Local Body Rti
Local Body Rti
Local Body Rti
From, ______________ _________________ To, Public Information officer, RTI Act 2005, District Collectors office, _______District.
Sir, Subject: Transparency in Public Administration prevents prevents corruption RTI Act 2005 1) Kindly supply me the following copy of documents,records of ______panchayat / municipality / corporation under 6(1) of RTI Act 2005 a) Copy of all pages of minutes of meeting for every meeting occurred between ________date to _______Date b) Kindly provide me the list with expenditure if civil works, construction, water connection, installation of street lights, roads, construction of bridges, deep bore wells, from the period of _________ date to _________ date c) Of works mentioned in para 1(b), kindly provide me the name of each works, copy of project cost, detailed estimate with specifications, M.Book, cheque no. with date of cheques paid for each work, name of the officer who certified the each above mentioned work as completed in M.Book , his name, past and current designation, postal address, fax, telephone and email id
d) On deficiency in the above works mentioned in para 1(b) , name the district and state level officer to whom the complaint should me made with designation of officer, address, fax, telephone and email id 2) Copy of paid vouchers of works mentioned in para 1(b) from _____ date to ______date 3) Copy of details of assets filed by the chariman of municipality / corporation at the time of contesting in election
4) Copy of income register from _______ date to ________ date of above mentioned panchayat / municipality / corporation
5) Copy of bank passbook of above mentioned panchayat / municipality / corporation from ________date to ________ date
6) Provide me the list of above mentioned panchayat / municipality / corporation commissioners in charge from ______ date to ___________ date with period of service and current address 7) Provide me the date-wise revenues generated from sand quarry, stone quarry, sale of trees in auction, parking area contract, market area contract with copies of voucher showing the revenue amount which deposited in bank
8) Kindly provide me the beneficiary list prepared for Free television; free LPG stove, concrete house
9) List the eligible people who has not received the above benefits mentioned in para (8) till now
I inform that I have no knowledge to operate internet. So I kindly request that all the above informations may be sent by post. RTI Application Fee Rs.10 in the mode of court fee stamp is attached with this application. Yours truly,