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Laboratory Manual MEC-325 Thermo Fluid Engineering Laboratory

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LABORATORY MANUAL MEC-325 Thermo Fluid Engineering Laboratory

S.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 TITLE OF EXPERIMENT Francis Turbine: To draw characteristics of Francis turbine Pelton turbine: To draw the characteristics of Pelton Turbine Reciprocating pump: To determine the performance of a
reciprocating pump.

PAGE NO. 3 6 10 14 18 22


Centrifugal pump: To draw the various performance characteristics of Centrifugal pump Hydraulic RAM : Determination of various efficiencies of Hydraulic Ram Diesel Engine: To draw valve timing diagram of a diesel engine, To study of its impact on the performance of an IC Engine. Petrol Engine: To draw valve timing diagram of a petrol engine and study of its impact on the performance of an IC Engine. Morse test : Determine the brake power, indicated power and friction power of a multicylinder petrol engine running at constant speed determine the mechanical efficiency of a multicylinder petrol engine running at constant speed (Morse Test) Performance of diesel engine : Performance of a diesel from no load to full load (at constant speed) for a single cylinder engine in terms of brake power, indicated power, mechanical efficiency and SFC (Specific fuel consumption) and to obtain power consumption curves and draw the heat balance sheet. Reciprocating compressor: To determine the isothermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency and compression ratio of reciprocating compressor and Performance of single stage/ multi stage reciprocating compressor..





EXPERIMENT 1: Aim: - To Study the constructional details of the Francis Turbine (Reaction turbine) and draw its fluid flow circuit. Apparatus used: - Model of Francis Turbine. Formula Used: 1. Work done by water on the runner per second = Q (VW1, V1) 2. Hydraulic efficiency = Vw1 U1/(gH) 3. Speed Ratio = U1/ 2gH varies from 0.6 to 0.88 4. Flow Ratio = Vf1/ 2gH varies from 0.12 to 0.35 Where = Density of water Q = Discharge of water Vw1= Whirl velocity of water at inlet U1= Runner velocity Vf1= Velocity of flow at inlet H= Net head Theory: - Reaction Turbine: - In this type of turbine there is a gradual pressure drop and takes place continuously over the fixed and moving blades or over guide vanes and moving vanes. The function of the guides vanes is that they alter the direction of water as well as increases its velocity. As the water passes over the moving vanes its kinetic energy is absorbed by them. Francis Turbine: - The inward flow reaction turbine having radial discharge at outlet is known as Francis turbine, after the name of J.B Francis an American engineer who in beginning designed inward radial flow reaction turbine. In the modern Francis turbine, the water enters the runner of the turbine in the radial direction and leaves in the axial direction at the outlet of the runner. Thus the modern Francis turbine is a mixed flow type turbine. Constructional details:The main parts of the Francis turbine are: 1. Penstock 2. Casing 3. Guide mechanism 4. Runner 5. Draft tube 1. Penstock: - It is a long pipe at the outlet of which a nozzle is fitted. The water from reservoir flows through the penstock. The nozzle increases the kinetic energy of water flowing through the penstock. 2. Casing: - In case of reaction turbine, casing and runner are always full of water. The water from the penstocks enters the casing which is of spiral shape in which area of cross-section of the casing goes on decreasing gradually. The casing completely surrounds the runner of the turbine. The casing is made of spiral shape, so that the water may enter the runner at constant velocity throughout the circumference of the runner. The casing is made of concrete or cast steel. 3. Guide Mechanism: - It consists of a stationary circular wheel all round the runner of the turbine. The stationary guide vanes are fixed on the guide mechanism. The guide vanes allow

the water to strike the vanes fixed on the runner without shake at inlet. Also by a suitable arrangement, the width between two adjacent vanes of a guides mechanism can be altered so that the amount of water striking the runner can vary. 4. Runner: - It is a circular wheel on which a series of radial curved vanes are fixed. The surface of the vanes is made very smooth. The radial curved vanes are so shaped that the water enters and leaves the runner without shock. The runners are made of cast steel, cast iron or stainless steel. They are keyed to the shaft. 5. Draft tube: - The pressure at the exit of the runner of a reaction turbine is generally less than atmosphere pressure. The water at exit cannot be directly discharged to the tail race. A tube or pipe of gradually increasing area is used for discharging water from the exit of the turbine to the tail race. This tube of increasing area is called draft tube. The draft tube, in addition to serve a passage for water discharge, has the following two purposes also. 1. The turbine may be placed above the tail race and hence turbine may be inspected properly. 2. The kinetic energy rejected at the outlet of the turbine is converted into useful pressure energy. Specifications:1. Type Reaction Turbine 2. Type of flow Mixed (Redial & Axial) 3. Head Medium 45 to 250m 4. Specific speed Medium 50 to 250 5. Shaft position Mainly vertical ( it may be horizontal also ) 6. Discharge Medium Governing Mechanism:The governing mechanism changes the position of guide blades to affect a variation in the water flow rate in the wake of changing load condition of the turbine. When the load changes, the governing mechanism rotates all guide blades about their axis through the same angle so that the water flow rate to the runner and its direction essentially remain the same at the all passages between any two consecutive guide vans. The penstock pipe feeding the turbine is often fitted with a relief valve, also known as the pressure regulator. When guide vanes are suddenly closed, the relief valve opens and diverts the water direct to tail race. The simultaneous operation of guide vanes and relief valve is termed as double regulation. Formulae Used Total head = 10 x P (Pressure gauge reading) Velocity of water= coefficient of pitot tube (2gH ((m/w)-1))1/2 w = density of water m= density of manometer fluid H= Differential pressure of manometer BHP output= [(w1-w2) x (Db + Dr)/2 X 2x3.14xN]/4500 H.P. input = QH/75 Efficiency of turbine= [B.H.P./H.P. in] X100

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Aim: To Study the constructional details of the Francis Turbine (Reaction turbine) and draw its fluid flow circuit. Observations: A= C/S area of the pipe g= Acceleration due to gravity w= Density of water m= Density of manometer D= Diameter of Break drum d= Diameter of rope Cpitote= Co-efficient of pitot tube RPM (N) Pr. Gauge Reading (P) Differential pressure, h(m) Dead weight w1(kg) Spring Balance w2(kg)


Calculation: S. No Velocity (v) Total Head (m) Discharge Q(m3/sec) Output Input Turbine Efficiency

Result and Discussion: Error Analysis:

Learning Outcomes

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Aim: To Study the constructional details of the Francis Turbine (Reaction turbine) and draw its fluid flow circuit.
To be filled by Faculty S.NO 1 2 3 Parameter (Scale from 1-10, 1 for very poor and 10 for excellent) Understanding of the student about the procedure /apparatus Observations and analysis including learning outcome Completion of the experiment, Discipline and cleanliness Signature of Faculty Marks obtained Max. Marks 20 20 10

EXPERIMENT 2: Aim: To draw the characteristics of Pelton Turbine Equipment required: Pelton wheel set up, Water supply, 3-Phase supply, 440 volt AC Drain Space required: 2.5mx1.5mx3.0m. Material Required: Water needed, etc. Learning Objective: To determine the output power of pelton turbine. To determine the efficiency of the pelton turbine. To plot the performance characteristics curves. Outline of the Procedure: a. Clean the apparatus and make tank free from dust b. Close the drain valve provided. c. Fill sump tank with clean water and ensure that no foreign particles are there. d. Fill manometer fluid i.e. Hg in manometer e. Now switch on the main power supply (440V AC, 50 Hz) f. The control valve is close position before starting the pump. g. Prime the pump and close valve after priming the pump. h. Switch on the pump with help of the starter i. Open the air release valve provided on the manometer, slowly to release the air from manometer j. When there is no air in the manometer, close the air release valve k. Now regulate the spear position with the help of hand wheel l. Now turbine is in operation m. Regulate the discharge by regulating the spear position. n. Load the turbine with the help of hand wheel attached to the spring balance o. Note the manometer reading p. Note the pressure gauge reading q. Note the RPM of turbine r. Note the spring balance readings s. Repeat the same experiment for different load and different discharge Formulae Head (h) = h1-h2 V= Cd (2gH ((m/w)-1))1/2 Turbine Output = (29.813.14NWRe)/60 Where W= w1-w2+w3 Efficiency= outputx100/Input

Closing procedure: 1. When experiment is over, first remove load on dynamometer 2. Close the ball valves provided on dynamometer 3. Switch off pump with the help of starter 4. Switch off the mail power supply

Scope of result and parameters Calculate the output power and efficiency of the pelton turbine To plot the performance characteristics curves Cautions: 1. Do not run the pump at low voltage i.e. less than 390 volts 2. Always keep apparatus free from dust 3. To prevent clogging of moving parts, run the pump at least once in a fortnight.

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Aim: To draw the characteristics of Pelton Turbine Observations: d1= a1= g = w= m= Db= Dr= Cd = W 3= R e= S. NO RPM N Pr. Gauge Reading (P) Differential pressure, h(m) H1 h2 Dead weight w1(kg) Spring Balance w2(kg)

Calculation: S. No RPM Total Head (m) Discharge Q(m3/sec) Output Input Turbine Efficiency


Result and Discussion:

Error Analysis:

Learning Outcomes:

To be filled by Faculty S.NO 1 2 3 Parameter (Scale from 1-10, 1 for very poor and 10 for excellent) Understanding of the student about the procedure /apparatus Observations and analysis including learning outcome Completion of the experiment, Discipline and cleanliness Signature of Faculty Marks obtained Max. Marks 20 20 10

EXPERIMENT 3: Aim: To determine the performance of a reciprocating pump. Equipment required: Double acting-single cylinder Reciprocating pump, AC motor, pressure gauge, vacuum gauge, sump tank, measuring tank, stop watch etc. Material required: water Learning objectives: Study of this experiment involves investigate the characteristics of reciprocating pump and to find out total head, pump efficiency, overall efficiency and volumetric efficiency to plot the graph at various speeds, head Vs discharge and pump efficiency Vs Discharge. Outline of the procedure: a. Clean the apparatus and make all tanks free from dust. b. Close the drain valves provided. c. Fill sump tank with clean water and ensure that no foreign particles are there. d. Open flow control valve given on the water discharge line and control valve given on suction line. e. Ensure that all on/off switches given on the panel are at off position. f. Set the speed of motor/pump with the help of 3 step cone pulley. g. Now switch ON the main power supply and switch ON the pump. h. Record the RPM of the motor from RPM indicator. i. Record discharge pressure by means of pressure gauge, provided on discharge line. j. Record suction pressure by means of vacuum gauge, provided at suction of the pump. k. Record the power consumption by means of energy meter, provided in panel with the help of stop watch. l. Measure the flow of water, discharged by the pump, using stop watch and measuring tank. m. Repeat the same procedure for different pressure head. n. Repeat the same procedure for different RPM with the help of step cone pulley. Formula Used HP electric = (p36001000)/(tEMC746) P= No. Of pulses blinking in the energy meter t=time for pulses EMC= energy meter constant (3200EMC) H.P. Shaft= H.P.elec x 0.8 x 0.7 Efficiency of motor=0.8 Efficiency of transmission= 0.7 Theoretical discharge= 2 x (A x L x N)/60 A= Area of cross section L=Stroke Length N= No. Of RPM Actual discharge (Qa) = a x h/(100 x T) a= Area of measuring tank h= Rise of water level in measuring tank (cm) T= Time for h Total head H= [10 x (delivery pressure +Vacuum pressure /760)] +1 m

HP of Pump= (QH/75) Where = Density of fluid Q= actual Discharge H= Total Head Volumetric Efficiency= [Actual discharge x 100]/Theoretical discharge Overall efficiency= [H.P. of pump x 100]/H.P. of elec Pump efficiency = [H.P. of pump x 100]/ H.P. of shaft

Scope of the results expected: Neat schematic diagram of experimental setup. Observation table. Calculation of theoretical discharge, actual discharge. Calculation of total head and volumetric efficiency and overall efficiency, pump efficiency. Plot the graph of head Vs discharge and pump efficiency Vs discharge. Cautions: 1. It should be ensured that there are no air bubbles. 2. There should be no leakage of water from the pipe as well as from measuring tank. 3. All readings and measurements should be taken very carefully and accurately.


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Aim: To determine the performance of a reciprocating pump. Observation Table: S. No. RPM of No. Of Pump Pulses of P Time taken by p Suction Delivery Ht. In Measuring Pressure Pressure Tank h (cm) mm Hg Kg/cm2 h1 h2 Time taken for h (T) sec

S. No H.P. elec H.P. shaft Theoretical Discharge Actual discharge Total head HP output Volumetric efficiency Overall efficiency Pump efficiency

Result and Discussion:

Error Analysis:

Learning Outcomes:


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Registration no:

Aim: To determine the performance of a reciprocating pump.

To be filled by Faculty S.NO 1 2 3 Parameter (Scale from 1-10, 1 for very poor and 10 for excellent) Understanding of the student about the procedure /apparatus Observations and analysis including learning outcome Completion of the experiment, Discipline and cleanliness Signature of Faculty Marks obtained Max. Marks 20 20 10



Aim: To draw the various performance characteristics of Centrifugal pump: 1. Head vs Discharge 2. Power vs Discharge 3. Efficiency vs Discharge Equipment required: Single stage Centrifugal Pump, Measuring tank, Scale, Sump etc Learning objective: The centrifugal pumps are designed and manufactured to work under a given set conditions (such as discharge, speed, power required, head, efficiency etc.) but in actual practice the conditions may be different than those designed conditions. It is important to determine the exact behaviour of the pump under varied conditions Outlines of the procedure: 1. Different values of Q (discharge) and H (manometric head) are obtained by running the pump at a constant. 2. Calculate the power (P1) output of the pump for each set of values of Q and H, P1 = wQ H (w = specific weight of water = 9810N/m3) 3. Calculations are made for the overall efficiency () of the pump (for each value of P) = power output of the pump/power input of the pump = P1/P2 4. The curves are plotted between a. Q and H b. Q and P c. Q and Formulae P= kW P=pulses of energy T= Time take by P E=Energy meter constant Pshaft=Pelec.motor motor=0.8 (assumed) Discharge Q= [A x h]/100t A= area of collecting tank h= height of collecting tank h1,h2= Initial and final level of water in tank t= Time taken for h(sec) H= [10(delivery pressure + Vacuum pressure/760]+1 m of height Ppump=QH/100 = density of fluid H= total head overall= [Ppump100]/Pelec. pump= [Ppump100]/Pshaft.

Required results: From the graphs, it is observed that the value of head will rise as discharge increases, the value of discharge will increase with the increase in shaft horse power and the efficiency will increase as discharge increases.

Cautions: 1. It should be ensured that there are no air bubbles. 2. There should be no leakage of water from the pipe as well as from measuring tank. 3. All readings and measurements should be taken very carefully and accurately.


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Aim: To draw the various performance characteristics of Centrifugal pump: 1. Head vs Discharge 2. Power vs Discharge 3. Efficiency vs Discharge Observation Table: S. No. RPM of Gauge Pump pressure (kg/cm2) Vacuum 10 Ht. In Measuring (mm Hg) pulses /t Tank h (cm) h1 h2 Time taken for h (T) sec

S. No P. elec P. shaft Actual discharge Total head Pulses of energy for pump Overall efficiency Pump efficiency

Result and Discussion:

Error Analysis:


Date of Performance

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Registration no:

Aim: To draw the various performance characteristics of Centrifugal pump: Learning Outcomes:

To be filled by Faculty S.NO 1 2 3 Parameter (Scale from 1-10, 1 for very poor and 10 for excellent) Understanding of the student about the procedure /apparatus Observations and analysis including learning outcome Completion of the experiment, Discipline and cleanliness Signature of Faculty Marks obtained Max. Marks 20 20 10



Aim: Determination of various efficiencies of Hydraulic Ram. Apparatus Used: - Model of Hydraulic Ram. Theory: - Hydraulic System: - is an arrangement to transmit forces and energy through an incompressible fluid. They are of two types:1. Hydrostatic System: - In this system transmission is due to hydraulic pressure. The main elements are: (a). Pumping Unit: - That acts as a power source to develop the hydraulic pressure from mechanical work- Usually it is a rotary or a reciprocating pump. (b). Transmission line or passage: - Through which power and energy are to be transmitted from the place of production to the place of its necessity. (c). Hydraulic motor: - To reconvert the hydraulic pressure into mechanical work. Again this can be of rotary or reciprocating type in the form of cylinder & piston. Piston in the cylinder is moved by the fluid pressure providing useful work. e.g. Hydraulic press, crane, lift etc. 2. Hydro Kinematics System: - In this transmission is due to change in the velocity and the direction of fluid flow. With a negligible change in the pressure of the fluid. It has two main elements: (a). Pump- impeller driven by the driving shaft (centrifugal pump). (b). Turbine Runner to run the driven shaft: - There is circulation of oil from the pump impeller to the runner that transmits power. Hydraulic Ram: - It is a pump which raises small quantity of water to a greater height, if large qty. of water is available at a lower height without using any external power. Constructional details: - Its main parts are: Supply line, Supply tank, Waste valve, Delivery valve, Valve chamber, Delivery pipe, Delivery tank, Air vessel, Non-return valve, Drain cock, Pressure gauge. Working principle: - It works on the principle of water hammer effectors inertia force of water in a pipe line. When a flowing fluid is brought to rest suddenly a rise of pressure occurs, which can be utilized to raise a portion of water to a higher level. It does not require any external power for its operation. It consist of a valve chamber fitted with two valves, a wattle valve & a delivery valve, both being none return valves. The delivery valve opens into an Air vessel to carry the air compressed. A delivery pipe is connected to the air vessel to carry the water to a delivery

tank. A supply pipe connects the available water source to the valve chamber. At a particular moment assume that the delivery valve is closed and the waste valve is open. Water flows down the supply pipe in to the valve chamber and then through the waste valves into waste water tunnel. As the velocity of water in the pipe increases, the dynamic pressure on the underside of the waste valve becomes high. This closes the waste valve which was open due to its own weight. With the sudden closure of the waste valve, the velocity reduces to zero. Formulae: DAubuissons Efficiency: A= (qxhd)/(q+Q)hs Rankine Efficiency: R= (qxhd)/(QXhs) Where: q= Discharge of water lifted up Q=Discharge of waste water hd= Delivery Head of the RAM hs= Head of water supplied to RAM


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Aim: Determination of various efficiencies of Hydraulic Ram. Observations: Sr. No. Water Height of Useful Water Time taken for h1 (t sec) Water Height of waste water h21 h21 Time Pressure taken for (P) h2 (t sec)

Calculation: S. No. Discharge of waste water (Q) (m3/sec) Discharge of useful water (q) (m3/sec) Delivery head (hd) Efficiency A Efficiency R

Result and Discussion:

Error Analysis:


Learning Outcomes: Date of Performance Worksheet for the student Registration no:

Aim: Determination of various efficiencies of Hydraulic Ram.

To be filled by Faculty S.NO 1 2 3 Parameter (Scale from 1-10, 1 for very poor and 10 for excellent) Understanding of the student about the procedure /apparatus Observations and analysis including learning outcome Completion of the experiment, Discipline and cleanliness Signature of Faculty Marks obtained Max. Marks 20 20 10


EXPERIMENT 6: AIM:- To draw valve timing diagram of a diesel engine, To study of its impact on the performance of an IC Engine APPARATUS USED:- Four-Stroke, Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine Test Rig, Sprit Level, Pencil, and Device for measuring crank angle. THEORY:In four- stroke S. I. Engine the opening and closing of the valves, and the ignition of the air fuel mixture do not take place exactly at the dead centre positions. The valve open slightly earlier and close after their respective dead centre positions. The ignition also occurs prior, to the mixture is fully compressed, and the piston reaches the top dead centre position. Similarly in a C. I. Engine both the valves do not open and close exactly at dead centre positions, rather operate at some degree on either side in terms of the crank angles from the dead centre positions. The injection of the fuel is also timed to occur earlier. PROCEDURE:1) Fix a plate on the body of the Engine touching the flywheel. 2) Mark the positions of the both the dead centers on the flywheel with the reference to the fixed plate. For vertical engines mark TDC and BDC. In case of horizontal Engines mark IDC and ODC 3) Mark on the flywheel when the inlet and exhaust valves open and close as the flywheel is rotated slowly. 4) Measure the valves (Tappet) Clearance. 5) Mark the spark ignition timing in case of petrol Engine and fuel injection timing in case of Diesel Engine. 6) Measure the angles of the various events and plot the valve timing diagram. RESULT:-Based on final calculation valve timing diagram is drawn and compare with the standard valve timing diagram.


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Registration no:

Aim: To draw valve timing diagram of a diesel engine, to study of its impact on the performance of an IC Engine Observation Table:

Calculation: Result and Discussion:

Error Analysis:

Learning Outcomes:

To be filled by Faculty S.NO 1 2 3 Parameter (Scale from 1-10, 1 for very poor and 10 for excellent) Understanding of the student about the procedure /apparatus Observations and analysis including learning outcome Completion of the experiment, Discipline and cleanliness Signature of Faculty Marks obtained Max. Marks 20 20 10


EXPERIMENT 7: AIM:- To Study and Determine the effect of A/F Ratio on the performance of the TwoStroke, Single-Cylinder Petrol Engine. APPARATUS USED :-Two-Stroke, Single-Cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig, Stop Watch, and Digital Tachometer. THEORY:Air fuel ratio has a major effect on the performance of the I. C. Engine. The Airfuel ratio of a S. I. Engine lies in the range of 10: 1, to 22: 1 depends upon the power requirements and the economic running of the engine. Richer mixtures are required for idle and full throttle running of the engine. Whereas for the mid-range , weaker mixtures are required. The mixture corresponding to the minimum fuel consumption is known as the Best Economy Mixture. It is nearly 15:1.Accurate measurement of air flow into the engine isdifficult to achieve in practice, due not only to the nature of the air itself, but also the conditions under which the measurement has to be made.The common method of measuring the air flow rate is the tank and orifice method. During suction stroke the pressure inside the tank is less than the atmospheric pressure. The air enters the tank through the orifice plate , and by applying the Bernaullis equation the air flow rate can be measured. The fuel consumption can be measured by noting down the fuel consumed during specified time. Thus the air fuel ratio can be set to desired value. The accuracy of the air flow measurement depends on the steady state conditions of air flow through the orifice and the damping of the pulsating effect. FORMULE USED:(i) Torque, T = 9.81 x W x R Effective N-m. 32 ; Where R Effective = (D + d)/ 2 m, and W (Load) = ( S1 - S2 ) Kg, (ii) Brake Power, B P = ( 2N T ) / 60, 000 KW ; Where N = rpm, T = Torque N-m, (iii) Fuel Consumption, m f = ( 50 ml x 10 -6 x Fuel ) / ( t ) Kg/Sec. Here; 1 ml = 10-3liters, and 1000 liters = 1 m3 So, 1 ml = 10-6 m3 (iv) Brake Specific Fuel Consumption, BSFC = ( m f x 3600 ) / B P Kg/ KW . hr (v) Mass of the Air, m Air = Cd Ao 2 g h Air Water Kg/ Sec (vi) Air Fuel Ratio, A/F = ( m Air / m f ) Kg/ Kg of Fuel

PROCEDURE:1. Before starting the engine check the fuel supply, and lubrication oil. 2. Set the dynamometer to zero load. 3. Run the engine till it attains the working temperature and steady state condition. 4. Adjust the dynamometer load to obtain the desired engine speed. 5. Note down the dynamometer load reading and fuel consumption rate. 6. Repeat the experiments for various air fuel ratios and different loads, and same speed. 7. Disengage the dynamometer, and stop the engine. 8. Do the necessary calculation, and plot the graphs. RESULTS:-Performance curves are plotted and they are similar to the standard performance


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Aim: To study and draw the valve timings diagram Four-Stroke, Single-Cylinder Petrol Engine. Observation Table:

Petrol Engine


Result and Discussion:

Error Analysis:

Learning Outcomes:

To be filled by Faculty S.NO 1 2 3 Parameter (Scale from 1-10, 1 for very poor and 10 for excellent) Understanding of the student about the procedure /apparatus Observations and analysis including learning outcome Completion of the experiment, Discipline and cleanliness Signature of Faculty Marks obtained Max. Marks 20 20 10


EXPERIMENT 8: AIM: - Determine the brake power, indicated power and friction power of a multi cylinder petrol engine running at constant speed (Morse Test), Determine the mechanical efficiency of a multi cylinder petrol engine running at constant speed (Morse Test). APPARATUS USED: - Multi-Cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig, Stop Watch, Hand Gloves, and Digital Tachometer. THEORY:The purpose of Morse Test is to obtain the approximate Indicated Power of a Multi-cylinder Engine. It consists of running the engine against a dynamometer at a particular speed, cutting out the firing of each cylinder in turn and noting the fall in BP each time while maintaining the speed constant. When one cylinder is cut off, power developed is reduced and speed of engine falls. Accordingly the load on the dynamometer is adjusted so as to restore the engine speed. This is done to maintain FP constant, which is considered to be independent of the load and proportional to the engine speed. The observed difference in BP between all cylinders firing and with one cylinder cut off is the IP of the cut off cylinder. Summation of IP of all the cylinders would then give the total IP of the engine under test. FORMULE USED:(i) Brake Power, BP = WN/ C KW ; Where W = Load on the Dynamometer Kg, N = rpm of the Engine, and C = Dynamometer Constant. (ii) Indicated Power ( IP ) of each Cylinders: IP1 = ( BPT - BP2,3,4 ) KW IP2 = ( BPT - BP1,3,4 ) KW IP3 = ( BPT - BP1,2,4 ) KW IP4 = ( BPT - BP1,2,3 ) KW (iii) Total IP of the Engine, IPT = ( IP1 + IP2 + IP3 + IP4 ) KW (iv) Mechanical Efficiency, mechanical = BPT / IPT PROCEDURE:1. Before starting the engine check the fuel supply, lubrication oil, and availability of cooling water. 2. Set the dynamometer to zero load. 3. Run the engine till it attains the working temperature and steady state condition. Adjust the dynamometer load to obtain the desired engine speed. Record the engine speed and dynamometer reading for the BP calculation. 4. Now cut off one cylinder. Short-circuiting its spark plug can do this. 5. Reduce the dynamometer load so as to restore the engine speed as at step 3. Record the dynamometer reading for BP calculation. 6. Connect the cut off cylinder and run the engine on all cylinders for a short time. This is necessary for the steady state conditions. 7. Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 for other remaining cylinders turn by turn and record the dynamometer readings for each cylinder. 8. Bring the dynamometer load to zero, disengage the dynamometer and stop the engine. 9. Do the necessary calculations.


OBSERVATIONS:Engine Speed, N = rpm No. of Cylinders, n = Four Calorific Value of Fuel, C.V. = 42,000 KJ/Kg RESULT:-Total IP of the Multi-Cylinder Petrol Engine by Morse Test.


Date of Performance

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Registration no:

Aim: Determine the brake power, indicated power and friction power of a multi cylinder petrol engine running at constant speed (Morse Test), Determine the mechanical efficiency of a multi cylinder petrol engine running at constant speed (Morse Test) Observations: Engine Speed, N = _________rpm No. of Cylinders, n = _______ Observation Table


Result and Discussion: Error Analysis: Learning Outcomes:

To be filled by Faculty S.NO 1 2 3 Parameter (Scale from 1-10, 1 for very poor and 10 for excellent) Understanding of the student about the procedure /apparatus Observations and analysis including learning outcome Completion of the experiment, Discipline and cleanliness Signature of Faculty Marks obtained Max. Marks 20 20 10


EXPERIMENT 9: AIM:- Performance of a diesel from no load to full load (at constant speed) for a single cylinder engine in terms of brake power, indicated power, mechanical efficiency and SFC (Specific fuel consumption) and to obtain power consumption curves and draw the heat balance sheet APPARATUS USED: - Four-Stroke, Single-Cylinder (Constant Speed) Diesel Engine TestRig, Stop Watch, and Digital Tachometer. THEORY:Under some circumstances (i.e Electric Generator) C. I. Engines are required to run at constant speed. For this purpose the test is to be performed at constant speed and the load is varied from zero to maximum. When load on the engine increases its speed decreases. Accordingly the fuel supply is adjusted to keep the engine speed constant. Corresponding to each load setting, dynamometer readings and fuel consumption rate are measured. The BP, BSFC, BMEP, A/F, and Mechanical Efficiency are calculated from measured data and plotted against the load. FORMULE USED:(i) Torque, T = 9.81 x W x R Effective N-m. Where R Effective = (D + d)/ 2 or (D + tBelt)/ 2 m, and W (Load) = ( S1 - S2 )Kg, (ii) Brake Power, B P = ( 2N T ) / 60, 000 KW Where N = rpm, T = Torque N-m, (iii) Fuel Consumption, m f = ( 50 ml x 10 -6 x Fuel ) / ( t ) Kg/Sec. Here; 1 ml = 10-3 liters, and 1000 liters = 1 m3 So, 1 ml = 10-6 m3 (iv) Brake Mean Effective Pressure, BMEP = (BP x 60,000)/ ( L Stroke x A x N) N/ m2 (v) Air Fuel Ratio, A/F = ( m Air / mf ) Kg/ Kg of Fuel (vi) Mechanical Efficiency, mechanical = BP / IP PROCEDURE:1. Before starting the engine check the fuel supply, lubrication oil, and availability of cooling water. 2. Set the dynamometer to zero load. 3. Run the engine till it attains the working temperature and steady state condition. 4. Adjust the dynamometer load to obtain the desired engine speed. Note down the fuel consumption rate. 5. Change the dynamometer load so that the engine speed Change, to maintain the engine speed constant fuel consumption increases. 6. Note down the fuel consumption rate, speed, air inlet temperature, at this load setting. 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for various loads. 8. Disengage the dynamometer and stop the engine. 9. Do the necessary calculation. RESULTS:-Performance curves are plotted and they are similar to the standard performance Curves.


Date of Performance

Worksheet for the student

Registration no:

Aim: Performance of a diesel from no load to full load (at constant speed) for a single cylinder engine in terms of brake power, indicated power, mechanical efficiency and SFC (Specific fuel consumption) and to obtain power consumption curves and draw the heat balance sheet. Observations:

Calculation: (i) Torque, T = __________________________ (ii) Brake Power, B P = ___________________ (iii) Fuel Consumption, mf = ________________ (iv) Brake Mean Effective Pressure, BMEP = _________________ (v) Air Fuel Ratio, A/F = ___________________________ (vi) Mechanical Efficiency, mechanical = ________________ Result and Discussion: Error Analysis: Learning Outcomes:


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Worksheet for the student

Registration no:

Aim: Performance of a diesel from no load to full load (at constant speed) for a single cylinder engine in terms of brake power, indicated power, mechanical efficiency and SFC (Specific fuel consumption) and to obtain power consumption curves and draw the heat balance sheet.

To be filled by Faculty S.NO 1 2 3 Parameter (Scale from 1-10, 1 for very poor and 10 for excellent) Understanding of the student about the procedure /apparatus Observations and analysis including learning outcome Completion of the experiment, Discipline and cleanliness Signature of Faculty Marks obtained Max. Marks 20 20 10


EXPERIMENT 10: Aim: To determine the isothermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency and compression ratio of reciprocating compressor and Performance of single stage/ multi stage reciprocating compressor. Description: The Air Compressor is a two stage, reciprocating type. The air is sucked from atmosphereand compressed in the first cylinder. The compressed air then passes through the aircooler into the second stage cylinder, where the air is further compressed. The air further goes to the air reservoir through safety valve, which operates the electrical switch, when the pressure exceeds the limit. The test unit consists of a air chamber, containing an orifice plate, the manometer, compressor, an electrical dynamometer type induction motor. Equipment Data: 1. Diameter of low pressure cylinder 2. Diameter of high pressure cylinder 3. Length of stroke 4. Maximum discharge pressure 5. Compressor speed 6. Motor speed 7. H.P. of Motor 8. Orifice Diameter 9. Coefficient of discharge of orifice 10. Area of Orifice 11. Dynamometer Arm Length Procedure: 1. The outlet valve is closed. 2. The dynamometer is adjusted, so that the circular balance reads zero, when the pointers at the motor pedestal coincide. This can be easily done by operating the handwheel. 3. The manometer connections are checked. (The manometer may be filled with water upto the half level.) 4. The compressor is started. The pressure develops slowly 5. At the particular pressure, the outlet valve is opened slowly and adjusted so that the pressure is maintained constant. 6. Take the all readings Formulae ( QNTP= QRTP=QNTP Swept Volume =[ d2LN]/604
[ ]

Graphs: Draw Graphs 1. Pressure Ratio Vs. Volumetric Efficiency 2. Pressure Ratio Vs. Isothermal Efficiency 3. Pressure Ratio Vs. Input / shaft power to compressor 4. Pressure Ratio Vs. Free air delivered. DOs

1. Keep Air Inlet portion clean. 2. Check current belt tension. 3. Current Oil Level in the crankier to be maintained. 4. Drain daily by opening Drain Cock. 5. If you hear any unusual sound, please attend immediately. 6. Use safety glasses or goggles. DO NOTs 1. Do not neglect the routine checking. 2. Do not neglect any leakage in the system. 3. Do not do any meddling or adjustment while compressor is working. 4. Do not keep any loose tools on compressor. 5. Do not run the compressor without belt yard. 6. Do not use any cleaning agents while changing oil. 7. Do not inhale compressed air directly. 8. Do not use the compressor in the rain or any explosive atmosphere. 9. Do not tamper with safety valve, occasionally pull the ring on the change setting of safety valve to make sure that the valve operate freely. Precautions: 1. The orifice should never be closed, otherwise the manometer liquid (water) will be sucked into the tank. 2. At the end of the experiment the outlet valve at the reservoir should be opened, as the compressor is to be started again at low pressure, to prevent undue strain on the piston.


Date of Performance

Worksheet for the student

Registration no:

Aim: To determine the isothermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency and compression ratio of reciprocating compressor and Performance of single stage/ multi stage reciprocating compressor. Observations: S.NO Delivery Pressure Differential RPM Manometer reading Inlet Force




isothermal efficiency

volumetric efficiency

Calculations: Graphs: Draw Graphs 1. Pressure Ratio Vs. Volumetric Efficiency 2. Pressure Ratio Vs. Isothermal Efficiency 3. Pressure Ratio Vs. Input / shaft power to compressor 4. Pressure Ratio Vs. Free air delivered. Result and Discussion:

Error Analysis: Learning Outcomes:

To be filled by Faculty S.NO 1 2 3 Parameter (Scale from 1-10, 1 for very poor and 10 for excellent) Understanding of the student about the procedure /apparatus Observations and analysis including learning outcome Completion of the experiment, Discipline and cleanliness Signature of Faculty 34 Marks obtained Max. Marks 20 20 10


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