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Compendium: Centrally Sponsored Schemes in Fisheries Sector

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Centrally Sponsored Schemes in Fisheries Sector for the Tenth Plan (2002-2007)

Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying

Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India

Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

Joint Secretary

Deptt. of AH&D FOREWORD Capture and culture of fish are important occupations in the country pursued since time immemorial. Over the period, fishery sector has become vibrant in terms of generating employment to a large segment of the society, contribution to national food security and foreign exchange earnings. It is a source of livelihood to over 11 million people and earner of foreign exchange to the tune of Rs. 7000 crore per annum. The country is endowed with vast resources both inland and marine reflecting growth potential of the sector. Against the estimated potential of 8.4 million tones of the sector, actual fish production from both inland and marine sources in 2002-03 has been around 6.2 million tones. The coastal fisheries in many parts of the country having reached a saturation level, unexploited potential which lies in the deep sea and inland fisheries need to be tapped suitably besides ensuring sustainability in coastal fisheries through various initiatives such as implementation of Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF), observance of closed season in the east and west coasts etc. In view of liberalization and opening up of the economy in the changing global scenario, it is necessary to modernize the sector and enhance its competitiveness to meet the national and international standards in terms of quality and other parameters. In this direction, concerted efforts have been made in the Tenth Plan by following an integrated macro management approach by thoroughly revising the existing programmes wherever necessary and introducing new components under the major schemes. The focus of the scheme on development of marine fisheries relates to exploitation of deep-sea fishing resources, sea safety measures and development of infrastructure facilities to ensure availability of fish in prime condition to the consumers and fish industry. In case of macro scheme on development of inland fisheries, emphasis has been laid on diversification of aquaculture by promoting cold-water fisheries, fisheries in reservoirs, productive use of alkaline/saline soil and waterlogged areas for fisheries etc. Besides, setting up of disease diagnostic labs to combat from diseases is also being addressed. In addition to the two macro schemes for development of inland and marine fisheries, the Government proposes to continue to provide assistance for Training & Extension and welfare of fishers in the 10th Plan. With a view to gather detailed information on fishery resources, production, socio-economic condition of fishers and other aspects for future policy formulation, the scheme on strengthening of database in the fisheries sector has been restructured and put in place for the 10th Plan. The Centrally Sponsored Schemes in Fisheries Sector in the 10th Plan aims to achieve the objective of enhancing production and productivity in the sector through appropriate Government interventions thereby contributing on food and livelihood security of the nation. The Compendium endeavors to disseminate complete information on the various schemes of the fisheries sector of the Department, their funding and implementing pattern, eligibility criteria and other pre-requisite conditions including State/beneficiaries share etc. I hope that the Compendium will be found useful by the policy planners at State level, executive agencies and beneficiaries as well. The details are also being maintained and updated in the Departments website http:11dahd.nic.in (P.K Pattnaik) Joint Secretary (FY) New Delhi. 18.11.2004

INDEX S.l No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name of the scheme Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Development of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post Harvest Operations Centrally Sponsored National Scheme of Welfare of Fishermen Scheme on Fisheries Training and Extension Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Strengthening of Database and Information Networking for the Fisheries Sector Annexure I Annexure II Page no. 1-7 8-16 17-20 21-22 23-26 27 28-30






Introduction The country is endowed with vast resources in terms of ponds & tanks, rivers &canals, reservoirs, lakes and other water bodies having immense scope for development of fisheries to strengthen the food security, generate employment opportunities and earn foreign exchange with the ultimate objective of improving the socio economic status of fishers and other people engaged in the sector. In this direction, the Government of India formulated and launched the Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture under macro-management approach in States/UTs during the 10th Plan. The total outlay approved for the entire 10th plan period is Rs 135.00 crore. The components approved under the scheme are :I) Development of Freshwater Aquaculture; ii) Development of Brackishwater Aquaculture; iii) Coldwater Fisheries and Aquaculture; iv) Development of Waterlogged Areas; v) Productive Utilization of Inland Saline / Alkaline Soils for Aquaculture; and vi) Integrated Development of Inland Capture Resources (reservoirs/rivers etc.). The expenditure on developmental activities will be shared on 75:25 basis by the Government of India and the State/UT Governments in respect of all aforesaid components. The two components namely, Development of Freshwater Aquaculture and Brackishwater Aquaculture will be implemented by a single agency (FFDA). The remaining four components will be implemented through the fisheries Department of the respective States/UTs. The States/UTs will be required to bear full cost on base as well as incremental staff salary, maintenance of vehicle, office contingencies and acquisition of land wherever necessary, etc. The cost towards purchase of vehicles will, however, continue to be shared on 50:50 basis between the Government of India and the State /UT Governments. The Government of Indias share is in the form of grant-in-aid for all the items given under each component as per the approved norms. Subsidy on these items will be given only once to a beneficiary. In addition to individual beneficiary, the financial assistance under the above components of the scheme will also be available to Self-Help Groups, Women Groups, and Fisheries Cooperative Societies etc. The State/UT Governments on all these components will make a matching contribution. Besides subsidy on the approved items under the scheme, the balance amount for these items may be obtained as loan made available to the beneficiaries through FFDAs /States/UTs Fisheries Department from lead banks/participating banks. Subsidy for all approved items under the scheme can also be given to a beneficiary if the remaining cost of items is contributed by him from his/her own resources and is duly certified by the FFDAs/States/UTs Fisheries Department. The implementing agencies had to furnish Quarterly /Annual progress reports indicating physical and financial achievements regularly in the prescribed format already communicated to the State/UT Government. The accounts of the agency shall be subject to audit by Chartered Accountants appointed by the agency and /or by such other officers of Government of India/State/UT Governments as required under the rules and report should be intimated to this Ministry. The State/UT Governments has to ensure that the Proposals for the various components are complete in all aspects accompanied by detailed progress reports of the central share released during the proceeding years and reasons for shortfalls, if any, etc. The availability of budgetary provision in the State Budget should be specifically indicated in the proposal.

The component-wise details of activities eligible for assistance, the quantum of assistance and other details are as mentioned below: Group 1. Development of Freshwater Aquaculture (FFDAs) Ongoing Component 1. Description of Items Construction of new ponds Rate of assistance Rs.2.00 lakh/ha in the plain areas. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs. 40,000/ha for all farmers except SCs./STs for whom it will be Rs. 50,000/ha (25%) Rs.3.0 lakh/ha in the hill States/ Districts and NorthEstarn region. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs.60,000/ha for all farmers except SCs/STs for whom it will be Rs.75,000/ha (25%). Rs. 60,000/ha/. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs. 12,000/ha for all farmers except SCs/STs for whom it will be Rs. 15,000/ha (25%). a) Finfish Culture Rs.30,000/ha Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs. 6,000/ha for all farmers except SCs/ STs for whom it will be Rs.7,500/ha (25%)


Reclamation / Renovation of ponds / tanks


Cost of inputs



b) Freshwater prawn cultureUnit cost Rs. 1.20 lakh per ha Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs. 24,000/- per ha Running Water fish culture in hilly areas as well as in plain Rs. 20,000/unit of 100sq. areas meters. The above cost is inclusive of Rs.4,000 towards inputs. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs. 4,000/- unit for all farmers except SCs/STs for whom it will be Rs.5,000/ unit (25%). Ceiling of 3 units for each farmer in terms of admissibility of grant. Integrated Fish Farming Rs.80,000/ha Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs. 16,000/ha for all farmers except SCs/STs for whom it will be Rs.20,000/ha (25%).


Aerators / Pumps


Freshwater Fish Seed Hatchery

Rs. 50,000/unit of two-1hp aerators/one 5hp diesel pump. Subsidy@ 25% with a ceiling of Rs. 12,500/- for each set of aerators/pump for all categories of farmers who have reached a level of production of 3000 kg/ha/year. Maximum of two1hp aerators/one 5hp diesel pump for one-hectare water area will be admissible. Rs.8 lakh for a fish seed hatchery with 10 million (fry) capacity for the plain areas and Rs.12 lakh for same capacity in the hill States/Districts and NE Region. Subsidy @ 10% with a ceiling of Rs. 80,000/- and Rs.1.20 lakh in the plain and hilly areas respectively to entrepreneurs only. Small Units- Unit cost is Rs.5 lakh with a capacity of 1.2 quintals/ day. The subsidy would be @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs. 1 lakh per unit to entrepreneurs. Stipend @ Rs. 100/- per day during training period of 10 days and a lump sum of Rs. 100/- towards travel expenses/ field visits. (i) Unit cost is Rs. 30 lakh for a large freshwater prawn hatchery with a minimum capacity of 25 million PL/year. This would be one time grant to the States for establishment of hatchery at State level. (ii) Unit cost is Rs.8 lakh for a small hatchery of 5-10 million PL/Year capacity. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs.1.60 lakh to entrepreneurs as one time grant.


Fish Feed Units


Training of fish farmers

10 .

Establishment of freshwater prawn seed hatchery

11 .

12 . 13 .

Establishment of laboratories at State level for water quality Unit cost is Rs. 30 lakh (Rs.25 and fish health investigations lakh for the construction of building and Rs.5 lakh for equipment, glassware & chemicals, etc.). This would be one time grant to the States. The respective States would meet operational and other recurring cost. Provision of soil and water testing kits to each FFDA Unit cost of each soil and water testing kit is Rs.30,000. The kits are sanctioned once to each FFDA as one time grant. Setting up of integrated units, including hatcheries for Unit cost is Rs. 15 lakh, which ornamental fishes includes hatchery of 5-10 million (fry) capacity. Subsidy @ 10% with a maximum ceiling of Rs.1.50 lakh to all categories of fish farmers. This will be applicable only for the hill States/Districts and North-Eastern Region.

14 .

Transportation of fish/prawn seed

Subsidy @ Rs.20 for 1000 fry transported to all FFDAs. Not applicable to individual fish farmer. 15 Purchase of Vehicles 50% cost of vehicle for each . new FFDA and 50% cost for the replaced vehicle (second vehicle.) Expenditure on all items above except purchase of vehicles (item 15) will be shared on 75:25 basis between Government of India and State. The above assistance under FFDA programme is available only once to a beneficiary. Subsidy for the construction of new ponds and tanks, reclamation/ renovation of ponds/tanks and first year inputs to an individual beneficiary up to 5 ha is available with or without institutional finance in the plain areas and 1.0 ha in the hill State/Districts on pro-rata basis.

Group 2. 1.

Development of Brackishwater Aquaculture- Ongoing Component

Description of Items Rate Renovation or Beneficiaries will be small shrimp farmers having land holding of construction of 2 ha or less. brackishwater fish farms 25% cost subject to a maximum of Rs.40,000/- per ha as subsidy.


For training of shrimp Training part could be managed by the State Governments by farmers availing assistance under another scheme on Fisheries Training and Extension or could provide specific/specialized training through the centers of expertise on surveillance centers proposed under the programme at Sl.No. 5 below. 3. Establishment of One time GOIs share of grants amounting to Rs.5.00 lakh. Demonstration-cumTraining center NEW ACTIVITIES 4. Aquatic Quarantine and Unit Headquarter at Delhi and supporting staff at NBFGR (ICAR Inspection Unit (AQIU) Institute) and nodal units one each on east and west coast. 100% expenditure will be incurred by the Center 5. Network of Diagnostic 100% expenditure will be incurred by the Center. Laboratories for Aquatic Animal Health Expenditure on items from 1 to 3 above will be shared on 75:25 basis between GOI and States. On items 4 and 5 above, 100% expenditure will be borne by the GOI. Group 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Coldwater Fisheries and Aquaculture (New Component) Rate Rs. 5 lakh as one time grant to the State Government Rs. 5 lakh as one time grant to the State Government One time grant. Amount to be decided on the merit of the proposal Unit cost of Rs. 35,000/- (Rs. 25,000/- plus Rs.10,000/-) for a unit size-15m x 2m x1m. Subsidy to beneficiaries @ 20% with a maximum ceiling of Rs. 7,000/- per unit. Unit cost including inputs Rs. 42,500/- Subsidy to beneficiaries @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs. 8,500/- per unit. Rs. 10 lakhs per unit as one time grant to State Governments Stipend @ Rs. 100/- per day of training (For a period of 10 days) and a lump sum payment of Rs. 100/- towards travel expenses/field visits per trainee. Purchase of one vehicle under the scheme is allowed. Expenditure to be shared on 50:50 basis by the Centre and the states.

Description of Items Preparation of resource survey report/ feasibility report Short term investigations, breeding or rearing etc. Construction, renovation extension or remodeling of fish farms Farming units for coldwater fish species and first year inputs Units for running water fish culture Feed units Training of fish farmers Purchase of vehicle

Expenditure on all the above items except Sl. No. 8 (Purchase of vehicle) to be shared on 75:25 basis by the Centre and States. Group 4. Development of Waterlogged Areas (New Component) 1. Description of Items Rate Development of Unit cost Rs. 1.25 lakh /ha Subsidy @ 20% to the beneficiary with Waterlogged areas a ceiling of Rs. 25,000/- per ha.



Inputs (Fish/Prawn) Seed, feed, manure, fertilizers, preventing measures for disease, transportation charge, etc.) Training

Unit cost Rs. 75,000/- per ha Subsidy @ 20% to the beneficiary with a ceiling of Rs. 15,000/per ha. Stipend @ Rs.100/- per day during training (maximum period of 10 days) and a lump sum payment of Rs. 100/- towards travel expenses/ field visits per trainee.

Expenditure on all the above items will be shared on 75:25 basis by the Centre and States. Group 5. Productive Utilization of Inland Saline/Alkaline Waters for aquaculture (New Component) 1. 2. 3. Description of Items Cost for construction Input cost Training Rate Unit Cost Rs. 2.5 lakh/ha Subsidy @ 20% with ceiling of Rs. 50,000/- per ha Unit cost Rs. 1 lakh/ha Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs. 20,000/- per ha Stipend @ Rs. 100/- per day during training (maximum period of 10 days) and a lumps sum payment of Rs. 100/- towards travel expenses/field visits per trainee.

Expenditure on all the above items will be shared on 75:25 basis by the Centre and States. Group 6. 1. Inland Capture Fisheries (Reservoirs/Rivers etc.) New Component Rate Unit cost Rs. 2 lakh/ha Subsidy @ 20% to the beneficiary /State Government / FISHCOPFED etc. with a ceiling of Rs. 40,000/per ha

Description of Items Fish seed rearing units Seed Rearing Units

Cages / pens with inputs Unit Cost Rs. 15,000/- Subsidy @ 20% to the beneficiary / State Government /FISHCOPFED etc. with a ceiling of Rs. 3000/- per unit. Input cost (seed, feed, Unit cost Rs. 30,000/- per ha (one time) manures, fertilizers, preventive measures for Subsidy @ 20% to the beneficiaries/ State Government/ FISHCOPFED with a ceiling of Rs. 6000/- per ha disease etc.) Training Stipend @ Rs.100/- per day during training (maximum period of 10 days) and a lump sum payment of Rs. 100/- towards travel expenses/field visits per training. Craft and gear (nets, Unit cost Rs. 15,000/boats etc.) Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs. 3000/- per unit.


3. 4.

5. 6.

Construction of landing Unit cost Rs. 1,00,000/- per landing center centers Assistance to State Government Riverine Fisheries Financial assistance to State Government for conservation/river Conservation and ranching etc. with maximum ceiling of Rs.2 lakh in a year. Awareness Programmes

Expenditure on all the above items will be shared on 75:25 basis by the Centre and States.



Introduction The Central Government continue to extend financial assistance to fishers through the State/ UT Governments for motorization of traditional fishermen, rebate on HSD oil, construction of fishing harbours and fish landing centers, setting of inland fish marketing centers etc till the terminal year of the 9th plan to enhance production of marine fisheries and strengthen infrastructure to provide fish in prime condition to the consumers and fish processing industry. During the 10th plan, a comprehensive scheme specially to exploit the deep-sea fishery resources comprising of some new components as well as continuation of existing schemes as component of the modified scheme has been formulated and introduced in the 10th plan. Total financial implication of the scheme for the entire 10th plan period his been worked out to Rs 450.15 crore comprising of Central Share of Rs 280.00 crore, State share Rs 79.15 crore and beneficiary share of Rs 91.00 crore. The component wise details are given at annex-1 The Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Development of Marines Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post Harvest Operations operated in Macro Management Mode as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme During the 10th plan has the following components / sub components: (i) Development of Marine Fisheries with following sub-components: (a) Introduction of Intermediate Craft of Improved design (b) Resource specific Deep Sea Fishing Vessels (Including VMS) (c) Motorisation of Traditional Craft (d) Safety of Fishermen at Sea (e) Fishermen Development Rebate on HSD (ii) Development of Infrastructure and Post Harvest Operations (a) Establishment of Fishing Harbours and Fish Landing Centres (b) Strengthening of Post Harvest Infrastructure (iii) Maintenance of Dredger TSD Sindhuraj The Component wise details of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Development of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post Harvest Operations are discussed below: 1.0 1.1 1.1.1 DEVELOPMENT OF COASTAL FISHERIES INTERMEDIATE CRAFT OF IMPROVED DESIGN Objectives

This component on multi-day intermediate class of resource specific fishing vessels in the length range of about 18 meters is proposed to be implemented with a unit cost of Rs. 40.00 lakhs on which a back ended subsidy equivalent to 10% of the cost restricted to Rs. 4.00 lakhs would be provided. The total outlay for this component is Rs. 25 crores, of which the beneficiary share being Rs. 22 crores. 1.1.2 Pattern of Implementation

(i) (ii) 1.1.3

The scheme would be implemented through National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC). Only Cooperatives/ group of beneficiaries would be eligible for the assistance. Funding Pattern (a) Subsidy will be 10% of the cost of the vessel subject to maximum Rs.4 lakhs (b) Subsidy will be back ended. (c) Implementation through States / NCDC.

1.2 1.2.1

MOTORIZATION OF TRADITIONAL CRAFT Objectives To motorize 10,000 traditional craft with a subsidy of Rs. 20,000 per unit to be shared equally between the Centre and State. The scheme is to be implemented through States/National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC).


Pattern of implementation

(a) Subsidy will be shared equally between the Centre and beneficiary States. In the case of UTs the entire subsidy will be borne by the Centre. The component is proposed to be implemented through the States/National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC). (b) Subsidy will be available to only existing units and those constructed in replacement of existing ones. 1.2.3 Funding Pattern

(a) Total Subsidy would be Rs. 20,000 per unti of Out Board Motor (OBM) of 8-10 HP. (b) Subsidy will be equally shared between Centre and State on 50:50 basis. (c) Implementation would be through State / NCDC. 1.3 1.3.1 FISHERMEN DEVELOPMENT REBATE ON HSD OIL Objectives To implement Fishermen Development Rebate on HSD with a total outlay of Rs. 125.00 crores of which the Central share would be Rs. 100.00 crores and the balance would be State share. The component would be implemented through the beneficiary States / UTs. 1.3.2 Pattern of implementation The rebate would be shared on 80.20 basis between the center and states where sales tax is levied. 100% cost would be borne by center in the case of UTs and states where the HSD is fully exempted from sales tax. 1.3.3 Funding Pattern

(a) A subsidy of Rs. 1.50 per litter of HSD Oil used by mechanized fishing vessels below 20m length shared between Centre & State on 80:20 basis as per pattern of assistance of 9th plan. (b) For UTs and those States where sales tax has been exempted, subsidy will be fully borne by Centre. (c) Same pattern as done in 9th plan. 1.3.4 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Mode of Disbursement The rebate will be reimbursed through the State /UT. Fishing Vessels violating fishing bans and MFRA provisions would be excluded from the scheme. New boats added to the fleet after end of Ninth plan will not be eligible for the subsidy. The fishing boats should be registered with the concerned Government agency. The diesel outlets should be approved by the concerned State Government / Fisheries department. Each beneficiary/ group of fishermen in a locality should open a bank account with a nationalized bank. Rebate should be for mechanized fishing vessels below 20m OAL only. The beneficiary may have to purchase fully sales tax paid diesel for his boat and the original bills for the said purchase are to be presented to the concerned fisheries office. After verification of said bills the authorized officer in the fisheries department should issue a reimbursement order for payment and forward it to the concerned treasury office. A cheque equal to the eligible subsidy amount paid by a beneficiary / group is issued for the said bills by treasury office is to be forwarded to the concerned nationalized bank where the beneficiary / group has opened an account. The eligible subsidy amount for which a beneficiary is entitled is directly reimbursed in his bank account instead of giving it in cash. Certain officer of the fisheries department should be authorized to check the HSD supply in eligible quantity to fishing boats to prevent misuse. Proper maintenance of all records and registers should be done by the beneficiary.

(x) (xi) (xii)

(xiii) The State/UT should also maintain proper records, register, etc. and cross check periodically that the amount due to the beneficiary has actually been disbursed. (xiv) (xv) (xvi) The state/UT should review the HSD subsidy reimbursed to the beneficiary in every quarter with adequate checks and balances to ensure proper implementation. The scheme should be given wide publicity by the State/UT Government so that all fishermen who are eligible could avail the benefit. No subsidy should be released during fishing ban periods.

1.4 1.4.1


This component envisages installing one Global positioning System (GPS) and a wireless set on the small-mechanized fishing vessels of below 20m length. The unit cost of these equipments together works out to about Rs1.50 lakh, 20% of which but not exceeding Rs.30,000 would be provided as back-ended subsidy. 1.4.2 Pattern of implementation (a) The component would be implemented through the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) to benefit 1,666 boats at a central share of Rs.5.00 crores and a total outlay of Rs.25 crores. Only registered boats would qualify for the assistance.

(b) 1.4.3

Funding pattern

(a) 20% cost of GPS & wireless set subject to a maximum of Rs. 30,000/- per unit. (b) Subsidy will be back ended. (c) Implemented through NCDC. 2.0 2.1 2.1.1 DEVELOPMENT OF DEEP SEA FISHING RESOURCE SPECIFIC DEEP SEA FISHING VESSEL Objectives

The programe envisages converting ten existing trawlers for resource specific fishing for which a back-ended subsidy of Rs.15 lakh per vessel would be provided. The component would be implemented through the Fishery Survey of India by suitably modifying the imported technology through the ICAR Institute of Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT). 2.1.2 Pattern of Implementation

(a) Proposal for conversion of trawlers would be processed through FSI. (b) Conversion should be carried out by adopting / modifying the imported technology. (c) Necessary consultation would be available with CIFT. 2.1.3 Funding Pattern

(a) Subsidy will be 50% cost of conversion with a ceiling of Rs. 15 lakh per vessel. (b) Subsidy will be back ended. (c) Implementation through FSI by suitably modifying the imported technology through CIFT. 2.2 INTRODUCTION OF VESSEL MONITORING SYSTEM



To introduce Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) to initially cover 50 deep sea fishing vessels after conducing a scooping study. Coast Guard will be the implementing agency. 2.2.2 Pattern of implementation

(a) Introduction of VMS would be implemented through Coast Guard. (b) Cut off date by which each deep sea fishing vessel should fit up VMS would be determined. 2.2.3 Funding Pattern

(a) Cost of introduction of VMS to 50 deep sea fishing vessels would be funded under the scheme. (b) The cost of hardware, logistics and developmental charges for introduction of VMS would be met by Government of India. (c) Coast Guard would be support through equipment and necessary funding for setting up VMS. 3.0 3.1. 3.1.1 DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES Establishment of Fishing Harbours and Fish Landing Centres Objectives

(a) Providing infrastructure facilities for safe landing, berthing and unloading of fish catches of mechanized fishing vessels, traditional fishing craft and deep sea fishing vessels. (b) Repair and renovation including improvement of hygienic conditions of the existing facilities created so far under the Central Sector and Centrally Sponsored Schemes. 3.1.2 Pattern of implementation

(a) Construction of new minor fishing harbours and fish landing centers in association with Coastal State Governments, Port Trusts, Union Territories. (b) Construction of new major fishing harbours in association with coastal State Governments, Port Trusts, Union Territories. (c) Construction of new fishing harbours (Major or minor) and fish landing centres in association Fishermen Association /Organization on Build Operate and Own (BOO) / BOOT Concepts. (d) Repair and renovation of the existing fishing harbours and fish landing centers, including expansion/up-gradation, improvement of hygienic conditions. And also restoration/ repair of Civil structures of existing fishing harbour / fish landing centres that have suffered damage due to natural calamities if any. 3.1.3 Funding Pattern

The central assistance under this component of the CSS as below:

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

50% of project cost to the coastal State Government and 100% to Union Territories for Construction of minor fishing harbours and fish landing centres. 100% assistance to the coastal States, Union Territories & Port Trusts and Fishermen Associations and organization for construction of major fishing harbours; 50% assistance for construction of minor fishing harbours and fish landing centres on Build, Operate & Transfer (Bot) basis; 50% assistance to the coastal State Government and Port Trusts for repair and renovation / modernization of existing fishing harbours and fish landing centres and 100% to the Union Territories. Method of submission of Proposals (a) The Proponent are required to formulate detailed proposals based of necessary engineering and economic investigations. The proposals are also based on detailed hydraulic model studies wherever necessary. The proposals must be accompanied by detailed designs, technical drawings, times schedule in the form of Bar Chart/CPM Network together with firm and realistic cost estimates framed based on the latest Schedule of Rates (SOR) or the respective State Government, Union Territory and Port Trusts. The Proposals must include present fishery scenario in terms of number of fishing boats operated, fishermen population, ancillary facilities available, access to the domestic and international market, if any, other fishery based industries established in the region and number of people depended on fishing and fishery based activities etc. The proposal must includes the present tariff in terms of fishing boats being operated from the site proposed for construction of the facilities, catches landed along with its boat side value. The Technical soundness, integrity of the structures /facilities, structural stability and safety of the proposed structures must be confirmed in the project report.





(e) 3.1.5 (a) (b)

Terms and conditions The techno-economically viable proposal will be considered for Central financial assistance under the Scheme The Project proponents are required to confirm availability of land for development of the proposed fishing harbours/fish landing centres and environmental clearance from the competent authority as required under the rule / notifications. The project proponents wherever necessary are required to confirm availability of adequate budgetary provisions to contribute their matching share for construction of the proposed fishing harbours/fish landing centres. After sanctioning the project for central financial assistance under the CSS, construction and subsequent management, maintenance and operation of such facilities will be the responsibilities of respective proponents in which the facilities are constructed.



(e) 3.2 3.2.1 (a)

No cost escalation is permitted under normal conditions. MAINTENANCE OF DREDGER TSD SINDHURAJ Objectives Maintenance and up keep of the departmental dredger TSD Sindhuraj for the purpose of seaward maintenance of fishing harbours and fish landing centres constructed under the CSS. To assist the Coastal State Governments and Union Territories for maintenance dredging so as provide required navigational depths at fishing harbours and fish landing centres through sharing of maintenance dredging cost. Pattern of Implementation The operation and maintenance of the dredger would be carried out through the Department of Ports, Government of Kerala, for which the capital maintenance cost and insurance etc. would be borne by the Centre in full.



3.2.3 (a) (b)

Funding pattern Bearing of entire expenses by the Central Government on insurance, dry docking and repair works to the dredger TSD Sindhuraj. 50% assistance to the coastal State Government and Port Trusts for maintenance dredging at the existing fishing harbours and fish landing center developed with the central assistance under the CSS. 100% assistance to the Union Territories for maintenance dredging at the fishing harbours and the fish-landing center constructed with the central assistance under the CSS. Submission of the proposal The proponents are required to formulate detailed proposals based on necessary investigation, hydrographic/topographic surveys to assess the quantum of maintenance dredging in the existing fishing harbours / fish landing centres. The proposals are based on detailed hydraulic model studies if necessary through reputed organizations/institutions/ research centres to assess the firm quantum of maintenance dredging. The proposals must be accompanied by detailed note on the existing fishing harbours indicating the various facilities developed and their present status, present fishing boats operated, fishermen population utilizing the facilities, other fishery based industries established in and around the fishing harbours and fish landing centres, mode of collection of user charges and details of revenue being generated by way of collecting user charge, lease rent and any other levies. The note also includes justification for need of the maintenance dredging and its impacts etc. The proposal must also accompany technical drawings, hydrographic/ topographic chart of the area proposed for maintenance dredging, details of measurement and calculation


3.2.4 (a)




of dredging quantity and time schedule for completion of the maintenance dredging work with firm and realistic cost estimates framed based on the latest Schedule of Rates (SOR) of the respective State Government, Union Territory and port Trusts. (e) 4.0 4.1 (a) (b) No cost escalation is permitted under normal conditions. DEVELOPMENT OF POST HARVEST INFRASTRUCTURE Objectives Developing fish preservation & Storage infrastructure. Developing marketing infrastructure such as retail vending kiosks, aqua-shops, insulated/refrigerated vehicles, mini-trucks, auto rickshaws with ice-box, motorcycles/bicycles with ice-box, fish display cabinets, visi-coolers, weighing scales, computer units and allied equipments. Pattern of implementation The programme is proposed to be implemented through self help group of fisher-women, NGOs, Cooperatives, Joint Sectors, Government undertaking, corporations for location specific manner. Womens group and other sub-groups would be given priority. 4.3 (i) (ii) Funding pattern 100% grant (limited to Rs.1.00 crore) to Govt. Undertakings/Corporations/Federations; 75% grant (limited to Rs 0.75 crore) to NGOs/Cooperatives/Joint Sector/Group of fisher-women in NE Region/Hilly/Tribal areas and 50% grant (limited to Rs 0.50 crore) in general areas. 50% grant (limited to Rs. 0.40 crore) toAssisted Sector/Private Sector in NE Region/Hilly Tribal areas and 25% grant (limited to Rs. 0.25 crore) in general areas. Terms and Conditions (i) (ii) The Land if necessary should be acquired by the implementing agencies under their own funds. The proposals are required to be recommended by the Depatment of Fisheries of the concerned states/UT except in the case of projects in the private sector where the release of fund would be through the concerned Bank or financial institution providing the term loan to the project. The proposals from private sector or other than those governments /UTs are required to be appraised by their respective Banks/Financial Institutions. The grant would be released direct to the implementing agencies in Govt. Sector. In case of others, the grant would be released through the Banks/ Financial Institution after investment in the project their contribution as well as the loan drawn. The project implementing authority will carryout the construction work in accordance with the project as approved by the Government of India.


(iii) 4.4

(iii) (iv)



The Construction cost should be accommodated within the sanctioned amount. Cost escalation, if any due to delay in project implementation, whatsoever, will have to be borne by the concerned project implementing authority. No deviation form the approved scheme should be made without prior approval of Government of India. Necessary staff required for implementation of the scheme and other adequate arrangements for utilization, maintenance and operation of the infrastructure will be provided/ made by the project implementing authority at its own cost. Preparations of tender documents and closing of tenders for civil works and supply of various components should follow the standard procedure laid-down by the concerned State Authority and they should be strictly followed. The project-implementing agency will furnish progress report to this Ministry regularly indicating the physical and financial position in respect of various items of work and would furnish Utilization Certificate as soon as the funds are utilized. The maintenance & operating cost will be born by the implementing agency and the Government of India will not be responsible for any loss incurred for operating the facilities. The State Government concern will under the scheme ensure that fish producers get an remunerative prices and consumer is able to purchase fish at a reasonable price.

(vii) (viii)





(xiii) During installation of various components of the scheme and thereafter or during operation of the project, the State Government concerned will ensure maintenance of environment standards as safeguard against the pollution as prescribed in this regard. NOTEThe State Governments, Union Territories, Port Trusts and other concerned implementing agencies has to send their proposals for the various component as outlined above duly completed in all respect. The availability of adequate budgetary provision in the State budget wherever necessary should be specifically indicated in the proposals. No request for expost fact approval of any proposal would be entertained.



Introduction The Centrally Sponsored National Scheme of Welfare of Fishermen envisaging to provide financial assistance to fishers for construction of house, community hall for recreation and common working place and installation of tube-wells for drinking water and assistance during lean period through saving cum relief component was in operation till the terminal year of the 9th Plan. This welfare scheme has been continued during the 10th Plan. The plan Outlay approved for the scheme for the entire period of the 10th Plan is Rs 120.00 crore. Components of the schemes The scheme is operated as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme through States/UTs/ FISHCOPFED (Insurance component only) and has the following three broad components:a) b) c) Development of Model Fishermen Villages Group Accident insurance for Active Fishermen, and Saving-cum-Relief

Explanation & Mode of Operation :(a) Development of Model Fishermen Villages:

Under this component, the eligible fishermen in inland and marine sector would be provided with basic civic amenities like houses, drinking water and commonplace for recreation and work. The respective States/UTs shall provide land for development of these amenities. The States Should keep the following criteria in view while selecting beneficiaries for allotment of houses under the scheme:i) ii) iii) The beneficiary should be an active fisherman identified by the State Government; Preference should be given to fishermen below poverty line and to land less fishermen; Fishermen owning land or kutcha structure may also be considered for allotment of houses under the scheme.

Cost of the development would be shared equally by the Central Government and State Governments subject to the conditions indicated below. In case of Union Territories, the entire expenditure shall be borne by the Government of India. (i) Housing :

A Fishermen Village may consist of not less that 10 houses. There is no upper limit for the number of houses to be constructed in a village, which would depend on the number of eligible fishermen in that village. However, State should ensure equitable distribution of houses among all villages in proportion to the number of eligible fishermen, as far as possible. The plinth area and cost of construction of a house would be limited to 35 Sq. mts. and Rs.40,000/- respectively. The ceiling on land and cost of construction indicate the upper limit. The State Government may plan

and ensure optimizing the use of available resources so that more number of houses could be built within the budgeted amount. (ii) Drinking Water:

A Fishermen Village would be provided with one tubewell for every 20 houses. Where a village consists of only 10 houses or more but less than 20 houses, one tubewell may be provided for such a village. The cost of installation of a tubewell should not exceed Rs.30,000/- However, for North-Eastern States the cost of installation of a tubewell up to Rs.35,000/- would be permissible as a special case for which the State Government should furnish adequate justification. The actual number of tubewells to be installed in a village may be rationalized on the basis of actual water requirement of the inhabitant families and the capacity of the tubewells. A fishermen village may be provided with alternative source of drinking water supply in case tubewells are not a practical proposition, provided the additional expenditure, over and above what would otherwise be admissible if tubewells were to be provided on the basis of number of houses for which the facility is intended, is met entirely by the State Government. (iii) Community Halls /Work Shed: As a recreation and common working place, a fishermen village with at least 75 houses will be eligible to seek assistance for construction of a community hall if found necessary. The hall will be constructed on an area not exceeding 200 Sq. mts. Two toilets one for gents and one for ladies and a tubewell will also be provided with a community hall. The total cost of the hall should not exceed Rs.1,75,000/- The State/UTs should ensure optimum utilization of the community hall by permitting its utilization as a drying yard and also as mending shed. If required, construction of walls for the community hall may be dispensed with so that it may be a structure with pillars and roofs to permit its optimum utilization as a common working place for fishermen. (b) Group Accident Insurance for Active Fishermen: Under this component, fisherfolk/ licensed/ identified or registered with the State/UT Governments would be insured for Rs. 50,000/- against death or permanent total disability and Rs.25,000/- for partial permanent disability. The insurance cover will be for a period of 12 months and a policy would be taken out by FISHCOPFED in respect of all the participating States/ UTs The annual premium payable would not exceed Rs. 15/- per head- 50% of which will be subsidized as grants-in-aid by the Centre and the remaining 50% by the State Government. In the case of Union Territories, 100% premium will be borne by the Central Government. In a case of those States/UTs which subscribed to this component through FISHCOPFED the Central share of the assistance (100% premium in case of UTs) would be released directly to FISHCOPFED and will not be routed, through State/UTs. The State Governments should, however, ensure that their share of premium is sent to FISHCOPFED well before the due date of renewal of the policy. In case of those States/UTs who do not subscribe to this component through FISHCOPFED, the release of Central share would be restricted on the basis of annual premium that would be payable had the insurance been taken through FISHCOPFED or the actual premium, whichever is less. No contribution will be collected from the fishermen. The scheme would cover fishermen in both marine and inland sectors. FISHCOPFED will be the executing agency and would operate the Scheme through any subsidiary of General Insurance Corporation of India in case of States/UTs Which opt to subscribe to the Scheme through FISHCOPFED. (C) (i) Saving-Cum-Relief: Mode of implementation of Marine Fishermen:

Under this component Rs.75/- per month shall be collected from eligible Marine Fishermen for a period of 8 months in a year. A total of Rs. 600/- thus collected will be matched with 50% contribution i.e. Rs. 300/-, each by the State Government and Central Government separately. In respect of Union Territories, the share of Union Territory Administration would also be borne by the Government of India. The total sum of Rs. 1200/- Thus collected will be distributed during the four lean months (closed season) to the beneficiaries in four equal monthly installments of Rs. 300/each. The interest accrued will also be disbursed with the fourth installment. For purpose of this component, an eligible Marine Fisherman Means a person who is professionally engaged in full time fishing in sea, is member of Cooperative Society/ Federation/ Welfare Society, lives below poverty line, does not own mechanized fishing boat/ beach landing craft and is below 60 years of age. If any member of a fishermen family has regular employment or indulges in any other income generating activity, such family will not qualify to be beneficiary under this component. The President/ Secretary of the Association shall collect the beneficiary contribution and entrust the same to an official of the State/ UT Administration who shall deposit the fund every month in a Nationalized Bank in the name of Director of Fisheries of the respective Stete/ UTs. The Director of Fisheries will draw the money during the lean season and distribute it to the beneficiaries adding Centre and State contribution in equal installments not ordinarily exceeding four. The States/UTs should ensure that under no circumstances collection of the beneficiary contribution is made in lump-sum and also that the money is not distributed to the fishermen in lump-sum. If a Marine Fishermen defaults in paying his contribution during the non-lean months, the Governments (both State and Centre) matching grant will be limited to the number of months for which he has actually subscribed and will be refunded to the fishermen in equal installments during the lean months. The interest accrued will also be disbursed with the 4th installment. However, a default by any beneficiary in payment of monthly contribution, not exceeding beyond one month and twice during the fishing season, may be waived provided the amount is paid by the beneficiary with a default fee which is equal to the interest that would have otherwise accrued, had the contribution been paid on the due date (s). Lean months in different parts of the coast vary according to climatic conditions and monsoon Weather. Therefore, Director of Fisheries of the respective Maritime States/ UTs will have the discretion, based on the climatic changes and other valid reasons to decide which are the lean months in a year. However, lean months will be limited to only 4 months. (ii) Mode of implementation of Inland Fishermen:

This component would be applicable to only those inland States, which impose a ban on fishing during the monsoon period either through legislation or through adequate administrative measures including deployment of extension workers to educate the inland fishermen etc. Under this component Rs. 50/- per month shall be collected from each eligible inland fisherman for a period of 9 months in a year. A total of Rs. 450/- thus collected will be matched with 50% contribution i.e. Rs. 225/- each by the State and Central Governments separately. In respect of Union Territories, the share of Union Territory Administration would also be borne by the Government of India. The total sum of Rs. 900/- thus collected will be distributed during the three lean months (closed season) to the beneficiaries in three equal monthly installment of Rs. 300/each. The interest accrued will also be disbursed with the third installment.

For the purpose of this component, an eligible inland fishermen mean a person who is professionally engaged in full time fishing in the inland waters, is below 60 years of age and lives below poverty line. Further, he should be a member of Co-operative Society/ Federation/ Welfare Society that has fishing rights in water bodies controlled by the State. If any member of fishermen family has regular employment or indulges in any other income generating activity, such family will not qualify to be beneficiary under this component. The President / Secretary of the Association shall collect the beneficiary contribution and entrust the same to an official of the State / UT Administration who shall deposit the fund every month in Nationalized Bank in the name of Director of Fisheries will draw the money during the lean season and distribute to the beneficiaries adding Centre and State contribution in equal installments not ordinarily exceeding three. The States/ UTs should ensure that under no circumstance collection of the beneficiary contribution is made in a lump sum and also that the money is not distributed to the fishermen is lump sum. If an inland fishermen defaults in paying his contribution during the non-lean months, the Governments (both State and Centre) matching grant will be limited to the number of months for which he has actually subscribed and will be refunded to the fishermen in equal installments during the lean months. The Interest accrued will be disbursed with the 3rd installment. However, a default by any beneficiary in payment of monthly contribution, not exceeding beyond one month and twice during the fishing season, may be waived provided the amount is paid by the beneficiary with a default fee which is equal to the interest that would have otherwise accrued, had the contribution been paid on the due date (s). The State Governments/ UTs has to send their proposals for the various components of the Welfare Scheme complete in all respects in the prescribed format for submission of proposals seeking Central Assistance (ANNEXUREF II). The proposals must be accompanied by detailed progress reports of the projects sanctioned in the preceding years and reasons for the shortfalls, if any, etc. The progress report has to be furnished in the prescribed formats already circulated. The availability of budgetary provision in the State Budget for each component should be specifically indicated in the proposals.








Introduction In order to provide training and extension support to the fishery sector, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Fisheries Training & Extension as in operation during the 9th plan has been continued during the 10th plan with some modifications. The outlay approved for the scheme for the entire period of the 10th plan is Rs 15.00 crore. The pattern of assistance for different components /items under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Fisheries Training & Extension in operation during the 10th Plan is as under:Sl. Components / Items Assistance approved No. 1. Human Resource Stipend @ Rs 100/- per day subject to a maximum of Rs. 1500/Development per participant during the training period of 15 days and an actual to and fro train / bus fare. 2. Establishment of Fish Financial assistance to the maximum extent of Rs. 45 lakh to each Farmers Training Centre State for the establishment of maximum three fish farmer training centres. 3. A. Publication of Rs. 15,000 as an honorarium for each handbook to the Author which will include and approximate expenditure of Rs. 5,000/= to Handbooks be incurred by him on stationery, typing, illustrations, transparencies etc. In addition Rs. 50,000/= will be paid to the State Government/ UT / organization for the printing of about 500 copies of each handbook. B. Publication of training Rs. 5,000/= as an honorarium to the expert for the preparation of a / extension manuals manual and Rs. 20,000/= to the State Government / UT/organization for the publication of 500 copies for each manual. 4. Organisation of For organizing workshops/ seminars/ symposia etc. at the National Workshops / Symposia/ level, a lump sum amount not exceeding Rs.1.0 lakh will be seminars/ meetings/ provided mainly for the publication of proceedings. evaluation studies etc. The amount for meeting expenditure on the miscellaneous items, etc. shall be determined by this Division with the concurrence of Integrated Finance For organizing workshops/ seminars, etc. at the State/UT level, a lump sum amount not exceeding Rs. 50,000/= will be provided to each State /UT Rs.4.00 lakh per study. Production of No fixed amount of financial assistance has been approved under documentary films on this component. It shall be determined separately for each film by fisheries and aquaculture the Script Committee on the basis of script as well as rates quoted by different agencies. However, it shall not exceed Rs. 5.0 lakh / film.



Establishment Awareness Centres


of Unit cost is Rs.20 lakh (Rs.15 lakh for the construction of building and Rs.5 lakh for equipment glassware, etc). One Awareness Centre comprising museum, library aquarium and auditorium facilities, etc. will be established in each State /UT. The land and operational cost would be met by the respective States / UTs. Activities of Fisheries Overhead Expenditure at Headquarters in the Department of Division at Head Animal Husbandry & Dairying (Fisheries Division) for Quarters strengthening the training & extension skills of personnel and upgrading the reference material including audio-visual aids. In addition this will include committed liabilities like international conferences/ seminars/ symposia etc.

The expenditure on the items/ components as indicated above will be shared on 80:20 basis between the Government of India and the State Governments. For Union Territories, the entire expenditure will be borne by the Centre. While submitting proposal, the States / UTs / Implementing agencies has to submit detailed plans and cost estimates, utilization certificate / progress report of earlier releases and availability of state share in the state budget.



Objectives of the Scheme To improve the database of inland and marine fisheries resources and catch of fish by adoption of standardized methodology of data collection through sample survey for estimation of inland fisheries resources like ponds and tanks, lakes and reservoirs, rivers, lagoons, estuaries, etc. and inland as well as marine fish catch in all the State/UTs To improve information Technology System in the States/UTs as well as National level Fishery Institutes so that data collection and their analysis can be done efficiently and effectively. To conduct census of inland as well as Marine Fisheries.

Component of the scheme: 1. Catch Assessment surveys on Inland Fisheries

This component is entrusted to Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI), ICAR, Barrackpore, West Bengal, who will be responsible for standardization of concepts, definitions and methodology for collecting fisheries statistics and training of staff concerned therewith. The resource and catch assessment surveys would be continued for ponds and reservoirs by extending the coverage to more districts in existing states where the scheme is being implemented and also extended to other states where the scheme has not yet been taken up for conduct of catch assessment surveys so that all the states are covered for assessment of resources and catch under ponds, tanks, reservoirs, etc. i.e. water bodies falling under water group I and II. The methodology for resource and catch assessment from river, streams, canals, etc. i.e. water bodies falling under Group III will also be taken up by CIFRI for its implementation in all states/UTs. The work on supervision, training and data analysis would be undertaken by CIFRI by organizing at training programes to train the officers from State Governments on techniques of data collection, identification of species, analysis of fish catch data and estimation of fish production. The State Governments would submit their work plan to CIFRI for conducting surveys for approval. While sending the proposal for obtaining financial assistance under the scheme, the approved work plan for conducting catch assessment surveys should be enclosed by state governments. The schedules for data collection will be prepared by CIFRI and given to the State Governments. A software would also be developed by CIFRI for computerization of data collected by States in conduct of catch assessment surveys. CIFRI would also provide training to State Government on software. The reports of the surveys conducted should be prepared by CIFRI in co-ordination with states and submitted to DAHD, Headquarters on regular basis. Based on the surveys conducted by states, CIFRI will co-ordinate for working out the quarterly estimates of inland fish production from all states/UTs and furnish to DAHD, headquarters for obtaining approval of Technical Committee proposed to be constituted under the scheme. The central assistance would be provided as 100% grant-in-aid to State Governments/UT administration for creation/continuation of the following posts:

Name of the Post Assistant Director (Stat.) Tech. Assistant / Computer Investigator/ Stat. Asstt.

Pay Scale Rs. 8000-13500 Rs. 5500-9000 Rs. 5000-8000

No. of Posts 1 1 2

The provision has also been made for incurring the expenditure for the above staff towards traveling expenditure for conducting catch assessment surveys in the field. The expenditure on TA will be limited to Rs. one lakh per state per annum. In addition to TA, provision of office expenses to cover cost of overhead charges @ Rs. 2500 per month per state has been made. The State Governments are required to send the quarterly reports to DAH&D on progress of the scheme along with copies of the guidelines issued by CIFRI to the States from time to time indicating the locations of the sites where the surveys have been undertaken, expenditure under different sub heads-salary, T.A.,O.E., etc. 10% of the schedules filled during the conduct of catch assessment surveys would be checked by CIFRI and 2% by State Governments and reports of the inspection should be submitted to the DAH&D Headquarters on quarterly basis. 2. Information Technology: Under the component on information Technology, a provision has been made for procurement of equipment to State Governments/ union Territories /CIFRI/ DAH&D Headquarters/ Fishery Survey of India, Mumbai as per details indicated below: i) ii) iii) iv) One low-end server with two clients along with other equipment with a ceiling of Rs. 3.5 lakh each for State Headquarters including Assam. One Personal Computer along with other equipment with a ceiling of Rs. 1.0 lakh each at UTs and Northeastern State (excluding Assam) and districts. One high-end server and 2 clients along with other equipment subject to the ceiling of Rs. 13.50 lakh at DAHD Headquarters, CIFRI and FSI each. Training in standard software by State Governments from reputed institutions @ Rs. 2500per training for 2-3 officers per State.

The State Governments would submit the requirements for purchase of equipment and the purchases would be made by respective agencies as per General Financial Rules of Government of India. 3. Development of Geographical Information System

The component on development of GIS is entrusted to CIFRI. Satellite imageries from IRS-ID will be obtained for post monsoon period from NRSA. They will be analyzed in the laboratory for assessment of shape and size of the water bodies. Area statistics of water area 0.5 ha. and above will be located, mapped and listed in the reports after making ground truthing of 10% of the locations in order to verify the results. Potential areas will be highlighted on the maps for future planning and development. A geo-referenced fishery data base management system will be evolved and the information will be linked and networked for the users. One

copy of the GIS software with license would also be made available at Centre for further usage and analysis. Provision has been made for expenditure towards TA/DA of staff of CIFRI for undertaking visits by 12 trips (of 4 persons each) for ground truthing @ Rs. 10000/- per person. For analyzing satellite images, financial assistance would be provided @ Rs. 15000/- per scene. Further, provision has also been made for engaging 8 persons as Senior Research Fellows/ Research Associate as per ICAR norms for SRFs and RAs for data collection, data analysis and entry of data collected under inland census for incorporation in Geographical information System. 4. Census on Inland Fisheries

This component on conduct of census on Inland Fisheries has been entrusted to CIFRI. The CIFRI would design the schedule for collection of data and preparation of methodology, instruction and publicity material. The methodology and the schedules will be approved the Technical Monitoring Committee proposed to be constituted under the Scheme. 5. Census on Marine Fisheries

The component on conduct of census on marine fisheries has been entrusted to Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) in ten States. In respect of A&N Islands and Lakshadweep the census would be conducted using services of Fishery Survy of India, Mumbai. A token provision of Rs. 1.50 lakhs for engaging manpower in two UTs has been made. The schedule for data collection and methodology will be scrutinized by Technical Committee proposed to be constituted under the Scheme before implementation. 10% of the schedules filled during the conduct of catch assessment surveys should be checked by CMFRI and 2% of the same by State Governments and reports of the inspection should be submitted to the DAH&D Headquarters. 6. Catch Assessment Survey on Marine Fisheries

For streamlining the catch assessment surveys on marine fisheries, Fishery Survey of India (FSI) will act as an interface between Ministry and the State Fishery Departments. FSI would collect data with emphasis on biological aspect of species, gear and market studies from market of Marine State/UTs by deputing field enumerators on contractual basis. FSI would also reconcile the data received from State Governments and data collected by CMFRI and have interface with CMFRI for scientific and technical guidance regarding catch assessment surveys to be carried by FSI. A provision has been made for engaging three data entry operators @ Rs. 8000 p.m. and one statistical Analyst @ 10,000 p.m. on contractual basis for validation of data received from State Governments and report preparation. A provision has also been made for engaging 13 Data Enumerators @ Rs. 8000 per month for field data collection with emphasis on biological aspect of species, gear and market surveys, etc. 7. Strengthening of Headquarter at Centre:

A technical monitoring committee has been constituted with representatives from various organizations like CSO, NSSO, CIFRI, CMFRI, IASRI, ISI and FSI for review and identification of data gaps and making recommendations for bringing improvements in the Scheme. At the Centre level, a provision has been made to provide one post of Depute Director

(Stat.) well versed with sample surveys and information technology for overall co-ordination and implementation of the Scheme. Funding Pattern The central assistance is 100% as grant-in aid to State Governments / UT Administration for all the components of the scheme. Year when the Scheme Started : 2003-04

Annexure 1 Component wise and agency wise financial implication of Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Development of Marines Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post Harvest Operations during the 10th Plan (Rs. in crore) Sl. No. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Name of the components Central share State (approved by Share EFC) Development of Marine Fisheries Introduction of intermediate 3.00 Nil Craft of improved design Resource specific Deep Sea 3.00 Nil Fishing Vessels (Including VMS) Motorisation of Traditional 13.00 13.00 Craft Safety of Fishermen at Sea 5.00 Nil Fishermen development 100.00 25.00 rebate on HSD Development of Infrastructure and Post Harvest Operations Establishment of fishing 100.00 33.15 Harbours and Fish Landing Centres Strengthening of Post20.00 Nil Harvest Infrastructure Maintenance of Dredger 10.00 8.00 TSD Sindhuraj Provision for taking up of 26.00 innovative activities/ balancing infrastructure Grant Total 280.00 79.15 Beneficiaries Share 22.00 3.00 26.00 20.00 Nil Nil 20.00 Nil 91.00 Total

25.00 6.00 52.00 25.00 125.00 133.15 40.00 18.00 26.00 450.15


Annexure II National Scheme of Welfare of Fishermen Format for submission of Proposals Name of State/UT: ___________________ Year : 2003 04 A. Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. Tota l Notes : * Cost to be worked out @ Rs. 40,000/- per house, @ Rs. 30,000/- per tube well (Rs. 35,000 in case of NE States) and Rs. 1.75 lakh per community hall. Criteria for selection of village is a minimum of 10 houses, Every 20 houses for one tube well and at least 75 housing units in a village is eligible to avail assistance for construction of a community hall. Housing & drinking water Name of the (District wise) village No. of houses No. of No. required in tubewells to community each village be installed halls of Total Cost*

CERTIFICATE Certified that proposed beneficiaries in the proposal are active fishermen. Out of them, -----belong to BPL Category, -------- are owning land or kutcha structures and for the rest of the fishermen of State Government / UT Administration will provide the land for development of these amenities. State Government has adequate provision in its Budget to provide matching share during the current financial year. Utilization Certificate/ Physical progress report of Central assistance received for housing, community halls and drinking water amenities (Rs. ---------------- lakh) till -------------- has been furnished (Copy enclosed) / pending for Rs. ------ sanctioned by the Government of India pertaining to the year ------- & there is no unspent balance. Year-wise break-up of unspent balance of previous year (s) is given in the enclosed Annexure. Commissioner / Director (fisheries) Government of --------------Date:---------------------

B. (i)

Saving-cum-relief Marine Fisheries Lean period till Assistance sought

Name & Address of the No. of fishers to Amount Society / Cooperative be covered collected date

Notes : (i) (ii) (iii) The beneficiary has to contribute Rs. 75/- per month for 8 months and equivalent amount i.e. Rs. 600/- is provided equally by the Central & State Government. In case of UT, Govts share is provided by Central Government only (NO Contribution from UT.) Lean months are limited to 4 months only.

CERTIFICATE Certified that Intended beneficiaries contribution has been received as per guidelines of the scheme and no lump sum contribution collected from the members. Beneficiaries proposed to be covered under the component are engaged in active fishing in sea, member of cooperative society/ federation/ welfare society, lives below the poverty line, does not own mechanized fishing boat/ beach landing craft and below 60 years of age. Adequate budget provision has been made in the State Budget during the current financial year to provide matching share. Central assistance received for this component till last year ---------------- has been disbursed to the beneficiaries and Utilization Certificate furnished / pending for Rs.-----pertaining to the year----------------. Year-wise break-up of unspent balance of previous year (s), if any, in the format i.e. year, amount received (GOI), amount utilised, matching share released by the State Government and unspent balance as on 1st April of the respective financial year etc. is enclosed.

Commissioner / Director (Fisheries) Government of -----------------Date:--------------


Inland Fisheries Lean period Assistance sought

Name & Address of the No. of fishers to Amount society/ Cooperative etc. be covered collected

Notes : (i) (ii) (iii) Against contribution of Rs. 50 per month for 9 months equivalent amount i.e. Rs. 450/is equally shared by the Central and State Government. In case of UT, matching share of Rs. 450 is provided by Central Government. Lean months are limited to 3 months only.

CERTIFICATE Certified that : State of -------------- has a ban on fishing during the monsoon period for ------ months through a legislative or administered measures (Copy enclosed). Inland fisherfolk covered there under are professionally engaged in full time fishing in the inland water, below 60 years of age and belong to BPL category. They are member of the Cooperative Society / Federation / Welfare society having fishing rights in water bodies controlled by the States. Beneficiary contribution has been collected as per guidelines of the scheme and no lump sum contribution received. Adequate budget provision has been made in the State Budget during the current financial year to provide matching share. Central assistance received for this component till last year ---------- has been disbursed to the beneficiaries and Utilization Certificate furnished / pending for Rs. ------------- Pertaining to the year--------------. Year-wise break-up of unspent balance of previous year(s), if any, in the format i.e. year, amount received (GOI), amount utilized, matching share released by the State Government and unspent balance as on 1st April of the respective financial year etc. is enclosed.

Commissioner/Director (Fisheries) Government of --------------Date: ------------------

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