VTH Instability of MOSFETs With Advanced Gate Dielectrics (PHD Thesis)
VTH Instability of MOSFETs With Advanced Gate Dielectrics (PHD Thesis)
VTH Instability of MOSFETs With Advanced Gate Dielectrics (PHD Thesis)
(B.Eng. (Hons.), NUS)
To Sarah
After working on other projects for almost a year, I came back to my files on
reliability study, to reconstruct my memory on the three years dedicated to it, and
to write this thesis. Each graph now tells a story on the guidance, inspiration and
support I received from many colleagues. Without their contribution, this study
would not reach the depth I had hoped.
First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor, prof. Li Ming-Fu for bringing
me to the field of transistor reliability study, and the liberal environment he created
in the group. It is difficult to imagine how little I could have done if prof. Li
had not encouraged me to attempt on those ideas seemingly beyond reach. He
demonstrated to us how a researcher should be confident in his study; how the
confidence comes from the pursue of every detail and continual cross-checking; and
how one should be open-minded and actively seek criticism. Working with him has
been very much a character building process to me. I would like to thank Dr. Yeo
Yee-Chia for the many inspiring discussions on a wide range of topics. It has been
very beneficial to put things into perspective and see the big picture. It is such
a pleasure working with you. Prof. Ganesh Samudra and prof. Kwong Dim-Lee
provided many thoughtful suggestions to many of my manuscripts, to which I am
very grateful.
I would like to thank Dr. Yu Hong-Yu, who was my mentor when I first joined
the group. Many of research plans in the initial year was under his steering. He
provided many invaluable advices on tackling the challenges in research. Similarly
I owe debt to Dr. Hou Yong-Tian and Dr. Zhu Shi-Yang for their advices. Many
of the data in this work are results of collaborations with Ms. Yang Tian and
Mr. Wang Xin-Peng. Their incredible dedication to the project really set a stan-
dard for all members in the group, and continually spurred me to work harder. I
was great pleasure to have your collaboration and friendship. A few undergradu-
ate students participated in the project, including Mr. Yong Chen-Hong, Mr. Foo
Che-E and Mr. Lai Cheng-Yi, and their contributions are gratefully appreciated.
The experimental work was carried out in the silicon nano device lab, and the
center for IC failure analysis and reliability, both at the National University of
Singapore. I received a lot of technical and logistic support from the managers
and technicians of both labs. I would like to thank Prof. Byung-Jin Cho for his
tremendous contribution in establishing SNDL in both its facilites and traditions.
Mrs. Ho Chiow-Mooi, Mr. Yong Yu-Fu, Mr. Patrick Tang, Mr. O Yan Wai Linn
and Mr. Abdul Jalil bin Din are gratefully acknowledged for their support.
I have also been working on a few other projects under the collaboration with
many colleagues in SNDL, and there are even more general technical discussions on
a large variety of topics. This culture of open discussion has been very memorable
experience, and I believe, is to some extent a unique character of SNDL. It is im-
possible to enumerate all, but I cannot fail to mention Jing De, Ren Chi, Wu Nan,
Xiong Fei, Qing Chun, Gao Fei, Jing Hao, Wan-Sik, Ying Qian, Pu Jing and
He Wei for the numerous discussions over lunch, or while idling in the cleanroom.
There are a few people outside NUS contributed to this work, to whom I owe
a big thank you. Prof. A. Alam’s pioneering work in the modeling of dynamic
NBTI to some extent framed many parts of this thesis. Discussions with him re-
vealed to me many insights in the reaction-diffusion model, and my gratitude to
him transcends by many orders, our different views on NBTI. The very inspiring
discussions with Mr. Zhao Yue-Gang from Keithley Instruments and H. Reisinger
from Infineon provided many of the ingredients in the fast I-V measurement tech-
nique presented in this work. I must take this chance to thank them for sharing
their insights without reservation.
A special thank goes to my wife, Sarah, whose tremendous understanding and
support allowed me to pursue my dream.
Shen Chen
Singapore, Jan 2008
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
1 Introduction 1
2.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2 Theories for the Dynamic NBTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.5.2 Attribution of the Slow Component of NBTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5 Summary 122
The scaling of MOSFET is not only a geometric shrinkage, but also accompanied
by new materials and process technologies. The gate dielectric, as the most critical
component in a MOSFET transistor, is undergoing rapid and substantial changes
with the adoption of ultra-thin plasma-nitrided oxide, and more recently high-
κ dielectrics. The reliability physics of these new gate dielectric materials are
important and urgent tasks to the IC industry. One important aspect of the
transistor reliability is the threshold voltage instability, which causes degradation
of circuit performance, and in some cases, loss of functionality as well.
This thesis examines the dominant Vth instability mechanisms in two advanced
gate dielectric materials, namely the nitrided silicon oxide (or silicon oxynitride),
and the hafnium oxide. Negative bias temperature instability and charge trapping
phenomena in these two dielectric films are the focus of this study, and form the
main chunk of this thesis.
Since the accurate characterization of threshold voltage instabilities is a pre-
requisite of the desired study, much effort was spent on developing the fast Id −Vg
measurement technique. The minimum measurement time for an Id −Vg curve of
100 ns is achieved. The operation principle, circuit construction and sources of
errors of this technique are documented in detail. The fast measurement is shown
to be indispensable for accurate characterization of threshold instabilities in the
advanced gate dielectrics, due to the fast recovery of threshold voltage when stress
is removed.
With the accurate measurement technique established, the Vth degradation
mechanisms are studied in detail. In the case of oxynitride dielectric, the relative
importance of interface-state generation and charge trapping is currently under
debate in the community. Analytical and numerical calculations are performed on
each of the two theories, and compared to the extensive experimental data. It is
argued that for the oxynitride dielectric, hole trapping must be present along with
the interface trap generation. More specifically, charge trapping is the dominant
mechanism giving rise to the fast transients in NBTI.
In the case of HfO 2 dielectric, it is observed that two distinct charge trapping
components exists, with the slower component shows an unexpected dependence
on the frequency of the stress signal. A two-step charge trapping model, possibly
associated with the negative-U traps in HfO 2 film, is proposed to explain the
observed frequency dependence. The faster charge trapping component, which
has large magnitude, is modeled with traditional charge trapping theories. The
obtained dynamic model of the fast charge trapping is used to predict its impact
on digital circuits. It is shown that different circuit topologies have very different
sensitivity to the instability of Vth .
List of Figures
3.5 A schematic illustrating the trapping and de-trapping of holes
in oxide traps. Several hole traps are assume to distribute in
different energy levels. The double-sided arrow indicates the
exchange of holes between the silicon substrate and the trap
states, through trapping and de-trapping processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.9 The waveform of the gate voltage using the fast measurement
technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.18 According to the reaction-diffusion model . . . , recovery occurs
mainly between 0.1tstress and 10tstress after stress is removed. . . . . . . . 68
3.20 (a) From the R-D model, ∆Vth with measurement delay is
simulated. (b) The error due to delay diminishes when stress
time is much greater than the delay time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.3 Three possible cases for the relationship between the number
of trapped electrons ∆n versus stress time ∆t in one cycle of
the dynamic stress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.6 Waveform of stress voltage used in a) static stress, and b)
dynamic stress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.10 Vth shift dependence on static stress voltage and gate overdrive
at the end of a one second stress (Vg − Vth,1s ), measured by
fast technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
4.11 Threshold voltage shift under static stress and dynamic stress
of different frequencies, measured by fast technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.14 ∆Vth after 100 second dynamic stress of different duty cycle,
but same stress voltage, frequency and rise/fall time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.18 Simulation of recovery of linear region drain current Id after
stress voltage is removed from the gate of the nMOSFET, as
shown in Figure 4.8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4.21 Static noise margin of SRAM cell with cell ratio β = 2. . . . . . . . . . . 114
List of Tables
List of Symbols
Vd drain voltage
Vdd positive supply voltage
Vds drain-to-source voltage
Vfb flat-band voltage
Vg gate voltage
Vgd gate-to-drain voltage
Vgs gate-to-source voltage
Vmeas measurement voltage
Vout output voltage
Vstress stress voltage
Vth threshold voltage
Vth0 initial threshold voltage
List of Abbreviations
PCB printed circuit board
PVD physical-vapor deposition
R-D reaction-diffusion
RDF random dopant fluctuation
RF radio frequency
SNM static noise margin
SOI silicon on insulator
SRAM static random-access memory
SS sub-threshold swing
As the author is typing this thesis concerning transistor technology, the 60th an-
niversary of the invention of transistor (23rd, December 1947) is approaching. It
is interesting to note that, though the first practical transistor, demonstrated by
John Bardeen and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs, was a point-contact transistor,
it was an accidental discovery in the search for a field-effect transistor[1]. Ac-
tually, the field-effect transistor was conceived as early as 1928, by Julius Edgar
Lilienfeld. William Shockley and others attempted extensively on it, but nev-
er succeeded. Bardeen was first to point out that the large amount of surface
traps of semiconductor would screen out the desired field-effect almost completely,
and any attempt on FET would certainly be futile unless the surface states were
tamed. He and Brattain set to fix the surface state problem by, for example, using
electrolyte solution as gate electrode, or using germanium oxide as the insulator.
Unfortunately, the germanium oxide film on their sample has a hole, and does not
insulate. Fiddling this defective sample, they discovered transistor effect in a point
contact transistor structure, and not a MOSFET. It was only in the 1960s that
the surface states problem saw the first practical solution with thermal oxidation
of silicon, and the development of silicon MOSFET gained momentum. However,
the quality of the insulator thin-film as well as its interface with the semiconductor
is still the key to a successful MOSFET technology.
The current dominance of MOSFET technology is largely associated with the
development of integrated circuit (IC) technology. For long time, MOSFET in-
tegrated in IC was seen as a cheap alternative to bipolar transistor, which shows
inferior performance, but occupy less area on the chip and is cheaper to fabricate.
However, the scaling of MOSFET technology improved both the packing density
and performance, making it suitable for digital computers and memories. On the
other hand, the invention of CMOSFET technology reduced the power consump-
tion of IC by orders of magnitude and made large scale integration practical. The
scaling of the CMOSFET transistors since became the driving force to IC industry.
From 1970s to early 90s, the scaling of MOSFET largely followed the constant
voltage scaling rule. As the hot-carrier induced reliability issue became difficult to
handle, the supply voltage is reduced as MOSFET scales, and the constant field
scaling is used. Since mid 90s, the semiconductor industry association (SIA) start-
ed to publish technology roadmaps for semiconductor industry, which includes an
outlook of future scaling of MOSFET technology. It later became an internation-
al effort as the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)[2].
The scaling trend projection in ITRS is determined from transistor performance
targets and power dissipation constraints, together with a sophisticated compact
model of MOSFET transistors. In all scaling schemes, the gate oxide thickness
scales down with the transistor feature size at a steady rate. The reduction of
oxide thickness is motivated by many device design considerations, including the
control of short channel effects, the adjustment of proper threshold voltage and
the improvement in drive current.
down the oxide sustains less voltage. In practice, MOSFET operates at voltages
much lower than the dielectric breakdown voltage, but there is still a finite prob-
ability of breakdown. The lifetime before breakdown is random and follows the
Weibull distribution. This time dependent dielectric breakdown lifetime is a major
challenge to the oxide scaling.
Secondly, carriers injected into the oxide via hot-carrier injection (HCI) or
Fowler-Nordheim (F-N) tunneling create defects in the oxide film which can then
trap charged carriers. The hot carrier injection was the most critical reliability
issue in the 80s and early 90s, and was extensively studied since then. The most
discussed injection mode is due to the channel hot carriers as described below.
When high voltage is present on both gate and drain terminal, a lot of carriers
are flowing in the channel, and there is high longitudinal electric field near the
drain region. Carriers are accelerated in this high-field region, and the carrier
temperature increases. If the carriers gain sufficient energy, they can cross the
energy barrier of the silicon/oxide interface and get injected into the insulator.
Typically the maximum hot carrier generation occurs when gate voltage is around
half of the drain voltage. This bias condition only occurs when the transistor is
switching from off state to on state or vice versa. The attempt to minimize HCI
led to the development of lightly doped drain (LDD) structure, the nitrided silicon
oxide gate dielectric, and is one of the motivations for the scaling of supply voltage.
As the supply voltage has scaled to around 1 V, which is less than the bandgap
of silicon, hot carriers is much less a reliability concern to current technologies,
though it is still regularly examined.
Lastly, many electrical stress tests generate interface states at the silicon/oxide
interface. Although the silicon/silicon dioxide interface is considered among the
best interfaces, there is still slight stress in the film, and dangling silicon bonds are
present at the interface. These dangling bonds are usually passivated by hydro-
gen atoms, and are not electrically active. In modern MOSFET technology, the
density of unpassivated silicon dangling bonds at the interface is negligibly low,
usually below 1010 cm−2 . However, under electrical stress, the weak Si–H bonds
may break, and interface states are created. In addition to HCI and F-N stress,
the negative bias temperature stress is another important cause of interface states
generation. The last (NBT) stress mode, is usually applied to p-MOSFET, where
a large negative voltage is applied to the gate, and the temperature is raised above
the room temperature. No drain voltage is applied. Interface states are generated
under this stress mode, and the transistor degradation under this mode is called
the negative bias temperature instability (NBTI). The NBTI degradation occurs
even when the circuit is in quiescent, if the p-MOSFET happens to have its gate
tied to high voltage. In recent years, NBTI degradation has been found as the
most serious reliability concern of all, and attracted a lot of researches. Since the
NBTI degradation occurs at the silicon/oxide film, and involves processes inside
the insulator film, its physical origin is much less understood, compared to the
HCI injection.
In addition to the three defects created by electrical stress, there are a few
other imperfections in the oxide that are result of poor fabrication processes and are
present before stress. They often appear similar to the stress-induced degradations
mentioned earlier, and are usually discussed together. Three important examples
of such pre-existing imperfections are the mobile ions, fixed oxide charge, and
oxide traps. The mobile ions, such as Na + and K +, come from contaminations
during the fabrication process, and were the major obstacles in the development
of stable MOSFETs in the 60s. However, after the identification of its origin,
it has been eliminated by the combination of cleanroom environment, deionized
water and gettering processes. The fixed oxide charge in the oxide, residing close
to the interface with silicon substrate, can be minimized by appropriate oxidation
recipes, and has been well controlled.
Oxide traps can be pre-existing or generated by stress. We have discussed
the HCI-generated oxide traps earlier, and we shall not missed the pre-existing
ones. Oxide traps are usually attributed to broken Si–O bonds or oxygen vacan-
cies. It is well known that Si–O bonds are surprisingly flexible, and do not easily
break. However, under non-optimal process conditions, or when excessive nitro-
gen is added to the oxide film, broken bonds and vacancies can be abundant in
the oxide film. These process related oxide traps are considered pre-existing to
the device, as they are present before any electrical stress. In addition, we shall
see that the new gate dielectric materials with higher dielectric constant values
contain more pre-existing oxide traps than silicon dioxide does.
Strictly speaking, reliability is a concept associated with long-term effects, and
the reliability of gate oxide should include the three stress-induced degradations.
However, the pre-existing defects are customarily also included in the domain of
reliability study.
In addition to the reliability problems associated with the increasing electric field,
new dielectric materials used in advanced gate stacks constitute another challenge.
As the thickness of gate dielectrics scales down, new dielectric materials are
considered for a few reasons. First encountered was the boron penetration problem
in p-MOSFETs, which requires the incorporation of nitrogen in the gate dielectric
to suppress boron diffusion.
The other more fundamental problem is the direct tunneling of carriers be-
tween substrate and gate. The quantum mechanical tunneling of carriers increases
exponentially as the insulator thickness decreases, and becomes a significant por-
tion of the total leakage current as the dielectric thickness scales below about 3
to 4 nanometers. In order to suppress the excessive gate leakage current, while
maintaining the scaling of oxide capacitance, it is necessary to increase the di-
electric constant of the dielectric film. With higher dielectric constant (κ value),
one can increase capacitance, thus reducing electrical thickness of the dielectric
layer, without reducing the physical film thickness. One important metric to the
advanced gate dielectric materials is the scaling trend of leakage current versus the
effective oxide thickness (EOT), which is the thickness of SiO 2 film to achieve the
same capacitance. Theoretical calculation of direct tunneling current shows that
dielectric materials with higher permittivity offers significant reduction in leakage
current at the same EOT. As a result, many dielectric materials with κ value
greater than that of SiO 2 (3.9) have been investigated as potential replacement of
SiO 2. We shall discuss the two materials with most technical importance studied
in this thesis.
First is the nitrided silicon oxide or silicon oxynitride gate dielectric (SiON),
which is used in current CMOS technologies. The dielectric constant of the film
increases with increasing nitrogen content, up to about 8 for pure Si 3N 4, but
the dielectric quality tends to degrade when nitrogen content were too high or
non-optimal nitridation processes were used. Due to the sensitivity on process
conditions, vast effort is required in the many iterations of process optimization
and reliability tests.
Second is the hafnium oxide (HfO 2), which offers a much greater dielectric
constant up to 25 and promises the potential of sub-1 nm EOT. However, the
process and reliability issues are more serious in this high-κ film. Notably the
HfO 2 film contains large number of pre-existing traps, which was one of the show-
stoppers of high-κ dielectrics.
The exact effect of threshold voltage instability is very specific to the individual
circuit design, and should be discussed in two levels, namely the loss of function-
ality and the degradation in performance. We shall confine our discussion within
the domain of digital circuits. Combinational logic can be implemented with many
styles of circuits, including the static logic, pass gate logic and dynamic logic, to
name a few.
The static CMOS combinational logic is the most common one, and is the
most robust circuit. It has large active gain and is level-restoring, and therefore
offers very large static noise margin. It could produce the correct output even
if the threshold voltage is just a few kT /q away from the supply voltage. At a
single gate level, threshold voltage instability usually only results in drift in delay
time and leakage current. However, as the threshold voltage deviate from the
delicate optimal level[4], the delay time of the switching would increase, and/or
the quiescent leakage current would increase. Therefore, the drift of threshold
voltage to either higher or lower values is detrimental to the circuit performance
in terms of the delay versus power trade-off. In larger circuit with multiple paths,
drift in delay time due to Vth instability would lead to delay mismatch between
different paths (skew). Since the overall delay is limited by the slowest path, the
delay degradation in a small number of transistors may plague the entire circuit.
On the other hand, the functionality of sequential circuits and dynamic logic
circuits rely heavily on accurate timing, and are more susceptible to delay degrada-
tion of transistors. Due to the large number of variants in circuit design, we shall
not attempt to enumerate them, but leap to conclude that the threshold voltage
instability is detrimental to the performance digital circuits in general.
It may be necessary to mention a few details here. First there are mechanisms
not related to gate dielectric that cause the threshold voltage to change with time.
The most well-known example of this kind is the floating body effects in partially-
depleted SOI MOSFETs. Secondly the threshold voltage also vary spatially from
transistor to transistor, due to random dopant fluctuation(RDF) and process varia-
tions. The spatial variation is detrimental to the circuit performance similar to the
temporal variation discussed earlier. Lastly not all changes in threshold voltage
degrades circuit performance. The dynamic threshold voltage MOS (DTMOS),
for example, has lower Vth as it switches on and high Vth as it switches off. The
controlled variation of Vth in this way help to achieve small delay with low leakage
In all cases, the knowledge of the threshold voltage instabilities, in both its
magnitude and dynamics, is essential to successful circuit design. Unfortunately,
traditional compact models of MOSFETs does not include any Vth instabilities,
and circuit designers rely on corner-device tests to ensure the robustness of the
circuit[5–8]. Circuit designers sets the maximum amount of device degradation al-
lowed, and make sure the circuit works with the worst-case (degraded) devices. On
the other hand, reliability assurance engineers qualify devices from a process tech-
nology within the bound of the specified maximum degradation. However, as the
Vth instability is becoming a much important threat to circuit design, this division
of task has become increasingly awkward, because little design margin is left. The
worst-case design is inherently too conservative, but traditional reliability models
were too much a simplification compared to the multitude of Vth instabilities with
complex dynamics in real devices, hence do not allow a more aggressive design. In
response to this gap between reliability study and circuit design, there is growing
effort in understanding and modeling the Vth instabilities, and the present thesis
is a part of this effort.
This thesis examines the dominant Vth instability mechanisms in two advanced
gate dielectric materials, namely the nitrided silicon oxide (or silicon oxynitride),
and the hafnium oxide. Negative bias temperature instability (NBTI)[9] and
charge trapping phenomena[10–11] in these two dielectric films are the focus of
this study, and form the main chunk of this thesis in chapter 3 and chapter 4,
respectively. Since the accurate characterization of threshold voltage instabilities
is a pre-requisite of the desired study, much effort was spent on developing the fast
[1] W. S. Gorton. The genesis of the transistor. Proceedings of IEEE, 86(1):50–
52, 1998. Reprinted from W. S. Gorton, “The Genesis of the Transistor,”
Bell Telephone Laboratories Memorandum for Record, Dec. 27, 1949..
[2] International technology roadmap for semiconductors. 2005 [Online]. Avail-
able: http://www.itrs.net.
[3] Bruce E. Deal. The current understanding of charges in the thermally oxi-
dized silicon structure. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 121(6):198C-
205C, 1974.
[4] R. Gonzalez, B.M. Gordon and M.A. Horowitz. Supply and threshold volt-
age scaling for low power CMOS. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of,
32(8):1210-1216, Aug 1997.
[5] R. Thewes, R. Brederlow, C. Schlunder, P. Wieczorek, A. Hesener, B. Ankele,
P. Klein, S. Kessel and W. Weber. Device reliability in analog CMOS appli-
cations. In IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting 1999, pages 81-84,
[6] A.T. Krishnan, V. Reddy, S. Chakravarthi, J. Rodriguez, S. John and S. Kr-
ishnan. NBTI impact on transistor and circuit: models, mechanisms and scal-
ing effects. In IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting 2003, pages 14-5,
Washington, DC, USA, 2003.
[7] Vijay Reddy, Anand T. Krishnan, Andrew Marshall, John Rodriguez, Sreed-
har Natarajan, Tim Rost and Srikanth Krishnan. Impact of negative bias
temperature instability on digital circuit reliability. Microelectronics Relia-
bility, 45(1):31–38, 2005.
[8] S.V. Kumar, K.H. Kim and S.S. Sapatnekar. Impact of nbti on sram read sta-
bility and design for reliability. In Quality Electronic Design, 2006. ISQED
’06. 7th International Symposium on, pages 6pp., 2006.
[9] Dieter K. Schroder and Jeff A. Babcock. Negative bias temperature instabil-
ity: Road to cross in deep submicron silicon semiconductor manufacturing.
Journal of Applied Physics, 94(1):1-18, 2003.
[10] Sufi Zafar, Alessandro Callegari, Evgeni Gusev and Massimo V. Fischetti.
Charge trapping in high-κ gate dielectric stacks. Technical Digest - Interna-
tional Electron Devices Meeting, pages 517 - 520, 2002.
Fast Id−Vg Characterization
for Transistors
The MOSFET transistor operates almost always quasi-statically with respect to
the terminal voltages, and the MOSFET device physics evolves around its steady-
state output and transfer characteristics. Often people use the term DC and
steady-state interchangeably in this context. However it is important to note that
even in AC operation with moderately high frequency, the carrier concentration in
MOSFET, and hence the particle current, remains in steady-state and follows that
in DC operation. Only the displacement current component is to be added in these
AC situations. Non-quasi-static operation is rare for MOSFET, though becoming
more important recently. Accordingly, the measurement of the steady-state Id−Vg
and Id −Vd curves is the most frequent on MOSFETs.
In 1980s, highly integrated and automated electrical measurement instruments
became commonly available, which includes Hewlett Packard 4140B pA me-
ter/DC voltage source[1], followed by Hewlett Packard 4145[2], 4155/4156 semi-
conductor parameter analyzers[3], and similar products from other manufacturers.
To many young engineers like the author, the semiconductor parameter analyzers
are the de facto standard for measuring the I −V characteristics of transistors.
In fact, what is accepted is not only the measurement instrument, but also the
quasi-static or DC measurement paradigm.
On the other hand, the demand for accurate measurement of small current,
which is critical to MOSFET characterization, requires the measurement to be
slow. In practice, to achieve sub-pico-ampere accuracy, the measurement time at
each bias point (integration time) should be at least 20 ms, or one power-line-cycle,
in order to minimize the interference from the power supply. In addition, small
bias steps in sweep measurement and a delay time before measurement at each
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
step are recommended, to ensure that all transients caused by the bias step die
down and the true steady-state characteristics is measured. As a result, slow DC
measurement was quite often equated to accurate measurement.
This assumption on DC measurement saw some challenges in the field of CMOS
reliability study. The degradation of MOSFET characteristics under electrical
stress can recover after the stress is removed. This recovery produces strong tran-
sients in MOSFET device parameters, notably in the threshold voltage Vth , in the
time scale of micro second to tens of seconds. The typical measurement time with
the semiconductor parameter analyzers ranges from milli-seconds to tens of sec-
onds, which overlaps with that of the transient in device parameters. This overlap
in time scale leads to the uncertainty as to what extent the transistor parameters
(e.g., threshold voltage) have changed during the measurement time. It is therefore
required to remove this overlap by a fast measurement of transistor characteristics
with measurement time of 1 µs or less. Note again that when compared to the
time constant of carrier redistribution (sub-nanosecond) in the transistor, both the
parameters shifts (e.g., threshold voltage shift) and the proposed sub-microsecond
measurement are slower by orders of magnitude. Therefore the MOSFET transis-
tor proper remains in quasi-static operation during the fast measurement, although
the capacitive (displacement) current, as we shall see, plays a role. The implemen-
tation and validation of one possible sub-microsecond fast measurement technique
is the subject matter of this chapter.
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
in the order of 0.1 − 10 seconds, and the degraded Vth will possibly recover during
this delay. The recovery during the short delay has long been thought negligible
until recently. Studies on charge trapping in high-κ and SiON dielectrics in recent
years showed that the recovery in Vth is significant even within an 1 ms delay [4–7].
In fact, as charge trapping was one of the main show-stoppers of high-κ dielectrics,
the accurate measurement of it, without contamination from recovery, is of vital
importance. Therefore, a fast and accurate Vth measurement technique is required
to capture all the fast transient trapping/de-trapping phenomenon.
Some attempts on reducing the measurement time with the semiconductor
parameter analyzers Agilent 4156 were made initially. The minimum measurement
time for a single bias point is 80 µs as specified by the manufacturer, which may
not be sufficiently fast, but is much faster than it is usually configured. However,
it was soon realized that a lot of overhead time must be added to the quoted
minimum. Some examples include:
• Time required to setup the source/meter for an Id − Vg sweep after the stress
is removed. Manual operation at the front panel is clearly not viable option.
The at-the-time popular programming interface (SCPI) actually presses the
front panel keys internally, and is not much faster than manual operation.
The low-level FLEX programming interface, though much harder to program,
can minimize the setup time by storing all low-level commands in the built-
in execution queue. However, the time required to execute these low-level
commands is not documented in its manual. This setup delay was estimated
from field measurement to be tens of milliseconds.
• Time required to switch to the correct measurement range. Since each mea-
surement range covers current in about one order of magnitude with its best
precision, range switching is often required. Again the exact time for selection
is not specified.
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
100 mV
Figure 2.1 Schematic illustrating the fast Id −Vg measurement setup developed by A. Kerber.
long cables. The signal path is typically greater than 3 m with a common manual
probe station from major manufacturers. To resolve the problem, we attempted
to reduce the length of cables, and the setup was continually improved. In the
following we shall describe a recent version, along with an analysis on source of
measurement errors.
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
Vds −
Figure 2.2 Schematic illustrating the fast Id−Vg measurement setup utilizing a transimpedance
R. In other words, the drain current is measured by the gain resistor R. Resistors
ranged from 1 − 10 kΩ are used in this study for different transimpedance gain.
The output voltage from the OPAMP is related to the MOSFET drain current by
Vout = Id − Igd · R + Vds (2.1)
where R is the sense resistance, Vds is the drain voltage, and Igd is the current
from gate to drain through the parasitic capacitor Cgd . The current Igd is caused
by the fast transient at the gate and is given by
dVgd dVgs
Igd = Cgd · = Cgd · (2.2)
dt dt
Cgd = Coverlap,d + Cinv (2.3)
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
Cable 1 Cable 2
Cable 3
Cgd −
Vds −
Figure 2.4 Schematic illustrating the fast Id−Vg measurement setup utilizing a transimpedance
amplifier, with matched impedance and cable delay.
where Coverlap,d and Cinv are the capacitance of the drain overlap region and the
inversion capacitance, respectively.
A high-speed OPAMP (OPA657) with 1.6 GHz gain bandwidth product is used
to achieve fast measurement[10]. As will be discussed in more details later, the
accurate and fast measurement primarily relies on the minimization of the length
of signal paths without impedance control. In Figure 2.4, impedance controlled
cables are labeled explicitly, while thin wires represent PCB traces, wires and
probe tips. The components enclosed by the dashed box (except the DUT) is on
a printed circuit board measuring 10 × 6 cm. The PCB is mounted immediately
above the home-brew probe card with four probe tips, as shown in Figure 2.3. The
signal path of any non-impedance controlled section (e.g. from the drain of the
transistor to the input of OPAMP, or from to the gate to the junction with cable
1 and cable 2) is less than 10 cm, in order to minimize parasitics.
All the transmission lines are 50 Ω co-axial cables. The output impedance of
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
the pulse generator, and the input impedance of the oscilloscope are adjusted to
50 Ω as well. Since the MOSFET gate has very high impedance, therefore for
short enough wires, the branch leading to the gate does not break the impedance
matching between cable 1 and 2. Resistor Rout ≈ 50 Ω is used to match the cable
impedance, so the voltage recorded by the oscilloscope, through cable 3, is 1/2
of Vout from the OPAMP. The minimization of uncontrolled signal path marks
the largest difference between the improved setup of Figure 2.4 from the previous
attempts as in Figure 2.2.
If one feeds a voltage pulse to the gate of the transistor DUT, and turn on the
transistor, the drain current would induce a corresponding voltage pulse in output
voltage. Both pulses are recorded by the oscilloscope, as shown in Figure 2.5, and
conversion from Vout to Id is possible with (2.1). An parametric plot of Vg (t) and
Id (t) would yield the familiar Id −Vg curve.
Input, Output Voltage (V)
800m Vout
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
For short-channel devices, Cgd is small, and the corresponding Igd is much smaller
than the drain current, and therefore the charging current through Cgd can be
ignored. When a symmetric triangular pulse is applied at the gate as shown in
Figure 2.6 inset, Id−Vg curve can be measured at both the up-trace and down-trace
of the pulse. In the two cases, dVg / dt are of the same magnitude but of opposite
sign. For n-MOSFET with short channel length Lg = 0.1 µm, the Id −Vg curves
measured in the up-trace and down-trace of Vgs both coincide with that from DC
measurement, as shown in Figure 2.6, which indicates negligible effect of charging
current through Cgd .
nMOSFET SiON gate dielectric W/L=10/0.1 µm
Fast measurement
1200 trise=tfall=1µs
Id (µA)
DC measurement
Vds = 100mV
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Vg (V)
Figure 2.6 Id −Vg characteristics measured from a short-channel n-MOSFET with SiON gate
dielectric, with the Vg waveform shown in the inset. Fast Id−Vg measurement (1 µs measurement
time) result is identical to the conventional DC-ramp measurement result in both up-trace and
down trace.
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
The measurement speed is limited to about 100 ns in this study due to the fre-
quency response of the transimpedance amplifier. As seen from Figure 2.5, Vout
waveform must be synchronous to Vgs waveform in order to get the correct Id −Vg
curve. A delay difference δt between Vgs and Vout waveforms will generate approx-
imately a horizontal shift of Id −Vg curve, and is given by
δVgs = · δt. (2.4)
When measurement time (rise/fall time) is reduced dVgs / dt increases, and the
distortion of Id − Vg curve worsens quickly. One source of this delay difference
arises from the unmatched signal path length, for example, between the two long
cables 2 and 3 in Figure 2.4. One meter of cable length difference causes 5 ns
delay time skew. If in the fast measurement Vg ramps from 0 to 1 V in 100 ns,
5 ns introduces 50 mV shift in Id −Vg curve. Cables of equal length are therefore
The other, and more fundamental, source of the delay skew arises from the
parasitic capacitance in parallel with the feedback resistor R. For R = 1 kΩ
typically used in this study, a capacitance as little as 1 pF would cause a delay
of 1 ns in the amplifier output waveform. If one requires the distortion of Id −Vg
curve to be less than 10 mV, the maximum ramping rate for Vg would be 1 V over
100 ns. Therefore, the control of this parasitic capacitance is critical to successful
fast measurement. In practice, small stray capacitance is unavoidable. Sometimes,
it is even necessary to include a small capacitance to improve the stability of
the amplifier[10]. The major source of instability originates from the parasitic
capacitance seen at the inverting input terminal of the amplifier, which consists
of the intrinsic input capacitance of the OPAMP, the capacitance between PCB
traces, wires connecting the probe tip to the PCB, and finally the probe tips.
Considering a typical coaxial cable with capacitance of 67 pF/m, or parallel wires
(5 mm separation) with capacitance around 10 pF/m, it is immediately clear that
the extremely short wires in the current setup is absolutely necessary. This is the
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
limit of the current fast measurement technique, arising from the requirement of
synchronous Vg and Vout waveforms.
On the other hand, if only the drain current at a specific Vg bias is required
as in the case of Ref. [11], synchronization of the Vout and Vg waveforms is not
necessary, and much faster measurement is possible.
For long channel devices, the charging current through the large Cgd can be a
significant portion of the drain current, and need to be corrected. Figure 2.7 shows
that for n-MOSFET with Lg = 10 µm, the Id −Vg curve measured in the up-trace
of Vg does not coincide with that from the down-trace. The difference between the
two Id −Vg curves is inversely proportional the rise time trise of Vg . This indicates
a capacitive branch and is attributed to Cgd . This gate-to-drain capacitance can
be measured with a slightly modified split-C −V measurement. The source and
body of the MOSFET are grounded, and capacitance between gate and drain is
recorded, as shown in the inset of Figure 2.8.
This measured C −V curve provides good approximation to Cgd when the
MOSFET is operating in linear region when Vds is small. The effect of charging
and discharging of Cgd to the drain current measurement can be corrected using
(2.1) and (2.2). Figure 2.8 shows the raw and corrected Id −Vg curve obtained
from a MOSFET with channel length Lg = 10 µm. After correction, the up-trace
and down-trace Id −Vg curves coincide, verifying the above analysis. An first order
analysis suggests that the error in drain current due to Cgd scales with the channel
length as
δId dVgs
∝ Lg 2 · . (2.5)
Id dt
Therefore, the effect of Cgd quickly vanishes for gate length less than 1 to 2 µm
for 1 µs measurement time.
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
0.6 time
10µs 180
∆Vout (mV)
0.4 50µs 120
0.2 0.0 0.5 1.0
1/trise,fall (µs )
Figure 2.7 Id −Vg characteristics measured from a long-channel n-MOSFET with HfO 2 gate
dielectric, with the Vg waveform as in Figure 2.6. As the rise time and fall time of the waveform
decreases, the Id −Vg curves from up-trace and down-trace move apart from each other, due to
the charging and discharging of Cgd capacitance. The difference between the two curves measured
at Vg = 0.6 V is plotted in the inset as a function of the reciprocal of rise time.
We applied this improved fast measurement technique to study the charge trap-
ping in high-κ dielectrics. The MOSFET transistors used in this experiment have
MOCVD deposited HfO 2 gate dielectric with EOT ≈ 1.3 nm[12]. After an initial
Id −Vg measurement, MOSFETs are stressed for 1s, and Id −Vg is measured again
at the falling edge of the stress voltage. Threshold voltage shift is extracted from
the horizontal shift of the Id −Vg curve before and after the stress. In Figure 2.9,
the Vth shift of an n-MOSFET is plotted with varying falling edge time, i.e. Id −Vg
measurement time, at the end of the 1 s stress. It is observed that as measure-
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
Cgd (pF)
200u down trace 40
0.0 0.5 1.0
0 Vg (V)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Vg (V)
Figure 2.8 Id −Vg characteristics after correction for the effect of Cgd . Correction are based
on (Figure 2.1) and (Figure 2.2), for the trise = 1 µs case. The gate to drain capacitance is
measured using modified split-C −V method, and is shown in the inset.
ment time is increased above 100 µs, the measured Vth drops due to the significant
de-trapping during the measurement. The Vth shift measured by conventional DC
measurement is only 200/0 of the true value, and gives a very poor under-estimation
of the trapped charge in high-κ dielectrics. On the other hand, from this figure,
measurement time of 5 µs to 10 µs is fast enough to evaluate the charge trapping
in this particular device adequately.
2.5 Conclusions
In conclusion, we have developed a fast measurement technique to obtain MOSFET
Id −Vg characteristics in 100 ns without using expensive RF measurement setup.
The sources of measurement errors are analyzed in detail. Techniques to minimize
those errors, or correction procedure are provided to each of the error sources.
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
∆Vth @ stress time = 1s (mV)
Vg varying tm
100 1s
n-MOSFET, HfO2 dielectric,
EOT~1.3nm W/L = 320/4 µm
20 Stress Voltage=1.8V
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2
10 10 10 10 10 dc ramp
Measurement time tm (s) with delay
Figure 2.9 NMOSFET transistors with HfO 2 gate dielectrics are stressed for 1 second with
Vg = 1.8 V, after which Id −Vg is measured with different measurement time tm at the falling
edge of the stress voltage. The threshold voltage shift before and after stress (∆Vth ) is plotted
against measurement time, and the threshold voltage shift obtained with DC measurement is
shown for comparison. Slow measurements leads to serious underestimation of the threshold
voltage shift caused by charge trapping.
The limits of such measurement setup is identified, which shows that the current
implementation with 100 ns measurement time is close to the performance limit.
[1] Operation and Service Manual: Model 4140B pA Meter/DC Voltage Source.
Hewlett Packard Company, 1980.
[2] Operation Manual: Model 4145B Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer. Hewlett
Packard Company, 1989.
[3] Agilent 4155C/4156C Manuals: including User’s Guide, Programmer’s Guide
and Command Reference. Agilent Technologies, 2003.
Fast Id −Vg Characterization for Transistors
Instability in SiON Gate Di-
In the 1960s, the instabilities in thermally oxidized MOS structure was the major
inhibiting issue for MOSFETs. In a 1974 review paper [1], Deal recalled a car-
toon made by R. P. Donovan, which depicted a bunch of scientists, blindfolded,
patting different parts of an elephant, and proposing different theories for insta-
bilities found in MOS. The “blind men and the elephant” era ended, after the
alkali ions were eliminated, and the other oxide charges thoroughly investigated
and categorized. We have largely followed the classification of Deal[1], with how-
ever somewhat different terminologies. As usually appeared in modern textbooks,
major source of instabilities of MOS with thermally grown SiO 2 dielectric includes:
• Mobile ions, which are mostly positive alkali ions such as Na +, K + and Li +.
• Fixed charges (Qf ), which are positively charged silicon species in the oxygen-
deficient transition region near the SiO 2/Si interface.
• Interface states (Nit ), also commonly known as fast states, which are unsatu-
rated silicon bonds at the interface.
• Oxide traps (Not ), which are broken Si O bonds in the bulk of the oxide film.
Interface states are easily differentiated from the other types of charges because
they are in direct communication with both types of carriers in the semiconductor
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Around the time of Schroder’s review, the NBTI community started to realize that
the recovery effect is not negligible as always assumed [14–19]. It is observed that
NBTI degradation has appreciable partial recovery within short time less than 1
second. Therefore, if one applies an AC stress voltage on the p-MOSFETs (e.g.
square wave with 500/0 duty cycle), the sample is stressed for half of the period in
each cycle. During the other half-cycle, existing NBTI degradation is being healed.
As a result, NBTI degradation is much less for samples under AC stressing than
those under constant voltage stressing, for equivalent stress time. Since transistors
in logic circuits are quite often under dynamic operation condition, and are not
under constant voltage stress, it was claimed that one could exploit the dynamic
recovery of NBTI and relax the reliability specifications.
However, it is only recognized later, that there is a second significant implica-
tion of the dynamic recovery effect. Since a large portion of the NBTI degradation
can recover within a time scale of 1 second, the traditional stress-measure paradigm
is in trouble. Cooling wafer from stress temperature to measurement temperature
(room temperature) takes minutes, after which the measured NBTI degradation
is seriously contaminated by the recovery effect. Even if one eliminates the cool-
ing procedure, and measure right after the electrical stress ends, the commonly
used parametric analyzer takes some time (anywhere between 0.5 second to 10
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
seconds depending on the specific setup). The above cited early reports on dy-
namic recovery effect of NBTI all use the traditional stress-measure paradigm, and
the registered NBTI degradations are always inclusive of some recovery effect. As
a result, the relatively slow recovery transient recorded in the > 1 s time scale
prompts one to ignore this second effect of dynamic recovery, and concentrates
on the desirable relaxation under AC operation. The unexplored sub-one-second
regime of dynamic NBTI was for a brief moment overlooked, and alternative char-
acterization paradigm was sought only to avoid contamination from measurement
delay soon after.
S. Rangan first described a scheme to investigate the sub-one-second recovery
transient[20]. It involves converting the change in drain current ∆Id at one fixed
bias point into the change in threshold voltage ∆Vth . Since measuring the drain
current at one bias point can be done much more quickly than a sweep measure-
ment of the Id −Vg characteristics. This provides a much faster way to extract the
threshold voltage degradation due to NBTI, and thus reduces the NBTI recovery
during the measurement delay. In this scheme, it is also possible to measure ∆Id
at the NBTI stress condition, if one applies a small drain bias during stress. This
scheme was later adopted by many researchers under the name on-the-fly mea-
surement, with some variations in implementation details [21–26]. The on-the-fly
measurement technique is commonly referred as delay-free or recovery-free, which
is apparently true because the stress voltage is never removed from the gate ter-
minal. However, due to the fact that all these researchers use slow measurement
instruments, the non-negligible NBTI degradation during measurement time se-
riously affects the measurement result. The author believes that some variant of
fast measurement techniques must be used to adequately characterize the fast tran-
sient in NBTI. A detailed review on the appropriate characterization procedure
for NBTI is discussed in section 3.3.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
It is well known that an SiO 2 gate dielectric thin film can be degraded by carri-
ers passing through it, also well known is that defects in dielectric, generated or
pre-existing, can capture carriers and then emit them. The charge trapping/de-
trapping dynamics has been extensively studied and modeled in the 1980s[27]. In
MOSFET with gate dielectric thicker than 4 nm, gate current is significant only
under hot-carrier stress or Fowler-Nordheim stress conditions. In order to separate
the charge trapping in the bulk dielectrics and the interface states generation under
the classification of Deal[1], NBTI stress is usually performed at zero drain bias to
avoid hot-carrier injection and oxide electric field of < 6 MV/cm to avoid Fowler-
Nordheim tunneling. Higher electric field was shown to cause threshold voltage
shift due to charge trapping in addition to interface state generation[28], which
is seen as a pitfall in NBTI characterization for SiO 2 thickness between 2.5 nm
and 4 nm. It is commonly accepted that F-N tunneling only causes damage to
the region where electron has been injected to the conduction band (or valance
band) of the dielectric layer. For ultra-thin gate oxide films, F-N tunneling is
less damaging to the dielectric, while at the same time direct tunneling current
becomes significant. Little trap generation is expected from direct tunneling carri-
ers, but these tunneling carriers can momentarily get trapped in pre-existing traps
in the gate dielectric. On the other hand, as the gate dielectric scales down into
direct tunneling regime, a significant content of nitrogen is always added to the
SiO 2 dielectric. Since the silicon-nitrogen bond is less flexible than silicon-oxygen
bond, it is well known that nitrogen incorporation leads to high defect density in
SiON. This charge trapping effect at low electric field occurring at the bias con-
dition of NBTI stress complicates the traditional understanding of NBTI as an
interface-states dominated phenomenon.
Since NBTI is found to be worse in transistors with nitrided gate oxide[5–12],
the possible contribution from hole-trapping was considered. Ushio, Kushida-
Abdelghafar and Watanabe first proposed that hole-trapping near the Si/SiON
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
caused the enhanced NBTI in SiON gate dielectric[7, 29]. On the other hand, al-
ternative theory was suggested by Tan and co-workers, suggesting that hydrogen
released from broken Si–H bonds can be trapped at nitrogen sites at the interface
and create additional fixed charges[9–10]. Tan’s hydrogen-induced-fixed-charge
theory appears to explain the nitrogen-enhanced NBTI equally well, and avoid-
ed being “contrary to the prevailing NBTI mechanisms (reaction-diffusion)”[10].
These initial discussions started the debate on the role of hole-trapping in SiON
gate dielectric. At the core of the debate is the question of whether a hole-trapping
model is mandatory to adequately explain the experimental observation of worse
NBTI in SiON, or some amendments to the long-standing reaction-diffusion model
is sufficient. A few important arguments supporting the hole-trapping model are
Ref.[21, 30–32], while examples supporting the reaction-diffusion interpretation
are Ref.[24, 33–34].
It was soon realized that trapped hole can easily de-trap from the extremely
thin dielectric film, which transient effect contaminates the measurement as earlier
described. Therefore, the accurate characterization of NBTI becomes a prerequi-
site for studying the role of hole-trapping in NBTI. Each argument, either in favor
or in disapprove of the hole-trapping proposal, very often starts with a prologue
on the “correct” characterization procedure. Our discussion on this subject is no
exception, after presenting the theories to NBTI in section 3.2, section 3.3 will first
describe the characterization procedure, followed by section 3.4 on the arguments
for the hole-trapping model as a necessary supplement. Lastly, in section 3.5, we
consider the contribution of interface traps.
The samples measured in this chapter has an equivalent oxide thickness of
1.3 nm. The gate oxide underwent decoupled plasma nitridation (DPN) and sub-
sequent thermal anneal. The pMOSFET devices used in this study has the dimen-
sions W = 100 µm and L = 0.1 µm. Unless otherwise indicated, the measurements
are performed at room temperature.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
In this section, two theories to the dynamic effect of NBTI, namely the reaction-
diffusion model and the charge-trapping model, are outlined.
Since the reaction-diffusion model was first proposed in 1977[3], it has been the
most successful and most widely accepted model to NBTI. Although controver-
sies, including the exact form of the diffusing hydrogen species, the exact interfacial
chemical reaction and the appropriate boundary conditions, remain topics of de-
bates[13, 29, 35], the general framework of the model is generally agreed upon by
the year 2003. When the dynamic behavior was first discovered in 2003[14–17, 36],
the reaction-diffusion model was soon used to explain the recovery effect and the
NBTI degradation under dynamic stress[37–38]. Stress
• that a Si H bond is broken, hydrogen species are released, and leaving behind
a silicon dangling bond (interface trap);
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
supply of holes, the rate equation of this reaction can be written as in (3.2). The
generation rate of interface traps is dt , and since one atomic hydrogen is released
for each generated dangling bond, this is also the generation rate of hydrogen. The
released hydrogen diffuses away from the interface. If one assumes homogeneous
diffusion in semi-infinite space, the diffusion equation can be written as (3.3),
where natural boundary conditions apply.
SiH + h+ −
− Si+ + H0 (3.1)
= kF (N0 − Nit ) − kR · NH (0) · Nit , (3.2)
∂NH ∂ 2 NH dNit
=D + δ (x) (x > 0). (3.3)
∂t ∂x2 dt
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
the diffusivity is zero, all released hydrogen piles up at the interface. Equation
(3.2) reduces to
= kF (N0 − Nit ) − kR Nit 2 . (3.4)
One observes that, at short time, the growth of Nit is similar to the first case, but
the reverse reaction would become significant as Nit increases. The forward reac-
kF kR
tion and reverse reaction would reach equilibrium at Nit,eq = 2kR 1 + 4 kF − 1 <
N0 .
The last, and most important situation arises from introducing a small diffusiv-
ity in addition to the fast reactions. It is obvious that the reaction would quickly
saturate, as in the zero-diffusivity case, to Nit ≈ Nit,eq . However, the slow diffu-
sion would remove some hydrogen from the interface as time elapses, and moves
the equilibrium of the interface reaction towards higher Nit . Asymptotic solution
was derived by Jeppson to show that Nit grows with time as Nit ∼ t1/4 in this
diffusion-limited situation[3]. Alam, by assuming a triangular hydrogen concen-
tration profile, arrived at the same result[37]. This derivation is briefly repeated
as follows, as it leads us to a few insights into the process. As shown in Figure 3.1,
the hydrogen concentration away from the interface (x = 0) is approximated with
a simple triangular function, with characteristic diffusion length Dt. The hydro-
gen concentration at the interface is NH (0) . Since each broken Si H bond releases
one atomic hydrogen, the number of interface traps equals the number of hydrogen
atoms in diffusion,
Nit (t) = dxNH (x,t)
(0,t) x
= dxNH 1− √
1 √
= NH (0,t) Dt. (3.5)
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
0 √
Figure 3.1 Approximate hydrogen concentration profile in the diffusion process.
It is worth repeating that the reaction is much faster than diffusion, and is close
to equilibrium even in the presence of a slow diffusion. Therefore, the left-hand
side of (3.2) is almost zero, and
Nit · NH (0) = N0 . (3.6)
The power-law dependence with exponent of 0.25 is easily identified. If one allows
even longer stress time, the unreacted Si H bonds become scarce, the forward
reaction rate reduces, and the Nit generation saturates to N0 . On the other hand,
as described earlier, the reaction of interface trap generation had reached an equi-
librium at Nit = Nit,eq before diffusion has the time to remove significant amount
of hydrogen from the interface. Therefore, the power-law (t0.25 ) relation is valid
in the region Nit,eq Nit N0 . Recovery
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
∂ 2 NH
= D x > 0, (3.8)
NH x=0 = 0, (3.9) (3.11)
= φ(x). x>0 (3.10)
H t=0
The initial condition φ(x) is the hydrogen profile after the stress and the brief
reaction-limited recovery. To solve this differential equation, one takes the anti-
symmetric reflection of φ(x) to extend the domain of independent variable from
x > 0 to −∞ < x < ∞, as shown in Figure 3.2. The odd symmetry of the
new φ(x) guarantees that the boundary conditions in (3.8) are still satisfied. The
solution is expressed with the integration
1 − (x−ξ)2
NH (x, t) = φ(ξ) √ √ e 4Dt dξ. (3.12)
2 π Dt
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
(0) x
N H 1 − L 0 < x < L0 ,
φ(x) = −NH (0) 1 + x (3.13)
L −L0 < x < 0,
0 otherwise.
Suppose the prior stress time is t0 , the width of the profile is L0 = Dt0 , the
generated interface trap density is Nit (0) = 1/2 NH L0 as shown in Figure 3.2.
Similarly, the kernel of the integration is approximated by
1 x−ξ
g(ξ) = 1− , (3.14)
where L = Dt. The solution to the differential equation is thus the convolution
NH (x, t) = φ(ξ)g(x − ξ) dξ. (3.15)
x, ξ
0 L L0
Figure 3.2 The solution to the diffusion equation during recovery is approximated by the
convolution of φ and g, as in (3.15).
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
∗ (0) t
∆Nit,min = −1/2 NH xmax = −1/2 NH xmax , and (3.16)
t + t0
To determine the peak position xmax , one observes that when L is small compared
to L0 , the peak occurs at xmax ≈ L to avoid the negative contribution from the
region with φ(x) < 0. On the other hand, for large L, the priority is to stay in the
region with large positive φ(x), and the peak position lags behind (xmax < L).
0 x √ p
max Dt0 D(t + t0 )
Figure 3.3 Approximate hydrogen concentration profile in diffusion-limited recovery of NBTI.
The thin solid line represents the hydrogen profile immediately after stress, while the thick solid
line represents that after a recovery of length t. The hydrogen concentration at the interface
drops to NH ∗ .
Under the condition of xmax < L and xmax < L0 , the integration (3.15) is evalu-
ated, and the value of xmax is found
1 − 2L L L ≤ 2 − 2 L0
xmax = 0
√ √ √
3 − 2 2 L0 + 2 − 1 L L > (2 − 2)L0 .
Alam, in his paper[37], observed that the peak position xmax advances according to
γDt with γ ≈ 0.5, which is in fact too slow initially and too fast as L approaches
L0 . The passivated interface trap ∆Nit is then estimated with (3.16) or (3.17).
In particular, at t = t0 , L = L0 , the peak position xmax = 0.586L0 and ∆Nit is
calculated to be between ∆Nit,min = −0.414Nit (0) and ∆Nit,max = −0.586Nit (0)
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
0 √
λ Dt
Figure 3.4 Approximate hydrogen concentration profile in diffusion-limited dynamic stress of
NBTI. The dotted line represents the hydrogen concentration profile if the sample were under
static NBTI stress. Under dynamic stress, however, the hydrogen concentration near the interface
fluctuates between 0 and NH0 , while beyond a distance λ, the fluctuation decays to almost zero.
1 √
Nit ≈ NHλ Dt. (3.18)
Since t T , Dt λ. The remaining task is to find NHλ in relation to NH0 or
Nit , which is determined by the diffusion in the region of x < λ.
As stated above, it is only necessary to solve the diffusion equation from cycle
to cycle in the vicinity of the interface, and at distance x = λ, an approximate
boundary condition NH = NHλ exists. In order to maintain the approximate
periodicity (in time) of the hydrogen concentration profile, it is easy to see, from
the symmetry of the problem, that NHλ = 21 NH0 if the stress signal has 500/0 duty
cycle. Therefore, assuming fast reaction, one has
Compared with (3.7), it is seen that the power-law (with 0.25 exponent) growth is
preserved. However, the value of Nit in dynamic stress is 1/ 2 ≈ 0.707 of that in
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
the static stress case. This is in agreement with the result of numerical simulation
of the reaction-diffusion equations.
As one increases the frequency of the stress signal, the stationary point moves
√ √
closer to the interface. As long as λ = DT Dt, or the stress/recovery pe-
riod is much less than the total stress time, (3.18) remains good approximation,
and the Nit growth is essentially independent of frequency. Numerical simula-
tion shows frequency independence[37], while experiments show either frequency
independency[15] or weak dependency[36].
We further discuss the case of very high-frequency stress where the assumption
of diffusion-limited process is no longer applicable. Note that the change of hydro-
gen concentration in one cycle decreases with increasing frequency, and becomes
negligible at very high frequency. In that case, the hydrogen concentration at the
interface is determined by the reaction process, and the hydrogen species released
in the stress half cycle is simply
h iT
kF (N0 − Nit ) − kR Nit NH (0) ,
kR Nit NH (0) .
Since the net generation in each stress/recovery cycle is the result of a balance be-
tween generation and recovery, and is negligible under a near-equlibrium condition
when the stress time is long. One therefore has
Combining with (3.18), one obtains an expression for Nit identical to (3.20). The
frequency independence therefore is preserved even at high frequency.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Discussions prior to this all assume that the released hydrogen species diffuses in
atomic form. However, other diffusion species are possible. Chakravarthi enu-
merated a list of such possibilities with numerical simulation[38], and later Alam
provided an analytic treatment with more physical interpretations[39]. One par-
ticularly important case is that H 2 is formed from the released hydrogen atom and
diffuses away from the interface. The power-law exponent in this case is 0.167,
which matches the experimental results from the slow on-the-fly measurements.
The mathematical derivation is similar to that presented in earlier sections, and is
not repeated here. Readers are referred to the work of M. A. Alam, H. Kufluoglu,
D. Varghese and S. Mahapatra for details[34, 39–40]. A few variants exists for the
H 2 diffusion model. Early models assumes instantaneous reaction of atomic hy-
drogen to form H 2 at the interface, while Kufluoglu also considered co-diffusion of
atomic and molecular hydrogen. The general conclusion is, however, unchanged.
Apart from the asymptotic solution in a few special situations described above,
the general coupled equations of reaction-diffusion can be solved only numerically.
As the reaction equation is non-linear, the coupled equations is solved with finite-
difference method. As we intend to simulate large number of cycles, it is critical
that conservation laws are strictly observed. Finite volume discretization is chosen
to explicitly include conservation laws, and (3.2) and (3.3) are transformed to
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
where superscripts i and t denote space and time mesh indices, and ∆T is the time
step. Newton’s method is used to solve the system of non-linear equations.
It is easy task to adapt the above equations to the situation of H 2 diffusion,
similar to the work of Kufluoglu[40]. The H 2-only diffusion variant is implemented
in this work as an example.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Figure 3.5 A schematic illustrating the trapping and de-trapping of holes in oxide traps. Sever-
al hole traps are assume to distribute in different energy levels. The double-sided arrow indicates
the exchange of holes between the silicon substrate and the trap states, through trapping and
de-trapping processes.
As much of the physical details is uncertain, it is wise to start from a very general
form of trapping dynamics. Consider the hypothetical model depicted in Fig-
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
ure 3.5, where several types of pre-existing trap states are distributed at different
energy levels in the oxide layer. Holes in the inversion layer in the silicon substrate
can tunnel to the states in oxide and get trapped. Conversely, holes trapped at the
oxide traps can escape and tunnel back the silicon substrate. We follow the work
of Nissan-Cohen[27], and write the rate equations of trapping and de-trapping,
respectively, as follows
dp 1 1
= (Not,p − p) − p, (3.25)
dt τC,p τE1,p
dp 1
=− p. (3.26)
dt τE2,p
A few assumptions are used in these two equations. Firstly the population of
trapped holes is modeled by a continuos number p, unlike in the theory of telegraph
noise a discrete integer. In the study of NBTI the transistor size is typically not as
small, and the discrete nature of the traps is not as important. Secondly, traps are
assumed to be far from each other, and the capturing/emission processes from any
two traps are independent of each other. Thirdly, a few different types of traps may
co-exist, each with a different set of capturing/emission time constants. Again,
the dynamics of different types of traps are independent of each other. Lastly, the
distance from the trap to the gate electrode is assumed to be uniform. Therefore
the Vth shift due to hole trapping is calculated from the simple aggregation of
trapped holes in all types of traps.
We first consider one single type of traps, with a definite set of time con-
stants. In principle, with given initial condition, successively solving (3.25) for
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
each stress/recovery cycle, and repeating the procedure for m cycles yields the
trapping/de-trapping behavior in p-MOSFET. However, as millions of such cy-
cles are involved in this study, numerical error can accumulate to an unacceptable
level with iterative calculation. Instead a close-form expression for the density of
trapped holes after m cycles is derived as follows.
The hole trapping equation (3.25) can be solved analytically, and the solution
can be written in matrix form
p A λ (1 − A) p p
= 0 = T 0 , (3.27)
Not,p 0 1 Not,p Not,p
λ= ,
τC,p + τE1,p
1 1
A = exp −ts + ,
τC,p τE1,p
where ts is the stress time, and p0 the initial density of trapped holes before stress.
Similarly the solution to the de-trapping equation (3.26) is written as
p B 0 p p
= 0 = D 0 (3.28)
Not,p 0 1 Not,p Not,p
B = exp −tr /τE2,p , (3.29)
where tr is the recovery time, and p0 the density of trapped holes before recovery.
With the trapping and de-trapping matrices T and D, the trapped charge after
m stress/recovery cycles can be obtained from successively applying T and D to
the initial condition
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
p p0
= (D · T )m . (3.30)
Not,p Not,p
(D · T ) = P · G · P −1 , (3.31)
P = 1−AB
1 0
0 1
P −1 =
1 − λ(1−A)B
1 0
G= .
0 AB
Let the duty cycle be γ = ts /(ts + tr ), then one finally has, after m stress/recovery
λ (1 − A) B m
p= 1 − (AB) Not,p + (AB)m p0 . (3.33)
1 − AB
Similarly, one can calculate the trapped charge after m + 1/2 cycles, or m full
cycles plus a stress half-cycle,
λ (1 − A) AB
p= 1 − (AB) + λ (1 − A) Not,p + A (AB)m p0 .
1 − AB
One observes that as stress time increases, (AB)m in (3.33) vanishes, and the
density of trapped holes saturates. A trap only contributes to the Vth transient
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
when the stress time is comparable to its trapping and de-trapping time constants.
As stated earlier, it is assumed that the hole traps in the oxide have a wide-
spreading spectrum of trapping and de-trapping time constants. The distribution
functions of the time constants are therefore the critical parameter in the charge-
trapping model.
The correlation between τE1 , τE2 and τC for a particular trap can be quite
complicated in reality. For simplicity, it is assumed that for any trap with trap-
ping time constant τC , the de-trapping time constants during stress and recovery
are τE1 = aτC and τE2 = bτC , respectively, where a and b are constants for all
types of traps. With a hypothetic probability density function for τC , it is there-
fore straightforward to calculate the trapped charge for each type of traps, and
obtain the total number of trapped charge from the summation. It will be shown
in section 3.4 that this simple relationship has enable us to re-produce most of
the characteristics observed in experiments. The distribution of τC is shown in
Figure 3.6.
probability density function (a.u.)
τE1 = 4τC
τE2 = 0.55τC
10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
τC (s)
Figure 3.6 Distribution function of τC , τE1 and τE2 used in this study.
To summarize, in this section, the two theories to NBTI are presented. Analytical
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Before 2003, the characterization of NBTI largely followed the paradigm set by
the initial researchers in the 1960s and 70s, which consists of a series of measure–
stress–measure cycles. The waveform of gate and drain bias voltage during an
example measure–stress–measure cycle is shown in Figure 3.7. In this simple
example, the measurement phase is an Vg sweep with a constant Vd , and the
linear-region transfer characteristics is obtained. From the measured Id−Vg curve,
one can extract transistor parameters such as the linear-region threshold voltage
Vth , the sub-threshold swing SS, and indirectly calculate the interface-state den-
sity Dit . In many cases, researchers also perform other measurements to extract
Vth , Dit and other device parameters. Popular choices include charge pumping
measurement for Dit extraction[41], DCIV measurement for Dit [42], drive current
Id,sat at Vg = Vd = Vdd , transconductance gm , terminal capacitances (notably the
miller capacitance Cgd ), and carrier mobility µ. When these additional measure-
ment procedures are added, the corresponding voltage waveforms on gate, drain,
and sometimes source and substrate as well, appear much more complicated, but
conceptually remain similar to that in Figure 3.7. Note that the most basic para-
meter of interest in NBTI, the threshold voltage Vth , is extracted from the Id −Vg
measurement, and only the segment where Vg ≈ Vth is critical to this purpose
(highlighted with thick red lines). In a typical wafer-level testing setup, semi-
conductor parameter analyzers such as the Agilent 4156 are used to perform the
stress and measurements. The typical measurement rate for such systems is 20 ms
per data point, which adds up to about 1 s for a complete Id − Vg sweep. The
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
switching time from stress to measurement takes anything from several hundred
milliseconds to several seconds, depending on the equipment and setup. Similar-
ly, each additional measurement besides the basic Id −Vg sweep adds some delay
time and measurement time of its own. Furthermore, since NBTI stress is usually
performed at elevated temperature, it is sometimes required to cooled down the
samples to room temperature before measurement, which leads to longer delay
time in the range of several minutes to tens of minutes. Despite the long delay
time td and measurement time tm , it is traditionally believed that these delays
introduces little error to the NBTI characterization.
|Vg |
measure stresss measure
|Vs |
ts td tm
|Vm |
|Vt |
0 time (s)
|Vd |
0.1 V
0 time (s)
Figure 3.7 The waveform of the gate and drain voltage in a simplest NBTI measure–stress–
measure cycle.
Since the discovery of strong dynamic recovery in NBTI, the error due to mea-
surement delay is realized. NBTI degradation measured after the delay time is
smaller than the actually degradation. New measurement techniques were sought
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
slope = 0.074
∆Vth (mV)
slope = 0.156
slope = 0.172
Fast On-The-Fly
Fast IdVg
10 Single pulse
Slow On-the-Fly SiON, 13A, #16,
Slow Id-Vg Vg, stress = -2.4V, RT
1 10 100 1000
Stress Time (s)
Figure 3.8 ∆Vth for identical pMOSFETs is measured with five different measurement tech-
niques, which yield very different NBTI results. The fast Id − Vg (100 ns measurement time)
and the fast on-the-fly measurements produce the same and reliable results. All other methods
show underestimated ∆Vth . The single pulse measurement[43] used in this work requires a 300 ns
pulse due to long settling time, which can be improved with proper (but costly) RF measurement
One obvious solution is to reduce the delay time td and measurement time tm ,
so that minimum NBTI recovery occurs. As discussed in Chapter 2, the semi-
conductor parameter analyzer can achieve, at best, delay time close to a hundred
milliseconds. On the other hand, the fast measurement setup consists of pulse
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
|Vm |
|Vt |
0 time (µs)
Figure 3.9 The waveform of the gate voltage using the fast measurement technique.
10n 100n 1 10 100 1m 10m 100m 1
measurement time (s)
Figure 3.10 The Vth shift measured after 1s stress, with different measurement time tm .
been proposed[20–22, 24, 34]. The common feature among all variants is that the
stress voltage is always applied on the gate, and that the degradation of drain
current (at stress voltage) is measured “on the fly”. Since the stress voltage is not
removed from the gate, the on-the-fly method is claimed to be free from the fast
recovery of NBTI. It soon became popular as it can be performed on common (slow)
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
|Vg |
measure stresss
|Vs |
|Vt |
0 time (µs)
Figure 3.11 The waveform of the gate voltage using the on-the-fly measurement technique.
One implicit assumption in (3.35) is that NBTI only causes the Id −Vg curve to
translate horizontally by ∆Vth . This assumption is obviously true for an ideal
MOSFET with constant mobility, free of parasitic resistance. Some arguments
are provided below to show that it remains good approximation in real devices
with finite source/drain resistance and E-field dependent mobility. Consider a
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
MOSFET with relatively small source/drain resistance rsd , the drain current of
the intrinsic MOSFET is given as a function of the gate over-drive Vg − Vth . Since
only the region with large Vg near the stress voltage is important in on-the-fly
measurement, the voltage drop on the source resistance is considerably smaller
than the gate over-drive Vg − Vth and can be ignored. The parasitic resistance
therefore only contributes to the total channel resistance. It can be shown that, in
this case, the drain current remains a function of Vg − Vth , which means that a Vth
shift only cause a horizontal translation of the Id −Vg curve. Similar arguments
can be made for the case of E-field dependent mobility[24, 44].
Another error in the on-the-fly method described above arises from using the
gm before stress in (3.35). As illustrated in Figure 3.12, (3.35) only included the
first order term in the Taylor expansion of Id , and leads to error as ∆Id (∆Vth )
increases. An estimate of the relative error in ∆Vth can be derived, using the
truncation error of Taylor expansion, to be
d2Id / dVg 2
εr = · ∆Vth . (3.36)
2 dId / dVg
This error could be corrected if one measures the transconductance after stress
as well as before stress, but the measurement procedure becomes more complicat-
ed[21]. For the typical device and stress condition used in this study, the error
calculated from (3.36) is less than 100/0 at Vstress = −2.4 V, and ∆Vth = 140 mV.
As will be shown later, this is not the major source of error in on-the-fly measure-
One major source of error in on-the-fly measurement, not recognized in the
NBTI community, is the NBTI degradation during the pre-stress measurement of
Id0 and gm . If this initial measurement is slow, some Vth degradation occur under
the high gate voltage (Vg = Vstress ). The measured Id0 is lower than the true
value, thus the Vth shift after the subsequent stress is underestimated. Typical
measurement result using the on-the-fly method is shown in Figure 3.13, whereas
the comparison with other measurement techniques is show in Figure 3.8. Obvi-
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Id ε ∆Vt
Figure 3.12 Calculation of ∆Vth using (3.35) leads to error εr when ∆Vth is large, due to the
Vg dependent transconductance.
ous underestimation of NBTI degradation is seen compared with the fast Id −Vg
At short stress time, the stress-induced degradation is not much larger than
that in the pre-stress measurement. Therefore, the underestimation of ∆Vth is
more serious, which results in a kink before 10 sec as observed in the log-log plot
as shown in Figure 3.13(a). Similar kink is observed in other reports using on-
the-fly measurement[34], similar power-law slope of 0.156 is observed as well. One
obvious way to reduce this error is to reduce the measurement time of Id0 , so that
minimum degradation occurs. With Agilent 4156, 1 ms measurement time is pos-
sible if only the Id0 at stress voltage is measured (gm is estimated separately). As
shown in Figure 3.13, when the initial measurement time is reduced from 100 ms to
1 ms, the kink becomes less obvious, and the power-law slope decreases. Further-
more, assuming ∆Vth = 40 mV in the 1 ms initial measurement at Vg = −2.4 V,
one can compensate this initial degradation by adding 40 mV to the subsequent
∆Vth values. As a result, the kink is further weakened and the slope reduced. The
reduction of Vth degradation during the initial pre-stress measurement is therefore
the key to improve the on-the-fly technique. In addition, slow measurement under-
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
a) slope = 0.079
slope = 0.156
0.1 1 10 100 1000
Stress Time (s)
Figure 3.13 (a) Conventional (slow) on-the-fly suffers from degradation during the measure-
ment of the inital Id0 , and estimates ∆Vth . When plotted in log-log scale, a characteristic kink is
observed in short time. The slower the initial (pre-stress) measurement is, the stronger the kink
is. If one compensates for the degradation during the initial (pre-stress) measurement by adding
an assumed amount to the value of ∆Vth , the kink weakens (triangles). (b) When the same data
is plotted in semi-log scale, straight lines are observed showing logarithmic relationship.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
estimates Vth degradation and yields an errorneous slope in the log-log plot, which
is clearly demonstrated by the very different slope values obtained with different
initial measurement time.
Therefore, a correct characterization technique for NBTI has to address both
the fast recovery after stress and the fast degradation before the stress. The
above described on-the-fly method solved the first problem, but not the second.
It is believed that fast measurement (in microseconds of faster) has to be used to
simultaneously fix both problems.
An interesting observation arises when the same data are plotted on a semi-log
scale as in Figure 3.13(b). A logarithmic relation is seen as [21] reported, despite
the different initial measurement time. It is easy to see that for processes with
logarithmic time dependence, an underestimation of the initial value as in the
on-the-fly method does not change its logarithmic behavior. This might suggest
that a semi-logarithmic plot is more appropriate to study NBTI in the presence of
fast transients, but this possibility is not critical to the present study, and is not
pursued further.
To circumvent this problem with slow initial measurement in the on-the-fly mea-
surement, we propose that the pre-stress Id0 and Vth0 to be measured by the fast
Id − Vg technique. Very short measurement time of 1 µs or less is preferred to
minimize degradation in measuring Id0 . The drain current Id is then monitored
on-the-fly during stress, using either the circuit for fast measurement (as in this
study), or the traditional parametric analyzers.
The waveform of the gate voltage in fast on-the-fly measurement is similar to
that of the slow on-the-fly measurement (see Figure 3.11), except for the much
shorter pulse width in the initial Id − Vg measurement. In this study, both the
initial Id −Vg measurement and the subsequent monitoring of Id use the fast tran-
simpedance amplifier described in Chapter 2, and the measurement pulse is 200 ns
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
wide. The measured ∆Vth is plotted in Figure 3.8, which shows good agreement
with the fast Id −Vg method.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
needed for accurate extraction of ∆Id . The setup used in this study is not designed
for RF performance, and the long settling time should be improved with proper
RF setup.
There is an alternative single pulse measurement method[45–46], using an oper-
ational amplifier to find the threshold voltage defined by a constant drain current.
The measurement time of 1 µs has been achieved. However, during its switching
from stress mode to measurement mode, the operational amplifier is in open-loop,
and likely saturated. Among other consequences, measurement time is limited by
the saturation recovery time of the amplifier, and is difficult to scale down further.
|Vm |
|Vt |
0 time (µs)
Figure 3.14 The waveform of the gate voltage using the single-pulse measurement technique.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
the removal of stress voltage, which leads to measurement error, is initially very
fast, but becomes much slower after 1 second or so. This prompts one to differ-
entiate the fast-recovering part of NBTI from the slow-recovering part. As will
be shown in later sections, there is significant distinction between the two, and
separate discussion is needed. We shall call the former component the fast tran-
sients in NBTI or the fast component of NBTI, and the latter the slow component
of NBTI. The slow measurement, with measurement delay close to 1 s, is used
to measure the slow component. The fast component, strictly speaking, should
be the difference (in ∆Vth ) between the fast and slow measurements, but the fast
measurement is used as a close approximate.
When the dynamic recovery of NBTI was discovered, the reaction-diffusion mod-
el, as the most accepted theory for NBTI, was naturally chosen to interpret the
new findings[37], and achieved much success. However, as researchers realized the
importance of measurement error due to the fast recovery of NBTI during measure-
ment delay, and attempted to reduce or eliminate this error, the new experimental
results posed some challenges to the reaction-diffusion theory.
In the first place, all new measurement results show that the power-law ex-
ponent, after reducing the effect of measurement delay, is much smaller than the
traditional value of 0.25. The slow on-the-fly measurement shows a power-law
slope of 0.15 − 0.16, while the fast Id − Vg measurement gives a smaller slope
of 0.07 − 0.10 if plotted in log-log scale. As discussed in section 3.2, a slope of
0.167 is expected in the reaction-diffusion model, if one assumes that molecular
hydrogen (H 2) instead of atomic hydrogen is the diffusion species. This agreement
with the results of on-the-fly measurement forms the basis of the reaction-diffusion
theory[34, 39].
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Figure 3.15 shows the recovery of Vth after NBTI stress is removed, as measured
using the fast Id −Vg technique. One first notices that, even after long time stress
(1000 s), the Vth shift still shows dramatically fast recovery (more than 600/0 )
within the first second after the stress is removed. This fast recovery is however
not expected in the reaction-diffusion model. As illustrated in Figure 3.16, an
approximate triangular hydrogen concentration profile is gradually set-up during
the 1000-second stress, and the total amount of the released hydrogen species (area
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
under the curve) must equal to the total amount of interface traps, which is in
turn proportional to the Vth shift. After the stress is removed, if the ∆Vth were
to recover by 600/0 within the first 1 second, 600/0 of the hydrogen species must
have diffused back to the interface in this short time to react with the interface
traps. In other words, one must assume a much faster backward diffusion than the
forward diffusion, which is against one’s understanding about a diffusion process.
Sf : End of Stress
∆Vth (mV)
60 Stress Recovery
40 Vg = - 2.4 V Vg = 0
0 P : End of Recovery
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time (s)
Figure 3.15 Using fast Id −Vg technique, the dynamics of ∆Vth under stress/recovery cycles
is studied (f = 1/2000Hz is shown). Sf denotes the ∆Vth at the end of the stress half-cycle, and
P denotes that at the end of recovery half-cycle.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
H concentration
1000s 1000s
10s 100s 1001s
x x
Figure 3.16 Hypothetical hydrogen profile necessary to explain the fast Vth recoverying after
long time (1000s) stress within the reaction-diffusion framework. For 600/0 of the ∆Vth to recover
within 1 sec, 600/0 of the hydrogen species would have to diffuse back to the interface in this short
time, traveling a distance that took ∼ 1000 s in out-diffusion.
It is found that after being stressed for long enough time, where hydrogen diffusion
is the limiting process, the time for recovery is closely related to the stress time
tstress . As shown in Figure 3.18, recovery mainly occurs between 0.1 × tstress to
10×tstress , and it takes a time approximately equal to tstress for 500/0 recovery. This
agrees with our analytical results in section 3.2, and the above arguments. Howev-
er, this obviously contradicts with the fast Vth recovery observed experimentally.
On the other hand, simulation with the hole-trapping model equations is qual-
itatively consistent with the observed fast recovery for all stress times, as shown
in Figure 3.19. When holes get trapped in a certain kind of oxide trap states
during stress, their de-trapping time-constant during recovery is determined by
the trap states, but does not depend on how long holes have been trapped in
the hole traps. This marks a fundamental difference between the dynamics of
trapping/de-trapping process and the reaction-diffusion process, which suggests
that the experimental data favors the charge trapping model on a fundamental
instead of coincidental basis.
The reaction-diffusion model simulation predicts that the relative error caused by
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
a) Vth Recovery after stress
Vg,stress = -2.4 V
80 Stress Time
∆Vth (mV)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Recovery Time (s)
Id recovery after stress
0.95 Vg,stress = -2.4V
stress time =
0.85 1s
0.80 100s
-3 -2 -1
10 10 10
Recovery time (s)
Figure 3.17 After stress is removed, the majority of ∆Vth recovers in a very short time. (a)
Even after 1000 s stress, > 600/0 of the ∆Vth recovers within 1 s after the stress is removed. (b)
Similar fast recovery in drain current is seen after stress is removed, despite of the long stress
measurement delay diminishes after long time stress, as shown in Figure 3.20.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
stress time = 10
0.02 stress time = 1
Recovery dynamics after stress
Nit (a.u.)
0.06 SiH + h ↔ Si +H
+ + 0
H Diffusion
0.08 slope=0.25 during stress
stress time = 1000
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Recovery Time (a.u.)
Recovery dynamics after stress
stress time = 100 b)
stress time = 1000
Nit (a.u.)
+ + 0
SiH + h ↔ Si +H
0.04 2H ↔H2
H2 Diffusion
slope=0.167 during stress
stress time = 10
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Recovery Time (a.u.)
Figure 3.18 According to the reaction-diffusion model ( (a)H 0 diffusion and (b) H 2 diffusion),
after stressed for a time tstress long enough so that diffusion dominates, recovery occurs mainly
between 0.1tstress and 10tstress after stress is removed.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
0.3 100s
Charge de-trapping
Recovery after stress
1E-3 0.01 0.1 1
Recovery Time (s)
Figure 3.19 Simulated recovery process according to the hole trapping/de-trapping model.
Fast Vth recovery is expected even for long time stress, which qualitatively agrees with Figure 3.17.
When the stress time exceeds 10 times the measurement delay, the relative error
due to delay becomes negligible. This is in contrast with the experimental data
shown in Figure 3.21, where a short delay causes large error even after long-time
stress. The large delay-induced error is closely related to the fast recovery property
described earlier, and it is easy to see that the reaction-diffusion model would not
explain it.
The simulation with the hole trapping model, on the other hand, agrees with
the experiments qualitatively, as shown in Figure 3.22. The absolute value of
delay-induced error is largely invariant of the stress time, because the amount
of recovery during the delay is mainly determined by the amount of traps with
de-trapping time constants less than the delay time.
The reaction-diffusion equations are solved repeatedly to simulate the Vth degra-
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
∆Vth (a.u.)
Simulation with H diffusion
0.01 No delay
Delay = 0.1
Delay = 1
Delay = 10
Delay = 100
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Stress Time (a.u.)
1 0
Simulation with H diffusion
Error in ∆Vth
delay = 1
delay = 10
delay = 0.1 delay = 100
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Stress Time (a.u.)
Figure 3.20 (a) From the R-D model, ∆Vth with measurement delay is simulated. (b) The
error due to delay diminishes when stress time is much greater than the delay time.
dation under dynamic stress, as described in section 3.2. The amplitude of Vth
transient between the end of stress half-cycle (S f point in Figure 3.15) and the
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
120 Slope=0.062
100 tm=100ns
∆Vth (mV)
1 10 100 1000
Stress Time (s)
Figure 3.21 As measurement time tm increases, Vth shift is underestimated, and the power-
law exponent increased. A short delay leads to large underestimation of Vth even after 1000 s of
Trapped Charge density (a.u.)
no delay 100ns delay
0.4 1µs delay
0.3 100µs delay
10ms delay
Charge trapping
with recovery during measurement delay
1 10 100 1000
Stress Time (s)
Figure 3.22 From the trapping/de-trapping model, the trapped charge (and thus ∆Vth ) is
simulated with delay. A short delay causes large error, which persists even after long-time stress.
end of recovery half-cycle (P point) would diminish when dynamic stress time ex-
ceeds 100× of the period of one stress/recovery cycle (Figure 3.23). Again, this is
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
a direct result of the diffusion-limited character of this process. After long time
stress, Vth shift under dynamic stress shows very little oscillation, and converges
to a trend-line that is 1) parallel to that under static stress, and 2) frequency
independent, agreeing with our prior analytical solution.
However, as shown in Figure 3.24, one experimentally observes significant tran-
sient amplitude after a 1000 s, 100 kHz dynamic stress, which is drastically differ-
ent from the predictions from the R-D model. On the other hand, the hole-trapping
model shows agreement with frequency-dependence experiments as detailed in the
previous work[31, 47], and shown in Figure 3.25.
Dynamic Stress
Nit (a.u.)
0.5 Hz
0.01 500Hz
Static Stress 50kHz
1 10 100 1000
Stress Time (a.u.)
Figure 3.23 From R-D model, ∆Vth under dynamic stress is simulated. The S f point and
P points (see Figure 3.15) should merge to a frequency-independent trend-line after long time
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
120 Static stress
100 Static Stress
Sf P
1 Hz
60 Sf 100 Hz
∆Vth (mV)
10 kHz
100 kHz
200 kHz
Vg = -2.4 V
Room Temp.
1 10 100 1000
Stress Time (s)
Figure 3.24 Experimental ∆Vth data under dynamic stress. The difference between S f and P
points is large and not closing after long time stress.
∆Vth/∆Vth,static @ t=100sec
Expt. data
R-D simulation
0.2 Trapping/de-trapping
1 100 10k 1M 100M
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 3.25 The trapping/de-trapping model predicts that, under dynamic stress, ∆Vth at
both S f and P points are frequency dependent, and the difference between the two is large.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
model, incidentally, explains the observation fairly well. One certainly has noticed
that, the above argument is largely based on the dynamics of the experimental
observation. No attempt was made to reveal the exact physical/chemical structure
involved. The attribution to hole trapping, therefore, should be taken as suggestive
rather than conclusive. We discuss, in the following, two possibilities other than
the hole trapping inside SiON insulator.
First of all, there might be interface traps not related to the diffusion of hy-
drogen. These hypothetical interface traps are probably pre-existing before stress.
As the fast component of NBTI has very strong voltage dependence[47], these
traps necessarily lie beyond the valence band of silicon, so that a higher stress
voltage makes available more states for trapping. With these clauses, this kind of
hypothetical interface traps is not essentially different from the traps inside the
insulator bulk.
Secondly, H. Reisinger and co-authors proposed dielectric relaxation, whereby
electrons hops within the insulator in response to applied electric field, as the
cause of instabilities in high-κ dielectrics[48]. Similar dielectric relaxation might
be present in SiON as well. Dielectric relaxation depends on the magnitude of the
E-field, while the direction is irrelevant. However, positive bias on the gate does not
lead to fast Vth instability on both n-MOSFET and p-MOSFET in experiments,
which renders the dielectric relaxation theory improbable.
Therefore, the author is convinced that the hole-trapping theory is the most
attractive in explaining the experimental observations of fast transients in NBTI,
at present.
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Unlike the hole-traps discussed in section 3.4, which are assumed to be pre-existing
prior to stress, the interface traps are generated during stress.
The dynamics of interface trap generation and recovery is, to date, not well
understood. No interface trap measurement technique can work at stress gate
voltage. Moreover, the popular measurement techniques are all slow in nature. The
charge pumping method requires multiple Vg pulses to the accumulation region;
the DC-IV method requires steady-state condition. At the present time, all Dit
measurements suffer from substantial delay induced errors.
In practice, the Dit measurement is often compared with the slow Id −Vg mea-
surement, which typically has similar measurement time. T. Yang established that,
the increase in interface trap density ∆Dit and the threshold voltage shift ∆Vth
show good linear correlation, if one only consider data collected after the initial
fast recovery of both[50]. This correlation suggests that the generation/recovery of
interface traps are responsible for the slow component in NBTI. Of course, the slow
Id−Vg measurement is inevitably contaminated by some trapping and de-trapping
with time constants comparable to the measurement time, i.e. an overlapping of
fast and slow components in terms of time constants. Some other distinctions
between the fast and slow components of NBTI are in their different dependence
on stress voltage and temperature[31], which further supports the attribution of
the two components to different physical processes.
Whether the generation and recovery of interface trap is limited by diffusion
is another open question. Although the recovery of Dit appears to be slower than
that of Vth , the recovery measured by DC-IV method still seems a bit too fast
to fit into the diffusion-reaction model[15, 37, 50]. Moreover, as all current Dit
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
measurements are slow, we may have missed some fast transient in Dit , which
would be more challenging to a diffusion-limited theory. Despite these potential
problems, there is at present no alternative theory proposed, and the reaction-
diffusion model remains the best candidate.
In this short section, it is argued that the generation and recovery of inter-
face traps contributes to the degradation and recovery in NBTI, respectively, and
manifests as the slower components in NBTI.
3.6 Conclusions
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[13] Dieter K. Schroder and Jeff A. Babcock. Negative bias temperature instabil-
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p-MOS transistors and its impact on MOSFET scaling. IEEE Electon Device
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[15] G. Chen, K.Y. Chuah, M.F. Li, D.S.H. Chan, C.H. Ang, J.Z. Zheng, Y. Jin
and D.L. Kwong. Dynamic nbti of pmos transistors and its impact on device
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[16] B. Zhu, J.S. Suehle, Y. Chen and J.B. Bernstein. Negative bias temper-
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[23] D. Varghese, S. Mahapatra and M.A. Alam. Hole energy dependent interface
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Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability in SiON Gate Dielectrics
Charge Trapping in High-κ
Gate Dielectrics
4.1 Introduction
Threshold voltage instability due to charge trapping is one of the most challenging
problems for incorporating high-κ gate dielectrics in CMOSFET technology[1–7].
Early studies[1–3] on threshold voltage instability in HfO 2 and other high-κ gate
dielectric used the traditional measure-stress-measure scheme to characterize the
evolution of threshold voltage shift, with dc parametric analyzers such as HP4156.
These studies suggested that the Vth shift is due to electron and hole trapping
in the high-κ film, and the Vth degradation is moderate, although much larger
than that in SiO 2. However, A. Kerber et al. revealed that there is significant
Vth shift within the time frame of tens of microseconds[4], using a fast Id −Vg
measurement technique. When the stress is removed, the Vth degradation quickly
recovers. This fast degradation/recovery in threshold voltage shift has a magnitude
of a few hundred milli-volts, which is much larger than previously observed with
slow measurement. This large instability was soon recognized as the major show-
stopper of HfO 2 as a viable gate dielectric material, and extensive research was
directed into the charge trapping in HfO 2 and other high-κ gate dielectric films.
Most authors agree that in HfO 2, electron/hole trapping and de-trapping in
pre-existing traps are responsible for the threshold voltage shift observed in both
fast and slow measurements [1–8]. There was proposals that dielectric relaxation
could be an important cause of the fast instability[9–10], but later reports[11]
pointed out a series of disagreements of this model with experimental data. Some
other groups reported the contribution from the generation of interface states to
the slow Vth instability[12–13]. However, these samples feature either thick SiO 2
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
buffer layer or high silicon composition in the dielectric, which make the film more
SiO 2 like. For films with higher Hf composition, and hence higher permittivity,
the contribution of interface trap generation is found less important than charge
The author suggested that distinctive fast and slow charge traps exist in HfO 2
gate dielectric, based on the observation that charge trapping measurement us-
ing fast and slow methods yields opposite dependence on the frequency of stress
voltage signal[6]. One may infer that the fast and slow charge trapping compo-
nents may be associated with different defects or trapping mechanisms, and can be
studied separately. The fast charge trapping causes threshold voltage to shift over
100 mV, and leads unacceptably large drive current degradation, which renders
the fast charge trapping the main show-stopper for HfO 2 as gate dielectric mate-
rial. The slow charge trapping component is a reliability problem, while the fast
charge trapping is both a time-zero and a reliability problem. Some authors[14] al-
ternatively term the fast charge trapping component hysteresis effect, and the the
slow component BTI (bias temperature instability) effect. This alternative catego-
rization, although not precise physically, shared the recognition on the differences
between time-zero and long-term instabilities.
Vast effort have been dedicated to reducing the charge trapping in HfO 2, and
several approaches have been demonstrated to reduce the slow charge trapping
component[2, 15–21], or to reduce the fast charge trapping[8, 22]. However, as
significant fast hole trapping was also recently discovered in the SiON dielec-
tric[23–25], we may not be able to totally eliminate the fast charge trapping in
high-κ film. We likely have to accept a certain amount of fast Vth instability in
MOSFETs with high-κ dielectric. As a result, accurate modeling of the fast charge
trapping component is mandatory to assess its impact on circuit performance, and
to determine the maximum allowable fast charge trapping as the target of process
improvement effort.
In this chapter, we systematically characterized the slow and fast charge trap-
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
ping component in HfO 2 gate dielectrics in the next two sections, respectively. In
each of the two cases, a model of the respective charge trapping dynamics was
proposed. It is found that the charge trapping dynamics in the slow and fast
components must be explained by models with different structures. In particular,
the peculiar frequency dependence of the slow components is not expected in the
classical charge trapping model, and a new two-step model is necessary. Possible
physical defect structures behind the dynamic model is proposed. The fast compo-
nent, on the other hand, is modeled with the same classical charge trapping model
described in section 3.2. Due to the dominance of the fast component, its impact
on digital circuits is analyzed in the last section, with proposals of possible circuit
design techniques to reduce the detrimental effect of the fast Vth transients.
Both n-MOSFETs and p-MOSFETs with HfO 2 gate dielectric and HfN (capped
with TaN) metal gate stack were fabricated[27]. The HfO 2 dielectric has an equiva-
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
lent silicon oxide thickness (EOT) of ∼ 1.3 nm, determined by high frequency C−V
curve fitting using a numerical simulator that accounts for quantum effect in the Si
inversion layer. The charge trapping effect in HfO 2 was investigated by measuring
the threshold voltage Vth shift under stress for both n- and p-MOSFETs at room
temperature using a computer-controlled HP4156A semiconductor parameter ana-
lyzer. The delay between the removal of stress and the start of Id−Vg measurement
is about 1 s, so the fast component of charge trapping has almost completely re-
covered, while the slow component largely remains. The sub-threshold swing (SS)
was also monitored during the stress. For both n- and p-MOSFETs, there is no
observable change in SS during stress, indicating that interface state generation
plays no significant role, and that charge trapping in the dielectric is the primary
mechanism responsible for the Vth shift in the MOSFET high-κ gate dielectric[1,
3]. For n- and p-MOSFETs under dynamic stress, the rate of Vth shift is strongly
dependent on the frequency, as shown in Figure 4.1. The Vth shift under dynamic
stress is reduced as compared to that under static stress, and the reduction be-
comes larger as the stress frequency is increased (up to 1 MHz as demonstrated in
this work).
We shall discuss the model for the case of n-MOSFET. This model can be
extended to p-MOSFETs in a complementary way. For static stress, it is assumed
that pre-existing electron traps in the dielectric are responsible for the Vth shift
in n-MOSFETs[1–3]. Under static positive stress voltage, electrons are captured
by the traps distributed in the HfO 2 dielectric, leading to a positive shift of Vth .
When dynamic stress is applied, there is a stress phase with positive gate voltage
and a recovery phase with zero gate voltage[28]. In the recovery phase, the trapped
electrons can be emitted from the dielectric, leading to a recovery of the Vth shift.
Figure 4.2 illustrates the Vth shift and recovery behavior in stress and recovery
It is observed from Figure 4.1 that under stress, ∆Vth has a power law depen-
dence on stress time, giving rise to a straight line in log(Vth ) − log(t) plot. This
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
nMOSFET, Room Temp. pMOSFET, Room Temp.
W/L=400/10µm, EOT=1.3nm W/L=400/10µm, EOT=1.3nm
80 Stress Voltage =1.8V Static Stress Voltage = - 2.3V
1K Hz 80 Static
60 60 1K Hz
10K Hz
− ∆Vth(mv)
10K Hz
50 40
100K Hz 100K Hz
1M Hz
1M Hz
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
Time(s) Time(s)
(a) (b)
80 100
nMOSFET; Room Temp.; W/L=400/10µm pMOSFET; Room Temp.; W/L=400/10µm
70 EOT=1.3nm; Stress Voltage =1.6V EOT=1.3nm; Stress Voltage = -2.3V
60 80
- ∆Vth (mv)
∆Vth (mv)
30 40
20 Static Stress (1000s) Static Stress (1000s)
Dynamic Stress 1000s 20 Dynamic Stress 1000s
DutyCycle=50% DutyCycle=50%
0 0
0 1 10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M 0 1 10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M
Frequency f (Hz) Frequency f (Hz)
(c) (d)
Figure 4.1 Time evolution of threshold voltage Vth under static and dynamic stresses of dif-
ferent frequencies, for (a) n-MOSFETs, and (b) p-MOSFETs. The Vth evolution has a power
law dependence on stress time. (c) Frequency dependence of Vth degradation in n-MOSFETs
after dynamic stress of 1000 s, and (d) for p-MOSFETs.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
∆Vth (mV)
Stress/Recovery Cycles
10 VStress = 1.6V; T=1000 s
Experimental Data
0 Model
Figure 4.2 Vth shift in alternating stress and recovery cycles of period T = 2000s. Symbols
are experimental data, lines are from model simulation.
Zafar. Good agreement between the model and the static and dynamic charge
trapping and de-trapping experiments, as shown in Figure 4.2, can be obtained.
Next, we extend the above model to account for the frequency dependence of the
dynamic charge trapping effect. The number of electrons ∆n being trapped during
time ∆t in one stress cycle in the dynamic stressing experiment is considered in
Figure 4.3. The frequency f is related to ∆t by f = 1/∆t. When t increases
from T (where T = 1/f , and f is the stress frequency) to 2T , the number of
trapped electrons increases from ∆nT to ∆n2T . If the relationship between ∆n
and ∆t is linear ( curve L ), then ∆n2T = 2∆nT . Therefore, the number of trapped
electrons during the same stressing time would be the same for two frequencies and
the accumulative Vth shift would be frequency independent. In order to explain
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
Concave Up (CU)
Number of Trapped Electron ∆n
Linear (L)
∆n2T (CU )
∆n2T (L)
∆n2T (CD) Concave Down (CD)
T 2T
Stress Time in One Cycle ∆t
Figure 4.3 Three possible cases for the relationship between the number of trapped electrons
∆n versus stress time ∆t in one cycle of the dynamic stress.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
1-Electron 2-Electron
E1, n1
E2, n2
Figure 4.4 Two-step procedure of capturing two electrons by a negative-U trap. E1 is the
trap energy capturing one electron and n1 is the number of those traps. E2 is the trap energy
capturing 2 electrons and n2 is the number of those traps. When an additional electron is
trapped, energy of the trap is lowered from E1 to E2 due to lattice distortion. This energy
lowering favors two electrons to occupy on the trap.
of the electron and lattice. The new defect structure now energetically favors the
capture of a second electron. The negative total energy, or negative-U, due to
the electron-lattice interaction and lattice relaxation, gives rise to the name of
negative-U traps. Negative-U traps are mostly found in ionic materials (known
as DX centers) with strong electron-lattice interaction[32]. Recently, ab initio
calculations have shown that in SiO 2, the hydrogen and oxygen vacancy related
traps are negative-U centers[33–34]. Very recently , ab initio calculations also
showed the negative-U property of oxygen vacancy defects and hydrogen bridge
defects in HfO 2 [6, 35–37]. This result is quite reasonable since HfO 2 is a more
ionic material compared with SiO 2, and the strong ionic polarization contributes
to more interaction between electron and the lattice.
The rate equations describing the trapping behavior are as follows. During the
stress phase
dn1 1 dn2
= (N − n1 − n2 ) − (4.1)
dt τC1 dt
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
dn2 1
= n1 (4.2)
dt τC2
where N is the total density of traps, n1 is the density of traps occupied by one
electron, n2 is the density of traps occupied by two electrons, τC1 is the capture
time constant for the first electron, and τC2 is the capture time constant for the sec-
ond electron. During the recovery phase, when stress is removed, the de-trapping
behavior is described by
dn1 1 dn2
=− n1 − (4.3)
dt τE1 dt
dn2 1
=− n2 (4.4)
dt τE2
where τE1 and τE2 are the emission time constants for the first and second electron,
respectively. Since the trap energy E2 for a trap with two electrons is lower than
the trap energy E1 for a trap with one electron (negative-U[29, 31]), the capture
and emission time constants of the E1 state are much faster than those of the E2
state. Solving equations (4.1)–(4.4) yields the static and dynamic time evolutions
under different frequencies.
The distribution functions of the time constants are listed in Table 4.1, which
are obtained from data fitting. First a double-peak distribution is adopted for
τC2 , to fit the data from static stress. It is then assumed that the time constant
τE2 and τC1 for a certain trap is directly proportional to the corresponding τC2 ,
so the distribution functions assume the same shape. The ratio between these
three time constants is obtained by fitting the data from dynamic stress. The
emission of the first electron is assumed to be faster than all other processes, and
τE1 is set to 0.1 µs. The accurate calculation of the solution with large number
of stress/recovery cycles is achieved by the construction of stress and recovery
operator and the diagonalization technique described in section 3.2.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
Since the de-trapping of the first electron is very fast, almost all traps with only one
electron emit that electron when the stress is removed during the recovery phase,
and only those traps with two captured electrons retain the electrons. Therefore,
only n2 is responsible for the cumulative Vth shift. On the other hand, at each
initial time of the stress phase (∆t = 0 in Figure 4.3), n1 is almost zero and
then increases versus time. Using this initial condition, the solution of n2 from
(4.2) gives a concave-up curve, and therefore, the cumulative increase of n2 is
reduced when the frequency increases. Results of calculations using (4.1)–(4.4)
are in excellent agreement with all experiment data, as shown in Figure 4.5. For
the case of static stress, since τC1 and τE1 are much smaller than τC2 and τE2 ,
respectively, the solution of (4.1)–(4.4) converges to that of the conventional first
order trapping equation at long times. Therefore, our model is consistent with
both static and dynamic charge trapping experiments in HfO 2 dielectric.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
50 100kHz
1 10 100 1000
Figure 4.5 Calculated time evolutions of Vth using equations (4.1) at various frequencies are
plotted using lines, showing good agreement with the experimental data (symbols).
For p-MOSFETs, we can use similar model that is complementary to that for n-
MOSFETs. The traps contributing to Vth shift in p-MOSFETs are also negative-U
traps, but capture two holes instead of two electrons. Negative-U traps for holes
have been discussed in negative-U center literature for ionic II-VI semiconduc-
In conclusion, the slow component of the dynamic charge trapping and Vth
shift in MOSFETs with MOCVD HfO 2 gate dielectrics under dynamic stress is
reported. A strong frequency dependence of dynamic charge trapping is observed
in the experiment. For an ac stress of given gate voltage amplitude, reduction of
Vth shift for both n- and p-MOSFETs are observed with increasing stress frequency.
A two-step trapping model based on negative-U trap centers in HfO 2 dielectric is
proposed to explain the above-mentioned phenomena, giving excellent agreement
with all experimental data.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
In this section, we move the focus to the fast component of the dynamic charge
trapping, which is only capture by the fast measurement technique.
Both n- and p-MOSFETs with 4.0 nm MOCVD HfO 2 gate dielectric and HfN/TaN
metal gate stack were fabricated, with the process flow detailed in ref.[27]. The
equivalent electrical thickness (EOT) of the HfO 2 gate dielectric is 1.3 nm after
S/D anneal at 950◦ C.
As mentioned earlier, a fast characterization technique is required to study the
fast charge trapping in HfO 2. The single-pulse measurement originally proposed
by Kerber et al.[4] was not sufficiently quantitative, and has difficulty in short
measurement time down to 1 µs. Young et al. used RF measurement technique and
a multi-pulse approach[38] to measure the intrinsic properties of high-κ MOSFET
with ultra-short pulses (35 ns each). However the multi-pulse scheme needs a
series of pulses to obtain the Id − Vg characteristics, which takes long time and
is not suitable in studying the charge trapping characteristics. In this work, we
use an improved single-pulse scheme with the best measurement speed reduced
to 1 µs, noise suppressed, and sources of error analyzed. Measurement time in
this work is 10 µs, which has been shown to be fast enough for evaluating the
fast de-trapping states in these samples[6]. Both static and dynamic stress are
possible with this setup. In the case of static stress, dc stress voltage is applied
to the gate of the MOSFET, with pulses down to 0 volt intermittently inserted,
as shown in Figure 4.6a. Id −Vg curve is measured as the gate voltage is dropping
from stress voltage to zero, and the threshold voltage is extracted. In the case of
dynamic stress, square-wave stress voltage is applied on the gate of the MOSFET,
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
and Id −Vg characteristics can be measured at both the rising-edge or the falling-
edge of the waveform. In the case of nMOSFET, the threshold voltage extracted
from the Id −Vg curve obtained at the falling-edge represents the Vth degradation
right after the stress phase (S f point), while the Vth measured at the rising-edge
represents the partially recovered Vth after the recovery phase (P point).
stress stress
falling edge
measure Id-Vg
(10 µs)
stress phase stress phase
Figure 4.6 Waveform of stress voltage used in a) static stress, and b) dynamic stress.
Figure 4.7 shows time evolution of Vth degradation in n- and p-MOSFETs under
1000 s of static stress followed by 1000 s of recovery, using the Vg waveform shown
in Figure 4.6(b). In a way, this can be viewed as the first stress/recovery period
of a dynamic stress with frequency = 1/2000 Hz. As a comparison, slow measure-
ment with HP4156A parametric analyzer is also used in this work to study the
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
fast meas. nMOSFET
∆Vth (mV) 200
100 Vg = 1.6 V Vg = 0 V
50 P
slow meas.
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time (s)
fast meas. pMOSFET
∆Vth (mV)
Vg = -1.8 V Vg = 0 V
50 P
slow meas.
Figure 4.7 Threshold Voltage shift under stress/recovery cycles with frequency = 1/2000Hz.
Results of fast (∆Vth,fast , squares) and slow (∆Vth,slow , dots) measurements are compared. The
difference between fast and slow measurement is plotted with triangles, representing the fast
trap contribution to the total Vth degradation. Solid line shows simulation data as described in
section 4.3.3.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
tstress = 100µs
Id/Id0(%) 80 1ms
70 10ms
50 nMOSFET, Static stress
Vg,stress =1.8V, Vg,recovery=1V
1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 0.01
Recovery Time (s)
Figure 4.8 Recovery of linear region drain current Id with respect to the pre-stress Id0 , after
stress voltage is removed from the gate of the nMOSFET. Recovery after different stress time is
shown. The drain current during recovery is measured by the fast measurement, at Vg = 1.0 V,
and Vd = 0.1 V.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
illustrated in Figure 4.9. These pre-existing trap sites can be occupied by electrons
only if the trap level is below or near the energy of electron injection. Qualitatively,
under larger positive gate stress voltage, trap levels in HfO 2 are moved downwards
with respect to the substrate Fermi level, therefore more traps become available
for charge trapping. However, as the Vth increases under stress while Vg is kept
constant, the electric field across dielectric decreases, and fewer fast traps are
available. Therefore, the amount of fast charge trapping is dependent on the gate
overdrive (or electric field) at the end of the stress (Vg − Vth,1s ), as shown in
Figure 4.10. The voltage dependence of ∆Vth,1s in n-MOSFET has a larger slope
(0.46 V/decade) than that of p-MOSFET (0.93 V/decade), showing a stronger
voltage dependence. The voltage dependence obtained from slow measurement is
weaker (close to 1.2 V/decade) for both n- and p-MOSFET. As a result, if the
slow component were to be subtracted off from the voltage dependence shown in
Figure 4.10, the actual slope would be slightly steeper.
Figure 4.9 A schematic illustrating the trapping and de-trapping of electrons in HfO 2. Several
electron traps are assume to distribute in different energy levels. The double-sided arrow indicates
the exchange of electrons between the silicon substrate and the trap states, through trapping
and de-trapping processes.
It should be noted that, although the amount of trapped charge (or ∆Vth ) shows
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
exponential dependence on electric field, the density of available trap sites does
not necessarily have the same field dependence. As Nissan-Cohen et al. point-
ed out[42], the density of trapped charge in steady state is determined by the
balance between charge trapping and de-trapping processes, the ratio of trapped
charge density to trap density depends on the relative strength of trapping ver-
sus de-trapping, which in turn may be field dependent. This gives rise to a new
dimension of complications, and a quantitative physcial model of the exponential
voltage depedence could not be reached in this work. Nevertheless, the empirical
relationship obtained above is used in later sections.
Figure 4.11 and Figure 4.12 show the frequency dependence of Vth shift under
dynamic stress. As an example with extremely low frequency, in Figure 4.7, the
∆Vth after stress phase is labeled S f point, and the ∆Vth after recovery phase is
labeled P point. As shown in Figure 4.11, when the stress frequency is increased,
the maximum dynamic Vth degradation (S f point) decreases, while the cumulative
dynamic Vth degradation (P point) measured by the fast technique increases.
The frequency dependence of the slow component, which was discussed in [5–6],
is opposite to the frequency dependence of the P point described above. Therefore,
even after subtracting the slow charge trapping component from the total Vth
shift measured here, the Vth degradation at P point still increases with frequency.
The opposite frequency dependence of the fast and slow components in charge
trapping is one important clue suggesting that the two components are distinctive
and may have different physical origins. In previous work, we have shown that a
two-step trapping/de-trapping model is required to explain the peculiar frequency
dependence of the slow component [5, 43]. The fast component, on the other hand,
can be explained with conventional charge trapping dynamics, as will be discussed
in section 4.3.3.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
Vg-Vth,1s (V)
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2
Vg (V)
Vg-Vth,1s (V)
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
∆Vth,1s (mV)
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2
Vg (V)
Figure 4.10 Vth shift dependence on static stress voltage and gate overdrive at the end of a
one second stress (Vg − Vth,1s ), measured by fast technique. Exponential dependence of ∆Vth,1s
on the gate voltage overdrive Vg − Vth,1s is observed.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
The difference between the ∆Vth of S f point and P point reflects the transient
amplitude as illustrated in Figure 4.7. In the high frequency limit, S f point and P
point converges, which is most evident in Figure 4.12. As frequency increases, in
one period of dynamic stress, the degradation in the stress phase and the recovery
in recovery phase both decreases, so the threshold voltage transient amplitude
reduces, and approaches zero at high frequency. As a result, Vth of the MOSFET
with HfO 2 dielectric, although exhibiting large instability, can be predicted when
it is switching at high-frequency, if the operation voltage and duty cycle is known.
This property may have important implication to digital circuits, as we attempt
to explore in section 4.4.
Figure 4.13 shows that evolution of ∆Vth under dynamic stress with two different
prior conditions: (1) 100 seconds static stress and (2) zero stress applied, on two
identical transistors. It is obvious that prior condition or stress history does not
affect the steady-state Vth shift of dynamic stress. This independence on prior
stress history agrees with the assumption that all the traps in the dielectric are
pre-existing and are not generated during the stress. The steady-state ∆Vth is
determined by stress condition (voltage, duty cycle, etc.), but not by stress history.
The transition from previous steady-state ∆Vth to a new equilibrium takes less
than 1 s as observed in Figure 4.13.
Figure 4.14 and Figure 4.15 show the dependence of ∆Vth on the duty cycle of
the dynamic stress. In Figure 4.14, the duty cycle dependence is rather weak in
the range of 200/0 − 800/0 . Due the the limitation of the measurement scheme, it is
difficult to investigate the situation for duty cycle < 200/0 or > 800/0 . We are not
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
Vg = 1.6V
200 Sf point
Static Stress
∆Vth (mV)
Dynamic stress
Duty Cycle = 50%
100 10 Hz
100 Hz
50 1 kHz
P point 10 kHz
1 10 100 1000
Time (s)
150 Vg = -1.8V
Static Stress
∆Vth (mV)
Figure 4.11 Threshold voltage shift under static stress and dynamic stress of different fre-
quencies, measured by fast technique. For dynamic stress, both the ∆Vth at the end of stress
phase (S f) point and at the end of recovery phase (P) point are plotted.
yet able to understand the weak duty cycle dependence in the middle range and
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
dutycycle = 50%
Long Passivation
100m 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.12 Frequency dependence of ∆Vth after 100 seconds of dynamic stress, using fast
measurement. Squares represents the ∆Vth at the end of the stress phase in a stress/recovery
cycle, while dots represents the ∆Vth at the end of the recovery phase. As frequency increases, the
amplitude of ∆Vth in a stress/recovery cycle (difference between S f point and P point) reduces,
and the accumulated ∆Vth (P point) increases. Solid lines shows simulaton result.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
Vg=1.6V, Freq=10kHz,
200 P point
∆Vth (mV)
Sf point
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (s)
Vg=-1.8V, Freq=10kHz,
P point
∆Vth (mV)
Sf point
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (s)
Figure 4.13 Evolution of ∆Vth during transition from static stress to dynamic stress (filled
symbols), and ∆Vth of fresh device under dynamic stress (open symbols). The steady-state Vth
shift of dynamic stress does not depend on the prior stress history, which is expected if all the
traps are pre-existing. Transition time from static to dynamic stress is in the 100 ms time scale.
Solid lines shows simulation result.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
the steep dependence at the low and high ends. We suspect that the contribution
from the slow charge component may have distorted the duty cycle dependence.
From Figure 4.15, the voltage dependence of the dynamic stress of different duty
cycle is identical (same slope) to that observed in static stress.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
250 Freq=10kHz,
∆Vth @ 100s (mV) 200
Sf point
P point
HfO2 40A, EOT=1.3nm
0 20 40 60 80 100
Duty Cycle (%)
∆Vth @ 100s (mV)
150 Sf point
P point
0 HfO2 40A, EOT=1.3nm
0 20 40 60 80 100
Duty Cycle (%)
Figure 4.14 ∆Vth after 100 second dynamic stress of different duty cycle, but same stress
voltage, frequency and rise/fall time.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
1s stress
100 Sf point
∆Vth (mV)
Dynamic stress
duty cycle
Static Stress
Static Stress
Dynamic stress
100 duty cycle
∆Vth (mV)
1s stress
10 freq=10kHz
Sf point
Figure 4.15 Stress voltage dependence of ∆Vth under static and dynamic stress of different
duty cycle. The slope in voltage dependence is the same for static stress and dynamic stress of
different duty cycles.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
Room Temperature
50 C
85 C
100 C
∆Vth,1s (mV)
HfO2 40A
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Vg-Vth,1s (V)
Room Temperature
50 C
85 C
100 C
∆Vth,1s (mV)
HfO2 40A
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Vg-Vth,1s (V)
Figure 4.16 Stress voltage dependence of ∆Vth , stressed under different temperatures.
NMOSFET shows negative temperature dependence, while pMOSFET shows zero temperature
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
τC1 τC1
10 10
τΕ1 τΕ1
τΕ2 -1 τΕ2
1 10
10 -5
-3 -7
10 10
1 100 10m 1 10 1m 100m 10 1k 100k
τ (second) τ (second)
(a) (b)
Figure 4.17 Spectrum of trapping (τC ) and de-trapping time constants (τE1 , τE2 ) used in cal-
culation of trapping/de-trapping dynamics for (a) electrons and (b) holes. Broad distribution on
time constants must be used to explain the gradual frequency dependence observed in Figure 4.12
After careful characterization and modeling of the fast traps, we are ready to look
at its impact on digital circuits. Our discussion is based on both the experimentally
measured ∆Vth and the high frequency dynamic stress data projected by the charge
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
90 tstress = 100µs
50 nMOSFET, Static stress
1s Vg,stress =1.8V, Vg,recovery=1V
1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 0.01
Recovery Time (s)
Figure 4.18 Simulation of recovery of linear region drain current Id after stress voltage is
removed from the gate of the nMOSFET, as shown in Figure 4.8.
trapping model. We used HSpice and a 65nm predictive technology model (vth0
= 0.22 V) [44] for circuit simulation. In the simulation, the parameter vth0 is
changed to reflect the Vth shift due to trapping [45]. However, the effect of mobility
degradation is ignored.
4.4.1 SRAM
In the widely used dynamic voltage scaled system (DVSS), Vdd can be regulated to
lower values for low power operation [46]. The static noise margin (SNM) of SRAM
can limit the minimum allowed operation voltage. In a 6T SRAM cell shown in
Figure 4.19, the worst case for SNM occurs when the storage node x previously
stored “1” for long time, and is reading the stored “1”. Therefore, the gate voltage
for transistors M DR and M UL have been at Vdd for long time (statically stressed),
and have high Vth . The other four transistors in the cell have not been in recovery
for long time, and thus have normal Vth .
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
Using the Vth shift value extracted from in Figure 4.10, SNM can be obtained from
DC circuit simulation. In the butterfly plot shown in Figure 4.20, the increased
Vth of M DR causes one curve to shift up, and the increased Vth of M UL causes
one curve to shift to the left. The static noise margin, measured by the maximum
square enclosed by the butterfly plot, decreases when the worst case threshold
voltage shift is considered.
In Figure 4.21, SNM calculated with and without considering Vth degradation
is compared, for an SRAM cell with cell ratio β = 2. The dimensions (W/L) for
the cell n-MOSFET is 140/70 nm, p-MOSFET is 90/70 nm, and access transistor
is 90/90 nm. As Vdd increases, the percentage loss in SNM increases, due to the
exponential voltage increase of Vth shift. Under reduced Vdd , the much reduced
fast Vth instability causes little SNM degradation. In this low Vdd situation, other
factors, such as random dopant fluctration and process variation, will dominate
the SNM degradation. Therefore, the fast Vth instability may not be the limiting
factor to the minimum operating voltage of SRAM cell.
Considering the impact of fast Vth shift on ring oscillators, the circuit enjoys the
benefit of being dynamically stressed (less ∆Vth ), and shows improved performance
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
no ∆Vth
VL (V)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
VR (V)
Figure 4.20 Butterfly plot of the SRAM cell showing the transfer characteristics between
voltage at the left storage node (VL ) and that at the right storage node (VR ). Vth increase of
M UL causes the VL − VR curve to shift to the left, and Vth increase of M DR causes the VR − VL
curve to shift up. The static noise margin measured by the maximum square enclosed in the
butterfly plot, is therefore reduced.
at high frequency [47]. However, in the most general case in logic circuits, ∆Vth
under static stress should be used to determine the worst case propagation delay.
This is because 1) certain circuit input may be static; 2) When one switches from
static stress to dynamic stress, it takes relatively long time for the Vth of the
MOSFET to transit from the steady-state value under static stress to that under
dynamic stress. This transition time is estimated to be about 100 ms from the
simulation performed in Figure 4.13, which is many orders of magnitude slower
compared with the switching frequency in circuits.
For the 3-input NAND gate (NAND3) implemented with static CMOS logic
shown in Figure 4.22a, worst case delay degradation occurs when all three inputs
were previously high for long time, all switched to low briefly, and are switching
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
200 w/o Vth shift
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Figure 4.21 Static noise margin of SRAM cell with cell ratio β = 2. Square symbols show
the SNM with no Vth degradation, dots show the case with worst case Vth degradation, triangles
show the percentage loss in SNM due to worst case Vth degradation. Under low Vdd , the SNM
degradation due to fast Vth instability is much reduced.
to high at the same time. The Vth recovery during the brief low inputs period is
negligible. Therefore Vth shift under static stress must be used to determine the
propagation delay degradation. Delay degradation is plotted as a function of the
supply voltage in Figure 4.23. Delay degradation can be well approximated by the
degradation in the Id,sat (due to ∆Vth ) of the n-MOSFETs[45]. Therefore, other
logic gates and circuits implemented with the static logic style would have similar
amount of degradation as long as ∆Vth of static stress determines the performance.
For CMOS transmission gate, at most one transistor in the pair is under stress
at any time, while both transistors conduct when switched on (Figure 4.22b).
For example, M AP is under static stress when S = 0, A = X = 1, but in this
situation S̄ = A = X = 1, so M AN is not under stress. When the transmission
gate turns on, both M AN and M AP contribute to the current conduction. If M AN
and M AP have equal contribution to the total conductance, the percentage delay
degradation is about half of the drive current degradation of M AP. However, the
static CMOS inverter for complementary control signal S̄ generation makes the
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
M AP out
A out M AN X
S φ
a) b) c)
Figure 4.22 Schematics of a) NAND3 gate implemented with static logic, b) 2-input mul-
tiplexer implemented with CMOS transmission gate, and c) NAND3 gate implemented with
dynamic logic.
delay degradation closer to the static logic case. Overall, CMOS transmission gate
logic (MUX2) shows less delay degradation than NAND3 (Figure 4.23), although
∆Vth under static stress is considered.
For dynamic logic (Figure 4.22c), transistors are all dynamically stressed at
the clock frequency with a pre-defined duty cycle. In pre-charge phase, clock φ
is low, all the four n-MOSFETs are cutoff (de-trapping), regardless of the values
at the three inputs. Therefore, the n-MOSFETs in the pull-down network are
stressed dynamically with duty cycle not greater than the clock duty cycle. In
the buffer inverter that feeds to the next stage, only low-to-high transition need
to be optimized, so the pull-up p-MOSFET is more important. The p-MOSFET
is also stressed dynamically, and the stress duty cycle is no worse than the clock
duty cycle. Therefore, Vth shift under dynamic stress represents the worst case
for dynamic logic circuits in terms of propagation delay. With the much lower
Vth shift under high frequency dynamic stress (Figure 4.12), the delay degradation
of the dynamic NAND3 gate is much lower than the static logic. As the most
delay sensitive parts of the circuits are often implemented with dynamic logic, the
degraded delay of static CMOS logic in non-critical path might not be the limiting
factor of overall circuit speed.
It is not possible to exhaustively examine all building blocks in logic circuits in
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
this work. However it is demonstrated that the use of certain circuit designs can
take advantage of the dynamic nature of charge trapping effect in a deterministic
manner. This potentially allow the performance of logic circuit to be less affected
by fast Vth instability, and thus impose less stringent target to the optimization of
high-κ dielectrics.
Figure 4.23 Percentage increase in gate propagation delay due to Vth degradation as function
of supply voltage. Logic gates implemented with transmission gate and dynamic logic shows
much reduced degradation in delay.
4.5 Conclusions
Both the slow and fast components of Vth in MOSFET with HfO 2 gate dielectric
are systematically characterized and modeled. The slow component is shown to
require a new two-step charge trapping dynamic model to explain the unexpected
frequency dependence. It is proposed that negative-U defects are responsible for
such trapping dynamics.
Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
On the other hand, the large ∆Vth due to fast charge trapping is shown to
be predictable in both static and dynamic stress situations. With the knowledge
gained from the quantitative modeling of the fast Vth transients, HSpice circuit
simulation is performed based on experimental ∆Vth to evaluate the impact of Vth
shift on the performance of digital circuits in more realistic operating conditions. It
is shown that one can actively exploit the dynamic nature of the fast Vth instability
to minimize its effect on circuit performance. Circuit performance should therefore
be optimized with both process improvement and circuit design techniques.
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Charge Trapping in High-κ Gate Dielectrics
In this work, the threshold voltage instabilities in MOSFETs with two kinds of
advanced gate dielectrics were investigated. Recounting on the making of this
thesis, it is recognized that two research themes evolved in a spiral. One theme
is the continual development of electrical measurement techniques to accurately
characterize the dynamics of Vth instabilities. The other theme, on the other hand,
is to compare the observed dynamics with the predictions of existing models, and
to build new models when necessary.
As the reader may have noticed, this thesis relies heavily on the fast measure-
ment technique proposed in chapter 2. The development of the fast Id −Vg mea-
surement technique started in 2004, following the pioneering work of A. Kerber.
Initially, the best measurement time was 1 µs, and curve-smoothing is required
due to high noise. The measurement setup was then refined, through a few iter-
ations, to the present form, as presented in chapter 2. It was realized that the
frequency response of the transimpedance amplifier in our setup is sensitive to the
parasitic capacitance connected to the amplifier input. Much effort was therefore
spent on minimizing the distance from the probe tip to the amplifier input, which
lead to the latest setup using probe-card. The measurement time was reduced to
100 ns, and noise was suppressed. It is now recognized that the fast measurement
technique is indispensable to researchers in this field as an accurate and reliable
characterization technique. It is the hope of the author that it can be further
improved in terms of speed and stability, and made accessible to a wider range of
With the accurate characterization tool, comprehensive measurements were
carried out to characterize the Vth instabilities in transistors with both SiON and
high-κ gate dielectrics. However, in the interpretation of the experimental data,
more attention was paid to the dynamics aspect. In one way, this was motivated
by the traditional paradigm of lifetime projection, where one extrapolate from the
experimentally measured Vth shift and estimate the final Vth shift after a ten-year
lifetime. A model of the dynamics of the Vth instabilities is necessary to make
projections of this type. A physical model that predicts a compatible dynamics is
sought not only out of our curiosity, but also to rationalize the lifetime projection
Both analytic and numerical calculations were performed to obtain quantitative
predictions from various models of Vth instabilities, so that the experimental data
can be compared against these models. The coupled reaction-diffusion equation
was previously solved for the case of static stress, and in the limit of diffusion-
limited process. In this work, an analytic treatment of the reaction-diffusion prob-
lem under dynamic stress condition was given under suitable approximations. The
dynamic charge trapping problem was also treated analytically, for the second-
order two-step trapping model as well as the first-order trapping model.
In our experimental studies, it happened that the observed dynamics do not
agree with the most accepted models. In the case of SiON gate dielectrics, very
low power-law exponent and very fast recovery of Vth shift were observed experi-
mentally, with the help of the newly developed fast measurement technique. Both
characteristics are opposite to the predictions of the traditional reaction-diffusion
model. We showed that this incompatibility is a fundamental one, not likely to be
resolved with simple amendments to the model. It was proposed that in addition
to the generation of interface-states, which is a relatively slow process, fast hole
trapping and de-trapping is present as well. The model based on hole trapping
predicts the correct dynamic behavior as observed experimentally.
In the case of high-κ dielectrics, two distinct components were observed in the
charge trapping as well. One component has fast trapping and de-trapping time
constants, and is similar to the hole trapping process found in SiON. The slow-
er component, however exhibits a peculiar dependence on the frequency of the
is too awkward, so we caution the readers here, and continue to call it the hole
trapping model until the actual physical structure is identified.
As Intel and a few other manufacturers revealed some technical details of the
first generation of IC using high-κ and metal gate, the research on reliability of
high-κ dielectrics entered a new stage, and would be more aligned to the industry
practice. The chemical composition, growth technology and thermal processes
of the HfO 2 film studied in this thesis (3 to 4 years ago) is different from what
is currently adopted by the industry. Whether the phenomenon and mechanism
revealed in our study is relevant to current or future technology is left to be
tested. However, much of the methodology should remain valid. In particular,
the discussions on the effect of fast Vth transients on digital circuit is, to the
knowledge of the author, the first investigation of this kind, and the methodology
and conclusions hold regardless of the dielectric film actually used.
List of Publications
Regular Paper
[1] M. F. Li, G. Chen, C. Shen, X. P. Wang, H. Y. Yu, Y.-C. Yeo and D. L.
Kwong. Dynamic bias-temperature instability in ultrathin SiO 2 and HfO 2
metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors and its impact on device
lifetime. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and
Short Notes and Review Papers, 43(11 B):7807 - 7814, 2004. (invited).
[2] C. Shen, T. Yang, M.-F. Li, X. P. Wang, C. E. Foo, G. Samudra, Y.-C. Yeo
and D.-L. Kwong. Fast Vth instability in HfO 2 gate dielectric MOSFETs and
its impact on digital circuits. IEEE Transaction Electron Devices, 53:3001–
3011, 2006.
[3] C. Shen, J. Pu, M.-F. Li and B. J. Cho. P-type floating gate for rentention
and P/E window improvement of flash memory devices. IEEE Transaction
Electron Devices, 54:1910–1917, 2007.
[4] M.-F. Li, D. Huang, C. Shen, T. Yang, W. J. Liu and Z. Y. Liu. Un-
derstand NBTI mechanism by developing novel measurement techniques.
2007. accepted for publication at IEEE Transaction Devices and Materials
Reliability (invited).
Letter or Brief
[1] C. Shen, M.-F. Li, H. Y. Yu, X. P. Wang, Y.-C. Yeo, D. S. H. Chan
and D.-L. Kwong. Physical model for frequency-dependent dynamic charge
trapping in metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors with HfO 2 gate
dielectric. Applied Physics Letters, 86(9):093510, 2005.
[2] T. Yang, C. Shen, M.-F. Li, C. H. Ang, C. Zhu, Y.-C. Yeo, G. Samudra,
S. C. Rustagi, M. B. Yu and D.-L. Kwong. Fast DNBTI component in p-
MOSFET with SiON dielectric. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 26:826–828,
[3] T. Yang, C. Shen, M.-F. Li, C. H. Ang, C. Zhu, Y.-C. Yeo, G. Samudra,
S. C. Rustagi, M. B. Yu and D.-L. Kwong. Interface trap passivation effect
in NBTI measurement for p-MOSFET with SiON gate dielectric. IEEE
Electron Device Letters, 26:758–760, 2005.
List of Publications
[1] C. Shen, H. Y. Yu, X. P. Wang, M.-F. Li, Y.-C. Yeo, D. S. H. Chan, K. L.
Bera and D.-L. Kwong. Frequency dependent dynamic charge trapping in
HfO 2 and threshold voltage instability in MOSFETs. In IEEE International
Reliability Physics Symposium, pages 601–602, 2004.
[2] M. F. Li, H. Y. Yu, Y. T. Hou, J. F. Kang, X. P. Wang, C. Shen, C. Ren,
Y. C. Yeo, C. X. Zhu, D. S. H. Chan, A. Chin and D. L. Kwong. Selected
topics on HfO 2 gate dielectrics for future ULSI CMOS devices. International
Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuits Technology Proceedings,
ICSICT, 1:366 - 371, 2004.
[3] C. Shen, M.-F. Li, X. P. Wang, H. Y. Yu, Y. P. Feng, A. T.-L. Lim, Y.-
C. Yeo, D. S. H. Chan and D. L. Kwong. Negative-U traps in HfO 2 gate
dielectrics and frequency dependence of dynamic BTI in MOSFETs. In
IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, pages 733–736, 2004.
[4] T. Yang, M.-F. Li, C. Shen, C. H. Ang, C. Zhu, Y.-C. Yeo, G. Samudra,
S. C. Rustagi, M. B. Yu and D.-L. Kwong. Fast and slow dynamic NBTI
components in p-MOSFET with SiON dielectric and their impact on device
life-time and circuit application. In VLSI Technology Symposium, pages 92–
93, 2005.
List of Publications
List of Publications
[15] E.-H. Toh, G. H. Wang, C. Shen, M. Zhu, L. Chan, C.-H. Heng, G. Samu-
dra and Y.-C. Yeo. Silicon nano-wire impact ionization transistors with
multiple-gates for enhanced gate control and performance. In IEEE Inter-
national Electron Devices Meeting, pages 195–198.
Curriculum vitae
Shen Chen was born in Shanghai, China, on March 11th, 1981. He graduated
from Da-Tong High School, Shanghai, in 1998. From 2000 to 2003, he did his
undergraduate study at National University of Singapore, and received the degree
of Bachelor of Engineering in electrical engineering, with first class honor. Since
2004, he has been working towards a PhD in electrical engineering at the Silicon
Nano Device Laboratory, and the Center for IC Failure Analysis and Reliability,
both at National University of Singapore. His doctoral research focuses on the
threshold voltage instability of MOS gate dielectrics, including charge trapping
and negative bias temperature instability. His recent research focuses on the de-
vice physics and modeling of impact-ionization transistors (I-MOS) and tunneling
transistors (T-FET).