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Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste: Hapter

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Vilma G.

Holmgren, Magnaflux Division of Illinois Tool

Works, Glenview, Illinois
Bruce C. Graham, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Samuel J. Robinson, Sherwin Incorporated East,
Burlington, Kentucky
J. Thomas Schmidt, J.T. Schmidt Associates, Crystal
Lake, Illinois
Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate,
Jack C. Spanner, Sr., Spanner Engineering, Richland,
Liquid Penetrant System
Chemistry and Effluent
Influence of Sulfur and
Halogens (Chlorides) in
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Considerable concern in the
nondestructive testing field is directed
toward the effects of sulfur and halogens,
principally chlorides, present in small
amounts in liquid penetrant testing
materials. This is largely attributable to
various high temperature and exotic
alloys such as nickel base alloys, austenitic
stainless steels and titanium in the
aerospace and nuclear industries. Even
though liquid penetrants and processing
materials are removed following testing,
residues may be retained in crevices,
joints and blind holes or other
inaccessible areas. With inadequate
cleaning, such residues may react
detrimentally with the alloy surface after
the components are placed in service.
Sources of Sulfur and
Halogen in Liquid
Penetrant Testing
There are several possible sources for the
presence of sulfur and halogen in liquid
penetrant products. Raw materials from
which liquid penetrant products are
formulated may contain either or both of
these ingredients as constituents or as
trace contaminants. Where extremely
small amounts of these ingredients are of
concern, contamination from a high
sulfur or high halogen atmosphere may
contribute trace amounts of sulfur or
halides. There is considerable difference of
opinion as to the allowable limits of these
contaminants. Paradoxically, there are
numerous sources of sulfur and halide
contamination that far overshadow the
amounts present in liquid penetrant
products, as in the following examples.
1. In certain techniques, precleaning
takes place before liquid penetrant
testing. Conceivably, residues from
these operations could contribute
significant residues.
2. Other in-process sources of
contamination include cutting fluids
or drawing and stamping oils. These
fluids may contain high percentages of
sulfur and/or chlorides.
3. Industrial waters may contain
relatively high contents of chloride.
Therefore cooling water, rinse water,
makeup water for alkaline cleaners
and other types of chemical processes
may contribute either chlorides or
sulfur residues.
4. In the case of jet engine components,
ingestion of sea air or air containing
high sulfur through industrial
pollution can contribute very
significantly to the amount of
chlorides or sulfur gaining access to
high temperature alloy parts.
5. Another possible source for sulfur
contamination in jet engine
components would be the jet engine
fuel itself. All petroleum derivatives
tend toward trace amounts of sulfur
and, because of the high rates of
throughput of jet engine fuel, the
aggregate amount could be
Specifications Restricting
Halogen Content of Liquid
Penetrant Testing
The continued incidence of stress
corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless
steels has focused increased attention on
the halogen and sulfur content in liquid
penetrant materials used for
nondestructive testing. Restrictions are
placed on the halogen and sulfur
concentrations allowed in liquid
penetrant materials intended for use on
austenitic stainless steels.
Influence of Sampling
Procedures on
It is important to recognize that, because
of the nature of certain liquid penetrant
materials, the sampling procedures can
often influence the results of a given way
of measuring chloride concentration.
When fluorocarbon propellants and
288 Liquid Penetrant Testing
PART 1. Effects of Sulfur and Chlorine Impurities
in Liquid Penetrant Materials
halogenated hydrocarbon solvents (such
as 1,1,1-trichloroethane) were being used,
they affected the results of chloride
analysis, whether the test was performed
on the whole sample or on the residue
after evaporation of solvent or propellant.
Most specifications still require residue
analysis that gives more consistent and
meaningful results.
Significance of
Postcleaning of Test
The purpose of the final postcleaning step
in a liquid penetrant examination is to
remove, as thoroughly as possible, all
liquid penetrant materials applied during
the test process. Thus, simple knowledge
of the halogen content in liquid
penetrant materials provides little useful
information relative to the amount of
halogen remaining on the part after liquid
penetrant testing. On the other hand,
even if all traces of halogen or sulfur
bearing liquid penetrant materials are
removed from the smooth surfaces of the
part, the possibility of retaining damaging
quantities of these compounds in macro
(mechanical) or micro (intergranular)
crevices should not be ignored.
Stress Corrosion Testing of
AISI 304 Austenitic
Stainless Steel
The potential for liquid penetrant induced
stress corrosion cracking in American Iron
and Steel Institute (AISI) 304 stainless
steel was investigated by coating U-bend
test specimens with various liquid
penetrant materials and exposing them to
a moist 90 C (195 F) atmosphere for
about three months. Test specimens,
representing three different metallurgical
conditions, were used to evaluate
19 different liquid penetrant, developer,
emulsifier and cleaner materials having
different halogen content and
representing several manufacturers.
Metallurgical Conditioning of
AISI 304 Stainless Steel Specimens
Test specimens for each of the following
metallurgical conditions were used in the
evaluation: (1) solution annealed,
(2) sensitized and (3) sensitized and
etched. The solution annealed specimens
were included because AISI 304 stainless
steel in this metallurgical condition is
much less susceptible to halogen induced
stress corrosion cracking than material in
the sensitized condition. Specimens that
were both sensitized and etched were
included to examine the effect of
microcrevices, which can conceivably
retain appreciable quantities of liquid
penetrant materials in spite of normal
postexamination cleaning procedures. On
completion of the metallurgical
conditioning processes, the specimens
were stressed using a stainless steel nut
and bolt. Figure 1 illustrates the specimen
configurations after forming and after
Application of Liquid Penetrant
Testing Materials to Test
The final step in preparing the specimens
for exposure testing was to apply the
liquid penetrant materials. This was
accomplished by immersing three stressed
specimens from each of the three
metallurgical groups in a given liquid
penetrant material for about 6 h, after
which the specimens were allowed to
drain overnight in the open-end-down
Water Vapor Exposure Conditions
for Test Specimens
Each specimen was hung, open end
down, on a three layer rack formed from a
single length of AISI 304 stainless steel
tubing. The entire specimen and rack
assembly was subjected to a warm, moist
test atmosphere in an exposure chamber
for a period of 80 days. A pool of distilled
water was maintained in the bottom of
the chamber and the temperature was
maintained about constant at 90 C
(195 F). Cold tap water was passed
through the tubing rack to condense
moisture on the specimen surfaces.
289 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
FIGURE 1. Stainless steel U-bend test specimens after forming
(left) and after stressing (right).
Results of Stress Corrosion
Exposure Tests of AISI 304
Stainless Steel
The effect of the moist exposure
conditions on test specimen integrity was
evaluated by metallographic examination.
First, several of the control specimens
were sectioned and examined at 100
magnification as a check on the validity
of the test parameters. Specimens in the
sensitized and etched conditions, each of
which had been coated with one of the
liquid penetrant materials, were similarly
examined for evidence of stress corrosion
cracking. Examples of the metallographic
examination results are shown in Fig. 2
to 6. Figures 2a and 2b are typical of the
control specimens in the sensitized and in
the sensitized and etched conditions,
respectively. These uncontaminated
specimens were completely unaffected
during the 80 day exposure test, as were
most of the coated specimens.
Effects of Chlorine in Specific
Liquid Penetrant Cleaner and
Intergranular cracking to about
midthickness is evident in the AISI 304
stainless steel specimen which is shown in
Fig. 3 and which was sensitized and
coated with developer containing
0.2 percent chlorides. Figure 4 is typical of
the three specimens that were sensitized
and etched before being coated with the
same developer. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate
the severe intergranular and transgranular
cracking that occurred when sensitized
test specimens were coated with a cleaner
containing about 80 percent chlorides.
The specimen shown in Fig. 5 was in the
sensitized condition whereas the
specimen in Fig. 6 had been sensitized
and etched to a depth of about 130 m
(0.005 in.) before application of the
Overall Results of Stress Corrosion
Tests on AISI 304 Stainless Steel
The overall results of the moisture
exposure tests on AISI 304 austenitic
stainless steel specimens are summarized
1. Specimens coated with a cleaner that
had a very high chloride content or a
developer with low chloride content
(see Figs. 3 to 6), consistently
exhibited stress corrosion cracking
after the 80 day exposure test when in
the sensitized or sensitized and etched
2. None of the other liquid penetrant
materials evaluated in this test caused
detectable stress corrosion cracking.
3. Etching of the sensitized specimens
did not appear to have reproducible
effects on the severity of attack for the
liquid penetrant materials that
induced stress corrosion cracking.
290 Liquid Penetrant Testing
FIGURE 2. Photomicrograph of sensitized
AISI 304 stainless steel specimen (typical of
five control specimens not coated with liquid
penetrant test materials), after 80 day stress
corrosion test in warm, moist atmosphere
and after oxalic acid etch: (a) sensitized
specimen; (b) etched specimen.
291 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
FIGURE 3. Photomicrograph of sensitized
specimen after 80 day exposure test and
oxalic acid etch is typical of three specimens
coated with developer.
FIGURE 4. Photomicrograph of sensitized
and etched specimen after 80 day exposure
test and oxalic acid etch is typical of three
specimens coated with developer.
FIGURE 5. Photomicrograph of sensitized
specimen after 80 day exposure test and
oxalic acid etch is typical of three specimens
coated with cleaner.
FIGURE 6. Photomicrograph of specimen
sensitized and etched to depth of about
130 m (0.005 in.) after 80 day exposure
test and oxalic acid etch is typical of three
specimens coated with cleaner.
4. Specimens in the solution annealed
condition exhibited no evidence of
stress corrosion attack.
5. Observations among triplicate
specimens were fully reproducible.
The results obtained during this study
support the following conclusions.
1. The reproducibility of the exposure
test results provides convincing
evidence that certain liquid penetrant
materials can induce stress corrosion
cracking under the moderate exposure
conditions investigated.
2. The determination methods that were
developed offer an economic and
reliable means of measuring chloride
concentration in whole samples of
liquid penetrant materials over the
range of 10 to 1000 gg
3. Commercial liquid penetrant materials
with total chloride concentrations
below 1000 gg
are available.
4. Liquid penetrant materials from
(refrigerant-12) pressurized spray cans
yield variable results when whole
samples are analyzed, thus making it
impossible to perform a reliable
determination of chloride
Specifying Liquid
Penetrant Materials to
Avoid Induced Stress
Corrosion Cracking
It should be recognized that the cause of
the stress corrosion cracking observed in
the preceding tests is not actually known.
These tests were designed only to examine
the potential for liquid penetrant induced
stress corrosion cracking under a specific
set of exposure conditions and were not
intended to isolate the cause of an attack
that might be observed. Liquid penetrant
materials that induced the observed stress
corrosion cracking would qualify as
acceptable materials in accordance with
the halogen restrictions specified in
applicable United States standards in
effect from 1971 through 1981.
It thus appears that restrictions on
contaminant concentrations might be
more appropriately specified for whole
samples (including volatiles) instead of
only for the residue, as is the prevalent
practice. It also seems significant that,
although most specifications restrict total
halogens, none of the methods normally
used to verify compliance (including
those discussed herein) respond to
fluoride. Thus, in actual practice, the most
reactive of the halogen elements was
tacitly ignored until 1981.
Sources of Halogen Impurities in
Liquid Penetrant Processing
Except for the certain cleaners and carriers
that use halogenated hydrocarbon
compounds, liquid penetrant materials do
not usually contain halogens as
constituent elements. Rather, the
halogens occur as impurities in the bulk
chemicals used to formulate these liquid
penetrant materials. Preceding tests also
indicate that commercial liquid penetrant
materials can exhibit a rather wide
variation in chloride content. It is also
apparent that liquid penetrant materials
quite low in hydrolyzable and even in
total chloride content are available. The
same statement can probably be made
about fluoride content.
Specification Restrictions
on Sulfur Content of
Liquid Penetrant and Leak
Testing Materials
For years, most new standards have
included an upper limit for total sulfur
impurities in expendable materials such as
liquid penetrants, cleaners and developers;
leak test fluids; coatings; adhesives;
lubricants; and ultrasonic couplants. In
contrast to the effect of halogens, sulfur
and its compounds were not found to be
significantly corrosive nor otherwise
damaging to austenitic stainless steels at
ambient temperatures. However, stress
cracking does take place on high yield
strength ferritic and austenitic steels when
sulfides exist in the aqueous phase and on
nickel and its alloys when sulfides are
present during elevated temperature
Like halogens, sulfides have been
related to the tendency toward hydrogen
embrittlement. Investigators agree that
minimizing residual amounts of sulfur in
materials applied to iron base and nickel
base alloys will reduce the likelihood of
stress corrosion or sulfide stress cracking.
Selection should be based on which
product has the lowest sulfur content, as
well as the lowest halogen content. The
following information describes the
action of sulfur compounds on different
classes of structural materials.
292 Liquid Penetrant Testing
Hydrogen Damage from
Sulfur Compounds in
Nonstainless Steels
When an acid solution attacks a carbon or
alloy steel surface, hydrogen is generated
and deposited on the metal surface as an
adsorbed film of atomic hydrogen.
Normally, the film builds up and bubbles
off the surface as molecular hydrogen gas.
However, in the presence of even a few
parts per million of hydrogen sulfide in
the solution environment, much of the
atomic hydrogen enters high strength
steel. The presence of a sulfide in the steel
appears to catalyze the generation of
hydrogen. The formation of molecular
hydrogen internally in voids produces
high pressure, creates blisters on the
surface and reduces the ductility. Delayed
failures then can occur at stress levels well
below the yield strength. The minimum
yield strength level for sulfide stress
cracking is about 600 MPa
(90 000 lb
). The tendency for
cracking is reduced as the pH rises from
3 to 6 (solutions become less acid).
Inorganic and aliphatic organic sulfur
compounds are generally more reactive
than aromatic organics. Sulfide corrosion
of nonstainless steel is reduced by the
presence of halides in the low
temperature aqueous phase.
Corrosive Effects of Sulfur
on Various Alloys
High Yield Strength Stainless
The high yield strength AISI 635 stainless
steel (17 percent chromium, 7 percent
nickel) is very susceptible to cracking in a
high sulfide environment (1000 gg
hydrogen sulfide). Stainless steels with
chromium contents less than 9 percent
may corrode faster in a given sulfide
concentration than carbon steel.
AISI 300 Austenitic Stainless Steels
Adequate protection against sulfide
corrosion is provided by the lower
strength standard AISI 300 series
austenitic stainless steels with a basic alloy
content of 18 percent chromium and
8 percent nickel.
Iron Base Alloy with 14 Percent
Chromium and 14 Percent Nickel
The effect of sulfur as an impurity in a
completely stable austenitic structure
a high purity 14 percent chromium,
14 percent nickel, iron base material
was evaluated in five such alloys with
sulfur impurities: 80, 120, 240, 890 and
1700 gg
. Nonstress corrosion rates
appeared to be directly related to sulfur
content. Corrosion was uniform rather
than localized. The extent of attack was
slight compared with that found for
commercial purity 14 percent chromium,
14 percent nickel, 72 percent iron alloys
and of commercial, high temperature
steels such as AISI 304.
Stressed U-bend samples of 14 percent
chromium, 14 percent nickel, iron base
alloy representing the five levels of sulfur
were exposed to 42 percent boiling
magnesium chloride for 600 h. No
evidence of cracking was observed. Similar
alloys of commercial purity cracked after
only 28 h exposure of the stressed
samples to the strong chloride corrodent.
It was concluded that, to produce
excellent corrosion resistance to aggressive
media, all impurities, rather than just
sulfur, must be excluded from austenitic
stainless steels. Although increasing
additions of sulfur increased the corrosion
rate slightly in the high purity austenitic
matrix, the corrosion rate of the
1700 gg
or 0.17 percent sulfur alloy
was much below that of commercial
purity materials. Residual sulfur
accumulations from liquid penetrant
materials would not pose a special
corrosion or stress corrosion problem at
temperatures below 100 C (212 F) for
parts produced from austenitic stainless
Nickel and Nickel Base Alloys
Materials in which nickel predominates
are subject to intergranular attack when
they are heated in the presence of sulfur
and sulfur compounds. Grain boundary
stress corrosion cracking and nickel has
occurred in sulfide environments above
643 C (1190 F), the melting point of the
nickel/nickel sulfide eutectic.
Fuels used in the heat treatment of
nickel base alloy materials must have a
low sulfur content. A marginal
concentration of sulfur is stated to be
0.73 gm
of gases manufactured from
coal and oil. Lubricants for deep drawing
and spinning nickel alloys generally
contain sulfur or lead and therefore must
be removed before annealing.
293 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
Environmental Conditions
Affecting Intergranular
Intergranular attack by sulfur has been
reported only for nickel base alloys
subjected to elevated temperatures.
However, it seems probable that austenitic
stainless steels could also be adversely
affected by exposure to sulfur or its
compounds in its sensitizing temperature
range of 590 to 650 C (1100 to 1200 F).
At temperatures below 150 C (300 F),
steels with a maximum yield strength of
520 MPa (75 000 lb
) should not be
subject to sulfide stress cracking. The
tendency for hydrogen absorption and
embrittlement is reduced by raising the
pH of the environment to 6 or greater.
High yield strength austenitic such as
17 percent chromium, 7 percent nickel
alloys should not be susceptible to
cracking if the sulfide content of the
environment is kept well below
1000 gg
294 Liquid Penetrant Testing
Restrictions on Halogens in
Expendable Test Materials
Used on Austenitic
Stainless Steels
For years, it was common practice in the
aerospace industry to use halogenated
cleaners, acids and degreasers in the
treatment of AISI 300 series stainless
steels. However, pressure vessel codes and
other standards in the United States
prohibit expendable cleaners, liquid
penetrants and processing materials
containing more than one percent
halogens. Investigations of cause and
prevention of stress corrosion cracking of
stainless steel have demonstrated that less
than 50 gg
of certain hydrolyzable
chlorides in combination with 1 to
200 gg
of oxygen can cause cracking
under low stress and low temperature
conditions. The likelihood of stress
corrosion will diminish with decreases in
concentration of halides and/or oxygen,
with decreases in stress and with decreases
in temperature. Laboratory specimens of
stressed austenitic stainless steels failed
when immersed in a 5 gg
solution at 93 C (200 F) and in a
10 gg
chloride solution at 74 C
(165 F).
Because chloride concentrations in
normal environments and residual stresses
from fabrication and heat treatment
generally exceed these levels, one might
wonder at the usual long life and high
performance characteristics of most
stainless parts. There may be a
relationship between hydrogen
embrittlement and stress corrosion
cracking. A further restriction of hydrogen
generation in the right form and location
could limit the chance for stress corrosion
cracking to occur.
The fact that many of the halogen
compounds are volatile does not negate
the potential danger. Cyclic evaporation
and subsequent condensation is actually a
means of concentrating the halogen in a
restricted area such as a crack or crevice.
Entrapment and contamination with
surface adherent material can reduce the
tendency of halogen compounds to
become volatile.
Mechanisms of Stress
Corrosion Cracking of
Austenitic Stainless Steels
Austenitic stainless steels can fail by stress
corrosion cracking, a brittle failure in
ductile material which occurs as a result
of the combined action of tensile stress
and corrosion. Tensile stress may be
externally applied or residual but it must
be sustained or static. Where allowable,
shot peening to alleviate surface tensile
stresses will reduce the tendency for
cracking. Although the minimum stress to
initiate stress corrosion cracking will vary
with the environment and with steel
composition differences, stresses
reportedly as low as 14 MPa
(2000 lb
) have resulted in stress
corrosion cracking of AISI 347 austenitic
stainless steel. It would seem that
significant stress concentrators would
have to be operating to bring about such
low stress failure in AISI 347 surrounded
by vapors at 200 C (400 F) containing
50 gg
of chloride.
Other Mechanisms of
Cracking of Austenitic
Stainless Steels
Not all cracking occurring in fabrication
or service is halide induced. Three other
modes of failure exist that can take place
at stress levels below the yield strength of
austenitic stainless steel in a noncorrosive
1. Fatigue failure may be induced
thermally, mechanically or by
vibration during operation.
2. Long time, elevated temperature stress
rupture may occur.
3. Differences in coefficient of expansion
and in thermal conductivity between
cladding and base metal may lead to
In boiling water reactors, nonstress
corrosion cracks were found to be
longitudinal in cold worked tube and
circumferential in solution annealed
tubing. Although all potential causes
should be considered in a failure
investigation, good design should
minimize the likelihood of cracking from
mechanisms other than stress corrosion.
295 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
PART 2. Mechanisms of Stress Corrosion
Cracking of Austenitic Stainless Steels
Fracture Paths Resulting
from Stress Corrosion
Both intergranular fracture and
transgranular fracture may occur as a
result of stress corrosion. Usually, cracking
produced in stainless steel exposed to
chlorides is transgranular. However, where
there is a continuous grain boundary
segregation, intergranular cracking will
take place. There is a disposition toward a
chemical concentration differential
between grains and grain boundaries
because impurities and alloy constituents
tend to diffuse to the boundaries.
Segregated solute such as silicon or
phosphorus can occur in the grain
boundaries of properly solution annealed
AISI 304. On the other hand, a
continuous grain boundary part of second
phase, alloy carbides is formed by a
sensitizing treatment at 663 C (1225 F)
for 2 h followed by slow cooking. The
likelihood of forming continuous carbide
at the grain boundaries is a function of
grain size and carbon percent.
The tendency for grain boundary
attack by a corrodent is independent of
pH between 4.7 and 9.4. Surface pickling
with boiling nitrate chromate can cause
cracking only on sensitized material.
Intergranular attack on an oxide free
surface will only happen on stressed
material or in crevices.
Causes of Crack Initiation
Plastic deformation may be a necessary
condition for establishing a propensity for
cracking. In austenitic stainless, even
elastic strain is associated with a small
amount of creep (plastic strain). Cracks
can originate from elongated pits or from
eroded grain boundaries. Reducing the
temperature of the environment extends
the life of the part before crack initiation
but does not alter the minimum stress
level requirements for cracking.
Stress corrosion cracking always
produces corrosion products. Apparently,
reaction of the chloride on bare metal
exposed at breaks in the protective oxide
film on the stainless steel produces local
anodic areas. The latter set up galvanic
action leading to pitting and thence to
crack initiation when under tensile stress.
The minimum stress to initiate stress
corrosion cracking depends on (1) the
nature of the corrodent medium,
(2) temperature, (3) anion availability,
(4) history of the material and
(5) availability of minimum amounts of
chloride and oxygen or minimum
amounts of hydroxide.
The rate of corrosion is unaffected by
varying the initial hydrogen ion
concentration (pH) of the solution. The
concentration effect of intermittent
wetting and drying will shorten the time
required for crack initiation. Under a
constant stress level, cracking will occur
most easily at 85 C (185 F), the
maximum temperature for corrosion
acceleration at a high enough level for
crack initiation. The temperature
limitation of 85 C provides a minimum
driving force for progressive corrosion
such that cracking must occur within 48 h
or the rate of passive film repair will
exceed the rate of penetration.
Test for Susceptibility to
Stress Corrosion
The establishment of a standard corrosion
medium could serve as a tool for
measuring the susceptibility of material or
parts to stress corrosion cracking. Because
875 gg
of sodium chloride vapors at
200 C (400 F) will produce severe
cracking in a short time, this might be
used as such a standard corrosion
Electrochemical Theory of Crack
The electrochemical theory of stress
corrosion assumes crack advancement by
anodic dissolution of stained metal at the
crack tip. It has been postulated that
nitrogen may be responsible for the
corrosion attack on strained, crack
sensitive areas. Based on work with low
nitrogen, 18 percent chromium, 8 percent
nickel and 20 percent nickel alloys,
investigators suggest that nitrogen, under
conditions of lattice strain, readily diffuses
to lattice imperfection sites. Nitride
precipitation then forms a cathodic area
that stimulates corrosion of the adjoining
alloy, thereby favoring crack propagation.
In nonsusceptible high nickel alloys,
nickel apparently inhibits the formation
of the cathodic precipitates. Electron
microscopy has revealed what appear to
be precipitated nitrides on slip planes. Slip
increases the effective area of the cathodic
nitride precipitates and thereby increases
galvanic corrosion and aids crack
propagation. Cracking may occur at
anodic paths because of reaction of
stainless steel with corrosion produced
hydrogen. This hydrogen diffuses under
an applied load to form stress oriented
transgranular bands of hydrogen strained
ferrite. Such transformed bands, highly
anodic to the austenitic matrix, dissolve
in a corrosive halide such as magnesium
chloride to cause cracking. In
nonsusceptible alloys, hydrogen
precipitates as a hydride.
296 Liquid Penetrant Testing
Some investigators suggest that
cracking originates from a condition of
reduced surface energy brought about by
the adsorption of some ion species from
the corrosive medium. Electrochemical
processes might contribute to failure by
removing existing films at localized areas
that would otherwise prevent adsorption
of the critical ion species or, at higher
stress levels, might prevent healing of
oxide films that become ruptured during
Theory of Crack Propagation
The electrochemical/mechanical theory of
stress corrosion presupposes a two stage
repeating cycle consisting of a short
period of chemical attack, which advances
the crack very little but which triggers a
sudden mechanical fracture over a longer
distance and which is stopped apparently
by a soft slip plane. Once a crack is
initiated, it is not permanently arrested by
contact with grain boundaries, twin
planes, or inclusions, nor is its
propagation influenced by changes in
applied stress or by changes in the nature
of the medium.
At a low stress level, cracking occurs
only in the area of the highest stress.
Studies indicate that cracks extend in
short bursts at average rates up to
4 mmh
in the condensing vapors above
an 875 gg
sodium chloride solution at
204 C (400 F) or up to 10 mmh
, in a
boiling magnesium chloride environment.
Some investigators have recorded acoustic
emission, suggesting association with
crack extension. Other investigators were
unable to detect acoustic emission during
crack propagation.
These observations suggest that very
little acoustic emission activity
accompanies intergranular stress corrosion
cracking whereas the opposite is indicated
for transgranular stress corrosion cracking.
Perhaps high stacking fault energy,
indicating tangled dislocations and easy
cross slips in an alloy, inhibits cracking.
Rapid stress corrosion crack propagation
occurs in alloys having highly oriented
dislocations (low stacking fault energies)
and restricted slip.
Effect of Wedging Action of
Corrosion Products
Deposition of corrosion products within
progressing cracks may provide a wedging
action that causes brittle fracture beyond
the tip of the crack. Pressures in excess of
50 MPa (7000 lb
) have been
measured for the wedging action of the
corrosion product. It has been proposed
that the chemical aspects of cracking are
due to preferential attack on small
quantities of transformed austenite at the
tip of the crack or as a network of strain
bands within the austenite grains.
The trace of a crack on the surface does
not necessarily indicate that the same
propagation process fracture path has
occurred in the bulk. The three
dimensional path of a crack is determined
mainly by the stress distribution near the
advancing edge. This is not necessarily
related to microstructural features (grain
size and orientation) or crystallographic
Effect of Hydrogen Embrittlement
on Stress Corrosion Cracking
Hydrogen embrittlement must be
assumed to have relation to stress
corrosion cracking. It is known that
protons (hydrogen nuclei) can move
along with dislocations during plastic
deformation because of the mobility of
the proton. Hydrogen embrittlement can
only occur when the proton diffusion rate
is equal to or greater than the rate of
movement of dislocations. Hydrogen
collects preferentially in the tetrahedral
lattice positions in the (112) planes, in the
discontinuities associated with these
planes and probably in the dislocations
related to this crystallographic system.
Movement of the most unstable
dislocations can be accomplished in the
presence of hydrogen by stresses well
below the elastic limit, resulting in
delayed failures.
Stress Corrosion Immunity,
Susceptibility and
Six general rules postulated for
susceptibility to stress corrosion are listed
1. A pure metal is immune to stress
corrosion cracking.
2. Alloys made from pure metals may be
3. Corroding conditions (media or
environment) that produce cracking
are specific to an alloy or alloy system.
4. Cathodic protection can prevent stress
corrosion cracking or even stop crack
propagation if applied while cracking
is in process.
5. One or more minor impurity elements
in a metal or alloy can affect its degree
of immunity or susceptibility.
6. Changes in structure or homogeneity
of an alloy by heat treatment can
influence its immunity or degree of
297 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
Effect of Cathodic
Protection on Stress
Corrosion Cracking
A small amount of cathodic protection
may inhibit stress corrosion cracking
whereas a large amount may induce it.
Arrangement of anodes in reactors, piping
and heat exchangers for sufficient
protection is frequently impossible and
sacrificial anodes may be undesirable
because of the corrosion products
introduced into the coolant. Where the
highly stressed component is the cathode,
stress corrosion cracking may be stopped
or restarted at will by applying an
external potential.
Conditions Conductive to
Stress Corrosion Cracking
Wherever combinations of high residual
stress, crevices for entrapment of halides
or hydroxides, heat transfer, evaporation
and concentration occur, stress corrosion
cracking is likely. Chlorides can also
concentrate in aluminum corrosion
products by an ion exchange mechanism.
Thus, fabricated stainless steel parts that
have been tested with liquid penetrants or
cleaned by chlorinated solvents are prime
targets for stress corrosion.
Conditions That Inhibit
Stress Corrosion Cracking
Any approach to prevention or inhibition
of stress corrosion cracking requires an
understanding of the mechanism of
cracking. A reduction of stress level will
reduce the likelihood of rupture and will
increase the life of the part. As previously
stated, reducing the temperature will
extend part life but will not alter the
minimum stress level for cracking. Virtual
elimination of either halides or oxygen
from the environment (including liquid
penetrant testing fluids) will prevent stress
corrosion as long as the hydroxide
concentration is under five percent.
Cathodic protection will be an effective
deterrent where it is practicable. Changes
in design and operating conditions will be
helpful if, for example, opportunities for
fluid entrapment are reduced and
operating temperatures and stress levels
can be lowered. A substitution of less
susceptible material such as carbon steel,
nickel base alloys or corrosion resistant
nickel-copper alloys for stainless steel is
another preventive measure. Tensile stress
relief by peening vibration or heat
treatment can reduce the effect of a
corrosive medium.
Corrosive Environments
The rate of corrosive attack on stressed
stainless steel by various chlorides is
essentially inversely proportional to their
rate of attack on unstressed stainless.
Information on the comparative effect of
specific chlorides on stressed versus
unstressed AISI 300 series stainless steels is
given in Table 1.
It would appear that stress corrosion
requires selective localized attack, which
can only be provided by corrodents that
do not affect the pure alloy.
Chloride Removal
Following Liquid Penetrant
Testing of Stainless Steels
Stainless steel components should be as
free as possible of surface residual
chlorides after cleaning or liquid
penetrant testing, particularly before heat
treatment, welding or long term storage.
A quantitative chloride determination will
be required to establish the accuracy of a
given flushing procedure. Acid treatment
should be avoided to ensure that no
intergranular corrosion produces a site for
liquid sodium attack in a breeder reactor
or for stress concentration. Final flushing
after liquid penetrant testing of AISI 304
stainless steel can be done with alcohol,
acetone or an aromatic hydrocarbon
solvent such as benzene or toluene. The
latter should provide effective removal of
adsorbed and entrapped chlorides.
However, all are highly flammable.
Fluids for Cleaning of
Stainless Steels
Several chlorinated solvents such as
nonflammable, low toxicity
trichlorotrifluoroethane (refrigerant-113)
can be used to clean austenitic stainless
steels regardless of heat sensitization and
degree of stress. The accompanying low
298 Liquid Penetrant Testing
TABLE 1. Effects of chlorides on stainless steels.
Chlorides General Attack Stress Corrosion
Ammonium chloride pitting slow (long exposure)
Calcium chloride nil rapid
Chromium (III) chloride heavy nil
Iron (III) chloride heavy nil
Magnesium chloride nil rapid
Mercury (II) chloride heavy nil
Potassium chloride pitting slow (long exposure)
Sodium chloride pitting slow (long exposure)
Zinc chloride nil rapid
boiling point of 45.8 C (114 F) facilitates
complete removal by evaporation.
However, these solvents are no longer
available for cleaning. They were
regulated because of their high potential
for ozone depletion.
It has been reported that sulfamic acid,
, can be used for cleaning
austenitic steel without causing stress
corrosion cracking. A five percent solution
of this acid at 70 C (160 F) can be
applied for periods up to 24 h. No data
have been reported to suggest that
nonhydrolyzable halides such as
fluorocarbons were associated with stress
corrosion cracking.
Superior resistance to stress corrosion
has been reported for a high alloy,
columbium stabilized, iron base,
nickel-chromium-molybdenum austenitic
stainless steel. This has a nominal analysis
of 30 percent chromium, 34 percent
nickel, 2.5 percent molybdenum and
3.5 percent copper. The high nickel
content is credited with supplying the
improved resistance to stress corrosion
cracking Laboratory tests in the most
severe corrodent, boiling magnesium
chloride, show more than a tenfold
increase in life for the columbium
stabilized nickel-chromium-molybdenum
austenitic stainless steel over AISI 304;
however, the cost of the high alloy
material is about four times that of
AISI 304 for tubular products.
Conclusions on Control of
Stress Corrosion Cracking
As long as the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code
limits total halogens in liquid
materials for nondestructive testing
methods to one percent, materials for use
on austenitic stainless steel components
should be selected for minimum halide
content consistent with effectiveness and
cost. The lower the halide residual
concentration in the environment, the
lower the possibility of stress corrosion.
Thorough cleaning for removal of halide
containing materials after their use will
effectively eliminate any potential for
stress corrosion.
Stainless steels containing a nominal
8 percent nickel such as AISI 304,
AISI 316 and AISI 347 have maximum
sensitivity to chloride stress corrosion
cracking. Attainment of minimum stress
levels in stainless steel components is
therefore desirable. Thermal, vibrational
or peening stress relief can reduce residual
stresses. Residual and/or applied tensile
stresses as low as 14 MPa (2000 lb
in combination with 74 C (165 F) or
higher fluid environments containing 1 to
50 gg
or less of certain chlorides and 1
to 200 gg
or less of oxygen can result
in stress corrosion cracking.
Low concentrations of total halides
(5 to 50 gg
) cannot be accurately
determined by current standard analytical
procedures. Ion chromatography can
analyze halide concentrations in this
range (see ASTM E 165
for procedures).
Final cleaning is recommended before
heat treatment, forming, fabrication,
storage or shipment to remove water,
dissolve grease and oil, float away
insoluble particulate without
promoting stress corrosion cracking.
299 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
Effects of Sulfur and
Halogens on Liquid
Penetrant Testing
Liquid penetrant testing is used on most
nonferrous metals, particularly aluminum,
magnesium, titanium, stainless steel and
high nickel alloys. Stainless steels and
titanium have been found to be subject to
corrosion and embrittlement because of
contact with chloride ions. High nickel
alloys have been found subject to
corrosion and embrittlement by contact
with sulfur in the form of sulfide ions at
elevated temperatures.
Specifications Limiting
Sulfur and Halogen in
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Because of these findings, limits have
been placed on the amount of sulfur and
halogen that may be present in liquid
penetrant testing materials used on high
nickel alloys, stainless steel and titanium,
particularly in components of nuclear
power plants. The specifications have
usually been for total sulfur content and
total halogen content. Here it was
assumed that the worst possible case
would be where the liquid penetrant
testing materials are not cleaned off the
part after inspection and the test part is
heated to temperature that will
decompose the test materials, releasing
the elements present for reaction with the
metal of the part.
Impurity Level
Requirements for Liquid
Penetrant Testing
Impurity level requirements for liquid
penetrant testing materials are restricted
by the ASME Boiler Code, Section V,
Article 6.
This code limits maximum
residual to 1 percent total sulfur and
1 percent total halogens as determined by
ASTM D 129
and ASTM D 808
techniques either/or ion
when liquid penetrant
testing materials are applied to nickel base
alloys, austenitic stainless steels and
titanium. To accommodate requirements
that are more restrictive than those
specified in the ASME Boiler Code,
consideration has been given to lower
limits on impurities in expendable
materials that will contact such metal
Contaminants levels are the result of
impurities in the bulk chemical
ingredients used to formulate liquid
penetrant materials. Therefore, some
variations may be observed between
materials from different suppliers,
between different types of materials from
a single supplier and between samples of
the same type of material purchased from
a single supplier at different times.
Specifications for Analysis
for Sulfur or Halogens
Analyses for sulfur or halogen impurities
usually are conducted by the following
methods although other methods are
known to be equivalent or superior in
accuracy, reproducibility and repeatability.
1. Analysis for water leachable chlorides
is conducted according to
ASTM D 2441
(modified by water
reflux and potentiometric titration).
2. Analysis for halogenated compounds
is conducted according to
ASTM D 808.
Chloride compounds
are absorbed in sodium carbonate
) solution. The chloride
content is determined by
potentiometric titration.
3. Analysis for sulfur is conducted
according to ASTM D 129
ASTM D 1552.
Some specifications stipulate evaporation
of sample (preceding sample
decomposition) whereas other
specifications call for an untreated
(whole) sample. For example, Section V
of the ASME Boiler Code
ASTM D 129
and either ASTM D 808
or ion chromatography.
300 Liquid Penetrant Testing
PART 3. Methods for Sulfur and Halogen
Analysis of Liquid Penetrant Materials
Detrimental Sulfur and Halogen
Content of Liquid Penetrant
Testing Materials
There is some difference of opinion on
how much sulfur or halogen content is
really detrimental to any material. This is
because the sulfur or halogen may be
present in a number of forms and degrees
of permanence and much is still unknown
concerning the interactions of these
elements with sensitive metals. Some
specification writers feel that if the
undesired elements are present in any
form where they may be physically
captured for analysis and in any amount
over the slightest trace, the test material is
unacceptable. These users require analysis
of the as-received liquid penetrant testing
material from its manufacturer.
Other specification writers note that
liquid penetrant testing materials are
often sprayed on the parts and, in any
case, are present only in thin layers on
the part, often for considerable amounts
of time. Thus, during normal testing,
considerable evaporation of volatiles may
take place. The detrimental sulfur or
halogen content then is considered to be
that of the residue after normal
evaporation has taken place. This
evaporation can either increase or
decrease the apparent sulfur or halogen
content, depending on the form in which
the contaminant is present. If the
contaminant is present as part of a
volatile vehicle, its apparent amount is
decreased by evaporation. Any
contaminant present in the nonvolatile
residue will be concentrated.
Significance of Ionizable
Compounds of Sulfur or Halogens
Still other specification writers feel that
there is a difference between ionizable
and nonionizable sulfur or halogen.
Actually, no attack on or reaction with
metal can occur unless the element can
ionize. Then it can leave the compound
in which it was originally bound and
produce new bonds with the metal. Sulfur
and the halogens are normally found in
both inorganic and organic forms. The
inorganic forms of sulfur and the
halogens usually ionize fairly easily and so
are readily available for reaction with the
metal. The organic forms of sulfur and the
halogens usually are very tightly bound.
As long as the organic compounds
containing sulfur and halogen are stable,
these elements may be quite harmless to
metal. For this reason, some specifications
require tests of aqueous extractions of the
test materials. Ionizable contaminants
that could attack parts are then detected
whereas nonionizable contaminants are
Analysis only for ionizable sulfur and
halogen is probably adequate as long as
the tested parts will not be subjected to
conditions such as extreme heat that can
break down the residual liquid penetrant
testing material. The products of thermal
or chemical breakdown are usually
ionizable compounds that may cause
Sulfur Analysis of Liquid
Penetrant Testing
The most common sulfur test specified is
the ASTM D 129
method for total sulfur
content. This sulfur analysis can be made
on all organic materials. In this test, the
sample is first decomposed by burning in
a high pressure oxygen bomb. The sulfur
present is thus converted to sulfur dioxide
and sulfur trioxide. These are absorbed in
a sodium carbonate solution, forming
sodium sulfate. Barium chloride is added
to convert the sulfur from soluble sodium
sulfate to insoluble barium sulfate, which
is filtered out and weighed. The amount
of sulfur present is calculated from its
molecular fraction in barium sulfate.
This method can reliably detect sulfur
contents as low as 0.1 percent
(1000 gg
). It becomes very unreliable
below this level because of weighing
inaccuracies and losses of materials that
pass through the filter used to collect the
final yield. Further problems can arise
with many liquid penetrant testing
materials containing elements such as
iron, aluminum, calcium, silicon or lead
or substances such as silica, asbestos or
mica. All these substances cause
precipitates that may falsely be measured
as the barium sulfate precipitate that
indicates sulfur by this test.
Alternative Tests for Total
Sulfur Content
Several sulfur tests can be used if preferred
or where ASTM D 129
is not applicable.
This ASTM D 1552
test method also
measures total sulfur content. It operates
by burning the sample in a stream of pure
oxygen to form the sulfur dioxide and
sulfur trioxide. A starch iodate solution
normally blue in color is bleached clear by
the absorption of sulfur oxides. The
titrant is often added and the color
measured photoelectrically by an
automatic or semiautomatic titrator. This
test can measure as little as 600 gg
sulfur in samples on which it is
301 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
Lamp Method for Total Sulfur
A third method that has been proposed is
the ASTM D 1266
lamp method for total
sulfur content. Here the liquid sample is
burned in a wick type lamp. An absorbent
wick collects the combustion products
including the sulfur oxidized to sulfuric
acid. Sulfur is then either determined
acidimetrically by titration against
standard sodium hydroxide or
gravimetrically by precipitation as barium
The lamp method is sensitive because
large samples are used. It will easily find
20 gg
. However, it is usable only on
liquids that do not contain suspended
solids. Therefore, it would not work on
liquid penetrant testing developers.
Further acid forming elements such as
phosphorus or halogens if present in
substantial quantity will interfere with
acidometry. Phosphorus is often a
constituent of penetrant materials.
Coulometric Measurement
Instrumentation is available that burns
the sample in a stream of oxygen and
inert gas (helium or argon). This converts
the sulfur to sulfur dioxide, which flows
into a titration cell where it reacts with an
iodine solution. An electric current is run
through the cell to regenerate the iodine
and the current required is a measure of
the sulfur content.
This test operates best with liquids but
can be adapted to solids as well. The
equipment for this test requires
substantial investment.
Bomb Turbidemetric Sulfur Test
A fifth test that has been found very
useful for the measurement of sulfur in
materials that are completely combustible
is bomb decomposition as in
ASTM D 129
followed by turbidemetric
sulfur determination as in ASTM D 516.
For this test, samples are burned in an
oxygen bomb as in ASTM D 129
that sodium hydroxide is used as the
absorber instead of sodium carbonate. The
bomb washings are diluted to a known
volume; glycerin, sodium chloride and
barium chloride are added. Light
transmission measured photometrically
through the mixture is proportional to
the amount of barium sulfate precipitate.
Ion Chromatography
Still another method for sulfur testing is
ion chromatography. After the sample is
prepared by bomb combustion, a filtered
aliquot is injected into a stream of
carbonate/bicarbonate eluant and passes
through a series of ion exchangers. The
anions of interest are separated on the
basis of their affinities for a strongly basic
anion exchanger. The separated anions are
measured by conductivity. They are
identified on the basis of retention time
as compared to standards. Quantitation is
a measurement of peak area or peak
height. For details of technique, see
Annex A4 of ASTM E 165.
This method provides a single,
instrumented technique for rapid,
sequential measurement of common
anions such as bromide, chloride,
fluoride, phosphate etc. and must be
considered an alternative technique for
testing for those compounds as well as for
sulfur. Ion chromatography is much easier
and quicker to run than the standard
ASTM D 129
and is much more sensitive
with equivalent precision.
Halogen Analysis of Liquid
Penetrant Testing
Halogen is the family name for the group
of elements including, from the lightest to
the heaviest, fluorine, chlorine, bromine,
iodine and astatine. Astatine is not stable
and is not normally found in measurable
or significant quantity in nature. For test
purposes, it can be disregarded. Of the
other four elements, fluorine is the most
active and reacts differently from the
remaining three. Therefore, it requires
different methods of analysis than the
others. In fact, fluorine is not measured as
part of the total halogen analysis that is
often reported. Although there is evidence
that fluorine, in the form of fluoride ions,
may attack some metals, only limited
work has been done in this area. Limits
on fluoride content are normally applied
to test materials by only a few
specifications, so fluoride analysis will be
briefly detailed here. The reporting of
total halogens (not including fluorine) is
required by most specifications (including
Section V of the ASME Boiler Code
) and is recommended
by ASTM E 165.
Difficulties in Analysis of Chlorine
Chlorine is by far the most common and
possibly the most troublesome halogen.
Most of the analytical procedures used for
the halogens are designated as chlorine
tests although, in most cases, they are
sensitive to bromine and iodine as well.
Thus, if the analysis must be for chlorine
only, it is necessary to use special
procedures to remove the unwanted
bromine and iodine before the chlorine
analysis is performed. Furthermore,
302 Liquid Penetrant Testing
fluorine will probably not be reported
because most of the tests applied in 1981
for chlorine will not respond to fluorine.
The chloride ion, when present in
inorganic form, is very soluble in water
and so is readily available for a variety of
analytical methods. Refluxing the sample
is necessary to leach out all the chloride
for analysis. When chlorine is present in
organic form, however, it binds very
tightly to the rest of the molecule and
cannot usually be obtained for analysis
unless the molecule is destroyed. This
destruction is usually accomplished by
heat, often in the presence of oxygen. The
effluent gases are then absorbed in some
solution for analysis.
Bomb Decomposition Gravimetric
Analysis of Chlorine
Probably the most common test for
chlorine is the bomb decomposition
gravimetric analysis method of
ASTM D 808.
For this test, a weighed
sample is burned with oxygen. The
gaseous combustion products are absorbed
into a sodium carbonate solution, which
converts the chlorides to sodium chloride.
Silver nitrate is added to precipitate the
chloride as silver chloride, which is then
filtered out and weighed.
The inadequacy of ASTM D 808
generally recognized because this chlorine
test is not sensitive below 0.1 percent
(1000 gg
) nor above 50 percent
content. This test does break down and
measure all organic chlorides as well as
the inorganic chlorides. It measures not
only chlorine but also bromine and
iodine, because the silver salts of these
elements are very similar to the silver
chloride. The test will not measure any
reportable quantity of fluorine, nor will it
pick up all the bromine and iodine that
may be present. Phosphorous causes
interference with this test, leading to
falsely high readings.
Metallic Sodium Method for
Chlorine Analysis
Another method that was developed to
measure chlorine content is the metallic
sodium method. Here the sample is
refluxed with metallic sodium in a
mixture of butanol and toluene. The
chlorides and other halogens are stripped
out and form sodium salts. Methanol and
acetone are added to the mixture and the
chloride is titrated with silver nitrate. The
end point is potentiometrically
determined by using a glass electrode
silver billet electrode system.
This sodium refluxing method of
chlorine analysis is quite sensitive,
detecting as little as 3 gg
of chlorine.
The procedure detects all the inorganic
chlorine and most of the organic chlorine.
Bomb Decomposition
Potentiometric Analysis for
Another method for measuring chlorine is
the bomb decomposition potentiometric
titration method. This method
decomposes the sample in an oxygen
bomb as in ASTM D 808.
Analysis is done
by potentiometric titration of the metallic
sodium method described above.
This method is sensitive, detecting
chlorine in samples down to 3 gg
. The
method, in common with many others,
actually measures bromides and iodides
along with the chlorides. This method is
described in detail in Annex A2 of
ASTM E 165.
Characteristics of Various Methods
of Analysis for Chlorine Content
All of the preceding methods can properly
be used for the measurement of chloride
ions, so long as each is used within its
particular limitations. All actually measure
total chloride, bromide and iodide. The
bomb method of ASTM D 808
is less
sensitive to bromide and iodide so these
ions will not be fully detected. All may be
subject to interference from other
substances that may be present in liquid
penetrant testing materials, so that test
results may not always be accurate. The
best way to check for accuracy is to add a
known amount of chloride ion to the
sample and remeasure. The percent of this
known amount actually recovered will
allow a good estimate of the accuracy of
the analysis to be made.
Ion Chromatography for Chlorine
Another method for halogen testing is ion
chromatography. After the sample is
prepared by bomb combustion, a filtered
aliquot is injected into a stream of
carbonate/bicarbonate eluant and passes
through a series of ion exchangers. The
anions of interest are separated on the
basis of their affinities for a strongly basic
anion exchanger. The separated anions are
measured by conductivity. They are
identified on the basis of retention time
as compared to standards. Quantitation is
a measurement of peak area or peak
303 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
Fluorine Contamination of
Liquid Penetrant Materials
Fluorine is the most active of the
halogens, so it can cause all the problems
ascribed to the other halogens plus some
of its own. However, until 1981, most
specifications did not test for or limit
fluorine content, because adequate tests
did not exist and sufficient work to
determine valid limits was not done.
Fluorine can exist in either organic or
inorganic compounds. Only the ionizable
inorganics are likely to be reactive but the
organics can be converted to inorganics
by the application of heat, so the safest
course is to test for total fluoride rather
than just readily ionizable fluoride. For
this reason, it is normally necessary to
decompose the test material, thus
liberating the fluorides to inorganic,
ionizable form. This is best accomplished
by oxygen bomb decomposition. (See
Annex 3 and Annex 4 of ASTM E 165.
Tests for Fluoride Content
A number of tests have been used with
more or less success for the determination
of fluoride content. In all cases, a general
precaution is in order. Fluoride tests
cannot use glass apparati because the
fluoride ion reacts rapidly with silica,
forming a nonreactive complex resistant
to all methods of analysis. This effect also
makes the analysis of silica containing
developers for fluoride very difficult.
Possible Methods of Fluoride
The fluoride ion behaves quite differently
from the other halogens, so special tests
are necessary to obtain valid results.
Fluoride is not detected along with the
other halogens by standard tests, such as
ASTM D 808.
A number of other
analytical methods have been used with
varying success, however. All of the
described methods are assumed to be
performed using the fully ionized product
of a bomb decomposition. The earliest
fluoride analyses used gravimetric
techniques, which are low in sensitivity,
tedious and subject to many interferences.
They were seldom used after 1981.
Titrimetric Methods for Fluoride
Many titrimetric procedures have also
been developed. One of these involves
titration of the dissolved fluoride with a
silver nitrate potassium thiocyanate
reagent and a ferric alum indicator.
Unfortunately, the method is subject to
many interferences, including aluminum,
beryllium, iron, potassium, sodium,
ammonia, phosphate and sulfate.
Two other titrimetric methods operate
on the basis of adding titrant and
detecting the first excess of titrant, thus
indicating that all fluoride has reacted.
One of these titrations uses calcium
nitrate titrant; the other is the lead
nitratehydrochloric acid reaction. The
calcium method, of course, would not
work with developers that contain large
amounts of calcium, and the lead nitrate
method is subject to the same long list of
interferences as ferric alum, noted above.
Probably the most promising of the
titrimetric procedures is the thorium
nitrate titration with sodium alizarin
sulfonate indicator. This method is only
partially applicable to liquid penetrant
testing materials because of certain
interferences. Even in small quantities,
phosphate is a serious interference,
causing a red color which hides the end
point completely. Phosphorous is often a
constituent of test materials. Another
interference is any acid insoluble solid,
e.g., many developer ingredients; these
completely mask the end point.
Photometric Method for Fluoride
A third general procedure that has been
used is the reaction of the dissolved
fluorides with some color forming reagent
to produce a solution capable of being
measured photometrically. In these tests,
the depth of color is proportional to the
fluoride concentration. Probably the best
known of these analyses is the method of
ASTM D 1179,
which uses a compound
of sodium, 2-(parasulfophenylazo),
1,8-dihydroxy and 3,6-naphthalene
disulfonate (SPADNS). This material,
dissolved in water and mixed with a
zirconyl chloride hydrochloric acid
mixture, is bleached by fluoride. The
amount of bleaching is then measured
The ASTM D 1179 method is subject to
interference from aluminum, iron,
phosphate and sulfate, all of which may
be present in liquid penetrant materials.
Fluoride Electrode Method for
Fluoride Analysis
A device available in the 1980s eliminates
most of the problems of the other
methods and is now the preferred method
for some fluoride measurements. This
device is the fluoride specific ion
electrode. When the electrode is
immersed in a solution containing
fluoride ions, an electrical potential is
developed between the fluoride electrode
and a reference electrode also placed in
the solution. The potential decreases with
304 Liquid Penetrant Testing
increasing fluoride content. Further, the
specific ion electrode responds only to
fluoride ion and hydroxide ion if
hydroxide is in greater concentration than
fluoride. The proportion can be controlled
easily by adjusting to a lower pH.
Fluoride ions can be lost through its
complexing with cations such as
aluminum (III) (Al
); ferric ion or
iron (III) (Fe
); or silicon (IV) (Si
). This
interference can be eliminated by the
addition of an agent such as citrate,
(cyclohexylenedinitrilo)acetic acid (CDTA)
or ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA).
Another limitation to fluoride
measurements with the specific ion
electrode is that the response is not
directly to concentration but to the ion
activity. The activity of an ion in solution
is modified by other ions in solution. If
the fluoride present is ionized and the pH
is properly controlled, there are essentially
no interferences with this method.
Ion Chromatography for Fluoride
Another method for fluoride testing is ion
chromatography. After the sample is
prepared by bomb combustion, a filtered
aliquot is injected into a stream of
carbonate/bicarbonate eluant and passes
through a series of ion exchangers. The
anions of interest are separated on the
basis of their affinities for a strongly basic
anion exchanger. The separated anions are
measured by conductivity. They are
identified on the basis of retention time
as compared to standards. Quantitation is
a measurement of peak area or peak
305 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
Liquid Penetrant
Constituents Contributing
to Waste Pollution
Liquid penetrants may contain a
considerable variety of chemical
compounds. Among those fairly widely
used are petroleum products ranging from
relatively low boiling range solvents to
high boiling oils. Another generic group
are nonionic surface active agents.
Anionic surface active agents are less
commonly used because their presence in
liquid penetrants has disadvantages. These
are generally considered to outweigh their
excellent surface active properties and,
what is perhaps more important in the
present context, the comparative ease
with which they are biologically
degraded. Other constituents present in
significant proportions may be alcohols,
glycol ethers and esters, to name but a
few. Finally, liquid penetrants contain
dyes, both visible and fluorescent. These
dyes are the most troublesome
contaminants because they are visibly
detectable at low concentration and can
be readily traced back to the source of
Techniques for Reducing
Liquid Penetrant Process
The following chemical engineering
and/or liquid penetrant processing steps
are suggested to reduce the amount of
liquid penetrant product residues in the
waste effluent from liquid penetrant
testing processing systems.
1. Minimize the amount of liquid
penetrant applied. Electrostatic spray
or spray application is preferable.
2. Drain the liquid penetrant as long as
possible to reduce carry over.
3. Rinse postemulsifiable liquid
penetrant before applying emulsifier.
This liquid penetrant will separate
from the rinse water and may be
skimmed off or otherwise separated.
This step can allow the rinse water to
be recycled.
4. Apply emulsifier sparingly and allow
to dwell the required time. Spray
techniques use less than dip
techniques of emulsifier application.
5. Rinse the part with water immediately
to stop emulsification.
6. Rinse water washable or emulsified
postemulsifiable liquid penetrant
residues in two stages: (a) the first
rinse water may be recycled until
contaminated beyond use and
(b) second rinse water effluent can be
added to the first rinse water as
7. Rinse waters can be treated to separate
out the emulsifier and liquid
penetrant by using special membrane
filters. Activated charcoal can be used
to remove the color, oil and most of
the emulsifier (wetting agent).
8. Filtration of rinse water will remove
developer residues, if any.
Specific recommendations for waste
disposal treatment and the cost of such a
system depend on numerous factors, such
as (1) the type of liquid penetrant or
emulsifier used, (2) whether application is
by dip or spray, (3) the volume and type
of work being processed, (4) the facilities
and equipment in use and (5) the
particular restrictions of applicable city,
county, state or federal codes.
Treatment Processes
Applicable to Liquid
Penetrant Effluents
The actual effluent arising from a liquid
penetrant process generally consists of a
dilute emulsion formed by direct
emulsification of the liquid penetrant
with water, in the case of water washable
liquid penetrants. Similar dilute emulsions
can be formed by the action of an
auxiliary emulsifier or liquid penetrant
remover in the case of postemulsifiable
liquid penetrants. The auxiliary
emulsifying agents may contain
constituents broadly similar to those of
the liquid penetrants themselves and the
surfactant system may be either lipophilic
or hydrophilic in nature. The effluent
emulsion generally contains less than one
percent by weight of nonaqueous matter
and is usually fairly stable. Conventional
treatment can be designed to break the
306 Liquid Penetrant Testing
PART 4. Techniques for Control of Pollution
from Liquid Penetrant Waste
emulsion and thus separate nonaqueous
matter. It involves collecting and treating
the effluent successively with strong
electrolytes and flocculating agents in a
series of vats or tanks.
The coagulated contaminants are
separated by filtration and finally
incinerated, leaving water of acceptable
purity for discharge or reuse. This is
essentially a batch process, relying for its
efficiency on accurate pH control. It also
requires time and space: time for the
various additives to become fully effective
and space to accommodate the plant, the
size of which is determined by the volume
of effluent requiring treatment in a given
period of time. Where liquid penetrant
processes are used intensively and
continuously, correspondingly large
volumes of water are required for rinsing.
More recently, membrane filtration has
been used as a way of treating the effluent
on a continuous basis and feeding back
the purified water into the process and in
effect creating a closed circuit system that
is economical in the use of water.
Effects of Liquid Penetrant
Waste Materials in Sewage
and Streams
When an inspection liquid penetrant is
rinsed from the test surface, it enters the
rinse water as a fine, stable, oily emulsion.
Typically, this emulsion is not considered
to be toxic but does make the effluent
turbid. It can leave an oil slick on the
waters surface and even deplete some of
the oxygen supply in the water. All these
results lower the value of the water.
Sewage regulations in some localities
allow plant effluent water to contain as
much as 600 gg
of such oils whereas
other regulations allow none at all. The
rinsings from liquid penetrant removal
operations normally contain from 200 to
1000 gg
oil and are usually not an
acceptable waste.
Measuring Concentration of Oily
Contaminants in Waste Water
Oily contaminants can be detected either
as hexane solubles or by the chemical
oxygen demand (COD). Extraction of
rinsings by hexane yields their total
nonvolatile oil content. The chemical
oxygen demand test measures the
concentration of organic contaminants
(oil, surfactants etc.) by the amount of
oxygen used in oxidizing them
completely by a dichromate reflux
technique. The results are expressed in
milligram of oxygen per liter of test
solution or in parts per million. One gram
of a typical oily liquid penetrant may
consume about 2.5 to 3.0 g of oxygen in
this manner. Thus, 1 L of rinsings
containing 1 g of oily liquid penetrant
may show a chemical oxygen demand of
2500 to 3000 gL
. More dilute rinsing
may show a lower chemical oxygen
demand. The chemical oxygen demand
technique of monitoring pollution
concentration can be related empirically
to the biological oxygen demand (BOD).
The biological oxygen demand test
measures the oxygen used during a
specified incubation period for the
biochemical degradation of organic
material and the oxygen used to oxidize
inorganic material such as sulfides and
ferrous iron.
Avoidance of Environmental
Water Contamination by Liquid
Where local regulations allow some oil to
be present in the plant effluent, the liquid
penetrant rinsings, combined with other
nonoily waste streams from within the
plant, may happen to yield a total
effluent within the acceptable range. In
most cases, though, the situation is not
this simple. Then something must be
done with the liquid penetrant removal
operation to lower the oil content of the
Worldwide, many attempts have been
made to manage liquid penetrant removal
without contaminating the environment.
Some of these techniques use liquid
penetrant compositions that meet
prevailing pollution control regulations.
Other control techniques alter the process
so that the wastes never leave the test
area. Still other techniques treat the
rinsings to concentrate the oily
contaminants for easy disposal.
Compositions of Liquid
Penetrant Materials to
Avoid Pollution
One approach to the pollution problem is
to alter the liquid penetrants composition
so that the rinsings are less objectionable.
For instance, formulating a liquid
penetrant to be completely water soluble
would avoid the formation of turbidity
and oil slicks.
Such rinsings might pass
all tests, even though the rinse water
would still be contaminated. However,
complete solubility makes effluent
treatment more difficult. Liquid
penetrants that are completely water
soluble have been available since 1953.
307 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
Biodegradable Liquid
Penetrants to Reduce
Another way to alter a liquid penetrants
composition is to make it biodegradable.
Such a liquid penetrant need not be water
soluble, yet it can have the same removal
properties as oily liquid penetrants. The
rinsings consist of the same sort of fine
emulsion but with an important
difference. Within a few days, the oily
liquid penetrant is almost completely
decomposed by organisms in the water.
The liquid penetrant decomposition will
use up a large amount of free oxygen
from the stream that contains the oily
wastes. This behavior limits the locations
where such a liquid penetrant can be
legally used.
It would be objectionable if liquid
penetrant effluents were emptied directly
into natural bodies of water where the
oxygen depletion could harm the
environment. Oily waste processed in a
sewage treatment plant in the presence of
ample oxygen and a large population of
hungry microorganisms will disappear
without harmful effects. This will increase
the work load of the sewage treatment
plant and perhaps might result in
increased sewer charges. Biodegradable
types of liquid penetrant testing materials
are commercially available for use in
situations where suitable treatment plants
are available.
Recent Developments in
Liquid Penetrant Waste
Water Disposal
The increasing regulatory restrictions on
water pollution brought greater scrutiny
of liquid penetrant materials getting into
waste water.
Tests were conducted to
develop a better understanding of waste
water characteristics resulting from liquid
penetrant materials introduced around
The focus was on two distinct
formulation approaches compositions
based on petroleum distillates and those
based on surface active agents (surfactants),
more commonly referred to as
biodegradable liquid penetrant. The study
investigated the treatability of waste water
generated in the normal course of
fluorescent liquid penetrant testing.
The popular theory at the time was
that surfactant based liquid penetrants,
because they were oilfree, were more
biodegradable than the traditional oil
based formulations.
Hence making them
more drain disposable. However, the study
came to the conclusion that the popular
theory may not be true. This very limited
study found that each of the studied
factors important to a publicly owned
treatment works (POTW) treatment
time, inhibition, respiration rate, percent
biological oxygen demand (BOD) removal
is more favorable with an oil based
liquid penetrant than with a surfactant
based liquid penetrant. It further showed
that even oil free liquid penetrants test
positively for oil when tested in the
Waste Water Disposal to Publicly
Owned Treatment Works
The greatest challenge to liquid penetrant
users is knowing whether waste water
from liquid penetrant processes can be
sent out to publicly owned treatment
works through the sewer system.
first step in finding the answer is to ask
the operators of publicly owned treatment
works if liquid penetrant waste water is
acceptable for treatment at these facilities.
Waste water treatability depends on how
microorganisms in waste water treatment
plants respond to the waste stream.
Conducting tests on fluorescent dye
liquid penetrants using a respirometer
simulated the treatment of liquid
penetrant materials in the activated
sludge system. Activated sludge consists of
microorganisms cultured in a controlled
environment where waste water enters
and clean water (effluent) exits. The
microorganisms are fed oxygen, mixed,
retained for a period of time, then settled.
Most waste treatment plants use the
activated sludge treatment system to
reduce the soluble (dissolved) organic
strength waste before the waste water is
discharged to a river, stream or lake.
This reduction in organic strength is
accomplished not only because the
United States Environmental Protection
Agency requires it but also because the
waste water would quickly deplete the
oxygen in the receiving stream. The
publicly owned treatment works objective
is to remove organic and solid and soluble
organic waste. Anything that threatens
the achievement of this goal is a concern
of the facility.
Drain Disposability
Drain disposability is a term loosely used
to denote the environmental friendliness
of a particular waste when it is put in a
sewer system. In the case of activated
sludge systems, drain disposability would
mean that the waste water can be treated
without hurting the microorganisms,
within the capability of the air supply
system (aeration) and within the
treatment time (detention time). Drain
disposability largely depends on the
308 Liquid Penetrant Testing
strength of the waste. Strength of waste is
measured with the five day biological
oxygen demand test, which measures the
depletion of oxygen from primarily
microbiological metabolism (respiration).
The higher the biological oxygen demand,
the larger the tank capacity and air
requirements. Liquid penetrant materials
that result in low biological oxygen
demand values are more likely to be
treated within the detention time allotted
by publicly owned treatment works to
treat waste water. In some tests, all oil
based materials tested resulted in oxygen
uptake rates below normal requirements
whereas most surfactant based samples
tested exceeded the maximum allowable
range. In summary, all liquid penetrant
products exerted certain amount of
organic strength measured as biological
oxygen demand and thus may require
pretreatment before disposal to publicly
owned treatment works.
Techniques of
Posttreatment of Liquid
Penetrant Rinsings for
Pollution Control
Several liquid penetrant waste purification
processes result in water pure enough to
reuse in the rinsing step. Most of these
processes rely on posttreatment of the
rinsings. Posttreatment processes for
liquid penetrant rinsings can be placed
into four groups: (1) chemical destruction
of the emulsion; (2) molecular filtration,
such as reverse osmosis; (3) absorption of
the emulsion onto a suitable substrate;
and (4) a remover that forms an unstable
emulsion that separates easily. Each of
these techniques of pollution control is
described in detail below.
Technique for Chemical
Destruction of Water Liquid
Surface active agents that allow liquid
penetrant removal by water also stabilize
the resulting emulsion. These surfactants
can be destroyed by oxidizing agents. One
of the most effective oxidizing agents is
potassium permanganate. With the
surface active agent destroyed, the fine
emulsion can separate. The oily
constituent is absorbed onto the
manganese dioxide floc that forms and
settles out when the permanganate reacts.
This oxidation is a slow process. If
permanganate is added to the collected
rinsings in an amount equal to that of the
liquid penetrant and the mixture is not
heated, it takes about 2 h to break the
emulsion. At this point, a small excess of
ferrous chloride must be added to the
collected rinsings to decompose any
unreacted permanganate. The resulting
ferric oxide floc helps absorb more liquid
The liquid penetrant floc mixture can
be easily separated by filtration or
decantation but the technique is slow.
Pound for pound, permanganate is more
expensive than liquid penetrant. Finally,
the chemical additions must be
painstakingly balanced so that something
more obnoxious than the original liquid
penetrant does not go down the sewer
Reverse Osmosis Technique for
Removal of Waste Liquid
In reverse osmosis, the impure water is
forced through an osmotic membrane
under pressures up to 2.80 MPa
(400 lb
). In a single stage, from half
to three fourths of the water passes
through the membrane. The
contaminants that cannot pass through
the membrane are concentrated in the
remaining waste water. Although such
equipment is primarily used to separate
pure water from mineral laden water, it
also works well with water washable
liquid penetrants that are surfactant
Figure 7 shows schematically how a
membrane separator works and includes a
simple flow diagram. This is a soluble oil
waste treatment system in which the
separation is nearly quantitative.
Beginning with municipal water laden
with 2000 gg
of emulsified liquid
penetrant (chemical oxygen demand
about 4000 gg
), it is possible to salvage
65 percent of the water. This recovered
water contains less than 10 gg
impurities, largely a water soluble
emulsifying agent, and had a chemical
oxygen demand of 60 gg
. The waste
water is about 35 percent of the total. This
waste water contains over 90 percent of
the mineral content of the original sample
and all but a trace of the original liquid
penetrant. Its chemical oxygen demand is
around 18 000 gg
. The reverse osmosis
process concentrates the oily contaminant
into 35 percent of the original waste
water, which is still too bulky for disposal.
However, this concentrated waste can be
forced through another osmotic
membrane to salvage more pure water
and shrink the volume of the waste water.
Performance of Osmotic Liquid
Penetrant Removal System
In one series of tests with the permeator
of Fig. 7, liquid penetrant rinsings were
subjected to three stages of purification.
309 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
Overall, about 94 percent of the rinsings
was salvaged as pure water. The efficiency
of the separation, as well as the rate of
output, dropped as more concentrated
water was fed to the permeator. The
purified water from the first stage
separation had a chemical oxygen
demand of 60 gg
. By the third stage,
enough impurities were passing to raise
the chemical oxygen demand to
110 gg
. Table 2 shows the chemical
oxygen demand values for the initial
rinsings along with the values for reject
and product water for each of the three
successive stages.
This does not represent much
contamination but there is another limit
on the degree of waste concentration that
can be obtained. The mineral content of
the waste water also increases at each
stage. Eventually it exceeds the solubility
and precipitates out to form scale on the
membrane, which stops further action.
The scale can be removed but only by
shutting down the permeator and
flushing it out with scale dissolving
The permeator can treat from 6 to 10 L
(1.5 to 2.5 gal) of water per minute,
depending on impurity level, pressure and
separation ratio. Unfortunately, it is
damaged by traces of chlorine and oil in
water. In addition, it still requires disposal
of a significant volume of waste materials.
There are a variety of membrane materials
and configurations. Membranes are made
from polymers, stainless steel and
ceramics. Membrane selection is based on
the size of the particles to be separated
and the chemistry of the effluent stream
as it relates to the chemistry of the
The standard membrane delivery
system is a dead end filtration, so called
because the feed fluid flow is directed at a
right angle to the membrane without any
attempt to control the thickness of the
concentrate boundary layer at the filters
surface. Rapid buildup of retained solids
to the membrane surface and continuous
buildup of materials severely limit the
flow and separation of the effluent. The
most widely used dead end filters are the
cartridge filters. Generally the cartridge
filters are limited to feed streams of low
viscosity and solid content. Once the filter
flow rate has dropped off to an
unaccepted level, the cartridge filter must
be discarded.
To achieve relief from the
accumulation of rejected effluent
materials and the increasing pressure
drop, filtration systems have been
developed to flow the effluent stream
parallel to the membranes surface in cross
flow filtration, or tangential flow filtration.
In tangential flow filtration, the effluent
feed is pumped at a high velocity in an
attempt to shear away the concentration
polarization layer and minimize its effect
on the separation. Turbulent flow designs
310 Liquid Penetrant Testing
FIGURE 7. Schematic cross section drawing of permeator showing membrane used to pass oil
free water radially outward and retain oily contaminants in tubular enclosure.
oil feed
Oil concentrate
Ultrafiltration process
TABLE 2. Effect of successive rinses on
waste water purity.
Chemical Oxygen Demand
Stage Waste Product
Initial 4000
1 18000 50
2 32000 75
3 66000 110
operate at high shear rates and achieve
higher filtration efficiencies.
Conventional tangential flow filtration
configurations include plate and frame,
spiral wound (stacks of membrane sheets
with turbulent promoting screens
between layers), hollow fibers (bundles of
filament membranes) and tubular designs
(membrane tubes). The spiral wound
configuration is easily serviced and is the
most energy efficient tangential flow filter
design. It is used in the food, chemical
and environmental industries for
ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis
Reuse of Separated Pure
The separated pure water can be drained
into the sewer or it can be reused in the
liquid penetrant removal process. The
small amount of impurities that passed
through the first stage did not increase
after six cycles of liquid penetrant reuse
and contamination. Table 3 shows the
chemical oxygen demand values of the
product water after six cycles of reuse (see
chart). Different liquid penetrants should
be checked for compatibility and
processing characteristics.
Liquid Penetrant Removal
by Adsorption
Studies have shown that the clarification
of effluent containing liquid penetrant
waste also can be accomplished by the
adsorption technique. It is essentially
based on the affinity of certain absorbent
particles toward typical ingredients of
liquid penetrants. In practice, the oil
contaminant is extracted by stirring
vigorously 7 kg (15 lb) of absorbent into
10 000 L (2600 gal) of waste water
containing about 0.06 percent liquid
penetrant. A solution of a flocculating
agent is then added and the treated batch
can be separated by any of the following
techniques: (1) stratification, (2) filtration
or (3) centrifugation.
Stratification for Recovery of
Waste Water
Flocculated solid particles settle loosely at
the bottom of the tank, allowing the
purified water to be decanted off. The
bottom layer (about 20 percent of the
original volume) will then have to
undergo further processing such as
evaporation or filtration to reduce it to a
more easily disposable, compact, wet solid
Filtration for Recovery of Waste
The filtration of the treated effluent batch
can be accomplished by using a precoated
horizontal plate filter. The end products of
this technique are purified water (oil
content is about 25 gg
) and a wet solid
cake that has only slightly more bulk than
the removed liquid penetrant itself.
Centrifugation for Recovery of
Waste Water
A successful extraction of solid particles of
clay from the treated batch of effluent was
also achieved by means of a simple cream
separator. However, a continuous
separation would require special
equipment that, although industrially
available, is much more expensive than
an ordinary centrifuge.
Water Immiscible Solvent
Another approach to the effluent problem
is the removal of nonwater washable
liquid penetrants by aqueous dispersions
of volatile, water immiscible solvents. This
results in an effluent whose typical
composition is as follows: (1) 99 percent
water, (2) 0.98 percent solvent and
(3) 0.02 percent liquid penetrant.
The mutual compatibility of the liquid
penetrant and solvent remover and their
combined immiscibility in water
predetermines an easy separation of water
by centrifugation or gravity stratification
in a holding tank. Apart from exhibiting a
slight bluish fluorescence, the recovered
water is sufficiently uncontaminated (oil
content less than 100 gg
) to be
disposed of as a regular aqueous waste.
The density of the removing solvent must
be either lighter than water or heavier
than water in order for it to be separated
by centrifugation or gravity. The
considerably smaller volume of the
311 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
TABLE 3. Purity of separated water after
six cycles of reuse.
Cycle Chemical Oxygen Depletion
Number (gg
1 60.8
2 57.6
3 57.2
4 64.0
5 48.0
6 64.0
remaining remover liquid penetrant
mixture can then be distilled to recover
the volatile solvent, leaving behind
proportionally minute quantities of
somewhat contaminated liquid penetrant.
Or it can be skimmed off and collected for
disposal as oily waste. The solvent fraction
will have mostly liquid penetrant oils and
traces of water and can be incinerated or
used as a fuel blend.
It follows that the solvent removal of
liquid penetrants represents a foundation
for a closed circuit system that eliminates
effluent entirely by reusing water and the
remover and by collecting the liquid
penetrant waste in concentrated form.
Technique for Liquid
Penetrant Waste
Purification with Activated
The technique of filtration through
activated carbon and other filter media for
decolorizing is a well known and
established technique. It is usually carried
out by making a slurry of carbon in the
liquid from which the color is to be
removed and by heating it if possible.
After a suitable reaction time, which may
vary from a few minutes to several hours
depending on the nature of the coloring
matter and its concentration, the carbon
is separated by filtration. Where large
amounts of color have to be removed, it is
generally necessary to repeat the process
several times. It is clearly a batch process
suffering from limitations of time and
However, it has been found that it is
possible to achieve the same end by
allowing the effluent to flow through a
bed of activated carbon and other filter
media on a continuous basis. Two major
factors determine the success of this
technique. First, the type and particle size
of carbon and filter medium is specific for
a particular emulsion and apparently
depends on its hydrophilic lipophilic
balance (HLB). Secondly, the ratio of the
rate of flow of effluent to the volume of
carbon is highly critical in determining
the rate at which color is removed. This in
turn varies with the amount of
contamination present in the carbon and
filter medium, so that the rate of removal
of color reduces as the degree of
contamination of the filter media
Mechanisms of Waste Purification
by Carbon Filtration
Waste purification is not simply a matter
of removing the organic dyes by a process
of adsorption but rather a combination of
this and filtration. This is confirmed by
the fact that a combination of activated
carbon and filter aid, such as for example,
pearlite or diatomaceous earth, is more
effective than either one of these on its
own. If only carbon is used, the oily
matter in the effluent quite soon forms an
oily coating on the carbon particles that
effectively prevents their functioning as
adsorbents for the dye. If only pearlite or
diatomaceous earth is used, only a
filtration effect is attained, with little or
no adsorption of dye taking place.
Experimental work has shown that a
sandwich arrangement, whereby the
effluent flows first through the filter aid
and subsequently through the activated
carbon, practically doubles filter life, that
is, its capacity to function before reaching
actual or apparent saturation.
Recycling of Purified Water after
Carbon Filtration
Carbon filtration, with the correct grades
of carbon and filter aid, will produce
clean water that may be discharged to
waste. The only contaminants that may
still be present in the water are the
strongly hydrophilic elements of the
surfactant system of the liquid penetrant
or emulsifier. If the water is to be
discharged to waste, it is important that
only surfactants that can be readily and
substantially broken down by biological
organisms like biodegradable detergents
be used in the liquid penetrant or
emulsifier formulation.
In the present state of knowledge, the
choice of suitable nonionics that also
meet the other required criteria is limited.
However, a postemulsified liquid
penetrant process in which a hydrophilic
liquid penetrant remover is used presents
a further problem if the rinse water is
recirculated. Under such conditions the
concentration of liquid penetrant remover
in the rinse water gradually builds up to a
level where it causes excessive foaming.
This foam is deposited and dries on the
parts being processed, staining them and
thus hindering inspection.
Adsorption of Surfactants
onto Carbon
Certain types of carbon are capable of
removing surfactants. However, it was
discovered that types of carbon that
remove surfactants have no decolorizing
properties with respect to the type of dye
generally used in fluorescent liquid
penetrants. Therefore, one has to adopt a
sandwich arrangement of the two types of
carbon, separated by a perforated plate,
set up so that the effluent water passes
312 Liquid Penetrant Testing
first through the layer of decolorizing
carbon and thereafter through the layer of
carbon that removes the surfactants. It
was also found that if the order of the two
carbon types is reversed or if they are
intimately mixed or blended, the desired
effect is not produced. Reverting,
therefore, to what has been said
previously about filter aids, a three layered
sandwich consisting of one layer of filter
aid and two layers of carbon is required
for some applications. Disposal of the
saturated carbon is best carried out by
incineration, which destroys the adsorbed
organic matter. If the quantities justify it,
regeneration of the carbon may be
economically attractive.
Carbon Filters with Hydrophilic
In view of the relatively high price of
activated carbon, the cost of the carbon
filter process is not insignificant and ways
of improving the economics have
therefore been sought. One technique
that shows worthwhile savings uses a
postemulsifiable hydrophobic liquid
penetrant in conjunction with a
hydrophilic liquid penetrant remover. In
such a system, a preliminary water rinse is
carried out before immersion in the liquid
penetrant remover. This rinse removes the
bulk of the excess liquid penetrant by
mechanical action without forming an
emulsion. Then, this liquid penetrant may
be recovered from the water by a
centrifuge or coalescer. Both achieve
almost 100 percent separation, producing
clean water for reuse or discharge and
actually recovering usable liquid
penetrant. In one particular installation,
about 4 L (1 gal) of liquid penetrants
(representing about 65 percent by volume
of the total dragout) are recovered daily.
This process, which may be carried out
continuously, achieves a double effect. It
economizes in expensive liquid penetrant
and, by ensuring that far less liquid
penetrant is carried over to the second
rinse, reduces the amount of liquid
penetrant to be removed by the carbon
filter, thus increasing its service life and
reducing the operating costs of the
313 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
Hydrophilic Concept for
Recovery of Liquid
The prewash or prerinse concept, which
uses a postemulsifiable liquid penetrant
and a hydrophilic emulsifier, is known as
the hydrophilic postemulsification liquid
penetrant process. This process permits
recycling of the wash water. The
technique calls for removing the bulk of
the postemulsifiable liquid penetrant from
the surface with a plain water wash before
treatment with an emulsifier. Properly
formulated postemulsifiable liquid
penetrant used in the prewash mode will
yield nonemulsified effluent that separates
by gravity when agitation ceases. The
liquid penetrant should float for easy
removal by skimming and for possible
reuse if carefully collected. The water that
remains on the bottom of the collection
tank may also be reused in the prerinse
step. Further processing may be required
if separation is incomplete as evidenced
by discoloration or organic
contamination. The prewash concept can
be used in closed loop liquid penetrant
processes where waste water and
unexpended liquid penetrants are recycled
through the system rather than expelled
into the environment.
Prewash Concept for
Recovery of Liquid
Another approach to control of liquid
penetrant waste pollution uses a
nonwater washable liquid penetrant and
gravity separation. This system permits
recycling of the liquid penetrant as well as
the rinse water. The technique calls for
removing the bulk of the nonwater
washable liquid penetrant from the
surface with a plain water wash before
treatment with an emulsifier. Therefore,
the principal effluent of this prewash
technique is a nonemulsified mixture of
liquid penetrant oil and water; the
mixture quickly and completely separates
by gravity. The liquid penetrant is
skimmed off. The water is drawn from the
holding tank and recirculated. The
prewash concept can be useful in closed
loop liquid penetrant processes where
waste water and unexpended liquid
penetrants are recycled through the
system rather than expelled into the
Development of Prewash Concept
In 1967, data were presented showing
that higher liquid penetrant system
performance and greater reliability were
possible with the prewash approach.
Test data support the hypothesis that
emulsifier contact time is not as critical in
this system as in lipophilic
Potential Advantages of Prewash
The prewash system answers two
contemporary exigencies: conservation of
petroleum derived products and water
pollution control. Its use results in lower
material costs. Also, lower pollution
abatement expenses will be experienced as
the primary wash water is recycled
without treatment and the second wash
water is recycled with only minimal
treatment. This is accomplished with a
liquid penetrant system that (according to
some authorities) has higher levels of
performance and reliability than the
existing water washable and
postemulsifiable techniques.
Potential Advantages of the
Hydrophilic Technique
The main advantage of the prewash
technique from an environmental
standpoint is control of water pollution. If
recycling of the liquid penetrant is
possible, the decrease in material costs is
an added benefit. Pollution abatement
expenses will decrease also as the primary
wash water is recycled without treatment.
Example of Prewash Separation of
Liquid Penetrant Oil and Water
Figure 8 compares the effluent generated
by the prewash process to the effluents of
the conventional water washable
lipophilic and postemulsification
processes. The prewash effluent shown in
beaker 2 is in two layers: liquid penetrant
oil and water. The liquid penetrant floats
whereas the water is completely clean
314 Liquid Penetrant Testing
PART 5. Recycling of Water Effluent and
Postemulsifiable Liquid Penetrant
except for a few globules clinging to the
sides of the beaker. Effluents in the other
two beakers are stable, colored emulsions.
The first beaker contains the effluent of
a water washable fluorescent liquid
penetrant. The effluent in the third beaker
is a mixture of a postemulsifiable
fluorescent liquid penetrant and a
lipophilic emulsifier. For photographic
purposes, the effluents are 10 percent
solutions, much higher than would result
in practice. However, even though more
concentrated than found under actual
conditions, the results of stable, colored
emulsions from the nonprewash processes
and a floating liquid penetrant from the
prewash process are accurately portrayed
in the photograph.
Economic Feasibility of
Liquid Penetrant Waste
Water Clarification
In many localities, effluents from
nonprewash liquid penetrant processes
cannot go directly to the sewer. They
require extensive treatment (1) to break
the emulsion, (2) to separate the organics
and (3) to clarify the water. Although
water may be reclaimed after expensive
processing, the separated liquid penetrant
and emulsifier oils will be chemically
altered and the economics of reclaiming
these materials might be questioned. If
the effluent is not an emulsion, then
treatment costs are reduced. A
nonemulsified effluent separates by
gravity. Whether the pollutants float to
the top of the tank or sink to the bottom
depends on their specific gravity. In either
case, separation takes place without
expensive filtration or chemical addition.
Therefore, a nonemulsified effluent can
minimize water clarification cost.
Equipment for Prewash
Separation of Liquid Penetrant
and Water
The equipment required to capture and
recycle liquid penetrant and rinse water
from the prewash stage need not be
elaborate. However, coalescers,
precipitators, aerators, flocculators or
similar devices are available to improve
and hasten separation, especially if the
water is going to be reused. In addition,
there need be no chemical treatment of
the effluent. The equipment needs only to
use the gravity separation principle. Such
equipment may involve holding tanks
that allow the liquid penetrant to be
skimmed from the surface of the tank or
the water to be drained from the bottom.
Comparison of Hydrophilic with
Lipophilic Liquid Penetrant
Using the hydrophilic technique is like
using the lipophilic postemulsification
technique inasmuch as a postemulsifiable
liquid penetrant is used for both.
Nevertheless, the two processes differ
slightly. In the hydrophilic process, a
plain water wash precedes application of
an emulsifying agent. Also, instead of a
full strength emulsifier solution, the
hydrophilic system relies on a very dilute
solution of hydrophilic emulsifier. The
hydrophilic and lipophilic systems are
distinguished elsewhere in this volume.
Although an additional step is required to
perform the hydrophilic process, this
disadvantage may be more than offset by
savings in the costs of material and
reclaiming rinse water.
Principles of Operation of
Hydrophilic Liquid
Penetrant Systems
Prewashing with plain water physically
removes from the surface all but a trace of
the liquid penetrant. How completely the
liquid penetrant is removed depends on
factors such as (1) surface roughness,
(2) water pressure and scrubbing action,
(3) duration of the wash and (4) liquid
penetrant characteristics such as viscosity
and adhesive properties. On a typical
turbine blade, for example, a nonwater
washable fluorescent liquid penetrant
with balanced adhesive and cohesive
properties and relatively low viscosity will
be removed from the surface with a water
wash so that the remaining liquid
penetrant is only a microscopic film, as
315 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
FIGURE 8. Prewash liquid penetrant effluent floats (center
beaker) whereas effluents from water washable (hydrophilic)
liquid penetrant (left) and postemulsifiable (lipophilic) liquid
penetrant (right) form emulsions.
3PT10 (287-324) 8/13/99 12:47 PM Page 315
judged from its appearance under either
white light or ultraviolet radiation.
Removal of Microscopic Surface
Film of Liquid Penetrant after
Plain Water Wash
After removing all but a trace of the
surface liquid penetrant with water, the
next step is to convert this remaining
nonwater washable liquid penetrant to a
water miscible product, so it can be
washed completely from the surface. This
is accomplished by applying a hydrophilic
emulsifier. Because the remaining liquid
penetrant film is microscopically thin, the
coating of hydrophilic emulsifier can also
be microscopically thin. This contrasts
with the conventional postemulsifiable
process where a heavy layer of liquid
penetrant requires a heavy layer of
emulsifier. With the hydrophilic
technique, only a thin coat of emulsifier
is needed.
The final wash effluent is produced by
the thin film of liquid penetrant and
overlying film of hydrophilic emulsifier.
Although it is an emulsion, it is highly
diluted. If it were determined that this
effluent required treatment, the cost of
such treatment would be greatly reduced.
A charcoal filter may provide a practical
means of handling the final effluent.
Example of Hydrophilic
Treatment of Jet Engine
Turbine Blades
For demonstration purposes, the white
light photograph of Fig. 9 shows the three
stages of the hydrophilic process on a set
of relatively smooth turbine blades. Blade
1 is coated with fluorescent liquid
penetrant. Blade 2 has received a prewash.
Blade 3 has gone through the complete
processing cycle, including treatment in a
5 percent solution of emulsifier. The
procedure for removing the residual liquid
penetrant after the prewash is to immerse
the blade in the weak hydrophilic
emulsifier solution, remove it and allow it
to drain for 60 to 120 s. Then the blade is
flushed with water. Allowing the
emulsifier solution to drain back to the
tank conserves the solution and
minimizes waste water contamination by
reducing dragout. Also, because the water
portion of the emulsifier solution
substantially evaporates during the drain,
the solution concentrates for maximum
Before using this procedure, allowing
the emulsifier to sit on the part, a test
should be run to determine that
discontinuity detection is not degraded.
Evaluation of Hydrophilic
Technique on Liquid
Penetrant System Monitor
Figure 10 is a composite ultraviolet
radiation photograph that again illustrates
the three stages of the process. The test
piece is a liquid penetrant system monitor
panel. This stainless steel panel has a
chrome strip with five induced crack
centers of varying magnitude whereas the
balance of the panel has been sand
blasted. The panel facilitates simultaneous
sensitivity and washability evaluation. At
316 Liquid Penetrant Testing
FIGURE 9. White light photograph shows three stages of
prewash system: blade 1, liquid penetrant coated; blade 2,
following plain water wash; and blade 3, after process
FIGURE 10. Ultraviolet fluorescent photograph shows three
stages of prewash system on liquid penetrant system
monitor panel: liquid penetrant coated panel (left), following
plain water wash (center) and after process completed
the left of the composite photograph, the
panel is shown after being coated with
fluorescent liquid penetrant. In the
middle position, the panel has been
washed, substantially removing the liquid
penetrant from the smooth chrome plated
strip. The quantity of liquid penetrant
remaining on the blasted section may be
considered objectionable. The right
section shows the panel after full
processing; four or five crack patterns are
clearly delineated and the fluorescent
background on the blasted section is at an
acceptable level.
317 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
Clarification of Waste
Water Containing Liquid
Penetrant and Emulsifier
Modern inspection liquid penetrants are
commonly made in the form of the oil
phase system. This oil phase structure
includes both postemulsifiable and water
washable materials. The essential
difference between the two types of
materials is that, in the postemulsifier
process, the emulsifier (detergent) is a
separate process material whereas, in the
water washable liquid penetrant process,
the emulsifier is included as a constituent
of the liquid penetrant.
The liquid penetrant process causes
problems of water pollution generally
produced by industrial and household
detergents and by solubilized oils such as
industrial cutting oils and inspection
liquid penetrants. A suitable clarifier
material acts to precipitate detergent
materials out of solution and permits
separation from water by means of a
conventional settling tank clarifier
(described below) or a continuous flow
centrifugal separator. The clarifier material
completely precipitates and adsorbs
dissolved detergents along with
complexed oils, solvent couplers and
fluorescent dyes, leaving only a few parts
per million of dissolved residue.
Function of Detergents in
Oil Phase Liquid
The function of the detergent ingredient
in oil phase liquid penetrants is to render
the oil constituent of the material
emulsifiable in water. The detergent acts
to combine with the oily liquid penetrant
and when test parts coated with the liquid
penetrant/detergent mixture are washed
with water, the liquid penetrant oil is
flushed from the test surfaces and is
emulsified and partially solubilized.
The mechanics of oil emulsification
imply that water added to an emulsifiable
oil mixture forms molecular clusters
known as micelles. These micelles become
enlarged as water is added, until a point is
reached where they become unstable and
break apart into oil-detergent fragments
that disperse in the water through
dilution. Similar emulsification and
solution mechanisms occur in virtually
every soap and detergent composition.
Hence, it is possible to group all soaps,
emulsifiable oils and liquid penetrants
together, insofar as their solution
mechanism is concerned.
Detergents Producing True
Solutions of Oil in Water
In some cases, where the detergent system
in the emulsifier is designed for such
purposes, the oil constituent of the liquid
penetrant may be carried into true
solution. According to the classic micelle
theory, such materials remain as stable
oil-water micelle clusters even with very
large additions of water. Resulting
mixtures often have the clarity of true
solutions and behave in all respects like
true solutions.
When industrial process materials that
contain detergents are dispersed in wash
water, an unusual form of pollution
occurs. Many modern detergents of
nonionic nature do not respond to
chemical treatment, as do some ionic
solutes. Also, the water mixtures are
essentially free from solid matter, except
for solid soil carried into suspension by
detergent action. Hence, detergent
containing water wastes possess a type of
pollution or contamination that is
difficult to extract from the water.
Pollution Resulting from
In the postemulsifier liquid penetrant
system, contamination of wash water
effluent by oil carryover on parts may be
minimized by removal of excess oil before
the step of emulsification by using a high
pressure spray of water. The water
insoluble liquid penetrant floats to the
surface of the water in a sump tank and
may be recovered by means of a simple
weir arrangement. Although this helps in
the overall problem of water pollution, it
still leaves the water contamination that
results from the emulsifier used in the
process. Lipophilic emulsifiers are
themselves mixtures of oil and detergent
318 Liquid Penetrant Testing
PART 6. Clarification and Distillation Recovery of
Waste Water
Effects of Detergent
Contamination of Lakes
and Streams
Modern detergents, both industrial and
household, have presented tremendous
problems of water pollution. Several years
ago, the detergent manufacturers were
seeking commercially acceptable detergent
products that were readily biodegradable.
The idea was that all would be well if
effluent waters containing such
compounds would readily decompose or
be eaten up by biological organisms.
Unfortunately, the idea of enhancing
biodegradability of detergents did not
solve the pollution problem. Some lakes
and streams have such high concentration
of detergent contaminants that thick
layers of foam or suds remain and act to
choke off oxygen from marine life. In
certain cases of high biodegradability,
algae proliferate to the point where the
algae consume all the nutrients in the
water. Then the algae die and create
further damage by exhausting the water
of dissolved oxygen through the process
of decay and decomposition called
eutrophication. It is becoming more and
more evident that the only permanent
solution to the problem of detergent
pollution of water is to remove the
detergent contaminants before the waste
water is discharged into outfall sewers or
into waterways.
Some detergents contain nonionic
surfactants that are easily biodegradable.
However, the issue of oxygen depletion by
these surfactants has necessitated
regulatory controls for waste water
Possible Techniques for
Clarifiers to Precipitate
Detergent Wastes
A possible useful approach to the
extraction of detergent contaminants
from water has been found in clarifier
materials that have a unique property of
causing the precipitation of the detergent
substances out of a water solution.
Although there may be some detergent
materials that do not respond to the
clarification action of a suitable clarifier,
no such material has yet been found. The
clarifier serves to completely precipitate
all types of detergents, regardless of
whether their chemistry has a linear or
branched chain nature.
In physical form, the clarifier is a fine,
white, inert powder that may be readily
dispersed in water. If used in the
dispersion mode, the clarifier is simply
stirred into the waste water being treated
and is allowed to settle, as in a settling
tank clarifier. Another technique of usage
is the filtration mode, in which the
clarifier powder is included as part or all
of the filter bed. Conventional nylon
fabric grids in a spin filter configuration
may be used to retain the clarifier powder.
After use, the clarifier powder along with
precipitated detergents may be recovered
by conventional backwash and flushing
Chemical Behavior of Clarifier
In many respects, the clarifier behaves in
accordance with normal chemical
principles. The clarifiers adsorption and
precipitating action is a predictable
function of mole ratios of the clarifier and
the detergent material in the waste water.
However, the reaction of the clarifier goes
beyond a simple precipitation reaction
with detergents.
It has been found that the effect of oil
solubilization in the presence of
detergents is such that molecular clusters
(or micelles) of oil, detergent and water
occur as more or less firmly bound
complexes. The result is that when the
detergent substance becomes precipitated
by reaction with a clarifier, it carries down
with it the various other constituents that
may be present in the micelle structure.
This phenomenon extends even to
fluorescent dyes and certain solvent
couplers that may be present in an
emulsifier or water washable liquid
A typical water washable liquid
penetrant consists of a mineral oil, an
oil-water emulsifying detergent, a solvent
coupler and one or more fluorescent dyes.
When clarifier is added to the water, a
precipitation of the detergent takes place.
In addition, many of the related
constituents are carried down out of the
solution along with the detergent, leaving
water with only a few parts per million of
residual contamination.
Some pollutants in water take the form
of colloidal dispersions or partial solutions
of oil. Waste water of this kind may be
purified in a two-step process, in which a
detergent is first added to the waste water
to initiate the formation of oil-detergent
micelles, after which clarifier is added to
the water. When the detergent is
precipitated, it carries down with it the
dispersed oil along with any other
contaminants that can form micelle
complexes with the detergent.
Determination of Reaction Ratios
of Clarifier
If it is desired to provide an economically
attractive process of water purification, it
319 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
is necessary that the clarifier material be
used at its highest possible efficiency. For
rapid and complete precipitation, a slight
excess of clarifier or some simple means
must be used to determine when the
clarifier is completely consumed.
The technique of mixing clarifier into
waste water and subsequent removal of
the precipitate by settling or centrifuging
provides a highly efficient process. The
clarifier particles normally remain
suspended in the water for a sufficient
time to permit the precipitation reaction
to go to completion. On settling or
centrifuging, the detergent and other
complexed materials are separated from
the water, leaving only a few parts per
million of dissolved material. In this
mode of usage, it is desirable to determine
the percent of detergent contamination of
the waste water in order to add the
correct quantity of clarifier.
Technique of Filtering Waste
Water through Clarifier
In the filter mode of usage, waste water
containing dissolved detergents and
complexed oils is pumped through a filter
bed or clarifier. In this process, the waste
water passes through the filter bed
rapidly, so that the precipitation reaction
may not go to completion in one pass
through the filter. Recirculation of the
water through the filter will serve to
extract the dissolved detergents fully. In
this mode of usage, it is desirable to know
when the filter bed of clarifier becomes
The detergency of the waste water may
be determined by relatively simple
techniques. One such technique involves
the evaluation of surface tension of the
water and comparison with samples
having known detergency. Thus, it is not
difficult to determine the detergent
content of waste water, either before or
after treatment with clarifier. Certain
techniques of fluorescence analysis permit
the quantitative measurement of residual
contaminants by the degree of
fluorescence response.
Clarifier Equipment for Separating
Solid Precipitates from Water
Dissolved detergents are precipitated by a
clarifier in the form of particulate solids.
This solid material may be separated from
the water by means of a settling tank
clarifier or by means of a continuous flow
centrifugal separator. The settling tank
clarifier consists of a large circular tank
with a shallow sloping bottom. Water
containing suspended particles is pumped
into the tank where particles settle to the
bottom and clear water flows over a weir
at the top. A rotating scraper moves the
settled sludge in such a way that it passes
out through an exit port in the bottom of
the tank. This type of equipment requires
a fairly large tank area and the movement
of the water must be slow enough to
permit settling of the fine particles of
suspended matter.
Centrifugal separation may be
accomplished with equipment
considerably smaller and somewhat more
efficient in operation than the settling
tank clarifier. Here the water is injected
into a vertical cylindrical tank rotating at
high speed. Centrifugal force drives the
heavy suspended particles toward the
walls of the tank. A screw conveyor or
spiral scraper blade moves the separated
sludge toward the bottom of the tank and
out through a conical orifice. The purified
water flows over a weir lip at the top of
the tank and is recovered.
Recovery of Clarifier Material for
The clarifier material is consumed while
dissolved detergent is precipitated.
However, the reaction is reversible in the
same way that water softening reactions
are reversible. Thus, the exhausted
clarifier may be reclaimed, reconstituted
and reused.
Onsite Clarification of Waste
Waste water that contains detergents and
oil/detergent complexes and that is
discharged into sewage lines may first be
treated by the clarifier process. Systems for
treating water by county sanitation
departments or by municipalities must be
properly designed and engineered with
regard to appropriate projections of flow
rates. In addition, accessory systems must
be included for recovery and recycling of
the clarifier material and the detergents
and oils that are removed from the water.
For such onsite clarification, small units
may be constructed from currently
available components. Various bag or grid
filters are available, as are various sizes of
centrifugal separators. Recovery and
recycling of the clarifier material itself
could be carried out in separate processing
Closed Loop Liquid
Penetrant Testing System
The closed loop concept evolved from the
desire to implement an apparently simple
and obvious expedient of recovering the
liquid penetrant process materials for
reuse. However, the implementation of
this idea was not all that simple. First, it
320 Liquid Penetrant Testing
should be noted that complete recovery of
the process materials will not be possible
if any of the materials undergo a
substantial physical chemical change
during use.
One of the reasons for failure of water
purification and chemical recovery
systems in the case of emulsified oils is
the fact that the liquid penetrant oil
undergoes a substantial physical change
by being emulsified in the wash water.
The micelles or molecular clusters of oil
and detergent become tightly bound to
water molecules and then resist
Slow Solubility Liquid Penetrants
Some water washable fluorescent liquid
penetrants, referred to as slow solubility
liquid penetrants, disperse in water without
undergoing emulsification. Thus, the
dissolved or dispersed liquid penetrant is
not tightly bound to the water in the
conventional micelle emulsion structure.
Another interesting feature of the slow
solubility liquid penetrants is that they
exhibit a high degree of discontinuity
entrapment efficiency. Their entrapments
in cracks are slow to dissolve and tend to
remain in the cracks throughout a
relatively prolonged washing period.
Depletion time constants are controllable
within broad limits, so the liquid
penetrants can be designed to meet any
desired condition of discontinuity
entrapment efficiency. (Depletion time
constants are described elsewhere.)
Another, very important feature of the
slow solubility liquid penetrants is that
they exhibit very little tendency to
become adsorbed onto fine porosity
surfaces. Conventional emulsion forming
water washable liquid penetrants and
even postemulsifiable liquid penetrants,
are characterized by an effect of
adsorption at the liquid solid interface on
test parts. Where the solid surface has a
large area, as in anodized surfaces for
example, this feature of adsorption
produces an excessive amount of
background fluorescence, resulting in poor
signal-to-noise ratio. Adsorption and
unwanted background are minimized in
the slow solubility liquid penetrants.
The first of the two new chemical
categories is exemplified by liquid
penetrants characterized by a relatively
rapid rate of wash removal with a hot
water spray wash at temperatures in the
vicinity of 55 C (130 F). The second
category liquid penetrants are chemically
different and provide progressively larger
indication depletion time constants.
Recycling Liquid Penetrant after
Solvent Distillation
The new slow solubility liquid penetrants
may be recycled in a closed loop
operation through three stages. First,
surface liquid penetrant is stripped from
parts by means of a pressure spray of wash
water. The liquid penetrant thus removed
does not dissolve rapidly in the water;
instead, it tends to float on the surface of
the wash water and may be drawn off
over a drainage weir and recovered.
Recycling of Wash Water
The wash water is circulated from a
reservoir through wash nozzles and back
to the reservoir. After considerable use,
the wash water becomes saturated with
dissolved liquid penetrant. It is necessary
to extract the dissolved liquid penetrant
continuously from the wash water to
preserve its ability to dissolve liquid
penetrant from test surfaces. This
extraction is carried out as outlined above.
If it were required to purify the used
prewash water enough to drink, liquid
penetrant contamination would have to
be reduced to a value of about 5 gg
less. For purposes of prewash treatment in
the closed loop process, it is not necessary
for wash water to be so pure.
Process Diagrams for Closed Loop
For reasons of economic feasability, the
closed loop, water washable liquid
penetrant testing technique has not been
developed commercially, specified in
standards or implemented by industry as
of 1999. The process would consist
essentially of five interlocking loops
(Fig. 11).
321 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste
FIGURE 11. Interlocking loops of closed loop system for
water washable liquid penetrant testing process.
1. Test parts would be processed through
the steps of (a) liquid penetrant
application, (b) wash removal of
surface liquid penetrant and
(c) inspection for indications.
Development, of course, would be
included as part of the inspection step.
2. Part of the liquid penetrant would
float and would be skimmed and
retained for testing to determine its
suitability for continued use.
3. Used wash water would be cycled
through a solvent extraction stage and
the purified water would be returned
to the wash water reservoir.
4. The solvent that contains extracted
dissolved liquid penetrant would be
cycled through a distillation column
and recovered solvent would be
returned to the extraction column.
5. Liquid penetrant recovered by
distillation of extraction solvent would
be retained for testing to determine its
suitability for continued use.
322 Liquid Penetrant Testing
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16. Holmgren, V. Penetrant Materials
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OH: American Society for
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p 969-970.
18. Birley, R.E., N.H. Hyam and T.
Tebbenham. Removal Techniques in
Liquid Penetrant Inspection Processes,
Their Development and Effect on
Sensitivity. Proceedings of the Fifth
International Conference on
Nondestructive Testing [Montreal,
Canada, May 1967]. Ottawa, Canada:
Queens Printer (1969): p 222-225.
323 Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste

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