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Irregular Verbs: Overview and List: Present Past Past Participle

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Irregular Verbs: Overview and List

In English, regular verbs consist of three main parts: the root form (present), the (simple) past, and the past participle. Regular verbs have an -ed ending added to the root verb for both the simple past and past participle. Irregular verbs do not follow this pattern, and instead take on an alternative pattern. The following is a partial list of irregular verbs found in English. Each listing consists of the present/root form of the verb, the (simple) past form of the verb, and the past participle form of the verb. List of Irregular Verbs in English Present be become begin blow break bring build burst buy burst catch choose come cut deal do drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find Past was, were became began blew broke brought built burst bought burst caught chose came cut dealt did drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found Past Participle Been become Begun Blown Broken brought Built Burst Bought Burst Caught Chosen Come Cut Dealt Done Drunk Driven Eaten Fallen Fed Felt Fought Found

fly forbid forget forgive freeze get give go grow have hear hide hold hurt keep know lay lead leave let lie lose make meet pay quit read ride run say see seek sell send

flew forbade forgot forgave froze got gave went grew had heard hid held hurt kept knew laid led left let lay lost made met paid quit read rode ran said saw sought sold sent

Flown forbidden forgotten forgiven Frozen Gotten Given Gone Grown Had Heard Hidden Held Hurt Kept Known Laid Led Left Let Lain Lost Made Met Paid Quit Read Ridden Run Said Seen Sought Sold Sent

shake shine sing sit sleep speak spend spring stand steal swim swing take teach tear tell think throw wake wear win write

shook shone sang sat slept spoke spent sprang stood stole swam swung took taught tore told thought threw

Shaken Shone Sung Sat Slept Spoken Spent Sprung Stood Stolen Swum Swung Taken Taught Torn Told thought Thrown understood Worn Won Written

understand understood wore won wrote

woke (waked) Woken (waked)

Commonly Confused Verbs

LIE versus LAY
Lie vs. Lay usage Present lie, lying (to tell a Past I lied to my mother. Past Participle I have lied under oath.

falsehood) lie, lying (to recline) I lay on the bed because I was He has lain in the grass. tired. We have laid the dishes on the table.

lay, laying (to put, place) I laid the baby in her cradle. Example sentences:

After laying down his weapon, the soldier lay down to sleep. Will you lay out my clothes while I lie down to rest?

SIT versus SET

Sit vs. Set usage Present Past Past Participle You have sat there for three hours. sit (to be seated or come to resting I sat in my favorite position) chair. set (to put or place) Example sentences: Let's set the table before we sit down to rest.

I set my glass on the She has set her books on my table. desk again.


Rise vs. Raise usage Present rise (steady or customary upward movement) raise (to cause to rise) Example sentences: The boy raised the flag just before the sun rose. Past The balloon rose into the air. Past Participle He has risen to a position of power.

They raised their hands because I have raised the curtain they knew the answer. many times.

Base Form
awake be bear beat become begin bend beset bet bid bind bite bleed blow break breed bring broadcast build burn burst buy cast catch choose cling come cost creep cut deal dig dive do draw dream

Simple Past Tense

awoke was, were bore beat became began bent beset bet bid/bade bound bit bled blew broke bred brought broadcast built burned/burnt burst bought cast caught chose clung came cost crept cut dealt dug dived/dove did drew dreamed/dreamt

Past Participle
awoken been born beat become begun bent beset bet bid/bidden bound bitten bled blown broken bred brought broadcast built burned/burnt burst bought cast caught chosen clung come cost crept cut dealt dug dived Done = a face 6 Drawn = a desena dreamed/dreamt = a visa

Irregular Verbs

drive drink eat fall feed feel fight find fit flee fling fly forbid forget forego (forgo) forgive forsake freeze get give go grind grow hang hear hide hit hold hurt keep kneel knit know lay lead leap learn leave lend let lie light

drove drank ate fell fed felt fought found fit fled flung flew forbade forgot forewent forgave forsook froze got gave went ground grew hung heard hid hit held hurt kept knelt knit knew laid led leaped/leapt learned/learnt left lent let lay lighted/lit

masina Drunk = a bea Eaten = a manca Fallen = a cadea Fed = a hrani Felt = a se simti Fought = a se lupta Found = a gasi Fit = a se potrivi Fled = a fugi de undeva Flung = a arunca Flown = a zbura Forbidden = a interzice Forgotten = a uita Foregone = a abandona Forgiven = a ierta Forsaken = a abandona Frozen = a ingheta Got = a obtine Given = a da Gone = a merge Ground = a macina Grown = a creste Hung = a atarna Heard = a auzi Hidden = a se ascunde Hit = a lovi Held = a tine Hurt = a rani Kept = a tine, a pastra Knelt = a ingenunchia Knit = a croseta, a tricota Known = a sti Laid = a pune, a aseza Led = a conduce leaped/leapt learned/learnt left lent let7 lain lighted

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