Model Questions Group X
Model Questions Group X
Model Questions Group X
Q2. ek gaodM 15 maITr p`it saokND ko vaoga sao xaOitja sao 30 ka kaoNa banaato hue fOMkI jaatI hO . gaodM kI ]D,ana ka samaya
&at kIijayao . idyaa hO 10 maITr saokoMD.
A ball is projected with a velocity of 15 m/s making an angle of 300 with the
horizontal. Calculate the time of flight of the ball ( Give g= 10m/s2 )
(A) 1.5 Second (B) 3.5 Second (C) 2 Second (D) 5 Second
Ans: A
Q3. inamna maoM sao iksaka ivamaIya saU~ Aavaoga ko ivamaa saU~ ko samaana hO .
The dimension formulas for impulse is same as the dimensional formula for
(A) saMvaoga/Momentum (B)bala/Force
(C) bala AaGaUNa-/Torque (D)saMvaoga maoM pirvat-na kI dr/Rate of change of momentum
Ans : A
Q4. yaid ek saava- AaaQaairt p`baMQak maoM saMga`ahI AaQaairt baOTrI hO saMga`ahI pirpqa maoM Qaara hO saMga`ahI pirpqa maoM jaaoD,a
huAa p`itraoQa hO AaOr saMga`ahI AaOr AaQaar kI caar vaaolTta hO tao :
For a common base amplifier, V is the collector base battery, Ic the current
in the collector circuit, Rl the resistance connected is collector circuit and Vcb
the voltage across collector & base, then
(A) Vcb =Vcc + IcRL (B) Vcb = Vcc -IcRL
(C) Vcc = Vcb - IcRL (D) [namaoM sao kao[- nahIM /None of these
Ans : A
Q6. dao ptlaI AaOr AsaIimat samaantr piT\TkaAaoM pr samaana Gna%va ko + σ AaOr − σ AavaoSa hOM Amtirxa maoM ]nako maQya ka
ivaVut xao~ @yaa hO .
Two thin and infinite parallel plates have uniform densities of charge + σ and
− σ . What is the electric field in the space between these plates?
(A) σ /2 ε 0 (B) σ / ε 0 (C) 2 σ / ε 0 (D) SaUnya / Zero
Ans : B
Q7. A&at d`vyamaana ko ek pdaqa- pr 70N ka bala kaya- kr ]sao 20 maI p`it vaga- saokND ka %varNa dota hO . vastu ka
d`vyamaana hO ________.
A force of 70N gives an object of unknown mass an acceleration of 20m/s2.
The mass of unknown object is________.
(A) 7 Kg (B) 0.3 Kg (C) 3.5 Kg (D) 35 Kg
Ans : C
Q8. jaInar DayaaoD ka ]pyaaoga ikyaa jaata hO :
Zener- diode is used as :
(A) ek p`vaQa-k/An amplifier
(B) ek idYTkarI ko $p maoM /An rectifier
(C) ek daolana karI ko $p maoM /An oscillator
(D) ek ivaBava inayaM~k ko $p maoM /A Voltage regulator
Ans : D
Q9. 50 maaoD,aoM kI ek kuNDlaI sao caumbakIya fla@sa 0.05 vaobar p`it saokND kI dr sao baZ,ta hO . kuNu DlaI ko isaraoM ko
maQya ]%pnna ivaVut vaahk bala iktnaa hO.
The magnetic flux through a 50- turn coil increase at the rate of 0.05 Wb/s.
What is the induced emf between the ends of the coil?
(A) 2.5V (B) 5V (C) 3V (D) 7V
Ans : A
Q10. ek Toilaskaop ko AiBadRSyak kI faoksa dUrI 60 sao maI hO tao 20 ka AavaQa-na paanao ko ilea naoi~ka kI faoksa dUrI
iktnaI haonaI caaihe.
The focal length of objective of a telescope is 60 c.m. To obtain a
magnification of 20, the focal length of the eye-piece should be
(A) 2cm (B) 5cm (C) 4cm (D) 3cm
Ans : D
Q15. tIna saMQaair~ ijanakI Qaairta 1 µ F, 2 µ F tqaa 6 µ F hO EaMRKlaa k`ma maoM jaaoD,o gayao hO [sa saMyaaojana kI samakxa
Qaairta hO .
The three capacitors whose capacitances are 1 µ F, 2 µ F and 6 µ F are
connected in a series. The equivalent capacitance of the combination is
Q17. karnaa^T [Mjana kO xamata jaao jala ko @vaqanaaMk tqaa galanaaMk ko maQya kama kr rha hO haogaI
The efficiency of a Cornot engine working between the steam point and ice
point is
(A) 28.8 % (B) 27.8 % (C) 26.8 % (D) 23.8 %
Ans : C
Q18. rolavao pTiryaaM maaoD,aoM pr JaukI haotI hO taik
Railway tracks are banked on curves so that
(A) PaTrI AaOr pihyaaoM ko baIca kao[- GaYa-Na bala pOda na hao s/No frictional force may be produced
between the tracks and wheels
(B) rolagaaD,I Andr kI Aaor na igaroM /The train may not fall down inward
(C) pTrI ko karNa saamaanya p`itik`yaa ko xaOitijaya GaTk sao AavaSyak AiBakond` bala p`aPt ikyaa jaa sako
/Necessary centripetal force may be obtained from the horizontal component
of normal reaction due to the track
(D) [namaoM sao kao[- nahIM /None of the above
Ans : C
Q19. dUr saMcaar maoM p`yaaoga maoM laa[- jaanao vaalaI ivaVutcaumbakIya trMgao _____ haotI hO M .
The electromagnetic waves used in the telecommunication are_____.
(A) prabaOMganaI/Ultraviolet (B) Avar@t/Infra-red
(C) dRSyak/Visible (D) saUxma trMgaoM /Microwave
Ans : D
Q20. 60 iklaaoga`ama vajana ka ek baalak jaao ik 10 maITr p`it saokMD kI gait sao daOD, rha hO ka saMvaoga __ haogaa.
The momentum of a boy of 60 Kg weight running at 10 m/s is
(A) 500 Kg m/s (B) 600 Kg m/s (C) 550 Kg m/s (D) 450 Kg m/s
Ans : B
Q21. jaba ek vaayauyaana laUp banaa rha haota hO tao caalak igarta nahIM hO @yaaoMik ]saka vajana AavaSyak p`dana krta hO :
When an aero plane is making a loop, pilot does not fall down because his
weight provides the necessary
(A) gau$%va ko ivaprIt bala/Force against gravity
(B) AiBakond`I bala/Centripetal force
(C) Apkond`I bala/Centrifugal force
(D) Syaana bala /Viscous force
Ans : B
Q22. 70 ik ga`ama d`vyamaana kI vastu pr 350 N ka SauW bala kaya- krta hO jaao ik p`armBa maoM isqar Avasqaa maoM hO . [saka
%varNa _____ haogaa .
A net force of 350 N acts on a body of mass 70 Kg which is initially at rest. Its
acceleration is ______ m/s2.
(A) 3 (B) 7 (C) 5 (D) 9
Ans : C
Q23. Qvaina ko dao sa`aot Anaunaad maoM tba haoto hO :
Two sources of sound are said to be in resonance, when
(A) jaba vao ek jaOsao lagato hO/M They look like similar
(B) jaba vao ek samaana AavaRi<a kI Qvaina ]%pnna krto hOM /They produce sound of same
(C) jaba vao ek dUsaro sao ivaSaoYa dUrI pr isqat haoto hOM /They are situated at a particular
distance from each other
(D) jaba vao ek hI sa`aot Wara ]%pnna haoto hOM . /They are produced by same source
Ans : B
Q24. jaOsao jaOsao hma pRqvaI ko tla sao }pr kI Aaor jaato hOM tao gau$%va ko karNa %varNa GaTta hO tao pRqvaI ko tla sao naIcao jaanao
pr yah :
Acceleration due to gravity decreases as we go up from the surface of the earth.
Then in going below the surface of the earth it
(A) baZ,ta hO/Increases
(B) GaTta hO/Decreases
(C) isqar rhta hO /Remains constant
(D) GaTta hO ifr baZ,ta hO/Decreases then increases
Ans : B
Q25. pRqvaI ko vaayaumaMDla pr Aaojaaona kI prt :
Ozone layer above earth’s atmosphere will
(A) saUya- ko Avar@t ivaikrNa sao bacaaegaI/Prevent infra-red radiation from sun
(B) pRqvaI sao pravait-t Avar@t ikrNaaoM sao pRqvaI ko vaayaumaMDla kao bacaaegaa /Infra-red rays reflected
from earth from escaping earth’s atmosphere
(C) saUya- sao prabaOMganaI ikrNaaoM kao bacaaegaa /Prevent ultraviolet rays from sun
(D) roiDyaao trMgaaoM kao vaaipsa pravait-t krogaa /Reflect back radio waves
Ans : C
Q2 sin 150 ka maana _________ ko barabar haogaa. / The value of sin 150 is equal
(A) 3 −1 (B) 3 + 1 (C) 3 − 1 (D) 3 + 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
Ans : A
Q3 yaid P(n) kqana “n (n+1) (n+2), 12 Wara Baajya hO” tao P(3) @yaa hO ?
If P(n) is the statement “n (n+1) (n+2) is divisible by 12”, then what is P(3) ?
(A) 12 Wara 12 Baajya hO / 12 is divisible by 12
(B) 12 Wara 24 Baajya hO / 24 is divisible by 12
(C) 12 Wara 48 Baajya hO / 48 is divisible by 12
(D) 12 Wara 60 Baajya hO / 60 is divisible by 12
Ans : D
Q4 1 + 2i ka pirmaaNa _____ hO ./ The modulus of 1 + 2i is _____.
1 − (1 − i ) 2 1 − (1 − i ) 2
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 2
Ans : A
Q5 samaIkrNa 52 x − 5 x + 3 + 125 = 5 x ka hla __ hO.
Solution of the equation 52 x − 5 x + 3 + 125 = 5 x is ___.
(A) x = 0,3 (B) x = 1, 3 (C) x = 0, 4 (D) x = 2, 3
Ans: A
Q6 ek i~Bauja ko SaIYa- ibandu (0, 0), (3, 0) AaOr (0, 4)hO i~`Bauja ka kond/k &at kroM .
The vertices of a triangle are (0, 0), (3, 0) and (0, 4). The centroid of the
triangle is
(A) (1/2 , 2) (B) (1, 4/3) (C) (0, 0) (D) [namao sao kao[- nahI/
None of these Ans : B
Q10 ek samaantr EaoZ,I maoM samadUrI ko pdaoM ka yaaoga p`armBa AaOr Ant sao iksako barabar hOM ?
In an A.P the sum of terms equidistant from the beginning and end is equal to
(A) phlaa pd / First term (B) dUsara pd / Second term (C) phlao
AaOr AMitma pd ka yaaoga / sum of first and last terms
(D) AMitma pd/ last term Ans : C
Q11 A Axar ka tIna baar, Axar B ka dao baar AaOr Axar C ka ek baar p`yaaoga kr iktnao Sabd banaayaoM jaa saktoM hO ?
How many words can be formed using the letter A thrice, the letter B twice
and the letter C once ?
(A) 50 (B) 60 (C) 55 (D) 40
Ans : B
x x2 x3
Q12 e = 1 + x + + + ……… ∞ , _______ko ilae maanya hO / is valid for ___.
2! 3!
(A) –1 < x < 1 (B) –1 ≤ x ≤ 1
(C) saBaI vastivak x / all real x (D) [namao sao kao[- nahI / None of these
Ans : C
x+ y y+z z+x
Q14 saariNak / Determinant z x y
ka maana hO / is equal to
1 1 1
(A) –1 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 0
Ans : D
Q15 e sin x − 1 samaana hO / e sin x − 1 is equal to_______.
saImaa Lim
π sin x π sin x
x→ x→
2 2
Q16 λ inayataMk ka maana &at kroM taik naIcao idyaa gayaa flana, x = - 1 pr saMtt hao.
Find the value of the constant λ so that the function given below is continuous
f(x) = x − 2 x − 3 , x ≠ −1
x = -1:
x +1
λ , x = −1
Q19 ek gaubbaaro kI i~jyaa 10 sao maI p`it saokND kI dr sao baZ, rhI hO. jaba i~`jyaa 15 sao maI hO tao gaubbaaro ka pRYXIya
xaot`fla iksa dr sao baZ, rha hO ?
The radius of a ballon is increasing at the rate of 10 cm/sec. At what rate is the
surface area of the ballon increasing when the radius is 15 cm?
(A) 1200 π vaga- saomaI p/it sao / 1200 π cm2/sec
(B) 120 π vaga- saomaI p/it sao / 120 πcm2/sec
(C) 150 π vaga- saomaI p/it sao / 150 π cm2/sec
(D) 1500 π vaga- saomaI p/it sao / 1500 π cm2/sec
Ans : A
Q20 vah Antrala &at kroM ijasamaoM f(x) = 2x3 – 3x2 – 36x + 7 yaqaatqya GaT rha hO.
The interval in which the function f(x) = 2x3 – 3x2 – 36x + 7 is strictly
decreasing is :
(A) (-2, 3) (B) (- ∞ , -2)
(C) (3, ∞ ) (D) [namao sao kao[- nahI/None of these
Ans : A
Q21 (0, 0) pr y = sin x vak/ ko AiBalamba ka samaIkrNa haogaa :
The equation of the normal to the curve y = sin x at (0, 0) is
(A) x = 0 (B) y = 0 (C) x + y = 0 (D) x – y = 0
Ans : C
Q22 ∫ sin(tan 2 x) dx =_______.
1+ x
(A) cos x (tan-1x) + C (B) - cos x (tan-1x) + C
(C) 2x cos x (tan-1x) + C (D) –2x cos x (tan-1x) + C
Ans : B
Q23 sarla roKa 2y= 3x + 12 Wara prvalaya 4y= 3x2 ko kaTo gayao Baaga ka xaotf
` la ____vaga- maa~k hO.
The area cut off the parabola 4y = 3x by the straight line 2y = 3x + 12 in sq
units is:
(A) 16 (B) 21 (C) 27 (D) 36
Ans : C
Q24 vak`aoM ko pirvaar y = ex (A cosx + B sinx)jahaM A AaOr B svaocC Acar hOM , ka Avakla samaIkrNa ____ hO.
The differential equation of the family of curves y = ex
(A cosx + B sinx), where A and B are arbitrary constants, is:
(A) d 22y - 2 dy dx
+ 2y = 0 (B) d 2 y + 2 dy - 2y = 0
2 dx
dx dx
- 7 dy
(C) d2y + dy + y = 0 (D) d2y + 2y = 0
dx2 dx dx2 dx
Ans : A
Q25 ek pa^Msaa tqaa ek isa@ka ek saaqa ]Calao jaato hO. paMs^ ao pr 6 tqaa isa@ko pr ica<a Aanao kI saMBaavyata &at kroM.
One die and one coin are tossed simultaneously. The probability of getting 6
on die and head on coin is
(A) 1/2 (B) 1/6
(C) 1/12 (D) [namao sao kao[- nahI/None of these
Ans : C