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P.C. Nwilo, F.A. Fajemirokun, C.U. Ezeigbo, A. M. Oyewusi & E.G. Ayo ele !e"ar#men# o$ %ur&eying & Geoin$orma#i's Fa'ul#y o$ Engineering Uni&ersi#y o$ (agos, Akoka)(agos, Nigeria. "'nwilo*ya+oo.'om, "ro$$aj*ya+oo.'om, '+risezeigbo*ya+oo.'om, $un,bim*ya+oo.'om & geo ayo*ya+oo.'o.uk

The connection between global and local datums is usually established by transformation parameters. In this study, two sets of transformation parameters relating the Nigerian geodetic datum (Clarke 188 ! and the global datum ("#$8%! were in&estigated using the coordinates of fourteen common points on both datums. The first set of transformation parameters (model1! are gi&en in terms of &ariation in the

coordinates ( flattening

x0 , y0 , z0 ) of the center (shift parameters! of the ellipsoid, semi'ma(or a)is

( a ) and

( f)

of the ellipsoid, while the second set (model *! are gi&en in terms of the changes in the

geodetic cur&ilinear coordinates

( 0 , 0 , h0 )

of the initial point, semi'ma(or a)is

( a ) and flattening ( f ) .

+ach set of transformation parameters was used to transform the coordinates referred to "#$8% ellipsoid into the coordinates referred to Clarke 188 ellipsoid. The effects of the different configurations of the data on the estimated transformation parameters were in&estigated. ,rom this study, it was found that, using model *, configuration -, which consists of points centrally located in the geodetic network, ga&e the best set of transformation parameters. The best set of transformation parameters are

0 = 1.70 0.51" , 0 = 1.93 1.16" , h0 = 17.83 1.0m .

Keywords: Datum, transformation parameters, geodetic coordinates.

INTRODUCTION -+e Clarke .//0 elli"soi was a o"#e as #+e re$eren'e elli"soi $or #+e Nigerian Geo e#i' !a#um #o mee# #+e re1uiremen#s $or ma""ing an engineering "roje'#s. 2i#+ #+e a &en# o$ #+e Na&y Na&iga#ional %a#elli#e %ys#em 3NN%%4 3!o""ler4, an la#er Global Posi#ioning %ys#em 3GP%4 as #ools $or geo e#i' "osi#ioning, #+ere is o$#en #+e nee #o #rans$orm 'oor ina#es on #+e geo'en#ri' sys#ems #o 'oor ina#es on #+e lo'al sys#ems, an &i'e &ersa. 1

E$$or#s +a&e been ma e by bo#+ Nigerian an

Foreign agen'ies #o


#rans$orma#ion "arame#ers $or #+e Nigerian Geo e#i' !a#um 3Fubara, .5564. -+ere are &arious me#+o s by w+i'+ #+e #rans$orma#ions 'an be e7e'u#e . No 'on'lusion +as been rea'+e as #o w+i'+ o$ #+em is #+e "re$erre a""roa'+ an no oub# #+is is an area w+ere is'ussions will 'on#inue $or some #ime #o 'ome 3%mi#+, .5584. 9n #+is "a"er, e$$or#s were ma e #o in&es#iga#e #wo #y"es o$ #rans$orma#ion "ro'e ures rela#ing #+e Nigerian Geo e#i' !a#um 3Minna !a#um4 an #+e global a#um, #+e 2orl Geo e#i' sys#em 32G% /:4, on w+i'+ #+e GP% is base .


BASIC CONCEPT OF GEODETIC DATUM A geo e#i' a#um is a se# o$ "arame#ers #+a# e$ines #+e size an s+a"e o$ a gi&en re$eren'e elli"soi , as well as i#s "osi#ion an orien#a#ion wi#+ res"e'# #o #+e real ear#+ 3geoi 4. A geo e#i' a#um is o$#en e$ine by a se# o$ $i&e "arame#ers, namely 3%eeber, ;00<4= a f %emi major a7is o$ #+e re$eren'e elli"soi Fla##ening o$ #+e elli"soi an

x0 , y0 , z0 C+ange in #+e 'oor ina#es o$ #+e origin o$ #+e 'oor ina#e

sys#em o$ #+e re$eren'e elli"soi . in #erms o$ a, f , 0 , 0 , h0 3Fubara,

A geo e#i' .5564= 2+ere, a an

a#um 'an also be


are as e$ine abo&e are '+anges in #+e la#i#u e an longi#u e o$ #+e ini#ial "oin# o$ #+e geo e#i' ne#work

0 , 0 h0

is #+e '+ange in elli"soi al +eig+# a# #+e ini#ial "oin# o$ #+e geo e#i' ne#work 2

-wo #y"es o$ unrela#e 'oor ia#es an &er#i'al

a#ums were in #+e "as# 'onsi ere

in geo esy= A

horizontal Datum, w+i'+ $orms #+e basis $or #+e 'om"u#a#ion o$ +orizon#al a vertical datum, #o w+i'+ +eig+#s re$er. -+e +orizon#al an global a#um is o$#en a o"#e $or #+e realiza#ion o$ a#ums were ke"# s#ri'#ly se"ara#e, bu# #o ay, be'ause o$ sa#elli#e

#e'+ni1ues, a uni$ie

in#egra#e geo e#i' "ro'e ures. 9n #+e Nigerian geo e#i' ne#work, #+e Clarke .//0 elli"soi was a o"#e as #+e +orizon#al geo e#i' a#um, w+ile #+e (agos a#um 3"+ysi'al lo'a#ion unknown4, 'lose #o #+e Eas# mole, was a o"#e as #+e &er#i'al a#um. 2i#+ #+e e&olu#ion o$ s"a'e #e'+nology, a geo'en#ri' a#um, w+i'+ is use all o&er #+e worl , is also in use in Nigerian geo e#i' ne#work. -+e 'onne'#ion be#ween global an lo'al a#ums is es#ablis+e by

#rans$orma#ion "arame#ers. -o

e#ermine #+ese #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers,

"oin#s w+ose 'oor ina#es are known on bo#+ a#ums are '+osen.


THE NIGERIAN GEODETIC DATUM %e&eral a##em"#s +a&e been ma e #o e#ermine #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers $or #+e Nigerian Geo e#i' !a#um, using ei#+er !o""ler or 2G% /: 'oor ina#es an Clarke .//0 'oor ina#es 3Oyeneye, .5/6> Fajemirokun & Oru"abo, .5/?> Ezeigbo, .550a, b4. %ome work was rele&an# ba'kgroun one by Cam"agine Generalie e Geo"+ysi1ue 3Nigeria4 a#a 1uali#y. -+e

(imi#e 3Fubara, .5564. -+e re"or# "ro&i e 'oor ina#es o$ a#a "oin#s wi#+ou# in$orma#ion $or #+e assessmen# o$ #+e &alues o$ #+e a#um s+i$#s were also "ublis+e wi#+ou# any in i'a#ion on +ow #+ey were eri&e 3Fubara, .5564. Geo e#i' Posi#ioning %er&i'e, in 'ollabora#ion wi#+ oil "ro u'ing 'om"anies in Nigeria, +as also e#ermine #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers $or #+e Nigerian Na#ional

Pe#roleum Cor"ora#ion 3NNPC4 using #+e 'ombina#ion o$ GP% an #+e -ransi# %a#elli#e %ys#em 3!o""ler4 a#a 3Fubara, .5564.

Geo e#i' %ur&eys Nigeria also e#ermine se&en #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers $or %+ell Pe#roleum !e&elo"men# Com"any 3%!PC4, $or use in #+e %ou#+ern Nigeria 3Fubara, .5564. 9n mos# o$ #+ese in&es#iga#ions, i# was obser&e "arame#ers were Mo el. 9n #+is s#u y, #wo #rans$orma#ion "ro'e ures 3mo els4 are in&es#iga#e . 9n #+e $irs# mo el, #+e se# o$ #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers are #+e s+i$# in #+e origin o$ #+e 'oor ina#e a7es ( x0 , y0 , z0 ) , '+anges in semi)major a7is ( a ) an $la##ening o$ #+e elli"soi e#ermine #+a# #+e #rans$orma#ion

using ei#+er Molo ensky)@a ekas or @ursa)2ol$

( f ) .

9n #+e se'on mo el, #+e se# o$ #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers

are #+e '+anges in geo e#i' 'oor ina#es

( 0 , 0 , h0 )

a# #+e ne#work origin,

'+ange in semi)major a7is ( a ) an $la##ening ( f ) . -+e basi' #rans$orma#ion e1ua#ions use are "resen#e in #+e ne7# se'#ion.


DATA USED FOR THE INVESTIGATIONS -+e a#a use $or #+is in&es#iga#ion were ob#aine $rom #+e O$$i'e o$ #+e %ur&eyor General o$ #+e Fe era#ion 3O%GOF4. -+ey 'onsis# o$ #+e geo e#i' 3'ur&ilinear4 'oor ina#es o$ si7#een 'oin'i en# "oin#s on bo#+ Minna a#um an 2G%/:. Only $our#een ou# o$ #+e si7#een a#a "oin#s were a'#ually use $or #+e in&es#iga#ion. A# an a&erage o$ a""ro7ima#ely one is#ribu#e o&er #+e geo e#i' ne#work. a#a "oin# "er ?:,000 s1uare km, #+e Fur#+ermore, only s'an#y in$orma#ion on a&ailable a#a are $ar $rom being a e1ua#e. -+e a#a "oin#s are e1ually "oorly #+e a''ura'y an #+e reliabili#y o$ #+ose a#a is a&ailable.


MATHEMATICAL FORMULATIONS -+e rele&an# #rans$orma#ion e1ua#ions in #erms o$ x0 , y0 , z0 , a, f are gi&en by 3Aeiskanen & Mori#z, .5?8, e1ua#ion 36.6644= a = sin cos x0 + sin sin y0 cos z0 + 2a sin cos f a cos = sin x0 cos y0 3;..a4 3;..b4 3;..'4

h = cos cos x0 cos sin y0 sin z0 a + a sin 2 f

w+ere x0 , y0 , z0 , a, f are as e$ine in se'#ion ..;.

%imilarly, #+e #rans$orma#ion e1ua#ions in #erms o$ &aria#ions 0 , 0 , h0 , a, f are gi&en by 3Aeiskanen & Mori#z, .5?8, e1ua#ion 36.6844=

= ( cos 0 cos + sin 0 sin cos ) 0 sin sin cos 00

h a + ( sin 0 cos cos 0 sin cos ) 0 + + sin 2 0 a a + 2 cos ( sin sin 0 ) f cos = sin 0 sin 0 + cos .cos 00 h a cos 0 sin 0 + + sin 2 0 f a a 3;.;b4 f 3;.;a4

h = ( cos 0 sin + sin 0 cos cos ) 0 + cos sin .cos 00 a h a + ( sin 0 sin + cos 0 cos cos ) 0 + + sin 2 0 f a a a + ( sin 2 2sin 0 sin ) f a
w+ere = 0


0 , 0 , h0

'+anges in #+e geo e#i' 'oor ina#es o$ an ini#ial "oin# 5

( x0 , y0 , z0 ) "arallel
, , h a, f

is"la'emen# or s+i$# 'om"onen# o$ #+e origin o$ #+e

'oor ina#e sys#em o$ #+e re$eren'e elli"soi '+anges in #+e geo e#i' 'oor ina#es a# an arbi#rary "oin# '+anges in #+e "arame#ers o$ #+e re$eren'e elli"soi

E1ua#ions 3;.;a, b & '4 e7"ress #+e , , h a# an arbi#rary "oin# in #erms o$

0 , 0 , h0 a# #+e ini#ial "oin# o$ #+e ne#work an a, f .

-+ere are some similari#ies be#ween e1ua#ions 3;..a, b & '4 an 3;.;a, b & '4. -+ey are in$ini#esimal #rans$orma#ions o$ geo e#i' 'oor ina#es. Aowe&er, #+ey i$$er in #+e "arame#ers use $or #+e #rans$orma#ion 3Aeiskanen & Mori#z, .5?84.

E1ua#ions 3;.;a, b & '4 'an also be e7"resse in #erms o$ &aria#ions o$ e$le'#ion 'om"onen#s o an

o an o$ geoi al un ula#ion N o a# #+e ini#ial "oin# o$ #+e

ne#work using Bening Meinesz $ormulae 3Aeiskanen & Mori#z, .5?8, e1ua#ion 36.6/4> -orge, .5/0> Musa, ;00<4=

0 = 0 0 cos = 0 h0 = N 0
%ubs#i#u#ing e1ua#ion 3;.<4 is in#o e1ua#ions 3;.;a, b & '4, we ob#ain= 3;.<4

= ( cos 0 cos + sin 0 sin cos ) 0 sin sin . 0

N0 a ( sin 0 cos cos 0 sin cos ) + + sin 2 0 a a 2 cos ( sin sin 0 ) f f 3;.:a4

= sin 0 sin 0 + cos h0

N0 a + cos 0 sin + + sin 2 0 a a f 3;.:b4

N = ( cos 0 sin sin 0 cos cos ) 0 cos sin 0 a N0 a + ( sin 0 sin + cos 0 cos cos ) + + sin 2 0 f a a a + ( sin 2 2sin 0 sin ) f a 0 = 0 0'
' 0 = 0 0


N 0 = N 0 N 0' a = a a' f = ff'


( a ', f '; , , N )
' 0 ' 0 ' 0

re$er #o a lo'al geo e#i' a#um re$er #o a worl geo e#i' a#um

( a, f ;

, 0 , N 0 )

E1ua#ions 3;..a, b & '4 3Mo el .4 an e1ua#ion 3;.;a, b & '4 3Mo el ;4 are #+e basi' ma#+ema#i'al $ormula#ions use $or es#ima#ing #+e #rans$orma#ion a#a $or #+e es#ima#ion are #+e "arame#ers in #+is s#u y, sin'e #+e a&ailable

geo e#i' 'oor ina#es ( , , h ) as o""ose #o #+e geoi al un ula#ions ( N ) an #+e e$le'#ion 'om"onen#s ( , ) . 3. PARAMETER ESTIMATION -+e linearize e7"resse as=
V = AX + l

mo els o$ e1ua#ions 3;..a, b & '4 an

3;.;a, b & '4 'an be 3<..4

w+ere, X A l

is #+e &e'#or o$ #+e 'orre'#ion #o #+e #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers is #+e esign ma#ri7 is #+e &e'#or o$ #+e mis'losures, an is #+e &e'#or o$ #+e resi uals o$ #+e obser&a#ions

-+e leas# s1uares solu#ion o$ e1ua#ion 3<..4, w+i'+ is an es#ima#e o$ #+e "arame#er &e'#or X is gi&en by 3Mik+ail, e# al, .5/., e1ua#ion 3:.</4> Ezeigbo, .550a4= = ( AT PA ) 1 AT Pl X , is gi&en by 39bi , .550a4= &e'#or o$ #+e "arame#ers X 3<.;4

-+e error 'o&arian'e ma#ri7, w+i'+ is a measure o$ a''ura'y o$ #+e es#ima#e

2 = ( AT PA ) 0 1



P 4.

is a "os#eriori &arian'e o$ uni# weig+# is #+e weig+# ma#ri7 o$ #+e obser&a#ions

NUMERICAL INVESTIGATIONS Corre'#ions #o #+e a""ro7ima#e "arame#ers were e#ermine by e1ua#ion 3<.;4. @y a ing #+em #o #+e a""ro7ima#e "arame#ers, #+e re1uire "arame#ers were eri&e $rom e1ua#ion 3<.;4 $or ea'+ se# o$ ob#aine . -+e es#ima#es

#rans$orma#ion "arame#ers were use #o #rans$orm geo e#i' 'oor ina#es re$erre #o 2G%/: elli"soi in#o geo e#i' 'oor ina#es re$erre #o Clarke .//0 elli"soi , an #+e resul#s were 'om"are wi#+ #+e 'orres"on ing 'oor ina#es on Minna a#um. 4.1 CONFIGURATION OF STATIONS -+e e$$e'#s o$ #+e i$$eren# 'on$igura#ions o$ #+e 'ommon "oin#s on #+e es#ima#e "arame#ers were in&es#iga#e . 'ommon "oin#s, 'onsis#ing o$ Fi&e i$$eren# 'on$igura#ions o$ #+e $our#een i$$eren# numbers o$ 'ommon "oin#s were

'onsi ere 3see #able :.. an $ig. :..4. Tab ! 4.1" C#$%&'()a*&#$ #% S*a*&#$+
. ; < : 6

All a#a Use Nor#+ Eas# 2es# Cen#ral

N#. #% Ob+$
.: .. / ? 8

A.0, U/., N.;8, CF(6?, C;., C.?, CF(5, CF(?;, CFM:6, CFM6/, CF(.8, CF(;0, CF(;6, CFM.0 N.;8, CF(6?, C.?, CF(5, CF(?;, CFM:6, CFM6/, CF(.8, CF(;0, CF(;6, CFM.0 A.0, CF(6?, C;., CF(?;, CFM:6, CFM6/, CF(;6, CFM.0 U/., N.;8, C.?, CF(5, CF(.8, CF(;0 U/., N.;8, C;., CF(.8, CF(;0, CF(;6, CFM.0

Ma- #% N&'!)&a S.#/&$' *.! D&+*)&b&b(*&#$ #% Ob+!)0a*&#$ P#&$*+

2 4 6 8 10 12 14



$ CFM:6

CF(.8 CF(;0

$ CFM.0

CFM6/ $ CF(6?
$ $








8 8



4 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



100 K& #2!*!)+ C#$*)# P#&$*+

Figure :..= Ne#work Con$igura#ion


CONVERGENCE OF ITERATED SOLUTIONS A number o$ i#era#i&e s#e"s were #aken #o arri&e a# a "ar#i'ular solu#ion. -+e i#era#e solu#ions in&es#iga#e i using ei#+er 6)"arame#er #rans$orma#ion or <) no# 'on&erge #o s"e'i$i' &alues be'ause o$ #+e "arame#er #rans$orma#ion

ins#abili#y o$ #+e "ro'e ure. -+e ins#abili#y o$ #+e <)"arame#er #rans$orma#ion is +owe&er less #+an #+a# o$ 6)"arame#er #rans$orma#ion. -+ere$ore, #+e &alues o$ #+e #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers $rom #+e $irs# i#era#ion $or <)"arame#er #rans$orma#ion were a o"#e in #+is s#u y. 4.3 ADOPTION OF THREE,PARAMETER TRANSFORMATION MODEL -+e es#ima#ion o$ $i&e a#um #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers in bo#+ mo els were in&es#iga#e bu# "ro u'e &ery unreliable resul#s 3no# "ublis+e in #+is "a"er4. -+is 'oul be ue #o #+e "ossible 'orrela#ion be#ween #+e "arame#ers. 9# may also be ue #o #+e $a'# #+a# #+e 'oor ina#e a7es o$ Minna a#um are no# "arallel #o 10

#+ose o$ 2G% /:


-+ere$ore, be'ause o$ #+e &ery +ig+

egree o$ $or $ur#+er

ins#abili#y o$ 6)"arame#er mo el, <)"arame#er mo el was a o"#e in&es#iga#ions in #+is s#u y. 4.4 SAMPLE COMPUTATION -+e se# o$ #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers ob#aine 3;..4 an Minna 3;.;44 were use a#um 'oor ina#es. -+e #rans$orme

using bo#+ mo els 3e1ua#ions

#o #rans$orm a number o$ 2G%/: 'oor ina#es in#o 'oor ina#es were #+en 'om"are

wi#+ #+e original 'oor ina#es in Minna a#um #o e#ermine w+i'+ o$ #+e mo els gi&es #+e o"#imum resul#.

9n or er #+a# #+e la#i#u e an

is're"an'ies be#ween #+e #rans$orme

'oor ina#es an

#+e #o

'orres"on ing 'oor ina#es in Minna !a#um 'oul longi#u e 'om"onen#s o$ #+ese

be "lo##e

in a gra"+, #+e

is're"an'ies were 'on&er#e

is"la'emen#s ( D ) . -+e $ormula use $or #+e 'on&ersion is as gi&en below= D=d w+ere D

1 r 180 3600


Balue in me#res Balue in se'on s o$ #+e is're"an'y in la#i#u e or longi#u e Ca ius o$ #+e ear#+ in me#res is"la'emen#s in la#i#u e ( D1 ) an longi#u e ( D2 ) an

From #+e 'om"u#e


+eig+# ( D3 ) ire'#ions, #+e is"la'emen# ( S ) o$ #+e #rans$orme "oin# is gi&en by=

S = D12 + D22 + D32


@y analyzing #+e &alues o$ S $or #+e i$$eren# #rans$orme "oin#s, #+e e$$e'# o$ #+e i$$eren# 'on$igura#ions on #+e #rans$orma#ion "ro'e ure is as'er#aine .


3 3.1

RESULTS AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS RESULTS -+e resul#s o$ some o$ #+e &arious in&es#iga#ions 'arrie "resen#e in #+is se'#ion. -+e resul#s ob#aine ou# in se'#ion : are using 6)"arame#er mo el an

#+ose $rom #+e in&es#iga#ions in w+i'+ N.0 an N.0; were in'or"ora#e were no# "resen#e . -+is is be'ause o$ #+e large resi uals, w+i'+ #+ey "ro u'e w+en #+e "arame#ers $rom #+em were use #o #rans$orm 'oor ina#es $rom 2G%/: #o Minna a#um. N.0; is #+e origin o$ #+e Nigerian geo e#i' ne#work w+ile N.0 is a "oin# w+ose or#+ome#ri' +eig+# is &ery large 'om"are wi#+ o#+er "oin#s. 9# +as a +eig+# o$ .<5?m, as agains# #+e 'loses# +eig+# o$ 866m $rom #+e remaining "oin#s. Conse1uen#ly, $ur#+er in&es#iga#ions, w+i'+ were base on <)"arame#er mo el e7'lu e #+ese #wo "oin#s. 9n #able 6.., we "resen# #+e resul#s o$ #+e #+ree)"arame#er #rans$orma#ion "ro'e ure, w+i'+ were ob#aine using mo els . an ;. -+e #+ree 'on$igura#ions A, @ an C s+ow #+e resul#s using #+e a#a se#s wi#+ bo#+ N.0 an N.0; in'lu e > only N.0; in'lu e > an N.0 an N.0; e7'lu e , res"e'#i&ely.

Tab ! 3.1" E%%!4* #% *.! I$4 (+&#$ #% S#2! P#&$*+ 5N10 6 N1027
Con$. Parame#ers
70 3m4 y0 3m4 z0 3m4 :<.66D;.?5 :<..6D/.<5 ./:./?D.;.6< .56..? )5.<?D0.:. )..;:D0.;/ ;<./5D0.?: .56..? 6/.5/D;./; .<.;<D/.66 .:;.66D.;.8< ./:./: )8.56D0.:; )0.;.D0.;/ .5.;<D0.?5 ./:./: /<..5D;./5 ...80D/.66 :8.<0D.;.5/ /5.<5 ):.8/D0.:< )0.08D0.;/ ...?:D0.8. /5.<5 MODEL 2 MO!E( .

Con$. A .? obs

Con$. @ .6 obs

Con$. C .: obs


(a# 3se'4 (ON 3se'4 + 3m4


9n'lusion o$ N.0 & N.0;

E7'lusion o$ N.0;

E7'lusion o$ N.0 & N.0;

9n #ables 6.;a & b, #+e es#ima#e "arame#ers an #+eir a''ura'ies $or i$$eren# 'on$igura#ions are "resen#e . Only $our#een "oin#s 3e7'lu ing N.0 an N.0;4 are use in #+e in&es#iga#ions. -able 6.;a "resen#s #+e resul#s $or mo el ., w+ile #able 6.;b "resen#s #+e resul#s $or mo el ;. 12

Tab ! 3.2a" Va (!+ #% E+*&2a*!8 Pa)a2!*!)+ U+&$' M#8! 1

CONFIGURATIONS Con$.< / obs 3Eas#4
80..<D:.;: ;?/.?;D.8.<0 ).6<.:.D././. <<.:8

Con$. Parame#ers
70 3m4 y0 3m4 z0 3m4

Con$.. .: obs 3All !a#a4

/<..5D;./5 ...80D/.66 :8.<0D.;.5/ /5.<5

Con$.; .. obs 3Nor#+4

6;.0?D.?.8/ ).<.<8D5..5 ;0<.<?D8?.:6 .05.8<

Con$.: ? obs 32es#4

.6/.:0D8.;5 )8<<./<D:8.0. /?./;D.5.?6 8<.8<

Con$.6 8 obs 3Cen#ral4

55.5;D6.8< ):8.?/D<:.5< ):8.?:D.6.60 ;0.65


Tab ! 3.2b" Va (!+ #% E+*&2a*!8 Pa)a2!*!)+ U+&$' M#8! 2

CONFIGURATIONS Con$.< / obs 3Eas#4
..8.D0.?; )/.:5D0.68 ;5..0D..6: <<.:8

Con$. Parame#ers
(A- 3se'4 (ON 3se'4 + 3m4

Con$.. .: obs 3All !a#a4

):.8/D0.:< )0.08D0.;/ ...?:D0.8. /5.<5

Con$.; .. obs 3Nor#+4

)5.5:D;.6< 0.?<D0.<0 ././;D<.85 .05.8<

Con$.: ? obs 32es#4

)?..0D0.?6 ;:.6.D..6? .6.<;D0.5: 8<.8<

Con$.6 8 obs 3Cen#ral4

)..80D0.6. ..5<D...? .8./<D..00 ;0.65



-able 6.< "resen#s #+e minimum an ma7imum resi uals 3in me#res4 in la#i#u e, longi#u e an geo e#i' +eig+#, $or bo#+ mo els . an ;. Tab ! 3.3" M&$&2(2 a$8 Ma9&2(2 R!+&8(a + 52!*)!7

MODEL2 MA:IMUM 52!*)!7 MINIMUM 52!*)!7

)<5.5/ )6:.5; )6..:? )....<? ):;.08

MINIMUM 52!*)!7
):0..5 )66.;/ )6;.:6 )..../8 ):;.:.

MA:IMUM 52!*)!7
<..<; <<.?0 ...?0 :6..< ;..</



80./< ..8/ ;;5.85 ).5.50 ).<0.</ ;?:.<; .....5 )8?:./5 );:.?; )?0.6?

./0.08 //.05 <<5.?: ??.<. )./..; <60.8; ;<?.:< )?8?.<? /6.0; ;6.86

<0.5< 80.8/ ../0 <;.5: ;;5.8/ ).5.// .0.?< ).<0.:5 ;?:.;5 ::.?0 ....;6 )8?:.58 ;0.86 );:.?8 )?0.?;

./0.0. //..0 <<5.?< ??.<: )./.;: <60.?5 ;<?.:/ )?8?.:6 /:.5/ ;6.80

-ables 6.:a & b s+ow #+e linear is"la'emen# o$ ea'+ o$ #+e $our#een "oin#s use $or #+ese in&es#iga#ions, w+en #+e $i&e i$$eren# 'on$igura#ions are use . -able
6.:a s+ows #+e resul#s $or mo el ., w+ile #able 6.:b s+ows #+e resul#s $or mo el ;. Figures 6..a & b are #+e 'orres"on ing gra"+s $or #+e #wo mo els.

Tab ! 3.4a" L&$!a) D&+- a4!2!$*+ #% P#&$*+ a%*!) *.! T)a$+%#)2a*&#$


5MODEL 17 %#a#ion Name . ; < : 6 ? 8 / 5 .0 .. .; .< .: A.0 U/. N.;8 CF(6? C;. C.? CF(5 CF(?; CFM:6 CFM6/ CF(.8 CF(;0 CF(;6 CFM.0 Con$.. .<..0??/ ..;./58. .8;.<0;< .85.<<;0 .0?.<.?: .88.60.8 ./;.8<?. ./8...8? .5../;?; ./..<<55 .5/../:< .5...?/8 ./8.50.. .5:.//60 Con$.; ;88.5<// ;:<.0<6? <<;.68<: <<..:0;5 ;:?.</60 <<8.:<6: <:..8?/: <<5..058 <:..88?5 <<;../;. <:;.868? <<6./505 <<<.<8<: <:;.<.:6 Con$.< <<:.?566 <?:.;/86 ;?8.<0?/ <;;.:?<: <::.8?6? ;8..??/6 ;?8.?<6< <;:.;5;6 <<<.885< <;8./:6/ <66.::/; <6;.8/5< <:5.<??/ <::.?;5/ Con$.: 8.6.;?6? ?/?.5.6. 85<.5686 8</...?; 80?.?/; 85;.:05 85?.:6?5 8</.8658 8</.0/? 8</.;0: 8.;./65: 8.<..;/< 8.6.55// 8;:.<??: Con$.6 <..:<05 6...8. 55.<;0/ 86.?0<8 :6./<8< .00.</.6 .06.:./? /<.:6?5 5;.:?08 /;./:56 5;.:?/; /?../.< /<.800? 50.5/55

Tab ! 3.4b" L&$!a) D&+- a4!2!$*+ #% P#&$*+ a%*!) *.! T)a$+%#)2a*&#$


5MODEL 27 %#a#ion Name . ; < : 6 ? 8 / 5 .0 .. .; .< .: A.0 U/. N.;8 CF(6? C;. C.? CF(5 CF(?; CFM:6 CFM6/ CF(.8 CF(;0 CF(;6 CFM.0

Con$.. .<0.55/< ..;.85/; .8;.;:;: .85.;555 .0?.;0/; .88.:6;: ./;.8605 ./8.0/.; .5..8:0. ./..;6/5 .5/.05:; .5..088? ./8./.06 .5:./0.6

Con$.; ;88./5;? ;:;.56./ <<;.666? <<..:0;: ;:?.<0.0 <<8.:<.: <:../;.5 <<5..0?0 <:..8<./ <<;..</; <:;.80:: <<6./<68 <<<.<./8 <:;.;?5;

Con$.< <<:.?/// <?:.;<0. ;?8../?6 <;;.:8?8 <::.8;6. ;8..6.86 ;?8.?0?/ <;:.<0? <<<.?/:. <;8.850; <66.;/<. <6;.?<88 <:5.;;8; <::.60.?

Con$.: 8.6.<08 ?/?.5/:6 85:.0::5 8</..6?6 80?.8<8/ 85;.6./< 85?.6/0. 8</.85.? 8</..0/. 8</.;.5? 8.;.5<; 8.<..56< 8.?.065: 8;:.:.55

Con$.6 <..0<?? 60./58; 55.;<6: 86.:/;/ :6.6<;< .00.<;65 .06.6<85 /<.<.5. 5;..6.. /;.6:8 5;..8;/ /6./8;. /<.</?8 50.806?

/00 Con$.: 800


L&$!a) D&+- a4!2!$* 527 5M#8! 17


:00 Con$.; <00 Con$.< ;00 Con$.. .00 Con$.6 0















Con$.. Con$.; Con$.< Con$.: Con$.6

Figure 6..a= (inear !is"la'emen# o$ #+e -rans$orme 2G%/: 3Mo el .4




/00 Con$.: 800


L&$!a) D&+- a4!2!$* 527 5M#8! 27


:00 Con$.; <00 Con$.< ;00 Con$.. .00 Con$.6 0















Con$.. Con$.; Con$.< Con$.: Con$.6

Figure 6..b= (inear !is"la'emen# o$ #+e -rans$orme 2G%/: 3Mo el ;4

9n #able 6.6, we "resen# #+e minimum an ma7imum linear is"la'emen#s $or #+e $i&e i$$eren# 'on$igura#ions. 9n $igure 6.;, we "resen# #+e gra"+s o$ #+ese linear is"la'emen#s $or #+e i$$eren# 'on$igura#ions an mo els.


Tab ! 3.3" M&$&2(2 6 Ma9&2(2 L&$!a) D&+- a4!2!$* #% *.! T)a$+%#)2!8 C##)8&$a*!+
MODEL 1 CONF. CONF. CONF; CONF< CONF: CONF6 MINIMUM 52!*)!7 .0?.<.?: ;:<.0<6? ;?8.<0?/ ?/?.5.6. <..:<05 MA:IMUM 52!*)!7 .5/../:< <:;.868? <?:.;/86 85?.:6?5 .06.:./? MINIMUM 52!*)!7 .0?.;0/; ;:;.56./ ;?8../?6 ?/?.5/:6 <..0<?? MODEL2 MA:IMUM 52!*)!7 .5/.05:; <:;.80:: <?:.;<0. 85?.6/0. .06.6<85

/00 800 ?00 Min & Ma7 (inear !is"la'emen# 3Mo el . & Mo el ;4 600 :00 <00 ;00 .00 0 'on$.. 'on$.; 'on$.< 'on$.: 'on$.6
Min,mo . Ma7,mo . Min,mo ;

Figure 6.;= Minimum an Ma7imum (inear !is"la'emen# $or Mo els . & ;

Ma7,mo ;


ANALYSIS OF RESULTS From #able 6.., we obser&e #+a# #+e in'lusion o$ N.0;, #+e ini#ial "oin# o$ #+e geo e#i' ne#work, an N.0, #+e "oin# wi#+ e7#reme +eig+# &alue, +as signi$i'an# e$$e'# on #+e <)"arame#er #rans$orma#ion resul#s. e7"laine -+e resi uals 3no# s+own by #+e +ere4, w+en #+e #wo "oin#s were in'lu e were &ery large. -+is 'an be easily $or #+e 'ase o$ N.0;, be'ause o$ #+e singulari#y o''asione in'lusion o$ N.0;, #wi'e uring #+e es#ima#ion, $irs# $or eri&ing #+e a""ro7ima#e "arame#ers an se'on as obser&a#ion "oin#. Aowe&er, #+e e$$e'# o$ N.0 'anno# be rea ily e7"laine .


%imilarly, #+e large is#or#ion "resen# in #+e 6)"arame#er es#ima#ion 'an be a##ribu#e #o "ossible non)"arallelism be#ween #+e a7es o$ #+e 'oor ina#e sys#ems o$ 2G%/: an Minna a#um. Aen'e, as a resul# o$ #+e 'orrela#ion be#ween #+e s+i$# an orien#a#ion "arame#ers in su'+ si#ua#ions, large is#or#ions are boun #o o''ur. From #ables 6.;a & b, we obser&e #+a# #+e &aria#ions in #+e 'on$igura#ions o$ #+e a#a "oin#s a$$e'# #+e es#ima#e "arame#ers. 2e also obser&e #+a# #+e 'on$igura#ion 6 3wi#+ 8 obser&a#ion "oin#s4, w+i'+ is 'onsi ere 'en#rally lo'a#e , ga&e #+e &arian'e o$ uni# weig+#, w+i'+ is 'loses# #o uni#y in bo#+ mo els, as well as smalles# absolu#e &alues o$ #+e 'om"onen#s o$ #+e s+i$# "arame#er. "arame#er es#ima#ion. -+e use o$ #+ese &alues #o 'om"u#e #+e resi uals in #able 6.< 'learly s+ows #+a# 'on$igura#ion 6 ga&e #+e bes# %in'e i# ga&e be##er resul#s #+an 'on$igura#ion . w+i'+ 'onsis#s o$ all #+e "oin#s, i# s+ows #+a# 'on$igura#ion more #+an #+e number o$ obser&a#ion "oin#s e#ermines #+e a''ura'y o$ a #rans$orma#ion "ro'e ure. 9n #ables 6.:a & b, we see #+a# U/. an C;. w+i'+ are a# #+e sou#+ernmos# "ar# o$ #+e Nigerian geo e#i' ne#work su$$ere #+e leas# linear is"la'emen# $or mos# o$ #+e 'on$igura#ions an mo els. -+ese "oin#s are also among #+e "oin#s wi#+ leas# "arame#ers. Figures 6..a & b gi&e more Or#+ome#ri' an geo e#i' +eig+#s. -+is seems #o 'on$irm our earlier obser&a#ion on #+e e$$e'# o$ +eig+# on #+e es#ima#e #+e CF()#ra&erse. E1ually signi$i'an# is #+e large resi uals asso'ia#e wi#+ 'on$igura#ion : in bo#+ gra"+i' "i'#ure o$ #+ese resul#s. Aere, we obser&e a $airly uni$orm resi uals along

mo els . an ;. -+ey are "oin#s lo'a#e #o #+e wes# o$ #+e geo e#i' ne#work. -+ere is no s"e'ial $ea#ure o$ #+is 'on$igura#ion #+a# 'an easily a''oun# $or #+e large resi uals. Finally, $igure 6.; summarizes #+e e$$e'#s o$ #+e 'on$igura#ions on #+e 'om"u#e resi uals. 2e $in #+a# 'on$igura#ion 6 $ollowe by 'on$igura#ion . gi&es #+e bes# resul#s. Con$igura#ions < an ; $ollow wi#+ 'on$igura#ion : gi&ing #+e wors# resul#s. Aowe&er, #+e gra"+s o$ mo els . an be#ween #+e #wo mo els is no# signi$i'an#. ; 'oin'i e, s+owing #+a# #+e i$$eren'e




CONCLUSIONS 9n #+is s#u y, #+e resul#s o$ our in&es#iga#ions base on #+e limi#e #+a#= a. -+e mo el 3mo el ;4 'onsis#ing o$ ini#ial "oin# o$ #+e geo e#i' ne#work ga&e slig+#ly be##er #rans$orma#ion "ro'e ure 'om"are #o #+e mo el 3mo el .4 'onsis#ing o$ #+e s+i$# in #+e origin o$ #+e 'oor ina#es sys#em. b. -+e a''ura'ies o$ #+e es#ima#es o$ #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers e"en more on #+e 'on$igura#ion o$ #+e ne#work #+an on #+e number o$ obser&a#ion "oin#s. '. -+e 'on$igura#ion 3'on$. 64 w+i'+ 'onsis#s o$ #+e "oin#s 'en#rally lo'a#e ne#work gi&es #+e bes# resul#. . -+e in'lusion o$ 'oor ina#es o$ ini#ial "oin# o$ #+e ne#work in #+e es#ima#ion "ro'ess is#or#s #+e resul#s an s+oul "arame#ers. e. -+e 'oor ina#es o$ "oin#s wi#+ e7#reme +ig+ or#+ome#ri' +eig+#s or elli"soi al +eig+#s s+oul be a&oi e in eri&ing #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers. $. -+e bes# se# o$ #rans$orma#ion "arame#ers ob#aine $rom #+is s#u y are= no# be use in #+e eri&a#ion o$ #+e #rans$orma#ion in #+e a#a use +a&e s+own

0 = 1.70 0.51" , 0 = 1.93 1.16" , h0 = 17.83 1.0m

1.2 RECOMMENDATIONS a. -+ere is a nee $or su$$i'ien# GP% obser&a#ions #o be 'arrie ou#, a# leas# on all #+e e7is#ing Minna a#um 'on#rol "oin#s #o ensure a reasonable 'o&erage o$ #+e geo e#i' ne#work wi#+ 'oin'i en# "oin#s. 9# is im"or#an# #o no#e #+a# #+e o$$i'e o$ #+e %ur&eyor General o$ #+e Fe era#ion 3O%GOF4, is 'urren#ly 'ollabora#ing wi#+ #+e Cen#re $or Geo esy an an Geo ynami's 3CGG4, a 'en#re un er #+e Na#ional %"a'e Cesear'+ a#a "oin#s. !e&elo"men# Agen'y 3NA%C!A4, #o im"ro&e on #+e e7is#ing number an

is#ribu#ion o$ #+e re1uire b. '.

Poin#s on $airly le&el groun s+oul be "re$erre w+en sele'#ing 'ommon "oin#s. Fur#+er s#u ies on #+e 'on$igura#ions will be nee e #o e#ermine a""ro"ria#e se#s o$ "arame#ers $or &arious "or#ions o$ #+e geo e#i' ne#work, w+en su$$i'ien# a&ailable. a#a are

A4;$#/ !8'!2!$* -+e a#a use $or #+is s#u y were ob#aine $rom O%GOF, Abuja. -+is is +ig+ly a""re'ia#e .



Ezeigbo C.U. 3.550a4= HA !o""ler %a#elli#e !eri&e !a#um $or NigeriaI. A'#a Geo ae#i'a Geo"+. Mon#. Aung., Journal o$ Aungarian A'a emy o$ %'ien'e, Aka Kmiai Eia L, @u a"es#. Bol. ;6 3< M :4, "". <55 M :.< 3.5504.


Ezeigbo C.U. 3.550b4= H!e$ini#ion o$ Nigerian Geo e#i' !a#um $rom Ce'en# !o""ler Obser&a#ionsI %ur&ey Ce&iew, Bol. <0 3;<84, "". <:< M <6< 3July, .5504.


Fajemirokun, F.A. & Oru"abo, %. 3.5/?4= H%ome -+eore#i'al Consi era#ions in #+e #rans$orma#ion o$ geo e#i' a#a $rom one a#um #o ano#+erI, "ro'ee ings o$ < r ym"osium on geo esy in A$ri'a, 'o#e N9&oure.









Geo e#i'


-rans$orma#ion Parame#ers $or E$$e'#i&e use o$ GP%I, Ouali#y Con#rol Ce"or# $or %+ell Pe#roleum !e&elo"men# Com"any o$ Nigeria (imi#e , Por# Aar'our#. F6G F?G %eeber G. 3;00<4=I%a#elli#e Geo esyI 2al#er e Gruy#er, @erlin, New Pork. %e""elin -.O. 3.58:4=I-+e !e"ar#men# o$ !e$ense 2orl Geo e#i' %ys#em .58;I -+e Cana ian %ur&eyors. F8G %mi#+ J.C. 3.5584= H9n#ro u'#ion #o Geo esy, #+e Ais#ory an Geo esy. Jo+n 2iley & %ons, 9n'. F/G -orge 2. 3.5/04= HGeo esy= An 9n#ro u'#ionI -ransla#e $rom German by C+ris#o"+er Jekel. @erlin, New Pork. 2al#er e Gruy#er & Co., @erlin. Prin#e in Germany. F5G Mik+ail, E.M. & Gra'ie, G. 3.5/.4= HAnalyses an A jus#men# o$ %ur&ey Measuremen#sI Ban Nos#ran Cein+ol , New Pork. F.0G Musa A. 3;00<4= H-+e Cole o$ #+e Geoi in Geos"a#ial 9n$orma#ion %ys#ems an Con'e"#s o$ Mo ern

Na&iga#ion, wi#+ some Ce$eren'e #o Mili#ary A""li'a#ionsI !e"ar#men# o$ Geogra"+y, Nigerian !e$en'e A'a emy, Ea una. Annual %eminar %eries in Mili#ary Geogra"+y. %e"#ember, ;00<. F..G Oyeneye, G.A. 3.5/64= H%a#elli#e !o""ler %ur&eying -e'+ni1ue= -+eory, Me#+o ology an %ome Ce'en# A &an'es in NigeriaI Fe eral %ur&eys, (agos


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