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Inheritance: Pattern

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Reuse Extension and intension Class specialization and class extension Inheritance The protected keyword revisited Inheritance and methods Method redefinition An widely used inheritance example the composite design pattern Finally, the final keyword

OOP: Inheritance

How to Reuse Code?

Write the class completely from scratch (one extreme).

What some programmers always want to do!

Find an existing class that exactly match your requirements

(another extreme).

The easiest for the programmer! A very typical reuse, called composition reuse! Requires more knowledge than composition reuse. Today's main topic.

Built it from well-tested, well-documented existing classes.

Reuse an existing class with inheritance

OOP: Inheritance

Class Specialization
In specialization a class is considered an Abstract Data Type
(ADT). The ADT is defined as a set of coherent values on which a set of operations are defined.

A specialization of a class C1 is a new class C2 where

The instances of C2 are a subset of the instances of C1. Operations defined of C1 are also defined on C2. Operations defined on C1 can be redefined in C2. C1 C2

OOP: Inheritance

The extension of a specialized class C2 is a subset of the
extension of the general class C1.

Extension of C1 Extension of C2

is-a Relationship

A C2 object is a C1 object (but not vice-versa). There is an is-a relationship between C1 and C2. We will later discuss a has-a relationship

OOP: Inheritance

Class Specialization, Example

Shape draw() resize() Circle draw() resize() Line draw() resize() Rectangle draw() resize() Square draw() resize() Line Should the extensions be overlapping?

Shape Circle Rectangle Square

OOP: Inheritance

Class Extension
In class extension a class is considered a module. A module is a syntactical frame where a number of variables
and method are defined, found in, e.g., Modula-2 and PL/SQL. Class extension is important in the context of reuse. Class extension makes it possible for several modules to share code, i.e., avoid to have to copy code between modules.

A class extension of a class C3 is a new class C4

In C4 new properties (variables and methods) are added. The properties of C3 are also properties of C4. C3 C4

OOP: Inheritance

The intension of an extended class C4 is a superset of the
intension of C3.

Intension of C4 Intension of C3

OOP: Inheritance

Inheritance is a way to derive a new class from an existing

Inheritance can be used for

Specializing an ADT (i.e., class specialization). Extending an existing class (i.e., class extension). Often both class specialization and class extension takes place when a class inherits from an existing class.

OOP: Inheritance

Module Based vs. Object Oriented

Module based Object oriented

C3 C3 C4 C4

Maintenance of C3 properties must be done two places Languages, e.g., Ada, Modula2, PL/SQL OOP: Inheritance

Class C4 is created by copying C3. There are C3 and C4 instances. Instance of C4 have all C3 properties. C3 and C4 are totally separated.

Class C4 inherits from C3. There are C3 and C4 instances. Instance of C4 have all C3 properties. C3 and C4 are closely related. Maintenance of C3 properties must be done in one place. Languages, C++, C#, Java, Smalltalk

Composition vs. Inheritance

Car start() drive() Engine Gearbox Doors[4] Circle draw() resize() Shape draw() resize() Line Rectangle draw() draw() resize() resize() Square draw() resize() X a() b()

Pure Composition

Pure Inheritance (substitution)

Class extension

Y c() d() e()


OOP: Inheritance

Inheritance in Java
class Subclass extends Superclass { // <class body> }

Superclass method1() method2() Subclass method1() method3()

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Inheritance Example
public class Vehicle { Vehicle private String make; private String model; toString() public Vehicle() { make = ""; model = ""; } getMake() public String toString() { return "Make: " + make + " Model: " + model;getModel() } public String getMake(){ return make; } Car public String getModel() { return model; } } getPrice() public class Car extends Vehicle { private double price; public Car() { super(); // called implicitly can be left outs price = 0.0; } public String toString() { // method overwrites return "Make: " + getMake() + " Model: " + getModel() + " Price: " + price; } public double getPrice(){ return price; } }
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Class Specialization and Class Extension

The Car type with respect to extension and intension
Class Extension Car is a class extension of Vehicle. The intension of Car is increased with the variable price. Class Specialization Car is a class specialization of Vehicle. The extension of Car is decreased compared to the class Vehicle.

OOP: Inheritance


Instatianting and Initialization

Shape Circle Line Rectangle Square
Shape Properties Rectangle Properties Square Properties Square Instance

The Square, that inherits from Rectangle, that inherits

from Shape is instantiated as a single object, with properties from the three classes Square, Rectangle, and Shape.

OOP: Inheritance

Inheritance and Constructors

Constructors are not inherited. A constructor in a subclass must initialize variables in the class
and variables in the superclass.

What about private fields in the superclass? Default superclass constructor called if exists

It is possible to call the superclass' constructor in a subclass.

public class Vehicle{ private String make, model; public Vehicle(String ma, String mo) { make = ma; model = mo; } } public class Car extends Vehicle{ private double price; public Car() { // System.out.println("Start"); // not allowed super(, ); // must be called price = 0.0; } } OOP: Inheritance


Order of Instantiation and Initialization

The storage allocated for the object is initialized to binary zero
before anything else happens. Static initialization is first done in the base class then the derived classes. The base-class constructor is called. (all the way up to Object). Member initializers are called in the order of declaration. The body of the derived-class constructor is called.

OOP: Inheritance


Inheritance and Constructors, cont.

class A { public A(){ System.out.println("A()"); // when called from B the B.doStuff() is called doStuff(); } public void doStuff(){ System.out.println("A.doStuff()"); } } class B extends A{ int i = 7; public B(){System.out.println("B()");} public void doStuff(){ System.out.println("B.doStuff() " + i); } } public class Base{ public static void main(String[] args){ B b = new B(); b.doStuff(); } }

//prints A() B.doStuff() 0 B() B.doStuff() 7


OOP: Inheritance

Interface to Subclasses and Clients

C3 1
1. 2.




The properties of C3 that clients can use. The properties of C3 that C4 can use. The properties of C4 that clients can use. The properties of C4 that subclasses of C4 can use.

= interface
OOP: Inheritance 18

protected, Revisited
It must be possible for a subclass to access properties in a

private will not do, it is to restrictive public will not do, it is to generous

A protected variable or method in a class can be accessed by

subclasses but not by clients.

Which is more restrictive protected or package access? Change access modifiers when inheriting

Properties can be made more public. Properties cannot be made more private.

OOP: Inheritance

protected, Revisited


protected private

Shape Circle Line Rectangle Square

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protected, Example
public class Vehicle1 { Vehicle protected String make; protected String model; toString() public Vehicle1() { make = ""; model = ""; } getMake() public String toString() { return "Make: " + make + " Model: " + model;getModel() } public String getMake(){ return make;} Car public String getModel() { return model;} } getPrice() public class Car1 extends Vehicle1 { private double price; public Car1() { price = 0.0; } public String toString() { return "Make: " + make + " Model: " + model + " Price: " + price; } public double getPrice(){ return price; } }
OOP: Inheritance 21

Class Hierarchies in General

Class hierarchy: a set of classes related by inheritance. Possibilities with inheritance

Cycles in the inheritance hierarchy is not allowed. Inheritance from multiple superclass may be allowed. Inheritance from the same superclass more than once may be allowed. A B C D A B C B D A C B A C

Multiple and repeated inheritance is a basic feature of Eiffel.

OOP: Inheritance

[Meyer pp. 62].


Class Hierarchies in Java

Class Object is the root of the inheritance hierarchy in Java. If no superclass is specified a class inherits implicitly from
Object. If a superclass is specified explicitly the subclass will inherit Object.
Object Shape Circle Line Rectangle Square

OOP: Inheritance


Method/Variable Redefinition
Redefinition: A method/variable in a subclass has the same as a
method/variable in the superclass. Redefinition should change the implementation of a method, not its semantics. Redefinition in Java class B inherits from class A if

Method: Both versions of the method is available in instances of B. Can be accessed in B via super. Variable: Both versions of the variable is available in instances of B. Can be accessed in B via super.

There are no language support in Java that checks that a

method redefinition does not change the semantics of the method. In the programming language Eiffel assertions (preand post conditions) and invariants are inherited. [Meyer pp. 228].

OOP: Inheritance

Treat a subclass as its superclass
Vehicle toString() getMake() getModel() Car getPrice()
// example Car c = new Car(); Vehicle v; v = c; // upcast v.toString(); // okay v.getMake(); // okay //v.getPrice(); // not okay

Central feature in object-oriented program (covered in next

lecture) Should be obvious that a method/field cannot be made more private in a subclass when redefining method/field.

However it can be made more public.


OOP: Inheritance


The Ikea Component List Problem

A part can be just the part itself (a brick). A part can consists of part that can consists of parts and so on.
As an example a garden house consists of the following parts

Garden house

walls door

knob window frame glass frame glass



Regardless whether it is a simple or composite part we just want

to print the list.
OOP: Inheritance 26

Design of The Ikea Component List


use Component print() add() remove() components Single print() List print() add() remove() for all components c c.print()

The composite design pattern

Used extensively when buidling Java GUIs (AWT/Swing)


OOP: Inheritance

Implementation of The Ikea Component List

public class Component{ public void print(){ System.out.println("Do not call print on me!"); public void add(Component c){ System.out.println("Do not call add on me!");} } public class Single extends Component{ private String name; public Single(String n){ name = n; } public void print(){System.out.println(name);} } public class List extends Component{ private Component[] comp; private int count;// uses parent class public List(){ comp = new Component[100]; count = 0; } public void print(){ for(int i = 0; i <= count - 1; i++){ comp[i].print(); } } public void add(Component c){ comp[count++] = c;} } }

OOP: Inheritance


Implementation of The Ikea Component List

public class ComponentClient{ // Ikea public Component makeWindow(){ // helper function Component win = new List(); win.add(new Single("frame")); win.add(new Single("glass")); return win; } public Component makeDoor(){ // helper function Component door = new List(); door.add(new Single("knob")); door.add(makeWindow()); return door; } public Component makeGardenHouse(){ // helper function Component h = new List(); h.add(makeDoor()); h.add(makeWindow()); // etc return h; } public static void main(String[] args){ ComponentClient c = new ComponentClient(); Component brick = new Single("brick"); Component myHouse = c.makeGardenHouse(); brick.print(); myHouse.print(); OOP: } Inheritance


Evaluation of The Ikea Component List

Made List and Single classes look alike when printing from
the client's point of view.

The main objective! Can call dummy add/remove methods on these instances

Can make instances of Component class, not the intension

Can call add/remove method of Single objects, not the

intension. Fixed length, not the intension. Nice design!

OOP: Inheritance


The final Keyword


Compile time constant (very useful) final static double PI = 3.14 Run-time constant (useful) final int RAND = (int) Math.random * 10 double foo (final int i)

Arguments (not very useful) Methods

Prevents overwriting in a subclass (use this very carefully) Private methods are implicitly final Cannot inherit from the class

Final class (use this very carefully)

Many details on the impacts of final, see the book.

OOP: Inheritance 31


Use composition when ever possible more flexible and easier to understand than inheritance. Specialization and extension can be combined.

Java supports specialization and extension via inheritance

A subclass automatically gets the fields and method from the


They can be redefined in the subclass

Java supports single inheritance, all have Object as superclass Designing good reusable classes is (very) hard!

while(!goodDesign()){ reiterateTheDesign(); }

OOP: Inheritance


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