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Mind Mapping Unleashed

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Mind Mapping Unleashed:

Double Your Productivity Through The Power

Of Mind Mapping

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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four


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We live in the information age, which means that our problem is less one
of obtaining information and more one of retaining and organizing all the
quantities of information that we are required to ingest both during our studies
and afterwards to keep up with rapid changes in many fields and a continual
influx of new information.
One of the recent techniques that have been devised to help us in this
task is called Mind Mapping.

What is Mind Mapping?
Basically, a Mind Map is a diagram which you create yourself as a way to
organize ideas. In conventional note-taking, you write down information line by
line or perhaps column by column. Mind Mapping differs from such note-taking in
that you present the information more in the form or a diagram, starting with a
central key idea drawn in the center of the paper. Other ideas which are
somehow related to the central key idea are arranged radially around it, with lines
branching out from the central key idea to these sub-topics to show that they are
related to one another. Details related to each sub-topic can be shown to be
connected to it through more lines.
Mind maps function on the principle of Radiant Thinking (a term
developed by Tony Buzan, an avid promoter of mind mapping.) Radiant Thinking
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means our thoughts spread out indefinitely from a key central idea which Buzan
says is the natural and automatic way for humans to think. Through mind
mapping, we are able to capture on a flat surface the multidimensional reality that
our mind perceives. In fact, different cortical skills come into play when we mind
map: line, form, color, visual rhythm, texture, dimension and particularly
imagination. Using images in mind mapping produces more precise and powerful
associations of ideas.

Mind Mapping and the Brain
Mind mapping is seen as being more compatible with the way the brain
functions than the linear mode of note-taking. On the one hand, it resembles the
brain's neurological structure, where the brain functions by creating
interconnected links of thousands of little protrusions on the arms of a brain cell
(neuron) with the protrusions of other brain cells. In fact, one human brain can
have an incalculable number of inter-neural links and pathways.
In addition, mind mapping promotes the use of the right side of the brain,
which is more visual and image-oriented than the left side. And this can have a
positive effect on intelligence, since studies have shown that when the less-used
hemisphere (usually the right) was drawn into use in tandem with the dominant
hemisphere, this produced a significant increase in the individuals total abilities
and effectiveness. Surprisingly, when both hemispheres are stimulated this way,
it results in a performance that is not just twice as effective, but rather five to ten
times as effective!
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A Historical Overview
One of the earliest systems of using visual memory aids is believed to
have been invented by the ancient orator Simonedes of Ceos. This Greek was
among the most respected orators in his time. He relied on strong mental
images, coupled with associations he was familiar with (such as a well-known
location) to integrate information into his mind. We must remember that having a
good memory was one of the most admired skills in ancient Greece.
During the 3rd Century, the respected thinker named Porphyry of Tyros is
known to have created the earliest types of mind maps to graphically represent
Aristotles concept categories. Another person who used the concept of mind
mapping before Buzan was the Majorcan writer and philosopher Ramon Lull.
Dr. Allan Collins may be said to be the father of modern mind maps
because he was able to tap into the use of the semantic network as a theory to
explain how humans learn, and eventually develop this theory into the concept of
mind mapping. Collins dedication and published research (as well as his efforts
to understand the relationship between learning, creativity and graphical thinking)
in the early 1960s earned him that noted title. Another respected researcher
during that period, M. Ross Quillian, also contributed to the development of the
concept of mind maps.
More recently, popular psychology author Tony Buzan has taken the
concept of mind maps and developed it. He has a website where one can find
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books and training to learn about mind maps, as well as software to help you
make them. You'll find it at http://www.buzanworld.com/
Chapter One

Balancing the Brain
The traditional method of note-taking consists of listening to a speaker and
writing down what the person says in a linear form. Even though it involves
writing, it is very attached to the auditory stream of consciousness mode: one
thing after another. Mind mapping, on the other hand, takes the ideas coming
from the speaker and distributes them on the paper in various ways, adding the
dimension of space, thus translating them into a more visual form. Since spatial
organization is more associated with the right brain, this method allows the
listener to take advantage of all of the left and right cortical skills of the brain.
Mind maps work by emphasizing the strength of the right hemisphere of
the brain. In most people, that part of our brain is tasked with visual, associative,
and non-verbal thinking as well as a lot of creative thinking. The left hemisphere,
on the other hand, is responsible for analytical thoughts (which can only be
examined one at a time) such as when we are writing. Usually, we find it
difficult to express our thoughts on paper. But when the right hemisphere is
triggered in tandem with the left hemisphere, such as when we are producing a
mind map, we overcome this difficulty.
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Mind maps allow you to concentrate because both hemispheres of the
brain are trained to be balanced and active at the same time, and because
various sensory channels are being employed at the same time, multiple
intelligences can be drawn together to help in comprehension and memorization.

Organizing Thoughts
By using mind mapping to organize and classify concepts in your mind
first, you will find it easier to write about a string of concepts which are related in
some way. Mind maps present information in relation to other data, which helps
to mark which concepts are more important than others. So they are useful when
you have muddled thoughts that need to be clarified, or bits and pieces of
information whose relationships to one another have to be visualized. Mind maps
work well when one is dealing with a complex scenario, particularly those which
require a holistic point of view if they are to be grasped. When we use mind
maps, complex problems become simpler to think through and find solutions to.

The Effects of Mind Mapping on Creativity
The predominant reason that most people underestimate their creative
talents is that formal education has traditionally failed to adequately stress this
mental ability, favoring instead more academic pursuits. Academics tend to
stress the functions of the left hemisphere of the brain; the functions of the
creative side of the brain the right hemisphere are not emphasized as much
except in people who are deemed artistically gifted. Fortunately, many
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educators now try to integrate creative pursuits into a well-balanced education so
that the products of their institutions will have an equally well-balanced
Mind mapping helps one become more creative because it emphasizes
brainstorming, free association and radiant thinking. Your present level of
comprehension of ideas is graphically represented, which then translates to a
higher level of understanding when extended to other ideas or sub-topics.
The human mind does not function the way a computer does. A computer
operates solely in a linear manner. Your brain, on the other hand, operates not
just in a linear fashion but also in an associative manner. That means that your
brain undertakes the functions of comparing, integrating and synthesizing
thoughts as you work. Almost all mental functions rely on association to proceed.
Words are representations of ideas in your head. So every word is linked to an
idea which in turn is connected to a lot of other ideas stored in your brain.
Since every word you can think of can trigger a host of associations in
your mind, creativity is encouraged. One person may be able to generate one set
of relationships between concepts using one key central idea, while another
person could produce another set of relationships between concepts using the
same key central idea. It is possible for just one word/term/concept/idea to be
related to many others. Mind maps help us look for different and creative ways
that ideas are related to one another within our minds. If you are persistent
enough, you may be able to come up with a unique combination of relationships
of ideas that may translate into a new product or service.
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The nice thing about mind maps is that drawing your ideas in the form of
keywords or symbols is a faster process compared to laboriously writing down
lines of notes. Associations may also be created more quickly if you use
keywords or symbols.
Relying on keywords during note-taking can reduce the amount of
unnecessary notes by 90%. This boosts your effective writing/note-taking speed
by up to 10 times its present level. You may improve your keyword writing speed
even further if you develop the ability to abbreviate them. One of the best ways to
do this is to eliminate vowels from the keywords as you write them. The eye has
the ability to discern what words mean even without the appropriate vowels.
Mind maps take up less space than linear note-taking so they are more
compact (but not less effective.) If you want to add more ideas to your mind map
in the future, this is easily accomplished. Information is less arduous to
summarize, especially if you gleaned data from different research sources.
List-style notes take a longer time to read and review, compared to
checking out our mind map with just one glance. Furthermore, line-by-line notes
are tedious to read which may induce our mind to wander and eventually forget
what we have just read.

Having an Overview of the Subject at a Glance
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Mind maps take advantage of the human minds ability to scan an entire
page of information in a non-linear manner. This means that you are also able to
view the entire series of relationships between ideas with just one look, which
eases the cognitive load on your mind, and enables you to have a quick overview
of the subject.
Presenting the mind map to other people helps them to see where the
flow of your thoughts is headed and how ideas are associated in your mind.
When you need to review the subject tackled in the mind map, all you have to do
is glance at it it will immediately refresh your memory.

Emphasizing Associations
Mind maps were developed based on the human minds special way of
relating thoughts to each other. A linear way of note-taking, according to Tony
Buzan, actually limits creativity and memory since there is little leeway for the
brain to create associations about ideas. In addition, using line-by-line or list-style
notes trains the brain to think that there is a limit to the links between ideas that
once the reader comes to the end of the list, he has finished. Buzan says this
dulls the thinking process. In reality, links between ideas go on infinitely in our
minds. Line-by-line note-taking is also deemed less effective than mind mapping
because we often include superfluous words in addition to keywords in each line.
When we are writing down such long phrases and sentences, we may lose out
on other important keywords and ideas being presented (particularly if we are
listening to a speech.) The other aspect of Radiant Thinking is its use of
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keywords that are connected to the key central idea we thought of. Research
headed by Dr. Gordon Howe of Exeter University showed that note-taking
improves when there are keywords, and the fewer keywords used the better it is
for retention of information. A keyword is defined as a term which encompasses
the most relevant meaning in the most direct way. It is also the term which
provides the fastest recall for the person taking notes. Out of the masses of
words which we see, speak and hear, keywords make up just 1% to 10% of that.

Improved Learning and Memory
Can mind mapping help one to study better? Tony Buzan believes so. The
problem with formal education is that we gain content from it, not the process of
learning. Buzan claims that his Mind Mapping technique will help users tap into
the full range of their intelligence, enhance thinking skills, and significantly add to
our memory and creative abilities.
Linking means that you remember better those things which are
interrelated compared to those which are not connected in any way. You can
prove this to yourself how many times does the right idea crop up in your
mind? Doesnt it usually pop up when you bump into something that is related to
that concept? For example, you could be trying to remember where you placed
your car keys you just know you had them with you when you parked the car
last night. So you pat down the pants you are wearing today and suddenly you
remember your car keys are in the pockets of the pants you were wearing
yesterday. You just had to make the right connection so you could remember.
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Linking is obviously valuable for comprehension and understanding,
particularly when used during note-making and mapping out your study activities.
You can improve your learning if you deliberately search for ways that different
topics are interrelated. This is profoundly demonstrated by mind mapping, where
each idea is connected to another by a line, a color, or a symbol.
The effectiveness of mind maps stems from their function as spatial
structure mnemonics. That means that your mind remembers where each idea
was placed within the mind map. The shape and the structure of the mind map
act as visual cues to trigger memory about the location of the idea.
Contrary to what some people might think, mind maps do not eliminate the
value of any note-taking processes which you might be using right now. When
used in tandem with the note-taking systems you are used to, mind maps will
most likely add to their value by enhancing their effectiveness. For example, if
you are used to writing down notes line-by-line, a mind map can complement this
style by helping you to see how the ideas all relate to one another.

However, some academic researchers dispute Buzans claims as being
mere marketing hype to promote his Mind Maps consultation business. These
claims, the academics state, are founded on misconceptions about the brain and
cerebral hemispheres. Mind mapping, they say, may not be applied with equal
rates of effectiveness to all learning tasks. Farrand, Hussain and Hennessy
showed in their 2002 study that undergraduate students who used the mind map
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technique experienced a limited but noteworthy effect solely for recall (equal to
10% over baseline per 600-word text) while preferred study techniques only
displayed a -6% hike from the baseline. Such an advantage by the mind map
users remained strong only for the first week, after which the students were
considerably less motivated to use the technique, as opposed to employing their
preferred note-taking strategies. The researchers proposed that learners opt for
other techniques since they were not used to using mind maps. They also said
that learners were not very eager to use mind maps despite their being
categorized as a memory enhancing method.
Another study done by Pressley, VanEtten, Yokoi, Freebern, and
VanMeter revealed that learners absorbed data better when they emphasized
soaking up content rather than trying to find a particular style of note-taking that

Mind mapping can have its drawbacks. As the above studies show, its not
easy to change your ways of doing things, and changing form the linear system
that we have been taught to use since childhood to a very different way of writing
down notes requires a great effort that a lot of people are not ready to make.
In addition, when you approach a new subject, you may not have a clear
enough grasp of it to be able to organize your thoughts about it from the start. To
make a good mind map, you need to choose your main subject and the
subsidiary ideas around it, and the appropriate keywords. If youre not ready to
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do that, then linear note-taking might be more appropriate. Theres no reason
you cant transform them to a mind map later on.
With mind maps, everything is supposed to be contained on a single page,
but you dont necessarily know where a subject is going to take you and how
much space should be allotted to a particular sub-group. It can be irritating when
you want to add something to a category and there isnt enough space in that
part of the page.
Even though mind mapping is said to be more intuitive than linear note-
taking that is not entirely true. Its not just because we have always used the
linear method that we find it comfortable. Language is first and foremost auditory,
and writing is translating the auditory messages into a more permanent form.
Speaking is necessarily linear, and the linear writing method is the one that
comes closest to our way of speaking.

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Chapter Two

Buzans Mind Maps have seven key features, namely, Organization,
keywords, Association, Clustering, Visual Memory, Outstandingness, and
Conscious Involvement.
Here are some guidelines to creating your own personal Mind Map. First,
draw an image of your central key idea in the middle of a blank piece of paper.
Be sure to use 3 colors for this. You can use images, codes, symbols, and
dimensions throughout your Mind Map (when necessary.) From the central key
idea, you may radially link supporting ideas be sure that these are written with
upper or lower case letters on their own line branching out from the central key
idea. Central lines radiating from the central key idea must be thicker yet flowing
naturally to the supporting ideas where the lines become thinner. Each line
should allow enough space to print the supporting idea allocated for that space.
Colors are important though you may use them to highlight certain ideas as you
wish you are free to create your own color code as you make your mind map.
The important thing to remember is that you have to create associations as you
create the mind map: which color represents this concept? Does using upper-
case letters create focus on a supporting idea? Does one tree branch of
radiating lines display a clear relationship or set of ideas?
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Note-taking when listening to a speaker is different from note-taking when
reading a document or article. But the commonality between them is that you will
have to find out what the main theme is first, then jot down the keywords of that
main theme in the middle of the paper.
Keeping an ear or eye out for the sub-themes comes next. These sub-
themes may also be indicated through keywords, then linked to the main theme
by a line. Good keywords are generally nouns or action words that bring back
strong recall of the concept and its meaning. Supporting details may be inked in,
in areas near the sub-themes they are related to, then lines are drawn from these
supporting details to connect to the sub-themes. You may use polygons of any
sort (not just circles) drawn around the main theme and then the sub-themes to
set them apart from one another. You could also try numbering each tree
branch of information to further organize your thoughts.
You will find as you go along that you will be able to see, with one glance,
what the dominant ideas of the speech or article are. But do not think that the
ideas have to be confined to what the contents of the speech or article are. You
may opt to include any insights you have that cropped up in the course of the
study or work session. The advantage of this note-taking method is that it is
tailored to the needs of every person since each person has a unique way of
organizing his ideas. One persons mind map may be gibberish to another
Color coding when mind mapping can be done in three ways: by the
theme of your mind map, by the tree branch or area of relationship, by the
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source of your information, and by keywords. Color coding by theme acts like a
traffic sign informing you what that part of your mind map is generally about.
Color coding each tree branch denotes a specific relationship among ideas
included in the tree branch. Color coding each area of the mind map based on
where you derived the information also works well this is particularly applicable
to group work. Color coding keywords helps you zero in on important concepts
without disregarding minor details.
Color coding becomes easier if you have the right tools. These could be
colored pens, such as fine point felt-tipped markers, colored pencils (though
these may provide less clarity), watercolor pencils, watercolor brushes, and
perhaps even paper with different background hues. Some people prefer to
sketch their mind maps with sharpened graphite pencils first then color in the
appropriate areas later on. This technique is convenient when you want to erase
an idea or even a whole tree branch from the paper.
You can create a mind map using plain paper and differently-colored
pens. Or you can opt to use the different kinds of mind-mapping computer
software programs that are out on the market. Some people might find it easier to
take linear notes at the start, then translate these notes into mind maps later on
its up to you because mind mapping lends itself to each persons unique note-
taking style.
When you are creating the mind map, it is advisable to keep your writing
small since you will be attempting to place all your related ideas on one page.
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Remember that, essentially, there is no limit to how vast your mind map
can become. A sub-topic in the first mind map you create may become the
central key idea in the next mind map you draw. This is the beauty of mind
mapping relationships may go on as extensively as they exist in your mind.
Okay, so you drew a mind map, then put it away for awhile. Then you took
it out again and looked at it. Does it make sense to you? It should - because the
symbols and relationships which you integrated into it are those which have a
personal meaning to you. If you used keywords for your central key idea and the
sub-themes, all the better. Keywords are easier to remember than whole
sentences (which is why mind maps are believed to be superior to linear note-
taking.) Good keywords would be those which help you to recall meaning more
It is possible that in the course of drawing your mind map, you may have
repeated a keyword twice or several times. Examine this closely, then decide
whether you should use that keyword as the central key idea for a new mind
map. It is possible that the keyword may generate a whole host of related ideas
which can be organized in the following mind maps. If you are using your mind
map to brainstorm solutions to a problem, repeating a keyword is a positive sign
it could mean that you have discovered an appropriate solution.
It is important that you only place one keyword or term on one line
because every word and image can make you think of more than one possible
association. If you list just one keyword or term, it is possible to generate a lot of
ideas from it. It is also easier to remember.
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During the course of drawing your mind map, it is possible that you will run
out of details to add to it. Dont panic just add some lines (to the tree branch of
related ideas) that do not contain any information at all. You could take a break
during this time, perhaps do something else for awhile, then come back to the
task again. You may find that new associations grow in your mind when you do
this; you could jot them down later in those blank lines. By the way, there is no
such thing as stupid ideas when you are free-associating. An idea that seems
inane or dumb when you first think of it may seem like a truly creative, great
concept when you examine it later on.
Another thing that could happen is that you could think of a really fantastic
idea at inopportune times (like when youre taking a shower or driving your car.)
It helps to have a planner you could jot down such ideas in, to transfer them to
your mind map later on. What happened is that your mind was thinking of your
mind map even when you were doing something else then it came up with that
association which you simply had to write down. If paper is not at hand, try to
keep that ground-breaking thought in your mind until you can get to your mind
map. You really need to put down your brainchild on paper though think of it as
a brain purge. Otherwise, your conscience will nag you that you have thoughts
which need to be jotted down.

How to Read Someone Else's Mind Map
If you were to be given someone elses mind map, you might be confused
by the sheer amount of words on it. How does one read a mind map? Well, this is
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where the use of symbols, colors and conventions proves useful. The middle of
the page will contain a central key idea that is usually blocked off by a circle or
other polygon. This central key idea (if it follows the Buzan ideal) will use 3
colors. Look around the central key idea and you will find other sets of keywords
that may also have been set apart from the rest of the mind map through such
conventions as use of different colors or other shapes. These are the sub-topics
of the central key idea you know this is so because they should be connected
to the central key idea through lines (preferably relatively thick ones). Then look
for other lines which are connected to these sub-topics again, if they follow
Buzans rules, the words connected to these lines are sub-sub-topics because
they are linked by thinner lines than the sub-topics. Buzan advocates that the
flow of the lines and keywords should be counter-clockwise which is why some
people opt to put numbers at each tree branch so that people will know which
sub-topic comes first.
By the way, it is not recommended that you show your unfinished mind
maps to other people most likely they will not understand the flow of your
thinking and will just get confused as to where your thoughts are headed. Show
the finished results of the work, not the unfinished mind maps.

The Need to Practice
At the start, mind mapping requires practice. But those who master the art
of mind mapping eventually find that more information is absorbed and recalled
in proportion to the effort required to do the mind mapping.
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Buzan advocates that people trying out mind mapping should do up to 100
mind maps before they can become comfortable with the tool whether it is
applied for note-taking, planning, organizing, or simply jotting down ones
thoughts and feelings. One persistent user of hand-drawn mind maps believes
that it is advantageous for mind mappers to create at least one mind map every
month regularly. He feels that mind mappers will eventually want to use larger
and larger pieces of paper as the relationships between their ideas expand.

The Importance of Colors
When you communicate, only 7% of the meaning is conveyed to the brain
through words. Your mind relies more on visual cues. So, visual elements like
shape and color enhance the process of communication. Color definitely has an
impact on mood and behavior.
Usually, line-by-line note-taking only relies on two colors black (the color
of your pen) and white (the color of your paper.) The use of these two colors in
combination has a hypnotic effect on the viewer which may explain why so
many people fall asleep reading or are lulled into a trance-like state in a
classroom. The writer Ronald E. Green, in The Persuasive Properties of Color
revealed that colorful visual aids make readers more eager to read and willing to
participate by an amazing 80%. Companies that stress color as a key feature in
their products really know something then not only can they sell their products
better but color really works at imparting knowledge better. J an V. White of Color
for Impact noted that presentations which incorporate color are actually 60%
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more simple to view. In addition, White said such presentations cut down on
search time by 80%, boost attention span by 82%, and enhance comprehension
by 70%. White further stressed that color in presentations improves recall by
60% and brand recognition by 70%.
If you have ever looked at the weather map in the newspaper or displayed
on the evening news on TV, you will notice that it is colored in different parts to
show the differences in the weather in various parts of the country. It is definitely
easier to look at and understand than a black and white map, isnt it? This is an
application of the same principle in mind mapping: color is the lifeblood of visual
When you make a presentation, such as a mind map, your audience will
form a lasting impression within the first 90 seconds. In that time, color will help
determine by 60% whether your audience will reject what you have to say or be
willing to accept the content. If you use mostly loud colors, it makes you seem
like you are trying too hard thus undermining your authority as a speaker.
Having poor color sense gives the impression that your IQ is much lower than it
really is. Thus, if you are going to present your mind map to a group, make sure
that it is both intelligent and attractive to look at.

Are Hand-Drawn Mind Maps Superior to Computerized Ones?
This boils down to personal preferences. Some people swear by hand-
drawn mind maps; others believe computerized mind maps made with the help of
specialized software are better. One user engaged in business still likes to use
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hand-drawn mind maps but opts for the computer software version when he has
to create a mind map that will be shared with other people, or has to be
continuously amended and updated over time. Computer software mind map
programs are called graphical information organizers, or software that falls
under graphical organization of information networks.
Tony Buzan himself at first did not consider most mind mapping software
out in the market to be part of the mind mapping technique he devoted himself
to the application of mind maps for learning (such as for studying in college.) But
now he has also come out with his own personal mind mapping software the
iMindMap program.
Computer software does pose some benefits for mind mappers. One, the
map can be quite large, if you wish. With a paper mind map, you are limited by
the size of the paper. The software could feature pre-set symbols (as opposed to
you inventing symbols of your own.) You can also change the organization of
your mind map even after it has been drawn. Web or desktop files can be linked
to map nodes. You can email the map to other people or simply post it on your
website. There are map templates available nowadays which you could use if
you dont want to start from scratch. A mind map made with software can feature
as high a level of detail as you wish. If you create a large map, you can search it.
With all these advantages, the popularity of mind mapping software has definitely
risen one estimate is that 60,000 people per month try out the mind mapping
software sites.
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Tony Buzan markets his own software product as THE one program that
can duplicate the effectiveness of the traditional hand-drawn mind maps. Its key
features (according to Buzan) are: unlimited visual variety, portability, freedom,
brain friendliness, and effectiveness. But if you want to explore other
possibilities, Wilipedia has a list of 61 programs besides Buzan's here:

The Importance of Listening
Bad listening habits are observed by people around us on a daily basis
and even we may be guilty of practicing them as well. When we listen to a
speaker, do we often reject the subject out of hand as being not interesting
enough? Or do we pass judgement on the speaker based on his mannerisms or
delivery, thus not paying attention to the content of his speech? On the other
hand, we might get too carried away by the topic of the speech and fail to be
critical listeners. Do we listen mainly for facts, or do we predominantly look for
testimonials or even entertainment instead? Do we attempt to outline the entire
content of the speech? Are we just pretending to pay attention to the speaker?
Do we permit distractions to prevent us from listening? Do we dodge difficult
portions of the speech? Do highly emotional trigger words have the ability to
agitate us to the point that we become very hostile? And do we just daydream
throughout the speech, wasting both our time and that of the speakers?
Bad habits such as these prevent us from taking advantage of someones
efforts to communicate to us. And bad listening habits are also responsible for
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creating terrible mind maps. How can you create a mind map that makes sense
to you if you were not able to listen to the flow of the speakers ideas? How can
you know where one idea links up with another to form a certain relationship if
you fail to listen well? And if you do not know how to listen well, how can you
learn to communicate the same ideas to other people when they ask you about
A mind map is only as good as the creators ability to form relationships
between concepts. To understand relationships between concepts, you have to
listen closely and find out where one relationship ends and another begins. And
to become a good speaker yourself, you must first be able to listen to how the
source of your knowledge imparted his ideas then attempt to replicate the
process. And part of replicating that process is creating a good mind map on
which you can base your own presentation.

The ARCURRC Model of Listening
Buzan outlines the steps of the listening process in his ARCURRC model.
Looking through this model allows you to zero in on any of the steps that you
may be deficient in or experiencing problems in so that you can attempt to
improve your listening habits. The ARCURRC model is broken down into seven
steps, namely: Assimilation, Recognition, Comprehension, Understanding,
Retention, Recall, and Communication (or Use.)
Assimilation pertains to the joint physical capacity of your ears and your
brain to hear and grasp the sounds in your environment. If you feel that you
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might have a problem with assimilation, it might help if you were to undergo a
thorough hearing exam to rule out problems with your hearing. Even people who
have no doubts about their ability to hear and grasp sounds might find it
beneficial to have such an exam done since they would then definitely know if
they are at the normal level and if they can surpass that level.
Recognition talks about the capacity of your mind to decode sounds and
their meaning which has been received by your ears. It gives a base level at
which your mind can identify a particular sound as being caused by a certain
object such as words coming from a person, music coming from a radio, or the
sound of an engine being revved up. Recognition is an ability we develop quite
quickly in early childhood but that we may fail to practice as we grow up because
we tend to tune out background sounds. You can keep your power of
recognition if you keep trying to identify the source and nuances of different
sounds practice makes perfect.
Comprehension is the capacity of your mind to precisely interpret the
information that is fed to it. Some people might have a problem with the internal
structures connecting their hearing apparatus to their brain, which would explain
why they find it hard to comprehend sounds and their meaning. It could also be
traced to a problem within the brain itself. This would require a diagnosis by a
Understanding is concerned with the ability of your mind to form a
relationship between information that has undergone assimilation, recognition
and comprehension to previously-absorbed knowledge that is now stored in its
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memory banks. Good listeners try to continuously stay alert about their level of
understanding and improve on this skill.
Retention indicates the capacity of your brain to keep previously-heard
knowledge in its memory banks. If you find it hard to retain information, you might
want to work on your capacity to understand. This would entail structuring and
restructuring concepts as they are being communicated to you. In the end, you
will be able to find it easier to store information in your memory or improve your
Recall is also an aspect of memory, as we previously mentioned, and
represents the capacity of your mind to draw out stored knowledge from its
memory banks. You improve recall by structuring ideas in better ways as you
absorb them, just like when you want to improve retention.
The last phase of the listening process is Communication, or Use. In this
stage, the information which you have assimilated, recognized, comprehended,
understood and retained is then recalled and may be employed for delivering
your own message to other people. You communicate with other people either
through spoken, written, or representational means. If you want to talk to yourself
- yes, this is also Communication you simply think. A good listener can
eventually become a good communicator to other people as well.
As we said before, it is important to have good listening skills if you want
to produce good mind maps. A good listener is able to absorb the content of a
speakers message more effectively, can comprehend such ideas better, and is
in a better position to create a good mind map since he knows how the different
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ideas are interrelated to one another based on the speakers presentation and on
how he connects the speakers ideas to the knowledge in his own memory. The
mind map that results from this will make more sense not only to the person
creating it but also to the people who will have a chance to look at it.

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Chapter Three

All people have to take notes at some point in their life. Even a housewife
is required to note down what she needs before she goes to the store for a
shopping trip. More so for a white-collar worker who has to attend many
seminars and conferences as part of his work. Whatever your occupation, note-
taking is probably an indispensable aspect of your job.
Mind maps were initially created to aid learners who take down notes for
school. So mind mapping definitely aids in note-taking. As far as learning is
concerned, mind mapping should not be used because it is a better way of
learning. It should be employed because it complements and enhances other
learning methods. A college student who employs both mind maps and line-by-
line note-taking is making the most of both styles of note-taking. (He might also
choose to focus on mind maps alone if he feels that this style helps him retain
more content in a more effective fashion.) An instructor who presents his lecture
with the aid of a giant mind map is backing up his oral abilities with the
effectiveness of a visual aid.

Making Plans
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The mind map is not a plan but you can create a plan using a mind map.
When you are developing a plan, make sure to group certain tree branches
together (it helps to number these too.) This guarantees that the steps of your
plan are interrelated. Your vision and mission statement could be formed through
mind mapping. This allows employees, investors, management, and customers
to figure out the function of the organization, as well as their roles within the
organization. This is especially true now that various kinds of thinking have been
identified: analyzing, decision making, critical thinking, strategic thinking and
creative thinking. It is important because organizations are now facing waves of
change and innovation that produce new sets of problems each of which is a
challenge in itself for the organization to face requiring that members of the
organization possess a greater ability to comprehend, visualize, interpret and
share concepts.
Planning has also become a challenge because our time and energy is
limited. Mind mapping helps us improve on managing what time and energy we
have more effectively. It also assists us in efforts to organize various aspects of
our lives we are able to start, then see projects through to the end.

Mind mapping is great for brainstorming during meetings. Though each
person can create a unique mind map, it is possible for groups to mind map
together. In group mind mapping, each person is allowed to post sub-ideas to the
key ideas of the group no one is vetoed. In the end, this allows more
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associations to be formed about a central key idea. The agenda could be
developed in the form of a mind map, while action ideas can be listed down
separately this immediately gives you a roster of things to do and minutes of
the meeting. Leaders of organizations now realize that idea generation and
management may be crucial for the survival of the group in todays society.
Mind maps have been found to be applicable for brainstorming and
visualizing ideas, as well as creating a structure for such concepts so they can be
classified. The lines radiating out from a central key idea help to focus on the
semantic relationship of the ideas (indicating the links between meanings of the
words or symbols used.) Brainstorming is encouraged because the connections
between ideas are displayed in a radial non-linear fashion as a diagram this
can be applied to all organizational tasks. A tree branch of lines drawn in a
segment of the paper indicates that the ideas presented are closely related to
one another. The key advantage of a mind map is that memory recall becomes
easier because the semantic connection between bits and pieces of information
is graphically displayed in a uniform manner.

Group Mind Mapping
Similar to brainstorming, group mind mapping is often done during training
workshops and seminars. It can be applied for strategic analysis, also known by
the acronym S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.) It
may be used in marketing for creating a marketing plan and product analysis; or
generating creative ideas for promotional purposes; or combining analysis about
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markets and competitors. When determining an organizations performance,
group mind mapping can help in finding areas to cut costs or increase revenues,
re-engineering a process or envisioning areas of improvement (whether this is at
the level of departments, subsidiaries or entire organizations). Groups will also
find it easier to come up with solutions to setbacks, particularly if they are quite
complex problems.
The obvious advantage of group mind mapping is like that of collaborative
writing the group gets to harness the brain power of more than one person.
This is why some computer software developers have come up with mind
mapping software that accommodates the input of more than one user. They
realize that, more often than not, employees of any kind of organization are going
to have to put their heads together and work together on a project. Some
computerized mind maps can be created individually, then shared with other
people on the same computer network. Others allow different people to work
together on the same mind map file.
But even if you dont have mind mapping software conveniently installed
on your PC, group mind mapping can still be done. You could try using a very
large whiteboard installed in your office conference room and pens of different
colors. Or, if your office does not have a whiteboard handy, you could buy very
large-sized blank manila paper and tape the corners to a wall. You could also
use small post-it notes to attach ideas to the huge group mind map you are
creating. These post-it notes are quite versatile; if you change your mind about
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where the idea on the post-it should go, you can easily remove and stick it
somewhere else on the mind map.
Collaborative writing is another interesting use of mind mapping to help
joint authors in their writing.
Collaborative writing has its advantages and disadvantages. The obvious
advantage is that when more than one mind is at work on an article, more than
one persons skills are brought to the project. Each person has his own unique
point of view, experiences, and educational background, so this makes for a rich
brew to dip into. However, the disadvantage of having more than one author for a
book or article is that sparks can fly between the authors. Each person may
believe he has ideas and a style of writing that is superior to that of the other/s.
Writing, after all, is a highly personal journey into ones mind one person may
resent the intrusiveness of having to collaborate with another person. Mind
mapping can help in this regard, provided that each participant respects and
trusts his partner or partners.
How can mind mapping help in a collaborative writing project? Simply put,
each author can create an individual mind map to brainstorm for ideas.
Afterwards, the partners can put their individual ideas together on a larger, more
comprehensive mind map. There should be room for each author to voice his
opinions so that this bigger mind map can encompass all their ideas. Since more
ideas are produced this way (as opposed to having just one author brainstorming
on his own), the project promises to be richer and more fulfilling. There are fewer
disputes when the bigger mind map is finally viewed since each participant is
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able to see how another persons ideas will complement his own. The final
product will thus encompass everyones point of view without losing focus.

Problem Resolution
Mind mapping is also useful for problem resolution since the readers are
able to improve their understanding of the scope, background and nature of the
problem. Problems can be resolved when participants are able to look closely at
what facts, environments, assumptions and opinions contribute to its root causes.
They may then try to come up with ways to reach an ideal solution which is
effective, ecological and good in the long-term.

Using Mind Maps for Presentations
Another application of mind maps is when they are used as presentations
to groups. You will first of all find it easier to do research and prepare them using
mind maps. And your audience will be able to follow your presentation closely
and you will have an easier time making it because you can pace your speech,
you can refer to the mind map when you wish, and you will find yourself more
comfortable and relaxed.
Teachers can also use mind maps when educating students. New
concepts can be defined with clarity. The instructor can also rely on mind maps
for covering new material in lessons and courses. This is particularly applicable
since there is an explosion of knowledge in the world from books, magazines,
newspapers, journals, and websites which we may need to absorb quickly and
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accurately. Even the smartest person will find the tasks of absorbing,
summarizing, and deciphering the meaning of all this information to be daunting
without the proper techniques.

Mind Maps as Learning Tools
Of course, mind maps are popularly known as learning tools. You can use
them to summarize the results of research, boost exam preparation efforts by
improving recall, and allow you to review past material well since you are able to
link ideas together while seeing the big picture. More specifically, mind maps are
applicable for lifelong learning. This means you can use them whether you are in
elementary, high school, or college as well as when you are trying to stay on
track of your career by keeping track of developments in your field of
specialization. Mind maps need not be devoted solely to serious pursuits either
you can use them in your leisure moments, such as when you are pursuing a

Using Mind Mapping to Estimate Project Time
Whether you are a student tasked with allocating time for a research
paper, or an employee who has been delegated the job of estimating the
schedule for a project, you can definitely benefit from the mind mapping
technique when trying to estimate project time. How? Well, what is common
between the two scenarios is that planning for a paper or a project will both
require you to know the TASKS to be done and the TIME it will take for you to
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accomplish each task. The employee might differ from the student in that he will
also have to figure out WHO has to do each task for the entire project as well.
But mind mapping will still work anyway.
Let us take the first job which is figuring out what tasks have to be done.
As usual, you start with a key central idea. If you are a student, this could be the
main topic assigned to you by your instructor like The Differences between
Monotheistic Religions of the World. If you are an employee, this would be the
project title possibly Installing a Computer Network for Company ABC. Then,
having put that down, you start free-associating on all possible ideas that the
subject brings to mind. Bear in mind that at this point there is no right or wrong
idea you are simply trying to generate ideas.
After you have jotted down all the possible ideas that you can think of in
the tree branch where they belong, you are ready to create a list of tasks that
have to be done. Each tree branch of ideas will help you narrow down the
appropriate task that goes with it. For example, for The Differences Between
Monotheistic Religions of the World, you might have written down J udaism and
Christianity. Your task for J udaism then is to list all the features of that religion
which make it monotheistic. Same goes for Christianity you will also have to
write down what are the traits of Christianity that would make you classify it as
monotheistic. See how easy it is? You now have your first task. Each set of ideas
that fall under each religion will help you decide which task comes next. You
might disagree and say that determining the features of each religion should not
be the first task that is also possible. With mind mapping, remember that each
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person might think of different associations for each idea so it is possible that you
could come up with a completely different set of tasks. Its your call.
The next job at hand is to determine the time it will take you to finish each
task. You do not have to be 100% precise at this, just give a ballpark figure as to
how much time you need for every task. Obviously, not having done the task yet,
you do not know the exact time you require. But giving a ballpark figure allows
you to budget your time accordingly instead of being on floating status. It
breaks the paralysis that comes when you panic and try to be 100% accurate at
this stage.
Let us examine the case of Installing a Computer Network for Company
ABC. If you listed the following tasks:
Ask for clients specifications for computer network.
Canvass prices of appropriate personal computer models at computer
Submit estimated cost of personal computers to client.
Then you may start estimating how much time each of these three tasks
would require to be accomplished. The first one might just take one day of
meetings with the client. The second one could take a little longer since you
would have to talk with the sales representatives of computer stores about their
personal computer models. The last one might also take you an entire day of
meetings with the client since he would have to consider your proposal closely
before coming to a decision. Note that each task might possibly require more
time than you initially budgeted for it. So integrate buffer time into your estimate
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adding more time to accomplish each task so you have leeway to work without
the stress of an imminent deadline making your work harder.
The last job for the above employee is delegating each task to the
appropriate person on the project team. For example, as far as asking for
clients specifications for computer network is concerned, that could be assigned
to Employee X. Canvassing prices of appropriate personal computer models at
computer stores would be designated as Employee Ys job. And to submit
estimated cost of personal computers to client - that might be given to Employee
X to do. Another possibility is that one person could do all three jobs you will
have to figure out whether delegating the tasks would make the project proceed
more efficiently or not.
Do you see now how mind mapping can help you at each stage of your
work? At each stage, creating a mind map can bring out a host of ideas which
would be applicable. After you produce your mind map, you can then list the
relevant ideas using a linear method (i.e. as Task #1, Task #2, and Task #3.)
When you have narrowed down the details of your work, you can then put the
relevant ideas in the format appropriate for your work. If it is a research paper,
use the format recommended or desired by your instructor. If it is a project
estimate, there is also a format that would best appeal to the client.

An Unusual Application of Mind Maps: Using Mind Maps for Preaching
One pastor at Fellowship Church - Pastor Ed Young, J r. is known for
delivering great sermons. He has been able to produce nearly 1,000 messages
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in 15 years of preaching at this church all through applying the technique of
mind mapping. Since the mind is believed to see things in clockwise fashion, Ed
uses a legal-sized piece of paper where he attaches message notes in a
clockwise direction (using both the front and back of the legal-sized paper.) At
the start of his career, Ed would take time out to jot down, color code, and
illustrate his ideas on the mind map by hand. In time, he has become more
dependent on a computer template to create his mind map for each sermon. But
even on these computerized mind maps he has opted to keep color coding the
key words, illustrations and transitional words that he needs in order to keep
track of the flow of his sermon. Ed also keeps integrating handwritten notes into
these mind maps when he needs to remember something or change something
at the last minute. Ed does not memorize his sermons rather, he focuses on
being familiar with the whole content. This leaves him free to expound on certain
ideas during the sermon itself when he feels it is necessary.

Creating an Essay Using a Mind Map
Everyone who has gone through formal education has had to create an
essay at one time or another. Essays are considered important by instructors
since they help in assessing how much content about a subject has been
absorbed by the learner, as well as finding out how individual facts are
interconnected in the mind of the student. But not everyone knows how to create
an essay the right way. Most people just start writing sentence after sentence
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then they wonder why their instructor marks their essay as being disorganized
or haphazardly done.
The Buzan Study Skills Handbook gives instructions on how to write an
essay using a mind map. You could try using these steps when you are writing
an essay at home or during an exam. First, make a mind map which
encompasses the necessary sub-topics of your subject. Of course, it is
understood that there should be a central image forming your central key idea
your subject. Then, pay attention to what the subject theme or question is
demanding of you this will give you ideas as to what the next branches of your
mind map should be about. Each tree branch or relationship of ideas is called a
Basic Ordering Idea by Buzan. At this point, you may opt to free-associate as to
what keywords (or sub-branches) you should attach to each Basic Ordering Idea.
Using different colors will help you organize these details. Next, take some time
to rest then re-examine your mind map Do you need to re-organize it? Should
you add or remove individual details or whole tree branches altogether? Feel
free to draw another version of your mind map, if necessary. Now you are ready
to write the first draft of your essay, based on the way your mind map is
organized. Make sure to write it fast, and dont dawdle over any difficult portions
the important thing is to maintain the flow of thought. Then take another look at
your mind map and do another draft of your essay this time you can place
cross-references, add quotations or more facts if you feel this will make your
essay richer, and change or add to your conclusions where needed. Now, what
do you know? You have just created an essay using a mind map!
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Enjoying Literature and Drama through Mind Mapping
Do you ever wish you could enjoy works of literature more? Or would you
like to go to the theater and improve your comprehension of the plot of the play
you are watching? Perhaps you have seen a wonderful movie but wish you could
tell the story to your friends in your own words afterwards. Whichever of these
three is true in your case, it is possible through mind mapping.
If you were to read the written work of a master novelist or playwright, the
test of your level of comprehension is whether you can tell the same story to
another person without losing key concepts in the process. You need a mind
map for this. This is not an easy task if you were to read the entire book at one
sitting then attempt to create a mind map. Try doing it in bits and pieces read
one chapter first, internalize the story, then create a mind map of it. You may find
that your ability to be a storyteller improves as you keep at it. The mind map
helps you by creating a graphical visualization of the storyline isnt this easier
than memorizing whole paragraphs out of the book? Be patient and you will
eventually be able to finish an entire book this way.
What about watching a play? This is simpler than reading because you
only have to open your eyes, ears and other senses to gain valuable impressions
of the play you are watching. What costumes are the characters wearing? How
strong is the lighting in certain parts of the stage? What color schemes seem to
dominate the background during particular portions of the play? These visual
cues, in tandem with good listening skills, allow you to recall the play as it was
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portrayed by the actors. If you attempt to recall the story of the play afterwards as
you develop a mind map, these visual inferences will prove crucial.
The same techniques for observation which you use for recalling a play
will also help you when you watch a movie. Listen carefully to the dialogue but
also keep an eye out for crucial visual impressions. The scenery is one valuable
aspect of a movie which you can examine. What country is the story being
played out in? Does this have an impact on the storyline? You could also look at
the clothes of the characters not just the lead actors and actresses but the
extras as well. What period of history are they attempting to portray? Also, does
the director like to use creative color cues in the background lighting to show
changes in the storyline or mood? All these (and more) will prove important to
you when you eventually create a mind map.
For aficionados of the theater and film, you will find that the use of color
has a corresponding impact on your emotions. This is why directors of both plays
and movies are often experts in the use of color even down to the facial make-
up of their actors and actresses.
If you rely on mind mapping to recall great works of literature, theater and
film, you will not only become a more well-rounded person, but you will be able to
keep enjoying way into the future what you experienced in the past.

Mind Mapping for Children
There is a growing movement nowadays among educators who are
familiar with the benefits of mind mapping, to try to apply it to educating children.
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Is this advisable? Michael Tipper is a speed-reading instructor who also teaches
mind mapping to children. He says that the approach of the teacher should be
based on the age and maturity of the student because a child who is too young
or not mature enough will be bored by mind mapping and will not be able to
grasp the process.
Tipper himself does not inform the children he teaches that they are going
to learn about mind mapping itself. Rather, he will tell the children that they will
learn about a particular topic that is easy for them to grasp say, a farm. He will
use a very large piece of paper, then ask the children to draw a picture of a farm.
This picture of a farm acts as the mind maps key central idea.
Tipper then asks the children to name the things which they think belong
on a farm. He makes it a point to encourage the children to use generic words to
label those things such as Machinery, Barns, Fences, Animals and the like.
Tipper draws lines from the key central idea Farm on which he gets the
children to draw the images of the things that belong on a farm. These things
make up the keywords of sub-topics.
Under each sub-topic, Tipper will then draw more lines to reflect the
supporting details. He will then pull the children further into the mind mapping
process by asking them leading questions for example, for a sub-topic dubbed
Animals, Tipper would ask the children what kind of animals can be found on a
farm. The children might say Chickens, Cows, Dogs, Cats, Ducks and so on and
so forth. He would then ask the children again either to draw images of such
animals or to look for pictures in magazines.
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Tipper notes that children do not usually follow the logical approach of
mind mapping that is geared for adults. The mind map that results from Tippers
approach to teaching children is one that is composed mainly of pictures. This is
appropriate for encouraging children to become creative and spontaneous.
Tipper discourages linear approaches to teaching children since the childs ability
to express himself may be stifled instead. Tippers approach is also useful for
encouraging children to work in groups one group could be responsible for one
branch of information while the other groups work on the other branches of
The advantage of using mind maps when teaching children is that they
think this way makes sense and makes it fun to go through lessons. After a mind
mapping session, ask one of the children who participated what the lesson was
about he will then think of the mind map that was created and be able to
describe to you in his own words what the teacher taught them that day. If the
children who participate in mind mapping are just learning how to read, the
teacher could paste on the mind map the names of the things in the pictures
using large letters. The children would then be able to relate the picture to the
word pasted beside it.

Speed Reading and Mind Mapping
The skill of speed-reading came into being at the start of the 20th century.
It became necessary because the influx of publications of every sort into the
public consciousness made up a deluge of information that people found hard to
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cope with when they adhered to normal reading rates. So speed-reading was
According to speed reading instructor Michael Tipper, most people who
are not trained in speed-reading read at the speed of 200 words per minute.
These same people believe that this is the normal pace they should be reading at
because most of the people around them also maintain the same speed. Tipper
states, though, that it is possible for most people to increase their reading speed
to much faster rates essentially to become speed readers, and even to
eventually reach the ability to read 1000 words per minute. This is what he claims
on his site at: http://www.michaelonspeedreading.com/. And he says he has the
confidence to predict that because he has taught speed reading to over 70,000
Now you may be wondering what speed reading has to do with mind
mapping. Well, to start with, both tasks require you to use your eyes and your
mind at the same time. When you learn to speed read, a speed reading machine
will guide your eyes down the page at faster and faster rates until you reach your
maximum reading speed. You are then required to take a quiz on what you just
read to see how much information you have retained. Mind mapping can also be
used by a speed reader to note down what information he can recall from what
he just read. The difference between the quiz and the mind map is that the quiz
takes a line-by-line format; the mind map, on the other hand, allows you to keep
adding ideas that you recall from the reading material infinitely (at least, until
you run out of paper to draw on) in ways that you prefer. A quiz asks for written
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words. A mind map lets you doodle and sketch in symbols for your ideas, if you
believe that will help you recall and retain the information better.
If you learn to speed read, you will find that it will aid you in your mind
mapping. You will absorb information at a faster rate then you can use mind
mapping as a complement to speed reading as a learning style. Drawing on a
mind map may help you to express ideas you initially read as words at a faster
clip. Not only will you comprehend information fast while speed reading, but you
can check how much you actually retained in your mind by mind mapping. Thats
how it works.
Reading fast does not necessarily mean you are doing speed-reading.
You might be reading fast but not absorbing the information your eyes are
simply darting from word to word, but nothing is entering your head. A quick
attempt at a mind map will reveal if this is true. Genuine speed reading means
that you are able to pick up meaning along the way. Again, if you are practicing
real speed-reading, you can test yourself with a mind map. For example, try mind
mapping what you have just read in this document so far. Remember anything?
Thats how you will know through a mind map.
You may attempt to read faster by yourself if you motivate yourself to read
two or more words at a glance and try to limit the number of times your eyes
regress, look back over past words, or wander off to other sentences. You could
also use a visual guide, or a pointer, to hasten the speed at which your eyes read
words. Basically, a visual guide such as your own finger helps you to see just
where you are in the sentence. Your finger acts as an accurate reference point
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for your eyes. Other visual guides commonly used are pens and pencils; some
people like to use cards but the finger, pens and pencils are better because they
allow you to focus on reading from left to right horizontally a card just shows
one line of words. To use a visual guide most effectively, keep its point trained
just underneath the particular words you are reading. Move it along the sentence
smoothly and regularly this permits your eyes to select the right groups of
words to look at. Speed-reading will occur when you practice moving the visual
guide at speeds that go a little faster at every training session. In response, your
mind will cope by concentrating more and improving its level of comprehension in
tandem with the speed.
Tony Buzan also developed a speed reading technique, in addition to the
mind mapping method. This technique is known as the Tony Buzan Mind Map
Organic Study Technique. You start off by browsing through the reading material
for around 10 minutes. This allows you to get an idea as to how the ideas are
organized if the reading material is a book, find out whether it employs
summaries before each chapter, or graphics, descriptive headings, or lists to
make the information easier to absorb. Next step (which should take around 5
minutes) is to apportion the time you will use to read each portion of the reading
material Buzan recommends breaking up your reading time into 20-50 minute
segments, with a 10-minute break in between segments. Having browsed
through the book, do a fast mind map (around two minutes) of what you
understood. This allows you to keep the knowledge in context. The third step is
to create a new mind map this one will be about what questions you may have
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about the content, as well as your goals for reading in the first place. (Dont take
more than 10 minutes for this one.) This gives you an idea of when you have
read enough of the material and should stop. Take note that at this point you
have used around 30 minutes preparing to read the material. You might want to
rest or stretch for 10 minutes more before proceeding.
Another thing you should observe is that you dont need to follow the rest
of these steps for every kind of reading material we will indicate where each
step is applicable. Now, the step known as Overview can be used for any kind of
book because you will be looking for the major concepts of the book. Check out
any tables, lists, bold-face material, graphics, pictures, and headlines which help
you to find that out. You will observe again that this step alone will allow you to
draw a central key idea, as well as the first level of sub-topic tree branches, for
your third mind map. In fact, you might see that this is all that you really need and
may want to stop here. If not, proceed to the next step which is called Preview.
Here you will be required to practice selective reading namely, which parts of
the book are not clear to you after doing the Overview? You do Preview by
perusing the first sentence of every paragraph as well as chapter summaries.
This step allows you to spend time looking for information that is crucial to
helping you understand the reading material. Then get your third mind map and
add more tree branches of information to it. The step Buzan dubbed Inview
should be used only if there are difficult paragraphs, or portions, of books which
you feel are necessary to your comprehension. This step requires you to simply
read through the difficult parts which are stepping stones to your reading goals. If
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your reading goals dont require it, do not do the Inview step. However, the step
labeled Review is necessary for all types of reading material. This entails
redrawing the mind map again - purely from memory this time. Yes, we know,
this is your fourth mind map be patient with yourself. Actually, you need to put
this version of the mind map aside then attempt to draw a fifth version the
following day. You are then asked to compare Version #5 with your original mind
map Are they the same? Are they barely similar? Which mind map is more
The very last step is mandatory if the reading material is very important to
remember. You are required to draw a mind map of the same material after one
week, another mind map after a month, and a last mind map after a year. It is
further recommended that you share the information you learned with other
people this may even mean displaying your most recent mind map to them so
that you will reinforce the learning process.
Buzan also gives other tips that should help you in the task of speed-
1) Warm up your eyes for the task of reading at high speeds by allowing
them to take a quick glance throughout the reading material.
2) Make sure that the room you will be reading in is not too warm. The ideal
is to maintain a slightly cool room temperature that hovers from 16 to 18
degrees Celsius (or 68 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.)
3) Though we all like pleasant surroundings to read in, dont get too
comfortable or you will fall asleep. Also, maintain a reading area that is
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free from clutter that could distract you from your reading.
4) If you will be reading over long periods of time, try to take breaks when
you lift your eyes from looking at the surface of the page and instead
examine far-away objects. This allows your eye muscles to relax and rest,
preventing you from getting fatigued.
5) When you encounter something visually important (such as a graph,
photograph, or a page of print text), you may halt your reading, shut your
eyes, and try to visualize a mental reproduction of this important image.
This tip will aid your recall and hone your powers of imagination.
6) Keep a good posture, neither rigid nor tense but relatively upright. Also,
your eyes ought to be 15-24 inches away from the book.
Studying how to speed-read the right way will allow you to think faster
while becoming more creative, take better notes (your mind map will prove this),
find exams easier to take and pass, be more effective at studying, achieve higher
reading speeds and comprehension levels, recall practically anything you need
or want to remember, enhance the range of your vocabulary and intelligence,
increase your visual perception, be mentally aware, shave off seconds, minutes,
even hours from your total study time, and even eventually achieve reading
speeds of over 1,000-words per minute to around 10,000-words per minute.

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Chapter Four

Concept Mapping
A technique which is related to Mind Mapping (and is often confused with
it) is Concept Mapping. Mistaking Mind Mapping for Concept Mapping is easy
since both emphasize the visual format of spider diagrams whose ideas branch
out from one another. The basic difference, though, is that while a mind map is
founded on one key central idea on one paper, a concept map may feature
several key central ideas all located on the same piece of paper. Thus, the
appearance of a mind map takes the form of tree branches all connected to the
key central idea. A concept map, on the other hand, usually looks like a network
To make visualizing a concept map simpler, think of Concept Mapping as
a way of using downward-branching graphs to present knowledge. A knowledge
graph allows concepts to be networked together. Each network is made up of
nodes/points/or vertices where concepts can be labeled, which are connected
through links sometimes links are also labeled in some Concept Maps. A link
may be bi-, uni-, or non-directional. Both concepts and links can be categorized
or they could simply be associative. A link is responsible for showing the
relationship between different nodes or concepts.
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Concept Mapping is believed to have been developed by Prof. J oseph D.
Novak of Cornell University also during the 1960s, just like Buzans Mind
Mapping product. Novak founded his Concept Mapping technique on
Constructivist theories by David Ausubel who emphasized that pre-absorbed
knowledge is necessary for a person to comprehend new concepts. Thus, Novak
realized that learning becomes meaningful only when new ideas and
assumptions are integrated into the cognitive structures you already possess.
This led to Concept Mapping, which was initially aimed at making learning the
sciences more meaningful.
Concept Mapping is useful for brainstorming new ideas, creating a
complicated structure for a project, expressing complex ideas during a
presentation, supporting continuous learning processes by merging pre-absorbed
knowledge with newly-acquired information and determining aspects of
processes where a breakdown in comprehension was experienced.

Cognitive Maps
The term Cognitive Maps (along with its related terms Mind Maps, Mental
Maps, Mental Models, and Cognitive Models) is used to denote the process of
cognition or mental processing made up of a sequence of psychological
changes. These changes allow a person to absorb, encode, amass, and
translate data regarding phenomena as they relate to their real or metaphorical
spatial environment, as well as what features that phenomena have under those
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conditions. This definition shows us that both Mind Mapping and Concept
Mapping are founded on the Principle of Cognitive Maps.
The word cognition itself refers to belief systems, or mental models, that
people rely on to recognize, contextualize, simplify, and understand problems
which would be considered complex otherwise. Cognitive maps have been
employed in different scientific fields, including management, geography,
planning, archaeology and psychology thus, cognitive maps may also be
recognized as frames of reference or schemata.
When we use Cognitive Maps (such as the Mind Maps popularized by
Buzan), the cognitive load of the mind is reduced because spatial knowledge is
classified and stored by the minds eye. In addition, Cognitive Maps permit us to
remember and absorb more information. Hence the touted effectiveness of Mind
Maps. This kind of spatial thinking can encompass even non-spatial activities
which rely on memory and imaging. How? Cognitive spaces are perceived as
either flat, spatial or abstract representations. When cognitive spaces are
merged, they produce a cognitive perspective.
Students in ancient Rome are believed to have relied on the method of
loci- which is the earliest known formal technique relying on spatial locations
when they were memorizing speeches. This method of loci required the oratory
student to first commit to memory a familiar place (such as the number and
location of rooms in a building.) The student then mentally placed something
which represented the concept to be remembered within a part of that familiar
place (like imagining a dog within a room.) When the learner had to remember
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the list of concepts to be remembered (for example, an entire speech), he
mentally took a trip through the rooms so he could remember the concepts in the
same sequence.


Mind mapping is an exciting tool that can be helpful to everyone, no matter
what their situation. Even though it does take a while to become comfortable
using it, you will find that it is well worth the effort, because it can become a great
time-saver in the long run. Its many advantages and uses are not limited to what
you have discovered in this ebook each person, using their creativity and
imagination, can come up with new and interesting ways to apply it.
You can use it instead of traditional note-taking entirely, if that is your
choice, but remember that there are no hard and fast rules just guidelines that
you can adapt to your own particular needs. You can switch from one method to
another at will, or combine them in whatever way is right for you.
It's up to you now. Have fun with it!

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