8.33khz User Guide English
8.33khz User Guide English
8.33khz User Guide English
8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion User Guide
P:\8.33 kHz P:\8.33 kHz Program\Official Documents\Eurocontrol\8.33 User Guide\5.0\Release
Program\O Issue
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The following table records the complete history of the successive editions of the present document.
DOCUMENT APPROVAL................................................................................................................................III
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 8.33 KHZ HORIZONTAL EXPANSION................................................................................................2
1.2 BACKGROUND.....................................................................................................................................2
1.3 DECISIONS ............................................................................................................................................2
PLAN (ECIP) ..........................................................................................................................................3
2. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 WHO IS IT FOR?....................................................................................................................................4
2.2 WHO PRODUCED IT ............................................................................................................................4
2.3 USER GUIDE CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................4
2.4 ICAO AND OTHER DOCUMENTATION ...........................................................................................4
3. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 MANDATORY CARRIAGE AREA......................................................................................................5
3.2 INITIAL 8.33 STATES...........................................................................................................................5
3.3 8.33 HORIZONTAL EXPANSION STATES (8.33 HEX STATES).....................................................5
3.4 OTHER STATES....................................................................................................................................5
3.5 IMPORTANT REMARKS .....................................................................................................................5
3.6 STATE AIRCRAFT................................................................................................................................6
3.7 AMENDMENTS TO RELEVANT ICAO DOCUMENTATION..........................................................6
3.8 AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION CIRCULAR (AIC) OF STATES................................................7
3.9 AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION PUBLICATION (AIP) OF STATES..........................................7
3.10 PROGRAMME TIMESCALE................................................................................................................7
4. 8.33 FLIGHT PLANNING .................................................................................................................. 8
4.1 FLIGHT PLANNING PROCEDURES...................................................................................................8
4.2 FPL..........................................................................................................................................................8
4.3 RPL .........................................................................................................................................................9
4.4 RPL SUBMISSION ..............................................................................................................................10
4.5 IFPS PROCEDURES............................................................................................................................11
4.6 ‘8.33 NON-COMPLIANCE’ CHECK ..................................................................................................11
4.7 IFPS 8.33 PROCESSING......................................................................................................................11
OCTOBER 2002 ...................................................................................................................................12
4.9 8.33 STATUS UNKNOWN..................................................................................................................13
4.10 RE-ROUTING ......................................................................................................................................14
CARRIAGE ..........................................................................................................................................14
FLOWCHART DESCRIBING IFPS CHECKING LOGIC FOR 8.33 KHZ ......................................................14
5. OPERATIONAL ASPECTS ............................................................................................................. 15
31ST OCTOBER 2002 ............................................................................................................................41
AUGUST 2002......................................................................................................................................41
FREQUENCIES” STARTING 31ST OCTOBER 2002 ........................................................................41
ADDITIONAL STATES FIR/UIR ................................................................................................... 43
TERMS OF FREQUENCY PLANNING .............................................................................................43
14.2 ADVANCE NOTIFICATION VIA AIC/AIP .......................................................................................43
14.3 CO-ORDINATE WITH ADJACENT FIR/UIR....................................................................................43
15. PROGRAMME SUPPORT............................................................................................................... 44
15.1 PROGRAMME SUPPORT OFFICE AND PSG MEMBERS..............................................................44
15.2 PSG PARTICIPATING STATES.........................................................................................................45
15.3 PSG EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS ..........................................................................................................45
15.4 SUPPORT .............................................................................................................................................46
15.5 IATA .....................................................................................................................................................46
15.6 WEB......................................................................................................................................................46
15.7 SUPPORT CELL ON 31ST OCTOBER 2002.......................................................................................46
15.8 EUR STATES CONTACTS PERSONS...............................................................................................47
16. REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION................................................................................................ 53
16.1 EUROCONTROL DOCUMENTATION .............................................................................................53
16.2 ICAO APPROVED DOCUMENTATION ...........................................................................................53
16.3 USA APPROVED DOCUMENTATION.............................................................................................53
16.4 EUROPEAN APPROVED DOCUMENTATION................................................................................53
16.5 JAA DOCUMENTATION....................................................................................................................54
17. ANNEXES........................................................................................................................................... 55
17.1 ANNEX A - FREQUENCY LIST ........................................................................................................56
17.2 ANNEX B – AIP SPECIMEN ..............................................................................................................57
17.3 ANNEX C(I) - AIC SPECIMEN FOR 8.33 STATES (VERSION 1.2A).................................................59
17.4 ANNEX C (II) - AIC SPECIMEN FOR NON 8.33 STATES (VERSION 1.2A).....................................64
17.5 ANNEX D - NOTAM SPECIMEN ......................................................................................................69
17.6 ANNEX E - SPECIMEN LETTERS OF AGREEMENT (LOA)..........................................................71
17.7 ANNEX F - STATE AIRCRAFT .........................................................................................................76
17.8 ANNEX G - 8.33 OPERATION DIAGRAMS .....................................................................................79
17.9 ANNEX H - GENERAL PLANNING..................................................................................................81
17.10 ANNEX I - PHRASEOLOGY ..............................................................................................................82
17.11 ANNEX J - LIST OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................83
17.12 ANNEX K- MAP ..................................................................................................................................85
A further number of European States will start implementing 8.33 kHz channel-spacing from the 31st
October 2002. The switch from 25kHz to 8.33kHz channel-spacing in VHF voice communications is
designed to increase the number of available frequencies. This will enable operational improvements
such as airspace restructurisation to be supported.
The States participating in the 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion are: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, FYROM, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and
FR Yugoslavia. The majority of these States will remove their 8.33 exemptions from 31 OCT 2002.
Operators not strictly complying with the equipage and exemption requirements could compromise
safety. If such a situation arises, ATC will ensure that identified non-8.33 equipped traffic is kept clear
of 8.33 sectors and will initiate the appropriate reporting action.
October 2002
1.1.1 A further number of European States will start implementing 8.33 kHz channel-spacing from
the 31 October. The switch from 25kHz to 8.33kHz channel-spacing in VHF voice
communications is designed to increase the number of available frequencies. This will
enable operational improvements such as airspace restructurisation to be supported.
1.1.2 The mandatory carriage of 8.33 kHz-compatible radio equipment came into effect above
flight level 245 for the whole of the ICAO EUR Region on the 7 October 1999. Seven
European States - Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and
Switzerland enforced the mandatory carriage, whilst the remaining States published
1.1.3 The States participating in the 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion are: Bosnia & Herzegovina,
Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, The former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia (FYROM), Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Slovak Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and FR Yugoslavia.
The majority of these States will remove their 8.33 exemptions from 31 OCT 2002.
1.2.1 Based on the relevant conclusions of the Special EUR Regional Air Navigation Meeting
(EUR RAN, Vienna, September 1994) and the Special Communications/Operations
Divisional Meeting (SP COM/OPS/95, Montreal, March-April 1995) the “Plan for the 8.33 kHz
Channel Spacing Implementation in Europe” (Edition 2.0) was developed by
1.2.2 This Plan was fully endorsed by the 38th Meeting of the European Air Navigation Planning
Group (EANPG) in November 1996.
1.3.1 The carriage and operation of 8.33 kHz channel spacing capable radio communication
equipment became mandatory in the ICAO EUR Region on 7th October 1999 for aircraft
operating above FL 245 generally and for aircraft operating above FL195 over France.
1.3.2 France has temporarily waived the requirement for the carriage of 8.33 kHz capable radios
for aircraft operating with a requested cruising level between FL195 and FL245.
1.3.3 Certain consequential changes to the information to be contained in the flight plan of aircraft
operated in the ICAO EUR Region above FL 245 have been applicable since 1st October
1.4.1 The European Convergence and Implementation Plan (ECIP) is a common planning and
implementation tool for improving European ATM. It takes as its foundation the need to set
and realise, specific quantifiable and measurable ATM Performance Targets for the ECAC
States in the key ATM performance areas.
1.4.2 The first part of this programme “Implement 8.33 kHz VHF frequency channel spacing in
Europe”, covered by the abbreviated ECIP Objective name COM01, has been achieved 07
October 1999.
1.4.3 The second part of the programme, named by the ECIP Objective COM02, relates to the
horizontal expansion of the use of 8.33 kHz VHF frequency channels.
2.1.1 This User Guide provides practical information to aircraft operators, air traffic service
providers and State regulatory authorities about 8.33 kHz channel spacing-related flight
planning and communications procedures as well as information on certain frequency
management issues.
2.2.1 The EUROCONTROL Agency has developed the 8.33 User Guide, following consultation
with the State Air Traffic Service Providers, Operator Organisations, Aircraft Operators,
Aircraft Manufacturers, Radio Equipment Manufacturers and Certification Organisations.
2.4.1 Users are reminded to consult also the relevant aeronautical documentation (in particular
ICAO Doc 7030 Regional Supplementary Procedures, State AIP and AIC issued on this
subject, the IFPS Users Manual and the CFMU Handbook) for more specific or
supplementary information.
2.4.2 Documentation on the European Convergence and Implementation Plan (ECIP) is available
3.1.1 The carriage of 8.33 kHz channel spacing capable radio equipment has been mandatory
since the 7th October 1999, for aircraft operating in the ICAO EUR Region above FL 245, on
the understanding that an individual State may grant exemption(s) within its area of
responsibility (refer to Chapter 7 for details on exemptions).
3.2.1 The seven States that initially implemented 8.33 kHz channel-spacing operations are:
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Switzerland (hereafter
known as Initial 8.33 States).
3.3.1 The States participating in the 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion are: Bosnia & Herzegovina,
Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, FYROM, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, United Kingdom and FR Yugoslavia (hereafter known as 8.33 HEX States). The
majority of these States will remove their 8.33 exemptions from the 31 OCT 2002.
3.3.2 The Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) will implement 8.33 kHz channel spacing
operations and remove published exemptions later.
3.4.1 The States within the 8.33 kHz radio equipment Mandatory Carriage Area that are not
currently going to implement 8.33 kHz channel-spacing operations in their airspace, may
need to take action in the fields of Operations (re-routing non-equipped aircraft), Frequency
Management (shifting frequencies when so required) and Retrofit (fleet compliance with
requirement applicable in the whole of the ICAO EUR Region). Those States are hereafter
known as Other States.
3.4.2 Other States in the EUR Region may plan to implement 8.33 kHz channel spacing operation
above FL245 at a later stage. Such States should refer to Chapter 14 for information on the
process that they should follow.
3.5.1 Except where exemption(s) apply and as specified by the terms of the exemption(s), only
8.33 kHz equipped aircraft are allowed to operate in the ICAO EUR Region above FL 245
since the 7th of October 1999.
3.5.2 Where an 8.33 kHz channel has been promulgated, no alternative 25 kHz frequency will be
3.5.3 The only 8.33 non-equipped aircraft permitted to fly in 8.33 airspace are State Aircraft with
UHF radio equipment where UHF coverage is provided or special procedures are
3.5.4 Aircraft concerned must be equipped with at least two sets of 8.33 kHz capable radio
equipment to meet the relevant provisions of JAR/OPS of 1 April 1995 on Commercial Air
Transport Aviation.
3.5.5 If you transmit using 25 kHz in an 8.33 kHz channel spacing environment, you will either not
be heard, block out others on adjacent channels, or both, and all this in an unpredictable
way, due to the nature of the 8.33 kHz channel spacing and the equipment used.
3.5.6 The inclusion of all equipment and capability information in an RPL is now mandatory
according to Amendment 200/2000 to the European Regional Supplementary Procedures
ICAO Doc 7030/4.
3.6.1 States implementing the 8.33 kHz channel spacing are expected to make appropriate
arrangements to cater for the requirements of State aircraft operating as General Air Traffic
(GAT) and not able to communicate on the 8.33 kHz spaced channels. For the definition of
State Aircraft, please refer to Annex F, Handling State Aircraft.
3.6.2 Furthermore, ICAO has been requested to encourage European States to maintain and/or to
achieve sufficient UHF coverage in the areas where the new channel spacing is introduced
and to adapt their procedures accordingly.
3.7.1 The insertion in the Chapter 4.0 ”Air-Ground Communications and In-Flight Reporting” of the
ICAO SUPPS Doc. 7030/4-EUR, Part I EUR/RAC. This specifies the mandatory carriage
requirements of 8.33 kHz channel spacing capable radio equipment, the area of operations
and exemptions. Also mentioned, that when UHF ground infrastructure permits, non-
equipped State aircraft will be allowed to operate in the airspace designated for 8.33 kHz
channel spacing operations. This chapter mentions the Phraseology related to 8.33 kHz
channel spacing.
3.7.2 The insertion of a new sub-paragraph a) to PC 6.1 of Part X-COM of the European Air
Navigation Plan, specifying that, when frequencies are assigned to VHF AMS facilities,
geographical separation criteria and 8.33 kHz interleaving between channels is to be taken
into account for the area where this channel spacing is applicable.
3.7.3 The insertion of a new sentence in MA 6.4 of part X-COM of the European Air Navigation
Plan, ICAO Doc. 7754/23, specifying measures, similar to those already undertaken by
States not yet having a requirement to implement 25 kHz channel spacing, to be undertaken
by those States which do not yet have a requirement to implement 8.33 kHz channel spacing
operations but which are located within air-to-air interference range to another State which
does employ that channel spacing.
3.7.4 The inclusion in the Chapter 3.0 “Flight Plans” of the ICAO SUPPS Doc. 7030/4-EUR Part I
EUR/RAC, of the relevant flight plan completion procedures. These specify the usage of a
dedicated letter (‘Y’) and indicator (‘STS/EXM833’) for insertion in fields 10 and 18
respectively, so that the relevant flight plan can be accepted and not rejected by the IFPS.
3.7.5 The amendment 200/2000 to Chapter 3.0 “Flight Plans” of the ICAO SUPPS Doc. 7030/4-
EUR Part I EUR/RAC (para., making mandatory the inclusion of all equipment and
capability information in Item Q of an RPL.
3.8.1 An Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) will be published by the States concerned for the
early notification of users. It will include, amongst other things, the amendments to the
European Regional Supplementary Procedures concerning the completion of relevant flight
plans. (Refer to Annex C for specimen)
3.9.1 The recommended text for the AIP specimen is reflected in Annex B.
4.1.1 Do not plan your flight in the ICAO EUR Region above FL 245, if the aircraft is not equipped
with 8.33 kHz capable radios, unless your flight is subject to exemption (Chapter 7 of this
User Guide refers).
4.2 FPL
No Yes
State Flight
Equipped with UHF ?
No Yes
No Yes
4.2.2 If your aircraft is equipped with 8.33 kHz capable radios: insert the letter ‘Y’ in Field 10 of the
filed flight plan, regardless of the requested flight level.
4.2.3 If your aircraft is NOT equipped with 8.33 kHz capable radios but you are a State aircraft
equipped with UHF: insert the letter M in field 8, the letter U in field 10 and the indicator
‘STS/EXM833’ in Field 18 of the filed flight plan.
4.2.4 If your aircraft is NOT equipped with 8.33 kHz capable radios but your flight is exempted
from the carriage requirement: insert the indicator ‘STS/EXM833’ in Field 18 of the filed flight
4.2.5 If you change from an 8.33-equipped aircraft to a non-8.33 equipped aircraft: follow the
applicable filed flight plan modification procedure, including in the modification message
(CHG) or new flight plan, as appropriate, a Field 10 without the letter ‘Y’. Do not forget to
modify also your requested cruising level(s) if the original level(s) was (were) higher than FL
4.2.6 If the status of your flight changes from non-exempted to exempted follow the applicable filed
flight plan modification procedure, for a Field 18 modification, as given in the IFPS Users
4.2.7 If the status of your flight changes from exempted to non-exempted: follow the applicable
filed flight plan modification procedure, for a Field 18 modification, as given in the IFPS User
Manual. Do not forget to modify also your requested cruising level(s) if the original level(s)
was (were) higher than FL 245.
4.3 RPL
No Yes
No Yes
4.3.2 RPLs with a requested cruising level above FL245, must be operated by an 8.33 equipped
aircraft, or the flight must be planned in accordance with published exemptions.
4.3.3 In RPL of flights that are operated with an 8.33 equipped aircraft, include the letter ‘Y’ in Item
Q within the EQPT/ element.
4.3.4 In RPL of flights that are subject to exemption, include in Item Q the indicator ‘STS/EXM833’.
4.3.5 For a flight planned to operate in the ICAO EUR Region above FL 245, if there is no letter ‘Y’
in the EQPT/ element and no ‘STS/EXM833’ in Item Q, the RPL will fail the processing.
4.3.6 If on the day of operation there is a change in the 8.33 capability status or exemption status
of the flight, use the RPL modification-for-the-day procedure, including in the modification
message (CHG-to be sent not earlier than 20 hours prior to EOBT) or the new flight plan, as
appropriate, a Field 10 without the letter ‘Y’. Do not forget to modify also your requested
cruising level(s), if required.
4.3.7 In all cases, if a Modification Message (CHG) would result in changes to the filed or
repetitive flight plan which would constitute a reason for the rejection of that flight plan, the
Modification Message will be rejected by the IFPS. It is therefore essential to indicate ALL
the modifications that are required in order to reflect a valid flight plan.
4.3.8 Example: A flight plan has been filed for an equipped aircraft above FL245. It is then realised
that the aircraft will not be equipped. It is not sufficient to send a CHG simply indicating a
change to the equipment without also indicating the necessary change to the requested flight
level and/or route.
4.4.1 NOTE: RPLs listings submitted after the 4th October 2001 are no longer assumed to be
8.33kHz radio equipped.
4.4.2 All information which is relevant to 8.33 processing must be provided in the RPLs submitted
to CFMU in the form of a NLST (New List) or RLST (Revised List) from 4th October 2001
4.4.3 8.33 kHz equipped aircraft shall include under the EQPT/ element in Item Q of the RPL the
letter ‘Y’ together with ALL other equipment and capability information. The data provided
shall be the complete information in Field 10 type of format e.g. EQPT/SHRYX/C (see also
IFPS Users Manual). Each FPL generated from an RPL will contain in Field 10 the
equipment information as provided after the EQPT/ element in the corresponding RPL.
4.4.4 In appropriate cases, the exemption indicator (STS/EXM833) shall be provided in Item Q of
the RPL. Each FPL generated from the RPL will contain the exemption indicator in Field 18.
4.4.5 An RPL for a flight which is above FL245 within the IFPZ and which does NOT contain either
the exemption indicator or the letter ‘Y’ within the EQPT/ element will fail RPL processing.
I. at least a part of the flight is inside the IFPS Zone and above FL 245, but the
aircraft is not equipped with 8.33 radios (no ‘Y’ in Field 10) and the flight is not
planned in accordance with published exemptions (no ‘STS/EXM833’ in Field 18)
II. the flight penetrates an 8.33 sector and:
• EITHER : the aircraft is not equipped with 8.33 radios (no ‘Y’ in Field 10) ;
• OR : the aircraft is a State aircraft, but is not equipped with either 8.33
radios or UHF radios (no ‘Y’ or ‘U’ in Field 10);
• OR : the aircraft is a non-8.33 equipped State aircraft (no ‘Y’ in Field 10),
which is equipped with UHF radios (‘U’ in Field 10) but the sector
concerned does not allow the use of handling of UHF equipped aircraft.
4.7.1 Flight plans which are deemed to be ‘non-8.33 compliant’ will fail IFPS processing. The
resultant action by the IFPS depends upon the aerodrome of departure as follows:
=>FPL rejected
=>REJ message returned to the FPL originator and/or aircraft operator
-N0499F209 CCS UG7 ESP/N0479F350 DCT KOMUT/N0474F330 DCT 38N020W
36N030W 33N040W
-EET/LECM0035 LPPC0115 020W0241 030W0350 LPPO0445 050W0536 KZNY0602
-N0499F209 DCT DARPA DCT TOROP UA550 PPR DCT 18N060W/M082F330 27N050W
33N040W 36N030W 38N020W DCT KOMUT/N0474F330 DCT ESP N0479F350 UG7
-EET/TTZP0035 KZNY0115 050W0241 LPPO0350 030W0445 020W0536 LPPC0602
=> ACK message returned to the FPL originator and/or aircraft operator
including a warning indication
-IFPLID AA00840418
-N0460F330 LOOP9 DAG J100 BCE ........ 56N010W/N453F370 UN561 BEL UB3 HON
-EET/CZWG0327 CZYZ0357 CZUL0419 CZQX0600 ....... DOF/991012)
4.8.1 During this period, IFPS will issue warning messages for exempted non-8.33 equipped
aircraft filing above FL245 in the 8.33 HEX States. Flight plans for such flights will NOT fail
IFPS processing if they are properly filed based on the exemptions applicable up to 31
October 2002.
4.8.2 A flight plan for an exempted flight of a non-8.33 equipped aircraft, filing to operate above
FL245 in the 8.33 HEX States, will continue to be processed and will be distributed by IFPS
as usual. However, the ACK message that is returned to the originator of the flight plan
and/or to the aircraft operator will contain a warning indication.
-IFPLID BB24836140
4.9.1 The IFPS functionality includes the processing of certain messages which concern an
aircraft already in flight. As the aircraft is already flying, IFPS does not reject such messages.
The following are the messages and scenarios concerned:
• ATC Flight Plan Proposal Message (AFP) - created by an ATC unit and sent to IFPS
when the ATC unit has received estimate information concerning an aircraft for which it
had no flight plan;
• Flight Notification Message (FNM) & Message from Shanwick (MFS) - co-ordination
messages concerning eastbound North Atlantic flights;
• Air Filed Flight Plans (AFIL) - flight plan filed with an ATS Unit while the aircraft is in the
The ‘downstream’ ATC Units will receive an ATC Flight Plan (APL) message or an ATC
Flight Plan Change (ACH) message, as appropriate, and in case of an air filed flight plan, a
FPL message.
4.9.2 If the flight plan for the concerned flight does not already exist in IFPS and the information
received by IFPS does not show either the carriage of 8.33 compatible radio equipment (‘Y’
in Field 10) or an exemption (STS/EXM833 in Field 18), then IFPS will insert a warning
indicator in Field 18 of the output message as follows:
Note: Since in case of an ACH message a flight plan for the concerned flight does already
exist in IFPS and it has already been distributed to the receiving ATC unit, it follows therefore
that the warning indicator above may only be found within APL and air filed FPL messages.
4.10.1 The aircraft operator is always responsible for ensuring that the information provided in the
flight plan (i.e. 8.33 equipage information or the presence of the exemption indicator) is
consistent with the aircraft to be used, the route to be flown and the requested cruising
4.10.2 Re-routing proposals (RRP Messages) received from the CFMU Tactical System will NOT
take into consideration 8.33 exemption requirements. However if an alternative route, which
would render the aircraft ‘8.33 non-compliant’, is accepted by the Aircraft Operator, the re-
filed flight plan will fail IFPS processing.
4.11.1 IFPS will not add a warning indicator to a flight plan which it does not distribute. This means
that a warning will only be added to flight plans addressed to units outside the IFPZ, if the
flight plan has been submitted to IFPS for group addressing. Therefore, if your sector is
outside the IFPZ and you receive a flight plan not distributed by IFPS, you will have no
additional indicator (other than the information available in Fields 10 and 18 of the FPL), that
a particular aircraft is not equipped and extra care must be taken when transferring aircrafts
to sectors within the IFPS Zone.
F 10 = ‘Y’ ?
8.33 SECTOR IS F 18 =
5.1.1 The pilot is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the radio communication equipment
appropriate for the flight to be conducted is available and operational on board the aircraft.
5.1.2 To ensure successful operation and safe conduct of air/ground communication within the
8.33 environment, it is essential that ATC units with sectors operating in the 8.33 channel
spacing, and the ATC units adjacent to them co-operate effectively.
5.1.3 Tactical re-routing and/or descent below 8.33 sectors of non-8.33 equipped aircraft are not
necessarily an option in a complex and busy airspace. Unplanned diversion may be the only
alternative, particularly where the route network below FL245 is different to that at higher
5.1.4 Providing that no exemptions are applicable, ATC units controlling adjacent or subjacent
airspace, must ensure that aircraft not properly equipped do not enter airspace in which the
carriage and operation of 8.33 kHz capable radio communication equipment is mandatory.
Within and between ATC units, agreements must be made to meet this requirement.
Appropriate arrangements must also be made for the handling of State aircraft. (A specimen
Letter of Agreement is provided at Annex E)
5.1.5 As previously described in this User Guide (Chapters 4 refers), the IFPS will provide a
degree of protection against improperly equipped aircraft planned to operate above FL 245
in the EUR Region by rejecting their flight plans if the aerodrome of departure is within the
IFPS Zone (hereafter IFPZ), or by inserting a warning in the flight plan if the aerodrome of
departure is outside the IFPS Zone.
5.1.6 As previously described in this User Guide (Chapter 4 refers), for a period of time in advance
of 31 October 2002, the IFPS will issue warning messages for exempted non-8.33 equipped
aircraft filing above FL245 in the 8.33 HEX States.
5.2.1 Aircraft normally capable of operating above FL245, but planning to fly below these levels,
shall, nevertheless, insert the appropriate indicator.
5.2.2 Irrespective of the RFL, it is essential that field 10 of the FPL accurately reflects the 8.33
equipage of the aircraft, and therefore the letter ‘Y’ shall be inserted in field 10 of the flight
plan for aircraft equipped with 8.33 kHz capable radio equipment, and omitted for non-8.33
equipped aircraft.
5.3.1 The communication procedures shall be in accordance with Volume II of Annex 10, Chapter
5, and flight crew, ATS personnel and other ground personnel shall be thoroughly familiar
with the radiotelephony procedures contained therein.
5.3.2 The radiotelephony transmission of 8.33 and 25 kHz spaced channels is described in Annex
10, Volume II, Chapter 5, para and para
5.3.3 The phraseology related to 8.33 kHz channel spacing is published in ICAO SUPPS – Doc
7030/4, EUR/RAC-6, Table 1. (See Annex I to 8.33 User Guide)
5.4.1 States implementing the 8.33 kHz channel spacing are expected to maintain and/or establish
sufficient UHF coverage and to adapt their procedures as necessary, in order for air traffic
services to be able to provide service to State aircraft equipped with UHF but without 8.33
kHz capability. It is essential that relevant information be published in the national AIP.
5.4.2 ATS personnel are expected to ascertain on first contact the communications capabilities of
State aircraft planned to operate in the airspace of Mandatory Carriage.
5.4.3 Where the ground infrastructure permits, State aircraft without 8.33 capability but UHF
equipped, shall be allowed to enter 8.33 airspace provided that UHF coverage is in place or
if not, that specific procedures are available.
5.4.4 If a State aircraft has neither UHF nor 8.33 capability it must be denied entry into airspace of
mandatory carriage and must be (re)cleared outside such airspace.
5.4.5 While UHF is expected to provide an alternative means of communication for State aircraft at
least in some parts of the ICAO EUR Region, it is essential that State transport aircraft which
are frequent users of 8.33 kHz airspace be fitted with 8.33 capability.
5.4.6 UHF frequencies are managed by NATO according to NATO Frequency Management
criteria, based on States needs. NATO co-ordination is applicable to both Members of NATO
and members of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council.
5.5.1 Medical flights specifically declared by the medical authorities, and aircraft engaged in
search and rescue missions1, are not exempt from the 8.33 kHz mandatory carriage
requirement. However, due to the frequently urgent nature of these flights, they are subject
to a special IFPS processing.
5.5.2 To ensure the correct processing of the flight plan, HOSP and SAR flights are required to
insert STS/HOSP and STS/SAR, as appropriate, in field 18 of the flight plan. Flight plans
containing either of these indicators will not be rejected by IFPS, even if there is no ‘Y’ in
Field 10 to indicate 8.33 equipage, and the aircraft is planned to enter airspace where no
exemption is applicable (except for UHF equipped State aircraft).
5.5.3 Nevertheless, you should insert the letter ‘Y’ in field 10, if the aircraft is equipped with 8.33
kHz capable radios, because this will prevent IFPS including a warning in the flight plan it
distributes, and will avoid unnecessary questions from ATC.
5.5.4 The above measures have been implemented to ensure that the processing of flight plans of
SAR and HOSP status flights, which are often composed and filed with considerable urgency
and hence are prone to unintentional errors, is not delayed unnecessarily.
5.5.5 The communication capability of HOSP or SAR flights which have failed to indicate them,
and which are planned to operate in airspace where the carriage and operation of 8.33 kHz
radios is mandatory, must be verified by ATC as soon as possible. At the latest, ATC in the
25kHz sector immediately before an 8.33kHz sector should verify, on first contact, the 8.33
status of such aircraft.
5.5.6 It is likely that a limited number of HOSP/SAR flights may also be State aircraft equipped
with UHF. In this case, the flight would qualify for the exemption applicable to State aircraft,
where UHF is available, and operators may insert ‘STS/EXM833’ in Field 18, ‘U’ in field 10
and ‘M’ in field 8. The aircraft will then be handled as a UHF equipped State aircraft.
5.5.7 It is important to note that HOSP and SAR flights are not exempt from the 8.33 kHz radio
mandatory carriage requirement, and a non-8.33 and non-UHF equipped HOSP or SAR
flight will be handled clear of airspace where no exemption applies.
5.6.1 Your departure aerodrome is within the IFPS Zone, your aircraft is not equipped with
8.33 kHz radios and your flight is not planned in accordance with published
exemptions (no ‘Y’ in Field 10 and no ‘STS/EXM833’ in Field 18), and you file a
requested cruising level anywhere in the IFPS Zone above FL 245? (Annex G refers)
Since aircraft not equipped with 8.33 kHz capable radio, and not exempted from this
requirement, are not permitted to fly above FL 245, your flight plan will be rejected by the
IFPS, with a REJ message containing the reason(s) for the rejection. Re-file with the
requested cruising level(s) adjusted accordingly.
HOSP and SAR as defined in IFPS Users Manual
5.6.2 Your departure aerodrome is within the IFPS Zone, your aircraft is not equipped with
8.33 kHz radios but your flight is planned in accordance with published exemptions
(no ‘Y’ in Field 10 but ‘STS/EXM833’ shown in Field 18), and you file a requested
cruising level anywhere in the IFPS Zone above FL 245
Your flight plan will be processed as usual and air traffic services will assume that your
operation will be within the terms of the exemption. As an example, your exemption might
have been granted on the basis of your destination aerodrome and/or a planned route. Any
change to one or both of those elements of your flight plan might make the exemption
invalid and will be the subject of individual consideration by ATC, based among other
things on the need to maintain continuous communication. You might have to descend or
select another aerodrome of landing.
5.6.3 Your departure aerodrome is outside the IFPS Zone, your aircraft is not equipped with
8.33 kHz radios and your flight is not planned in accordance with published
exemptions (no ‘Y’ in Field 10 and no ‘STS/EXM833’ in Field 18), and you file a
requested cruising level anywhere in the IFPS Zone above FL 245 (Annex G refers)
Since aircraft not equipped with 8.33 kHz capable radio and not exempted from this
requirement are not permitted to fly above FL 245, and it is not practicable to reject your
flight plan, it will be processed by the IFPS, but it will be marked by an appropriate text
which can be processed by local air traffic control systems and which indicates the need for
special handling. The acknowledgement message (ACK) sent by the IFPS to the flight plan
originator and/or aircraft operator will also contain such a warning. Depending on where
you are entering the IFPS Zone and the local arrangements between the air traffic services
units along your route of flight, appropriate measures will be taken in good time to ensure
the safe conduct of your flight. Keep in mind however, the possibility that you will be
instructed to descend below FL 245 for a considerable portion of your flight to your
destination. Such situations will almost always result in serious operational penalties.
The acknowledgement message (ACK) sent by the IFPS to the flight plan originator and/or
aircraft operator will also contain the following warning:
“Comment This flight plan does not comply with 8.33 kHz radio requirements”
An operator, and/or flight plan originator, on receipt of such a warning from IFPS should
check whether or not the aircraft is fitted with an 8.33kHz radio, and
A. if the aircraft is equipped, a CHG message should be sent indicating a modification
to Field 10 of the flight plan to include the letter ‘Y’
B. if the aircraft is not equipped then:
2. if already airborne, ensure that the pilot-in-command of the aircraft is notified that
his aircraft will probably be diverted, re-routed or descended to remain clear of the
8.33 mandatory carriage area.
5.6.4 Your departure aerodrome is outside the IFPS Zone, your aircraft is not equipped with
8.33 kHz radios but your flight is planned in accordance with published exemptions
(no ‘Y’ in Field 10 but ‘STS/EXM833’ shown in Field 18), and you file a requested
cruising level anywhere in the IFPS Zone above FL 245?
Your flight plan will be processed as usual and air traffic services will assume that your
operation will be within the terms of the exemption. As an example, your exemption might
have been granted on the basis of your destination aerodrome and/or a planned route. Any
change to one or both of those elements of your flight plan might make the exemption
invalid and will be the subject of individual consideration by ATC, based among other
things on the need to maintain continuous communications possible. You might have to
descend or select another aerodrome of landing.
5.6.5 You enter ‘Y’ in Field 10 of your flight plan but you have no 8.33 kHz radios on board
and you file a requested cruising level anywhere in the IFPS Zone above FL 245?
Your flight plan will be processed as usual. However, at some point along your route you
will encounter an ATC sector using an 8.33 kHz channel. Due to the nature of this channel
spacing and the equipment used to communicate on it, you will either not be heard, block
out others on adjacent channels or both and all this in an unpredictable way. Any such
misconduct is a serious infringement, a threat to your safety and will be dealt with
5.6.6 You enter ‘STS/EXM833’ in Field 18 of your flight plan, you have no 8.33 kHz radios on
board, you file a requested cruising level anywhere in the IFPS Zone above FL 245 and
your planned flight is not in accordance with published exemption(s)?
IFPS will check your flight plan against environment data provided by States. If your point
of departure is within the IFPZ your flight plan will be rejected and you will need to refile in
accordance with published exemptions. If your point of departure is outside the IFPZ, your
flight plan will be processed but marked by an appropriate text that can be processed by
local air traffic control systems and which indicates the need for special handling. The
acknowledgement message (ACK) sent by the IFPS to the flight plan originator and/or
aircraft operator will also contain a warning. Depending on where you are entering the
IFPS Zone and the local arrangements between the air traffic services units along your
route of flight, appropriate measures will be taken in good time to ensure the safe conduct
of your flight. Keep in mind however, the possibility that you will be instructed to descend
below FL 245 for a considerable portion of your flight to your destination. Such situations
will almost always result in serious operational penalties.
5.6.7 You file a flight plan without ‘Y’ in Field 10 or ‘STS/EXM833’ in Field 18, with a
requested cruising level below FL 245 generally in the IFPS Zone, and later send a
modification message for the same flight (i.e. a aircraft not exempted and also without
8.33 kHz capable radios), changing the cruising level to above FL 245 generally in the
IFPS Zone?
You should never do this. However, if you do, the modification message will be rejected by
the IFPS.
In all cases, if a Modification Message (CHG) would result in changes to the filed or
repetitive flight plan which would constitute a reason for the rejection of that flight plan, the
Modification Message will be rejected by the IFPS. It is therefore essential to indicate ALL
the modifications that are required in order to reflect a valid flight plan.
e.g. A flight plan has been filed for an equipped aircraft above FL245. It is then realised
that the aircraft will not be equipped. It is not sufficient to send a CHG simply indicating a
change to the equipment without also indicating the necessary change to the requested
flight level and/or route.
5.6.8 You are on a SAR mission or a HOSPITAL flight and this is shown in Field 18 of your
flight plan, you file a requested cruising level anywhere in the IFPS Zone above FL
245, your aircraft is not equipped with 8.33 capable radio equipment or you are a State
aircraft not equipped with UHF?
Your flight plan will be processed by the IFPS, but it will be marked by an appropriate text
which can be processed by local air traffic control systems and which indicates the need for
special handling. Depending on the local arrangements between the air traffic services
units along your route of aircraft, appropriate measures will be taken to ensure the safe
conduct of your flight but you must expect to be re-routed outside of the airspace of
mandatory carriage.
5.6.9 You are on a SAR mission or a HOSPITAL flight and this is shown in Field 18 of your
flight plan, you file a requested cruising level anywhere in the IFPS Zone above FL
245, your aircraft is equipped with 8.33 radio capable equipment and you forget to
insert the letter “Y” in Field 10 or you are a State aircraft equipped with UHF and you
forget to insert “STS/EXM833” in Field 18?
Your flight plan will be processed by the IFPS, but it will be marked by an appropriate text
which can be processed by local air traffic control systems and which indicates the need for
special handling. Depending on the local arrangements between the air traffic services
units along your route of aircraft, appropriate measures will be taken to ensure the safe
conduct of your flight.
5.6.10 You are a State aircraft, your aircraft is not equipped with 8.33 kHz capable radios but
you are able to communicate on UHF and have entered ‘STS/EXM833’ in Field 18 of
your flight plan and you file a requested cruising level anywhere in the IFPS Zone
above FL 245?
IFPS will check your flight plan for UHF equipage and against the exemption and UHF
environment data provided by States. If your flight plan does not indicate UHF equipage
(no ‘U’ in field 10), and/or the route flown is not in accordance with published exemptions,
including full UHF coverage where no other exemption is published, your flight plan will be
The emergency channel 121.5 MHz is not affected by the new channel spacing. Its
availability and its use remain unchanged.
6.1.1 As stated in Paragraph 5.1.1, it is the pilot who is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the
radio communication equipment appropriate to the flight to be conducted is fitted and
operational on board the aircraft.
6.1.2 Nevertheless, there will be an operational impact on ATC, particularly for sectors that accept
non-8.33 equipped aircraft but are immediately adjacent to sectors where no exemption to
the 8.33 kHz mandatory carriage requirement is permitted.
6.1.3 It is essential that information regarding 8.33 status of relevant aircraft is displayed to ATC.
This information is available from the flight plan. In particular, if an aircraft with an
aerodrome of departure outside the IFPS Zone has failed to indicate in the flight plan that it
is carrying radio equipment appropriate for the planned route, a warning will be added to the
flight plan Message distributed by the IFPS. This warning indicates that the aircraft is not
8.33 equipped, and that special care must be taken. It is essential that the information that
an aircraft is not 8.33 equipped (whether or not this information is distributed by IFPS), is
displayed to ATC. This means that, as a minimum, Field 10 must be processed by the ACC.
If possible, Field 18 should also be processed. State aircraft equipped with UHF need to be
identifiable, because these are the only non-8.33 equipped aircrafts permitted to enter an
8.33 sector. Listed below are the agreed operational requirements for systems support to
8.33 kHz operations:
A. ATC systems should indicate to controllers the relevant 8.33 equipage status of an
Note that this can be achieved through the flight progress strip or through the radar
track/label. There is no requirement to indicate it on both.
B. For non-8.33 equipped State aircraft, ATC systems should indicate to controllers
whether or not the aircraft is UHF equipped.
Note that non-833 equipped State Aircraft are exempted only if UHF equipped.
C. The possibility to change the 8.33 equipage status should be provided to
This capability caters for flight plan errors.
D. System notification and co-ordination data should include the current 8.33
equipage status of an aircraft, and, for not equipped State Aircraft, indicate whether or
not the aircraft is UHF equipped.
E. The Eurocontrol OLDI Standard (Released Edition 2.2) has been amended to include
indication of (inter alia) 8.33 and UHF equipment (as specified in field 10) as well as the
current capability and status of the equipment (equipped and available/ not equipped or not
available/ unknown).
The capability and status field may be updated by ATS if the information in the flight plan is
found to be incorrect. Inclusion of Field 18 STS/ information is optional and subject to
bilateral agreement of the States concerned. If your sector is not adjacent to any sector within the Airspace of Mandatory
Carriage, no additional action is required. If your sector is adjacent to a sector which is within the Airspace of Mandatory
Carriage, but which allows unconditional exemption to non-equipped aircrafts, no
additional action is required. If your sector is adjacent to a sector which is within the Airspace of Mandatory
Carriage, but allows exemption to specified non-equipped aircrafts, you must be
sure of the aircraft’s radio capability or compliance with the conditions for
exemption before transfer of control to that sector. A non-equipped aircraft must
operate in accordance with the specific conditions for exemption applicable within
the next sector and if it does not, an alternative clearance must be co-ordinated. If your sector is adjacent to a sector which is within the Airspace of Mandatory
Carriage within which flight of non-equipped aircraft is not permitted (i.e. no
exemptions are applicable except to UHF equipped State aircraft), you must be
sure of the aircraft’s 8.33 or UHF radio capability before transfer of control to that
sector, and if it is not appropriate, you must co-ordinate an alternative clearance
6.2.2 If your sector is within the Airspace of Mandatory Carriage, and no flight of non-
equipped aircraft is permitted within your sector (You may or may not be operating a
frequency within the 8.33 kHz spectrum). You do not need to confirm the 8.33 or UHF capability of any aircraft within your
airspace. This will have been done by preceding sectors. All aircraft within your
airspace must be properly equipped. You need to be aware, however, that there
is a slight possibility of severe interference caused by aircraft which are not
properly equipped, communicating with another 8.33 sector using a 25 kHz
6.2.3 If your sector is within the Airspace of Mandatory Carriage, but specified flights of non-
equipped aircraft are permitted within your sector. You should only receive aircrafts from adjacent sectors which are in accordance
with the carriage and exemption requirements of your sector. If your sector is adjacent to a sector within the Airspace of Mandatory Carriage
which allows exemption to specified non-equipped aircraft, you must be sure of
the aircraft’s 8.33 or UHF radio capability or compliance with the conditions for
exemption before transfer of control to that sector. A non-equipped aircraft must
operate in accordance with the specific conditions for exemption applicable within
the next sector and if it does not, an alternative clearance must be co-ordinated. If your sector is adjacent to a sector within the Airspace of Mandatory Carriage
within which flight of non-equipped aircraft is not permitted (i.e. no exemptions
are applicable apart from UHF equipped State aircraft), you must be sure of the
aircraft’s 8.33 or UHF radio capability before transfer of control to that sector, and
if it is not appropriate, you must co-ordinate an alternative clearance.
7.1.1 Only 8.33 kHz equipped aircraft are allowed to operate in the ICAO EUR Region above FL
245 since the 7th of October 1999.
7.1.2 The only 8.33 non-equipped aircraft permitted to fly in 8.33 airspace are State Aircraft
with UHF radio equipment where UHF coverage is provided or special procedures are
7.2.1 States in the Area of Mandatory Carriage may publish exemptions to the carriage
requirement within their area of responsibility. An exemption allows flight of non-8.33
equipped aircraft within that portion of the airspace of Mandatory Carriage where the
exemption applies.
7.2.2 The exemption indicator may only be added to flight plans if the entire flight is planned in
accordance with the published exemptions.
7.2.3 The aircraft operator is responsible for ensuring that in the FIR/UIR concerned by the flight
planned route of a non-8.33 equipped aircraft, exemptions are applicable. Otherwise the
flight must be planned below FL245.
7.3.1 Exemptions may be granted by States within the Area of Mandatory Carriage, but which are
not actually implementing 8.33 kHz channel spacing. Such exemptions may be either
unconditional or conditional.
Exemptions must be clearly specified so that there is no doubt whether a flight may or may
not proceed through the airspace concerned. Examples of conditional exemptions:
• Domestic flights;
• Flights not entering specified portion(s) of the airspace.
7.3.2 Lists of exemptions granted by States within the Airspace of Mandatory Carriage will be
available to aircraft operators for flight planning purposes in State AIP.
7.3.3 In order to insert STS/EXM833 in field 18 of your flight plan, the entire flight must be planned
in accordance with published exemptions. If within any FIR/UIR on the flight planned route
no exemption to non-equipped flight is applicable, then either:
• the “STS/EXM833” indicator is not to be inserted in the flight plan, and the flight
must be planned outside the Airspace of Mandatory Carriage, or
• the Flight must be planned to remain outside those parts of the Airspace of
Mandatory Carriage within which no exemption applies, and in this case the
“STS/EXM833” indicator may be added to the flight plan.
7.3.4 It is not recommended that States grant an unconditional exemption in view of the additional
workload this may create in respect of the handling of such exempted aircraft.
7.3.5 Although State aircraft are required to insert “STS/EXM833” in their flight plan (refer to
paragraph 7.2.3), this does not constitute an exemption as specified in this chapter. In this
case, the “STS/EXM833” indicator is being used for data processing reasons only.
7.4.1 It is recommended that the following text is inserted in section GEN 1.5 of the national AIP:
Exemptions from mandatory carriage of 8.33 equipment are described in section ENR 1.8.
Non-equipped flights which are flight planned to enter any FIR/UIR in the EUR Region
where no exemption has been published, except for UHF equipped State aircraft, (refer to
the AIP of the State covering the FIR/UIR concerned) must flight plan to operate below FL
245 throughout the entire EUR Region.
7.4.2 It is recommended that the following text is inserted in section ENR 1.8 of the national AIP of
other states (NON 833):
b) Such flight is operated in accordance with exemptions published (refer to the AIP
of the State covering the FIR/UIR concerned);
c) (State list own, additional exemptions)
This temporary permission is subject to revision but is applicable at least until ddmmyyyy.
7.4.3 It is recommended that the following text is inserted in section ENR 1.8 of the national
State aircraft which are infrequent users of the FIR/UIR (or sectors, as applicable) where
8.33 kHz channel spacing is in actual use, are exempted from the above carriage
requirement, provided that they are able to communicate using UHF. They will be
accommodated on UHF frequencies (insert more details) and/or on VHF 25 in the sectors
which are not converted to VHF 8.33 and/or according to the following procedures (insert
more details).
Note: Infrequent user is one defined as not exceeding about 30 hours flying time per
airframe per year in the 8.33 airspace.
It is envisaged that the proposed text above (shown in italics) would be inserted in the
national AIP in the parts indicated, in a basically unchanged form to ensure that airspace
users receive common, consistent and unambiguous information on the applicable
exemptions in each State of the EUR Region.
• Although the requirement refers to the whole EUR Region, temporary exemption to
operate without 8.33 kHz capable equipment may be granted under specific conditions as
described in section ENR 1.8.
• It is envisaged that the exemptions will be granted in the form of a temporary permission
to operate in accordance with the conditions specified. The use of the words “temporary
permission” is meant to highlight the fact that the mandatory carriage requirement is not
affected as such.
• The requirement in the last sentence of paragraph 7.4.1 to flight plan non-8.33 equipped
aircraft below FL 245 throughout the whole EUR Region is to avoid:
a) IFPS rejection of the flight plan.
b) unnecessary increase of workload in congested areas, due to the requirement to
ensure that non-equipped aircraft remain clear of sectors where 8.33 kHz channel
spacing is implemented.
This requirement should not prevent ATC from tactically allowing aircraft to climb or
descend once clear of FIR/UIR (or sectors, as applicable) where 8.33 kHz channel spacing
is in actual use. However, operators of non-equipped aircraft should not rely on this
Note that the exemptions described in paragraph 7.4.2 are of a temporary nature and may
be withdrawn after informing the airspace users.
The exemptions apply equally to State aircraft which will never enter an FIR/UIR (or
sectors, as applicable) where 8.33 kHz channel spacing is in actual use.
In respect of FIR/UIR where 8.33 kHz channel spacing is being introduced, normally no
exemptions will be published, except to UHF equipped State aircraft.
Therefore an aircraft can consider itself exempted if it does not enter any of these FIR/UIR
or an aircraft can also consider itself exempted if it is planned to enter any one or more of
those FIR/UIR in accordance with the specific exemptions if any, published in the
corresponding AIP.
With regard to c), it is envisaged that specific exemptions will be listed which are not
covered by points a) and b) and/or in the case of 8.33 States, the exemptions referred to in
point b) will be listed here. It is also recommended to keep the number of exemptions
under point c) to a minimum, in order to avoid an increase in ATC workload and safety
Whilst all these exemptions apply in the FIR/UIR covered by a national AIP, points a) and
b) are actually pointers to other national AIP which airspace users need to consult in order
to confirm the applicability of these exemptions to a particular aircraft.
Note again the temporary nature of these exemptions. It is envisaged that States enter a
date commensurate with their expected need for future introduction of 8.33 channel
spacing. Also take into account the need to conduct appropriate consultation with the
airspace users. Even if no need for 8.33 spaced frequencies is foreseen, it is
recommended that States enter a hypothetical date.
This paragraph should clearly reflect the way the State is going to handle the exempted State
aircraft. It should consider their handling in sectors that are not converted to 8.33 in particular
during the interim phase between the 31 Oct 2002 and the implementation of 8.33 channels.
Where specific procedures such as handling by military controllers will be implemented, the
AIP should clearly depict them.
8.1.1 For optimised VHF spectrum usage at national level, it is essential that good co-operation
exists between the Aeronautical Frequency Management Department and Operational units
(ACC, aerodromes etc.) of a State.
8.1.2 Proposals for changes to frequency assignment and operation (coverage, sector shape,
height), should be submitted in advance by the Operational Unit to the Frequency
Management Unit, in order to prevent frequency interference and ensure optimum use of the
8.1.3 Airspace planners are reminded that changes to airspace structure and sectorisation may
require additional frequencies and that analysis should be carried out in the initial stages of
planning. Consequently, frequency provision and planning should be done within a maximum
time frame of one year before implementation.
8.1.4 The ICAO EANPG FMG establishes the criteria for aeronautical frequency protection, as well
as the procedures for inter-State co-ordination of new frequencies/frequency changes in
8.1.5 The EATMP ARB provides support (assessment and prioritisation) to the FMG and the
States, by reviewing the new frequency requirements and frequency assignments from the
operational viewpoint.
8.2.1 The introduction of 8.33 kHz channel spacing for Air Ground Communication in the Upper
Airspace of the part of Europe experiencing a congested spectrum requires the development
of a special Frequency Management Plan. The Strategy of this Frequency Management Plan
was proposed by the EATMP 8.33 PMC, endorsed by the ICAO FMG and EANPG and is the
responsibility of the FMG.
8.2.2 The EANPG 40 acknowledged the key role of the Frequency managers of States and of the
FMG in achieving the Frequency Management Plan, in conjunction with the 8.33 PSG which
included the following elements :
• Collecting the States existing 25 kHz frequency candidates for conversion to 8.33 kHz
channel spacing soon after October 2002;
• Ensuring development of the relevant allocation process for optimum spectrum utilisation;
• Communicating regularly to the PSG the progress and problems encountered by the
EANPG FMG or by individual States in the implementation of the agreed 8.33 kHz
frequency management strategy; and
• Assessing the expansion needed in the area of 8.33 kHz operation, taking into account
the current environment (airspace, traffic growth, new requirements etc.).
8.2.3 A positive and critical review of the existing 25 kHz frequencies allocations by the States
themselves is recommended, with the co-ordination support of EUROCONTROL. This is a
preparatory step in the Frequency Management process.
8.2.4 Large frequency allocations in particular should be reviewed in terms of actual operations,
properly tailored Service zone and Flight levels before 31 October 2002.
8.2.5 The transition to 8.33 kHz channel spacing is based on a mechanism of converting a number
of current 25 kHz ACC frequencies in Europe to 8.33 kHz channel spacing, potentially
offering 2 additional 8.33 channels.
Case Illustration :
For Spain but for Italy
123.000 in Madrid
as well
ACC becomes
The most probable channel is 123.000 123.005 in 8.33
but it is already used in Madrid ACC in
25 kHz which is at a distance less than
BENEFIT for Italy which can
Radio Horizon from Milano.
Now use channel "123.010"
(frequency 123.0083).
25 kHz
123.000 123.005 for
in Madrid Madrid ACC
ACC but in 8.33
8.3.1 The 8.33 kHz channel spacing releases VHF spectrum both in the 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz
Channel Spacing environments.
8.3.2 Frequency management requires ever more stringent co-ordination between States. States
have requested EUROCONTROL to develop a number of procedures and software tools to
help them in this task, in particular for monitoring the actual operations of the 8.33
candidates in the agreed timeframe after October 2002.
8.3.3 Traffic levels are expected to increase. Thus, more ATC sectors and more flexibility in sector
arrangements are requested by States. The channel split from 50 kHz to 25 kHz was applied
for the very same reason. Therefore, in the medium term, the creation of additional spectrum
capacity will facilitate the accommodation of increased traffic levels. Communications will be
conducted within the limits of the VHF band as set by the FMG within the ITU dedicated
band, i.e. 117.975 - 137.000 MHz.
8.3.4 The spectrum gain of the channel split from 25 kHz to 8.33 kHz depends on two processes :
Tim e
O ctober 2002 D ecem ber 2002, O ctober 2003
14th B lock Planning
Start operations in central 8.33 converted frequency, e.g. form er 123.000 actually operates in 123.005
and insure that the ground system is properly operating in 8.33 :
- N o problem reported
=> start the C O M 2 conversion co-ordination process and T able C O M 2 U pdating.
- In case of problem reported or ground system not yet ready
=> postpone the C OM 2 conversion co-ordination process.
8.4.1 The 8.33 kHz channel spacing has been implemented in such a way that no interference
occurs with 25 kHz in normal conditions (separation criteria and planning procedures).
8.4.2 In-advertant usage (i.e. mis-tuning) of a frequency in 25 kHz channel spacing but in a 8.33
airspace can create serious interference in other areas. Frequency blocking in 8.33
channel spacing (as experienced today with the 25 kHz channel spacing) has to be carefully
monitored. This has been considered during the development of the Implementation Plan.
8.4.3 In addition, the operational procedures detailed in this User Guide will limit the occurrence of
such phenomena:
• The flight plan will reflect the 8.33 capability of the flight to be conducted. This will allow a
first and fundamental check.
• When transmitting 8.33 kHz channels, the word “CHANNEL” shall be used by the flight
crew, ATS controllers and other ground personnel. Word “CHANNEL” will allow “unique
identification” which will avoid this type of mistuning.
• The flight crew is responsible for ensuring full operational compatibility with airspace to be
• The new phraseology prescribed in ICAO SUPPS – Doc 7030/4, EUR/RAC, Table 1,
allows ATS controllers, flight crew and other ground personnel to cover all the possible
situations related to the 8.33 kHz channel spacing.(Refer to Annex I)
• Finally, the step-by-step and frequency planning method used in the Frequency
Management Plan for implementing the new 8.33 channelling, will limit (as today in the
25kHz channel spacing) the occurrence of such interference.
The 8.33 kHz channel spacing standards and definition have been approved by the
following bodies:
9.1.1 The Aeronautical Mobile Communication Panel (AMCP) defined, through Standards And
Recommended Practices (SARPS), the 8.33 kHz Double Side Band (DSB) Amplitude
Modulated (AM) carriers.
9.1.2 The Air Navigation Commission (ANC) and ICAO Council approved (November 1996) this
new channel spacing as an amendment to Annex 10. It describes the characteristics of the
8.33 kHz ground and airborne systems.
9.2.1 On the airborne side, the European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE)
produced the relevant Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) document
which is used by the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) for the certification of avionics. The
work on the MOPS was subsidiary to the work carried out at AMCP WG-B on the SARP.
9.2.2 The new version of the MOPS including 8.33 kHz operation was adopted by the EUROCAE
Council in December 1994 and published in March 1995 (ref. ED-23B).
9.3.1 In addition the RTCA SC-172 agreed in 1995 to produce a MOPS for 8.33 kHz operation
based on the EUROCAE MOPS. The final draft was adopted in August 1995 and is referred
to as DO-186A.
9.4.1 The Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC) produced a supplement to ARINC
716 to cover the 8.33 kHz mode. ARINC 750 which specifies that the VDR provides the
functionality of an AEEC 716 transceiver and hence covers the 8.33 kHz mode. A
supplement for the 8.33 kHz mode to ARINC 716 was adopted at the AEEC General
Session in October 1994.
9.5.1 Finally, 8.33 kHz channel specification is covered by the European Telecommunication
Standardisation Institute (ETSI) in document ETS 676 under “Radio Transmitters and
Receivers and Aeronautical Stations for the Aeronautical Mobile Service operating in the
VHF Band”, approved in March 1997.
10.1.1 The existing aircraft fleet can be divided into two categories : digital aircraft with ARINC
716/750 equipment utilising an ARINC 429 tuning interface and analogue aircraft with
ARINC 566A equipment fitted with the « 2 out of 5 » discrete wire tuning system. This
distribution gives rise to three main aircraft generation types :
10.1.2 According to relevant regulation (i.e. JAR/OPS 1 of April 1995 for Commercial Air Transport
aviation), aircraft operating in the airspace of Mandatory Carriage will have to be equipped
with a minimum of two 8.33 kHz compatible radios.
On an old generation aircraft (ARINC 500 equipped), the required effort depends on the
retrofit philosophy. Choosing a new ARINC 700 transceiver will require a full rewiring of
the VHF installation. However, if the decision is to select an ARINC 500 new radio, the
technical effort amounts to power and ground inputs to the control panel. Indeed, detection
of 8.33 capable R/T with regard to the VHF Control Panel may use for analogue radios the
encoding E wire and an additional +28 V DC supply to the 8.33 control panel (it can be as
much as +/- 6 labour hours). In most cases, however, a complete new installation including
a replacement of the audio system is required. The tuning “2 out of 5” does not allow 8.33
kHz spacing.
As far as intermediate generation aircraft are concerned, installing an ARINC 500 radio will
require, as above, a discrete wire and an additional 28 V DC supply on the control panel.
The intermediate aircraft installation could be achieved during night stops or A, B, C and D
checks. In most of the cases Service Bulletins are available for the 8.33 kHz retrofit.
For last generation aircraft, only a software update or a new setup of the radio
management unit is necessary. As the intermediate ones the new generation aircraft
installation could be achieved during night stops or during A, B, C, D checks.
11.1.1 The standards, procedures, systems and implementation plans developed for 8.33kHz have
been designed to ensure that the new system will at least maintain the level of safety offered
by 25kHz system.
11.1.2 The assumptions of the initial 8.33kHz safety validation study have been reviewed in order to
cover the new geographical area and states will be provided with key information that they
require to conduct their own appropriate analysis.
11.1.3 Each individual ICAO EUR State who, ultimately holds the legal responsibility for safety in
their national airspace, will need to develop their own detailed safety argument and safety
plans to govern the implementation and safety monitoring of the system.
11.1.4 The Launch Procedure (Chapter 12) and State Actions (Chapter 13) described below take
into account all the recommendations of the Safety Validation Study and are aimed at
providing evidence of safe implementation of 8.33kHz on the national level and subsequently
assure the preparedness of the States.
In order to achieve a successful 8.33 kHz channel spacing implementation, the procedure
described below will be followed.
21st February 8.33 HEX States, 8.33 HEX States to co-ordinate and CFMU
2002 CFMU to implement the required changes in the
CFMU Environment database in order to
prepare for the warning phase starting on
18th April 2002.
18 April 2002 CFMU Start output warning messages for non-
8.33 equipped exempted aircraft with a
requested flight level above FL245 in the
8.33 HEX States.
8th August 2002 Each ICAO EUR Region a)All official documentation (AIC, AIP, LoA
State etc.) must have been published or
(8.33 CP) amended
b)Ensure that all ATC centres are fully
aware of and are able to operate in
accordance with any changes to the 8.33
kHz channel spacing requirements by
31st October 2002 from 00.00 UTC.
10th April 2002 EUROCONTROL Activate the dedicated 8.33 Support Cell.
This Cell will consist of EUROCONTROL
14th October 2002 experts and will be available to support
airspace users at the beginning of the
warning period and up to and immediately
following Horizontal Expansion.
8th August 2002 Each ICAO EUR Region a)Publish a “reminder” NOTAM to notify
State airspace users that 8.33 kHz channel
(8.33 CP) spacing operation will be confirmed by a
“trigger” NOTAM on 3rd October 2002
(use the specimen provided in Annex D).
b)Confirm to the secretary of PSG that all
ATC centres will be able to operate in
accordance with any changes to the 8.33
kHz channel spacing requirements by
31st October 2002 from 00.00 UTC
5th September 8.33 HEX States, 8.33 HEX States to co-ordinate and CFMU
2002 CFMU to implement the required changes in the
CFMU Environment database in order to
prepare for the inclusion of the 8.33 kHz
Horizontal Expansion in the current 8.33
checking on 31 October 2002.
3rd October 2002 Each ICAO EUR Region Publish the “trigger” NOTAM to notify
State airspace users of changes resulting from
(8.33 CP) the Horizontal Expansion of 8.33 kHz
channel spacing operation starts on 31st
October 2002 from 00.00 UTC (use the
specimen provided in Annex D).
31st October CFMU Include the 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion
2002 in the current 8.33 checking.
31st October 2002 Each ACC ACC should monitor potential problems
and notify the 8.33 Support Cell in the
31st October 2002 Each 8.33 State 8.33 States should individually start their
progressive implementation of 8.33 kHz
frequency conversions with respect to FMG
coordination procedures, along with
notifying Eurocontrol.
31 October Each ICAO EUR Region Each ICAO EUR Region State must start to
2002 State operate according to their revised and
approved 8.33 AIC/AIP/LoA requirements
as of 31 October 2002 from 00:00 UTC
To ensure a consistent and co-ordinated implementation of 8.33 kHz channel spacing area,
it is necessary that all States in the ICAO EUR Region take the following actions:
13.1.1 The 8.33 Contact Person will have the authority and the capacity to ensure, in liaison with
the EUROCONTROL 8.33 PSO, the co-ordination, promulgation and operational follow up of
all National 8.33 related issues until completion of the 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion.
13.1.2 The nomination of 8.33 Contact Person represents a key issue for the success of the
implementation of the 8.33 kHz channel spacing. As ALL the ICAO EUR Region States are
concerned with the implementation of 8.33 kHz channel spacing horizontal expansion, an
8.33 Contact Person per each ICAO EUR Region State will be necessary.
13.1.3 Official nominations are to be sent to the 8.33 PSO with the name, function, address,
telephone/fax and e-mail (for contact information refer to Chap15).
13.1.4 Prior to, and for the duration of, the launching of the 8.33 Horizontal Expansion, the 8.33
Contact Person will have to ensure that all the action items described in the following
paragraphs are Nationally supported and managed in a timely manner to permit smooth and
safe operation in the Area of Mandatory Carriage (the ICAO EUR Region).
13.1.5 One 8.33 Contact Person is expected to be nominated from each one of the States below
(as per ICAO Doc.7754):
13.2 ACTION ITEM 2 (ALL ICAO EUR Region) – “PUBLISH AIC” - 31st
Each ICAO EUR Region State is required to publish new 8.33 AIC according to the
specimen provided in Annex C of 8.33 User Guide, edition 5 and taking into account the
comments below.
Note: Two AICs are provided for 8.33 and non-8.33 States
Each 8.33 HEX State is required to co-ordinate with CFMU the necessary changes in the
CFMU Environment database in order to enable IFPS to output warning messages for non-
8.33 equipped exempted aircraft with a requested flight level above FL245 within the
airspace of the 8.33 HEX States.
Details regarding the IFPS output during this warning phase are provided in paragraph 4.4.
Changes in the CFMU Environment Database should be co-ordinated by the States
concerned through their National Environment Co-ordinator.
In line with the requirement for publication of the 8.33 AIC, each State is required to
publish an 8.33 AIP Amendment.
ICAO EUR Region States are encouraged to use the EUROCONTROL specimen 8.33 AIP
Amendment proposed in Annex B of the Users Guide, ed 5.0, together with the
recommended exemption text (refer to paragraph 7.4).
TO 31st OCTOBER 2002
Every ACC of each ICAO EUR Region State must ensure that all personnel concerned
(especially in the Air Traffic Services) are aware of the implications of changes
resulting from the 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion Programme and that the 8.33 aircraft
status information available from the FPL is displayed/provided to the Air Traffic
Controllers by ensuring:
• that 8.33 and UHF status information in field 10 of the FPL is processed and displayed
to ATC. This is particularly important for States outside the IFPZ, who do not receive
the warnings distributed by IFPS, and
• if possible, that non-equipped status of those aircraft flying at a level below the Airspace
of Mandatory Carriage will be displayed to Air Traffic Controllers.
Note: It is recognised that this may not be possible, but it is desirable in case of a non-
equipped aircraft that has successfully filed a flight plan at a level below the Airspace of
Mandatory Carriage subsequently requests a higher level during flight.
In line with the ICAO SUPPS DOC 7030/4 EUR/RAC, a counting exercise to determine the
aircraft rate of equipage will start in April 2002. This is being based on the flight plan
carriage status indication measured through the CFMU IFPS.
Prior to the 30 March 2002 – Proposed Policy for handling States aircraft
• Provide the above proposed policy information to the 8.33 Programme Support Office
8 August 2002- Official Publication
• Publish the Policy for Handling State aircraft in the National AIP
Each ICAO EUR Region State should – starting 31 October 2002:
The ICAO-approved carriage requirement for 8.33 kHz capable radio equipment applies in
the whole ICAO EUR Region above FL 245 (i.e. the “Area of Mandatory Carriage”) for
safety reasons and to facilitate expansion. The introduction of 8.33 kHz channel spacing in
additional FIR/UIR is at all times possible when warranted by frequency shortage
considerations, but only for operations above FL 245. To ensure the orderly addition of
FIR/UIR implementing 8.33 kHz channel spacing, it is essential that the following steps are
taken :
The 8.33 kHz channel spacing implementation is co-ordinated and supported by the
EATMP 8.33 Programme Steering Group (8.33 PSG). For additional information you can
contact the following 8.33 EUROCONTROL PSG members:
Field Name Tel / Fax E-mail
15.4.1 To obtain an updated version of the 8.33 User Guide, please send your full co-ordinates
(name; function; company; department; telephone; facsimile; E-mail; address; country) to the
Chairman of the 8.33 PSG.
Mr. P. Alty 8.33 Programme - DIS
Rue de la Fusée, 96, B - 1130 Brussels, BELGIUM
Tel: 32 (0)2 729 3491
Fax: 32 (0)2 729 4655
Fax : 32 (0)2 729 9086
E-mail: peter.alty@eurocontrol.int
15.5 IATA
Mr. S. Zerkowitz
Avenue Louise, 350
B - 1050 Brussels
Fax: 32 (2) 648 5135
E-mail: Steve.zerkowitz@pandora.be
15.6 WEB
15.6.1 Information can also be obtained from the 8.33 kHz web pages:
15.7.1 Dedicated telephone lines (24 hours/day, 7 days/week) will be activated one week before
31 October 2002. The numbers will be published well in advance of 31st October 2002.
Counsellor to Director
Kotnikova 19a
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Spain Sánchez Barro, Aurora Mrs 34 91 321 34 91 321 abarro@aena.es
AENA 3227 3116
División de Comunicaciones de
Navegación Aérea
Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 14
E-28027 Madrid
Sweden Skarsfjall, Sigge 46 11 192527 46 11 192660 sigge.skarsfjall@lf
Luftfartsverket - Swedish CAA v.se
Aviation and Public Sector
S-60179 Norrköping
Switzerland Cottier, Francois 41 22 4174022 41 22 4174501 francois.cottier@s
Skyguide kyguide.ch
Air Navigation Services
Route de Pré-Bois 15-17, Case
Postale 796
CH-1215 Genève 15
Tadjikistan Mastangoulov, M. A. 7 377 213228 7 377 218685
Director General of Civil Aviation
Titova Street 32/1
Turkey Guven, Adnan 90 312 310 90 312 212 Aguven-
Sivil Havacilik Genel Müdürlügü 2639 4684 tr@yahoo.com
Talat Pasa Bulvari 4,
Turkmenista Fetisov, Alexander 99 312 393619 99 312 510153
n Turkmen Hova Yollary
C.Nurymow, 3a
744000 Asgabat
UK Knill, Andy 44 20 7453 44 20 7453 Andrew.knill@dap
Civil Aviation Authority 6530 6565 .caa.co.uk
K6G6, CAA House, 45-59 Kingsway
WC2B 6TE London
Ukraine Antonov, Leonid A. 380 44 380 44 sertaru@sirena.ne
State Aviation Administration, 2218275 2168028 t
Principal Specialist
Ave. Peremogy, 14
Kiev 135, 252135
Uzbekistan Gilfanov, Ravil 998 71 998 712 techniqu@uzcaa.
State Inspection for Flight Safety 1334338 541482 uz
Deputy Head
Aircraft Maintenance, Overhaul and
Manufacturing Oversight Division
73B Nukusskaya Street
700015 Tashkent
Uzbekistan Subbota, Vladimir 998 71 998 71 vsubbota@uzcaa.
State Commission for ICAO 1367375 1332429 uz
Deputy Executive Secretary
73B Nukusskaya Street
700015 Tashkent
Yugoslavia Papulic, Radmila Mrs 381 11 311 381 11 311 sukl@fatca.yu
Federal Ministry for Transportation 7914 7205
Federal Air Traffic Control Authority
16.1.1 The Plan for the 8.33 kHz Channel Spacing Implementation in Europe Edition 2.0
(November 1996) including a proposal of Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) (Annex 6).
16.1.2 Convergence and Implementation Programme (CIP) Document Part 1 Edition 3, (November
1996 CIP Objectives and Target Situation).
16.1.4 8.33 Safety Validation Study : Final Report (The Smith Group Limited) DA368D013-1.1
16.1.6 ECIP 200, level 1 and 2, edition 1.0 dated July 2000
16.2.1 ICAO ANNEX 10 - Amendments 71 (November 1996) and 72 to volume II Chapter 5 and
volume V (February 1997) of Annex 10.
16.3.3 AEEC 716 supplement (October 1994) and basically included in ARINC 750 (VDL).
16.4.3 ETSI Document ETS 676 “Radio Transmitters and Receivers and Aeronautical Stations for
the Aeronautical Mobile Service operating in the VHF Band” (March 1997).
16.5.1 Administrative and Guidance material, leaflet No 7: “Operations with 8.33 kHz Channel
Spacing VHF Communication Radios”.
As specified by the relevant provisions in ICAO Annex 10, Volume V, Chapter 4.1 (bis),
8.33 kHz spaced frequencies are to be identified in voice communications by the so-called
“Channel”, shown in column D above. (refer also to 8.4.3)
• Columns A, B and D provide the Frequency-Channel pairing which retains the numerical
designator of the 25 kHz environment and allows unique identification of an 8.33 kHz
Channel as proposed for inclusion in ICAO Annex 10 by the ICAO Council of 26 February
• Column D refers to the current display of the 8.33 kHz/25 kHz environment compatible
radio equipment.
• Column C refers to the 25 kHz environment only compatible radio equipment.
The following text is expected to be inserted in the indicated sections of AIP Amendment.
Text in italics will be inserted by the State concerned as required.
1 GEN 1.5
Exemptions from mandatory carriage of 8.33 equipment are described in section ENR 1.8.
Non-equipped aircraft which are flight planned to enter any FIR/UIR in the EUR Region where
no exemption has been published, except for UHF equipped State aircraft, (refer to the AIP of
the State covering the FIR/UIR concerned) must flight plan to operate below FL 245
throughout the entire EUR Region.
2 ENR 1.8
The European Regional Supplementary Procedures are applied in accordance with ICAO
SUPPS Doc 7030/4-EUR.
In accordance with Chapter 4.0 ”Air-Ground Communications and In-Flight Reporting”, para.
4.1.2 of ICAO SUPPS Doc 7030/4 EUR/RAC, temporary permission is hereby granted for
aircraft not equipped with 8.33 kHz channel spacing radio equipment to operate in the xxx
FIR/UIR on condition that:
2.1 Such flight is planned to remain clear of any FIR/UIR in the EUR Region where no
exemption has been published except for UHF equipped State aircraft (refer to the AIP
of the State covering the FIR/UIR concerned);
2.2 Such flight is operated in accordance with the exemptions published (refer to the AIP
of the State covering the FIR/UIR concerned);
2.3 (State list own, additional exemptions)
This temporary permission is subject to revision but is applicable at least until ddmmyyyy.
State aircraft which are infrequent users of the FIR/UIR (or sectors, as applicable) where 8.33
kHz channel spacing is in actual use, are permanently exempted from the above carriage
requirement, provided that they are able to communicate using UHF. They will be
accommodated on UHF frequencies (insert more details) and/or on VHF 25 in the sectors which
are not converted to VHF 8.33 and/or according to the following procedures (insert more
Note: Infrequent user is one defined as not exceeding about 30 hours flying time per airframe
per year in the 8.33 airspace.
17.3 ANNEX C(i) - AIC SPECIMEN FOR 8.33 STATES (Version 1.2a)
There are two AIC specimens; one for 8.33 States and one for States not initially
implementing 8.33 sectors.
The following text is expected to be inserted in the new 8.33 AIC, to be published by 8.33 States. Text
in italics will be inserted by the 8.33 State concerned as required.
From 31 October 2002, (State) will withdraw previously published exemptions to the mandatory
carriage requirement of 8.33 kHz radio equipment.
The ICAO Special Communications/Operations Divisional Meeting (Montreal, March/April 1995)
decided that, in order to increase channel capacity, the VHF communications band should be further
split from 25 to 8.33 kHz channel spacing. It was noted that this measure was a near term
improvement for regions experiencing severe VHF frequency spectrum congestion, in anticipation of
the development and implementation of the future digital VHF radio system. The corresponding
amendment to Doc 7030 (serial No: EUR/NAT-S 97/9 -RAC/3) was approved by the Council of ICAO
on 30 January 1998.
The carriage and operation of 8.33 kHz channel spacing capable radio equipment has been
mandatory throughout ICAO EUR Region since 7 October 1999.
The States that implemented 8.33 kHz channel spacing from 7 October 1999 are: Austria, Belgium,
France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
The States participating in the 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion are: Bosnia & Herzegovina,
Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, FYROM, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
United Kingdom and FR Yugoslavia. The majority of these States will remove their 8.33
exemptions on the target date of 31 OCTOBER 2002.
This AIC provides information from ICAO Doc 7030 with respect to the following:
The EUROCONTROL 8.33 kHz User Guide – Horizontal Expansion (Edition 5.xx), provides further
detailed information on the 8.33 kHz channel spacing operational environment. It is important that it is
made available to ATS providers and aircraft operators. Copies of the 8.33 User Guide can be obtained
from the EUROCONTROL Web site (http://www.eurocontrol.int/vhf833) or by mail (EUROCONTROL,
DIS/833, 96 Rue de la Fusée, 1130 Brussels, Belgium).
Nevertheless, exemptions may be granted by States that are not part of the Horizontal Expansion
Programme and will be published in their State AIP
In addition, State aircraft (Military / Police / Customs) not equipped with an 8.33 kHz capable radio
will be allowed to operate in the airspace designated for 8.33 kHz channel spacing operations,
provided that they are infrequent users of that airspace and are UHF equipped. In general, they will be
accommodated on UHF channels.
Where UHF coverage is not fully available, State aircraft not equipped with 8.33 channel spacing
equipment shall be excluded from 8.33 airspace unless special handling procedures are in place.
However these procedures apply only to UHF equipped State aircraft.
Note: Infrequent user is one defined as not exceeding 30 hours flying time per airframe per year,
within the airspace concerned.
• the indicator “STS/EXM833“, shall be inserted in field 18, for aircraft which are not equipped but
which are planned to operate in accordance with published exemption from the mandatory carriage
- Absence of the letter Y shall be taken as a lack of 8.33 kHz capable equipment.
- To determine whether the indicator “STS/EXM833“ may be inserted in the flight plan, it will be
necessary to consult the exemptions published in the relevant State’s AIP.
- State aircraft equipped with UHF, but not equipped with 8.33 kHz capable radio shall insert the letter
“M” in field 8 and the letter “U” in field 10 of the flight plan, as well as “STS/EXM833” in field 18.
RPL listings submitted after the 4th October 2001 are not assumed to be 8.33kHz radio
equipped. ALL information that is relevant to 8.33 processing must be provided in the RPL submitted
to CFMU in the form of a NLST (New List) or RLST (Revised List) from 4th October 2001 onwards.
8.33 kHz equipped aircraft shall include under the EQPT/ element in Item Q of the RPL the letter "Y"
together with ALL other equipment and capability information in conformity with FIELD 10 of the ICAO
In appropriate cases, the exemption indicator (STS/EXM833) shall be provided in Item Q of the RPL.
In case of a change in the 8.33 kHz capability status for a flight planned to operate in the ICAO EUR
Region above FL 245 a modification message shall be sent with the appropriate indicator inserted
and, in case of an RPL, this shall be sent not earlier than 20 hours before the EOBT.
Aircraft normally capable of operating above FL245, but planning to fly below this level shall,
nevertheless, insert the appropriate indicator.
The date of Mandatory carriage and operation of 8.33 channel spacing capable radio equipment for
aircraft operating above FL245 was 7 October 1999.
In (insert name of 8.33 State), the applicable exemptions will be withdrawn on 31 October 2002.
Actual introduction of 8.33 kHz channels will commence on or following this date.
In (insert name of 8.33 State) parallel operation of 25 and 8.33 kHz spaced VHF channels within one
sector will not be possible. Consequently, from the 31 October 2002, the flight plan of all aircraft
requiring the provision of a GAT air traffic service in the airspace designated for 8.33 kHz channel
spacing operation will be rejected if not equipped with radios compatible with 8.33 kHz channel
Non 8.33 equipped State aircraft, equipped with UHF, which are infrequent users of the airspace of
(insert name of 8.33 State), will be provided with UHF coverage (insert description of the UHF
coverage) or/and (according to State’s policy) will be handled with specific procedures to be inserted
in (insert name of 8.33 State) AIP.
Aircraft VHF radio equipment in the ICAO EUR Region will nevertheless be required to be able to tune
to 25 kHz spaced channels and receive in an environment which uses offset-carrier systems (the so-
called CLIMAX operation). Airspace users should take into account that both 25 kHz channel spacing
and offset-carrier systems will continue to be used throughout Europe.
The phraseology given below is published in ICAO SUPPS-Doc7030 EUR/RAC Chapter 4.0 “Air-
Ground Communications and In-Flight Reporting” Table 1.
Further information on the 8.33 kHz Programme - policy, planning and co-ordination of 8.33kHz
channel spacing implementation can be obtained from:
Further information on the policy, planning and implementation of 8.33 kHz spaced channels in (insert
name of State) can be obtained from:
17.4 ANNEX C (ii) - AIC SPECIMEN FOR NON 8.33 STATES (Version 1.2a)
The following text is expected to be inserted in the new 8.33 AIC, to be published by those ICAO EUR
Region States not implementing any 8.33 sectors (if not already published) or in case modification of
the applicable exemptions is necessary as a result of the horizontal expansion of the 8.33kHz area.
Text in italics will be inserted by the State concerned as required.
The ICAO Special Communications/Operations Divisional Meeting (Montreal, March/April 1995)
decided that, in order to increase channel capacity, the VHF communications band should be further
split from 25 to 8.33 kHz channel spacing. It was noted that this measure was a near term
improvement for regions experiencing severe VHF frequency spectrum congestion, in anticipation of
the development and implementation of the future digital VHF radio system. The corresponding
amendment to Doc 7030 (serial No: EUR/NAT-S 97/9 -RAC/3) was approved by the Council of ICAO
on 30 January 1998.
The carriage and operation of 8.33 kHz channel spacing capable radio equipment has been
mandatory throughout ICAO EUR Region since 7 October 1999.
The States that implemented 8.33 kHz channel spacing from 7 October 1999 are: Austria, Belgium,
France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
The States participating in the 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion are: Bosnia & Herzegovina,
Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, FYROM, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
United Kingdom and FR Yugoslavia. The majority of these States will remove their 8.33
exemptions on the target date of 31 OCTOBER 2002.
This AIC provides information from ICAO Doc 7030 with respect to the following:
The EUROCONTROL 8.33 kHz User Guide – Horizontal expansion (Edition 5.xx), provides further
detailed information on the 8.33 kHz channel spacing operational environment. It is important that it is
made available to ATS providers and aircraft operators. Copies of the 8.33 User Guide can be obtained
from the EUROCONTROL Web site (http://www.eurocontrol.int/vhf833) or by mail (EUROCONTROL,
DIS/833, 96 Rue de la Fusée, 1130 Brussels, Belgium).
Where 8.33 kHz channel spacing is in operation, parallel operation of 25 and 8.33 kHz spaced VHF
channels within one sector will not be possible. Consequently, from the 31st October 2002, the flight
plan of all aircraft requiring the provision of a GAT air traffic service in the airspace designated for 8.33
kHz channel spacing operation will be rejected if not equipped with radios compatible with 8.33 kHz
channel spacing.
Aircraft VHF radio equipment in the ICAO EUR Region will still be required to be able to tune to 25
kHz spaced channels and receive in an environment which uses offset-carrier systems (the so-called
CLIMAX operation). Airspace users should take into account that these offset-carrier systems will
continue to be used throughout Europe.
Nevertheless, exemptions may be granted by States that are not part of the Horizontal Expansion
Programme and published in their State AIP.
In addition, State aircraft (Military / Police / Customs) not equipped with an 8.33 kHz capable radio
will be allowed to operate in the airspace designated for 8.33 kHz channel spacing operations,
provided that they are infrequent users of that airspace and are UHF equipped. In general, they will be
accommodated on UHF channels.
Where UHF coverage is not fully available, State aircraft not equipped with 8.33 channel spacing
equipment shall be excluded from 8.33 airspace unless special handling procedures are in place.
However these procedures apply only to UHF equipped State aircraft.
Note: Infrequent user is one defined as not exceeding 30 hours flying time per airframe per year,
within the airspace concerned.
From 1st of October 1998, in the filed flight plan (FPL) of an aircraft planned to operate in the ICAO
EUR Region above FL245,
• the letter “Y” shall be inserted in field 10 of the flight plan, for aircraft equipped with 8.33 kHz
capable radio equipment; or
• the indicator “STS/EXM833“, shall be inserted in field 18, for aircraft which are not equipped but
which are planned to operate in accordance with published exemption from the mandatory
carriage requirement.
- Absence of the letter Y shall be taken as a lack of 8.33 kHz capable equipment.
- To determine whether the indicator “STS/EXM833“ may be inserted in the flight plan, it will be
necessary to consult the exemptions published in the relevant State’s AIP.
- State aircraft equipped with UHF, but not equipped with 8.33 kHz capable radio shall insert the letter
“M” in field 8 and the letter “U” in field 10 of the flight plan, as well as “STS/EXM833” in field 18.
RPLs listings submitted after the 4th October 2001 will not be assumed to be 8.33kHz radio
equipped. ALL information that is relevant to 8.33 processing must be provided in the RPL submitted
to CFMU in the form of a NLST (New List) or RLST (Revised List) from 4th October 2001 onwards.
8.33 kHz equipped aircraft shall include under the EQPT/ element in Item Q of the RPL the letter "Y"
together with ALL other equipment and capability information in conformity with FIELD 10 of the ICAO
In appropriate cases, the exemption indicator (STS/EXM833) shall be provided in Item Q of the RPL.
In case of a change in the 8.33 kHz capability status for a flight planned to operate in the ICAO EUR
Region above FL 245 a modification message shall be sent with the appropriate indicator inserted
and, in case of an RPL, this shall be sent not earlier than 20 hours before the EOBT.
Aircraft normally capable of operating above FL245, but planning to fly below these levels shall,
nevertheless, insert the appropriate indicator.
The date of Mandatory carriage and operation of 8.33 channel spacing capable radio equipment for
aircraft operating above FL245 was 7th October 1999 and a list of exemptions was published.
In (insert name of non-8.33 State) the following Exemptions will be applicable from 31st October
In accordance with Chapter 4.0 ”Air-Ground Communications and In-Flight Reporting”, para 4.1.2 of
ICAO SUPPS Doc 7030/4 EUR/RAC, temporary permission is hereby granted for aircraft not equipped
with 8.33 kHz channel spacing radio equipment to operate in the (insert name of FIR/UIR) FIR/UIR on
condition that:
a) Such flight is planned to remain clear of any FIR/UIR in the EUR Region where no
exemption has been published, except for exemptions applicable to UHF equipped State
aircraft (refer to the AIP of the State covering the FIR/UIR concerned);
b) Such flight is operated in accordance with exemptions published (refer to the AIP of the
State covering the FIR/UIR concerned);
This temporary permission is subject to revision but is applicable at least until ddmmyyyy.
In respect of State aircraft no time limit applies.
The phraseology given below is published in ICAO SUPPS-Doc7030 EUR/RAC Chapter 4.0 “Air-
Ground Communications and In-Flight Reporting” Table 1.
PANS-RAC, Transfer of control and/or a) CONTACT (unit call sign) CHANNEL (name)
(Part X, 3.1.3) channel change b) AT (or OVER) (time or place) CONTACT (unit call
sign) CHANNEL (name)
c) IF NO CONTACT (instructions)
d) STAND BY CHANNEL (name) FOR (unit call sign)
g) MONITOR (unit call sign) CHANNEL (name)
i) WHEN READY CONTACT (unit call sign)
CHANNEL (name)
Further information on the policy, planning and implementation of 8.33 kHz spaced channels in (insert
name of State) can be obtained from:
Further information on the 8.33 kHz Programme, policy, planning and co-ordination of 8.33kHz
channel spacing implementation can be obtained from:
Though the following NOTAM Specimen relate to 8.33 kHz channel spacing, and a
NOTAM code exists for ‘air/ground facility’, it was deemed more appropriate to use the
code related to ‘Aircraft entry requirement’, as the common subject to all these Specimen is
the introduction of the mandatory carriage of 8.33 kHz capable equipment within the EUR
Region which can potentially affect the entry of a non equipped aircraft within the airspace
of a State.
It is important that the dates indicated for the publication of the NOTAM and the items B)
and C) are followed.
A ‘reminder’ NOTAM will be published on 8th August 2002 by each EUR Region State to
remind ATS personnel and aircraft operators that they will receive a ‘trigger’ NOTAM on
3rd October 2002.
A ‘trigger’ NOTAM will be published on 3rd October 2002 to confirm that 8.33 kHz channel
spacing operation will start on 31st October 2002.
Note: The operational requirements (flight plan filing) applicable since 1st October 1998 will
remain the same, except that flight plans of non-8.33 equipped aircraft planned above FL
245 will be rejected as of 31st October 2002 (except where exemption(s) apply).
Applicable only for 8.33 States
Two Specimen Letters of Agreement (LoA) follow. They are Specimen LoA 1 (between 8.33 & non-
8.33 States) and Specimen LoA 2 (between non-8.33 & non-8.33 States).
These Specimen Letters of Agreement, which have resulted from discussions held in the 8.33 kHz
Programme Regional Co-ordination Meetings throughout the EUR Region, were endorsed at the 8.33
Contact Persons Meeting No.2 (CP #2) held on the 17th and 18th of March 1999 in Brussels.
The meeting agreed a generic text, which should be included in every LoA, and other supporting text,
which may be included in the LoA, or in national procedures, if required by the States themselves.
The supporting texts are provided as the Attachment to LoA 1 and Attachment to LoA 2.
The generic text has been written in line with that of the EUROCONTROL Common Format Letter of
The generic text reflects the policy that no exemptions will be granted by 8.33 States, other than to
UHF equipped State aircraft.
States are reminded that the Specimen LoA’s are a recommendation which may be fully or partially
Specimen LoA 1
To be inserted in LoA Annex D if [Centre2] does not publish exemptions beyond those
prescribed for UHF-equipped State aircraft.
Annex D
Except for UHF-equipped State aircraft, [Centre1] shall ensure that all aircraft
identified as not equipped with 8.33 kHz channel spacing capability are co-ordinated
below FL 245 with [Centre2].
Annex E
E.2.1. The transfer of communications shall take place not later than the transfer of control,
unless otherwise co-ordinated.
E.2.2 Should an aircraft be discovered to be non 8.33 equipped at the moment of transfer,
the following conditions apply:
(list here specific agreed contingency procedures, including the contingency 25kHz
frequency if one is available)
Attachment to LoA 1
• that the aircraft is not equipped with 8.33 kHz Channel spacing, or
• the equipment status is unknown (“IFP/833UNKNOWN”), or
• the flight is an exempted State aircraft, or
• STS/SAR or STS/HOSP in field 18.
3. Phraseology
• The standard expression “Channel” shall be used systematically to designate
VHF 8.33 channels.
Specimen LoA 2
Annex D
Except for:
• UHF-equipped State aircraft, and
• Aircraft not intending to operate within airspace where no exemption is applicable (to its
flight) :
[Centre1] shall ensure that aircraft identified as not equipped with 8.33 kHz channel spacing capability
are co-ordinated with [Centre2] below FL 245.
Attachment to LoA 2
• that the aircraft is not equipped with 8.33 kHz Channel spacing, or
• the equipment status is unknown (“IFP/833UNKNOWN”), or
• the flight is an exempted State aircraft, or
• STS/SAR or STS/HOSP in field 18.
[Centre 1] shall transfer all non-8.33 equipped aircraft and non-exempted aircraft to
[Centre 2] below FL245, if the aircraft is to enter the 8.33 area on its further route.
For ATM purposes and with reference to article 3(b) of the
Chicago Convention, only aircraft used in military, customs and
police services shall qualify as State Aircraft.
• -Aircraft on a military register, or identified as such within a civil
register, shall be considered to be used in military service and hence
qualify as State Aircraft;
• -Civil registered aircraft used in military, customs and police service
shall qualify as State Aircraft;
• -Civil registered aircraft used by a State for other than military,
customs and police service shall not qualify as State Aircraft.
A reporting mechanism should be available for cases where
operators are suspected of having incorrectly claimed that their
aircraft was used in military, customs and police services.
States shall ensure compliance with the above mentioned
recommendations and investigate reports of incorrect claims.
States shall develop provisions/procedures as part of their rules
of the air, and reports referred to in Principle 3 above be acted
upon in accordance with Article 12 of the Chicago Convention.
In any case this annex does not act as a substitute for national AIP.
BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA ATC services are delegated to Croatia and the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia that will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF
CROATIA will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF frequencies.
CZECH REPUBLIC will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF
DENMARK will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF
ESTONIA will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF frequencies.
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft
flying GAT on UHF frequencies.
FINLAND will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT in the FIR Tampere
on UHF frequencies.
FYROM will provide limited UHF coverage and will handle non 8.33 equipped UHF State
aircraft under specific procedures to be inserted in the State AIP.
IRELAND will not accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT.
HUNGARY will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF
ITALY will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF frequencies.
LATVIA No answer
LITHUANIA has not yet decided how non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT will be
NORWAY will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF frequencies.
POLAND will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF frequencies.
PORTUGAL will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF
ROMANIA has not yet decided how non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT will be
SLOVAKIA will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF
SLOVENIA will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF
SPAIN will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF frequencies.
SWEDEN will accommodate non 8.33 equipped State aircraft flying GAT on UHF frequencies.
UNITED KINGDOM will accommodate non 8.33 State aircraft on UHF in London FIR. In a first
step the Scottish Air traffic control centre will not have UHF capabilities and non 8.33 State
aircraft will be handled as OAT on UHF when flying in 8.33 sectors.
AUSTRIA - UHF is not available in Austria with the exception of West of 12°E which is
delegated to Munich and where UHF coverage is available. In the East of 12°E part of Austria,
8.33 is implemented only above FL 335 and UHF equipped aircraft are allowed to fly between
FL 245 and FL 335. Any expansion of the 8.33 implementation should be carefully studied in
co-operation with the military authorities.
GERMANY - is handling military aircraft flying GAT on UHF. It also includes the delegated part
of Austria.
Figure1: An aircraft with departure aerodrome INSIDE the IFPZ (paragraph 5.2.1 refers)
Figure 2: An aircraft with departure aerodrome OUTSIDE IFPZ (paragraph 5.2.1 refers)
The radiotelephony transmission of 8.33 and 25 kHz spaced channels is described in Annex
10, Volume II, Chapter 5, para and para
The phraseology related to 8.33 kHz channel spacing is published in ICAO SUPPS – Doc
7030/4, EUR/RAC Chapter 4.0 “Air-Ground Communications and In-Flight Reporting” , Table 1