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Coniugazione To Be PDF

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Coniuga il verbo to be in inglese: infinito, participio | Coniugazione verbo inglese

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to be



Regole di coniugazione
Modelli Verbi irregolari Guida



Modello be
Forme composte


Altre forme be oneself/not be

Forme semplici

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Infinitive Imperative

Present I am you are he/she/it is we are you are they are

Preterite I was you were he/she/it was we were you were they were

to be

be let's be be

Present being

Past been

In English, the conjugated forms are the same for the following persons: you, we and they.

Forme composte
Past participle having been

Forme semplici

In English, the conjugated forms are the same for the following persons: you, we and they.

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Present continuous I am being you are being he/she/it is being we are being you are being they are being Past continuous I was being you were being he/she/it was being we were being you were being they were being Past perfect continuous I had been being you had been being he/she/it had been being we had been being you had been being they had been being
Forme semplici Forme composte

Present perfect I have been you have been he/she/it has been we have been you have been they have been Past perfect I had been you had been he/she/it had been we had been you had been they had been Future perfect continuous I will have been being you will have been being he/she/it will have been being we will have been being you will have been being they will have been being

Future I will be you will be he/she/it will be we will be you will be they will be Future continuous I will be being you will be being he/she/it will be being we will be being you will be being they will be being

Future perfect I will have been you will have been he/she/it will have been we will have been you will have been they will have been Present perfect continuous I have been being you have been being he/she/it has been being we have been being you have been being they have been being

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Rev erso Grammar, Rev erso Grammaire Frenc h Grammar | English grammar | English verb tenses | Conditionnal IF | Modal verbs in English | The parts of sentence in Frenc h | French syntax | Agreement rules in French | French punctuation | French spelling Online spell checker, Correcteur dorthographe et grammaire, Corrector ortogrfico Online spelling and grammar check for French texts | Online spelling and grammar c hec k for English texts Link consigliati: Gratuito: Imparate l'inglese, il francese e altre lingue Questo traduttore online consente di tradurre parole, testi, frasi, frasi idiomatiche, espressioni in francese, spagnolo, italiano, tedesco, russo, portoghese, ebraico, giapponese. Gli strumenti di traduzione includono: memorie di traduzione come Across, Trados, SDL, Dej Vu, ma anche sistemi di traduzione immediata, mac chine di traduzione come Reverso, BabelFish, Systran. Dizionario online: Collins, Merriam-Webster, Larousse, LEO, Oxford, langenscheidt. 2013 Reverso-Softissimo. Tutti diritti riservati.

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