Newsletter - April 2013
Newsletter - April 2013
Newsletter - April 2013
Justice Ride
In the fall of 2012, we were happy to host Created Equal on Purdues campus. Created Equal is an Ohio-based pro-life group that uses graphic images portraying both pre-born children and aborted babies to draw attention to the injustice of abortion. As part of this event, Seth Drayer, Director of Training for Created Equal, gave a training session on pro-life apologetics. Seth explained how images have been used effectively in past social justice causes, such as the civil rights
movement, and also how to defend the pro-life position. It was very effective and prepared us well to go out on campus and defend our beliefs. On October 17, we partnered with Created Equal staff to host the graphic display on Purdues highly trafficked Centennial Mall. Many students stopped to discuss abortion with us, while others did not but were exposed to the beauty of life and the horror of abortion through the images.
Other events
Pro-Life Summit: Some of our members traveled to Indianapolis to attend the Students for Life of America regional conference. We enjoyed motivating speakers, encouraging conversations, and excellent networking opportunities. Since the conference, a Facebook group has been formed to foster idea sharing and networking among the Indiana pro-life clubs. 40 Days for Life: As in the past several years, our club participated in the local 40 Days for Life campaign: praying outside our local Planned Parenthood as a peaceful protest against abortion. Campus Booths: Our newly formed booth committee kicked into high gear during the spring semester and we hosted several booths on campus right outside one of the main libraries. Each booth had a different theme including: The Myths of Choice, Love Them Both, and Modern Black Genocide (which drew attention to the Cemetery: After using flags last year, we switched back to the traditional white crosses for disproportionate effect of abortion on AfricanAmericans). At each booth we passed out flyers with relevant information hoping to reach as many people as possible. the Cemetery of Innocents this year. We set up 2000 crosses on Memorial Mall. Each cross represented 2 babies lost to abortion in the United States every day. As always, this event drew attention from the student body and created good discussions about life.
Mission Statement: Our purpose is to defend human life from conception until natural death through education, service, and peaceful action. We will work toward our mission of promoting a culture of life by educating ourselves and other students on campus and in the community, serving women in crisis, prayer, and participation in local and national pro-life events.
National March for Life Press Conference
SB 371: In the fall, Purdue Students for Life partnered with Indiana Right to Life by sending a representative to participate in a press conference outside the Lafayette Planned Parenthood. The press conference drew attention to the loophole in the Indiana state law requiring abortion clinics to be licensed and inspected by the state. While the Lafayette Planned Parenthood distributes chemical abortions (RU486), they are not licensed or inspected because the law currently does not consider a chemical abortion to be an abortion.
In the spring, we sent a representative to testify to the Indiana House of Representatives in favor of SB371. This bill did several things. It requires facilities which distribute an abortion inducing drug to follow the same regulations as clinics performing surgical abortions. It also requires that: an abortion drug may not be distributed to a woman after the FDA approved 9 weeks, a physician must be present to physically examine the woman, informed consent forms must be presented, and an ultrasound must be performed. The bill passed by a 70-26 margin.
Next Year
Fall Semester: Cemetery of Innocents Regular campus booths Spring Semester: CBRs Genocide Awareness Project Host pro-life vs. pro-choice debate