Et 48 2001 PDF
Et 48 2001 PDF
Et 48 2001 PDF
Published by Ethiopian Standards Agency
ES 48:2001
Linseed oiI Specification
This Ethiopian Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Technical Committee for Animal
and vegetables fats and oils (TC 23) and published by the Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA).
The standard is a reaffirmation for reprint of the Ethiopian Standard ES 4:2001 > oils-Specification
with some editorial changes without altering the technical contents in the former text.
ES 48:2001
Linseed oiI Specification
1 Scope
This Ethiopian Standard specifies the requirements for crude and refined linseed oil.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
Ethiopian Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this Ethiopian Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
of applying the most recent editions of the Ethiopian Standards indicated below. Registers of currently valid
standards are maintained in the Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia.
ES 42:2001, Specification for additives.
ES 51:2001, Edible vegetable oils - packing.
ES 56:2001, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of relative density.
ES 65:2001, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of soap content.
ES 66:2001, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of iron content.
ES 67:2001, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of copper content.
ES SO 660, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of acid value and acidity.
ES SO 661, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Preparation of test sample.
ES SO 662, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of moisture and volatile matter content.
ES SO 663, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of insoluble impurities content.
ES SO 3596-1, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of unsaponifiable matter.
ES SO 3657, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of saponification Value.
ES SO 3960, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of peroxide value.
ES SO 3961, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of iodine value.
ES SO 5555, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Sampling.
ES SO 6320, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of refractive index.
ES SO 15305, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of Lovibond colour.
ES 48:2001
3 Definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply.
crude Iinseed oiI
any product obtained from the seeds of flax ((Linumusitatissimum L.) by expression and/or solvent extraction which
must be subjected to further processing in order to make it suitable for human consumption
Note: filtration is considered as part of the expression and/or extraction
edibIe refined Iinseed oiI
any product obtained from the seeds of flax (Linumusitatissimum L.) by expression and/or solvent, extraction which
has been deguemmed, neutralized with alkali, bleached with bleaching earth and/or activated carbon and
deodorized by steam distillation or any other acceptable commercial process.
4 Requirements
4.1 Manufacture
The oil shall be obtained from good quality, clean and sound linseed by a process of expression and/or extraction.
4.2 ObjectionabIe matter
The oil shall be free from suspended and deposited impurities, admixture with other oils and fats, foreign material,
(contaminants) separated water, and rancid odour and taste.
4.3 Additives
The limits for additives specified in ES 42 shall not be exceeded.
4.4 PhysicaI and chemicaI requirements
The physical and chemical characteristics of crude and refined linseed oil shall conform to the requirements
specified in the Table below.
TabIe PhysicaI and chemicaI requirements of crude and refined Iinseed oiI
Characteristics Crude Refined Test method
Colour in a 2.54 cm cell on the Lovibond colour
scale expressed as Y + 5R
Characteristics colour
of the product
27.5 ES SO 15303
Relative Density at 20
C 0.912-0.933 0.912-0.933 ES 56
Refractive ndex at 40
C 1.472-1.482 1.472-1.482 ES SO 6320
Acid value and acidity, mg KOH/g, oil max. 4 expressed 10 solvent
0.6 ES SO 660
Saponification value, mg KOH/g oil 188-195 188-195 ES SO 3657
odine value (Wijs), g/100g 175 175 ES SO 3961
Unsaponifiable matter, % (m/m) max. 1.5 expressed 2.0
solvent extracted
1.5 ES SO 3596
Peroxide value milliequivalents peroxide
Oxygen/Kg, oil max.
10 ES SO 3960
Moisture & volatile matter at, 103
C%, (m/m), max. 0.25 0.2 ES SO 662
nsoluble impurities, % (m/m), max. 1.0 0.05 ES SO 663
Soap content,% (m/m), max. 0.005 ES 65
ron (Fe), mg/kg, max. 5 1.0 ES 66
Copper (Cu), mg/kg, max. 0.4 0.1 ES 67
ES 48:2001
5 SampIing
5.1 Samples shall be taken in accordance with ES SO 5555.
5.2 The contract sample shall be prepared in accordance with ES SO 661.
6 Packing
Edible linseed oil shall be packed in accordance with ES 51.
7 LabeIIing
Each container of edible linseed oil shall be labelled with the following information:
a) name of the product;
b) name and address of the manufacturer;
c) net contents;
d) date of manufacture; and
e) expiry date.
8 Marking
Each container of edible linseed oil shall be marked with the Quality Mark upon approval by the
Ethiopian Standards Agency.
9 Designation
n making orders and in technical and commercial documents Refined Edible Linseed Oil (RELO) and Crude
Linseed Oil (CLO) shall be designated as follows:
RELO/ ES 48:2001.
CLO/ ES 48:2001.
The Head Office of ESA is at Addis Ababa.
011- 646 06 85, 011- 646 05 65
011-646 08 80
2310 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Organization and Objectives
The Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA) is the national standards body of Ethiopia
established in 2010 based on regulation No. 193/2010.ESA is established due to the
restructuring of Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia (QSAE) which was
established in 1970.
ESAs objectives are:-
Develop Ethiopian standards and establish a system that enable to
check weather goods and services are in compliance with the
required standards,
Facilitate the countrys technology transfer through the use of
Develop national standards for local products and services so as to
make them competitive in the international market.
Ethiopian Standards
The Ethiopian Standards are developed by national technical committees which are
composed of different stakeholders consisting of educational Institutions, research
institutes, government organizations, certification, inspection, and testing
organizations, regulatory bodies, consumer association etc. The requirements and/
or recommendations contained in Ethiopian Standards are consensus based that
reflects the interest of the TC representatives and also of comments received from
the public and other sources. Ethiopian Standards are approved by the National
Standardization Council and are kept under continuous review after publication and
updated regularly to take account of latest scientific and technological changes.
Orders for all Ethiopian Standards, International Standard and ASTM standards,
including electronic versions, should be addressed to the Documentation and
Publication Team at the Head office and Branch (Liaisons) offices. A catalogue of
Ethiopian Standards is also available freely and can be accessed in from our
ESA has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be
reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of ESA.
International Involvement
ESA, representing Ethiopia, is a member of the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), and Codex Alimentarius Commission (CODEX). It also
maintains close working relations with the international Electro-technical
Commission (IEC) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).It is a
founding member of the African Regional Organization for standardization
More Information?
Contact us at the following address.
Standard Mark