Analysis of Dasha According To Position of Planets
Analysis of Dasha According To Position of Planets
Analysis of Dasha According To Position of Planets
Results related to Mahadasha and Antardasha of planets completely depend on the state of planets in a Janma Kundali. These results also depend on the state of relationships between planets and their corresponding planets. Let us try to understand this principles with the help of below mentioned examples.
If Mahadasha Nath is located on the arc of Rahu-Ketu, it may cause health problems for the native. When the Lord of twelfth house transits with the Lord of second house or aspects the second house, it may become a powerful Marak planet during its Dasha or Antardasha. In a Janma Kundali, auspicious Lords of center houses give auspicious results during Dasha or Antardasha of friendly planets. In Sarvashtak Varga, a planet which has many points in the Kundali or which has many points in 11th house from the house in which it is present, the native receives auspicious results during its Dasha or Antardasha. If Venus and Saturn are strong in a Janma Kundali, they cause failures in the natives life during Dasha or Antardasha. However, if these planets are in sixth, eighth or twelfth house from each other or in trik houses from each other, they give auspicious results to the native. If an exalted planet in Janma Kundali is debilitated in Navansh Kundali, it is unable to give auspicious results. On the other hand, if a debilitated planet in Janma Kundali is exalted in Janma Kundali, it gives auspicious results during its Dasha or Antardasha. If Rahu is in a Trik house and it transits with the Lord of a center house or trine house, it gives auspicious results in the beginning of the Dasha. However, it may cause health problems in the later part of the Dasha. If both Venus and Jupiter are present in Scorpio sign in a Janma Kundali or one of these planets is in Scorpio sign but they aspect each other, the native receives auspicious results during Venus Dasha. The native receives auspicious results during Mercurys Dasha if Sun and Mercury transit with each other in the natives Janma Kundali. The native receives extremely auspicious results during Moons Dasha if Moon and Mars transit with each other or aspect each other. However, the native receives mixed results during Mars Dasha. The native will receive auspicious results during Saturns Dasha if Saturn and Jupiter transit with each other or aspect each other in a Janma Kundali. However, Jupiters Dasha will give mixed results. Similarly, Moons Dasha becomes auspicious for the native if Moon and Jupiter transit with each other or aspect each other in a Janma Kundali. However, Jupiters Dasha still remain average and gives mixed results. The Lord of the eighth house from a particular house destructs the results of this house during its Dasha. If a planet in sixth, eighth or twelfth house are weak, they give extremely inauspicious during its Dasha. If Antardasha Nath is present in second, fourth, fifth, ninth, tenth or eleventh house from Mahadasha Nath, the native receives auspicious results during its Dasha. The native receives mixed results and the Dasha remains average if Mahadasha Nath and Antardasha Nath are in Samsaptak from each other.
If Antardasha Nath is in third, sixth, eighth or twelfth house from Mahadasha Nath, the native receives inauspicious results during its Dasha. If Mahadasha Nath and Antardasha Nath are natural friends and they are the Lords of auspicious houses, the native receives auspicious results during their Dasha. Antardasha Nath gives auspicious results to the native during its Dasha if it is present in an exalted sign of Mahadasha Nath in the Janma Kundali. Dasha of Lords in fourth, fifth, ninth and tenth house from Mahadasha Nath gives auspicious results to the native. The native experiences many important incidents in his life during Dasha of Mahadasha Nath and Lord of Mahadasha Naths Nakshatra. Transit of planets with Mahadasha Nath affects the results a native receives during its Dasha. In fact, transits of other planets sometimes determines the kind of results the native receives during Dasha of Mahadasha Nath. If Dasha Nath is not the Lord of a Trik house, but it is the Lord of an auspicious house and present in its exalted, own or moolatrikona sign, the native receives auspicious results. The native also receives auspicious results when Dasha Nath moves from the house where it is present to third, sixth, tenth or eleventh house.