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Aldec Active-HDL Simulation

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Tutorial on

Aldec Active-HDL

Ver 2.0

by Shashi Karanam, Kishore Kumar Surapathi


AcLlve-PuL ls an lnLegraLed envlronmenL deslgned for developmenL of vPuL deslgns. 1he core of
Lhe sysLem ls a vPuL slmulaLor. Along wlLh debugglng and deslgn enLry Lools, lL makes up a compleLe
sysLem LhaL allows you Lo wrlLe, debug and slmulaLe vPuL code. 8ased on Lhe concepL of a deslgn,
AcLlve-PuL allows you Lo organlze your vPuL resources lnLo a convenlenL and clear sLrucLure.

SLudenLs can use AcLlve-PuL Lo perform followlng Lasks:
developmenL of Lhe vPuL based deslgns,
funcLlonal slmulaLlon of Lhelr code,
funcLlonal slmulaLlon of Lhe synLheslzed code,
Llmlng slmulaLlon of Lhe hardware lmplemenLaLlon.


1hls LuLorlal helps you Lo
CreaLe a new deslgn or add .vhd flles Lo your deslgn
Complle and debug your deslgn
erform slmulaLlon

noLe : 1hls LuLorlal does noL explaln Lhe synLhesls or lmplemenLaLlon sLeps.

1. SLarL >> vLSl 1ools >> AcLlve-PuL 8.2
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2. Compiling designs

Compilation of the VHDL code is necessary to create simulation model of
the described circuit. The compiler checks all the syntax and writes all the
necessary information in the internal binary format. It should be clearly noted that
the compilers ability to find errors is limited to syntax errors only. Many other
errors and mistakes can be found only when performing thorough simulation. It is
also important to understand that the compilation does not produce any
synthesized code for implementation purposes. This task is performed in
Foundation Series exclusively.

2.1 Compiling selected files

Select the file you want to compile and press button or press F11 on
the keyboard. This will start compilation.

If everything went right during the compilation, you should see check mark
near your file. You can also expand the branch headed by the library icon to
see that all compiled entities and architectures have been added to the project

check mark

If the compilation process did not end with success, the compiler will
produce meaningful descriptions of errors. All places in your code where errors
were found will be highlighted.

errors found in
this entity
architecture has
not been
compiled to the
located errors

2.2 Compiling all files

The entire design can be compiled at once by pressing buttons: or .
If all the entities in the design are organized in the clear hierarchical structure, the
compiler will automatically recognize the top-level entity. However, if distinct
hierarchies of entities exist, the compiler will leave the choice of the top-level
entity for you.

More than one
top-level entities

3. Simulating the design

Simulation can be performed when the entire design has been
successfully compiled. It means that the simulation model of all elements has
been created. Simulator can be configured to stimulate all inputs to the circuit,
however students should learn to write test benches top-level testers described
behaviorally. The task of test bench is to produce all the stimulation to the tested
circuit to verify its correctness. Once the test bench is created, performing
simulation becomes an easy task.

Simulation is performed in a graphical way simulator plots waveforms of
all signals being of designers interest. To create an empty waveform click on the
button . Next add desired signals by clicking on the button .

select desired
signals can be selected
from any level in hierarchy

When you are done with adding signals, you can attempt to perform
simulation. There are three slightly different ways to run it:

by pressing button - the simulation will run until you will stop it by pressing
by pressing button - the simulation will run until specified point of time will
be reached.
by pressing button - the simulation will run for specified amount of time.

The result of simulation is represented in the form of waveforms.

You can always restart simulation by pressing button .

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