Iron Warrior: Volume 12, Issue 7
Iron Warrior: Volume 12, Issue 7
Iron Warrior: Volume 12, Issue 7
~ ~ ~
Volume 15, Issue 2
May 30, 1991
Engineers: Lemmings, Idiots,
The current engineering image
leaves much to be desired and is the
focus of much criticism. To a
certain extent, the image problem
of engi neers today can be attributed
to the closed minded and
stereotypical attitudes of those who
are doing the criticizing.
Among these critics are
students in other faculties and the
staff of the Imprint, who seem to
recoil in disgust at anything that
engineers say or do. When
thinking of engineers, they rattle of
a list of negab ve characteristics
that would be considered truly
offensi ve if applied to any other
One of the critics' targets is
sexism within the ranks of
engineering. Sexism is admittedly
a major problem in engineering.
But let's not forget that sexism is
also a major problem in society as a
whole. This does not mean that
engineers should not try their best to
eliminate sexism whenever i t
occurs. However, engi neers as a
group can not be blamed for a
problem that encompasses all of
The root problem in this
situation is that engineering is still
male-dominated. As a result, most
engineers reflect the general
attitudes of men in our society,
which unfortunately is less than
enlightened with regards to
Engineers as a group are no
more and no less sexist than men
in general. Since our numbers are
mostly male, these attitudes can
become amplified and people,
through their ignorance, attribute
such atbtudes as a general
characteristic of engineers. To say
that all engineers are sexist is to
say that all men are sexist.
Arts, math and science students
are not so characterised because
a) they are the ones doing the
stereotyping of engineers and
would not therefore stereotype
themselves and b) men are roughly
half of their numbers and it is more
difficult to accuse all artsies of
being sexist when less than half of
them may actually be so.
Instead of self-righteously
pointing fingers at engineers, these
critics should be addressing sexism
problems in their own faculties .
Just looking at the number of
women who participate in Engsoc
clearly shows that engineers at UW
have made great strides in that
Engineers are accused of
having a group mentality, of being
lemmings leaping over the cliffs of
boorishness. Engineers do
admittedly share some similar
interests. However, there is as
much of a variety of individuals
among engineers as in any other
Engineers, for the most part,
take the same courses with a lot of
the same people over their five years
at UW. The concept of a class is
much more permanent in
engineering t.han in other
The friendly rivalry between
classes that is decided by the P**5
points competibon is completely
un like anything in any other
faculty. Is this something that
deserves condemnation? No. The
group nature of engineers is in fact
an asset. It strengthens teamwork
and encourages participation in
extracurricular activities.
" Where's the cliff, man?"
Despite the fact that their image
may be unjustified as a result of
other people's closed minds,
engineers are continually trying to
improve their image. They have
wholeheartedly tried to eliminate
sexism wherever it exists.
The Bus Push is a great
example of one of the many things
that engineers do to help out the
commun ity (such acbons are
conspicuous in their absence in
other faculties).
In the eyes of people like the
Imprint editors, engineers can do
no good. There are problems in
engineering and engineers must
change and improve the faculty for
their own sake. However,
engineers should not act out of a
desperate need to please the closed
minded people who can do nothing
but criticize. As for our image
among such people, screw it.
by Ramesh Mantha
Nice t-shirt guy ...
page 2
Iron Warrior
Let's Lose the Strippers
by Ramesh Mantha
Picture this: it's the Iron Ring
stag some time in the near future.
You and all your fellow proto-
graduates are piling out of the bus
and headed towards what may well
be the last blowout night you have
with all your friends before you
enter the world and become a real
This awesome night, you and
your friends are about to be
inducted into the rites of a
Canadian engineer. After five
years at thi s fine insti tution of
bigger learning, that piece of iron is
finally on your hand. And how is it
being celebrated? A bunch of
horny guys are sitting with their
tongues polishing their shoes as
some well endowed babe shakes her
booties in their faces.
Now some guys might say,
"great man, that sounds cool".
Well, it is in fact decidedly uncooJ.
The stag is an important part of our
five years here at UW. The Iron
Ring represents a lot of what we go
through and the stag is in many
ways more of a milestone than
convocation itself.
At the stag, you party with the
people who made it through it all
with you, the ones you partied with,
studied with, cloned with and
sutTered through endless labs with
over your five years here. The stag
is a last bash with all your friends
where you have a rocking good time
Front Page 1
Pinup 3
Letters to the Editor 5
Brew & Chew 6
Brick Sponge 7
Are Engineers Stupid 8
How to be Politically Correct 9
Promoting Engineering 10
WEEF Update 13
Eng, Jackets Finally 14
California Girls 15
with the people who you've spent a
substantial part of your life with.
Now amid all this, some feel that
there should be strippers there.
Having strippers at the stag is
clearly a display of galling
insensitivity towards the growing
number of women in engineering
at UW. It is reasonable to assume
that women would be quite
uncomfortable in the presence of a
large group of guys ogling a bunch
of female strippers. The strippers'
presence would only S0l'\'e tv
alienate the women from aU the
... wiggling their
waggles in your face . .
men at the stag who might be
watching the entertainment. The
women in our classes shouldn't be
placed in such an uncomfortable
position just to titillate a few guys.
How would you guys enjoy the
stag if a bunch of Chippendale guys
were wiggling their waggles in
your face? (considering the
rumoured rates of alternate sexual
preferences at UW, please don't
answer that question) The presence
of the strippers at the stag is clearly
sexist. No wonder women are leery
of engineering.
Guys complain about how few
women there are in engineering
and yet promote such blatantly
sexist events without realizing that
the former may be a result of that
sexism. However, some geniuses
have come up with a great non-
sexist solution to the problem - have
male strippers as well as female
strippers at the stag. This brilliant
idea compounds the problem with
an inane solution.
The question of strippers at the
stag goes beyond whether you
actually approve of stripping, which
is a touchy topic in itself. Even i
you think stripping is OK, the stag
is not the place for it and male
strippers would not solve the
The stag is meant to be a time
for us to be with our friends and not
a time for the intrusion of outsiders,
which the strippers most definitely
are, regardless of their sex. The
presence of strippers would
inevitably divide the stag into two
groups, those who are watching the
strippers and those who are not.
Their presence would divide us at a
time when we should be celebrating
... Male strippers would
rwt solve the problem
Those who want strippers
should be able to restrain their
hormones until after the stag, at
which time they and those of like
mind can visit the Doll House or
some other such establishment and
ogle to their hearts content. When
thinking of that forthcoming night,
we should act out of 'respect for our
female classmates and with the
desire of having a great celebration
of our five years at UW. There is no
place for strippers at the Iron Ring
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May 30,1991
Editor in Chief:
Gus Scaiano
News Editor\Photo
Wonder Woman :
Giselle Cotta
Layout Manager:
Mark Chahl
Bhupinder Randhawa
Ravi Srinivasan
Daniel Wong
Red Helen
Sandra La torr e
Jeff Lewis
Andrew Reeves-Hall
Bill Sproule
Matthias Wandell
Drew Conway
Valerie Cotta
Dan Curtin
J yothish Daniel
Dave Hitchcock
Dave Hook
Rob Knech
Andrea Lawrence
Rasmus Lerdorf
Ramesh Mantha
Colin Meldrum
Tim Osborne
Jonathan Seet
Ken Slaughter
John Stranart
May 3D, 1991
Iron Warrior
page 3
Non-Sexist SUNShine Thing
REX, a proud graduate of UWO, is an upstanding
itizen in our neighbourhood. His interests range
rom politics to filmmaking. Rex is shy about his
hysical attributes, but seems to be about 100' long
nd very hard. He's been that way since he was
rected. 0000000000 Rex!
see page 3 pinup!
Semi-formal Directorship
Come and party with the
amazing Razorbacks at this year' s
semi-formal. It will be held at
Ruby's on Friday, July 5, 1991.
Mark it on your calender now.
Photo Directorship
Effective immediately, the free
bulk film (HP5 plus) for photo club
members is no longer free. The
film will cost $2.00 for a roll of 20
frames plus a $2.00 refundable
deposit on the cannister. Return
those cannisters, they are not worth
Arts Directorship
Wanted: people with ideas. If
you have a good idea for a cool sign
for the arts board , submit it to the
Arts Box. Also get your pencils
sharpened because the deadline for
the short story contest is June
28,1991. Other upcoming events are
the Photo Contest and the Photocopy
Art Contest.
Garage Directorship
Attention all car owners: for
just $10 a term you can become a
member of the Engineering society
Student Garage. As a member you
will have access to the garage any
day of the week to work on your car. garage is a large , two bay,
fully lit and heated facility.
Creepers, air compressors, jacks,
ramps and oil changing equipment
are a few of the items available for
use. Sign up at the orifice.
The CASI-UW and the SAE
are sponsering a trip to the London
International Airshow on
Saturday, June 1,1991. The cost is
just $5.00 to cover transportation.
Sign up in the Orifice.
On Wednesday, May 22, ot
the last Council meeting, Bill Bner
was sworn in as Treasurer for the
Engineering Society A. Bill is a
member of the IB Systems class.
His work as treasurer for the
CBRTGW has provided him with
ampl e experience which he is
looking forward to sharing with
Eng Soc.
Novelties Directorship
Here are a few of the exciting
good quality novelty items to look
out for: engineering shorts,
windbreakers (to match the leather
jackets), POETS beer mugs,
engineering steins, static
windshield stickers and more. If
you have any other for
novelties, drop it by the novelty box
at the Orifice.
Pizza Days are back every
Tuesday and Frid.ay! Delicious
San Francesco's pizza will be sold
for only $1.50 a slice starting May
Long Island Iced Tea
1/5 oz. gin 0
1/5 oz. vodka
1/5 oz. white rum
1/ 5 oz. tequila
1/5 oz. Triple Sec
2 oz. lemon juice
2 oz. lime Juice
1 oz. coke
Garnish: cherry. orange or
Build ingredients into
coUinS glass, ooer ice
Thursday May 30, 1991 - 5:00 pm; DAVIS CENTRE, Room 1302
page 4
I ron Warrior
Editorials and Spews
We live in a world full of
problems. I'm not trying to lay on a
guilt trip, but the facts are, we live
in a world where 40,000 children
starve to death every day, 1 billion
people don't have enough to eat.
Even in our own city there are
people with no place to live.
Although occassionally some of the
world's problems, like the typhoon
in Bangladesh, are beyond the
control of man, most are things that
we could solve if we wanted to.
Well of course we want to, but
arc we willing to do anything about
it? Do we have any reason to? Or
perhaps responsibility? I would like
to propose a radical thought, that we,
as engineers have a resQonsibility
to play a role in solving these
problems, and in fact to take the
lead in doing so. We live in a
society where money is king, and
where it is socially acceptable to be
selfish. Self-centeredness, under
the guise of ambition is considered
a good trait. In this sea of
selfishness, we casily lose sight of
how fortunate we are. We live in
one of the wealthiest nations in the
world; even as students we are in
the top 10% of the world's population
in wealth! We are also among only
12% of the overall population in
Canada with a university
education. (That figure includes
people with Rec degrees, so ... )
The point lS, WIth thIS pnvl1ege
comes a certain responsibility,
social responsibility if you like.
Let me iJ]ustrate. Who is more
guilty, a person in a wheelchair
who watches someone drown just off
shore, or an off-duty lifeguard who
does the same? Clearly the
lifeguard has an obligation to
rescue the drowning person if he
can. We too, Hke the swimmer are
the people in the world who have the
ability to save lives. Not because we
have money (I sure don't feel like I
do), but because we are trained to do
just what the world needs: solve
problems. Who better to coordinate
a relief effort in northern Iraq, or
build housing for the homeless? Of
course, taking on our responsibility
can't come about without some cost,
which leads us to the final question:
are we willing to accept this
Well, I know this sounds a
pretty idealistic. Solving all of the
world's problems is a big goal.
Regardless, we do have a
responsibility. I know that "I find
it hard to turn away a billion
starving people." (a quote from
Keith Green, a Christian singer.)
We may not be able to feed them all,
but we can make a start in our own
world. There Bre lots of
organizations which help people
right here in K-W, and there's no
reason not to be involved. If we
can't take responsibility, who will?
Andrea Lawrence
Engsoc VP External
This Saturday I, along with all
the proud parents and friends
attended the convocation cermony.
Even though it was a hot and sweaty
cermony sitting high up on the
bleachers in the PAC it was worth it
to see all my friends get their
diplomas. It was also an emotional
cermony to think that it will be the
last time we will all be together.
Most of the grads I talked to
have or are looking for a job in or
near their home town and have not
considered any other options after
graduation. With the recession
upon us it is a perfect time to
investigate different options and
take advantage of them. My
friends are going their various
ways. Some are going to graduate
school, travelling around the world
@ f t ' q (
--_ .....
Ad Disguised as a Spew
Dan Curtin
VP Internal SPEW
Drew, get me a cloth, I've got EGG on
my face!!
Thanks to the keen observation of
Rose Vogt, the nice lady who works
at the Fed Campus Shop, a serious
factual mistake was noted in the last
Iron Warrior.
Apparently, the advertisement for
quoted the Campus Shop as selling
similar University jackets at over
$450 with taxes and lettering. This of
course was the mistake. In fact, they
sell their jackets for approximately
for one year, working in England
for a few months. Other are going
to France to learn to learn French,
going to Costa Rica via youth
challenge, and working for various
large and small companies in
Canada. Listening to what they are
all doing made me realize how
many opportunities are around if
you just investigate them.
Even at university we should
take advantage of the time we have
to try new things, learn and grow.
After we grad ua te th e
responsibilities will start to
accumulate, never again will we
have the opportunity to do
everything we dream of and be so
free of comittment (ed. Are you
really in fourth year Andrea?)' It
real1y is the perfect time while we
aTe at school or recently graduated
to do all the things we have only
thought about doing up until now.
It's never too late to get involved
and try new things. Look at all
your options both here at university
with co-op jobs and when we
graduate. As fourth year students
some of us will soon be going
through interviews and making
choices as to our future. Look
around at grad school, working,
studying or travelling abroad or
working in another province.
Remember you are not making a
decision as to what you will be
doing for the rest of your life just for
the next year or two, so don't be
afraid of making mistakes. If you
don't like it just change.
And don't forget as Dr. Bean
stated at the convocation ceramony
Saturday, "Don't take life too
seriously after all it's only a
temporary situation!"
see pCUJe 6 pl"nup /
May 30
$375. The University Gift shop up at
East Campus Hall (the little rascals)
sells for over $450. So if we all pull
out our calcula tors, we see that the
$275, still win!!
Remember, get your friends, parents,
and children out to the two fitting
days JUNE 3RD and 4TH between
l1am and 2pm in the CPH foyer. The
deal is, if we order more than 60
jackets, the price drops from $275 to
an astounding $270! So again, you
need a check for $150 dollars on the
fitting day and this will guarantee
delivery by July 26 th, 1991. Any
question can be answered in the
Orifice. Get on the phone to your
parents for the $150 today!
You have no doubt seen the new
Leonardo Da Vinci shirts in the
Orifice, "They call him a genius, a
botanist, a demon, a philosopher, a
practical joker, an eccentric, and a
visionary. .. No wonder he was
such a good engineer." I have
always thought of these as inspiring
words for an engineering student,
but I was thinking tonight that these
are also reflective words.
Reflective of the Waterloo
Engineering student body
Evidence of the wide and varied
interests of engineering students
surrounds us. Evidence takes the
form of the Talent Show (Tal-Eng)
planned for late this summer, the
information available on the Eng
Arts board, and the many creative
student services and events. You
can hear it in the air at the POETS
Jam on Tuesday nights, or read it
in the quality of this publication.
Just something to keep in mind the
next time someone asks you what is
On a similar topic, I would like
to take this opportunity early in the
term to say to the engsoc directors,
event organizers, and class reps,
how impressed I am with your
creativity, interest and initiative so
far this term. Please keep it up.
Final note: Elections are later
this term (see blotter). The positions
of President, VP Internal &
External, Treasurer, and
Endowment Director are on the
ballot. I can say unequivocally that
I have learned and developed more
during my term as President than I
ever could have in four years of
lectures. Consider seriously.
May 30,1991 Iron Warrior
page 5
Hey Big Nose ... Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
Gus, your friendly Iron
Warrior editor, seems to have
returned from Alberta a convert to
the new Western political force of
the Reform Party. This is
interesting since Gus has not been
known for a great deal of political
awareness. The Reform Party is
attracting many people who have
never been big on politics before -
people who see this party as
different, a change from the more
established national parties. But is
this new party the way to go?
I do not think so. Everyone is
flocking under the Reform Party
umbrella for their own reasons -
creating a conflicting mass of
people whose only common factor is
discontent with the traditional
national parties. Think the
government should cut back
spending (but can't suggest how)?
Join the Reform Party. Don't like
the present lack of an abortion law?
Come aboard. Don ' t like
bilingualism? Join. Itching about
taxes? Unemployment? Inflation?
Interest rates? The Reform Party
provides a vehicle for your
frustration and protests.
But as to what the Reform Party
actually stands for , I have no idea.
Members of this party are good,
decent people - not racist or simple-
minded as they are sometimes
portrayed by the Ontario media and
academics. But what are their
positive suggestions for ' the
government? This is a difficult
question for the party to face .
because everyone has their own
To the Editor:
comp nts s; an ea
one thinks that their agenda is the
one that the entire party should
follow. The Reform Party is
incapable of doing anything more
than criticizing, because it stand
for nothing but discontent with the
status quo.
If the party would win thirty or
more parliamentary seats in the
next federal election, what would it
do? These seats would be taken
from the Progressive
Conservatives, the party that most
Reform members come from. This
would split both the Western and
conservative vote into two halves
(i.e. - those who believe in keeping
taxes as low as possible while
following sensible as opposed to free-
spending fiscal policies, etc.). Who
benefits? Primarily the NDP -
which is definitely not a big
favourite of Reformers.
Protest parties do not work.
They pull apart and fail to offer
constructive, concrete suggestions.
You want to cut government
spending? Great, but can it be done
beyond symbolic gestures like
cutting MP's pay? Government
spending is a spiraling monster,
where expenditures are required by
law to grow and grow (ed.: really?),
and the spending spree of the 1970s
and annual deficits which require
more than loud rhetoric to be
solved. Protesting by itself
accomplishes nothing.
This isn't REALLY a political
paper, as much as it seems.
JPM, Po 11 Sci
STAG 92: A Challenge to 1992
Engineering Graduates this viewpoint is that this may be
last time that we get to party w1th
This is an official challenge to each other. We started during frosh
all engineering students who think week and stuck out, together, for
that they are going to be finished in five years and 10 less than two
April 92. months "'.'e will see many of
There has been much negative these fnends agalO. . One
talk about strippers at the Iron Ring comment could be that get TId
Stag. Although I do not know this as of strippers, we shoul.d ehmmate the
a fact I think that it is safe to say drinking. On that hne of
at 'strippers at the Stag ' and let's eliminate thwg.
perhaps the Stag itself were The other chOlce 1S to th.e
introduced after the advent of the Stag. We have two alternattves If
To the Editor:
"And the
is ... unfortunately
environment ...
not th e
Well, the scunt for this term has
come and gone leaving quite a
legacy behind it.
FRIENDLY SCUNT sounded like a
great idea. Just what we need in
times like these; everyone pitching
in to do their best to help the
environment. Wait a minute! A
road trip to Thunder Bay doesn't
sound very friendly to me. It seems
kind of strange that a Scunt
professing a desire to be
environmentally friendly would
turn around and introduce a
3000km, 3 day gas guzzling road
trip to Thunder Bay. Not to
mention, realistically speaking,
anyone with even a little dedication
to their education could never take 3
days off to do it...not at this time of
the' term! Even a member of
SCREWDRIVER said that he
couldn't take the time. And he
okayed the trip!!!
Despite the road trip, the Scunt
still looked like it may have had a
chance at fulfilling it's mandate.
Rules and Regulations handed out
by organizers at registration stated
that they would be accepting bribes
unorgaOlz , an ng was
unfair. Scheduled events changed
constantly. Watermelon football
became an eating contest when
judges couldn't make a decision.
Likewise, a pyramid building
contest almost became a mud fight
when judges claimed that it was
just too tough to pick a winner.
Judges also demanded female
representation at all events ... that's
fine, but it isn't fair when these
events' are then judged almost
exclusively by males. Granted,
men don't like to see other men in G-
strings, but teams shouldn't be
penalized for lack of exposed
female flesh. One must wonder at
the judges intentions ...
Organizers said they wanted to
get back to the original idea of a
.. SCUNT ..... "go find things ."
That wasn't very visible ... what
could be seen however, was poor
organization, drunkenness,
corruption and a SCUNT that was
less th an en vi ronmen tally
friendly .
We would like to wish ASYD the
best of luck i.n running the scunt
next term. We hope that they will be
successful in running a SCUNT IN
base judgement on bribery. The
SCUNTING tradition is a very
important part of
Engineering ... don't let it be ruined
by delusions of grandeur.
towards a food drive. When Brad Bailey
scunting actual1y commenced Julia Harrold
demands for bribes did not include Wendy Osborne
non -perishables. The "SCUNT Phil P(IUl'IlJ.{(lll
GODS" wanted BEER nod F oon, I W
B lCII d>stcr
among other things... fit. hl'n Willial1l ,
As a matter of fnct it was made .. --____________ ..
known at on event thnt the
participants were being penaliz d
for not providing acceptable bribes
to the judges. Not very many people
were considering canned goods n
good bribe. Even the teams
preferred to hand out calls of beer,
women, etc ... rather Lhan support a
worthy cause.
Scunt organization was poor at
best . Even ts were very
About that recip<, you print d
in the Inst issue; it tnst<,d great Ilnd
was renlly cheap but I hnw!n't, had a
normal bowel movemcnt sillce.
Could you ask who ever wrole the
article to stop sniffing garam
masala and get realistic with the
curry mcusuremen ls.
Iron Ring. The comments are we want change: elimination of the
mainly regarding the derogatory strippers altogether or replacement
image that strippers, being with other form
associated with the symbolic entertamment, perhaps exotIc
induction into the profession, give dancers. I think that we could go
SON OF A GuN ...
ttou IRE' RIGHif'
the engineering profession. with a circus act such as a
The first step in attempting to contortionist who rides a bicycle on
rectify this situation was the a tightrope while juggling or that
introduction of male strippers. The just eliminate the females
Stag then had a female to male strippers that is.
stripper ratio than the male to Other people have com men
female student ratio, so that the about the Stag after they have been
female student interest was better there, glvmg many
represented. This measure was against the tradition a
thought appropriate by students. proceedings. Although some
Now, the whole idea of strippers, think of me as too much ofa stralgh
male or female, is taken edged individual, I hope that al
negatively. This is the challenge will consider this challenge to
that is presented to us. We have two least consider this problem an
options, one being tradition, the perhaps to present alternatives
other being change. The easy choice that we may use foresight instead
is to continue with tradition and hindsight,
using the thinking that people who
do not agree with the Stag should
fuck off. Some reasoning behind
Steven Fassnacl')t
4A Civil
ANt? WH/1E'
page 6
I ron Warrior May 30,1991
A weekly guide to good, cheap food and drink
The Barley Mow
by Tint Osborne
So I'm sitting down relaxing,
sippin' on a brew, and I say to
myself; "Self, I like beer. I mean I
know a lot of people like beer, but I
think it goes beyond that for me, I
really like beed"
Todays topic is math. Yes, I've
actually found a practical use for
ealculus! The enjoyment from
drinking beer (0) can be eas]]y
expressed as;
G= x dD
R dt
where R = unit cost of brew
X = alcohol content of brew
D= quantity of brew
dD/dt = vol. flow rate
The first two can be easily
improved upon through
homebrewing. The third and fourth
can be determined through a fluid
flow experiment involving Boz.
glasses and a non-newtonian fluid,
(the value of dD/dt will change over
time) but that is beyond the scope of
this article.
Now let's look into the old
Dear Mow
Why does my beer always taste like
shit? Shitty Beer
You wouldn't believe how often I'm
asked that question. My only
advice would be to clean and
sterilize everything, and stop
stirring the beer with the same
spoon you're stirring that Indian
food with. BM
Dear Beer Dude
How quickly can I get a brew ready
for drinking and what's the highest
alcohol beer I can make? Dude
Dear Dude
I'm glad you asked that. Beers can
range in alcohol content from a
girly man 1-2% all the way to a He-
Man 12%, although neither one
would be considered beer. BM
P.S. see this issues recipies.
Dear Barley Mow
Is distilled water better than tap
water for brewing?
All Wet
Dear Wet
The water used does not greatly
affect the final taste of the beer as
much as other factors
(*STERILIZING*). However, if
you are one of those real careful
people and want the finest water,
you should use deionized water like
they use at Labatts, in fact, exactly
like the water they use at Labatts
<there's a tap on the outside of the
brewery on King St., but you didn't
hear it from me). BM
What should I do with a batch of beer
that tastes real bad? Bad Beer
Dear Bad
There are a variety of uses for, so
called, bad beer. My personal
favorite is the simple renaming of
the brew. Don't call it 'bad beer'
call it 'guest beer' or 'late night
beer' or the ever popular 'get the
loaded beer'. If the brew is too bad
for even the pets, try it on the plants
(they don't spit!), beer is full of
vitamins. If it kills the plants,
there is only one thing to do with it,
take it home to Mom and Dad.
They'll think your completely
broke if you have to drink that, and
give you some cash. BM
Bru ofthe Week 1 - Quick Beer
1 can Cooper's Australian Lager
1.2 Kg Dextrose
Make the bru like it says in the
lager kit . Let sit in primary
fermenter for approx . 4 days .
Transfer into secondary fermenter
for an additional 3-4 days. Bottle.
Ready in 5 days. Serves 3.
Bru of the Week 2 High Alcohol
1 can Bruce's Dogbolter
2.2 Kg Dextrose
Additional Hops
Make bru like it says or follow last
issues recipe (malt optional). Add 2
Kg Dextrose instead of l. Let
ferment in primary until bubbling
has slowed down. Transfer into
secondary fermenter for 5-7 days.
Bottle. Ready in 10-l4 days. Serves
8 (or 12 little guys).
Unfortunately, to my
knowledge, there is no brew which
can be made quickly with high
alcohol content, however I'm sure
research is being done in this area
and I'll keep you informed.
w to Eat Like a Maharaja ,
Salman Rushdie and Ravi Shankar
Well, we're back for another kick at the clay water pot (more common in
recipe. Think, what would an Indian cooking column be without a curry
recipe? Exactly, so this week we're doing up some curry.
First, a note on curry. Most of you have probably seen/ate the horrid
around the world as curry. Well, this is real Indian curry, NOT! Proper
curry is a reddish-orangey brown color with the major taste coming from
the garam masala. The British abomination uses (abuses) loads of
turmeric, hence the yellow color and less than optimal flavor . Tumeric is
used in moderation mainly for coloring food, while adding a subtle taste.
Another caution about turmeric: watch your clothes when using/eating
since it's next to impossible to get out.
This week's guest chef, fresh out of hiding and flown in just for this
the sitar in the background.
Meat Curry I
(serves 3 or 4)
lIb stew beef cut into V2" pieces I
(you can also use pork, lamb, goat, or chicken legs/thighs)
1 large cooking onion (finely chopped)
2 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
1 1/2 tsp ginger (finely chopped) or 3/4 tsp ginger powder
4 tbsp garam masala *
1 tsp turmeric ..,
11/4 tsp chili powder *
2 tbsp tomato paste
2 tbsp cooking oil
salt to taste
I Shops III or buy pre-mixed Madras curry powder (NOT the
I Anglo-bastardi,ed stufT you can get at ordinary grocery stores)
Direc:::: yourself I
Sautee the tarka (onions, ginger and garlic in the oil) II
Add the meat and cook at medium heat until most of the water has
been driven off
Pl.op in the spices, stir well and add enough water to cover plus [..1
of the tbsp's of tomato paste and stir well. Add the next onel
bit by bit, until the desired reddish tinge is achieved (ie, NOT red)
Salt and chili (very carefully!) to taste I
Simmer uncovered at medium heat for about 1/2 hr or until thick
Serve with Chapattis (last week's recipe) and/or on top of plain rice
(preferably cooked)
Beer yourself and have a few handy in case you overdid the chili I
SAFETY NOTE: Since you're supposed to eat Indian food with your
hands, you must keep in mind one thing: wash your hands before
and after going to the bathroom. You've probably noticed what
chili does to your mouth, just imagine what it can do to your .....
:May 3D, 1991
Iron Warrior
The Renaissance Engineer
By Jonathan Seet
Picture a group of frosh
standing out in the middle of the
road blocking traffic, chanting
absurd songs of naked women on
horses, statues without arms and
illegitimate children with
intemperate parents. Picture a
group of students voting in a
referendum in such, a collectivist
manner that they can only be
accused of "thinking with the same
brain." Recall, if you will, your
first year engineering-frosh
roommate drunk with some tart
from downstairs, the two making
out as your parents walk in.
Does this behaviour disgust
you? Are you perturbed by the fact
that you are classified as one of
these pagans? I consider myself the
paragon of good taste and decorum,
the epitome of style and wit, the
Diane Chambers of well-
roundedness and modesty. I have
occasionally been called an
Engineering is not entirely
devoted to the creation of pompous,
arrogant jerks. . Neither is
engineering completely composed
of four-eyed geeks, proudly sporting
pocket protectors and thick leather
briefcases. These cruel myths are
the result of the first-year
indoctrination of every student who
is not enrolled in engineering.
The mathies do it. The artsies do it.
The forest beasts do it.
... sing songs oflove ...
As engineering students,we are
never seen as sensitive, caring
individuals. Our most endearing
trait is the quality of our
personalities, and yet we are still
considered socially ignorant!
However, I believe we can change
this. Through careful planning
and patience, we can make the rest
of the University of Waterloo proud
of us. They will extol the virtues of
the engineering program. They
will sing songs of love and
universal harmony.
The first change we must make
is our mascot. Instead of this coarse
"tool" thing, let's make our mascot
an eighty foot pink cummerbund.
Some engi-guys will say that pink
isn't their colour. Listen fellas, the
girls love pink. And engi-girls,
you love pink, don't you? The
winning combination of a giant,
useless piece of clothing and the
colour pink will surely endear us to
the other faculties on campus.
We could also exchange the
traditional yellow engineering
hard-hats for a more fetching
mauve beret. The hard-hat is only
really needed on construction sites
or for running head-first into brick
walls. We have no need for them
here at the university.
... eighty foot pink
cummerbund ...
Our buildings are constantly
criticized as being the ugliest
structures on campus. It's true, but
our superhuman tolerance for the
most offensive allows us to carryon
in spite of the unsightliness of our
surrounding architecture. In order
to accommodate the more sensitive
faculties, we could beautify the
buildings, make them more
attractive, more like the math
building and the Dana Porter Arts
Library. We could even have them
sinking into the ground to more
fully emulate the aesthetic
characteristics of the arts library.
Some would have use destroy our
structures and rebuild from
scratch, but we must remember the
tradition and history embodied in
these walls. The arts majors will
understand, even if the math
students do not.
I have listed several
possibilities for physical change,
but I have not addressed the
internal changes that could be
made to make our faculty more
acceptable to the others.
We frequently are criticized for
our lack of depth of understanding
in our academics. Engineers are
too ignorant, they cry, too shallow
in learning. I propose a complete
restructuring of our education.
Mathematics will be taught in