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C++ Syllabus

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THE HASHEMITE UNIVERSITY Faculty of Engineering Course Syllabus Course Title: Department: Prerequisite(s): Instructor: Instructor's e-mail: Course

Website: Office Hours: Class Time: Course description:

C++ Programming Course Number: Computer Engineering Designation: 1011100 Eng. Ghada Al-Mashaqbeh Instructor's Office: ghada@hu.edu.jo www.hlms.hu.edu.jo (BlackBoard) Daily, 10:20 am 11:20 am Daily, 09:10 am 10:10 am 0408110 Compulsory E 2034

Class Room:

WC 311

This course covers the main concepts and principles of Computer Fundamentals and Components, Computer Operation, Elements of Programming, Structured Programming Methods, C++ programming language, Variable Declaration, Assignment, Input/Output, Control Structures, Functions, Arrays (1-D and 2-D), files and dynamic memory allocations in addition to pointers concepts. C++ How to program, Deitel, 4th Edition Handouts and notes given by the instructor. Successful completion of this course should lead to the following learning outcomes: 1. Knowledge and Understanding: I. Learn programming concepts and acquire skills needed to program in the C++ computer language. II. Being able to read a simple C++ program and predict the outcome and output of the program. III. Write a program using the C++ arithmetic operators, input/output methods and appropriate manipulators for formatting. IV. Use both one dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays. V. Use character data and string processing. 2. Intellectual skills with ability to: I. Understand and analyze various programming problems. II. Design algorithms to solve the problems. III. Use the C++ instruction to implement the solutions. 3. Practical skills - with ability to: I. Being able to write short programs in pseudo code, flowcharts and in the C++ programming language. II. Edit, compile, execute and get results of C++ programs. III. Write advanced programs using the C++ arithmetic operators, input/output methods, appropriate manipulators for formatting, selection and looping statements. IV. Write modular well-designed programs using functions with parameters passed by value and by reference. 4. Transferable skills with ability to I. Use the visual studio 6 package. II. Work on C++ project for the education and for industry. III. Analyze and write new algorithms.

Textbook(s): Other required material: Course objectives:

Topics covered:

Introduction: History of computer, Element of a computer system, The evolution of programming languages, Processing a high level language program, Programming with the Problem Analysis CodingExecution Cycle, Algorithms and Flowcharts. Basic elements of C++: The basics of a C++ program, Data types, Arithmetic operators and operator precedence, Expressions, Casting, Input, Increment and Decrement operators, Output, program style and form. Control Structure I (Selection ): Relational Operators, Logical operators and Expressions, Selection: if and if else, switch structures. Control Structure II (Repetition): while looping, For looping, do while looping, break and continue, nested control structures. File processing. User defined functions: predefined functions, header files, function definition, function prototype, function parameters, Calling Functions (call by value, call by reference), Random number generation, inline functions, default arguments, recursion, function templates, and function overloading. Input/Output Manipulations Arrays: Concept of One dimensional arrays, Input/Output of One dimensional arrays, Manipulation of arrays, Arrays as arguments (passing array to function), Multidimensional arrays. Array of characters (String). Pointers and strings.

Textbook Chapter
Chapter 1

Chapter 2, Chapter 21

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 14 Chapter 3

Chapter 18 Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Class schedule: Grading Plan:

5 class sessions each week; 60 minutes each. First Exam Second Exam Final Exam Quizzes & HWs (15 Points) (15 Points) (50 Points) (20 Points) TBD TBD Will be announced by the registrar --

General Notes:

Attendance: Mandatory. No more than 15% absence is permitted. Entering the Class Room: You have 5 minutes to enter the class after the starting time. The door will be closed after that. Note that if you enter after the first 5 minutes you will lose the quiz if any. Make ups: Make up exams will be only conducted for students who have a valid excuse for missing the exams. Bear in mind that make up will be much harder than the normal exam. Cell Phones: must be closed before entering the class. Cheating: Dont risk your semester. Be smart enough to pass.

Course contribution:
Professional Component General Education Basic Science and Mathematics Engineering Science Engineering Design Course Contribution Learn the basic concepts of computer programming which represent a basic block in computer engineering. Applying the different arithmetic and logical operations and implementing mathematical algorithms using C++ coding. Learn the structure, characteristics, and the principles of computer software programming and its usage in the real life. Determine the proper software algorithm to solve engineering problems.

Relationship to program outcomes:

ABET a-n a b c d e f g h i j k CPE Program Outcomes Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. Ability to communicate effectively. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. Knowledge of contemporary Computer Engineering issues. Ability to use techniques, skills and tools in engineering practice.

Prepared by:

Eng. Ghada Al-Mashaqbeh



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