6 Meilicke TP OM'06
6 Meilicke TP OM'06
6 Meilicke TP OM'06
Abstract. A lot of attention has been devoted to heuristic methods for discov-
ering semantic mappings between ontologies. Despite impressive improvements,
the mappings created by these automatic matching tools are still far from being
perfect. In particular, they often contain wrong and redundant mapping rules. In
this paper we present an approach for improving such mappings using logical
reasoning in the context of Distributed Description Logics (DDL). Our method is
orthogonal to the matching algorithm used and can therefore be used in combina-
tion with any matching tool. We explain the general idea of our approach infor-
mally using a small example and present the results of experiments conducted on
the OntoFarm Benchmark which is part of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation
1 Motivation
The problem of semantic heterogeneity is becoming more and more pressing in many
areas of information technologies. The Semantic Web is only one area where the prob-
lem of semantic heterogeneity has lead to intensive research on methods for semantic
integration. The specific problem of semantic integration on the Semantic Web is the
need to not only integrate data and schema information, but to also provide means to
integrate ontologies, rich semantic models of a particular domain. There are two lines
of work connected to the problem of a semantic integration of ontologies:
– The (semi-) automatic detection of semantic relations between ontologies (e.g., [9,
6, 11, 12, 7]).
– The representation and use of semantic relations for reasoning and query answering
(e.g., [14, 10, 5, 3, 2]).
Experiments We tested the approach using the OntoFarm data set, a set of several rich
OWL ontologies describing the domain of conference management systems [17]. We
used the CtxMatch matching tool to automatically create mappings between each of the
ontologies. We further automatically determined problems (in particular unsatisfiable
concepts) created by the mapping and tried to fix them automatically using the debug-
ging process proposed in this paper. In the concluding step of the experimental study,
we tried to compute for each mapping its logically-equivalent minimal version.
The structure of the paper is as follows. We start with a brief recall of basic def-
initions of Distributed Description Logics and explanations of the reasoning mecha-
nisms. Then we describe the intuitions of our debugging/minimization approaches us-
ing a small example. Finally, we report on some preliminary experimental evaluation of
the techniques proposed in this paper and summarize the results.
I |= Ti , if Ii |= A ⊑ B for all A ⊑ B ∈ Ti
⊒ ⊑
i : A ⊑ B1 ⊔ . . . ⊔ Bn , i : A −→ j : G, i : Bk −→ j : Hk (1 ≤ k ≤ n) (2)
j : G ⊑ H1 ⊔ . . . ⊔ H n
In this section we will explain the general idea of our approach for improving automat-
ically created mappings based on reasoning about mappings in Distributed Description
Logics using a simple example. In particular, we consider two ontologies in the domain
of conference management systems, the same domain we did our experiments in. For
each ontology, i and j, we only consider a single axiom, namely:
These simple axioms that describe the concept of a person in two different ontolo-
gies – one stating that an author is a special kind of person and the other one stating that
the concepts Person and Authorization (to access submitted papers) are disjoint concept
– are enough to explain the important features of our approach. The approach consists
of the following steps.
3.1 Mapping Creation
In the first step, we use any existing system for matching ontologies to create an initial
set of mapping hypotheses. In particular, we are interested in mappings between class
names, because these are the kinds of mappings that we can reason about using DDL
framework. In order to support automatical repair of inconsistent mappings later on,
the matching algorithm chosen should ideally not only return a set of mappings, but
also a level of confidence in the correctness of a mapping. For the sake of simplicity,
we assume that we use a simple string matching method that compares the overlap
in concept names and computes a similarity value that denotes the relative size of the
common substring1 . Mappings are created based on a threshold for this value that we
assume to be 1/3. Applying this method to the example will result in the following two
mappings with corresponding levels of confidence:
i : P erson −→ j : P erson, 1.00
i : Author −→ j : Authorization, 0.46
We further assume that the mapping method also applies some structural heuristics
to derive additional mappings and propagates the levels of confidence accordingly. For
instance, the fact that i : P erson is a superconcept of i : Author which is assumed to
be equivalent to j : Authorization may be used to derive the following mapping:
i : P erson −→ j : Authorization, 0.46
In the same way, the fact that i : Author is a subconcept of i : P erson and the fact
that i : P erson is assumed to be equivalent to j : P erson may be used to the following
addition mapping:
i : Author −→ j : P erson, 1.00
We can easily see that the process has produced two incorrect mappings, namely
the ones with a confidence of 0.46. It could be argued that it is easy to get rid of these
incorrect mappings by raising the threshold to 0.5 for instance. This however is no
sustainable solution to the problem, because there might be mappings with a level of
confidence below 0.5 that are correct, on the other hand, there might still be incor-
rect mappings with a confidence of more than 0.5. Instead of relying on artificially set
thresholds, we propose to analyze the impact of created mappings on the connected
ontologies and to eliminate mappings that have a malicious influence.
3.2 Diagnosis
The mapping set described in the last step now serves as a basis for analyzing the
effect of mappings and detecting malicious mappings. This process is similar to the
well known concept of model-based diagnosis which has already successfully been ap-
plied to the task of detecting wrong axioms in single ontologies. Similar to existing ap-
proaches for diagnosing ontologies, our starting point are unsatisfiable concepts which
of course we use more sophisticated methods in the real experiments
are interpreted as symptoms for which a diagnosis has to be computed. Compared to
the general task of diagnosing ontologies, we are in a lucky position, because we have
to deal with a much smaller set of potential diagnosis. In particular, we claim that the
ontologies connected in the first step do not contain unsatisfiable concepts. If we now
observe unsatisfiable concepts in the target ontology2 and assuming that the ontologies
themselves are correct, we know that they have to be caused by some mappings in the
mapping set.
To illustrate this situation, we can have a look at our example again. Using existing
techniques for reasoning in DDL, we can derive that the concept Authorization is glob-
ally unsatisfiable, i.e., j : AuthorizationI = ∅, because we have Authorzation ⊑
¬P erson and at the same time, we can infer Authorization ⊑ P erson. There are
two reasons for this, namely:
≡ ⊒
{i : P erson −→ j : P erson, i : P erson −→ j : Authorization}
In classical diagnosis, all conflict sets3 are computed and the diagnosis is computed
from these conflict sets using the hitting set algorithm. For the case of diagnosing map-
pings this is neither computationally feasible nor does it provide the expected result. In
our example, the hitting set would consist of the mapping i : P erson −→ j : P erson
which, as we sill see later, is the only mapping that actually carries some correct infor-
Our solution to the problem is to use an iterative approach that computes an often
not minimal hitting set by determining one conflict set at a time and immediately fixing
it in the way described in the next section. In our example, the algorithm will first
detect the second conflict and fix it, afterwards, the method checks whether the concept
j : Authorization is still inconsistent. As this is the case, the second conflict set will
be detected and fixed as well removing the problem.
the formal semantics of DDL guarantees that the addition of mappings cannot lead to unsatis-
fiable concepts in the source ontology
in classical diagnosis often only minimal conflict sets are considered
3.3 Heuristic Debugging
As mentioned above, the result of the diagnosis step is an irreducible conflict sets, in
particular a set of mappings that make a concept unsatisfiable and with the additional
property that removing one mapping from this set solves the problem in the sense that
the concept becomes satisfiable. The underlying idea of our approach is now that un-
satisfiable concepts are the result of wrong mappings. This means that each irreducible
conflict set contains at least one mapping rule that does state a correct semantic relation
between concepts and therefore should not be in the set of mappings. The goal of the
debugging step is now to identify this malicious mapping and remove it from the over-
all mapping set. If we chose the right mapping for removal the quality of the overall
mapping set should be improved, because a wrong mapping has been removed. In the
case of our example, the first irreducible conflict set that will be considered consists of
the following two mappings one of which we have to remove:
i : P erson −→ j : P erson, 1.00
i : Author −→ j : Authorization, 0.46
There are different ways now, in which a decision about the mapping to remove
could be made. The easiest way is to use an interactive approach where the conflict
sets are presented to a human user who decides which mapping should be removed.
In our case, the user will easily be able to decide that the mapping i : Author −→
j : Authorization is not correct and should be removed. In the second iteration, the
following two mappings will be in the irreducible conflict set:
i : P erson −→ j : P erson, 1.00
i : P erson −→ j : Authorization, 0.46
For this set the user will be able to see immediately that the second mapping should
be removed, because it is not correct. This approach sound trivial, but in the presence of
large mapping sets, providing the user with feedback about potential problems in terms
of small conflict sets is of great help and often reveals problems that are hard to see
when looking at the complete mapping set.
We can also try to further automate the debugging process by letting the system
decide, which mapping rule to eliminate. In cases where the matching system already
provides a measure of confidence, this is again quite simple, as we can simply remove
the mapping rule with the lowest degree of confidence. In our case this is again the rule
i : Author −→ j : Authorization and removing it will lead to a better mapping set.
It is not always possible, however, to rely on the confidence provided by the matching
system, either because the system simply does not provide any or because the levels
of confidence provided are not informative. In our experiments, we often had the situ-
ation where all mapping even though they were conflicting had a confidence of 100%
attached. In this case, we have to think of a new way of ranking mappings. An approach
that we used in our experiments that turned out to work quite well is to compute the
semantic distance of the concept names involved using WordNet synsets. For the ex-
ample above it is clear that this heuristic will also lead to an exclusion of the second
rule, because the class names in the first rule are equivalent and therefore have the least
semantic distance possible. In cases where no distinction can be made using this heuris-
tic, we have to switch back to the interactive mode and ask the user which mapping to
remove. In any cases, the debugging step leaves us with a single mapping that does
not create any inconsistencies. In order to get a complete set of correct mappings, we
can now infer all additional mappings that follow from this one which leads us to the
corrected final set of mappings in our case this final set if the following.
i : P erson −→ j : P erson, 1.00
i : Author −→ j : P erson, 1.00
In summary, the process above is a way to improve the quality of automatically gen-
erated mapping sets by means of intelligent post-processing. Using formal properties
of mappings and logical reasoning we are able to detect wrong mappings by analyzing
their impact and tracking unwanted effects back to the mapping rules that caused them.
In this our method is not yet another ontology matching method, but it is actually or-
thogonal to existing developments in the area of ontology matching as it can be applied
to any set of mappings. The approach can be extended in several directions. First of all
we can use symptoms other than concept satisfiability as a starting point for diagnosis.
Further, we can use the method on joint sets of competing mappings created by different
matching algorithms. This will help us to get a better coverage of the actual semantic
relations and the trust in the quality of the different matching algorithms provides us
with an additional criterion for selecting mappings to be discarded.
3.4 Minimization
A further improvement of the debugged mapping can be achieved by removing re-
dundant mappings - mappings that logically follow from other mappings. In [16] we
defined the notion of minimality of a mapping that we use in this context to remove re-
dundant mappings. In the example for instance, the two mappings derived using struc-
tural heuristics do not really add new information to the system, because they can be
derived from the two equivalence mappings that have been created first. In particular
i : P erson −→ j : Authorization, is redundant information, because:
Given this ontology test set, we apply the following experimental scenario. Using
the CtxMatch matching tool [4], we automatically compute mappings between pairs of
ontologies in the test set. Among the created mappings, we further identify those ones
which are capable of producing unsatisfiable classes and therefore need to be debugged
first. In the process of debugging, malicious bridge rules in mappings are automatically
diagnosed and removed in accordance with the heuristic debugging discussed in Sec-
tion 3. In the concluding step of the experimental study, we apply the minimization
algorithm to compute for each mapping a logically-equivalent minimal set of bridge
rules. Note that for those mappings which demand the debugging first the minimization
is applied to their repaired descendants.
4.2 Results
The results of applying the heuristic debugging and minimization techniques to the
automatically generated mappings are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. More infor-
mation about the test data and results can be obtained visiting the applications section
of the DRAGO reasoner web page.5
During the debugging process we performed the following measurements: the ini-
tial amount of bridge rules in the mapping to be debugged, number of classes which
become unsatisfiable due to the mapping, and finally the sets of bridge rules which are
diagnosed as malicious and are automatically removed by the debugging algorithm. Af-
ter the removal of malicious bridge rules, a mapping becomes repaired in a sense that it
is not capable of producing unsatisfiability anymore. As shown in Table 1, the results of
Removed bridge
Set of removed
classes count
Bridge rules
bridge rules
rules count
CMT-CONFTOOL 48 3 3 CM T : Conf erence −→ CON F T OOL : Organization
CM T : P erson −→ CON F T OOL : P oster
CM T : P rogramCommitteeChair −→ CON F T OOL : Event
CMT-CRS 53 1 1 CM T : Document −→ CRS : program
CMT-EKAW 116 4 5 CM T : P erson −→ F lyer
CM T : P erson −→ M ulti − author V olume
CM T : P erson −→ P roceedings
CM T : P rogramCommitteeChair −→ Social Event
CM T : P erson −→ Conf erence P roceedings
CONFTOOL-CRS 80 10 15 CON F T OOL : U niversity −→ CRS : event
CON F T OOL : Social event −→ CRS : program
CON F T OOL : Author −→ CRS : event
CON F T OOL : P erson −→ CRS : event
CON F T OOL : P articipant −→ CRS : event
CON F T OOL : Event −→ CRS : participant
CRS-CMT 53 2 3 CRS : document −→ CM T : Acceptance
CRS : document −→ CM T : P rogramCommitteeChair
CRS : program −→ CM T : P rogramCommitteeChair
CRS-CONFTOOL 80 27 30 CRS : conf erence −→ CON F T OOL : Organization
CRS : person −→ CON F T OOL : Event
CRS : person −→ CON F T OOL : P oster
CRS : document −→ CON F T OOL : Event
CRS : author −→ CON F T OOL : Event
CRS : participant −→ CON F T OOL : Event
CRS : event −→ CON F T OOL : P erson
PCS-CONFTOOL 45 5 5 P CS : Conf erence −→ CON F T OOL : Organization
P CS : Report −→ CON F T OOL : Event
P CS : Report −→ CON F T OOL : Organization
P CS : P ERSON −→ CON F T OOL : P oster
P CS : Accepted paper −→ CON F T OOL : Event
PCS-EKAW 120 4 5 P CS : P ERSON −→ EKAW : F lyer
P CS : P ERSON −→ EKAW : M ulti − author V olume
P CS : P ERSON −→ EKAW : P roceedings
P CS : W eb site −→ EKAW : Event
P CS : P ERSON −→ EKAW : Conf erence P roceedings
SIGKDD-CMT 60 1 1 SIGKDD : P rogram Committee −→ CM T : P rogramCommitteeChair
SIGKDD-CONFTOOL 72 3 3 SIGKDD : Conf erence −→ CON F T OOL : Organization
SIGKDD : P erson −→ CON F T OOL : P oster
SIGKDD : Deadline Author notif ication −→ CON F T OOL : P erson
SIGKDD-CRS 57 1 1 SIGKDD : Document −→ CRS : program
SIGKDD-EKAW 127 4 5 SIGKDD : P erson −→ EKAW : F lyer
SIGKDD : P erson −→ EKAW : M ulti − author V olume
SIGKDD : P erson −→ EKAW : P roceedings
SIGKDD : Deadline Author notif ication −→ EKAW : P erson
SIGKDD : P erson −→ EKAW : Conf erence P roceedings
Entailed bridge
reduction rate
reduction rate
Bridge rules
Bridge rules
Bridge rules
Bridge rules
rules count
rules count
CMT-CONFTOOL∗ 45 34 76% EKAW-CMT 115 96 83%
CMT-CRS∗ 52 38 73% EKAW-SIGKDD 127 95 75%
CMT-SIGKDD 59 45 76% PCS-CONFTOOL∗ 40 25 63%
CMT-EKAW∗ 111 94 85% PCS-CRS 38 21 55%
CONFTOOL-CMT 48 34 71% PCS-SIGKDD 56 36 64%
CONFTOOL-CRS∗ 65 40 62% PCS-CMT 73 58 79%
CONFTOOL-SIGKDD 75 43 57% PCS-EKAW∗ 115 96 83%
CONFTOOL-PCS 45 27 60% SIGKDD-CMT∗ 59 45 76%
CRS-CMT∗ 50 34 68% SIGKDD-CONFTOOL∗ 69 41 59%
CRS-CONFTOOL∗ 50 37 74% SIGKDD-CRS∗ 56 34 61%
CRS-SIGKDD 57 34 60% SIGKDD-PCS 56 36 64%
CRS-PCS 38 21 55% SIGKDD-EKAW∗ 122 94 77%
Table 2. Minimization results (starred mappings were first repaired applying the debugging).
applying the heuristic debugging approach proposed in Section 3 are quite reassuring –
all of the mappings automatically removed by our method are actually incorrect ones.
To estimate minimization rate we measured the initial number of bridge rules and
the amount of logically entailed bridge rules discovered by applying the minimization
technique. As summarized in Table 2, the amount of the entailed bridge rules in a certain
automatically generated mapping varies from 50 to 80% to the initial number of bridge
rules in this mapping.
5 Discussion
We have presented a method for automatically improving the result of heuristic match-
ing systems using logical reasoning. The basic idea is similar to existing work on de-
bugging ontologies and uses some non-standard inference methods for reasoning about
mappings introduced in previous work. The method feeds on the fact that most exist-
ing matching algorithms ignore the logical implications of new mappings. This gap is
filled by our method that detects malicious impacts of generated mappings and traces
them back to their source. As we have shown in the experiments, in almost all cases
(in fact in all cases observed in the experiment) the unwanted effects were caused by
wrong mappings and we were able to remove them automatically thus improving the
correctness of the generated mapping. Actually, the idea of using logical reasoning in
the matching process is not new and has been proposed by others (e.g., [7, 8]), the way
it is used in our work, however, is unique, as it is the only approach that takes the effects
of mappings into account. We believe that this additional step can significantly improve
the quality of matching methods and should be integrated in existing matching algo-
rithms as far as they are concerned with expressive ontologies that support consistency
checking. In fact, the expressiveness of the language used to encode the ontologies to
be matched seems to be the only limitation of our approach which can only be applied
if the language supports consistency checking. In our experiments, we have seen that
we can improve the correctness of matching results by removing wrong mappings. So
far, we did not quantify this improvement, this has to be done in future work.
This work was partially supported by the German Science Foundation in the Emmy-
Noether Program and by the European Union under grant FP6-507482 (KnowledgeWeb)
as part of the T-Rex exchange program.
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