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X STD Matriculation Examination Model Question Paper ( Theory) Science II

Biology Zoology Section B

I Choose the correct answer 1. Haemoglobin consists of a protein part called a) Haem b) Globin c) Iron 5x1=5 Time : 1 hrs Marks : 50

d) Heparin

2. In Frog internal cavity callec ventricle is not present in a) Olfactory lobes b) Cerebrallobes c) Cerebellum

d) Medulla oblongata

3. If transplantation is done with ones owr tissue grafted to another part of the body it is termed a) Allograft b) Autograft c) Xenograft d) Isogratf 4. Segmentation of Zygole is also termed a) Gastrulation b) Cleavage

c) Blastulation

d) Fertilization

5. The vaccine given between 9 12 months is a) Typhoid b) Polio c) Measles II Fill in the blanks with suitable terms

d) BCG 5x1=5

6. The largest blood vessel of the body is termed the 7. Genetically identical individuals are known as _____________ 8. An instrument used to study the internal organs of man is ______________ 9. First booster dose of polio is given at the age of _______________ 10. In the year 1973,Indian Government launched a special scheme _________ III Answer any five of the following questions in one or two sentences 11. Define the term peristalsis 12. Draw a labeled sketch of the lymph 13. Mention the effects of Hyperparathyroidism 14. What are Sertoli cells? 15. Define Ovulation. 16. Mention any four National Parks in India 17. Name few fauna found in the desert 5 x 2 = 10

18. What are antibodies ? 19. Explain the term immunization. 20. What is endoscopy? IV Write short answers for any four of the following questions in 100 words. Draw diagrams wherever Necessary 4 x 5 = 20 (Question number 24 is a compulsory question) 21. Describe the digestive system of Frog 22. Describe the forebrain of frog 23. Explain the structure of a tooth 24. Draw a neat labeled sketch of a Hens egg 25. Explain Man and Biosphere 26. Write short notes on Active acquired immunity 27. Explain organ transplantation.

Write detailed answer for any one of the following in 200 words. Draw diagrams wherever necessary 28. Explain the structure of the human heart with a labeled sketch. 29. Describe the development of Dolly.

1 x 10 = 10

Model Question Paper Zoology Practicals

Max Marks : 25 I a. Identify the flag labeled parts (A) and (B) in the given discussion: b. Write their location, structure and functions. c. Draw a neat diagram and flag label only the indicated parts Identification of labeled parts 1 + 1 = 2 marks Location x 2 = 1 mark Structure x 2 = 1 mark Function x 2 = 1 mark Diagram 2 marks Two labels 1 mark a. Identify the given preserved specimen ( C ) b. Draw a neat labeled diagram c. Write notes on it. Identification Diagram Labels Notes III 1 mark 2 marks 2 marks 2 marks Time : 1 hrs




a. Identify the given apparatus (D) (1 mark) b. Write a note on its use in the diagonals of a pathological condition (Diagram not needed) ( 4 marks ) (5) KEY I Digestive system of Frag (Model) A Stomach B Rectum II Heart of Sheep (Preserved Specimen) III ECG apparatus (Either apparatus of diagram or photograph) External ( 20 marks) QI 8 marks Q II 7 marks Q III 5 marks Internal Project Record

2 marks (Project can be done based on textual material) 3 marks ----------------25 marks -----------------

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