Alternative To Feature Matching - High Precision Relative Localization
Alternative To Feature Matching - High Precision Relative Localization
Alternative To Feature Matching - High Precision Relative Localization
Abstract In this paper a method for high precision relative localization using a single camera is proposed. The method provides pose estimates comparable in resolution to wheel odometry, but being independent of the kinematics and based on an exteroceptive sensor, is resistant to wheel slippage. The concept is based on extracting the planar transformations between frames from a sequence of ground images, which correspond to the change in robot pose. Results on a plain colored carpeted surface provide the proof of concept of the method as an alternative to wheel odometry. The contributions in this paper include a method to estimate the planar transformations between images to a high degree of precision (e.g., 0.01 degrees), and a method to calibrate the system using a 1D calibration object and known motions of the robot.
I. I NTRODUCTION Wheel odometry is a commonly used sensor input for mobile robot localization. Wheel odometry provides relative localization as it detects changes in pose relative to its previous pose. The advantage of wheel odometry is that it is high resolution and simple to use. It can typically detect movements of the order of tenths of millimetres. However, it has some known drawbacks. The localization errors increase without bound, and non-systematic errors, such as wheel slippage, are undetected. This is because wheel odometry data rely proprioceptive sensors (i.e., sensors which provide information on the internal kinematic position of the robot) and are therefore oblivious to the external environment. Exteroceptive sensing methods for relative localization, which sense the environment, may be used to overcome this drawback. Exteroceptive sensing methods for relative localization, include optical mice [1]. These are mounted alongside a mobile robot either on its own, or in combination with wheel odometry [2] and a range sensor [3]. The optical mice are forced onto the ground to minimise variations in distance between the ground plane and the optical sensor. This increases friction affecting the traction of the wheels, increasing the likelihood of wheel slippage. Other groundsensing methods include extracting the orientation of ground tiles to correct for orientation errors [4], but this is limited to surfaces known to contain such features.
The author is with QinetiQ Ltd, UK and is a Visiting Researcher at the University of Surrey. The work presented in this paper are the views of the author and no connection with QinetiQ Ltd is expressed or implied.
A method called visual odometry has come into vogue [5] and [6]. Generally, visual odometry aims to estimate the motion of the robot by extracting and tracking ground point features, to compute a number of optical ow vectors. These are computed from images taken from forward facing camera inclined towards the ground. The image processing is complicated as a large number of the weak features need to be ltered out for matching to be robust. In addition, on planar surfaces, solutions may fail where the optical ow vectors lie on a single plane [7]. This can be addressed by dening a ground planar constraint in known environments [8]. Visual odometry has been used on Mars Exploration Rovers (MER), but fail on planar surfaces (e.g., Meridiana plains) because they are devoid of sufcient visual texture for reliable feature extraction [9]. On these surfaces the fallback to wheel odometry is used on the assumption that wheel slippage is minimal on planar regions. Recently, a method coined visiodometry has been published which is based on the sensor inputs from two groundpointing cameras [10]. The method is based on extracting pairs of inter-frame translations only, called shift vectors, using phase correlation [11]. The change in pose is computed from each pair of shift vectors. In this paper a comparable method for relative localization, but based on a single ground-pointing camera, is proposed. The method relies on estimating the translational and rotational component between frames. These estimates are then transformed to the robot frame to update the robot pose. The proposed method provides a sensor data input similar in modality and resolution to wheel odometry, but does not rely on the integrity of a kinematic model. It can be used on planar regions and has the potential to be used on those surfaces which do not contain sufcient visual texture for visual odometry. The proposed method relies on estimating inter-frame transformations to a high degree of precision. The translation component is estimated using phase correlation. For estimating the rotational component to a high precision, an extension to phase correlation is also presented. The technique is based on nding the maximum of a curve tted to the peak value of the inverse Fourier of the normalized cross power spectrum (NCPS) at various image orientations. The precision of the rotational estimates are of the order of 0.01 . The rest of the paper is structured as follows. The proposed
Ground-pointing camera (Sony DXC-9100P)
PTZ camera (not used) Ultrasonic Sensors (not used) Wheels (differential drive)
The matrix Tr2w transforms a pose in the robot frame to the world frame cos sin 0 x sin cos 0 y (2) Tr2w (x, y, ) = 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Note the equivalence between the elements in the pose vector p and the transformation matrix, as the robot pose in the robot frame is simply the null vector 0 0 p0 (3) 0 1 therefore p = Tr2w p0 . The matrix Tv2r transforms a pose in the visiodometry frame to the robot frame cos v sin v 0 xv sin v cos v 0 yv . (4) Tv2r (xv , yv , v ) = 0 0 1 v 0 0 0 1 B. Relative Localization In this section the method to estimate the change in pose of the robot (i.e., relative localization) is presented. The principle of the method relies on the basis that the image plane is sufciently parallel to the ground plane for changes in the pose of the robot to correspond to planar transformations of the scene (i.e., the visiodometry frame) viewed by the camera. The rotational component of the change in the robot pose corresponds to the rotational component of the transformation of the visiodometry frame, regardless of the position of the origin of the visiodometry frame. The relationship between a change in the visiodometry frame and the new robot pose in the world frame can be expressed by the following
1 p = Tr2w Tv2r V T v2r p0
Fig. 1. Visiodometry implemented on a Pioneer DXe differential drive robot, augmented by a ground-pointing camera (the other camera is for load balance).
method for relative localization is described in section II, followed by a description of the method to extract planar roto-translations to high precision in section III. A calibration method for the vision system and robotic platform is described in section IV. In section V, experimental results are presented and discussed. Finally, conclusions and areas for future work are presented in VI. II. R ELATIVE L OCALIZATION U SING A S INGLE C AMERA A. Experimental Setup Fig. 1 shows a Pioneer DXe differential drive robot augmented by two ground-pointing cameras. However, only the images from one camera are required for input to the proposed method (the other camera is to balance the load on the robot). The image plane of the camera is 0.5m above the ground set at a focal length of 30mm. The camera is a Sony DXC-9100P, compact 1/2 3CCD progressive scan RGB camera. a) The Coordinate Reference Frames: Three 2D coordinate reference frames are dened. They are (i) the world frame, which is an arbitrary frame xed in the world on the ground plane, (ii) the robot frame, which is the origin of the robot, typically the position corresponding to the centre of rotation during a spot-rotational motion, with the x-axis being the forward direction, and (iii) the visiodometry frame which corresponds to the image plane projected onto the ground, with the origin as the projected centre of the image. b) Notation: The notation used is described as follows. The robot pose is dened as its position (x, y ) and orientation () in the world frame. This is represented by the vector x y p(x, y, ) = 1
(5) 0 xv 0 yv 1 v 0 1
sin v cos v 0 0
where V is the rotation v , and translation (xv , yv ) of the visiodometry frame. The accuracy of the method relies on estimating the inter-frame planar transformations to a high level of precision and accuracy. This is described in section III. The parameters of Tv2r are estimated using a calibration method described in section IV-B. III. H IGH P RECISION P LANAR ROTO -T RANSLATION In this section the method for estimating the planar rototranslations to a high degree of precision is described. It is also noted that the images taken are of the ground where strong point features cannot be relied on to exist. Hence, methods to estimate the planar transformations from
between the images, the peak value approaches a maximum. The peak value is denoted as f. below. 1) Inputs. The method takes as input two images I1 , I2 , where I2 is a planar transformation of I1 . 2) First Pass: Bound. The rst stage is to bound the rotational component between the two images. Prior knowledge on the maximum angular velocity, limits the range of possible rotation values to [1, 1] degrees, which can be further narrowed if the previous rotation and the angular acceleration is known. a) Plot function f1 . Plot function f1 (; I1 , I2 ) for values of 0.5 < < + 0.5 in steps of 0.05 . Each image is rotated by 2 in opposite directions to reduce any possibility of bias in the errors during rotations (rotations are generally performed using interpolation). b) Find max f1 . A median lter is applied and a polynomial f 1 is tted. The angle corresponding to the peak is denoted as 1 arg max {f 1 ( )}. Apply the phase correlation function and denote the translation estimate at 1 as sx1 , sy1 . 3) Second Pass: Rene. The second pass is renement of the rst pass. The rotations are performed using 2 , which are the respective cropped images 1 , I images I I1 , I2 to exclude non-overlapping regions. As nonoverlapping regions are considered as noise by phase correlation, cropping not only increases the peak value but ensures that the peak value only represents noise in the image. This provides a value representing a measure of condence in the estimate which could be used as a form of input variance in a sensor fusion system. A narrow search window with ner step sizes is used. 1 , I 2 ) for a) Plot function f2 . Plot function f2 (; I values of 1 0.25 < < 1 + 0.25 in steps of 0.01 (An example is in Fig. 2(c)). b) Find max f2 . A median lter is applied and a polynomial f 2 is then tted. The position of the peak is 2 = arg max {f 2 ( )}. Recalculate, and denote the translation estimate at 2 as sx2 , sy2 . 4) Output. The output is sx = sx1 + sx2 , sy = sy1 + sy2 and s = 2 , where sx , sy is the pixel shift, and s the rotation. The values of sx , sy are scaled by x , y , which provides the estimate of the translational component, and s provides the rotational component of the visiodometry frame. The parameters x , y are estimated from camera calibration (see section IV-A). IV. S YSTEM C ALIBRATION There are two separate elements for calibrating the system: 1) Camera Calibration. This provides an estimate of the scale factor parameters transforming pixels in the image to known units in the visiodometry frame.
0.305 0.8
(c) Fig. 2. Estimating Rotation to High Precision. Fig. 2(b) is a planar roto-translation of the image in Fig. 2(a). The images are 255x255 pixels representing an area of carpet 20mm x 20mm. Fig. 2(c) shows a curve tted to the peak value of the inverse Fourier of the normalized cross power spectrum at relative rotational steps of 0.01 in the range [0.8, 0.55] degrees. The x-coordinate of the maximum is the estimate of the rotational component between the images.
extracting and matching point features are not considered to be sufciently robust. The alternative to point feature based methods are global correlation based methods. Phase correlation based methods have been proven to be very robust with a claimed accuracy of 0.25 [12]. However, this method is clearly unsuitable where the rotational component itself is at sub-degree level. In addition, there is no evaluation of the error distribution, nor is the accuracy validated using naturally rotated images (the accuracy is evaluated using the same image rotated by interpolation). The method proposed here is an extension of the normalised phase correlation method published by Kuglin and Hines as far back as 1975 [11]. The basic concept of the method is to apply phase correlation to pairs of images I1 , I2 , where I2 is a planar rototranslation of I1 . The effect of rotating the images in small steps on the peak value of the inverse Fourier of the NCPS is observed. This can be seen in Fig. 2(c) where Fig. 2(b) is a planar roto-translation of Fig. 2(a). It is considered that as the amount rotated approaches the true rotational component
input point
(xi , yi; ri)
hi (xi , a+bxi)
xi yi
(xri , yri)
fitted point
Fig. 3. Camera Calibration. The coordinates of points on the edge with the corresponding reading is input shown in Fig. 3(b). These are then tted to a straight line representing the estimated position of the rule edge as shown in Fig. 3(a). A Least Squares method is used to estimate the equation of the line which provides the scale factor of pixel units to known units in the visiodometry frame.
2) Kinematic Calibration. This provides an estimate of the position and origin of the visiodometry frame with respect to the robot frame. The robot frame is dened as the kinematic origin of the robot (i.e., a point on the robot where there is no displacement during spotrotation). A. Camera Calibration The objective of camera calibration is to estimate the calibration matrix K containing the scale factors (x , y ) which transforms a pixel translation to a translation in known units in the scene (i.e., visiodometry frame). Lens distortion is ignored because, not only are the lenses of high quality (Fujinon lenses), but the images are cropped from a PAL image of 720(H)x576(V) pixels to a central 256x256 pixels (16%) where lens distortion is considered to be negligible. A number of methods using 1D objects for camera calibration have been published and were considered. The earliest published method was in 2002 [13]. The method relies on six snapshots of a straight stick rotated around a xed 3D point. The method requires several views of the calibration object, at various orientations. In 2003, a formal analysis of camera calibration using 1D objects was [14]. This was for the purposes of calibrating a multiple camera network. In 2004, a method was published which did not require metric information on the 1D object[15]. However, the method required taking two images of the object in two xed positions and from two viewpoints (i.e. four images). Therefore the calibration object needs to be positioned at the same two positions after the camera is moved to its second viewpoint. All these methods were unsuitable because they either required the calibration object to be positioned in a non-planar environment or were unnecessarily complex. A much more simpler method using 1D object, which takes advantage of the known constraints of the system (i.e., planar environment), is proposed.
A 1D object is essentially a set of two or more collinear points. In the proposed method this is in the form of a graduated directional line cutting diagonally across the view of the camera. The 1D calibration object used is a metal tape measure. An example calibration image can be seen in Fig. 3. The pixel positions of points are manually extracted from the rule edge with the corresponding ruler reading noted. This provides an estimate of the scale factor of pixels to known units in the visiodometry frame. As an afne camera model is assumed, with the origin of the scene corresponding to the image centre projected onto the ground. Projection is therefore a scale factor: xi Xi (6) Xi = Yi = K yi 1 1 and x K=0 0 0 y 0 0 0 , 1
x , y > 0
where x and y (e.g. units of mm/pixel) scale the pixel units to a known unit of measure, Xi the vector of corresponding image coordinates and K the calibration matrix. 1) The Inputs (x, y, r). Take n ruler readings ri (i = 1, . . . , n) and their corresponding image-centred coordinates at the rule edge (xi , yi ). 2) The Equation of the Rule Edge (y = a + bx). It is known that the rule edge is a straight edge, and the points (xi , yi ) are tted to a straight line, by minimising the perpendicular distance to the tted line y = a + bx from the points (xi , yi ) (e.g., [16]). From the estimate of the line representing the rule edge, the tted positions of the observations on the line, denoted as pri = (xri , yri ), are derived (see gure 3(a)). xri y ri = xi + = yi
xi yi xi yi
sin cos
(8) (9)
where xi yi is the perpendicular distance from the observed point to the tted line. 3) The Calibration Scale Factor (x , y ). Taking the i xri then the case for estimating x , dene x relationship between the true points on the line as projected in the scene and the true ruler reading is i+1 x i | = |ri+1 ri | cos x |x (10) and x i = x i + ri cos , where (x i , y i ) is the true value, and ri the error. Assuming the error to be a Normal random variable with zero mean and variance 2 , combining (8) and (10) and re-arranging cos xi ri (11) ri = x where ri xi ri = ri+1 ri , = |x i+1 x i |, = |ri+1 ri |.
ycoordinate (m)
Fig. 4. Kinematic Calibration. As the origin of the visiodometry frame does not coincide with the robot origin, position estimates during rotational motion results in a swinging out (as in the gure) or a trajectory which is rotated around the start position (not shown). This can be corrected by kinematic calibration where the trajectory matches that estimated from wheel odometry.
The variance and covariance of i is derived, noting that by denition E [2 2 ri ] E [ri rj ] = E [ri ]E [rj ], i = j.
B. Kinematic Calibration The objective of kinematic calibration is to estimate the parameters of Tv2r (see (4)). Fig. 4 illustrates how the visodometry based trajectory estimates differ from the position of the robot. It can be observed that the position estimates from the raw visiodometry result in a deviation of the true trajectory of the robot where there is a rotational component in the robot motion. This makes it difcult to compare or combine the two position estimates. Kinematic calibration transforms the change in the visiodometry frame to a change in the robot frame. There are two parts for kinematic calibration (i) estimating v , and (ii) estimating xv , yv . 1) Estimating v : The parameter v aligns the axes of the visiodometry frame with the robot frame. If forward motion is along the x-axis then the vector corresponding to the translation in the visiodometry frame (xi , yi ) during known pure translational motion needs to be rotated by v , thus
ri 2 . . . , P = rn1
.. ..
. 2
2 2 2
where is the vector-valued Gaussian random variable and P the covariance matrix. Finding the Maximum Likelihood estimate of (12) leads to min
1 T 1 P 2
v = arg min
(i ) ,
where i = tan1
where J is the Jacobian of with the variable. Estimating x . Vectorising and re-arranging (11) and combining with (14) we can solve for x 1 = (JT P1 J)1 JT P1 x (15) x Estimating y . The above principle is repeated for computing y by substituting (11) with ri = yi sin ri . y (16)
yi xi
Hence, the required parameters for the calibration matrix K have been estimated.
2) Estimating (xv , yv ): The parameters (xv , yv ) corresponds to the position of the visiodometry origin in the robot frame. The concept of the method is to estimate (xv , yv ) by computing the displacement of the robot at each spot rotation by i . The key observation is that at the true value of (xv , yv ) spot rotations do not cause any displacement of the robot relative to the robot frame. Let Vi (xi , yi , i ) be the transformation of the visiodometry frame after a rotation by i . Now, if p = (px , py ) is the unknown coordinates of the visiodometry origin in the
pre-rotated robot frame then p = Tv2r Vi p0 (19) however, there is clearly a much greater congruence for the slower run-2 (see Fig. 5). Heading Accuracy. Ground truth was used to estimate the heading error. The heading error is 3.2% and 1.2% for run1 and run-2 respectively, over a total change in heading of 351.3 and 362.0 respectively. The error for wheel odometry is 2.1% and 0.5% respectively. B. Discussion (20) A qualitative analysis of the results (see Fig. 5) demonstrates the feasibility of the concept of the method. Although the proposed method provides a simple to use data stream (i.e., a change in heading and position), estimating the rotational component is computationally expensive. In the implementation the resolution is of the order of 0.1mm and 0.01 for translational and rotational components respectively, which is comparable to wheel odometry. The key distinction between the proposed method and wheel odometry is the use of an exteroceptive sensor (i.e., a camera) over a proprioceptive sensing mechanism (i.e., optical wheel encoders). This makes the method independent of the kinematics and has therefore the potential to be applied to non-wheeled robots and robots whose kinematic positions are not known or modelled. In comparison to the optical mice method, the noncontact method of sensing is major advantage as there is no increase friction, and can be used on a wider range of surfaces, including friable and rough surfaces. The shift vector method and the optical mice method require two sensors with sufcient separation. This acts as a limit on the minimum size of the sensor system. The use of a single camera is therefore less complex and more compact. In addition, the shift vector method approximates the translation vector over the entire frame, even where, due to a rotational component, each pixel is translated by a slightly different amount. The proposed method does not suffer from this drawback. The rotational component is compensated for before estimating the translational component using phase correlation. The advantage over visual odometry is its simplicity. There is no requirement to extract, store and match large numbers of point features over several frames, and perform complicated statistical processing. The precision of visual odometry implementations are generally an order of magnitude less precise (i.e., centimetres) than visiodometry (i.e., sub-millimetres, making it less robust to detecting displacements of the order of millimetres. Visiodometry does not suffer from drift, is passive, noncontact, kinematic independent and uses a ubiquitous sensor (i.e., CCD array). A key pre-requisite is that the ground surface must contain sufcient texture for motion to be detectable from a sequence of images at the resolution of the camera. Images of most ground surface at resolutions of 0.1mm per pixel are likely to contain discernible texture and therefore this requirement is not considered to be major obstacle to a practical implementation.
However, p and (xv , yv ) are unknown, but the rotation i may be computed using the method described earlier in section III. Now the spot rotation of the robot by i is the same as the rotational component of the visiodometry frame. The point p can be computed relative to the robot frame as p = R(i ) where R(i ) = xv yv
This can be solved as a linear Least Squares equation of the form Axi = b, for each step i. Now for i = 1, . . . , n for n rotation steps, the Least Squares estimate for the coordinates of the visiodometry origin, is simply the mean of (xvi , yvi ) estimated at each step i, thus n 1 xv xi . (23) = yv n i=1 V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION In this section experimental results are presented followed by a discussion of the proposed method. A. Experimental Results The proof of concept of the proposed method was demonstrated by conducting two closed loops each of 4 one-metre legs with a 90 rotation towards the end of each leg. Run1 is a counter-clockwise run and consists of a sequence of around 1800 frames lasting 70s. Run-2 is a clockwise run and consists of around 3000 frames lasting 120s. Runs 1 and 2 were taken at different times under different camera congurations and speed. Examples of the type of images can be seen in Fig. 2. Fig. 5 is a plot of the robot path estimated from visiodometry against the path estimated from wheel odometry data. It is considered that the runs were conducted under fairly ideal conditions of minimal wheel slippage, and that the plots from wheel odometry data are sufciently reliable to provide a qualitative assessment of the validity of the proposed method. The ground truth of the end pose, however, is computed from measurements taken from the ground positions of two markers afxed on either side of the robot, taken at the start and end of each run using the method in [10]. Position Accuracy. Although strictly not ground truth, under the controlled conditions, the position estimates from wheel odometry are used as a reference against which a reasonable qualitative assessment of the accuracy of visiodometry can be made. The ground plots for the faster run-1 broadly follow the trajectory of the wheel odometry,
0 1
Fig. 5. Ground Plots. The position estimates from visiodometry are plotted against the position estimates computed from wheel odometry. Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b) are plots from run-1 and run-2 respectively. The solid line represents the plot from wheel odometry and the dashed line the plot from visiodometry. The ground truth position at the end of the run is shown.
VI. C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE W ORKS In this paper a new exteroceptive sensor data input for relative localization was presented. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method for relative localization which avoids modelling the kinematics and is comparable to the resolution and accuracy of wheel odometry. A basic calibration method using a 1D object and using known motions of the robot was described. An extension to phase correlation for estimating the planar transformations between images to a high precision and accuracy (which formed the basis of the proposed localization method), was also proposed. Future Work. The use of the method to detect nonsystematic errors and its applications to other types of mobile platforms (e.g. non-wheeled robots) to expand its application area is of interest. Improving the efciency and accuracy of the method are also areas which require further investigation. Research on the accuracy of the method on different surfaces and degree of image blur will be useful in determining the envelope of use of the method. VII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author is grateful to Prof. John Illingworth for the use of the Visual Media Lab (VML) of the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) at the University of Surrey, UK. Thanks are due to Dr. Yi Liao for critiquing the draft manuscripts. The author is also grateful to Dr. Ilias Kolonias and Dr. Alexey Kostin for their assistance in setting up the equipment. R EFERENCES
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