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MBA programme

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MBA programme
Duration & mode: F/T mode: 10 months (2 semesters September-June) plus dissertation which has to be submitted by December; P/T mode: 2 years (2 evenings a week normally Monday & Wednesday 6-9pm) plus 4 months in which to complete and submit the dissertation by the end of January Entry requirements: an Honours degree (2.2 or above) or equivalent plus three years relevant work experience at a suitable managerial level. Students holding a PgDip in Management Studies from a recognised UK university may be exempt from the first semester (full time) or first year (part time). If your first language is not English, language proficiency must be demonstrated by: TOEFL-610; IELTS-7. Applicants are normally interviewed before being offered a place Location: F/T mode: LSBU only or 1 semester at LSBU & 1 semester an either the Berlin School of Economics, or INSEEC, Paris; P/T mode: LSBU only Course Director: George Bell +44 (0) 20 7815 7690 bellgr@lsbu.ac.uk MBA Manager: Alyson Dawes +44 (0) 20 7815 7739 dawesa@lsbu.ac.uk

Specialist options In addition to the generic MBA programme LSBU also offers the opportunity to acquire an MBA that specialises in one of a wide range of key business areas. The current specialist MBA routes are: E-business Finance International Human Resource Management International Marketing International Banking Future specialist MBA routes include: Food Management International perspective With business being very much a global activity, the focus of the MBA at LSBU is decidedly an international one. We have links with institutions around the world but particularly with some of the leading business schools in Europe. As part of their Personal Development Plan all MBA students at LSBU have the opportunity to study a foreign language from the range offered by the Language Centre. Located in the Learning Resources Centre this facility brings together students from over 120 nationalities to provide opportunities to develop an understanding of business & management in an international context and develop a global network of business contacts. Through the European Credit Transfer Scheme, our MBA students also have the opportunity to take half their studies in London and half in one of our partner institutions, with the possibility of gaining a jointly awarded MBA. Currently, our partner institutions are: The Berlin School of Economics in Germany and INSEEC in Paris, France. If you do decide to study abroad,

language need not be a barrier as it is possible to study in English in our partner institutions. Additionally, both also offer courses that help students learn the native language and business culture in order to allow them to operate in that countrys business environment.



PROGRAMME FOCUS The MBA at London South Bank is an internationally oriented programme that provides specialised education and training for a wide range of careers in business and management both in the UK and the European Community. It is a well respected course from which graduates have progressed their careers within a wide range of leading companies including Andersen Consulting, Barclays Bank, Ford, GE, IBM, KPMG, Microsoft, Sony, Siemens, as well as public sector bodies and notfor-profit organisations, and many small business enterprises.

South Banks MBA is very flexible and offers a wide range of specialisations. I also really enjoyed living and studying in London.
MADINA BUTAEVA Madina comes from Russia and was the recipient of a prestigious Chevening Scholarship, awarded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. She has degrees in Finance and Taxation. She now works as an Oil & Gas Sector Analyst in the Moscow offices of Raiffaisenbank, one of Austria's leading banks.

The MBA team bring an impressive variety of practical experience and research expertise to the programme. LSBU prides itself on the quality of its teaching and the diversity of the approaches it employs in helping students to gain the most from their MBA learning experience.
George Bell MBA Course Director, London South Bank University


DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS ON THE MBA International Management Skills & Business Culture We see the building of management skills and capabilities as of equal importance to the development of management knowledge and concepts in the course. The international orientation of the MBA is again reflected in the management skills elements including international team building and cross cultural management issues. Residential weekend & European Summer School The induction programme and residentials are an essential ingredient of the MBA. The stage one residential weekend takes place early in the programme at a prestigious conference centre in the English countryside. It is organised around managerial teamwork, building management skills, and case study activities that integrate the semester one subjects. The European Summer School is normally a five day event, either taking place in the UK or at one of our European partner institutions. In addition to company visits and specialist lectures, the Summer School is the culmination of the International Management Issues unit. Innovation in learning & teaching The MBA programme at LSBU is interactive and highly participative in addition to lectures, workshops and the extensive use of case studies, tutor facilitated learning sets (learning how to learn) are an important feature of our approach to management education. These are supported by the state-of-theart Learning Resource Centre (LRC) that provides access to a range of electronic information sources and databases. Personal development is supported by the opportunity to learn a Business Language through the Language Centre, situated in the LRC. Course units are supported by on-line learning support materials through the Universitys Intranet. Expert & experienced staff Both core and option units draw upon the expertise of staff from throughout

Fachhochschule fr Wirtschaft/ Berlin School of Economics Berlin, Germany www.fhw-berlin.de Located in the German capital, the Berlin School of Economics is a specialist institution offering its own business and management degrees at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is one of the first institutions in the Fachhochschule higher education sector to be accredited to award its own MBA qualification. The School has 3,000 students and has established a reputation for its strong international links. The staff includes 60 professors and 100 lecturers. The partnership with LSBU began in 1990 and throughout, the Berlin School of Economics has been a strong and active partner The first semester of the MBA is taught entirely in English.

the School of Business, Computing & Information Management, including those from our leading research centres in Marketing, International Business, Public Service Management and the European Institute. The Centres also provide the focus for important external events and guest lectures that are available to MBA students. Recent important speakers have included executives from organisations such as BP/Amoco, British Aerospace, the British Treasury, Siemens, the European Central Bank, GEC, MicroSoft, Pearsons and UNCTAD. Diverse student body The MBA attracts students from over 40 countries, with very diverse business backgrounds and work experience. Peer group learning is an important ingredient


INSEEC Paris, France www.inseec-france.com The MBA Institute at INSEEC was founded in 1982 and has established itself as an unequalled centre of excellence, and provides the largest number of French students to the top 25 American and European MBA programmes. INSEEC is also one of the 32 prestigious French grande ecoles of business. All of the courses at INSEEC are taught partly in English and partly in French, but the whole of first semester of the MBA is taught entirely in English.

Professional recognition The Faculty has recently signed an agreement with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) in the UK whereby our MBA students will automatically qualify for associate membership.

London South Banks MBA is excellent as it is very interactive and offers the chance to specialise. And with business becoming increasingly borderless, the clear understanding of the global marketplace that the programme provided has proved invaluable to me.
Bhadresh Devchand Bhadresh comes from Zimbabwe where he worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers and as a finance manager.

of the programme and the networking opportunities, supported by the Universitys Alumni Association, are an important investment for students future careers. Student support Due to the inherent intellectual rigour and demands of the MBA programme students have access to a number of sources of support. In addition to academic staff and the supportive role of the learning sets, at the dissertation stage, each student is allocated an academic supervisor for the management project. Students who join the course from our partner institutions also receive support in the form of the second semester induction programme.

Managing Human Resources: covers the principles of sound management and effective leadership in the context of a changing environment. It studies how people behave in organisations, the factors that influence organisational design and management strategies as well as organisational culture. The Strategic Environment: looks at the process of strategic analysis. It covers the tools of analysis that enable decisions to be made concerning the strategic positioning of organisations in relation to their external environment, internal resources and stakeholder expectations and influences. Accounting & Finance for Managers: provides the basic skills required to interpret and use published and internally generated financial information. It covers areas such as: financial ratio analysis; budgeting and control; break even analysis; and other decision making tools. International Strategic Management: is an essential integrative part of the programme and is concerned with analysing the management decision making of the business organisation as a whole. Heavily case study based, it develops strategic tools at the business and industry level in the context of the international business environment. It helps to develop multidisciplinary business skills and problem solving as well as strategic thinking. International Management Issues/ Contemporary Management Issues: includes a European Summer School involving multidisciplinary group work that mixes students from different backgrounds and countries in a way that enables them to learn from each other. The coursework for this unit, the Going International project, contributes to the Personal Development Plan. Skills Development: management skills and capabilities are built through a range of learning activities that develop key skills including: managing others; team working; communication; information gathering; data analysis; and problem solving. Assessment is made, both indirectly and directly, through activities

linked to the core units and through the Going International project in the International Management Issues unit. The Dissertation & Research Methods unit Supervised by an academic member of staff, the 20,000 word dissertation forms the culmination of the MBA. Ideally it should be company or organisationally based and deal with a real world management problem or issue. Company sponsored projects are encouraged, with the student taking a consultancy role that combines management theory and practice. The research methods unit provides the key research skills and methodological tools required to undertake the dissertation. Together they count as four units (one third of the MBA), indicating the overall importance of this stage of the programme.


COURSE STRUCTURE The MBA programme commences in late September and consists of nine taught units, of which eight count towards the assessment for the qualification (students may also take a Business English unit). Six core units are compulsory while the remaining two are chosen from a range of options. Assessment is made through a combination of examination and coursework. The taught units are followed by a project based dissertation (which is supported by a research methods unit) that is equivalent to four units. To obtain a specialist MBA, your two option units and dissertation must be in the area of your specialisation. Full time students have until November and part time students have until May to decide upon their option choices. Choices are subject to minimum numbers. Students not completing the dissertation are eligible for the award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration. Core course units Managing Marketing & Operations: covers the basic principles and practices of marketing management, integrating theory and practice across a wide range of organisations. It covers areas such as: marketing mix; market research; market segmentation; buyer behaviour; communications; and marketing strategy and planning.

In addition to the business knowledge I gained during the programme, the MBA taught me how to cope with massive volumes of work, manage my priorities efficiently and improve my problem solving abilities.
Rob Norton Rob is Commercial Director of three companies within the Sterling Publishing Group plc.



FULL TIME MBA PROGRAMME SEMESTER ONE (OCT - JAN) Managing Marketing & Operations Managing Human Resources The Strategic Environment Accounting & Finance for Managers Management Skills/Stage 1 PDP Business English and/or Language

PART TIME MBA PROGRAMME YEAR ONE SEMESTER ONE Managing Human Resources The Strategic Environment Management Skills/Stage 1 PDP

SPECIALIST MBA PATHWAYS To obtain an MBA in one of these named specialisms option units and the dissertation must be in your chosen area of specialisation. E-Business

YEAR ONE SEMESTER TWO Managing Marketing & Operations Accounting & Finance for Managers Management Skills/Stage 1 PDP

E-Commerce plus one from: Managing Information Systems Knowledge Management Project Management


SEMESTER TWO (FEB - JUNE) International Management Issues International Strategic Management Option 1 Option 2 YEAR TWO SEMESTER TWO Contemporary Management Issues Option 2 FEBRUARY - DECEMBER Research Methods & Dissertation YEAR THREE SEMESTER ONE Research Methods & Dissertation YEAR TWO SEMESTER ONE Strategic Management Option 1

Finance Corporate Finance Financial Management of International Business International Banking International Banking plus one from: Bank Value & Performance Bank Lending & Credit Risk International HRM International Employment Relations International Strategic Personnel & Development International Marketing International Marketing plus one from: Integrated Marketing Communications Global Logistics & Operations Management

MBA OPTION UNITS: Consulting for Corporate Excellence; Corporate Finance; E-commerce; Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management; Financial Management of International Business; Global Logistics & Operations Management; Integrated Marketing Communications; International Employment Relations; International Marketing; European Management & Business Strategy; Knowledge Management; Managing Information Systems; Project Management. Language options are also available.

OPPORTUNITIES TO STUDY IN FRANCE OR GERMANY: Full time students can study one semester in one of our partner universities, with the possibility of obtaining a joint degree from FHW Berlin. For specialist MBA routes, only the first semester can be studied overseas NB Students who do not complete the project based dissertation are eligible for a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration in place of the MBA award. Options are offered subject to appropriate demand and timetable availability, on either a day or evening basis, or both. Other options may also be available. For part time students please note that it is unlikely that a specialist pathway could be completed without options being taken from the full time route.


MBA programme

The Faculty of Business, Computing & Information Management

The Faculty is at the forefront of developing a truly international perspective. Based in the centre of London, our unique city campus offers students a playground for exploration. Most leading marketing companies (including top marketing agencies) are here in London. London also offers Tourism Marketing students unrivalled opportunities to explore many of the key issues within their field. Our lecturers and professors are accessible and are at the forefront of their profession. Careful attention is paid to ensure that their full experience is brought into lectures, case studies and seminars, and it is this approach that has led to the development of our innovative range of course units. The analytical and research skills of staff are in constant demand and we are also one of the leading providers of Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, which bring academic staff, research students and small firms together to develop innovative business practice. We are generally considered to be one of the most research active of the new universities, regularly securing around 10 million per year in research contracts. With over 1,200 postgraduate students at LSBU there is an enormous opportunity to develop an extensive network of friends and business contacts. What is more, the Faculty gives you access to its extensive links with national and international organisations, as well as to the local business community. A Student Support and Information Centre is open every day. It is designed as a first stop service, offering a wide range of advice on academic and personal affairs and signposting further help. Although students whose native language is not English are expected to have attained a certain standard before joining courses, help is available from The English Language Unit. The Core Skills Unit also offers a range of free support classes including basic computing and quantitative methods courses.


103 Borough Road London SE1 0AA United Kingdom www.lsbu.ac.uk

COURSE ENQUIRIES 020 7815 7815 020 7815 8273 (fax) www.apply.lsbu.ac.uk

For the latest course details go to: www.lsbu.ac.uk/courses

Your acceptance of a place is expressly subject to the terms and conditions contained in or referred to in the statement in the Universitys prospectus headed The University and you. Recruitment to each of the courses is governed by the Universitys rules which are summarised in the prospectus. Course content will develop and change as knowledge and experience in the area evolve. London South Bank University is a charity and a company limited by guarantee Registered in England no. 986761. Registered office: 103 Borough Road, London SE1 OAA

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