DBA Questions
DBA Questions
DBA Questions
1. What is Log Switch? – The point at which ORACLE ends writing to one
online redo log file and begins writing to another is called a log switch.
2. What is On-line Redo Log? – The On-line Redo Log is a set of tow or
more on-line redo files that record all committed changes made to the
database. Whenever a transaction is committed, the corresponding redo
entries temporarily stores in redo log buffers of the SGA are written to an
on-line redo log file by the background process LGWR. The on-line redo log
files are used in cyclical fashion.
10.What is Archived Redo Log? – Archived Redo Log consists of Redo Log
files that have archived before being reused.
21.What are the type of Synonyms? – There are two types of Synonyms
Private and Public
26.What are Clusters? – Clusters are groups of one or more tables physically
stores together to share common columns and are often used together.
43.How to define Data Block size? – A data block size is specified for each
ORACLE database when the database is created. A database users and
allocated free database space in ORACLE datablocks. Block size is specified
in INIT.ORA file and can’t be changed latter.
44.What does a Control file Contain? – A Control file records the physical
structure of the database. It contains the following information. Database
Name Names and locations of a database’s files and redolog files.
Time stamp of database creation.
52.What is SAVE POINT? – For long transactions that contain many SQL
statements, intermediate markers or savepoints can be declared which can
be used to divide a transaction into smaller parts. This allows the option of
later rolling back all work performed from the current point in the
transaction to a declared savepoint within the transaction.
53.What are the values that can be specified for OPTIMIZER MODE
Parameter? – COST and RULE.
62.What is a cluster Key? – The related columns of the tables are called the
cluster key. The cluster key is indexed using a cluster index and its value is
stored only once for multiple tables in the cluster.
75.How can you enable automatic archiving? – Shut the database Backup
the database Modify/Include LOG_ARCHIVE_START_TRUE in init.ora file.
Start up the database.
76.What are roles? – How can we implement roles? - Roles are the easiest
way to grant and manage common privileges needed by different groups of
database users. Creating roles and assigning provides to roles. Assign each
role to group of users. This will simplify the job of assigning privileges to
individual users.
77.What are Roles? – Roles are named groups of related privileges that are
granted to users or other roles.
87.What are the roles and user accounts created automatically with
the database? – DBA – role Contains all database system privileges. SYS
user account – The DBA role will be assigned to this account. All of the
base tables and views for the database’s dictionary are store in
this schema and are manipulated only by ORACLE. SYSTEM user account –
It has all the system privileges for the database and additional tables and
views that display administrative information and internal tables and views
used by oracle tools are created using this username.
89.How can we specify the Archived log file name format and
destination? – By setting the following values in init.ora file.
LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = arch %S/s/T/tarc (%S – Log sequence number
and is zero left padded, %s – Log sequence number not padded. %T –
Thread number left-zero- padded and %t – Thread number not padded).
The file name created is arch 0001 are if %S is used. LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST
= path.
108.Can you have more than one content canvas view attached with a
window? – Yes. Each window you create must have at least one content
canvas view assigned to it. You can also create a window that has
manipulated content canvas view. At run time only one of the content
canvas views assign to a window is displayed at a time.