Multiple Intelligence Test-PORTER
Multiple Intelligence Test-PORTER
Multiple Intelligence Test-PORTER
1-Mostly Disagree
2-Slightly Disagree
3-Slightly Agree
4-Mostly Agree
I can predict my feelings and behaviors in certain situations fairly accurately Relaxation and meditation exercises are rewarding to me I find mental math easy I can identify most sounds without seeing what causes them At school one of may favorite subjects is/was English Animals are important in my life I like to think through a problem carefully, considering all the consequences I enjoy debates and discussions I love adrenaline sports and scary rides I enjoy individual sports over team sports I care about how those around me feel I like to keep a lot of pictures and photographs I'm good with my hands - I enjoy and am good at making things I like having music on in the background I find it easy to remember telephone numbers I set goals for myself and make plans for the future Recycling is important to me I am a very tactile person - I like to touch things a lot I can tell easily whether someone likes me or dislikes me I like traveling to visit inspiring places I can easily imagine how an object would look from another perspective I never use instructions when putting things together I find it easy to talk to new people To learn something new, I need to just get on and try it I often see clear images when I close my eyes I enjoy philosophy I dont use my fingers when I count I often talk to myself out loud or in my head At school I love/loved music lessons I enjoy studying biology, botany and/or zoology (study of nature) Learning new things is easier when I see their real world application I find it easy to pick up the basics of another language I find ball games easy and enjoyable My favorite subject at school is/was math I always know how I am feeling I am realistic about my strengths and weaknesses I keep a diary I am very aware of other peoples body language My favorite subject at school is/was art I wonder if there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe I like to read I can read a map easily It upsets me to see someone cry and not be able to help I am good at solving disputes between others
I have always dreamed of being a musician or singer I prefer team sports over individual sports It is important for me to feel connected to people, ideas and beliefs I like spending a lot of times outdoors (hiking, fishing, camping, etc) Singing makes me feel happy I never get lost when I am on my own in a new place If I am learning how to do something, I like to see drawings and diagrams of how it works I am happy spending time alone My friends always come to me for emotional support and advice
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Total 0 0 0 0
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Attitude Style Introversion Inward, within self Extroversion Outward, outside self
Total 0 0
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Introversion Extroversion
References Chapman, Alan. (2007). Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. Retrieved February 15, 2007 from http://www.businessball McKenzie, Walter. (1999). Multiple Intelligences Survey. Retrieved February 20, 2008 from Silver, Strong, & Perini. 2006. Learning Style/Multiple Intelligences Checklist. Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ: Thoughtful Education Press, LLC.