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Fixed Stars Table

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List of Fixed Stars and their natures

Zodiacal Longitude
Name and planetary nature Mag.
1900 1950 2000 2050
Deneb Kaitos the tail of the wale 17' Wale
Algenib the tip of Pegasus wing 51' Pegasus
Alpheratz the head of Andromeda 00' Andromeda
Baten Kaitos the bely of the wale 39' Wale
Al Pherg of the tale of the fish 30' Pisces
Vertex of Andromedas head (Galaxy) 33' Andromeda
Mirach of Andromedas chain Andromeda
Mira of the wale Wale
Sheratan the northern horn of Aries Aries
Hamal the head of Aries Aries
Schedar of Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
Almak the left foot of Andromeda Andromeda
Menkar the jaw of the wale Wale
Zaurak of the river Eridanus Eridanus
Capulus of Perseus sword (Cluster) Perseus
Algol the head of Medusa Perseus
Pliades (Alcyone) the seven sisters (Cluster)
Hyades the seven mourners (Cluster)
Ain the northern eye of Taurus
Aldebaran the southern eye of Taurus
Rigel the left foot of Orion
Bellatrix the left shoulder of Orion
Capella the little goat
Mintaka from the belt of Orion
El Nath the northern horn of Taurus
Ensis from Orions sword (Nebula)
Alnilam from the belt of Orion
Al Hecka the southern horn of Taurus
Betelgeuse the right shoulder of Orion
Menkalinan the shoulder of the Charioteer Auriga
Propus between the shoulders of the twins Gemini
Tejat Posterior the left foot of Castor Gemini
Alhena the left foot of Pollux Gemini
Sirius the mouth of the greater dog Canis Major
Canopus the pilot of the ship Argus Argus
Wasat the right arm of Castor Gemini
2008 Helena Avelar & Luis Ribeiro. All rights reserved.
Version: 1.1, 2008
Zodiacal Longitude
Name and planetary nature Mag.
1900 1950 2000 2050
Castor the northern twin Gemini
Pollux the southern twin Gemini
Procyon do Co Menor Canis Minor
Praesaepe the manger (Cluster)
Asellus Borealis the northen ass
Asellus Australis the southern ass
Acubens the south claw of Cancer
Algenubi the mouth of the Lion
Alphard the heart of the Hydra
Adhafera the mane of the Lion
Al Jabhah the forehead of the Lion
Regulus the heart of the Lion Leo
Zosma the back of the Lion Leo
Denebola the tail of the Lion Leo
Labrum the cup Crater
Zavijava the head of Virgo Virgo
Markeb the hull of the ship Argo Argus
Zaniah of Virgos wing
Vindemiatrix of Virgos wing
Algorab the right wing of the crow
Seginus the left should of the hunter
Foramen the mast of the ship Argos
Spica the ear of grain of Virgo
Arcturus the knee of the hunter
Princeps of the hunter Botes
Khambalia the left foot of Virgo Virgo
Alphecca the brightest of the crown Boreal
Zuben Elgenubi the southern claw Libra
Zuben Eschemali the northern claw Libra
Unukalhai the heart of the snake Serpens
Agena the left foot of the centaur Centaur
Rigel Centaurus the foot of centaur
Yed Prior the left hand of the serpent holder
Dschubba of the head of Scorpio
Acrab of the head of Scorpio
Han the left knee of the serpent holder
Antares the heart of Scorpio
2008 Helena Avelar & Luis Ribeiro. All rights reserved.
Version: 1.1, 2008
Zodiacal Longitude
Name and planetary nature Mag.
1900 1950 2000 2050
Ras Algethi of Hrcules 3
Graffias the head of Scorpio 4
Sabik the left knee of the serpent holder 2
Ras Alhague the head of the serpent holder 2
Lesath the sting of Scorpio 3
Aculeus of the sting of Scorpio (Nebula) 5
Acumen of the sting of Scorpio (Nebula) 3
Sinistra the left hand of the serpent holder 3
Spiculum the tip of the arrow (Nebula) 6 Sagittarius
Polis the bow of the archer 4 Sagittarius
Facies the face of the archer (Cluster) 6 Sagittarius
Nunki the arrow of the archer 2 Sagittarius
Ascella the shoulder of the archer 3 Sagittarius
Manubrium of the archer 4 Sagittarius
Wega of Lira 1 Lira
Deneb Okab the tail of the eagle 3 Aquila
Terebellum the tail of the archer 5 Sagittarius
Albireo the head of the swan 3
Altair the eagle 1
Giedi a1 of the southern horn of the goat 5
Giedi a2 of the southern horn of the goat 4
Dabir the left eye of the goat 3
Oculus the right eye of the goat 5
Bos the face of the goat 5
Armus the heart of the goat 5
Dorsum the back of the goat 4
Castra the belly of the goat 5
Nashira the tail of the goat 4
Sadalsuud the left shoulder of Aquarius 3
Deneb Algedi the tail of the goat 3
Sadalmelek the right shoulder of Aquarius 3 Aquarius
Fomalhaut the mouth of the fish 1 Piscis Austrini
Deneb Adige the tail of the swan 1 Cignus
Skat the left leg of Aquarius 3 Aquarius
Achernar the end of the river 1 Eridanus
Markab the wing of Pegasus 2 Pegasus
Scheat the left leg of Pegasus 2
2008 Helena Avelar & Luis Ribeiro. All rights reserved.
Version: 1.1, 2008
2008 Helena Avelar & Luis Ribeiro. All rights reserved.
Acubens: Seratan
Agena: Beta Centauri
Algol: Rasalgul
Alphecca: Gemma
Alpheratz: Sirrah ou Schedar
Altair: Vultur Volans
Capella: Alannaz, Hircus, Alayodi
Castor: Apolo
Deneb Kaitos: Difda
Pollux: Hrcules
Algenubi: Ras Elased Australis
Spica: Arista, Azimech
Rigel Centaurus: Toliman, Bungula, Alpha Centauri
Wega: Vultur Cadens
1st Magnitude 730
2nd Magnitude 530
3rd Magnitude 330
4th Magnitude 130
From traditional astrological sources, not from modern astronomical values
List of Fixed Stars and their natures: notes
Version: 1.1, 2008

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