Middleborough Board of Selectmen May 11, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Middleborough Board of Selectmen May 11, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Middleborough Board of Selectmen May 11, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Chairman opened meeting at 7:04 pm by inviting those in attendance to join in the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Upon motion by Selectwoman Duphily and seconded by Selectwoman Brunelle, Board
voted to authorize Middleboro Youth Softball League to collect donations from local
businesses on Friday, May 15 from 5-8 pm and Saturday, May 16, 2009 from 8 am-12
Four in favor. P. Rogers abstained.
Middleborough Board of Selectmen May 11, 2009
Meeting Minutes
The Board thanked Mr. Boucher for his long service and wished him the best in his
retirement. Selectwoman Brunelle commented that he has been a real asset to the Town
and wish him a wonderful well-deserved retirement.
Middleborough Board of Selectmen May 11, 2009
Meeting Minutes
Upon motion by Selectman McKinnon and seconded by Selectman Rullo, Board voted
not to support Articles 9 and 10 of the Special Town Meeting.
Three in favor. P. Rogers and M. Brunelle abstained.
Allin Frawley addressed the Board and asked when SRPEDD Meeting is re Rte. 495.
The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13, 2009 from 2 - 4 pm at Town Hall.
Selectwoman Brunelle thanked Chief Russell for his nine and one half years of service
and wished him well in his retirement. Chairman recognized him for his leadership skills
and all he has done. Chief gave the credit to all of the men and women of the Police and
Fire departments.
Middleborough Board of Selectmen May 11, 2009
Meeting Minutes
Town Website Update
Town Manager and R. Brunelle had a productive meeting last week with Tom Rose. He is
to provide a proposal. Town Manager and Mr. Brunelle are both comfortable with his
level of experience.
Mobile Home Draft Regulations – set up meeting for June 15th to review.
Middleborough Board of Selectmen May 11, 2009
Meeting Minutes
Nemasket River Enhancement Grant - We have applied for $677,000 in state funds to
improve quality of life. The quality of water will improve four drainage basins and the
retaining wall adjacent to the fish ladder. Town Manager will be contacting Jane
Lopes/Historical Commission to discuss the project with them. Town Manager thanked
D. Boucher who moved this forward.
Town Hall Cleanup day – Selectwoman Duphily asked for volunteers to help with
pruning, weeding and planting on Friday and Saturday May 29th and 30th beginning at
9:30 am.
Allin Frawley noted the signs that have been put up throughout Town advertising the
Town Meeting and suggested that it would be helpful to have the same for Town
#18 Plymouth County Retirement
#13 Reminder of Memorial Day activities
#15 Jane Lopes expanded on what the actual historic district encompasses.
Selectman McKinnon noted that he stopped by SRPEDD today but no one was there.
Jackie Shanley, Confidential Secretary