MCX912 913
MCX912 913
MCX912 913
Operating Instructions
Warning This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
All rights with respect to this document, including applications for patent and registration of other industrial property rights, are reserved. Unauthorised use, in particular reproduction or making available to third parties, is prohibited. This document has been carefully prepared and reviewed, however should in spite of this the reader find an error, he is requested to inform us at his earliest convenience. The data contained herein purports solely to describe the product and is not a warranty of performance or characteristics. It is with the best interests of our customers in mind that we constantly strive to improve our products and keep them abreast of advances in technology. This may, however, lead to discrepancies between a product and its "Technical Description" or "Operating Instructions".
1. 2. 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4. 2.2.5. 2.2.6. 2.2.7. 2.2.8. 2.2.9. 2.2.10. 2.2.11. 2.3. 2.4. 2.4.1. 2.4.2. 2.4.3. 3. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.3.1. 4.3.2. 4.3.3. 4.3.4.
APPLICATION ............................................................................3 DETERMINING THE SETTINGS ................................................4 What settings are necessary?.....................................................4 Protection function settings .........................................................4 Base current IE ............................................................................5 Tripping logic (software matrix) ...................................................6 Comments on the various protection functions ...........................6 Phase fault protection I>>1,2 .......................................................6 No load check I< .........................................................................6 Overcurrent protection I>1,2,3 ......................................................7 Run-up protection Istart ................................................................7 Blocked rotor (stalled) operation Ibl.r. ...........................................8 Earth fault protection I0 ...............................................................9 Negative phase-sequence (NPS) protection I2..........................11 Thermal overload protection .....................................................12 Protection against too many starts ............................................15 Display of mean value and maximum mean value....................16 Operating hours counter ...........................................................16 Data of the protected unit required for setting the relay ............16 Setting examples.......................................................................17 Small motor ...............................................................................17 HV induction motor....................................................................23 Power transformer.....................................................................31 CHECKING THE SHIPMENT....................................................37 INSTALLATION AND WIRING..................................................38 Relay location and ambient conditions......................................38 Checking the wiring ...................................................................38 Earthing and Wiring of Protection Units of the 900 Family........39 Cubicle ......................................................................................40 Mechanical design ....................................................................40 Grounding system .....................................................................40 Grounding a single cubicle ........................................................40 Grounding system for adjacent cubicles ...................................41 Grounding system for equipment ..............................................41 Open equipment racks ..............................................................43 Grounding strips (braided copper) and their installation............44 Wiring........................................................................................45 External wiring...........................................................................45
4.3.5. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.3.1. 5.3.2. 5.3.3. 5.3.4. 5.3.5. 5.3.6. 5.3.7.
Screening ..................................................................................45 Cable shields.............................................................................45 Grounding the ends of cable shields.........................................45 Additional cable grounds between the ends..............................47 COMMISSIONING ....................................................................49 Pre-commissioning checks........................................................49 Inserting the relay and switching on the auxiliary supply...........49 Relay controls ...........................................................................49 General .....................................................................................49 Frontplate displays, key-pad .....................................................50 Making a protection function active or inactive..........................51 Displaying settings and load values ..........................................51 Changing and saving settings ...................................................52 Instructions................................................................................53 Operation of the keys and Cl ...........................................54
6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.4.1. 6.4.2. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. 6.9. 6.10. 6.10.1. 6.10.2. 6.10.3. 6.10.4. 7. 8. 9.
OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE .........................................56 Tripping and starting signals and resetting................................56 Displaying load values...............................................................58 Tripping value and elapsed time memory .................................59 Self-monitoring system..............................................................60 Watchdog, auxiliary supply supervision ....................................60 Test software.............................................................................61 Defect signals............................................................................62 Blocking (inhibiting) relay operation ..........................................63 Auxiliary supply .........................................................................64 Supply fuse ...............................................................................64 Maintenance..............................................................................64 Testing by current injection .......................................................67 General .....................................................................................67 Current injection ........................................................................67 Testing procedure .....................................................................67 Checking the actual settings .....................................................70 TROUBLE-SHOOTING .............................................................71 ACCESSORIES AND SPARES ................................................72 APPENDICES ...........................................................................73
The micro-processor controlled relays of the MCX91. series are intended for the protection of electrical plant in three-phase MV and HV power systems.
MCX913 for connection to all three phases MCX912 for connection to two phases and, via a sensitive I0 input transformer, to neutral.
The relays embody a large number of protection functions in a single unit, not only for the detection of faults (phase and earth faults), but also of inadmissible operating conditions (thermal overload). In both cases the necessary information is derived from the measurement of the phase currents flowing in the protected unit. The combination of different protection functions enables several conventional loose relays to be replaced by a single one. The following faults and conditions can be detected:
phase faults and overcurrents earth faults (neutral current derived either internally or externally by a core-balance c.t.) negative phase sequence (NPS) no load check thermal overload by thermal replica which records load changes and is a thermal model of the protected unit inadmissible stressing of machines, especially induction motors, whilst starting and running up (running up time too long, too many start attempts and blocked rotor (stalled)).
These relays are thus suited for the general protection against faults and for the preventative protection of three-phase machines, power transformers and feeders. The relays are supplied in a standard ABB Size 1 relay casing. The relay versions MCX91.-x-x-1 and MCX91.-x-x-0 differ merely in the auxiliary voltage supply (see Section 6.7.). A description of the operation and the technical data of the multipurpose motor, overcurrent and overload relays MCX913(912) is contained in the Data Sheet 1MRB520124-Ben.
All the settings and the measured values of the MCX91. relays have an address (mode) by which they are retrieved and displayed. The addresses are divided into five groups (see Table 2.1). Table 9.1 to Table 9.4 in the appendicies give all the possible settings and measured values together with the corresponding addresses, symbols, setting ranges, units and default values (basic settings as supplied from the works).
Mode 0 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 149 150 to 199 900 to 999 Purpose protection settings display of load values tripping logics tripping values and elapsed times instructions Note see Table 9.1 see Table 9.2 see Table 9.3 see Table 9.4 see Section 5.3.6.
Table 2.1
In the first four groups of addresses, ones belonging to a particular protection function are obtained by adding 50 to, or subtracting 50 from the mode already known.
I>> 1 setting load current I (display) I>> 1 tripping logic I>> 1 tripping value = mode 01; = mode 51 ; = mode 101 = mode 151; tI>> 1 delay tl>> 1 time (counter) tl>> 1 elapsed time = mode 02 = mode 52 = mode 152
The corresponding values have to be entered during commissioning for those protection functions which are required. The others which are not required are made "inactive" by setting their pick-up and timer values to zero either one-by-one, or automatically using the function selection procedure (mode 47). Details of this are given in Section 5.3.3.
Base current IE None of the current settings are referred directly to the relay rated current (1 A or 5 A), but to what is called the base current IE. This is in effect the secondary rated current of the protected unit, which is obtained from the primary rated current of the protected unit INS by applying the c.t. ratio KI. The setting of IE, however, is not made directly in amperes, but as a ratio to the relay rated current INR:
IE = INS KI mode 00 setting = IE INR
The base current can be set in a range of 0.30 to 1.20 x INR. The mode 00 setting must be determined at the time of commissioning and should be the first setting entered. Once this has been done, the following relationship exists:
^ 1 IE 1 INS =
The actual IE setting is divided into a coarse and a fine setting. The coarse setting is a plug-in link S1 on PCB 1 (Fig. 9.3) with which the setting range for the mode value can be selected (see Table 2.2).
Base current IE setting range 0,30...0,42 x INR 0,43...0,60 x INR 0,61...0,84 x INR 0,85...1,20 x INR Position of link S1 1-2 2-3 4-5 5-6 Default value 0,35 x INR 0,50 x INR 0,70 x INR 1,00 x INR
Table 2.2
Position of the plug-in link S1 and the default values for the four base current IE setting ranges (lNR = relay rated current)
Once the base current has been set, the position of the plug-in link is monitored in relation to it. Changing the base current setting range by moving S1 then causes "error" to be signalled and the stand-by monitor resets and blocks the relay. Upon pressing the reset button, the default value corresponding to the position of S1 appears in mode 00 (see also Section 6.5.). Note: When changing the IE range (plug-in jumper S1) all setting values (Mode 0 to 49 and 100 to 149) including their default values are written into the foreground memory!
The user can select which of the auxiliary tripping and signalling relays are to be actuated by the starting and tripping signals generated by each of the protection functions (see tripping logic, Table 9.3). Auxiliary tripping and signalling relays are treated in the same manner by the tripping logic, the only difference between them being the ratings of their contacts. The tripping logic must be set when commissioning for each of the protection functions being used. starting signals: Starting signals last for as long as the pick-up setting is being exceeded, or for as long as > 1 and > 3. Exception: protection against too many start attempts, see Section 2.2.9. tripping signals: Tripping signals are generated after the set time delay of the particular protection function has expired, or as soon as > 2; or the number of starts exceeds Ncold or Nhot. They reset as soon as the input value fails sufficiently below setting as determined by the reset ratio. Exception: If tripping with latching (see Table 9.3) has been selected, the tripping signals do not reset until the reset button has been pressed. The standard versions of the MCX91. relays are equipped with two auxiliary signalling relays (MRl and MRII) and two auxiliary tripping relays (ARl and ARII).
2.2. 2.2.1. Comments on the various protection functions Phase fault protection I>>1,2 (mode 01 and mode 41)
The two time-overcurrent stages are independent in their operation and settings and are intended for the detection of high fault currents.
2.2.2. No load check I< (mode 15)
The no load check picks up for currents I equal or greater than 0.1 x IE, but less than the setting of I<, whereby I is the peak value of the phase-to-neutral current.
The three time-overcurrent stages I>1,2,3 are also independent in operation and setting and can be precisely graded with the I>>1,2 stages. They are not activated when a machine is being started, i.e. when the function Istart is picked up (see Section 2.2.4.).
2.2.4. Run-up protection Istart (mode 13)
The main purpose of the function Istart is to protect induction motors whilst running up. The correct measure of the thermal stress to which the motor is subjected during the run-up sequence is provided by the integral I2T derived from the phase-to-neutral current. The advantage of the I2T principle is above all, that a longer starting time is automatically permitted when the motor voltage is low and in consequence also the starting current.
Operating principle
As soon as the input current (phase-to-neutral current) falls below 0.1 x IE the relay expects the next action to be a motor start, i.e. the functions overcurrent I> and no load I< are inhibited. A timer is started the instant the input current exceeds 0.1 x IE : A motor start is assumed, if the input current rises above the setting of Istart within 100 ms. At the same time as Istart is reached, the time-current function I2T is enabled. The starting sequence lasts until the current has fallen below the setting of Istart once again, at which instant the overcurrent and no load functions are reactivated. If the setting of Istart is not reached within 100 ms, the occurrence is not considered to be a normal starting sequence, the function Istart is terminated and the overcurrent and no load functions are re-activated. The relay waits 500 ms after the Istart function resets before considering a starting sequence to be completed in order to take short voltage dips or interruptions into account.
Tripping takes place when I2T exceeds the setting I2Tstart.The time-current function ; i(t): phase-to-neutral current I2T = i2(t)dt is totalised every 15 ms. The overcurrent (l>) and no load (l<) functions are in operation at all times when the Istart function is not.
Relay settings
The starting current IA and the starting time tA at rated voltage of a motor are normally known and typical settings are: IStart = 0.6 to 0.8 x IA I2TStart = IA2 x tA
The operating principle of the blocked rotor protection is basically that of an overcurrent fault protection in conjunction with a speed switch. Induction motors can be protected against the blocked rotor condition in this way, and it is an important kind of protection particularly for motors having a permissible stalled time which is shorter than the normal running up time.
Fig. 2.1
Fig. 2.2
Fig. 2.3
The earth fault current can be applied to the relay in one of two ways: Neutral current derived "internally" through vectorial addition of the three phase-to-neutral currents: I 0 = IR + IS + IT Neutral current derived "externally" by a core-balance c.t. and applied to the input transformer normally used for S phase. There are two setting ranges available by positioning the plugin link S3 (see Table 2.3).
The plug-in link S2 must also be positioned correctly to correspond to the "internal" or "external" method of obtaining the neutral current (see Table 2.3). The one to which the relay is set can be viewed in mode 09: Earth fault protection "internal" "external" 1 displayed 0 displayed.
The I0 (S phase) input of the MCX912-1 (i.e. 1 A rated current) is five times more sensitive than the phase inputs, whilst in the case of the MCX912-5 (i.e. 5 A rated current) it is twenty-five times greater. For this reason the neutral current must always be derived "externally" for the MCX912 versions. If the plug-in link S2 is set to "internal" error 21 is displayed (see Section 6.5.). Mode 10 shows the relevant I0 (or S phase) input transformer ratio: k = 1 for MCX913, k = 5 for MCX912-1 and k = 25 for MCX912-5.
Neutral current MCX913 "internal": S2 = 1 -2 0.2 ...1.0 x IE (0.5 x IE) 0.8 ...4.0 x IE (2.0 x IE) 0.2 ...1.0 x IE (0.5 x IE)
E/F setting range MCX912-1 ---------0.16 ...0.8 x IE (0.4 x IE) 0.04 ...0.2 x IE (0.1 x IE) MCX912-5 ---------0.032 ...0.16 x IE (0.08 x IE) 0.008 ...0.04 x IE (0.02 x IE)
Table 2.3
Positions of the plug-in links S2 and S3 on PCB1 (Fig. 9.3) and the corresponding E/F setting ranges for internally and externally derived neutral currents. The default values in each case are given in brackets (see also Section 6.5.).
The following should be observed when determining the settings: High E/F sensitivity is required on the one hand in order to detect faults at locations resulting in low E/F currents, whilst on the other spurious neutral currents can arise with the internal method during phase faults due to unequal c.t. behaviour. The probability of this happening is particularly great, if there is a d.c. component when switching a motor on. Wherever possible, core-balance c.t's should be used for E/F detection, because they are not subject to the above limitations. Providing c.t. performance (at low currents) and the power system capacitances to ground (neutral current during through faults) permit, the MCX912 is capable of detecting E/F currents down to 0.8% respectively 4% of IE (see Table 2.3). The power system capacitances to ground can give rise to neutral currents on feeders not directly involved in the fault. Mal-operation can thus occur, if the relay setting is too sensitive. The wiring diagrams for the various methods of obtaining the neutral current are given in Fig. 9.6, Fig. 9.7 and Fig. 9.8.
2.2.7. Negative phase-sequence (NPS) protection I2 (mode 05)
The currents of the three phases are used to derive the negative-sequence component in relays set to form the neutral current internally. I2 = 1/3 (lR + a2lS + alT); a = e j2/3 The following additional relationship applies for relays set to "external" neutral current (2ph + I0): I R + IS + IT = 0 If when set to external neutral current an E/F is measured which is greater than 0.25 times the E/F setting (i.e. the additional relationship no longer applies), the NPS protection is blocked (inactive). Activation of the NPS protection with the relay set to external neutral current and inactive E/F protection (i.e. set to zero) causes error No. 70 to be displayed (see Section 6.5.).
The temperature rise of a motor in steady-state operation follows an exponential function towards a steady-state final temperature. Since a motor is an inhomogeneous body, the exponential function is the resultant of several different time constants. It has been found sufficient in practise to use a mean time constant.
Operating principle
where I = maximum phase-to-neutral current (referred to IE) IE = base current The temperature rise of the thermal replica of the protected unit in the relay is based on the maximum of the three phase-toneutral currents. Settings are provided for two time constants, one for the temperature rise (mode 33) and one for cooling (mode 34). = = = for currents 0.1 x IE I < 2 x IE for currents I < 0.1 x IE (adiabatical temperature rise) for currents I 2 x IE
Temperature rise and cooling curves and operating characteristics for all operating conditions can be calculated using the above equation. Sets of these curves are to be found in Fig. 9.9 to Fig. 9.13 and Table 9.7 lists the formula for calculating the maximum temperature rise for different motor operating modes.
Relay settings
The mean temperature rise time constant is frequently unknown. Where this is the case, Table 9.8 gives typical relationships between time constant, motor frame size and method of cooling. The information was obtained from measurements on BBC mo12
tors, but will apply equally to motors of other manufacture having the same frame size and cooling system. The relay has two thermal overload stages (1, 2). Stage 1 has a reset ratio of 95% and is intended to give alarm of impending inadmissible temperature rise to enable corrective measures to be taken, whilst stage 2 is intended for tripping when the permissible limit is reached. The tripping signal is maintained for as long as the temperature has not fallen below the value determined by the setting H in relation to the 2 setting. (Settings of H2 - H < 45% result in the minimum reset value of 45%). Stage 1 is normally set between 95% and 110% of the temperature rise corresponding to continuous operation at the (secondary) rated current IN. Since the base current of the relay ^ IE (see Section 2.1.2.), the following relais set such that INS = tionship applies: INS 1 = 95...110% K I = 95...110% I E Stage 2 is set between 95% and 105% of the temperature rise corresponding to continuous operation at the maximum permissible continuous rating Imax th : 2 = 95...105%
Imax th INS
Facility is provided in mode 39 (0 manual) for changing the state of the thermal replica during operation. Providing a value less than 201 is set in mode 39, the thermal replica will be set to that value upon giving the instruction to implement the settings (instruction , see Section 5.3.6.). Once this has been done, the setting of mode 39 in the operating memory is returned to 201 to avoid the state of the thermal replica from being involuntarily changed the next time the instruction to implement settings is given. The setting 201 prevents mode 39 from having any influence. The status of the thermal replica is maintained in the event of an interruption of the auxiliary supply for approximately ten minutes. The thermal replica is then initialised at this value, should the auxiliary supply regain its normal range before the ten minutes expire. After this time, the value in mode 38 (0 automatic) is used.
As a rule 0 automatic is set to 0%. For auxiliary supply interruptions longer than 1 min., but shorter than the time constant , the pre-loading of the motor can be approximated using the following:
0 automatic 1 x
t out
Thermal time constants are often unknown, particularly where small motors are concerned. The following information is usually provided:
rated current IN maximum continuous rating Imax th maximum permissible tripping time t6 at Istart starting from cold (t6 is usually given for I6 = 6 x IN).
This information enables the setting of to be determined. The base current IE is set in the normal manner such that ^ 1 x IN (see Section 2.1.2.). The setting thus becomes: 1 x IE =
2 =
Imax th IN
x 100%
The operating time of the relay at I6 should correspond to t6: Imax th I t 2 = 6 x 6 x 100% = x 100% IN IN From which follows = I6 Imax th
2 2 2
x t6
The number of motor start attempts can only be counted, if the motor start protection is activated. Counting is performed according to the following method: The timer tN-1 is started each time an attempt is made to start the motor. The counter Ncold is incremented, providing the temperature rise is below 3 or the 3 stage is inactive, otherwise both Nhot and Ncold are incremented excepting when the latter is at zero. Both counters are decremented when the timer tN-1 times out after which the timer is re-started, providing the counters have not reached zero. A starting signal is generated by the protection as soon either the counter Ncold or Nhot equals its setting after a start attempt (i.e. the current has fallen bellow Istart). This starting signal can be used for motor start interlocking. The relay trips to inhibit further start attempts as soon as the last start attempt increases the count of either Ncold or Nhot exceeds its settings. The start attempt which caused tripping to take place is not counted, i.e. the counters are immediately decremented again. Protection starting and tripping signals are maintained until a motor start is permissible again, i.e. until the blocking time tN-1 has timed out at least once or until both counters have fallen below their settings. The tripping logic (see Table 9.3) provides facility for signalling whether the temperature rise has exceeded the setting of 3 or not. The reset ratio of the 3 stage is 95%.
Permissibly higher temperature rise when starting (mode 21)
Some drives, primarily those which have to start on load, are designed to withstand a briefly excessive temperature rise whilst running up. Where the manufacturer provides information in this respect, mode 21 enables corresponding settings to be made. Mode 21 set to 0: This is the normal setting for which the temperature rise of each and every start attempt is recorded by the thermal replica. Mode 21 set to 1 or 2: The temperature rise of the last respectively the last two start attempts is not recorded by the thermal replica.
Display of mean value and maximum mean value (mode 40, 89, 90)
Mode 90 shows the mean value of the phase current (highest of the three phase currents [R.M.S. value] resp. highest of the phase currents R and T for "external" earth faults) with a selectable setting time (see Table 2.4). After the setting time the mean value has reached more than 99% of the final value at a constant phase current. Mode 89 shows the maximum mean value (of mode 90). Thus, this corresponds with the trailing pointer of the respective instruments. This display may be reset if required. Resetting is accomplished with mode 996 and the value 0000 (see also Section 5.3.6.).
Value of mode 40 0 1 2 Setting time in minutes 8 min. 15 min. (default value) 30 min.
Table 2.4
The time that the protected unit is in operation is counted, i.e. the load current is greater than 0.1 x IE, providing the relay is operational (standing by).
2.3. Data of the protected unit required for setting the relay
What data relating to the protected unit have to be known before the relay settings can be determined depends on the application. Some protection functions require only little information (mainly the rated phase-to-neutral current), but even more comprehensive schemes can manage with the following: rated current c.t. ratio max. permissible continuous rating thermal time constant or tripping time at a given I/lN.
In special cases, the following supplementary information may be required: permissible starting time and current of motors cooling time constant when stationary No. of permissible start attempts from cold and when warm kind of grounding.
2.4. Setting examples
Examples are given below of determining the settings for three different kinds of protected unit, a typical small motor, an HV induction motor and a power transformer. The value to be entered and the corresponding mode are given in each case on the right of the page. The settings of each example are compiled once again in setting tables at the end of the respective example (see also Figure 9.14).
2.4.1. Small motor Motor data
rated power rated voltage rated current max. E/F current c.t. ratio The following were assumed: max. permissible continuous rating starting current max. starting time (at rated voltage) max . tripping for I6 = 6 x IN (inverse characteristic) cooling time constant
Base current IE
Since the relay rated current is INR = 5 A, the base current becomes:
IE =
S1 = 2-3
Only the protection functions I>>1, I>1, I2, I0, 1 and 2 are activated. The quickest and most logical setting procedure is to enter the value of the combination of functions immediately after setting IE. This automatically inactivates those protection functions not being used and they do not appear on the display. Not to follow this procedure means that the unwanted protection functions have to be inactivated one by one. The selection from Table 9.5 for this example is
Phase fault protection I>>1
Mode 47 = 4
The setting should be at 30% to 50% higher than the maximum starting current IA; 40% is chosen.
^ 7.8 x INS = 7.8 x IE I>>1 = 1.3 x IA = 1.3 x 6 x IN =
Mode 01 = 7.8 Standard time delay: tl>>1 = 0.05 to 1 s chosen tl>>1 = 0.05 s Mode 02 = 0.05
The setting is typically 30% to 60% higher than the maximum permissible continuous rating; 30% is chosen.
^ 1.495 x INS I>1 = 1.3 x Imax th = 1.3 x 1.15 x IN = ^ 1.495 x IE (rounded to 1.5) =
tl>1 = 30 s
tl2 = 4 s
The neutral current I0 is to be derived internally through vectorial addition. Therefore a relay type MCX913 should be used. From Section 2.2.6., the plug-in link positions are: Plug-in link S2 in position 1-2 Plug-in link S3 in position 1-2 (Since S3 has no effect in this case, its position is of no consequence.) Typical setting: I0 chosen I0 = 0.4 to 0.8 x IN = 0.4 x IN
^ 0.4 x IE =
S2 = 1-2 S3 = 1-2
Standard time delay: tl0 = 0.2 to 1 s chosen tl0 = 0.2 s "lnternal E/F protection causes 1 to be displayed in mode 09 I0 (resp. S) input transformer ratio
Typical setting: Istart = 0.6 to 0.8 x IA chosen Istart = 0.6 x IA Mode 13 = 3.6
^ 3.6 x IE Istart = 0.6 x 6 x IN = ^ 6 x IE IA =
tA = 8 s
I2TStart = 62 x 8 = 288
Mode 14 = 288
Mode 30 = 105
2 = 100% x 1.152 = 132% assumed H = 40% Temperature rise time constant (see example in Section 2.2.8.) = I
Cooling time constant = 2 x (assumed) The protection against too many motor starts and therefore 3 are not required. Mode 34 = 22 Mode 20 = 0
Initial temperature 0
0 = 0 to 200%
chosen 0 = 0%
Mode 38 = 0
Note: 0 = x% means that the thermal replica of the protected unit in the relay is set to x% following an interruption of the relay's auxiliary supply lasting longer than ten minutes.
Tripping logic
Tripping of I>>1 is required to energise the auxiliary tripping relay ARII, the alarm stage 1 the auxiliary signalling relay MRI and pick-up of I>1 the auxiliary signalling relay MRII. All the other protection functions must trip via auxiliary relay ARI, but latching is required for E/F's (l0). From Table 9.3 the settings are thus: Phase faults Overcurrent NPS E/F Run-up Signalling Thermal overload
Blocking logic
Mode 101 = 0002 Mode 103 = 0120 Mode 105 = 0020 Mode 107 = 0030 Mode 113 = 0020 Mode 120 = 0000 Mode 130 = 1020
A signal applied to the blocking input should only block the auxiliary tripping relay ARI. The settings according to Section 6.6. are therefore: Plug-in link: DIL switch S65 S4 = 1-2 MRI = open MRII = open ARI = closed ARII = open
Setting Table
3.6 288
Mode 101 I>>1 103 I>1 105 I2 107 I0 111 Ibl.r. 113 Istart 115 I< 117 Nc,Nh 120 3 130 1,2 141 I>>2 143 I>2 145 I>3 Tripping matrix:
0 1
0 0
0 2
0 0
0 105 132 40 11 22 0 1 S4: Blocking of relay S4 1-2 selective blocking 2-3 all functions blocked S2,S3: Neutral current I0 Relay type MCX913 S2 S3 I0 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3 1-2 internal Relay type MCX 912 S2 S3 I0 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3
G MCX912-1 G G MCX912-5 G
S1: Base current IE S1 Range 1-2 0.300...0.424 * INR 2-3 0.425...0.600 * INR 4-5 0.601...0.848 * INR 5-6 0.849...1.200 * INR
S65: Selective blocking switch Relay open closed MR I G MR II G AR I G AR II G Switch "open": no influence at blocking
rated power rated voltage rated current rated frequency max. permissible continuous rating starting current max. permissible starting time (at rated voltage) max. blocked rotor time heating time constant cooling time constant permissible No. of consecutive starts
Imax th = 1.2 x IN = 5.5 x IN = 12 s = 20 s (tE > tA) = 45 min = 120 min (stationary)
(from cold)
max. E/F current c.t. ratio ratio of core-balance c.t. for E/F's
Base current IE
The base current for a relay rated current of INR =1 A is: IE = INS 235A x INR = 0.783 x INR x INR = 300 x 1A KI x INR Mode 00 = 0.78
S1 = 4-5
The setting is typically 30% to 50% higher than the maximum starting current IA; 40% is chosen.
^ 7.7 x INS = ^ 7.7 x IE I>>1 = 1.4 x IA = 1.4 x 5.5 x IN =
Mode 01 = 7.7 The transient surge current when starting the motor is usually overcome by setting a short time delay: tl>>1 = 50 ms . Nevertheless the amplitude and duration of the starting current should be checked as part of commissioning and the corresponding settings modified as necessary. Mode 02 = 0.05
The setting is typically 30% to 60% higher than the maximum permissible continuous rating; 30 % is chosen.
^ 1.56 x IE I>1 = 1.3 x Imax th = 1.3 x 1.2 x IN =
(rounded to 1.6) The time delay tI>1 is set 50% higher than the maximum permissible blocked rotor time (tE).
Mode 03 = 1.6
Mode 04 = 30.0
This is in particular a protection for the rotor, if the phase currents become severely asymmetrical or in the event of single phasing. Typical setting: I2 = 0.3 x IE tl2 = 4 s With the exception of some special cases, this setting ensures correct tripping in the event of single phasing or wrong phase sequence. Mode 05 =0.30 Mode 06 = 4.0
E/F protection I0
A core-balance c.t. will be used in accordance with Section 2.2.6. and a setting of I0 = 0.1 x IN chosen. The relay setting is thus:
I0 K 300 = 0.1 x I = 0.1 x = 0.12 IE KI0 250
Mode 07 = 0.12
It is not possible to achieve this sensitivity with the MCX913 (not even with "external" I0 , see Section 2.2.6.). An MCX912-1 must therefore be used. The plug-in link positions become: position of plug-in link S2 position of plug-in link S3 Time delay tl0 = 0.15 s External neutral current Core-balance c.t. ratio S2 = 2-3 S3 = 2-3 Mode 08 = 0.15 Mode 09 = 0 Mode 10 = 5
The setting should lie between 0.4 and 0.8 x IA for the motor in question. Ibl.r. = 0.5 x IA = 0.5 x 5.5 x IE = 2.75 x IE The delay is set the same as tE
Motor starting protection Istart
Typical setting: Istart = 0.6 to 0.8 x IA The setting in this particular case is chosen to be: Istart =- 0.7 x IA = 0.7 x 5.5 x IE = 3.85 x IE
^ 5.5 x IE IA =
Mode 13 = 3.8
tA = 12 s
Mode 15 = 0
The permissible number of consecutive start attempts from cold, respectively when hot is given: Ncold = 3 Nhot = 2 The blocking time for tN-1 for two starts an hour is: tN-1 = 30 min = 1800 s The temperature reached at 90% of IN is defined as the dividing line between "cold" and "hot" starts, i.e. : 0.9 xIN 3 = IN
Mode 17 = 3 Mode 18 = 2
Mode 19 = 1800
The thermal replica of the protected unit should continue to follow the temperature rise during starting.
Mode 21 = 0
At a motor current I (IE = IN) the steadystate temperature rise represented by the thermal replica is: = I IN
x 100%
from which follows that when I = IN N = 12 x 100% = 100% The max. permissible continuous current Imax th = 1.2 x IN max = I N Imax th
Typical settings for the alarm stage 1 lie between 95% and 110% of N (setting range 50 to 200%). Chosen: 1 = 100% The tripping stage 2 is set between 90% and 110% of max . 2 = 135% 2 must reset at a value lower than 1 , so that : H = 40% Temperature rise and cooling time constants are given:
Checking the temperature rise following consecutive starts
Mode 30 = 100
Mode 31 = 135
It is necessary to check that with these settings the MCX912 allows the permissible number of start attempts. For this purpose the starting time tA and current are considered to be a maximum for each attempt, providing tA is less than . The intervals between each attempt
are neglected. In practice the temperature rise simulated by the relay will be lower, because at the maximum starting current IA the starting time are less than tA. Temperature rise from cold (3 starts): I t = Ncold x A x A x 100% IN = 3 x 5.52 x 12 x 100 = 40% 45 x 60
Temperature rise when hot (2 starts): A temperature rise of 3 is defined as hot: I t = 1 + Nhot x A x A x 100% IN = 100 + 2 x 5.52 x 12 x 100 = 127% 45 x 60
Thus the overload protection does not pick-up at a 2 setting of 135% even with two consecutive starts when hot with = 1.
Initial temperature 0
For this particular example, 0 automatic = 0 is chosen (see Section 2.2.8.). This means that the thermal replica will be set to zero following an auxiliary supply interruption lasting longer than ten minutes.
Mode 38 = 0
The protection functions required in this HV induction motor are I>>1, I>1, I2, I0, Ibl.r., Istart, No. of motor starts and and according to Table 9.5 the combination 1 can be used.
Mode 47 = 1
Mode 15 = 0
The alarm stage 1 has to actuate the auxiliary signalling relay MRI. The signalling relay MRII is used for the closing interlock and therefore is actuated by the starting signal Ncold or Nhot. A trip of 2 shall be performed by the tripping relay ARII. All other tripping functions are actuated by the auxiliary tripping relay ARI. The corresponding settings from Table 9.3 are: Phase faults Overcurrent NPS E/F Blocked rotor Motor starting Too many starts Temperature rise Thermal overload
Blocking logic
Mode 101 = 0020 Mode 103 = 0020 Mode 105 = 0020 Mode 107 = 0020 Mode 111 = 0020 Mode 113 = 0020 Mode 117 = 0120 Mode 120 = 0000 Mode 130 = 1002
When a signal is applied to the blocking input of the MCX912, the whole relay must be blocked and all the auxiliary relays reset. The corresponding settings according to Section 6.6. are: Plug-in link: all DIL switches S65: S4 = 2-3 closed
Setting Table
IN ............235 A
Matrix Symbol
Mode 101 I>>1 103 I>1 105 I2 107 I0 111 Ibl.r. 113 Istart 115 I< 117 Nc,Nh 120 3 130 1,2 141 I>>2 143 I>2 145 I>3 Tripping matrix:
S4: Blocking of relay S4 1-2 selective blocking 2-3 all functions blocked S2,S3: Neutral current I0 Relay type MCX913 S2 S3 I0 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3 1-2 internal Relay type MCX 912 S2 S3 I0 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3
G G G G MCX912-1 G MCX912-5 G
S1: Base current IE S1 Range 1-2 0.300...0.424 * INR 2-3 0.425...0.600 * INR 4-5 0.601...0.848 * INR 5-6 0.849...1.200 * INR
S65: Selective blocking switch Relay open closed MR I G MR II G AR I G AR II G Switch "open": no influence at blocking
rated power rated voltage rated current max. permissible continuous rating inrush current heating time constant cooling time constant Power system data grounding max. E/F current (fault at the terminals) c.t. ratio
Basic considerations
Imax th = 1.1 x IN
The relay uses an exponential function (typical 40 ms time constant) approximate the curve of the inrush current. A graded phase fault protection is achieved by combining the protection functions I>>1, I>>2 and Ibl.r.. The motor start protection is used to prevent the inrush current from causing the overcurrent functions to pick-up. The overcurrent functions I>1, I>2 and I3 are, however, also time-graded.
Fig. 2.4
Base current IE
Mode 00 = 0.53
^ 1 x IE (see also Section Thus 1 x INS = 2.1.2.)
S1 = 2-3
Mode 01 = 16.0 Mode 02 = 0.03 Mode 41 = 10.0 Mode 42 = 0.08 Mode 11 = 6.0 Mode 12 = 0.2
= 3 x IE = 10 s = 2 x IE = 30 s = 1.4 x IE = 60 s
Mode 03 = 3.0 Mode 04 = 10.0 Mode 43 = 2.0 Mode 44 = 30.0 Mode 45 = 1.4 Mode 46 = 60.0
Mode 05 = 0
E/F protection I0
The neutral current I0 is to be derived internally. For this reason an MCX913 relay is chosen.
The plug-in link positions from Section 2.2.6. are: Plug-in link S2 in position 1-2 Plug-in link S3, for example, in position 1-2 (S3 has no effect in this application and may be in any position.) Typical setting: I0 = 0.4 to 0.8 x IN
^ 0.4 IE chosen I0 = 0.4 x IN =
S2 = 1-2 S3 = 1-2
Typical time delay : tl0 = 0.2 to 1 s chosen tl0 = 0.2 s "lnternal" neutral current displays 1 in mode 09 I0 (resp. S) input c.t. ratio
"Motor starting" protection Istart
Istart = 4 x IE I2Tstart = 32 IE2s From this results a maximum operating time tstart max =
32 =2s 42
chosen 1 = 105% 2
Imax th = 85...105% x I NS
Mode 30 = 105
chosen 2 = 100% x 2
Imax th INS
assumed H = 20% heating time constant = 70 min cooling time constant = 200 min
Only the protection functions given above are to be activated for the example of protecting a power transformer (I>>1, I>>2, Ibl.r., I>1, I>2, I>3, Istart, I0 and . From Table 9.5 the value 11 has to be set This combination also includes the NPS protection I2, which must then be made inactive (see above):
Mode 47 = 11
Mode 05 = 0
Tripping logic
Tripping of I>>1,2 is to be latched and made via auxiliary tripping relay ARII; this also applies to tripping of Istart and Ibl.r.. Tripping of I>1,2,3 and should actuate auxiliary tripping relay ARI. I>3 picking up should be signalled by the auxiliary signalling relay MRI and an I0 trip by auxiliary signalling relay MRII. The corresponding settings according to Table 9.3 are: Phase faults Overcurrent E/F Blocked rotor Motor starting Thermal overload Phase faults Overcurrent Overcurrent I>>1 I>1 I0 Ibl.r. Istart 1, 2 I>>2 I>2 I>3 Mode 101 = 0003 Mode 103 = 0020 Mode 107 = 0200 Mode 111 = 0002 Mode 113 = 0002 Mode 130 = 0020 Mode 141 = 0003 Mode 143 = 0020 Mode 145 = 1020
Blocking logic
When a signal is applied to the blocking input of the MCX913, the whole relay must be blocked and all the auxiliary relays reset. The corresponding settings according to Section 6.6. are: Plug-in link S4 in position 2-3 all DIL switches S65: S4 = 2-3 closed
Setting Table
Mode 101 I>>1 103 I>1 105 I2 107 I0 111 Ibl.r. 113 Istart 115 I< 117 Nc,Nh 120 3 130 1,2 141 I>>2 143 I>2 145 I>3 Tripping matrix:
0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 2 2
0 105 121 20 70 200 0 1 10.0 0.08 2.0 30.0 1.4 60.0 7 S4: Blocking of relay S4 1-2 selective blocking 2-3 all functions blocked S2,S3: Neutral current I0 Relay type MCX913 S2 S3 I0 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3 1-2 internal Relay type MCX 912 S2 S3 I0 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3
G MCX912-1 G G MCX912-5 G
S1: Base current IE S1 Range 1-2 0.300...0.424 * INR 2-3 0.425...0.600 * INR 4-5 0.601...0.848 * INR 5-6 0.849...1.200 * INR
S65: Selective blocking switch Relay open closed MR I G MR II G AR I G AR II G Switch "open": no influence at blocking
Should the shipment be found to be damaged upon receipt, a claim must be lodged immediately in writing with the last carrier and the facts notified to ABB Power Automation Ltd, Department NAP, CH-5401 Baden, Switzerland. The data on the adhesive rating plate on the plug-in relay unit (Fig. 9.1) must agree with the corresponding data on the order and on the delivery note.
Since every piece of technical equipment can be damaged or destroyed by inadmissible ambient conditions, the relay location should not be exposed to excessive air pollution (dust, aggressive substances) severe vibration, extreme changes of temperature, high levels of humidity, surge voltages of high amplitude and short rise time and powerful induced magnetic fields should be avoided as far as possible air should be permitted to circulate freely around the unit.
4.2. Checking the wiring (see Fig. 9.5 for wiring diagram)
The relay wiring must be checked against the corresponding wiring diagram. The c.t. data must agree with the input data of the relay. The relay is connected to three c.t's having a secondary rated current of either 1 A or 5 A. Generally the c.t's are wound in the sense and have the terminal designations shown in Fig. 4.1. With the normal arrangement of K connected towards the busbar and L towards the line, the secondary terminals k and l are connected in strict accordance with the circuit diagram. Should the primary of a winding be connected in the reverse sense, i.e. L towards the busbar and K towards the line, the secondary connections to the terminals k and 1 must also be reversed. The phase-sequence and the energy direction have to be correct, otherwise the NPS I2 measurement cannot function. Should there be any doubt as to the sense of any of the windings, the following method can be used to determine the polarity of the secondaries. Terminals K and L are connected to a d.c.
source of about 4 V and k and l to a polarised voltmeter as shown in Fig. 4.1. The polarity is correct, if there is a positive deflection when the switch S is closed.
K L k l S (u) K k (U)
(v) L
l (V)
Fig. 4.1
Instrument transformer terminals and polarity check (U, u, V and v apply to p.t's)
The auxiliary supply and the blocking signals must be within the ranges of permissible variation given in the Data Sheet. The maximum data stated in the Data Sheet for the signalling and tripping contacts may not be exceeded. For correct operation it is essential that the frequency marked on the rating plate of the relay (50 or 60 Hz) be the same as the power system frequency. If this is not the case, the relay can be provisionally re-calibrated to the corresponding frequency on site (see Section 6.9.).
4.3. Earthing and Wiring of Protection Units of the 900 Family
Switching operations in HV installations generate transient overvoltages in measurement and control cables. Electrostatic or magnetic RF fields either of a latent nature or caused by various operations are also induced in the devices themselves or in the cables connected to them. Interference of this kind can impair the operation of electronic equipment. On the other hand, electronic equipment itself can transmit electromagnetic waves that interfere with other electronic equipment. To keep this interference within acceptable limits, the grounding, wiring and screening of the equipment must fulfil certain minimum standards.
For these precautions to have the desired effect, the station ground must be of good quality.
The cubicle must be designed and fitted out such that the impedance for RF interference of the ground path from the electronic device to the cubicle ground terminal is as low as possible. Metal accessories such as side plates, blanking plates etc., must be effectively connected surface-to-surface to the grounded frame to ensure a low-impedance path to ground for RF interference. The contact surfaces must no only conduct well, they must also be non-corroding. If the above conditions are not fulfilled, there is a possibility of the cubicle or parts of it forming a resonant circuit at certain frequencies that would amplify the transmission of interference by the devices installed and also reduce their immunity to induced interference. Grounding system Grounding a single cubicle
Movable parts of the cubicle such as doors (front and back) or hinged equipment frames must be effectively grounded to the frame by three braided copper strips (see Fig. 4.2).
Door or hinged equipment frame
Station ground rail Braided copper strip, width 20 mm, cross-section 16 mm Grounding strip terminal (sleeve) or conducting connection
Fig. 4.2
The cubicle ground rail must be effectively connected to the station ground rail by a grounding strip (braided copper, see Section 4.3.4.). Where the two ground rails are more than 5 m apart, two grounding strips must be run parallel and as close as possible to each other. Grounding system for adjacent cubicles
Where cubicles are placed next to each other ( 1 m apart), the requirements of Fig. 4.3 (example with two cubicles) must be observed in addition to those of Fig. 4.2.
Fig. 4.3
Cubicle grounding system in the case of several cubicles next to each other (schematic representation)
The cubicle ground rails are linked together and each one individually connected to the station ground rail. If the cubicles are further than 1 m apart, they do not have to be interconnected. In the case of cubicles with several compartments, the ground rails of the compartments are linked together and each one connected to the station ground rail. Grounding system for equipment
Grounding strips may be attached to the left (as in Fig. 4.2) or to the right of racks and devices (see Fig. 4.4a). Take care that the grounding strip is always as short as possible.
b) Inadmissible
Fig. 4.4
Grounding system for two devices installed next to each other (schematic representation)
Open equipment racks must be electrically conducting and noncorroding and must be effectively connected to the station ground rail (see Fig. 4.5).
Mounting plate Electrically conducting junction on both sides Electrically conducting junction Electrically conducting junction
Fig. 4.5
Grounding system for open equipment racks (schematic representation of the flush and surface mounting methods with front view)
Metal interface modules not having their own grounding strips, mounting plates and all kinds of cover plates must have an electrically conducting connection to the equipment rack, i.e. neither contact surface may be painted and yet must be noncorroding (e.g. galvanised). Devices and 19" racks must be grounded as shown in Fig. 4.5 or Fig. 4.8 in Section The difference lies in another surface treatment of the mounting plates. Always take care to keep the grounding strips as short as possible. As stipulated in Section, a second grounding strip must be run parallel and as close as possible to the first, if the station ground rail is more than 5 m away.
High frequency currents are produced by interference in the ground connections and because of skin effect at these frequencies, only the surface region of the grounding strips is of consequence. The grounding strips must therefore be of tinned braided copper and not round copper conductors, as the cross-section of round copper would have to be excessively large.
Data of braided copper strip:
Proper terminations must be fitted to both ends (press/pinch fit) with a hole for bolting them firmly to the items to be connected. Each device is accompanied by a mounting set and an installation drawing for mounting the grounding strip on the device. The surfaces (cubicle or open equipment rack) to which the other end of the grounding strips are bolted must be electrically conducting and non-corroding (Fig. 4.6).
Fig. 4.6
If the contact surface is aluminium, a Cupal (copper plated aluminium) washer must be inserted between the grounding strip and the aluminium to prevent corrosion.
The external wiring includes all the connections from the primary plant to the cubicle or open equipment rack terminals or directly to the device terminals. This cables are run in metal ducts that are connected to the station ground at several places. The external wiring is of the following types: instrument transformer leads auxiliary supply cables binary inputs and outputs. Since experience has shown that the main source of interference is the c.t. and v.t. leads, these should be run in different cable ducts separately from the other cables.
In the case of GIS installations, the c.t. and v.t. leads must be screened (see Section 4.3.5.).
Screened c.t. and v.t. leads are recommended for other types of installation.
4.3.5. Screening Cable shields
The cable shields shall be braided and have a cover factor of at least 80 %.
The ground connection to a cable shield must extend around the entire circumference.
Grounding a shield by soldering a wire to it achieves only an inadequate screening effect in industrial installations.
Cable shields must be grounded at both ends. The best screening effect is achieved when the cable enters the cubicle via a screwed cable gland. If a cable gland of this type is not provided, the cable must be grounded as shown in Fig. 4.8 on the inside of the cubicle immediately adjacent to the cable inlet.
To ground the cable, remove a suitable length of the insulation and push the braiding of the shield back over the end of the insulation. Secure the end of the cable to the grounded surface by means of a metal cleat (Fig. 4.7). The cleat and the contact surface must be electrically conducting and non-corroding.
Cable end with cable insulation Cleat
Fig. 4.7
The shield must be pushed back over the insulation to prevent it from fraying with time and the quality of the ground contact diminishing. It also reduces the risk of pinching the shield and the cores. The grounding system in the case of open equipment racks is executed as shown in Fig. 4.7 and Fig. 4.8.
Screened cables
Fig. 4.8
The rear of the mounting plate must not be painted and the surface must be a good conductor and non-corroding. As shown in Fig. 4.5 and explained in Section 4.3.4., the mounting plate must be in good electrical contact with the frame of the open rack. Therefore we recommend not to varnish both sides of the mounting plates. The unscreened ends from the point of grounding to the device terminals must be kept as short as possible. Certain groups of cables must also be run separately as explained in Section 4.3.4. Additional cable grounds between the ends
With the cable shields grounded at both ends, any potential differences between the both ground points will cause balancing currents to flow in the shields that can induce interference in the cables. This can interfere with the function of a device at cable lengths of 10 m and more.
A recommended solution is to run the cables along ground rails of the meshed station ground system and grounding the shields at intervals of 5 to 10 m. For this purpose, a suitable length of insulation is stripped from the shield and the exposed shield connected by a cable cleat to a grounded metal surface (Fig. 4.7). Both the cleat and the contact surface must be electrically conducting and noncorroding. Choose a cleat that holds the shield firmly but does not pinch the shield or the cores.
Pre-commissioning checks
The wiring checks according to Section 4.2. must be concluded. The auxiliary supply must not be switched on. The plug-in links S1 to S4 and the DIL switches S65 must be set as required for the application (Fig. 9.2 and Fig. 9.3).
5.2. Inserting the relay and switching on the auxiliary supply
It is only permissible to insert or withdraw the relay with the auxiliary supply switched off! It is only permissible to switch on the auxiliary supply after the relay has been inserted. When this has been done, all the segments of the LED display are automatically tested, i.e. four rectangles, then four stars and then four dots appear on the mode and value displays; the number of firmware version is then displayed for about 1 s. Providing the self-checking arrangements do not discover a defect, the display disappears, the green stand-by LED lights and the stand-by signalling contact closes. Should on the other hand there be a defect, it is signalled on the display, the relay cannot assume the stand-by state and correspondingly the green LED does not light (see Section 6.5.).
5.3. 5.3.1. Relay controls General
Two memories are concerned with the relay settings (modes 0 to 49 and 100 to 149; see Table 9.1 and Table 9.3): Main memory (non-volatile; NOVRAM) The settings in this memory are the operational settings, i.e. only settings in the main memory determine relay behaviour. Operating memory (volatile) Whenever the relay is switched on or upon a special instruction (see Section 5.3.6.) the settings are copied from the main memory into the operating memory where it is possible to change them as necessary using the key-pad.
The value display shows only the values in the operating memory.
The changed and unchanged values in the operating memory can be written from the operating memory into the main memory, i.e. they become the new operational settings, by entering a corresponding instruction (see Section 5.3.6.). As supplied the MCX91. relays have the settings (default values) listed in Table 9.1 and Table 9.3.
5.3.2. Frontplate displays, key-pad
On the frontplate (see Fig. 9.1) there are two LED displays, one for the address (mode) of a setting or measurement quantity, the other for its value. The same displays are used for signalling functions which have picked up or have tripped (selected automatically with flashing display). Functions are selected and settings made using the key-pad, which apart from the digits 0 to 9 also includes keys for the following instructions: R reset: for resetting the frontplate displays of protection signals and error indications and also latched trips (see also Section 6.1.) for keying in a function address (e.g. pick-up, timer etc.; see also Section 5.3.4.) for keying in a setting (see also Section5.3.5.) The action of selecting a mode or entering a setting is terminated by pressing the 'enter' key (see also Sections 5.3.4. and 5.3.5.). erase key (see also Section 5.3.7.) for going to next address or writing a decimal point when entering a setting (see also Section 5.3.7.).
In the protection function selection mode (mode 47), a combination of protection functions best suited to the application in hand can be chosen from an extensive number (see Table 9.5). Once a combination has been selected in mode 47, only those functions contained in it can be made active (or inactive) and only they and their settings can be displayed. Protection functions of a combination which are not required are made inactive individually by entering zero for its setting, regardless of whether a current setting, or 1 and 2 in the case of thermal overload protection, or Ncold and Nhot in the case of protection against too many motor starts. An alternative is to enter 0000 for the tripping logic setting (see Table 9.3) of the unwanted functions, which blocks the function completely (no automatic selection and no signals; see Section 6.1.).
5.3.4. Displaying settings and load values
The procedure for displaying a setting or a load value is as follows: Firstly press the mode key followed by the digits of the desired mode and terminate the entry with the enter key. The 'value' display then shows the corresponding setting in the operating memory (see also Section 5.3.1.) or value of the chosen load quantity.
Display of the NPS current I2 at the moment Key sequence M 5 5 E where: 'Mode' display M _ _ _ M _ _ 5 M _ 5 5 _ _ 5 5 _ = no display x = digit or decimal point. If an incorrect mode is entered, i.e. one which is not contained in Table 9.1 to Table 9.4 or was inactivated when selecting the combinations of functions, the signal "ERR" (error) appears on the 'value' display.
'Value' display _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x x x x
The procedure for changing a setting is as follows: Firstly select the mode as described in Section 5.3.4., press the value key, key in the new setting and terminate the entry by pressing the enter key. The new setting is now in the operating memory. It is only transferred to the main memory when Instruction (saving settings, see Section 5.3.6.) is given. Note: After their change, all setting values shall be saved commonly.
Settings can be changed in the same way when the relay is in operation and even when there is a flashing protection signal.
Changing the setting of I> (mode 15) in the operating memory from 0.6 to 0.5. Key sequence M 1 5 E V 0 'Mode' display M _ _ _ M _ _ 1 M _ 1 5 _ _ 1 5 V _ 1 5 V _ 1 5 V _ 1 5 5 E V _ 1 5 _ _ 1 5 'Value' display _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 . 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ 0 _ _ 0 . 5 _ 0 . 5
The firmware of the MCX91. will only accept settings in the permissible setting range. Entries outside this range are automatically modified upon pressing the E key to the lowest respectively the highest permissible value before being written into the operating memory. Exception: The zero setting when inactivating a protection function (see Section 5.3.3.) is accepted.
To prevent unauthorised interference with settings, it is only possible to change settings in the main memory with the aid of Instruction (save). There are five further instructions which simplify and speed up the setting procedure and make the relay more convenient for the user. The procedure for entering an instruction is the same as for entering a setting: Each instruction is a digital code which has to be entered in the corresponding instruction mode (997, 998 or 999). An incorrect code is indicated on the 'value' display by "ERR" and in the case (copy main memory) is automatically of mode 999 Instruction executed. The six possible instructions and their purposes are as follows:
M 999 E
V 4321 E
Providing defect 70 is not present (see Section 6.5.), the contents of the operating memory are copied into the main memory, i.e. the corresponding values become the effective settings. When this is done, mode 80 automatically appears on the display.
Erase operating memory:
M 998 E
V 1111 E
The operating memory is erased, i.e. the settings and the tripping logic are set to zero, and the default values for time delays, combination of functions and IE are written into it. The contents of the main memory remain unchanged.
Copy main memory:
M 998 E
V 2222 E
The contents of the main memory (the effective settings) are copied into the operating memory.
Continuous display:
M 998 E
V 3333 E
The display is not automatically suppressed (see the Note below). This instruction is cancelled by an auxiliary supply interruption lasting longer than 5 s or by pressing the R key.
M 998 E
V 4444 E
The complete tripping value and elapsed time memory is set to zero.
Set operating hours counter:
M 997 E
V xxxx E
M 996 E
V 0000 E
The maximum mean value (mode 89) is reset to the inst. mean value (mode 90). Note: If the keys are not operated for at least 60 min., the display extinguishes (except for the green LED) and instruction is carried out automatically.
and Cl
These keys serve different purposes depending on the status of the display. The reactions of the relay when these keys are operated are as follows: Increment mode / decimal point: If a mode has already been selected, then operation of this key selects the next higher activated mode (according to Table 9.1 to Table 9.4 and selected functions). The increment key can not be used to go beyond mode 199, which is followed by mode 00 and the cycle starts again. If a setting is being entered, this key is used to write a decimal point. Cl Clear: As long as a mode entry has not been terminated by pressing the E key, pressing Cl erases everything which has been already entered on the 'mode' display. If no digit was keyed in after pressing the M key, the complete display is switched off. As long as the entry of a setting has not been terminated by pressing the E key , pressing Cl erases everything which has already been entered on the 'value' display.
If no digit was keyed in after pressing the V key, the value of the corresponding setting in the operating memory is displayed again. If the display of a measured value (modes 50 to 99 and 150 to 199) was selected, pressing Cl causes the first value of the FIFO (first in, first out memory) to be displayed (see Section 6.1.) or the complete display is switched off. If the display of a setting (modes 0 to 49 and 100 to 149) was selected, pressing Cl causes the effective setting to be copied from the main memory into the operating memory and displayed. Should the values of both memories be the same, then the first value of the FIFO is displayed (see Section 6.1.) or the complete display is switched off.
Providing the corresponding tripping logic setting is not at 0000 (see Table 9.3), every activated protection function generates a flashing signal on the frontplate display ("mode" and "value") whenever it trips or picks up. In the case of a pick-up, the corresponding time delay counter (or I2T) is displayed and decremented. If the protection function concerned resets before the timer has reached zero, the display reverts to the non-flashing display of the mode selected prior to the pick-up. Otherwise the display shows the setting of the corresponding protection function when tripping takes place at the end of the time delay. Regardless of any mode which may be selected at the time, the first starting or tripping event to occur is immediately displayed. Up to ten events are recorded in sequence in a FIFO (first in, first out) memory. If the tripping logic is set to zero for a particular protection function, then its operation is blocked, as are auxiliary signalling and tripping relays, and selection of timer and pick-up value, flashing display and registration by the FIFO do not take place. A flashing display is maintained until reset by the R key. Resetting, however, is only possible providing the timer is not running and a tripping command is not actually being generated. When a pick-up or tripping signal is reset, its value flashes three times with a 'C' (cleared) on the 'mode' display, it is erased from the FIFO and any latching is cancelled. This is followed by the display of the next value in the FIFO or of the mode prior to the signalled occurrence. Pressing the R key when the FIFO is empty starts the LED testing routine which finally displays the version of the firmware before reverting to the display of the previous mode.
Exceptions: 1 and 3 pick-ups are processed in the same way as tripping commands (recorded by the FIFO) providing the tripping logic has at least one digit set to one for these functions (130 or 120), i.e. no one means the function is simply not processed. A single digit set to one in mode 117 means that when there is an Ncold or Nhot pick-up (see Section 2.2.9.), the value of the reverse counting timer tN-1 flashes on the display (no operation without a one in mode 117). After this timer has timed out and the pick-up signal has been reset, the display reverts to the non-flashing display of the mode selected prior to the occurrence. At least one digit set to 2 in mode 117 will cause the pick-up setting of the corresponding counter to be displayed when it is reached. Tripping and pick-up signals only disappear and the display can only be reset after both counters have fallen below their settings once again. Tripping of Ncold or N hot is recorded by the FIFO. Operation of the blocked rotor (stalled) protection is not signalled (no automatic selection upon pick-up or tripping and not recorded by the FIFO) regardless of the tripping logic settings. This is to prevent a blocked rotor scheme with a speed switch (see Section 2.2.5.) from generating a continuously flashing display in normal operation. Events recorded by the FIFO are maintained for an unlimited period after the auxiliary supply has been switched off, but the contents can only be displayed, of course, when it is switched on. New settings can be keyed in and entered regardless of whether a signal is being generated at the time, however, the display flashes to indicate the simultaneously presence of a signal. Pressing Cl after the entry has been finished causes the first value of the FIFO to re-appear. The discovery of a defect by the self-monitoring system is signalled by the fact that the green stand-by LED extinguishes. In this case, the display shows the corresponding defect code (see Section 6.5.).
Under normal system conditions, the r.m.s. values of various load quantities can be displayed. (Caution! All current values are referred to the base current IE). It will be seen that the same value is displayed for a number of protection functions. This is because they use the same input quantity, the phase-to-neutral current (see Table 9.2). Zero is displayed when a timer is selected during normal load conditions, but if this is done after a protection function has picked up, the progress of the time delay can be observed (or of I2T). Mode 51 displays the highest of the phase-to-neutral currents. This can also be measured at the terminals of the protection equipment, paying attention, of course, that the secondary circuits of the c.t's are never opened. There are upper limits to the measuring ranges for currents, and the counters Ncold and Nhot. The measuring ranges are independent of the IE setting and the setting range with an externally derived neutral current I0. The upper limits of the measuring ranges are given in Table 6.1. All the lower limits are zero.
Load value phase current internal I0 external I0 I2 Ncold, Nhot Measuring range MCX913 20 x IE 1 x IE Measuring range MCX912-1 20 x IE --Measuring range MCX912-5 20 x IE -- 0.04 x IE resp. 0.16 x IE 0.5 x IE 999% 99
Table 6.1
The value of load quantity which is higher than the upper limit of its measuring range (overflow) is indicated by an asterisk (*) on the mode display when it is visible on the value display. The overflow asterisk disappears as soon as the value is within the measuring range again. Overflowing of tripping values and elapsed times (see Section 6.3.) are indicated in the same way.
A supply voltage failure causes the mean value of the phase current (mode 90) to reset to 0.0. The maximum mean value (mode 89), however, is saved in the non volatile memory and is again present on return of the supply voltage. Load values, including , and the tripping and elapsed time memory cannot be read, if there is any defect with the exception of defect 80 (RST, see Section 6.5.). In this case - - - - appears on the 'value' display. The 'value' display also shows - - - - in a scheme with external neutral current I0 and blocked I2 when mode 55 is selected, i.e. the E/F current at the time is greater than 0.25 x I0 (see Section 2.2.7.).
6.3. Tripping value and elapsed time memory
The tripping value and elapsed time memory contains the value of the current and the delay time of a protection function at the instant of its last tripping. If tripping did not take place, the last elapsed time (or remaining I2T) is registered. The registered current value in this case does not originate from this start, but from the last tripping. The tripping value and elapsed time memory is independent of the tripping logic, i.e. the corresponding values of a pickup or a trip are registered even if a function's tripping logic setting is 0000. The contents of this memory are lost, if there is an interruption to the auxiliary supply. The contents of the memory can be erased (display 0) by In(erase tripping value and elapsed time memory, see struction Section 5.3.6.); it is also erased automatically when a new base current IE is set . When a protection function is made inactive (by a zero setting or function selection) the corresponding values in the tripping value and elapsed time memory are automatically reset to zero.
Self-monitoring system
Any defects are immediately registered by the comprehensive self-monitoring system comprising a hardware monitoring circuit and test software. Thus periodic testing can take place much less frequently without reducing availability.
6.4.1. Watchdog, auxiliary supply supervision
The operation of the micro-processor is monitored by a "watchdog" circuit (see Fig. 9.2). The processor and with it the whole relay are blocked whenever the 5 V supply falls below 4.5 V. A reduction of the 24 V supply below 21 V causes an INT0 . An INT0 does the following: All auxiliary signalling and tripping relays, including that for signalling stand-by, are reset. The green LED and the mode and value displays go out. The states of the thermal replica, the FIFO for the operating signals and the operating hours counter are written into the non-volatile main memory. A single automatic hardware reset occurs following a transient micro-processor disturbance and after an INT0 , i.e. the system is restarted. If the restart is successful (all self-testing routines in order and auxiliary supplies within tolerances), the relay immediately resumes its normal operating state. A recurrence of a processor disturbance or an INT0 within ten seconds will block the processor continuously. It is necessary to interrupt the auxiliary supply for about 5 s to restart the relay in this case. On the other hand, correct operation for a period longer than 10 s after a restart, means that another hardware reset will be permitted. This blocking time of 10 s must also be taken into account when an INT0 is initiated by applying an external signal to a blocking input (see Section 6.6.). A successful restart following a disturbance and hardware reset is indicated by a flashing display: "mode" display: "value" display: 99 (defect) see also Table 9.6 RST (restart)
The restart procedure after an auxiliary supply interruption or an INT0 takes about 5 s.
Test software
The control programme (EPROM) and settings are continuously monitored by check-sum techniques. The positions of plug-in links and setting ranges are checked periodically. The internal 15 V auxiliary supply and the A/D converter are monitored via channels Ch4 and Ch5 (see Fig. 9.2).
Defect signals
The relay's test software (Section 6.4.) causes any irregularities to be indicated by flashing signals in mode 99. Providing a defect is being signalled for the first time, the relay will only respond to the R key. All defects with the exception of RST and 80 result in the standby circuit resetting and blocking the relay. Table 9.6 in the appendices lists the possible defect signals, the corresponding defect display codes and the response when the R key is pressed. Corresponding defect signals are generated when the coarse IE setting range is changed (moving plug-in link S1) or the "external I0" range (moving plug-in link S3). It is for this reason that new settings can be entered following acknowledgement of these defect signals (11/12/13/14 or 31/32 or 40/70) by pressing the R key. Once the new settings have been saved by giving Instruction (see Section 5.3.6.), the relay is operational once again. Note: All settings (modes 0 to 49 and 100 to 149) are automatically written into the operating memory when the IE range is changed!
If the E/F protection IQ is set to zero in a scheme with external neutral current and I2 in operation, the error signal E70 appears in mode 999 after Instruction (save settings) has been given. Instruction is not executed (see Section 2.2.7.). Defects 50, 60 and 61 concern the monitoring of the EPROM, A/D converter and the -15 V auxiliary supply. The auxiliary supply must be switched off for about 5 s should these signals not reset when the R key is pressed. If this measure is also unsuccessful, the relay should be returned to the nearest ABB agent or to ABB Baden, Switzerland. Providing the self-testing arrangements do not find a defect and the relay is operational, selecting mode 99 displays the value 0 (i.e. no defects found).
Applying a signal to the blocking input (E5/E4/E3-E2) enables either just the auxiliary signalling and tripping relays or operation of the whole relay to be inhibited. Which of these two possibilities is effective depends on the positions of the plug-in link S4 and the DIL switch S65 (both on PCB 1, Fig. 9.3).
Position of plug-in link S4 1-2 2-3 Function selective blocking, see below The micro-processor is blocked (INT0 , see Section
6.4.1.) and all aux. signalling and tripping relays, including the one for stand-by, reset.
Table 6.2
Selective blocking:
A switch of S65 on PCB 1 is associated with each of the auxiliary signalling and tripping relays. Marking: MRI = MRII = ARI = ARII = aux. signalling relay I aux. signalling relay II aux. tripping relay I aux. tripping relay II
A signal applied to the blocking input has no influence on an auxiliary relay when its switch is in the "open" position, but the signal causes an auxiliary relay to reset, if its switch is in the "closed" position. This blocking arrangement is purely hardware, "unnoticed" by the processor and without a indication on the display. Blocking is maintained for as long as the signal is applied to the blocking input and is cancelled as soon as it disappears.
Auxiliary supply
The auxiliary supply must not be allowed to fall below the minimum permissible voltage and must already be within the permissible range when it is switched on (please refer to the Data Sheet).
For relay version MCX91x-x-x-1
when supplied from the station battery when supplied from the a.c. mains
The supply unit does contain a wet electrolytic capacitor (see Section 6.9.) which functions as a reservoir to some extent for bridging brief supply interruptions. At an ambient of 25C and with two auxiliary signalling relays and one auxiliary tripping relay energised, the following bridging times may be considered typical: auxiliary supply voltage 110 V d.c. : 60 ms auxiliary supply voltage 220 V d.c. : 190 ms
For relay version MCX91x-x-x-0
when supplied from the station battery : 18 to 36 V The following bridging times may be expected: auxiliary voltage V d.c. : 20 ms
Supply fuse
There is one fuse at the upper edge of PCB 1 with the following data (see Fig. 9.3). 0.8 A slow, 5 mm diameter, 20 mm long (1 A slow, 5 mm diameter, 20 mm long in the versions having an auxiliary supply range of 18 to 36 V d.c.)
The relay requires no special maintenance. However, as is usual with all safety systems, they should be tested at regular intervals (every one to two years). Above all care should be taken that the auxiliary supply voltage lies within the permissible range.
Since the electrolytic capacitor C155 (see Fig. 9.3) in the auxiliary supply circuit on PCB 1 will be subject to ageing, it is recommended that it be replaced about eight years after delivery of a relay. Replacement is only necessary, if: during this period an a.c. auxiliary supply was used, following up to eight year's supply from a battery the future supply will be a.c., with a d.c. supply, interruptions are to be expected which could be bridged by a capacitor up to standard (see Section 6.7.). The work of replacing the capacitor may only be performed by qualified personnel. PCB 1, C155: 47 F, 350 V Order No. XN 400 272 P211
As was pointed out in Section 4.2., the rated frequency of the relay must correspond to that of the power system. Should this not be the case, it is possible to provisionally recalibrate the relay on site. In order to calibrate the relay, it must first be removed from its casing. The auxiliary supply must then be connected directly to terminals E20 and E19 and a calibration current from a singlephase a.c. source to the heavy current terminals.
Relay settings
Plug-in links:
S1 S2 S3
= =
Mode settings:
I>1 check
MCX913: Inject 1 x INR (relay rated current) at R, S or T phase. MCX912: Inject 1 x INR at R or T phase. Mode 53 must be at 2.00 for all phases. A correction can be made with the corresponding trimmer R, S or T (Fig. 9.3), if the discrepancy exceeds 3%.
External I0 check
MCX912-1 and -5: Inject 0.25 A at S phase (l0). Mode 57 must be at 0.50 for MCX912-1 or .100 for MCX912-5. A correction can be made with trimmer S (Fig. 9.3), if the discrepancy exceeds 3%.
Calibrating the NPS (l2) filter
MCX913: Inject 0.75 x INR at S phase. MCX912: Inject 0.433 x INR at T phase. Adjust trimmer I2 (Fig. 9.3) such that the value display shows 0.50 for mode 55.
Important: It is possible for the accuracy of the pick-up values to have suffered somewhat as a result of recalibrating in this way. If it is considered essential for the accuracies given in the Data Sheet to be maintained, the relay must be returned to ABB Power Automation Ltd in Switzerland for frequency calibration.
6.10. 6.10.1.
The relay has a testing mode (see Section 6.10.3.) for testing those parts which are not covered by the self-monitoring system (see Section 6.4.).The testing mode enables the relay to be tested quickly and simply. The following components and functions can be checked using the test mode: the input transformers and signal conditioning circuits the auxiliary signalling and tripping relays the accuracy of the settings the accuracy of the time delays.
The only external equipment required is a single-phase injection current source (e.g. test set XS92b). The test does not require changing the protection settings. The relay is normally inserted in a separate casing for testing, but testing can be carried out with the relay in situ. Separate casing: In this case the relay is withdrawn from its casing and inserted into a separate casing wired to the test set. Note: If when preparing for the test the auxiliary supply is interrupted for longer than 10 minutes, the thermal replica will be initialised at 0 automatic. In situ: The relay can be tested in its own casing providing it is equipped with a test connector.
6.10.2. Current injection
The protection mode has been designed to facilitate testing with a single injection current. This current is applied to each phase in turn (see Table 6.3 and Table 6.4 and Fig. 9.5).
6.10.3. Testing procedure
Selecting the test mode: Switching the test mode:
The relay is blocked (no longer standing by) once the entry has been made and "TEST" flashes three times on the display. Then the relay is switched back to stand-by and the display shows continuously: TEST 0001 (or 0002).
The relay now operates with the settings of the test mode selected. The relay only responds to the R key when it is in the test mode. Pressing R restarts the relay and it operates once again with the normal settings. The thermal replica is not changed by the test mode.
Test mode V 0 0 0 1 for checking the accuracy of settings:
The following functions are active: M 01 : I>>1, M 03 : I>1, M 05 : I2, M 07 : I0 Corresponding tripping logic settings:
M 101: 0 0 0 1 AR II (see Fig. 9.5, A8, A9) signals pick up of I>> 1 M 103: 0 0 1 0 AR I (see Fig. 9.5, A4, A5) signals pick up of I>1 M 105: 0 1 0 0 MR II (see Fig. 9.5, E7, E8) signals pick up of I2 M 107: 1 0 0 0 MR I (see Fig. 9.5, E11, E12) signals pick up of I0
Table 6.3 and Table 6.4 show the settings with single-phase injection and the corresponding auxiliary relays which respond in relation to the positions of the plug-in links.
Relay type
Plug-in links S1 S2
Setting of I2 I>1 MR II AR I 0.315 0.45 0.63 0.90 0.182 0.26 0.364 0.52 0.35 0.50 0.70 1.00 0.35 0.50 0.70 1.00
MCX 913
I0 intern.
R, S, T
current injection R, T
I0 extern.
Table 6.3
Settings of I0 internal, I2, I>1 and I>>1 (referred to IN) in test mode V 0 0 0 1 with single-phase injection. The tolerances are given in the Data Sheet (measuring units are current functions and timer).
Plug-in links S1 1-2 2-3 4-5 5-6 1-2 2-3 4-5 5-6 S2 2-3 " " " " " " " S3 1-2 " " " 2-3 " " "
Settings of I0 external (MRl) MCX 913 0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 0.175 0.25 0.35 0.50 MCX912-1 0.14 0.20 0.28 0.40 0.035 0.050 0.070 0.100 MCX912-5 0.028 0.040 0.056 0.080 0.007 0.010 0.014 0.020
Table 6.4
Settings of I0 external (referred to IN) in test mode V 0 0 0 1. Single-phase current injection of I0 (see Fig. 9.5, A6, A7).
All the timers in the MCX relays have a common digital counter and quartz time base. It thus suffices to check just one time delay. Only function I> 1 is active: M 03 = 1.0 x IE M 04 = 1.0 s
M 103 = 1 1 2 2 MR I and MR II signal pick-up of I>1
(see Fig. 9.5, E7, E8, E11, E12) AR I and AR II signal tripping of I>1 (see Fig. 9.5, A4, A5, A8, A9)
Plug-in link S1 1 2 4 5 2 3 5 6
Table 6.5
Note that the operating times of the auxiliary relays must be taken into account when checking delay times.
6.10.4. Checking the actual settings
Although it is not considered necessary, it is possible to check the actual settings of the individual protection functions used in operation. The procedure in this case is as follows: 1. Isolate the protection function to be tested from the others by connecting its output using the tripping matrix (see Table 9.3) to an auxiliary relay not being used (e.g. MRII or ARII) and connect it ready for testing. 2. Change and save only the setting of the tripping logic for testing: 1 for the pick-up setting, 2 for the time delay. 3. Now test the protection function selected. 4. After testing, reset the tripping logic to its original setting and save it. 5. Repeat steps 2. to 4. for each protection function tested. 6. Go through the procedure for saving settings.
Protection function I>1 Setting in operation MRI MRII ARI ARII Pick-up value Time delay 1 1
0 0
2 2
0 0
1 2
2 2
0 0
Should the green LED (stand-by) on the frontplate go out and contact E15-E16 on the auxiliary stand-by signalling relay be open, the following should be checked: that the auxiliary supply is in the permissible range, there is no external blocking signal (INT0 ), the relay wiring is in order, the fuse on PCB 1 (0.8 A slow, or 1.0 A slow) is intact (see Section 6.8.), that an INT0 has not been caused by two defects in quick succession (see Section 6.4.1.). In this case interrupt the auxiliary supply for about 5 s which restarts the relay. If the relay appears to be standing by (green LED lit), but does not trip when there is overcurrent, the following should be checked: there is no external blocking signal (selective blocking), the settings are correct (pick-up values and tripping logic), and d.c. wiring are correct, that current is indeed flowing through the input transformer (Caution! Do not interrupt c.t. circuit conducting current).
Where defects are being signalled, the procedure is given in Section 6.5. If an apparent defect cannot be remedied by the above measures, the relay together with a description of the symptoms should be returned either to the nearest ABB office or directly to ABB Power Automation Ltd, Reparaturzentrum, Eingnang West, Warenannahme Terminal CA, CH-5401 Baden.
Before withdrawing the relay from its casing, make sure that the auxiliary supply is switched off to exclude any risk of false tripping.
Fig. 9.1 Fig. 9.2 Fig. 9.3 Motor protection/overcurrent/thermal overload relay MCX913 Block diagram of the MCX912/913 Locations of the plug-in links S1 to S4, DIL switch S65, fuse and electrolytic capacitor on PCB 1 PCB 2 showing the EPROM Protection setting ranges Load value displays Tripping logic Tripping value and elapsed time memory Selection of protection functions (mode 47) Defect signals Terminal designations Wiring diagram with internal neutral current derivation Wiring diagram with external neutral current derivation Wiring diagram with external neutral current derivation by a core-balance c.t. Temperature rise curves for 0.1 x IE I 2 x IE Cooling curves Temperature rise curves for I 2 x IE from cold Temperature rise curves for I 2 x IE when hot Operating characteristics Maximum temperature rise of motors under different operating conditions Typical thermal time constants Setting table for MCX912/913
Fig. 9.4 Table 9.1 Table 9.2 Table 9.3 Table 9.4 Table 9.5 Table 9.6 Fig. 9.5 Fig. 9.6 Fig. 9.7 Fig. 9.8 Fig. 9.9 Fig. 9.10 Fig. 9.11 Fig. 9.12 Fig. 9.13 Table 9.7 Table 9.8 Fig. 9.14
Fig. 9.1
Motor protection/overcurrent/thermal overload relay MCX913 (BBC size 1 relay casing) Above - relay withdrawn form its casing, see Fig. 9.5 for terminal designations (Photo 219 011) Below - relay in its casing (Photo 235 218)
Fig. 9.2
Fig. 9.3
Locations of the plug-in links S1 to S4, DIL switch S65, fuse and electrolytic capacitor (47F) on PCB1 (corresponds HESG 323 892)
Fig. 9.4
Mode 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Setting base current phase faults 1 timer overcurrent 1 timer NSP timer E/F: internal external
Symbol IE I>>1 tI>>1 I>1 tI>1 I2 tI2 I0 I0 tI0 --k Ibl.r. tbl.r. Istart I2Tstart I< tI< Ncold Nhot tN-1 3 NS 1 2 H 0 0 kTE I>>2 tI>>2 I>2 tI>2 I>3 tI>3 CTRL 1
Range 0.30...1.20 0; 2...20 0.00...9.99 0; 0.8...8 0.1...200 0; 0.1...0.5 0.1...200 0; 0.2...1 (0; 0.2...4)/k 0.01...100 1=INT, 0=EXT 1 ** 0; 0.8...8.0 0.1...200 0; 0.8...8.0 1...9999 0; 0.3...3.0 0.1...200 0; 1...10 0; 1...10 1...9999 0; 50...200 0, 1, 2 0; 50...200 0; 50...200 1...100 1...200 1...999 0...200 0...200 0...2 *** 0; 2...20 0.00...9.99 0; 0.8...8 0.1...200 0; 0.8...8 0.1...200 1...19
Resolution 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.1/1 0.01 0.1/1 0.01 0.01/(0.001) 0.01/0.1 1 1 0.1 0.1/1 0.1 0.1/1 0.1 0.1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.1/1 0.1 0.1/1 1
Defaultvalue 1.00 * 7.0 0.05 1.5 20.0 0.30 4.0 0.5 2.0/k * 0.2 1 * 1 ** 3.0 15.0 2.0 1000 0.5 30.0 3 2 600 70 0 105 120 15 30 90 0 201 1 0 0.1 0 1.0 0 1.0 1
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 30 31 32 33 34 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
timer int./ext. I0-INT. / EXT. I0 c.t. ratio blocked rotor timer run-up perm. I2T for start no-load timer No. of starts from cold No. of starts when warm time for N N-1 temp. rise 3 start with excessive temp. temp. rise 1 temp. rise 2 hysteresis for 2 heating time const. cooling time const. automatic 0 manual 0 setting time for mean value phase faults 2 timer overcurrent 2 timer overcurrent timer selection of function
INR relay rated current (1 A or 5 A) * ** depends on plug-in link position k = 1 for MCX913 k = 5 for MCX912-1 k = 25 for MCX912-5 Note: the modes 09 and 10 are signals and not setting values *** kTE = 0 Setting time: 8 min kTE = 1 Setting time: 15 min kTE = 2 Setting time: 30 min
Table 9.1
Mode (display) 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 80 81 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 98 99
phase-to-neutral current * timer tI>>1 phase-to-neutral current * timer tI>1 NPS current I2 timer tI2 neutral current I0 timer tI0 phase-to-neutral current * timer tbl.r. phase-to-neutral current * starting timer I2T phase-to-neutral current * timer tI< counter Ncold counter Nhot timer tN-1 temperature rise temperature rise temperature rise max. mean value of the phase current * mean value of the phase current * phase-to-neutral current * timer tI>>2 phase-to-neutral current * timer tI>2 phase-to-neutral current * timer tI>3 operating hours counter defect signals
0.01/0.1 0.01 0.01/0.1 0.01/1 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.01/1 0.1/1 0.01/0.1 0.1/1 0.01/0.1 0.1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.01/0.1 0.01/0.1 0.01/0.1 0.01 0.01/0.1 0.1/1 0.01/0.1 0.1/1 0.1/1 ---
IE s IE s IE s IE s IE s IE IE2s IE s 1 1 s % % % IE IE IE s IE s IE s 10 h ---
Table 9.2
Tripping logic
Pick-up signalling, tripping or latched tripping can be selected for each of the protection functions given below by appropriately setting the tripping logic to selectively energise the two auxiliary signalling relays (MRl and MRII) or the two auxiliary tripping relays (ARl and ARII). The default values are given in brackets.
'Value' display (Logic) Mode
101 103 105 107 111 113 115 117 120 130 141 143 145
Protection function
I>>1 I>1 I2 I0 Ibl.r. Istart I< Ncold, Nhot 3 1, 2 I>>2 I>2 I>3
^ MR I =
x (2) x (2) x (2) x (2) y (2) x (2) x (2) x (0) z (0) x (1) x (2) x (2) x (2)
digit 3
^ MR II =
x (0) x (0) x (0) x (0) y (0) x (0) x (0) x (0) z (0) x (0) x (0) x (0) x (0)
digit 2
^ AR I =
x (2) x (2) x (2) x (2) y (2) x (2) x (2) x (1) z (0) x (2) x (2) x (2) x (2)
digit 1
^ AR II =
x (0) x (0) x (0) x (0) y (0) x (0) x (0) x (0) z (0) x (0) x (0) x (0) x (0)
digit 0
Table 9.3
Tripping logic
x can only be 0, 1, 2 or 3; y can only be 0, 1 or 2 and z can only be 0 or 1, whereby: z, y or x = 0 means no auxiliary relay response z, y or x = 1 means auxiliary relay energised for pick-up or >1 ; >3 ; Special case: Ncold, Nhot ; see Section 2.2.9. y or x = 2 x=3
means auxiliary relay energised for trip, >1 , or No. of start attempts greater than Ncold or Nhot means auxiliary relay energised and latched.
The value programmed for mode 105 is 1020. This means that when I2 picks up, the auxiliary relay MRI is energised and when I2 trips auxiliary relay ARI is energised.
Mode Value
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 161 162 163 164 165 166 191 192 193 194 195 196 199 current when I>>1 tripped tl>>1 elapsed time current when I>1 tripped tl>1 elapsed time current when I2 tripped tl2 elapsed time current when I0 tripped tl0 elapsed time current when Ibl.r. tripped tlbl.r. elapsed time current when Istart tripped remaining I2T current when I< tripped tl< elapsed time current when I>>2 tripped tl>>2 elapsed time current when I>2 tripped tl>2 elapsed time current when I>3 tripped tl>3 elapsed time run-up time tstart
0.01/0.1 0.01 0.01/0.1 0.01/1 0.01 0.1/1 0.01/(0.001) 0.01 0.01/0.1 0.1/1 0.01/0.1 0.1/1 0.01/0.1 0.1/1 0.01/0.1 0.1/1 0.01/0.1 0.1/1 0.01/0.1 0.1/1 0.1/1
IE s IE s IE s IE s IE s IE I2E IE s IE s IE s IE s s
Table 9.4
Tripping value and elapsed time memory Mode 199 displays the run-up time, i.e. the time taken for the starting current to fall below Istart , see Section 2.2.4., or the time until Istart trips (overflow is displayed, if tstart exceeds 9999 s).
Special case:
run-up protection Istart no load check No. of starts temp. rise 1, 2, 3 phase faults overcurrent overcurrent Application
Table 9.5
When a protection function is not active, because it has not been selected in mode 47, then all the corresponding dependent modes in Table 9.1 to Table 9.4 are also inactive and can not be called up. modes 13, 14, 63, 64, 113, E.g.: Istart inactive 163, 164 also inactive No. of starts inactive modes 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 67, 68, 69 and 117 also inactive.
Mode 199 (run-up time tstart) can always be selected irrespective of the selected function.
Defect is flashes with a C on 'mode' display 3 times, then it shows next defect or first value of the FIFO, or erase display. see defects 50, 60 and 61 All the default values of the settings are copied into the operating memory (lE according to the position of S1), then first value of FIFO or mode 00 (lE) is shown.
10 11 12 13 14 20 21 30 31 32
S1 missing or shorted Settings are for S1 in position 1 - 2, i.e. S1 is not in this position. Settings are for S1 in 2 - 3 Settings are for S1 in 4 - 5 Settings are for S1 in 5 - 6 S2 missing or shorted S2 in position 1 - 2 (i.e. internal I0 , only MCX912) S3 missing or shorted Settings are for S3 in position 1 - 2 and S2 in 2 - 3, i.e. neither is in its position. Settings are for S3 in position 2 - 3 and S2 in 2 - 3 NOVRAM check sum incorrect EPROM check sum incorrect A/D converter defect -15 V supply defect I0 inactive, I2 inactive in an external l0 scheme Operating hours counter on 9999 x 10 h
The default values for I0 and tl0 are copied into the operating memory (l0 according to the positions of S2 and S3), then the first value of the FIFO or mode 07 (l0) is shown. see defects 11, 12, 13 and 14 The processor checks whether the defect is still present. If yes, defect display maintained, otherwise defect flashes with C 3 times, then next defect, first value of the FIFO or last mode selected is shown. see defects 31 and 32 Defects flashes with C 3 times, then operating hours counter set in operating and main memories to zero and mode 98 is shown.
40 50 60 61 70 80
Table 9.6
Defect signals (shown flashing in mode 99) Once a defect has been signalled, the relay will only respond to the reset key. All defects excepting RST and 80 actuate the stand-by circuit and block the relay.
Fig. 9.5
Fig. 9.6
Fig. 9.7
Fig. 9.8
Fig. 9.9
Temperature rise curves for 0.1 x IE IE < 2 x IE from cold ((t=0) = 0%)
2 t 1 e x 100 x IE
( %)
Fig. 9.10
Cooling curves at I = 0 starting from = 100% and 200% in relation to the cooling time constant = 1 x, 2 x ... 5 x
= ( t = 0 ) x e
( %)
Fig. 9.11
Temperature rise curves for I 2 x IE from cold ((t=0) = 0%)
t x 100
( %)
I= (phase-to-neutral current)
Fig. 9.12
Temperature rise curves for I 2 x IE when hot ((t=0) = 100%)
2 I t x100 = 1 + x IE
(I / IE ) t = ln 2 (I / IE ) 2 x 0.01
for I
2 x IE:
2 x 0.01 t = (I / IE ) 2
Fig. 9.13
Kind of operation
Current flow
max. [%]
(IB/IE)2 x 100
(IB / IE )2 1 e
tB 100
t st
(IB / IE )
tB 1 e 100 t t B + st 1 e
t1 t1 t2 2 + (IL / IE ) 1 e e 100 t1 t 2 1 e
t1 IB IL
= =
(IB / IE ) 2 1 e
Table 9.7
Maximum temperature rise max. [%] for different kinds of motor operation: I B < 2 x IE IB, IL IE max. [%] tB tst t1 t2 load currents base current max. temperature rise cooling time constant heating time constant time on load time at standstill time on load at IB time on load at IL
560 35 50 50 630 40 55 710 50 60 800 60 70 900 65 80 1000 70 90 100 110 1120 1250
355 20
400 25
450 28
500 30 45
Table 9.8
Typical mean thermal time constants in minutes on BBC induction motors in relation to frame size and design O R U open type enclosed with forced cooling (DIN IP54) completely enclosed with cooling rips (DIN IP54)
Setting Table
1A 5A IN ............... A
Mode 101 I>>1 103 I>1 105 I2 107 I0 111 Ibl.r. 113 Istart 115 I< 117 Nc,Nh 120 3 130 1,2 141 I>>2 143 I>2 145 I>3 Tripping matrix:
S4: Blocking of relay S4 1-2 selective blocking 2-3 all functions blocked S2,S3: Neutral current I0 Relay type MCX913 S2 S3 I0 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3 1-2 internal Relay type MCX 912 S2 S3 I0 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2 external 2-3 2-3
G G G G MCX912-1 G G MCX912-5 G
S1: Base current IE S1 Range 1-2 0.300...0.424 * INR 2-3 0.425...0.600 * INR 4-5 0.601...0.848 * INR 5-6 0.849...1.200 * INR
S65: Selective blocking switch Relay open closed MR I G G MR II G G AR I G G AR II G G Switch "open": no influence at blocking
Fig. 9.14
Notification Form for Errors in this Document Dear User We are endeavouring to improve the quality of our technical publications and would like to hear your suggestions and comments. Would you therefore please fill in this questionnaire and return it to the address given below. Many thanks. ABB Power Automation Ltd. Technical Publication, Dept. NSB-5 Haselstrasse 16 / 65/1 CH-5401 Baden Telefax +41 56 205 28 00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Concerns publication: 1MRB520112-Uen (MCX 912 and MCX 913 9/97) Have you discovered any mistakes in this publication? If so, please note here the pages, sections etc.
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Notification Form for Equipment Faults/Equipment Problems Dear User Should you be obliged to call on our repair service, we kindly as you to attach a note to the unit describing the fault as precisely as possible. This will assist us to carry out the repair swiftly and reliably. Please attach a completed form to each unit and forward them to the address below. Many thanks. ABB Power Automation Ltd. Repair Centre, Dept. NAP Eingang West, Warenannahme Terminal CA CH-5401 Baden -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit information: Unit type: Serial No.: In operation since: HE ..................................
Identified faults: (tick off where applicable) Overfunction No function Outside tolerance Abnormal service temperature Sporadic error Unit for checking Remarks/fault description:
PLEASE NOTE! Our experience has been shown that, if the information and recommendations contained in these "Operating Instructions" are observed, the best possible reliability of our products is assured. It is scarcely possible for the operating instructions of technical equipment to cover every eventuality which can occur in practice. We would therefore request you to notify us or our agent in the case of all unusual behaviour, which does not appear to be covered by these operating instructions. It is pointed out that all local regulations must be observed when connecting and commissioning this equipment in addition to these operating instructions. Any work that has to be carried out inside the equipment, such as changing soldered links or fitting or removing resistors, may only be performed by correspondingly qualified personnel. We cannot accept any responsibility for damage incurred as a result of mishandling the equipment regardless of whether particular reference is made in these operating instructions or not.
ABB Transmit Oy Relays and Network Control Postfach 699 FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finnland Telephone +358 10 224 000 Telefax +358 10 224 1094
ABB Power T&D Co. 4300 Coral Ridge Drive Coral Springs, Fla. 33065 USA Telephone + 1 954 752 6700 ext. 2461 Telefax +1 954 345 5329