To Create and Ensure The Highest Quality of Life For Richmond College.
To Create and Ensure The Highest Quality of Life For Richmond College.
To Create and Ensure The Highest Quality of Life For Richmond College.
the highest quality of life for Richmond College. I. Roll Call II. Call to Order III. Special Guests a. Photography Club Contingency Request i. New club on campus ii. Requesting: $2,088.68 b. Kelly Kurz i. Doing research on RCSGA and WCGA to see differences and going to be a regular visitor to watch our behaviors ii. For anthropology c. Mimi Mudd- WCGA President i. Give A Day and Get Hands On, volunteering opportunity on Saturday, October 19 ii. Omicron Delta Kappa new member! 1. President Patrick Love! IV. Reports a. President i. Next week is RCSGA on the road at the THC 321 1. RCSGA Polo Wednesday as well ii. Met with new VP of Finance, David Hale 1. Established a relationship iii. Natalia Green 1. Said Pony Express will be extended for one more weekend iv. Putting in a turf field by the Alumni Center 1. Womens soccer team is planning on playing there as well v. RCSGA Mentorship program from last year is kicking off soon 1. Meeting with Dean Baggernoff a. Alumni mentorship program in the B-school b. Going to try to use similar ideas for the RCSGA mentorship program vi. New committees have been set 1. Services- John Failla, David Leith, Conroy Campbell, Zach Gibberson 2. Finance- Luis Davila, Connor Dickson, Luke Cassidy, Oliver Parker
3. Academics- Stewart Wesley, Patrick McBride, Danny Heifetz, Pat Giampetro, John McAuliff 4. Experience- Liam Mulcahy, Ivan Wolozny, Jake Raboy, T.J. Benedict, Santiago Espinoza 5. Administration- Samuel Diaz, Kenton Meronard, Hank Ruff, Ken Anderson, Mauricio Ramirez b. VP Academic Affairs i. Met with Library Services on Monday 1. Went over concerns 2. Pitched the idea of having textbooks in the library a. Were not very receptive about it b. Gave tips how to work around the system and alleviate the costs surrounding textbooks. c. Idea of possibly having a rental service in the bookstore 3. Their concern is that people have to be aware of the signs of each floor and that students should abide by what the signs say on each floor (of volume) 4. Working on completing list for focus group for summer classes improvement c. VP Administration i. Talked to Caroline Craussdale 1. Coffee house ready to go on October 17 from 10 AM to 2 PM on the Forum 2. Creating flyer and social media ideas to market it 3. Purpose of this coffee house is to show transparency 4. Mauricio has a presentation regarding social media and guidelines 5. Hank- talked to lady in charge of the cellar and told him what to do in order to get trivia night started a. Possibly on October 29 6. First-year mentorship program is still in process d. VP Finance i. Been working with Anthony Crenshaw to keep on campus groups in line 1. He now has list of groups that are inactive on campus 2. Will work on ways to hold them accountable e. VP Student Experience i. Last Monday met with Diversity Roundtable 1. Talked to them about events coming up and what RCSGA and WCGA do 2. Let them know about ways to express student concerns ii. White Ribbon Campaign 1. Patrick Benner is still working on it
iii. Spider Mayhem 1. Not happening 2. Going to help Spider Board to get something going f. VP Student Services i. Big week ii. Met with Mimi and Pat on Monday to discuss food truck initiative 1. Got some good ideas and contact information 2. Sent an email to RVA Street regarding why they should work with Richmond a. They loved it, would like to see it happen b. Trying to have them come Dec. 8 c. Needs to get formal commitment from the university iii. Speech Consultant 1. Issue with speech/writing services building (Weinstein) being locked on Sundays 2. Its an issue, trying to fix it g. Class Chairs i. Bobby McCurdy 1. Looking at getting ATM in Whitehurst, water fountain in Marsh and credit card swipe for vending machines 2. Cabinet ready to submit ii. Matt Logan 1. Holding off on ticket sales in order to get word out on Homecoming before selling a. Within 2 weeks looking to start selling tickets iii. Richuan Hu 1. Approached by the Forum Magazine and Collegian asking questions about the White Ribbon Campaign and RCSGA role in it a. Story on both will run soon iv. D.R. Ball 1. Working on second social November 14 a. Theme has no changed i. Vegas Night h. RC Dean i. Spaces available for Todays College Man Workshop 1. Tuesday of Fall Break 2. Dr. Frank Harris from San Diego State University is guest speaker 3. Other presenters will be there ii. This Tuesday from 9-10:30 AM is the second Cup o Joe 1. Somewhere around Boatwright Tower
iii. Retention study going on 1. Arts and Sciences group is going to be looking for the schools retention rate 2. Looking at different factors that may affect the retention rate iv. New Personal Goal 1. Looking to get more Twitter followers 2. Follow @imjoeboe i. Rowdies Rundown i. Good turnout for football game last weekend ii. Womens soccer game Friday iii. Saturday field hockey is playing iv. Cross country away meet at Lehigh 1. Pat Love is back a. Dont call it a comeback, but its a comeback v. Homecoming weekend tailgate 1. Looking to get other organizations involved for it instead of fraternities because they will be at lodges j. l. Executive Secretary Open Floor i. Mauricios Presentation for website and guidelines 1. Main concerns and solutions: a. Domain, hosting, design, easy transfer/update every year b. Looking to change URL to c. For hosting, would like to use Wix which is very simple d. Looking to develop a social schedule i. Shout Out Mondays, Tip Tuesdays, Wednesdays Minutes, Throwback Thursdays, Friday- Meet your Senators ii. Looking to post school spirit posts before big sport events e. Developing brand guidelines for RCSGA i. Strategic brand overview, logos, colors, fonts, tone of voice, imagery, etc. ii. Nomination to head TOTS for RCSGA table 1. Samuel Diaz a. Hasnt heard back from the radio station about reading our minutes b. Looking for ways for RCSGA to give back to the community c. Sponsorship program outside of the university through RCSGA k. Senator of the Week
i. Looking for ways to connect with other organizations to coordinate events for fundraising such as Lip Sync d. Tonya Dawson has worked with Inner Shake 2. Hank Ruff a. Habitat for Humanity i. Demolishing build sites this semester 3. Danny Heifetz a. Looking to have milk sold at Deans Den 4. Stewart Wesley a. SEEDS trip during the spring i. Information session soon 5. John McAuliff a. Handed out 1000+ issues of the Forum Magazine this past weekend V. Closed business VI. Funding Requests a. Funded UR Photography Club $425 b. Passed Bobby McCurdys cabinet VII. Student Concerns VIII. Adjourn meeting
The purpose of this organization shall be to address areas that are of concern to the student body, to bring about cooperation among the various student organizations, and otherwise act to promote the welfare of the student body.