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Fluently Groovy

Java application development using Groovy's simple syntax

Skill Level: Introductory

Andrew Glover (aglover@stelligent.com)

Stelligent Incorporated

26 Mar 2008

This tutorial is for Java™ developers unfamiliar with Groovy, who want a quick and
easy introduction to the basics. Get started with Groovy's simplified variation of the
Java syntax and learn about essential features like native collections, built-in regular
expressions, and closures. Write your first Groovy class, and then see how easily you
can use JUnit to test it. You'll walk away from this one-hour tutorial with a fully
functioning Groovy development environment and the skills to use it. Best of all, you'll
have learned first-hand how to use Groovy and Java code together in your everyday
Java application development.

Section 1. Before you start

Learn what to expect from this tutorial and how to get the most out of it.

About this tutorial

Groovy is a lot like Java 2.0, if someone set out to completely rewrite the Java
language today. Rather than replacing Java, Groovy complements it, providing a
simpler, slicker syntax where the type checking is done dynamically at runtime. You
can use Groovy to write Java applications on the fly, to glue together Java modules,
or even to extend existing Java applications — you can even use Groovy to unit test
your Java code. And the beauty of it is, Groovy lets you do all these things faster —

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sometimes a lot faster — than you would if you were writing pure Java code.

In this tutorial, you'll get to know Groovy, a dynamic language that sits as
comfortably on the Java platform as does the Java language itself.

This tutorial guides you step-by-step through the fundamental concepts of Groovy.
You will learn about Groovy collections, Groovy classes, and, of course, the Groovy
syntax. When you are done with this one-hour tutorial, you will understand the
benefits of using Groovy with Java (and vice versa), and you'll be set to start using
Groovy in your everyday Java development.

To get the most from this tutorial, you should be familiar with Java syntax and the
basic concepts of object-oriented development on the Java platform.

System requirements
To follow along and try out the code for this tutorial, you need a working installation
of either

• Sun's JDK 1.5.0_09 (or later); or

• IBM developer kit for Java technology 1.5.0 SR3
In addition, this tutorial assumes you are using the Eclipse IDE. You do not need to
have Groovy installed as the tutorial walks you through the Groovy Eclipse plug-in

The recommended system configuration for this tutorial is as follows:

• A system supporting either the Sun JDK 1.5.0_09 (or later) or the IBM
JDK 1.5.0 SR3 with at least 500 MB of main memory
• At least 20 MB of disk space to install the software components and
examples covered
The instructions and examples in the tutorial are based on a Microsoft Windows
operating system. All the tools covered in the tutorial also work on Linux and Unix

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Section 2. About Groovy

In this section you'll learn the basics of Groovy: what it is, how it relates to the Java
language and the JVM, and some of the highlights of writing Groovy code.

What is Groovy?
Groovy is an alternate language for the JVM — alternate meaning that you can use
Groovy for Java programming on the Java platform in much the same way you
would use Java code. Groovy code combines well with Java code when writing new
applications, and can also be used to extend existing ones. Groovy currently is in
version 1.5.4 and works on the Java 1.4 and Java 5 platforms, as well as Java 6.

One nice thing about Groovy is that its syntax is very similar to the syntax in the
Java language. While Groovy's syntax was inspired by languages like Smalltalk and
Ruby, you can think of it as a simpler, more expressive variation on the Java
language. (Ruby is different from Groovy in this regard, because its syntax is quite
unlike Java syntax.)

Many Java developers take comfort in the similarity between Groovy code and Java
code. From a learning standpoint, if you know how to write Java code, you already
kind of know Groovy. The main difference between Groovy and the Java language is
that Groovy lets you write less code (sometimes far less!) to accomplish the same
tasks you might labor over in your Java code.

Groovy shortcuts
As you begin playing with Groovy, you'll find that it makes everyday programming
activities much quicker. You'll know a lot about Groovy's syntactic shortcuts by the
time you're done with this tutorial. For now, just consider these highlights:

• Groovy's relaxed Java syntax allows you to drop semi-colons and

• Everything in Groovy is public unless you state otherwise.
• Groovy permits you to define simple scripts without having to define a
formal class object.
• Groovy adds some magical methods and shortcuts on normal everyday
Java objects to make them easier to work with.

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• Groovy's syntax also permits you to drop a variable's type.

Groovy extras
While Groovy permits you to drop a few elements from Java's syntax, it also adds
new features, like native collections, built-in regular expressions, and closures. In
normal Java code, if you want to create a list of items, you first import
java.util.ArrayList (for example), and then programmatically initialize an
ArrayList instance, and then add items to it. In Groovy, lists and maps are built
into the syntax — you don't need to import anything. Regular expressions also don't
require additional imports or objects; they are created via a special Groovy syntax.

About closures

Closures are an exciting addition to any Java developer's bag of tricks. While these
magical constructs are slated to become part of normal Java syntax in an upcoming
Java release (most likely Java 7), they are already available in Groovy today. You
can think of a closure as an executable code block that can be defined and then
executed at a later point. You can do many neat things with these powerful
constructs, though they're most known for making iteration easier. Start using
Groovy and it's possible you'll never need to type an instance of Iterator again.

Dynamic Groovy
Technically speaking, Groovy is one of those loosely typed, dynamic languages
you've probably been hearing so much about lately. In this regard, Groovy is quite
different from the Java language, which is a statically typed language. In Groovy,
types are optional, so you don't have to type String myStr = "Hello"; to
declare a String variable.

What's more, Groovy code can alter itself at runtime quite easily. This essentially
means that, at runtime, objects can easily be endowed with new methods and
properties. This entire realm of programming, known as metaprogramming, is well
supported in Groovy. You'll have the chance to learn more about Groovy's dynamic
nature as you progress through this tutorial. For now, suffice it to say that you'll be
surprised by how easily Groovy facilitates working with XML or normal
java.io.File instances.

Two of a kind
Anything you write in Groovy can be compiled into a normal Java class file and
re-used in Java code. Likewise, anything you write in normal Java code can be
reused in Groovy. As a result, you can easily use Groovy to write unit tests for Java

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code, for instance. And if you write a handy utility in Groovy, you can also use that
utility in your Java programs.

Section 3. The case for Groovy

Learning a new language is no small undertaking, even if it is Groovy. In this section,
discover more about incentives for learning Groovy. Additionally, get your first look
at some Groovy code and see how it compares to Java programming.

Why learn Groovy?

Even with all of Groovy's similarities to the Java language, it is a different language.
You might be wondering why you should take the time to learn it. The short answer
is that Groovy is a more productive language. It offers a relaxed syntax with some
special features that enable you to code things more quickly.

Just to take one example, once you see how easy it is to navigate collections using
Groovy, you'll never work with them in Java again. Being able to code quickly in
Groovy also means receiving feedback sooner, not to mention the satisfaction of
crossing tasks off of your to-do list. At a high level, if you can put code in front of
stake-holders more quickly, you can give them more releases in a shorter time. In
essence, Groovy lends itself more to Agile development than Java does.

Getting started is easy

If the idea of adopting a new language is still daunting, consider how easy it is to
integrate Groovy with your development environment. You don't need to install a
new runtime utility or specialized IDE. In fact, you're just one jar away from having
Groovy on your classpath.

Also, Groovy is an open source language managed by a community of passionate

Java developers. Because Groovy is licensed under the Apache Software License,
Version 2.0, you are free to use it for the development of free, as well as proprietary,

Groovy versus the Java language

You wouldn't buy a motorcycle without taking it for a test ride, so before I ask you to

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install Groovy, I'll show you some code. First, I give you a quick reminder of what it is
like to create, compile, and run a standard Hello World example in Java; then you
see the same procedure in Groovy code. Comparing the two examples makes it
easy to appreciate the difference between the two languages.

Hello World in Java code

The prototypical Hello World example in Java code looks something like this:

public class HelloWorld {

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");

Compile and run the Java example

I've omitted a package for this simple HelloWorld class and tried not to use any
superfluous coding conventions for printing to the console. The next step is to
compile this class via javac, as follows:

c:>javac HelloWorld.java

And finally, I run the resulting compiled class:

c:>java HelloWorld

So far so good — you passed Java 101 conceivably long ago, so this was just a
refresher. Next, see the same process in Groovy.

Hello World in Groovy code

As I mentioned earlier, Groovy permits a relaxed Java syntax — for instance, you
don't need to define classes for simple actions like printing "Hello World!"

What's more, Groovy makes everyday coding activities easier; for instance, Groovy
permits you to type println instead of System.out.println. Groovy is smart
enough to know you mean System.out when you type println.

Consequently, writing the Hello World program in Groovy is as simple as this:

println "Hello World!"

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Note that there is no class structure around the phrase. There isn't a method
structure either! I also used println instead of System.out.println.

Run the Groovy example

Assuming I've saved my code into a file called MyFirstExample.groovy, I can run this
example by simply typing

c:>groovy MyFirstExample.groovy

That's all it takes to get the words "Hello World!" printed out on my console.

Shortcuts in action

You might notice that I didn't have to compile the .groovy file. That's because
Groovy belongs to the family of languages known as scripting languages. One of the
defining qualities of scripting languages is that they can be interpreted at runtime. (In
Java, bytecode is also interpreted and generated as a result of compiling source
code. The difference is that scripting languages interpret source code directly.)

Groovy permits you to drop the compilation step entirely, though you could do it, if
you wanted to, using the Groovy compiler, groovyc. Compiling Groovy code with
groovyc yields normal Java bytecode that I can then run via the java command.
This is a key aspect of Groovy that is often overlooked: Anything you write in Groovy
can be compiled and run via the normal Java runtime.

As for running the code, if I wanted to be even more terse I could type

c:>groovy -e "println 'Hello World!'"

That would achieve the same result without any file definition at all!

Section 4. Getting started with Groovy

In this section you actually get started with some Groovy programming. First, learn
how easy it is to install Groovy (via the Eclipse Groovy plugin), and then start on
some easy examples that will help you get to know Groovy.

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Groovy's easy install

To get going with Groovy quickly, all you need to do is install Eclipse's Groovy
plugin. Open Ecliplse and select the Help menu item > Software Updates > Find
and Install....

Figure 1 shows the dialog box you are presented with after you did the steps above:

Figure 1. Eclipse Feature Updates dialog

Navigate the options

Next, you are presented with a dialog box containing two choices. Select the radio
button that says Search for new features to install. Click the Next button and then
select New Remote Site.... You are presented with a new dialog box, which has two
fields to fill in: the name of the new location and the URL for that location, as Figure
2 shows:

Figure 2. Make sure you provide a valid URL for your new remote site

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Type "Groovy plugin" for the name and

"http://dist.codehaus.org/groovy/distributions/update/" for the
location. Hit OK, then ensure that the item named "Groovy plugin" is selected in the
Sites to include in search box that follows — your list should look something like
what you see in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Remote sites listing in Eclipse

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Wrap it up

After you've clicked the Finish button, you should be presented with a Search
Results dialog box. Ensure once again that you've selected the "Groovy plugin" box
and hit the Next button. Figure 4 shows this step:

Figure 4. Selecting the Groovy plugin

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After you confirm a number of things, you'll download the plugin, after which you
may have to restart Eclipse.

Creating a Groovy project

Once Eclipse has restarted, you can create your first Groovy project. Be sure to
create two source folders — one called "groovy" and another called "java." The
Groovy code you write goes in the groovy folder and the Java code goes in the java
folder. I find it helpful to separate the two, as Figure 5 illustrates:

Figure 5. Two source folders Java and Groovy

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Importing Groovy to your project

Once the project has been created, right-click its icon and you should see a Groovy
option as Figure 6 shows. Select that option and then select the Add Groovy
Nature option. Doing so imports the necessary Groovy libraries, compiler, and
runner to your project.

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Figure 6. Adding the Groovy nature in Eclipse

Creating a Groovy class

Creating a Groovy class is simple. Select the groovy folder and right-click it. Select
New and then Other as Figure 7 demonstrates:

Figure 7. Creating a Groovy class via the New menu

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Name your class

From there, find the Groovy folder and select Groovy Class — you should see a
dialog box like the one in Figure 8.

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Figure 8. Selecting to create a Groovy class

Click the Next button and you'll be asked to give the class a name. Type

For now, you can leave the HelloWorld Groovy class in the default package, as
Figure 9 shows.

Figure 9. Don't worry about packages for now!

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While this may seem like a lot of steps, it isn't all that different from creating a normal
Java class.

Hello World! A Java program written in Groovy

Upon clicking the Finish button you should be presented with a code snip like this:

class HelloWorld {
static void main(args) {

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That looks an awful lot like the Java HelloWorld example from earlier. Note,
though, that it contains no public modifiers. Also, if you look closely at the
argument to the main method, note that there isn't a type.

Compile the program

Now go ahead and put a println "Hello World" inside of the main method so
it looks like this:

class HelloWorld {
static void main(args) {
println "Hello World"

You should be able to right-click within the source code editor and select the
Compile Groovy File option, as Figure 10 shows.

Figure 10. Right clicking on the Groovy file enables compilation

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Run the program

Next, right-click again, and select the Run As option, and then select the Groovy
option. You should see "Hello World" printed in your Eclipse console, as Figure 11

Figure 11. Hello World was never so pleasing

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What have you learned?

Okay, so that was a sneaky way to make an important point. Groovy really is Java.
The syntax is different — shorter, for the most part — but Groovy code is 100
percent compliant with Java bytecode. The intermingling of these two languages is
explored further in the next section.

Section 5. Groovy becomes Java

You've seen your first proof that Groovy code is practically interchangeable with
Java code. This section drives this point home as you continue to play with your
Groovy-built HelloWorld class.

Hello, Java!
Just to convince yourself that Groovy is Java, go ahead and put public modifiers in
front of the HelloWorld class declaration and the method declaration, like this:

public class HelloWorld {

public static void main(args) {
println "Hello World"

Still not convinced?

There's no reason this code shouldn't run like it did before. But, if you still aren't
convinced, try putting a String[] before the args parameter:

public class HelloWorld {

public static void main(String[]args) {
println "Hello World"

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Don't stop now

You've come this far, so you might as well replace println with
System.out.println — and don't forget to add parentheses for good measure.

public class HelloWorld {

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World")

Now you're back to where you started with the original Hello World example written
in Java code. The question is, which example was easier to write?

Note how the original Groovy-based HelloWorld class lacked any public
modifiers, any types (no String[]), and offered the shortcut println without
parentheses to boot.

Hello, Groovy!
If you want to, you can turn this process inside out. Just go back to the Java-based
Hello World example, remove everything in the file except the System.out line and
then, while you're at it, remove the System.out and the parentheses. Here's what
you're left with:

println "Hello World"

Now, which program is easier to write?

Run it!
Groovy code is 100 percent compliant with Java bytecode, as this exercise proves.
Inside Eclipse, select the Run menu option Open Run Dialog.... Select a new Java
Application configuration. Make sure the project is your Groovy project. For the
Main class, hit the Search button and find your HelloWorld class. Note that word
class, which implies that the Eclipse Groovy plugin has compiled your .groovy file
into a .class file.

You can see this entire process in action below in Figure 12 — it should look familiar
to you if you've run Java classes before in Eclipse.

Figure 12. Groovy code is 100 percent compliant with Java bytecode

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Hit the Run button and what do you see? Indeed, "Hello World!" has never been so

Section 6. Groovy is Java code without types

It's tempting to say that Groovy is just Java code without the rules, but in fact, it just
has fewer rules. This section focuses on one of the concrete aspects of Java
programming you leave behind when you start writing your Java applications using
Groovy: type definitions.

Why type types?

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In Java, if you want to declare a String variable, you have to type:

String value = "Hello World";

If you think about it, though, the characters to the right of the equals sign already
imply that String is the type of the variable value. Accordingly, Groovy permits
you to drop the String type variable in front of value and replace it with def.

def value = "Hello World"

In essence, Groovy infers an object's type by its value.

Run it!
Go ahead and edit your HelloWorld.groovy file to look like this:

String message = "Hello World"

println message

Run this code and you should see the same old "Hello World" on the console. Now,
replace the String variable type with def and re-run the code. Do you notice the
same thing?

Rather than printing the value of message, you can print its type with the following

def message = "Hello World"

println message.class

Printing "class java.lang.String" should be a welcome change by now! If

you're wondering what happened, well, Groovy figured out that message had to be
of type String because its value is surrounded with quotes.

More about type inference

You may have heard that in Groovy "everything is an object" — but what does that
mean for types? Well, let's see what happens if you replace the String from the
previous example with a number, like so:

def message = 12
println message.class

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The numerical value for the message variable looks like Java's primitive int type.
Running this code reveals that Groovy makes it an Integer, however. That's
because "everything is an object" in Groovy, remember?

Every object in Java extends java.lang.Object, which is mighty convenient for

Groovy. Even in the worst-case scenario where the Groovy runtime can't ascertain a
variable's type, all it has to do is make it an Object and things work out.

Go ahead and play around with this code. Make message whatever you'd like it to
be: Groovy will do its best to infer its type at runtime.

The implications of being typeless

So, Groovy's lack of types means less typing. Admittedly, replacing String with
def doesn't really save you a lot of keystrokes — three is hardly anything to brag
about! But at a higher level, over the course of writing a lot of code with more than
just variable declarations, lack of types actually does add up to a lot less typing.
More importantly, it means a lot less code to read. Last but not least, the lack of
types in Groovy opens up a whole new world of flexibility — flexibility that doesn't
require interfaces or abstract classes, by the way.

See, you only need to use the def keyword when declaring a freestanding variable
in a method; you don't need the def keyword for parameters in method declarations.
You also don't need them in, say, a for loop declaration, which means you don't
need to write (int x = 0; x < 5; x++). Instead, you can drop the int and
leave it blank.

Section 7. Looping through Groovy

Like most scripting languages, Groovy is often touted as a more productive
alternative to the Java language. You've already seen how Groovy's lack of types
cuts down on typing. In this section, you create and then experiment with a repeat
function. In the process, you explore more of the ways Groovy trades in verbosity for

The better, shorter for loop

Here's a fun way to appreciate Groovy's lack of types: First, create a new Groovy

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class the same way you created HelloWorld. Call this class MethodMadness and
remove the auto-generated class body: you're going to define a freestanding
repeat function instead. Now type this into your console:

def repeat(val){
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
println val

At first, this little function may look strange to your Java-trained eyes (in fact, it looks
a lot like JavaScript). But what you're seeing is Java code; it's just written

Inside MethodMadness

The repeat function takes one variable, val. Note how the parameter doesn't
require a def. The body of the method is, essentially, a for loop.

Calling this function


prints "hello world" five times. Note how the for loop allowed me to drop the int. A
for loop without a variable type is a bit shorter than the usual Java fare. Now see
what happens when you throw ranges into the mix.

Ranges in Groovy
A range is a sequence of values. For example, "0..4" denotes the inclusive integers
0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Groovy also supports exclusive ranges, where "0..<4" means 0, 1, 2,
3. You can also create a range of characters: "a..e" is equal to a, b, c, d, e.
"a..<e" would be all those values less e.

Ranges for looping

Ranges facilitate looping quite nicely. For instance, your previous for loop
incremented an integer from 0 to 4 like so:

for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)

A range would make that for loop cleaner and nicer to read:

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def repeat(val){
for(i in 0..5){
println val

Setting up a range

If you try running this example you may notice a small problem: "Hello World" prints
six times instead of five. There are three ways to fix this:

• Limit the inclusive range to 4:

for(i in 0..4)

• Start from 1 instead of 0:

def repeat(val){
for(i in 1..5){
println val

• Change the range from inclusive to exclusive:

def repeat(val){
for(i in 0..<5){
println val

Any way you cut it, you're back to where you started — printing "Hello World" five

Default parameter values

Thus far, you've managed to shorten the repeat function by using Groovy's range
expression. The function is still a bit limiting, though. What if you wanted to repeat
"Hello World" eight times? In fact, what if you wanted to repeat certain values
differently — say "Hello World" eight times but "Goodbye Sunshine" only twice?

Having to specify the number of desired repetitions every time you make a call to
repeat can get old, especially if you are already comfortable with the default
behavior (that is, repeating five times).

Groovy supports default parameter values which allow you to specify a parameter's
default value in the formal definition of a function or method. Callers to the function

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can opt to omit the parameter and accept the default value.

More complicated parameter values

Using the repeat function from earlier, if you want to provide the option to allow
callers to specify a repeat value, you can code it as follows:

def repeat(val, repeat=5){

for(i in 0..<repeat){
println val

Calling the function, as follows

repeat("Hello World", 2)
repeat("Goodbye sunshine", 4)

results in "Hello World" being printed two times, "Goodbye sunshine" four times, and
"foo" the default amount of five times.

Section 8. Groovy collections

Of all the handy shortcuts and features that Groovy offers, probably one of the most
helpful is its built in collections. Think for a second about how you use collections in
Java programming — import a java.util class here, initialize there, and add
some items to it. Those three steps alone add up to a more than a few lines of code.

Groovy, on the other hand, facilitates using collections directly within the language.
In Groovy you do not need to import a specialized class, nor do you need to initialize
an object. A collection is a native member of the language itself. Groovy also makes
working with collections (or lists, if you like) quite easy by intuitively aiding in adding
and removing items.

A range can be a collection

In the previous section you learned how to use Groovy's ranges to make looping
easier. The range expression "0..4" represents a collection of digits — 0, 1, 2, 3,
and 4. To test this out, create a new class and call it Ranger. Keep the class
definition and the main method declaration. But this time, add the following:

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def range = 0..4

println range.class
assert range instanceof List

Note how the assert phrase proves that ranges are instances of
java.util.List. Go ahead and run this code to verify the range is now a
collection of type List.

Extensive support
Groovy's collections support is extensive, and the beauty of it is that underneath the
magic, everything is a normal Java object. Every Groovy collection is an instance of
java.util.Collection or java.util.Map.

As mentioned earlier, Groovy's syntax offers native lists and maps. For example, try
adding the following two lines of code to the Ranger class:

def coll = ["Groovy", "Java", "Ruby"]

assert coll instanceof Collection
assert coll instanceof ArrayList

You'll note that the coll object looks like an array in the Java language. Actually,
it's a Collection. To achieve the same instance of a collection in normal Java
code, you'd have to do something like this:

Collection<String> coll = new ArrayList<String>();


In Java code, you have to use the add() method to add items to the instance of the

Add it up
Groovy gives you a number of ways to add something to a list of items — you can
use the add() method (because the underlying collection is a normal ArrayList
type), but there are a number of shortcuts you could also try.

For example, each line in the following code adds something to the underlying


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coll << "Smalltalk"

coll[5] = "Perl"

Note how Groovy enables operator overloading — the << operator is overloaded to
permit adding items into a collection. Also, you can directly add items via a positional
argument. In this case, as the collection only had four items in it, the [5] operator
places "Perl" in the last spot. Go ahead and print out the collection and see it for

Retrieving is easy
If you need to obtain a particular item from a collection, you can grab it via a
positional argument like the one above. For example, if you wanted to obtain the
second item, "Java," you could write something like this (remember that collections
and arrays are zero-based):

assert coll[1] == "Java"

Groovy also permits you to add and subtract collections from each other, like so:

def numbers = [1,2,3,4]

assert numbers + 5 == [1,2,3,4,5]
assert numbers - [2,3] == [1,4]

Note that in the above snip you've created a new collection instance, as the last line
in the code implies.

Magic methods to boot

Groovy also adds a few other handy features to collections. For instance, you can
take instances of collections and call specialized methods on them, like so:

def numbers = [1,2,3,4]

assert numbers.join(",") == "1,2,3,4"
assert [1,2,3,4,3].count(3) == 2

join() and count() are just two of the many different convenience methods
available to call on any list of items. The spread operator is a particularly handy
utility which facilitates calling a method on each item in a collection without having to
iterate over the collection.

Given a list of Strings, if you'd like to capitalize all of them, you can write

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assert ["JAVA", "GROOVY"] ==

["Java", "Groovy"]*.toUpperCase()

Note the *. notation. For each value in the above list, toUpperCase() is invoked,
producing a collection with each String instance capitalized.

Section 9. Groovy maps

In addition to its extensive list-handling capability, Groovy also provides a sturdy
mapping mechanism. Just like lists, maps are native data structures. And as always,
any mapping mechanism in Groovy is an instance of java.util.Map under the

Mapping in the Java language

Maps in the Java language are collections of name-value pairs. So, to create a
typical map in your Java code, you have to do something like this:

Map<String, String>map = new HashMap<String, String>();

map.put("name", "Andy");

A HashMap instance is holding two name-value pairs, each being an instance of a


Mapping via Groovy

Groovy makes working with maps as easy as working with lists — for instance, you
could write the Java-based map above in Groovy as

def hash = [name:"Andy", "VPN-#":45]

Note that the keys in a Groovy map don't have to be Strings. In this case, name
looks like a variable, but behind the scenes Groovy will make it a String.

It's all Java

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Now go ahead and create a new class called Mapper and add that code. Then add
the following line just to verify you're working with real Java code underneath:

assert hash.getClass() == java.util.LinkedHashMap

You can see that Groovy makes use of Java's LinkedHashMap type, which means
you can put and get items from this hash using normal Java idioms.

hash.put("id", 23)
assert hash.get("name") == "Andy"

Maps are so groovy

Hopefully you've seen by now that Groovy adds its own magic to any equation;
consequently, you can put items into a map using the . notation. If you wanted to
add a new name-value pair to the map (say dob and "01/29/76") you could do it, like

hash.dob = "01/29/76"

The . notation also works for obtaining items. For instance, here's how to grab the
value of dob:

assert hash.dob == "01/29/76"

Certainly the . is more groovy than calling get(), don't you think?

Positional maps
You can also use pseudo-positional syntax to put items into a map and obtain items
from one, as follows:

assert hash["name"] == "Andy"

hash["gender"] = "male"
assert hash.gender == "male"
assert hash["gender"] == "male"

Note, though, that when obtaining items from a map via the [] syntax, you must
reference items as Strings.

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Section 10. Closures in Groovy

Closures are a big topic in the Java world right now, with their likely inclusion in Java
7 still being hotly debated. Some have asked why we need closures in the Java
language when they already exist in Groovy. In this section, learn about closures in
Groovy. If nothing else, what you learn here will come in handy once closures
become a formal part of the Java language syntax.

No more Iterator
While you did quite a bit of coding with collections in the previous sections, you've
yet to actually iterate over one. Of course, you know that Groovy is Java, so you can
always grab an instance of the old Java Iterator, if you want, and loop over a
collection like so:

def acoll = ["Groovy", "Java", "Ruby"]

for(Iterator iter = acoll.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
println iter.next()

You don't actually need the type declaration inside the for loop, though, because
Groovy has made iteration a direct member of any collection. In this case, rather
than having to obtain an Iterator and directly manipulate it, you can just iterate
over a collection directly. What's more, the behavior that is normally intended to
reside inside a loop construct (such as the println in the body of for loop) is then
put inside a closure. Before we get too far, let's see this in action.

Can you spot the closure?

Taking the same exact code from above, you can iterate over a collection much
more concisely, like this:

def acoll = ["Groovy", "Java", "Ruby"]

println it

Note how each is called directly on the acoll instance, which you already know is
of type ArrayList. After the each call, a new syntax is introduced — {, and then

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some code, followed by }. The block of code signified by the {} is what's known as
a closure.

Execute it
Closures are blocks of executable code. They don't require names, and they can be
executed after they've been defined. So, in the case above, the nameless closure
whose body has the behavior of printing it (I'll explain what it is shortly) is called
for every value in the acoll collection type.

At a high level, the code between the {} is executed three times, thus printing what
you see in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Iteration has never been so easy

The it variable inside the closure is a keyword that points to the individual value of
the outside collection being invoked — it is a default value that can easily be
overridden by passing a parameter into the closure. So for instance, the following
code does the same exact thing, but uses its own item variable:

def acoll = ["Groovy", "Java", "Ruby"]

acoll.each{ value ->
println value

In this case, value is used instead of Groovy's default it.

Ubiquitously iterating
Closures appear frequently in Groovy; however, you'll use them most often when
iterating over a series of values. Keep in mind, a series of values can be represented
in more ways than just as a list — for example you can iterate over a map, a
String, a JDBC Rowset, a line in a File, and more.

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If you wanted to iterate over the hash object from the previous section of mapping in
Groovy, you could write the following:

def hash = [name:"Andy", "VPN-#":45]

hash.each{ key, value ->
println "${key} : ${value}"

Note how closures also permit multiple parameters — in this case, the code above
contains two parameters (key and value).

Iteration in Java code

Just as a friendly reminder, here's how you would do the same iteration using typical
Java constructs:

Map<String, String>map = new HashMap<String, String>();

map.put("name", "Andy");

for(Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){

Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)iter.next();
System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " : " + entry.getValue());

The above code is verbose compared to Groovy's, isn't it? If you find yourself
working a lot with collections, it just makes sense to do it in Groovy.

Total iteration
Remember, anything that is a collection or series of some sort can be iterated as
shown in the code below.

println it.toLowerCase()

More ways to use closures

While you'll probably find yourself using closures most often for iteration, they do
have other uses. Because a closure is a block of code, closures can be passed
around as parameters (which you can't do with functions or methods in Groovy). The
fact that closures are executed when called (rather than during definition) makes

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them quite useful for particular scenarios.

For instance, create a ClosureExample object via Eclipse and leave in the default
class syntax it gives you. In the resulting main() method, add this bit of code:

def excite = { word ->

return "${word}!!"

This code is a closure named excite. This closure takes one parameter (named
word) and returns a String with the word variable along with two exclamation
points. Note the use of substitution within the String instance. Using the
${value}syntax within a String tells Groovy to replace the value of a particular
variable within the String itself. Think of this syntax as a handy way to do the
equivalent of return word + "!!".

Delayed execution
Now that you have a closure, it's time to actually use it. You can call closures one of
two ways: either directly or via the call() method.

Using your ClosureExample class, go ahead and add the following two lines of
code below the closure's definition:

assert "Groovy!!" == excite("Groovy")

assert "Java!!" == excite.call("Java")

As you can see, either style of invocation works, though calling it directly is more
concise. Don't forget that closures are first-class objects in Groovy too — they can
be passed around as parameters and of course, executed at some later point.
Replicating the same behavior in normal Java is possible, but not exactly easy. But
that's no surprise to you by now, right?

Section 11. Classes in Groovy

Thus far, you've printed "Hello World" numerous times via Groovy, you've worked
with collections, you've iterated over collections using closures, and you've even
defined a closure on your own. You have managed to do all of this without
discussion of a concept that is fundamental to Java developers — classes.

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Of course, you've been working with classes for a while in this tutorial already: the
last few examples you coded were in the main() method of various classes. And,
as you already know, you can define classes in Groovy just like you do in your Java
code. The only difference is, you don't need to put in public modifiers and you can
drop types for method parameters. This section introduces you to all the other things
you can do with Groovy classes.

The Song class

Start by defining a simple, JavaBeans-like class in Groovy called Song.

The first step, naturally, is to create a class in Groovy called Song. This time, create
a package structure for it too — go ahead and create a package name like

Once you've created this class, remove main() that was automatically generated
for you by the Groovy plugin.

A song has a few properties — the artist who created it, the name of the song, and a
genre, to name a few. Add those properties to your newly created Song class, like

package org.acme.groovy
class Song {
def name
def artist
def genre

So far so good, right? It's nothing too complex for the new Groovy developer!

A Groovy class is a Java class

You should recall from earlier in this tutorial that the Groovy compiler creates a
normal Java .class for every class you define in Groovy. Remember how you
defined a HelloWorld class in Groovy and found the .class and ran it? You
could do the same with your newly defined Song class. If you do compile the code
via Groovy's groovyc compiler (which, by the way, the Eclipse Groovy plugin is
already doing for you), a Song .class file is generated.

All this means that if you want to use your new Song class in another Groovy class
or Java class, you'll have to import it (unless, of course, the code that will use Song
resides in the same package as Song).

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Accordingly, go ahead and create a new class, called SongExample and put it into
another package structure, say org.thirdparty.lib.

You should now be looking at some code that looks like this:

package org.thirdparty.lib
class SongExample {
static void main(args) {}

Class relationships
Now it's time to use that Song class. First import the instance and add this code into
SongExample's main() method.

package org.thirdparty.lib
import org.acme.groovy.Song
class SongExample {
static void main(args) {
def sng = new Song(name:"Le Freak",
artist:"Chic", genre:"Disco")

Now that's a Song instance you can dance to! Look closely, though, at the
initialization of the Song class you defined earlier. Do you notice anything special?
You should notice the auto-generated constructor.

Class initialization
Groovy automatically gives you a constructor that takes a map of name-value pairs,
which correspond to class properties. This, by the way, is an out-of-the-box feature
of Groovy — for any properties you define in a class, Groovy permits you to pass a
map full of values into a constructor. The use of a map does have implications; for
instance, you don't actually have to initialize every property of an object.

You can just as well add this code, too:

def sng2 = new Song(name:"Kung Fu Fighting", genre:"Disco")

You are also free to directly manipulate properties of a class, like so:

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def sng3 = new Song()

sng3.name = "Funkytown"
sng3.artist = "Lipps Inc."
assert sng3.getArtist() == "Lipps Inc."

Looking at this code, it is evident that not only did Groovy create a constructor that
permits passing in a map of properties and their values, but you can semi-directly
access properties via the . syntax. Moreover, Groovy also generated normal setter
and getter methods.

What's particularly groovy about Groovy, when it comes to property manipulation, is

that setters and getters are always called — even if you access a property directly
via the . syntax.

Flexibility at the core

Groovy is an inherently flexible language. For instance, see what happens when you
drop the parentheses from the setGenre() method invocation from the previous
panel; like so:

sng3.setGenre "Disco"
assert sng3.genre == "Disco"

In Groovy, for methods that take parameters, you can optionally drop the
parentheses — in some ways, doing so makes the code a bit easier to read.

Method overriding
So far you've managed to create a few instances of the Song class. Although, right
now they don't do anything particularly interesting. You can print one using the
following command:

println sng3

All that does is print the default toString() implementation of all objects in Java,
namely the class and it's hashcode (that is, org.acme.groovy.Song@44f787).
Let's see what happens when you override the default toString() implementation
to print something a bit nicer.

In your Song class, add the following code:

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String toString(){
"${name}, ${artist}, ${genre}"

Based on what you've learned in this tutorial, you were able to drop the public
modifier on the toString() method. You still needed to specify a return type
(String) in order to actually override the proper method. The body of the method is
tersely defined — but where is the return statement?

No return needed
You've probably already figured out that in Groovy you can omit the return
statement. Groovy assumes the last line in a method should be returned. So in this
case, a String is returned containing the values of the class's properties.

Go ahead and re-run the SongExample class. You should see something a bit more
interesting when you do. The toString() method returns a description instead of a

Specialized access
Groovy's auto-generation is handy for a few features, but sometimes you need to
override default behavior. For instance, let's say you need to override the
getGenre() method in the Song class, so that the returned String is all

Providing this new behavior is quite easy, just define a getGenre() method. You
can have either have the method's declaration return a String or you can omit it
entirely if you wish. Go ahead and do the simplest possible thing:

def getGenre(){

Like before, your simple method omits a return type and a return phrase. Now run
your SongExample class again. You should see something unexpected ---there is
now a nullpointer exception.

Nullpointer safety
If you've followed along so far, you should at some point have added this line to your
SongExample class:

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assert sng3.genre == "Disco"

The result was an assertion failure when you re-ran SongExample — which is why
all that ugly red text printed out in your Eclipse console. (Sorry about pulling such a
dirty trick, by the way.)

Fortunately, you can easily fix the error: just add the following line of code to the
SongExample class:

println sng2.artist.toUpperCase()

But wait, now more red text is streaming down your console — what happened?!

Nasty nulls
If you remember, the sng2 instance didn't define an artist value. As a result, a
Nullpointer exception was generated when you invoked the toUpperCase()

Luckily, Groovy provides a safety net, via the ? operator — preceding a method call
with ? is like putting a conditional in front of the call which guards calling a method
on a null object.

For example, replace the line sng2.artist.toUpperCase() with

sng2.artist?.toUpperCase(). Note that you are also free to omit the trailing
parentheses in this case. (Groovy actually permits you to drop parentheses on
methods without parameters, too. Doing so can cause issues if Groovy thinks you
are accessing a class' properties rather than a method, however.)

Re-running the SongExample class now demonstrates the ? operator's usefulness.

In this case, you aren't presented with a nasty exception. Now go ahead and place
this code in the same class and re-run the whole song.

def sng4 = new Song(name:"Thriller", artist:"Michael Jackson")

println sng4

Just being Java

You'll notice that no exception was generated, though you may have expected one.
Even though you didn't define a genre, the getGenre() method invoked

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You remember that Groovy is Java, right? So in Song's toString()s you

referenced the genre property itself; hence, getGenre() wouldn't be called. Go
ahead and change the toString() method to use getGenre(), and then see
what happens.

String toString(){
"${name}, ${artist}, ${getGenre()}"

Re-running SongExample reveals a similar exception. Now, see what happens

when you try fixing it on your own.

Another handy little operator

Hopefully, your fix is similar to mine. As you can see below, I augmented the
getGenre() method in the Song class to make use of Groovy's handy ? operator.

def getGenre(){

The ? operator is quite useful from time to time and most certainly cuts down on
conditional phrases.

Section 12. Unit testing Groovy

This tutorial has emphasized the fact that Groovy is just another variation of Java.
You've even seen that you can code normal Java using Groovy and get away with it.
To drive this point home one last time, you conclude this tutorial by testing your
Song class with JUnit using Java.

Add JUnit to your Eclipse project

In order to follow the examples in this section, you need to add JUnit to your Eclipse
project. First, right-click on your project and select Build Path and then select Add
Libraries as Figure 14 shows:

Figure 14. Adding JUnit to a project's build path

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You are presented with the Add Library dialog box like the one in Figure 15.

Figure 15. Select JUnit from the list of libraries

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Select JUnit and hit the Next button. You should see a dialog box like the one in
Figure 16. Select JUnit3 or 4 — the choice is entirely up to you — and hit the Finish

Figure 16. To JUnit 3 or to JUnit 4

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Set up a new test case

Now that you've got JUnit in your project's classpath, you can write a JUnit test.
Right-click on the java source folder and select New followed by JUnit Test Case.
Define a package, give the test case a name (like SongTest) and in the Class
Under Test section, hit the Browse button.

Note that you can select the Song class that you defined in Groovy. Figure 17
demonstrates this step:

Figure 17. Find the Song class

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Select that class and hit OK (you should see a dialog box similar to the one in Figure
18) and then hit the Finish button in the New JUnit Test Case dialog.

Figure 18. A new test case for Song

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Define the test method

I chose to use JUnit 4; consequently, I went ahead and defined a test method
named testToString() like so:

package org.acme.groovy;
import org.junit.Test;

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public class SongTest {

public void testToString(){}

Test toString
Obviously, you want to verify that the toString() method is clean, so what's your
first step? If you thought to yourself "import the Song class" you are thinking too
hard — the Song class is in the same package. Consequently, the first step is to
create an instance of it.

In creating an instance of Song to test, note that you don't have the ability to fully
initialize an instance via a map passed into a constructor — what's more, if you
attempt auto-completion of the instance's setter methods, see that each setter takes
an Object rather than a String (look closely at Figure 19, just in case). Why is

Figure 19. All the setters and getters are there

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Groovy makes it work

If you remember at the beginning of the tutorial, I said:

Because every object in Java extends java.lang.Object, even

in the worst case scenario where Groovy can't ascertain what a
variable's type is, all Groovy has to do is make it an Object and
things will, believe it or not, work out.

Now recall that when you defined the Song class, you omitted each property's type.
Groovy, being pretty groovy, naturally made each property an Object. So, when
you attempt to use the Song class in normal Java, you are presented with a lot of
getters and setters that all have Object as both a return type and parameter type.

Refining return types

Just for fun, open up the Groovy Song class and change the artist property to be
of type String rather than typeless, like so:

package org.acme.groovy
class Song {
def name
String artist
def genre
String toString(){
"${name}, ${artist}, ${getGenre()}"
def getGenre(){

Now, go back to your JUnit test, and tap the auto-completion shortcut on your Song
instance — do you see what I see?

In Figure 20 (and hopefully in your own follow-along code) the setArtist()

method takes a String rather than an Object. Once again, Groovy proves that it
is Java under the hood; and thus applies the same rules.

Figure 20. Strings rather than objects

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It's always plain old Java

Going back to writing the test, please also note that, by default, Groovy's compiled
class properties are private, so you can't directly access them in Java. Instead, you
have to use setters like the following:

public void testToString(){
Song sng = new Song();
sng.setArtist("Village People");
Assert.assertEquals("Y.M.C.A, Village People, DISCO",

Coding the remainder of this test case is trivial. What it nicely demonstrates is that
anything you do in Groovy can be easily re-used in your Java programs. Don't forget
that the opposite is also true. Everything you do and have written in the Java
language is also available to you in Groovy.

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Section 13. In conclusion

If there's one thing you take away from this tutorial (other than your first experiences
of programming Groovy) it should be the deep understanding that Groovy is Java
without a lot of the syntactical rules you're used to. Groovy is Java without types,
without modifiers, without returns, without Iterators, without importing collections.
In short, Groovy is Java without a lot of the baggage that can weigh down your Java
projects when you really need them to fly.

And yet, under the hood, Groovy is just Java.

I hope you've had fun on this first journey toward Groovy fluency. You've played
around with Groovy's syntax, created a few classes that exercised its
productivity-enhancing features, and seen how easy it is to test a Groovy class using
Java. You've also encountered some of the pitfalls common to first-time Groovy
developers, and seen how to work around them without creating too much of a

While you probably don't consider yourself quite fluent in Groovy at this point, you've
taken the first steps. You can use what you've learned so far as a basis for writing
your own first Groovy programs — after all, you've got your dual Groovy-and-Java
programming environment all set up! For an interesting exercise, try setting up your
next round of automated builds with Gant, an Ant-based build tool that uses Groovy
rather than XML to define the build. Once you're more comfortable with the language
you can try building a Web application module using Groovy on Grails — which,
incidentally, is the subject of my next tutorial.

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• Practically Groovy (Andrew Glover, developerWorks, August 2004 through
September 2006): Go beyond basics with Andrew's introductions to Groovy
builders and templates, Ant scripting with Groovy, Groovy on the server side,
smooth operators, Groovy's Meta Object Protocol, and more.
• "Mastering Grails: Build your first Grails application" (Scott Davis,
developerWorks, January 2008): Get started with Grails, a modern Web
development framework that seamlessly integrates legacy Java code with the
flexibility and dynamism of Groovy.
• "Secrets of lightweight development success, Part 7: Java alternatives" (Bruce
Tate, developerWorks, September 2005): Find out what makes a language
productive, or not, in this high-level discussion of closures, continuations,
reflection, and metaprogramming.
• "What's New in Groovy 1.5" (InfoQ, Guillaume Laforge, December 2007):
Groovy's project manager highlights Groovy's new support for Java 5
annotations, generics and enums.
• "Groovy-power automated builds with Gant" (Klaus Berg, JavaWorld, February
2008): Find out why some Java developers are choosing Gant as a more
expressive alternative for complex builds.
• The Disco Blog's Groovy articles (Andrew Glover, thediscoblog.com): Where
Andrew writes about various topics related to Groovy, such as unit testing,
metaprogramming, and advanced Groovy development techniques.
Get products and technologies
• IBM developer kit for Java technology 1.5.0 SR3: Powerful support for Groovy
development on the Java platform.
• Sun JDK 1.5 or later: You'll need at least version 1.5.0_09 to follow the
examples in this tutorial.
• Eclipse IDE: Set up your Groovy development environment easily with the
Eclipse Groovy Plugin.
• Groovy: Hosted by Codehaus.
• JUnit: Examples are compatible with JUnit 3 or JUnit 4.
• The Groovy Zone: The DZone community for Groovy and Grails developers.
• Improve your code quality: Andrew Glover's developerWorks discussion for

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developers focused on test-driven development, code quality, and reducing risk.

About the author

Andrew Glover
Andrew Glover is president of Stelligent Incorporated, which helps companies
embrace developer testing strategies and continuous integration techniques that
enable teams to deliver software faster. Check out Andy's blog for a list of his

Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the
United States, other countries, or both.

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