Rosecast Financial Astrology Newsletter
Rosecast Financial Astrology Newsletter
Rosecast Financial Astrology Newsletter
In this free newsletter I want to once again take up the topic of the term TRISPECT, a term that I have invented and introduced to the astrological community already in 2006. An important date for the US stock market based on the Trispect theory is also mentioned below. What is a Trispect and why it is so special? A Trispect is a formation of three planets in the sky that are related to each other in a special formation, so that one of the three planets will make an exact aspect to the midpoint of the two other planets. A Trispect is much more important than an aspect for matters of market timing since the third planet in the Trispect formation is needed to bridge the energy between the two planets that are applying or separating towards an aspect. You can imagine it like this: Without the third planet the energy between the two planets that are applying or separating from an aspect cannot flow. Therefore the energy is blocked. Only the third planet can release the energy. Most astrologers currently believe that energy between two planets can always flow, as long as two planets are in close enough aspect to each other. However astrologers differ widely in their opinions, if you ask them what close enough means. Astrologers use the word ORB in order to specify close enough or how many degrees two planets are apart from an exact aspect. Some astrologers use an orb of 1 degree, others of 3 degrees, and others of 7 degrees and some of 10 degrees. Therefore to most astrologers the energy between two planets will flow as long as the two planets are IN ORB. Yet it is hard to find two astrologers who will agree on what the correct ORB is. A New Theory is Needed I have a different theory. I think that it does not matter what the ORB between two planets is, but that the energy between two planets can only flow, if a third planet is there to TRANSFER the energy.
And that is why I have introduced the theory of the TRISPECT to all those among you who are interested to know how astrology really works. At the same time I have stated that any TRISPECT is much more important than any conventional aspect for matters of market timing. The reason for this statement should now be obvious: The energy between two planets needs a bridge from a third planet to complete the circuit. Questions and Answers about the Trispect Are all Trispects equally important? Absolutely not, just as there are some aspects that are more important than others, there are Trispects that are more important than others. Trispects, where one pair of the Trispect is an important aspect, are more important than other Trispects. What determines the importance of a particular Trispect? If you have identified a potential Trispect you have first to look at the importance of the two-planet aspect in the Trispect and then at the third planet in the Trispect. Next you have to look at the relationship of all three planets. Trispects where all planets are separated by multiples of approximately 30 degrees are the strongest. What is the difference between a T-square or a Grand Trine and a Trispect? T-square and Grand Trines will always be Trispects. On the other hand there might be Trispects around that overpower particular T-squares and Grand Trines. That is why astrologers will be at a disadvantage, if they are unaware of Trispects. Tsquares and Grand Trines are generally easier recognized than Trispects. What is the difference between a Trispect and the Planetary Pictures proposed by the Hamburg School of Astrology and/or Reinhold Ebertin? The three planet formations that Ebertin and the Hamburg School propose are composed of any Midpoint that is exclusively in a 0, 45, 90 or 135 degrees relationship to another planet. The Theory of the Rosecast Trispects considers the following aspects most important for establishing Trispects: 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 45 and 135. Although this is a very important difference to the Hamburg School of Astrology, this is NOT the most important difference. To most important difference is that the Hamburg School and Ebertin completely ignore the relationship between the midpoint pair. The example below will illustrate this.
Example: A Trispect will be written like this: Sun 90 (Pluto 180 Saturn), another one will be written like this Sun 60 (Pluto 120 Saturn). In the first Trispect, Sun will be 90 degrees from Pluto, while Pluto will be 180 degrees from Saturn, in the second Trispect the Sun will be 60 degrees from Pluto, while Pluto will be 120 degrees from Saturn. These two Trispects are fundamentally different from each other and have different implications for stock market timing. Yet to the Hamburg school (and other school of midpoints astrology for that matter) who only look at midpoint relationships, not Trispects, there is no difference between the two. Both Trispects will be written as Sun 0 Saturn/Pluto and/or as Sun = Saturn/Pluto. What else is there to know about the Trispect? The Trispect theory can give great insights into all areas of astrology, even natal horoscopes, but she is most important for the timing of particular events. There is much more detailed information to be given about the Trispect, and what separates important Trispects from others, but I deliberately end this chapter here. In the next free Rosecast newsletter you have the opportunity to learn more. One final question please, when is the next Trispect coming up in the skies? Every day there are some Trispects around. The next series of very important Trispects will be exact on October 29, 2007. So watch what the US stock market will do on this day and the day thereafter, after the most important Trispects have fallen apart. I am more interested in the US stock market than in the Trispect, even if I recognize from the above that the Trispect might be an important advancement for financial astrology, what shall I do? I propose you a deal. I will analyze the Trispects. As the inventor of the term Trispect I am well equipped to do so, I have even created a little (or should I say large) software program around the Trispect that I call Moving Stars. Then I will put all this information together in clearly written and no guess newsletter that is specialized on the US stock market. You will subscribe to that newsletter and reap the benefits of my discovery. Thank you for sharing some information on the Trispect via this free e-mail information exclusively available from
The Track Record During the period of October 2006 and October 2007 has been ranked the number 2* Gold market timer in the USA (*along with others in same place). For 2004 has been ranked the number 2 Stock Market Timer of that year, the only financial astrology newsletter in the world that has ever been ranked by Timer Digest as high as in a yearly ranking has been Crawfords Perspectives (2nd place in 2002). Since 2004 has continuously ranked high by Timer Digest in the 3 and 6 months stock market rankings. To read the most recent forecasts from go to The recent October 11, 2007 stock market high has been clearly forecasted to the very day already on October 2. More over on October 8, three days before October 11, the high price of October 11 in the S&P futures has exactly been called, see the most recent forecasts at You are free to share any PDF files that you can download from the Rosecast website with others who might be interested in putting financial astrology to work for them.
With Greetings from the Moving Stars*, Markus Rose Editor of * Moving Stars or Wandering Stars or Wandering Gods has been the name that the ancient Babylonian astrologers have respectfully given to the planets, in order to distinguish them from the Fixed Stars in the night sky.
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