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lin l^ni

i-ii i ^i iin, -

-i n l^ni .s,|ii,zas li s.as.zas

iin ,ii l-llin i rn i i; i^ i- ln l in r
-i l- l^li lii| lnin| |ii, zas (i-ii l^li (i ^ i|-i) ^i l-, ss nnn)
^ l^iin i i(li a.a. i) ^n-i
l- l^li lii|
(l^li ^ l^li i l^iin)
ra n- z ^i ^ lin- sr ^i
ln z (ssaassaa)
n (. ssaa,)
. ini Must be Law Graduate from a University established by Law in India or its equivalent with three years course of proficiency(Professional)
z. l^i ini Working knowledge of Hindi written in Devnagri Script and knowledge of Rajasthani Culture.

-i z l- iii ^ nr| i-^ iii lnin| |ii, zas (i-ii ii i|-i ^i l-, sss nnn)
^ l^iin i i (li a.a. i) ^n-i
l- iii
(ii ^ ii l^iin)
ss n- z ^i ^ lin- sr ^i
ln z (ssaassaa)
n (. ssaa,)
z nr| i-^ iii
(i-^ -)
1- (A)For the Post of Junior Accountant:- A candidate for direct recruitment must hold a degree in Arts, Science or Commerce of
University established by Law in India or a Foreign University declared by the Government in consultation with the Commission to be
equivalent with a degree of a University established by Law in India.
Explanation :- For the purpose of the Schedule a degree in Arts or Science does not include a Degree in Agriculture, Medicine,
Engineering and Technology.
(B)For the Post of Tehsil Revenue Accountant:- A candidate for direct recruitment must hold a degree in Arts, Science, Commerce or
Agriculture of a University established by Law in India or of a Foreign University declared by the Government in consultation with the
Commission to be equivalent of a degree of a University established by Law in India.
Note :- For the purpose of this rule a degree in Arts or Science does not include a Degree in Medicine, Engineering and Technology.
(for both posts)
2-O or Higher Level Certificate Course conducted by DOEACC under control of the Department of Electronics, Government of India. Or
Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA)/Data Preparation and Computer Software (DPCS) certificate organized under
National/State Council of Vocational Training Scheme. Or Diploma in Computer Science/Computer Applications of a University
established by Law in India or of an institution recognized by the Government. Or Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering from a
polytechnic institution recognized by the Government. Or Rajasthan State Certificate Course in Information Technology (RS-CIT)
conducted by Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota under control of Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited.
s.Working Knowledge of Hindi written in Devnagri Script and Knowledge of Rajasthani culture. (for both posts)
. ^ l-ii l- iii i rn lii i ^ s ^ ri n, n i-ii .i. ^ ..i.
i^i rn r lni in r| rini|
. i- . ii ln i i iilin l^-nn ^n|i in ri ii - i| li ini| iii | l-iln ^ lln li
i i l ii ^ ^|n- l-i i| l^n| rin|| ; i lin ^i l-i - l i; iii rini r, ni r
|ii i iiln | in|, l l ii- liln li ini|
z. n i | lin iili rni ln- ^i - l--ln ri ri i l--ln ri ^ii ln i| i^ l i
rini, ln iin ,ii iiln |ii ^ iili rni ln i n i rini, ii ^r i rini |
--|i r -- li ini r l n l^ii i ^ r| i| iin n, i i^ i^ iln | ln-
li n | ^ilsn ini | |ii ln- ^i - ^i ri n ^ | ^ilsn ini | ln- ^i | |ii
- l--ln r i l--ln ri ^i r|
s. - i z l^niln ii i l r| |ii iiln | in| i lii ^ iil-ni - ii
in| i i| | iili ini iii l| l i ri ^ iil-ni - - i |
r| l- - i s l^niln ii i l i| in rini|
r. |ii i -ir,-ii ^ i-- l- iii ^ nr| i-^ iii ^ ii|l liii i n II ^ n III
| |ii i i| li -ii nii l- l^li lii| | |ii i-ii i| iin| -ii iiln
l i | ii^i r| |ii | lnli iii|i iilin | in|| l^-nn i- - iin | ^i;- i|i r| i| li
ini| l- l^li lii| --n ^-nl- ri n|
-i s ii|l liii i n II ^ n III lnin| |ii, zas (i-ii liii i|-i ^i l-, s/ nnn)
^ l^iin i ini i
(li a.a.
. ii|l liii
i n II
Instructor Gr-II)
-il- liii
1. Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) recognised
by the National Council for Teacher Education.
(i-| i liii li ,ii -ini in ii|l
liii - -in (|.|..)
z. Working Knowledge of Hindi written in Devnagari
Script and knowledge of Rajasthani Culture.
n- s
sr -|
n z
(. zaa,)
z. ii|l liii
i n III
Instructor Gr-
-il- liii
1. Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) or Certificate
in Physical Education (C.P.Ed.) or Diploma in Physical
Education (D.P.Ed.) recognised by the National
Council for Teacher Education.(i-| i liii
li ,ii -ini in ii|l liii - -in (|.|..)
i ii|l liii - -ii (|.|..) i ii|l liii
- li-i (|.|..)
2. Working Knowledge of Hindi written in Devnagari
Script and knowledge of Rajasthani Culture.
n- s
sr -|
(. ssaassaa)
(. ssaa,)
s. i^ lnli i^ zaaszas li zaazas il zaa n - i i n| i^i i ir | in| r
l ln- li i ;ni l li - |-i i|n ii; i^ |
/. l ^ i |ii i~, i^ li ^ |ii lin l ^ i l iin ,ii iin | ^i;-
li a.a.s i i| |iilii rn i^ ^ |ii i| i-i liil i nii -lin ^i l-i i i^
| ; lnln -- i| ; |ii , ii i iin | ^i;- http:// www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in i
rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in i i i| ii| in n r| ; lnln l| i| i -in
l i, i,--|i rn i-ii i ^i iin, - l - l-in -^inn i lnnn i^i iii .
arrrzz ^ rrzaa - li i ni r| --n ^ri l^, i-ii i ^i iin, - i -ilin li

(i. .. i-)

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