BM Design
BM Design
BM Design
of IR": #$%&'($ a!) the MoRT* Spec f cat o! "lause +,-. #,,,/
It is kindly submitted that the existing IRC: 27-1967, Tentative !e"i#i"ati$n #$% &itumin$us 'a"adam (&ase and &inde% C$u%se) and the g%ading I and II $# '$RT* s!e"i#i"ati$n "$m!%ises $# 'a%shall 'ix design using 1+, mm dia (6-) m$uld and 1,, mm (.-) m$uld using 1, kg and ./+ kg 'a%shall hamme% %es!e"tively/ The design $# bitumin$us ma"adam (&') is based $n the adh$" binde% "$ntent (0 t$ 0/+ !e%"ent by 1eight $# mix)/ &' mix is used as base "$u%se in #lexible !avement "$nst%u"ti$n, 1hi"h is 1idely used in India #$% m$st $# the tate *igh1ays and 2ati$nal *igh1ay !%$3e"ts/ The%e is n$ mix design !%$"edu%e and v$lumet%i" !%$!e%ties $# the mix, t$ hel! the #ield enginee%s in 4uality "$nt%$l and 4uality assu%an"e/ The%e#$%e, the%e is a need t$ $!timi5e and t$ devel$! a mix design !%$"edu%e #$% &' t$ hel! the #ield enginee%s in "$nst%u"ting g$$d %$ads/ The $b3e"tive $# the !%$3e"t is t$ devel$! the mix design !%$"edu%e #$% &', using indented hamme%, 1hi"h simulates the #ield "$nditi$n 1ith lesse% b%eak d$1n/ 6ls$ #ind the s"$!e #$% %edu"ti$n in thi"kness $# the laye% by using !$lyme% m$di#ied $% %ubbe% m$di#ied bitumen (C%umb %ubbe% and natu%al %ubbe%) in the mix/ The !%$3e"t shall be "$m!leted in all %es!e"ts unde% lab$%at$%y "$nditi$ns 1ithin a !e%i$d $# 12 m$nths/ 7u%the% !%$g%ess $# 1$%k may in"lude the "$nst%u"ti$n $# test t%a"k and study the #ield !e%#$%man"e/ Project Tea0 Na0e 8%$#/ 8/9/ ikda% :%/ unil &$se h/ %idha% R/ h/ ;i%ish ha%ma h/ ;a3end%a 9uma% Des 1!at o! :i%e"t$% ;< (8:6), 8%$3e"t <eade% "ientist eni$% Te"hni"al 6ssistant eni$% Te"hni"al 6ssistant Group 8:6 8:6 8:6 *='
:RRI is kindly %e4uested t$ advise and give in !%in"i!al a!!%$val t$ take u! this %esea%"h !%$3e"t/ ubmitted #$% kind a!!%$val $# :RRI/
Refere!ces: 1/ 9andhal, 8/ /, :esign $# <a%ge t$ne 6s!halt 'ixes t$ 'inimi5e Rutting-, TRR 12+9/ 2/ 9andhal, 8/ /, &%$1n, =/R/, C$m!a%ative =valuati$n $# .- and 6- dia !e"imens #$% Testing $# <a%ge t$ne 6s!halt 'ixes-, e%vi"eability and :u%ability $# C$nst%u"ti$n 'ate%ials, 6 C=, >$l/I, 199,/ 0/ 9andhal, 8/ / :esign $# <a%ge t$ne 6s!halt 'ixes #$% <$1 >$lume R$ads using 6- :ia !e"imens-, TRR 1291/ ./ 'ahb$ub, =/R/, 6llen, :/</, Cha%a"te%i5ati$n $# Rutting 8$tential $# <a%ge t$ne 6s!halt 'ixes in 9entu"ky-, TRR 12+9/ +/ Cab%e%a, ?/ ;/, Ridley, 6/ and 7ek!e, =/, <ab :esign and 7ield C$m!a"ti$n $# &itumen 'a"adam, ?$u%nal $# *igh1ays and t%ans!$%tati$n, >$l/ 07, 2$/ 7, ?uly 199,, @/ 9/, !! 27-0./ 6/ 6%ya, I/R/, C/9ama%a3, <a%ge t$ne *$t 'ix 6s!halt A tate $# 6%t,Indian *igh1ays, >$l/ 26, 2$/0, 'a%"h 1996/ 7/ IRC: 27-1967, Tentative !e"i#i"ati$n #$% &itumin$us 'a"adam (&ase and &inde% C$u%se)/ B/ '$RT*, !e"i#i"ati$ns #$% R$ad and &%idge C$%ks-, 2,,,/ 9/ &$se, /, *a%it, '/C/, C/9ama%a3, 'anvinde% ingh, :evel$!ment $# 'ix :esign 8%$"edu%e #$% &itumin$us 'a"adam 'ixes #$% R$ads and *igh1ays-, *igh1ay Resea%"h &ulletin, >$l/ 6+, :e"/2,,1/ 1,/ &$se, /, %idha%, R/, C/9ama%a3, ikda%, 8/9/, 'anvinde% ingh, =##e"t $# ;%ading and C$m!a"tive =##$%t $n :ense &itumin$us 'a"adam 'ix-/ (T$ be 8ublished) 11/ %idha%, R/, C/9ama%a3, &$se, / ikda%, 8/9/, C$m!a%ative tudy $n .-in"h and 6-in"h '$uld 'a%shall 'eth$d $# :esign #$% :ense &itumin$us 'a"adam 'ix-/ (T$ be 8ublished)/