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PUBLICATIONS John Scarborough Professor School of Pharmacy & Departments of History, and Classics (quondam) University of Wisconsin Madison

n June 2011 BOOKS Roman Medicine. London and Ithaca, New York: Thames and Hudson, and Cornell University Press, 1969; rptd. 1976; 2nd ed. in prep. Facets of Hellenic Life. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976 [ed.] Symposium on Byzantine Medicine. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1985 = Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 38 (1984) Pharmacys Ancient Heritage: Theophrastus, Nicander, and Dioscorides. Lexington: University of Kentucky/College of Pharmacy, 1985 [ed.] Folklore and Folk Medicines. Madison: American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, 1987 Medical Terminologies: Classical Origins. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992; 2nd ed. as Medical and Biological Terminologies: Classical Origins. 1998 Pharmacy and Drug Lore in Antiquity: Greece, Rome, Byzantium . Farnham [England] and Burlington [Vermont]: Ashgate, 2010 Drugs, Poisons and Kings: Medicine and Toxicology in the Hellenistic Era. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press [forthcoming] [co-ed. with Paul T. Keyser] The Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press [forthcoming]

ARTICLES, ESSAYS, AND COMMENTARIES 1. Roman Medicine and the Legions: A Reconsideration, Medical History, 12 (1968), 254-261 [rptd. as "Roman Medicine and the Legions," in Robin L. Anderson, ed., Sources in the History of Medicine: The Impact of Disease and Trauma (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007), pp. 98-101] 2. The Classical Background of the Vesalian Revolution, Episteme, 2 (1968), 200-218 3. Some Notes on the Etruscan Heritage of Early Roman Medicine, Episteme, 3 (1969), 160166 4. Ammianus Marcellinus, XX, 16. 18: Alexandrias Medical Reputation in the Fourth Century, Clio Medica, 4 (1969), 141-142 5. Romans and Physicians, Classical Journal, 65 (1970), 296-306 6. Thucydides, Greek Medicine, and the Plague at Athens: A Summary of Possibilities, Episteme, 4 (1970), 77-90 7. Diphilus of Siphnos and Hellenistic Medical Dietetics, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 25 (1970), 194-201

8. Gnosticism, Drugs, and Alchemy in Late Roman Egypt, Pharmacy in History, 13 (1971), 151-157 9. Galen and the Gladiators, Episteme, 5 (1971), 98-111 10. Aurelian: Questions and Problems, Classical Journal, 68 (1973), 334-345 11. The Gods in the Image of Man: von Dnikens New Myths, Dictics: Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, 10, no. 3 (Winter 1974-1975), 19-25 12. Teaching Approaches in History, American Historical Association Newsletter, 13, no. 1 (1975), 5 13. [Criticism in the Classics and Science Fiction], Foundation: Review of Science Fiction [London], Nos. 7/8 (1975), 151-152 14. A Reading List on Greek and Roman Life, Part I, Humanities, 5, nos. 5/6 (1975), 10-11 15. The Drug Lore of Asclepiades of Bithynia, Pharmacy in History, 17 (1975), 43-57 16. On Luis Garca Ballesters Galen: An Extended Commentary, Episteme, 9 (1975), 3-31 [with Carl J. Post] 17. A Reading List on Greek and Roman Life, Part II, Humanities, 6, no. 4 (1976), 10-11 18. Celsus on Human Vivisection at Ptolemaic Alexandria, Clio Medica, 11 (1976), 25-38 19. Galens Description of the Kidney, Clio Medica, 11 (1976), 171-176 20. On the Understanding of Medicine among the Romans, The Historian, 39 (1977), 213-217 21. Nicanders Toxicology, I: Snakes, Pharmacy in History, 19 (1977), 3-23 22. Some Beetles in Plinys Natural History, Coleopterists Bulletin, 31 (1977), 293-296 23. Reflections on Spartacus, Ancient World, 1 (1978), 75-81 24. Theophrastus on Herbals and Herbal Remedies, Journal of the History of Biology, 11 (1978), 353-385 26. Nicanders Toxicology, II: Spiders, Scorpions, Insects, and Myriapods, Pharmacy in History, 21 (1979), 3-34 and 73-92 27. On the History of Early Entomology, Chiefly Greek and Roman, with a Preliminary Bibliography, Melsheimer Entomological Series, 26 (1979), 17-27 28. Classical Antiquity: Medicine and the Allied Sciences, Trends in History, 1, no. 2 (1979), 3-14 29. Nicander, Theriaca, 811, Classical Philology, 75 (1980), 138-140 30. Joseph Nesvadba and Czech Science Fiction, in C. C. Smith, ed., Twentieth Century Science Fiction Writers (New York: St. Martins Press, 1981), pp. 621-622 31. The Galenic Question, Sudhoffs Archiv, 65 (1981), 1-31 32. Roman Medicine and Public Health, in Teizo Ogawa, ed., Public Health: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Comparative History of Medicine -- East and WestOctober 26th-November 1st 1980, Susono-shi, Shizuoka, Japan (Tokyo: Saikon and the Taniguchi Foundation, 1981), pp. 33-74 33. Ancient Medicine: Some Recent Books, Clio Medica, 16 (1981), 141-149 34. Beans, Pythagoras, Taboos, and Ancient Dietetics, Classical World, 75 (1982), 355-358 35. The Preface of Dioscorides Materia Medica: Introduction, Translation, Commentary, Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, n.s. 4 (1982), 187-227 [with Vivian Nutton] 36. Roman Pharmacy and the Eastern Drug Trade: Some Problems as Illustrated by the Example of Aloe, Pharmacy in History, 24 (1982), 135-143

37. H. Rider Haggard, in E. F. Bleiler, ed., Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors from the Early Nineteenth Century (New York: Scribners, 1982), pp. 19-24 38. John Wyndham, Ibid., pp. 219-224 39. Stanislaw Lem, Ibid., pp. 591-597 40. On Medications for Burns in Classical Antiquity, Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 10 (1983), 603-610 41. Theoretical Assumptions in Hippocratic Pharmacology, in Franois Lasserre and Philippe Mudry, eds., Formes de pense dans la Collection hippocratique: Actes du IVe Colloque international hippocratique (Lausanne, 21-26 septembre 1981) (Geneva: Droz, 1983), pp. 307325 42. Perspectives: Some Thoughts on Redefinitions in Education, Ampersand [University of Kentucky], (Spring, 1983), 1-2 43. The Myth of Lead Poisoning among the Romans, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 39 (1984), 469-474 44. Introduction, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 38 (1984), ix-xvi [ = Symposium on Byzantine Medicine (1985)] 45. Early Byzantine Pharmacology, Ibid., 213-232 46. On Teaching Courses in Ancient Medicine, Greek and Roman Medicine, and Byzantine Medicine, in Stanley M. Burstein and Sarah B. Pomeroy, eds., Ancient History: Selected Reading Lists and Course Outlines from American Colleges and Universities (New York: Marcus Weiner, 1984), pp. 84-89 47. Galens Dissection of the Elephant, Koroth, 8, nos. 11-12 (1985), 123-134 48. Criton, Physician to Trajan: Historian and Pharmacist, in John W. Eadie and Josiah Ober, eds., The Craft of the Ancient Historian: Essays in Honor of Chester G. Starr (Lanham and London: University Press of America, 1985), pp. 387-405 49. Galen on Roman Amateur Athletics, Arete: The Journal of Sport Literature, 2 (1985), 171176 50. Erasistratus: Student of Theophrastus?, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 59 (1985), 515517 51. Piers Anthony, in E. F. Bleiler, ed., Supernatural Fiction Writers (New York: Scribners, 1985; 2 vols.), Vol. II, pp. 981-986 52. Foreword to John M. Riddle, Dioscorides on Pharmacy and Medicine (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985), pp. xi-xiv 53. Pharmacy in Plinys Natural History, in Roger French and Frank Greenaway, eds., Science in the Early Roman Empire: Pliny the Elder, his Sources and Influence (London and New York: Croom Helm and Oxford University Press, 1986), pp. 59-85 54. Greek Pharmacy since 1453, Pharmacy in History, 28 (1986), 183-184 55. Recent Articles in Essay Collections and Festschriften, Pharmacy in History, 28 (1986), 185-187 56. Medieval Armenias Ancient Medical Heritage, Revue des Etudes Armniennes, 20 (1986/1987), 237-251 57. Texts and Sources in Ancient Pharmacy, Pt. 1: Ancient Near Eastern and Greek Texts, Pharmacy in History, 29 (1987), 81-84 58. Texts and Sources in Ancient Pharmacy, Pt. 2: Hellenistic Pharmacy, Toxicology, and Medical Entomology, Pharmacy in History, 29 (1987), 133-139

59. Introduction, Folklore and Folk Medicines (Madison: American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, 1987), pp. 1-9 60. Adaptations of Folk Medicines in the Formal Materia Medica of Classical Antiquity, Ibid., pp. 21-32 61. Botany, Pharmacy, and the Culinary Arts, in A. C. Crombie and Nancy Siraisi, eds., Ruth and Clarence Kennedy Conference in the Renaissance, 1982: The Rational Arts of Living (Northampton, Massachusetts: Department of History of Smith College, 1987 [ Smith College Studies in History, Vol. 50]), pp. 161-202 62. The Corpus Medicorum Graecorum and Corpus Medicorum Latinorum: A Listing, Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 15 (1987), 11-16 63. Medicine, in Michael Grant and Rachel Kitzinger, eds., Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece and Rome (New York: Scribners, 1988; 3 vols.), Vol. II, pp. 1227-1248 64. Classical Antiquity: Medicine and the Allied Sciences. An Update, Trends in History, 4, nos. 3/4 (1988), 5-36 [= Rebecca Greene, ed., History of Medicine (New York: The Haworth Press, 1988), pp. 5-36] 65. Hermetic and Related Texts in Classical Antiquity, in Ingrid Merkel and Allen G. Debus, eds., Hermeticism and the Renaissance: Intellectual History and the Occult in Early Modern Europe (Washington, D.C., London and Toronto: Folger Shakespeare Library and Associated University Presses, 1988), pp. 19-44 66. Galen Redivivus, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 43 (1988), 313321 67. Medical Use of Insects, Pharmacy in History, 30 (1988), 200-201 68. Contraception in Antiquity: The Case of Pennyroyal, Wisconsin Academy Review, 35, no. 2 (1989), 19-25 69. Pharmaceutical Theory in Galens Commentaries on the Hippocratic Epidemics: Some Observations on Roman Views of Greek Drug Lore, in Gerhard Baader and Rudolf Winau, eds., Die hippokratischen Epidemien: Theorie-Praxis-Tradition. Verhandlungen des Ve Colloque international hippocratiqueFreie Universitt Berlin 10-15.9.1984 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1989 [Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fr Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Beiheft 27]), pp. 270282 70. Introduction in Folklore and Folk Medicines (1987), reprinted as An Introduction to Folk Medicines, in Classical Botanical Reprints, No. 202 (Austin: American Botanical Council, 1990), 1-9 71. Pliny and Pharmacy, Words and Cures, Ancient Perfumery, and "Galen in Arabic," Pharmacy in History, 32 (1990), 27-30 and 45 72. [Medicine in Ancient Egypt]: Review Essay, Pharmacy in History, 32 (1990), 88-90 73. The Pharmacology of Sacred Plants, Herbs, and Roots, in Christopher A. Faraone and Dirk Obbink, eds., Magika Hiera: Ancient Greek Magic and Religion (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), pp. 138-174 74. The Pharmacy of Methodist Medicine: The Evidence of Soranus Gynecology, in Philippe Mudry and Jackie Pigeaud, eds., Les Ecoles mdicales Rome: Actes du 2me Colloque international sur les texts mdicaux latins antiques, Lausanne, septembre 1986 (Geneva: Droz, 1991 [Universit de Lausanne Publications de la Facult des Lettres, XXXIII]), pp. 203-216

75. Commentary and Response to K. D. White, The Base Mechanical Arts? Some Thoughts on the Contributions of Science (Pure and Applied) to the Culture of the Hellenistic Age, in Peter Green, ed., Hellenistic History and Culture (Berkeley, Los Angeles and Oxford: University of California Press, 1993 [Hellenistic Culture and Society, Vol. IX]), pp. 220-237 76. Roman Medicine to Galen, in Wolfgang Haase and Hildegard Temporini, eds., Aufstieg und Niedergang der rmischen Welt, Pt. II: Principat, Vol. 37, pt. 1 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1993), pp. 3-48 77. Ludwig Edelstein, in Ward W. Briggs, Jr., ed., Biographical Dictionary of North American Classicists (Detroit: Gale Press, 1994), pp. 153-156 78. The Opium Poppy in Hellenistic and Roman Medicine, in Roy Porter and Mikul Teich, eds., Drugs and Narcotics in History (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 4-23 79. Ancient Ecology: Analytical Problems. A Review-Essay on J. Donald Hughes, Pans Travail, Classical Bulletin, 71 (1995), 29-32 80. "Medicines at Sea: The Novels of Patrick O'Brian," Pharmacy in History, 37 (1995), 136-137 81. Galen of Pergamon, in Ward W. Briggs, Jr., ed., Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 176: Ancient Greek Authors (Detroit, Washington, D.C. and London: Bruccoli Clark Layman and Gale Research, 1997), pp. 156-170 82. Hippocrates of Cos, Ibid., pp. 199-219 83. New Texts in Byzantine and Arabic Toxicology and Pharmacology, Pharmacy in History, 38 (1996), 96-99 84. Drugs and Medicines in the Roman World, Expedition [University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology], 38, no. 2 (1996), 38-52 85. "Pharmacy and Science Fiction: One Set of Images from 1954," Pharmacy in History, 38 (1996), 36 86. On Translating into English Older German Books on the History of Toxicology, in John H. Trestrail, ed., Mithridata: Toxicological History Society Newsletter, 8, no. 1[no. 13] (Dec.-Jan., 1996-1997), 1-3 87. The Life and Times of Alexander of Tralles, Expedition [University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology], 39, no. 2 (1997), 51-60 88. Botany, in Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth, eds., Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), pp. 119-126 [rptd. from Oxford Classical Dictionary (1996; rev. ed. 2003), pp. 255-256] 89. Approaches to History, Use of Resources, Evaluation Techniques, Overall Philosophy, Journal of Pharmacy Teaching, 8 [3] (2001), 71-74 90. The Future of the History of Pharmacy, Ibid., 87-90 91. Herbs of the Field and Herbs of the Garden in Byzantine Medicinal Pharmacy, in Antony Littlewood, Henry Maguire and J. Wolschke-Buhlmann, eds., Byzantine Garden Culture (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, 2002), pp. 177-187 92. Dioskurides of Anazarbos: Medical Materials [translation of] Preface 5-9, in Georgia IrbyMassie and Paul T. Keyser, eds., Greek Science of the Hellenistic Era (London and New York: Routledge, 2002), pp. 310-312 (rptd. from Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, n.s. 4 [1982], 187-227 [195-197]). 93. Hippocrates and the Hippocratic Ideal in Modern Medicine, International Journal for the Classical Tradition, 9 (2002), 287-297

94. Drugs for an Emperor, Amphora [American Philological Association], 3, no. 1 (Spring, 2004), 4-5 and 17 95. Feminist Scholarship in the History of Medicine: Response to Monica Green, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 78 (2004), 876 and 879 96. Introduction to Lily Y. Beck, trans., Pedanius Dioscorides of Anazarbus De Materia Medica (Hildesheim and New York: Olms-Weidmann, 2005), pp. xiii-xxi 97. More on Dioscorides Etruscan Herbs, Etruscan News, 6 (Summer, 2006), 1 and 9 98. The Matrix and Contexts of Roman Military Medicine, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 19 (2006), 610-614 99. Drugs and Drug Lore in the Time of Theophrastus: Folklore, Magic, Botany, Philosophy, and the Rootcutters, Acta Classica, 49 (2006), 1-29 100. Recent Advances in Endemic Nephropathy: The Role of Toxins in an Environmental Disease, Colloquium Antropologicum, 30, suppl. 1 (September, 2006), 5 101. Kidney Disease among the Romans, Ibid., 5-6 102. Dioscorides of Anazarbus for Moderns, Pharmacy in History, 49 (2007), 76-80 103. Attalus III of Pergamon: Research Toxicologist, in Louise C. Cilliers, ed., Asklepios: Studies on Ancient Medicine (Bloemfontein: Classical Association of South Africa, 2008 [Acta Classica Supplementum II]), pp. 138-156 104. [2nd author#] Dioscoridess bruonia malaina is Bryonia alba, not Tamus communis, and an Illustration Labeled bruonia melaina in the Codex Vindobonensis is Humulus lupulus, not Bryonia dioica, in M. Pitrat, ed., Cucurbitaceae 2008. Proceedings of the IXth EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae, Avignon 21-24 May 2008 (Avignon: INRA/Centre de Recherche dAvignon, 2008), pp. 273-280 [# S. S. Renner, J. Scarborough, H. Schaefer, H. S. Paris, and J. Janick] 105. [2nd author#] Aristolochic Acid Nephropathy: An Environmental and Iatrogenic Disease, Advances in Molecular Toxicology, 3 (2009), 213-229 [# Arthur P. Grollman, John Scarborough, and Bojan Jelakovic] 106. Teaching Surgery in Late Byzantine Alexandria, in Manfred Horstmanshoff, ed., Hippocrates and Medical Education in Antiquity (Leiden and Boston: E. J. Brill, 2010 [Studies in Ancient Medicine, Vol. 35]), pp. 235-260 107. "Ancient Medicinal Use of Aristolochia: Birthwort's Tradition and Toxicity," Pharmacy in History, 53 (2011), 3-22 108. Thornapple (Datura spp.) in Greco-Roman Pharmacology, Classical Philology [forthcoming] 109. Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Court of Cleopatra VII: Traces of Three Physicians, in Ann van Arsdall, ed., Herbs and Healers from the Ancient Mediterranean through the Medieval West: Essays in Honor of John Riddle (Farnham [England] and Burlington [Vermont]: Ashgate) [forthcoming]

POSTERS Lessons from Antiquity: Chemical Analyses of Ancient Herbal Recipes [with Arthur P. Grollman, and Andrea Fernandes], P 1-6 in Hubert Maver and Pavao Rudan, eds., Collegium Antropologium, Abstract Book: Rcent Advances in Endemic Nephropathy: The Role of Toxins in an Environmental Disease (an International Symposium Dedicated to Professor Radovan Pletina, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia, October 2006), 30, Supplement 1, 3: Molecular Toxicology of Aristolochic Acid (2006), 35 TRANSLATIONS [Selected] 1. The Preface of Dioscorides Materia Medica, Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, n.s. 4 (1982), 195-197 [with Vivian Nutton]; trans. from Max Wellmann, ed., Pedanii Dioscuridis Anazarbei De materia medica (Berlin: Weidmann, 19061914; 3 vols.; rptd. 1958), Vol. I, pp. 1-5; rev. [Scarborough] and rptd. in Irby-Massie and Keyser, eds., Greek Science in the Hellenistic Era (2003), pp. 310-312 2. The Hippocratic On Wounds 22: Treatment of Burns, in On Medications for Burns in Classical Antiquity, Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 10 (1983), 605; trans. from Emile Littr, ed,. Oeuvres compltes dHippocrate, Vol. VI (Paris: J. B. Baillire, 1849), pp. 426-428 3. Celsus, De medicina, V, 27.13A-B: Burns are Best Treated, Ibid., 605-606; trans. from Frederic Marx, ed., A. Cornelius Celsus quae supersunt (Leipzig and Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1915), p. 235 4. Paul of Aeginas Summary of Remedies for Burns, Ibid., 607-608; trans. from I. L. Heiberg, ed., Paulus Aegenita (Leipzig and Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1921-1924; 2 vols.), Vol. I, p. 331 5. Aetius of Amida on Drugs by Degrees, in Early Byzantine Pharmacology, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 38 (1984), 224-224; trans. from Alexander Olivieri, ed., Aetii Amideni Libri medicinales I-IV (Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1935), pp. 17-19 6. Alexander of Tralles On Viscous Humors and Thick Masses Found in the Lung and On the Armenian Stone, in ibid., 227-228; trans. from Theodor Puschmann, ed. and trans., Alexander von Tralles (Vienna, 1878-1879; 2 vols.; rptd. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 1963), Vol. II, p. 155, and Vol. I, pp. 429 and 431 [Greek text] 7. Paul of Aegina on Mixtures of Substances as Indicated by their Tastes and Another Incense-Salve of 28 Ingredients Called the Lunar, Ibid., 228-229 and 231; trans. from I. L. Heiberg, ed., Paulus Aegenita (Leipzig and Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1921-1924; 2 vols.), Vol. II, pp. 185-186 and 394 8-30: (8) For Scorpion Sting, (9) For Discharge of the Eyes, (10) For Migraine Headache, (11) [Another for Migraine Headache], (12) For Coughs, (13) Another [for Coughs], (14) For Hardening of the Breasts, (15) For Swollen Testicles, (16) For Fever with Shivering Fits, (17) For Ascent of the Uterus, (18) [To Make] a Tincture of Gold, (19) Interpretations [A Priestly List of Substitution-Names for Plants], (20) Amulet for Headache, (21) Fever Amulet, (22) Magico-Medical Recipes, (23) Fever Amulet, (24) Contraceptive Spell, (25) Amulet Against Fever, (26) Spell [or Two Spells] to Inflict Harm[?], (27) Contraceptive, (28) [Another] Contraceptive, (29) Spell to Prevent

Pregnancy, and (30) For Migraine Headache, in Hans Dieter Betz, ed., The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Vol. I: Texts (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986; 2nd ed. 1992), pp. 120-121, 122, 123-124, 160-161, 167-169, 255, 260, 267, 281, 294, 295, and 296; trans. from the Greek and Coptic texts, ed. Karl Preisendanz and A. Henrichs, Papyri Graecae Magicae, 2nd ed. (Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner, 1973-1974; 2 vols.), Vol. II, pp. 8-12, 71, 83-85, 140-141, 145, 147-148, 159, 174, 179-180, and 195-197; (14) and (17) For Hardening of the Breasts and For Ascent of the Uterus, rptd. in Mary R. Lefkowitz and Maureen B. Fant, eds., Womens Life in Greece and Rome, 2nd ed. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992), p. 299 = Documents 422 and 423 = 3rd ed. (2005), p. 299 31. Thessalus of Tralles, Powers of Herbs: A Plant of the Sun: Chicory, in Hermetic and Related Texts in Classical Antiquity in Ingrid Merkel and Allen G. Debus, eds., Hermeticism and the Renaissance. Intellectual History and the Occult in Early Modern Europe (Washington, D.C., London and Toronto: Folger Shakespeare Library, and Associated University Presses, 1988), p. 30; trans. from the Greek texts ed. by Hans-Viet Friedrich, Thessalos von Tralles griechisch und lateinisch (Meisenheim am Glan: Verlag Anton Hain, 1968), pp. 199 and 203 = The Pharmacology of Sacred Plants, Roots and Herbs in Chrisopher Faraone and Dirk Obbink, eds., Magika Hiera: Ancient Greek Magic and Religion (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), pp. 155-156 32. Dioscorides of Anazarbus, De materia medica: Collection of the Latex of the Opium Poppy and Detection of Counterfeit Opium, in The Opium Poppy in Hellenistic and Roman Medicine, in Roy Porter and Mikul Teich, eds., Drugs and Narcotics in History (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 16; trans. from Max Wellmann, ed., Pedanii Dioscuridis De materia medica (Berlin: Weidmann, 1906-1914; rptd. 1958; 3 vols.), Vol. II, pp. 220-221 33. Dioscorides of Anazarbus, De materia medica, The Properties of the Opium Poppy, The Chamomile, The Sea Horse, Purple Shellfish, Fresh Clams, and Snails, in Drugs and Medicines in the Roman World, Expedition, 38, no. 2 (1996), 47-49; trans. from Max Wellmann, ed., Ibid., Vols. II, pp. 218-221; III, p. 146; and I, pp. 122-125 34. The Geoponica: Concerning Lice. From [the Works of] Didymus, in Herbs of the Garden and Herbs of the Field in Byzantine Medicinal Pharmacy, in Antony Littlewood, Henry Maguire, and Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn, eds., Byzantine Garden Culture (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2002, p. 186; trans. from H. Beckh, ed., Geoponica sive Cassiani Bassi Scholastici De re rustica eclogae (Leipzig: B. Teubner, 1895; rptd. Stuttgart, 1994), p. 495 35. Theophrastus, Historia plantarum, Preparation and Use of Mandrake, and Preparation and Use of Hemlock, in Drugs and Drug Lore in the Time of Theophrastus, Acta Classica, 49 (2006), 18-19 and 22; trans. from F. Wimmer, ed., Theophrasti Eresii Opera (Paris: Didot, 1866; rptd. Frankfurt-am-Main: Minerva, 1964), pp. 149 and 158 36. Pliny the Elder, Historia naturalis, IX, 155, and XXXII, 8-9 (Pliny the Elder on Sea Hares), in Attalus III of Pergamon: Research Toxicologist, in Louise Cilliers, ed., Asklepios: Studies on Ancient Medicine (Bloemfontein: Classical Association of South Africa, 2008 [Acta Classica, Suppl. II]), pp. 140-141; trans. from E. de Saint-Denis, ed., Pline lAncien Livre IX (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1955 [Bud series]), p. 87, and [same ed.] Pline lAncien Livre XXXII [same press and series, 1966], p. 25

37. Plutarch, Life of Demetrius [Poliorcetes], XX, 3 (Attalus IIIs Expertise in Poisons and Poisonous Plants), in Ibid., p. 145; trans. from R. Flacelire and E. Chambry, eds., Plutarque: Vies, Tome XIII: Dmetrios Antoine, 2nd ed. (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2003 [Bud series]), p. 40 38. Pliny the Elder, Historia naturalis, XXIII, 21-22 (Pliny the Elder on Black Bryony), in Dioscoridess bruonia melaina is Bryonia alba, etc., in M. Pitrat, ed., Cucurbitaceae 2008, etc. (Avignon: INRA, 2008), p. 275; trans from Jacques Andr, ed., trans., comm., Pline lAncien Livre XXIII (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1971 [Bud series]), pp. 27-28 39. "Aetius of Amida, Tetrabiblon, V, 120 ('Minor Surgeries Combined with Anesthetics'),", in "Teaching Surgery in Late Byzantine Alexandria," in Manfred Horstmanshoff, ed., Hippocrates and Medical Education (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010), p. 241 with n. 26; trans. from Alexander Olivieri, ed., Aetii Amideni libri medicinales V-VIII (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1950), pp. 97-98 40. "Paul of Aegina, Pragmateia ( = Seven Books), VI, 90. 4 ('Surgical Techniques for Skull Fractures')," in ibid., p. 254 with n. 63; trans. from I. L. Heiberg, ed., Paulus Aegenita (Leipzig and Berlin: Teubner, 1921-1924; 2 vols.), Vol. II, p. 139 41. 'Theophrastus on Birthwort,' Historia plantarum, IX, 20, 4, in "Ancient Medicinal Use of Aristolochia: Birthwort's Tradition and Toxicity," Pharmacy in History, 53 (2011), p. 4; trans. from Suzanne Amigues, ed., trans., comm., Thophraste. Recherches sur les plantes, Vol. 5 (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2006 [Bud series]), p. 59 42. "Hippocrates, Diseases of Women, I, 74 ('Vaginal Pessaries Fashioned from Blister Beetles')," in ibid. p. 13 n. 21; trans. from E. Littr, ed., and trans., Oeuvres compltes d'Hippocrate, Vol. VIII (Paris: J. B. Baillire, 1853; rptd. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 1982), pp. 158-161 43. "Hippocrates, Internal Affections, 23 ('Drying Simples Used to Treat Dropsy Accompanied by Surgery')," in ibid., p. 5 with nn. 24-25; trans. from E. Littr, ed., trans., Oeuvres compltes d'Hippocrate, Vol VII (Paris: J. B. Baillire, 1851; rptd. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 1979), pp. 224-227 44. "Galen, Compounding Drugs According to Place, VI, 6 ('Philinus of Cos' Recipe for Treatment of Asthma and Panting')," in ibid., p. 6; trans. from C. G. Khn, ed., Cl. Galeni Opera omnia, Vol. XIII (Leipzig: Cnobloch, 1827; rptd. Hildesheim: Georg Olms., 1965), pp. 113-114 = Karl Deichgrber, ed., Die griechische Empirikerschule, 2nd ed. (Berlin: Weidmann, 1965), p. 163 [Frg. No. 136]) 45. "Scribonius Largus, Compositiones, 70 (2nd recipe) ('For Quinsy and Bladder Stones')," in ibid., p. 7; trans. from Sergio Sconocchia, ed., Scribonii Largi Compositiones (Leipzig: Teubner, 1983), p. 39 46. "Dioscorides, De materia medica, III, 4 ('Birthwort')," in ibid., p. 8; trans. from Max Wellmann, ed., Pedanii Dioscuridis Anazarbei De materia medica (Berlin: Weidmann, 19061914; rptd. 1958; 3 vols.), Vol. II, pp. 6-8 47. "Pliny the Elder, Historia naturalis, XXV, 98 ('Birthwort as Fish Poison')," in ibid., p. 9; trans from Jacques Andr ed., trans., comm., Pline l'Ancien livre XXV (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1974 [Bud series]), pp.63-64 48. "Galen, Compounding Drugs by Kind, II, 21 ('The Enaimos of Julian: Another Plaster for Gluing Wounds Shut')," in ibid., p. 9; trans. from C. G. Khn, ed., Cl. Galeni Opera omnia, Vol. XIII (Leipzig: Cnobloch, 1827; rpt. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1965), p. 557

49. "Oribasius, Synopsis for Eustathius, III, 103 ('Proclus' Medicine for Gout')," in ibid., pp. 1011; trans. from J. Raeder, ed., Oribasii Synopsis ad Eustathium. Libri ad Eunapium (Leipzig and Berlin, 1926; rptd. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 1964), pp. 95-96

ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLES AND MISCELLANEOUS 1. The Medical Works of Rhazes, in F. N. Magill and E. G. Weltin, eds., Great Events in History (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Salem Press, 1972; 3 vols.), Vol. II, pp. 1179-1183 2. Avicenna Compiles the Canon of Medicine, Ibid., Vol. III, pp. 1226-1230 3. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 2 (June 1978) 1 page (Department of History, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 4. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 3 (September 1978) 22 pp. (Department of History, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 5. Medicine in Science Fiction, in Peter Nicolls, eds., Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (London and Garden City, New York: Roxby/Granada and Doubleday, 1979), pp. 391-392 6. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 4 (April 1979) 24 pp. (Department of History, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 7. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 5 (September 1979) 24 pp.(Department of History, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 8. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 6 (April 1980) 31 pp. (Department of History and College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 9. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 7 (September 1980) 44 pp. (Department of History and College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 10. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 8 (October 1981) 58 pp. (Department of History and College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 11. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 9 (April 1982) 34 pp. (Department of History and College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 12. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 10 (September 1982) 43 pp. (Department of History and College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 13. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 11 (September 1983) 72 pp. (Department of History and College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 14. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 12 (May 1984) 60 pp. (Department of History and College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 15. Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter, No. 13 (May 1985) 60 pp. (Department of History and College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington [offset mimeograph]) 16. Herbals: Byzantine and Arabic, in Joseph R. Strayer, ed., Dictionary of the Middle Ages, Vol. 6 (New York: Scribners, 1985), pp. 177-180 17. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, No. 14 (June 1986, with Addenda, August 1986) 67 pp. (School of Pharmacy and American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin, Madison [photocopy offset])

18-22: [Book Notices] (18) Pharmacy Regulation in the Spanish Colonies, commentary on John Jay Tepaske, The Royal Protomedicato: The Regulation of the Medical Profession in the Spanish Empire (19) Lexicon of Roman Botany, comm. on Jacques Andr, Les noms de plantes dans la Rome antique (20) Ancient Pharmacy and Magic, comm. on Hans Dieter Betz, The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation (21) Early Greek Perfumes, comm. on Cynthia Wright Shelmerdine, The Perfume Industry of Mycenaean Pylos (22) Contraception in Medieval Islam, comm. on B. F. Musallam, Sex and Society in Islam: Birth Control before the Nineteenth Century, in Pharmacy in History, 28 (1986), 151-152, 152-153, 153-154, 154, and 154-155 23. [Cover Caption Ivory Byzantine Drug Boxes], Pharmacy in History, 28 (1986), 174 24. [Commentary] 3701. Materia Medica, in M. W. Haslam, ed., The Oxyrnynchus Papyri, Vol. LIII (London: The British Academy for the Egypt Exploration Society, 1986), pp. 27-31 25-28: [Seriatim Book Notices] in Carlton Jackson, ed., Books of Note, in Bowling Green [Kentucky] Daily News (Sunday, March 15, 1987) on (25) Garth Fowden, The Egyptian Hermes: A Historical Approach to the Late Pagan Mind (26) Walter Scott, ed. and trans., Hermetica: The Ancient Greek and Latin WritingsAscribed to Hermes Trismegistus (27) Georg Luck, Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds (28) Hans Dieter Betz, The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation 29. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, No. 15 (October 1987) 48 pp. (School of Pharmacy and American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin, Madison [photocopy offset]) 30-39 [Short Entries in the 1990 ed. of the World Book Encyclopedia (Chicago: World Book, Inc.)]: (30) Galen (31) Galvani (32) Harvey (33) Hippocrates (34) Koch (35) Leeuwenhoek (36) Malpighi (37) Paracelsus (38) Vesalius (39) von Wassermann, Vol. 8, pp. 9-10 and 17; Vol. 9, pp. 85-86 and 241-242; Vol. 11, p. 361; Vol. 12, p. 181; Vol. 13, p. 112; Vol. 15, p. 142; Vol. 20, p. 357; and Vol. 21, p. 112 40-64: (40) Abortion (41) Aetius of Amida (42) Alexander of Tralles (43) Birds (44) Botany (45) George Chrysokokkes (46) Galen (47) Hospitals (48) Hippiatrika (49) Insanity (50) John Actuarios (51) Leo the Physician (52) Medicine (53) Mineralogy (54) Nicolas Myrepsos (55) Oribasios (56) Paul of Aegina (57) Pharmacology (58) Physicians (59) Physiologos (60) Plague (61) Surgery and Surgical Instruments (62) Theophanes Nonnos (63) Theophilus Protospatharios (64) Zoology, in Alexander P. Kazhdan, et al., eds., The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1991; 3 vols. [paginated continuously]), Vol. 1, pp. 5, 30-31, 58, 289-290, 315, 340, and 453-454; Vol. 2, pp. 816, 933-934, 951, 998, 1056, 1218, 1327-1328, 1375, and 1429; and Vol. 3, pp. 1533, 1607-1608, 1646-1647, 1672-1673, 1674, 1681, 1978, 2067, and 22292230 65. [Pharmacy, History of Medicine] in Ancient Near East, Classical Greek and Roman Medicine, and Medieval Medicine, in Robert DeKosky, ed., Science, Technology, and Medicine, sub-section of Mary Beth Norton, et al., eds., American Historical Association Guide to Historical Literature, 3rd ed. (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995; 2 vols.), Vol. I, pp. 114-115 and 118 66. Medicine in John Clute and Peter Nicolls, eds., Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, 3rd ed. (New York and London: St. Martins Griffen, 1993; rptd. with updates 1995 and 1998), pp. 794795

67-76: (67) Aetius of Amida (68) Alexander of Tralles (69) Apollodorus (4) (70) Botany (71) Crateuas (72) the Cyranides (73) Menestor (74) Nicander of Colophon (75) Paul of Aegina (76) Pharmacology, in Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth, eds., The Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd ed. (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1996; rev. ed., 2003), pp. 30-31, 61, 124, 255-256, 406-407, 421, 959, 1040-1041, 1128, and 11541155 77-144: (77) L. Aelius Gallus (78) Agnellus of Ravenna (79) Aetius of Amida (80) Alexander of Tralles (81) Anthimus (82) Antonius Musa (83) Apollonides of Cyprus (84) Apollophanes of Seleucia (85) Apuleius Celsus of Centuripae (86) Pseudo-Apuleius (87) Laecanius Arius of Tarsus (88) Asclepiades of Bithynia (89) T. Aufidius of Sicily (90) Bacchius of Tanagra (91) Caelius Aurelianus (92) Cassius Felix (93) Cassius Iatrosophist (94) Chrysippus of Cnidus [1] (95) Claudius Damonicus (96) Cleophantus of Ceos (97) Criton of Heraclea Salbace (98) Demosthenes Philalethes (99) Diodotus (100) Dioscorides of Anazarbus (101) Dioscorides Phacas (102) Erasistratus of Ceos (103) Erotian (104) Eudemus (105) Harpocration of Alexandria (106) Herophilus of Chalcedon (107) Hicesius of Smyrna (108) Jacob Psychrestus (109) Justus the Ophthalmologist (110) Justus the Pharmacologist (111) Julian the Methodist (112) Julius Bassus (112) Magistrianus (113) Mantias (114) Marcellinus (115) Medicinae Plinii Auctor (116) Meges of Sidon (117) Mnaseas (118) Moschion (119) Mustio [or Muscio] (120) Niceratus of Athens (121) Oribasius of Pergamon (122) Paccius Antiochus (123) Papyrus Michiganensis 17.758 (124) Petronius Medicus (125) Philagrius of Thessalonica (126) Philinus of Cos (127) Philonides of Catana (128) Philonides of Dyrrachium (129) Philotas of Amphissa (130) Physica Plinii Auctor (131) Proclus the Methodist (132) Rufus of Ephesus (133) Scribonius Largus (134) Soranus of Ephesus (135) Quintus Serenus Sammonicus (136) Severus Iatrosophist (137) Sextius Niger (138) Themison (139) Theodorus Priscianus (140) Thessalus (141) Tryphon of Crete (142) Marcus Terentius Valens [Vettius Valens] (143) Helvius Vindicianus (144) Zeuxis the Herophilean (Philalethes) in Paul T. Keyser and Georgia Irby-Massie, eds., Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek Tradition and its Many Heirs (London and New York: Routledge, 2008), pp. 34-35, 46-47, 38-39, 58-59, 91-92, 95, 101, 109, 117-118, 119, 120-121, 128-129, 170-171, 181, 187-188, 201-202, 208-209, 209, 227-228, 483, 494-495, 239-240, 250251, 271-273, 270, 294-296, 300-301, 307-308, 357, 387-390, 429-430, 458-459, 459, 448-449, 451, 518, 525-526, 526-527, 536-537, 538, 558-559, 563, 566, 575-576, 595-596, 620, 639, 643644, 645-646, 658, 658-659, 661, 664-665, 697, 720-721, 728-729, 749-751, 734, 738-739, 782783, 787-788, 804-805, 817, 773-774, 829-830, and 849 OTHER "[On the Comics and History: The Making of Phalanx]," [Art: Don Rosa; Script and Technical: John Scarborough], The Rocket's Blast Comicollector, No. 136 (June 1977), 23-27


BOOK REVIEWS 1. The Rod and Serpent of Asklepios by J. S. Schouten. Episteme, 3 (1969), 182-183 2. Ancient Medicine: Selected Papers of Ludwig Edelstein, ed. by Owsei and C. Lilian Temkin. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 25 (1970), 90-93 3. Leonardos Legacy, ed. by C. D. OMalley. Episteme, 4 (1970), 197-200 4. Hippocrate, Tome XI: De la gnration. De la nature lenfant. Des maladies. Du foetus de huit mois, ed., and trans. by Robert Joly. American Classical Review, 1 (1971), 210 5. Greek Medicine in Rome by T. C. Allbutt (orig. pub. 1921). Reprint Bulletin, 16, no. 6 (1971), 3 6. Greek Sophists in the Roman Empire by G. W. Bowersock. The Historian, 33 (1971), 284-285 7. F. Hoffmann: Fundamenta medicinae, ed. and trans. by Lester S. King. Pharmacy in History, 13 (1971), 171-172 8. Religions of the Roman Empire by John Ferguson. Canadian Journal of History, 6 (1971), 309-311 9. Plebs and Princeps by Z. Yavetz. Classical Journal, 66 (1971), 264-266 10. The Therapy of the Word in Classical Antiquity by Pedro Lan Entralgo, trans. from the Spanish by L. J. Rather and J. M. Sharp. American Classical Review, 2 (1972), 81-82 11. The Donation of Constantine by Lorenzo Valla, trans. from the Latin by C. B. Coleman (orig. pub. 1922). Reprint Bulletin, 17, no. 1 (1972, 30 12. Greek Coins in History by Colin M. Kraay. Classical Journal, 67 (1972), 288-289 13. The Development of Physical Theory in the Middle Ages by James A. Weisheipl (orig. pub. 1959). Reprint Bulletin, 17, no. 2 (1972), 25 14. Metodo e conoscenza da Ippocrate ai nostri giorni by Loris Premuda. Episteme, 6 (1972), 72-73 15. The Pseudo-Hippocratic Tract A Chs. 1-11 and Greek Philosophy by Jaap Mansfeld. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 11 (1973), 541-543 16. Colony and Mother City in Ancient Greece by A. J. Graham (orig. pub, 1959). Reprint Bulletin, 18, no. 1 (1973), 28 17. Procurato aborto nel mondo Greco romano by Enzo Nardi. American Historical Review, 78 (1973), 77 18. Construction of Mill Dams by James Leffel (orig. pub. 1881). Reprint Bulletin, 18, no. 3 (1973), 27 19. Croesus of Lydia: An Adaptation of Parts of Herodotus in Attic Greek by K. L. McKay. Classical World, 68 (1974), 268-269 20. Medicine in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century by Wyndham B. Blanton (orig. pub. 1930). Reprint Bulletin, 19, no. 2 (1974), 25 21. The Limitations of Science by J. W. N. Sullivan (orig. pub. 1928). Reprint Bulletin, 19, no. 3 (1974), 21-22 22. Byzantine Coins by George Bates. Classical Journal, 69 (1974), 273-274 23. The House of Life: Per Ankh. Magic and Medical Science in Ancient Egypt by Paul Ghalioungui (a 2nd ed. orig. pub. 1963). Reprint Bulletin, 19, no. 4 (1974), 29-30 24. Galens Exzerpte aus lteren Pharmakologen by Cajus Fabricius. American Classical Review, 4 (1974)

25. Animals in Roman Life and Art by J. M. C. Toynbee, with Appendix Roman Veterinary Medicine R. E. Walker. Clio Medica, 10 (1975), 239-241 26. Galenism by Owsei Temkin. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 13 (1975), 521-523 27. The Heart and the Vascular System in Ancient Greek Medicine by C. R. S. Harris. Clio Medica, 10 (1975), 314-315 28. Complete Books by Charles Fort (orig. pub. 1941). Reprint Bulletin, 20, no. 3 (1975), 25 29. The Frozen Pirate by W. C. Russell. Reprint Bulletin, 20, no. 4 (1975), 40 30. Knidische Medizin, Teil I, by Hermann Grensemann. Classical World, 70 (1976), 217-218 31. Roman Rule in Asia Minor by David Magie (orig. pub. 1950). Reprint Bulletin, 21, no. 1 (1976), 41 32. Empire of the World by C. J. Cutcliffe (orig. pub. 1909). Reprint Bulletin, 21, no. 2 (1976), 39 33. Early Greek Science: Thales to Aristotle and Greek Science after Aristotle by G. E. R. Lloyd. Classical Journal, 72 (1976), 82-83 34. Windmills by F. Brangwyn and H. Preston (orig. pub. 1923). Reprint Bulletin, 21, nos. 3/4 (1976), 30 35. The Healing Hand: Man and Wound in the Ancient World by Guido Majno. Classical Journal, 72 (1976), 81-82 36. Ibid. American Historical Review, 82 (1977), 66-67 37. Ancient Astrology, Theory and Practice: the Mathesis of Firmicus Maternus, trans. from the Latin by J. Bram. Classical Journal, 72 (1977), 86-87 38. The Elephant in the Greek and Roman World by H. H. Scullard. Classical Journal, 72 (1977), 174-176 39. Civil Disobedience in Antiquity by David Daube. Classical Journal, 73 (1978), 261-262 40. Jews in the Roman World by Michael Grant. Classical Journal, 73 (1978), 262-264 41. Le problme des mtaux dans la science antique by Robert Halleux. Classical Journal, 73 (1978), 271-272 42. The Book of Ptath by A. E. Van Vogt (orig. pub. 1947). Reprint Bulletin, 23, no. 2 (1978), 32 43. Pain Mechanisms by W. K. Livingston (orig. pub. 1943). Reprint Bulletin, 23, no. 3 (1978), 17-18 44. Voices for the Future, ed. T. Clareson (orig. pub.). Reprint Bulletin, 23, no. 4 (1978), 19 45. Medicine: An Illustrated History by Albert S. Lyons and R. Joseph Petrucelli. Medical Tribune, 20, no. 29 (1979), 17 46. Greek Homosexuality by Kenneth J. Dover. American Historical Review, 84 (1979), 10281029 47. Beitrge zur Geschichte gyptens unter dem Islam by Carl H. Becker (orig. pub. 1902-1903). Reprint Bulletin, 24, no. 4 (1979), 24 48. Insects and History by J. L. Cloudsley-Thompson. Journal of the History of Biology, 12 (1979), 206-207 49. Theophrastus: De causis plantarum, Vol. I, ed. and trans. from the Greek by Benedict Einarson and G. K. K. Link. Journal of the History of Biology, 12 (1979), 207-209 50. Palladius Kommentar zu Hippokrates De fracturis und seine Parallelversion unter dem Namen des Stephanus von Alexandria, ed. and trans. from the Greek, with a commentary, by Dieter Irmer. Isis, 70 (1979), 615

51. Alexander the Great by W. W. Tarn (orig. pub. 1948). Reprint Bulletin, 24, no. 2 (1979), 2930 52. Bibliography to the Ancient Medical Authors by Helmut Leitner. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 34 (1979), 491-492 53. Antike Heilkunst, trans. from the Greek and Latin by Jutta Kollesch and Dieter Nickel. Isis, 71 (1980), 169-170 54. Mosquitoes, Malaria and Man by Gordon Harrison [and] Tropical Medicine and Parasitology: Classic Investigations by B. H. Kean, Kenneth E. Mott, and Adair J. Russell. Journal of the History of Biology, 13 (1980), 161-163 55. The Dream of Lhasa: The Life of Nikolay Przhevalsky by Donald Rayfield. Journal of the History of Biology, 13 (1980), 163-164 56. Galen: On the Affected Parts, trans. from the Greek by Rudolf E. Siegel. Journal of the History of Biology, 13 (1980), 165-166 57. A History of Herbal Plants by Richard Le Strange. Journal of the History of Biology, 13 (1980), 166-167 58. Birds in Greek Life and Myth by John Pollard. Journal of the History of Biology, 13 (1980), 167-168 59. The Hippocratic Tradition by Wesley Smith. American Historical Review, 85 (1980), 598599 60. Ibid. Classical World, 73 (1980), 366-368 61. Galen: On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato, First Part: Books I-V, ed. and trans. from the Greek with commentary by P. H. De Lacy. Isis, 71 (1980), 334-335 62. Survivals of Greek Zoological Illuminations in Byzantine Manuscripts by Zoltan Kdar, trans. from the Hungarian by T. Wilkinson. Byzantine Studies, 7 (1980) 63. The Bulgarians by David M. Lang. Classical Journal, 75 (1980), 353-353 64. The Hittites by J. J. Mcqueen. Classical Journal, 75 (1980), 353-354 65. Pythagoras: A Life by Peter Gorman. Classical Journal, 75 (1980), 354-356 66. Denker im Reich der Kalifen by Gotthard Strohmaier. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 35 (1980), 466-467 67. Dioscorides [in Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum: Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries, Vol. IV] by John M. Riddle. Pharmacy in History, 23 (1981), 48-49 68. The Gardens of Adonis: Spices in Greek Mythology by Marcel Detienne, trans. from the French by Janet Lloyd. Classical Journal, 76 (1981), 175-178 69. Antike Heilkunst, trans. from the Greek and Latin by Jutta Kollesch and Dieter Nickel. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 36 (1981), 232-234 70. Industry and Commerce of the City of Rome by Helen J. Loane (orig. pub. 1938). Reprint Bulletin, 26, no. 1 (1981), 5-6 71. Ancient Cos by A. N. Sherwin-White. American Historical Review, 86 (1981), 819-820 72. Galen: On Prognosis, ed. and trans. from the Greek with commentary by Vivian Nutton. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 36 (1981), 499-501 73. Ibid. Isis, 72 (1981), 134 74. Der griechische Artz im Zeitalter des Hellenismus by Fridolf Kudlien. Isis, 72 (1981), 672673

75. Roman Portraits: The Flavian-Trajanic Period by W. C. McDermott and Anne E. Orentzel. The Historian, 43 (1981), 411-412 76. Veterinary Pathology in Russia 1860-1930 by Leon Z. Saunders. Journal of the History of Biology, 14 (1981), 359-361 77. Les sciences biologiques et mdicales Byzance by Jean Thodorids. Journal of the History of Biology, 14 (1981), 361-362 78. Galen: On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato, Parts I and II: Books I-IX, ed. and trans. from the Greek with commentary by Philip H. De Lacy. Clio Medica, 16 (1981), 159-161 79. Hippokrates ber die Krankheiten III, ed. and trans. from the Greek with commentary by Paul Potter. Sudhoffs Archiv, 66 (1982), 86-89 80. The Hippocratic Tradition by Wesley Smith. American Journal of Philology, 103 (1982), 340-344 81. Aristotles De motu animalium, ed. and trans. from the Greek by Martha Craven Nussbaum. Classical Journal, 78 (1982), 74-76 82. La maladie de lme by Jackie Pigeaud. Isis, 73 (1982), 463-464 83. The Study of Greek Inscriptions, 2nd ed. by A. G. Woodhead. Reprint Bulletin, 27, no. 1 (1982), 24 84. The Medicine of History: From Paracelsus to Freud by Harold L. Klawans. Archives of Neurology, 40 (1983), 661-662 85. Cinq cents ans de biblographie hippocratique 1473-1982 by G. Malonie and R. Savoie. Phoenix, 37 (1983), 180-182 86. Aristotle on Mind and the Senses ed. by G. E. R. Lloyd and G. E. L. Owen. Journal of the History of Biology, 16 (1983), 181-183 87. Green Pharmacy: A History of Herbal Medicine by Barbara Griggs. Isis, 74 (1983), 598-599 88. Heraclides of Pontus by H. B. Gottschalk. Classical Journal, 79 (1983), 167-171 89. Zur Geschichte der Schmerz-, Schlaf-, und Betubungsmittel in Mittelalter und frher Neuzeit by F.-J. Kuhlen. Pharmacy in History, 26 (1984), 118-119 90. Les maladies laube de la civilisation occidentale by Mirko D. Grmek. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 16 March 1984, 284 91. From Alexander to Cleopatra: The Hellenistic World by Michael Grant. Classical Outlook, 61 (1984), 136 92. The Arabic Materia Medica of Dioscorides by M. M. Sadek. Pharmacy in History, 26 (1984), 190 93. Fracastoros Syphilis, ed. and trans. from the Latin by Geoffrey Eatough. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 31 August 1984, 978 94. Galens Commentary on the Hippocratic Treatise Airs Waters Places in the Hebrew Translation of Solomon ha-Meati, ed. and trans. from the Hebrew by Abraham Wasserstein. Isis, 75 (1984), 437 95. Science, Folklore and Ideology: Studies in the Life Sciences in Ancient Greece by G. E. R. Lloyd. Isis, 75 (1984), 750-752 96. The History of Ophthalmology, Vol. I: Antiquity by Julius Hirschberg, trans. from the German by F. C. Blodi. Clio Medica, 19 (1984), 180-181 97. Biography in Late Antiquity by Patricia Cox. Classical Bulletin, 61 (1985), 41-42 98. Roman Gaul by J. F. Drinkwater. Classical Bulletin, 61 (1985), 42-43

99. The Foremost Physician, the Farseeing Physician by E. Ted Chandler and Robert L. Bloomfield. Classical Outlook, 62 (1985), 135 100. Medizinische Instrumente aus Sepulkralfunde der rmischen Kaiserzeit by Ernst Knzl. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 40 (1985), 93-94 101. Scribonii Largi Compsoitiones, ed. [Latin] by Sergio Sconocchia. Pharmacy in History, 27 (1985), 105-106 102. Die Schrift des Rufus von Ephesus ber die Gelbsucht, ed. and trans. from the Arabic and Latin by Manfred Ullmann. Isis, 76 (1985), 118 103. Stephanus the Philosopher: A Commentary on the Prognosticon of Hippocrates, ed. and trans. from the Greek with commentary by John M. Duffy. Isis, 76 (1985), 266-267 104. Medieval Islamic Medicine: ibn Ridwns Treatise On the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt, Arabic text ed. by A. S. Gamal, and trans. from the Arabic by Michael W. Dols. American Scientist, 74 (1986), 329 105. The Birth of the Hospital in the Byzantine Empire by Timothy S. Miller. Isis, 77 (1986), 372-373 106. Bibliografa Hipocrtica by Blas Bruni Celli. Isis, 77 (1986), 539 107. Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds, trans. from the Greek and Latin by Georg Luck. Isis, 77 (1986), 709-710 108. Health Sciences in Early Islam: Collected Papers by Sami K. Hamarneh, ed. Munawar Anees. Pharmacy in History, 28 (1986), 201-202 109. The Development of the Idea in History in Antiquity by Gerald A. Press. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 24 (1986), 551-554 110. Rome and a Villa by Eleanor Clark (orig. pub. 1949). Reprint Bulletin, 32, no. 1 (1987), 14 111. Bark Galianosi: The Greek-Armenian Dictionary to Galen ed. by John A. C. Greppin. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 42 (1987), 128-129 112. Medicinal Plants of Native America by D. E. Moerman. Pharmacy in History, 29 (1987), 147-148 113. Religious Healing in the Veda by Kenneth G. Zysk. Isis, 78 (1987), 127-128 114. Greek Insects by M. Davies and J. Kathirithamby. Coleopterists Bulletin, 41 (1987), 66 115. La mdecine romaine by Giuseppe Penso. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 42 (1987), 204-205 116. Studi su papyri greca di logica e medicina by W. Cavini, M. C. Donnini Maccio, M. S. Funghi, and D. Manetti. Isis, 78 (1987), 297298 117. A History of Drugs by Lydia Mez-Mangold. Pharmacy in History, 29 (1987), 195 118. Byzantium: The Imperial Centuries A.D. 610-1071 by Romilly Jenkins (0rig. Pub. 1966). Reprint Bulletin, 32, no. 3 (1987), 53 119. Bark Galianosi: The Greek-Armenian Dictionary to Galen ed. by John A. C. Greppin. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 61 (1987), 147 120. A History of the Hope Entomological Collections in the University Museum Oxford by Audrey Z. Smith. Coleopterists Bulletin, 42 (1988), 232 121. Avicenna in Renaissance Italy by Nancy G. Siraisi. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 43 (1988), 479-481 122. Medicaments Used in the Treatment of Eye Diseases in Egypt, the Countries of the Near East, India, and China in Antiquity by Harald Nielsen. Pharmacy in History, 30 (1988), 54-56

123. Nemesius De natura hominis, ed. [Greek] by M. Morani. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 16 (1988), 51-52 124. Wrterbuch der Pharmazie, Vol. 4: Geschichte der Pharmazie by Wolfgang Schneider. Pharmacy in History, 30 (1988), 57-58 125. Religion and Neoplatonism in Renaissance Medicine by Walter Pagel. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 26 (1988), 318-320 126. Insects and Other Invertebrates in Classical Antiquity by Ian C. Beavis. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 16 (1988), 54-55 126. Galens Subfiguratio empirica, ed. [Latin] and trans. into German with commentary by Jean Atzpodien. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 16 (1988), 55-56 127. Printmaking in the Service of Botany by Gavin D. R. Brison, et al. Pharmacy in History, 30 (1988), 174-175 128. Well, Its Not My Fault: About the San Andreas Fault and Other Things by John Lenihan [and] The Begetters and the Begotten by Thomas A. Leonard. Wisconsin Academy Review, 34, no. 4 (1988), 47-48 129. Encyclopedia of Medical History by R. E. McGrew. Pharmacy in History, 30 (1988), 208209 130. Das Konzept der Erkranken Ortes in Galen De locis affectis by Almuth Gelpke. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 16 (1988), 59-60 131. Galen on Bloodletting, trans. from the Greek with interpretive essays by Peter Brain. Isis, 79 (1988), 535-536 132. Persephones Quest: Ethneogens and the Origins of Religion by Gordon R. Wasson, et al. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 16 (1988), 73-74 133. Gifte: Geschichte der Toxicologie ed. by Mechtild Amberger-Lahrman and Dietrich Schml. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 18 November 1988, 1273 134. The Jungle and the Aroma of Meats: An Ecological Theme in Hindu Medicine by Francis Zimmermann, trans. from the French by Janet Lloyd. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 13 January 1989, 39 135. Archologie et mdecine: VIImes recontres internationales darchologie et dhistoire dAntibes [no editor given]. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 30-33 136. Parfumes et aromatiques de lantiquit by Paul Faure. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 34 137. Insects and Other Invertebrates in Classical Antiquity by Ian C. Beavis. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 3 February 1989, 118 138. Galen: On Examinations by Which the Best Physicians are Recognized, ed. and trans from the Arabic with commentary by Albert Z. Iskandar. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 46 139. Doctors and Diseases in the Roman Empire by Ralph Jackson. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 21 April, 1989 140. Herophilus: The Art of Medicine in Early Alexandria by Heinrich von Staden. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 47-49 141. Amulet and Alphabet: Magical Amulets in the First Book of the Cyranides, ed. [Greek] and trans. with commentary by Maryse Waegeman. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 49

142. A Concise History of Veterinary Medicine by D. Karasszon, trans. from the Hungarian by E. Farkas. Pharmacy in History, 31 (1989), 143 143. tre mdecine Rome by Jacques Andr. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 49-50 144. Roman Surgical Instruments and Other Minor Objects in the University of Mississippi by Lawrence J. Bliquez. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 51 145. Doctors and Diseases in the Roman Empire by Ralph Jackson. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 56-57 146. Das Medizinalpersonal in antiken Rom by Jukka Korpela. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 58-59 147. Pline lAncien tmoin e son temps. ed. by Jackie Pigeaud and Joseph Orozius. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 61-64 148. Mmoires VIII: tudes de mdecine romaine ed. by Guy Sabbah. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 64-66 149. Plant Names of Medieval England by Tony Hunt. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 17 (1989), 99-100 150. Diseases in the Ancient Greek World by Mirko D. Grmek, trans. from the French by M. and L. Muellner (cf. rev. of French ed. above in TLS, 16 March 1984 [284]). Times [London] Literary Supplement, 5 January 1990, 22 151. Antike Arztdarstellungen by Andreas Hillert. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 18 (1990), 32-33 152. Herophilus: The Art of Medicine in Early Alexandria by Heinrich von Staden. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 26 January 1990, 96 153. Short Handbook of Hippocratic Medicine by Paul Potter. Isis, 81 (1990), 96-97 154. Gabriele Zerbi: Gerontocomia. On the Care of the Aged [and] Maximianus: Elegies on Old Age and Love, trans. from the Latin by L. R. Lind. Speculum, 65 (1990), 718-720 155. Les lapidaries grecs, ed. and trans. from the Greek with commentaries by Robert Halleux and Jacques Schamp. Isis, 81 (1990), 332-334 156. Parfume et aromatiques de lAntiquit by Paul Faure. Pharmacy in History, 32 (1990), 30 157. Galen: On Examinations by Which the Best Physicians are Recognized, ed. and trans. from the Arabic with commentary by Albert Z. Iskandar. Pharmacy in History, 32 (1990), 45 158. La peste in Seneca tra scienza e litteratura by Gordana Pisi. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 18 (1990), 38 159. The Lost Theory of Asclepiades of Bithynia by John T. Vallance. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 18 (1990), 39 160. Agatharcides of Cnidus on the Erythrean Sea, ed. [Greek] and trans. with running commentary by Stanley Burstein. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 18 (1990), 40 161. The Periplus maris erythraei, ed. [Greek], trans. and commentary by Lionel Casson. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 18 (1990), 41 162. Introduzione alla terminologia medica by Innocenzo Mazzini. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 18 (1990), 41-42 163. Lexique du vobabulaire botanique dHippocrate by Monique Moison. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 18 (1990), 42

164. Index de la pharmacope du 1er au Xe sicle by Carmelia Opsomer. Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy Newsletter, 18 (1990), 42 165. tudes de mdecine romaine (Mmoires VIII) ed. by Guy Sabbah. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 65 (1991), 421-422 166. Dioscurides Triumphans: Ein Anonymer arabischer Kommentar (Ende 12. Hahr. N. Chr.) zur Materia Medica, ed. and trans. from the Arabic by Albert Dietrich. Isis, 83 (1992), 119-120 167. The Lost Theory of Asclepiades of Bithynia by John T. Vallance. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 10 April 1992, 11 168. Hippocrate by Jacques Jouanna. American Historical Review, 99 (1994), 1661 169. Graveyards and Groves: A Study of the Lex Lucerina by John Bodel. Society for Ancient Medicine Review, 22 (1994), 34 170. Medici e medicina in Roma antica by Chiara de Filippis Cappai. Society for Ancient Medicine Review, 22 (1994), 83-85 171. Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and Greece by Vronique Dasen. Society for Ancient Medicine Review, 22 (1984), 85-88 172. Cleopatras by John Whitehorne. Pharmacy in History, 37 (1995), 33 173. Demokrit lachender Philosoph und sanguinischer Melancholiker: ein pseudohippokratische Geschichte by Thomas Rtten. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 69 (1995), 292-293 174. . [Kylices: Tranquilizers of Life: A Medical and Historical View of Poisoning among the Byzantines], [by John Laskaratos]. Pharmacy in History, 37 (1995), 41-42 175. Practical Medicine from Salerno to the Black Death, ed. by Luis Garca Ballester, Roger French, Jon Arrizabalaga, and Andrew Cunningham. American Scientist, 83 (1995), 490-492 176. Anglo-Norman Medicine, Vol. I: Roger Frugards Chiurgia and the Practica Brevis of Platearius, ed. [Latin] with annotations by Tony Hunt. Isis, 86 (1995), 477-478 177. Galen: On the Therapeutic Method, Books I and II, trans. from the Greek with commentary by R. J. Hankinson. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 69 (1995), 628-629 178. Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and Greece by Vronique Dasen. Classical Bulletin, 71 (1995), 61-62 179. Celse. De la mdecine. Livres I-II, ed. [Latin] with commentary and trans. into French by Guy Serbat. Society for Ancient Medicine Review, 23 (1995), 78-79 180. Der Traktat sog. Aelius Promotus, ed. [Greek] with commentary by Sibylle Ihm. Society for Ancient Medicine Review, 23 (1995), 8384 181. Theophrastus of Eresus: Sources for his Life, Writings, Thought, and Influence, Commentary Vol. 5: Sources on Biology (Human Physiology, Living Creatures, Botany: Texts 328-435), ed. [Greek], trans. with commentary by Robert W. Sharples. Isis, 97 (1996), 152-153 182. Tradizione e ecdotica dei testi medici tradoantichi bizantini, ed. by Antonio Garzya. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 70 (1996), 518-519 183. Michigan Papyri XVII: The Michigan Medical Codex (P. Mich. 758 = P. Mich. Inv. 21, ed. [Greek] and trans. by Louise C. Youtie, with introd. by Ann Hanson. Isis, 88 (1997), 530-531 184. Tradicin e innovation de la medicina latina de la antigedad y de la alta edad media, ed. by Manuel Enrique Vasquez Bujn. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 71 (1997), 703-704

185. Celse de la mdecine, Vol. I: Livres I-II, ed. [Latin] and trans. into French by Guy Serbat. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 89 (1998), 718-719 186. Birth, Death, and Motherhood in Classical Greece by Nancy Demand. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 73 (1999), 142-143 187. Geschichte der Pharmazie, Bd. I: Von den Anfngen bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters by Rudolf Schmitz. Isis, 94 (2003), 251-252 188. Medicine and the Making of Roman Women: Gender, Nature and Authority from Celsus to Galen by Rebecca Flemming. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 77 (2003), 941-942 189. Arte de Cappadoce Des causes et des signes des maladies aigus et chroniques, trans. from the Greek into French by R. T. H. Laennec, ed. by Mirko D. Grmek. Isis, 94 (2003), 707708 190. Pline lAncien. Histoire naturelle, Livre III, ed., trans. with commentary by Hubert Zehnacker. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.12.08 [online] 191. Galen: On the Properties of Foodstuffs, trans. from the Greek with commentary by Owen Powell. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 79 (2005), 324-326 192. Ibid. Classical World, 98 (2005), 457-458 193. Roman Medicine by Audrey Cruse. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2005.06.11 [online] 194. Sabur ibn Sahl: The Small Dispensatory, trans. from the Arabic together with a study and glossaries by Oliver Kahl. Pharmacy in History, 47 (2005), 39-41 195. Medicine in the Crusades by Piers D. Mitchell. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 19 & 26 August 2005, 33 196. Ancient Medicine by Vivian Nutton. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2005.07.74 [online] 197. Manus Medica: Actions et gestes de lofficiant dans les texts mdicaux latins. Questions de thrapeutique et de lexique. Actes du Colloque tenu lUniversit Lumire-Lyon II, les 18 et 19 septembre 2001, ed. by Franois Gaide and Frdrique Biville. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2005.10.33 [online] 198. Health in Antiquity, ed. by Helen King. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 16 December 2005, 28 199. Theophrastus: Characters. Herodas: Mimes. Sophron and Other Mime Fragments, ed. and trans. from the Greek by Jeffrey Rusten and I. C. Cunningham. Scholia Reviews, n.s. 15 (2006), 151-153 [online as p. 33] 200. Nelsons Surgeon, by Laurence Brockliss, John Caldwell, and Michael Moss. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 24 March 2006, 28 201. Medicine and Philosophy in Classical Antiquity by Philip van der Eijk. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 18 & 25 August 2006, 11 202. Animals for Show and Pleasure in Ancient Rome by George Jennison. Scholia Reviews, n.s. 15 (2006), 41 [online] 203. Ancient Meteorology by Liba Taub. Classical World, 99.4 (2006), 475-476 204. Health and Healing, Disease and Death in the Graeco-Roman World by Franois P. Retief and Louise Cilliers. Acta Classica, 49 (2006), 194-197 205. Die rmische Gesellschaft bei Galen: Biographie und Sozialgeschichte by Heinrich Schlange-Schningen. Classical World, 100.1 (2006), 63-64 206. Athletics and Literature in the Roman Empire by Jason Knig. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2007.02.24 [online]

207. Renal and Rectal Diseases Texts: Vol. VII of Die babylonisch-assyrische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen, ed. [cuneiform] and trans. by Markham J. Geller. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 15 July 2007, 33 208. A Byzantine Encyclopaedia of Horse Medicine by Ann McCabe. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 2 November 2007, 31 209. The Dispensatory of ibn at-Tilmid, ed. (Arabic) and trans. with glossaries by Oliver Kahl. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 6 June 2008, 25 210. Ruso and the Demented Doctor by R. S. Downie. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 27 June 2008, 21 211. The Cambridge Companion to Galen, ed. by R. J. Hankinson. Isis, 100 (2009), 893-895 212. Theophrastus and his World by Paul Millett. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2009. 10.55 [online] 213. Ancient Babylonian Medicine by Markham Geller. Times [London] Literary Supplement, 21 January 2011, 27 214. Goddesses, Elixirs, and Witches: Plants and Sexuality Throughout Human History by John M. Riddle. HerbalGram, 89 (Feb.-April 2011), 60-62 215. Hippocratic Recipes by Laurence M. V. Totelin. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (forthcoming) 216. Ctsias de Cnide: La Perse. LInde. Autres fragments, ed. [Greek] and trans. into French with commentaries by Dominique Lenfant. Classical World (forthcoming) 217. The Elder Pliny on the Human Animal: Natural History Book 7, translated from the Latin with introd. and commentary by Mary Beagon. Classical World (forthcoming) 218. Galien, Tome IV. Ne pas se chagriner, ed., trans [French], comm. by Vronique BoudonMillot. Bryn Mawr Classical Review (forthcoming)

NEWSPAPER EDITORIALS 1. Woodstock Generation Deserves Praise, Not Blame, Lexington [Kentucky] Leader. 28 August 1979 2. Science Fiction, History Books Get the Meat, [University of] Kentucky Kernel, 12 September 1979 3. Tests Teach Students the Art of Test-Taking, Kentucky Kernel, 19 September 1979 4. Humor: Carefully Crafted Jest Speaks of the Eloquence of Human Uncertainty, Kentucky Kernel, 26 September 1979 5. Entomology in Popular Lore: Some Fear-Mongering, Kentucky Kernel, 3 October 1979 6. Professional Education Reflects Ancient Biases, Kentucky Kernel, 10 October 1979 7. Canada Trip Reveals Many Differences, Kentucky Kernel, 31 October 1979 8. Sociobiology Creating Necessary Debate, Kentucky Kernel, 21 November 1979 9. The Best Teachers and Scholars Enjoy a Happy High, Kentucky Kernel, 28 November 1979 10. The Fear of Freedom: Analogies to Ancient Greece, Kentucky Kernel, 5 December 1979

11. KET Series on Darwin Shows Contribution of Amateur, Kentucky Kernel, 13 February 1980 12. Sports May be a War Substitute, Kentucky Kernel, 20 February 1980 13. Madison Avenue Shows No Difference Between Fantasy and Reality, Kentucky Kernel, 27 February 1980 14. Will We Elect a Media Image Rather Than a President in 1980,? Kentucky Kernel, 26 March 1980 15. Lasers, Like Other Advances, Could Change Future, Kentucky Kernel, 3 April 1980 16. Columnist Envies Intellectual Electricity of Boston, Kentucky Kernel, 16 April 1980 17. New World of New Science More to be Welcomed than Feared, Lexington [Kentucky] Leader, 6 October 1982 18. Fact-Hungry Students Gradually Losing Ability to Reason, Lexington Leader, 20 October 1982 19. Christmas is a Series of Contradictions, Some Sweet, Some Awful, Lexington Leader, 13 December 1982 20. College Education More Than Training, Lexington Herald-Leader, 9 February 1983 21. Reforming Education: Some Hard Decisions, Lexington Herald-Leader, 5 April 1983 22. Reform Colleges of Education First, Louisville [Kentucky] Courier-Journal, 6 November 1983

PAMPHLETS/BOOKLETS PREPARED FOR STUDENTS 1. Some Historical Novels: Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance [annotated]. 1975; revised 1978. Department of History, University of Kentucky [mimeograph offset]. 34 pp. 2. On Reading Science Fiction: Pitfalls and Rewards [annotated]. 1972; revised 1976; revised 1983; revised 1984. [addenda 1983]: Russian SF: Anthologies; Russian SF: Novels; Russian SF and Related: Non-Fiction; Czech SF; Some Further Notes on International SF; Some Further Suggestions on Reading Science Fiction: Scholarly Studies and Journals; Anthologies of Classic SF Writers: Jules Verne, Arthur Conan Doyle, H. G. Wells, Walter M. Miller, Jr.; Translations from the Russian; Translations from the Czech [Carel apek, Joseph Nesvadba]; Translations from the Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, French; Translations Varia [Japanese, Hungarian, Spanish, Portuguese]; Satire and Science: Pseudo-Science and Science Fiction [addenda 1984]: Science Fiction in Orwells Year: Quo vadis? The Renaissance of SF Cartoon Art; The SF Artists: Freas, Jones, Frazetta, the Hildebrandts, and Others. Department of History, University of Kentucky [mimeograph offset]. 95 pp. 3. Ancient and Medieval Medicine: A Basic Bibliography. 1974; revised 1977. Department of History, University of Kentucky [mimeograph offset]. 17 pp. 4. Roman Imperial Culture and History: A Reading List [annotated]. 1981. Department of History, University of Kentucky [mimeograph offset]. 14 pp. 5. Ancient Hebrew, Greek and Roman Law: A Reading List. 1981. Department of History, University of Kentucky [mimeograph offset]. 12 pp.

6. Hellenistic Life and Culture: Reading Suggestions [annotated]. 1975; revised 1980. Department of History, University of Kentucky [mimeograph offset]. 19 pp. 7. Byzantine Medicine and Science: Sources in English. 1979. Department of History, University of Kentucky [mimeograph offset]. 7 pp. 8. Folk Medicine and Drugs: Ancient and Medieval. 1980. Department of History and College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky [mimeograph offset]. 12 pp. 9. Greek and Roman Geography and Exploration: Texts, Sources, Translations, and Some Modern Scholarship. 1987. Department of History, University of Wisconsin [mimeograph offset]. 22 pp. 10. History of Pharmacy Lecture Notes. 1987; revised 1990; revise d 1994; revised 1998; revised 2000; revised 2003. School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin [mimeograph offset; photocopy offset]. 75 pp. 11. Roman Law: The Basic Texts. Some Handbooks for Reference: W. W. Buckland, Jolowicz, J. Crook, and others. David Daubes Social History of Roman Law: Protecting the Non-Tipper and other Illustrations. Daube on How to Get Round marriage Laws by Means of Christian Redemption Combined with the Roman Concept of Freebornhood (Justinian wants to marry Theodora). How to Read a Latin Text in the Digest. The Twelve Tables. The Republican Constitution. The Senate. The Magistrates: Consul, Praetor, Aedile, Quaestor, Tribune. The Assemblies: Comitia centuriata and comitia tributa. Citizenships: cives sine suffragio and other grades. Sources of Law in the Republic: Mos maiorum, lex, interpretatio, plebiscitium, edicta magistratuum. Roman Family Law (marriage, the patria potestas, guardianship, intestate succession, testamentary succession). Roman Property Law (res manicipi, mancipatio, in iure cessio, usucapio, others). Roman Law of Obligations (nexum, delict [furtum and inuria]). Roman Slave Law and Manumission. Law of Procedure: legis actiones, the legis actio per condictionem, and other methods of procedure in Republican law. The Formulary System. The Praetors Edict. Augustus and the Constitution in the Principate. Princeps senatus and senatus consulta as Sources of Law in the Empire. Professional Jurisconsults: the Institutes of Gaius. The Law School at Beirut. Imperial Rescripts: Hadrians Attempts to Reform the Law. Old and New Law: the Codex Theodosianus. Justinians Jurisconsults Committee: Tribonian and others. The Digest (AD 533) and What it Does with the Sources of Ancient Roman Law. Adaptation, Truncation, Addenda. Roman Law and Roman History. Why Roman Law is the Basis for Law in Continental Europe, South Africa, French Canada, and Elsewhere in Modern Times. Rolf Dannenburgs translation [1965: from the German] of Max Kasers Roman Private Law for use in modern South Africa. 1988. Departments of History and Classics, University of Wisconsin [mimeograph offset]. 30 pp. [for Seminar in Ancient History: Roman Law] 12. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Botany: Sources in English. 1992. School of Pharmacy and Department of Classics, University of Wisconsin [photocopy offset]. 14 pp. 13. Galen of Pergamon: Biography, Autobiography, and the Roman Empire in the 2nd Century. 1987; revised 1992; revised 1999. School of Pharmacy and Department of Classics, University of Wisconsin [mimeograph offset; photocopy offset]. 32 pp. [initially for Seminar in Ancient History: Greco-Roman Pharmacy] 14. Dioscorides of Anazarbus: Pharmacy and Pharmacology in the Early Roman Empire. 1987; revised 1989. School of Pharmacy and Department of Classics, University of Wisconsin [mimeograph offset; photocopy offset]. 12 pp. [initially for Seminar in Ancient History: GrecoRoman Pharmacy]

15. Nicander of Colophon: Hellenistic Toxicology and Medical Entomology at Pergamon, 2nd Century B.C. 1987; revised 1989. School of Pharmacy and Department of Classics, University of Wisconsin [mimeograph offset]. 7 pp. [initially for Seminar in Ancient History: Greco-Roman Pharmacy] 16. Byzantine Medicine and Pharmacy: Some Suggestions [annotated with emphasis on texts and translations (Latin, Greek, Syriac, Arabic, Armenian)]. 1998; revised 2000; revised 2003. School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin [photocopy offset]. 144 pp. 17. Greek and Roman Medicine and Pharmacy and On Teaching Greek and Roman Medicine, with Suggested Sources and Texts in Translation. 2003. School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin [photocopy offset]. 125 pp. [incomplete]. 2004: transferred to online version + hard copy: i (Prefatory Remarks); ii-vii (Table of Contents); pp. 1-5 (On Teaching Greek and Roman Medicine and Pharmacy); pp. 5-83 (Texts and Translations [Abbreviations, pp. 5-6], [Sourcebooks, p. 6], [Aretaeus of Cappadocia, p. 6], [Anonymus, pp. 6-7], [Byzantine Medicine, pp. 7-8], [Caelius Aurelianus, p. 8], [Cato the Elder, p. 8], [Cornelius Celsus, pp. 8-9], [Columella, p. 9], [Diocles of Carystos, p. 9], [Dioscorides of Anazarbus, pp. 9-10], [Galen of Pergamon, pp. 10-22], [The Hermetica, pp. 22-23], [Herophilus of Chalcedon, pp. 23-24], [Hippocrates of Cos, pp. 24-29], [Magical Medicine, Medical Astrology, Alchemy, pp. 29-39], [Nicander of Colophon, p. 40], [Oribasius of Pergamon, pp. 40-42], [Papyri, pp. 42-45], [Pliny the Elder, pp. 45-71], [Philosophers, pp. 72-83 to Parmenides]). To be added: Praxagoras of Cos, Rufus of Ephesus, Scribonius Largus, Soranus of Ephesus, Theophrastus of Eresus, Varro, Vitruvius, Asclepian Temple Medicine, Aelius Aristides, Inscriptions, Works Cited in the On Teaching Greek and Roman Medicine, Index (in process of revision/completion [September 2009]) 18. On Hellenistic Pharmacology and Toxicology. 2003. School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin [photocopy offset]. 12 pp. 19. Greek and Roman Military Medicine: A Synoptic Guide to Scholarly Aids, Texts, Sources, and Studies, with an Introduction. Introduction: Why Focus on Ancient Military Medicine,? Contexts: The Historical Narrative (Some Suggestions), Contexts: Military History in Greek and Roman Times Handbooks and Other Guides, How to Use Handbooks and Other Reference Guides, Bibliographies, On Classical Encyclopedias and Dictionaries, Texts: Greek Military Medicine, Surgery and Related [the Hippocratic Fractures, Joints, Mochlion; The Hippocratic On the Doctor or Physician; the Hippocratic Epidemics V; the Hippocratic Wounds of the Head; Ctesias of Cnidus, Doctor-Historian; Philip II and Critoboulos at the Siege of Methone; Alexander the Great and the Malians: Critoboulos Does it Again; Diocles of Carystos Medical Works, esp. Surgery; Apollonius of Citiums Commentary on the Hippocratic Joints; Heracleides of Tarentum and the To Antiochis and To Astydamus; the Military Manuals of Aeneas Tacticus, Asclepiodotus, and Onasander], Inscriptions and Physicians among the Greeks [Numismatics and Inscriptions; Studies and Epigraphical Collections: Greek Medicine and Related], Some Secondary Studies: Greek Military Medicine and Related, Roman Military Medicine [Contexts and the Army of the Roman Republic; Surveyors, Farm-Lore, and Cato the Elder; Vegetius, the Ancient Roman Legion, and Horse Medicine; Apsyrtus, Julius Africanus, the Roman Cavalry, and Equine (and Human) Medicine; Cornelius Celsus; Scribonius Largus; Titus Statilius Criton of Heraclea Salbace; Galen of Pergamon; Antyllus et al.; Some Scattered References to Military Physicians in Later Roman Sources; Ammianus Marcellinus; Procopius; Theophylact Simocotta; Ps.-Maurice; Papyri; Paul of Aegina and his Predecessors in

Byzantine Alexandria], Inscriptions and Military Medicine in the Roman Army: Valetudinaria and Other Questions, The Current Corpus of (mostly) Roman Surgical Instruments and Medical Tools. 'Some Byzantine Analogues.' 2009. For Seminar in Ancient History: Greek and Roman Military Medicine (Departments of History and Classics, University of Wisconsin [online + hard copy]). 50 pp. 20. "Galen, Aelius Aristides, and the Second Sophistic." "'On Galen of Pergamon: Works, esp. On Prognosis, On My Own Books, Order of My Own Books, Exercise with the Small Ball, Exhortation to Study the Arts [], On Examinations by Which the Best Physicians are Recognized [Arabic], Compounding Drugs According to Place, esp. 'Beauty Aids at the Severan Court,' 'The Recently Recovered Tract Avoidance of Grief, .' 'Galen on Books and Libraries.' 'Performances as Public Contests: Oratory, Athletics, Dissections and Vivisections: The Rhetorics of Persuasion.' 'Rhetorical Techniques and Case Histories: Galen on Galen's Successes in his On Prognosis, Affected Parts, Others.' 'On Aelius Aristides, esp. The Sacred Tales.' 'On Philostratus: Gymnastics, Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Lives of the Sophists.' 'Texts, Translations and Studies: A Preliminary Bibliography.' 'A Fictional Depiction of the Dank Atmospherics of Rome in AD 193 by Galen and Dio Cassius: Amanda Prantera, The Side of the Moon (London: Bloomsbury, 1991)'" 2011. For Seminar in Ancient History: Galen, Aelius Aristides, and the Second Sophistic (Departments of History and Classics, University of Wisconsin [online + hard copy]). 15 pp.

LECTURE OUTLINES DISTRIBUTED ONLINE Greek & Roman Medicine & Pharmacy [Soc. & Admin. Pharmacy/History/Classics/History of Science/History of Medicine 561] 1. On Medical History as a Discipline. 2004; rev. 2007; rev. 2009. 10 pp. 2. The Art of Herb Lore Among the Neanderthal. 2004. 3 pp. 3. Backgrounds 1: Mesopotamia. 2004. 7 pp. 4. Backgrounds 2: Egypt. 2004; rev. 2005. 17 pp. 5. Lecture Summaries: Week 5: PreSocratic Philosophy. Thales and Others in Greek Asia Minor. The Pythagoreans, Alcmaeon of Croton, Medical Theories, and Greek Southern Italy and Sicily. 2009. 5 pp. 6. Lecture Summaries: Week 6: On Hippocrates of Cos: The Legend and the Man. The Anonymus Londinensis. On the Hippocratic Collection: Anatomy and Surgery: Some Selected Tracts; Some Comments on the Anatomical Works in the Hippocratic Collection; Some Theoretical and Clinical Works; Two Very Famous Hippocratic Works: Aphorisms and The Oath. 2009. 14 pp. 7. Lecture Summaries: Week 8: On Aristotle and Theophrastus. Aristotles Career with Plato. Hermias, Lesbos, and Theophrstus: Early Research on Marine Life. As Tutor to Alexander III of Macedon. The Lyceum: Goals and Methodologies. Zoology and Teleology: Life of Plants vs. Animals. De generatione animalium. De partibus animalium. Historia animalium. De anima. Some Aristotelian Terminology. Aristotles Concepts of Innate Heat. Theophrastus of Eresus. The New Collected Fragments. Inquiry into Plants and Explanations [Causes] of Plants. On Fish. On Stones. De sensibus. On Fire. On Winds. Weather Lore. On Odors. Theophrastus Characters. Theophrastus Herbalism. Systems of Classification. The Rhizotomoi [Rootcutters]. Anodynes and Anesthetics: Mandrake, Lettuce, and Others. The Preparation of

Hemlock. Pharmacology and Phytochemistry: Natural Drugs and Active Principles. Synergisms of Atropine, Scopolamine, Hyoscyamine, others. 2009. 12 pp. 8. On Alexander the Great. Sources, Texts, Events, and Basic Chronologies. Arrian, Plutarch, and Quintus Curtius Rufus. Texts-under-Texts. Why Alexanders Empire Fragmented. The Lasting Role of koin Greek. 2009. 2 pp. 9. Week 10: Alexandria the Great. City, Museum, Library. Ptolemy I and Demetrius of Phalerum: the Heritages of Aristotles Lyceum. Resident Scholars, Physicists, Astronomers, Mathematicians, Physicians, Literary Critics. Hippocratic Lexicographers: Bacchius of Tanagra. Herophilus and Erasistratus: Dissection of Human Cadavers. Discoveries and Theories of How the Body Works. Court Physicians: Apollophanes of Seleucia and Antiochus III. Mantias and his Attalik Drugs. Attalus III, Nicander of Colophon, and What the Theriaca and Alexipharmaca Record. The Coming of the Romans. Cleopatra VII and her Court Physicians: Olympus, Philotas of Amphissa, Dioscorides Phacas. 2009. 41 pp. [includes electronic copies of Herophilus of Chalcedon, Erasistratus of Ioulis on Ceos, Apollophanes of Seleucia, Mantias the Herophilean, Cleophanus of Ceos, and Bacchius of Tanagra, from Paul T. Keyser and Gerorgia Irby-Massie, eds., Biographical Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists (London and New York: Routledge, 2008), pp. 387-390, 294-296, 117-118, 525-526, 483, and 187-188, and Attalus III of Pergamon: Research Toxicologist, in Louise C. Cilliers, ed., Asklepios: Studies on Ancient Medicine (Bloemfontein: Classical Association of South Africa, 2008), pp. 138-156, and Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Court of Cleopatra VII: Traces of Three Physicians, in Ann van Arsdall, ed., Herbs and Healers from the Ancient Mediterranean through the Medieval West: Essays in Honor of John Riddle (Aldershot [England], and Burlington [Vermont]: Ashgate, 2012) (12 pp. electronic version) LECTURE SUMMARIES DISTRIBUTED ONLINE History of Pharmacy [Soc. & Admin. Pharmacy/History of Science 401] I: Prehistoric Humans and Foods, Drugs, and Medicine. Archaeology, Agriculture, Parasites, and Pharmacognosy. Carbon 14 and Pollen Analysis & the Herbs at Shanidar. Methods and Approaches to the Early History of Pharmacy. Further Reading [Annotated]: Prehistoric Humans; Prehistoric Art; Food-Plants, Drug-Plants and Agriculture; Parasites, Parasitology, Vectors, and Disease; Scientific Techniques and Analysis in Archaeology. Some Basic References [annotated]: Herbal Pharmacology; Pharmacognosy; Plant Biochemistry; Phytology; Handbooks (Trease & Evans, the Merck Index, Martindale, others); the usefulness of the old editions of Wood & LaWall; the 1946 ed. of Lange, ed., Handbook of Chemistry. 2005; rev. 2007; rev. 2008; rev. 2010. 30 pp. II: Civilization in the Ancient Near East: Mesopotamia. Contexts of Drug Lore, Medicine, and Disease. An Early Writing System: How One Reads Cuneiform. The Vocabulary and Nomenclatures of Medicine and Herbal Lore. Some Secondary Works [in English: annotated]. The Cuneiform Texts. The Practitioners. The Archives at Nineveh. Magic. Assyrian and Babylonian Drug Lore and Medical Botany. Assyriology: R. C. Thompson, Georges Contenau, Ren Labat, Friedrich Kchler, Franz Kcher, Robert Arnott, Markham Geller, JoAnn Scurlock, and Others. The Talmud, Aramaic and Hebrew Texts. Further Reading [annotated]: Legal Texts; the Language Question; Near Eastern Influences on Greek Civilzation; Mesopotamian Crafts and Technologies; the Hittites and Hittite Medicine. 2005; rev. 2008; rev. 2011. 20 pp.

III: Civilization in the Ancient Near East, 2: Egypt. Disease, Drug Lore, Mummies, and Medicine in the Nile Valley. Another Early Writing System: Hieroglyphic and Abbreviated Forms (Hieratic, Demotic, others). Transliteration Conventions. Coptic. Horapollos Hieroglyphica. The Rosetta Stone. Champollion and How He Cracked the Code in 1822. Some Secondary Works [in English: annotated]. How to Prepare a Mummy: Herodotus, Histories, II, 86, and Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca, I, 91. Modern & Ancient Funerary Practices, Chemicals Substances, and Results. Bog Mummies and Tannic Acid. The Major Medical Papyri: Edwin Smith, Ebers, others. Honey and Propolis. On Mummies, Mumification, and Embalming. On Resins, Gums, and Oleoresins: Myrrh and Frankincense. Pharmacology in Egyptian Medicine. Further Reading: Texts and Translations; Reliable Accounts on Egyptian Medicine in English; Pharmacology among the Copts. 2005; rev. 2007; rev. 2008. 19 pp. IV: The Greeks [pt. 1]. A Pre-Greek Civilization on Crete: The Minoans. Sir Arthur Evans and Excavations at Knossos. Heinrich Schliemann and Troy and Mycenae. The Mycenaeans. The Linear B Tablets. Some Spice and Drug Names. Notes on the Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) and Female Contraception. The Greek Dark Ages and Homer. The Iliad and Odyssey. The New Alphabet. Drugs, Drug Lore and Medicine in the Homeric Epics: the Concepts behind pharmakon and its cognate pharmakos. Notes on saffron, galingale, squill, the opium poppy, others. Value Systems in Homeric Society. Hesiod of Ascra and his Works and Days: the Greek Farmer and What He Knows. Seasons, Star-Lore, Plants, Crops, and Woods. The polis and what it meant to all Greeks: Geography, Topography, Farmers Lore, Animals, Citizens hips, and Warfare. Colonies and Explorers: The Wider World. Navigation and the Luxury Trade. Tin from Cornwall, Amber from the Baltic. The Slave Trade. West Africa and Gold, Ivory, Gemstones. Circumnavigation. The Red Sea: Frankincense, Myrrh, Ivory. The Farther East: Spices. The Black Sea: Furs, Beaver-Castor, Slaves. The Greek World of Sicily and Southern Italy: Syracuse and Naples. Greek Poetry and Medical Botany. Agriculture. Sappho. The Timber Trade. Imports and Exports: the Commercial Emporia of Ephesus, Halicarnassus, others in Asia Minor. Pepper: Far Eastern Connections. Cinnamon. Toxicology: the Case of Hemlock (Conium maculatum L.). Athens Board of Eleven and What Amateurs Know. The Evidence of Plato and Theophrastus. Athenian Law. 2006; rev. 2009. 22 pp. [V]. "From Augustus to Heraclius (27 BC - AD 641): Some Significant Figures: Medicine and Pharmacology. Works, Texts, Translations, References. A. Cornelius Celsus. Scribonius Largus. Gaius Plinius Secundus/'Pliny the Elder.' Dioscorides of Anazarbus. Aretaeus of Cappadocia. Rufus of Ephesus. Soranus of Ephesus. Galen of Pergamon. Oribasius of Pergamon. Aetius of Amida. Alexander of Tralles. Paul of Aegina." 2011. 4 pp. [8-point type]


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