Team Championships: Merseyside Schools Table Tennis Association
Team Championships: Merseyside Schools Table Tennis Association
Team Championships: Merseyside Schools Table Tennis Association
Saturday 30 th November .
Saturday 30th November 2013
To be held at
The MSTTA Individual Championships are to be arranged for February 2014. Entry Forms will be available at the Team Championships
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. All participating Schools and Colleges must be affiliated to the M.S.T.T.A. All participating Schools and Colleges must have paid appropriate team entry fees Four players per team to play in ranked order. All players must be in FULL TIME education. Eight events - Boys under 19, 16, 13 and 11, and Girls under 19, 16, 13, and 11. Ages as at 1 September 2013. Correct attire MUST be worn. NO WHITE CLOTHING. Entries to Mrs Sylvia Graham, 137 Copy Lane, Netherton,, Merseyside L30 7RF, Tel: 0151 531 8625. Closing date for entries Wednesday 20 th November 2013. Players, or teachers in charge should report no later than 15 mins before the scheduled start time of their event
9. Late arrivals holding up the competition are liable to be scratched. 10. No entries will be accepted unless accompanied by the 15 affiliation fee 11. Matches will be played best of 5 games 11 points up, changing service after every 2 points.
Please Note:
Please return to: Mrs Sylvia Graham 137 Copy Lane, Netherton, Merseyside L30 7RF Tel: 0151 531 8625 by Wednesday 20th November 2013