement strategy should be Parliament supports further regional cooperation in the Black
‘consolidation, conditionality and communication’. Sea region by calling for a ‘Black Sea cooperation agreement,
MEPs note that the EU’s ‘integration capacity is linked with the which should include the EU, Turkey, and all Black Sea littoral
Union’s ability at a given point in time to decide and thus to States as equal partners, while seeking the full involvement of
achieve its political objectives’, and define the term ‘integration Russia, and which could, at a later stage, develop into a Union
capacity’ as having four elements: accession countries should of the Black Sea’.
contribute to and not impair the EU’s political objectives, the
Union’s institutions should be efficient and effective, its
g Georgios Ghiatis
financial resources should be adequate, and a communication July 2008
strategy should be set up to inform public opinion about the
implications of enlargement.
B. The nature of the European Economic Area C. The initial extension of the internal market to the three
1. A step beyond a free trade area EFTA States
a. An extension of the EC’s internal market. From the outset, the EEA Agreement incorporated a significant
proportion of the rules and policies of the internal market that
The basic aim of the EEA is to extend the EC’s internal market
existed at that time.
to cover the three EFTA countries. This market goes beyond
the removal of customs duties and quantitative restrictions 1. Basic principles (corresponding to primary
among the members: it seeks to remove all obstacles to the Community law)
creation of an area of complete freedom of movement similar a. The four freedoms
to a national market. To this end, the EEA covers: i. Freedom of movement of goods. The provisions in the
— the four main freedoms of movement of the internal EEA Agreement concerning the basic rules of the internal
market: movement of persons, goods, services and capital; market are identical or similar to those of the EC Treaty:
— Community policies closely linked to achieving the four — prohibition of customs duties and any charges having
freedoms, known as horizontal policies, one of the most equivalent effect together with quantitative restrictions
important being competition policy. and any measures having equivalent effect;
b. Participation in certain flanking Community policies — adjustment of commercial State monopolies;
The EEA Agreement stipulates that the EFTA countries may — simplification of border controls and customs
also participate in internal market flanking policies, which cooperation.
entails a financial contribution on their part. ii. Freedom of movement of persons, services and
In addition, these countries have decided to contribute capital:
financially to the Community structural policy. — abolition of discrimination based on nationality as
c. Adoption of Community legislation regards workers’ residence and access to employment;
Given that, unlike a free trade area, the EC internal market — — right of establishment for self-employed persons and
rather than limiting itself to a number of initial rules — undertakings;
constantly produces a considerable volume of legislation, the
— freedom to provide services;
EEA has had to establish a mechanism for extending these
rules to the EFTA countries. — measures to facilitate the exercise of these freedoms, in
particular the mutual recognition of qualifications.
2. The limits of EEA
a. Free trade itself is limited: it does not cover certain b. Horizontal policies required to achieve the four freedoms
sectors such as agriculture and fisheries. i. The most important of these is competition policy, for
which the EEA Agreement faithfully reproduces the
b. The extension of the internal market is not complete:
provisions of the EC Treaty:
— the free movement of persons only applies to workers
— as regards undertakings: ban on agreements and
although it applies to all people within the European
abuses of dominant positions, control of
Union, particularly in the Schengen area (2.3);
— there continue to be controls at the EU’s borders with — as regards States: control of public undertakings and
the three EFTA countries; services of general economic interest.
— there is no harmonisation of taxation. ii. The other Community policies integrated into the EEA
c. T
he EEA is not even a customs union as it does not have are:
any common external tariff. As a result, it does not have a — transport policy;
common commercial policy towards the rest of the world
either. — public procurement;
d. O
bviously, the EEA excludes the other elements of — company law;
European integration: — intellectual property;
— economic and monetary union; — social policy;
— external and common security policy; — consumer protection;
— cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs. — the environment.
c. Participation in flanking policies (‘cooperation outside the four incorporated by including the acts in question in the lists of
freedoms’) protocols and annexes to the EEA Agreement.
i. Areas: The EEA Agreement provides for the participation of In all, some 3 000 Community acts have been incorporated
the EFTA countries in the EU’s activities in a number of into the EEA Agreement since its entry into force.
An EEA Council, made up of representatives of the EU Council
— research and development; and the foreign ministers of the EFTA states, meets at least
— information services; twice a year to provide a political incentive and guidelines for
the Joint Committee.
— education and training;
— youth; b. Transposition
Once a Community act has been incorporated into the EEA
— tourism; Agreement, it must be transposed into the national legislation
— SMEs; of the three EFTA countries, if the transposition is required
according to their constitutional arrangements. It may take the
— the audiovisual sector;
form of a simple governmental decision or may require
— civil protection. parliamentary approval.
ii. Forms: in these areas, the EFTA countries participate in c. Nature of the mechanism
particular in framework programmes and projects. The mechanism gives the impression that the extension of
iii. Principles: Community acts concerning the internal market to the EFTA
States must be assessed by those States, initially in the form of a
— equal rights and responsibilities in relation to the action
decision to incorporate the legislation by the Joint Committee
and then in the form of a national decision on transposition. In
— financial participation of the EFTA States. reality, these decisions are essentially formal in nature: the
2. Incorporation of Community legislation Community legislation must be extended to these States; they
do not have any choice. The association agreement also requires
The EEA Agreement does not merely extend to the EFTA
the Joint Committee to decide as quickly as possible so that the
countries the fundamental rules of the EC Treaty on the
act in question may be applied more or less simultaneously in
internal market. It also incorporates all of the implementing
the Union and in the three countries; the only margin for
legislation for these rules produced by the Community at the
assessment is the possibility of purely technical adjustments.
time, the ‘secondary legislation’ or the ‘Community acquis’. This
legislation has been incorporated through the protocols and Provisions have been established to involve the EFTA countries
annexes attached to the agreement and it covers some 1 600 in the preparation of Community acts. Thus, the
Community acts: representatives of these countries are invited, on an equal
footing with their counterparts in the EU Member States, to
— regulations, directives, decisions and non-binding acts;
take part in the written and oral consultations, and at times in
— relating for the most part to the four freedoms and related the work of the standing committees set up for this purpose
policies and, to a lesser extent, to flanking policies. by the European Commission.
D. The continuing extension of the internal market to Even at the stage of the Community decision-making
cover the EFTA countries procedure (Commission proposal, consideration and decision
1. The continuous incorporation of Community of the Council and of the European Parliament), the EFTA
legislation countries are regularly informed and even consulted.
The EU continuously produces legislation on the internal Following the legislative decisions, the EFTA States are
market and related policies, legislation that naturally must be consulted again on the implementing measures for these
extended to the three EFTA states so that the EEA operates in decisions taken by the European Commission. They are often
an entirely homogeneous manner. The EEA Agreement invited to participate in the various committees that assist the
therefore establishes a permanent incorporation mechanism. Commission in exercising its executive power (‘comitology’)
a. Decisions on the incorporation of legislation although they do not have any voting rights.
As new texts are adopted by the EU, these decisions are taken Basically, the EFTA States clearly do not participate in the
by a Joint Committee, composed of representatives of the European Union’s decision-making procedures themselves
European Union and representatives of the three EFTA States, although many of these decisions apply to them more or less
and meeting at regular intervals (once a month) to decide automatically. That is the consequence of remaining outside
what proportion of the legislation and more generally all the EU. However, paradoxically, it means that with the EEA
Community acts (actions, programmes, etc.) should be mechanism they have less sovereignty than they would if they
incorporated into the EEA; the legislation is formally were members of the EU.
Legal basis The ENP should prevent the emergence of new dividing lines
between the enlarged EU and its neighbours. The policy is
For the EU’s policy: Title V, on the common foreign and
based on commitments to common values, including
security policy (CFSP), of the Treaty on European Union
democracy, the rule of law, good governance and respect for
(TEU); Articles 133(3) (trade) and 300 (international
human rights, and the principles of market economy, free
agreements) of the Treaty establishing the European
trade and sustainable development, as well as poverty
Community (EC).
For the bilateral relationships: partnership and cooperation Through the ENP, the EU strives inter alia to counteract or
agreements (with east European countries) and Euro- prevent the emergence of ‘soft security’ threats such as large-
Mediterranean Association agreements (with Mediterranean scale illegal immigration, disruption of energy imports,
countries). environmental degradation, penetration by organised crime
and terrorism. A part of the rationale of the ENP is also
Objectives reflected in the European security strategy (6.1.3, point E).
To contribute to increased stability, security and prosperity of
the EU and its neighbours to the east and south, in particular Background and geographic scope
by offering the countries covered an increasingly close In the run up to the 2004 ‘big bang’ enlargement which gave
relationship with the EU. the European Union 10 new Member States, it was widely
recognised that this enlargement would have significant Commission elaborates a draft action plan, which is then
effects on the countries on the other side of the EU’s new negotiated with the relevant neighbouring country. The
external border in the east. It was argued that negative effects leading joint body set up under the respective PCA or Euro-
should be prevented or mitigated and that the potential to Med agreement thereafter endorses the action plan.
develop mutually beneficial cooperation with the new Each ENP action plan lists a number of political and economic
neighbours must be exploited. Discussion on a wider Europe reform objectives and concrete measures. In this regard, they
— a new neighbourhood initiative — started. resemble the accession partnerships which support candidate
In November 2002, the Council invited the Commission and the countries’ reforms and preparations for EU membership. In the
High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security ENP context, the EU does, however, not seek any general
Policy, Mr Javier Solana, to prepare proposals. The European adaptation to its laws and jurisprudence (the acquis
Council the next month made clear that the southern communautaire) and the absence of the incentive to reform
Mediterranean countries should also be included in the that a membership perspective represents is clearly felt.
initiative. Candidate and potential candidate countries (the latter ENP action plans are valid five years (those agreed with Israel,
referring to the countries of the western Balkans) remained Moldova and Ukraine, however, three years). The
outside and the absence of an EU membership perspective thus implementation is monitored by committees set up under the
emerged more clearly as the main selection criterion. respective agreement. Within two years of the adoption of an
The general character of the new policy was laid out in a action plan, the Commission presents a progress report.
March 2003 Commission communication. The new policy Since April 2008, this reporting is annual.
should according to the Commission President at the time, The EU will soon start to provide aid through the European
Mr Romano Prodi, be aimed at creating ‘a ring of friends’ and Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). It
these should ultimately be offered participation in ‘everything replaces the Tacis technical assistance programme (for eastern
but the institutions’. The latter formula was not accepted by neighbours) and the MEDA programme (for southern
the Council, but in conclusions adopted in June 2003, the neighbours). According to the ENPI regulation, EUR 11.181
Council largely followed the Commission’s proposals. billion are available for this instrument over the period 2007–13.
Following the ‘Rose Revolution’ in Georgia in the end of 2003, This is about 32 % more than what was available for the ENPI
the Council a few months later decided to include Georgia, beneficiary countries in the earlier instruments during 2000–06.
Armenia and Azerbaijan in the new policy, henceforth called The European Instrument for Democracy and Human
the European neighbourhood policy (ENP). The ENP therefore Rights (EIDHR) is also used, including for supporting relevant
covers six countries in the east: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, civil society organisations through Commission delegations
Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. In the south, it covers 10 in the ENP countries (except Libya, Syria and Tunisia, where
countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, necessary conditions do not exist and other ways of
Morocco, the Palestinian territories, Syria and Tunisia. The promoting democracy and human rights will be looked for).
southern ENP countries also participate in the Barcelona In several ENP countries, actions financed through the
process (6.4.5). Instrument for Stability and the Nuclear Safety
The EU has no formal relations with Belarus or Libya and the Instrument are also carried out. Thematic programmes
ENP is applied in a different and very limited way to them. under the Development Cooperation Instrument, e.g. for
Russia at an early stage made clear that it did not wish to cooperation on migration and asylum and for support to
participate in the emerging ENP. EU–Russia relations are non-State actors and local actors, are also available, but the
instead centred on four ‘common policy spaces’. relevant sums are very small. The Humanitarian Assistance
Instrument and macro-financial assistance can also be used.
Instruments The ENP countries also benefit from loans on favourable
The ENP builds on the partnership and cooperation conditions from the European Investment Bank (EIB). In the
agreements (PCAs) and Euro-Mediterranean association period 2007–13, EUR 8.7 billion is available for ENP/South and
agreements that have been concluded with 13 of the 16 the EUR 3.7 billion for ENP/East (including the South Caucasus
countries covered. It does not presuppose the introduction of countries, which were not included in the previous lending
any new type of agreement, but as the initial periods of mandate of the EIB) and Russia.
application of the PCAs are running out, the question as to
what should be the future legal basis of the bilateral relations Current status
with eastern neighbours has to be answered. Negotiations In July 2008, ENP action plans for the following countries had
with Ukraine for what is currently referred to as a new been adopted: Israel, Jordan, Moldova, Morocco, Tunisia,
enhanced agreement began in spring 2007. Ukraine, the Palestinian territories (formal adoption January to
The core instrument of the ENP is bilateral a ENP action plan. July 2005), Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (November 2006),
The preparation of an ENP action plan presupposes that a PCA Lebanon (January 2007) and Egypt (March 2007). The action
or Euro-Med agreement has entered into force. The plans for Israel, Moldova and Ukraine, which were originally
of the criteria for EU membership and that ‘the Nice Treaty is ENP resolution). The same resolution affirms that ‘civil society
not an acceptable basis for further decisions on the accession in all ENP countries must be strongly supported’ (paragraph
of any more new Member States’ (recital H and paragraph 4, 5) and welcomes ‘the longer-term aim of establishing a
respectively). In its November 2007 resolution, the EP called for neighbourhood-wide free trade area’ (paragraph 11). The
association agreements with Moldova and Ukraine which budget of the ENPI should be increased (paragraph 21).
open a possibility of EU membership (paragraph 26). Belarus When consulted on the most recent revisions of the EIB’s
should have the same perspective, ‘once it embraces external lending mandate, Parliament supported the
democracy, respects fundamental human rights and freedoms extension to Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, and actively
and enhances the rule of law’ (paragraph 29). sought the further extension to Armenia, Azerbaijan and
The EP ‘doubts [...] the meaningfulness of the ENP’s Georgia.
geographic scope, as it involves countries which
geographically are European together with Mediterranean g Dag Sourander
non-European countries’ (paragraph 2 of the November 2007 July 2008
effectively and transparently. The Albanian parliament needs The EU has continued to deploy considerable resources in
to make considerable further progress in pushing forward Bosnia and Herzegovina in the framework of the CFSP and the
reform. The fight against corruption and organised crime ESDP. A new EU Special Representative (EUSR), who is also the
represents a major challenge. High Representative, took office in July 2007. The mandate of
the EUSR is to offer the EU’s advice and facilitation in the
Albania has continued to play a positive role in maintaining
political process and to promote overall political coordination
regional stability fostering good relations with other western
in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Balkan and neighbouring EU countries, both multilaterally and
bilaterally. 3. Croatia
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) Since the dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia and until 2001, there were no global contractual
Since the Dayton/Paris Peace Agreement in 1995 brought the relations between Croatia and the EU because of the war and
war in Bosnia and Herzegovina to an end, the EU has the country’s failure to meet the requirements of democracy.
participated fully in the country’s reconstruction. Bosnia and Croatia was granted trading preferences on a unilateral basis.
Herzegovina has benefited from autonomous trade Financial cooperation was limited to humanitarian assistance,
preferences since 1996, but institutionalised contacts with the support for democratisation and, from 1996, reconstruction
EU started only in June 1998. With the introduction of the SAP assistance. After the change of government in 2000, Croatia
in 1999, Bosnia and Herzegovina also became a participant. In broke out of the international isolation which the policy of the
order to identify the most important issues for the country former government had caused, and became fully engaged in
under the SAP, the EU published a roadmap, setting out 18 the SAP. In October 2001, Croatia signed a stabilisation and
basic steps. This roadmap was substantially completed in association agreement with the EU, which entered into force
September 2002, and a November 2003 European Commission on 1 February 2005. An Interim agreement was signed in
feasibility study for the negotiation of a stabilisation and parallel, allowing the trade and trade-related matters of the
association agreement (SAA) identified the subsequent SAA to enter into force on 1 January 2002.
priorities for the country.
On 21 February 2003, Croatia submitted a formal request for
Bosnia and Herzegovina has, in the meantime, made EU membership, the first country of the western Balkans to do
significant progress on most of the priorities identified in the so. Following a positive opinion and recommendation by the
feasibility study. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European Commission of April 2004, the December 2004
achievements have been, so far, mainly of a legislative nature. European Council decided that accession negotiations would
Bosnia and Herzegovina will need to increasingly focus on be opened on 17 March 2005 provided that Croatia
ensuring effective implementation and enforcement of the cooperated fully with the UN International Criminal Tribunal
adopted laws. Nevertheless, in October 2005, the European for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague (ICTY). However, the
Commission recommended to the Council the opening of Council concluded in March 2005, as the Chief Prosecutor of
SAA negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The The Hague Tribunal had done, that Croatia was not fully
negotiations on an SAA were launched in November 2005. cooperating with the ICTY. As this last remaining obstacle was
The SAA was initialled on 4 December 2007, and the later judged to be removed, accession negotiations with
agreement was signed on 16 June 2008 following progress in Croatia were formally opened on 3 October 2005.
addressing four key priorities: notably police reform, ICTY
cooperation, public broadcasting and public administration Following the completion of the screening process in October
reform. 2006, 16 negotiation chapters have been opened and two
were provisionally closed by February 2008. Croatia’s progress
Bosnia and Herzegovina has been an increasing focus of EU sends a signal to the other western Balkan countries on their
political interest, especially in relation to common foreign and own membership prospects, once they fulfil the necessary
security policy (CFSP) and the European security and defence conditions. For Croatia to make 2008 a decisive year in its
policy (ESDP) measures. The first operation under the ESDP accession process, the country needs to make further progress
started in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 1 January 2003, when with, among others, judicial and administrative reforms,
the European Union Police mission (EUPM) took over from the fighting corruption, minority rights, and refugee return.
UN’s International Police task force. In June 2004, the Council
adopted a joint action on an EU military operation in the 4. Serbia (Kosovo) and Montenegro
country (EUFOR/Althea). This decision led to the deployment Economic and trade relations were subject to an embargo for a
of troops in December 2004. Following the improved security long while, but had both resumed in some areas, when the
situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the EU defence ministers Kosovo crisis led to the restoration of economic and financial
decided in December 2006 on a force reduction of EUFOR/ sanctions and to NATO intervention in 1999. The end of the
Althea from some 6 000 to 2 500 troops. The mandate of the bombing and the Serb withdrawal from Kosovo on 21 June
EUPM has been extended by two years until the end of 2009. 1999 resulted in deployment of the NATO Kosovo force KFOR
The EUPM continues to be focused on police reform and the and the establishment of the UN Interim Administration in
fight against organised crime. Kosovo (UNMIK). Following the democratic change in the
cooperation agreement with the EU entered into force in observers when elections took place in the region. With the
January 1998. In April 2001, the former Yugoslav Republic of entering into force of the stabilisation and association
Macedonia was the first country of the region to sign a agreements with Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of
stabilisation and association agreement (SAA). The agreement Macedonia, joint parliamentary committees between the
entered into force in April 2004. An Interim agreement was European Parliament and the partner country parliaments
signed in April 2001, which allowed the trade and trade- were set up in early 2005 as institutions under the agreement.
related matters of the SAA to enter into force on 1 June 2002. Since the EP elections in 2004, the new EP delegations for
relations with the countries of south-eastern Europe have
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia faced a serious been the forum for interparliamentary dialogue and contacts
political crisis in 2001, due to a violent insurgency, which led to with the other countries, i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
the deployment of a NATO mission. International military Montenegro and Serbia (including Kosovo).
presence was assured by NATO until 31 March 2002, when the
EU took over from NATO with its first-ever military Inter-parliamentary meetings, to which the representatives of
peacekeeping mission. the Presidency in office of the Council of the EU, the
government of the concerned country and the European
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia applied for Commission are regularly invited, have allowed, due to their
membership of the European Union in March 2004. The continuity and to the relative good knowledge of participants
European Commission adopted its opinion on this application among themselves, frank debate and have focused more and
on 9 November 2005, noting substantial progress by the more on the importance of raising the standards of democracy
country. Following the European Commission’s and human rights (e.g. media-related legislation, property
recommendation, the European Council decided on restitution) and of improving measures needed to combat
17 December 2005 to grant candidate status to the country. criminal activity, trafficking and corruption. Preparing the
The European partnership, adopted by the Council on 30 various countries for the association and stabilisation process
January 2006, identified as priorities reforms in political, and the need for not just administrative and judicial reforms
legislative, institutional and economic fields. However, while but also economic reforms (infrastructures, energy and
the pace of reforms has, on the whole, been slow during the privatisation) and appropriate legislation on a number of new
past two years, there have recently been signs of reforms issues such as the environment, public health or education
gaining momentum. The accession partnership adopted by were among the topics for discussion. Thematic seminars and
the Council on 18 February 2008 identifies eight key priorities meetings with members of the European Parliament (MEPs)
for progress in the accession process by the former Yugoslav and staff from the parliaments of candidate and potential
Republic of Macedonia. These cover proper implementation of candidate countries are also organised by the European
all commitments undertaken under the SAA, dialogue Parliament’s secretariat. (The joint parliamentary meeting on
between political parties, implementation of the law on police the western Balkans was held in Brussels on 26 and 27 May
and anticorruption legislation, reform of the judiciary and 2008. This event brought together MEPs and parliamentarians
public administration, as well as measures in employment from EU Member States and the countries of the western
policy and for enhancing the business environment. The Balkans to share experiences on EU integration and debate
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia needs to meet these economic, security and justice issues).
key priorities in order to demonstrate its readiness to
undertake accession negotiations. The Commission considers In general, the EP often highlights the need for respect for
that, with sufficient political will and cross-party cooperation, democracy, the rule of law and the rights of minorities in the
the necessary progress can be made in 2008. The Commission region when addressing the western Balkans . It has insisted
will assess these key priorities as benchmarks in its autumn on full and effective cooperation of the countries concerned
regular report. A recommendation on the start of accession with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
negotiations will depend on the results achieved. Yugoslavia, the effective implementation of a policy in favour
of the return of refugees and an active policy against
organised crime and corruption.
Role of the European Parliament
The European Parliament (EP) had initially set up a delegation g Sandro D’Angelo
for south-eastern Europe, responsible for all the countries of Georgios Ghiatis
the western Balkans and regularly sending parliamentary July 2008
Background Objectives
The Russian Federation is a key partner for the European EU relations with the Russian Federation are based on the
Union. Building a strategic partnership with Russia is of vital partnership and cooperation agreement (PCA), aimed at
importance for the EU for several reasons. First of all, Russia is strengthening the strategic partnership with Russia and
the largest neighbour of the EU, with a growing importance addressing common challenges on the European continent
also due to the EU’s enlargement in 2004 and 2007. The 2003 and globally.
EU security strategy highlights Russia as a key player in geo-
political and security terms at both the global and regional Instruments
level. Russia is a key actor in the UN Security Council and one
of the key players in the common European neighbourhood. A. The partnership and cooperation agreement (PCA)
Energy security is also a defining element of EU–Russia The PCA came into force in 1997 for an initial duration of 10
relations, given that Russia is a major supplier of energy to the years, which is automatically extended beyond 2007 on an
EU and its exports are predicted to increase further in the annual basis. It sets the principal common objectives,
coming years. Trade and investment relations with Russia establishes the institutional framework for bilateral contacts,
represent another area of dynamic growth. Russia is a large and calls for activities and dialogue in a number of areas.
market for EU goods and services, with considerable The partnership and cooperation agreement is based upon
expansion and growing purchasing power, making Russia the the following principles and objectives: the promotion of
third largest trade partner of the EU. The EU’s market, on the international peace and security; and support for democratic
other hand, is by far the most important destination for norms as well as for political and economic freedoms. It is
Russian exports. Companies from the EU are the main investors based on the idea of mutual partnership, aimed at
in Russia. strengthening political, commercial, economic and cultural
The fundamental values and principles of democracy, human
rights, the rule of law and the market economy underpin the The provisions of the PCA cover a wide range of policy areas
EU–Russia bilateral relationship and its legal basis, the including political dialogue, trade in goods and services,
partnership and cooperation agreement (PCA). Russia and business and investment, financial and legislative cooperation,
the EU are committed to work together to combat new science and technology, education and training, energy,
threats to international security, such as terrorism, organised cooperation in nuclear and space technology, environment,
crime, illegal migration and trafficking in people as well as transport and culture.
drugs. Russia is also a key country in combating climate Complementing the PCA, in June 1999 the European Council
change. adopted a common strategy — the first application of this
Russia remains a major geopolitical player. Therefore The EU instrument under the common foreign and security policy
and Russia have an extensive dialogue on political issues introduced by Article 13 of the Treaty on the European Union.
around the world, including the resolution of conflicts such as The strategy gave priority to four areas of action:
those in the Middle East, Afghanistan and the western Balkans — consolidation of democracy, rule of law and public
and preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass institutions in Russia,
destruction and the relevant technologies, as in the cases of
— integration of Russia into a common European economic
Iran and North Korea.
and social space,
Energy issues created significant tensions between Russia, its — cooperation to strengthen stability and security in Europe
immediate neighbours and the EU. Recent times have seen and beyond,
significant divergences on foreign policy issues, such as
Kosovo and the so-called frozen conflicts in the former Soviet — common challenges on the European continent.
Union republics. The armed conflict between Georgia and The PCA established an institutional framework for regular
Russia over South Ossetia may have important ramifications consultations between the European Union and the Russian
for EU–Russia relations. Federation. This includes summits of Heads of State and of
Government, which take place twice a year and define the shores of the Baltic Sea, including the countries in its vicinity and
strategic direction for relations. At ministerial level in the from north-west Russia in the east, to Iceland and Greenland in
Permanent Partnership Council (PPC) meetings are held as the west. In its scope, the ND is increasingly focusing on
often as necessary to discuss specific issues. Meetings are also north-west Russia, forming the largest territory covered by this
held at senior officials and expert level. policy. The Baltic Sea, the Kaliningrad Oblast with its
opportunities for development given its particular geographical
Political dialogue takes place at regular foreign ministers
situation, as well as the extensive Arctic and sub-Arctic areas
meetings, meetings of senior EU officials with their Russian
including the Barents Region, are priority areas for the Northern
counterparts, monthly meetings of the Russian Ambassador to
Dimension policy. It will help to ensure that no dividing lines are
the EU with the troika of the Political and Security Committee
established in the north of Europe. The ND partners are the
and at expert level on a wide range of topical international
European Union, Iceland, Norway, and the Russian Federation;
issues. Since 2005, regular consultations have been held on
others, notably the regional organisations, participate.
human rights matters.
Members from the European Parliament and the Russian 3. Black Sea cooperation
Parliament (State Duma and Federation Council) meet in the With the accession of two Black Sea littoral States, Bulgaria and
EU–Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee on a Romania, the prosperity, stability and security of this region
regular basis and exchange views on current issues. has become even more important. The European Commission,
therefore, proposed to complement existing policies at a
Since 1991, EC technical assistance has been one of the
regional level, such as the European neighbourhood policy
leading programmes supporting the transition process in
(ENP), the pre-accession process with Turkey and the strategic
Russia. More recently, EC assistance has been refocused on a
Partnership with Russia, with a Black Sea cooperation initiative.
limited number of areas, in order to support institutional
Cooperation may take place within existing regional
reforms in Russia and achieve a systemic impact in key
mechanisms (such as the Commission for the Protection of the
socioeconomic fields linked to the PCA implementation
Black Sea aiming at environmental protection), while
process. Previous Tacis funding is now gradually replaced by
cooperation with the Black Sea Economic Community (BSEC)
funds through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership
will also be strengthened.
Instrument (ENPI), even if relations with Russia fall outside the
framework of the European neighbourhood policy. ENPI funds C. The common spaces
are linked to the implementation of the four common spaces
At the St. Petersburg Summit in May 2003, the EU and Russia
(see below). This assistance has been complemented by other
agreed to reinforce their cooperation by creating in the long
EC instruments, such as the European Initiative for Democracy
term four common spaces in the framework of the PCA and
and Human Rights, humanitarian aid in Chechnya and
on the basis of common values and shared interests.
cooperation in science and technology. Increased
coordination at all levels is also been sought with the EU The common economic space aims to make the EU and
Member States, the international financial institutions and Russia’s economies more compatible to help boost investment
other major donors. and trade. The ultimate objective is an integrated market
between the EU and Russia, on the basis of regulatory
B. Complementary agreements and mechanisms convergence, even if it does not necessarily imply the
1. Trade and economic cooperation harmonisation of Russian norms and standards with the EU
To complement the provisions of the PCA, a number of acquis. Energy cooperation and the environment also fall
sectoral and international agreements exist, as well as other within the common economic space. On this latter point, the
mechanisms for cooperation. Steel and textiles are the main EU welcomed Russia’s ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.
sectors covered by bilateral trade agreements. The latest steel Another area of discussion is the development of pan-
agreement covers the years 2007–08 and will come to an end European networks of transport (e.g. motorways; rail links),
if Russia becomes a member of the WTO. In 2002, the EU energy (e.g. pipelines, links between electricity grids) and
granted ‘market economy status’ to Russian exporters, which telecommunications.
has some significance for trade defence measures, though
The common space on freedom, security and justice
anti-dumping is not a major aspect in EU–Russia trade at
covers the area also known as justice and home affairs. This is a
growing area of cooperation between the EU and Russia,
Bilateral EU–Russia negotiations for Russia’s accession to the based on respect for human rights, as the two face the
WTO were concluded in 2004 and negotiations at multilateral pressing common challenges of terrorism, illegal migration,
level are still ongoing. cross-border crime, including trafficking in human beings and
2. The Northern Dimension and cooperation with the drugs. The EU and Russia need effective judicial and police
Baltic Sea Region cooperation to tackle these problems.
The Northern Dimension (ND) covers a broad geographic area At the same time the pursuit of increased security and safe
from the European Arctic and Sub-Artic areas to the southern borders should not create barriers to the legitimate interaction
C. Positions
Current status
The European Parliament’s numerous resolutions on Russia,
At the EU–Russia summit organised in Khanty-Mansiisk in June including the 2008 own initiative report on EU–Russia
2008 the parties agreed to launch negotiations on a new relations, reflect that Parliament is in favour of a
agreement to replace the existing PCA. The new agreement comprehensive new agreement with Russia that has to be
will reflect political, economic and social changes both in the underpinned by common values and interests. Human rights
EU and Russia since the entry into force of the PCA in 1997. concerns have been repeatedly raised in various contexts.
The EU negotiating mandate was adopted at the end of May Parliament asked for stepping up the EU–Russia human rights
2008, following significant reservations earlier on from Poland consultation to make it more effective and results oriented and
reminded Russia of its commitments and responsibilities as a need of speaking with one voice in energy matters and
member of the OSCE and the Council of Europe. proposed a possible High Official for Foreign Energy Policy in
In its report on EU–Russia economic and trade relations its report entitled ‘Towards a common European foreign policy
(September 2007), Parliament supported more integrated on energy’ (September 2007). MEPs also expressed concerns
economic ties, including a possible free trade agreement in about the environmental and various other risks in the Baltic
the future. The report emphasised the importance of Russia’s Sea area related to the Nord Stream pipeline.
accession to the WTO and, in this context, the need to resolve
the problem of export duties on timber, dual energy pricing g Levente Császi
and rail fees. July 2008
The European Parliament called for a suitable Treaty basis for
energy and the security of energy supply, emphasised the
Legal basis There are several reasons for the growing EU interest. Through
its enlargements, the EU has got closer to the South Caucasus
For the EU’s policy: Title V, on the common foreign and security
geographically and gained new members to which this region
policy (CFSP), of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and
matters more. With the Rose Revolution in Georgia in 2003–04,
Articles 133(3) (trade) and 300 (international agreements) of
new prospects for the spread of democracy and economic
the Treaty establishing the European Community (EC).
reforms suddenly appeared. Soon after, when Russia
For the bilateral relationships: partnership and cooperation interrupted energy supplies to Ukraine and Georgia, quite
agreements. possibly for political reasons, the EU was gripped by a new
sense of urgency to limit its own dependency on Russian
energy. Attention was quickly turned to the oil and gas
resources in the Caspian basin and the transit possibilities in
To stimulate the countries of the region to carry out political the South Caucasus. The EU’s new energy interest in the region
and economic reforms, contribute to the settlement of gave it an additional reason to feel concerned about the
conflicts and facilitate implementation of such settlement, unresolved conflicts there, on top of the reasons mentioned in
support intra-regional cooperation and develop the countries’ the then newly adopted European security strategy to regard
relations with the EU. regional conflicts as a key threat. At the same time, there was,
and still is, considerable reluctance in some EU Member States
Background to let the EU get deeply involved in security matters in the
South Caucasus, not least because of links to Russia.
The South Caucasus earlier attracted relatively little EU
interest, but this is no longer the case. Since 2003, the EU has
a Special Representative for the South Caucasus. Since 2004, Instruments
the three countries are included in the European A partnership and cooperation agreement (PCA) with each
neighbourhood policy (ENP). EU aid to the region has been of the countries of the South Caucasus entered into force on
increased and in 2006, it was decided to add Armenia, 1 July 1999. The initial period of application is 10 years and
Azerbaijan and Georgia to the list of countries in which the each agreement will then remain in force as long as neither
European Investment Bank can extend loans. A modest but party takes any action.
steady trend towards deeper EU engagement remains in
place and this trend also encompasses efforts to solve the The PCAs with the South Caucasian countries are similar to
conflicts in the region. those concluded with other States which emerged in eastern
overcome only through negotiations on the basis of the In a resolution on Georgia of 5 June 2008, the EP strongly
principles enshrined in the UN Charter and in the Helsinki criticised steps taken by Russia to develop official relations
Final Act and within the framework of regional integration’ with the breakaway-regions Abkhazia and South Ossetia in
(paragraph 31). The EP reiterates its support for the territorial Georgia. This resolution states that Russian troops in these
integrity and internationally recognised borders of Georgia regions ‘have lost their role of neutral and impartial
(paragraph 32) as well as Azerbaijan (paragraph 33), but adds peacekeepers’ and ‘calls for a deeper European involvement [...]
in the latter case a new reference to the principle of self- to move the peace processes forward’.
Both the inclusion of the South Caucasus in the ENP and the
The ‘further internationalisation of the unresolved post-Soviet
appointment of an EU Special Representative for the region
conflicts must be one of the key issues of EU relations
were preceded by calls from the European Parliament for these
(recital H) and ‘dialogue and coordination between the EU,
measures to be taken. Major resolutions on the South
Russia and the United States should help to promote
Caucasus adopted in 2003 and 2004 also called for greater
democracy, to enhance energy security and to strengthen
efforts to promote conflict resolution and stability in the
regional security in the South Caucasus’ (K).
region, including through a Stability Pact, drawing lessons
Parliament rejects ‘all attempts by foreign powers aimed at from the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe.
creating exclusive spheres of influence’ (paragraph 30) and
suggests ‘the setting up of a 3 + 3 Conference on security and
cooperation in the South Caucasus’, with the three States of g Dag Sourander
the region plus the EU, the USA and Russia (38). July 2008
Trade Positions
From the EU perspective, EU trade with the central Asian The EP’s resolution on the EU’s central Asia strategy of
countries is minuscule. The share of total EU imports is 0.1 % 20 February 2008 stresses that social reforms, the fight against
or lower for all of the countries, with the notable exception of corruption and fair and sustainable economic development
Kazakhstan, which approaches 1 %. Energy imports from are crucial to ensuring long-term stability, security and
Kazakhstan and exports of various goods to it are now prosperity in central Asia (paragraph 10). It states that ‘it follows
booming, with roughly 40 % increases in total imports from, from the EU’s security and other interests, as well as from its
as well as exports to, Kazakhstan in 2006. values and support for the MDGs (millennium development
goals), that the hardship and lack of opportunities faced by
For Kazakhstan the EU is the most important trading partner. many people in this region [...] must be placed at the very core
For Tajikistan and Uzbekistan the EU is in second position, for of the EU’s approach to central Asia’ (recital I).
Turkmenistan it is in third, and for Kyrgyzstan the EU is in fifth
position. Further trade data is available in the bilateral trade Parliament considers ‘the strategy to be insufficiently
data section of the Commission’s external trade website. ambitious with regard to bilateral cooperation on human
rights, the rule of law, good governance and democratisation’
(paragraph 19). Human ‘rights issues should carry equal weight
Role of the European Parliament with the EU’s robust approach to energy, security and trade’
(paragraph 4). The resolution condemns ‘the persecution of
human rights defenders in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan’
The EP’s assent is necessary for the conclusion of ‘agreements (paragraph 22). Other problems that are mentioned are abuse
establishing a specific institutional framework by organising of women (paragraphs 28 and 29), child labour (paragraph 30)
cooperation procedures’ (Article 300(3) (ex Article 228) of the and extradition of asylum seekers (paragraphs 33 and 34). The
EC Treaty). Partnership and cooperation agreements (PCAs) fall Council and the Commission are called upon ‘to set clear
within this category. PCAs with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and benchmarks, indicators and targets [in the areas of democracy,
Uzbekistan are in force, a PCA with Tajikistan is at the good governance, the rule of law and human rights], in
ratification stage and a corresponding agreement with consultation with the central Asian partner countries’
Turkmenistan has been negotiated. (paragraph 21). Specific references are made to political
The DCI regulation was adopted by Parliament and the prisoners, the media, the climate for human rights defenders
Council under the co-decision procedure in autumn 2006. DCI and the level of cooperation with UN special rapporteurs and
implementation is subject to democratic scrutiny by mechanisms (paragraphs 20 and 21).
Parliament, meaning in particular that Parliament gets the In relation to extremism and terrorism, the resolution states
opportunity to express its views on draft documents (strategy that ‘examples of massive repression, corruption and
papers, indicative programmes, annual action programmes, exploitation, and the denial of people’s fundamental rights and
‘project fiches’) before they are adopted. opportunities to improve their lives, together with the absence
of accepted channels for expressing grievances and
Activities participating in political processes, heighten the risks that
A comprehensive resolution on the EU’s central Asia strategy extremism and terrorism will grow’ (recital AD). It is also noted
was adopted on 20 February 2008 on the basis of a Foreign that ‘in some cases, the “fight against terrorism” is used as a
Affairs Committee report. The EP gives rapid reactions to cover for repressive actions against those who criticise the
particularly serious human rights developments by adopting government, human rights defenders, religious movements
resolutions under a special urgency procedure. and ordinary businesspeople’ (recital V). While recognising the
Democratic scrutiny of DCI implementation is carried out by need for regional cooperation on counter-terrorism (paragraph
the Development Committee, with the help of working groups 5), the EP emphasises ‘that EU contacts with security structures
set up by this committee. or EU support for security cooperation involving highly
repressive States should be minimised, and that any such
Because of the huge scale of the human rights violations in contacts should always be conducted transparently’
several of the central Asian countries, the EP’s Subcommittee (paragraph 23).
on Human Rights frequently discusses the situation there, not
Given the huge differences between the central Asian States,
least with human rights organisations.
the EU must differentiate its policies accordingly (recital T). The
Parliamentary cooperation committees (PCCs) have been set differentiation of the EU policy between the countries
up with the central Asian States with which a PCA is in force. should ‘be based in particular on the human rights situation in
PCCs normally meet once a year. Interparliamentary meetings each country, their government’s respect for OSCE
(IPMs) are held with the other two States of the region. The EP commitments, their development needs and their
delegation to the PCCs and IPMs regularly meets to discuss government’s commitments to improving the welfare of
topical issues in relation to the region. The EP has participated citizens, their current and potential importance to the EU as
in election observation missions in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. partners in trade, cooperation on energy and in other areas,
Since then, the regional and international parameters have — As of 1 January 2007 the new European Neighbourhood
undergone a number of changes: the 2004 enlargement of the and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), within the European
EU with the initial partner countries, Malta and Cyprus, having neighbourhood policy, has replaced the MEDA regulation
joined as Member States; the opening of EU membership as the principal financial instrument for the
negotiations with Turkey, the fallback into violence in the implementation of the partnership. The following
Middle East, the Iraq crisis, the widespread outbreak of allocations have been made for 2007–10 (in millions of
terrorism and its impact on societies and, finally, the increasing euros): Regional Programme — South (343), Algeria (220),
importance of controlling migration flows. In response to Egypt (558), Israel (8), Jordan (265), Lebanon (187),
these changes, the EU launched its European neighbourhood Morocco (654), Syria (130), Tunisia (300), West Bank and
policy (ENP) in 2004 to reinforce and complement the Gaza Strip (632).
Barcelona Process (6.3.3).
A. In the political and security field:
The Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Ministers of Foreign
— information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean
Affairs, held in Barcelona on 27 and 28 November 1995,
established three main objectives of cooperation:
— network of foreign policy institutes (EuroMeSCo);
— the creation of a common area of peace and stability based
on the principles of human rights and democracy through — adoption of a plan for the management of natural disasters;
the reinforcement of political and security dialogue
— adoption of a code of conduct on countering
(political and security chapter);
— the construction of a zone of shared prosperity through
— enhanced political dialogue including subcommittees on
the progressive establishment of free trade between the
human rights set up with various countries under the
EU and its Mediterranean partners (2010) and amongst the
association agreements;
partners themselves (economic and financial chapter);
— Euro-Mediterranean human rights network;
— the improvement of mutual understanding among the
peoples of the region and the development of a free and — judicial cooperation
flourishing civil society (social, cultural and human B. In the economic and financial field:
— on the basis of the 2007–10 budget allocation of
EUR 2 630.3 million, tri-annual national indicative
instruments programmes have been drawn up at national level; a
— The EU carries out a number of activities at bilateral level regional programme covers multilateral activities;
with each country. The most important are the association — since 2003 the EIB has been lending to Mediterranean
agreements which have entered into force with Algeria partners through the Facility for Euro-Mediterranean
(2005), Egypt (2004), Israel (2000), Jordan (2002), Lebanon Investment and Partnership (FEMIP); its transformation into
(2006), Morocco (2000), the Palestinian Authority (1997 a Euro-Mediterranean Development Bank has been under
interim agreement), Tunisia (1998) and Turkey (since 1996 a discussion for some time;
customs union is in force). With Syria, signature is still
pending. Negotiations on the liberalisation of services and — as an important step towards regional economic
investment were opened with interested Mediterranean integration, the Agadir Agreement for free trade between
partners. Since 2007, Mauritania and Albania have Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia entered into force in
advanced from observer status to full membership of the March 2007;
Barcelona process but do not have an association — network of economic research institutes (Femise).
agreement with the EU.
C. In the social, cultural and human field:
— At multilateral level, regional dialogues and activities take
— since the events of 11 September 2001, the dialogue
place under all three chapters of the Barcelona Process. The
between cultures and civilisations has been strengthened,
Euro-Mediterranean Committee for the Barcelona Process
including through the setting up of the ‘Anna Lindh Euro-
consists of representatives of EU Member States,
Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between
Mediterranean partners and the European Commission. It
Cultures’ which is to promote intellectual, cultural and civil
meets on a quarterly basis at senior official level and is
society exchanges;
chaired by the Presidency of the EU Council. The Committee
acts as a multilateral steering body for the entire regional — the Euromed Heritage, Euromed Audiovisual, Eumedis
process with the right to initiate activities to be financed by (develop information society) and Euromed Youth
the EU. It also prepares ministerial meetings, conferences etc. programmes are now operating;
g Stefan Krauss
July 2008
industries. It has called on the Commission to include for the relations with Iraq in February 2008. The Delegation
mechanisms in the agreement which prevent any distortion of aims to contribute to parliamentarian exchanges, to capacity
competition between the parties. building and training/information on the work of
parliamentary structures and legislative procedures.
In its resolution of 10 March 2005, the EP welcomed the first-
ever nationwide electoral process in Saudi Arabia, witnessed High-ranking visits to the EP related to Iraq include Kurdish
by a European Parliament delegation. However, it called also President Barzani in May 2007, Speaker Mashhadani in October
for enhanced women’s rights, the abolition of the death 2008, Deputy Speaker Sheik Khalid al-Attiya in February 2008,
penalty and an upgrading of the working conditions and the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Iraq,
treatment of immigrant workers. Staffan de Mistura, on 10 April 2008, and Iraqi Prime Minister
Nuri al-Maliki on 16 April 2008.
There are no specific resolutions on Yemen.
The EP resolution on the EU’s role in Iraq of 13 March 2008
III. Iraq following the report of Ana Maria Gomes (PSE) recommends ‘a
new reinforced strategy for action’, based on respect for
human rights. One of the cornerstones of the report is the
Background suggestion to engage more fully with Iraqi parliamentarians.
Since the end of the war against Iraq, the EU, through the The reinforced strategy would include:
European Commission has been a major aid with the — using existing EU financial instruments to channel
implementation of the IRFFI (International Reconstruction European financial assistance, rather than multilateral trust
Fund Facility for Iraq) in the process of making Iraq slowly but funds (see the EP’s continued requests to the European
surely viable. The IFFRI has two distinct trust funds working Commission for more transparent information related to
independently: the discharge exercise 2006);
— the United Nations Development Group Iraq Trust Fund; — encouraging the Iraqi government to commit more funds
— the World Bank Iraq Trust Fund. to helping refugees and displaced persons;
The European Commission granted the amount of EUR 829 — supporting the Commission’s negotiations of a trade and
million from 2003 to 2007. Those funds have been divided cooperation agreement;
through various sectors such as basic services (education, — persuading European businesses to return to Iraq;
health, infrastructure, water and sanitation), human
development (agriculture, rural development, poverty — engaging with Iraq’s neighbours, including Iran, Syria, Saudi
reduction, durable solution for refugees), political process Arabia and Turkey.
(elections, constitutional process) and capacity building (civil
society, human rights, trade and customs, technical assistance, IV. Iran
justice and the rule of law). With a 44 % share the EC is first in
the IRFFI donors’ contributions list. The EU’s relations with Iran are dominated by the nuclear issue,
meaning Iran’s suspected pursuit of nuclear weapons
An integrated EU rule of law mission (EU-JUST LEX), launched on capability and the international community’s attempts to
1 July 2005 under the scope of the ESDP, contributes to enhance make Iran halt the most sensitive nuclear activities. The EU’s
the rule of law, providing training for almost 800 Iraqi judges, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security
police and prison officers. The positive impact of the EUJUST LEX Policy, Mr Javier Solana, also represents China, France, Russia
programme has repeatedly been highlighted by the Iraqi the UK and the USA (i.e. the permanent members of the UN
authorities. In September 2007, the EUJUST LEX mission was Security Council, also referred to as ‘the P‑5’), as well as
extended for another 18 months until 30 June 2009. Germany, when seeking the start of negotiations with Iran on
Negotiations for a trade and cooperation agreement (TCA) a settlement of the nuclear issue.
between the EU and Iraq started on 20 November 2006. Talks A further obstacle to closer EU relations with Iran is the Iranian
cover trade, especially of goods and services, but also deal with regime’s massive and further increasing violations of human
issues such as combating poverty, protecting the environment rights.
and education. Human rights issues, counter-terrorism and the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction will also be The EU does not have any contractual relations with Iran. In
tackled. A third round of talks took place in February. The 2001, the Council approved a Commission communications
signing of the TCA could materialise in early 2009. on EU relations with Iran which set out perspectives and
conditions for developing closer relations with Iran, including
the conclusion of a trade and cooperation agreement. The EU
Role of the European Parliament Council adopted a negotiating mandate for such an
In order to strengthen its relations with the Iraqi Council of agreement the following year. Progress in deepening
Representatives, the EP set up a permanent ad hoc Delegation economic and commercial cooperation with Iran should go in
Strasbourg agreed, on 16 January 1999, to recast the contacts Consumer Dialogue and Transatlantic Business Dialogue) are
in the framework of a Transatlantic Legislators’ ex-officio members of the Group of Advisers, mandated to
Dialogue (TLD). reach out to the broader stakeholder community and to give a
In addition to upgraded twice-yearly meetings, the TLD voice to their concerns.
provides the platform for continued exchange of information The European Parliament has welcomed this inclusion of
through the web, liaison between specialised committees of legislators in the new structure, but noted that it falls short of
both parliaments, teleconferences on subjects of particular its resolutions of 1 June 2006 and 25 April 2007, which
importance, as well as regular meetings with the senior-level reiterated the need to strengthen the parliamentary
group of officials preparing the annual EU–US summits. A dimension of the transatlantic framework and called for
steering committee, co-chaired by the chairs of the Delegation transforming the TLD into a transatlantic assembly.
for Relations with the United States and the Committee on
Foreign Affairs, coordinates all European Parliament activities
g Stefan Schulz
relating to the TLD. July 2008
In the context of the Transatlantic Economic Council above,
the co-chairs of the TLD (along with those of the Transatlantic
Market (Mercosur). Relations between the EU and Mercosur innovative agreement ever concluded by the EU with a
were institutionalised by the framework agreement of 1995, country which is not an applicant for accession.
which paved the way for political cooperation and
negotiations on the establishment of free trade between the
Role of the European Parliament
two parties. At the Madrid Summit in 2002, the representatives
of the EU and Mercosur relaunched the economic and trade Following the 2004 elections, the European Parliament, having
negotiations. In particular, the two parties agreed on a regard to the various agreements signed by the EU with Latin
timetable and negotiating procedures and defined their levels American partners, established delegations for relations with
of expectation with regard to the future agreement. The global Mexico, Central America, the Andean Community, Mercosur
economic slump, and especially the crisis of 2001–02 in and Chile. It also maintains close contact with parliaments in
Argentina, had an adverse impact on the negotiations. At a the region, in particular the Latin American Parliament
ministerial meeting between the EU and Mercosur on (Parlatino), the Central American Parliament (Parlacen), the
12 November 2003, it was decided to complete the Mercosur Joint Parliamentary Committee (CPCM), the Andean
negotiation of an association and free trade agreement in Parliament (Parlandino) and the Congress and Senate in Chile
October 2004 in Lisbon. The failure of this meeting showed and Mexico. Joint parliamentary committees have been
that the main obstacle to the conclusion of the agreement lay established between the European Parliament and the
in its agricultural component. Despite encouragement from parliaments of both countries, as envisaged in the association
the Guadalajara, Vienna and Lima Summits, the negotiations agreements. Since 1974, the European Parliament has also
are still far from being concluded. The conditions for resuming been organising interparliamentary conferences with its Latin
negotiations and the timetable of work are now linked to the American counterpart, the Parlatino, and these have been the
progress of the WTO negotiations on trade liberalisation. main channel of dialogue and cooperation between the
elected representatives of the two regions. A total of
C. Relations with individual countries 17 EU–Latin American interparliamentary conferences have
1. Mexico taken place since 1974; the most recent was held in Lima
in June 2005.
The economic partnership, political coordination and
cooperation agreement, also known as the Mexico–EU Global In its resolution of 26 April 2006, the European Parliament
Agreement, was signed on 8 December 1997. It entered into repeated its call for the adoption of a common EU strategy for
force on 1 July 2000 for industrial and agricultural goods and in Latin America and the Caribbean, to ‘give substance and
March 2001 for services, intellectual property and investments. direction to EU action in launching the strategic bi-regional
Mexican industrial exports have had completely free access to partnership’ agreed upon at the Rio Summit of June 1999 and
the EU market since 2003, and the Mexican market has been reaffirmed at the Madrid, Guadalajara and Vienna Summits. In a
fully open to EU exports since 2007. This fourth-generation very detailed resolution comprising 93 operative paragraphs,
agreement not only created a free trade area but also the European Parliament defines the aims of the common
institutionalised a political dialogue for the promotion of strategy. Foremost among these are:
democratic principles and respect for human rights. The — in the political sphere, creating an EU–Latin American
volume of trade has grown since the entry into force of the Transatlantic Assembly (EuroLat) to reinforce parliamentary
free trade agreement, with EU exports to Mexico increasing by dialogue, signing an EU–Latin American peace and security
30 % and Mexican exports to the EU practically doubling. An charter, setting up a bi-regional conflict prevention centre
agreement on scientific and technological cooperation was and launching a political and security partnership;
signed in 2004. The two parties are also planning to conclude
an agreement in the fields of education, youth and training. — in the economic, financial and commercial spheres, putting
an EU–Latin American free trade area in place by 2012, and
2. Chile simultaneously implementing association agreements
In 1996, a cooperation agreement was concluded between between the EU and its regional partners — Mercosur, the
the EU and Chile. Three years later, negotiations were opened Andean Community and Central America;
on an association agreement. The negotiations were
— in the social and cultural spheres, setting up a bi-regional
completed in March 2002, and the agreement, also of the
solidarity fund, which would support the efforts of the
fourth generation, was signed on 18 November 2002. It
various partners of the EU to combat poverty and social
comprises three strands: politics, trade and development
exclusion in Latin America and would involve participation
cooperation. Provision is made for a political dialogue, in which
and financial support on the part of international public
civil society is also to be involved. The agreement almost
and private funding bodies.
completely opens the economies of both parties, with gradual
liberalisation of trade in Chilean products, 97 % of which will The resolution also emphasises that another of the aims of
have free access to the EU market by January 2012. In the reinforced cooperation should be to promote human rights,
European Parliament, the deal was hailed as an agreement for democracy, good governance, transparency and the rule of
the 21st century, and indeed it is the most ambitious and law, in a context of genuine multilateralism.
6.4.9. Japan
The foundations of EU–Japan relations have been established by the political statement of 1991. Their relations are based
notably on deregulation which aims to limit the number of unnecessary regulations that impede trade and foreign
investment, but also on the promotion of trade and investment.
legislation, trade and customs regulations, visa and work EU seems to be competitive internationally. A striking
permits, intellectual property protection, financial services, the illustration of this is EU exports of office machinery and
EU chemical policy (REACH) and new environmental directives telecommunications equipment. Food products are another
affecting products such as batteries, electrical waste and category where Union exports to Japan should be larger.
Most of these trade issues are being tackled, not only in the
B. Political dialogue framework of WTO but also bilaterally. Europe is determined to
The current structure of the political dialogue between the EU pursue certain unresolved matters bilaterally. In this context, a
and Japan was set out in the joint declaration of 1991 and mutual recognition agreement (MRA) entered into force on 1
consists of: annual consultations between the President of the January 2002. The MRA will cut red tape for trade and mean
European Council, the President of the Commission and the annual savings for exporters of up to EUR 400 m. The MRA
Japanese Prime Minister; annual meetings between the permits acceptance of conformity assessment conducted in
Commission and the Japanese government at ministerial level; one party according to the regulations of the other in four
two annual meetings between the foreign ministers of the product areas (telecommunications terminal equipment and
EU troika including the Commissioner in charge of Foreign radio equipment, electrical products, good laboratory
Relations and the Japanese Foreign Minister, and two annual practices for chemicals and good manufacturing practices for
meetings between the EU political directors troika and the pharmaceuticals), an important step in facilitating market
Japanese Political Director. access.
At the 2000 Tokyo Summit the EU and Japan launched a The agreement on cooperation and anti-competitive activities
decade of cooperation (2001–11) which gave a decisive (Council decision of 16 June 2003) should facilitate bilateral
impetus to the overall EU–Japan relationship and which cooperation in assessing competition aspects of major merger
defined ambitious objectives for a comprehensive and action- and acquisition cases.
oriented partnership. In the WTO the EU and Japan, as the second and third largest
The 17th EU–Japan summit took place in Tokyo on 23 April economies in the world, have established close policy
2008. The leaders reviewed the implementation of the action cooperation. Developing that cooperation is one of the key
plan for EU–Japan cooperation and set priorities for action to initiatives in the action plan.
be taken by the time of the next summit. They also discussed a
wide range of issues aiming at creating a more effective d. Cooperation in other sectors
partnership to address key international issues (especially The EU and Japan cooperate across a very broad range of
climate change, development issues and the world trade subjects. There are standing forums for discussion on sectors
system) more effectively and identify constructive solutions to such as industrial policy, science and technology, research,
bilateral issues. telecommunications and related services, social affairs,
development aid, environmental protection, dialogue on
C. Trade and investment macroeconomics and financial issues as well as transport
Trade and investment links between Japan and the EU remain issues. The EU and Japan are partners in the international
strong. The Japanese market is opening more and more to thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER) project, for which
foreign competition. Yet, total foreign investment in Japan an agreement has been reached on its location in France.
remains very low (less than 2 % of GDP), if compared with Japan, the EU, the US and Korea cooperate in the Korean
other developed countries. The EU remains the leading foreign Energy Development Organisation (KEDO). KEDO was formed
direct investor (FDI) in Japan, but total amounts are falling. In because of the need to reduce the risk of nuclear proliferation
2003/04 Europe had a 33 % share (JPY700 billion) of inward FDI in North Korea and promote the peaceful uses of nuclear
to Japan (compared to JPY1 400 billion in 1999/2000). energy. The European Commission supports the EU–Japan
Likewise, Europe is a popular destination for Japanese Business Dialogue Round Table (EUJBDRT), a private sector
investment. Japan invested JPY1 400 billion in Europe in initiative to strengthen links between European and Japanese
2003/04, representing a 35 % share of Japan’s outward FDI, businesses, and welcomes focused private sector input to
with the US receiving just under 30 %. government authorities to promote trade and investment
Despite China now becoming Japan’s largest trading partner, between Europe and Japan. The EUJBDRT contributes to the
trade between the EU and Japan remains strong. From 1999 to identification of mutually beneficial initiatives and keeps close
2003, EU exports to Japan grew by 3.5 % on average per year. track of the progress achieved by both the European and the
In 2004, 13 % of all Japan’s imports came from the EU (14 % Japanese administrations.
from US, 21 % from China) while the EU remained Japan’s
second largest market with 16 % of Japanese exports, behind Role of the European Parliament
the US on 22 %.
Since 1979, a delegation from the European Parliament meets
The Union is concerned at the lack of a significant increase of most years with a delegation from the Japanese Parliament, the
EU exports to Japan in certain sectors where, nevertheless, the Diet, comprising members of the Upper and the Lower House,
Legal basis followed by China in the second half of the 1970s. A trade
agreement was signed in April 1978.
— Title V of the Treaty on European Union (TEU).
b. In 1980 China was included in the list of countries eligible
— Articles 133 and 310 Treaty establishing the European
for the Community’s generalised system of preferences.
Community (EC).
The 1978 agreement was superseded in 1985 by a broader
agreement on economic and trade cooperation. In 1988
Objectives the Commission opened a Delegation in Beijing.
— To develop trade and other relations between the 2. A setback
European Union and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The progress in relations was brought to a sudden halt by the
— To raise the EU’s political, commercial and economic profile Tiananmen Square massacre in June 1989, which was
in China. immediately condemned by the Community. The Madrid
European Council of 26 and 27 June ordered the suspension of
— To engage China further on the world stage, through its high-level bilateral meetings, the postponement of new
integration into the world economy; to support China’s cooperation projects and cutbacks in existing programmes. An
transition to an open society based upon the rule of law embargo on arms sales and military cooperation was
and respect for human rights. instituted.
— To support the process of economic and social reform 3. The gradual resumption of relations: policy papers
under way in the country. a. Until 1994 Europe’s hopes of seeing a change in Chinese
human rights policy were repeatedly disappointed since
Achievements the arrest and imprisonment of opponents continued.
b. In June 1994 a new framework for bilateral political
I. Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) dialogue was set up.
c. In July 1995 the Commission issued a communication
A. General pattern of relations
entitled ‘A long-term policy for China–Europe relations’,
1. Initial developments which was endorsed by the European Council and
a. It was not until 1975 that China and the EU agreed to reflected China’s rise as a global economic and political
establish official relations to reflect the ‘open door policy’ power. Ever since, EU–China relations have been pursued
under the three main headings: political dialogue consultations between the Commission and China; ad hoc
(including human rights), economic and trade relations meetings between foreign ministers; two annual meetings
and the EU–China cooperation programme. between the Chinese Foreign Minister and the EU
Ambassador in Beijing and, equally, between the foreign
In 1998, the European Commission adopted its
minister of the country holding the Presidency of the EU
communication ‘Building a comprehensive partnership with
Council and the Chinese ambassador to that country.
China’, the main objective of which was to upgrade the EU’s
relationship with the People’s Republic of China. Current EU b. C
oncern about human rights has been a major theme of
policy towards China is based on the Commission’s policy EU–China relations since the Tiananmen Square crackdown
paper of June 2001: ‘EU strategy towards China’. A new in 1989. A dialogue solely devoted to human rights has
policy paper ‘A maturing partnership: shared interests and been established since 1996. To that effect, two annual
challenges in EU–China relations’ was endorsed on 13 meetings are held between the EU troika and the Chinese
October 2003. The 2003 policy paper suggests ways of government. Topics raised have included the ‘fundamental
further developing EU–China relations by enhancing the rights’ of political dissidents, treatment of religious faiths
existing mechanisms and the systematic inclusion of global and the Falungong spiritual movement, freedom of
and regional governance and security issues. expression, application of torture and the death penalty
and the situation of ethnic minorities. The situation in Tibet
The Commission produced in late 2006 two separate but
and individual cases are also raised. The dialogue is
coordinated communications to define the overall future
complemented by financial support to projects such as
approach to the relationship. ‘EU–China: closer partners,
implementation of UN human rights covenants, local
growing responsibilities’ takes stock of EU–China relations
democracy and judicial reform.
in the context of China’s re-emergence as a global
economic and political power. It signals the EU’s wish to The first regular EU–China political summit was held in
continue and further intensify its comprehensive London in April 1998. The most recent summit, the 10th,
engagement with China. The communication pursues a took place in Beijing on 28 November 2007. Leaders took
five-pronged strategy that focuses on the support for stock of the progress achieved over the decade in EU–
China’s transition towards a plural society, the promotion of China relations, and called it historical. They discussed the
sustainable development, the improvement of our trade full range of bilateral and international issues, with
and economic relations, the strengthening of our bilateral particular focus on strengthening cooperation on some of
cooperation as well as the fostering of regional and today’s key global challenges, such as climate change and
international cooperation. More generally, the energy security and supporting development in Africa.
communication stresses that increased responsibilities and Apart from discussions on bilateral issues — including the
expectations should go hand in hand with China’s stronger state of play on negotiations for a PCA, and concerns about
influence and position in the world. Released the same day exchange rate/trade deficit — EU and Chinese leaders also
as the communication, the working paper on EU–China exchanged views on regional and international issues,
trade and investment, ‘Competition and partnership’, including Burma/Myanmar, non-proliferation in North
further elaborates on policy options to ensure mutually Korea and Iran, and the Middle East peace process. Both
beneficial trade relations. sides agreed to establish a high-level economic and trade
dialogue to discuss strategies in EU–China trade,
d. C
hina released on 13 October 2003 its first ever policy investment and economic cooperation, and the EIB signed
paper on the EU. China supports EU integration and called a EUR 500 million framework loan to support projects that
the EU to grant it ‘full market economy status’. China contribute to combating climate change. On the other
expects the EU to become China’s largest trading and hand progress has been limited since the last summit on
investment partner. the main contentious issues of the arms embargo, market
e. In December 2005 the Council gave a mandate to the economy status and human rights.
Commission to replace the ‘EEC–China trade and On 12 February 2004, the European Community and the
cooperation agreement’, agreed in 1985, with a China National Tourism Administration signed an accord
comprehensive partnership and cooperation agreement that will facilitate Chinese group tourism to the EU (except
(PCA) setting out the agenda for EU–China relations in the for the non-Schengen countries, which will seek bilateral
21st century. Negotiations were launched in January 2007 agreements).
and will include an updating of the 1985 trade agreement.
c. T he handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997 did not affect
B. Current relations EU relations with Hong Kong, where it still has a
1. Political relations Delegation.
a. P
olitical dialogue continues within the framework d. E qually, the handover of Macau in 1999 had no effect on
established in 1994. This comprises regular meetings of relations with the EU, and the trade and cooperation
ministers of the EU troika with Chinese ministers; high-level agreement remained valid. In November 1999 the
People’s Congress (NPC). The meeting agenda dealt with, inter The European Parliament has also addressed more
alia, global security issues, human rights, EU–China relations, controversial issues such as the Taiwan question (13 April 2000,
the world financial situation and agricultural development. In 7 July 2005 and 18 May 2006), the arms embargo
its numerous resolutions dealing with China, the European (18 December 2003 and 17 November 2004), the protection of
Parliament has significantly contributed to enhancing bilateral human rights (resolution of 15 February 2001 and of
cooperation between the EU and China (visas, the WTO, 8 September 2005 on freedom of religion in the PRC),
science and technology, maritime transport), for example, especially in Tibet (resolutions of 13 April 2000, 19 December
European Parliament resolutions of 7 September 2006, 2002, 13 January 2005, 27 October 2005, 15 December 2005
25 October 2001, 9 February 1999 and 12 June 1997 on jointly with concerns over democracy in Hong Kong,
EU–China relations; a resolution of 2 September 2003 on 26 October 2006 and 10 April 2008).
maritime transport; a resolution of 25 October 2001 on China’s The EP has urged the Chinese government to respond to
accession to the WTO; a resolution of 4 November 1999 on international calls for improvement in the human rights
EC–China technological and scientific cooperation. A situation and to guarantee democracy, freedom of expression,
resolution was adopted on 6 September 2005 on trade in freedom of the media and political and religious freedom in
textiles and clothing; on 17 January 2006 on farming of bear China. On the question of Taiwan, the EP rejected military
bile; on 17 January 2006 on EU–China relations in the field of threats and called on both China and Taiwan to refrain from
transport; on 26 September 2007 on the safety of products, provocative actions and to find a negotiated solution to their
and toys in particular; on 11 October 2007 on the conclusion differences. The EP has also called upon the Council and the
of the relevant agreements under Article XXI GATS and on Member States to maintain the EU embargo on trade in arms
13 December 2007 on the EU–China summit and the with the People’s Republic of China.
EU/China human rights dialogue. Recently, in 2008, three more
resolutions were adopted by the European Parliament (EP): a
resolution of 23 April 2008 on China’s policy and its effects on g Xavier Nuttin
Africa; a resolution of 22 May 2008 on the natural disaster that July 2008
struck Sichuan province; and a resolution of 10 July 2008 on
the situation in China after the earthquake and before the
Olympic Games.
The EU’s objectives with regard to south Asia include
strengthening its bilateral relations with the countries of the A. SAARC relations
area, and consolidating the regional cooperation process Europe is the south Asian countries’ most important trading
represented by the South Asian Association for Regional partner and a major export market. Development cooperation
cooperation, but it opens up possibilities for dialogue and economic growth and contributing towards the country’s
cooperation in important new areas, including the integration in the world market, issues of exclusion and
environment, regional cooperation, science and technology, poverty remain priorities. In order to increase the impact of the
drugs and money-laundering. However, since mid-2004, the measures and to promote greater efficiency in the use of
EU has not gone ahead with full implementation of the resources, the EC will concentrate the scope of its
agreement because of stalled negotiations on readmission development commitments on three focal areas: human and
(return of illegal migrants). social development; good governance and human rights;
economic and trade development.
The EU is Pakistan’s largest trading partner, accounting for
more than 20 % of Pakistan’s total trade. 4. Sri Lanka
Since the start of its cooperation with Pakistan in 1976, the Sri Lanka first signed a cooperation agreement with the EU in
Commission has committed more than EUR 500 million to 1975. A third-generation agreement came into force in 1995,
projects and programmes. Over 2007–13 the EU will make focusing on partnership, cooperation, and respect for human
available some EUR 398 million for development and rights and democracy, the same year that the Commission
economic cooperation with Pakistan. opened a Delegation in Colombo. The Joint Commission met
in Colombo on 10 and 11 June 2008, after a four-year delay.
In line with Pakistan’s policy priorities, the ‘Country strategy
paper 2007–13’ has identified poverty reduction as the key The EU is one of the four co-chairs that were appointed by the
objective. The first focal area for assistance will be rural June 2003 Tokyo conference to support Norway’s facilitation
development and natural resources management in North- effort and monitor progress in the peace process. The
West Frontier Province (NWFP) and Baluchistan with a view to European Union decided on 29 May 2006 to include the
reducing regional disparities and promoting stability in Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) on the EU list for the
Pakistan’s sensitive provinces bordering Afghanistan. The application of specific measures to combat terrorism and
second focal area will be education and human resources issued on 7 January 2008 a statement deeply regretting the
development, which is a critical ingredient for developing a government’s decision to terminate the ceasefire agreement
well-trained workforce and creating a moderate and stable with the LTTE. Since 1 July 2005 Sri Lanka has been benefiting
Pakistan. Other areas of assistance are trade development, from the new GSP+ preferential trade system, which offers
democratisation and human rights and anti-money- specific incentives for countries having ratified certain
laundering. conventions on sustainable development and good
governance. A review of the GSP+ scheme is, however, taking
In response to the October 2005 earthquake in Azad Kashmir, place in 2008.
the Commission proposed an assistance package of
EUR 98.6 million, consisting of both humanitarian aid and Following the tsunami that hit Sri Lanka on 26 December 2004
reconstruction support. and caused massive flooding, death and devastation, major
assistance was provided to the country. Initial emergency relief
3. Bangladesh assistance was sent through ECHO, quickly followed by large
Relations with Bangladesh date back to 1973, shortly after the rehabilitation/reconstruction programmes with a
country’s independence. EUR 95 million budget allocation. Flanking measures in trade,
fisheries and early warning systems were also approved.
The commercial cooperation agreement signed in 1976 has
now been replaced by a new cooperation agreement, signed The 2007–13 EU–Sri Lanka ‘Country strategy paper’ (CSP) for
in 2000, and in force since March 2001. This newer agreement which an envelope of EUR 112 million has been set aside is in
aims to support sustainable economic and social development line with the EC’s established strategy of focusing on conflict
of Bangladesh and particularly of the poorest sections of its prevention and poverty reduction. The priority sector will be
population, with special emphasis on women, taking into support to the peace process and poverty reduction in the
account its least-developed country status. It focuses on trade north and east through sustainable integrated district
and commercial cooperation, development cooperation, development. In addition, the CSP includes a smaller allocation
environmental policies, the establishment of a more to support two non-focal sectors: first, trade facilitation
favourable climate for private investment, science and including assistance to Sri Lanka to take maximum advantage
technology, the fight against drug trafficking and money- of the significant trade concessions offered by the EU,
laundering, and activities in the field of information, culture specifically under the generalised system of preferences
and communication. (GSP+) scheme. The second non-focal sector is the promotion
of good governance through electoral reform, human rights
The EC’s ‘Country strategy paper 2007–13’ for Bangladesh
monitoring and advocacy and conflict resolution.
addresses the challenges contained in the government’s
poverty reduction strategy paper with an indicative budget The political and security situation in the country has, however,
allocation of EUR 403 million. At the same time, the EC strategy led the EC to start implementation of the CSP according to the
seeks to strike a balance between social and economic ‘full scale war’ scenario, meaning that support focuses on the
development commitments; while providing support for communities and people who have been uprooted and is
project to strengthen controls on the Afghanistan–Iran border In the sixth term a resolution on the EU–India strategic
so the authorities are better able to interdict and stop drug partnership was adopted on 29 September 2005 and another
smugglers. on economic and trade relations on 28 September 2006.
Resolutions on Kashmir were voted on 17 November 2005 and
EC representation in Kabul has been operational since
24 May 2007. The EP also voted on 1 February 2007 a
February 2002. The ECHO Afghanistan office opened in
resolution on the human rights situation of the Dalits.
January 2002. An EU Special Representative has been sent to
Kabul in order to implement EU policy in Afghanistan, by way 2. Pakistan
of close contact with Afghan leaders and those of surrounding The EP reminded Pakistan of the importance that the EU
countries, to promote a stable government for Afghanistan. attaches to respect for human rights as an integral part of its
external relations and of any cooperation agreement. It
Role of the European Parliament reiterated its call on the Commission to institute cooperation
programmes offering active support to NGOs in the human
A. SAARC relations rights field (resolution of 5 April 2001). Its concerns over the
The European Parliament (EP) has recommended the fairness of the general elections of October 2002 led the
strengthening of economic, political and cultural ties between Council to postpone ratification of the 2001 cooperation
the EU and Asia in general, particularly through increased agreement until April 2004. A new resolution on human rights
trade and investment, and better coordination in the fields of and democracy was adopted on the same day. It has also
cooperation and development with the most-developed expressed concern over Pakistan’s nuclear status, calling on it
countries in the region. It has emphasised the efforts made to on 17 November 2005 to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
improve democratic freedoms, human and minority rights, Treaty (NPT). The EP adopted a resolution on country strategy
social rights, and health and environmental protection papers and indicative programmes (15 February 2007) and
regulations. In April 2007, the EP Delegation for relations with three resolutions on the humanitarian and political situation
SAARC countries was split into a Delegation for relations with on 12 July 2007, on 25 October 2007 and on 15 November 2007.
India and a Delegation for relations with south Asia covering
3. Bangladesh
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives.
The EP has expressed concern at the human rights situation
B. Bilateral relations (arbitrary arrests, detention and torture) in Bangladesh. It
The European Parliament has passed numerous resolutions on encouraged the Government of Bangladesh to protect human
the political developments, including human rights, in the rights and apply democratic principles in all areas, including
SAARC countries. their action to deal with rising crime rates. It called on the
Commission to engage with the Government of Bangladesh
1. India under the EU–Bangladesh cooperation agreement to ensure
The EP believes that there is a considerable potential for an all- that violations stop, human rights are protected and the EP is
round bilateral relationship between the European Union and kept informed (resolution of 21 November 2002). In the sixth
India, given India’s values of democracy, cultural pluralism and a term a resolution on the political developments and security
robust entrepreneurial spirit which are underpinned by free situation was adopted on 14 April 2005. Since then, the EP has
elections, an independent judiciary, a free national and regional addressed the political and humanitarian situation in
press, active NGOs as well as an open and transparent civil Bangladesh every year (resolutions of 16 November 2006,
society, and thus called for the organisation of a comprehensive 6 September 2007 and 10 July 2008).
dialogue that covers all aspects of bilateral relations, including
issues relating to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. It 4. Sri Lanka
has urged India to continue the dialogue with Pakistan and The EP has repeatedly (18 May 2000, 14 March 2002 and
welcomed India’s efforts to strengthen regional cooperation 20 November 2003) stated its views on the political situation in
between the Member States of SAARC, in particular its efforts to Sri Lanka, particularly drawing attention to the need for human
promote the south Asian free trade area. rights to be respected and for support for the peace process in
the resolution of the ethnic conflict between the Singhalese
The first meeting between the European Parliament and the Lok majority and the Tamil minority. On 14 December 2004, a
Sabha, the lower chamber of the Indian parliament, took place resolution was adopted supporting the EC–Sri Lanka
in 1981 and parliamentary exchanges between the EP and India agreement on the readmission of persons residing without
have been institutionalised for several years under the EP authorisation. In 2006, two resolutions on the political situation
Delegation for relations with the countries of south Asia and the in Sri Lanka were adopted, on 18 May and on 7 September.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). On
12 April 2007 the EP decided to set up a specific Delegation for 5. Nepal
relations with India distinct from the SAARC Delegation. The The EP expressed its deep concern at the breakdown of the
objective of the new Delegation is to enhance political, ceasefire and the recent upsurge in violence in Nepal leading
economic and cultural relations with this new strategic partner to huge loss of life and injury. It urged the Government of
with a particular emphasis on parliamentary diplomacy. Nepal and the Maoist rebels to declare an immediate ceasefire
— to support the development of the less prosperous 1. The 1980 cooperation agreement
countries; The EU–ASEAN relationship dates from 1972, when a Special
Coordinating Committee of ASEAN was set up to deal with the
— to promote human rights, democratic principles and good
EU. Since then the EU has built up an extensive network of
commercial, economic and political relations with ASEAN.
— to cooperate in combating transnational crime and Relations were formalised in 1980 with the conclusion of a
terrorism; cooperation agreement It sets out objectives for commercial,
— to bring together peoples and cultures. economic and development cooperation and establishes a
Joint Cooperation Committee to promote the various
cooperation activities envisaged by the two sides. Although it
is a cooperation rather than a trade agreement, it provides for
most-favoured-nation treatment in accordance with the WTO.
2. Developments after the 1980 agreement The ASEM 6 summit was held in Helsinki in September 2006
When Brunei (1984), Vietnam (1995), Laos (1997) and and held comprehensive, in-depth and fruitful discussions on
Cambodia (1999) joined ASEAN, the EU agreed to the various topical issues of common interest under the
accession of these countries to the 1980 cooperation overarching theme: ‘Ten years of ASEM: global challenges joint
agreement. Burma/Myanmar became a member of ASEAN in responses’. The summit adopted the Helsinki Declaration on
1997 but the agreement was not extended to that country. the future of ASEM, identifying the key areas where ASEM
should focus its work in the second decade. These include
ASEAN–EU relations have changed radically since the 1980
strengthening multilateralism and addressing global threats,
agreement, above all as a result of the remarkable growth of
globalisation and competitiveness, sustainable development
south-east Asian countries and the evolution of ASEAN
and intercultural and interfaith dialogue. The declaration also
towards a political and economic community. In 1980 relations
proposes, in its annex on ASEM working methods and
were conducted on a donor–recipient basis. They have
institutional mechanisms, improvements to ASEM’s
evolved towards balanced trade, development of investment,
institutional mechanisms, while stressing its informal nature.
greater economic cooperation and a growing political
dialogue. ASEAN has been given a primary role in the EU’s b. ASEAN–EU Ministerial Meeting (AEMM)
strategy for Asia, adopted in July 1994. This strategy seeks to
strengthen links between Asia and Europe and is the EU Attended by foreign ministers every second year since 1978,
response to the changing political and economic situation in the AEMM is the highest institutional level providing the
the region. strategic guidance for monitoring progress in political
In September 2001, the European Commission presented its
communication ‘Europe and Asia: a strategic framework for After suspension due to the Burma/Myanmar problem, an
enhanced partnerships’, which identified ASEAN as a key AEMM held in December 2000 in Laos approved a joint
economic and political partner of the EC and emphasised its declaration which called for a rapid resumption of talks
importance as a locomotive for overall relations between between the military junta of Burma/Myanmar in Rangoon/
Europe and Asia. The Commission communication ‘A new Yangon and the democratic opposition. The declaration also
partnership with south-east Asia’, presented in July 2003, backed the joint efforts of the international community and
reaffirms the importance of the EC–ASEAN partnership. Indonesia to quickly solve the refugee situation in East Timor,
mentioned respect for human rights, and placed back on track
B. Present relations cooperation between the EU and ASEAN in economic and
1. Political regional security matters.
a. Asia–Europe Meetings (ASEM)
Political and security relations between Asia and the major At the 15th AEMM held in Indonesia in March 2005, the EU’s
powers have been undergoing a gradual and profound shift, ‘New partnership with south-east Asia’ strategy was confirmed
following the end of the Cold War. The new Asia strategy was as being at the origin of enhanced relations. The meeting
given a boost with the first Asia–Europe Meeting (ASEM), an decided to increase support for ASEAN integration and to
informal gathering of Heads of State, held in Bangkok in 1996. develop concrete joint cooperation in the fight against
The ASEM brings together the EU Member States with the 10 terrorism. The meeting also provided the Commission with an
Member States of ASEAN but also with China, Japan and Korea occasion to brief the region on the EC’s substantial action plan
and has developed into a structure with three pillars: political; for post-tsunami reconstruction.
economic and financial; cultural and intellectual. The ASEM 6 The 16th ASEAN–EU Ministerial Meeting took place in
summit held in September 2006 in Helsinki decided to admit Nuremberg on 14 and 15 March 2007. There was a shared
Bulgaria and Romania on the European side, and India, perception that the EU and ASEAN, together representing
Mongolia, Pakistan and the ASEAN Secretariat on the Asian around 1 billion people and committed to the same principles
side to the ASEM process. The decision means that ASEM will of regional and multilateral cooperation, had a very great
now bring together in a single forum countries from south- potential to work together to address global challenges. The
east Asia, north-east Asia, south Asia and an enlarged EU, as meeting discussed the progress made in the EC–ASEAN
well as the ASEAN Secretariat and the European Commission. cooperation programmes, the negotiations of partnership and
It will consist of 45 partners and encompass nearly 60 % of the cooperation agreements, the various sector dialogues
world’s population. between the two regions, and the strengthening of the
The third ASEM summit, in Seoul 2000, adopted a 10-year economic relations. The ministers discussed regional
‘action framework’ and declared support for ‘rapprochement’ developments in the EU and ASEAN and a range of
between the two Koreas. Both parties called for cultural links international issues. The meeting marked a step change in
to be strengthened through the Europe–Asia Foundation in EU–ASEAN relations, reflecting a wish by both sides to increase
Singapore (ASEF), the only institution from ASEM dialogue engagement at a time when ASEAN accelerates the pace of its
charged with promoting cultural, intellectual and people-to- own integration and the EU seeks an enhanced role in south-
people contacts between the two regions. east Asia.
democracy, the pursuit of national reconciliation and the due to begin in 2008. In parallel to the trade and
protection of human rights in Burma/Myanmar. cooperation agreement, an agreement on cooperation and
mutual administrative assistance in customs matters has
On 26 April 2004, the EU common position on Burma/
been in force since 1997. Additionally, the EU has
Myanmar was extended by the Council in view of the military
established a permanent forum for consultation, sharing
regime’s failure to make any significant progress in normalising
experience and views on competition policy as well as its
administration of the country and addressing any of the EU’s
enforcement, and is currently negotiating a more specific
concerns as regards human rights. Specifically, the visa ban on
cooperation agreement concerning the application of
senior military officials travelling to the EU was extended while
competition laws to anti-competitive activities.
new restrictions have been authorised to prohibit EU
companies from investing in State-owned enterprises of 3. In view of the rapidly growing economic partnership,
Burma/Myanmar. Following the monks’ uprising in September South Korea was designated a priority partner for a free
2007 the EU Council decided on 15 October 2007 to increase trade agreement (FTA) in the ‘Global Europe’ trade policy
direct pressure on the regime through additional restrictive strategy of 2006. A comprehensive and ambitious FTA with
measures on exports, imports and investments in the sectors South Korea, including far-reaching liberalisation of
of logs and timber and mining of metals, minerals, precious services and investment, is deemed to lie in the interests of
and semi-precious stones. The EU also calls for the immediate both sides. Launched in Seoul in May 2007, negotiations
release of all political prisoners and for an international went into their seventh round in May 2008. Despite
embargo on arms exports to the regime. Targeted financial divergence on issues such as industrial tariffs and rules of
sanctions to prevent access to international banking services origin, and the popular backlash against trade with the
by leading military officials and their business partners are also USA over beef, both sides believe it is possible to complete
on the books. negotiations in 2008.
The common position has been renewed again on 29 April 4. Today’s relationship between South Korea and the EU is
2008 but at the same time the EU follows a balanced policy founded on: (i) increasingly shared political values;
that combines pressure with incentives to change (ii) strong economic links reflecting large bilateral trade and
(humanitarian assistance and support to health and education investment flows; and (iii) the EU’s reiterated support for
programmes) and where sanctions are part of a broader South Korea’s ‘sunshine’ policy of engagement with the
toolkit. The EU is ready to review or amend these measures in north. On the global scene, the EU and South Korea
light of developments on the ground. cooperate closely in a number of multilateral frameworks
apart from cooperation in the framework of the WTO; both
II. The Korean peninsula parties also have a close relationship within the
Asian–Europe Meeting (ASEM). The ‘Trans-Eurasia
A. The Republic of Korea information network’, launched in 2001, is one of the joint
EU–Korea initiatives.
1. Economic relations of the EU with South Korea are strong.
From a Korean perspective, the EU has become its second
B. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
largest export partner (after China). The total volume of
bilateral trade has grown by an average of 10 % per annum 1. Diplomatic relations with the Democratic People’s Republic
in recent years, and exceeded EUR 60 billion in 2006. The of Korea (North Korea) were established in May 2001. Since
EU is also the largest foreign investor, both on an annual 1998, there have been annual political dialogue troika
base, where it accounts for a third of the total inflow into meetings between the EU and North Korea at Regional
South Korea, and in terms of cumulative total since 1962. Director level. In addition, EU–North Korean contacts are
maintained through the heads of missions in Pyongyang
2. A strong attachment to democratic values in South Korea, and possible ad hoc visits by North Korean authorities to
and the rapid development of this country’s market Europe. On the issue of human rights, the EU had raised its
economy have allowed the development of close political concerns during this political dialogue, as well as in UN
and economic links between South Korea and the EU. forums.
These are currently based on the framework agreement on
trade and cooperation, which was signed in 1996 and 2. The basis of EU–North Korea economic ties is one-way aid.
entered into force in 2001. This agreement commits the The EC has provided various aid packages, including
parties to developing trade and investment and also EUR 344 million in food and humanitarian aid since 1995,
provides for collaboration in the fields of justice, home with the humanitarian assistance programme (through
affairs, science and culture. The agreement provides for a ECHO) alone worth EUR 93 million. The food aid/food
Joint Committee, regular summit meetings and a security programme initially concentrated on cereals,
ministerial troika. In April 2007, the Council of the EU called maize, sugar and oil donations, but it has been increasingly
for an updating of the framework agreement as part of a oriented towards agricultural rehabilitation since 2000
wider strengthening of relations. Negotiations on this are (fertilisers and agricultural inputs).
— harmonisation of emissions monitoring, reporting, The joint declaration also sets up a consultative framework
verification and certification procedures; and in which such cooperation can take place:
— the integration of migrants and the link between The mutual recognition agreement (1999) facilitates trade in
development and migration; industrial products between the EU and New Zealand. It
covers exchanges estimated at more than EUR 500 million in
— exchange of information on trafficking in human beings sectors such as medical devices, pharmaceutical goods and
and related transnational crime; telecommunications terminal equipment. A parallel
— exchange of information on new technologies and agreement was also signed with Australia. These agreements
electronic support structures to assist in combating are the first mutual recognition agreements the EU has ever
irregular migration and identity and document fraud. signed with a third country.
g Stefan Schulz
July 2008
Parliament’s powers, given that it conferred vast implementing content, the EP secured education and health as priority
powers on the Commission and the Council, at the expense of sectors for the Community’s development assistance: 20 % of
Parliament’s legislative and budgetary powers. Negotiations all assistance must go to these sectors in 2009.
came to a satisfactory conclusion at the end of 2006, however,
and the EP obtained a right of oversight with regard to country
(CSPs) and regional (geographic programmes) strategy papers, g Armelle Douaud
as well as with regard to thematic programmes. In terms of July 2008
g Levente Csaszi
July 2008
Legal basis — to support civil operations to protect the victims of fighting
or comparable emergencies, in accordance with current
Article 179 of the Treaty establishing the European
international agreements.
Community (EC).
The Community has been involved in humanitarian aid
The regulatory framework of EC humanitarian operations is operations since the end of the 1960s. The significant amount
Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/96 of 20 June 1996. of aid supplied since the late 1980s has made it a key element
According to the regulation, the Community’s humanitarian of the Community’s international policy. The EU — the
aid shall comprise assistance, relief and protection operations, European Commission and the Member States, collectively
conducted on a non-discriminatory basis to help people in — has now become the world’s largest provider of
third countries, and especially the most vulnerable among humanitarian aid, contributing in 2006 with over EUR 2 billion
them. In particular, the principal objectives of EC humanitarian (more than 40 % of official international assistance). Since
aid operations shall be: 1992, EC humanitarian aid is managed by the Directorate-
General for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO).
— to save and preserve life during emergencies, natural
disasters and their immediate aftermath; A. Role of ECHO
— to provide the necessary assistance and relief to people ECHO was established with the aim of centralising the
affected by long-lasting crises arising, in particular, from Commission’s humanitarian aid operations and thereby
outbreaks of fighting or wars; organising them more effectively. ECHO does not
implement assistance programmes itself; it funds
— to help finance the transport of aid and efforts to ensure operations through more than 200 partners (NGOs, UN
that it is accessible to those for whom it is intended; agencies, international organisations — such as the Red
Cross/Red Crescent Movement).
— to carry out short-term rehabilitation and reconstruction
work, especially on infrastructure and equipment, with a ECHO’s main task is to ensure that humanitarian goods and
view to facilitating the arrival of relief; services get through these partners to vulnerable populations
in crisis zones effectively and rapidly, that they are delivered
— to cope with the consequences of population movements according to real needs, and to ensure sound financial
(refugees, displaced people and returnees) caused by management.
natural and man-made disasters;
The rapidity of aid delivery is facilitated by special provisions in
— to ensure preparedness for risks of natural disasters or the Financial Regulation and its implementing rules, thus
comparable exceptional circumstances and use a suitable allowing the Commission to take emergency decisions on
rapid early warning and intervention system; financing relief. These decisions can inject up to EUR 3 million
D. Sources and destination of ECHO funds The largest single funding allocations in 2007 were devoted to
Sudan, the Palestinian territories and the Democratic Republic
1. The budget
of the Congo.
ECHO has two primary sources of funds: the general budget of
the European Union and the European Development Fund ECHO’s aid strategy remains continuously focused on
(EDF), to be used for exceptional humanitarian assistance to ‘forgotten crises’: situations where major humanitarian needs
ACP countries (countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the receive little attention on the part of the donors — reflected
Pacific). The Commission applies the same principles and by the low level of aid received compared to the needs — and
guidelines for aid financed from the EDF and aid from the the media. The forgotten crises identified in 2007 were:
general budget. Sahrawi refugees, Chechnya, Jammu and Kashmir (India),
Nepal, Burma/Myanmar and Colombia. Apart from Colombia,
In order to be able to respond rapidly to specific aid all these crises were already identified as ‘forgotten crises’ in
requirements resulting from events which could not have 2006. The amount of funds allocated to ‘forgotten crises’ has
been foreseen when the budget was established, ECHO may been decreasing over the recent years: EUR 89 million in 2005
also call on an Emergency Aid Reserve. For this to be (18.7 % of the budget), EUR 65 million in 2006 (14 % of the
mobilised, there needs to be trilateral agreement between the budget) and EUR 60.7 million in 2007 (13 % of the budget).
Commission, the Council and the Parliament. The year 2007
b. Disaster preparedness
was exceptional in that no major unexpected crises or
disasters occurred and, subsequently, ECHO did not have to Natural disasters are mostly impossible to avert. However, their
draw on the Commission’s Emergency Aid Reserve. negative impact can often be substantially reduced or
prevented. In line with its mandate, ECHO promotes disaster
ECHO, like all other Commission departments, is accountable preparedness through coordination, advocacy and Dipecho,
to the Parliament and the Council, notably through annual its specific programme on disaster preparedness, which has
reports detailing its activities. Its budget management is also been operational since 1998. Dipecho finances community-
subject to ongoing auditing by the Court of Auditors, which based projects aimed at enhancing the prevention and
reports to Parliament and the Council. Every year, Parliament response capacities of vulnerable communities, emphasising
and the Council are invited to give their opinion on the training, capacity building, awareness raising, the
discharge of past budgets. establishment or improvement of local early warning systems
and contingency planning. Dipecho now covers six disaster-
Since 1992 to date, ECHO has provided over EUR 7 billion of prone regions (Central America, South America, the Caribbean,
humanitarian aid in more than 85 countries worldwide. ECHO’s central Asia, south Asia and south-east Asia). Since its creation,
budget was modest at the outset, but it rose rapidly to reach a Dipecho has financed more than 400 projects worldwide,
level similar to the assistance provided bilaterally by the EU worth over EUR 119 million. In 2007 an amount of EUR 19.5
Member States. Between 2000 and 2005, ECHO’s average million was allocated to the Dipecho programme (2.5 % of the
annual budget was EUR 543 million (including the Emergency total budget).
Aid Reserve). For the period 2007–13, this budget will
gradually increase to an annual budget of EUR 875 million in Furthermore, ECHO actively cooperates with the main
2013, though a large part of this increase is due to the transfer development cooperation actors, aiming to better integrate
of the humanitarian food aid budget line to ECHO as of disaster risk reduction into development activities and ensure
1 January 2007 (previously managed by EuropeAid together a stronger linkage with efforts relating to climate change
with food security operations). ECHO’s allocations in 2007 adaptation in high-level risk countries.
amounted to almost EUR 769 million.
c. Thematic funding
2. Allocation of funds The EU commitment to working closely with international
a. Country/region interventions institutions in improving global humanitarian response
capacity is demonstrated through ECHO’s thematic funding
In terms of geographical distribution of humanitarian programme. In 2007, a total of EUR 27.5 million was allocated
interventions, the relative share of the funding to ACP to supporting the reinforcement of institutional capacities of
countries has continuously increased, apart from 2005, when UN agencies and the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement.
two big crises in Asia received most of the funding: the Indian
Ocean tsunami and the earthquake in Kashmir. In 2007 ACP
countries received EUR 422.7 million (i.e. 55 % of the total final Role of the European Parliament
ECHO budget), followed by Asia (EUR 110 million or 14 % of Through its opinions and resolutions, the European Parliament
the budget), the Middle East and North Africa (EUR 99 million (EP) has always expressed its concern with regard to
or 12.8 % of the budget), Latin America (EUR 32 million or 4 % humanitarian aid, thus bringing considerable pressure to bear
of the budget) and, finally, eastern Europe and the new for a constant improvement to, and development of, a range
independent States (NIS) — including Chechnya (EUR 25.8 of instruments. In particular, the idea of creating ECHO
million or 3.3 % of the budget). originated in the EP.
Legal basis procedures for the allocation of aid. References to the aims of
Article 310 of the Treaty establishing the European curbing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and
Community (EC). combating terrorism were also added to the agreement.
Objectives Achievements
Following the expiration of the fourth Lomé Convention on A. Previous agreements
29 February 2000, the partnership agreement signed in 1. From Yaoundé to Lomé
Cotonou, Benin, on 23 June 2000 established a new 20-year
Part Four of the EEC Treaty, together with an implementing
framework for future relations between the European Union
convention, governed relations between the EEC and overseas
(EU) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.
countries and territories (OCTs). After these countries gained
Just like the Lomé Convention, the Cotonou Agreement aims
independence, the 18-member, and later 19-member, African
to improve the standards of living and economic development
States, Madagascar and Mauritius (ASMM) group became
of the ACP countries and establish close cooperation with
associated with the EEC under the two Yaoundé Conventions
them on a spirit of true partnership. The new agreement,
(1964–69 and 1971–75). At the same time, the Convention of
however, differs from the previous conventions in that its
Arusha (1971–75) established trade links with the three east
coverage extends beyond the traditional range of
African States of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
development issues. Its main aim is the eradication of poverty
through fuller integration of the ACP States into the world Protocol 22 to the Acts of Accession of the United Kingdom,
trading system. It also reinforces the institutional and political Ireland and Denmark offered the 20 Commonwealth countries
dimension of ACP–EU relations, especially in crucial areas such in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific the opportunity to
as human rights, democracy and good governance. The first negotiate on the structure of their future relations with the
revision of the agreement, in 2005, was designed to improve EEC. Other African States that were not members of the
political dialogue, to enshrine all parties’ recognition of the Commonwealth or the ASMM group were also given the same
jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and to simplify option.
This led to the First Lomé Convention (1975–80) which was development, financial cooperation and regional integration.
followed by three more (1981–85, 1986–90 and 1990-2000). Development strategies focus on the reduction of poverty,
which they establish as a priority objective.
2. The fourth Lomé Convention
The fourth Lomé Convention was signed on 15 December 3. The institutional and political dimension
1989 for a period of 10 years and came into force on 1 March a. institutions
1990, while the associated Financial Protocol was adopted for The joint institutions are the Council of Ministers, the Committee
five years only. The amended Convention resulting from the of Ambassadors and the Joint Parliamentary Assembly. The new
mid-term review and the second Financial Protocol to the agreement renames the former Joint Assembly ‘the Joint
Lomé IV Convention were signed on 4 November 1995 and Parliamentary Assembly’ in order to emphasise the parliamentary
expired on 29 February 2000. nature of this body. Included in the tasks of the Joint
Practically all products originating in the ACP States (99.5 %) Parliamentary Assembly is the organisation of regular contacts,
had free access to the Community. Reciprocal arrangements not only with economic and social actors as in the previous
were not compulsory; the ACP countries were merely required Lomé Convention, but also with civil society (Article 17). The
to grant the EU most-favoured-nation status. The Stabex main innovation as regards the Joint Council of Ministers is the
system (stabilisation of export earnings) guaranteed the ACP broadening of its mandate to conduct an ongoing dialogue with
countries a certain level of export earnings by protecting the representatives of the social and economic partners and other
latter against the fluctuations to which they would normally members of civil society (Article 15).
be subject as a result of the functioning of markets or the b. Actors in the partnership (Articles 4 to 7)
vicissitudes of production. The system for mineral products
One of the most significant innovations of the new agreement
(Sysmin) provided subsidies to deal with temporary
is the inclusion of a chapter on the actors involved in the ACP–
production or export problems in the mining sector. Under
EU partnership. The ACP countries recognise the
Lomé IV the system covered eight minerals.
complementary role of non-governmental players in the
As a result of the mid-term review, a clause (Article 366a) was development process. To this end, non-governmental bodies
inserted under which aid to a State might be partially or totally are informed and involved in consultation on cooperation
suspended if it breached Article 5 (human rights, democracy policies and on the political dialogue. They are involved in the
and the rule of law) of the convention. implementation of cooperation projects and provided with
adequate support for capacity building.
B. The conclusion of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement
1. Process c. Political dialogue (Articles 8 to 10)
The negotiations on the ACP–EU Partnership Agreement were The parties are to engage regularly in a comprehensive and
concluded in Brussels on 3 February 2000. A separate balanced political dialogue conducted in a flexible manner at the
agreement was signed with South Africa (6.5.1) in pursuance appropriate level in order to exchange information and to
of the protocol establishing South Africa’s partial accession establish priorities and common principles. The objectives of the
with effect from April 1997. The signing ceremony took place dialogue include regional cooperation, conflict prevention and
in Cotonou, Benin, on 23 June 2000. peaceful settlement of disputes. Through dialogue, the parties are
to contribute to peace, security and stability and promote a stable
The ratification process was completed on 27 February 2003,
and democratic political environment (Article 8(3)). Following the
when the Council of the European Union deposited its
2005 revision of the Cotonou Agreement, representatives of the
instrument of ratification. The new agreement entered into
ACP Group and the ACP–EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly can
force on 1 April 2003, but many of its provisions had already
now take part in the political dialogue.
been applied since August 2000, though not the clauses
relating to the ninth European Development Fund. The new The dialogue covers all fields of cooperation laid down by the
agreement has a term of 20 years and may be revised at five- agreement as well as questions of common interest, including
yearly intervals (Article 95). The first revision of the agreement the environment, equality between men and women,
was concluded on 25 June 2005. migration and cultural matters. It devotes special attention to
human rights, democratic principles, the rule of law and good
2. Main substance of the agreement (Articles 2 and 4)
governance, the arms trade, anti-personnel landmines, military
The Cotonou Agreement, characterised by the term expenditure, corruption, drugs and organised crime and
‘partnership’, is all about mutual commitment and ethnic, religious or racial discrimination. The EU provides
responsibility, hence the emphasis given to political dialogue, assistance for capacity building to promote democracy,
covering such issues as democracy, good governance and transparency, improved access to justice and more efficient
migration issues, and to broad-based involvement of civil law-enforcement procedures.
society. The new agreement also focuses on the sustainable
economic development of ACP States and their smooth and d. Migration (Article 13)
gradual integration into the global economy through a The agreement establishes a framework for dealing with
strategy combining trade, investments, private-sector migration through the readmission clause: each ACP or EU
— the ‘incentive tranche’, i.e. resources to be added to national — trade, regional integration and infrastructure,
indicative allocations on the basis of good governance
— millennium development goals,
performance criteria;
— energy,
— a significant increase in budgetary support, linked to
positive progress towards achievement of MDGs; — climate change,
— substantial funding for regional integration, especially in — migration, mobility and employment,
the framework of the EPA process; — science, information society and space.
— the possibility of co-financing development projects with
Member States or other donors; Role of the European Parliament
— funding of the Africa Peace Facility (EUR 300 million). The European Parliament is kept regularly informed by the
e. Stabilisation of export revenue Commission of the implementation of the ACP–EU partnership
agreement. The powers of the EP in respect of the allocation of
The agreement replaces Stabex and Sysmin with a support
aid are though very reduced as the EDF is not included in the
system designed to mitigate the adverse effects of short-term
EC budget. Nevertheless, it must grant an annual discharge in
fluctuations in export revenue. Resources for this system will
respect of the operations financed under the EDF. The EP has
be allocated through the national indicative programmes.
regularly requested the inclusion of the EDF into the EC
Support may be provided if a worsening public deficit
budget, and the Commission presented a communication in
coincides with a loss of overall export earnings or a loss of
this sense in 2003. Should the Treaty of Lisbon be finally
export earnings from agricultural and mineral products. The
ratified, this debate may be reopened since the new treaty
least developed countries (LDCs) benefit from an arrangement
eliminates the explicit exclusion of the EDF from the area of EC
whereby a smaller loss of export revenue triggers support
competence (Article 179.3 EC).
payments (Article 68).
In addition, Parliament assented to the partnership agreement,
f. Debt relief
and each revision is also subject to parliamentary assent, as
Outside the ACP–EU framework, the ACP countries agreed to well as each economic partnership agreement. In the view of
an EU proposal for the use of up to EUR 1 billion from the European Parliament, increases in aid under the Cotonou
uncommitted EDF funds to support highly indebted poor Agreement should have been important enough to honour
countries in the ACP Group. On a case-by-case basis, the pledges given by the EU to increase public development
uncommitted resources from past indicative programmes aid in order to achieve the millennium development goals.
have been used for debt relief. Technical assistance relating to
debt management will be provided to ACP States (Articles 66 The European Parliament makes a significant contribution to
and 67). ACP–EU cooperation through the work of its Committee on
Development and through the ACP–EU Joint Parliamentary
C. EU regional strategies Assembly, the successor body of the former Joint Assembly,
In 2006 the Commission presented concept papers for EU which has a fundamental role to play in the development and
strategic relationships with individual ACP regions: the strengthening of relations between the EU and its ACP partners
Caribbean, the Pacific, Africa and a separate one to deal with and brings together the elected representatives of the EU (the
South Africa. members of the European Parliament) and of the ACP States
twice a year. The European Parliament has also established a
The objective of the proposed EU regional strategies is to
delegation in charge of relations with the Pan-African Parliament
highlight how the challenges facing each of the regions can
(PAP), with a programme of regular meetings and field visits.
be transformed into opportunities by focusing on the right
Each year Parliament adopts a resolution expressing its views
‘policy-mix’, in parallel with full optimisation of the
and concerns about the work of the ACP–EU Joint Parliamentary
opportunities of the Cotonou Agreement. These objectives are
Assembly and ACP–EU cooperation.
to be achieved through a new enhanced partnership
composed of a set of interrelated facets: shaping political Members of the European Parliament pay regular official visits
partnership and helping the region address its economic, to ACP countries, either in connection with their work in the
social and environmental vulnerabilities. Committee on Development and in the Joint Parliamentary
Furthermore, the second EU–Africa summit was finally held in Assembly or as election observers. In 2005–07 Members
Lisbon in December 2007, after several delays. During this monitored the elections in Ethiopia, Liberia, Uganda, the
summit, which signalled a qualitative leap in EU–Africa relations, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mauritania, East Timor and
the joint Africa–EU strategy was adopted. The associated action Togo.
plan (2008–10) establishes eight partnerships:
— peace and security, g Armelle Douaud
Anna Caprile
— democratic governance and human rights, July 2008