World Edit Commands
World Edit Commands
World Edit Commands
This only affects yourself. Use this to prevent catastrophic accidents. Thi s command will not override the limit in the configuration if it is set. History //undo Undo your last action. //redo Redo your last (undone) action. This command replays back history and doe s not repeat the command. /clearhistory Clear your history. Selection //wand Gives you the "edit wand" (by default, a wooden pickaxe). Left click with this tool to select position 1 and right click to selection position 2. /toggleeditwand Toggles the edit wand selection mode, allowing you to use the ed it wand item normally. //pos1 Set selection position #1 to the block above the one that you are standin g on. //pos2 Set selection position #2 to the block above the one that you are standin g on. //hpos1 Set selection #1 to the block that you are looking at. //hpos2 Set selection position #2 to the block that you are looking at. //chunk Select the chunk that you are within for your selection. //expand <amount> Expands the selection in the direction that you are looking. //expand <amount> <direction> Expands the selection in the specified direction ( north, east, south, west). //expand <amount> <reverse-amount> [direction] Expands the selection in two dire ctions at once. //expand <amount> vert Expands the selection to include sky to bedrock. //contract <amount> Contracts the selection in the direction that you are lookin g towards. //contract <amount> [direction] Contracts the selection in the specified directi on (north, east, south, west). //contract <amount> <reverse-amount> [direction] Contracts the selection in two directions at once. //shift <amount> [direction] Moves the selection region. It does not move the se lection's contents. //size Get the size of selected region. //count <block> Count the number of blocks in the region. //distr Get the block distribution in the selection. Region operations //set <block> Set all blocks inside the selection region to a specified block. //replace <to-block> Replace all non-air blocks blocks inside the region. //replace <from-block> <to-block> Replace all blocks of the specified block(s) w ith another block inside the region. //overlay <block> Place a block on top of blocks inside the region. //walls <block> Build the walls of the region (not including ceiling and floor). //outline <block> Build walls, floor, and ceiling. //smooth [iterations] Smooth the selection's heightmap. //move [count] [direction] [leave-id] Move the selection's contents. A block can be specified to fill in the left over area. //stack [count] [direction] Stacks the selection. Clipboard //copy Copies the currently selected region. Be aware that it stores your positi on relative to the selection when copying. //cut Cuts the currently selected region. //paste [ Pastes the clipboard. //paste true Pastes the clipboard in its original location. //rotate <angle-in-degrees> Rotate the clipboard. //flip [Dir] Flip the clipboard. //load <filename> Load .schematic into clipboard. //save <filename> Save clipboard to .schematic. /clearclipboard Clear your clipboard.
Generation //hcyl <block> <radius> [height] Create a vertical hollow cylinder. //cyl <block> <radius> [height] Create a vertical cylinder. //sphere <block> <radius> [raised?] Create a sphere. //hsphere <block> <radius> [raised?] Create a hollow sphere. /forestgen [size] [type] [density] Make a forest. /pumpkins [size] Make a pumpkin forest Utilities /toggleplace Toggle between using pos #1 or your current position. //fill <block> <radius> [depth] Fill a hole. //fillr <block> <radius> Fill a hole fully recursively. //drain <radius> Drain nearby water/lava pools. /fixwater <radius> Level nearby pools of water. /fixlava <radius> Level nearby pools of lava. /removeabove [size] [height] Remove blocks above your head. /removebelow [size] [height] Remove blocks below your feet. /replacenear <size> <from-id> <to-id> Replace all existing blocks nearby. /removenear [block] [size] Remove blocks near you. /snow [radius] Simulate snow cover. /thaw [radius] Unthaw/remove snow. /ex [size] Extinguish fires. /butcher [radius] Kill nearby mobs. Chunk tools /chunkinfo Get the filename of the chunk that you are in. /listchunks Print a list of used chunks. /delchunks Generate a shell script to delete chunks. Super pickaxe // Toggle the super pick axe. /single Switch to single block super pickaxe mode. /area <range> Switch to area super pickaxe mode. /recur <Range> Switch to recursive super pickaxe mode. /none Switch to no tool. /info Switch to the info tool. /tree [type] Switch to the tree tool. /repl <block> Switch to the block replacer tool. /cycler Block data cycler tool. //brush [no-replace?] Switch to the brush tool. //rbrush Switch to the replacing brush tool that only replaces existing block. //sb <block> [radius] Use the sphere brush. //cb <block> [radius] [height] Use the cylinder brush. //ccb Use the clipboard brush. Getting around /unstuck Go up to the first free spot. /ascend Go up one level. /descend Go down one level. /ceil [clearance] Get to the ceiling. /thru Go through the wall that you are looking at. /jumpto Jump to the block that you are looking at. /up [distance] Go up some distance. Snapshots //restore [snapshot] Restore a particular snapshot. //use <snapshot> Use a particular snapshot. /listsnapshots [num] List the 5 newest snapshots.